#ch: helios
daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
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❝ Throughout his long, long life, Helios had been known as many things. He had been a painter; a craftsman; a translator; and even, to the ancient Greeks, a Titan. What he had always been, though, was an Eternal - an immortal, ageless being, created with the power to create and manipulate light, so as to better assist his adopted family in protecting the universe from the wickedness of the Deviants.
Helios had had no true family on Olympia, but on his first mission to Earth, he had managed to build himself one. He had Sersi, who shared his love of humans and was the kindest being he knew; Thena, who he loved like an older sister; Gilgamesh, whose steadfast devotion he could always count on; and Phastos, clever, practical Phastos, who he had always been the closest to. But aside from from those he viewed as his family, there was Kingo, who'd he always loved best of all. Kingo, who was handsome and courageous and wickedly funny, and who always managed to make him feel like the most loved being in the universe. Kingo, who he longed desperately to kiss.
When Helios was granted his dearest wish in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, it felt like a dream come true. He and Kingo had finally confessed their feelings, the last of the Deviants had been defeated, and it seemed like they might be able to go back to Olympia and live happily. But that very night, Thena came down with a serious illness, Druig abandoned the group in the vain hope of saving humanity from its wars, and Helios' family, the only beings he had truly had for so many centuries, decided to split up. And, reeling with grief over seemingly losing his family, Helios made the decision that would quickly become his greatest regret - he abandoned Kingo there in the Aztec capital, lying through his teeth about not wanting to go anywhere with the man he loved so dearly.
Many centuries later, Helios is still living on Earth among the humans, trying his best to be happy and make a life for himself. He may not have Kingo anymore (may not have seen him since that fateful, painful night), but he has his own house, a human name, and a job at an art gallery in Chicago. Sure, he misses Kingo and his fellow Eternals like mad, but... well, if he's not all right, he's mostly right.
But then Ikaris and Sersi come knocking at his door, proclaiming that it's time to get the band back together. The Deviants have returned, stronger and more dangerous than before... but even more frightening than that, Helios will finally have to confront his greatest mistake, and the shining star of a man he hurt because of it.
When someone puts it like that, facing the destruction of an entire planet doesn't sound so bad anymore. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @xoteajays.)
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uefb · 9 months
Chapter 7 of Older, or Two Brothers and a Train Station up now :)
Summary: In which the Scamander parents get a bit too busy for caretaking; the extended family proves themselves rather useless at babysitting without inflicting borderline-trauma; and Theseus finds himself handling the unwieldy consequences (e.g., Newt). (yes, this is the lull before the storm...)
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In retrospect, Theseus maybe should have noticed earlier than he did that he had been very seriously tasked with watching his little brother on and off for the majority of the summer, far more than his usual elder brother duties. And it wasn't like he was tasked with it because he did not have anything else better to do himself , but because, by July, their parents—almost overnight—became truly and impressively and inordinately busy. 
…Really busy.
With Muggle London’s recent fascination and consequent reliance on the electric tram [4], Helios was dealing with an influx of opportunistic magical troublemakers that pulled him out on investigations and into raids at every hour of the day and night; while Rowan had become rather single-mindedly preoccupied with several of her hippogriff mares (who were having a difficult laying season), all on top of her other preexisting business and family commitments [5]. 
At first, Rowan had roped her younger sister Willow—a mediwitch at the St. Mungo Children’s Ward—into helping Theseus with Newt a few afternoons and evenings a week, but after several attempts at having him stay over at hers entirely on his own (particularly on the nights before his appointments), that method quickly proved disastrous. Newt apparently did not like that he was unfamiliar with Aunt Willow’s flat and customs; and Aunt Willow was disturbed by waking up every morning to a childless cot, which forced her to search Newt out in a state of panic until she stumbled upon wherever he had tucked himself away the night before [6, 6a]
(Theseus never really thought he’d have to listen to anyone receive a lecture on why sleeping in the broom closet or the bathtub or on the floor behind the wood-stove instead of a perfectly suitable mattress was inappropriate, but Newt did a lot of things that made him question his previous understanding of the world.)
Before Helios and Rowan consented to explicitly using Theseus as a full-time third parent, however, they had tried Helios’ siblings. Both sets of grandparents were out of the question because Grandfather Ptolemy was about as warm with Newt as their father’s brother Hesiod was; and Rowan’s mother was frailer even than their Longbottom great great grandparents—even Newt seemed to tiptoe about her house (even if he did so exceedingly unsuccessfully) whenever they visited…
And that left only Helios’ older sister Hippolyta, down at the border of Devon and Cornwall at Rame Head [7].
Theseus knew the very moment his parents decided to ask her that sending Newt there would absolutely not work (which was unfortunate, for Newt could have been very entertained on the Sound under different circumstances)... But, because Aunty Hippa had always adored her youngest brother, she immediately said yes anyway, despite the fact her formerly aristocratic husband Arundel Helston Mount-Edgecombe was—according to Helios—a “piece of work” [8]; and even though Theseus and Newt’s only real cousin Eloise (a very pretty, very poised, and very disturbingly intelligent nineteen-year-old witch) was almost always in as much trouble as Newt was, if for remarkably different reasons… 
Not the ideal location for an inquisitive six-year-old with very little regard for hierarchical respect or social niceties, Theseus personally thought.
But, because Theseus was just fourteen-almost-fifteen, he could only watch as Helios and Rowan approached Newt where he sat on a small boulder near the treeline, gently tugging the illustrated copy of Black Beauty out of his hands—(a book which Aunt Willow had bartered for him at a Muggle Curiosities shop while he stayed with her, in an attempt to bribe him into compliance)—and nudging him until the he’d made room for them to flank him on either side [9, 9a]. They explained in clear and calm language that Aunty Hippa had asked for his company for a few weeks, after which Newt asked if they still lived near the sea, and, upon hearing the answer—while still looking minorly concerned—nevertheless leapt off the rock to tear past Theseus and disappear into the house, where he proceeded to scour every shelf and trunk for "the book about oceans!" and Theseus' now-too-small bathing costume, from when they'd still lived in Dorset [10].
It was very clear his little brother was under the impression he might get to meet a sea serpent, and Theseus wasn’t cruel enough to disavow him of that belief if it made him happy enough to venture off the farm without complaint. Neither of their parents did anything to dampen his spirits either. In Newt’s wake, in fact, Rowan simply caught Theseus’ eye with a wink and a shrug, and then turned back to Helios briefly—letting him tuck an errant curl behind her ear—before rushing off after Newt to supervise his attempts at packing.
