tdoong15 · 11 months
hello kai, I had this little bp and twice idea In my head for a while. But what about 97 line and SMC having a playdate with maknae line of bp and cg 2yeon and Jennie/jisoo. like a fun playdate at the park with a movie marathon before nap time
Hiii Chimp this is so nice.
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Little!SMC, 97 liners. Cg!2yeon, Jensoo
Warnings: none
Fun with the Pinks
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were peacefully sleeping in their shared room until they felt someone bouncing on the bed. "Mama, Mommy wake up! Rosie 'nd Lili comin' over today!" Jihyo happily yelled whilst she continued to jump on the bed even when the two woke up. "Good morning to you too Jihyo" Nayeon yawns and wakes up. Soon after Jeongyeon woke up because of the ruckus.
"What should we do? Divide and conquer?" Jeongyeon questioned Nayeon nodded her head, Jihyo was now in her arms. With that in mind Nayeon went over to collect Mina while Jeongyeon walked over to Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's bedroom to wake up the dynamic trio.
For Nayeon it was a very very easy process since Mina was already awake and was practically buzzing with excitement. "Mama Rosie and Lili stayin' over fow fun today!" Mina giggled whilst she was picked up by Nayeon. "Yeah I can't believe it Mina!" Nayeon exaggerates her reaction. "Hey stop yappin' we need to hurry for Rosie and Lili!" Jihyo complained from the other side of Nayeon, this made the elder laugh and rush to the kitchen to get the girls ready.
The same can't be said for Jeongyeon, it wasn't because she had to deal with three littles at once, she's done that numerous times before, it was actually because all three of them were heavy sleepers. Jeongyeon goes to each girl and shakes them gently until they wake up. "Come on girls you don't want to miss out on your playdate today with Rosé and Lisa" Jeongyeon said dramatically, all three girls gasped and rushed out of bed so they could get ready for the eventful day planned.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were half the way in sorting out the maknae line when they heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get-" Jeongyeon says before she was interrupted by the happy yells of Jihyo and Mina "ROSIE AND LILI ARE HER" They squealed in unison and ran towards the door, as soon as it opened Lisa and Rosé charged into the dorm room and went straight for Jihyo and Mina to hug them.
A few moments later Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu ran over to join the hug. "Yay we are all here!" Rosé cheered, Jennie and Jisoo had shuffled around the cluster and over to where Nayeon and Jeongyeon were. "Sorry we're a bit late the girls were extremely excited to be meeting up with all of the girls" Jennie sighed softly. "It's fine honestly, we've only just finished sorting ourselves out" Nayeon admitted. "Anyway how about we go to the park?" Jisoo asked which immediately got all of the littles attention.
"Park? Please can we go momma?" Lisa pleaded and pouts slightly at her caregivers which neither Jennie or Jisoo could resist. "Alright then we're 100% going to the park" Jennie decided which made all of the littles cheer and the other caregivers nod in agreement.
When they reached the park SMC and the 97 line decided to play tag together. Throughout the park laughter and screams were heard. That was until Tzuyu came sulking over to Nayeon and Jeongyeon "Lili isn't pwaying nice. She put in a dumb rule but it was only when I tagged her back" She complains, clearly upset over the situation. "Oh I'm sorry Tzu Tzu that's our fault Lisa and Rosé know different rules to you when it comes to tag" Jisoo apologized on Lisa's behalf because in all fairness it wasn't her fault that they were playing a different version according to Tzuyu anyway. "Oh 'kay auntie Jisoo" Tzuyu nods her head and goes back to playing with the others.
After a while all of the littles came over obviously tired after many intense rounds of tag. "Go home and watch Fwozen, please?" Dahyun questioned whilst she made her way into Nayeon's arms. The other littles were too tired to disagree with Dahyun's suggestion which was beneficial for Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jisoo and Jennie.
When they reached Twice's dorm the caregivers gently placed the littles down on the couch before they sat down and put Frozen on. "'m gonna draw" Chaeyoung said obviously tired and it didn't take five minutes after drawing on the table for her to fall asleep completely, the same could be said for the rest of SMC; Tzuyu was already asleep and that was before they had made it home and as for Dahyun she was singing through Elsa's solo number of the popular song "Let it go" around half way through it she was asleep. However, for the 97 line it was a different case they were all fighting the urge to fall asleep because they wanted the playdate to last longer, Rosé distracted herself by singing all of the songs along with Jihyo whilst Lisa and Mina were dancing to the songs.
But it ended up failing and the girls all curled up together slowly drifting off to sleep. "Well I think this is our indication to leave" Jennie laughs softly "But we can help with taking 'Hyun, Chae and Tzu back to their room" She added on. Nayeon and Jeongyeon both agreed with the suggestion Jennie gave. So with that in mind Nayeon took Dahyun, Jeongyeon took Tzuyu, Jennie took Chaeyoung and Jisoo took Mina back to the rooms they belonged to.
After dealing with them the caregivers returned to deal with the other three littles, when Nayeon lifted up Jihyo she whined softly "Noooo 'm not sleepy 'eed to be with Rosie and Lili more" As soon as Jihyo said those words she was fast asleep and snoring softly in Nayeon's arms, on the other hand it was a similar story for Rosé who complained slightly in Jisoo's hold "Mama stay with Hyo and Mimi pwease" this was said before Rosé was completely asleep for the rest of the night. Lisa was a different story she still wanted to fight her sleep whilst being in Jennie's hold "Lisa, baby, it's okay to fall asleep it's late after all and I promise that we'll see Twice again soon." Those words made Lisa calm down and eventually give in to a peaceful slumber.
Jisoo and Jennie waved goodbye to Nayeon and Jeongyeon when they left the dorm, Nayeon and Jeongyeon waved back, Jeongyeon had closed the door behind Jennie and Jisoo to save the hassle plus she didn't want either Lisa or Rosé to wake up. During that process Nayeon had placed Jihyo in her room with Mina to sleep in.
"Well today was certainly eventful but surprisingly not chaotic like every other time they hang out" Nayeon casually mentioned. "Yeah they were more calm than normal" Jeongyeon agreed with Nayeon. They weren't complaining though and after that small discussion they also went to bed to sleep.
Hello I return with another fic. I think this is probably the longest one I've written currently but I don't mind I enjoyed writing it.
Anyway I hope you all have a great day.
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chellesdump · 1 year
Rocking Clowns - Blackpink
"The girls decided to have a scary movie marathon to get into the spooky season, but after having watched a couple of them one of them started getting anxious and resorted to stim to self-soothe"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lisa, little! rosé, cg! jennie, cg! jisoo, autumn, tw! scary movies, tw! someone getting hurt, stimming
notes ─ This is for the Scary Movies and Stimming prompt. So enjoy :3
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The Blackpink girls had made their plan for the day to have a marathon of scary movies in order to get into the spooky season, also known as October, each one had chosen either 1 or 2 movies to put in their movie playlist for the day, from classic scary movies to newer ones.
In order to prepare for their long day they woke up early to go to the store to stock up on candies, beverages, snacks, and some other necessities for their perfect day, “Unnie! We need to buy this popcorn bucket, it has 2 WHOLE BOXES of M&M’s. Can we? Can we?” begged Lisa holding the aforementioned bucket, with a playful roll of her eyes Jisoo told her, “Yes, sure we can. I need to try that combination of popcorn, I’ve seen it’s quite popular” finally showing her excitement to the maknae.
Lisoo kept stocking on sweet snacks and candy to munch on, that was until Jennie came telling them they needed something else than sweet things, “But unnie, they are so tasty and you’re supposed to eat a lot of sweets on this season” whined Lisa crossing her arms to show her discontent at being told to stop stocking on the sweets, “Lalisa! Do you want your teeth to rot and fall out? I’m not telling you to get rid of everything, just to choose some healthier things as well” berated Jennie with a stern look plastered on her face.
Luckily Rosé came up with the solution to their little fight, “Yeoreobun! Look at what I found… SPOOKY CHIPS!! These ones are in bat and ghost form, can you believe it? These other ones are orange and black, so Halloween coded. These other ones are shaped like pumpkins, we just need some dips” Rosé excitedly showed them.
“Wow, Chaeyoung-ah! They are indeed so cool, now let’s go and find some dips!” said Lisa while grabbing Rosé’s hand and running towards the dip section, while they were getting away Jennie yelled her retort, “I told you there were other options than sweets!”, but the younger ones didn’t hear and continued to run to find more things to buy.
It took them around an hour to finish their shopping, and in the end, they ended up with a wide variety of snacks from candy to chips, beverages like apple cider and hot cocoa, seasonal cups and plates, and even some plushies.
Once arriving home they got into their pajamas to be comfier and put their snacks on plates to have a wide range without all the packages in the way, Jen being prepared as always brought some normal cups for everyone but also a couple of sippy cups in case the girls needed them later in the evening.
