#ch 187
onepieceanimals · 11 months
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(The above and below, regarding drawing with his mouth, are answers from the first and last SBS of volume 30, namely chapters 276 and 284. So yes, Odacchi said "absolutely not??" and then did it anyway a few chapters later. He's so silly I love him xD)
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they.. a saga in 5 parts...
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sunflowercider · 4 months
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He can't do anything!! He can't do anything, and he barely knows whats wrong!!! But he can tell that Rakiel is stressed!!! And offers the best insight he can offer before quietly stepping back to the side!!!!! Hello??? Can anyone hear me????
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kikyocaps · 2 months
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every-god-usopp · 1 month
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 10 months
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every-nami · 2 months
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akutagawa-daily · 1 year
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Akutagawa daily 187/★
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every-chopper · 11 months
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me and the few other kisatake enjoyers after reading TR 277
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crowning-art · 2 years
Yesterday was a day.
What happened post reading;
Shut my laptop, and started scrolling through tumblr. Its been 30 mins but I haven't liked or reblogged anything. I'm just scrolling and scrolling and my mind is absolutely blank. Nothing is registering. (Denial)
After I while I turn off my phone too and just sat.
My sister asks me if I'm ok. I respond, "Ya, of course, why wouldn't I be?" She gives me a look, "You're crying."
I'm obviously shocked cuz I didn't even register I was crying and I'm like NO lol I'm not crying What are you talking about?? (Anger) Except now I'm full on crying (depression) but it was so weird cuz my eyes were crying but I was laughing SO HARD, like I couldn't stop laughing, and I'm like wtff??? THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING FUNNY???? and so to distract myself, I searched up why in the absolute hell was I laughing so hard when my heart was literally squeezing in pain cuz like THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE?? (Bargaining)
Anyways, I found smt interesting; an article that discussed a study done on opposing emotions, why people say "Aww it's so cute, I want to squeeze it sooo hard', or start laughing when they are nervous, or laugh while crying, and it was really cool what they said;
"If you get into a very high or very low emotion that you're almost to the point of being overwhelmed, you become incapacitated so you can't function well,” Aragón tells me. “Emotional homeostasis is important for people so they can be in control of their cognitive, social, and psychological functions."
In other words, people may laugh when they’re nervous in order to moderate their nervous feelings; likewise, people may cry when they’re happy to recover from distracting giddiness."
Def an eye opener for me cuz I'm just not a crying type of person and I was literally so confused lol But I didn't know this was thing til yesterday so I was likke ohh I should share this!
Anyways, I'm going to be make this post reflect EXACTLY how I felt yesterday lmaooo (acceptance)
You know that feeling of dread? That looming, heavy weight that you feel on your shoulders as you watch and you watch and you know what's going to happen and as each scene unfolds, it starts making sense and that dread turns into down right horror and all you can do is helplessly watch....
Am I talking about me or Hua Cheng???? Perhaps both :(
I think that anxiousness had started building up when Mu Qing left and I felt so angry but it's like how can you blame him? But the absolute respect I got for this funky lil dude when he comes back with bags of rice and money and I'm I LOVE YOUUU SO MUCHHH YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS AHHH I LOVE YOUUUU
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(You too, Feng Xin efbfjefjn I literally want to shrink them and put them in my pocket and protect them from the evil, mean, scary world)
ok...now for the actual stuff......
What absolutely fascinates me is that I have come across so many villains from innumerable books, shows, and movies and I have seen stupid villains, pitiable villains, and down-right psycho ones too, but something about White No-Face hits different.
This is a villain that is truly terrifying. A villian that truly understands what it means to destroy someone. And no, it's not about killing their loved ones, it's not about physical torture, it's about breaking the person inside out. It's about ripping their soul out and gently putting it back, only for them to rip it out with even more viciousness. It's about taking away the one thing that keeps anyone alive...hope. I'm reminded of an arabic proverb that I heard once and really stuck with me;
What is worse than death is that which makes you wish for death.
I think every painful moment in TGCF just embodies this quote so well; when Xianle falls, when Windmaster is confronted with the truth, and now the temple scene and it literally hurts so much to read it and it's so lovely and beautiful how MXTX writes scenes that make you FEEL exactly what the people you are reading about feel.
Like yes Xie Lian was screaming 'It hurts' but I can guarantee that EVERY reader also felt the same as they read that part.
And what makes White No Face terrifying is that he KNOWS his subject, knows him so well, that he first takes away what's beloved to him, which is his kingdom, then his godhood, then his friends, and the final straw? His parents. He breaks him and breaks til there is nothing left to break and then rebuolds it just enough to break it again. He takes away his sanity so agonizingly slowly and you just want to scream as you just watch the descent into hell occur...
