chellesdump · 11 months
Rosie Begins - ChaeNnie
"While being overseas Jennie and Rosé discover different facets of their person"
word count ─ 3k
tags ─ little!rosie, cg!jennie, tw! crying, fluff
notes ─ Second work in the series, we'll see what Jennie and Rosé found out while being overseas. Here is the link to the story on AO3 if you prefer to read it over there. Hope you enjoy it :3
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Rosé woke up early in the morning due to the excitement of traveling back to LA after the last time she went there for Coachella as a member of Blackpink, but this time she was going as Roseanne Park maybe for work but also for enjoyment. Her excitement couldn’t be contained inside her, she was oozing energy, this showed in her step as she was skipping throughout the halls towards the bathroom while humming, filling the dorm with her energy while all the other members were still in Morpheus arms.
After having a shower and getting dressed, she made her way back to her room once again humming, on the way she passed Jennie’s room (her travel mate) and saw that the cat-eyed girl was still sleeping instead of getting ready for their flight. She ventured inside Jennie’s room with an objective in mind waking her up without getting hurt which wasn't an easy task.
She tiptoed thru the room towards the bed, once she reached her destination Rosé proceeded to try and ease Jennie out of her slumber by gently shaking her body, but this proved futile as Jen just turned her body to the other side to avoid the disturbance.
Seeing that being gentle wasn’t the answer Rosé took out the big guns and started poking Jennie all over her body and repeating over and over “Jen wake up. Jen it’s time to rise”, increasing the volume of her voice with each repetition.
After a couple of minutes of being poked, tickled, and having her ears bleeding by the volume, Jennie decided to wake up to stop the harassment being imparted to her being. “Ugh” moaned Jen “Stop the harassment Rosie, I’m already awake” mumbled while stretching to get rid of the sleep on her extremities.
By the time the clock marked 9 o’clock both girls were ready and just waiting for their manager to come and pick them up to take them to the airport, their other members were still presumed asleep oblivious to the ruckus caused by Rosé’s last-minute preparations for the trip.
The sound of steps kept getting louder coming from the direction of the rooms, soon after two sleepy bodies emerged from the hallway and took a seat beside them on the sofa immediately snuggling against their bodies before breaking the silence that had made its way into the room.
“Hey Jendeukie, Chaeng…” a yawn interrupted Jisoo’s sentence “when are you going to leave?”, but the question made Jennie to shake her off her arm and put a pout on her face, “Are you telling me to leave already” shot back Jen with hurt clear on her words.
Jisoo was quick to reassure her that wasn’t the case and cuddle the cat-eyed girl, “It isn’t like that Jen, I just want to know how much time left I have to snuggle with the cutest girl before you have to go” she finishes her statement with a kiss on her forehead, action which bought a gummy smile on Jennie’s face.
“You’re such a sap Chu, but they’re picking us up around 9:45, so we have a bit more than half an hour worth of cuddles left” replied Jennie snuggling closer to Jisoo’s body letting go a little hum of content but their moment of relaxation was interrupted by a gagging sound coming from their younger friends.
“Oh gosh, guys, there’s innocent eyes present and you are being so X-rated” retorted Lisa and covered Chae’s eyes, the latter reacted by doing the same action to Lisa’s eyes, after a couple of seconds of silence they erupted in laughter making Jennie irritated by their antics, but soon the four were laughing enjoying one of their last moments together for the foreseeable future.
The next 30 minutes flew by so quickly and the four had watery expressions, caused by the departure of half of their team. The younger ones were the most affected, not wanting to let the other go, they had to be pried from each other’s arms by Jensoo one pulling Lisa into the house and the other pulling Rosé towards the elevator.
The ride towards the airport was filled with quiet sobs coming from Rosé’s being, Jennie ended up cuddling the aussie in an attempt to calm her down before arriving at the airport so as to not rise gossip from the fans or paparazzi that they would encounter. Fortunately, Rosé was able to calm down as they arrived at the airport, but as an extra measure for their security, the girls were escorted privately thru the facilities to avoid all the commotion.
After being checked in they were guided to a private waiting room to rest while the plane was ready for boarding, they decided to spend this time drinking some cold beverages from Starbucks and some light snacks for Chaeng since all the crying drained her energy.
Posterior to having boarded and the plane taking off, both girls proceeded to go back to Morpheus' arms due to the longevity of the flight they had just got into.
Three hours into the flight Jennie woke up thanks to the sound of crying coming from somewhere within the walls of the plane, she adjudicates it to the toddler she saw boarding after them prior because she couldn’t do anything she tried to fall back asleep, but her brain registered the cries more thoroughly, recognizing them as coming from the seat beside her more specifically Chaeyoung’s seat.
This realization made her get rid of all the slumber from her body and analyze the situation, getting concerned as her brain finally woke up fully, turning to assess the situation and stop Chaeyoung’s cries. “Chae, are you okay? What happened? Why the tears?” utter the Korean girl trying to see if Rosé had any visible injuries but the search was null, but this got the Aussie’s attention who still had crocodile tears pouring from her eyes.
Chaeyoung kept sobbing but tried to express the reason for her tears, “U-unnie ‘am sca-scared” said while rubbing at her eyes and plastering a frown on her face, this swamped Jennie’s heart with worry, so she questions as to the why of the fear, “P-panes sca-scady ‘nnie, no wanna be he-hewe”.
This information was new to the Korean since Rosé hadn't mentioned it before on their other flights, the only thing left to do was to comfort her due to her inability to get them off the plane at the moment, so she hugged the Aussie and started rocking both of their bodies side to side while muttering words of comfort “Everything’s going to be okay Chaeng, nothing bad is going to happen to you while I’m here”.
The only response coming from Chaeyoung was a muffled “Pwomise unnie?” followed by more force being put into their embrace as the plane hit some turbulence, “I promise Rosie” was muttered before a kiss was placed on Chaeyoung’s forehead, melting most of the worry that was suffocating her.
Jennie kept rocking both of them, but a thought kept plaguing her mind, why was Chaeng acting like this all of the sudden, she was quite childlike as much as Lisa but at the moment she resembled more a toddler than a carefree young adult.
Posterior to 40 minutes of reassurance Chaeyoung let go of Jennie and resituated on her seat once again but never letting go of her hold on her unnie’s hand, afraid she was going to disappear magically and leave her all alone on the scary plane where all the mean adults go throw mad expressions her way.
The only reason for Chaeyoung being seated on her own seat was that over the intercoms the crew had announced that it was mealtime, and of course, she can’t miss that important time of the trip, which also happened to be the only enjoyable moment of the whole flight so far as she could think of.
The food that was served by the crew appeared so yummy in Chaeyoung’s eyes, they were given bulgogi with rice, dongchimi noodles, and bibimbap, with their choice of drink that could range from imported wine, champagne, cola, water (plain and sparkling) to even some juice. When the kind stewardess came to give them their drinks, she was quick to make her doubts present, “Do you haf’ beew by ‘ny chance?” said Chaeng tilting her head.
“Yes Miss, we have different brands, such as: Hite, Terra, Cass, Kloud. Which one would you like?”
Hearing this made Jennie turn her head quickly towards the stewardess and order the drinks for both of them, “Miss can we have some cola for me and a juice for her, please and thank you” told her Jen with a smile as to not appear even ruder, but of course Chaeng made her discontent know to Jen, “But unnie I want beew fo’ da kimchi” whined the Aussie while crossing her arms. Trying to reason with Chaeng prove to be harder than imagined, “Roseanne Park, you’ve got two choices either juice or cola. Choose one or you’ll be drinking water and not having dessert” she told her, but Chaeyoung wasn’t having it and whined again “Beew, I wan’ beew” wailed while kicking her legs and flailing her arms.
“Park Chaeyoung that’s enough! This is your last chance, choose either the juice or cola. And apologize to the kind lady for your attitude” finished Jennie while providing a look that meant there wasn’t any room left for discussion. Sensing that Jennie was serious, she turned to the stewardess and asked for her drink “Can I haf’ a stawbedy juice pwease Miss, and sowwy fo’ making a ruckus” she finished with a small bow to better express her apology.
“It’s all forgiven yeobo, just listen to your Unnie next time, ok?” said sweetly the stewardess while giving them their respective drinks.
“Now behave Chaeng, I don’t want to have to scold you again,” told her Jennie while starting to eat the food in front of her, from the corner of her eye she noticed that Chaeng wasn’t touching her food but decided to ignore it for the moment in order to eat. When she finished her food, she took notice that Rosé’s food was still intact and asked for the reason, “’am not hungwy unnie” answered with a wavering voice the younger girl. Knowing she was surely lying due to her never saying no to food Jen proceeded to scoop some food from Chaeng’s plate and offer it to the girl with a silly voice “The food train is coming! Next stop Chaengie’s mouth! Choo-choo”, that made the Aussie’s spirit to lift, so she allowed Jennie to continue feeding her between giggles on account of her unnie’s silliness.