They started with one of the classics, Scream, the Ghostface movie was such a classic so it couldn’t be missed on their marathon when the movie ended they were a little shaken up but still eager to watch more horror; next came a Korean/Thai movie, to bring some patriotism to their evening, The Medium was the second movie lined up, they ended it with more shock present on their beings; with each film that came they became more and more shaken up, being jumpy at random noises which came from the windy day they have, the line up was filled with more classics like Child’s Play and Halloween, some newer ones like The Mimic, Midsommar, and Bird Box.
So by the time IT came, they were super jumpy, but they laughed it up at the foolishness of their fear since the monsters wouldn’t really come for them, for one of them the anxiousness from the movies was greater, Rosie was little, and had been for a great part of the marathon, she didn’t really remember the exact moment she slipped but the fact remained and that made her get more scared, Lili seemed to be little as well, but she was more adventurous than Rosie so she was less scared and jumpy.
When the movie began playing Rosie cuddled closer to Jennie to seek a little bit of comfort, everything was okay until Pennywise made his first appearance, the clown was so scary, and seeing him wasn’t pleasant, by the middle of the movie she started stimming to self soothe from the fear/anxiousness, unfortunately, it was one of the harmful ones, Rosé started biting her fingers, it started with just sucking them but that wasn’t enough so she bit them.
Jennie caught sight of the stimming when it started and even though it wasn’t ideal she let it slide, but once she snuck a glance again she saw the biting, knowing it was harmful to let her keep doing it, she let Jisoo know about it and told her she was going to fetch one of the girls pacifiers and talk to her to see what had her in such a state.
Grabbing Rosé’s hand she told her to go with her, she took her to her room to grab the pacifier and told her to sit on the bed, “Rosie baby, can you tell me why you are biting your fingers?”, questioned the older one, the younger girl got more nervous which made her start biting her fingers even more, she thought Jennie was mad at her so the anxiousness increased, so she muttered, “No mad at Rosie, p’ease Mama, just… just” and the waterworks started.
Watching her crying Jennie went closer telling her, “Oh my Rosie Posie, Mama isn’t mad at you, I’m just worried about you hurting yourself. So how about you give your fingers to Mama to hold them and Mama will give you a paci, one you can chew and suck so you won’t hurt your fingers again. How you like that idea?” tried to reason with the little girl, thankfully Rosé knew that what she was doing was harming and accepted the pacifier, not before asking her Mama for a favor.
“Mama can hug Rosie p’ease, Rosie scared of da monstews. They so scary!” she screamed hiding in her covers and putting the pacifier in her mouth to help her calm down.
With an achy heart, Jennie answered that of course they could cuddle all she wanted, and they could even watch some more family-friendly movies so they wouldn’t be as scary, Rosé accepted and they went to the living room once again, Jisoo and Lisa were waiting for them with cups filled with tasty hot cocoa to lessen the anxious feeling Rosie was feeling and Coraline was playing now on the TV.
The four girls cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of the evening watching kid-friendly things, once their movie marathon was over they had some tasty dinner before getting ready for bed, deciding to have a sleepover on one of the oldest members' beds to combat the fears that could remain.
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little-svt · 2 years
Calling Joshua “Daddy” for the first time
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Wc: 2.4k+
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Good to Me
Sinking into the sofa, you were building up the energy to shower after your long day at the office had, in every way, drained the life out of you. Who knew just a couple extra hours on the clock would wear you out so much? Getting the sofa all gross and dirty was probably what you shouldn’t have been doing but your muscles had decided that was as far as you were going when you’d arrived home fifteen or so minutes before. Frankly, you weren’t entirely sure that shower was going to happen, the sofa was just calling to you, telling you it was past time for a nap. As your surroundings began to melt away, the ticking of the (mostly decorative) clock on the wall, the sound of the air conditioning clicking on again, the smooth white linen of your sofa underneath your fingers soothed you further but just as you nodded off the lock of your apartment door clicked.
Startled out of your sleep, you whipped your head around, spitting out the hair that had fallen into your face. You weren’t expecting anyone to be entering your apartment, but there was only one person it could have been. The door opened before you could get your achy legs to listen to you, Joshua waltzing in like he owned the place (he kinda did), followed by Mingyu, Cheol and a very tired Jeonghan. Joshua’s luggage fell to the ground from Mingyu’s arms as he made a B-line for the bathroom, leaving everyone behind.
“Y/n.”, Cheol pocketed his phone, crossing the room to greet you with a kiss on the cheek. Jeonghan nodded a lazed greeting to you from where he’d decided to land himself on the floor and massage his legs after their flight.
“Where’s my girl!?”, Joshua dropped his bag and walked in your direction, moving Cheol out of the way so he could pass the two of you, right to the source of quiet nibbling on the edge of the room.
“There she is!”, Joshua pulled the small, white and brown ball of fluff from her little enclosure, gently stroking over her ears with nothing more than a playful glance in your direction, “Hannah, my sweet girl. Daddy missed you!!”
Jeonghan snorted from across the room where he leaned against Cheol who had joined him on the floor, earning Jeonghan your best ‘say-one-word-and-so-help-me’ glare as he sipped his annoying iced Americano. It was bad enough that Joshua had named his pet rabbit after the man, but somehow it always felt like he was gloating about it too.
“What?”, Jeonghan smirked innocently before getting yanked off the floor by Seungcheol who was quickly routing their escape. Joshua digging his grave with you was none of their business.
“Okay! We will call you. Y/n, always nice to see you. Joshua… have a good week off!”, pressing his lips together, Cheol awkwardly bowed his head in your direction before following Jeonghan who already had one foot out the door. Amused, Joshua turned to you once the door had latched behind them.
Home, he was finally home. The smile on his face, though, was only getting further under your skin regardless of the thoughtful expression in his eyes.
“Phew, I’ve been holding that since we left Japan!!”, wandering cluelessly from the hall, Mingyu looked around the room, finding it emptier than he’d left it, “Where are Cheol and Jeonghan Hyung??”
“Oh! Right… they said they’d give you 5 more minutes and then they were leaving. Looks like you better get going!”, Joshua chuckled, shooing him out the door. It might have been a nasty trick to play but at least Mingyu left in a hurry so he could finally be alone with his two favorite girls.
With one last good scratching behind the ears, Joshua placed Hannah back into her cage, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked past you again, plopping comfortably onto his sofa.
“Really?”, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. After coming home from a seemingly never-ending tour, the first thing he wanted to do is hold his rabbit, named after his could-be, should-be boyfriend, the little fur ball that you’d cared for the entire time he was gone. In Joshua’s defense, he knew the moment he had you close and let down his walls and stopped his ceaseless teasing, he couldn’t be sure anything would pry him away.
“Tell me about your day.”, he gestured calmly to the space beside him, laying his head against the back of the sofa, his dark hair a strong contrast against the white cushion. His soft smile drew you in, he was truly just happy to see you. Even if you were grumpy and ultimately annoyed with him, it was still you. Sighing, you gave in, sinking into the sofa as easily as you had before he’d arrived, the tiredness of your limbs apparent once again.
“My day? How about the past few months.”, you shuffled to face him, laying your head against the sofa like he had, “And I know we’ve talked about it but the girls at the office are still convinced you don’t exist. Instead of some crazy cat-lady, I am reduced to the crazy bunny-lady because at least they know Hannah exists-”, before you knew it, you were ranting about every little thing he’d missed. Really though, you were okay if everyone thought you were crazy when you bragged about your boyfriend on business in America, even being called a ‘crazy bunny-lady”. It was the price of dating a K-pop idol and you’d gotten used to it over the past couple of years. At least it gave you something to complain about when you’d missed him more than you could put into words. Regardless of your coworkers, you were still the winner.
Joshua had always loved your acceptance and how you’d always see yourself as lucky without making it all about him being a celebrity. But he felt as if he were the lucky one, the way you saw him for him, it was easy to be himself with you.
Soon his hand found its way to fiddle with your bracelet, engraved with his initials, the only mark you wore of him, but his eyes never left you as you continued with your cute rambling. Being the gentle creature he was, Joshua was the type that listened as if every single word from your lips was precious, he had always watched and listened as if you were the only person in the world.
“Shua-”, you snorted with laughter, “-you’re being awfully affectionate.”
“Am I?”, his attention moved from your bracelet as his arms snaked around your waist. Nuzzling against you, his nose rubbed sweetly up your neck to your ear before he laid his head back against the sofa so he could watch you talk again. Not that your boyfriend wasn’t a cuddly person, but the nuzzling and the clinginess were definitely new enough to make your heart flutter even after you’d been together this long.
“I’ve just missed you so much, y/n. That’s all”, he squeezed you tightly, leaning his head against yours while his hand moved down to play with your fingers. After a moment of silence, his fingers tangled with yours you nudge your head lightly against his.
“You had a good time, didn’t you? Tell me about it, what everything was like.”, you coaxed him. Usually when he returned from trips, he’d have a lot to say. If not about himself, about the guys or his fans. But now he was quiet.
“Mm… maybe later. I just wanna settle in. I’m finally home-”, he squeezed your hand, pressing a kiss to your temple before giggling to himself, “-with my crazy bunny-lady”
“I’ve actually got something for you-”, smirking, he kissed you again before prying himself from you. Only because he knew he’d weasel his way back even if he had to attack with his love.
