cewyllenw · 3 years
@cewylleuad | “have you been waiting up this whole time?”
❛ fuck, remus - ❜ sirius all but throws himself at remus. it would be embarrassing, any other time. but he’d waited so long that he’d thought - well, he’d only had the worst to imagine, and it’s like seeing a ghost, even if remus is only a few hours late. once sirius has established that remus is here, and solid, he sets about running bony fingers over him ; his face, his neck, his arms. checking, really, to make sure he’s intact.
sirius is shaking.
this safe house is a nicer one, a one bedroom flat lit by a warm glow and bathed in warm light, and sirius hadn’t even realised it had gone dark outside, has been too wrapped up in his own thoughts. ❛ i thought that - when you didn’t come at the right time i thought -- ❜ he swallows, breathes. ❛ are you alright? ❜
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moltolavoro · 3 years
christmas isn’t what it was. it hasn’t been for a while now, but this feels...different. loneliness seems to permeate the very ground, the walls of the burrow. ginny’s home no longer feels like a home anymore. it’s...emptier. even with charlie here, ginny feels as though there’s very little to rely on. 
the rest are here too. besides ron, of course. besides harry, and hermione, who always come for christmas for at least a few days. bill’s here, with fleur. a few others, scattered. it isn’t safe, ginny knows that. and professor lupin - remus - is here. he seems...lost. it’s the first thing she notices. 
it’s late, and ginny is tired, curled as close to the fire as she can get. normally it’s died down by now, but mum keeps it going later for her. ginny’s never mentioned why ; she thinks her mum doesn’t need to ask. quiet footsteps call her attention and ginny turns, body feeling far older than its seventeen years. ❛ can’t sleep? ❜ lupin is tall -- and seems like he doesn’t want to be. ❛ seems to be going around. ❜
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prodigil · 4 years
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‘  LISTEN.  I  KNOW  IT  isn’t  you.  ‘  that  much,  sam  could’ve  guessed  on  intuition  alone,  but  evidence  backs  the  case,  and  he  has  reason  to  believe  remus  was  a  docile  individual--despite  the  grisly  scarring  leeching  up-and-down  his  face,  he  seemed  ..  nice.  strangely  so--no  matter  what  sort  of  provocation  he  could  rise  to.  people  could  do  things  when  they  were  pushed,  and  he  knew  that  well  enough.  
maybe  he’s  just  trying  to  reassure  him.    ‘  my  brothers  less  keen  on  giving  anyone  the  benefit  of  the  doubt.  in  fact,  if..  he  knew  that  you  were..  what  you  are..  he’d..  probably  kill  you.  and  be  mad  at  me  for  not  telling  him.  ‘  it’s  with  a  sort  of  familiar  resignation  that  sam  relays  this  tidbit,  shifting  his  hands  into  his  pockets.  the  hoodie  is  warm,  and  feels  good  where  his  fists  sink.  
‘  i’m  not  going  to  let  that  happen.  but  it’d  go  easier  if  you  helped  me.  ‘
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years
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                    “  just tell me what happened.  ”  /  @cewylleuad​
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a   long   hum   is   all  that  comes  in  answer .     he  can  feel  remus’  eyes  boring  into  him,  but  he  tries  to  pretend  he  doesn’t  notice,  eyes  square  on  his  paper,   watching  the  ink  run  out  of  his  quill  even  though  he   barely  knows  what  words  he’s  putting  on  the  page .  he  thinks  instead  of  the  full  moon,   the  four  of  them  ending  up  in  hogsmede  together,   wandering  a  little  too  close  to  the  high  street .   it  had  been  a  close  call,    it  had  lucky  james  and  sirius  had  both  been  there  to  deter  the  wolf  from  entering  the  village.   james  considered  the  unpredictability  of  the  full  moon  half  the  fun  of  it,  always  an  adventure  that  shifted  every  time .   but  this  had  left  him  cold,  something  gnawing  at  his  insides .   if  he  felt  like  that,  he  was  sure  remus  would  feel  worse .   hence  the  effort  to  avoid  explaining  too  much .
he  didn’t   like  lying  to  his  friends .  but  he’d  do  it  if  he  had  to,  smooth  the  details  out  for  them .   he  finally  looks  up,   messy  hair  in  his  eyes  as  he  shakes  his  head,  a  hand  reaching  for  his  friends  shoulder  .     he  squeezes,  forces  himself  to  meet  remus  eyes         ❝     moony  -   nothing  happened .  don’t  worry  about  it    ❞           
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martyrdoem · 4 years
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JUST BEHIND HIM ,     Lily tugs gently on his ear.     “     –––      Will you be deigning me with your presence for rounds, Mister Lupin?     ”     Proper accent rolling off her tongue like water. Fun to play with, after having spent most of the morning working over the tongue-twister nightmare that was to be found in the journey towards perfect enunciation of Multicorfors. 