Newt was gone the next morning. Beaten-up binoculars hanging off his neck—a crab net woven through the front straps of his pink linen dungarees [11, 11a]—he had tolerated Theseus’ affectionate attention for a full half minute, even promising to write (with Eloise’s help, of course).
Not that the child even had time to fulfil that promise, though, for the owl Theseus received from Eloise six days after his little brother’s departure only proved his initial instincts unfortunately correct… 
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mjjune · 2 years
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avof | mj june | excerpt from: chapter 1: the underground fight club is full of assholes
all image descriptions are in the alt text!!
wip taglist: @aritany @diemohnblume @wildswrites @little-mouse-gardens @lexiklecksi @eventideintrigue (comment below or ask to be added/removed!)
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ataraxiasflame · 5 months
In doing some research for my fic, I encountered a few names from different SJM books that seem to be derived from similar origins and I went on a bit of a trip trying to consider all the connections:
When researching some information regarding the inspiration for Helion (the God Helios) I discovered that Helios’s mother is called Theia and his sister is called Selene. Theia, Helios and Selene are all connected through solar elements like light, the sun and the moon.
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If we recall from HOFAS, Silene was Theia’s second daughter who Azriel also claims looked like Rhys’s sister. We also know that she too was able to wield her mother’s Starborn powers (which is essentially starlight).
Helion’s power is also light and also has several similarities to Helios:
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And I always question the potential foreshadowing of the scene below.
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- ACOSF ch 41.
If I had to guess, perhaps Silene or a descendant of hers was married off to a member of the Night Court, which is why Rhys’s sister looks like her. But my real interest is the connection that Helion (and Lucien) has to the Trove, and their potential challenge to the theory that Rhys has a claim to the throne as a descendant of Fionn/Theia. The similarities in name could have been mere coincidence but the effect the trove had on Helion creates that potential connection to Theia and Fionn (I’m not saying he is Silene’s brother but they could be the ancestors to whom he is referring in ACOSF)
Then perhaps this chapter in ACOSF (ch 42) in which Amren urges Rhys to conquer Prythian claim the throne and he declines several times, only to have her respond with this line:
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…might suggest that there are others who have equal claim to the throne.
Personally, I hate the potential High King plot line, especially if Rhys and Feyre will claim the throne (I could write an essay on why this would make no sense from a narrative perspective). There are so many references in HOFAS that highlight why Prythian failed under the ruling of one sovereign and we as readers experienced the reign of a sole ruler in book one. It just makes no sense for Prythian to return to a proven failed form of sovereignty, especially with Rhys and Feyre in those positions of power, when they only recently broke free from Amarantha’s reign.
However, should the High King and Queen narrative be necessary to the plot line, I would far prefer Helion/Lucien be the potential challenge to the throne over Rhys. The end of HOFAS even opens questions regarding Nesta’s future in a position of power in Prythian.
High King plot aside; these potential clues do make me even more interested to see how Lucien’s past will affect the rest of his story and the over arching plot of the series, how his power could be even stronger than we expected, how they could come into play with the Koschei plot line and whether he will play a larger role in the political future of Prythian as well.
But most interestingly is that Theia (the mother of Helios and Selene) was the Goddess of Sight and Vision, possessing prophetic powers, and it seems fitting that Helion’s own son is mated to a cauldron-blessed Seer. Mates fated to be together who are true equals in every way.
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lina-lovebug · 9 months
Tumultuous Waters
Orm Marius fanfic
Warnings: allusions to abuse and sexual assault
I have lived my life without love.
I never once felt affection for my husband, nor did I ever think what he held for me was pure.
He looked at me once and claimed me to be his, but my refusal came with denial. I was his from the moment he laid his eyes upon me, and no power on Olympus nor Earth could keep him from me.
Even when he lay with me, I prayed it would be over soon. I would watch above, hoping to be struck so that I wouldn't have to hear his grunts and feel his skin on mine.
This is the life of a wife to a God.
Yet I was able to find some happiness in our marriage.
I bore a son named Triton, who became King of the Seven Seas. He bore my eyes, which I took pride in. Of course I would never blame my son for the actions of his father, but I had sighed in relief when I saw that the only relation he held to Poseidon was his strength and hair color.
Then a daughter came, to whom I named Rhodos. I feared what Poseidon may do to a daughter of our own - which God's he would attempt to pawn her off to.
But she held a fire in her that he had burnt out within me long ago. Rhodos took charge of her love and future, and found happiness and love in Helios, the Sun God. When Aphrodite had cursed him to forget all of his lovers, including her, it was the first time I found myself marching up to her in rage.
And I punched the Goddess of Beauty.
I feared her retaliation, but instead, the Goddess laughed and smiled upon me. “Finally, someone who refuses to take my shit.”
We became great friends after she reversed the curse and Helios spent many centuries honoring my daughter.
But after my children made it clear that they now had their own lives, I was back to square one. I would spend days watching Poseidon drive his ego so far up his ass that he'd be grinning like he created the universe. Centuries seemed to be slow as I stopped fighting him, and became. . .lifeless.
I missed my family.
I missed the ocean.
But I was reminded that I'm not just Poseidon's wife. I'm a daughter of Nereus, and the third of fifty Nereids who created mermaids and sirens. We are shapeshifters and in the myths and legends for assisting sailors in their journeys across the ocean.
My son created Atlantis. He was proud of his kingdom, and was so delighted to show it to me. He had learnt from seeing his father that no one should rule a Kingdom on their own, but he elected a council to help him truly learn how to be a good ruler.
And he had children.
The Tritonides, similar to my sister's. Never once did a son come from his wife but he did not mind at all. I watched with pride as my son adored his daughters and doted on his wife, despite the lack of assistance and care from Poseidon.
Yet I could not stay in this kingdom.
For Poseidon commanded I return home.
For the next eight hundred years, I stayed in Olympus and found myself slipping again.
He was never faithful.
He was never kind.
He was cruel.
But he's a God.
And I can never be free of him.
I would only hear the news that my son's lineage had no longer been on the throne through Poseidon - who bragged about such a thing. He declared that a merman who had slain King Nero and Queen Athena had taken the crown because of corruption, and laughed.