With their food finished and their tummies filled both girls laid back into their seats to relax and digest their food better, the relaxing moment didn’t last for long as Chaeyoung’s long-forgotten fear resurfaced due to not having a distraction anymore, luckily her unnie was beside her to keep her grounded and prevent the bad thoughts away. But even if Jennie was beside her the fear was still present and they were barely entering the second third of their flight, many things could happen on the remaining 7 or so hours of the flight and those thoughts would just not leave her alone, fogging everything else.
Jennie sensing that Rosé would surely have another crying fit if she didn’t do something quick proceeded to grab her and move her into her own seat to have a better grip for a hug in order to calm down the already shaking girl who was just seconds away from letting the waterworks free, in the time that took for Rosé to calm down enough to have her full attention Jennie kept thinking in what could they do so she wouldn’t have her head on the plane and the scariness this carried with it. The solution she was able to come with was for both of them to watch a movie together. They'd do this while cuddling on her seat so Chaeyoung could have her mind on the movie but at the same time be able to have contact with her body to reduce the stress and anxiety.
“Hey Chaeng” called Jennie in a soft voice, “would you like to watch a movie with unnie? You can choose it and we’ll even cuddle while watching it, how does that sound?” she asked while keeping rubbing circles on Rosé’s back, whose face and whole body was buried against Jennie’s chest trying to get all the possible contact and warm out of her unnie’s body. Her response came a few seconds later in the form of a tiny nod against her chest and a pair of curious eyes looking at her, she went ahead and reposition both of their bodies with Rosé between her legs and her back pressed against her chest. All this so they would be in a comfier position to start their movie watching, once both of them were comfy enough Jennie put play to Chaeng’s selection, “Beauty and the Beast”.
At the last few minutes of the movie Chaeyoung finally lost her battle against sleep, Jennie noticed about halfway that the Aussie was nodding off but kept fighting against it in order to keep watching the movie, once she was sure Chaeng wouldn’t wake up if she moved her, she laid her down on the seat and situated herself next to the sleeping girl's body and cuddle her before she too joining her off to dreamland.
They slept throughout the rest of the flight only waking up to have their next meal before the landing of the plane. Once they had arrived at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) and gather all their things they were taken to their hotel where they proceeded to get cleaned up after the 12+ hour flight they had just experienced. With Rosé still acting ’toddlerish’ the ordeal proved to be quite hard for Jennie, who had to get Chaeyoung showered and with clean clothes, before she was able to do it for herself, once it was Jennie’s turn to take a shower Chaeng started acting out again.
“NO ‘NNIE, NO GO. ‘TAY WIF ROSIE” exclaimed the younger girl while tugging at Jennie’s arm towards the bed making her sit down, if it were any other instance she would’ve indulged Rosé, but she felt grimy, tired and really needed the shower to help relieve the stress from the trip so she made a deal with Rosé “Hey Rosie, how about you choose a movie to watch while I take a shower?”, but the response wasn’t the one expected, “NO, no wanna see ‘nother movie. Wanna be wif unnie” whined the blonde while making puppy eyes and pouting.
“The pouty face won’t work this time, Rosie. But how about this, you choose a place to go or activity to do together while I take a shower and the rest of the day, I’m all yours” after getting an exciting positive answer she went to finally take her shower.
When she got out, she found a Rosie jumping from excitement, literally jumping on the bed, who had the amazingest coolest funniest plan for the day, her words not Jennie’s. Apparently, her plan included going to Disneyland to meet all the princesses and eat so much ice cream; she persuaded her to drop the visit to Disneyland under the premise of Lisa and Jisoo, being sad and feeling left out, this amazingly make her agree right away, so they settle for going out for ice cream and a visit to the Disney store instead, as their plan for the day.
The rest of their trip overseas turned out amazing, doing so many different things and meeting lots of amazing people, with Rosie regressing (as Jennie later found out was the right word to describe it) when they were together and had a bit more privacy.
Soon it was already time to get back to Korea, this time with a fully adult Rosé due to the anxiety of going back home to Lisa and Jisoo with a new facet of her discovered. Jennie was feeling just like Rosé, anxious after what Lisoo could think about this new phase of her and Chaeyoung’s relationship.
The flight back home was both uneventful and smooth, the time seemed to be on double speed because after they knew they were back in Korea waiting to be picked up and taken back to the dorm. The ride back home was the most nerve-wracking of their lives as they were anxious to see their friends once again, once they arrived and got their respective luggage they went to their apartment at a snail pace, trying to postergate their arrival as long as they could.
As soon as Jennie and Rosé put a foot on the threshold the anxiety melted away for the moment, being replaced by excitement at seeing their friends once again after 3 weeks of them being overseas.
“Mandu! Pasta! Welcome back to Korea” said Jisoo hugging them, but Rosé got out from the hug quickly as she felt Lego rub against her leg just as Lisa came forward too, “Welcome back Jen” said the Thai while giving her a quick hug.
Hearing Lisa speak Rosé turned her head quickly in the direction of the voice before yelling “LALISA!” and running towards Lisa, seeing this, Lisa yelled back “CHAEYOUNG!”, getting herself ready for the oncoming hug and posterior jumping from both parties emanating joy at getting their best friend back.
“It seems they both missed each other a lot don’t you think so Jendeuk?” said Jisoo throwing her arm around Jennie’s shoulders, “Yeah, there were times where I thought Rosie would die without her buddy. But she seemed to enjoy herself back in LA” answered Jennie snuggling herself further in Jisoo’s embrace.
“Now that you mention it, how was your time there? Did you have lots of fun? And more importantly, did you miss me lots?” smirked Jisoo at the last question, but the response made the anxiety resurface in Jennie’s body, “It was awesome and well spent our time there, we sure had lots of fun, and of course I missed you lots, who wouldn’t miss your cute snores… But I need to talk to you about something that happened at the time that we were there. We realized something about one of our younger members” expressed Jennie with worry in her voice.
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tdoong15 · 11 months
hello kai, I had this little bp and twice idea In my head for a while. But what about 97 line and SMC having a playdate with maknae line of bp and cg 2yeon and Jennie/jisoo. like a fun playdate at the park with a movie marathon before nap time
Hiii Chimp this is so nice.
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Little!SMC, 97 liners. Cg!2yeon, Jensoo
Warnings: none
Fun with the Pinks
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were peacefully sleeping in their shared room until they felt someone bouncing on the bed. "Mama, Mommy wake up! Rosie 'nd Lili comin' over today!" Jihyo happily yelled whilst she continued to jump on the bed even when the two woke up. "Good morning to you too Jihyo" Nayeon yawns and wakes up. Soon after Jeongyeon woke up because of the ruckus.
"What should we do? Divide and conquer?" Jeongyeon questioned Nayeon nodded her head, Jihyo was now in her arms. With that in mind Nayeon went over to collect Mina while Jeongyeon walked over to Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's bedroom to wake up the dynamic trio.
For Nayeon it was a very very easy process since Mina was already awake and was practically buzzing with excitement. "Mama Rosie and Lili stayin' over fow fun today!" Mina giggled whilst she was picked up by Nayeon. "Yeah I can't believe it Mina!" Nayeon exaggerates her reaction. "Hey stop yappin' we need to hurry for Rosie and Lili!" Jihyo complained from the other side of Nayeon, this made the elder laugh and rush to the kitchen to get the girls ready.
The same can't be said for Jeongyeon, it wasn't because she had to deal with three littles at once, she's done that numerous times before, it was actually because all three of them were heavy sleepers. Jeongyeon goes to each girl and shakes them gently until they wake up. "Come on girls you don't want to miss out on your playdate today with Rosé and Lisa" Jeongyeon said dramatically, all three girls gasped and rushed out of bed so they could get ready for the eventful day planned.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were half the way in sorting out the maknae line when they heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get-" Jeongyeon says before she was interrupted by the happy yells of Jihyo and Mina "ROSIE AND LILI ARE HER" They squealed in unison and ran towards the door, as soon as it opened Lisa and Rosé charged into the dorm room and went straight for Jihyo and Mina to hug them.
A few moments later Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu ran over to join the hug. "Yay we are all here!" Rosé cheered, Jennie and Jisoo had shuffled around the cluster and over to where Nayeon and Jeongyeon were. "Sorry we're a bit late the girls were extremely excited to be meeting up with all of the girls" Jennie sighed softly. "It's fine honestly, we've only just finished sorting ourselves out" Nayeon admitted. "Anyway how about we go to the park?" Jisoo asked which immediately got all of the littles attention.
"Park? Please can we go momma?" Lisa pleaded and pouts slightly at her caregivers which neither Jennie or Jisoo could resist. "Alright then we're 100% going to the park" Jennie decided which made all of the littles cheer and the other caregivers nod in agreement.
