#cg haru
tecchan · 6 months
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Good evening to everyone except the person who decided to have Haru disappear from the home screen after finishing the game
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imasline · 2 years
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kaolinite91 · 7 months
My ATLA Live Action Review
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Update 270224: why they add new icons and did another bait of katara and zuko placement? No you can't say it is not intentional...😂🔥🌊💕
Okaay..as you know.. I am a long fans of ATLA and pretty hardcore for the 3 animation books (not really a fans of the comics and TLOK tho).. as you know too..after the live action movie disaster, we really lower our expectations..but after the Netflix OPLA and some of the ATLALA trailer..I kinda increase my expectations..
I watched all 8 episodes yesterday (it premiered 22 Feb 2024 at 15.00-23.30 WIB)..
Let's see my general favorites part, not so favorite and then some takes for each main characters (for me it's a good and acceptable live action and worth to watch!)
Spoilery Area
Favorite parts:
- they explore the air nomads culture more, a bit of how airbender doing their bending.. and also the heart wrenching genocide on screen 🫠 I was crying... Also monk Gyatso!!! Huhuhu
- The costume and trinket are super details and vibrants which really beautiful. Although I wish they make it a bit dirty because that outfits supposedly a daily used outfits but for me it was just too clean and spotless 😂
- The lighting during bending and even during night combats is bright!!!! Finally I can see anything! It kinda feels like the LOTR battle of helms deep because we know it's night but it still bright enough to see what is happening! A rare occurrence in many series or movies nowaday (yeah Loki S2 I am looking at you)
- the CG!! For me is very decent and believable.. okay I knew for Appa it's look a bit dirty and not real enough..but they shot it in a day clear!! You know how cg nowadays always hidden in a dark screen..so it's still pretty good and need to be appreciated. And even Momo behaves like my cat..and I feeling emotional for him too..(especially on the last episode huhu)
- They add more details that I believe only a fans speculation before..and I thought its show how they probably researching on the fandom thought too (example, Ozai marking Zuko by putting his hand directly onto his face)
- It's not a 1on1 copy so it's still surprising what's gonna happened in each episodes and also which episodes actually it's referencing to. Ep.3 is the good example on combining Haru + Jet arc and also Theo arc, with the Katara and Sokka sibling clash due to difference believe (in the animation it happened during the canyon episode)
- Jet..so handsome..I am sorry..I understand now why Katara like him in the animation hahahaha
- Dallas Liu as Zuko!! *Chef kiss his combat and his intonation~~ aaaaaaa
- they build the mental burden of fire nation characters early on. I think it was to smoothen the Zuko to Gaang if there's a S2
What I don't really like:
- They changed characters traits and weaknesses which later impacting other characters trait too. For example, Sokka not sexist made him a tamer brother for Katara, which later impacted her character too..(gonna explained more in my characters takes review).
- No Haru in this live action...I FEEL DEVASTATED
- Suki why are you becoming so awkward 🥹🫠 (the only part I feel cringe during the entire 8 episodes was unfortunately during Suki and Sokka interaction huhuhu..while in the animation that's my favorite part..)
- apparently Oma Shu legend changes now....🤔
- they really burned anyone to crisps huhuhu. I never imagined that Katara's mom died from burning alive and in agony..huhuhuuu the same also happened to Monk Gyatso if I remembered correctly huhuhu)
- the bending stances for some people kinda off. Some of the time it looks perfect (Zuko..wow!!and the earthbender in the ep 1 *applause), but sometimes it not firm enough, especially for the earthbenders in Omashu....;A; it could be better...
My review on the characters
Gordon as his actor really looks like Aang, especially when he smiles. His voice is similar too. Although this Aang is a bit too serious, mature and rarely joking. I know..it maybe because the tone of this LA also a lot more darker..(but I wish he enjoy himself more...🥹🥹). He really feels like an adult in a child body for this live action...(but this was the development which I wish the animated Aang in Book 3 did).
I feel bad for him tho.. every adult really blamed him for disappeared that night (Bumi, Suki's mom, even the other Avatars). The adult avatars seems to be a broken and imperfect adult too....I wonder if Yangchen gonna be different?
I was so happy when he finally met Monk Gyatso again in the spirit world and when he said that all of this that happened in the past was not Aang's faults. Because it really is NOT his fault..Oh poor boy.
Tho now I wonder why Gyatso only stayed in the spirit world for that particular moment...? He said that time working differently there.. but Katara and Sokka whom also was in the spirit world are still alive.. so it's should not be too long, right?
I wonder when Aang gonna try learning waterbending tho? And how can he visited Roku's temple quickly?
Ian looks like Sokka.. and I always laughing whenever he's doing his dry jokes..haha (but unfortunately it's not many..maybe because we only have 8 episodes).
Anyway, Sokka here is a very responsible leader, kinda awkward, felt more introverted than his animation counterpart. He actually has Stark vibes from Frieren in this LA.
One of weakness from the original Sokka is how extremely sexist he is..which rooted from how sexist the water tribe in general. However this LA toning it down until it almost none for Sokka. And this impacted his relation with Katara, because in LA, he actually still felt like older brother!! Even since early episode..