Not only had our son's bloodline been slain, but his father dared to laugh.
I know I stand no chance in fighting him, but he was our son - our baby boy. So just as I had done to Aphrodite, I had punched him in the face and watched as his eyes turned sinister.
He hit me.
He didn't stop hitting me.
My eyes stared up at him as he prepared to take me, “you think this makes you a man? In all our years together, I have seen you as less than a spoiled boy. How disappointed our son would be if he could see this view.”
He left me with his limp excuse of a cock and I allowed my body to heal through the ocean water.
I had even hoped I would be able to drown.
But as the Queen Mother of the Seven Seas, I prepared myself. The puffy eyes and the bruises vanished as quickly as they appeared, and let Atlantis prepare themselves for their guest.
A permanent guest.
Taglist: @nanamiscunt @illegalcerebral @notasadgirlipromise @cozmicwonder
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coeluvr · 18 days
Loved the update, had me screaming like a goat 🐐 ( especially with Vincent baby boy 👀🤭). You fed us really well, had so much fun reading ch 4!!!!
But I just had a theory about Helios. What if Helios wanted Mc to go to Vesphire because he thought that in this way, things would finally move forward. Maybe he hoped that Catalina would make some sort of move??? What if Helios wants revenge more than Luceris ???
Thank you for the kind words! 💗
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queersrus · 11 months
astronomy witch theme
astra, astro, astre, astera, astel/astelle, astella, ariel, aura, aurora, aurore, aure, aurelie/auralie, auralia/aurelia, atlas, aristar, aries, altair, astreaus, aether, apollo, apolla, artemis bila, boreals, boreal comet, cosma, cosmic, cosmo, celest/celeste, celestia, celestio, callisto, calypso, Cassiopeia, claudius, caelum, caelus, cassio dusk, dawn estel/estell/estelle, estella, elera, elio, esther, eclipse, eclipsa, eclipso, eostre, eos galaxy, galactica, galactico, galactix, galactic, galacta, galaxius hecate/hekate, helios, hemera, hera iris, ira juno, jupiter, janus kepler, keyra/kayra lune, luna/loona, lunar, luno, lunette, lyra moon, moona, mars/marz, miranda, meno nova, nix/nyx, nox, nuit pandora, pallas, pulsar, pollux rhea stel/stell/stelle, stella, steller/stellar, star, stella, stary/starie, sol, soleil, solar, solette, solina, solana, solace, solstice tian vesper, vega xian zorya
astra, ayla, airy, array, aquila, antlia estrela/estrella, eddington, eridanus kepler, kuiper herschel, halley, hale, hypatia, hevelius drake starcatcher, starwatch, stargaze(r), starlight, scorpius, spellman Cassiopeia orion ursa delphi, delphius pictor fortune le fay/fe/faye nightingale, nighwatch, nightmoon moon brightmoon gloom, gloam
the witch of the stars, the witch who studies the stars, the star watch, the astronomer, the witch, the astronomer witch, the stellar witch, the witch who knows the sky, the witch of the night sky
(prn) who knows the stars, (prn) who studdies the stars, (prn) who knows the magic of the stars, (prn) who practices witchcraft in starligh, (prn) who studdies magic by starlight
1st p: i/me/my/mine/myself
si/star/stars/starself sti/stell/stellars/stellarself ai/astre/astros/astroself ai/astronome/astronomy/astronomine/astronomyself wi/witch/witches/witch's/witchself wy/witch/witchs/witchself ci/conste/consteli/constellations/constellationself mi/magi/magics/magicself
2nd p: you/your/yours/yourself
sto/star/stars/starself sto/steller/stellers/stellerself astro/astr/astrs/astrself astro/astronomer/astronomers/astronomerself wo/witcher/witchers/witcherself co/consteller/constellers/constellerself mo/magicr/magicrs/magicrself
3rd p: they/them/theirs/themself
star/stars, sta/ar, star/stary, stary/sky, stary/night, star/light stell/stella, stell/a, stel/la, stell/steller, steller/stellers, stellar/stellars astro/astros, astro/astronomy, astro/nomy, astro/nomer, astro/astronomer, astronomy/astronomys, astronomy/astronomer constellation/constellations, constell/constellation, constell/ation wit/ch, witch/witches, wit/witch, wi/witch, witch/witchy, witch/craft, witchcraft/witchcrafts magic/magics, ma/gic, magic/magical
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dogpapersnippets · 2 months
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German & American Ch Helios Hexengold (great dane) 1932
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
Reunited ch 5
*had to sit in a room all morning and just twiddle my thumbs so got some writing down. So here we are chapter 5 again im a baby writer none of this is profed i just write and post. Everyone be kind. In my fic neytiri and jake actually took care of spider, like reader asked them to and the colored text is them speaking in Navi.
Previous chapter. Next chapter
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Y/n pov
My mind is slightly eased after speaking with Norm. While he didn’t promise anything he also didn’t flat out refuse us, even so miles has continued to fine tune his own escape plan for us just in case Jake refuses to help. Right now however the biggest hurdle in his plan is Spider. Making sure we can fully take care of him, which evolves a mask that couldn't be tracked and a reliable source of oxygen for him. But after looking into some of the tech the new rda developers have been messing with I found a new type of mask for spider. It was more portable and no longer required to be charged; it would create its own oxygen so I keep my eye out and wait to swipe one when the time comes.While we all continue to follow any leads on finding Jake none of us are truly hunting him just doing the bare minimum to look as though we are all still loyal. It's not till a week later that something big happens. Ardmore has one of her goons call on us to meet Ardmore on the bridge.
Miles pov
I walk into the bride wainfleet and z-dog behind me. Y/n wanted to come but i wanted to keep her as far away from the general as i possibly could.
You called for us general”
“Ah yes colonel follow me, she leads us over to the hollow map now showing a large area of water instead of its usual mountain and tree landscapes.
We believe we’ve found a lead on sully's wearabouts
Yes Mathewson pull up the data
Yes general
The map moves going back to the tree line just outside the rdas search circle. A red dot now displayed
We’ve been sweeping for old equipment from the war making sure everything was together and accounted for. In doing so we came across and active signal from an old fighter helios, it entered the edge of the tree line here and went west, until disappearing somewhere in this small grouping of islands
Thank you Mathewson. Colonel your team will leave at the end of the week, to start searching every one of these islands until Jake sully is found.
