#ch: (bruce white)
gabriella-marino · 1 year
Roll Call || Gabruce
Bruce's invitation to come over and eat had arrived on the perfect day. That ever elusive day of rest. Gabriella was excited to not be doing anything. Well, not-not anything, but just not working or studying or practicing until her body was just exhausted. A nice break from all of that was much needed. Especially as the days grew closer and closer to the end of May.
Seemed odd to think of a year having passed already while simultaneously feeling like a year seemed too short of a time since.
She had found her way to Bruce's building and soon enough his apartment door, after getting turned around only the once. Gabriella texted him that she was there and waited.
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toby-determined · 9 months
Catfish Exposed || Anatoby vs Gabruce
@ugly-anastasia @brucewhite @gabriella-marino
Toby and Annie track down the anonymous mermaid they have been messaging to the local antique store.
Read Here!
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anki-of-beleriand · 4 months
A Heart Made Of Glass ch.14
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
This chapter is the concept of idiots in love.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 14
The thing about love
The world was in complete turmoil.
Norway became the home to non-secret agencies trying to discover what had shaken the foundations of the city while taking its inhabitants into a virtual reality prison. SWORD had taken over the investigation overlooked by Monica Rambeau and the newest director of the reformed SHIELD, Tony Stark.
For some members of the SWORD team, it was Wanda Maximoff the obvious author of such disaster, but for some others the truth might be slightly more complicated. It was easier to blame the one that had been on the run before the Blip and then come back to enslave a group of people in a fantasy world.
Natasha Romanoff knew the situation was far more complicated that what everyone kept on spitting out in the conference room. She left after it was quite evident no one knew what to do, or what was really going on.
The cold breeze from the outside came rushing through the door, she shivered blinking away the blinding white from the snow covering the land. The houses in the distance had been repaired and people was going back their normal lives. The world didn't stop before the hex and it didn't stop now that it was over and two former Avengers, one powered teen and a witch disappeared.
“Still nothing?” Carol Danvers came walking down a makeshift road, she was wearing different clothing but the perpetual frown of inadequacy and concern was still there.
“Nothing useful.” Natasha stepped forward welcoming the crispy texture of the snow under her feet. “They kept on babbling about who to blame, while Tony, Bruce and Strange are trying to find a way to open a portal to the right universe.”
Carol huffed approaching the brunette, “the right universe? That may take centuries! This is something out of our scope,”
“And that's why we have to be patient.” But even as she said this, Natasha glanced with apprehension towards the bunker then back to the direction where Y/N house was located.
Time was passing slowly but surely and still there was not a single workable plan to bring you and the others back. Whatever magic or powers had acted during the attack from Scarlet and Agatha it had left no traces to be followed, it was as if you and the others had disappeared into existence. 
Carol dropped her head, her arms wrapping around herself trying to contain the frustration she had been experimenting for quite some time. Natasha looked at her out of the corner of her eye, the blond-haired woman was standing small with the sight of the mountains and the white of the snow behind her, those dark eyes had never stopped glancing back at your home while her power flickered restlessly around her. Natasha knew your relationship with Carol was complicated, it had been for quite some time. The other woman had reached out to you in the hopes to be with you, Natasha had seen the countless invitations to travel through the universe with Carol as well as seen those stares filled with longing that you usually missed.
The door behind her opened and closed, a couple of soldiers left the protective barrier of the bunker to share a smoke. Natasha cocked her head frowning, her thoughts going back to you and the recent complications in your life.
The return of Wanda had been a surprise, not only for you but for everyone. Natasha sighed lifting her eyes to the sky, when did their life's turn so complicated?
“You're thinking too hard,” Yelena approached her sister, the bags under her eyes the only evidence she hadn't had a good night's sleep since your disappearance.
“I am thinking enough.” Natasha replied, Yelena hummed standing beside her eying Carol before settling her eyes on Natasha.
“Why is it so difficult to have any leads?” Yelena grunted, kicking the snow under her feet.
“Apparently is not easy to find the right universe they went through,” it was Carol the one who answered, her voice dripping sarcasm, “I guess there is nothing we can do but…”
“Wait?” Yelena shook her head, “I'm tired of waiting.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, she opened her mouth ready to answer when the air and earth around her started to shake. She frowned positioning her feet on the ground, flexing her knees and lifting her arms to her chest height. Yelena took the same fighting position while Carol stood straightened up with her eyes focused on the spot where a small whirlpool of sand was moving fast on the ground. Electric waves projected blue and silver lights through the air, while the sound of a vacuum filled the silence of the plain.
The commotion brought everyone to the spot where the two widows and Captain Marvel were standing. Tony put on his metal glove with Strange lifting his hands ready to form a shield. With an explosion a portal in the form of a five-pointed star appeared out of thin air and three people came falling on their faces just before the portal closed.
Just as sudden as the event had come, it went away leaving everyone open-mouthed, shaking with eyes wide opened watching the three women now standing in front of them. 
You smiled sheepishly scratching the back of your head, your eyes going from Tony to Carol then falling on Yelena and Natasha. The tension was quite evident, and the silence that followed the explosion could be broken by the fall of a single needle.
Wanda came right in with America closed behind, the cold of Norway sneaked inside your clothes making you shivered but you did not move. You knew the moment you crossed the portal you would find everyone waiting, you never imagined Carol or even Tony would be there.
Before you could do or say anything Carol came right at you, her frown softening just as her eyes twinkled with emotion. 
“Y/N?” Her name on her lips made you smile, though a sudden grip of pure coldness grasped your heart and a heavy weight settled on your stomach.
“Hey, Marv.” 
Carol didn't even wait for a confirmation or more words, her arms wrapped around you holding you with the desperation Carol had felt in the last couple of days and all the love she had always felt for you.
The tension broke, and soon voices could be heard though you were too lost into the embrace to make out any meaning behind the conversations, or to even notice the saddened figure of Wanda who was standing just behind you with her arms around her and defeat written all over her face.
A part of you knew what was waiting at the other side.
You were really surprised to see Carol there, but what really caught you off of guard was the hostility with which many were treating Wanda and America. You knew some of the agents from SWORD were quite reluctant to accept any innocent claims coming from Wanda, they had been under the hex and had experimented firsthand the emotions and mental manipulation the witch had imposed upon them.
Their anger could be understood if not justified.
However, as soon as the three of you were free from the hugs and welcomes from everyone else, you were taken into custody to start the normal procedure of investigation. You had been lucky enough to have Natasha and Carol with you, their interrogation always going back to what had happened, where were you and how you came back.
It was a tiresome day, but by the time a new morning came you were happy to discover you were given a nice breakfast and a couple of explanations of what happened after you disappeared. You were tired of talking, too many memories, and too many thoughts invaded your head and it wasn’t until Yelena and Natasha put a violent stop to all the questioning that the agents from SWORD and SHIELD didn’t let go of you.
You rubbed your shoulders glancing at your reflection, the woman staring back at you was looking tired though she was also slightly sad. You sighed putting a strand of hair behind your ear while fixing the shirt you had put on, with a last glance to your reflection you left the bathroom only to stop startle at the woman waiting for you on the bed.
Carol Danvers had not changed too much.
The both of you had not seen one another for over six months. You had been tied to earth, while Carol was still trying to make of the universe a better place to live on. The both of you had clashed more than once, and passion had been the main rule in the relationship you two shared; but words of love and tenderness were scarce and sometimes whispered in the hidden shadows of the night.
Carol sighed lowering her gaze to the floor before lifting her chin to stare at you.
“How are you feeling?” She finally asked though this was not what she wanted to say.
“I’m better, I guess. Tired, and hungry.” You offered a smile approaching the other woman until you were standing right in front of her.
Your hand lifted to brush away her golden hair, Carol closed her eyes leaning into your touch while letting herself feel the closeness of your body. At some point she had been desperate to break into the hex to get to you, to save you from the clutches of an ex-lover you seemed to carry everywhere you went. Now that you were there in front of her, Carol felt you had gone to a place she could not follow.
It was at that moment, Carol realized she had fallen in love with you.
“Quite the adventure you have, eh?” Carol chuckled shaking her head, her hand grabbing yours. “I can’t hardly believe you were in another universe.”
You winced holding yourself from putting your hand away, “yeah, it was kind of crazy.”
“Which part?” Carol asked, and this time around she couldn’t hide the reproach on her voice nor the jealousy she had felt when she found out Wanda had been with you all this time.
“Everything, carol, everything was kind of crazy.” You hardened your tone, stepping back only to be stopped by the other woman.
“I’m sorry, I just…” Carol trailed off, and you let out a shaky sigh.
“Look, it was not easy, okay? First I got into a body that was not even mine, in a world I didn’t even recognize, to a live I never thought would be mine.” You lifted a hand to the back of your neck. “Then I come here to face an interrogation that took most of the day and night only for you guys to find out that yes, this is me. And yes, the multiverse does exist.”
“I was scared.” Carol finally stated. “As soon as I came here, you were gone then they started telling me all these stories about Wanda and the hex, and then how everything was just the same here, and…”
Both of you fell silent for a moment, your heart beating painfully inside your chest. You knew it wasn’t Carol’s fault, and you knew the one who was all defensive was you. You felt guilty because you had allowed your emotions to take over your reason and that might get the woman sitting in front of you hurt.
“I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad you’re cleared of any wrongdoing, now that Wanda is under custody…”
“Wait, what?” You stopped Carol mid-sentence, Carol was left slightly confused just as she noticed the sudden hardening of your stare. “What do you mean that Wanda is under custody?”
This time around Carol couldn’t hide her annoyance, she stood up crossing her arms.
“It was quite obvious, wasn’t it? She had a history of creating these strange hexes, then she came here with a girl that can travel through the multiverse, whatever she was trying to achive…”
“It wasn’t Wanda’s fault.” You stated forcefully, Carol scowled rolling her eyes.
“Right, now you’re on her side?”
“I’m not…” You took a deep breath, “I’m not on her side, Carol, but didn’t you hear my story?”
“Quite frankly, I only heard the part in which you found out those twins of hers were actually yours and not Vision’s. In another Universe, not this one.”
The moment those words left her mouth, Carol knew she had said the wrong thing. Your whole body went completely rigid, and your eyes flashed a dangerous black twinkle that sent shivers down Carol’s back.
“I am not happy about the whole situation either, Carol. But I am not going to blame someone that had nothing to do with what happened here, or even Westview.” You straightened up walking past Carol to grab your jacket. “Now, I will go to straighten everything up, even if I have to break her out of jail and fight whoever I have to.”
“Don’t leave.” Carol wrapped her arms around your waist, she pressed her forehead against the back of your head. “I’m sorry.”
You were breathing hard, the anger boiling inside your veins while her words resounded inside your head. It wasn’t so much of what Carol had said, but actually the real meaning behind those words. Everything had happened so fast, everything had been so overwhelming that you hadn’t had the time to think, to process everything that had happened. You were trying to stop your spiralling world, but every time you got a chance to stand still something came rushing in to shake you again.
A part of you knew Carol was not to blame, not completely. You were looking for an excuse, for something to make you feel better and not as shitty as you were feeling at the moment because of the confusion you were experimenting. For the love you still held for Wanda, while your affection for Carol was not enough.
You turned around wrapping your arms around her, your lips found hers and soon the both of you were giving in the passion you always felt around one another. Carol held onto you with the need of a thirsty woman, and you held onto her with the desperation to quiet down your thoughts and doubts. The kiss turned into a full make-out session that led to Carol straddling your lap on the bed; your hand sneaked under her winter jumper her skin warm under your fingertips, twitching with every single caress.
“Y/N.” Your name left her lips in a needy whisper, and all it took for you was to hear your voice to know you had to stop.
You leaned back placing a single hand on her shoulder and the other one on her hips stopping the thrusting of her hips. She was slightly dizzy, her cheeks flustered with her pupils dilated, she had a silly smile on her lips nuzzling her nose on your neck. You tried to return the smile but couldn’t instead you brush her cheek with the back of your hand, leaning into place a single kiss on her forehead.
“What are you doing?” She finally realized you had stopped; you were trying to get away from her while being as gently as you could.
You opened your mouth to confess, to actually come clean and tell Carol how what you were doing with her was not fair. But the blond-haired woman put a single finger on your lips, her lips curling into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I just have to go back.” You said placing your hands on her hips, “if what you’re telling me is how things turned out to be I have to intervene, it wouldn’t be fair.”
Carol shifted standing up and moving away from you, she cocked her head shrugging.
“I guess is not, if Wanda did help you out and was not even involve in the whole fiasco it is not fair to pay for everything.” Carol didn’t leave out of her comment the partial fault that the other woman had, at least for what had happened back in Westview.
“Will you come with me?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Carol shook her head placing her hands inside the pockets of her jeans.
“No, I think I will wait here for you.”
There was nothing else you could say, and if she were to be honest Carol didn’t want to hear any more explanations. The blond-haired woman leaned in pecking you on the lips before nodding towards the door of your room.
“Go on, be a hero.”
You chuckled nodding briefly before putting on your jacket and leaving the room.
Carol stood inside your room for a long time, she leaned back against the dresser while her eyes fell upon the picture of you with Natasha and Yelena resting on the bedside table. Carol had known from the moment she laid eyes on you that a relationship with you would be dangerous, you had always been quite reserved and kept yourself out of any emotional attachment. Carol had been stubborn, curious as to what really was behind your cold façade only to discover a smart and funny woman behind it. She had fallen in love with your smile, your wit, and the way you always seemed to find the bright side of things even though your perception of your own life was quite poor.
Natasha had warned Carol about your broken heart, she had told Carol how difficult it was for you to actually open up to love again. But at that point Carol would take whatever you were willing to offer; she never thought there would be a time in which she would need to give up her relationship with you.
With a last glance to the picture, she turned around and left the room.
Love was a complicated it deal.
Yelena could sense your anger even before she could see you approaching the bunker.
From the very beginning she had been opposed to the idea of keeping America and Wanda in holding cells like common criminals. What happened in Norway had not been their fault, they had come all the way to the city seeking protection and help, and that was exactly what Y/N, Natasha and Yelena had done. America was a teen just getting the ropes of her powers, while Wanda…well, with Wanda things were complicated it. But at the end of the day, she was not a bad person. She just had really bad luck.
Yelena cleared her throat glancing at Natasha who was on her feet as soon as she sensed your presence. You were coming with silent rage, your whole-body trembling stretching your powers to the shadows inside the room. Two agents came at you, ready to stop you but were unable to move their feet from the ground.
“Took you long enough.” Yelena said looking at her nails, you snorted stepping closer until she saw Wanda on a chair being held with some sort of necklace on her neck.
“Well, no one told me about this, so it was kind of hard to come before Carol let it slip.” Your fists clenched close, Natasha stood by your side pointing to the cameras and then to the two agents questioning Wanda.
“She is going to be charged.”
“With what?” You replied shaking your head, “where the hell is Tony? Why is he allowing this? I thought he has some jurisdiction in these situations…”
“He does.” Natahsa stated softening her stare, “that’s why he is not here.”
You scowled glancing at her then at Yelena, you opened and closed your mouth several times before pointing a finger at them.
“You allowed this to happen?” The rage you were feeling increased, but before you could say anything else Yelena came from behind you.
“Wanda did.” Yelena glanced at you then at the woman being held inside the room, the questions and the gestures of her jailers becoming increasingly demanding and aggressive.
“What?” This time around you were confused, Natasha softened her features knowing that you had been confused ever since Wanda came back into your life.
“You have to understand that whatever happened to you three, Wanda feels responsible for most of it. She took her responsibility since she was not allowed to do so before.”
Natasha could see how your processed her words, she grabbed your hand in hers squeezing lightly.
“But it wasn’t her fault, Agatha…”
“Agatha disappeared, remember?” Yelena continued, this time around you understood there was nothing else you could say, you could suddenly read there was more at play than just Wanda turning herself over.
Natasha and Yelena were not in the room by chance, you looked out of the corner of your eye the guards still struggling against the invisible ropes holding them on place. When you turned over to the room, your blood boiled in anger knowing that as always there was a hidden agenda trying to get a hold of powered individuals. This time around they had set their eyes on Wanda, who wouldn’t want to change the world around them? To get a hold of an individual that could take your through the multiverse, the power to shape the world to your licking.
“I hope Tony has pretty good lawyers.” You stated before moving past Natasha, your hand lifted pointing at the door of the interrogation room and pushing hard until the door crushed the wall at the other side of the room.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
Wanda wondered not for the first time how much hatred and revenge people could harbour in their hearts.
When she first broke the hex from Westview, she could see the fear in the eyes of the citizens as well as in the eyes of those agents she had captured at some point. She remembered the demands for her arrest, the harsh wording in which they were demanding for her to be imprisoned or at least held tightly unable to use her powers.
It had hurt, it was Lagos all over again.
The accusations never left, and the mistrust in some of the people’s eyes had always been there. It never went away, and Wanda had always been looked at with fear, resentment, and pity; she had tried her best, even with Steve by her side, it was impossible to get past such negative sentiments and thus she had decided to just keep to herself.
“What do you have to say, Maximoff.” The agent pointed to the file with his index finger, the agent to his side playing with a black gadget. “This would be, what? Your third time trying to break into the natural order of things and use your powers to…what exactly?”
The collar tightly wrapped around her neck sent jolts of electricity through her neck, shoulders and arms. It wasn’t the first time she was subject to such a gadget, and the memory was still burned deep inside her mind while the pain felt extremely familiar. Wanda held onto her emotions with as much dignity as she could muster, she could feel her power build up inside her ready to explode and let the men in the room why messing up with a witch like her was a mistake.
She was not about to show them she was the monster everyone believed her to be.
So even through the pain, and the questions that repeated themselves Wanda held herself proud and calm, hoping that Tony and Strange would keep their word and get her out of there without any physical fight.
“I think agent Cho asked you a question, Maximoff.” The black-haired man holding the switch of the collar asked leaning forward. “We need answers, what else can you give us?”
“Nothing else, agent Schultz, I already told your superiors everything they need to know.” Wanda clenched her jaw, her lips trembling lightly when another shot of electricity went through her neck and limbs.
“You are answering to us right now, Maximoff.”
“You were telling us about a different universe, tell us exactly what—” Agent Schultz stopped talking when the hinges from the door gave with a crashing sound and then the door exploded around them.
Wanda never entertained the idea of you coming in her aid.
In her mind, she had always thought you were happy with her gone, after all, that had been the deal when this whole ordeal started. She sat straightened up on the chair, her eyes to the door where you stood up with blackened eyes and silent anger all over your features.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
“Y/N! This is not going to be…” The man trailed of making gagging sounds at the black hand wrapping around his throat.
“I thought everything had been cleared out when I was taken into custody and given my testimony, I don’t understand why Wanda and America are being held under such deplorable conditions.” You pushed the agent back stepping closer to Cho who was trying to get the black switch while looking for his gun.
“I don’t think so, pal.” Yelena stepped on the wrist of the man smiling down on him. “I was waiting all day to do this.”
“Why didn’t you?” You replied crushing the device while approaching Wanda, your eyes locked with hers.
“And taking away from you the chance to save the damsel in distress? No way.” Yelena chuckled cuffing Agent Cho.
You snorted grabbing the collar while locking eyes with Wanda, the young witch didn’t say anything but her cheeks coloured red and her lips curled slightly. You winked t her, unable to help yourself before opening the device making a gesture of disgust.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice was but a whisper, Wanda shifted on the chair letting go of the breath she had been holding ever since she had been incarcerated.
“What could I have said to them?” She replied watching as Natasha and Yelena started barking orders around the bunker.
“Perhaps, that you are one of the good guys?” You could see the flicker of doubt in those green eyes, Wanda lowered her gaze lifting her brows.
“Am I?” She dropped her shoulders, her lips trembling as she continued, “I made a lot of mistakes, Y/N, I’m just trying to pay for them.”