Silently, you waited on the edge of your seat, curious as to what gift he may have brought home with him this time. Joshua’s gifts were always meaningful, a show of his love and you cherished them deeply. Just like the bracelet he always found himself fiddling with while he listened to you, a gift from your first anniversary. It’s pair was safely kept in your room, the box always in view as a reminder. Though he couldn’t always wear it, marked with your initials, it was never far from his thoughts and his heart.
“-and you’re not allowed to laugh because I already got an earful from the guys for this one.”, cracking a grin, he dug through his things off to the side of the sofa, retrieving a bag that was slightly wrinkled but it didn’t matter because the prize, that most certainly suited you perfectly, was wrapped safely inside.
“It’s a little silly but I wanted to show you the city, next best thing if you weren’t there with me right?”, he spoke softly as you reached into the bag, pulling out a box that was easily opened once it’s shiny, blue bow was removed, revealing crystal clear glass encasing the city of New York and a blanket of snow and icy white and blue glitter.
Giving it a gentle shake, you gasp, your eyes lighting brightly as your happiness built on itself until it burst, giggling as you bounced in your seat, giving it another little shake. Teetering, you contentedly jumped up, looking for the perfect place to display it.
“What, no ‘thank you’?”, Joshua chuckled, standing to follow you as you began to turn around to thank him, the globe knocking against his chest and shattering on the dark wood floors, glittery water and glass shards splashing at your ankle and startling you into regression.
With quick reflexes he turned his body, grabbing you and moving you to the other side of him.
“Back, baby.”, he distanced you further. He’d never forgive himself if you got hurt because he failed to protect you.
Startled and quaking, you burst into tears, your hands going up to cover your leaking eyes. You hadn’t meant to drop it, it was an accident. But you broke the pretty gift that Daddy brought you all the way from America and made a mess on the floor.
��Babe, go sit in the room until I get this cleaned up so you don’t hurt yourself.”, he insisted, rubbing his hand over your back as he turned you. Though he wanted to comfort you, he had to clean up the glass, he couldn’t have you cutting any part of your precious little body on it.
“No, Daddy! Don’t want to!”, you sobbed, overwhelmed and shaken to the point that you hadn’t heard a thing either of you had said.
“Hey.”, taking your face in his hands, he patiently leveled with you until your expression reflected his calm one.
“You’re okay.”, he smiled sweetly, “We’ll get you all cleaned up. You can go play for a while until until Daddy’s all done with this and then how does a bath together sound??”
“What about the ‘nowgwobe”, you whimpered, turning your head to try to look at the broken glass on the floor, but he just turned you back to look at him.
“We can get you a new one, baby. It’s just material. It can be replaced. But you can’t, so Daddy doesn’t wanna see you hurt under any circumstances. Nothing matters more to me than your happiness, okay? Don’t worry.”, he assured you, never looking away. Though you don’t say anything in response, it does console you, your tears coming to a stop and the ache in your heart lessening.
“Okay??”, Joshua raised his brow, waiting for your answer.
“Okay, Daddy.”
“Now go play for a little bit so Daddy can take care of this. I don’t want you to get hurt.”, he turned you again to send you on your way.
“What if Daddy gets hurt?”, you worriedly faced him again, still unsatisfied with the situation.
“Are you kidding? All Daddies have Daddy powers to help take care of their little ones. Go color me something .”, he chuckled, petting your head affectionately. That seemed to be enough for you, soon he watched you disappear around the corner and heard the door latch.
In reality, Joshua was unbelievably cautious as he cleaned up the glass. Not only because he didn’t want to get cut, but now that he’d promised you, you’d tear him a new one if he did, little or not. Piece by piece he winced, wishing he had some sort of protective gear to aid him and mentally logging to invest in some as he continued.
When he finally finished he nodded to himself, proudly doing a last inspection to make sure no glass would ever touch your little feet. Once he deemed his job well done, he made his way to your room, carefully opening the door to find you teary eyed on the floor with your teddy, leaning against the bed.
Joshua hated seeing you sad, but still he couldn’t stop his smile, seeing his sweet little baby so distraught yet so precious.
“Why the frown, pretty?”, he titled his head, taking off his watch in preparation to take a bath with you.
“Daddy got me imporwtant present and I broke it.”, you sniffled.
“Are you crazy? Daddy is the one that knocked it from those little fingers, silly.”, he walked over, kneeling down and laying his head against the bed with you, “Remember what Daddy said? Nothing is more important than your happiness.”
Stroking your cheek, he looked at you thoughtfully until your smile matches his.
“By the way. I’m loving the new name.”, he grinned, chuckling softly as your face grew red.
For the rest of the evening, you were pampered endlessly, Joshua doing his very best to lure his new favorite word from your pretty lips as he sat in the tub with you, again playing with your fingers as he listened to you babble about your time apart and how much you missed him.
Not a week later, another exhausting day at work, you set your things on the counter only to stop with your bag halfway over your head. On your pink quartz counter sat an exact replacement, a New York snow globe and next to it, a card. Heat rising to your cheeks again, your heart fluttered as you picked up the card, Joshua’s intricate handwriting carved into the paper with black ink.
“Next time you’ll see the city with your own eyes. Right from my side.”
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🧸Endnote: Happy Shua Day!!! Posting early for my beloved Joshie. I know we are tired of Joshua but I’ve been in Joshua hours a lot lately with his birthday being so close and now here!!! I may still have more too come (whoops) Wishing my bunny boy the best always 🤧💖💖 ALSO DID HE HAVE THAT THING IMPORTED?! Sighhhh men with money ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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blissooya · 7 months
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[WEVERSE] 230506 슝이🌹 update
Play with me🫶🏻
👤 : Jisoo song recommendation!
🐰 : Shoongie recommends Shoong
👤 : Receiving a reply is hard
🐰 : Receiving a reply isn't easy but what if you're as happy when you do get it?!
👤 : Kitty vs Koromi ?? 💜❤️💜❤️
🐰 : I can't give up on Kuromi.. Since I like purple hahahehehe
👤 : I'm angry. You don't reply to me every time.
🐰 : You have a lot of anger! Don't be angry! It's your loss if you get angry! haha
👤 : Jisoonie!!!! What are you doing up at this time!!!!! 😤
🐰 : I ate too much so I'm digesting~
👤 : When will BLACKPINK do the first ptich?
🐰 : kekekeke I do want to try, when I was young I threw a lot to my dad
👤 : Jisoonie today did you get hit with a lot of Pochacco-lighting??
🐰 : However I'm not the type to get gaslighted
👤 : Unnie during tour Shut Down rap that says me, was it a spoiler when pointing at your face??
🐰 : No, that's just really me! keke Actually besides music shows during concert, Jennie was too far away for me to point at her so I just pointed at me!
👤 : Jisoo unnie what drama are you watching? I'm so curious
🐰 : Sorry but I'm not watching drama, instead I'm watching Hunter X Hunter. Sorry haha
👤 : Jisoo unnie why are your hands so fast? I can't keep up with unnies typing speed
🐰 : I also surprise myself too sometimes!
👤 : Today's tmi
🐰 : Why!! Why are you curious?! I'm also curious! Why are people curious about todays tmi because at the fansign I got this question so many times that I ran out of tmi's so I had come up with some in the end!! That's today's tmi
👤 : Unnie give Coachella behind !!
🐰 : People really like behind and tmi! Hm.. right before the show there was a mirror that was like the size of a door and with Jennie, we both kept practicing around 3x speed kekeke
👤 : Unnie, have you watched Avatar?🙋🏻‍♀️
🐰 : No! I just.. heard a lot about it so I know cg is amazing!
👤 : I like All Eyes On Me so much
🐰 : I like it too kkkekeke 🥰
👤 : How many Iced Americanos did you drink? ☕️
🐰 : 3 cups!!!!! How did I end up drinking this many?!
👤 : Look forward to Hyde Park!
🐰 : Isn't that something I'm supposed to say?! Look forward to it! haha
👤: Do you like the new Blackpink game?
🐰 : I haven't tried it yet kkkk I want to quickly try it. I told them about the fun parts from different games I played, but we'll see!!!!!
👤 : Jisoo, if I go to the fansign, I can dance the Flower challenge in front of Jisoo! kekeke
🐰 : You're saying this because you weren't at the fansign right????
👤 : If Blinks become cockroaches what are you gonna do???
🐰 : Someone asked me this a while ago kekekeke I'll put you in my house and I'll throw away(?) the house but I told them not to worry because I'll bring a lot of food ! I'll make you live in abundance(?)! kekeke
👤 : Kim: Kim Jisoo's Flower song is so good
Ji: Be as beautiful as you are right now
Soo: Watermelon
🐰 : 100 points
👤 : Jisoo, Jennie doesn't know the meaning of 농협은행 (NongHyup Bank) kekeke
🐰 : .... Then did I just become a person who wrote a bank name under her picture?