Of course General we'd be more than happy to.
Good answer: you'll be meeting up with a vessel we have out there already and they will assist you in your mission. Now go get me some results colonel
Yes ma’am”
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Y/n pov
“So what did the wicked witch want?” I ask miles as he Lyle and z come back from their meeting with Ardmore
“There's been a signal from some old pre war equipment, its flown out towards the ocean region, ardmore wants us to follow up on it. She has reason to believe it sully or at least some of his followers.
“Well if it is Jake what are we going to do?
“I dont know darlin, try and contact norm again see whats taking them so damn long and if they dont answer well have to go with plan b.
“Ok ill go out today, and try again. “
“Good take Mansks and prager with you, but yall be quick about you hear i don't need this woman trying to find something to bitch at us about. Espesiclly when she holds your life in her hands ok love.”
“I will love take care of spider for me tonight.”
“I will darlin”
“Yeah no need to worry y/n hell be with his favorite uncle.
“Who says you're the favorite I hear Lopez call out as he approaches us.
“I say i'm the favorite and since i have seniority you can suck it lopez”
The two start going at it like toddlers me, miles and Z all just watching them.
“Don’t worry y/n me and Quartich will actually take care of shit.”
“Thanks z, ok boys let's go. “
We successfully made it to the clearing, ringing the com link non stop, when it was finally answered i could hear an odd sound in the background. It almost sounded like water or something, just reconfirming that whoever it is that answered was probably near the ocean
“Wow Jake, is it really you?
“Yeah dove it's me.”
“Ha dove I haven’t heard that call sign in years… oh jake i can’t even tell you how happy i am to hear your voice.”
“And I you y/n, now let me ask what's going on.”
“Have you spoken to Norm?”
“Yes I have, I was actually trying to get back to you but some stuff has happened with my family and I got side tracked.”
“Oh Jake, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything but I have to ask for my family and for yours.”
“What is it y/n”
“Jake shits is about to hit the fan here, Ardmore is determined to bring you in and make an example out of you. In her eyes, if she gets rid of you and your family then the RDA no longer has any issues with taking over Pandora like they plan.”
“And I'm guessing by the sounds of the ocean behind you that she's found where you’ve gone.”
“They got a signal from some old equipment that disappeared in a grouping of islands. They don't know which island so she wants to send us out to search, and if we don't do what they say they will get rid of us jake.”
I hear jake get further away from the com probably pacing, As i hear muffled cuss words
“Jake she wants to send us after you, but we're stuck if we don't do what they want they will get rid of us. We need to work together and come up with some way to delay Ardmore and get us out, so we can help you.
“Y/n its not going to be that easy.
“Well then tell me what we need to do to make it easy jake cause the rda isn't going to go away again without fully crippling what they’ve got going here. And no offenses but we’ve all been gone for 15 years the rda has stepped its game up. You’ll need our help”
Jake is silent again before letting out a long sigh. “I'll have to talk to some people, Dove. They’ll be the ones that will have to decide if we can do anything”
“Ok jake, we’ll continue to lay our part here but we're running out of time
“I understand here in the meantime is spider still with you. “
“Of course he is jake you should see him interact with everyone and”
“I can only imagine y/n but since he's still with you i'll send out a message to the clan to keep an eye out for him. Ok if they see a human kid with a bunch of Navi in army garb they’ll know who you all are. I'll tell them not to put up a fight that you aren't there to hurt them but you have to act until we are ready to strike. You just can’t hurt anyone
“We wont jake i'll personally make sure of it.
“Good till then keep in touch with me and ill try and come up with a plan to get yall off the radar. If your her only hunting party then getting rid of you will delay them till we can strike”
“Good point.” Mansks says next to me “if we somehow all died or got lost the rda wouldn’t be able to send someone after us right away without occurring more losses.”
“Yeah that would definitely upset the people over the general but it would also piss her off.” Prager chimes in
‘But y/n.”
“Be honest with me, I know you will.”
“Ok i promise.”
“Is he the same?”
“No Jake, none of us are the same. They’ve all changed and as the days move they grow more and more used to pandora and want to be a part of it. We’re different Jake, they could be different just like you where they’re on that cusp of not being human anymore but not fully being Navi. We just need help, so I ask you again as your friend. Please help me protect my family.”
“You always saw the best in me y/n, so I'll try and do the same with them. We'll have to meet somewhere neutral though, I'm not going to go through all this for quartich to betray me and hurt my family.”
“I completely understand Jake.”
“Ill be in touch dove, ill get and answer to you by tomrrow at the latest ok i have to talk to some people first so we can start making preparations. Keep this. Link open and let me or norm know if anything happens ok
“Ok jake i will
“Goodbye y/n and may eywa be with you.
“You as well jake. “
The call ends and i stare at the ground thoughts running through my head
I know in my heart that everyone’s changed and I know Jake would also help us, it's everyone else I worry about. While I don't want my family torn apart and used, I also don't want the people and the clans of Pandora to be hurt in the process either.
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Jakes pov
“You did what now
“Im sorry tonowari but we have to help them”
“And why should we help these demons?”
“Ronal please”
“They’re are agitated and i can understand”
“Im sorry ok, i'm sorry that i brought this battle here when i told you i was done with war but its not going to go away. Look what's happening the rda hut tulkun, just as you’ve told me, they will not stop until they strip this planet of everything they want and then leave it in the dust to rot.
“If we help y/n and her team they can help us permanently alter the rda, possibly crippling them. We could cut this off at the source once again they have insisted that I don't have any longer.”
“What is it you expect from us jake sully”
“I expect nothing. I ask desperately for help to integrate and teach the sky people new ways, show them that our way of life is fully worth fighting for and then let them help us protect it.” Ronal and tonowari are silent. Exchanging looks with one another. Until Tonowari straightens up once more
“We will help you toruk makto, but know this will all fall on you and your family if it goes wrong.”
“I understand that and I will not endanger these people I refuse. We will set them up somewhere outside of the village until they are accepted and then we can go from there. Does that sound alright?
“Yes, on the grounds that I and my mate meet them as well since it is our clan they must conform to.”
“Of course.”
“Good then see to it Jake sully and keep us updated.”
“I will thank you tonowari, thank you.”