When they reached the park SMC and the 97 line decided to play tag together. Throughout the park laughter and screams were heard. That was until Tzuyu came sulking over to Nayeon and Jeongyeon "Lili isn't pwaying nice. She put in a dumb rule but it was only when I tagged her back" She complains, clearly upset over the situation. "Oh I'm sorry Tzu Tzu that's our fault Lisa and Rosé know different rules to you when it comes to tag" Jisoo apologized on Lisa's behalf because in all fairness it wasn't her fault that they were playing a different version according to Tzuyu anyway. "Oh 'kay auntie Jisoo" Tzuyu nods her head and goes back to playing with the others.
After a while all of the littles came over obviously tired after many intense rounds of tag. "Go home and watch Fwozen, please?" Dahyun questioned whilst she made her way into Nayeon's arms. The other littles were too tired to disagree with Dahyun's suggestion which was beneficial for Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jisoo and Jennie.
When they reached Twice's dorm the caregivers gently placed the littles down on the couch before they sat down and put Frozen on. "'m gonna draw" Chaeyoung said obviously tired and it didn't take five minutes after drawing on the table for her to fall asleep completely, the same could be said for the rest of SMC; Tzuyu was already asleep and that was before they had made it home and as for Dahyun she was singing through Elsa's solo number of the popular song "Let it go" around half way through it she was asleep. However, for the 97 line it was a different case they were all fighting the urge to fall asleep because they wanted the playdate to last longer, Rosé distracted herself by singing all of the songs along with Jihyo whilst Lisa and Mina were dancing to the songs.
But it ended up failing and the girls all curled up together slowly drifting off to sleep. "Well I think this is our indication to leave" Jennie laughs softly "But we can help with taking 'Hyun, Chae and Tzu back to their room" She added on. Nayeon and Jeongyeon both agreed with the suggestion Jennie gave. So with that in mind Nayeon took Dahyun, Jeongyeon took Tzuyu, Jennie took Chaeyoung and Jisoo took Mina back to the rooms they belonged to.
After dealing with them the caregivers returned to deal with the other three littles, when Nayeon lifted up Jihyo she whined softly "Noooo 'm not sleepy 'eed to be with Rosie and Lili more" As soon as Jihyo said those words she was fast asleep and snoring softly in Nayeon's arms, on the other hand it was a similar story for Rosé who complained slightly in Jisoo's hold "Mama stay with Hyo and Mimi pwease" this was said before Rosé was completely asleep for the rest of the night. Lisa was a different story she still wanted to fight her sleep whilst being in Jennie's hold "Lisa, baby, it's okay to fall asleep it's late after all and I promise that we'll see Twice again soon." Those words made Lisa calm down and eventually give in to a peaceful slumber.
Jisoo and Jennie waved goodbye to Nayeon and Jeongyeon when they left the dorm, Nayeon and Jeongyeon waved back, Jeongyeon had closed the door behind Jennie and Jisoo to save the hassle plus she didn't want either Lisa or Rosé to wake up. During that process Nayeon had placed Jihyo in her room with Mina to sleep in.
"Well today was certainly eventful but surprisingly not chaotic like every other time they hang out" Nayeon casually mentioned. "Yeah they were more calm than normal" Jeongyeon agreed with Nayeon. They weren't complaining though and after that small discussion they also went to bed to sleep.
Hello I return with another fic. I think this is probably the longest one I've written currently but I don't mind I enjoyed writing it.
Anyway I hope you all have a great day.
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simp-ly-in-love · 2 years
someone has to say it…
Micah Yujin has “fuck me” eyes
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Hey Kait, I thought I show you something me and some of my friends did!
We were talking about the Secret Ending lately and the Choi twins; and we decided to ask Cheritz (politely ofc) if there will ever be new content about the SE and the twins!
And we actually received this sweet message of them!
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I'm still having my doubts for multiple reasons lol, but I thought I'd share their response because they're so kind TT
Yeah, I have my doubts that we'll ever see anything for SE Saeran in the future as far as a title screen goes. I know that Suit Saeran got a turn and while I didn't expect him either, he's a part of the romance route and SE Saeran isn't. I wish we had a crisp HD photo of Saeran during the Secret Ending. I want to see his red hair but I don't know when and if that'll ever be possible. It helps to send feedback and a lot of support towards it! It never hurts as long as you're nice about asking!
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jrooc · 5 months
✨Tag Game Wednesday ✨
Oh hi. Fancy seeing you, here! Today we're talking music 🎶 So put on a playlist and play along.
Name: Jess
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month?
Spotify is telling me it's Chappell Roan - colour me unsurprised.
What song do you know all the lyrics to?
Let me back in - Rilo Kiley
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don't?
Every other song. Red Wine Supernova. Def Bohemian Rhapsody.
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? (Shoutout Misobot)
Jenny Lewis or Rilo Kiley probably. Or Bon Iver.
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? Nicki Minaj
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately?
What I found was a gamble You threw yourself in with me Made a cross and you lit a candle
Guilty pleasure band or song?
Cause of CG I actually like a couple Taylor Swift songs (she's not my usual taste! Don't come for me 😂)
Okay let's talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you've discovered from a Fan Fic?
Greta Van Fleet!
Fave Fanfic Playlist?
CG or Teenage Dirtbag
Fave Gallavich song?
Basic Instinct - The Acid OR It's Thunder or Lightning by We Were Promised Jetpacks
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? 10000% every time.
What song do you think is Gallavich coded?
Latch - Sam Smith (for fluff) ooh or I need a forest fire - Bon Iver/James Blake for angst
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? 
Tags below the fold
Tagging or just send a hug to: @heymacy @deedala @mybrainismelted @blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit
@energievie @darlingian @ardent-fox @astaraels @spookygingerr
@gallapiech @roryonic @lee-ow @look-i-love-u @deathclassic
@transmickey @stocious @creepkinginc @ian-galagher @sgtmickeyslaughter
@mickeysgaymom @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @francesrose3 @crestfallercanyon
@doshiart @rayrayor @ms-moonlight-inn @krysmiss @callivich
@suzy-queued @too-schoolforcool @guinguin1984 @gallawitchxx @palepinkgoat
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silliestlittledemon · 4 months
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Little!Jenny Flint and Cg! Madame Vastra moodboards 💚🐑 MY FAV LESBIANS !!!
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hoodedjelly · 3 months
If it's something to hold onto, according to *John Davis back in 2020, Jimmy came very, VERY close to coming back. With all the old crew. Unfortunately, one exec shot the whole thing down, even when Nick itself seemed on board too. (*Confirmed in a 2022 interview. Can be found on Youtube.)
Funnily enough around that time, that's when Jimmy himself started appearing in Nick-related stuff again after disappearing for years after Planet Sheen. (Heck, I recall him having a Funko released earlier this year, with a Youtooz coming some time later with some extra stuff?) So, who knows? We could be surprised by the 25th anniversary.
I think fans have made it very clear that if a Nick show were to be brought back, JN is one of the few people would be fine with. Especially if it meant it being finished. (And with how much CG has evolved, seeing the characters with updated models and animation would be huge by itself. That 2007 Chrysler commercial still blows some away.)
oh wow i didn't know that full story! i heard talk about the team wanting it but not that it got that close to being rebooted. That deffo gives me a lot of hope for the future of JN. (IM STARVING)
seeing updated models of all of the characters is something i want so bad too. jimmy always looks absolutely amazing in nickelodeon all star brawl 2
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precious thing!
I have seen the timmy and jenny youtooz and ordered those, been hoping for danny and jimmy. youtooz stop giving me hope for classic main 4 nicktoons unite again i know thats basically impossible but im just a little man with a big dream...
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toofunktastic · 5 months
Some more gifts of stuff from last year and previous years!
Hadestown - First US National Tour February 19, 2022 - madeapactwithsatan MatinéeCast: Nicholas Barasch (Orpheus), Morgan Siobhan Green (Eurydice), Kevyn Morrow (Hades), Kimberly Marable (Persephone), Levi Kreis (Hermes), Belén Moyano (Fate), Bex Odorisio (Fate), Shea Renne (Fate), Lindsey Hailes (Worker), Chibueze Ihuoma (Worker), Will Mann (Worker), Sydney Parra (Worker), Jamari Johnson Williams (Worker)Notes: Do not post any part of this on any social media. https://mega.nz/folder/n01CjaLR#ysg3zH6-Raf3cKDKYtE-cg
Company - Second US National Tour December 2, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Cast: Britney Coleman (Bobbie), Judy McLane (Joanne), Kathryn Allison (Sarah), Will Blum (t/r David), Ali Louis Bourzgui (Paul), Derrick Davis (Larry), Javier Ignacio (Peter), James Earl Jones II (Harry), Marina Kondo (Susan), Matt Rodin (Jamie), Emma Stratton (Jenny), Jacob Dickey (Andy), Tyler Hardwick (PJ), David Socolar (Theo)
Notes: Very fun seeing a completely new show to me! I cough occasionally in act 2, but not too often. Never to be posted on any form of social media. https://mega.nz/folder/vlMwVAIC#9bbhH3YJ2pqi8V52f5dPqg
Legally Blonde - Fourth US National Tour (Non-Equity) April 30, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Matinée
Cast: Hannah Bonnett (Elle Woods), Woody White (Emmett Forrest), James Oblak (Warner Huntington III), Ashley Morton (Paulette), Lea Sevola (Vivienne Kensington), Kaelee Albritton (Brooke Wyndham), Chris Carsten (Professor Callahan), Jesse Lynn Hart (Margot), Taylor Lloyd (Serena), Rory Furey-King (Pilar), Matthew Dean Hollis (Kyle/Grandmaster Chad/Dewey), Harley Barton (Veronica/Enid), Alexis Loiselle (Kate), Emma Wilcox (Chutney), Pablo Pernia (Padamadan/Nikos), Brandon Moreno (Carlos/Lowell), Gill Vaughn-Spencer (Pforzheimer), Jack Gimpel (Aaron)
Notes: Do not post any part of this on any social media.
