#cg adelinde
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addie and her little boy... regressuary day 20! - idia
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azuresky-agere · 3 months
💥 Carmendeiiii drop CG Diluc taking care of a sick regressor headcannons And My Life, Is Yours!!! (Please :3)
of course!!
contains: Sick!Regressor (can be reader, can be a specific character, idm) and Caregiver!Diluc!
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•The second that Diluc notices that you are ill, you both kinda know that leaving the winery is a bad idea. Mainly because you regress the second that you feel ill.
•Even if you do manage to get out of the winery, you hardly get far before a concerned father comes to check on you! Maybe a staff member reported a "rouge kiddo" among the grapevines, maybe not.
"You should be resting." his voice is concerned- and he has every right to be. You've been feeling under the weather for a good while. He scoops you up, and watches carefully for any sign of protest - he knows that touch can be annoying on rare occasion. Once you show content in the comfort of his arms, he carries you to the winery. "Let's get you all cuddled into bed, mhm? I can have Adelinde bring you some warm milk, if that would help."
•He's basically a walking, breathing source of heat (thanks to the pyro vision), so it makes sense that you'd be attached at the (literal) hip of him whenever he's nearby. If he puts you down for a split second to grab a snack? Tears flow, and he has no choice but to pick you back up.
•Knows that you don't hold much energy while sick and little, so any games that will be played are very basic - usually just colouring or doodling at your own pace, or listening to Diluc talk nonsense numbers to himself as he does paperwork with you cuddled in his lap.
•If he has to step away for any period of time, his coat is provided to you.
"You want to be dada's guard? I can give you my coat, and you gotta make sure nobody will take it, mhm? I'll be back in five minutes, my phoenix.
•the BEST at getting you to take your medicine. He'll have you take it at a specific time of day, and he'll even compromise reasonably, if you are feeling particularly fussy that day.
•Will bottlefeed/spoonfeed you if you need that!
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clownnotes-png · 10 months
Regressor Diluc and Kaeya with CG! Adelinde
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Kaeya and Diluc don’t get along in headspace ! But it’s the sibling rivalry kind of way rather than their. Normal not getting along
Kaeya is older than Diluc in headspace and likes to tease him about how He’s the big brother and Diluc must listen to him
That gets a swift block to the head for Kaeya and a scolding from Adelinde for Diluc
Kaeya will drag Diluc everywhere! Sure they’re rivals but Kaeya just HAS to show Diluc something (Adelinde is always behind them)
On Library days Kaeya always runs through the Main Street of Mondstadt instead of going the back ways with Adelinde and Diluc
Adelinde is okay with it as long as Kaeya promises to be there on time and not follow anyone (she knows no one will take him but she worries!)
Diluc always tears up if Kaeya isn’t on time (no it’s totalllyyy not cause he worries his big brother got taken!! It’s just cause they have to wait to go into the library!)
When Diluc is in his kidspace he and Kaeya play wrestle but it’s always cut short by Adelinde cause while they’re little they still have big bodies and Can Hurt Each Other
Diluc shows Kaeya his favorite spot to eat grapes in the vineyard
These boys always give Adelinde a heart attack and a headache
Dinner is a Mess, poor picky Diluc and defiant Kaeya
Kaeya always reads Diluc a bedtime story while Adelinde sits to the side waiting to tuck in both boys
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lil-sleepy-head · 1 year
Little!Diluc with CG!Adelinde
my moot LOVES Little!Diluc so they will LOVE this ask omg /pos
I love Little Diluc an ungodly amount!! And I just know that Adeline would be such a wonderful caregiver for him! I also added Kaeya because I love ragbros too much as well and I want them both to be happy together
Little!Diluc and CG!Adeline (+ bonus Little!Kaeya)
*CW for mentions of Ptsd, spoilers for Diluc and Kaeya's storylines and loss of a family member.*
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- Adeline is probably the first person ever to find out about Dilucs regression
- I think before Adeline came, Diluc regressed solely because of trauma. It would always be at night after a particularly bad nightmare.
- Adeline was more than happy to take care of him in his regressed state and encouraged him to regress just to relax.
- Adeline already was helping him care for himself after the death of his father and what happened in Snezhnaya since Diluc forgets to care for himself. Shes actually really happy he's found a healthy coping mechanism.
