#ch: aislinn
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.....Well that was hella disappointing on so many levels...
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eldrichblast · 3 years
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a i s l i n n noname  |  fairy  |  young older than you think
prettyyoungthing | olderthanshelooks | onehalfofapair | whereismytwinbrothernow | trickstermeddlingsomegirl | everyonediesbutiliveon | flickeringherethereeverywhere | whysaynotomeafterallthistime
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years
@moonblesscd liked for a lyrics starter
“What do you want from me? Why don’t you run from me?” The girl had grown accustomed to the fact that as soon as anyone heard her surname it sent them running as far away from her as they could, so meeting someone who hardly even flinched when she told her was slightly unnerving.
'what are you wondering, what do you know...'
Erica had practically been raised to be suspicious of everyone outside the family so she had started saying her name with a weird sense of pride and actually started liking the way people paled at her words. Ergo, the fact that this other girl didn't flinch back in a scared manner made her uneasy.
“Why aren’t you scared of me?” She pushed her hair back and she tried to keep her chin held high. In reality this was completely uncharted territory for her and she had to admit it gave her a slight shiver of excitement meeting someone she couldn't frighten with a name.
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bury a friend - billie eilish
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camillethebrave · 7 years
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Camille had been absolutely frantic when she realized Aislinn was missing.  It was hard for her mind not to go to the worst case scenario.  She had seen it play out that way time and time again.  If her daughter...
She took a deep breath, telling herself that there was no good in panicking.  Others were helping her (and they had far keener senses than her).  Still, she wasn’t going to just sit back and wait.  
In the end, perhaps it was some form of motherly instinct that drew her to them.  She slowed as she approached, trying to process the scene before her.  Someone sprawled on the ground, Aislinn hunched over them --- and there was blood.
She moved quickly now, crouching down so she could touch Aislin’s face.  “What happened?!”
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agentsxfshxeld-blog · 7 years
Into the Fire
Aislinn grimaced arching out of the chair, eyes darting around automatically. She frowned noting the grim look of Jones as she got off the chair and made her way towards her. "I know who the primaries are they're going after." Aislinn said, pushing her hair from her face as she stopped in front of her. @firxinmys0ul
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wyatthaliwells · 4 years
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gingermusings · 4 years
“You’re not the person I wanted to see today.” ( aislinn and annika )
“and who exactly did you want to see?” she quickly retorts back, turning to raise an eyebrow at her older sister. this isn’t a conversation she should be initiating - knowing that it would only lead to a fight, one that could be far bigger than any other of the ones they’ve had since annika returned home - but still she says it anyway. regardless of knowing how sensitive of a topic it could be, especially on valentine’s day of all days, she continues on. “have you been hiding a man from us all this time? or should i give you some alone time with the ashes on the mantle?” it was a low blow, far lower than one she would normally make, but she would argue that aisllin had started this fight. 
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choicesenthusiast · 3 years
Laws of Attraction, Ch. 15 AKA Sketchy McGraw
What happened this week:
In the wake of, uhh… recent events, Sadie gives us the option of staying on the murder case or pulling out. Of course, you, Aislinn, and Gabe stay, as does Beau, despite going against his aunt’s wishes for him.
After overhearing some conversation with the McGraws, take Beau out for lunch to let him vent about his nepotism problems, as well as wheedle some valuable information from him: that Sadie not only wanted him to drop the case, but forget about the evidence entirely. Now if that’s not sus, I don’t know what is.
Due to the attacker knowing where you’d be, the four of you conclude that someone at the office is a mole, sabotaging you from the inside. A little more digging with Aislinn reveals that Sadie has tampered with the class action suit records, her being the last person to sign the files out and denying anyone else clearance as a cover.
Search Sadie’s office with Gabe for further proof, and the proof is in the pudding, the pudding being her big fat safe in the floor. Gabe unlocks it not because of his electrical capabilities, but because he has a big heart. Anyways, yeah, Sadie’s been selling you out. Her motive is a spot on the board of the Juvenile Cancer Prevention Fund, provided she gets rid of Koenig’s problem. Attached is a flash drive with all the stolen records, and the phone that the assailant stole from you in the previous chapter.