The actress actually nailed as her..I love how she looks like when she is in Katara's outfit. I think her Katara is more gentle, (maybe because of her natural face), thus her Katara tends to looks like smiling a lot.. which is a good thing. But unfortunately in some scenes --which I wish gonna have a lot more intense emotion (anger or headstrong) --it was not really shown perfectly.
As I written above, some of her traits kinda disappear here. In the animation, she IS the mother of the Gaang. Very bossy sometimes and very scary when angry. She is independent and know what she wanted to do and mostly the one who reminds Aang and Sokka to finding the waterbending teacher for Aang in the NP. However, due to the change of traits she felt like a normal younger sister for Sokka and even Aang. She often ask "so what we gonna do now?" And Aang is the one who was like.."we need to go to the North Pole ASAP!!"
Anw, I love her bending tho.. I think the water animations looks very good! Especially when fighting with Zuko or other firebender. She seems to be very adaptive and perceptive, because she used other bending movement for her own waterbending skillsets. What I think can be improved is maybe her stance.. in LA, she used a pretty advance waterbending with loads of water.. but her legs stance not wide and make it looks like not firm and balance enough...
Dallas Liu!! Standing applause for you because for me you ARE Prince Zuko! His intonation very similar to Dante Basco's Zuko. I also learned that he actually really love Zuko and did research for both of his predecessor (yes, Dante n Dev Patel's Zuko too). I was impressed with his martial art skills. His firebending look very believable, he also did his own stunt I think? especially when doing bending n using weapons..
His acting as a confused but honorable young man also very good. I cried 3 times in this LA, which were during airbender genocide, Katara's mom death and when Zuko cries after his father announce banishment (when he was just laying on his bed helpless, tired, sad and defeated). We can see how he's just a boy..and I cried.
I love his interaction with Aang too. He seems more open to conversation early on. Even when Aang asking about the type of brush that he used for his journal... he answer it.. hahaha.
He loves Iroh and really respected Luten. We can already see him as a honorable young man early on.
Intermezzo Shipping potential
Zutara: Zuko and Katara interactions mostly during battle,, but there're one scene which I count as zutara crumbs in Ep. 3. When he touched Katara's scarf in slow motion. I wonder if it was the setup for the slowburn unrequited love of Zutara (aaah why my OTPs road so painful) but it's huge for me!! I was screaming when I saw this scene. Also when Aang, Katara and Zuko interacted in Kuruk's shrine, when Aang said " Don't be too hard" " I am not talking to you" was very funny haha. During the battle also, he seems to noticed Katara's bending progress, which is funny because it shows how Zuko really is a bending nerd, both in the series and during the interview (Dallas once said that waterbender really difficult because you need to stay still with a low stances)..both loves bending!!
Jetara: Well... now I understand why Katara like Jet in the original, because he looks hella FINE, in the LA he looks so handsome! xD but anyway, I think Jet in the LA was combination of Haru and Jet. In the beginning when he said " my wife and my brother and law", I was like... hmm maybe Jetara is very plausible too. I hope the LA gonna use different take and gives him a redemption arc too. It'll be so saad if he ends up like in the original ;_;
Harutara: Not possible. Haru not even in this LA....so saaaaaad. Really wish his character indeed combines with Jet tho. Hopefully it gonna change Jet's fate a bit
Kataang: They changed the secret tunnel story, Katara was trapped with Sokka and not Aang. But when they playing with water together they're seems very cute! besides in the final episode Katara said " I need you" to the spirit-combined Aang. So it still possible for a proper writing of their relationship! Which is great! ( because my only complain of the original Kataang is how OOC the characters sometimes)
Sukka: Suki looks very pretty in the LA. However the writing made her an awkward girl who seems to be very shy and cannot convey her words clearly. she seems to greatly simping for Sokka without clear reason. I mean, during her interaction with Sokka, she rarely talking... Just staring to him....awkwardly.........she is kinda like Fern in Frieren hahaha. So their interaction here is like Fern x Stark, thus it still very possible. BUT I miss the original Suki characteristics though.. I miss her lines" I am a warrior but I am a girl too". Too bad it's not in this LA..
Yue x Sokka: LA Yue has more confident and autonomy than the original. Her vibes here is like the animation Suki. She can chose partner for herself and since she's not betrothed to Hahn anymore, her relationship with Sokka isn't gonna be awkward. If she was not need to sacrifice herself to be a moon...they could be canon. (Also, Yue could waterbend?!)
Yue x Hahn: I never ever ship them in the original series. Because original Hahn was an arrogant and annoying young man, but here in LA, he's very kind, listen to other's feedback , was handsome too. He respect Yue and basically a very good man (he has Haru's vibes). So when he's dead I was so saaaaaad.... but, because now Yue becoming Moon spirit, I believe Hahn's spirit return to the Ocean. Thus they could be together again.. dancing eternally as part of Tui and La.
Fire Nation
Iroh: I love how he already portrayed as a pacifist FN who loves his nephew so much. In the original, early Iroh still a bit morally grey.. but in this LA, they just makes him friendly to the avatar and the spirit world since the beginning. So glad when he explained what sacrifice that Zuko's did to the 41th army (his current crewmates). Zuko deserves love!!