Little Shop of Horrors - Off-Broadway Revival February 25, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Audio | Matinée
Cast: Matt Doyle (Seymour Krelborn), Maude Apatow (Audrey Fulquard), Bryce Pinkham (Orin Scrivello/Others), Brad Oscar (Mr. Mushnik), Aaron Arnell Harrington (Voice of Audrey II), D'Kaylah Unique Whitley (Ronnette), Tiffany Renee Thompson (Crystal), Khadija Sankoh (Chiffon), Teddy Yudain (Derelict/Audrey II Manipulation), Chelsea Turbin (Audrey II Manipulation), Weston Chandler Long (Audrey II Manipulation), Camryn Hampton (Ensemble), Jeff Sears (s/w Ensemble)
Notes: Do not post any part of this on social media. https://mega.nz/folder/XltjUYZY#gcOM9nfkDOvCm1ReER8W4g
Wicked - Second US National Tour (Munchkinland) November 3, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan Audio
Cast: Olivia Valli (Elphaba), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), Brett Stoelker (u/s Fiyero), Timothy Shew (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Tara Kostmayer (Nessarose), Kyle McArthur (Boq), Boise Holmes (Doctor Dillamond)
Notes: Beyond general annoying audience things (talking/singing/wrappers/ice), there are a couple of times phones go off and a walkie goes off in act one. Otherwise a very receptive audience with lots of cheering and applauding. Never to be posted on any form of social media.
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
i remember u posting a thing where it shows all the requests you haven't done yet. I just want to see as I requested something long ago in 2023. I'm not trying to seem pushy, I'm just curious!
(this was rhe person that requested a bugbo thing)
Here you go!! This is very long, so I put the list under the cut!
These are the requests sent after I stopped accepting them that I didn't delete for various reasons. If you sent in a request after I closed them on March 14th and don't see it here, you'll need to send a new one (please don't take it personally if I deleted it)!!
Black + squirrel
Asra (the arcana)
Shurara (keroro gunsou)
Ring tailed lemur
Buzz light-year
Yellow raccoon petre
Lionel Messi
Sonic the hedgehog
Light pink and blue bunnies
Middle school gym class
Jenny wakeman (my life as a teenage robot)
Chris Kratt (wild Kratts)
Yuri (doki doki literature club)
Cole (Lego Ninjago)
Crowley (good omens)
Prince + bunnies
CG vil (twisted wonderland)
Alt + Wolf-dog
Golden retriever
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Kipo (kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, I think)
Leif (my inner demons)
Little big planet 3
Clouds + pastel blue
Outdoorsy + animals
Sun and stars + bunnies
Chase (paw patrol, I actually have two of these waiting)
Eastern red bat
Octopus regression
Tiger CG
Aquarium trip
Pastel coloring + kitties
lavender/grey bunnies
Pastel dolls
Jumping spiders/Leopard geckos
Dr. animo (ben 10)
Shuichi saihara
Black Shiba inu
This is everything left from before I closed my requests!
Osamu dazai (bsd)
The dazzlings (equestria girls)
Vampire with Halloween themes
Guardians of ga'hoole
Gromsko (MW2/3)
V (murder drones)
Cg SD-N (murder drones)
Cassidy (overwatch) and cowboys
TMNT Leonardo
Pastel kitty
Epithet erased
Another OC named cerys
Slay the princess
Someone's pictures (Idk what to call this one just know that I'm going to do it)
The Magnus protocol
Bive (regretavator)
Donnie darko
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn nine nine)
Allister (pokemon)
Umi (idk from where I'll figure it out eventually)
Rottweiler puppy and the creek
Monster tom (eddsworld)
Gnarpy (regretavator)
Xianzhao loufu (hsr)
Cg jing yuan (hsr)
Cupcake and dino
Kitty petre pomni (tadc)
Shiromo (pui pui molcar)
Jack harkness (doctor who)
Cg basil hallward (the picture of Dorian gray)
Spiderman (again! lol)
Mei (Lego monkie kid)
Cats + cakes
Houndoom (pokemon)
Wolfwalkers from cartoon saloon
Lucifer (hazbin hotel)
Critterspace (drafts)
Minecraft lush caves (drafts)
Ibara saegusa
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock, drafts)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Black kitten + space
Grey draik (neopets)
Pumpkin head (still needs more research)
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Maki harukawa
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Vincent (dead plate)
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs, drafts)
Vision CG (marvel, drafts)
Light blue
Bearded vulture
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Seam CG (deltarune)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
Tula tones (novi stars, drafts)
Eevee + dragons (or witchy themes which I may do instead)
Kitten + stars (I think, the request actually says stairs though and it's been confusing me)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz (drafts)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Genshin impact (drafts)
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Border Collie
Mortal Kombat
Puppy + SpongeBob (drafts)
Baby vulture (drafts)
Rain world/slugcat (drafts)
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4, drafts)
17th century dutch (drafts)
Sees behind trees (drafts)
Allay (Minecraft, I think. Drafts)
Tasmanian devil (drafts, can't figure out if they want the cartoon or animal)
Spamton CG (deltarune, drafts)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies (drafts)
Yume-Nikki (drafts)
Daxter (jak and daxter, drafts)
Madness combat for puppies (drafts)
James Sunderland (silent Hill, drafts)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa, drafts)
Leo (IDW comic, drafts)
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Beautiful Spouse’s Thoughts 01x07 The Case of the Very Long Stairway
“What was that spider made up of? It looked like a bunch of Hershey kisses all tied up together in the shape of a spider. It was very strange” “the hell is that shirt? A pink snake? That’s kinda funny” “Does he have dentures on?” “Idk it doesn’t look like it. Idk if it was for the character or not” “I didn’t like bird people anyway” “I would like to understand the mechanism that spews the hot wax outside the skull. I know it’s CG, but is it hot in the skull and cold in the room?” “It’s not peer pressure if she’s not one of their peers, right?” “Is that Season 2?” “why is she reasoning with a dead boy?” “you have to be alive to do those things I assume” “so now is Jenny going to see the boys? Or is she still clueless?” “huh that’s kinda funny” “if ghosts were real, imagine the crazy fucked up tv shows they’d make about whatever. Just assume they’re real, that changes how we operate, what shows would happen?” “what if you don’t know that many people?” “doesn’t he have an infinite sack?” “is this s2 already? Is every season a level of hell” “is that the crazy lady?” “this looks kinda like that one nightclub downtown” “was he trying to walk through it? Or travel the mirror or something?” “or that one hotel in Seattle” “Didn’t it say DO NOT RING in the fkn journal? Why did he ring the bell? But it’s scratched out? So do ring it?” “this is the lockpicking lawyer…” “I want Potbelly’s now” “this is like the first hallway they ran threw but shittified” “that’s just wallpaper made to look like books. It has no depth. The books in the foreground look real though” “I feel like after a century, you’d be way more efficient than that, and you’d have way more paper around you”” “mmkay” “what’s that?” “why so many feelings?” “really? He’s going to give up on him that easy huh? Better than going off with the only person who’s walked into the room in the last 100 years?” “wouldn’t Death have put the kid there? Why did Death come back?” “so does this make teenagers children then? I’m not saying I agree or disagree. I’m just asking for facts” “we’re all itching to go into hell?” “that’s interesting” “maybe she doesn’t want them back?” “is that the mind’s eye or something?” “literally burying him ok fine” laughter “Ok” “oh hey bitch” “why are we looking at lobotomy shit?” laughter
“I think they meant to make those look creepier than they were” “almost a stranger things vibe” “I feel like he could have been quieter than that” “oh it’s not Hershey kisses; it’s a bunch of weird dolls” “ok”
“Is it only the eight eyes on the head or is it all the eyes that work?” “imagine filming this” “fkn what the fuck” “what did you do at work today/ Squirm around on the floor. That was insane” “just a few more” “get the hell out before your argue” sigh
“Say it on the other side” “time to fkn go bud” “you could have gone faster but we had to deal with our feelings. Let’s fkn go” “I suppose that what happens to the other lady counts as a near death experience” “that was a very odd technicality” “ok”
“Can’t Jenny see the boys? It would make the explanation so much easier” “he’s going to kill the tree though so that’s not good” “only 4 of them” “give them to the crow and see if he explodes if he doesn’t take them back?” “what does it taste like I wonder” “is it like swallowing a hard candy?”