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It takes until the end of the week to set up a meeting, being in constant interaction with jake we learn that we need to first meet with the clans leader tonowari since they are the ones that must teach, home and aid us
We take the ikran out and stop in our clearing to dump everything with a semblance of a tracker and leave it there. Spider rides with me today instead of miles. I like holding him close, it makes me breathe easier and Miles wants to make sure we're protected. We told the general we would take a quick trip to gather some more supplies for us since we found the food of pandora worked better for our growing Navi bodies than human food did. It takes a couple hours to get away from the base and towards the designated meeting spot it's an area just breaking into the ocean filled with overgrown roots of trees and moss. We land in a forested jungle esc area. A small stream and pond stints on a cliff face if you follow the stream and go further out into the trees you’ll come across the ocean. It’s truly beautiful though. Spider and I were so excited honestly to see the ocean and its beautiful turquoise blue water. I wish there was a beach to plan on and not just tree roots but hopefully spider will have the opportunity to have an actual beach day sometime in the future, all the ikrans are chirping with glee as we let them rest and drink some water. Everyone else though, were very rigged, ears pinned back and twitching at every sound. Hands twitching towards their weapons but making an effort not to grab them, tails swishing steadily back and forth. All on high alert, because even though we're here to make allies, training can not be easily forgotten.
“Ok darlin you ready” miles asks coming over to me and spider. I try and put a brave face on but my insides are twisted. Im affraid. If this doesn’t go well then well be essentially on the run from the rda and well be all by ourselves. I mean i have faith in my team but we can’t do it all alone and… i brought out of my thoughts by miles pulling me into his chest whispering to breath in my ear.
A few deep breaths and i shake my head he loosens his hold and looks at me
“Are you ready my love”
“It’s just sully i can handle him “
“Miles you I both know it's bigger than that. “ Hes silent
“Miles just promise be to try ok, we all need to reconcile and move forward before none of us can”
“Your right darlin your right”
“COLONEL”. Lyle yells out getting all of our attention. He's looking at the sky. Seeing a group of other ikran flying towards us. Everyone gets in formation, grouping into a somewhat defensive stance but still trying to look open since they all know what's at stake here.
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Six people land and depart. Three of them are darker blue like us but there are two others. They look different from the Navi I'm used to, they're a lighter more turquoise blue, they have bigger arms and tails. They also wear shells and netting rather than the braided garments of the forest people.
As they get closer the dark blue male leads, his dreaded hair hangs behind him as he walks with purpose towards us.
Jake?” I ask the male as he comes to a stop a quarter of the way from us.
“Jake, neytiri i hear spider shout out as he goes bounding over to the group.
“Spider!” i hear miles call out to the teen who stops before completely running over to them
“It’s ok,” Jake calls out. Gesturing a hello to Spider. The atmosphere is definetly tense on all sides so i decide to try and break it
“It’s good to see you again jake and you neytiri
Jake smiles and neytiri finally comes out from behind him, no longer able to contain her happiness at seeing the person she used to know in a body gifted by eywa. I meet her half way between the two groups as she holds me at arm's length, looking me up and down. Before gently smiling.
“I see you my friend”
“I see you neytiri” She smiles and hugs me, I feel miles and the other scoot up slightly, miles in spider coming up behind me as Jake and Norm follow behind neytiri
“Tiri, can I cut in” Jake asks coming to stand beside her before also, quickly, hugging me and looking me over as well
“Wow dove, it's actually you, I honestly say I never thought I’d see you again, any of you” Jake says stepping back towards me as he eyes the man behind me
“Sully, mrs. Sully”.
Tiri softly hisses at miles anger evident on her face, but she says nothing, she's not the only one though, i can tell miles is nervous even though he's trying real hard not to show it.
“Care to get this thing started sully we can’t be here all day.
“Right grab Wainfleet and come meet your new allies.” Miles Lyle and i walk with jake and neytiri over to the unknown Navi
“Ill translate for you jake tells us quickly
“We know how to talk sully miles replies snippaly to jake with wainfleet smirking next to him
“Miles please just relax, go ahead jake.
All right, then Tonowari, Ronal. This is y/n l/n, miles Quaritch and Lyle Wainfleet. They are the heads of their clan with Quartich being their olo’eyktan
“Guys this is the metkayina clans olo’eyktan tonowari and his mate and tsahik of his clan Ronal. They’ve been helping my family and i and have agreed to help you all as well”
Tonowari and Ronal i see you: doing the gesture much to their surprise “And i thank you for helping in our time of need”
Tonowari and Ronal look at each other having a silent conversation before returning my greeting, Miles does a simple nod/bow to show respect which Tonowari reciprocates.
“Jake sully has told us of your life’s, and i refuse to bring trouble to my clan without just cause. In fact we were prepared to refuse jake sully until eywa sent us a sign.”
“She sent me a vision”, Ronal starts “she told me to help you, and i will not refuse Eywas word not matter how much i disagree with so you sky demons will be helped”
“Um thank you”. I say nudging miles beside me to say something
“Yes thank you chief we just ask for somewhere to lay low. Miles spits out
“We just got our family back and we would like to protect it sir. Lyle adds to miles speech
Understandable, as ive said once we get you away from the sky people we will start teaching you the ways of water till you become a part of the clan.
Thank you thank you we will work hard i promise we are all very capable and will earn our place i swear.
“Very well, jake sully?”
“Oh yeah ok well first things first before all of that we have to figure out how to get you away from the rda
I've actually had an idea about that, Lyle states quickly.
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Y/n pov
For the next hour we dish out a plan, our team would follow our orders and start searching the islands and the villages, once we get to the preordained village, the ocean clans would unite and apprehend the sky people that have been scouring the ocean nearby. They would capture all of us and fake kill/capture us in their attempts to rescue the toruk makto adopted human son. Hopefully there would be no casualties but the human soldiers that Ardmore sends to monitor us will probably put up a fight. Hopefully we can talk them into staying on the boat. Either way it was surprising how well all the boys got along. Working well to hash out this plan to where everyone was taken care off. It brought a smile to my face till i saw neytiri side eyeing miles, she was till stiff as a board so i decided to try and talk to her.
“Hey tiri can i speak with you for a moment?”.. she agrees and walks over with me to sit on some tree roots near by
“How are you Tiri?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean your stiff as a board and i know your not exactly thrilled with Miles”
“That de… Quartich has done much to me and my family, and i hold much anger toward him, but eywa has spoken and i am trying to listen to her.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t be angry with him, neytiri. You know i don't think I ever got to apologize to you.