You pursed your lips, this was not the first time you heard such words coming from Wanda and while at first you thought it was the minimum she could do after all the pain she caused you; right now all you could think was to take away the pain and loneliness that seemed to be written into those green irises.
“You have paid for them, Wanda, you don’t need to punish yourself anymore.” Without thinking too much about your own actions, the back of your hand brushed tenderly on Wanda’s cheek just before your fingertips traced the marks left by the collar.
“I still think there is a lot I have to pay for, perhaps…once I have paid off my debt you…” Wanda trailed off unable to continue, you opened your mouth to ask Wanda what she meant, what she wanted to say but before you could do it another set of footsteps came rushing in and soon the both of you were engulfed by the arms of a teenager.
“Y/N! Wanda! You guys are okay!”
Wanda hugged America back, her eyes locking with yours for a moment. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand finding hers in a single touch that lasted long enough to leave you yearning for more; Wanda from her part got hope ignited inside her heart, and once more, wish she was brave enough to do what Scarlet asked of her. To fight for you, to not let go.
To let herself be loved by you.
America had never lived so much in so little time.
For a moment, when she could finally stop to take a breath, she felt as if years had passed and she had been thrown into a rollercoaster that took her from open danger to the next one without giving her the chance to assimilate everything that had happened.
That was until she had reached your universe.
Yours and Wanda’s.
America took a sip from the hot chocolate she had been offered, the room was filled with some agents and civilians, all of whom were just grateful that everything was over and life was going back to normal. Or as normal as it could be in a world filled with powered people and aliens running around the universe; America pursed her lips, knowing full well that after Y/N had come to pull her and Wanda out of the interrogation cells something of great importance happened for soon SWORD and SHIELD left.
No questions asked, no more attempts to capture and incarcerate Wanda or herself.
America let her eyes wandered around the room until she noticed Wanda on the far corner of the room. The young woman was alone, with her eyes gleaming with deep emotion she was trying to conceal behind the locks of hair and the glass she took to her mouth every five seconds. With a frown, America followed the stare from Wanda only to see you at the other side of the room.
Unlike the woman she had been back in the other universe, or whenever she had to fight, this Wanda was looking defeated. It was not hard to know why, you were laughing allowing an intimate caress and hold from Carol Danvers who was whispering something into your ear while Natasha rolled her eyes.
You looked happy, completely taken by the blond while Wanda remained in the shadows.
“They are complicated.” Yelena stood by America’s side, her accent dripping through every word.
America pursed her lips shaking her head, “I don’t understand why it is so complicated.”
Wanda’s attention was soon claimed by Tony, the man sat beside her talking slowly with gestures of his hands ensuring the young woman was really paying attention to him. At that moment, your attention drifted to her, your eyes softening slightly while your body turned completely ready to make your way towards her. A hand on yours stopped any movement, and while it looked as if your attention was claimed once more, you couldn’t help but look back to where Wanda was conversing with Tony.
“It is not so easy to forget and forgive,” Yelena shrugged following with her eyes the same scene America had been watching all afternoon. “They had been badly hurt, I don’t know much about Wanda, but Y/N was really hurt by the cheating. She felt as if no one could love her anymore.”
America winced for the very first time understanding where your anger came from, sometimes people ignored what others were experiencing and they forget that the pain and trauma was personal and not just something that could be turned on or off at will.
“But they are still in love with one another, isn’t it obvious to them?” America let out a heavy sigh, “it should be easier, after all this time…”
Yelena snorted this time around she turned to face America.
“You really think love is enough?” This time around Yelena’s eyes softened slightly, it was quite strange to find someone so innocent yet so hardened by the circumstances she had lived.
“It should be, right?” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip, “I mean, if love is not enough then, why are we doing what we do? Save people, save the world.”
It should be that easy, Yelena agreed. Yet she understood why it was so complicated, the former Widow could see your hesitation, the tension in your body for staying beside Carol while the longing in your eyes revealed your real intentions. You wanted to go to Wanda, just as Wanda wanted to go to you ever since you had rescued her from the interrogation room.
Love should be enough.
And now, all they had to proof this theory was time.
But time was not enough, and sooner or later, you and Wanda would need to decide what you really want and what you were ready to give and sacrifice.
“I heard you were saved by Y/N.” Tony sat beside Wanda following the stare of the young woman until his eyes found the form of Y/N. “She came in, broke the door and scare shitless those Agents before putting you out of harm’s way.”
Wanda blushed trying to hide away her expression, she couldn’t help but turn her attention back at you. It had been a moment she had treasured in her mind, the soft caress of your fingers while your words reached the deepest of her soul. She never imagined anyone would come to her rescue, much less the very same woman she had hurt so much in the past, yet here you were ready to break havoc as long as Wanda was fine.
“S-she did what any of you would have done.” Wanda glanced at Tony who merely snorted shaking his head.
“We left you with them, didn’t we?” Tony leaned back letting his eyes wandered to the window, his voice just above a whisper meant for Wanda only. “Everything has been straightened up, you have been cleared of any charges and if you want to, you can come back with me to the State or stay here…whatever you prefer.”
Wanda huffed shaking her head, “I am clear? Just like that?”
Tony shrugged, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the man pressing her lips together.
“What did you do?”
“What I should have done a long time ago, Wanda.” Tony leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “You have suffered enough, I think after everything you went through in the past, and what happened recently with Westview and America, I think you deserve a rest.”
When Tony saw the hesitation in Wanda he placed a hand on top of hers, squeezing tenderly onto her hand.
“It is time for you to be happy, Wanda. There is nothing else to it, but a chance that this universe is giving you to be happy.” Tony offered a smile, his eyebrows wiggling playfully while his eyes were pointing to you. “I’m not saying is gonna be easy, and it probably won’t end where you want it to end, but it is worth a try.”
“She is already happy, and she is with someone else. I just…I’m happy for her, I don’t think I will be bothering her anymore.” Wanda whispered with her heart breaking inside her chest.
The woman tried to be strong, while also feeling a weight she didn’t know she had been carrying lifted when Tony finished his speech.
“I want to thank you for what you did, even though you did leave me on that interrogation room.”
“It was for a good cause, believe me.” Tony clasped his hands in front of him, furrowing his brows with his eyes following your every move.
Even if Wanda refused to see it, it was quite evident for everyone all you wanted to do was to go to where Wanda was sitting. Your eyes had barely left the young woman before her attention was claimed by Carol, though the Captain was not being successful in her mission. It seemed as if you had eyes only for Wanda.
“I think you should speak with her, Wanda. This time around without missions, or the past getting in the way.” Tony finally spoke, making sure Wanda could no pretend she wasn’t listening. “You two lived quite the adventure in this other universe, and believe when I tell you, whenever you get a chance to see the life you could have, the love you could share, the children you could have…well, your life changes completely. Talk to her.”
Wanda couldn’t help but glance at Tony with a new hint of respect behind her green eyes. She had known the playboy, as well as the businessman and the Avenger; she had seen many faces of Tony Stark but this parental one was the one she loved the most. Wanda wished she could be as optimistic as he was, that she could see what everyone was seeing; but she couldn’t and her heart was not ready to take in another wave of heartbreak.
“I will do it but, I need a favour.” Wanda said with her mind already deciding on her course of action.
“Whatever you want, little witch.”
Wanda smiled sadly at the nickname, she turned to you and with a last, longing stare she turned to Tony with a request that left the man highly surprised and confused; behind such a request, Tony could make himself an idea on how the conversation between Wanda and yourself would end up in.
He couldn’t help but feel sad.
Tony had always thought you and Wanda were meant to be together, that the love you hold for one another could work miracles.
Now, all he had was a hopeless hope that you would let go of the past, and that Wanda would not let go of the present.
Wanda woke up with a gasp.
She was breathing hard, cold sweat rolling down her face and back. Her breathing laboured, burning her lungs trying to regulate itself while the images invading her mind stumbled one after the other. 
There was not a single noise around her, the room was filled with darkness, to her left she could see the flash of a reflection in the window leading to the backyard. The white dots of snow falling, breaking the otherwise blackened night; even though she could tell it was a cold night, her room felt warm. Unbearable warmth.
She lifted a hand to her face, touching with her fingertips the tears wetting her cheeks. Wanda wrapped her arms around her legs, putting them towards her chest, placing her forehead on her knees. The dream had been so vivid, she could see every single scene playing inside her head, her last chance slipping away through her fingers and she was still unable to do anything at all.
Her dreams had been plagued with the memories of Westview and the Blip, she had seen as you slipped away only to come back filled with hatred turning your back on her while walking away with Carol by your side. Her dream had shifted at that moment, and she was back in The Raft tied to a wall with a collar that held her in place while sending electric shocks that made her feel a blinding pain. You were there, laughing with Tommy and Billy glaring at her while asking you to leave Wanda behind.
Wanda held back a sob trying to put the memories of the nightmare away from her head. She tried to get a hold of herself, taking deep breaths while putting together a set of memories that soothe her soul. Tommy and Billy were the first ones that came to mind, her children had been real; they had existed in the way Wanda had imagine them at first, with you by her side rasing them as your own. Wanda couldn’t help but smile when these memories came with a set of pictures she had seen back in the other universe, the both of you had really gone through a lot of hardships, but always together.
Wanda broke into a half-smile remembering the sweet smell of your perfume, the aroma that was unique yours when she woke up in the hospital. The conversation Wanda held with you, while the shared company and closeness gave Wanda hope that things would be different; Wanda lifted her face trying to hold onto the tears while she finally remembered how you came into the interrogation room and pulled her out of the shackles that had been trying to hold her while she was being interrogated.
Wanda remembered that moment, her heart had fluttered with hope when you stood up for her. She had almost melted away when you grabbed her hand leading her to the closest room before offering a half-smile. Wanda had dared to hope until Carol Danvers came right in and you were swept away almost right away.
With a heavy heart, and tired limbs Wanda stood from the bed. Her throat was dry, hurting just enough for her to look for some water hoping she would be protected by the dark of the night and the tiredness everyone in the house was feeling early into the evening.
The house was just as silent as her room, and the darkness was only broken by the strange appearance of a silver moon that came along with snow. Her naked feet made a tapping sound, leading her way into the kitchen, the cold of the night finally reaching out her heated skin making her shiver. She furrowed her brows wrapping her arms tightly around her body until she finally reached the kitchen.
Wanda stopped dead on her tracks when her eyes found those of yours sitting at the table. Her heart skipped a beat, while her lower abdomen filled with butterflies, but with all of this it also came the shadow of her reality. Her eyes dropped to a spot on the floor, her mind and soul pulsating trying to get her to say or do something. The part of her she had shut was stirring restlessly inside her.
She didn't expect to find anyone in the kitchen much less you wearing nothing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Hey, couldn't sleep?” You placed your arms on the table, steam coming out of the mug you had in front of you.
Wanda was not looking so well, you noticed. Ever since you got back she had been all quiet, standing as an outsider while facing interrogation and examinations before joining the celebrations.  You couldn't help but notice how far away she looked, yet how close she wanted to be. She was looking just as confused and lonely as she had been the first day she got to your place, your heart shrank painfully thinking about her. 
 “I was thirsty, that's all.” She stated pointing with her finger at the counter, “I'll have some water and then…”
She wiggled her fingers trying to look everywhere but at you, her feet taking her hurriedly to the counter only to crash against one of the chairs. You were on her in a second, your arms holding her softly, smiling amusedly at her. Wanda looked mortified, her cheeks burning red and her hands trembling, unable to stay still while touching your arms.
“Sorry, I didn't see where I was going, I just…” you furrowed your brows, letting Wanda push you away while making her way to the counter.
“That's okay.” You went back to your previous position, frowning at the mug.
The silence that followed was broken only by the running water and the sound of glass being moved away. You grabbed your mug, taking a long sip from your tea, not moving a single muscle as you heard Wanda pouring the water and taking long sips from the glass. 
Wanda dropped her eyes to the sink, she didn't expect to find you in the kitchen but now that you were there she wanted to scream. She wanted to wrap her arms around you, she wanted to hold onto the memories she had of you two being young and in love, as well as to hold onto the life that could be hers if she hadn't messed up.
But she held herself, her knuckles going white for how hard she was holding onto the edge of the sink. She was too late, always too late.
No! You told me you will fight back, that you won't give up on her!
Scarlet's voice resounded inside Wanda’s mind but the young witch shook her head. She wanted you to be happy, and Wanda was not sure she was the person to make you happy. You had moved on whereas Wanda had tried to hold onto hope.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump startled. She turned around to see you standing there with your empty cup and concern flashing in your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just…” Wanda sighed offering a shaky smile, “I guess I'm still shaking after the interrogation. I never got to thank you for backing me up.”
You offered a tiny smile, shrugging as if it had been nothing when you knew it had been everything for you.
“It wasn't fair how they were treating you, Wands. You did nothing wrong and people should stop acting as if you did.” Your replied was directed to what had happened recently, though you could see the weight of the memories inside Wanda's eyes.
“Some things were my fault.” Her voice dropped, her heart was beating fast at your closeness, the hand you still had on her shoulder.
“Some things we cannot change, nor can we control. Stop beating yourself up for that.” You wanted to add something else, but just as Wanda, you were confused.
Everything that had happened was overwhelming, it forced you to face a past you couldn't forget, it put you and your feelings for Wanda on the spot. It made you question why you were never able to forge a real relationship with anybody, and why watching what could have been in another world hurt the deepest part of your soul and heart.
You were still in love with Wanda.
But things were complicated.
“I guess you're right.” Wanda offered a crooked smile, she stepped away from your touch looking away from you. “I still have nightmares.”
Her admission broke your stance, you lifted a hand to her face brushing away some locks of hair while looking directly into her green eyes.
“That's the reason why you are shaking right now?” You asked in a whisper, your hand warm against Wanda's cold skin. “That's why you woke up?”
Wanda closed her eyes, weak under your touch and tenderness. She tried to answer, but you stepped closer and all her thoughts and reasoning left her weak on the knees. You softened your features, leaning in until your warm breath brushed against the skin of her neck and ears.
“I'm sorry you still have nightmares about it.”
“It's not your fault.” Wanda finally answered, her voice shaking. She lifted her left hand wrapping it around your hand. “Y/N…”
It was the tone of voice that broke the spell, you frowned stepping back a little. Wanda seemed relieved, though also disappointed, her green eyes begging you to not play with her. 
“Have you ever thought about what would happen…” Wanda started but you cut her off with a gesture.
“All the time, when I'm alone and I cannot quiet down my thoughts.”
“Are we happy in your thoughts?” Wanda knew she was not being fair with her questioning, but she needed it to know.
She needed hope 
“We are.”
Wanda leaned back trying to smile but coming off like a grimace.
“That's good.”
“Have you ever thought…” You started but Wanda was even faster than you on her answer.
“Yes, every single day.”
You tilted your head furrowing your brows with squinted eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you, about what could be.” This time around it was her the one that stepped back, she couldn't take her eyes off of you. “I hoped at some point I could win you back and perhaps everything would be back to normal.”
“Things cannot go back to how they were, Wands.” You tried to soften the harshness of your voice with the nickname but it didn't work.
Wanda winced looking down at her feet, she grabbed the counter with her hands her back to the wall and a single rute of scape available to her. 
“I know.” Wanda whispered, her lips curling into a bitter smile. “That was the moment I thought of Westview, I just…”
In the last couple of days, you had learnt so much about her and yourself that a part of you understood why Wanda had done what she did. Now it was easy to understand why Vision and not you had shown into the picture, why Wanda needed to be weakened mentally and physically before Agatha could do as much damage as she was allowed to before taken over. 
For the first time, in a very long time, you took your time looking at Wanda. Your eyes went from her naked feet, wiggling fingers trying to get warm to her legs covered by a single pyjama pants and a sweater, her face was pale with bags under her eyes that had always shone with sadness in them. Her hair was long, a little unkept, as if she had woken up, a copper-like colour that had always suited her complexion. Wanda was beautiful, and our heart twisted pleasantly at the sight your hands twitching at your side wanting nothing more than to hug the woman in front of you.
“Things cannot go back to what they were, but they can be different, Wands.” This time around you said quietly, Wanda lifted her eyes but she could not read into your expression. 
“What do you mean?” She whispered hating the bubble of hope that grew in her heart.
“I mean that we…I mean, we can be friends.” You backed away not daring to say anything else, not daring to expose yourself once more.
The bubble of hope exploded in a spiral of cold nails that went through Wanda's heart. Friends. That was all they could be, right? Things coils be different this time around, a moment in which you were only a friend destined to just not be close enough.
“That…that sounds good.” Wanda tried to smile, her lips trembling under the weight of her emotions.
You offered a tentative smile, “you can…I mean, now that everything is ready, America was thinking on staying over, so if you want…”
“I'll leave tomorrow.” Wanda rushed the words one after the other, her right hand fixing her hair while the left one picked on invisible threads on her sweater. “I…I talk with Tony, and everything is ready, I just…”
You stood expressionless, frozen on the spot while processing Wanda's words. The woman was babbling, never looking at you while bouncing on her feet 
“I promise you I will be out of your way as soon as this is over and, I think it is time, I just thought you should know.” Wanda winced, stepping forward, walking past you without taking notice of the pain written all over your face.
“Friends would be good, I guess…we could try it.” Wanda turned around only to see you with your back to her. “Good night, Y/N, sleep well.”
Wanda left and the coldness of the night followed her all the way to her room. She never got a chance to see the broken stare in your eyes, or the same coldness taking refuge in your heart leaving you open to what you really wanted but didn't dare to have.
You didn’t say goodbye.
You were not ready to do so, thus you decided to just hide away and pretend Wanda hadn’t come into your life the moment winter began. It was easier than just face the fact that Wanda would leave you behind.
It wasn’t as if she owed you something, that had been the deal. You helped her and America and then, they needed to leave. You had been so full of grief and rage at that moment, you never imagine your emotions would change and that you would be faced with the situation you had been in.
Everything happened too fast for you to just think about it. And, when the moment came for you to do something, you just cowered away.
It was easier.
Running away was always easier.
By the time Wanda had arrived at your home, Winter had started. The days had been short, and the nights long and cold where the northern lights had been visible for most of the inhabitants in the North. 
You had been so busy with what was happening, that you had forgotten the magic hidden behind the green and golden lights that ignited the sky. Sometimes it changes into a pink colour, twirling above your home with a flicker of lightning just before fading away. 
You had chosen Norway due to its weather, and the quietness of the land. Not many tourists came to the fishing town, and the house you had bought was at the edge of a barely known road. It had been perfect for you to hide, and to run away; now it was looking like a prison, a place you could not escape from when everyone else seemed to walk away.
The wind was particularly strong that morning, it came with frozen bites on your uncovered skin. You turned around watching the mountains stretching through the horizon, the dark waters reflecting the darkened sky.  You had come to the lighthouse to think, and to forget.
But you were failing quite miserably.
The first time you walked away from Wanda, you had done so without even saying goodbye. This time around, you had run away before she could say goodbye to you.
You wished there was something you could do, something you could say to Wanda that would change the situation. But you weren't sure what exactly you could say, you and her had ended the relationship a long time ago, and right now whatever you two had was just a shaky friendship.
“Fuck!” Your scream could be heard through the sound of the blowing wind. 
“Why are you so frustrated?” Yelena was leaning against the wall, she was wearing a white, winter jacket with her brows knitted together.
You grabbed the railing shaking your head, your lips broke into a bitter smile. Of course, Yelena would be there watching your breakdown, Natasha had been like a mother to you offering her arms and shoulders for you to rest and let go of your pain. But Yelena had been the sister that made you face reality of what you were feeling, what you wanted and what you really needed.
“I don't know.” You turned around resting your weight on the railing, your eyes finding those of Yelena. “I've been thinking about everything that has happened, and I just…I don't know.”