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chellesdump · 1 year
Rocking Clowns - Blackpink
"The girls decided to have a scary movie marathon to get into the spooky season, but after having watched a couple of them one of them started getting anxious and resorted to stim to self-soothe"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lisa, little! rosé, cg! jennie, cg! jisoo, autumn, tw! scary movies, tw! someone getting hurt, stimming
notes ─ This is for the Scary Movies and Stimming prompt. So enjoy :3
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The Blackpink girls had made their plan for the day to have a marathon of scary movies in order to get into the spooky season, also known as October, each one had chosen either 1 or 2 movies to put in their movie playlist for the day, from classic scary movies to newer ones.
In order to prepare for their long day they woke up early to go to the store to stock up on candies, beverages, snacks, and some other necessities for their perfect day, “Unnie! We need to buy this popcorn bucket, it has 2 WHOLE BOXES of M&M’s. Can we? Can we?” begged Lisa holding the aforementioned bucket, with a playful roll of her eyes Jisoo told her, “Yes, sure we can. I need to try that combination of popcorn, I’ve seen it’s quite popular” finally showing her excitement to the maknae.
Lisoo kept stocking on sweet snacks and candy to munch on, that was until Jennie came telling them they needed something else than sweet things, “But unnie, they are so tasty and you’re supposed to eat a lot of sweets on this season” whined Lisa crossing her arms to show her discontent at being told to stop stocking on the sweets, “Lalisa! Do you want your teeth to rot and fall out? I’m not telling you to get rid of everything, just to choose some healthier things as well” berated Jennie with a stern look plastered on her face.
Luckily Rosé came up with the solution to their little fight, “Yeoreobun! Look at what I found… SPOOKY CHIPS!! These ones are in bat and ghost form, can you believe it? These other ones are orange and black, so Halloween coded. These other ones are shaped like pumpkins, we just need some dips” Rosé excitedly showed them.
“Wow, Chaeyoung-ah! They are indeed so cool, now let’s go and find some dips!” said Lisa while grabbing Rosé’s hand and running towards the dip section, while they were getting away Jennie yelled her retort, “I told you there were other options than sweets!”, but the younger ones didn’t hear and continued to run to find more things to buy.
It took them around an hour to finish their shopping, and in the end, they ended up with a wide variety of snacks from candy to chips, beverages like apple cider and hot cocoa, seasonal cups and plates, and even some plushies.
Once arriving home they got into their pajamas to be comfier and put their snacks on plates to have a wide range without all the packages in the way, Jen being prepared as always brought some normal cups for everyone but also a couple of sippy cups in case the girls needed them later in the evening.
They started with one of the classics, Scream, the Ghostface movie was such a classic so it couldn’t be missed on their marathon when the movie ended they were a little shaken up but still eager to watch more horror; next came a Korean/Thai movie, to bring some patriotism to their evening, The Medium was the second movie lined up, they ended it with more shock present on their beings; with each film that came they became more and more shaken up, being jumpy at random noises which came from the windy day they have, the line up was filled with more classics like Child’s Play and Halloween, some newer ones like The Mimic, Midsommar, and Bird Box.
So by the time IT came, they were super jumpy, but they laughed it up at the foolishness of their fear since the monsters wouldn’t really come for them, for one of them the anxiousness from the movies was greater, Rosie was little, and had been for a great part of the marathon, she didn’t really remember the exact moment she slipped but the fact remained and that made her get more scared, Lili seemed to be little as well, but she was more adventurous than Rosie so she was less scared and jumpy.
When the movie began playing Rosie cuddled closer to Jennie to seek a little bit of comfort, everything was okay until Pennywise made his first appearance, the clown was so scary, and seeing him wasn’t pleasant, by the middle of the movie she started stimming to self soothe from the fear/anxiousness, unfortunately, it was one of the harmful ones, Rosé started biting her fingers, it started with just sucking them but that wasn’t enough so she bit them.
Jennie caught sight of the stimming when it started and even though it wasn’t ideal she let it slide, but once she snuck a glance again she saw the biting, knowing it was harmful to let her keep doing it, she let Jisoo know about it and told her she was going to fetch one of the girls pacifiers and talk to her to see what had her in such a state.
Grabbing Rosé’s hand she told her to go with her, she took her to her room to grab the pacifier and told her to sit on the bed, “Rosie baby, can you tell me why you are biting your fingers?”, questioned the older one, the younger girl got more nervous which made her start biting her fingers even more, she thought Jennie was mad at her so the anxiousness increased, so she muttered, “No mad at Rosie, p’ease Mama, just… just” and the waterworks started.
Watching her crying Jennie went closer telling her, “Oh my Rosie Posie, Mama isn’t mad at you, I’m just worried about you hurting yourself. So how about you give your fingers to Mama to hold them and Mama will give you a paci, one you can chew and suck so you won’t hurt your fingers again. How you like that idea?” tried to reason with the little girl, thankfully Rosé knew that what she was doing was harming and accepted the pacifier, not before asking her Mama for a favor.
“Mama can hug Rosie p’ease, Rosie scared of da monstews. They so scary!” she screamed hiding in her covers and putting the pacifier in her mouth to help her calm down.
With an achy heart, Jennie answered that of course they could cuddle all she wanted, and they could even watch some more family-friendly movies so they wouldn’t be as scary, Rosé accepted and they went to the living room once again, Jisoo and Lisa were waiting for them with cups filled with tasty hot cocoa to lessen the anxious feeling Rosie was feeling and Coraline was playing now on the TV.
The four girls cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of the evening watching kid-friendly things, once their movie marathon was over they had some tasty dinner before getting ready for bed, deciding to have a sleepover on one of the oldest members' beds to combat the fears that could remain.
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blissooya · 7 months
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[WEVERSE] 230506 슝이🌹 update
Play with me🫶🏻
👤 : Jisoo song recommendation!
🐰 : Shoongie recommends Shoong
👤 : Receiving a reply is hard
🐰 : Receiving a reply isn't easy but what if you're as happy when you do get it?!
👤 : Kitty vs Koromi ?? 💜❤️💜❤️
🐰 : I can't give up on Kuromi.. Since I like purple hahahehehe
👤 : I'm angry. You don't reply to me every time.
🐰 : You have a lot of anger! Don't be angry! It's your loss if you get angry! haha
👤 : Jisoonie!!!! What are you doing up at this time!!!!! 😤
🐰 : I ate too much so I'm digesting~
👤 : When will BLACKPINK do the first ptich?
🐰 : kekekeke I do want to try, when I was young I threw a lot to my dad
👤 : Jisoonie today did you get hit with a lot of Pochacco-lighting??
🐰 : However I'm not the type to get gaslighted
👤 : Unnie during tour Shut Down rap that says me, was it a spoiler when pointing at your face??
🐰 : No, that's just really me! keke Actually besides music shows during concert, Jennie was too far away for me to point at her so I just pointed at me!
👤 : Jisoo unnie what drama are you watching? I'm so curious
🐰 : Sorry but I'm not watching drama, instead I'm watching Hunter X Hunter. Sorry haha
👤 : Jisoo unnie why are your hands so fast? I can't keep up with unnies typing speed
🐰 : I also surprise myself too sometimes!
👤 : Today's tmi
🐰 : Why!! Why are you curious?! I'm also curious! Why are people curious about todays tmi because at the fansign I got this question so many times that I ran out of tmi's so I had come up with some in the end!! That's today's tmi
👤 : Unnie give Coachella behind !!
🐰 : People really like behind and tmi! Hm.. right before the show there was a mirror that was like the size of a door and with Jennie, we both kept practicing around 3x speed kekeke
👤 : Unnie, have you watched Avatar?🙋🏻‍♀️
🐰 : No! I just.. heard a lot about it so I know cg is amazing!
👤 : I like All Eyes On Me so much
🐰 : I like it too kkkekeke 🥰
👤 : How many Iced Americanos did you drink? ☕️
🐰 : 3 cups!!!!! How did I end up drinking this many?!
👤 : Look forward to Hyde Park!
🐰 : Isn't that something I'm supposed to say?! Look forward to it! haha
👤: Do you like the new Blackpink game?
🐰 : I haven't tried it yet kkkk I want to quickly try it. I told them about the fun parts from different games I played, but we'll see!!!!!
👤 : Jisoo, if I go to the fansign, I can dance the Flower challenge in front of Jisoo! kekeke
🐰 : You're saying this because you weren't at the fansign right????