“For what?”
“For everything for not doing more to stop the attack on hometree, even though I didn’t know they were doing that. Or for stopping miles and the other from joining the war for everything the humans have done to you I apologize.”
Tiri hugs me, both us having tears in our eyes
“I do not blame you y/n for i must also apologize, for taking your mate away from you”
“No tiri neither of us blame you in fact we don't even really remember it. What matters now is that we're here together in these bodies and are able to do better this time”
“I must also thank you and Jake for what you’ve done with Spider. You out of everyone had every right to never even acknowledge Spider but he tells me he's close with all your kids and that you helped him so much growing up.
“Yes i must admit at first i was apprehensive but as he learned more about pandora the more i saw you in him, i knew you would want him to live a life not in a lab”
“You are correct. I wanted him to be able to experience the things around him so again from mother to mother I thank you neytiri.”
“Of course y/n of course”
Miles pov
“Ok that should be good for now, it’s getting late and your team will need to start heading back Quartich.” Jake says quickly motioning to how dark the sky has started to get the sun beginning to set in the sky
“Agreed, ok y’all pack it up.” I yell to my team all swiftly moving into action
“Sully i would like a word, privately” i say looking over at spellman as he quickly lifted his head from talking to Tonowari as soon as he heard me speak
“Fine, I have something to say to you as well”
Jakes pov
Quartich and i walk over away from everyone else
“Ok sully get this out of the way yeah”. Quartich says bracing himself like i'm going to slug him in the face. Part of me wants to but the more mature part has realized I had wronged this man as much as he had me.
“Im sorry colonel”
“Wait What!”
“Yeah, I'm sorry……. I've had a lot to think about colonel, and ive realized, you guys took me in when i got to pandora, despite my disability you all treated me like a normal soldier. Made me part of your team despite me being assigned to grace, didn’t let me feel like I was just some experiment, and what did i do, I betrayed you all. I immediately made you the enemy when in reality it was the rda that where the enemy we were all just caught in their net, just like now. Which is why I apologize for that but you have to see now why I did what I did don't you?
“I do sully i do, he turns to look at spider and y/n quickly.
“I forgot when i was human that i made a promise to myself that they would come before everything else. I wanted a good home for my family and thought the only way to get it was to follow orders.
“I understand that, which is why i propose a new start”
“What do you have in mind?”
“I say we let the past stay in the past. No longer opposite sides of the board but comrades in arms once again. That we help one another to realize our dreams for our families. What do you say?” I ask holding my hand out to shake and sign the pact.Quartich looks at my hand for a moment for grasping my arm and shaking it a nod in my direction
“Agreed sully, let's take these bastards out, but first lets get us away from them deal
“Yes sir.”’ I say a slight grin in my tone.
“Dad, we're ready!” I hear spider yell out, quickly turning Quaritch's head. We both look over to the boy with a goofy smile pressed on his face.
Hey thanks for taking care of my boy, jake
“Of course, colonel, I promised y/n I would..
“Yeah now let's get the job done.”
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Tag list
@dyingofcookies @ratchetprime211 @myh3artttt @ducks118 @navs-bhat
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💬 + anyone you’d like <3
(Decided to go with my Eternals OC Helios because he does not get enough love and by Loki am I gonna give him some!)
(Also gonna tag @hiddenqveendom because I know she likes my boy.)
"I'd just lost three members of my family. The only family I've ever had. And I know that you did too and that you were hurting too and that this isn't even a little bit an excuse but..." Helios swallowed hard, using what felt like all of his energy to keep the tears at bay.
"I was scared."
Seeing him about to cry, Kingo tentatively reached out to place a hand on Helios's shoulder. Helios shuddered at the touch, longing to sink into the arms of the man he loved and stay there forever, but he only allowed himself a few second's of Kingo's warmth before stepping away. He wanted to get everything off his chest before seeing where this went.
"I was scared of losing you too. I was scared of you getting sick like Thena or giving up on humanity like Druig or even... even just giving up on me." He let out a harsh, trembling breath, the tears beginning to flow more freely now. This time, he didn't try to hold them in. "So I left. I lied to you and I left and I tried so hard to forget you and how I feel about you, but I couldn't. No matter how many people I kissed or claimed to love, it was never real. Not even when they were amazing. Because no matter how beautiful or kind or loving they were, none of them were you.
"I know I messed up that night. I know I've been messing up for centuries by never reaching out to you, never letting you know how sorry I was. But I'm telling you now: I am so goddamn sorry, for lying and for leaving, and I know I'm not owed your forgiveness or anything from you but I have to let you know that despite everything, even after what I did and after all these years... you're it for me. I don't care about this long life Arishem's given me, or all the years I've had on this planet or any of the others. I don't want any of it. You're my forever."
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Send me 💬 + an OC and I'll write a short blurb featuring a quote I've written for them!
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uefb · 11 months
Chapter 3 of Older, or Two Brothers and a Train Station is up now ^_^
Note: this fic is so far before canon I’m really stretching on these damn gifs, forgive me 😆 but 5yo Newt cuddles with a puppy in this chapter and 14yo Theseus gets one of his first examples of using one’s wiles for personal gain, so they seemed… vaguely appropriate? /sweat emoji
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Excerpt (Opening Scene):
Theseus sat on the couch across from the fireplace, reading in the light of the oil lamp, the single electric bulb his father had installed in a fit of fascination the summer before, and the golden sphere of illumination his mother conjured for him to read by as she hurried through the room. For the better part of an hour now, Rowan and Helios had been cloistered in their bedroom, apparently engaged in some kind of very serious adult conference about the contents of the IUM’s letter. In that time, Theseus had gotten up once to yell outside for Newt—to be certain he hadn’t managed to get himself killed in his brief hours of unsupervised activity—but, beyond that, he was just trying his best to focus on the herbology chapters he was meant to be reading in preparation for the Fourth Year’s upcoming unit on bubotubers.
He looked up, though, at the sound of sudden fumbling at the door—the distinctive thump thump of small boots being kicked off on the porch—and then Newt’s head appeared, peering in, between the screen door and the frame. Theseus waved and patted the cushion beside him in invitation as Newt shucked off his coat in the doorway (or, more accurately, wriggled out of it, for his fingers were apparently too clumsy with youth and winter-cold to manage the buttons). Newt rubbed hard at his runny nose when done and observed Theseus’ repeated patting of the couch, but he still hesitated, and then very unsubtly glanced toward a short dark shape just behind him, outside the door.