Ozai: He was more enigmatic and manipulative than in the original. He likes to gaslighting his children. I found it confusing in the beginning...because he appears to be more emotional (sometimes I noticed his teary eyes when talking to his children), which makes me (as the watcher) thought that he was actually care. But apparently not.. he did that just so his children can fighting to get his approval. For example, when Azula mentioned Zhao as the one who found the avatar, Ozai was like "no it's your brother Zuko", which made Azula even more angry and envied the 'unlucky Zuko'. While in reality, Ozai did that so Azula fueled with hatred to his brother and can be motivated to be the very best. The original Ozai more stoic and seems to be more on brawn than brain. But this Ozai is more psycho..
Azula: ooh poor princess Azula, hated by her mother unloved by her father. She's only a tool for Ozai. In the LA, Azula sometimes looks calm and deadly, but most of the times in front of her father or friends, she always lose her temper, and can't really control herself. I actually miss her original calm, precise and deadly self.. but maybe it's the mental build up for her last Agni Kai?? Anyway WHERE IS HER BLUE FLAME?? is it for the next season? I saw her flame color changed to blue for a second right before she doing the lightning bending... but still... Where is her blue flame? it just different without her signature flames..
Tylee and Mai: they not show their skillsets yet, but Mai already shown that she's the calmest one and has clear mind in compare to Azula.
Zhao: I hate him. I think the actor did a good job because I really want to punch him on the face. His appearance was different with the original (lieutenant Gee more looks like the animation Zhao). He's a lot more like snake in this LA.
41th crewmember: Yeah they should be very loyal to Zuko.. glad in the end they respected him again. Although maybe they're all dead after the battle in NP. Still sad that Iroh didn't sing Four Seasons song with them in this LA..huhuhu
But TLDR. This Live Action is very enjoyable for me and has reached my expectations
Not too many scenes that made me feel cringe (only the Suki part I guess)
so.. 9.5/10 for me.
Ps. I was writing till finished but somehow tumblr cannot save it and half of my review gone... And I am not in the mood yet to rewrite all of it again...*cries
pps. finally finished! some review probably changed since I forgot what I was writing before...
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
Hi! Do you know any yandere games in which the MC is NOT some featureless person? Like MC actually has an appearance, that's not up to interpretation or grey? I'm tired of these visual novels with invisible MCs 😩 them having a personality would be great too!
Oof man, I understand. I personally prefer it when a character has some sort of design, but I understand why they do it. An invisible MC is easier since it means the artist doesn't have to add another character in CGs and it leaves the player able to self-insert more cleanly. Same with the grey people since it doesn't really define itself as a certain bod type or skin color- but honestly it looks really silly watching a grey blob self in CGs. But yeah, having an actual MC design would be pretty neat to see more- you and Cherry have the same thoughts on this.
That being said, most games that do have a design are either BLs or Otome games and very few are gender neutral with a set design.
Otome Games (With Renamable MCs)
Sweetest Valentine - the MC has a nice character design and a pretty interesting personality depending on which route you go for.
XOXO Blood Droplets - the MC (or JB) is very flirty with all of the guys and very forward. It's put on hiatus for now since GB Patch is working on other games currently.
What's Your Name - actually has three female MCs all with different backstories to compliment each of the love interests, though you only really see their designs at the end of the good routes.
Particles of Reality - the MC (or Monika) has a pretty tragic backstory and runs in with a couple of different yanderes.
Please Don't Hate Christmas - the MC (or Molly) has a fairly cute design, though a lot of her personality is surprised otome character, but with a twist! Future Recommendation
Otome Games (With Defined MCs)
Go Away, Yandere! - for essentially a meme, self insert train of thought game, it's actually pretty well made. Coella is amazingly great as a protagonist since they just run with whatever goes. Future Recommendation.
My Puppy Fiancee/In Search of Haru/Jime Quiet Boyfriend- these are all otome IOS games from SeeC Inc which all have pretty good female protags. Though short, each of them has at least one yandere ending which is enough to put this on this list. You can find most walkthroughs on youtube if you can't play it. Future Recommendation.
Apartment No.9/Solopolism Reigns/Dawn of the Damned- all these games are made by @melancholy-marionette, who has a huge plethera of yandere games. I did a huge summary of Solopolism Reigns here, but the other games also have defined females. Future Recommendation.
ITYH: Horror Otome/Saccharine - Amiralo has pretty good and bittersweet games overall and the female characters are always interesting to say the least.
Parasite in Love -Marlowe is placed in a pretty unfavorable situation, but in the true ending is able to use her wits to get Niall off of her case. Quite literally, in fact.
Colorful Mirai: Spooky Edition - a spin off of their other game, Lauren is pretty fun as a protagonist. None of the yanderes have any lasting impressions or do anything too detrimental to her though.
Most Japanese otomes also tend to have MCs with character designs and I think more recent yandere ones tend to have ones with more character than simply just a blank slate.