She still seeks refuge away from the monotony of schoolwork, and a night spent alongside Remus tucked away at the Astronomy Tower seems to be just the remedy.     “     Looks like it’ll be a rather busy night for it.     ”
@cewylleuad​     /     starter call.
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masterofdeath · 5 years
HE’S BEEN HOLDING THE PHOTOGRAPH FOR HOURS NOW.       Unsure what to do with the faces beaming back up at him. His annoyance with the way in which Moody had sprung this peculiar gift on him has worn off, yet his stomach still twists in knots as he rubs his thumb against the corners of the image. 
(      They couldn’t have known, could they? They were standing among graves, these happy faces doomed to meet some terrible fate. They wouldn’t be smiling if they had known.      )
He had allowed, only partly begrudgingly, for Ron to borrow his broom maintenance kit in the hopes that it would shift thoughts      (      and attention      )      away from a disparity of badges. But there was no distraction for this. In it, his parents are wound up in each other. In it, he thinks he can see his dad about to say something. And he wishes, beyond all reason, that some charm could exist to extend the moment. 
He wants for such stupid things, at times. 
Harry straightens at the sound of approaching footsteps, ready to stash away this burden of a treasure at a moment’s notice. What tumbles out is the first thought that springs to mind, something to pull from wet eyes and a short sniffle,      “      I’m not hungry.      ”
@cewylleuad / sc.
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duelmartyr · 4 years
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@cewylleuad​ said:  “is everything okay?”
his side ached and his body was begging him to just lie down but he couldn’t, every moment he was still he felt like he was missing out or guilty that he wasn’t doing something to help. he was fairly convinced that he was doing a good job covering up the pain, beyond a sideways glance from moody when he winced as he sat down so he’s caught off guard by remus’ question. “why wouldn’t i be?”
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doecharmed-arc · 5 years
happy birthday, lily! (can assume it’s accompanied by at LEAST a card And a mountain of honeydukes probably tbh!!!)    @cewylleuad​
birthdays  are  the  only  days  were  it’s  acceptable  to  eat  chocolate  for  breakfast  .    at  least  ,  that’s  what  lily  told  herself  as  she  gorged  herself  on  one  of  the  boxes  of  chocolate  she  had  received  for  her  birthday  .  now  she’s  sat  in  the  great  hall  ,  golden  plates  full  of  bacon  and  scrambled  egg  laid  out  in  front  of  her  ,  but  she  doesn’t  touch  any  of  it  .  only  her  goblet  full  of  cold  pumpkin  juice  .  her  stomach  is  full  to  bursting  ,  certainly  aching  from  the  amount  of  sugar  she  had  consumed  in  her  dormitory  .  and  yet  she  doesn’t  regret  it  ,  because  it’s  her  birthday  .
❝     thank  you  ,  remus  !   ❞          a  grin  breaks  out  across  pink  lips  .  the  card  is  propped  up  by  her  goblet  and  empty  plate  ,  nimble  fingers  fumble  with  the  wrapping  on  the  present  .  her  stomach  gives  a  lurch  at  the  sight  of  yet  more  chocolate  .  and  though  she  feels  a  little  sick  ,  she  can’t  resist  opening  up  a  chocolate  frog  ,  nibbling  on  a  leg  as  she  reads  the  card  .  rowena ravenclaw  .  of  course  ,  she  already  has  it  .  after  six  years  in  the  wizarding  world  she’s  already  collected  the  most  common  cards  as  well  as  some  of  the  more  rare  ones  .  though  her  collection  is  not  yet  complete  .       ❝     want  it  ?  i’ve  already  got  her  .    ❞ 
for  the  first  time  since  remus  joined  her  ,  she  properly  looks  at  him  .   notes  how  his  skin  is  paler  than  usual  ,  how  the  bags  under  his  eyes  look  darker  .  bottom  lip  is  pulled  between  her  teeth  .  lily’s  had  her  suspicions  ,  of  course  .  she’s  noticed  how  remus  disappears  once  a  month  ,  returning  looking  sickly  .  but  if  her  suspicions  are  correct  ,  then  she  wants  him  to  come  to  her  when  he’s  ready  .  she  won’t  accost  him  ,  won’t  force  a  confession  .  she  simply  smiles  ,  pushing  a  bar  of  honeyduke’s  chocolate  towards  him  .     ❝     eat  !  by  order  of  the  birthday  girl  .   ❞
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heartsingsa · 5 years
@cewylleuad​   ♡   starter call.