👤 : If Blinks become cockroaches what are you gonna do???
🐰 : Someone asked me this a while ago kekekeke I'll put you in my house and I'll throw away(?) the house but I told them not to worry because I'll bring a lot of food ! I'll make you live in abundance(?)! kekeke
👤 : Kim: Kim Jisoo's Flower song is so good
Ji: Be as beautiful as you are right now
Soo: Watermelon
🐰 : 100 points
👤 : Jisoo, Jennie doesn't know the meaning of 농협은행 (NongHyup Bank) kekeke
🐰 : .... Then did I just become a person who wrote a bank name under her picture?
👤 : How do you feel that many people used Flower song for challenges?
🐰 : The dogs and cats are so cute. Even for me, I thought I even would want to film it with my pet to show them off but the distance between dream and reality are so far, Dalgomie fail!
👤 : How did you learn about NongHyup Bank meme?
🐰 : kekekeke Maeng-saem told me..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
👤 : How long will Jisoo stay on for today~ When will you reply? Did you eat hot pot~ Was something happy that happened today?
🐰 : I was happy because I met Blinks kekekeke I was able to talk with them and Blinks reactions are so funny, do Blinks think I'm funny too?
👤 : Pochacoo Kim Jisoo lovers were very happy today ❤️ Pochacco selfie lets go! And I'm curious who your favorite Hunter X Hunter character is 🥹
🐰 : Killua! It's my 5th time watching! .. kkkkkkkk
👤 : The only person who makes my heart flutter, Jisoo 🩵🩵🩵
🐰 : What's these heart colors?! 🤍🩶🩷🤎🩵 wow... I just found out
👤 : Unnie you're the only one who hasn't forgotten your password??? 😁😁🤣 The other members seem to have forgotten
🐰 : Because I'm a genius!(?)
👤 : Do you have a Netflix drama recommendation?
🐰 : It's not a drama but Kill Boksoon kkkk!
👤 : While making the Flower logo design with Chaeyoung, were there any episodes?
🐰 : She also helped pick the Today's Jisoo logo with me haha
👤 : Pull down the shutter and close the door! Im the last comment! Jisoonie leave only the scent of flower and go
🐰 : kkkk oh thats right I was about to leave. It's really the last comment haha great timing, I'm leaving only the scent of flower and going to sleep~~! Going haha🌹
keke It was so fun today I wanted to talk to Blinks before going to bed so I came! haha Let's have fun tomorrow as well!!! Tomorrow I'll try to sign quickly so we can talk more haha Sleep well and see you tomorrow ♥️ Love you🫶🏻 Nyongan!!!
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tdoong15 · 7 months
hello kai, here to request a middle SMC secretly getting GTA 5 from there friend yeri (or whoever u want to add) and wanted the play the game as a group on Friday so they all went into chaes room and spend the day gaming while snacks and all until 2yeon catches them and tells them to go outside and that its not healthy to stay indoors all day and tell them they aren't allowed to play violent games
Heyy Chimp this is really cool! :]
Middle!SMC Cg!2Yeon, mentions of Yeri, Shuhua and Lisa
Warnings: none
Video games
Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were all hanging out with Yeri, Lisa and Shuhua at Red Velvet's dorm. “Yeriiii can we see your games?” Dahyun asks and Yeri contemplates if she should since she had them perfectly organized. “Y'know what, I'm feeling nice, so yeah we can all take a look at my games.”
“Yay, thanks Yeri!” Chaeyoung cheers and everyone follows Yeri to her room, once they all reach her room they all gasp in shock and awe at the variety of games that Yeri owned, Yeri had a smug look on her face. “I own basically every single game in the world.” The rest of them immediately went rummaging through all of the games until Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu all found one specific game that they've been wanting for ages.
“No way! You have GTA 5?!” Tzuyu says in shock whilst she grabbed the game, her surprisingly loud voice got the attention of Lisa and Shuhua too. “Yeah I do. Is this your way of saying that you want to play it?” Yeri questioned and Tzuyu immediately nodded her head in response. “Well since we're not able to have a sleepover here because our mom and mama both said no, I think we should all head back to our dorm and we can play GTA all day in my room, plus some other games if you guys want to.” Chaeyoung suggests whilst she lets Dahyun sneak the video game into her bag.
Yeri sighs and she nods her head. “I guess you guys do need to have someone responsible to be with you.” Lisa and Shuhua both sighed heavily and they explained how they couldn't hang out since they were told a specific time to be back and they'd rather not deal with the wrath of Jennie and Soojin. “Awh that sucks, maybe next time guys” Dahyun says in understandment.
With that, Lisa and Shuhua said their goodbyes to the group and they went back to their houses. Now it was the four of them Yeri, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu all began planning on what they were going to do back at Twice's dorm, they eventually decided on buying a whole bunch of snacks and drinks from the convenient store, then they would play videogames all day and take turns with it. “Alright then, I will pay for the snacks and drinks for all of us.” Yeri mentions to SMC. “Oh good because we didn't bring any money.” Chaeyoung reveals and they all open their bags and pockets to prove that they didn't have any money.
After 30 minutes, Yeri bought the snacks and drinks for them and her eyes widened in shock at the overall price of everything. “Thanks for the things, Yeri. We'll pay you back one day.” Tzuyu was grateful for Yeri spending her money willingly on them. Yeri smiled and they all made their way back to the dorm. When they reached Twice's dorm, the four of them carefully and quietly snuck into Chaeyoung's room.
Tzuyu shut the curtains as well as turning off the lights and Chaeyoung turned on her console whilst Dahyun and Yeri dumped the food and drinks on the bed. “Let's get this game marathon started except we'll probably only play GTA 5” Chaeyoung yells in excitement which makes the others all cheer in agreement. This then leads to countless hours being spent playing and raging at the game.
In the living room, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were both getting suspicious of the noise that had been coming from Chaeyoung's room for the past 8 hours. “Do you think we should check on the sound in Chae's, honey?” Jeongyeon questions Nayeon and she gets an immediate response. “Of course we should, I don't think it's normal for this to happen.”
Nayeon and Jeongyeon then headed to Chaeyoung's room and opened the door, which made them gasp loudly because of what they saw. “Girls, and Yeri what are you all doing?!” Jeongyeon enters the room and Yeri immediately apologizes because she was meant to be watching over them but she lost track of time. “It's fine Yeri, I think you should leave. I don't want Irene to get worried about you leaving” Nayeon suggested and Yeri nodded her head and she went back to Red Velvet's dorm
Now it was just 2yeon and SMC in Chaeyoung's room, Jeongyeon opened the curtains which gained three loud groans come from Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu because the sunlight was too bright for them, Nayeon then shut down the console. “You three are too young to be playing violent games like this.” Jeongyeon complains before continuing. “Also get out and have some fresh air instead of stinking up this room.” Nayeon agreed with Jeongyeon and she decided to add in some things.
“If you kept this up I swear to God you would have had major brain rot and I don't want to deal with all three of you to have some sort of gaming disorder, which apparently exists according to the World Health Organization.” Both Nayeon and Jeongyeon ended up dragging the maknae line out of Chaeyoung's room so they would do something more productive instead of staring at a screen all day and then complaining about a massive headache the next day. They were obviously met with whines and complaints from Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu but in the end it actually worked and they all played outside doing different games such as soccer and piggy in the middle
WOAH WE GOT A GTA 5 FIC BEFORE GTA 6?!?! Anyway I hope everyone had/has a great day, evening and night. Also lately I've been obsessed with watching Sam and Colby videos where they go to different haunted places.
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starlightcleric · 8 months
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My other collection of Knight Commanders on other mythic paths (picrew).
Ophelia Negrescu, LN dhampir (morai born) Inquisitor of Pharasma, mythic Aeon
Layla Aldori, NE human Fighter/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight, mythic Demon
Josephine Quintelle, N tiefling (grimspawn) Magus (Sword Saint), mythic Lich->Legend
Jenny "Poetry" Brewer, CG tiefling (faultspawn) Warpriest of Cayden Cailean, mythic Trickster
Mary Rose Ashe, CG tiefling (hungerseed) Inquisitor of Desna, mythic Azata
Delilah Fujimori, N->CG kitsune Sorcerer, mythic Azata
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jihyoruri · 9 months
i miss minji and chanel gf yn 😭😭😭 anyways, what do you think about minji’s reaction wearing jennie’s outfit in coachella week 2 in their costume party (let’s just assume lesserafim and nwjns had a sleepover and costume party and the theme was iconic moments in kpop history so cg yn COSTUMED AND DRESSED AS JENNIE IN COACHELLA WEEK 2) (her and yunjin costumed as jenlisa 😔😔😔 and them TRYING THAT JENLISA CHOREO IN KILL THIS LOVE) (that grinding part LMAOOOO I KNOW SHE WAS JEALOUS but can’t take her hands off yn bcs yn was wearing something revealing)
LOL CHANEL GF IS COMING SOON I can totally see minji just completely wanting the entire thing to be over 😭 like let’s change into our pjs now
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Overlord
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Okay, I’ve managed to blow through Konosuba, Re:Zero, and The Rising of the Shield Hero in the past several years. Now, I think it’s time I blast through this isekai so I can get to Isekai Quartet. I know it’s absurd to push up a wonky spin-off like that. But I watched Carnival Phantasm when I clearly didn’t know half of those characters. We learn from our oopsies and mistakes. I’m older and wiser now. Once I finish this, I’ve watched all…
But don’t you have to watch Tanya of the Evil too?