BL Games
Most BL games have a predefined character already, so I'm not going to split this into two parts.
House Check - you actually play as the yandere, Arlon, who periodically breaks into his crush Owen's house to house clean. Future Reommendation
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel… Help!! - comedic game where the MC gets isekaied into a yandere game he played and has to survive. One of the few on the list that has a renamable MC. I have yet to play the updated version though.
Forgive My Sins, Father/ Forgive My Desires, Father - two sides of the same coin, though only one side is the yandere.
Mistrick/Misfiction/Line88 - all created by @hatogedev, Mistrick and Misfiction's yanderes are the same character, but Line88 is a kinetic novel. Future Recommendation for that last one.
Blood and Lust and Lust for Blood - I like the character design for Dimitri, but the game is a little uh... well, it could be more polished, let's say. Future Recommendation.
Killing Kiss - mobile game, but I really like Ryu and his design. The yandere in this one only really appears in one ending though.
Gender Neutral MC/ Male or Female Selection Games
Heart Fragment - extremely well made game, and you can choose a more masculine or feminine appearance. The yandere in this one is fairly light though.
Froot Basket Dark Chocolate - this one is kind of weird because you're actually playing as the yandere but the "MC" (Jordan), can have their gender chosen and has a set design.
Picture Perfect Romance -MC does have a design, though not given a name or gender. Very surreal game, I will say.
The Things You Do for Love!! - the MC is the yandere interestingly enough and you can choose their gender, and has a cute design. Still debating if I want to do a recommendation on this one though.
Degrees of Lewdity - does this count? I mean you can customize what your MC looks like and there are up to two yandere in this game
Purrfect Apawcalypse - Olive, the main character is nonbinary so I will put them on the list, though the yandere is yandere for another character. It's a triology and very good.
I also have my own game @perfectlovevn, which has Eris, an MC with a design and strong personality as well. I'm still doing the SFX/Music assignment for it but you can see my progress as it goes.
Anyways, I hope that was able to help you. There's a butt ton of other yandere games I still need to get through on itchio, so I may find some more in the future.
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agerefandom · 5 months
Other Fandoms
fandoms in red are fandoms that I don't know personally, but I've done art or moodboards for them! fandoms in purple are ones that I have moderate familiarity with, but I can't write every character. The rest are ones that I just haven't made as much content for.
Ace Attorney regressor!apollo edit regressor!edgeworth with cg!gumshoe moodboard
The Addams Family caregiver!morticia moodboard
All For The Game regressor!kevin and cg!andrew moodboard
Avatar: The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: post-canon fic with cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara gaang agere art regressor!sokka moodboard
Barbie Movie regressor!ken moodboard
The Boy regressor!brahms headcanons
Castlevania (Netflix) regressors!trevor and alucard moodboards/headcanons
Check Please regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)  regressor!bitty art
Coraline regressor!wybie moodboard
Corpse Bride regressor!victor van dort moodboard regressor!emily art
Criminal Minds season one gang regression headcanons regressor!spencer and cg!derek art
Danganronpa regressor!toko, chihiro, and yasuhiro edits bunny regressor!mikan tsumiki moodboard regressor!chihiro moodboard caregiver!sakura moodboard regressor!ishimaru moodboard w themes of cg!mondo
DC Content regressor!harley quinn moodboard (comics) regressor!oswald moodboard (gotham) regressor!joker moodbard (telltale series) regressor!flash moodboard (cw)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Once Upon A Midnight Dreary: fanfiction with regressor!henry jekyll
Frankenstein  regressor!victor frankenstein headcanons regressor!adam (the monster) headcanons
Ghibli Movies  big sister kiki headcanons  agere edit of haru (the cat returns)
Heathers agere!JD art regressor!veronica art regressor!heather macnamara moodboard
Hadestown caregiver!hades headcanons regressor!eurydice moodboard
Hunger Games caregiver!katniss moodboard
Interview With The Vampire To Have, To Hold, To Drink: fanfiction with cg!louis and regressor!lestat regressor!lestat moodboard
It caregiver!pennywise headcanons
Labyrinth  caregiver!jareth and regressor!reader
Little Shop of Horrors Skid Row Blues: fanfiction with orin walking in on regressor!seymour regressor!orin headcanons
Lore Olympus regressor!hades and cg!hecate moodboard
The Magic School Bus caregiver!ms.frizzle headcanons
Maze Runner regressor!minho moodboard regressor!newt moodboard
Les Miserables Calling You Home: fanfiction with regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
The Muppets regressor!beaker moodboard
My Little Pony cg!starlight glimmer moodboard regressor!sunset shimmer art/edits
The Mysterious Benedict Society regressor!kate moodboard regressor!nicholas benedict moodboard/headcanons
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: fanfiction about regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night At The Museum caregiver!Jedediah and Octavius art
The Owl House regressor!willow moodboard regressors!ed and em moodboard
Raven Cycle headcanons (gansey, ronan, noah, adam, and blue)  regressor!noah moodboard
Rick and Morty regressor!morty headcanons
Rocky Horror Picture Show regressor!rocky moodboard
Sandman regressor!desire headcanons thoughts on regressor!dream regressor!dream moodboard
Sherlock regressor!sherlock and cg!john headcanons cg!john watson moodboard
Smile For Me regressor!boris habit moodboard regressor!boris habit edit regressor!habit with cg!kamal art more regressor!habit art
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons regressor!jim moodboard w themes of cg!bones regressor!jim and cg!sam moodboard(strange new worlds) regressor!jim and cg!spock art
Stranger Things regressor!eleven headcanons
The Untamed regressor!lan zhan moodboard regressor!wei ying moodboards
V for Vendetta caregiver!V headcanons cg!v moodboard
Welcome To Night Vale regressor!cecil and cg!carlos headcanons cg!carlos moodboard cg!cecil moodboard
Wicked regressors!elphaba and glinda headcanons
World’s End regressor!gary king headcanons
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
Youtubers  regressor!dan howell headcanons cg!markiplier moodboard
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haru-desune · 2 years
If you wanna tell me why you like em also I'm 👀
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renah · 2 months
your posts reminds me. i'd like to think somewhere out there a little gay Japanese girl whose parents was into imas' first gay anime crush was Haru from CG because look at her. I think a lot of girls around her age would've had crush on her.