Could it be that Feng Xin couldn’t see the mask on his face in the mirror at all?!
Xie Lian blurted, “You don’t see it? There’s something on my face!”
Feng Xin was puzzled. “What thing? What exactly do you mean? I don’t see anything?” Xie Lian looked at the mirror again. “That’s impossible! I…”
However, when he looked again this time, the mask on his face in the mirror had disappeared, and what reflected was that panicking face of his.
And what's crazy is that yes, White NO Face wears the mask of half laughing, half crying, but Xie Lian EMBODIES that. He is always in a state of laughing and crying simultaneously. And it just shows how broken he is.
But you know what's insane???? Xie Lian has never ONCE felt like this with Hua Cheng! It's like somehow, he is suddenly in control of his emotions and feels true sadness, true happiness and not this broken confused mixture of laughing and crying, yknow?
And the comfort he gives him? Xie Lian actually felt comforted by this monster, completely. He actually felt calm and I'm like how incredibly sick and terrifying of a person to destroy someone and then provide them with such a comfort that feels real only to shatter it the next second.
And God, oh God! My heart was dying watching a small, inanimate ball of fire express SO much fear and sadness and agony.
From deep in Xie Lian’s throat there came waves of suppressed sobs, shaking harder and harder. That ball of ghost fire flew to his heart, looking as if it wanted to warm him, but it wasn’t confident that it could help chase away the cold, so it didn’t press close
and this part
A ball of ghost fire flew to his side and moved up and down, like it was nodding in agreement. However, wicked wisps like it were all around, so Xie Lian didn’t notice this particular one.
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And my god, the absolute twisted mind of White No Face, like 'YEs Your Highness, YOU said it yourself "I want to save the common people!" So here! Save them!" And it's so goddamn twisted and sick and ridiculous but like how do you argue with that when you YOURSELF proclaimed that proudly?
Watching the struggle unfold, White No-Face mocked, “The common people are here, waiting for you to save them. Please, go ahead.”
And what's worse? Xie Lian is watching people destory his temples, spit on his statues, and here, in one of the last remaining temples of the crown prince, he is on top of an alter, and he is being looked up to and you can HEAR the mocking tone of White No Face like you want to be worshipped? Here, have all these people bow to you! And he is getting that, and it's so sick and horrific;
As they tried to atone for their actions wearing ashen expressions, they bowed many times in front of Xie Lian before returning to the crowd with their child. With thick layers of blood clogging up his throat, Xie Lian was about to throw up until he heard White No-Face snicker beside him.
And just when you think that it couldn't get worse, I could feel the ear-piercing scream that Hua Cheng lets out and I think that was truly the moment when my heart completely shattered.
He couldn’t hear his own heartbreaking scream, but instead, he heard the sound of another heart-wrenching wail, and it seemed as if it came from that ring of flames. Although it didn’t come from him, the pain that he could hear was the same as his, as if he was the one that had made that sound.
This was the birth of a malicious creature, the signs of a Savage ghost taking form!
and I think this scene just shook me most to the core because it put EVERYTHING into perspective, the fear of rejection that Hua Cheng has, the overprotective nature, the way he doesn't spare a glance towards Fengqing, it all makes sense because he has been through HELL and watched beloved go through worse than hell.
He died that day with Xie Lian despite going through a rebirth.
And the literal shivers of rewatching the donghua scene, when he first meets Xie Lian where he is dressed as a bride and his hand reaches out confidently, hesitantly and it's the first time in a long time he is able to be face to face with him and he's looking at him and he's just thinking that from now on, you will never know what pain is. I will never let that happen. and you BELIEVE him and Xie Lian BELIEVED him even though he doesn't believe in anyone anymore...not even himself.
Like all the cute scenes? the gambler's den, the confession, the way Hua Cheng lay beside Xie Lian he reaches out to him but sees the shackles and hesitates, the way they both set up Puqi shrine,
just everything
it's so much.
You just can't see them in the same way anymore. Like I really looked at it from surface level, but there was so much behind every action; every atomic shift in their movements towards one another is accompanied by colossal weight and suffering of the past.
Oh boi, this scene too, like no words. It felt like the world stood still in this moment...
Some kind of power forced him to his feet and he stumbled out to look. He walked for a long time before he finally realized those were the sounds of celebrating the newly-built Imperial Palace, after Yong'an was established as a new kingdom and the royal capital was moved. Even the heavens were celebrating! All the once-citizens of Xianle were now cheering for Yong'an. On the main street, everyone’s faces bore such bright smiles; so familiar. Xie Lian remembered. This was also how the people at the Xianle imperial capital cheered during the Shangyuan Heavenly Ceremonial Procession.
and right by his feet lay the corpses of the King and Queen of Xianle...his parents....his dearest.