There we have it, folks. Sketchy McGraw is the traitor. Well done, PB. And Beau, I love him. Not that I had any doubts, definitely not. But that lunch scene was very insightful for his character, and it definitely made me appreciate him more.
I guess we have Sadie to thank for getting us to pound town. Do you think she was watching on the security feed? I say yes. Sick bastard. We should retaliate by desecrating the entire office.
So next week is the book’s finale, meaning it’s either gonna be rushed as hell, or it’s gonna lead into a sequel. I’m seriously hoping it’s getting a Book 2, because this book was good, and there’s no way all our problems are going to be solved in one chapter. I think we still need a proper pro-lawyer trial for Marcus, and win this thing like a lawyer rather than a detective, not to mention all the Sadie-Koenig stuff.
Actually, I’m not sure how they’re going to stretch all that into another book. Maybe this one should’ve just had more chapters, or have the murder case start earlier in the book.
And of course, we still need to tree law this bitch.
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eldrichblast · 3 years
ya gal starts a new campaign tomorrow and boy is my new character A Vibe (derogatory)
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Jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else because at the moment I don’t have time to make pretty pictures buuuuut I have a lot of feels about my character that need to be put down into words. Discord is lia#1354 and feel free to shoot a message or friend me please.
Aislinn, originally from Ireland for the majority of her Earth-bound time, is only in the middle of Arizona for one thing, or rather one person, and that is her twin brother who decided to leave her alone in her own misery and boredom why the fuck would you do that bro don’t you know we’re two halves of a whole and codependent why find himself. Or whatever the reason he left her for. He’s wanted, by the way, so if someone want to make him, that’d be great. But on the flip side she’s spent more time in the fairy realm than the human/earth one, and depending on who she talks to, it sorta shows. As for the bloody red hands, Aislinn has more than a few skeletons in her closet. By which, yes, she’s more than tricked enough people to their death, slit a throat or two, and managed to get away with it. In her defense, it was mostly in self defense or than of her brother, but she’s not sorry and has no problem with it. Or has the excuse of “if they’re going to do it to us anyway, why not take care of the problem before we end up dead” to justify it.
She funds her lifestyle with careful investments back a century back by the family, and shows up every now and then to make sure that the money is there and lives off the interest. Gets a kick off of making as much chaos as she can. Knows she’s pretty and uses it to her full advantage. Has a full on fear of the morning after and tends to leave in the middle of the night, but won’t admit to it, because she knows she has issues and letting someone see those issues other than her twin is not on the list of things she wants to do. Has also no problem corrupting the poor lil innocents (i.e. show you a good time and then leave you to your own devices and consequences halfway through to watch the fallout). But also overprotective of those she claims as her own (hence why she’s in Arizona and dying of the heat, someone give the girl some air conditioning please). Contraditions are fun.
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kamuiboyfriends · 3 years
Ah lord and saviour LOA returns to us once again😍
We’re nearing the end with the case! Just two more pieces of evidences to go?
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Small flirt option (in front of the rest of the colleagues again) with Gabe
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What I chose during Screw, Marry, Dump. I didn’t wanna say Dump Aislinn but Sadie is… THERE so I had to😅
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I tried to go for the Gabe volunteering scene and I just knew Martin was gon’ try to join the moment Gabe said ‘initiative’ and sure enough…
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Flirt option in the diamond scene (I missed a screenshot of Gabe saying ‘What do you want?’ and yeah of course he pulled back😀🔪)
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I actually had Koenig Chemical lingering in the forefront of my mind the whole book when MC had a hunch that they weren’t quite done with the company after Chapter 3 so I kinda saw this coming.
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And of course the AMAZING M/M/M threesome that I could choose which is a FIRST for any Choices book so as a MLM stan, best believe I took that scene😆
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Now… admittedly, there were far too many pictures that I took LMAO. So I’ll just link the scene right here in a bit for that one.