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The people look at him funny and though he knows better than to believe that they know what really happened during the full moon, he feels strangely exposed walking through the town. It’s taken him some time to talk himself into handling this, certainly longer than he’d like to admit, and by the time he reaches the buyer to explain the lack of results, he’s sure he’d be on his way in no time at all. But they seem desperate enough to give him another chance, and though he’d rather leave all this behind him, the pay is good and Jude knows he needs it. So against his better judgement, he stays, and thus finds himself facing the very reality of having to wait until the next full moon to solve this, should he not figure who the werewolf is before that. With great regret, he finds it seems rather likely. He has no idea how to actually approach people about this, and frankly he’s still too busy trying to forget about the outburst  —  and it feels sort of fitting just then he realizes he’s been staring at someone without realizing he’s doing it.
     ❝  Fuck, uhh —  sorry!  ❞  He’s quick to say, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He’s avoiding looking at him now, finding it ironically fitting that he’d come off as weird when all he’s been trying to do was not to seem like a freak.  ❝  Didn’t mean to stare. Just got a bit lost in my thoughts. . .  I hope I didn’t freak you out or something.  ❞
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hvperius · 5 years
send me a 🎥 for a vine that sums up your character | @cewylleuad
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cewyllenw · 4 years
❛ how lovely to see you here. ❜ sirius’ voice is warm as he rounds remus’ shoulder, two glasses of wine in his hands. he passes one to remus with nary a hesitation, and falls easily into his air of unaffected observation, watching finely dressed men and women spin past them across the floor. it really is a beautiful display ; even if something is capturing sirius’ attention far more easily. 
remus is tall, and charming ; invited to these events despite his status, with the understanding that he will engage socially and go no further with any women about. all this sirius hears from his own mother, though in unkind terms and lathered with outrage. sirius is, privately, incredibly pleased at the whole affair. ❛ though i fear your usual partners may not attend tonight. you must be terribly bored. ❜
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moltolavoro · 3 years
every day i send nat 17 posts in anticipation of her waking up
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prodigil · 5 years
'it was night, and now its day.'
fun spn quotes.  /  always accepting.  /   @cewylleuad
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‘  YEAH,  YOU,  UH,  HIT  YOUR  HEAD  and  passed  out.  ‘   sam  shuffles  through  a  brown  paper  bag,  vaguely  discolored  at  the  seat  of  the  seam.  he  retrieves  a  warm  item  wrapped  in  cylindrical  aluminum  foil,  palming  the  breadth  of  it  to  offer  it  forward.  ‘  you  want  one?  it’s  a  supreme  gyro.  onions  and  feta  and  stuff.  ‘   not  his  first  choice,  but  certainly  not  the  last–sam  would’ve  preferred  the  house  salad  and  tzatziki  sauce,  if  he’s  honest.   ‘  i’ve  never  seen  a  werewolf  do  that  before.  i  sorta,  um,  expected  ..  different  ..  from  somebody  whose  been  turned  for  a  while.  ‘  or,  if  he’s  to  be  believed,  for  the  majority  of  his  life.  sam  didn’t  see  the  fresh  canals  of  teeth  marks  at  the  back  of  his  neck,  so  he  was  inclined  to  believe  him  for  now.  
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stagcharmed-a · 5 years
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‘✉’ for five times my muse didn’t text yours, and one time they did  /@cewylleuad​
heard you’re sick in the hospital wing. We tried to get in, but madame pomfrey wouldn’t let us. So then we tried to sneak in, and she caught us. So I’m sending this owl to the hospital wing, no clue if you’ll get it. Hope so. 
Everyone just wants to say we hope you feel better soon, and we miss you up in the dorm. Hurry up and feel better, will keep trying to get in to see you until then. 
from james, (sirius and peter too)
2: christmas holidays, 1973
Hope your holidays are going well. I miss you all a lot, obviously. Mum and Dad had a huge party for christmas, kind of hated it, but they did let me drink butterbeer all night, so I guess it wasn’t all bad. Pass along my hello’s to everyone else left at school. 