Boi deserves to go a little ape-shit but also, isn't that giving in to what White No Face wanted?
The expression on his face was like crying but laughing, like joy and sadness mixed together, and he slowly rose to his feet alongside the wall.
And he KNOWS what he's doing? He wanted Xie Lian on his side? He got him! He goddamn this absolute MONSTER UGHHHHH HE GOT HIM!! WHAT MORE DOES HE FREAKING WNT AAAAHHHHH
But I must say, I can't hate White No Face, because from a literary standpoint, he is such a wonderfully written villain. One of my all time faves just because of how well he was written. Again, just the whole book is so perfect and well-executed beyond a shadow of a doubt.
So ya!
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It was ALOT to take in and I just had to let it all out.
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onepieceanimals · 10 months
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localapparently · 3 months
/ orv webtoon ep 217 / novel ch 187 spoilers
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demon king sketches
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sunflowercider · 4 months
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Damian can't do jack shit in this situation. But he's here. You can be sure of that.
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megalony · 9 months
Mayday, Mayday
This is an Evan Buckley request I finished so quickly. Re-watching season six has put me in another Buck mood and made me desperate to write about the lightning scenes. I hope you all enjoy. Requests are always open.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen
911 Masterlist
Summary: Evan's worst nightmare comes to life when he watches his wife get struck by lightning. And he does everything in his power to save her.
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"Go get 'em, cowgirl."
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine when the safety clip was hooked onto the belt around her waist, pulling her onto her back foot. Her eyes landed on the red cable clipped onto her back that reached down to the winch at the bottom of the ladder she was on.
"Thanks. Do me a favour and move the ladder closer, I'm not jumping onto the balcony, you know." (Y/n) nudged her shoulder with Eddie who saluted and nodded to her request, squinting to look at her through the rain.
The ladder was close but not quite close enough for (Y/n) to make a safe jump or climb over onto the balcony. They had to be at least another five inches closer, there was no way (Y/n) was jumping that distance because if she missed, she would be hanging in mid air with no way up or down.
With her fingers curled round the ladder, (Y/n) started her ascent and climbed up. She took deep breaths and rolled her lips together, trying her best to look around despite the rain pouring down down. It was so heavy that she couldn't see the ladder in front of her with the torrential downpour that made her helmet jutter on her head and raindrops fell down the rim of the helmet onto her nose.
Her lips were drenched, her lashes were fighting off the rain and every inch of her skin was shaking from the low temperature.
"Fucking weather," She muttered to herself as she reached the end of the ladder and took a quick glance around.
She could feel the ladder moving beneath her, getting her as close to the fifth story balcony as they could so she didn't have far to climb. There were three families still stuck inside who needed evacuating and the 221 team were trying to get inside through the lobby and clear the stairwell. (Y/n) had to head in through the balcony and escort everybody down and make sure the building was clear.
Eddie's voice came through the radio in muffled clumps of static so all (Y/n) heard was 'you… ch.. o.'
"Come again?" Her left hand curled around the radio and she leaned her head closer, pressing her ear as close to the radio as she could to try and workout what he said. He was either giving her the go ahead to climb over or giving her some sort of instruction. "Eddie?"
(Y/n) tilted her head over the side of the ladder and let herself look over the edge.
A fond smile lit up her wet lips when she clocked her eyes on her husband stood at the bottom. He had one hand on his hip in a rather cocky manner and the other pressed against his helmet to shield his eyes as he looked up at her. He wasn't heading into the building just yet, he and Bobby were waiting to help guide everybody out and get the hose to put out the lower fires. And Evan wasn't about to start that until he watched his wife get into the building to make sure she was alright.
If she were a bit lower down, (Y/n) knew she would have seen Evan grinning at her.
A shudder bolted down her spine and she tremored on the ladder, hunching forward when a horrid noise rattled through the sky. Her eyes lifted and her head snapped up towards the sky but all she could see was thousands of white droplets raining down from the heavens. The sky was a misty blue mixed with swirls of black like a canvas with only a few swirls of clouds to be seen through the rain.
Looking up from this angle made the rain seem like it was being sucked up from the ground rather than falling down from the clouds.
"What the Hell is that?" (Y/n) didn't realise she still had her fingers pressed into her radio while her attention was on the sky.
Evan pursed his lips, morphing his smile into a frown as he watched his wife look up towards the sky.
They all heard it too.