Link to the M/M/M scene post
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wonder-falcon · 3 years
pb when are we getting an aislinn diamond scene
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camillethebrave · 7 years
@theirsacrifice {aislinn}
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“You know,” Camille began when the door opened a good hour past the time she had asked Aislinn to be home.  “I told myself I wasn’t going to be that mom but here I am, waiting up and wondering if that phone of yours stopped working or ---?” She raised a brow, clearly expecting an answer.
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agentsxfshxeld-blog · 7 years
“ why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant. ”
pregnancy sentence starters.
“I...” Aislinn frowned trailing off as she pushed her hair from her face. “I don’t know.” She replied mildly.
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heartwoodventures · 3 years
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Heartwood Hatchingtide!
A mysterious note had been posted on the company’s bulletin board, beckoning members to meet at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre for a Hatchingtide celebration! But beyond explaining that the event was to ‘help the youth,’ details were scarce. Who’s organizing this? And what activities will happen? You’ll have to go to the amphitheatre to find out.
And the place is absolutely decked out in egg-related decorations! But most prominent is the large and ‘in charge’ chicken, dancing mad on the road leading to the center. They wave at you two, and then continue to jig.
Intrigued by the odd note, Aislinn made the time to wander her way over to the amphitheatre. Whatever was going on, her curiosity got the better of her and she needed to find out.
Cravendy What is an egg’s least favorite day of the week? Fryday! Happy....friday! xD )) Cravendy I inflict pain unto myself everytime I make a pun ))
Riylli shuffled her way through the city, keeping her head down and trying not to attract attention as she made her way to the Ampitheatre. Whatever dour mood she was in would be briefly erased however as soon as she took in the dancing chicken that appeared to be waiting for her. "Er... Cravs..? Is that you..?"
"Twelve save us." Aislinn said, shaking her head as a smile worked its way across her lips. She paused a few seconds more to watch the chicken in its maddening jig, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. "You know, I'd bet gil on it."
Riylli (I love the way our heads move watching her dance Riylli (getting in on the beat Aislinn ((We're mesmerized))
Aislinn - She waves to the chicken. "So what's all this about helping out at Hatchingtide?"
“Cravs? Who’s that?” The chicken momentarily stops dancing and, somewhere in the distance, a kid groans in disappointment. Seeing that, the chicken slumps, but begins to groove once more. “I...I am none other. Huff. Than. Chickendy Hound! And it was I that called you out today on a mission...most. Huff. Important.”
Aislinn's smile widens. "Sounds like you've been dancing there quite awhile, Chickendy Hound." she noted in amusement as she plays along.
Riylli staaaaaaaaaaaared, bewilderment on her face as she tried to wrap her head around exactly what was happening here. That was definitely Cravs. Even without the giveaway of the name, the only other one in the company that tall was Rising, who Riylli was particularly sure would not be able to dance like the chicken was after the previous night. "Er... And what's that then?"
“Ay shite, I’ve been dancin’ for bloody who knows ‘ow long...” Cravs grumbles, and at that very moment a mother and child strolls on by. Cravs stiffens and clears her throat. “I mean. I can dance all day and all night! But now, the egg advocates would have us take care of another chore-I mean, thing of utmost importance. And that...is collecting eggs!”
Riylli pauses her judgmental staring to instead watch the mother and child pass, seemingly getting distracted for a moment before turning back to the chicken and letting out a sigh. "...Right. We gettin' paid for this or what?" She asks coldly, apparently back to whatever bad mood she had been in before meeting Chickendy
In contrast to Riylli's foul (fowl) mood, Aislinn seems to be enjoying this all too much. She makes a poor attempt to hold back any more laughter and nods to the passing mother and child. She couldn't begin to imagine how hot a suit like that must get. "Aye, of course. Harsh task masters, these egg advocates."