👤 : How do you feel that many people used Flower song for challenges?
🐰 : The dogs and cats are so cute. Even for me, I thought I even would want to film it with my pet to show them off but the distance between dream and reality are so far, Dalgomie fail!
👤 : How did you learn about NongHyup Bank meme?
🐰 : kekekeke Maeng-saem told me..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
👤 : How long will Jisoo stay on for today~ When will you reply? Did you eat hot pot~ Was something happy that happened today?
🐰 : I was happy because I met Blinks kekekeke I was able to talk with them and Blinks reactions are so funny, do Blinks think I'm funny too?
👤 : Pochacoo Kim Jisoo lovers were very happy today ❤️ Pochacco selfie lets go! And I'm curious who your favorite Hunter X Hunter character is 🥹
🐰 : Killua! It's my 5th time watching! .. kkkkkkkk
👤 : The only person who makes my heart flutter, Jisoo 🩵🩵🩵
🐰 : What's these heart colors?! 🤍🩶🩷🤎🩵 wow... I just found out
👤 : Unnie you're the only one who hasn't forgotten your password??? 😁😁🤣 The other members seem to have forgotten
🐰 : Because I'm a genius!(?)
👤 : Do you have a Netflix drama recommendation?
🐰 : It's not a drama but Kill Boksoon kkkk!
👤 : While making the Flower logo design with Chaeyoung, were there any episodes?
🐰 : She also helped pick the Today's Jisoo logo with me haha
👤 : Pull down the shutter and close the door! Im the last comment! Jisoonie leave only the scent of flower and go
🐰 : kkkk oh thats right I was about to leave. It's really the last comment haha great timing, I'm leaving only the scent of flower and going to sleep~~! Going haha🌹
keke It was so fun today I wanted to talk to Blinks before going to bed so I came! haha Let's have fun tomorrow as well!!! Tomorrow I'll try to sign quickly so we can talk more haha Sleep well and see you tomorrow ♥️ Love you🫶🏻 Nyongan!!!
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tatianegata · 1 year
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Título: A arte mais bonita do mundo em um wallpaper de 8K extremamente detalhado
Descrição: Se você está procurando por uma arte incrivelmente bonita para adornar o seu desktop, não procure mais do que este wallpaper de 8K. Com uma unidade CG extremamente detalhada, este wallpaper apresenta a ídolo kpop Jisoo em uma pose deslumbrante. A imagem foca na parte superior do corpo da Jisoo, dando destaque à sua beleza e presença magnética.
Este wallpaper é a obra-prima de um artista talentoso que captura a essência da Jisoo em cada traço. A qualidade da imagem é simplesmente impressionante, com cores vibrantes e detalhes nítidos que saltam aos olhos em um monitor de alta resolução.
Se você é fã da Jisoo ou simplesmente aprecia a arte em toda sua beleza, este wallpaper é obrigatório. Baixe agora e desfrute da arte mais bonita do mundo em sua tela.
Hashtags: #Jisoo #Kpop #Wallpaper #Arte #CG #8K #ParteSuperiorDoCorpo #IdoloKpop
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cinna-macaron · 3 years
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i’ve finished playing dandelion and this game is all i can think about help--
anyways here’s a cg redraw of one of my favorite moments in the game :]
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maleyanderecafe · 4 years
Since quarantine is really boring, do you have any yandere games (mostly mobile apps) that you’d like to recommend ?
I actually did a list on otome mobile games here, and I don’t really have more to add to it, so instead I’ll just recommend some games with male yanderes in it and the yanderes in them.
Mystic Messenger/Dandelions/Nameless: Yoosung/Jumin, Jisoo ,Tei/Yeonho. A pretty good story with interesting characters, most Cheritz games tend to have a yandere of some sort in them. 
Amnesia Memories - Toma, the king of yanderes. The MC is boring, but at least the story is decent. 
Ephemeral, Fantasy on Dark - Natsume. He’s very jealous and clingy, and he’s probably my second favorite storyline. The translation isn’t the best sometimes though. 
Pinewood Island - Ray. I actually haven’t played it, but I’ve heard that the yandere in this one is pretty interesting from @thatyanderecritic
Eat your Heart Valentine! - Allar and Louie. A short game, but fun and cute. Made by @bunniesovercats
My Darling - Takuya. Pretty cute and fun game. I heard they had updates for the translation and some new CGs. 
Wadonohara and the Great Blue Sea - Sal. Really fun game with a good story, art, and character designs. 
Dead Wishes - Mateo. Dark and gory game. Never played this one either but it does seem like fun. 
Monochrome Heaven - Kamishiro Akito/Misaki Ryuuto. Kind of old game with a bittersweet ending in some points. 
Home’s Embrace - Waite/Rowan. Probably don’t play specifically for the yanderes, but a very good horror game with fun characters. 
Don’t Take This Risk - I haven’t played this game, but based on the webtoon, it does seem like he might have a yandere ending. 
There are probably other ones. Some of them you have to pay for and some of them are free. Anyways, hope you’ll have more stuff to do during quarantine with these suggestions! 
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chellesdump · 1 year
Lili Rises - LiSoo
"Jisoo finds a regressed Lisa, but they have a language barrier due to Lisa only speaking Thai. How will they survive if they can't understand what the other is saying? Will Jisoo accept Lisa's little side?"
word count ─ 2.4k
tags ─ little!lisa, cg!jisoo, cuddles, tw! crying, fluff
notes ─ I wrote this a while ago (more like 2 years) but forgot to post it here on tumblr. Here is the link to the story on AO3 if you prefer to read it over there. Hope you enjoy it :3
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Jisoo was humming happily to the music coming from her phone while doing the dishes from the previous night's dinner when she heard the pitter-patter of feet coming from the room's hallway, meaning that Lisa had finally woken up from her slumber. She expected the Thai girl to come towards the kitchen area looking for something to eat for breakfast, what she didn’t expect was to see Lisa with a blanket dragging behind her as she sucked her thumb and her other hand rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Annyeong Lisa-ya, did you have a good night's sleep?” Jisoo asked trying to gain the attention of the clearly regressed maknae but ended up startling the girl who hadn’t fully woken yet and who gave her a confused expression in return.
“Where am I? Who are you?” Lisa said while looking at her surroundings, not recognizing where she was and who was the woman in front of her who was speaking funny words that she couldn’t understand. The fear implanted in her brain by the strange place was consuming her by the second, finally winning the battle against all of her other emotions breaking Lisa with a loud sob of “Home?”.
After hearing the clearly Thai words coming out of Lisa’s mouth Jisoo started to panic at the situation she had found herself in, she had a regressed girl who never had regressed prior to this instant, a regressed Lisa who was overemotional because clearly, she wasn’t used to Korea, and on top of all that a clear language barrier between the two.
Luckily her brain decided to work at that moment and remember the few Thai words that Lisa had taught her throughout the years they’d known each other, she recognized the words where and home, realizing that Lisa was asking where she was and why she wasn’t home. Of course, Jisoo knew the real reason, but she couldn’t explain it to her because one, she wouldn’t understand a single word she spoke, and two, this Lisa was a little kid who hadn’t come to Korea after her dream yet.
By the lack of a quick response, Lisa started to cry even more, making Jisoo quickly gather her in her arms trying to be reassuring with her broken Thai, muttering every few seconds that she was safe in this place with her. After almost 30 minutes of constantly rocking and words of reassurance Lisa finally calmed down enough to stop the heart-wrecking sobs emanating from her slim frame.
Just as Jisoo was about to offer to make some breakfast after the tiring past 30 minutes Lisa’s stomach began grumbling “Lisa hiu?” asked the Korean tickling the little’s tummy, this broke a tiny giggle from the Thai who nodded while muttering “Lili hiu”, “Ok Lili, let me go make some breakfast” she told the little while trying to get off the tight embrace she was in but Lisa didn’t seem to want to let go Jisoo yet, “Lili baby, let Jisoo go please” she said while trying to get Lisa to let go but such was her luck that she couldn’t muster the force to remove the little from her.
“Lili… Jichu” Lisa said while pointing to her and then to Jisoo, “Yeah baby, I’m Jisoo and you are Lili” said the Korean but apparently that wasn’t what the Thai meant because she got a frown on her face, “Lili ko Jichu! Lili ko Jichu!” said the little while tightening her hold on Jisoo’s shirt.
Finally, Jisoo understood that Lisa didn’t want to be alone “Lili come Jisoo” she told her in English trying to see if she was correct, the little grinned and nodded so she proceeded to cut some fruit while holding the Thai close and proceeded to fed them both.
The rest of the day was spent communicating with a combination of the three languages to understand each other. By bedtime both were tired, so Lisa went down without a fight not that she didn’t like sleeping but the prospect of sleeping in a strange place wouldn’t be tempting to anyone. 
The next morning seemed that luck was on Jisoo’s side because Lisa woke as her usual grown-up self but was quite shy after the previous day’s events, which gave Jisoo space to put her plan in action.