The rippling noise that made them feel like they were deep underwater. The sky looked unforgiving, full of darkness without a single glimmer of light to guide them tonight. It made the building look like a beacon in the sheet of blackness, shining a vibrant burgundy with melted orange flames flickering at the sides. Leaking brown ash clouds up into the night sky.
"Babe you okay?" Evan gripped his radio and raised a brow, keeping his eyes on his wife. It wasn't strictly professional but Evan wasn't used to saying her name, even on shift he rarely ever used her name and none of the team seemed to mind. As long as they did their jobs and weren't all handsy with each other, no one cared if nicknames slipped past their lips.
Lightning. It broke through the clouds, a true act of God right before their eyes and Evan swore he could see a hand throwing the lightning bolt down at them like an act of vengeance.
He watched in horror as the streak of pure crystal white lit up the blue hue in the sky. But his knees caved in and sent him down towards the floor when he watched it strike his wife.
How was that possible?
How had God timed that so unjustly? How had it gone towards (Y/n) like that as if she were a magnet attracting such force? They couldn't have wished for something like that to happen or planned it in a million years, but the lightning caught her. It was so precise, Evan thought that he was watching a trick unfold before his eyes.
He heard her scream. It was the howl of a banshee that tore through his heart and set off an explosion in his chest.
Evan had never seen anything like it.
Sparks flew out from the end of the ladder like a firework display as (Y/n) fell backwards. Her back hit the very edge of the ladder which seemed to throw her up into the midnight air like an acrobat. Her body flipped, throwing her legs up while her head and shoulders fell over the edge of the ladder and plummeted down into thin air.
Evan didn't realise he was screaming until he felt Bobby's hands on his shoulders, holding him up so he didn't collapse down to his knees. He forgot for a second that (Y/n) would be on a harness. The buckle clip was holding steady to the harness around her waist which kept her suspended four stories in the air. Her legs and arms dangled down, limp and lifeless and her head snapped so far back it was almost touching her shoulder blades.
Her helmet fell through the air, carried by the rain and landed with a crack just three feet away from Evan. He could even see the crack that split up the back of her helmet, cutting right between the K and L, splitting up their joint last name like the universe was separating them forever.
"Get her down!" Evan pushed away from Bobby and bolted through the rain, slapping his boots against the concrete until he was stood directly beneath her. He tossed his helmet away from him, wanting to break it and anything in his path. The rain trickled down the back of his neck as he stared up at his wife, begging to be in her place instead of down here.
It would waste too much time climbing up onto the truck to try and winch her down himself when both Eddie and Chimney were already up there.
"Get her down! Get my fucking wife down now! Now!"
"Hen get a gurney, Chimney release the winch." Bobby spoke into the radio just in case his voice couldn't travel through the storm to his team while he stood directly beside Evan.
Eddie was already halfway up the ladder when they looked ahead into the sky and he fell down, hanging his upper body over the side of the ladder to grab the rope. He couldn't pull her up. Not if he had all the team up there with him, the rope was caught on the ladder and her weight was reaching towards the floor, dragging her back up wasn't an option.
A guttural cry left Evan's lips while Eddie screamed, waving one hand at Chimney to get him to go faster. And he threaded the rope between his gloved fingers, easing it down as (Y/n) started to lower like a package being delivered from the Gods down to Earth.
Evan's arms stretched up into the air and he waved his hands continuously while he stood on his tip toes to reach up for her, desperate to grab her. Despite being six foot two, Evan felt one foot nothing while he waited for his wife to come down from mid air. He couldn't do anything until she was in his arms and precious time was being wasted with her dangling there like bait on a hook.
"Unhook her." Evan pushed up and curved his hands beneath (Y/n)'s limp body as Bobby unclipped her so they could save two or three precious seconds to lower her down.
With the gurney placed directly beneath her, Evan laid her down and tore the gloves from his hands as they were an unwanted delay.
Terror ransacked Evan's body as he tore (Y/n)'s luminescent jacket apart, busting the zipper that flew out like a bullet and disappeared into the background. His numb, trembling fingers looped into the collar of her cotton shirt that needed to go. It would have been easier if she wore her button up shirt like he had, but it didn't matter now.
Evan tore apart her shirt like it was a tissue, split seams forming jagged lines all down the middle until it was nothing but a flimsy bit of cotton hanging off each shoulder. Revealing her dark blue bra, sodden chest and skin that was bubbling and swelling from the strike.
"Baby… oh baby," Evan's left hand cupped her cheek and kept her head straight but he hated how cold and lifeless her skin felt. There was no colour, no heat and no twitching muscles beneath his touch. He pressed his right hand against her neck and waited before he moved his hand down and pressed his palm down over her sternum. "I don't have a pulse and she isn't breathing!"