“No good deed goes unpaid! Which is to say, no, we’re not gettin’ bloody paid for this. I asked.” Cravs crosses her arms and I swear, you could see her chicken hat’s eyes furrow in grumpy anger. “Though they said we can keep any extra eggs, which ye can probably sell if yer strapped for cash.”
"....ye -do- get a free chicken suit though. That count for anythin'?"
"How, exactly, did they talk you into this, then?" Aislinn wryly asks.
Aislinn leans forward a bit and lowers her voice. "Did you lose a bet?"
Riylli let out another long sigh. "I hate this damned city so much..." She mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose as she seriously considered just turning around right then and there
"Ch-chickendy needs no reason to spread cheer in the world!" It's unclear if that's the whole truth, half, or not at all.
Riylli shot Cravs a glare, "Oy Chickendy, you better give me a better reason than that. How'd the scary pirate lady that can't even apologize end up in a situation like this?"
That earns a doubtful, though amused noise from Aislinn. "Yeah, if Chickendy is anything like Cravendy I'm not sure that math works out." Nevertheless, she shrugs a shoulder. She needed a break from building the prototypes at any rate, it was why she wandered out in the first place. "Alright then, I'm in for a bit of egg collecting." paused. "Chicken eggs, right?" she asked, deciding she better double check.
“HEY. I’m not so cold that I’d refuse to do some good in the world! That, and I didn’t say no right away. These folk sense weakness and twist yer arm until...” Cravs hears something approach from behind and freezes up.
Aislinn ((I'm going to hear this song in my sleep)) Riylli ( PA PAYA Cravendy pa paya! :D ))
An egg advocate comes over, peppiness turned dangerously past the dial. They drop a box containing chicken costumes in front of Riylli and Lin and - did they wink somehow? “You must be joining our friend here in setting up! A thousand thanks for choosing to spend your time spreading the festivities!”
Riylli shot the newcomer a glare so powerful that it could probably be tried as physical assault. "You have to be joking. You want me to wear that shite too?"
Aislinn eyes the chicken suit that was so unceremoniously dropped in front of her. "Wait...you were serious about the costume?" she looked the egg advocate over. The maniacal exuberance and zippered up smile a touch zealous. "Why the suits? We're collecting eggs, right?"
Aislinn ((It's all fun and games until you get stuffed in a chicken suit))
“Of course! The kids -love- it, and it’s said that wearing this’ll help you collect the eggyest of eggs! Chicken eggs!” The advocate unpacks the box’s contents, finds a suit fitting Riylli’s size, and thrusts it upon her without a moment’s hesitation. This person is awfully pushy, with all the strength of a traveling salesman who's got their foot in the door. “Now now, no fussing and get cracking!”
Cravendy laughs weakly.
Aislinn suddenly finds her arms weighed down in a similar fashion. She narrows her eyes slightly over the bulky armload, very likely imagining an unseemingly kind of violence that would wipe the peppiness right out of the pushy advocate. But then she cuts a glance to the still dancing Cravendy and merely sighs. The Seawolf was definitely in dire straits. "Fine. But we bring you back eggs that are eggier than other eggs and then ALL three of us are off the hook."
Riylli is forced to accept the chicken suit into her hands, blinking as her stare went from it, to Cravs, to the advocate. She wondered if it would be possible to evade capture from this deep inside the city if she were to commit some sort of crime right about now. Her attentions thankfully turn back to Cravendy. "The next time we go out drinking, you're paying for every round I feel like havin'" Riylli stated her demands, figuring it would be in everyone's best interest to ignore the advocate
The advocate squeals with glee and points to the west. There, you’ll find the chicken coops, the eggs, the hens! Best of luck! And as the three of them make their way over, the moment Cravs is a safe distance away from the advocate she slumps over. “Thank ye both...that person is frighteningly stubborn. Ye don’t want to know.”
Riylli lets out an absolutely exhausted sigh. "Figured you wouldn't be doin' this if you weren't in some sorta trouble... One day we're gonna have to teach you how to talk to people though." She muttered as she shoved the mask on over her head.