Yelena nodded in understanding; she stepped closer to you crossing her arms. She was covering the fact she was freezing at the moment, her body shivering under the heavy weight of the jacket she was wearing. 
“You don't know or you just don't want to know.” Yelena glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, she wrapped her arms around herself pursuing her lips. “I think in the last couple of weeks you have to finally face a situation you had been evading for far too long.”
“I don’t know what I should do, ‘Lena.” You whispered frowning deeply, “everything had been clear a couple of months ago, I was happy until…”
“Until you received the videos?” Yelena set her eyes on the horizon, before tilting her head to turn her attention to you. “They were sent by someone inside SWORD, Agatha had more than one ally in the organization.”
“How do you know?”
“Natasha asked me to investigate while you were away, it wasn’t that difficult to find some of the records.” Yelena shifted the weight of her feet her hand sneaking inside her pocket. “I don’t think you travelling through the multiverse was part of her plan, though capturing you and getting Wanda, America and yourself in the same place was.”
“She wanted our powers, same old story.” You shook your head, “do they ever get original?”
“Don’t think so.” Yelena chuckled bumping against you, her face softening while she put from her pocket a single envelope.
“What is that?” You eyed the object with curiosity, Yelena pursed her lips before stretching her hand and presenting you with it.
“Before she left, she wanted to give you this.” Yelena frowned observing as your expression changed, you went from being slightly relaxed to a tormented soul in a second. “Whatever happened in the other universe, whatever happened in Westview, whatever happened when the both of you were young…I think, Y/N, you need to face the past and decide what to do with yourself and with her.”
You grabbed the envelope, taking care of the letter inside it.
“She left.”
“She did.”
“Yelena, I …” You couldn’t finish your sentence but Yelena was not expecting you to, she smirked shaking her head while rolling her eyes at you.
“The thing about love, Y/N, is that you can’t predict it, you can’t control it, and certainly, you can’t choose who you fall in love with.” Yelena said simply. “Now, it is up to you what will happen next, I think by now we all know what Wanda really wants, and who she really loves.”
“I thought you hate her.” You never took your eyes away from the letter, Yelena snorted shaking her head.
“No, I just didn’t like her that much, you were a mess when I met you.” Yelena stated turning her attention to the house. “She is not so bad, after all.”
You snorted shaking your head, with some reluctance you put the letter away wrapping your arms around Yelena, the young woman smiled allowing the comfort of your embrace while you two made your way back into the lighthouse.
The letter heavy on your pocket, your mind wanting nothing more than to know what Wanda had left behind. It wouldn’t be until latter that day that you would have a chance to read it and, by then, Wanda was too far away trying to hold back her tears while convincing herself she had made the right decision.
Wanda left thinking she would never see you again, and you read the letter knowing you needed to see Wanda again.
At the end of the day, it was about love, and what we did to get a little of it in our lives. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next Chapter: You read the letter, Natasha reads the letter, Carol finds the letter, and Yelena and America are kinda desperated with you pinning for Wanda and not doing anything about it. Wanda is finally getting some peace, learning about herslef and her powers when, all of a sudden, she receives a surprised visit.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 10 months
To Call You Mine, Drabble #2: Trauma
Authors note: Takes place after Drabble #1, but before Ch 10
Summary: Nat has a hard day after you're called into work on your day off by Tony. And you are reminded of the hurt and pain Bruce inflicted upon your beautiful Omega.
Warnings: talk of past domestic violence/assault, ptsd
Word count: 3776
Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist TCYM Masterlist
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   Natasha jolts awake to the sound of your phone ringing and not realizing that it has already awoken her, you quickly toss the covers aside and walk a fair distance away before groggily answering.
   “Hello?.....Okay…..Yeah, I can be there…..See you soon”
   You turn around with the intent to wake your mate and explain what was going on only to find her already starting to sit up with her sleep filled eyes staring at you. You sigh, regretting that your pregnant Omega was now awake so early due to your phone.
   “I’m sorry, my love” you apologize, sitting down on her nest again
   She does her best to steady her heart rate and breathing before speaking, “What- what's going on?”
   “That was Tony. Unfortunately one of the security guards that was scheduled to be in today has had a major family emergency, and I’m the only one that answered his call, so it looks like I’ll be heading into work today”
  You immediately pick up on her unease, which was likely due to the fact that you hadn’t had to go into Stark Industries for a full day of work since her pregnancy. And even before that you’d never had to go in on such a short notice, which gave her time to make plans with the likes of: Yelena, Clint, Wanda or Carol.
   “Omega, are you okay?” you ask, worried she’ll be upset at your departure
   “Yes, I just…I’m not used to being alone. I’m sorry.”
   “Hey, it's ok love.” you soothe, cupping her face, “I'm sorry I have to go in, you know I’d rather be here with you. But we can video chat on my lunch break, ok?”
   “Okay, thank you Alpha”
   “Of course” you say with a nod before leaning in to kiss her temple, “Now I need to get ready. I’ll wake you to say goodbye if you fall back asleep”
   “Okay” she answers, though she knows the likelihood of that happening is low as she’ll be too anxious thinking about the possibilities of what she’ll do without you and any friends for the day
   Sure enough, when you get out of your very fast shower ten minutes later she is still wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Your heart aches at the scene, but unfortunately you don’t have the time to dwell on it as you need to get dressed. You head to the closet and get your black suit, white dress shirt and black tie out. You grab a pair of boxers and slide them on before putting the rest of your attire on.
   As you take a seat on the side of your bed to  slide on your shoes she gets up from the nest and makes her way over to sit next to you. She leans her head against your shoulder and lets out a sigh, as she's not quite ready to without your presence. You pause what you're doing and wrap an arm around her waist to hold her even closer. She takes this gesture a step farther by wrapping her arms around your neck as she buries her face against your collarbone.
   Your hold on her tightens a bit as you rub soothing circles into her back, “Do you want me to try calling anyone? That way you don’t have to be alone?”
   She shakes her head, “No, don’t wanna bother anyone. I’ll be ok, I’ll just miss you.”
   “I’ll miss you too, detka(baby)” you assure her, kissing the top of her head
   She kisses your neck in return before pulling away to kiss you properly. She smiles against your lips when she feels your hand reach down to caress her belly, and she wonders if you even realize you do that now. Maybe it’s something you do due to a subconscious protective instinct, or maybe you actively do it as a form of comfort for the both of you. Whatever the cause, she enjoys the extra bit of affection.
   “I love you” 
   “I love you too, Y/n” she responds, tightening her hold on you for a bit before finally letting go, “Drive safe”
   “I will. Try and head back to bed for a bit, okay? It's still early”
   She nods and watches you head out of the bedroom before she climbs back into her nest. She waits to hear the door that leads to the garage close before allowing herself to curl up under the covers once more. She's unsure how much rest she’ll manage to get without you beside her, but the knowledge that the sun hasn’t even begun to peak over the horizon tells her that she at least needs to try.
   At some point she had been able to drift back asleep, as she's now awoken to see the sunlight spilling through the gaps in the blinds accompanied by the gentle coos of her pup coming through the monitor.
   Gently rubbing the swell of her belly she speaks softly to her unborn pup, “We better get up, your brother must be hungry”
   She lazily stretches before getting out of her nest to head up to Dimas room. But as she starts to walk up the stairs, she becomes aware of the familiar feeling of anxiety bubbling in her chest. She feels a bit silly, because there wasn’t a reason for it. This is her home, and she was safe here, as are her pups. And she's a grown Omega, therefore she's capable of being without her Alpha for a few hours. Besides, Bruce didn’t want pups to raise them, but as a form of control so she was usually left to her own devices anyway. So what was the difference? She's used to this, she’ll be fine.
   As she enters her pups room a soft smile takes over her features and his excited noises momentarily take her mind off of her anxious thoughts. She heads over to his nest and picks him up and places a kiss on one of his chubby little cheeks as takes him over to his changing table.
   “Good morning malen'kiy(little one)” she coos as she undresses him and begins to change his diaper, “Mama had to work, so it’s just the two of us today”
   A soft little meow from the doorway reminds Nat that her statement is actually wrong, and she looks over apologetically to the kitten that is strutting into the room
   “Sorry Liho. It's the three of us”
    After changing her pups diaper and putting him in a suitable outfit, she takes him downstairs for breakfast. She doesn't plan on making anything too extravagant, just some scrambled eggs with ham chunks for Dima and an omelet for herself. 
   Normally when cooking she lets him play in the living room, in his bouncer or playpen while the tv plays one of his shows. But today, for some strange reason, she just doesn’t feel good about that. So instead she sets him up in his highchair at the table instead and sets up her phone so he can watch something while she cooks.
   After she's fed him, and herself, she heads into the living room where she settles down on the sofa. She scrolls through the guide until she finds a show to watch and then she leans back and allows her boy to suckle. Once he's gotten his fill of her milk she sets him down in his playpen with a few of his toys with the intent to let herself relax, but she just can’t seem to. 
   She feels a bit restless, and there's a nagging in the back of her mind that just keeps repeating that she needs to keep an eye on Dima. So, being one to not ignore any of her instincts, she listens. She settles down on the floor next to the pups playpen to ensure she's within arms reach should anything occur, and she allows her show to become mere background noise as she starts to play with him.
   After a while Dimas interest shifts from playing with his toys to the tv, so Nat reluctantly stands and moves back over to the couch to grab the remote. She switches the channel to some cartoons for him, not like she’d been paying attention to what she’d put on for herself anyway, and decides to try and relax a bit. She's not usually so on guard, and she's wondering if it might be something new her pregnancy hormones have brought on. She knows its normal to be more protective and possessive while with pup, but-  THUMP
   Her head immediately swivels in the direction of the sudden noise, and she's almost certain she can feel her heart beating through her ribcage. She waits a moment, straining her ears to pick up any other sounds that could be perceived as out of the norm, but she doesn’t hear anything more. She quickly grabs her phone and opens up Carol's contact before she rises to her feet and quietly makes her way in the direction she believes the noise came from.
   When she gets closer to your home office she spots the perpetrator, Liho, who is perched atop your large bookshelf. Undoubtedly it hitting the wall as she jumped up there is what caused the earlier sound. But this fact does little to calm the Omega. Her pulse is still racing as she turns to head back to the living room, and when she realizes she can no longer hear her pup from her current location, she practically sprints back.
  She pockets her phone and rushes to him, carefully picking him up to assess him. He smiles wide and excitedly kicks his feet upon seeing his Mama, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She keeps him in her arms as she sits back down on the sofa, and tries her best to become calm again. Or at least, as calm as she had been before Liho made her mind and heart race.
   He’s okay. She internally assures herself, cupping his chubby little cheek in her hand. She then moves that same hand to her bump and gently caresses it. We’re okay. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to help herself calm down and after a while it seems to have worked. True she's still on edge, but the feeling of dread is back to the level it had been earlier when she awoke.
    Despite having to take care of and entertain Dima, the next few hours had gone by incredibly slowly for your mate. She's sure this had to do with how much she missed your presence along with the anxiety that's still simmering in the back of her brain, and she finds herself wishing that you’d only had to work half a day today. Still, she's at least thankful that you’ll be able to call her on your lunch break. Which should be any second now.
   As if on queue her phone rings and the quickly mutes the tv before answering, “Hi, my love”
   “Hi detka(baby)” you greet, smiling as her face takes up your phone screen, you missed her more than you expected to. But you had a feeling she was feeling the same, “Everything going alright at home?”
   She had debated on telling you the truth of how poorly she was handling her anxiety today, but as soon as she saw your face on her screen she decided against it. She could already see you were stressed, the furrow between your brows and the tightness of the muscles in your neck showed her that much. And the last thing she wanted to do was add to that by causing you to worry about her.
   “Lihos been a bit mischievous today, but were doing good”
   “I’m glad to hear that” you admit, and Natasha watches as your shoulders relax, in turn causing her to relax a bit. “You had something for breakfast, right?”
   She nods, “Yes, of course. I made an omelet for myself while I mad Dimas eggs and ham”
   “Good. You'll be happy to know that I grabbed myself a breakfast sandwich from the corner bakery on the way into work”
   She smiles, knowing how hard it was for you to remember to eat something when you were up so early, “Did you get sausage or bacon on it?”
   “Both” you answer, causing her to chuckle, “Any plans for lunch?”
   She's about to respond, but she is cut off by a rather incessant knocking that she can only assume is coming from your office door. Your jaw tightens as you look over in the direction of your door and she can clearly tell this interruption has frustrated you.
   “One second love” you tell her, setting the phone down to go and deal with whoever it was. She can’t help but fidget while you're away, her mind busy with thoughts of how to help soothe you once you return home to her. She's so lost in these thoughts that you had to call her name a few times to regain your attention.
   “Are you sure you're alright, my Omega?” you ask, a hint of worry evident in your tone
   She swallows the lump of truth in her throat that's threatening to surface, “Yes Alpha, just got distracted checking on Dima, that's all.”
   You nod, “Well, thankfully that was just Happy with my lunch. Tony ordered me my favorite since I had to come in today”
   “That was nice of him” she says, glad that you could at least enjoy that if nothing else today
  “Mhm” you agree, unwrapping your sandwich, “What will you two be having?”
  “I haven’t decided yet” she answers. Because truthfully shed been too excited to hear from you on your break to focus on anything else lunch related
   You smile at that, causing her to look at you quizzically, “Well, good. Because I ordered the two of you something. It should be there by the time we have to hang up”
   “Y/n, you didn’t have to do that”
   You wave her off, “Nat, baby, your at home taking care of our pup while with pup. The least I could do is provide you both with a meal so you don’t have to cook. Besides, Tony offered to buy”
   She smiles at both your bosses generosity and yours, “Well thank you Alpha, and be sure to thank Tony for me too”
   “I will. Now I should go so I don’t have to inhale everything before I’m back on shift” you joke, but she can tell by the slight downturn of your lips that you didn’t truly want to go
   “Alright, I love you”
  “I love you too, Natty.” you respond, blowing her a kiss in order to see her smile again, “I’ll see you in a few hours”
   She lets out a sigh after hanging up with you. In her current headspace, a few hours was likely to feel more like an eternity. But at least she didn’t have to worry about lunch now. And true to your word, a knock sounds at the door then. She answers it and retrieves the food, setting it at the table before bringing Dima into the dining room too. She opens the bags to find its all from her favorite Italian place and that you had gotten her several different dishes to ensure that she could have a bit of everything now and still have some for later cravings. If this didn’t improve her mood she didn’t know what would.
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    You sigh as you finally pull into the driveway, a bit more tired than usual due to last night's troublesome sleep and the emergency shift that you’d been called into this morning. It definitely took a toll on you that no cups of coffee had been able to fix, and you couldn’t wait to just get inside to see your pup and Omega. 
   You stretch after getting out of the car and then make your way into the house, doing your best to not trip over Liho as she excitedly circles your feet. You bend down to pet her a few times before gently shooing her further into the house. You were happy to see her, but you really wanted to see your Omega. And Dima too of course. 
   When you enter the kitchen, you see her. Her back is to you as she stands at the sink, apparently doing a few dishes while Dima sits in his bouncer that's been moved to the dining room so she can still keep an eye on him. Now that you're here with them again, you can finally feel yourself relax. Knowing they had been alone here today had your protective instincts going into overdrive at work. You’d nearly pelted the Beta that got too close to Pepper and Morgan as he walked past you all in the hallway, and they weren’t even yours
   “God I missed you” you breathe out, cutting through the peaceful silence with an innocent declaration of affection you hope will warm your mates heart
   But instead you only succeed in startling her. You watch her body jolt as she spins around to face you, sending the mug that had been in her hands spiraling down to the tile floor below. The sound of it shattering has her eyes widening even more than they had been and this was her anxieties final straw. She couldn’t upset you, she just couldn’t. You’d had such a long day full of stress and you had still managed to care for her and Dima. And here she was greeting you by causing a scene and a mess. She couldn’t bear it if you looked at her in disappointment, or worse if you verbally told her of your disdain for her actions. She had to make this right. 
   You feel immediate guilt wash over you upon realizing just how badly you must have startled her to cause such a reaction, but before you can even begin to apologize, and to your abject horror she immediately drops down to her knees in front of the debris 
   “I’m sorry Alpha, I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, not realizing you had been shouting because she was now picking the broken pieces up with her hands and not because she broke it in the first place, “Please don’t be mad!”
   Her pleading has your heart aching in you chest, and you try your best to approach her in a way that doesn’t further trigger her, “Omega- ”
   “Please!” she stresses, bottom lip trembling, “It was an accident, I promise it won’t happen again!”
   You kneel beside her and grab her wrists, forcing her to drop the broken pieces that are now stained with blood from fresh cuts that litter her hands. She prepares herself to be berated, but instead is met with your warm embrace as you pull her against you.
   “I didn't mean to, I'm sorry Alpha. I'm sorry”
   “Shhh, it's alright Natty. It was an accident. I'm not mad. You're not in trouble” you assure her, nuzzling into her scent gland
   “I- I’m not?”
   Her confusion pains you, and in that moment you want nothing more than to roast Bruce over a pit of hot coals, “No baby, you're not. You're not in trouble. You're safe here, remember?”
   Her brain finally begins to clear, and a guttural sob leaves her as she realizes the truth in your words. You weren’t like Bruce, and you never would be. You were Y/n, her amazingly kind Alpha.
   “I’m sorry” she whimpers, turning to bury her face against your chest “I didn’t mean to react like you were him. I know you're not. I know”
   You hold her even tighter, “It’s okay Omega. Sometimes, you can’t help these things. Certain things are going to cause this type of reaction, and though it saddens me to see you like this, I will never take it personally”
   You continue to hold her as she cries, offering her nothing but soothing touches and gentle words. Once she seems to have calmed down, you stand with her, and look over to see that despite everything Dima is still happy to be playing in his bouncer. Content with this you scoop your Omega up in your arms and carefully place her on the counter next to the sink.
  She watches as you turn on the water, letting it get warm as you find the bandages and antibacterial cream you keep out here in case of emergencies. You reach a finger in to feel the water, and content with it you take her hands in yours and help her clean the wounds. Satisfied with how they look now you apply a bit of cream to each of them before placing a bandaid over them and then you gently kiss her hands before helping her down
   “Go get comfortable in the living room baby. I’ll sweep this up and bring Dima in”
   She looks at you, guilt still evident on her features, “But- ” 
   “No buts” you tell her, leaning in to place a soft kiss against her lips, “Go on now, I’ll only be a moment”
   Sure enough, it hadn’t taken you long at all and she smiled as you and her pup entered the room. You kiss his cheeks a few times before placing him down in his playpen and then you sit down next to your mate.
  “Come here” you mumble as you wrap your arms around her, pulling her into your lap
   She practically melts into your embrace as your scent surrounds her, bringing her an easy sense of comfort and security, allowing her to finally begin to truly feel at ease. You place gentle kisses against her collarbone and cheek as you hold her, 
   “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was having a hard day. I just knew you were too, and I didn’t want to make things worse for you”
   “You could never make things worse for me, Omega” you tell her, cupping her face gently, “I’m just sorry I wasn’t here today to help you through it.”
   She shakes her head, “You were when I needed you most, and you took care of me. Thank you, Alpha”
   “I’ll always take care of you, you don’t ever have to thank me for that”
   “I know I don’t have to” she admits, nuzzling against your chest, “But you deserve to know how grateful I am for everything you do. I love you, Y/n.”
   “I love you too, Natty” you reply, squeezing her affectionately before moving one of your hands to her stomach, “Everything gonna be okay”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @that-one-gay-mosquito @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink @whitewidowsbite @smromanoff
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simpstantruther · 23 days
Hungry Heart ch. 1 | (Mullet) Stanley Pines x Reader
(Sorry, should have posted it this way the first time. First time posting fanfiction to tumblr).