"Get the pack."
Hen placed the medic pack down beside (Y/n)'s left thigh and opened it up but she stopped when Evan smacked it so harshly a loud bang echoed around them.
"She's drenched and she's been electrocuted. You'll fry her!" Spit and rain spat past Evan's lips as his ocean blue eyes darkened into black holes, consuming everyone who dared look him in the eye.
She had been drenched before she got on the ladder, their suits weren't exactly water proof and now he had opened her shirt, she looked like she had taken a bath in her clothes. She had already gotten a shock which had stopped her heart, another one wasn't going to help her right now and they would do damage if they used the defibrilator on her while she was wet.
"Get an ambulance over here now. Mayday, mayday. This is Captain Nash, we have a firefighter down. Repeat, firefighter down, struck by lightning. I need a team on standby at the nearest hospital."
Evan tore his florescent jacket off his shoulders and let it fall into a puddle behind him before he clamped his fingers down on the stretcher and climbed onto the metal frame. All eyes fell on him in worry but no one dared stop or question what he was doing.
They watched in utter panic and defeat as Evan climbed up onto the gurney and clamped both his knees down into (Y/n)'s thighs harsh enough to leave bruises. He straightened his chest out, locked his arms and curled one hand over the other before he pressed them against her chest just to the side of her sternum over her breast.
"Don't you dare do this to me. You won't leave me, I won't fucking let you."
His elbows tensed and locked in place to keep his arms straight as he pressed down, trying to measure five inches down so he was pressing enough to reach her heart.
(Y/n) couldn't die.
She couldn't die here and now. Not when the whole team was here to bring her back and Evan would give his soul to the devil if it would keep his wife safe. She wasn't allowed to leave him, there was no way Evan could cope living a life without her. He would end himself before he lived a life of grief.
"Somebody bag her she needs air!"
Why was Evan the only one doing something? Why were they all staring at him like headless chickens waiting for orders?
He stopped his compressions when he reached thirty and waited for Eddie to place a mask over her mouth and squeeze two breaths of air past her lips before he started again.
The stretcher jolted his movements between the sixth and seventh compressions but Evan regained his composure and continued while they wheeled the stretcher into the ambulance. Both Eddie and Hen climbed in the back with him and Bobby rounded to the front as Chimney drove. The whole team were going to the hospital.
No one was waiting behind when one of their own was in peril, they stuck together. The 221 and the rest of their station house could deal with the fire and get the truck back to the station while the rest of them took (Y/n) to the emergency room.
"Baby come on. Don't do this to me. Baby please," Evan spat each word through gritted teeth that were clenched down so tightly they were about to shatter.
He could feel the rain and sweat rolling down his skin, sinking beneath the collar of his shirt, beneath his arms and even through his trousers. His skin was flushed red and radiating heat despite the cold night air and goosebumps prickled over his arms as his numb fingers continued to press down into his wife's chest deep enough to feel her ribs creaking beneath his hands.
Hen took over the air bag so Eddie could move round and grab some flannels from one of the drawers. He furiously wiped down (Y/n)'s neck and across her chest and stomach, trying his best to clear her of any water so they could shock her.
He clipped the monitor to her index finger and grabbed the two blue and white stickers, placing them at the top left of her chest and lower right side before he patted Evan's shoulder.
"Stand clear."
Spit rolled down the corner of Evan's mouth and he heaved each breath until stars danced across his vision. He let go of (Y/n)'s chest, braced a hand on the roof of the ambulance and pushed up on his knees so he wasn't touching (Y/n). He couldn't climb down yet because he needed to continue compressions if the shock didn't work.
He winced, choking on a mortified sound when the shock burned through (Y/n)'s chest and arched her back up from the stretcher before she flopped back down, lifeless.
"Going again-"
"You're not frying her heart." Shocking her too many times would only ruin her heart that had already received a horrific shock. Her lungs, heart and probably her liver would have been affected by the lightning, they couldn't give her too many shocks or she would never come back to him.
Evan started compressions again, blinking away the tears that dripped down onto (Y/n)'s cheeks as he started to growl and gasp each time he pushed down.
"Go," Evan braced both hands on the roof and leaned his head back until his neck clicked and strained in pain.
His head jolted forward after the second shock when the monitor started to beep.
"We've got a rhythm! Pushing fluids and a dose of adrenaline." Eddie slumped back down into a seat and grabbed an IV bag and a needle, He threw the bag on his shoulder and pressed his thumb against the back of (Y/n)'s right hand until he found a suitable vein and slowly inched the needle through. He opened the IV cap wide, letting the fluids pump through into her system to give her a boost and keep her going.