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
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Momonga is a working man, who in his off-time plays an MMORPG named Yggdrasil and plays a character known as Ains. After so many hours playing this game, the servers are going to shut down and he is the only one left with his memories of the good times playing. He decides to stay on the server until midnight when the servers plan to go dead. Midnight strikes and he’s still logged in. Problem is, HE CAN’T LOG OUT! Welcome to the Isekai rabbit-hole! But unlike many other isekais, Momonga has a legion of loyal servants to do what he says. Hell, he can cop a feel on a hot girl and she’ll just moan and beg for more.
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Albedo is all kinds of kinky!
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So, let’s watch as Momonga (or Ains Oon Goal) navigate this world where the NPC’s do a lot more than you’d expect and a world that’s different from the game. He is the overpowered overlord that will one day rule the land. Get ready. There’s about four seasons and a million chapters of light novel to this.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Say what you will about FUNimation, they do give us some quality dubs from time to time. And in the first season, I was so happy to hear Ed Blaylock’s voice in what was probably his final role (that wasn’t One Piece related) before his passing. I’m also impressed with Chris Gurrero’s voice going from Momonga to Ains like that. I almost thought it was two different voice actors, so color me impressed. If you’re wondering, I did watch some of this series subbed. A lot of the specials and movies were sub only so I had no choice in the matter. But by the time season four came around, I was already caught up so I caught the sub there.
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Hey, I wasn’t going to miss out on Mamoru Miyano acting dorky. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Ains is played by Satoshi Hino (known for Sai on Naruto Shippuden, Kamui on Gintama, Rengoku on Demon Slayer, Yuuji on Shakugan no Shana, Hamazura on Index, and Gauche on Black Clover)
*Albedo is played by Yumi Hara (known for Takane on Idolm@ster and Kosame on Magical Girl Site)
*Narberal is played by Manami Numakura (known for Pieck on Attack on Titan, Rio on Assassination Classroom, Brandish on Fairy Tail, and Hibiki on Idolm@ster)
*Shalltear is played by Sumire Uesaka (known for Nagatoro on Miss Nagatoro, Chloe on Miss Kobayashi, Dekomori on Chunibyo, Aya on Tonikawa, Nanase on In/Spectre, and Anastasia on Idolm@ster: CG)
ENGLISH CAST: *Ains is played by Chris Gurrero (known for Moriah on One Piece, Valtos on Black Clover, Nobuta on Assassination Classroom, and Ichiya on Fairy Tail)
*Albedo is played by Elizabeth Maxwell (known for Ymir on Attack on Titan, Uo on Fruits Basket 2019, Caulifla on DB Super, Lisa on Fire Force, Jenny on Fairy Tail, and Cordelia on Gosick)
*Narberal is played by Anasatasia Munoz (known for Gracia on FMA: Brotherhood, Minerva on Fairy Tail, Mayu on Fruits Basket, and Monomi on Danganronpa)
*Shalltear is played by Felecia Angelle (known for Hagakure on My Hero Academia, Georgie on Miss Kobayashi, Asahina on Danganronpa, Tetia on Black Clover, Frill on Wonder Egg Priority, and Perona on One Piece)
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: So, I hate this sick, sadistic bitch right here.
I know it feels weird to stick it out with a season one villain. Especially because season four had a treasure trove of idiots that deserve to be hated. I just hate Clementine.
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SHIPPING: God damn, Albedo and Shalltear are THIRSTY for Ains.
Um…so which girl? Which girl or girls are to be Lord Ains’s wife or mistress or concubine?
Okay, obviously we will never get an answer to that unless we read the entire light novel series. And even then, is there really an answer? We know it’ll never be Evileye from season two despite her sorta falling for Lord Ains.
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Let’s just chalk this section up to the only true ship in this series is Nferia and Enri. Cute moment from them in season one and savior moments in season three. And now they’re married. Oh and I suppose the lizards from season two. Last I saw, they mated and have offspring as of season four. Call it a win if you’re married and still alive by the end of season four.
MUSIC: All of the songs are lit. There’s really nothing more to say on the matter.
Voracity is my favorite.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: Throughout the series, we’ve seen Ains in disguise when going on mini-missions throughout the land. He goes by the name of Moman and travels with one of his Pleiades maids Naberal (or Nabe). After killing off these dead-raisers and a very unlikeable villain, he returns to his base to learn that there’s been a betrayal amongst one of his loyal followers.
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It would seem odd for any of these characters to turn against Lord Ains or anything like that, especially when you see it was Shalltear. But whoever caught Shalltear certainly has Ains sweating (if it’s humanly feasible for a skeleton to do so). Not many can compare to his strength. However, Shalltear is a different story. Statistically speaking, there’s a less than 50% chance that Ains can win against her in a fight. When Ains decides to deal with this situation by himself, this frightened many of his disciples. Ains is the only person left of his original group that brought life to many of these characters. If he’s gone, Albedo might lose her sanity. Not just her, but the rest of the characters too. So, when Ains went after Shalltear, it looked like his power was useless to zap her out of her trance. And she did seem somewhat conflicted going against her lord and master. Could it be that someone besides Ains was stuck in the game as well? Could it be one of his former comrades from before the game shut down?
The end of this season doesn’t give us that answer. But we were not disappointed by the Ains vs. Shalltear fight. Ains didn’t hold back in this fight and ended up using many items crafted by his former comrades who used to be a part of the game before the permanent shutdown. I know there’s a lot to be said about overpowered protagonists and how boring a show can be with one of those, but for some reason I can live with Ains taking down a rogue servant. Ains ends up killing Shalltear, but then resurrects her (for a very steep price).
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Shalltear is unaware of what happened during that time she was being mind-controlled. And I suppose we will not know until the following season.
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PLEIADES SPECIALS: What the hell? Is this shit animated by the same company that does Isekai Quartet? Son of a gun, it is! Every season, there will be these short episodes. These episodes have everything you would expect from your average short-run special including; fanservice, main focus on characters that we never focus on, out of place dialogue, and no one acting like they would in the main show (except for Albedo). As the name indicates, we focus on the Pleiades combat maids; Yuri, Lupusregina, Narberal, Solution, CZ, and Entoma. And there’s only one thing I want to say about the specials.
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I got to watch Clementine die six more times.
Oh yeah, there’s also a Clementine special with the Pleiades. More Clementine torture! I can’t say no to that. But that’s just the first season. Later seasons feature many crazier characters like Pandora’s Actor. Mamoru Miyano is having so much fun with this role. I know he is.
SEASON TWO: Three years, two recap movies, millions of Rule 34 artworks featuring Albedo, and a multitude of Isekai Quartet-style specials later…
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We’re watching the story of dragon tribes getting a stark warning in the sky, working together, and then defeating armies of the undead. Wait, did I pick up some other anime by mistake or is this really Overlord? Yeah, the first few episodes of this season we’re watching a lot of these dragons, learning about these characters, and then watch them die off (this time by Coctys). That is until Ains comes in and forces the remaining dragon clans to answer to him.
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The rest of this season had a lot of screentime to Sebas. Sebas was found interfering in the human world. He took in and healed a prostitute named Tuare and assisted with helping the bodyguard of a princess. With Sebas doing a lot of questionable actions while undercover with Solution, Lord Ains might fear of another betrayal much like last season with Shalltear. But as we all know, the opening theme told us that Demiurge was going to betray Lord Ains. Maybe! Ains gave his decision and will not punish Sebas and will see to it that Tuare will be taken care of by having her serve at the Great Tomb of Nazerick.
As it turns out, a lot of factions in this part of the story want to put an end to a crime syndicate known as “Eight Fingers”. The kingdom (particularly Princess Renner) has her close allies (Blue Rose) and loyal bodyguard (Climb) take out their organization. Sebas has had his moments with these gentlemen, as the crime syndicate consisted of brothels with injured women. Along with Sebas, we also have season one veterans Brain and Gazef get involved. However, things get messy when several of these groups get a nasty meeting.
I mean it, this season is full of new characters that are either in several episodes in great detail or die off faster than their appearance in the opening sequence. And in usual Medea-fashion, I’m going to have to give these people stupid nicknames. Let’s see…
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Fluffy and Fuzzy’s Guide to You-Know-What
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Thing One and Thing Two
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Isekai Jasper
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Fat Royal Armin
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Blonde Yuno Gasai
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Dead One, Dead Two, Corpse One, Corpse Two...