Summary: Stan needs to go to Oregon. You need to get to California. Stan has a car. You have a cunt. (Can I make it any more obvious~)
Tags: 80s Americana Roadtrip Partners-in-Crime Stan x Reader fic. Smut. You can fix him, but you're worse.
TW: Alcohol Use
His voice gets surprisingly soft. “Can I take you home?”
“You kiddin’ me?” You spit out the ruined lime slice. ”I thought you were a bum. What home you gonna take me to? Lovely spot under a bridge?"
“I got a motel room.” He adds defensively. “It’s somethin’.”
Read on AO3.
Your arms stick to the bar top. It’s sticky enough on its own. It smells like fruit cocktail and jaeger and all the other sickly sweet mixings that bar tops get coated in, with a lovely note of pissy beer over it all.
But it’s sweltering, even with the door kicked out and the flies starting to buzz inside. There’s a sheen of sweat over all your bare skin, sticking your thighs uncomfortably to your wooden stool. Your jean shorts are too short, and the high waist is digging into your ribs. 
You hate Dallas.
Stupid bartender cut you off two songs ago.
You hate this stupid bar, too.
You weren’t drunk. Not really. Just buzzed enough to tell him to shove a broken bottle up his ass when he snapped your bra strap from across the bar.
But he let you sit at the bar anyways. He was sweet like that. You feel pitiable, alone like this. Maybe he can tell. Maybe he hopes that if he lets you stay and no one else picks up the slack, you’ll let him take you home.
You’re not drunk enough for that. And you can afford to be choosey. Daddy always said you were a pretty girl. He told you to kill yourself before you weren't, but that was besides the point. 
You look at the stained mirror backing the bar. Dark circles under your eyes. Your hair is a mess. Your eyeliner is from three days ago, a dark stain under your bottom eyelashes. You're young, but you don't want to guess how much longer you'll have left by dear old dad's measure. Not the way you're living.  
You're not drunk, you're just reminiscing. 
“Got a wife and kids in Baltimore jack—“
You snap over to the juke box, playing the same fucking song again for the fifth time. Some mulleted asshole with sweat and beer stains over his white t-shirt croons along poorly, drunkenly leaning against the wall beside it.
“I go for a drive and never come back—“
“Not a-fucking-gain.” You groan, head in your hands. 
“What? Who’s got a problem with Springsteen?” He barks. The mellow rock continues without him.
You don’t turn. You’re not drunk, just a little on edge from the heat. You slide off your stool painfully and stumble. And okay, you’re drunker than you realize.
You point an accusing finger at the blurry man who stomps toward you. 
“If I wanted to hear someone butcher Bruce Springsteen songs, I’d toss quarters at the poor bastard with the chipped cup outside. At least he knows the god damn lyrics—“ 
You blink as he comes into focus. 
He was cute, in a bring-me-home-and-disappoint-your-parents kind of way. Or if Kurt Russel had like, a really bad year. Square jaw. Scruffy chin. Bulbous nose, broken at least a few times. Baby beer gut. Big, broad shoulders. Narrow hips. God. Was he wearing fucking football gear or something? 
His lips stay parted like the mouth-breather he is. He looks you over too. Your loose tank top has a fallen strap, the hem hangs low over your chest. With your arms crossed, your tits look better than they are. His eyes fall to the bit of lace on your bra peeking out. It’s fine. That’s what it’s there for. 
You swallow thickly, feeling sweat crawl down your neck. 
“You played the same song five times in a row. Don’t you know the fuckin’ lyrics by now?” You mutter quietly, just enough to make him lean in and listen.
You feel his hot breath against your ear, trying to talk over the music. It smells like tequila and cheap cigarettes.
“You wanna teach it to me, Sweetheart?” 
You huff with amusement. A jersey dirtbag just like you, so far from home? What are the odds. 
He stands over you.
You imagine your thighs around his big dopey ears for a second, but the idea of his stubble tearing up your already irritated inner thighs feels unappetizing.
“Nah. Learn it yourself.” You turn. His meaty hand grabs your arm. 
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“I don’t know.” You tilt your head. “Can you?” It’s a genuine question. You both glance at the bartender who curls his lip.
“Hermano! One for the lady, por favor!”
Surprisingly, the bartender nods. You both cling to the bar, like the railing of a ship tipping over.
“He’s Italian.” You mutter under your breath, watching the bartender mix you another vodka-soda.
“Huh?” He leans his elbow on the bar beside you, his other hand coming around your other side. He’s like a furnace. You are sweating out his beer through osmosis. 
You nod to the flag hung behind the bartender and fan yourself with a damp coaster.
“It’s an Italian flag. The Mexican one has an eagle.”
“I know. I did time in Mexico.” He says it like he’s proud. Like you should care. Stupid cute smug grin. 
“Small world!” You turn towards him.
“Gettin’ smaller.” He looks amused and he coils a strand of your hair around his finger, now leaning his arm on your shoulder. “You serious? You got locked up there?”
“No.” You say, deadpanned. He laughs. You feel it, tucked against his chest.
“You’re funny.” 
“And you’re just an asshole.” You say as you sip your drink, faster than you should. 
He shrugs one shoulder dismissively. “So, you from Jersey?” He asks, knocking back a shot of tequila with only a grimace. “You sound like my Ma.”
“Born and raised. You?”
“Born and raised. Small world. Why’d you ever leave Jersey?”
“To leave Jersey. ”
He sucks his teeth. “Ain’t you got a family or somethin’?” 
“What, are you gonna kidnap me?” He laughs again. His laugh is stupid, loud, makes you wanna laugh with him. Maybe just at him. You shrug. “Followin’ my old man out west.”
“New family?”
“New everything.”
“Lucky guy. It’s harder than it sounds, starting a new life.” He sighs bitterly, nodding as the bartender refills his shooter. “Some fuckers have all the luck.” 
You hold your glass out to him. You long since drained it of alcohol, but the ice remains. You suck on one melting cube in your cheek and crunch it between your teeth. “To the unlucky bastards, then.” 
He tuts his tongue and takes the empty glass from your hand, replacing it with another shooter.
“That’s better. To the unlucky bastards.” 
You hate tequila. 
But you love free liquor.
“Salud.” You wince as it burns down your throat, shutting your eyes tightly for a moment before you open to see him watch you with his elbow on the bar top.
“Love seein’ a beautiful chick knockin’ back tequila like a champ.” He smirks.
“Love it from a distance. You’re in the splash zone.” You groan, setting back down the glass and snagging a lime from behind the bar to suck against your teeth. 
“I don’t scare easy.” 
You narrow your eyes. “You want me to yak on you?”
“If you would do me the honors.” He doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t lose his easy smile.
You smirk briefly. “Freak.” 
“I get that a lot.” The smile loosens. Just a bit. He swallows and you watch his adam’s apple bob. His voice gets surprisingly soft.
“Can I take you home?”
“You kiddin’ me?” You spit out the ruined lime slice. ”I thought you were a bum. What home you gonna take me to? Lovely spot under a bridge?"
“I got a motel room.” He adds defensively. “It’s somethin’.”
“Livin’ large.” You draw out the vowels condescendingly. As if you’re any better. “You ain’t worried I’ll rob you blind in the night, big shot?”
“Don’t got much. And if you can sneak it past me, I figure you deserve it.”
You look over him again.
You consider it, you really do. He could have been worse. You’ve had worse. Half the nights you spent on your way west were spent banging for room and board. Or at least picking guys drunk and rich enough to pay for the taxi home and pass out before they remembered to touch you. 
You should be dead. A dozen times, you wished you were. Easily, you could have been. And no one would go looking for you.
You have a feeling he understands what that’s like. Poor bastard.
But tonight, you paid for a room. And for the love of God, clean(ish) beds to yourself were in short supply. The T.V. in your room was busted and the liquor store was closed. You came here for the lovely conversation.
“Sorry. Not tonight, buddy.” You avert your eyes. “But thanks for the drinks.”
He frowns and nods, not happy with the rejection clearly but respectful enough to accept it anyways.
“Well, I’m in town a couple more days. If you need somethin’, give me a call, okay sweetheart?”
He fishes out a business card from his front jean pocket. It’s wrinkled and damp with sweat. 
The Loveshack the card says.
You pick up the card and turn it on both sides. 
“I’m in room eight.” He eyes the card nervously. “Or ask for Lee.”
“Lee.” You repeat. “Thanks, Lee.” You hold your hand out to shake and give him a fake name. He holds your hand and your eyes. 
“I mean it. Give me a call.” He pleads.
You huff with mirth, sticking the card in your pocket. You haven’t heard a boy beg for a call like that since highschool.
“Alright, alright.” You slide off your barstool again, slightly more graceful than the first time. 
“Goodnight, Lee.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
“Stupid.” You smirk at eachother as you step back towards the exit. You know he’s waiting for you to turn so he can stare at your ass.
Bruce Springsteen croons you out as you leave the bar. You hear Lee belting along. 
“Everybody’s got a hungry heart. Everybody’s got a hungry heart.”
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daddysfangirls-dc · 4 months
UnTamed Ch.16
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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Asta pressed the fabric between her fingers. "It's soft," She said as she continued to rub the fabric against her skin. "of course, only the best," Damian said as he prepped her pain meds. She said she didn't need it, but he thought better safe than sorry.
"Who is going to be there?" 
"All of my siblings, father and Alfred, will be present. Although-"
"He won't be seated at the table. I know." She felt him remove the needle and put a bandaid on her. Damian took the fabric from her hand. It was a dress, a simple, long black satin dress.
Taking her hand, he helps her stand up, lifts her arms above her head, and slips the dress on. It slips on easily and gently falls on her shoulders. She turns around, allowing him to zip her up. He kisses her shoulder. 
"no, thank you. The dress is already too much."
"No, it's not. If anything, it's not enough."
"It's just dinner with your family. They've already seen me at my worst. Can't get any uglier."
"Astarea -" 
She turned around. " Don't. They're waiting for us. Let's go."
Correct. They were waiting. Bruce sat at the head of the table with Dick, Cassandra, and Jason to his left and Tim and Duke to his right. Asta and Damian sat to the right. As they sat, Alfred began to bring out the food. 
"Thank you," she said as Alfred put the last plate down. " I don't mean just for this. Thank you for caring for, healing, and allowing me to stay here. I know it couldn't have been -" Damian squeezes her hand, stopping the apology rant before it begins. " Thank you"
" You don't need to thank anyone here. You're family, and we'll always welcome you," Jason said. 
" I couldn't agree more," Alfred said as he disappeared into the kitchen, leaving them to eat. 
Asta held little to no Academics, surviving off of luck and animals' instincts. She could read ( not big words), count money, and do the basics as Eren taught, but not much. Just enough. So she knew she wasn't smart, very aware of her lack. Not a day in school being taught by another uneducated street kid, she knew what she needed to survive a day and nothing more. And this never really bothered her until she met Damian's family. 
They were all educated, obviously, with the conversations they were having about companies, investments, stocks, etc., but they also held manners and behaviors. She didn't know how to properly hold a fork and spoon or any proper table manners. Sitting amongst these fancy people was embarrassing, not knowing how to eat properly.
Jason saw this, and he was this. It was years ago, and there were fewer people, but he had been her at one point. He knew how she felt. And he knew how to make her feel better, even if just a little. Switching the hand, he held his fork in holding it in a fist, he hunched forward over his plate. Asta watched as he went from a proper man with manners to someone who had none and simply knew food. Don't waste it.
The others watched, confused at Jason's behavior, expecting Alfred to correct him; he did not. Asta picks up her fork in a similar fashion and eats. They understand now. They also changed their conversation away from work and money. Talking more about simple things like charities and family.
"Who are you?"
"Tim" Dick scolded him. 
"What do you mean?"
"you don't exist. Who are you?"
"I am Astarea, my friend calls me Asta" she said kindly not really understanding the question. 
"Where are you from?"
" Drake," Damian warned him. 
"I'm from here. Gotham. I was born here."
"no birth certificate"
Damian knuckles turned white as he held his fork tightly. She placed a hand on his wrist. "I was born in an alley to a homeless teenage mom. She didn't care if I had papers. Couldn't really afford them either."
"What happened to your mother?" Bruce asked. Asta started realizing this wasn't a dinner but an integration with some food. 
"She died when I was three-"
"You've been by yourself this whole time?" some were concerned, others were impressed.
" Oh no, no, no. um... A boy found me. A homeless boy, he took care of me until I was seven then I was officially on my own. Until I met Damian four years later. And I've enjoyed every moment since." She kissed his knuckles. Damian fought off the smile but couldn't hide his blush. Dick cooed at the sight of it. The others teased. Damian glared. He wanted to throw his knife and fork, but Alfred's presence kept him in check. 
" It's nice to work with someone who isn't completely incompetent," Damian said, trying his best to ignore his siblings. 
"Working with her?" Bruce was willing to look past or wait on something, but her being involved with their cases was not okay. 
"Gotham's Night Orphans," Damian jumped to explain. " It's a group of children and young adults in a crime alley and the Narrows. They work with each other to protect each other-"
"We find shelters and provide food, clothes, and medication. We've been recently trying to expand with -"
Then she remembered. Asta remembered she was planning a meeting with Red Hood and his gang to expand her own organization, but then everything hit the fan, and she forgot.
"So I'm guessing you're the one I was supposed to meet," Jason said  
" I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I am so sorry."
"What's happening now?" Duke asked. Everyone, except Damian, was confused as they watched Asta apologize profusely as Jason waved her off.
"It's alright, you've got a pretty good excuse for why you stood me up" Jason said 
"No excuse I should have tried to contact you as soon as I was able-"
"How about when you're ready we take sometime and have the meeting we originally planned, how does that sound?"
"I'd like that very much, thank you."
" Gotham's Night Orphan," Bruce said. Dinner had been far more productive than originally planned, learning more about her than intended but also still having more or new questions. The girl truly was an enigma, giving more questions than answers. At least they knew that she, too, was in the dark about her parentage. Hopefully, they'd learn more together. That's if she learned to trust them more.
"It's not a gang," Jason reassured him. " It's an underground organization run by kids. They do shelter, food, clothes, medication, hiding people-"
"Hiding people?" Tim looked back from the batcomputer 
"Yes, they hide people from their abusers and those who wish to take advantage of them." Red Hood and his gang did a lot of research on the group as they wanted to collaborate. Despite being mostly run by children, the group was well-organized and very effective. Definitely making changes in Gotham. 
"What does-"
"That's all I'm giving you. They're doing good work. Leave them be. " Jason said, putting his helmet on and hopping on his bike, peeling out of the case and leaving the others behind. His night had begun. 
"You need to rest," Damian said. He was already in bed waiting for her. Asta was sitting at the desk looking over her proposal for Red Hood and his gang. Now that she remembered, she was eager to get back on track and push the collaboration forward. She had rested enough in her mind, not that it was time to work.
Damian understood the feeling he wanted to work too, but knew rest was needed. And he'd rather rest with Asta than work. While Damian wasn't a part of the gang, technically, he did help Asta organize it better. He helped keep track of abandoned properties they could use and hide those reported missing. He also designed their symbols using his artistic abilities. He'd rather her rest and heal work could come tomorrow, or he could do it. 
"Astarea, please," she ignored him. He sighed, got out of bed, walking over to the desk. He took her pencil and placed it down. She began to protest. He ignored it, turned off the lamp, pulled her away, picked her up, walked her to bed, lucked her in, and joined her.
" I need to work. I-I need to help."
"And you will, tomorrow".
"I have a purpose here now," she whispers. He was too tired to ask her what she meant or discuss. 
"Even if you didn't, you'd always be welcome."
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hellishere7980 · 6 months
Whatever It Takes (CH-1)
They were running. She gripped Damian’s hand tighter “Come on, Damian. You gotta run faster. I know it's hard, but–” She bit back an ear piercing scream as she ducked, Dragging her brother with her. A knife whizzed past their heads with couple of arrows. They both ran and ran till they finally spotted a boat in which Mariam jumped, her brother following her. And soon enough, the boat took off before their persuaders could reach them.
“What was that about?” Damian Said his eyes blown wide open. “We are supposed to be on their side, ukhti.”
“I know, I know.” Mariam replied, her chest heaving. “There's just a place we've got to get to.”
“Somewhere safe.”
“But where?”
Merriam sighed. “Damian there's no beating around the bush for this one. Mother and I feel that the league is getting too dangerous for you.”
“TOO DANGEROUS?!” Damian’s voice pierced through the calm night.
“Hush.” Mariam said, shushing him.
“NO! No, hush.” Damian said, looking up at his sister. “It's NOT dangerous. I did the same stuff as you did!”
“Yes, and none of us want that for you. Damian–” Her voice broke, “The way I've grown up, the way you are growing up is not a way for any child to be brought up. That's not how it's supposed to be.”
“The WORLD is not what it's supposed to be.” Damian said, throwing his hands up.
“I know, but still everyone tries to make it into what it is supposed to be, don't they? This is our way of fixing it.” Mariam said, bending down to his level.
“Grandfather will come after us.” Damian said, looking intently into his sister's eyes.
“And mother and I will deal with it. You don't need to concern yourself with that anymore. You will get the chance to be a normal kid. As normal as it is possible.”
“You're going leave me alone, aren't you? Looks like you finally realized I'm not worth it.”
“NEVER SAY THAT.” Mariam said, pulling her brother into a hug. “We both love you very much.”
“Apparently not enough.”
Mariam pulled herself from him and loved him intently in the eyes. “Listen up, Damian. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. And you know what they say? If you really love someone, you got to let them go.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing. We're almost here.”
“Where are we exactly?”
“Gotham City.”
Damian pulled a deep breath in. “We're meeting Father?”
“Yes.” Mariam replied, pulling her brother along, keeping a sharp lookout for anyone who might have noticed their small boat docking on the harbour. The fact that he was going to meet his father was enough for Damian to stay quiet. They soon found a spare motorcycle which Talia had arranged for them.
“I should drive.” Damian said, looking the bike over. It wasn't exactly a brand new model, but it wasn't outdated either.
“Yeah, right.” Mariam said, snorting. “You and your little 4.ft’ frame will be able to handle my 5.ft 5’’.”
“You always said size wasn't a true judge of strength.” Damian said, gripping the handle.
“No Damian, we are not getting pulled over by the police. This is supposed to be done discreetly.
“Very well.” Damian said as he resigned himself to his fate.
Mariam smiled at him and got on to the bike, motioning him to grab her waist. And after that they were weaving through the traffic, heading for Wayne Manor. After 15 minutes they could see the twinkling lights of the huge estate and Mariam made a sharp turn, Entering one of the secret passageways to the infamous Batcave. Damian was thoroughly enjoying himself, unaware of the tension in his sister's body. Soon, they rolled into the parking area of the Bat Cave, and slowly got off with their hands in the air as all the bats in the Batcave stood with their weapons drawn, their masks covered, their eyes glaring the pair.
As Mariam dismounted the bike, she pushed Damian forward and said in a clear voice, her eyes contacting Batman's White lenses. “This is Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-Ghul.”
All the people in the bat cave sucked a deep breath in. Their shock clear even through their masks.
“He means no harm.” Mariam continued. “This is the first chance we have got to free him from the league. He has no blood on his hands. Me and Talia wish that you'll protect your son.”
“What does this mean?” Damian said, turning around. His sister was crying. Tears pouring down her cheeks. “YOU HAVE TO STAY! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I WON'T LET YOU!” He rushed towards her and grabbed her in a tight embrace.
“I'm sorry, Damian.” Mariam said, gently patting his head. Hugging him a bit tighter before pushing him away leaving two letters in his hand. “I'll come visit, so don't you worry. Everything will be fine.” She whispered in his hair.
“NO! IT WON'T BE FINE BECAUSE YOU WON'T BE THERE.” Damian said, his eyes flooded with tears.
Mariam just gave him a sad smile And jumped back on the bike, riding away.