Aislinn stares at the retreating advocate's back, noting how a squeal was not a verbal agreement. A point that might have to be dealt with later. For now, she turns to Cravendy and shrugs. "Sometimes I think our contracts are easier to deal with." she added.
Cravendy nods in agreement with Lin. Clear cut rules, payment! But in the world of volunteering and do-goodery, there was a wide spectrum of folk to tussle with. She looks over to Riylli and snorts. “Looks weird with just the ‘ead.”
Riylli began idly fiddling around underneath her mask as she tried to get it to fit properly. "Course these things don't fit my damn ears... Nice to know nothings changed around here." She muttered angrily, definitely feeling very spiteful today. "EVERY. ROUND." Riylli reminded Cravs, then finally began to put on her suit, grumbling all the while
Aislinn - As they made their way to this special hen house, Aislinn struggled into the ridiculous chicken costume. "Know what this is? This is Nymeia's jest in return for me laughing earlier." she shook her head, her small frame almost swallowed up by the bulk of the costume. Looking down at herself, she laughed. "What is my life right now?" she pondered aloud.
Cravendy ALRIGHT so since the fates up, lets hop to it xD )) Cravendy whoever gets the most eggs...wins! )) Riylli (BAH, I SUCK AT THIS FATE THO Cravendy SAME LOL  )) Aislinn Also same)) Cravendy GDI )) Riylli ( KNOCK ME TO VICTORY Cravendy these chickens have NO EGGCUSE being this rude )) Riylli (GAH Aislinn ((They're very eggcitable)) Cravendy at some point you get knocked around to much )) Cravendy you accept heavy as a way of life )) Riylli (using the aoe to dash me to other eggs Riylli (this is pro gaming Cravendy make sure to turn in your eggs! )) Riylli 16 Cravendy AGHF I keep interrupting myself xD )) Cravendy 12! LOL )) Aislinn ((9!)) Cravendy damn pro gamer over here ahah )) Riylli (Riylli shall win every hunt in this fc Riylli Y E S Cravendy EGG )) Cravendy OMG )) Cravendy thats cannibalism! xD )) Riylli (victory tastes so good Cravendy tho my parents own chickens and they egg their own eggs all the time lol )) Aislinn ((Are you eating them ALL? Cool Hand Luke over here)) Riylli eggsecution Cravendy STOP you'll overdose on them! )) Riylli (I aint doing it again you cant make me Aislinn ((EGGsplosion))
Cravendy limps away from the henhouse. Truly, these birds were in a fowl mood! But she’s managed to collect a dozen and that’s something, right?
Riylli finishes her hunt with sixteen total eggs in her basket, the ultimate hunter in both speed and grace. Of course, she may have thrown some chickens around and caused some children to cry, but victory is all that mattered in the end. If she had to be a chicken, she would be the GREATEST CHICKEN
Aislinn hurriedly clambers over the fence, a basket half-full of eggs and the sound of muffled curses coming from under her mask. "Those birds are not normal. I see why we need the damned suits now. They're protection."
Cravendy - “Never thought I’d be tossed around by a...by a chicken?!” Putting it into words doesn’t help at all. She peers over to Riylli’s haul. “‘ow’d ye manage to get so many?”
Cravendy LOL at any cost, Riylli will be the ultimate chicken xD )) Riylli (Shoving children over and stealing their eggs
Riylli puffed up her chest, somehow managing to look proud even inside such a ridiculous outfit. "When will you learn... Keepers are the greatest hunters there are! Doesn't matter if it's beast or bugs or... or eggs..." Her confidence wavered a bit at the end there, but she wasn't about to give up this opportunity to gloat
Aislinn pulls her mask off with a huff and pushes back the hair plastered to her brow. She quietly counts up the eggs between the three of them. "This better be enough to buy your freedom from this cult, Cravendy."
Cravendy “Smaller target is all. Chickens were too busy chasin’ me around.” Cravs smirks beneath her hat.