He then grabbed a dose of adrenaline and capped it into her vein, her heart needed all the help it could get.
"She's not breathing, I need to intubate."
Evan swung his leg over the side of the gurney and flopped down onto his feet before he turned and slumped his body over the gurney. His hands grappled for (Y/n)'s hand and pressed it against his burning, sodden lips that were quivering from shock and pain.
He watched Eddie tilt (Y/n)'s head back and hold the air bag while Hen cupped her chin and pressed a tongue clamp into her mouth. She slid a thin, clear tube down (Y/n)'s throat and as quick as anything, Eddie attached the air bag and started squeezing.
The relief was evident in Bobby and Chimney's eyes when they opened the back doors to the ambulance and heard the heart rate monitor steadily beeping. They had gotten a pulse back on (Y/n). Evan wasn't sat on his wife's hips too give compressions any more. A heartbeat meant she had a chance and that was all they could ask for right now.
Evan kept tight hold of her hand while Hen and Bobby pulled down the stretcher and Eddie stood on the other side, squeezing the bag to give her each breath she needed.
"What have we got?" A team of three doctors and two nurses were waiting on standby in the paramedic entrance to the hospital, as requested.
"(Y/n) Buckley, female, twenty-two, struck by lightning."
"She had no pulse for three minutes and seventeen seconds," Evan could barely hear himself speak but those times rattled around in his head. He could feel the stop watch in the front of his mind clicking on and off, flashing those numbers before his eyes. He had counted how long his wife had flatlined. That wasn't something he thought he would ever have to do.
"Compressions, two artificial shocks and a dose of adrenaline administered on route."
Evan ran his fingers through his hair and tugged so harshly he winced and felt a few loose hairs become stuck between his fingers. What were they going to do? How were they going to take care of his wife? What did someone do for a lightning strike? Did people usually survive this kind of thing- had this ever happened before?
"S-she's allergic to anaesthetic and morphine, don't give her any morphine." He jolted forward as if he might grab a doctor when none of them looked at him or looked like they were listening to him.
When a doctor prescribed (Y/n) morphine after an injury last year she almost went into cardiac arrest. She had never had morphine before and her allergy was severe. They couldn't give it to her not even by mistake or they would surely kill her.
"We'll take her from here," One of the nurses placed a hand on Evan's chest while one of the doctors took over the air bag to administer each breath (Y/n) needed and the other two doctors tried to wheel her away.
They couldn't take her from him.
He was the reason she now had a heartbeat back. Evan had to stay with her in case she flatlined again and no one here was competent enough to bring her back. What if she needed him? What if she could sense that he was no longer by her side and she panicked? Evan couldn't wait out here for her in agony, he wanted to at least be in front of the window to keep watch over her.
"Buck come on, they'll look after her."
"I look after her! No- she's my wife get off me-" Evan tore his body forward and wrenched his arms out of Bobby's grip, only for Eddie to stand in front of him like a boulder.
A wave of hurt washed over Evan's face and torrential tears flushed his face when Eddie gripped his shoulders and Bobby held his biceps to pin him back. They weren't letting him go with her. They were purposely keeping him separated from his wife. Why were they doing this to him? Why were they trying to hurt him?
"Take care of her."
"We'll do our best."
"Your best isn't fucking good enough!"
Evan didn't want them doing their best. He wanted certainties and results and to be right by his wife's side, holding her hand to ensure they weren't doing anything wrong. He wanted to oversee her care and be the one administering the care so he knew for certain that she was going to be okay.
Both Evan's hands scrunched up Eddie's jacket and he let himself fall forward until Eddie went down on his knees with Evan in his arms and Bobby knelt behind them.
What were they going to do?
"Why don't you try and get some rest?"
"No thanks," Evan didn't bother looking up, his eyes stayed intently focused on the hand he had clasped between his fingers. He could barely keep his eyes open properly, for the past two hours they had been half-lidded like shutters about to close, but he didn't care.
If he looked at (Y/n)'s void, blank expression it just made him tear up and feel ready to cry. If he stared at the tubes stuck up her nose and down her throat and the wires in her veins, he felt like he needed to be sick. And if he closed his eyes, he was afraid to go to sleep and have something happen to her. The only option Evan had was to stare at the walls or stare at their entwined hands and pray.
"Evan, you need to rest. Making yourself sick won't help her." Usually when his sister used his name it made him shiver and relent. But not today.
He only wanted to hear his name pass through his wife's lips; she was the only one who called him Evan.
"Come on, I'm taking you home. Bobby said he will watch over her-" Maddie gasped and took a step back when Evan flung her touch off his shoulder and batted his hand out, coming within an inch of slapping her to get her away.