“You can let whatever animal that is in, little brother,” he immediately reassured, with a quiet laugh. “Just come on - sit with me. I’m doing herbology homework, so I could read to you. Hm?”
Newt hovered only a moment more before throwing open the screen door and scooping up a floppy-eared puppy, which looked very much like it had just been well-fed and was consequently very ready for bed. Newt scuttered across the room and handed the little dog up to Theseus, before clambering onto the couch beside him to curl about the tiny thing. The puppy immediately began licking his cheeks and rolling onto its back, showing its little pink belly like puppies are wont to do when they want affection. Theseus selected a section of the assigned chapter to read aloud; and Newt listened as he stared at the flickering flames in the hearth across from them, fingers moving soothingly down the puppy’s nose until—within a half hour—both dog and boy were deeply asleep.
(Theseus certainly couldn’t fault Newt for choosing sleep over homework—management of bubotubers was hardly invigorating...)
When their parents finally returned downstairs a half hour after that, though, it was very obvious Rowan had been crying, and Helios had the kind of look on his face Theseus had seen a few times at Dueling Club: something between annoyed, rueful, and defeated. It didn’t quite look right on him, for—around his children, at least—Helios spent the majority of his time bemusedly smiling. Rowan was not particularly a “crier” either so, between the two of them, Theseus’ back stiffened of its own accord and he shifted slightly beneath the weight of the textbook.
His mother crouched in front of him and closed the book—thoughtfully marking his page with a pin from her loose hair—and she set it all aside on the floor before placing gentle hands on his knees—
“We need to talk, sweetheart,” she said quietly, and Theseus tried to catch his father’s eye for context, but he seemed farther off in his own head than usual, for he was observing Newt with an expression Rowan liked to teasingly call his ‘discerning Ravenclaw face’.
Theseus turned his attention back to her but reached out a hand to pet the sleeping puppy within his brother’s arms.
“What was that letter about? From the Ministry?”
“Well, we need to talk, ducky,” she repeated, and she turned over a palm, offering it for him to take. “Come here and let me make you hot chocolate. A holiday treat.”
“But Newt—”
“Is not your problem right now,” she interrupted firmly, though not without kindness (even if he still felt his cheeks flush hot at the admonishment). “We are the parents, Theseus, and your father is putting Newt to bed.”
So Theseus stood reluctantly, moving gingerly to prevent upsetting his brother or the puppy, and he let his mum wrap her hand about his and tug him toward the kitchen.
Over his shoulder, Helios was gently scooping a slightly stirring Newt into his arms, puppy tucked tight beneath his chin. He turned and took the stairs smoothly—humming what Theseus was almost certain was one of Uncle Hesiod’s “quidditch” (drinking) songs as he disappeared from view—and Theseus sat down with his mother, again, at the kitchen table.
He watched the minute movements of her face in the flickering lamplight as she summoned ingredients for drinking chocolate.
He forced a reassuring smile when she turned back around with the steaming milk.
He folded his hands on the table and waited.
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mjjune · 8 months
You asked for it! The famous "fuck me" scene! As commissioned by @tanimil! Full text version and commission under the cut
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avof | mj june | ch 4: save your fights for fight club affectionately known as: the fuck me scene
word count: 850 content: steamy fade to black, blood/injury, vulgar language, dementia & memory loss
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Tossing the wolf inside, Helio thuds against the desk, and Danny shuts the door. Now the music is gone, even to Danny’s ears, for he had his office soundproofed by vampires. It leaves near-silence between them, with only the sound of Helio’s haggard breaths and blood pumping through his mortal body.
Helio hasn’t bothered to wipe away the blood leaking from his lip, so it drips past his chin and slides down his neck. His brown eyes glow gold with wolf inside him. “Asshole!”
“You can’t fight in my club,” he says. “Save it for the Underground. Do you know how many humans are out there? What if one of you had shifted?”
Helio scoffs. “That wouldn’t happen.”
Danny agrees with him. If he’s about to be promoted, he certainly wouldn’t lose control over a snide insult. “Maybe not you, but what about that asshole?”
“He had it coming.”
“Because he talked bad about your pack? Grow up.” Danny feels the reluctance in his chest as he speaks. He’s only twenty-five, a toddler in purebred years.
“I don’t give a shit what he says about my pack. We’ve been going at it for years.”
Danny hesitates before laughing with antipathy. “Over a joke, then?” “It’s not a fucking joke,” Helio shoves Danny with all his might, which sends him lightly into the wall. “You wouldn’t understand. You live forever and you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.”
Danny grows silent, realizing that when the asshole had said, “your Alpha had to step down because she couldn’t fucking remember how to shift anymore,” he’d meant it literally. That is not a joke, but it doesn’t excuse throwing someone across his club.
No, Danny doesn’t understand what it’s like to forget. He remembers every waking moment of his unending night.
Danny grabs Helio and spins them around, so now he pins the werewolf. He can’t help the sarcasm in his tone, “No, you’re right. I wouldn’t understand. I remember everything. Five thousand years of suffering that can never end. Aren’t I lucky?”
Helio’s eyes widen, any last glimpse of fury gone, leaving only shock in his brown eyes. His torn tank top strap hangs, leaving his right shoulder bare. The blood trickling down his neck begins to dry. Danny glares into his eyes, but the werewolf’s gaze drifts lower.
To Danny’s lips.
With a swift movement, Helio yanks him closer, leaning his head down to close the gap and plant his mouth onto his.
This is exactly what Danny was afraid would happen. If the Order doesn’t want him to do this, he should pull away. He should ban Helio from his club for starting a fight. Maybe he should even pick up and move somewhere else to avoid the inevitable supernatural dilemma. But he tastes the fresh blood from Helio’s lip, and it’s much sweeter than it smells. He’s kissing a werewolf—something he has never experienced, despite his years. He doesn’t want to stop.
Knowing it’ll piss off the Order just makes him want to do it more. He presses himself against Helio, hip points digging into each other. He runs his tongue along the inside of Helio’s lip, finding the bleeding cut, letting another few drops of blood flow across his tongue. The werewolf’s breaths shake, too erratic for him to tell if its nerves or excitement.