This plan consisted of learning the basic expressions in both Thai and English, so if Lisa ended up regressing again, she would be better prepared, and the experience would result in more joy and less stress for both parties. She started right away her journey of learning, which ended taking the whole week… It actually only took her a couple of days, but she wanted to be fully prepared in the pronunciation and structure before trying to communicate with little Lisa again.
Her timing was perfect due to Lisa’s apparent need to regress, the Thai girl would slip some childlike mannerisms into her normal routine. Jisoo would see her drag her blanket around, or how her hand would hover around her mouth when she was tired or sleepy, and how her voice would slip some more childish tones into her speech, among other things.
The next phase of her plan was to get Lisa comfortable enough to regress again, the opportunity to do so, came the morning after their weekly movie night when Lisa woke exhausted after the late activities.
So Jisoo started baby-taking her to help her slip into little space, “Lili baby, are you hungry? Want pancakes and fruit” she said while rubbing Lisa’s cheeks with the pad of her thumbs, she received a hum and a face snuggling into her hand as response. With a final kiss on her forehead, Jisoo went to prepare breakfast with a huge grin on her face at the success.
While preparing their food Jisoo could feel a pair of eyes looking at her timidly from the doorframe, so with a warm and inviting smile she addressed the curious girl “Need something Lili?”, Lisa looked like a deer caught in headlights by her expression, so she only shook her head and went back the way she came.
With a light chuckle, Jisoo kept on cooking, after being done she made sure to cut Lisa’s food into bite-sized pieces and put it on a cute plate set she bought a couple of days prior on the internet, it was koala themed, and she really wished that Lili liked it as much as her.
After setting all the food on the table she proceeded towards the sitting room to get Lisa, “Hey Lili, food’s ready let’s go eat” she said in a quiet tone so as to not startle her, as a response she only got Lisa walking towards the table but before she could reach it Jisoo stopped her and reminded her that she needed to wash her hands first so after that they both sat to enjoy their breakfast in silence since both were stuffing their mouths.
When breakfast was finished Lisa’s face and hands were all sticky and covered in crumbs, so with a chuckle, she tried to wipe her face but the little one wasn’t having it and kept turning her head as to prevent getting her face cleaned. “Lili, stop moving! Let unnie clean you” she said in the sternest tone she could muster, but she couldn’t help melting at the sight in front of her, Lisa had the cutest pout on her face while muttering “NO NO” repeatedly.
After a couple of minutes of fighting against Lisa, Jisoo finally won and was able to get the Thai’s face and hands clean, after this small win they both went towards the sitting room to rest after a delicious breakfast if Jisoo could say so herself.
“Jichu, question” expressed Lisa while turning her face towards the Korean, after getting a hum meaning that she had her attention she proceeded, “Why you no speak funny no more?”  but this only got her a laugh from Jisoo upsetting her “Hey no laugh!” she yelled while crossing her arms over her chest and sporting a pout on her face.
“Mianhae Lisa-ya, you’re so cute,” she said this last thing while squeezing her cheeks before continuing “I don’t speak funny anymore because I learned some Thai and English so we could understand each other more easily”. “Why?” was the only thing that came out of Lisa’s mouth, but the next statement coming from Jisoo really erased all the words from her mind.
“Because I love you”
This liberated the waterfalls in Lisa’s eyes and brought her big self out because her emotions were too big for her little self to deal with alone. Jisoo seeing this made the decision to hug her and comfort her since she knew that was what she needed more in that moment.
After getting Lisa calm enough to speak again Jisoo proceeded to try and get an answer as to why she was crying, “B-because you are d-doing so much t-things fo-for me u-nnie” the Thai expressed hiccupping and rubbing her eyes to get rid of the stray tears still coming out.
Panic arose in Jisoo, maybe everything she was doing wasn’t what she was supposed to be doing “So, you’re feeling overwhelmed? Did I do something wrong? Do you want me to stop doing all these things? Because if that’s what you want, I can do it, it wouldn’t be a probl…”, thankfully Lisa stopped her rambling by hugging her and giving some words of comfort “Of course not unnie, you haven’t done anything wrong, on the contrary, you’ve been amazing taking care of me. It’s just I’m a little overwhelmed by the situation itself, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you want to take care of me”
“Of course, I want to take care of you, you’re my yeodongsaeng, so I’ll do everything in my reach to make you feel happy and safe” Jisoo reaffirmed her statement by engulfing Lisa in an embrace but not without a slight tease “… even if it means changing your dirty diapers”.
“OMG UNNIE! WHAT THE HECK! We were having a warming moment, and you had to be like that?” the Thai exclaimed with a hint of indignation on her face, but quickly it turned into a smirk “I guess I could forgive you if you take me to the cool playground, buy me some ice cream…”
“Sure thing, Manofoot, I’ll do all those things so I can gain your forgiveness. Because I can’t live without you” Jisoo answered back with clear sarcasm dripping from her voice, but apparently, Lisa hadn’t finished her list of requests for her forgiveness. “And you have to give me a piggyback over there chikin girl” added the taller girl with mischief before watching the older one sigh in defeat at having been played.
Jisoo proceeded to get ready a bag filled with the bare necessities for a trip down to the playground, there was a first aid kit, a bottle of water, sunscreen, insect repellent, lots of band-aids, and some fruit for a snack, she was debating if she should also bring a change of clothes for Lisa, so she decided to ask “Hey Manobal! You’re going to regress again, right? Or are you planning to stay big for the rest of the day?”.
Without looking in Jisoo’s direction and playing with her fingers Lisa mumbled her response, “I was planning on regressing again… Ifitscoolwithyouofcourse, butifitbothersyouIcanstaybig” The rambling stopped when Jisoo reassured her that it was totally fine.
Happy with the answer Jisoo packed a change of clothes, poured the water in some spill-proof cups, grabbed the wet wipes package, and went to get herself and Lisa’s outfits changed into something appropriate. 
Jisoo’s outfit consisted of a pair of denim shorts, a short-sleeved white graphic shirt, her Adidas falcon, some shades, and a black cap; meanwhile, Lisa’s outfit consisted of some denim overall shorts, a black crop, mid-calf socks, her eytys sonic canvas and some shades, before they were on their way Jisoo slipped a bucket hat on Lisa’s head.
From that day on Jisoo and Lisa developed a caregiver-little relationship, which kept growing more and more as the days passed. But the anxiety made itself present a couple of weeks later as Jennie and Rosé were closer to returning to Korea, and they didn’t know what reaction they would get from the other two members.
The day of arrival was one filled with anxiety from both parties, knowing the rest of the groupmates would be coming home in a few hours. From the moment they woke, the only thing in their mind was to clean the dorm out of any evidence from Lisa’s regression; not because they were ashamed but because they didn’t know how the other two would react.
After making the dorm shine, they proceeded to get clean and get some food into their systems, unfortunately, they couldn’t get more than a few bites into them. Just as they finished putting the dirty dishes away, the sound of the door code being entered made itself known to both girls, making the anxiety increase. 
As soon as Jennie and Rosé put a foot in the threshold the anxiety melted away for the moment, being replaced by excitement at seeing their friends once again after 3 weeks of them being overseas.
“Mandu!! Pasta!! Welcome back to Korea” said Jisoo hugging them, but Rosé got out of the hug quickly as she felt Lego rub against her leg just as Lisa came forward too, “Welcome back Jen” said the Thai while giving her a quick hug.
Hearing Lisa speak Rosé turned her head quickly in the direction of the voice before yelling “LALISA!” and running towards Lisa, seeing this, Lisa yelled back “CHAEYOUNG!”, getting herself ready for the oncoming hug and posterior jumping from both parties emanating joy at getting their best friend back.
“It seems they both missed each other a lot don’t you think so Jendeuk?” said Jisoo throwing her arm around Jennie’s shoulders, “Yeah, there were times when I thought Rosie would die without her buddy. But she seemed to enjoy herself back in LA” answered Jennie snuggling herself further in Jisoo’s embrace.
“Now that you mention it, how was your time there? Did you have lots of fun? And more importantly, did you miss me lots?” smirked Jisoo at the last question, but the response made the anxiety resurface in Jisoo’s body, “It was awesome and well spent our time there, we sure had lots of fun, and of course I missed you lots, who wouldn’t miss your cute snores… But I need to talk to you about something that happened at the time that we were there. We realized something about one of our younger members” expressed Jennie with worry in her voice.
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cheritz-shitposting · 4 years
What are the pros and cons of all Cheritz games and which one is your favorite?
I hope u safe! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Oh boyyy That’s may be long, IDK. Reminder that some games I haven’t played for long so I may forget some stuff, ok?  I’m gonna start saying that I like all cheritz games, — each one has things that are somewhat better delevoped than the previous one. Cheritz games can be an example of learning and growing —however if I must pick a number one favourite, I’d say it’s Dandelion. Guess it’s no news to a few people. Pros and Cons time (my personal pros and cons)!