-Has bet wetting problems due to the nightmares, so he wears pull ups for at night!!
- Diluc whether he's big or small views Adeline as his mother. While big Diluc is much more embarrassed to show his affection for her, little him has no reservations at all
- He will run up to her and hug her while calling her his mama! she has almost tumbled over multiple times because little Diluc forgets how heavy and big he is.
- Has a falcon plush he sleeps with regardless of if he's big or small. it's worn down and something he has had from his childhood but he loves it to bits. He would cry if something happened to it
- Normally he's rather calm and quiet when regressed but when he's very comfortable in his regression he becomes a lot more playful and even a bit of a trouble maker!
- Despite how he tries to hide it, the other maids and workers all know about it. They just pretend like they don't because he gets embarrassed about it. any person who makes an snide or rude comments about it will get terminated almost immediately. Adeline has zero tolerance for it.
- Diluc likes to Adeline bake when he's regressed! this often leads to messes and bathes but Adeline doesn't mind
- Rather sensitive when regressed and cries a lot. He hid his plush while big because he didn't want anyone to see it. But when he regressed sobbed almost hysterically because he couldn't find it. Everyone had to stop what they were doing to find it while Adeline consoled him.
- Adeline has also taken care of Kaeya as well when he was regressed. Regression is the only time Diluc and Kaeya can get along very well. it makes Adeline cry because she misses when they both did that.
- bonus of the boys apologizing to her for making her cry and her having to tell them it's okay and she's actually happy
- Diluc and Kaeya would cuddle together and Adeline would completely take pictures to put in an album for herself.
- Adeline would also keep any art either make and keeps them in her room. she just loves her boys so much!!
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jayelves · 1 year
It's me again!!!! hello!!!
Little!Venti with CG! Diluc! (And CG Adelinde, if you want! Adelinde is the head maid at the dawn winery, and I think she would just coddle and baby Venti so much hehsjsn the silly /pos
Also I HC that after Diluc came back from his rampage in Snezhnaya, the trauma of losing his father (and what he did in Snezhnaya set in and like, he discovered regression cause he kinda...drifted to childish things for comfort??
AAHHH YESS!!! mama addie with lil diluc and venti... oughh/pos
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ragbabies · 5 months
i write fics! i mostly brainrot over headcanons though, so i made an account to post them and give others my brainrot <3
honestly probably always diluc centric . or agere . not entirely sure yet
tags used:
diluc: #diluc #agere diluc
kaeya: #kaeya #agere kaeya
jean: #jean #cg jean
adelinde: #adelinde #addy #mama addy
albedo: #albedo #cg albedo #regressor albedo #agere albedo
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
OMG ROX :33 you should totally tell me your regressor venti headcannons :3c
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(I'm so sane about little venti is not even funny /pos so ty moot)
-His main carers are a multitude of people. Those people being Paimon and Aether, Adelinde and Diluc, or just Zhongli! Sometimes Jean too, but it depends if she's busy or not.
-Main headspace is around 1-4, but can be younger or older due to stress. If he's regressing around people he knows and feels comfortable with, he'll usually be older.
-due to injuries from the archon war, he has to be padded 24/7. Only his cg's know, and his doctor (Dr. Baizhu.)
-Favourite foods include anything, really. Apples specifically, but he doesn't really like apple juice, so he tends to gravitate to sunsettia juice or some type of flavoured milk (chocolate, strawberry, ect).
-will just bite on anyone and anything. He'll just teethe on his cg's fingers if given the chance, but he will NOT take teethers.
-has a few stuffies:
one being a dove stuffie, which helped him during his very first few regression sessions (although he didn't even know what regression was at the time)
-another stuffie is an otter, from Fontaine! Gifted by the traveller and Venti instantly fell in love and named him "elf" and he has a small bell in his chest, and Venti loves him.
-the third and final stuffie is a stuffed animal of morax, and he bought him after Zhongli faked his death (I headcanon that Venti wasn't told by Zhongli about the whole retirement thing and he thought he was dead for like, three months.)