oh absolutely
i hope so
hope they are having the time of their lives
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ebi-hime · 1 year
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Hi everyone! \o/ I'm writing a post to let you know that I've uploaded a demo of my BL VN, Beneath the Bleeding Moon, for this year's YaoiJam! You can find it on Steam or Itch.io if you're curious! Beneath the Bleeding Moon is an adventure story set in Japan in the 19th century. It features an aloof crossdressing protagonist, Haru, who teams up with a cheery and flippant thief to break a centuries old curse which has plagued Haru's family for generations. I took part in YaoiJam last year with my previous project, LoToTo. This time, however, I wanted to work on something more ambitious, so I committed to making a full-length VN at around 100k with a bunch of CGs, some lightly animated sequences, and fight scenes! I was able to write the script for the whole VN in the time constraints for the jam, and the vast majority of the art has already been finished. However, coding and proofreading a project this long turned out to be a bit tricky.
Though a chunk of the story is coded, I think it’ll take a while until I’m able to release the whole VN. I estimate it’ll take several months (maybe 4-6 months? It’s a little hard to say) until the project is fully finished. I do hope you enjoy what I was able to put together during the jam in the meanwhile, however! ♥
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somnimouse · 6 months
Hello Somnimouse! We all know you're favourite route ( HaruRyu is a beautifully written ship, ofc it would be your favourite! ) But what's your least favourite?
I guess you all saw my favorite route and ship from a mile away, huh? 👀💦
That said... I'm going to preface my answer with this because I've gotten the stink-eye in the past for shipping HaruRyu and being a big fan of Ryu, and I don't want to scare anyone off or feel unwelcome because of what they or I ship. I value all routes equally for a number of reasons because they show different aspects of Haru's character. On an objective level, there's something to be gleaned from the impact the love interests have on Haru, and each route is a different flavor for everyone.
Putting a cut here because I don't want to flood anyone's feed with subjective opinions.
With that out of the way, my least favorite route is Hiroyuki's route. I'm not going to go into detail about the literary stuff I'm unsatisfied with because it's just a personal preference, but:
Yufumi Balcony Day is not a holiday that should ever be established and I want the tiny daughter to have a happy, loving future with two dads and a cat. Child neglect and abuse are topics that hit way too close to home, and the conclusion to Yufumi's chapter in Hiroyuki's route doesn't sit well with me.
The stink-eye I've gotten was exclusively from HaruHiro fans. It's ruined the route and the ship for me, and I can't even retweet MangaGamer's promotions of NTY!!! because they always use a HaruHiro CG. While that's extremely petty of me, I refuse to make people who do ship it uncomfortable by complaining about it. The ship's not for me, but I appreciate what the route provides to the game and how happy it makes others!
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warriorfujoshi · 11 months
playing hashihime after nty is so fucking funny bc minatama route had one (1) sex scene and made liberal use of tasteful black screen and cropping the cg. meanwhile haru senpai is teaching me about organs and glands I never knew existed with the sound of jelly drinks being slurped in the background
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77ngiez-archive · 2 years
as for the character ask. either yamato or mikako 🥴 bc im predictable
favorite thing about them: i loaf her relationship w her classmates
least favorite thing about them: the way she got fucking sidelined by linuj to make room for yamato
favorite line: i love the bit in chap 3 where she comforts akane :)
brOTP: her and yamato or her and yuki
OTP: EMMAKAKO THE WORLD… also i like kizukako and mikanata
nOTP: yamakako :/ also i just dont like her w guys. i wouldnt call it a notp per se but i dont like reikako as much as a lot of the fandom seems to
random headcanon: she can literally see ghosts
unpopular opinion: idk tbh
song i associate with them: donut hole by hachi!
favorite picture of them: again i. like the cg in chapter 3 where shes comforting akane
favorite thing about them: he sillay
least favorite thing about them: linuj was so fucking ableist with a lot of his writing
favorite line: "it was only a few months, but that time we spent together meant nothing to you!" AUGH
brOTP: him and mikako!