Damian’s knees gave out as he kneeled on the rough surface of batcave’s parking lot. He could hear the movement of the resident bats. He could feel Batman, his father, picking him up and holding him close. But that did nothing to change the fact that his sister was gone. Leaving two letters in her wake, enclosed in a pretty envelope which had a couple of flowers printed on it. A sorry replacement for her calming presence.
He just stayed there in Batma-no-Father's embrace.
A soft voice murmured close to his ear. His father's voice. “Damian, do you mind if we do a DNA test?”
“No.” Bruce's heart broke a bit hearing the boy’s sad tone. Even if the DNA results didn't show him to be his son, he was gonna adopt this kid.
Tim came slowly near the pair. Damian saw him and the tweezer in his hand. He reached up and plugged a couple of hairs out of his head and handed it to him.
“Your DNA is already coded in, isn't it Bruce?” Tim asked as he carefully handled the.
“Yes.” Bruce replied, standing up with Damian still in his arms handing the long hair of the girl to Tim, which had stuck to Damian’s clothes, and walking towards the chair in front of the bat computer.
He sat down and gently patted Damian's head. “Uhh-Damian?”
“Yes?” He said, wiping his eyes with his long sleeves. Looked like he was getting a grip on himself.
Good. Bruce thought. It's a lot easier to talk to a sniffling kid than a sobbing kid.
“Do you mind me asking some questions?”
“Who was that girl?”
“She was my sister.”
“As in–”
“Yes, your daughter.”
Bruce sucked, another deep breath in. Damn. Was today the day when everyone tried to reveal their biological connections to him? He has two kids! Well, he already had three other kids, but two biological kids? Whose lives he had missed.
Apparently due to the long time that Bruce spent thinking appeared to Damian as a clear rejection of him and his sister as sobs again started, shaking his body.
What am I supposed to do? Bruce thought, panic seeping into his mind.
“Do you wanna read the letter she left?” Bruce said instantly regretting it. Great going, Bruce. Let us emphasize the fact that his sister is gone. Bruce sighed. Well, there is No going back now. The only saving grace was that the kid was actually happy to read her letters.
“Maybe she has left us a clue there.” He said trying to open the letters without damaging the envelopes. The first envelope Had Damian’s name on it and the second had Talia’s.
“We will open mother’s If none of them come and visit in a week.” Damian said, keeping Talia’s aside and opening his own. Bruce shifted a bit to get a better view. And soon both father and son were reading the letter written in a bit loopy handwriting.
Dear Damian,
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starrybxcky · 1 year
And then there were two.- Ch.3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F! Reader
Summary: Its been three months since Bucky goes dark for a deep undercover mission and when he returns you can't help but sense that something isn't quite right.
Word count: 2.9K
A/N: A biiiiiiiig thank you to @brotherblaze my beloved for beta reading 💕
Chapter 1
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A week of constantly falling in and out of consciousness and being glued to the bed leaves your restless and itching to spring into action. Your muscles ache for some movement other than getting up to use the bathroom, but the doctor's orders were clear. Bed rest. If it wasn’t for Bucky’s change of clothes every day, you’d have no idea how much time had passed.
Speaking of- Your days have been filled with Bucky. You’re not complaining, far from it. It’s a blessing. His presence made being stuck in bed more bearable and allowed you to keep your sanity. Whenever you’d open your eyes, he’d be right there, by your side. But, it was odd.
Bucky has been the only person in and out of your room since the day to woke up. Other than the two-minute visits from Bruce- who barely talked to you much less looked at you as he did his checkups, you hadn’t seen anyone else. Tony didn’t show after that first day- there’s been no sight of Sam, Nat or Peter –
And when you asked Bucky about it, his reaction was weird. Apparently two of them were assigned missions before you regained consciousness; and the others did pop in, but you were asleep. An uncomfortable knot twisted in the pit of your stomach.
While it wasn’t uncommon to be assigned a mission back-to-back, it was strange that Sam was assigned another long-term mission just as soon as he got back. You remembered how Bucky tensed was when you asked for Sam specifically. His gaze was avoidant, answers short and clipped. Bucky clearly didn’t want to talk about it, so you decided to drop it. Something must have happened between them.
You wanted to believe him you did- but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. That also didn’t explain why you haven’t seen the others. Over the past few days the hours you’ve been awake have increased so surely they could have visited. But you swallow down your concerns, not wanting to seem clingy or desperate for attention. Surely, they have their reasons. They must be flooded with work. There’s no other reason for them to avoid you….right?
Even though they were your work colleagues first, only a fool can deny the unshakable bond you’ve formed. After everything you all went through together- you can never doubt them. Your faith and trust in each other was unquestionable. Even if you didn’t agree on certain things there wasn’t something you couldn’t come back from.
The only thing you should be focusing on now was healing. As soon as you’re given the green light, the sooner you can escape these mind-numbing white walls and wafts of disinfectant. And the sooner everything can return to normal.
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Surprisingly, that green light comes much sooner than expected almost two weeks later. You walk through the doors of the med bay like you’re exiting a hospital, breathing a sigh of relief. You briefly glance down at the silver cane on your right hand, a temporary measure for support. You hear rustling from behind and then feel the warmth of Bucky’s presence. He had insisted on walking you to your room and laughed telling him you didn’t lose your memory.
Bucky was a step behind you as walked down the hall, heading towards your room. You couldn’t help but scan your surroundings, noticing that everything looked perfect and pristine, as if it wasn’t blown to bits a few weeks ago. Even the paintings were replaced. Guess that’s Stark’s due diligence for you.
Bucky’s steps came to a stop when his phone buzzed and you halted, looking back. He frowned, jaw clenching as he looked at the screen, “Stay right here. I’ll be right back in a minute.” He said, without looking up and turning on his heels.
You found the firmness in his tone weird but brushed it off, assuming his sudden shift was due to whatever he read on his phone. You continued walking down the hall, taking a left and walking further down before you reached your bedroom door. As you unlocked your door, you jumped, hearing Bucky call out your name. It was the panic in his voice that jolted you. You looked back at him with wide eyes and the creaked open, “What?” you sputtered out just as hastily.
His eyes were wide, flickering between your face and the space behind you. His lips were parted, ready to speak but unsure of what to say. You were quick to follow his gaze and what you saw surprised you. “This…..isn’t my room.” You said, though it sounded more like a question as your brows pinched in confusion. You turned to Bucky for answers.
Bucky licked his lower lip as he took a step forward. “That’s what I was notified about.” He began, “Apparently Stark felt the need to do some remodeling. Your room’s on the other end of the hall.”
That was random but you didn’t think much of it. It just meant your room was further away from Bucky’s.
Your room didn’t look like your room. It was plain. No personal effects. Nothing. Apparently, both Peter’s and your rooms were caught in the blast. But you could have sworn the bomb that went off wasn’t that big to have reached your rooms, but Bucky said otherwise. A twinge of sadness prickled your heart. All of your memories locked in little trinkles you’ve collected over the years, your picture albums from your childhood and the more recent ones of your days with everyone, with Bucky, were gone. Despite the thriving digital age, you had a fondness of keeping photo albums. They had a certain warmth and nostalgia to them. Running your fingers over the pictures, protected by the clear plastic film ignited the memory and all its feelings. Nevertheless, you have them locked in your heart. You were grateful that you were here to make new ones.  
A satisfied moan left your lips as you jumped onto the bed, spreading your arms and legs as you made an angel amongst the white cotton sheets. You laid there for a while, eyes shut, content to be back in your own space. The stillness in the room triggered something in your brain. You peek through one eye to find Bucky leaning against the door frame, one hand gripping the door handle, just…. staring at you.
His lips are drawn into a soft pout. Those big soft baby blues zoned in on you swirl with a certain vulnerability and your heart clenches. Bucky looks like a little hurt puppy. It’s the first time since your accident that he allows you to see the guilt eating at him. He blames himself for not being able to protect you. And so he stands there, waiting for your permission, your forgiveness.
You offer him a warm smile and reach out to him, “What are you doing alllll the way over there hmm?” you call out softly.
Bucky freezes.
He looks away, jaw clenched, shifting his weight from his right foot to his left. He’s fighting with himself again. You call out his name like a sweet melody and he crumbles. He slowly makes his way over to you, standing at the foot of your bed when you take his hand, tugging him down. It’s under the gentleness of your touch that his super solider body gives in, sinking into the plush mattress beside you. You lie on your side to face him entirely, resting your head under your arm and Bucky mimics you. The pair of you bask silently in each other’s presence. You eyes shift all over Bucky’s face, drinking in every inch of him. You note the slight wrinkles in his forehead from all his brooding to the stubble that has grown out a little and his eyes, heavy with an underlying sadness. And his lips, the prettiest shade of pink, still pulled into an adorable pout, looks soft and inviting as ever.   
You meet Bucky’s lingering gaze. The room is pin drop silent, so quiet that your ears catch Bucky’s soft exhales as he breathes. You lean in, noses almost touching, cupping his left cheek. Bucky’s eyes flutter shut, letting out an appreciative hum as he instinctively leans closer to you. You didn’t realize how tense he was until he deflated under your touch, shoulders dropping and leaning in.
Your thumb soothingly caresses his cheek. When Bucky finally looks at you, his eyes are glazed over. His hands twitch at his side. Slowly, you lean in, pressing your lips to his. The kiss is soft and warm, and so comforting. The tension from the last few weeks, and the hole in your chest that grew the last few months without Bucky’s presence closes. You finally allow yourself to just be.
“Missed you…” You mumble against his lips.
Bucky hums, eyes still closed, savouring the feeling of your lips against his, “Missed you so much, sweetheart.” Finally, he allows himself to touch you, gripping your chin, kissing you. His tongue darts out, and you part your lips, welcoming his warmth and the taste of him. You sigh into his mouth, hands tangling up in his hair as you roll yourself onto Bucky, straddling him.
Bucky makes quick work of removing your top before removing his, his hands, one warm and the other cool against you skin, sends shivers down your spine as he traces your waist. He looks at you like a man starved. He drinks in every inch of you, like it’s the first time. His mouth is on your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin as his hands continue to hungrily roam your body. You hiss at the sharp pain on your chest and hear Bucky chuckle. “ ’m sorry...” he grins up at you – no he isn’t, eyes dark as his tongue darts out to lick over the broken skin. Your stomach does somersaults as your need for him grows.
“Want you now, Bucky…” You say as you trail kisses along his jaw. “Need you now…” you breathe, biting and pulling on his earlobe.
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The other side of the bed is cold when you wake up. You don’t think much of it, Bucky’s probably busy given that he’s been taking time off to help you recover the past few weeks. You almost trip over your own feet as your stand up, knees giving in. You balance yourself against the wall and manage to make it to the bathroom without your support. While waiting for the water to heat up you take the chance to examine yourself in the mirror. Your fingers dance all over your skin, skimming your collarbones and down your chest, over Bucky’s little love bites. They were littered all over you. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he tried to eat you. There was something different about Bucky last night. He was a little more rough than usual, not that you minded, it was something different, but it was the look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite figure out. There was something about the way he looked at you- it held a certain possessiveness but unbeknownst to you, something darker lingered deeper below the surface of those ocean eyes. The steam fogging up the mirror snaps you out of your thoughts. You shrug it off. Perhaps you were overthinking it. You step into the shower, welcoming the near volcanic temperature water hitting your skin, allowing your mind to drift, thoughts washing away with the water.
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You stepped into the quiet hallway, looking right and left when you heard the faint sound of familiar voices coming from the kitchen. Your heart was racing as practically skipped down the hallway, albeit a bit awkwardly given you leaned on your cane for support and your legs were feeling like jelly thanks to a certain someone.
Just as you set foot into the kitchen you yelped as you bumped into a lean body. Your world was tilting until a pair of arms caught you by the waist, steadying you. You looked up and met a familiar pair of brown eyes.
The spiderling called out your name in disbelief at the same time. His eyes were blown wide with a mix of bewilderment and confusion. He pulled you in the tightest hug, lifting you a few centimetres off the ground. “What..? You’re..but how?!” He exclaimed, head bouncing back and forth like a tennis ball on court as he looked between you and the others in the room for some explanation. His hold on you tightened and his eyes pricked with unshed tears. “You were….” He croaked out, his sentence dying on lips as he looked at something beyond you. His expression hardened ever so slightly.
You were solely focused on Peter and his jarring reaction to seeing you standing before him that you didn’t notice Tony and Nat in the room carefully watching the scene play out.
Did… Peter think you died? How- how could he not have known you woke up almost a month back? There’s no way- Surely someone on the team- surely Bucky would have told him and everyone…right?
You followed his line of sight to find Bucky, right behind you. Suddenly, you could feel the heat radiating off him like a furnace. You miss the warning glare that Bucky sends Peter, keep your mouth shut as he greets, you’re a smile and a kiss to your lips. It lasts longer than you expect. Your stomach twists as you’re aware that you have an audience. You feel Peter’s hands slowly slip off your shoulders as you squirm against Bucky.
When Bucky finally releases your lips, allowing you to catch your breath you slap his chest, shooting him a half-hearted glare. When you turn around Peter’s nowhere in sight and you sigh with defeat. “Could you maybe not eat each other’s faces for breakfast while I try to eat? Thanks.” Tony quips and your face burns with embarrassment.
You catch Nat snickering behind her mug, and you shoot Bucky a nasty look again. Bucky brushes you off with a shrug as he walks towards the island. You’re hot on his heels but before you can ask him about Peter you’re welcomed into Nat’s arms. She presses a sweet kiss to your cheek and shoots you a wink, “Welcome back, sleeping beauty.”
“Thanks Nat,” You breathe a laugh, “I missed you,” you pinch her cheeks, silently questioning her about her absence until now. Nat cocks a brow, her usual devious smile gracing her lips, “I was on a mission, just got back not too long ago.” She looks at Bucky, “I didn’t want to disturb you.” She grins knowingly and you roll your eyes. It’ll have to do for now.  
You grabbed a green apple from the fruit bowl, taking a bite, “So,” you began lightly, looking between the three as you leaned over the granite, “What was up with Peter’s reaction? The poor boy looked like he saw a ghost.” You frown, unable to hide your distaste. “Didn’t he know I was alright?” You’re aware your tone sounds accusatory, but you can’t get over how distraught the poor boy looked when he saw you.
Nat said nothing and Tony shrugged casually, like it was nothing important as he popped some almonds into his mouth. “I left the kid a voicemail, he must have missed it. He literally just got back from a mission.” You looked at Bucky who only nodded and shook your head. What…..?
It’s been a month. Was Peter gone on a month-long mission? Alone? Sure, he was capable, but he was still inexperienced to go on such long missions alone. Before you could voice your concerns FRIDAY speaks up, informing Tony that one of his guests has arrived, robbing you of your chance.
Still…something wasn’t right. Peter could be a little slow sometimes but the last thing he would ever do is miss one of Tony’s messages. You clicked your tongue in annoyance. No one could give you any straight answers. Not Nat, not Tony and certainly not Bucky and you were beginning to grow tired and frustrated of letting these things go. Over the last few weeks whenever you’d bring up the incident Bucky would brush you off or give you vague details about what happened, and who was behind it. At the time you let it go because your recovery took priority. Now that you were back in relatively good shape, the sugar-coated answers weren’t going to cut it.
You didn’t understand the secrecy. It was like everyone knew something you didn’t, and you did not appreciate it one bit. It hurt to think that Bucky most of all did not think you could handle it. It was a slap in the face. After all, you’ve been through much worse. You were tired of secrecy and half-truths. You needed to speak to Peter yourself.
Bucky could see the fury flare up in your eyes as the gears spun in your head. You were frustrated and your patience was running thin. You needed some answers to pacify you. Bucky instinctively grabbed your arm when you kicked off the Island, preventing you from going to Peter. He knew you too well and he also knew Peter. If he wanted everything to go smoothly, he realized he no longer could keep you in the dark about everything. He knew you’d seek out answers eventually. The most important thing was that he had to be the one to tell you exactly what you needed to know.
A/N: rip no smut asdfghjkl. Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter or any theories you might have 👀
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beefromanoff · 11 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 5
summary: Natasha and Bruce have different ideas on how to help Charlotte. Natasha's way wins.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: let me know what you think! thanks for reading, xox!
tag list: @bangtanxberm (let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
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Sunlight filtered through the tinted windows, casting delicate shadows across the sterile white walls of the hospital wing. Charlotte blinked, the soft hum of machinery and distant chatter gradually pulling her back to consciousness. The events of the previous day flooded her mind, the endless battery of tests and experiments, the barrage of questions from Dr. Banner and Tony Stark, the scabs around her wrists from the restraints she’d thrashed into. 
Still not the worst place I’ve woken up. 
Her eyes flicked to the state-of-the-art equipment surrounding her. Tubes and monitors blinked with clinical precision, their data feeding into sleek screens that could display a myriad of complex graphs and charts. Even with all the screens dark, all the tubes and wires hanging limp off of them, the environment made her skin crawl.  She was acutely aware of the high-tech lab setting, a stark contrast to the comfort of her own room in the compound. 
One night. I only got to enjoy it for one night before all this shit caught up with me. 
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, attempting to steady her racing thoughts. They found the problem. She reminded herself, her fingers absently tracing the edge of the crisp hospital sheet. They’re the best scientists in the world. How hard can it really be to fix if we found the problem in one day?
After hours and hours of testing, scanning, and an ultimate hail-mary experiment with the man himself -- they’d discovered that her violent aversion to James Barnes was linked to certain olfactory triggers. The implications of this breakthrough raced through her mind. She remembered fragments of her time with HYDRA, but the conditioning had taken place so early, so long ago. It was the first thing they did to her. That was one of the bigger question marks she had about what was done to her. 
As she stirred in the hospital bed, she anticipated their return, eager to get started so she could get the hell out of here. She longed for the day when she could walk around the compound, or the world, without the looming dread of her own actions. Yet, beneath the anticipation lingered a sliver of apprehension, a fear of the unknown. What if this doesn’t work? What if they screwed me up too much?
With a sigh, she shifted her gaze to the ceiling. Despite her fears, she clung to the possibility of a future unburdened by the shackles of her conditioning. 
In the daze of her worry, the room's atmosphere shifted from anticipation to warmth. The door slid open, and in walked Natasha, her arms laden with an impressive assortment of breakfast items. Behind her, a younger brunette who Charlotte recognized as Peter Parker, carried an impressive tower of pancakes, while Steve balanced a tray stacked with an array of pastries.
"Surprise!" Natasha announced, plopping down on the foot of the bed.
Charlotte couldn't help but smile, the knot of tension in her chest loosening at the heartfelt gesture and friendly faces. "Wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“We don’t joke about food around here.” 
With practiced efficiency, they transformed her hospital bed into a makeshift banquet table, the three of them pulling chairs up beside the bed. The room was soon filled with the mouthwatering aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sweet scent of syrup, and the comforting richness of pastries. All sterile scents had long since been forgotten.
Whether their plan was to distract her or they were just a naturally chatty group, Charlotte didn’t know nor care. As she picked apart the biggest blueberry muffin she’d ever seen, Peter launched into yet another story about his college life. 
“I told him, sir, please - I was literally stopping a bank from being robbed, he still wouldn’t let me retake the test! I mean come on, it’s art history. Who even decided that art history was a necessary college course! He’s just out to get me, I swear.” He paused to take a gulp of orange juice. 
Natasha laughed and reached for the last piece of bacon. “No good deed goes unpunished.” 
The conversation was easy, the trio clearly comfortable with each other. Charlotte was perfectly content to sit back and listen, savoring one of the few meals that was actually close to satiating her endless appetite. 
Just as Peter opened his mouth to speak again, the door slid open. A disheveled Dr. Banner, stood holding a tablet, looking like he hadn’t slept at all since she saw him last. "Hi, good morning, I uh, think I've found a solution," he announced, his voice carrying a note of cautious optimism. “Is that coffee?” 
Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. Hope surged within her, mingling with a thread of trepidation. Steve poured Bruce a cup of coffee which he graciously accepted. 
With a deep breath, she nodded, her voice steady despite feeling the exact opposite on the inside. "Let's do it. Whatever you think." 
“Okay, I’ve run through this every way I can imagine, making sure I’m considering everything. All in all, it seems like a simple fix. I mean, it makes sense, if we look at the timeline of…well, it wouldn’t exactly have been advanced technology they used. So it seems incredibly simple, but for the time, it would have been a massive breakthrough,” He was careful with his words, trying to avoid anything too callous, despite his obvious excitement about the discovery. 
The sterile white walls of the room seemed to close in on Charlotte as she listened to Dr. Banner's explanation. His voice felt distant, overshadowed by the memories of past experiments and the cold, clinical environment of laboratories she had desperately tried to forget. Her eyes must have glazed over as she fought against the rising panic in her chest as the words surgery and minimally invasive floated through her stupor.
"I understand your concerns, Charlotte," Bruce said gently, his eyes filled with empathy. "But this procedure is straightforward. It'll be quick, and you won't feel a thing. We'll make sure you're comfortable and safe the entire time."
Steve placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Bruce is right," he said, his tone steady and calming. "We're here for you. This will be over before you know it. You’re in great hands here.” 
Despite Steve's comforting words, anxiety clawed at Charlotte's chest. The very idea of another medical procedure triggered a visceral reaction, a surge of fear rooted deep in her past traumas. Just as panic threatened to overwhelm her, Natasha spoke, her piercing eyes locked onto Charlotte's.
"Do you trust me?" Natasha asked, her voice calm, but there was an intensity in her gaze that demanded an honest answer.
Charlotte met her eyes, finding solidarity in the closest thing she had to a friend. She nodded slowly. "I do," she replied, her voice a whisper.
“Peter, move the food.” 
He cocked an eyebrow, but immediately gathered the few trays left on the bed and relocated them to a table in the corner of the room.
Without warning, Natasha's hand shot out, the heel of her palm colliding with Charlotte's nose in a swift, controlled motion. Pain exploded through Charlotte's face, and her head snapped back, shock and confusion flooding her senses. Blood gushed from her nose, hot and sticky.
In the stunned silence that followed, Charlotte felt a strange sensation, like a fence around her mind had been torn down. Once the initial shock subsided, Charlotte let out a disbelieving laugh, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. 
"Thank you," she said to Natasha, her eyes shimmering with tears, only half from the blow. "That was…preferable."
“I figured.” Nat winked, squeezing her shoulder. I knew I liked her. 
“Well, could you at least let me clean it up a bit?” Bruce winced, handing her a wad of tissues and squinting to examine the damage. Charlotte tilted her head back and applied pressure, blood immediately soaking and reducing them to a soggy, crimson mess. 
“Hang on,” Her voice came out thick as a result of her mangled nose. Cupping it on either side, Charlotte took a deep breath and yanked. The crunch of the reset made all three men grimace, with Peter gasping as he covered his face. “Okay, I think I did that right. It’s been a while.” 
She noticed their horrified looks as she wiped a trail of blood off her upper lip. “What, you’ve never had to reset a broken nose before?”
“We uh, usually leave that part to the professionals.” Steve gave a grim smile. 
“Well, in my experience, the professionals only care about functionality, and you can still fight with a broken nose. Call me high maintenance, but I prefer my nose to be somewhat straight. So I picked up that little party trick.”  
Even Natasha’s eyes softened, just for a moment. The nonchalance with which she spoke about her past was unnerving. It begged the question of what horrors she’d experienced that she couldn’t talk about, if these kinds of remarks seemed to roll off her tongue as easily as a story about her breakfast. 
When Bruce had cleaned her up, insisting on packing her nose with cotton so it would heal correctly, the group left her alone to change into a spare Stark Industries sweatshirt that had been left in the lab. 
Meanwhile, Steve strode out of the building to find Bucky. He located him in the training area, his expression focused as he sparred with Sam. Steve approached the ring, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "Bucky, we need you in the lab. It's important."
Curiosity flickered in Bucky's eyes as he lowered his hands from their defensive posture. 
“It’s Charlotte. Bruce thinks he broke the conditioning.” 
When they’d returned to the medical wing, they paused before turning down the hall to her room, waiting for a signal. As an added precaution, Charlotte had insisted on being restrained again, although she didn’t argue when they said the IV would be unnecessary this time. Wrist strapped down, electrodes taped to her head and chest, and the glowing model of her brain projected in the corner of the room, she nodded to Dr. Banner. 
“Alright, Steve, we’re good to go. Come on in, Buck.” 
Charlotte sucked in a deep breath, aware that her heart beat was quickening by the pounding in her ears and the beeping on the monitor. She heard the methodical footsteps again, approaching her open doorway. Finally, he turned the corner. 
He was as tall as Steve, slightly stockier. His dark hair had been tied back in a tiny ponytail, and the ring of sweat around the collar of his gray shirt told her he had come from a workout. His shoulders were slightly rounded, tense, as though he could spring into action at a moment’s notice. The way he stood, his left side was slightly hidden from view. Despite the shadow, the metallic glint of his arm caught her eye. Vibranium. Very painful when it hits you. Another unwelcome memory came knocking in her mind as Steve followed his friend in the room. 
Everyone seemed to hold their breath. Dr. Banner, anxiously checking all the readings. Nat and Peter, hovering quietly in the corner of the room. Bucky and Charlotte as they locked eyes, far from the first time. 
How many times have I seen those eyes, this face, and yet I don’t think we’ve ever actually met. Not really. Not when we’re us. 
"Charlotte, this is James Bucky Barnes," Steve stepped forward, smiling softly. "Bucky, meet Charlotte Rossi."
Bucky nodded, a tight lipped smile on his face. "Nice to meet you, Charlotte."
Charlotte blushed, a reaction she hadn’t prepared for in the absence of her violent rampage. "Hi. I, uh, I'm sorry for how I acted…before," She paused, hoping he’d know she wasn’t just talking about the past two days.
“Don’t mention it.” His eyes crinkled in the corners. “Seriously.” 
Bruce's eyes widened with amazement as he studied the data on his screen. "It worked!" he exclaimed, frantically pointing at the hologram, still glowing gold. He turned and embraced the closest person to him, who was a bewildered looking Peter. "We did it!"
Peter, still in a state of shock, smiled as Bruce set him back on the ground. "Didn’t doubt it for a second, Dr. Banner!”
“WOO! Yes! Oh, sorry - “ Bruce had raised his hand to high-five Charlotte before realizing her wrists were still strapped to the bed. “Let me just…okay, there you go!” He hugged her as soon as he released the second restraint, catching her by surprise. 
“Oh!” She stiffened instinctively, but relaxed her shoulders to welcome his excited gesture. “Thank you, Dr. Banner…Bruce, seriously!” 
“Alright, let’s not land her back in here for crushing chest wounds.” Steve chuckled, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. 
“Ah, yes, sorry! It’s just that these things, getting a breakthrough, gah! It just gets me so jazzed.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Man, I love science.” 
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Bucky couldn't help but let a small smile slip through. He extended a hand toward Charlotte, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief lingering reservations. "Congratulations. This is one of the good days."
She put her hand in his and he squeezed it, quick and light, before letting go. One of the good days. The words may have seemed vague and ambiguous to everyone else, but they hit home for her. When decades of your life had been lost to a string of one bad day after the next, the good ones really stuck out. Especially when dealing with an inordinate amount of trauma, sometimes the bad days persisted even in the good times. They were unavoidable. 
But today was one of the good ones. 
Natasha, clearly not one for the touchy feely part, spoke up. "Well, now that you're officially not a threat to the lives of those in this room, I say we celebrate."
Peter nodded eagerly, looking at Steve who shrugged. “Yeah, sure, why not. Training will be there tomorrow.” 
“Yes! I love off days, I feel like we never do anything fun anymore.” Peter pumped his fist before noticing Steve’s raised eyebrow. “I mean, not that training isn’t fun, I love training. I could train all day. You know what? I think I’ll do extra training tomorr -”
“Hush,” Natasha put her hand over his mouth. “Here’s what we’re gonna do. Steve, tell the recruits they’re working out on their own today. Finish their assigned routines and then take the afternoon off. Peter, get the football, the speaker, and the big blanket. Bruce, finish whatever report you’re itching to write about this and then log off for the day. Buck, go take a shower. You smell like sweat socks. Meet us by the lake in an hour.” 
“And where are you guys going?” Steve raised an eyebrow, gesturing to both women. 
Natasha grinned and started removing electrodes from the brunette, one by one. 
“To get Charlotte the hell out of here.” 
A little over an hour later, they traipsed down a paved path to the lake. Natasha carried a picnic basket full of snacks and drinks, although they were at most two hundred yards from the main cafeteria building. The sound of music grew louder as they approached the dock. Peter had laid out a large, thick blanket across the wooden boards, a portable speaker weighing down one of the corners. 
Steve stood talking to Bucky, who’s hair was still wet from the shower. The back of his sweatshirt was decorated with pinpricks of water. The sound of shoes on the dock made them pause their conversation and turn. 
“Long time no see.” Natasha thrust the picnic basket into Steve’s hands, grinning. “Barnes, you smell much better.” 
“Feeling the love, Nat.” He rolled his eyes, hanging back as Steve followed her to the end of the dock. Charlotte hesitated, still a little reserved with her newfound mental autonomy. “Hey.” 
“Hi,” She smiled, wincing as her nose crinkled. “Ow.” 
“That looks awful.” He frowned. 
“Now I’m feeling the love.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes, teasing. 
“No, I mean - shit. I meant it looks painful.” 
“I’m kidding. I avoided any and all mirrors on the way here. It always looks worse than it is.”
“Well, I know from experience that Nat doesn’t pull her punches, so I’m sure it didn’t tickle.” He offered a half smile, brows furrowed with concern. 
“Guess I better get my mind off of it.” She pursed her lips, feeling more herself now that she didn’t fear her own actions. Bucky’s eyes scanned her face, she couldn’t tell if he was assessing the injury or really looking at her for the first time. She swore she saw his eyes linger on her mouth for just a fraction of a second. 
“Guess so.” 
Hours later, the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow across the Compound. It was a perfect fall day, the air crisp, the lake sparkling under the sunlight. Truly unbeatable, especially for their day of celebration. They’d spent the afternoon talking, letting Charlotte get to know them. Although she seemed comfortable enough, Natasha had discreetly reminded them that it was still her first week in an unfamiliar place with perfect strangers. Over stories, snacks and general shit-shooting, they’d become a little further from strangers and a little closer to friends. 
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Just a little. 
Sitting on the edge of the dock, their legs dangling over the water, Steve grinned at Peter. "Hey, Parker, you thinking what I’m thinking?" He held up the football.
Peter leapt up, landing in a crouch. "Always, Cap."
"Go long!" Steve called, his voice echoing across the water.
In a swift movement, he hurled the football with a strength that only a super-soldier possessed. It soared through the air, a perfect spiral against the backdrop of the clear sky.
Peter grinned as he launched himself into the air, shooting a web across the lake to a massive tree. He swung gracefully over the lake, his eyes locked on the football. With a perfectly timed web-shoot, he snatched it from the air, the impact making a satisfying thud against his palm.
"Nice catch, kid!" Sam called out, standing. “Damn, I knew I should have brought the wings.” He paused. “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” 
Bucky walked to the edge of the dock, mock flexing his biceps. "You're not the only one with a half decent throwing arm, old man."
Steve chuckled, his competitive spirit ignited. "Let's see what you've got, Buck."
Peter dropped back on the dock with a soft thud. Charlotte and Natasha were sprawled across the blanket, leaning back on their elbows. They exchanged an amused glance at the show of testosterone. 
Holding his hand out for the football, Bucky strode to the edge of the dock. He shot Steve an arrogant look before turning and hurling the football. It cut through the air, disappearing almost instantly. 
“Oh, shit!” Peter stumbled over his feet as he leapt to chase after the football. 
“I got it!” A gust of wind blew through across the dock, ruffling everyone’s hair. Looking up, Charlotte saw Sam soaring across the lake towards Peter and the long-disappeared football. 
“Dammit, Bruce never came out here, did he?” Natasha narrowed her eyebrows. “Oh well, his loss.” 
“Okay, you had a head start.” Peter protested as he dropped back on the dock beside Sam, who held the football like a trophy. 
“Whatever stops the tears, kid.” 
The friendly competition between super soldiers intensified over the next hour, each determined to outdo the other. 
“Alright, I think I’m warmed up now.” Bucky's blue eyes looked mischievous as he glanced back at the girls, a teasing smirk playing on his lips before he released the football with all his strength.
The ball sailed through the air, Sam and Peter taking off after it. Sam got there faster, but Peter's acrobatic finesse won the day. He caught the football mid-air, swinging back to the dock where he immediately collapsed on his back. "I tap out, guys! I need a break."
Natasha smirked. "Getting old, Spidey?"
Peter feigned offense, panting dramatically. "Not all of us are super soldiers!"
Chuckling, Steve clapped a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Good job, Pete. You earned the break."
"I must be getting soft, letting the kid beat me." Sam shook his head, landing beside them.
“Alright, this pissing contest was getting old anyways.” Natasha stood to her feet. “I’m thinking pizza and shitty action movies for the next phase of our day off. Yes?” 
“Yes,” Charlotte joined her. “I’m starving.” 
They packed up and headed back for their building, Nat making a point to linger at the back of the group. She raised an eyebrow at Bucky. "If I didn't know any better, Barnes, I'd say you were trying to impress our newest addition."
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Don’t do this.” 
“Do what?” She mocked innocence. 
“Try to play matchmaker, like always.”
“She’s pretty.” 
“Yeah, sure, she’s pretty.” He gave her a dirty look. “But she was also hell bent on ripping my head off until, oh yeah, this morning.” 
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Natasha shrugged. “That was then.” 
Groaning, Bucky shook his head. “I think she’s got more on her mind than finding a date to the prom.” 
“Hm, prom sounds like fun. Maybe we should have one here.” She winked. 
“You’re impossible.” 
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 5 months
Ch 58: Eyes of the Dragon
This chapter starts with three lead pages before the title page, which I think is a new record for UU. Tozuka's like HERE TAKE THIS FLASHBACK, TOO! WE CAN MAKE IT FIT!
He really makes the best appetizers, too, bc Shen's origin story is guaranteed to be interesting. Unlike some of the other Negators, his life was already rough even before his ability awakened; maybe that's why he relies on his physical strength more than his ability since it's just second nature to him.
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It turns out that Shen was once a fighting street urchin with a heart of gold! Notice how Mei is telling him in this scene and the scene from the previous chapter that she already has enough and Shen doesn't have to fight. But Shen isn't easily satisfied!
Little Shen was a streetwise orphan who wasn't content to just exist. Something was always driving him to try to create a better version of himself and the lives of those around him.
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Unfortunately, Shen wasn't able to win the tournament. Still, his showing as the untrained-but-incredibly-gifted-kid was enough to gather the attention of someone.
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Shen has a Xianxia origin story: A plucky orphan who has some kind of unquenchable drive for strength, plus a dependent sibling and "eyes of the dragon," is recruited by an old master whose current #1 student is poised to become an unwilling rival, and so he joins his mysterious martial arts school to train to become the very best. We're still missing some Chinese magicians, alchemy, and immortal hermits to complete the genre lmao. Tozuka may yet surprise us!
His teacher's ability to sense strong chi/ki/talent will be important to the story later.
But first, the title page:
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Poor Shen! He really would've enjoyed training that way! He just can't sleep at night knowing that there might be strong opponents out there.
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"Hey, Shen, I heard you're pretty strong!"
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Shen's like a little brother trying to get all the JUICY DETAILS about Andy's EXCITING ADVENTURES and TALES OF COMBAT while Andy's like "Actually it was extremely traumatizing. So anyway, about the firework monsters..."
A mysterious staff appears! And is that Summer's core?
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The Summer arc has so many gorgeous panels. I really like the white space in the next one.
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It's Feng! And he's put the core into one of the Juniors before setting them loose to cause destruction.
The UMAs take off and shoot vertically up the skyscraper. Andy tells Shen to stay back and fight Feng, but Shen's already gone!
Fuuko and Mui both get caught in the crossfire of the guys yelling at each other.
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Feng scoffs at Shen because he eagerly chased after the Juniors instead of recognizing that Feng was the greater threat. It seems that Shen hasn't yet mastered the ability to sense a person's strength.
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Another zombie fight! Feng's prayer beads produce four jiangshi who take fighting stances. Shen hits that subscribe button right away.
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This is finally Shen's chance to fight the great fighters of the past, just like he wanted!! Just look how happy he is!
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The jiangshi attack at the same time with a variety of styles, kind of like the enemies Bruce Lee faces as he fights his way up the tower in the movie Game of Death. He also fights Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, which is totally worth watching.
Interestingly, Game of Death is an unfinished movie. I believe that fact gives us a clue about the Artifact of the same name in UU, but I'll have to come back to that later.
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Shen uses his ability in a fabulous double spread. He's literally punching their faces in! That's our boy!
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But something interrupts his smile...
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Even though he beat all four easily, both Shen and Mui are unsettled. He has a dark shadow on his face instead of his usual grin, and she's worried what this means for Shen's future.
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Holy shit! It's that guy who beat Shen at the tournament in the flashback! And Feng killed him at some point?! If Feng has already killed off Shen's old rivals, then Mui is right to be worried.
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This spread is so cool. Feng was testing the waters with Shen, asking if his emotions would affect his fighting. Shen reassured Feng that he was just here to test his own strength and find satisfaction in the battle itself, and Feng grinned right back at him. These two seem like a perfect match!
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Bid A Strong Ghost Stand at the Head Ch. 1
An art exhibition ends with Poison Ivy attacking a research facility and Danny getting caught in the crossfire. Bruce takes this opportunity to find out more about his firstborn son, but getting answers out of Danny is like chasing ghosts. 4th installment of the Hey Brother AU
A DPxDC crossover // Read on [AO3]
MASERLIST // Next Chapter →
There was a bevy of older women surrounding Damian at the art gala. Mothers, all of them, with their bored children dragged behind and then pushed in Damian’s way. From where Bruce stood in his own circle of sycophants, he couldn’t hear what the matrons of high society were saying to his son, but he could make an educated guess that it was something along the lines of what a handsome boy you are, you take after your father so well. Why don’t you play with my son, Hunter, or my daughter, Regina? I know you’ll all get along so well!
Damian, unsurprisingly, was disinterested. Unimpressed, given by the way he looked down on all the children shoved in front of him. (An impressive feat, too, considering that Damian stood at least an inch shorter than most of them.)
Bruce inclined his head to the man towards his right, making the appropriate sounds as he half-listened to a story about the Bahamas and swimming pigs. 
A brief glance towards the buffet table revealed that Damian was not there. The gaggle of children were, of course. The buffet table was one of the few sanctuaries a child could get in these events. He scanned the gallery a few more times. Dick had caught his gaze, flashing a quick ‘ok’ sign as he headed towards Iris Graham’s collection of charcoal drawings a little farther into the venue. Presumably to where Damian was. 
A server came by with a fresh tray of champagne. Bruce took that moment as an opportunity to loudly exclaim that there is someone he absolutely must talk with on the other side of the room, and deftly extricated himself from the group. Now, off to find his son.
Bruce wasn’t worried that Damian would try something— wait, no, he took that back. Five children and even more ‘children-adjacent’ children taught him enough to know that peaceful galas with the Wayne family present were few and far between. 
But that wasn’t the point. 
Damian had been ‘off’ more times than ‘on’ these past few weeks, following the appearance and just as abrupt disappearance from his brother. 
Damian’s brother. As in Bruce’s son.
(His firstborn son. His resurrected son. His ‘ trained in the League of Shadows to become a perfect killing machine’ son. Bruce was not one to believe in coincidences, but this was just absurd.)