-he had no idea that he was a regressor, and he was really confused why he was attached to blankets and stuffies animals until Diluc explained regression to him and offered to give him gear (pacifier, bottle, ect) and he was like "diluc wtf is this stuff"
-will often stomp and whine when he doesn't get his way (no naptime, his main cg isn't around, he has to take meds or needs a change, ect).
-LITERALLY as light as a feather. He's the god of wind, so he doesn't really weigh much, so it's really easy for any CG to scoop the baby up </3
-will often hold his cg's fingers to make himself feel more "kid-like"
-nightmares about archon war and Decarabian's revolt, and he 100% suffers from PTSD, but since he started regressing and letting himself be happy, he's found himself suffering less.
-his otter stuffie, wisp goes everywhere with him, big or small.
-puzzle baby!!! He can solve kids puzzles easily and he loves it.
-purrs and chirps like a cat. Since he was a wisp, he retains some of the characteristics from that time!
-SPEAKING OF WISP...he 100% slips into his wisp for to just headbutt into his cg's and just...warble and babble. Sometime he'll nest in his cg's pockets and nap.
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azuresky-agere · 6 months
yeah im not sane about him :3
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"It's stopped raining already? A shame, I wanted to play some more."
CW: Diapers, nightmares,
─ 𖥔 ─
-Venti's first experience with age regression was rather odd, in that he didn't KNOW what age regression was- nor did he know how to partake in "acting like a child" until he was forced into his headspace during a rainy night at Angel's Share - it started to thunder, and Venti just...dropped like a penny. Luckily, Diluc was a saviour and brought him upstairs to calm him down.
-headspace is around 0-3 years old.
-Due to past injuries from around the Archon War, he needs to be padded 24/7, and will usually gravitate to pull-ups, and will use diapers when regressed!
-He's just an actual baby. He'll either crawl around, or whine and tug at his caregiver until he's scooped up.
-He's just a TOTAL mama's boy, especially for Adelinde! If Diluc's not around/busy, Venti will "help" around Adelinde.
-Adelinde knows that he's the Anemo Archon, as well as his identity being the first thing told to any new caregivers/babysitters, so nightmares and thunderstorms are usually pretty understood.
-Despite hating thunder, he LOVES the rain, and will practically beg his current caregiver to go and splash about. He understands if they say no, however.
-He just...needs to be held. He loves it when a caregiver will boop his nose, or feed him, or care for him if he falls ill- it makes him feel like an actual infant, and therefore more regressed.
-As mentioned before, nightmares are VERY common. He has a few stuffies to help, though! An otter, dubbed "wisp" which was gifted to him from the traveller (who, yes, knows about his headspace- and was the first person he told that wasn't Diluc) as well as a bird stuffie, named "Himmel" and a cat stuffie called "Katze".
-A sucker for apples- even more so when he's little. He'll request them to be cut into cute little shapes, and served with a small container of applesauce to dip into (which he always gets). Despite his love for apples, he despises applejuice, and despite his hate for cheese, loves warm milk.
-An easy way to help him regress is getting him all cozy into (insert cg) arms and just baby him. phrases like "augh, you're just too tiny tonight" and "who's this little baby?" will usually do the trick.
-Despite him literally being the god of Anemo, he'll give his CG his vision, despite it being a fake, as it helps him feel a bit tinier- as well as his bow, and lyre.
-Pacifiers over teethers. The idea of a teether sounds nice, but he didn't really like it, and pacifiers help him feel way more infant-like.
-Can solve puzzles for HOURS.
-Will usually draw pictures of him and his cg, and he's always happy to see them on the fridge.
-Main CG'S:
-Barbara (Although she's more than a babysitter- and yes, she knows of his identity, and is sworn to secrecy)
-Dvalin (Either in his human form, or his dragon form- either works for Venti!)
-Andrus (very rarely).
-Nahida! (Again, very rarely, and mostly she's a CG in his dreams, especially if he's having a nightmare).
Main Nightmares:
-Old Mondstadt's Rebellion (and losing his dear friends in the process)
-Being hurt/stolen from Signora again.
-Old Mondstadt in general- it was from a very fresh point in his life, and was one of his first experiences with people, so he's mostly always dreaming about it.
-Traveller/any of his friends/cg's getting hurt.
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azuresky-agere · 8 months
Um littol diluc hcs please? :>
Of course!
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Little!Diluc headcanons! Requested by Anonymous!