"Don't you get it?" His eyes were null and void of anything but anguish, it was all he could think, feel and taste. "If I leave her, something might happen. I can't rest, Maddie. I can't close my eyes because she gives me nightmares; I can see her dangling on a wire, ready to be snatched away from me and in my dreams I can't get her back. When I try to sleep and I don't hear that heartbeat, I can hear her scream ringing in my ears and it makes me sick."
Evan didn't want to leave the room, let alone the hospital because he had a sick, twisted feeling that if he left, she would get worse. He didn't want her state to change for the worst or for the better unless he was right beside her.
When Evan closed his eyes, his mind fell to sleep too easily but it dragged him back to that night two days ago. He could see his wife hanging there, her body limp, swaying in the torrential downpour. And when Evan stretched his hands out for her, the red wire keeping her afloat suddenly reeled up and lifted her high into the clouds, out of his reach forever.
He couldn't see her face in his nightmares and when he tried to sleep in the corridor yesterday, the silence was too sickening. He fell asleep and woke up to the sound of (Y/n)'s banshee scream ringing in his ears, curdling his blood like sour milk.
He had to stay here where they were both safe. Together.
"But if you don't look after yourself, you'll be in a bed in the next room and that won't help her."
"I don't care."
It was too hard to think about drinking, eating, sleeping and generally caring for himself when his wife was on a life support machine at his side. Evan didn't care if the world crashed and burned around them. He didn't care if he passed out from malnutrition since his body was used to three meals a day and at the moment he was barely having three bites of food. He didn't care how much muscle mass he started to lose, how many headaches he started to have and how ill he made himself.
He couldn't move away from his wife, not for longer than a minute to use the bathroom. That was his only exception.
"Buck, please-"
"What's happening?"
Evan tore his eyes away from his sister and looked back down at his wife when she suddenly started to move.
She had been placed into a coma when she arrived at the hospital, she was on a ventilator since she couldn't breathe on her own and her heart and lungs had suffered an extreme shock. Her body needed time to heal with Evan's body deteriorated by her side. She shouldn't have been moving at all.
Her shoulders hunched up, her chest compressed on itself and tightened up and her back started to flail up and down on the bed. It was her chest and torso that were moving horribly, pulling inwards and jerking with violent spasms.
The monitors were screaming, red lights flashing and the emergency alarm sounded for assistance.
"Maddie what's happening?!" Evan let go of (Y/n)'s hand and stood up, allowing his sister to pull him a few feet away to the end of the bed as two doctors filtered into the room.
"She's not getting enough oxygen," Maddie whispered the words quietly into her brother's shoulder as her fingers clamped down on his biceps. Her lips pressed against his bare arm and her chest pressed into his back while she felt his trembling hand reach up to grab hers.
"Why, s-she's on a ventilator?" How could she not be getting enough oxygen when she wasn't even breathing on her own? The machine was set to give her a certain amount of oxygen and CO2 to level her out and keep her body working. Why was she suddenly unable to take in enough oxygen?
As he watched her continue to jerk and spasm, a sudden breathlessness came over Evan and he felt like he too should be put on the machine. His lungs were shrivelling up in his chest, his shoulders were quaking and his hand pressed into his chest as he started to gasp.
"She's gonna leave me," His voice came out through a gasp with a burning, snorting inhale of air before Evan let his knees give way and went down to the floor.
He curled up, pulling his knees to his chest as his fingers tangled in his hair and he started to croak. He was going to lose her. She was going to die. His efforts to save her, his prayers, the rosary beads Bobby had given him to help him pray, it was all going to be for nothing. God had decided to strike her down with lightning. He was using (Y/n) to punish Evan and now she was going to leave him.
A bubbling sob burned past Evan's lips and before he knew what he was doing, he buried his face in Maddie's chest when she knelt down behind him. His arms coiled into his chest and his forehead pressed against Maddie's neck as she wrapped her arms around his broad frame and let him start to rock back and forth.
"I- I can't, I can't,"
"Hm? You can't what?"
"No, I can't be alone," His voice crumbled, his words came out in a low whine like a child and his chest burned as he started to sob. Evan couldn't cope on his own. He wouldn't live if (Y/n) died. He wouldn't stay here without her.
"What if she doesn't breathe on her own?"
Evan looked like death on two legs. There was no colour left in his face, his complexion had turned a pasty grey with deep black and purple creases beneath his eyes and pale burgundy lips that were chapped and broken. His cheeks had sunk into his face, his eyes were hollow and held bags beneath them. His throat looked tense and shrunken, his hands were trembling and split at the knuckles.