OTP: yamatsuro yamarugi kisamae… also him and haru r funny
nOTP: yamakako :/ also i just dont like him w girls
random headcanon: AUTISM!!!!!!!!
unpopular opinion: transgender
song i associate with them: none tbh,, i guess donut hole as well
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ga-yuu · 1 year
This is my guess for the sequel routes!
Yori and Yoshi!
Shige-chan and Yoi-chan
Mori-san and Haru-chan
Kage-san and Kei-san
Tamamochi and Kurarin (edit!)
Then the final three - Aki, Chika and Ibuki because these three cannot be separated!! Just imagine!! One cg with Akihito, Yasuchika and Ibuki together!!! I'm sure I'll be dead!!
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 2 years
I know u csn obviously tell who this is ;3 but who in ur opinion is the most to least CG coded of the phantom thieves im very interested to see what u think bc i cant decide
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WELL you have definitely come to the expert. ough this will b difficult though. this will be. Biased especially since it has been soooso long since I actually played the game
Number one ummm Haru 🥺 mostly because of nepotism I will not deny that… but waaa mommymommymommy just imagine having tea parties with her… she would have lovely stuffed animals that she would let you cuddle all you want… even though she was the type of kid to keep her toys so neat and tidy you’d think they are brand new even now so maybe you would b worried about messing them up but she would not mind! she knows how to wash them without damaging them if they are properly messy and if they are just getting to look “well loved” she thinks that is sweet!! oughhhgh imagine wearing the sweetest little outfits she picks out for you… I love her sooo much waaa
Number two… is Makoto probably! She is more obvious I think than Haru? Because Makoto is the responsible one! She’s mama friend! She is good at planning and making sure everything goes well! Like she will make sure she always has some of your baby things with her even if you are big Just In Case and she prepares cute lunchboxes! You can go on picnics nd stuff with her or maybe they are for school :0 nd also. Buchimaru. Friend to you both. I like it when cgs like cute things as well 🤍
Number three is Ann iii am trying so hard to not be too biased I would put her higher if I let myself be more biased. She just ouuughg waaa she is so sweet 🥺 I’m SO sorry that I can’t have a coherent thought about her. Mmmmm sharing lots of desserts! Spoil. Each Other >:) even though uh oh sometimes you end up with tummy aches together also </3 cuddle all better 🥺 nd mmmm Ann does dress up with you waaa she is good at. Fashion so you know when she says you look soso cute then t means a lot!!
Number four is Ryuji ough he’s like. Big brother most EVER he deserves to be in a rank together with Ann I think together they r like. Cool big brother and sister who let you join in on their big kid games but r soso patient with you if you don’t get them. SO so sorry to Ryuji to not say as much about him as th girls I promise I lovlovlov him it is just. Hard to Organise My Thoughts the longer I spend writing this hdkdjdjd I like him so much
Number five is Yusuke ough he does. Arts and crafts with you mainly like ough wht f he draws a picture and then you colour it in… obviously fingerpainting. Nd mmm he can paint your face like your favourite animal if you want! You make a picture for him and he goes oh your attention to detail is exquisite little one and then he puts it somewhere special 🤍 he doesn’t put on a baby voice for you at all he doesn’t get the appeal
Number six is Akira I’m SORRY the only reason he is so far down is because he’s way more baby to me 🥺 I know this is not a cg → baby ranking but. It Does have an effect on his ranking. Although just a teeny one because if I didn’t have to give them all their own numbers they would all be number one 🥺 mmm he is good at caregiving but not a caregiver you know. Like he is. Thoughtful and kind and lovely but he’s also just a baby it is like a little kid with a hamster like… yes he is so good at taking care of it but maybe don’t leave him unsupervised for too long. You know. Like especially if you are doing something fun while little he will start to feel little as well 🤍
Number seven is Morgana I’m sorry but he is. Kitty adjacent. He cares for you as much as a kitty can!! He can cuddle with you and be a weight on your chest and nuzzle into you but he cannot make a bottle or be cuddled INTO or help you get ready for bed. He tries his best though 🥺
Number eight is Futaba I’m SO SORRY I like her SO MUCH and she is not BAD at caregiving she is like Akira… she is lovely at caregiving she just needs to also be reassured throughout or she would worry she is doing it wrong 🥺 she regresses too but like. Not quite baby she is like tween and perhaps then is when she does best with littler regressors cuz she can feel like a cool big sister and show off all her cool stuff
Number nine is Akechi. I’m sorry except I am not because this guy is the only person I am confident on the placement of. He is either the fussiest grumpiest baby or he is easily irritated by kids. If he is trying to take care of someone he would not SHOW that but. You know
Sorry to Sumire enjoyers. I do not remember her well and I don’t think it would be fair to her to rank her
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the-tubort · 2 years
I'm thinking about Appmon and just how it is such an amazing season of Digimon.
From the action and animation actually being a great blend of CG and 2D to its characters starting off so simple but growing to much more complex individuals who all were posed with a question about their life and then followed through on it.