Dandelion pros: - It’s a rather light game. Not only storage-wise, but in language and content/plot; -FECKING  CUTE ANIMALS - Heejung is a easy character to relate to. She may be a little dense sometimes, but I won’t be harsh at the girl. poor bby - uhh Jihae - Perfect baby Jieun has no bad endings; - Jiwoo’s,,,,paws,,,, - A cat that is not a pain to bathe. - Jiwoo in a dress -Jieun wanting to be in a dress -Jisoo doenst judge if you drink alcohol - You can love all your pets
Dandelion Cons: - English translation has “The orange RABBIT” in some interaction. - Jisoo’s bad ending is creepy as hell. - The “My animals turned into humans” CG is so weird. Jisoo has such long legs it disturbs me. - No one tells you, but before playing the game, you must turn Jiwoo’s voice volume down. This boi hurt your ears (and your heart); - Should have been an keyboard shortcut for quick saving ando loading. You’ll do this a lot. - You can’t eat fried chicken with Heejae and I personally think it’s a shame. -We’ll never know what happened between Jisoo and Jiyeon whe they were drunk :(
Nameless pros -Wizard learned how to shower and he’s looking good. Snack -Beatrice  - L A N C E ‘ S   S L I P P E R S - Has homo kiss - lance in a dress - the pony scene - FIST DOLL
Nameless cons: - The nameless itself. w h y  - *whispers and hopes no one kills me*...Tei. - The implied sex scenes. made me unconfortable - such a perfeccionist game.  - you can’t love girls :( - there is no sprite of Yujin in a suit (event that happened in Yuri’s route) Mystic Messenger (havent played in AGES)pros: - the envoirement the game creates is really good! You actually feel there. - a woman as an option; - Seven crossdressing  - TIARANOL - the fact you can interact with everyone and that doesnt actually ruins the game/possibility of a route, like nameless does. - They call you, you always miss, but they actually CALL
Cons:  - You arent allowed to eat nor sleep; - you must stay in a strangers apartment because if you get out, it’ll explode. safety first, right? - zen hates cats :’( - you cant always save jaehee from her shitty boss - V; - cant ACTUALLY love girls - yoosung have no shame and moans in front of everyone :) - idk what are they doing with these latest updates. what is going on???? - Game is HUGE. I can’t play it since my phone has just 32gb. The game requires a lot of content to download. 
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isuzukuretsuki · 7 years
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blissooya · 7 months
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[WEVERSE] 231116 슝이🌹 update
Play with me ❄️🥶🩵 kekeke
cr. xx_turtle_
👤 : I'm always free for Jisoo
🐰 : kekeke Blinks always adore me, adore me more!!
👤 : Unnie I finished the CSAT ㅠㅠㅜ Thanks for cheering ㅠㅠ
🐰 : Today let's have good rest without thinking ! Let's have fun!🥰 You worked hard haha
👤 : Jisoo did you see this years first snow ❄️ I want to see ☺️
🐰 : It hasn't snowed yet! Did it snow..?
👤 : Lately it's so dry ㅠㅠㅠ My lips are so dry
🐰 : You have to drink lots of water to recharge it! .. Am I T (mbti)..?
👤: Unnie what game are you playing lately?🧐
🐰 : Nintendo's Animal Crossing... kekekekeke
👤: Why are you dressed so little? Are you not cold??🥶
🐰 : kekeke I'm strong.. I'm hot.. I'm warm..
👤 : Unnie, tomorrow is gonna be the first now of the season right?❄️
🐰 : It's really snowing tomorrow...?!?! shocked..
👤 : Unnie... I got the baton touch for CSAT..
🐰 : haha..... It's okay you guys.. have the baton touch for next year ... !
👤 : Did you set up Christmas tree at your house?
🐰 : If I set up a Christmas tree I don't like that there's dust piling up in between the tree! Ruining childhood innocence... I liked it when I was a kid..
👤 : Now I can really feel Christmas coming.... In that sense, please cover a carol! keke
🐰 : Is there a funny carol, weirdly I don't want it to be serious
👤 : Unnie do you know how to tie a scarf well?
🐰 : Well it just needs to protect the neck..
👤 : Noona there isn't anything to watch lately
🐰 : Look at me!
👤 : Unnie no matter how busy you are don't forget to eat
🐰 : I never forget
👤 : Today TMI!
🐰 : I'm listening to Pretty Savage right now, pretty pretty savage~
👤 : Jisoo are you still only replying to korean comments and not english ones??? 🤔
🐰 : Yes!! 🥲 kekekekeke hehe
👤 : When will we get another Vlog? 💗
🐰 : Right.. I'll try my best..! kekekeke hehe
👤 : I think of your appearance as 100000000000000000000000 out of 10.
🐰 : The score is out of 10 but if you think like that you might end up giving a wrong answer
👤 : The season to binge-watch BLACKPINK House has come~~~~~~~
🐰 : kekekekkekeke memories..... Should I watch it in a long time.. Look back at myself..
👤 : Unnie can you dance the Slickback?
🐰 : What's that !
👤 : hul watch Slickback challenge kekekekeke
🐰 : Isn't that cg..? What on earth was the person doing while they discovered it, what was going on with that person
👤 : Please post the slickback challenge on YouTube~!!!
🐰 : I don't think I'll ever be able to do it, but it's possible if I hang a strap on my shoulder and have a giant control me from above
👤 : Does that mean Jisoo will also practice slickback and upload a video?
🐰 : It looks hard, but I don't even know if I will look cool when I succeed, so I don't feel motivated
👤 : Please during the bike vlog with Chaeng, do the slickback 💖
🐰 : Ah if I make Chaeyoungie do it, she'll work too hard I feel sorry to even bring it up, you know that feeling right
👤 : Jisoo unnie tell me what you think about the meaning of life😮
🐰 : Boiled eggs! (word play 삶 is life but 삶은 is boiled)
👤 : Boiled eggs.. what a wise saying
🐰 : Eleven baked eggs
👤 : It's my 100th day dieting, but it's so hard ㅠㅠㅠ how to lose weight ㅠㅠ It's too easy to gain weight
🐰 : I'm also really going on a diet starting today. No I'm really going on a diet starting tomorrow. Life is a diet for me too
👤 : Unnie is prohibited from diet
🐰 : I'll do the opposite so I will totally diet
👤 : Jisoo unnie you type too fast 🫠😂💖
🐰 : Of course it's me! 😎 But I still see everything haha
👤 : Unnie I want to see you drive
🐰 : I really haven't driven a car much that the back wheels didn't have any air
👤 : Kim Jisoo!!! Next year I'm gonna be an adult!!! I'll talk informally once 😛
🐰 : I can hold for talking informally but the 😛 at the back I can't 🤪🤪 I did it twice so I won
👤 : All my friends hate cilantro what do I do?ㅜ
🐰 : Then just shout out that I’m the expert here! (고수 can mean expert or cilantro based on context) Don’t forget that shouting is the point
👤 : UFO 🛸 Jisooie. 👽👾🛸
🐰 : ke nonono kekekekekekekekekekeke why is it funny..? It's so funny.. I don't know the reason
👤 : If Jisoonie takes the CSAT, it might be good because there's many benefits..? but if assigned to the same classroom, my mental will go out!!
🐰 : kk instead of the CSAT ..I want to discuss and solve together! Rather.. let’s meet at a place like squid games(?) Maybe not that
👤 : Chocolate bar, Oreo bar, Almond Chocolate bar, Shh! I only gave this to Jisoo.😋
🐰 : I'm so sorry I just realized, I was gonna ask what you meant kekekeke. nomnomnom, it’s delicious~~~😊😋
👤 : I hope the day comes where I can talk with unnie. I started studying Korean.
🐰 : Hello? Your Korean is already perfect! Thanks🥰
👤 : 🐰.Wild_KimJisoo_Captured 🥟🐿️🐥! 1. Eat deliciously 2. Reply🖤
🐰 : What kind of conment is this! It's like Pokémon kekekeke
👤 : Jisoo will you continue to like BLINKs?
🐰 : Of course ! What are you saying!! 🥰
👤 : If there's no nose and body? nobodyknows😎
🐰 : kekekekeke you're good.. 👍🏻
👤 : Unnie I was so surprised by the amount of notifs what's with all the replies, there's more messages than my friends send I love you
🐰 : kekeke If my friends left 90 messages, I'd block them..
I'm going now!! The 100th comment is me!! 😛 I hope BLINKs have a happy year-end without any worries! Test taker BLINKs who took the test today!! You worked hard 🥰 Don't catch a cold, eat lots of delicious food, and get some rest! Goodnight I love you let’s play again♥️💓
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datingsimreviews · 5 years
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Dandelion wishes brought to you is a great game- provided you can get past the stat raising elements of it.
 Summary: Dandelion follows a Heejung a girl who is in college and tries to make her mother proud, even if it means sacrificing her own dreams. She’s kinda suffocated under her mom and doesn’t really want for much. Then she meets five animals that she finds in her home and starts taking care of them as pets. They turn out to be five guys from another world competing for her love in order for this wizard to grant their wish. She however doesn’t know that she is this focal point in this game to get a wish granted.