CW: scars/injuries, medical diapers, refusal of regression.
(-LITERALLY he's just the embodiment of the "tall little, short cg" dynamic)
-very small guy, around the headspace age of 1-5.
-has got a 'record' of refusing his headspace for three months. (He likes to brag about it to his CG, despite it not being a good thing.)
-due to his injuries that were obtained during his vigilante period in Snezhnaya, he has to be medically padded. (The first time he was told that, he refused to wear them for a week straight.)
-didn't realise he was regressing until Jean told him that he probably was, and he did some research and decided to try it "just once". (He regresses at least ONCE a week.)
-has one stuffie and it's his childhood stuffed valcon, Vannessa. It's not like he wants more stuffies, she is enough for him!
-main CG is Adelinde (head maid at the winery) as well as people like Kaeya and Jean!
-Jean was the one who introduced him to regression as mentioned earlier, but Kaeya found a crying Diluc while walking home, and he admitted (in babbles, mind you) about his regression, and how wrong it felt.
-kaeya had to tell him otherwise. (We love a supportive brother.)
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clownnotes-png · 10 months
Regressor Diluc Headcannons
Note: Working on requests but the current one is taking a bit of research so have this while you all wait!
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Diluc regresses either into a baby space or a kidspace ! There’s no inbetween (0-2 / 5-8)
In the beginning most of his regression is impure but as he gets more a gist on what’s happening he starts to regress voluntarily.
Adelinde primarily watches him, she was confused at first but as she learned more she helped inform Diluc of what was happening and began to take over as a CG role
She sat for hours in the library reading books upon books to understand what was going on. Diluc hasn’t said it but he appreciates everything she’s ever done for him - he doesn’t have heroes but if he had to choose one? It’s Adelinde.
He is so spoiled!! Everyone in the manor adores him in his headspace and spoils him to death. They all missed the liveliness that left when he went on his 4-year journey.
In babyspace Diluc is very quiet and curious, he watches everyone from the living room as they go about their business or attempt to play with him.
He loves sensory story books as well! If someone breaks one of those bad boys out good luck, he just wants to lay it on the carpet and rub his hands against the different textures.
He doesn’t really eat much besides applesauce and dry cereal, on a few occasions Adelinde has been able to get him to eat Mac and Cheese but it just has too much flavor
Kidspace Diluc is a rascal!!
He loves sneaking off to go hide in the grape vines (don’t tell but he sometimes sneaks some grapes to eat!)
He has a pile of books he loves to read just over and over. Adelinde sometimes takes him to the library to find some new ones - they always take back alley ways though cause Diluc is nervous of people seeing him.
He loves helping shred any papers that are of no use ! He’ll sit by peoples desks and just wait for a few papers to be plopped in his lap so he can shred them.
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lil-sleepy-head · 1 year
Little!Venti with CG!Adelinde ?
I feel like Venti would try to hide he's the Anemo Archon, but he brings his wings out to wrap around him the second he doesn't have a blanket/Diluc wants to preen them, per Venti's request. (The maids don't mind who he is, though!)
And, I personally think that under heavy stress/nightmares about Old Mondstadt, he would regress incredibly young, around 2/3.
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Little!Venti, little!Diluc and Cg!Adelinde
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- When Venti gets overwhelmed wraps his wings around him for comfort. he likes being wrapped up and surrounded by warmth, it's very soothing for him.
- Diluc loves playing with his wings!! his special interest is birds so as soon as Venti transforms, Diluc is constantly around him.
- Adelinde has to supervise the two because Diluc can be a bit rough with Venti's wings.
- He will tug a bit too hard without realizing and it'll make Venti cry, which makes Diluc cry.
- Diluc will give Venti a big warm hug and will apologize over and over. It's hard for Venti to stay upset after that, ends with the two cuddled up with big puffy red eyes.
- Diluc collects Venti's feathers and has them stored in a box. Adelinde will braid the feathers into both of their hair. Diluc likes showing them off!!
- Venti has made big nests out of blankets, pillows and clothes. This is usually is where the two can be found a lot of the time.
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(ignore how bad the hands look, I got a little lazy with them)
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azuresky-agere · 7 months
Could I request baby diluc who woke up because of a nightmare and had an accident, but mama adelinde comforts him? Only if youre comfy with writing accidents! Have a good day :>
Of course!