Five days he had been sat here. He hadn't gone home, he hadn't eaten more than a slice of bread each day. He barely drank four cups of water. He didn't wash, didn't sleep, didn't move or exercise and didn't go farther than the bathroom.
The only thing he had done while he was here was shave. (Y/n) didn't like him unshaven and he couldn't hold her hand against his cheek if he had stubble cutting on his face.
The doctor was stood at his side, waiting patiently to answer his questions and get ready to remove the intubation tube.
"Then we put the tube back in and wait a little longer."
Evan wasn't stupid. He knew if the tube came out and she didn't breathe, it would go back in and she wouldn't be waking up again. If she couldn't breathe on her own after a week of ventilation, her body was unlikely to recover and Evan would have to commit to the idea of watching his wife die and find a way too end his existence too.
He ran a hand over his face before both hands went back to gripping (Y/n)'s hand that he pressed to his lips.
He could feel Bobby standing nervously behind him, rosary beads in one hand and his other hand resting on Evan's shoulder. He was the only person who knew what was happening today; Evan couldn't bear to tell anyone else. He didn't want Maddie here because if this went south, she wouldn't be able to hold Evan and herself together and they would both have a breakdown.
Their parents were waiting anxiously at Maddie and Chimney's house, wanting to help in any way they could but Evan had nothing for them to help with. They couldn't persuade him to leave and when they tried to stay, all he did was stare blankly at the wall or cry when his mum tried to hold him.
And Evan didn't want the team standing at the window watching anxiously. If (Y/n) didn't breathe on her own, Evan was going to crumble and he couldn't have an audience for that.
He needed Bobby. He needed the man he classed as his father here to be his moral support and hold him together if this went badly. Bobby would be able to contain himself and console Evan if (Y/n) couldn't breathe on her own. No one else would be able to help like Bobby could.
"Here we go,"
Evan took the deepest breath he could and straightened out his shoulders. His lips smothered the back of (Y/n)'s hand and his eyes focused intently on her blushing lips when the tube was slowly pulled from her throat.
"Come on baby… please, please breathe for me." He interlocked their fingers and took to rubbing his left hand up and down her arm while he whispered against her hand.
He wanted to close his eyes. He felt desperate to close his eyes and pray and wish and beg until someone told him she was okay and breathing on her own. But he couldn't. Evan couldn't close his eyes, he couldn't look away from his wife, he had to stare at those beautiful lips he had kissed millions of times before. He had to watch and wait in agony for her to do something so simple and easy.
"Breathe," He growled into her hand, jolting his chest forward a little with a sudden urge to lean down and shake her, but he held himself back.
A bursting, agonising gasp left Evan's lips and his knees bent, about to give way on him when (Y/n) started to breathe.
Without another thought, Evan grabbed the chair he had been living in for over a week and scraped it across the floor towards the bed. He let himself slump down into the chair, bumped his knees into the bed frame and leaned his elbows down into the mattress. His fingers skimmed up and down (Y/n)'s arm as he grinned into the back of her hand, letting the tears fall freely down his face.
She was breathing.
Her heart was beating on its own and now she was back to breathing. Lightning hadn't ruined her organs or snatched her life away, she was pulling herself back from this. She was clawing, desperately fighting her way back to Evan.
"That's my girl," He pressed numerous kisses to the back of her hand, keeping his lips there even as he looked up at the doctor who was smiling down at him.
"Let's see how does coming out of the coma."
Turning his head, Evan looked up at Bobby who was smiling encouragingly, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand to try and keep his composure. This was good, everything was going in the right direction so far.
He found himself mumbling encouraging, incoherent things against (Y/n)'s hand while the doctor clipped a needle into her IV to give her the medicine that would bring her out of her coma. She had been locked up inside her mind for over a week now, her body had had time to recover and get back into working order. It was time for her to come back to them, back to Evan and see how she was and get her back on track.
Her life had been put on pause for long enough.
When (Y/n)'s eyes started to flutter and her lips pressed together like she was trying to make popping sounds, Evan grinned and leaned over. He kept their tangled hands tucked up against his chest near his collar bone and his free hand moved to cup the back of her head so he could press his lips against her temple.
He felt her fingers twitch in his hand and her lips tickled his neck as he hovered over her and he grinned against her temple, unable to stop himself from crying. But it was the feel of her other hand cupping the back of his neck that made Evan begin to sob and laugh into her skin.
"Oh God, thank you. Thank you," He wasn't sure if he was thanking the doctor, (Y/n) or even Bobby. Words fell from his lips before he could stop himself. "I love you so much, don't ever do that to me again."
"I love you too."
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