I was thinking about your furry little problem, and our potentially furry solution? Tried to ask dad a little about the potion, but he said he doesn’t know much about that. I guess potions for hair solutions and animagi transformations aren’t really the same thing. 
Just realised I wrote that down. Hey, if you’re a ministry official reading this - this is a totally, definitely theoretical mention of animagi. Actually, better start over, just to be sure. 
3: august 1976
I know I already told you Sirius is here. But he's in the other room, so I’m writing a real quick follow up letter about him. A secret one between us, because he’d probably go ballistic if he knew I was telling you this. 
I’m really worried about him. You should’ve seen the bruises he had all over him when he turned up. It was horrible. But I’m actually glad you didn’t see beca
at this point, sirius came back and james stuffed the letter out of sight, and then never got a chance to finish or send it. 
4: 20 november, 1980
I hope by the time this letter gets to you, you’re an engaged man. (engaged to SIRIUS, obviously).   And if he hasn’t done it yet, I’m going to yell at him for being an idiot who doesn’t listen to my advice. (if he is an idiot who hasn’t done it yet, sorry in advance for ruining the surprise). in any case, congratulations!  Bloody stoked for the two of you. It’s perfect. I can’t imagine a better match -  Lily just read that over my shoulder. she just said, ‘what about us!’. She’s right. You’re the second best match, after us. Sorry. 
Wish I could say all this in person. Just read back over this and realised it’s a mess. Just so excited for you two
5: 1980
I haven’t heard from you in a while, and neither has S. I’m a bit worried, to be honest. I know everyone is off doing things for D, but I just want to know that you’re okay. I’m missing you a lot. Not the same without everyone around. It’s a bit quiet. I know there’s all sorts of rumours going around,  paranoia about traitors and such. Just wanted to say, I don’t listen to that sort of chatter . 
Please let me know you’re okay
the letter was sent, but never delivered. the owl never found remus’ location
6: sent october 30, arrived november 2nd 1981
Happy Halloween !  hope this letter finds you before the day, but I’m using a new owl, so I’m not sure.  There is so much to say, and I can’t say most of it over letter. You know what it’s like out there. 
L sends her love. Nothing much new with us, except that  H is getting so big, I can’t believe it. He walks now! and babbles and talks. he says Da, it’s so cute. Can’t even describe how it makes me feel, but it’s the best feeling ever.
There are so many things I want to say but we don’t have all the parchment in the world. I miss you, I hope you’re okay. I hope you and Sirius are okay. I miss the old days. Maybe this war will end before the years up and we can all breathe. What a christmas present for H that’d be. It’s been so long since I saw you, if you get a chance to visit, please do. 
really hope I can see you soon,  p
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shifteir · 5 years
STARTER CALL !    @cewylleuad​
❝   yeah ,      our   thing   is   kind   of   a   little   different  .  ❞ 
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starslung · 5 years
whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood  — pick songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse !
` 01 ,          guiltless          dodie .          /     there is a wall in my life built by you. you opened a door that no kid should walk through. oh, but i’m not bitter i’m just tired. no use getting angry at the way that you’re wired. i’ll carry your burden ‘till the day that you die.
` 02 ,          sleep alone          two door cinema club          /   he sleeps alone. he needs no army where he’s headed ‘cause he knows that they’re just ghosts and they can’t hurt him if they can’t see him. and i don’t know if in the morning i will be here and if so let it be known that i was worthy, i was worthy, i was worthy, i was.
` 03 ,          my boy          billie eilish .          /   my boy’s being sus’, he was shady enough, but now he’s just a shadow. my boy’s being sus’ and he don’t know how to cuss, he just sounds like he’s tryna be his father. my boy’s an ugly crier but he’s such a pretty liar and by that i mean he said he’d change.
` 04 ,          sweater weather          the neighborhood .          /   all i am is a man, i want the world in my hands. i hate the beach but i stand in california with my toes in the sand. i don’t mind if there’s not much to say. put my finger on your tongue ‘cuz you love the taste.
` 05 ,          let’s fall in love for the night          FINNEAS .          /   let’s fall in love for the night and forget in the morning. i’m the boy that your boy hoped that you would avoid, don’t waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise. i know better than to call you mine. you won’t stay with me, i know, but you can have your way with me ‘til you go.
TAGGED   BY :   @humanzippo xoxoxo TAGGING :  @starstriven, @saeviors, @sweaterpushcr, @misdirectings, @cewylleuad
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