Stubbornly, Damian continued to keep quiet on the subject of his brother. Either ignoring the question completely at worst or giving out cryptic comments at best. The best in the League , Damian had said. Even Grandfather feared him. 
A pack of reporters hounded at his heels, all bright flashes and a hundred questions per minute. He gave them one of his signature BruceTM smiles, all gleaming white teeth, and empty-headedness. He ended up being saved by the star of tonight’s charity gala, Iris Graham, an up-and-coming artist who grew from the poverty-ridden streets of Gotham herself. She approached him, most likely, to convince him to buy one of her works. Unfortunately for her, Bruce had places to be and had no time for idle small talk. 
“Ah, Ms. Graham, you look positively dashing tonight.” He turned to the reporters, gesturing at Graham’s elegantly cut dark green pantsuit. “Doesn’t she look lovely, ladies and gents? Anyway, have I told you, Miss Graham, how much I adore your work? Truly marvelous stuff. Especially the one with the Gotham skyline at night. How ever did you come up with that?”
The reporters shifted their attention to Miss Graham, who flushed under their gaze. Shoulders rolled back, she lifted her chin high and began to enthusiastically detail the story of the painting, first addressing Bruce on pretense, and then fully embracing the press’ attention. Bruce, without missing a beat, left to pursue his children again. 
The past few days marked a noticeable shift in Damian’s behavior, however. There was a lightness in his step as if a thread of unseen tension came loose. He was less snappish, less moody.
And he spent a lot of time on his phone.
It did not take being the World’s Greatest Detective to guess that Damian’s brother came into contact with him again. Though whether this would bode them ill or not…Bruce couldn’t say for sure. 
He met up with Dick who was leaning against a large square pillar, arms crossed and phone held at an angle that seemed a touch too awkward. “I would have figured you’d be over there with him instead of spying on him through your phone.”
Dick stuck his tongue out. He tilted his phone slightly to get his shoulder out of the frame and zoomed in on Damian who stood a little farther down the hall. “I tried, earlier, but he kept trying to run away from me,” Dick said. “He’s gotten better at this gala thing, for sure, so I thought it was fine to keep my distance. I’m just glad he’s not chewing anyone’s head off.”
“Is he texting again?”
“With the way his thumbs are moving? Oh, yeah.” 
Bruce’s phone buzzed. So did Dick’s. 
“It’s O.” Dick pushed himself off the pillar. “Poison Ivy’s been sighted and she’s causing havoc at one of Synototech’s research labs.”
Bruce grunted. “Get your brother. We’ll suit up.”
Red Robin was already on the scene when they arrived, dodging and weaving through the hoard of vines that sprouted in front of the entrance. 
“Poison Ivy has enough explosives inside the lab to level it to the ground!” Oracle said through their comms. “There are still people trapped inside. You guys need to get them out .”
A thick vine lunged at him. Batman barely rolled out of the way. The vine retreated, turning to curl itself around Poison Ivy, a calm and collected fury plain on her face. He barked orders at the others to disarm the explosives and get everyone inside the building out .
Farther away he spotted Robin with his katana drawn, slicing pieces of Poison Ivy’s plant army away. 
“You’re not going anywhere.” She thrust her arms outward, the vines obeying her command. Batman threw explosive batarangs at them before jumping away.
Nightwing yelled at Red Robin to jump back and slug explosive pellets at the entrance. The explosion ripped a hole into the entrance, and the two dove inside the building. 
Batman ripped a thick vine out of the ground and swung it around to take out the other plants. Another plant wrapped itself around his legs and flung him into the air. He barely stuck the landing.
The plants advanced on him again. Batman slid under them and slung a bolas at their base. The rope swung around the base and exploded.
Oracle’s voice crackled through the comms. “Nightwing got all the civilians out. Red Robin is nearly done disarming the bomb.”
He dodged a large thorned stem. At the corner of his eyes, he could see something dark red pulsing . 
Fuck. Where was Damian?  
It burst. A shrill scream. A bright blinding light.
Batman’s breath hitched. “Robin!”
He ran over to the plant bomb’s detonation sight. Pressing his comms, he shouted “Robin, what’s your situation? Where are you?”
“Help,” Robin said. Bruce’s blood ran cold. “ Father— he won’t stop screaming!”
“Poison Ivy’s fleeing the scene,” Oracle said.
Let her run, he’ll capture her later. Right now, his son needs him. 
“Gas mask, B. Don’t forget to put it on.”
The screaming had tapered off by the time he found his son. Robin knelt over something, back turned to him, the edges of his black cape singed. A few feet away from there were the remains of a giant plant that laid limp on the ground,  its red petals curled back tightly to the base of the flower. All around them there were giant holes— seeds —that dug straight through concrete.
“Robin,” He called out.
The other whipped his head back, eyes wide, gas mask already attached. “Father! Please— I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Robin shifted his position.
There, knelt on the ground, was Damian’s brother. His head was bowed, nearly pressed against the ground, one hand grasping at debris and the other clenched against his side. He whimpered on the floor, drawing himself tighter. Red coated his hand, seeped and spread through the white of his shirt.
He knelt at the boy’s—at Danny’s? That’s what he preferred to be called if Bruce remembered correctly— side. “What happened?” 
“I was careless. I wasn’t watching my back. Poison Ivy’s new plant bomb has a quicker detonation time and I wasn’t able to get out of the blast radius quickly enough. My brother he— he saw and he shielded me. But I don’t know why he’s— He said he wasn’t hit .”
Danny convulsed. A scream ripped through his throat. 
“A— a seed bullet from one of Ivy’s new plants. It’s still inside him.”
Shit. He fished out a small bottle of saline and wads of gauze from his utility belt and gave Robin instructions to help pack the wound. They’ll have to take him back to the cave. 
Bruce spoke through the comms. “Red Robin, Nightwing, report.”
“Explosives have all been disarmed, B. I think I might know Poison Ivy’s motives, too.”
“The building’s all clear too, except for these plants. What the hell’s been happening on your end?”
“Poison Ivy’s escaped. Danyal al Ghul has been injured; I’m taking him to the cave.”
“What?” Nightwing and Red Robin exclaimed.
“RR and I can handle the clean-up here, B. You guys go on ahead.”Batman grunted. He lifted Danny up off the ground—why was he throwing himself into a fight wearing jeans and a t-shirt?— and carried him to the batmobile. Damian dogged at his heels, only pausing to swipe a sample of the plant bomb. 
“Already sent a message to Agent A to prep the infirmary, B.”
Danny slipped between consciousness and unconsciousness during their ride back to the cave.
Alfred was already prepared, the infirmary fully stocked and the operating theater ready for use.
“Wait—” Damian. “Anesthesia doesn’t work on you.”
Danny groaned through clenched teeth as Bruce helped him onto the operating table. “It’ll work. Righ— hah— ‘m weak ‘nough right now that it’ll work.” He turned to Bruce, words slurring. “Jus’ gimme the strongest you got.” Another groan. “Please.”
Bruce slipped that piece of information into the file labeled ‘investigate later.’ “Damian, get the computer to analyze the plant sample you collected.”
Alfred helped Danny slip off his torn and bloodied shirt and tossed it into a bin. “I wasn’t aware that crime-fighting attire would be so casual these days.”
“Gettin’ shot wasn’t r’lly on m’ to-do list today. Might’ve dressed better ‘f I’d known.”
They worked quickly,  hooking Danny up to the appropriate machines and identifying the location of the seed. Damian had rushed back with an analysis report on the seed. Other than possessing a very tough shell, the seed itself was harmless. 
Alfred finished cleaning up the wound. “The seed will have to stay inside, I’m afraid.”
Danny vigorously shook his head, eyes squinted and unfocused. “Nonono, ya’ gotta take it out.”
“Taking it out will only risk more injury than leaving it in.”
“‘Nd the seed is made out ‘f the only thing in this world that can kill me.”
“Rosa disanthus,” Danny wheezed. “Check. That’s the plant, yeah?”
Damian flipped through the report again. “Its— the plant shares similar DNA with it, yes. But according to the computer it's harmless.”
“Not to me.”
With the exception of a raised eyebrow, Alfred looked nonplussed. “Very well then.” He injected more anesthesia into the wound site and pulled up a rolling chair next to Danny, forceps brandished in one hand. “Do try to keep still.”
“I’ll have you know that’m a champ at playin’ dead.”
Danny passed out soon after Alfred fished out the seed. Damian insisted that he help bandage his brother up, and in a rather surprising display of empathy, refused to leave Danny’s bedside.
Bruce managed to wrangle him to sleep by setting up another cot in the infirmary with plenty of promises to wake him up if anything happened. He crashed the second his head hit the pillow, showing how much this entire ordeal shook him. 
Before Alfred went about to clean the operating theater, he passed the bloodied seed off to Bruce. “While I may be old and hardly a medical expert, I’m quite sure that blood is not supposed to have bits of green in it.”
“Green?” Bruce took the forceps, holding the seed up to the light. It was unusually large, though judging from the plant it came from, he couldn’t be too surprised by it. He angled it slightly, eyes narrowed as he tried to spot a sliver of green. There. It was hardly noticeable amidst all the dark reds, but if you held it just right, you could see little flecks of green swirling about the blood. 
The seed itself looked unharmed, so it couldn’t have been from that.
Hm. More unanswered questions. 
While the blood was being analyzed, Bruce took the opportunity to breathe and—
The remarkable thing about Danny was that his skin was unblemished. In their line of work—hero, vigilante, assassin — it was next to impossible to remain unscathed unless one had preternatural healing abilities or nigh-indestructible skin. Even Damian, young as he was, had a few scars to his name 
Danny—with the exception of the wound Alfred had stitched closed (a wound that will scar)— had none. Not a single mark.
That should be a good thing.
That should be a good thing. 
He is the best the League has ever produced
Bruce rubbed his face, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed. He checked Danny’s vitals one more time, pulled Damian’s blanket over his shoulders, then sat himself down in front of the computer monitor. 
The first thing Bruce did was check on the summative reports that both Nightwing and Red Robin sent him. The mission was successful with minimal casualties and no deaths; all researchers within the facility were taken to the hospital for treatment. The two managed to neutralize the majority of the hostile plants Poison Ivy set both in and around the facility. Poison Ivy, however, still remained at large. 
Dick’s report also said that he and Tim were going to get something to eat at BatBurger and not to wait up.
You have some shit you need to sort out , the message seemed to say. And we’re not gonna be a part of it.
He closed off the report and opened a random assortment of case files. Despite his efforts, none of them really caught his attention, and he found his eyes glazing over. 
Bruce always had a good memory. 
It was useful more often than not. He was good at remembering faces and storing away minute details that may or may not become useful in a case, and it helped him juggle both of his personas. But there were times when having a good memory was more trouble than it’s worth.
Time heals all wounds— but a sharp memory had a penchant of reopening them.
(The heat was one of the things he remembered the most. The hot desert son relentlessly bore down on him, sweat sticking to his skin and matting his hair. The air so dry that every inhale parched his throat, and insects buzzed annoyingly around his ear. But all of that— all the discomfort, the heat, the sun, the stress—faded away when Talia—his once-love, once-passion, once the owner of his heart and soul—pulled him aside to whisper in his ears “beloved, I am with child.”
He kissed her there in that cursed desert. And even years later he still remembered the feel of her lips against his. The way that her pulse fluttered beneath his thumb. The slow curl of her smile.)(Another memory: It’s that damn desert again. The moon shone high in the sky, a pale and waning crescent. The sand that was hot to touch in the day was cold beneath his fingertips. The air was still so dry. He is angry at Ra’s, angry at this mission, angry at himself. Then came Talia, face cold and impassive but her eyes rimmed red, her spine rigid but Bruce did not miss the way she angled herself against the doorframe, almost clinging to it. “It’s gone,” she said, simple and straightforward as if she was remarking about the fucking weather. “The baby is gone.”)
(And another: They’re miles beneath the sea, just off the coast of the United Kingdom. The cave is dark and infested with mutant man-bats trying to escape to the surface and their son—their son, arrogant and unexpected but as relentlessly determined as their parents—had run off to fight the world’s most renowned hitman. Talia was not dead, was not captured. She stood waist-deep in the Lazarus pit…waiting.
Then, as if possessed, she dove in. He shouted her name and went in after her. Pulled her back to the surface. The green waters had slipped into her wounds, suturing them closed and seeping its madness into her. Her eyes flickered green. She tore herself from his grip, but then fell limp. He caught her, and as he did saw something that might have looked like tears at the corner of her eyes.)
( A final one:  Reunited and victorious, Damian ran to his mother. But as he came closer his steps slowed, then stopped. Face contorted into confusion. “Where—?”
Talia’s composure broke— but only for a moment. The cracks smoothed themselves away with an exhale. She closed the distance between her and Damian, fingers carding through his hair before coming down his neck and then cupping his face. “I’m sorry,” she said. “He’s gone.”)
He blinked.
Alfred appeared at his side with a cup of warm tea in hand. 
Bruce gave Alfred a grateful look and silently took the cup. He took a sip, long and slow, letting the scent of chamomile calm him, and appreciating the pleasant warmth on his tongue. 
“Alfred,” Bruce said as he rolled back his aching shoulders. “What do you make of him?”
“Master Danny, I presume?” Alfred placed his hands behind his back. “I would not presume to make such judgments when I’ve only met him once. However, I do see a resemblance.”
With a grunt, he sipped his tea. “There’s something strange about him, Alfred.”
“I would say that about all your children, Master Bruce.”
Bruce chuckled. “Can’t argue with you there.”
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gabriella-marino · 7 months
Safe Passage || Gabrul
@brucewhite @agentgrumpy-gils
Takes Place: Early February
Gil and the RAS were able to get a location on Gabriella's pod and are ready to get her out of town. She and Bruce say their final goodbyes.
Triggers: mentions of attempted murder, planes (anxiety about them and flying)
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vee-crytraps · 6 months
Kiss Me More | Ch 4-5 | {Ornament}
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AN: Last part!
{Trigger warning/Themes Masterlist} First | Previous | Next | 
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“Fuck,” You pull away, reaching towards your ears. The once cold sting of the gold bracelet on your wrist was also absent. “You know what? Well played. I can’t even be mad.” “Welcome to the club.” Bruce chuckles, pulling you into your dance once more. "I'll have them replaced." During the silence that follows, you manage something else to say. “I think it’s cool,” You blurt out. Bruce simply raises an eyebrow at you, and you quickly backpedal. “No! No, not the…Selina stuff. Though you have to admit-" Bruce cuts you off with your name. “I mean the rail. And making the busses run for free was a complete stroke of genius. Everyone who really needs it can get a reliable ride to work, and all the uptown types who are terrified of poor people pay to take the nice new rail, which funds the busses-“ “I can do a little bit without the mask,” Bruce interjects, mirth in his voice.
It’s fucking genuine, and it makes you smile. “I’m proud of you, you know.” He continues, though he looks a little uncomfortable saying it. “I’ve always been proud. I know we don’t spend much time together, but-" “I understand,” you say, strictly out of politeness. It’s true and it’s not. You don’t want him to be too busy for you, and you don’t love being excluded from the ‘family business’. You just want time with him, the man your mother admired so much that she trusted you with him even knowing about the cape and cowl. “Just like…thanks. For taking me in and stuff. I know we've been having a lot of disagreements lately, and you have a lot going on, but I appreciate you looking after me-” “You’re my daughter.” Bruce says, with no hesitation. “You don’t need to give me some big speech. I don’t know what in the world compelled your mother to trust you with me, but I’m glad that she did.” “Well, she was hardly ever in her right mind,” you joke, and it makes Bruce crack a smile. “Everyone thought the whole funeral-of-the-century thing was totally nuts.” “Everyone who didn’t know her like we did,” Bruce assures you. “I think she was onto something. It was…a good last memory. “ There was a question you had that hung in the air. Once that you’d never had the courage to ask. So you let it end there. You may never really know what the inside of Bruce's head looked like. And if you were honest, you didn't really need to know. At the end of the day, you were content with what you had-the promise of a dead woman who loved you, and her reclusive billionaire best friend.
“Chelsea Conroy left a bloodied rabbits foot in my locker today. On one hand, I can’t really blame her. I mean, really. Everyone’s gone mad ever since I rocked up to dance on the arm of Bruce Wayne. He may be kind of a serious guy, but even I'll admit that he's hot enough to drive anyone crazy. On the other hand, it wasn’t like the paw of a squirrel or a raccoon or some kind of local bird she found crushed on the side of the road. I mean, it was a nice rabbit. White fur and everything. Jesus, I hope she didn’t buy a rabbit just to pull some sort of Godfather jr. shit on me. I wouldn’t put it past her, though. I’m a girls girl, but Chelsea is a D1 hater. And apparently an animal dismember-er. I wish my parents had just sent me to public school instead. These rich kids are serial killers in the making, and if Bruce doesn’t stop hanging around with his handsome face, I can’t be sure I’ll even make it to graduation. I told Bruce to let it go. He's stubborn as an ox, but I'm worse. He offered to help me bury the poor thing afterschool. There's family cemetery behind his manor, with a small section for pets. He said we could name the rabbit posthumously, even if we don’t have the whole body. I’m going to take him up on his offer. It's so fucking weird, but also? So…thoughtful.”- 12.03.2001
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enretrogue · 9 months
Unfold — @abbysdolly
Wife!Abby Who Wants To Provide For You — @bayasdulce
Cuddling w/ Abby HCs (Modern!AU) — @abbysdruidess
At Least I Got You In My Head Part 7 ⎢ Part 8 — @lizzieisright
Everything She Wants — @kokomos
Stay Grounded Part 7 ⎢  — @canaidliafail
Care For Me — @darlingmisa
Fake Dating — @coeurify
Eat — @ourautumn86
Dr. Anderson Will See You Now — @dnvrsmedia
Underground Fighter — @m-3-ijiworld
Emerald Green and Warm Champagne — @loaksky
Pure — @nomiscreams
A Midsummer Night's Dream — @lolasimms
Pink Catalyst — @hotxcheeto
I’ll Take Care of You HCs (Doctor!Ellie) — @salitok
When I’m Alone I’d Rather Be With You — @millersaurora
Afterglow — @heavenbloom .☘︎ ݁˖
Doctor, Oh Doctor — @lu-vin-it
Street Racer!Ellie HCs ⎢ Gear Shift — @phantombriide
Nosebleed — @gardenblush
Bedframe — @hotxcheeto
The Kissing Game — @butterflellies
And I Love Her Ch. 3 ⎢ Ch. 4 ⎢ Ch. 9 — @phantombriide
Ghostface!Ellie and Ghostface!Abby — @aethelwyneleigh27
Unexpected — @princesssmars
This Is What Makes Us Girls Part 7 ⎢ Part 8 — @lolasimms
Three’s Not A Crowd — @m-3-ijiworld
Why Does Change Hurt So Much? ⎢ Pt. 2 ⎢ Pt. 3 ⎢ Pt. 4 — @savemefromanepicoftimewasted
A Good Deed — @theeblackmedusa .☘︎ ݁˖
Extra — @capypub
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots — @cowgurrrl
I Want To Marry You — @cowgurrrl
Bodyguard!Joel — @angelkhi
Gamer!Abby — @sweetercalypso
Salad Days — @cowgurrrl
Trash Magic — @girlboybug
Hairspray — @peterparkersnose
White Lies — @poetiicbarnes
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What Is Wrong With Us? — @unfortunately-obsessed
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Need To Know — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Body Worship — @marvelswh0re
The Girlfriend Experience — @anjaelle .☘︎ ݁˖
I’ve Got You, Darlin’ — @saintmurd0ck
Be My Baby — @amhrosina
Shut Me Up — @clownd1ck
Sex Is Art (So Let Me Paint You) — @clownd1ck
Everywhere — @marvelswh0re
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Three’s A… (+Jean Kirstein) — @theragethatisdesire
Bags — @ilylovelyz
Uni AU — @shunsuiety
Like The Movies — @firefly--bright
Football Player!Jean — @spiteless-xo
Daddy Kink  (Jean, Eren, Zeke) — @spiteless-xo
Jealous (Jean, Eren, Levi) — @theragethatisdesire
As A Dad (Jean, Eren) — @spiteless-xo
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His Only Sweetheart — @lovebittenbyevans
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Breeding Kink + Teasing — @dejwrld .☘︎ ݁˖
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Head Over Heels — @underoossss
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Time After Time Ch. 11 — @all-mirth-no-matter
Everything Is Fine ⎢ Part 2 ⎢ Part 3 ⎢ Part 4 — @everythingelseisextra
Casual — @everythingelseisextra
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Bending To The Honeysuckles — @libraryofwaterdeep
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ilovemenoverfifty · 1 year
Copybat Ch. 2
Bale!Bruce Wayne x Trans!OC
Warnings: None. This chapter is to get the story moving further
Word Count: 1287
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Victoria’s eyes flutter open and she sits up. The blood rushing to her head gives her a bigger headache on top of the one she already has. She looks around, seeing if anyone else is around. An old man in a suit is sitting near the door. He doesn’t seem to realise she’s awake.