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Feminine Obvious Ian Sinclair character
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Gilgamesh Knock-Off
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END OF SEASON TWO: What do you suppose is going to happen when Lord Ains’s diciples get involved in a messy situation? You’ve got Entoma eating humans and Demiurge slaughtering members of the princess’s allies in Blue Rose. And then Lord Ains shows up in his Moman disguise right in the middle of this cluster-fucking mess. We do get the fight between Demiurge and Ains, it’s just that Demiurge wasn’t under a spell like Shalltear was last season. This was more of a bigger plan as both of them are using their alias names. It’s all an act.
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Things get messier when Ains gets involved in Blue Rose matters. First of all, Evileye shouldn’t be falling in love with Ains. Ains has no interest and two other thirsty ladies back home. Second of all, this story is already more twisted than Lombard Street in San Francisco. Well, we get a satisfactory conclusion for Ains as he was able to make more connections in order for his alias (Moman) to be the great adventurer. Fake fighting with his allies of the Great Tomb of Nazerick and “defeat” the bad guys. And we close with seeing knock-off Gilgamesh plotting something. Oh, I’m sure we’ll see it in season three.
SEASON THREE: One anime season later…
God damn, that’s pretty fast for a Madhouse production!
Okay so, there’s still no word on who possessed Shalltear back in season one and no word on anyone else in this world from Lord Ains’s time as Momonga. Meanwhile, the guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazerick are planning their next plan of attack. Entoma wants revenge on Evileye from their fight at the end of season two. Solution wants to eat more humans. And Demiurge is looking forward to total world domination. And Ains is trying his best to stay the strong leader in front of everyone and still put out signs in case anyone from the game is there and finds him. With all of that happening isn’t it the perfect time for everyone to take a day off? Yeah, the first episode of this season was almost a throwaway.
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Thankfully, we get back to the engaged storytelling and killing soon after. For a couple of episodes, we follow those humans from season one, Nfirea and Enri. And of course, they are the special kinds of humans Lord Ains trusts the most as they actually know Lord Ains by name and are indebted to him. Plus goblins! Enri controls a horde of goblins. I gotta give this girl some credit, she is pretty bad-ass.
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END OF SEASON THREE: So Ains was not too pleased about random human scum entering the Tomb of Nazerick uninvited. In fact, that downright pissed him off. He kills the trespassers, has Shalltear kill off any runaways, and sent Aura and Mare to send a message to the kingdom with a pretty clear message of, “fuck around and find out”.
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Now the emperor (Gilgamesh knock-off) made a legitimate attempt at forming an alliance to avoid more deaths like what Mare and Aura did in front of him. The royal family however decided to take matters in their own hands. One of the princes (not fat royal Armin) led an army to E-Rantel to take control. In another edition of “fuck around and find out”, Enri led an army of ogres into victory. That and Lupusregina annihilated any survivors. So now we’ve got a full-blown war between the Tomb of Nazerick and the kingdom. Ains has an army of goats that he’s bred to take out…
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THOSE ARE NOT GOATS! No, don’t give me that “Baaa” shit. Those are not goats! Those aren’t even crimes against nature! They’re worse than that. They don’t have a name that they’re so…they shouldn’t even exist. Lord Ains, you are truly a wonder to behold!
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And one warrior actually is given an opportunity to end the bloodshed by becoming one of Ains’s men. It was survivor of season one and two, Gazef Stronoff. Gazef refuses. Let’s see what happens in this edition of “fuck around and see what happens”. Gazef dies in 0.000001 seconds. The end result of this battle, the kingdom lost soldiers somewhere in the tens of thousands including Gazef, who was an essential warrior for the kingdom. Victory goes to Ains and the Tomb of Nazerick. And that’s where we end season three!
Still no word on who brainwashed Shalltear in season one! Still no word if Ains has found any contact with any comrade from before being sucked into Isekai Heaven over here. Let’s see what happens when Season IV comes out.
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Hey, I only had to wait six months for this.
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SEASON FOUR: The opening is still a banger and Ains is now supreme overlord of the entire kingdom (now known as the Sorcerer Kingdom). He is now using his actual form with those he’s never shown before instead of hiding behind his other persona of Moman. Though he will pop in as Moman or have Pandora go in his stead. The important thing is that Ains will be heard and will be obeyed.
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We get some stories involving other creature characters including wolfmen, dwarves, and dragons. But other than that, we see more diplomatic scenes now that Ains and Albedo are frequently present at the kingdom. Gee, wouldn’t it suck if something were to happen to this kingdom? Like if something were to go wrong, do you think Lord Ains would do something so extreme like kill all humans?
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ENDING: Something went wrong and now it’s time for humans to die.
“Someone” stole from the Sorcerer Kingdom. Yeah, this is the night bitches die.
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Look, the kingdom should know to walk on eggshells with Lord Ains. Aura and Mare left a clear and present message for the kingdom in season three not to fuck with the Tomb of Nazerick. But leave it to one big, dumb, idiot, fucking asshole to ruin everything. Yeah, we’re talking about Phillip! The same idiot that tried to hit on Albedo this season, glossing over any other female in the room is the mastermind in stealing from the Sorcerer Kingdom. The balls on this man! Well, I’m pretty sure by the end of this season, the balls on this man will be torn asunder.
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Prince Zanac (the guy I call Fat Royal Armin) took over royal duties for his ailing father. He has hopes of quelling Lord Ains’s fury and prevent the entire kingdom to be wiped out. And it went over as one would expect from this guy. His negotiations with Lord Ains fell flat and his own men mutinied and sent Fat Royal Armin’s head in a bag for Lord Ains. This is in hopes that these men and their families would be spared from Lord Ains’s wrath.
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I gotta say, seeing Fat Royal Armin’s head in a bag brought back School Days memories. But I was just surprised Crunchyroll showed this. We see more season two survivors pledging loyalty to Lord Ains. And a shining armor guy with a fake name try to stop Ains from destroying the entire kingdom. Almost had Ains on his knees. I say almost because that wasn’t really Lord Ains meeting the knight, but Pandora’s Actor dressed up like Lord Ains.
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The kingdom genocide is about to proceed as Cocytus comes through parts of the kingdom by freezing everything in sight. He also wound-up freezing Brain (one of the few characters that survived since season one). Princess Renner and Climb stay behind while their comrades of Blue Rose leave. The slaughter commences. Mare leads her army through the kingdom. Meanwhile, Lord Ains and Demiurge take out the king. Albedo ends up taking care of Phillip, that big, dumb, idiot, fucking asshole I mentioned before. Whether or not Albedo tears this guy’s nutsack asunder is up for debate, but I’d like to think she did. As it stands, it looked like Climb and Princess Renner were the last two seen alive. Climb ends up trying to fight Ains. He puts up a decent fight, but we all know the overlord was going to take him out. And now for the most disturbing scene of the season.
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Climb wakes up to Princess Renner who is now a demon with ties to Lord Ains. She asks him to become a demon with her as well so they can live happily ever after for all eternity. The princess was behind this mass genocide. Most of the plans was from her. I KNEW IT! I KNEW THIS BITCH WAS TROUBLE FROM THE START! I KNEW THERE WAS NO GOOD IN TRUSTING PRINCESS BLONDE YUNO GASAI! NO GOOD! And then she sings a demonic Disney princess song while many viewers are pissing themselves in utter fright.
And with the fourth season’s end let’s check out the mysteries that remain so. Still no word on who possessed Shalltear in season one. No sign of any allies from Momonga’s time before the MMORPG became for real. Unknown connection with the latest characters we saw in the fourth season. And the kill count is infinity +1.
Overlord was not what I expected. Going into this, I thought this was going to be like the other Isekai animes that came out at the same time. For starters, there were characters I thought were going to have more screen time than they really did. The first 2 seasons, it felt like that when it came to Shalltear and Albedo. Most of the time we just saw Lord Ains in disguise with one of his maids, Narberal. But that’s the funny thing, we rarely saw any of the Pleiades in season four.
And then there’s the massive cast list for every season. Adventurers in season one, lizardmen in season two, goblins in season three, and dwarves, dragons, and wolfmen in season four. Add to that a myriad of humans that are going to be dead soon enough. You know when you’re watching Overlord’s many bomb-ass opening sequences and we see many characters with bomb-ass entrances? Many of their appearances are about as long as their couple of seconds in the opening. Don’t get me wrong, there are characters that have extended episodes dedicated to them. But some of them I don’t even remember when I replay the opening themes. I play them a lot. They’re all bangers!
So, what’s next? The light novel is still in publication and last checked it’s nowhere near being finished. One can wonder what we’re to expect next. Although, the final message in season four means we’re heading to a final arc of some sort or something might change if we’re to get another continuation. Whatever the case is, I’m all in and waiting for the next installment.
If you would like to check out Overlord, Crunchyroll and Hulu have every season available.
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