Riylli pulled her chicken hood off, freeing her ears from their confines and giving them a tentative flick. Despite herself, she was wearing a large grin that let Cravendy know this was not the last time she would hear of this. "Sure, sure, whatever you say."
“I ‘ope so too, Lin.” Cravs sighs, thinking back to how chicken-garbed strangers would pop out at the strangest of times, incessantly asking about when she was going to finally help out. But when she sees the smiles on everyone’s faces, a part of her gives. It’s not all to keep nosy birds off her back. “...OY WAIT. Cravs? It’s Chickendy!”
Aislinn starts peeling off the hen-pecked suit and shoots the Seawolf a wry smile. "Aye, aye. Chickendy. My mistake." she paused, struggling to fold the suit over one arm while holding her basket in the other. "Should we get these over to the amphitheatre so they can be...decorated or painted. Whatever they do to them next."
Cravendy sulks. She knows that tone. Call her crazy, but a small part of her had held onto hope that somehow the two of them hadn’t made the connection. “Ay, let's get this over with.”
Riylli glanced down at the mask in her hands and thought for a moment, before suddenly deciding to put it back on. "Think Ill keep this on 'till were out of the city... Personally I hope Chickendy sticks around though. She can dance for us next time we go out on a mission, keep our morale high." She teases
Aislinn slides a glance Riylli's way. "Might come in handy if we ever face down another mob of avians."
Cravendy nearly chokes at the thought of dancing to raise morale. But she fumes in silence.
As you approach the amphitheatre once more, the sounds of children laughing fill the air. All around you, families and friends excitedly partake in egg-related activities. The advocate happily accepts the party’s baskets, and then hands each of them a delicately painted egg. “You all did so good! Here, as a reward!”
Riylli silently accepted the egg, paused for a moment, then immediately dropped it. "Woops." She muttered, sarcasm absolutely dripping off her tone. It seemed now that the thrill of victory had faded, Riylli was back to her previously grumpy self. "So sorry, hard to get a good grip in this costume. You understand I'm sure."
Aislinn nods in thanks as she carefully takes the egg. She smiles in her quiet way as she runs a finger along its surface, appreciating the detail. After a moment, she looks back up at the advocate. "Those are quite some chickens you've got there. The suits did actually come in handy."
Cravendy takes the egg and pockets it. Somehow.
“No worries! Have another!” The advocate presents another gift to Riylli. A chocolate egg. They then turn to Lin, sunshine exuding from behind their feathered maw. “The finest hens in Eorzea! And they lay the tastiest eggs too!”
Riylli accepts the gift, and then drops the gift. "Woops." She said again, practically challenging the advocate to give her another. Pettiness was her specialty, and she could do this all day.
The henny-helper hums in thought, and then raises a finger as a lightbulb lights up above their head. They take out a sticker and plaster it on the center of Riylli’s chicken hat. Bock bock!
“I’m free now, right? I am, right?” Cravs asks, and the Hatchingtide worker nods. Cravs stumbles back in relief, and then looks to Lin and Riylli. “Thanks...er, strangers. Well, I must be off. To somewhere.”
Aislinn sighs softly. "Nymeia's breath." she says, barely audible. This way lay trouble, she could sense it. "Right, then. Ah...thank you, I suppose." It seemed the polite thing to say. "And...good luck with the rest of your Hatchingtide. We'll just be heading out now."
Aislinn begins back away slowly
Riylli stared, trying and ultimately failing to figure out a way to counter this attack as well. Giving up, she turned to Cravs. "See you later Chickendy, try not to make eye contact with any strangers on your way out." She said, offering her a wave. She followed close to Aislinn as she backed away, sighing heavily. "Lets go back to the house and burn this shite..."
Although they had been strongarmed into helping out, the three of them did good in spreading festive cheer in Gridania. But perhaps they would stay far away from any chicken-suited fellows in the future....just in case.
Aislinn - "Might come in handy though somewhere down the line." she says with such a straight face, it's unclear as to whether she's joking or not.
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