“Ah, Miss October!” He seems happy she’s alright. “You’re awake! Are you feeling any better?”
“A little… um….who are you?”
“I am Alfred Pennyworth, the butler to Master Wayne.”
“Wayne as in…”
“Bruce, yes.”
“Got it… He brought me here… right?”
“Indeed he did.” The events of that afternoon are coming back to her.
“Is he here?”
“Not at the moment, no. Master Wayne is preoccupied tonight.” The disappointed look on Victoria’s face is subtle but Alfred sees it. “He did, however, tell me to give this to you.” He stands up and walks over to her, holding his hand out to her.
“My wallet!” She takes it from his hand and goes through it. “Nothing was taken!”
“But perhaps, something was added?”
“What do you mean by--” Victoria notices a white paper and takes it out. “His business card…” She sees a phone number written in blue pen. “Is this… his personal number?”
“Master Wayne would appreciate it if you call him tomorrow.”
“The Prince of Gotham wants me to call him?” She looks up at him. “Why?” Alfred shakes his head.
“Master Wayne is quite the complicated person, I wouldn’t try to understand it if I were concussed earlier today.”
“You make a good point.” She feels her head with her hand. “Oh, Mr. Pennyworth, could you…could you turn on the news?”
“Please, call me Alfred.” He bows slightly.
“Alright then, Alfred, could you please turn on the news?”
“Any particular reason, ma’am?”
“I’ve been following the news stories surrounding the Batman,” She explains, catching Alfred’s attention.
“The Batman, ma’am?”
“Mhm!” Victoria nods. “He’s fascinating!”
“How so?”
“The man dresses like a bat and fights crime! In what world is that not fascinating?”
“You make a good point.”
“Also, he’s done more for Gotham than the police ever could! He goes straight to the source! Like with the Scarecrow?” She gushes. “The police tried arresting him for the crimes. They spend more time and effort looking for Batman than the real threats.”
“You seem to know a lot about him.”
“He’s just cool, I guess.” She shrugs, tucking her black hair behind her ear.
“I see.” He nods, turning on the television. Sure enough, it was a broadcast of a gang of thugs, tied up to be found by the police. Victoria is suddenly more awake and alert than before, watching the broadcast with such a strong intensity, Alfred could feel it standing next to her.
The Batman is such an inspiration for her, and with a little work, she could become him! She will become him, not just another copycat.
Victoria doesn’t know how long she was watching the news, but gives Alfred a glare.
“What the hell?”
“I apologise, Miss Victoria,” He nods his head. “I’ve been informed by the nurses that the broadcast is bothering other patients.” She looks sad. “Perhaps you can find this broadcast on the internet!”
“Not a bad idea,” Her voice is quiet, yawning after speaking.
“I’ll let you get some rest then.” Alfred turns to walk off.
“Hey, um…Thank you, for ... .you know,” She shrugs. “Keeping me company!” Victoria smiles at him.
“But of course, ma’am.” He bows towards her. “Sleep well.” He leaves after turning off the light. It doesn’t take long for Victoria to fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, she’s woken up by a nurse pressing some buttons on her vital machine.
“Good morning Miss October.” She smiles.
“Morning,” She mumbles, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 
“You’re being discharged this morning!”
“I can go home?”
“After a visit to the front desk, absolutely!” The nurse nods. “Just give me a moment and I’ll leave for you to get dressed!”
“What ” She finishes up whatever she’s doing and leaves the room.
Victoria’s clothes are folded neatly on a table against the wall. Did Alfred do that? She gets out of bed, taking a minute to adjust her bare feet on the cold floor.
It only takes a couple minutes before she’s dressed in what she wore the day before, a black blazer, white button up, black slacks, and black ankle boots. She didn’t have a bag, so she puts her wallet back into her pocket and makes her way to the desk to check herself out.
“Hi, um, I was told I can leave?” Victoria asks the woman at the desk.
“Yes, of course!” She nods. “Can I get your name?”
“Victoria October.” She crosses her arms.
“Alright, Ms. October,” The woman types something on her computer. “Let’s get you set up with your--Oh!” She exclaims.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Well, Ms. October, it seems as though your medical bill for this visit has been covered!” 
“Someone covered my bill?” Victoria is confused. “Who could have--” It sets in for her. The very man who brought her to the hospital.
“I’m afraid he requested to remain confidential. A guardian angel of sorts.” The woman looks apologetic.
“That’s fine,” She smiles. “Is there any paperwork I need to do before I leave?”
“Yep!” She takes a packet of papers from her desk and places it in front of her. Victoria quickly fills them out and hands them back. “Alright, Ms. October! You’re good to go!”
“Thanks,” She nods, walking out of the hospital, and turning in the direction to her apartment. Before heading that way, she decides to try the number Bruce Wayne left for her. When the phone starts ringing, she starts walking.
“Hello?” Victoria asks, hearing someone pick up.
“Hi…It’s Victoria?” She’s worried she dialled the number wrong. “Bruce Wayne?”
“Victoria!” He exclaims. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine, I’m actually on my way home now!”
“That’s great!”
“Yeah… um, you paid my medical bill?”
“Do you not appreciate the gesture?” A slight tinge of fake hurt is apparent in his voice.
“No, no!” She backtracks. “I absolutely do, it’s just… You don’t even know me!”
“Sure I do!” He laughs a bit. “Your name is Victoria October, birthday October 4th, 1983, Computer Scientist at Wayne Enterprises--”
“Okay okay, I get it. You went through my stuff.” Her mind races, hoping he didn’t find a previous name.
“Not exactly,”
“I looked at your ID at the hospital yesterday and talked to Fox last night.”
“Are you trying to prove a point?”
“You claimed I don’t know you.”
“And I still don’t! A-and you don’t know me!” She exclaims. “You can’t just pay for my bills like that.”
“And why not?” Victoria takes a deep breath.
“Because I don’t know you! Other than the fact that you’re the Prince of Gotham!” She lowered her voice when she was describing him.
“How would you feel about changing that? Maybe over dinner?”
“Are you asking me out?”
“If that’s what you want to call it!”
“When were you thinking?”
“Tomorrow night, 7:30. Alfred will pick you up.” He states.
“I keep on forgetting my address is on my ID.” Victoria sighs. “Alright, Bruce, it’s a date.” It feels weird calling him by his first name.
“I’m looking forward to it.” She can almost hear his slight smile over the phone. “Oh! And wear something nice.”
“Will do. Bye!” After she hangs up, it takes a minute for her to process what just happened. She’s reached her apartment building and is in the elevator when it dawns on her.
She has a date with Bruce Wayne!
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daddysfangirls-dc · 6 months
UnTamed Ch.10
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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Damian isn't talking. Dick had put more energy into spending more time and communicating with Damian, but he still hadn't said anything to connect with his strange behavior. The others tried following Damian, but it was hard to continue trailing him between work, patrol, and their own cases. So weeks had gone by, and no one had answers. While he is at home, his behavior has returned to normal. His actions during patrol were still erratic. He did his route and cases as usual, but he was also disappearing and turning off his comms. It wasn't enough to involve Bruce yet, but it was still something Barbara flogged and watched. They could do nothing else but watch. 
The snow had settled. It was no longer the stunning pure white. Then again, Gotham's snow was never pure white; it was a slush of brown and grey on the ground, and on the roof, it was off-white until his family trampled on them. It reminded him of the time he meant her.
Perched on a rooftop, the streets are below. Tonight, Robin was going solo despite how many people gravitated home to family as the weather grew cold. Everyone was given a solos patrol to cover more ground—everyone except Redhood, who was partnered with Nightwing in Crime Alley. During seasons like these, people got desperate, and rouges got scheming, so no one went in Crime Alley alone.
But Damian, aka Robin, wasn't in Crime Alley. He was in the heights perched high by himself. In the dark, company finally came in the form of a tweeting bird, a robin to be specific, how fitting. Muting his comm he turned to his little friend " Hello" as he held out his finger for her to land. " You shouldn't be here. I'm working. You're distracting me." Hopping off his finger, she shifts to her proper form. 
She leans with her arms across the ledge, ignoring the snow. " I'm distracting you?"  he doesn't dare look. " will you come visit me once you're done working?" 
He sighed deeply. " I don't think that will be possible. I have more family in town, which means more eyes.  They'll notice my absence." 
Then she sighed. " Okay, I'll visit you then. Is that okay?" 
"I'd like that," and with that, she took off in the night sky once again in the form of a robin. 
"Is everything okay?" Oracle asked once he turned his coms back on. 
"I found a stray in the snow."
"Is it okay?"
"She's fine."
"Good morning," Asta said as Damian slowly woke up. He opened his eyes to find her sitting against his headboard in the nude, petting Titus, whose head was in her lap. Damian slipped out of bed and began his morning routine with an audience of Asta and Titus. " Anything special happening today?"
"Nothing premeditated" 
She chuckled as she kissed Titus. " He makes it sound like he's going to commit murder." 
"simply expanding your vocabulary."
She and Titus watched him as he did his stretches and breathing exercises. She gave Titus a few more kisses before joining him. The two stretched in silence, Titus watching them. This was their morning routine. It wasn't every morning, but when she was here, and he woke, she'd give whatever pets in his room some affection and then join him in stretches and exercise. After all was said and done she left to patrol and do her day's work or stay and laze the day with Damian. Today was a lazy day. 
"So what are we doing today?" 
"Nothing specific. My siblings are here, so it would be bothersome to plan something, knowing one of them would inevitably interrupt." Asta nodded along as she watched Damian rant about his sibling through the rest of his morning routine. 
After their last conversation, Damian knew he couldn't just approach his family and tell them to be less emotional. He instead presented the idea of exposure therapy, exposing her to his emotional family little by little in hopes of not making her comfortable with their negative emotions but being able to put her in a room without her physically reacting or needing to flee from them. As of right now, she could be in the manor with a full house but could not be in a room with everyone at once. She was doing better.
"you've got nothing either," Tim said. Everyone came together to discuss Damian's case. They all had nothing. Talking to him resulted in nothing, and stalking resulted in less. They were getting nowhere. A group of the world's greatest detectives duped by a teenage boy. 
"we're too spread out. We all need to make a choice and stick with it," Barbara said, trying to get everyone on the same page. She was more aware of Damian new behaviors than the others. 
"Dick is so desperate to 'talk' it out, knowing how he knows you'll get nowhere. He's not dependent on you as much as you think he is," Tim said, clearly frustrated. " Talk. Go talk. And when you get nothing again, we'll start the real work. And find what the fuck he's hiding. He is not as innocent as you think." 
Dick didn't say anything and left the room. He wasn't going to participate in this argument. Tim huffed and sat down dramatically.
Jason chuckled. " You're both so dramatic. He's a teenager, vigilante aside, a teenage boy going through puberty. I don't believe this situation is that serious. I'm actually with Steph on this one."
"Wait, what?"
"Maybe a girl or boy is involved. Can't say it's not possible. Damian CAN talk to people, and this wouldn't be the first time Robin got involved with a civilian." He said, eyeing the whole table, except Duke, a few notable people got uncomfortable.
Although it was extremely rare and frowned upon in some cases, vigilantes did get involved with civilians while in masks. Some relationships were short, only a night, and others were long term and might have resulted in new maks. If this is what is truly happening, they couldn't condemn him for it.
"You seem so sure," Duke said 
"It's obvious someone else is involved-"
"You read too many romance novels," Steph said 
"Proof me wrong."
"Hey," Dick entered the library to find Damian sitting in a little window nook. Damian acknowledged him with a single nod but didn't look up from his book. Dick didn't really know where to begin, though. "whatcha reading" he tilted the book showing the cover. A book on felines. 
Dick also took a moment to observe his younger brother. In the corner of the window nook, legs crossed the book, a bit on the large side, sitting on his knees and one hand behind the book at the small movement of his arm and the small purrs he presumed to pet Alfred. He assumed. But his assumption was obviously wrong as said Felione strolled past them without a care.
"What's in your lap?"
"A cat" Dicked looked to where Alferd just passed, then back to Damian, who dropped the book to reveal a black cat in his lap.
Dick sighed and pinched his nose"Damian."
"she's a stray, doesn't like to stay put. She'll be gone by nightfall." Not true. She'd either be in his bed or at their safe house. 
"Damian," he hummed in acknowledgment, " We're worried about you." he looked at him confused. " You've been acting strange lately, and no one knows why. Want to tell me what's going on? " Dick says as he sits down across from Damian and his stray friend. 
"Strange behaviors?" he questioned as he stroked her fur and petted her. 
"mainly on patrol. You turn off your coms, stay in a location for too long, or stray from your route a few times. A few times too many. What's going on, Damian ?"  
For a moment, he said nothing, content with just petting her fur. " I didn't know my behavior was alarming. I'm sorry."
"Thank you. But that doesn't explain your behavior." Damian just looked at him with furrowed brows as she purred at his touch. Picking up the kitty, he stands up.
"I have," he says as he returns his book." She has come far, but it makes sense she's very loyal."
So, he was blaming the cat for his concerning behavior. And ... well, Dick believed him. Not entirely; he knew there was more than this cat involved. Now, he didn't doubt the cat's involvement with his much Damian loves animals, but there had to be more. But he knew he wasn't going to get any more from him. While Damian didn't lie, at least he didn't feel like it; he knew he didn't tell the whole truth. And if he still wasn't talking to him, he wasn't going to. 
"She sure is," he says, reaching to pet the cat. Damian skillfully moved and dodged his hand. Dick watched as he coddled her to his chest, Disappeared out of the library. It appeared they would be going with Tim's stalking plan.
"They're on to us," Asta giggled as she flopped on the bed after shifting back. Damian takes a seat at his desk. 
"We're going to have to be more careful."
She noticed that he was serious." What does that mean? Do you want me to go?"
"No," Damian jumped up. " I just mean that we need to be more careful. More aware of our surroundings and those around us."
"That's a lot of people, considering all your siblings are here. Here, as in the manor. I can stay at the apartment. Plus, there has been drama in the narrows. I should be closer to help." 
Damian 'TT' as he sat down in defeat. Standing up, she approaches him, running her fingers through his hair. He leans into her touch, it was gentle and warm. " I want you... here. I want you here."
"I'm sorry," she said as she kissed his forehead. He leaned into her lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. He hummed as she pressed her lips against his. She sighed as she pulled away. "You'll know where to find me."
Asta left first, going to handle business in the narrow. Someone treated the prostitutes not so nicely; the culprit was found and delivered to the police missing an important appendage, but the girls were safe, and that's all that mattered. Those who were hurt were at the clinic, and those who weren't were warned and told to be safe. 
Asta and her organization were now working to create a specific and safe area for the workers. They were even looking into collaborating with Red Hood's gang. She was working on a proposal.  When she heard knocking on the window, looking up, she saw Robin in all his glory outside the window, and she rushed to open the window. 
"Are you alright? Did something happen?"
"I'm fine. Nothing happened. What are you doing?" He looked past her to see a map, papers, a bunch of highlighters, and pens. 
"Helping sex workers. Making plans," She says as she climbs out the window, joining him on the fire escape. "Some douchebag that likes beating on women. He's at the hospital and with the police now. But I realized that the girls need more protection. And kids can't provide the protection they need. The protection Red Hood provided his girls 24/7 security." 
Robin listens as Asta explains her plans to collaborate with Hood. As he listened his eyes raked over her body. Despite it being winter, she wore a mini white sundress and a collar he had gifted her. She stopped talking, she seemly leaned back and let his gaze from his seat on the steps. 
"You're a distraction," Robin whispers 
"Well, that's not fair you bought me this dress." she picked at the hem with a small smile 
"that I did."
"And I didn't ask for you to be here. You're here of your own free will. And you can leave at any time."
Robin 'TT'. She was right about everything. He chooses to buy that dress and that collar. He chose to come see her tonight. And he chose to stay. It was a choice, and he made them all. She was a choice.
The night was slow. His brothers could handle it.
"you're still here," she whispered as she tugged on the collar tags; he just smirked. Asta smirked, and she crawled towards him until they were inches apart. He reaches forward, brushing some hair out of her face.
" Hi," she whispered. She giggled as he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb.
Suddenly, he grabbed the back of her head, and their lips connected. They could never get over how soft their lips were. Asta pulled away slightly to breathe; he chased her lips again, this time with tongue, and she let him freely explore her mouth. Let him have control. His tongue is delicate as he takes his time invading her. It was a new experience, a new sensation for her, having someone else's tongue in her mouth. But it felt good. Her inexperience rounding its head, he catches her by surprise again, his lips wrapping around the tip of her tongue and lightly sucking. She lets out a small moan.
Robin quickly pulled away. 
"Sorry," Asta says breathlessly. "No, no, I got carried away. Forgot about our surroundings for a moment." 
Robin was also catching his breath, wiping his palms on his pants. " I should return to patrol."
"Yes, yes, of course," Asta said as she stood up. Robin closed his eyes as she stood up. Robin closed his eyes as she stood directly in front of him in her mini-dress. She quickly apologized and backed away. He quickly stood up after her. "Bye," she quickly said, then dove into the apartment. Once she was gone, Robin sat for another minute or two before he, too, finally got up and left.
"He's going to see us, and then he's going to kill us." 
"He's a bit preoccupied, Red Robin, as he, Spoiler, and the Orphan crouched on a roof hidden as they watched Robin with a girl on a fire escape.
The girl was sitting on the floor across from Robin, who was seated on the steps. He was holding onto part of the railing above him. They were talking. The way they were positioned, Red Robin couldn't see Robin's mouth, but he could see part of the girl's mouth and could read/understand only a few words, with his lip reading skill, not enough to fully understand the contents they were speaking in. Red Hood and prostitutes were mentioned, but he didn't understand the contents of their conversation. 
Orphan observed their body language but said nothing besides "friendly." Whatever she saw satisfied her enough for her to step back. "What are they doing?"
"I don't-oh"
They watched as the girl crawled across the floor and kissed Robin. " Alright, that's enough." they watched as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.
"And you said Damian couldn't get a girl," Spoiler said. They watched them for a long time, uncomfortable. When Robin and the girl finally pulled apart, their farewell was quick. The girl dipped back inside, closing the window. Robin sat on the steps with his head down for a few minutes before he got up and returned to patrol.
"Looks like Jason was right," Spoiler teased as Red Robin purposely ignored her. While Red looked unpleased and dissatisfied, he was actually relieved knowing that the league wasn't involved and amused that he was actually doing something his age but also a bit uncertain as he didn't know who this girl was. Was she a civilian or someone more? He was going to find out. He'd know all her by tomorrow sunrise.
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