It’s a very interesting game, at the end the guy the protagonist has chosen always goes back to his own world and she realizes she has a wish to seek them out and goes to the wizard to get her memories deleted in exchange for being in the same world as her loved one. It feels like a fleeting love, like a dandelion.
It’s got great art, no incest and is overall a great game however…
 Gameplay: I don’t really like stat raisers. And this game is a stat raiser where you can only progress if you raise your stats. This is fine in itself, after all just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean others won’t. However dandelion itself is a stat raiser that’s infuriating. You have to constantly save scum for the guys to show up so that you can raise affection with them, because it’s random. And the spawn rates of the guys feels extremely low. It’ll take hours to get through a route and I doubt the actual dating sim part of it is more than like 20 minutes or so.
I would have loved this game so much more if it just played like a normal dating sim. I feel like it would have allowed you to get to know the guys even more than you do in the game. It would have allowed more character interaction and personality.
But that of course is just me. My thoughts aren’t going to change anything
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Heejung/The protagonist: After coming off of Nameless, I didn’t like Heejung as much as the last protagonist. But she grew on me. She’s very grounded. Her parents went through a bad divorce and now she’s determined to get her mother’s love, but her mother puts way too much pressure on her, having planned out her whole life and being a classic “tiger mom”. By the time the story starts Heejung has moved out so she doesn’t crack under the pressure and her mom continues to be mean to her but she still wants her mother’s love.
She loves art and besides that she’s extremely stupid. I was laughing with a friend over the part of the game where she hears from a friend that cats eat rabbits (because she has two cats and three rabbits) and she panics and doesn’t believe him, but then realizes the fact that cats are in fact carnivores something she didn’t know before.
She’s kinda fun after you get to know her.
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Jihae: The long haired rabbit. He’s the classic gentleman/ silent loner but sweet princely character. Despite his princely attitude he is not a prince, but in fact a knight. He sticks by Jieun a lot because he’s tasked with protecting him.
He’s a sweet character and a lot of his art is really pretty. He starts working as a model early on so he feels the most put together.
I wish we had gotten more normal visual novel interactions with him, just because I would just love more of him.
The wish that he was so desperate to grant that it sent him to another world is the resurrection of his lover. This made his route feel particularly weird because he’s romancing another girl to resurrect the girl he loves. So at the end of the good route when he’s fallen in love with the protagonist it’s kinda hard for me to fully….feel it if it makes sense? It was pointed out in Jieun’s route that he wants to resurrect his girlfriend not to see her and be with her but out of guilt because he blames himself for her death. In his world he’s apparently discriminated against because of his silver hair color because he’s the child of nobility and a commoner and when his girlfriend fell in love with him she faced harassment and killed herself.
I would love to learn more about his girlfriend and just see more.
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Jieun: Same with the above, I just want more. He was the only guy without a kissing CG.
Jieun is the tiny white rabbit and is always sticking around Jihae. He acts like a bit of a shy child in everyone’s route besides his. In his route it’s revealed he’s a prince with the power to see the future but it takes awhile to actually feel that. Most of his route consists him of getting drunk off apples.
I do like how his route is the only route where he manages to outsmart the wizard. The heroine never desperately yearns so much to return to him that she seeks the wizard out for a wish and Jieun ends up summoning her to his world to make her his queen. Would love to see more of that.
His wish is the same as Jihae’s he wants to resurrect Jihae’s girlfriend to help Jihae with the guilt. He also blames himself for her death because he saw it with his future vision and never did anything about it.
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Jiyeon was someone I was excited to romance, he was an orange cat and he seemed playful and fun in the other routes. However in his route he turned abusive, manipulative and his chronic lying started uncovering himself. He’s not a bad character by any means, but he is a lot to take in. Being an evil character doesn’t mean a bad one and he does redeem himself by the end of his route, I just wish we would have gotten more dialogue and stuff to feel that out.
Jiyeon grew up poor so he had to trick people into giving him things like food. He carries that same feeling into this world hanging out with girls and sobbing about how he doesn’t have any food and money so that they’ll give him stuff. When the heroine confronts him about his lying he gets mad and he turns more abusive forcing a kiss on her.
He eventually changes his ways, but he’s still a lot to handle.
His wish is for revenge against a friend who killed an old woman who was actually caring for him. It feels like because he wished for revenge he doesn’t care as much about the game and if the heroine likes him, he’s just so mad that he’s lashing out.
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The black cat and another abusive character if you get the bad ending. If you get the good ending he’s very jealous and possessive but it’s a little less extreme.
In the other routes Jisoo was the only one actually trying to win the heroine’s heart and working towards affection, something I appreciated because I was spending hours save scumming to get the guys to show up. Unfortunately he was doomed to not be romanced because it wasn’t his route. He didn’t put as much effort into his own route.
It becomes clear in all the routes though that the reason he’s putting so much effort forward is because he’s the most desperate to grant his wish. His wish is revealed to be in his route to save his younger sister’s life who is dying from sickness. In return for romancing the heroine the wizard will cure her.
This made him a very sad character because in the other routes he doesn’t get to return to his own world to be with his sister and she doesn’t get cured.
I liked him overall despite the horrible jealousy so much so that he gets mad at Heejung interacting with other guys. I would have loved for him to realize that was wrong but alas the game wasn’t long enough to do that.
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Jiwoo was a character I didn’t think I’d like. He was the spotted rabbit. It was very clear early on that he’s the classic tsundere character, constantly belittling the protagonist and calling her an idiot. Over time though he grew on me. He loves romance books and sometimes the protagonist would tease his love for romance books too.
I loved the part where he was meeting with a romance novel writing group and all of the group was teens just trying their hardest.
His ending was also very sweet, when he realizes he’s won the game and he’s going to leave the heroine he starts writing his own romance book about their time together so that if she goes to the wizard to find him sacrificing her memories in return for being in the same world as him, she’ll read the book of their love and get her memories back.
It was extremely sweet.
His wish was to bankrupt his family. His life was kinda like Heejung’s making them very good characters together, he had a lot of pressure put on him to be the heir to his family, forcing him to be perfect at everything and not following his passions. (His family was aristocrats). However once his father died his mother who he thought loved him revealed he was just adopted and she was nice to him for the father’s sake. She abandoned him and made one of his brother’s the heir. So he knows what pressure is like.
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  The wizard:
My favorite character, I wish he had gotten a proper route. I wish he had been a secret sixth character like some other dating sims.
He’s arranged this game because the only time he can speak to anyone is when they have a desperate wish something so strong that they’re willing to give up their memories of their wish to fuel him and let him grant it. He’s been watching Heejung for a while and has fallen in love with her but she wants nothing so he knows he can never see her.
So he’s arranged for this game so that she starts wanting something and he sees her. However their interaction is short lived so after one route he resets everyone’s memories and starts a time loop so she can romance all the boys.
In the end he realizes he doesn’t want to see her fall in love he wants to see her with him and he gives up all his memories ever, undoes the game and ends up in the same world as her.
And that’s how the game ends. I really wish there was more.
 It’s a great game with a lot of potential I just wish there was so much more
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rkpcy · 5 years
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 ┌                                                                                                                          ┐
                                                     december 2019 evaluations                                                          commercial film improv                                                        provided object: pepero box
 └                                                                                                                          ┘
as a master weaver of tall tales (read: liar), chanyeol is an expert at putting on a face and rolling with whatever comes out of his mouth, belief in his lies resting upon his features, often indecipherable whether or not he's joking around or speaking in all seriousness. it's an art he's mastered over the years, a mechanism meant to keep himself from diving too deeply into anything too emotional, a pretense of shallowness to keep him from going over the edge. to put it frankly, park chanyeol is a great liar.
a natural acting talent, he is not.
there's something quite different about being put on the spot, trying to go according to a script or presenting an item to the public for purchase. a lie is simple, made up on the spot, often outlandish and outrageous, spoken with a straight face that says he believes everything he's blurting out. so when they put a box of pepero in his hand and tell him to make up an impromptu cf, he stands there frozen for a few moments, wondering if he can pull this off.
if he were at home, dared to do this by his friends and family, he'd go overboard, crafting some elaborate story of knight and dragons and ghosts for good measure, but he thinks if he remembers the coaches' words, to take it seriously, and it's hard to craft such a large tale in thirty seconds without all the necessary cg and cast extras.
so he goes with what he knows. pepero is heavily linked to couples and romance, and he thinks he's had good practice at that over the past year and some odd months and because jisoo isn't there, the camera will have to be a stand-in for the moment.
he approaches the camera with a smile, as if the lens were her bright brown eyes, pretending to cover its eyes without actually touching the equipment, allowing for a bit of space at the bottom of the shot. he's internally dying inside, hating having to show this side himself in public to others, but he tries his best to hide how badly he's cringing at the moment. "wait. don’t open your eyes yet,” he says, voice much softer and gentler than usual. he pauses for a moment before speaking again. “okay, now.”
he moves his hand and backs up, arms perpendicular to the ground as he does a quick spin. “how many days has it been?” he asks, pretending to take out several sticks of pepero, saying the number ‘one’ cutely as he pretends to eat four of them. “eleven eleven?” he then holds up the box. “then let’s continue to be together for the rest of this box...”
he then steps to the side, free hand making a sweeping gesture as if there are stacks and stacks more of pepero boxes, “and all of these, too.”
he steps back into the center of the shot, as if it’s a new scene, holding up the box in his hand. “pepero. joining hearts since 1983.”
the cf, in his head, is over with that line, and he takes this opportunity to crouch down to the ground, every part of his body curling into itself. he thinks the worst is over, but then he remembers...
he has to do it two more times.