It's beautiful in how it is such a goofy show that made one of Digimons most interesting stories in my opinion.
I think a lot of Appmons character development gets overlooked because it's both extremely in your face and insanely subtle in my mind. Characters like Astora and Eri can often feel extremely flat compared to the likes of Rei and Haru and that's partly intentional due to the complex nature of character writing but the way that they develop revolves a lot on how they to further present themselves in their careers and the goals they strive for.
Astora fully believes in making content that is fun that he enjoys and thinks that others could enjoy as well and throughout the series is tested on that belief. When his videos got altered and the other Apptuber appeared and was stealing his thunder, he had to relearn the reason he started making videos and afterwards gained a new passion for it. This is further questioned with the talk about him inheriting his father's school and him deciding to both inherit the school, but also continue to making videos is a huge step for him and shows that he's maturing to be someone who wants to push the limits of creativity to new heights. He loves making videos and loves his family's tradition of the tea ceremony and wants to embrace both because he's grown to be more than just a kid with a camera with a catchphrase and it shows.
Following up with that is Eri Karan and by God do I love her story. From the shy girl who felt alone and found escape through an idol's passion when everything felt bleak and wanted to cheer her own mother up to the passionate rising idol who believes that everyone should be able to smile together and laugh together and have enough confidence to stand up for themselves even when it seems impossible. Starting off extremely dismissive of her own partner and struggling to even be a proper idol at first, Eri learns so much over her journey and develops into her own idol, one not bogdowned by the details of what she should be and focuses on what she wants to be. Eri goes through a lot of trials through her story about becoming her own person and idol and its so inspiring to see because she always puts so much effort into it and fully embodies her AppliDriver question and not only wants to make someone smile, but make everyone smile and give courage and hope when people can't do it for themselves.
There's a lot more to say about the rest of the cast but once again that'll be a back burner idea for now.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (14/05/23)
3 new manga this week wao, busy week for m+ (tho there were more I'm not reading) the one of most note is nue, the last of this WSJ serialization round and the one I was looking forward to the most, despite 2 of the other manga being by fujimaki and the shokugeki duo. sadly it didn't live up to my expectations but I talk about it more under there 👇
also I watched all anime episodes yesterday since mal was down for like 3 days thanks to a brainless hacker, I know I coulda just watched and updated it after it got fixed but I stubbornly like to do things a certain way tehe anyhoo
oh also there was a new chap of strike it rich but because of how comikey works I can't read it for free til there's a new chap in 2 week (yikes) so that's why it's not here, I'll be keeping a lookout for alternative sources for it but until then I'll just have to be behind ugh
green - new series/new to me
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Megumin Ep6
honestly the last or this episode coulda been the last and the anime woulda prob been a lot better, dunno how they're gonna fill 6 more episodes but we'll see. it was cute seeing the backstory of megumin's cape, staff and eyepatch tho
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Imas CG: U149 Ep6
very good episode, in every way, voices, character acting, like usual I know ofc ofc. it's funny seeing haru always comparing idol stuff to soccer to make it more relatable to herself while the producer plays along (as he should) while everyone else is flabbergasted. as soon as they were talking about outfits at the start I knew what the ep was gonna be about (and what the solution was) but it was still good. and let me tell you, it was extremely brained for them to have the new LiPPS song as the insert for the anime at the same time as the event for it came out in the game, it's free hype real estate baby.
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Mashle Ep6
I was actually pretty impressive with how the fight looked (compared to the rest of the anime) and the addition of him and mash's reflection on the metal (wasn't in the manga I checked) was really cool. it gives me some hope for the future of the anime, not much but some hope.