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Agere!Diluc with CG!Adelinde
CW: diapers, accidents, nightmares.
plot: after a nightmare about snezhnaya, Diluc wakes up...not so nicely. Luckily Adelinde is here to help!
Sometimes, Diluc wishes he was normal.
Before the death of his father- Sir Crepus, he was in fact normal. He had time to grow up and learn from the older man, and he was relatively wealthy, and he had a lot of people around him for support. Kaeya, being the main source of support. Adelinde was the second, and Crepus was the top-of-the-barrel when it came to support.
It was good - too good.
His eighteenth birthday was the day that his whole world fell apart, crumbling no matter how much he tried to salvage it. Kaeya being a spy, his father dying- and the trauma of having to put him out of his misery right then and there- it hurt.
Then there was the whole instance of being even more rebellious- running away. Although he wouldn't call it that, he left Mondstadt in less than a day. He entrusted the wine industry to the maids, and left before the sun set.
But, he wasn't happy- far from it. When he came back, his little 'rampage' in Snezhnaya had left him broken. Mentally and physically. Therapy session after therapy session led him to being issued medical diapers due to a wound he sustained in Snezhnaya, and he hated them.
He also age regressed, but that wasn't something he liked, either.
As of now? His breath was frantic, and he was crying. Openly. In his room. (Well, his father's room, as he'd taken to moving into the room after returning. Something about the room just felt...nostalgic to him.)
Adelinde opened the door, clearly concerned. He'd had an accident, feeling the upmost uncomfortable-ness (if that was even a word, mind you) the second he'd woken up, and he hated it. He'd never had one before and it made him sick to his stomach.
"Ade...mama!" he cried out. The woman quickly sat herself on the bed, just holding the other.
"Shh, mama's here, little one..." she hummed. "Did you have a bad nightmare?"
He simply nodded, shifting in his seat.
"Come on," she said, voice as calm as ever. "Let's get you changed and downstairs to get something in your tummy. I have an inkling that you're rather young now, hm?"
Rather quickly, he was changed and more comfortable. He nodded at the maid, and she quickly brought him downstairs.
The fireplace nearby ran on, and Diluc felt...happy.
The winery was no longer a house, it was now a home.
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clownnotes-png · 9 months
Regressor Venti and CG Diluc / Adalinde
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Venti regresses to about 3-5 so Diluc and Adelinde tend to always make sure at least one of them are around - it’s nerve racking for them to leave him alone even if he is 5
Venti loves crackers and little berries! On walks he always picks berries and hands them to Adelinde when they get home to wash and give him the safe ones
Diluc makes pillow forts for movie nights and has venti help him pick the movies for the night
Adelinde teaches Diluc how to cook Ventis favorite meals for whenever she’s busy
Venti picks flowers for Adelinde and leaves for Diluc, no one knows why he associates them with those objects yet he does
There is A LOT of arts and crafts done, Adelinde primarily does them with Venti but Diluc doesn’t mind joining in
Music is also a pretty big deal - Venti is a bard of course he has little musical instruments! Diluc is always given the maracas and Adelinde the flute.
Adelinde takes Venti to see Diluc when he’s cleaning the bar after it closes - never during open hours, too many people.
Venti draws many pictures of Diluc and Adelinde, they always have a little blue heart in the corner.
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azuresky-agere · 6 months
so, now that my little xiao fic has been finished, who do i write next? (The ones with Venti will be related to my wing preening fic)
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azuresky-agere · 7 months
Regarding the Agere!Diluc fic:
I'm going to be removing my focus overall for the fic, to try and come up with some good plot points. (This might take a while, just bare with me, I've redrafted the fic like, eight times already...)
So, while that's cooking in the back of my brain, I have two people in my mind I wanna try write for:
(for the little diluc, I think what's holding me back much in regards to ideas is Adelinde/being around the winery, yk? Might have to think outside the box, but still mention our favourite head-maid mama <3
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azuresky-agere · 7 months
little diluc fic
i've had to redraft it again....
if anyone could give me ideas for little diluc and cg adelinde with the theme "first time regression" that would be good- it doesn't even have to be that theme!!
im desperate
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