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thatyanderecritic · 6 years
Mystic Messenger
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Title: Mystic Messenger
Media: Game. Maker: Cheritz
Yandere(s): Jumin Han, Yoosung Kim, Ray (Real name: Saeran Choi)
Yandere Scale (In order as shown above): 1/5, 3/5, 4/5
Criticism written by: Kai
Editor: Julie
The Review:
Hey there everyone! Kai here and I’m coming back with another yandere review. This time around, I’ll be reviewing the incredibly popular otome game, Mystic Messenger. It’s one of my favorite otome games out there and I’m highly opinionated about this game. Cheritz is known to include at least one yandere in their games; Mystic Messenger being no exception to that rule. For Mystic Messenger, they have a whopping three yanderes and I thankfully played all their routes on my free time for fun. Now let’s check out their yanderes, hm?
(I’m just going to assume that everyone knows the story but if you don’t, you can read the summary here)
Jumin Han:
I’ll be upfront for everyone here: Jumin is my least favorite route out of all the guys in the game. I found it to be boring, too overhyped by the fans, and Jumin’s personality to be rather lame. That being said, take some of my opinions with a grain of salt.
Now then, is Jumin a yandere? Eeeeeeh, I guess?
I describe Jumin as “baby’s first yandere”. He’s very lowkey about it and anything to suggest he is a yandere is so vague that it just went over my head. I found myself having to scrutinize everything he does and say with a goddamn microscope. Spoiler alert: if your readers have to try really hard to look for evidence that he’s a yandere, then he’s not a very good yandere. Instead, I found the other characters having to tell me that Jumin, is in fact, a yandere. Every single chatroom that have the other characters talk about Jumin in his route all go: “Oh!!! You better watch out!!! Jumin is super possessive and obsessive about you MC!!!” or “Oh man!!! Jumin gives me the creep vibes!!! There’s something unsettling about him!!!”  
I mean… I guess? Spoiler alert 2: If you have to have your side characters tell the MC that the male lead is a yandere (instead of just showing it), then he isn’t a good yandere. Like jesus Cheritz, what happened to you? You used to be pretty good in including yanderes in your games… Jumin is just… pathetic. It’s felt like they put up a bunch of neon signs around Jumin then forget to write him as a yandere. The only “yandere part” about Jumin was how he locked up the MC in his penthouse. But to be fair, the MC’s life was in danger and she willingly stays there. In fact, the whole “Locked up” part seemed rather half assed. Besides that, there wasn’t anything else about Jumin that makes him a yandere… well, besides the other characters telling me he is. Can you believe that Cheritz had the gall to compare Jumin to Jisoo from Dandelion (their other otome game)? That’s like comparing apples and oranges… just because they’re both fruits doesn’t make them the same thing.
Jumin’s route is so not worth to play if you’re hoping to “woo a yandere”. It’s honestly a waste of time and you’re better off googling Jumin’s bad end 2 CG if you want that yandere aesthetic. If you want to see some better yanderes, just check out the other two… Let’s talk about Yoosung.
Yoosung Kim:
It might come as a surprise by Yoosung was a far better and stronger yandere than Jumin. While the game was focusing so hard on portraying Jumin as a yandere, they never realize that they struck gold with Yoosung. Funny enough, I think the reason why Jumin was such a bad yandere was because cheritz concentrated on him so much that they fucked up and since they didn’t focus on Yoosung, that’s why he came out as a better yandere. But the only problem with Yoosung is that…
… He isn’t a yandere for you.
Yes, that’s right. Yoosung is a yandere but he is not a yandere for you. He is obsessed with his older cousin, Rika. Throughout his route, he won’t shut up about her. It’s “Rika this” and “Rika that”. Yoosung really tested my patients on how long I’ll stick to his route. Eventually though, Yoosung starts to the MC as his replacement for Rika. He sees Rika in the MC and start comparing the two… even thinking that they’re the same person. At some points, Yoosung really wants to turn MC into Rika. Yoosung likes you… but not THE you but the Rika version. Of course, for his good end he learns to differentiate between you two and learn how to love the MC as she is but it doesn’t change the fact that Yoosung was a yandere at certain points.
In the end, Yoosung is a yandere for his cousin. The only thing about him is A) he tries to end up with someone else by turning her into his cousin and B) he ends up loving someone else (the MC). Regardless on how you look at it, Yoosung broke our loyalty rule. I say go ahead and play his route if you want a yandere story and don’t mind being a cuck for 75% of his route. Yoosung got some pretty good yandere moments and bad endings.
Oh my god. Ray was the best yandere I’ve seen throughout Cheritz’s games. He was damn near close to being the perfect yandere (well… my taste. But also he clicked off the ideal yandere check marks). Right off the bat, we see his clinginess to the MC, his mental instability, fear of losing the MC, and his jealousy to the other characters. He was such a sweetheart and to top it off he risked his life in saving the MC. Ray was *muah* the perfect recipe for an ideal yandere (my type). But unfortunately… Cheritz just had to ruin it.
Towards the middle Ray had a personality switch. Fearing that he wasn’t strong enough to protect the MC, Ray sort of… “killed” himself and created his alternative personality: edgy Saeran. I was absolutely heartbroken with Ray leaving for good and leaving behind that asshole. Immediately the new personality treated the MC sadistically. He starved her, spoke down to her, and was all round a piece of shit. BRING BACK MY BABY BOI CHERITZ, YOU FUCKING MONSTERS. COWARDS.
This was my last straw. I deleted Mystic Messengers right at that point and never opened it since. Ray was such a good yandere and they had to ruin it. Ray’s route is only good up to the point till his personality switch. After that it went down hill and he doesn’t even have any yandere bad endings. Fuck that.
Final thoughts:
Yoosung is the only route to play for completion if you want a yandere story. Ray was ideal but Cheritz ruined it and don’t even bother with Jumin’s route.
I have a love/hate relationship with Mystic Messenger. It was an interesting story and the concept was good in theory, but in the end the Cons out way the Pros. For one: the game is almost unplayable if you have a social life. The chatroom, phone calls, texts, and emails were a neat concept for interactive storytelling. But the issue lays in the fact you have to wait for these things to pop up. I don’t know about y’all but I have family, friends, a job, and school. Ain’t nobody got time to wait for that 2 PM phone call or that 1 AM chatroom. That’s fucking ridiculous. And don’t you tell me I can miss a couple of chatroom or phone calls. For one, it’s not like I’m missing one chatroom but multiple. I can have a pretty busy day and never have a chance to pick up my phone. Some of those chatrooms are pretty important if you want to get a good ending. There’s also the fact that I’m a completionist… I want to see ALL the content in the game. Not pick and choose what I have time for. And don’t bring up that it’s free or the hourglasses. I rather pay the game for the full price than do a microtransactions… and grinding for hourglasses is a bitch and you know it. I recalled I calculated how much it cause to complete all routes (The main cast. Not including V or Ray or the phone calls) by paying for all the missing chatroom or paying for the day… it was over $300 folks. $300 in microtransaction. Cheritz is fucking crazy. Thank god I fucking hacked this game.
There’s way more complaints about this game (like the emails. I’m tired of having three different walkthroughs up just to get through this god damn game) but I’m just talking about the main function for those interested in playing after read this review. Gameplay is really fucked and unfriendly for those with personal lives. Be ready to waste 7 days of your life to finish this game. All I’m say, Cheritz (even though I know they’re not reading), you guys should have two modes for Mystic Messenger: one where it’s like a standard otome game where the chatroom come one right after the other and you don’t get a penalty for missing chatrooms (the game actually pauses on where you stopped) for a flat rate price of what the entire game is worth… and then the free option where you play the game in the usual default state. That’s all I’m asking and it makes logical sense.
Anyways. That’s my gripe about the game and the yanderes. Play at your own discretion.
Overall Score: 7/10
(Side note: Honestly, I love the Mystic Messenger fandom but at the same time I wonder if we played the same game sometimes. The worst part is how some people won’t criticize Cheritz and their game. Like damn… some of y’all are more forgiving than Jesus Christ himself.)
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planet4love · 2 years
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BLACKPINK💜JISOO #BLACKPINK #JISOO #love #lovesickgirls #prettysavage #boombayah #howyoulikethat #blinks #foreveryoung #beauty #smart #sunshine #cool #happy #instaworld #styles #kimjisoo #blackpinkjisoo #beach #sea #instamood #happiness (at Seoul South Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-QM7ZrD7T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vm4vm0 · 4 years
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