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Pokemon Horizons Ep6
good ep but it's weird as hell just seeing shiny ray in an anime episode. done with the roy introduction arc so things can start moving forward now, tho they still won't be getting to paldea next time. however they did tease that the bocchi voiced character is part of the ship, which is funny cause they always show the damn duck in her videos so it was right there all along, we're just blind fools
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Jigokuraku Ep7
nice episode, next one is gonna be The Door and the start of quite a long stretch of action, tho it won't extend to the finale. considering where we are I have a pretty good idea where it'll end (setting off from the cave iykyk). I thought it was pretty funny how they straight up just delete the tensen's nipples instead of using god rays or stuff like that since it'd be too much of a bother during fights, and honestly I much prefer this to making the fights look worse. however they did use god rays to censor mei so that was good. also also when I was reading it I said this, and during the ep I looked it up and they do indeed all have the same seiyuu, one for the female form (kaida yuuko) and another for the male (suwabe junichi), so that's v fun, glad they actually went through with it
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Nue's Exorcist Ch1
MAN, out of the 4 new series, even with fujimaki and the shokugeki duo, this was the series I was the most excited for but if I had to be honest it had the weakest ch1 out of all of them :( it's a real shame. the art is really good, very clean lines and very readable, everything stands out as it should and the designs are good. however, I don't think it did a good enough job at setting up it's premise as the other 3, rn it's basically just the mc going "I want to be strong enough to protect everyone" and I don't think that's enough. we'll see how it goes in the next few chaps, but if something of note doesn't happened in the next handful of chaps I could easily see it suffering the same fate as tokyo demon bride which would be sad. I'll try to keep my hope up anyway, I know I only feel like this cause I had such high expectations for it when I shouldn't but oh well
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Blooming Love Ch1 - 3
didn't really have any expectations going in but it's pretty cute art club president meets a craftsman girl, who is trying to get better at art, and becomes captivated by how earnest she is about things art is very nice and clean and the characters are expressive, could be a nice little romance if it can last for some time
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Kindergarten WARS Ch1 - 3
jump + title and first indie series to get picked up by m+ it's kinda like an alt universe sakamoto, the premise is "the safest kindergarten in the world" which is protected by criminals trying to earn their freedom it currently has around 30 chaps so it's gonna take a while to catch up even if they do 2 or 3 chaps a week anyway it's good, I was the most surprised by how good the action looks but even outside of that it's good. at the end of chap 2 I was like "I hope the formula isn't always like this or it'll get old fast" but chap 3 was completely different so that got rid of my worries. I can totally see why it's so popular in jp (over 1M views weekly) so looking forward to the extra chaps til we catch up in the coming months
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Dandadan Ch105
you know, last chap I was bitching about this flashback arc being a bit too long but that ending was just great, really managed to stick the landing there
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One Punch Man Ch182
damn ai strikes again to ruin everything smh but anyway, plot? in opm? what the hell is going on. it do be p interesting tho, wonder if there'll be "s rank" vs s rank hero fights 👀
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Saihate Quarter Ch11
chap was nice, if nothing else just for the shounen references, otherwise was mostly just exposition from luci
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Tokyo Underworld Ch40
honestly never knew that's how leonidas went so that's neat, decent chap overall anyway, finally learned some stuff about the twins' power and the leonidas fight finally moving along, tho there's still gonna be cao cao after this so still gonna be on this arc for a while
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch25
damn he really did wake up, kept waiting for it to be like "ahah it looked like he did but he didn't", at least with him up now shouldn't be too long for the end
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Fabricant 100 Ch21
ok chap, not much to say, just the start of the final fight
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Kill Blue Ch4
nice and action filled chap, with a sprinkling of overall plot too, well see what it does now that this little 2 parter is done but it's been pretty decent so far
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Do Retry Ch2
really good ch2, art maintained it's quality, introduced new charas, progressed the plot, did it's job overall. we'll see how it goes in the next few chaps tho, still too early to see if it'll live the initial gauntlet or not
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Witch Watch Ch108
god damnit I knew it was too good for it to happen so fast, still it's some progress so it's better than nothing I guess
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Blue Box Ch100
I knew there was no way they were gonna meet so fast, especially after they mentioned the sky trip at the beggining but still had some hope argh. karen teasing ayame was good too tho lol, and those pages with taiki reminiscing about past moments with natsu were fitting for a chap100, overall really good chap
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Cipher Academy Ch23
chap felt longer than it was, but it makes sense since it's nisio and has so much text. I was worried cause of cipher's continuously low placements, but it doesn't seem to be wrapping up yet so that gives me some hope. tho it could just end suddenly and that'd be wack but we'll see... good chap tho, iroha finally making up with toshusai's other goon and introducing the new conflict and "villains" for the upcoming arc. I really do hope it doesn't get canceled it'd be a shame to lose a nisio series
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Spy x Family Ch80
continuation of the plot from last time, nice lil chap, despite how annoying yuri is, but the best part was there being a rare overarching plot related thing at the end, been a while since something like that
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch5
nice chap, kurai is cute and next chap should be good too, seeing her really dive into her character and all that. I know I say this every chap but it do be nice to see how passionate and knowledgable tsukuda is about cinema
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Mashle Ch155
good action chap with really crazy shots, reminded me of the headmaster fight from a while ago, tho I still think that one was cooler, so far, but hoping this one will surprass it since it's the finale
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Undead Unluck Ch158
a fitting chapter for mother's day, not much to say but it was good
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Sakamoto Days Ch118
it woulda already been a good chap with how cool this sakamoto scene was but the one with rion and uzuki at the end were good too, great chap. shouldn't be much longer til this flashback arc is over considering what happened at the end
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The Elusive Samurai Ch109
really good chap, interested to see where we're going from here since the heroes will have to rebuild their forces quite a bit to go against takauji again I trust matsui tho
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Akane-banashi Ch61
I haven't said this in a while but akane is still my favourite series on jump right now. the scene right before this cap gave me goosebumps and I KNEW what was coming that's how it was. goddddddd please, trust me, even if you think you wouldn't like rakugo, or that it's boring, or that it wouldn't fit a manga, just read it. it's so good man
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festaventurine · 2 years
to think of it. With how popular CG/deresute is among girls even at young age (saw some young girls playing deresute with her mom once and another where a little girl sings Onegai Cinderella), and how Yuuki Haru is often potrayed as ikemen in U149 manga to the point she was the only Im@s Manga Ikemen Representative of a magazine poll instead of anyone from sideM, I'm not surprised if Yuuki Haru from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls is some random young girl's gay awakening.
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