He moves away from Helio’s mouth and follows the trail of blood, kissing it off of his chin, his jaw. Arteries pump emphatically just under the skin, and Danny can sense Helio’s hair stand up and his breath catch in his throat as he moves down to his neck.
Something hard emerges against his hips as his tongue reaches the crevice where throat meets clavicle, licking away the last of the blood.
“Shit…” Helio hisses.
All the logic in Danny’s head tells him to stop; that he should listen to the Order; that he shouldn’t create enemies of an entire pack. But his hand doesn’t listen as it travels down Helio’s smooth chest and into his pants.
Helio’s body tenses and his harsh fingers coil around the collar of Danny’s blouse. For a moment, his eyes are a hot glare, as if to say how dare you? He means to push the vampire away, tell him to stop, curse him to hell, maybe even punch him. But just like Danny, he loses his inner debate. His weight gives in to the wall, allowing Danny’s hand to move deeper. Gentle lips back in the crook of his neck, Helio releases a low moan.
After a few long moments, hickey already forming, Helio speaks, breath tight and caught in his chest. “Fuck me."
Danny pulls away from his collarbone, curiosity twinkling in his eyes. He rises onto his toes so that their noses brush softly and he can taste Helio’s unsteady breaths against his mouth. The vampire’s hand, still deep in Helio’s pants, slows its movements and his voice resonates with smooth velvet once more.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Helio, biting his lip to stifle another moan, says again, “Fuck me."
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AVOF TAGLIST: (message or comment below to be +/-) @aritany @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @cljordan-imperium @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire-writes @flowerprose @garthcelyn @ghafasinej @jezifster @knosium @isabellebissonrouthier @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @malimaywrite @marrowwife @mr-writes @sarahlizziewrites @sm-writes-chaos @thyroidhormones @tracle0 @vacantgodling @void-botanist @vollzz @wildswrites @wip-nook
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radix-outpost · 9 months
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Projects 12 and 13: two members of my Pokemon X team, Helios (dark green/red) and Selene (normal colours), back when they were both Kirlias. I was considering marking Selene as "project 12.5", since he's made from the same pattern, but decided to save myself future numbering headaches.
Helios is a remake of my first-ever amigurumi, shown in the third photo for comparison; I was able to give him a fuller skirt (even if I could only fit on five segments) and didn't make the mistake of stuffing his hair. While I was already thinking about it, having a piece left over from Helios spurred me to make Selene right after; they took about three days each, which has to be a personal record.
The original pattern I followed was by Machbunny; this new one is entirely my own and can be seen below:
{white} 0) MR6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6) [sc 5, inc] x6 (42) 7) [sc 6, inc] x6 (48) 8) [sc 7, inc] x6 (54) 9-13) sc 54 14) [sc 7, dec] x6 15) [sc 6, dec] x6 16) [sc 5, dec] x6 17) [sc 4, dec] x6 18) [sc 3, dec] x6 (24)
{normal: light green} {shiny: light blue} 0) ch 29 1-6) sc 3, hdc, dc 20, hdc, sc 3, ch, turn {tip of front is sewn on around r10; fill in point with embroidery}
[HAIR B] x2
{normal: light green} {shiny: light blue} 0) ch 11 1) sc 10, continue on other side, sc 10 (20) 2-8) hdc 20 9) dec, hdc 9, dec, hdc 9 (18) 10-12) hdc 18 {sc closed; don't stuff}
[HORNS] x2
{normal: pink} {shiny: orange} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2) [inc, sc 5] x2 (14) 3) [inc, sc 3] x4 (18) 4) [inc, sc 4] x4 (22) 5-7) sc 22 8) [inc, sc 10] x2 (24) 9) sc 24 {sc closed; don't stuff}
{normal: start w/light green} {shiny: start w/light blue} 0) MR 6 1) inc 6 (12) 2) [sc, inc] x6 (18) 3) [sc 2, inc] x6 (24) 4) [sc 3, inc] x6 (30) 5) [sc 4, inc] x6 (36) 6-9) sc 36 10) cc white, sc 36 11-14) sc 36 15) [sc 4, dec] x6 (30) 16) sc 30 17) [sc 3, dec] x6 (24) 18-20) sc 24 21) [sc 2, dec] x6 (18)
{normal: light green} {shiny: light blue}
0) MR 6 1-3) sc 6 4) [sc, inc] x3 (9) 5) sc 9 6) [sc 3, inc] x3 (12) 7) sc 12 8) sc 12 on outer edge 9) dec 3, sc 9 {begin stuffing foot} 10-16) sc 9
{white} 0) MR 6 1-2) sc 6 3) [sc, inc] x3 (9) 4-6) sc 9 7) [sc 3, inc] x3 (12) 8) sc 12 9 [sc 3, dec] x3 (9) {begin stuffing arm} 10) [sc, dec] x2 (7) 11-15) sc 7
[SKIRT] x5
{white} 0) ch 7 1) sc 6, continue on other side, sc 6 (12) 2-6) dc 12 7) sc 12 {sc closed; don't stuff}
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bittertomato · 1 year
Your Throne headcanons
Main Cast:
In the beginning without Psyche’s healing, Medea (in Psyche’s body) had to put up with muscle aches in places she forgot she could feel fatigue. She ignores the aches through sheer power of will (as she does) but resolves to do a few light exercises every day to build up her stamina and strength—even before asking Eros for swordfighting lessons—in case she had to live as Psyche forever.
Psyche comments about this after switching back to her body, thanking Medea now that it feels like “her lungs can actually expand and breathe more easily.”
Horseback riding was one of the other skills that Psyche requested to learn after switching back to her own body. It’s how she knew how to ride a horse after stealing Helio's when the wall collapsed.
Psyche is so “short and demure” because her growth was stunted from being locked in a box as a child whenever she was punished for misbehaving. Otherwise, her actual height might have been closer to 165 cm (5’5).
Does the Your Throne world have coffee? Anyway Medea is a (black) coffee addict and Psyche is a tea bitch.
Psyche thinks black coffee tastes like Eros—bitter. Medea demands Psyche to never compare her lifeblood to trash ever again.
Eros has a natural “masculine” scent that most girls would swoon for but Medea finds revolting. Since learning about his true colors, being too close to him actually gives Psyche minor headaches because of how pungent his body odor is.
Helio smells like depression.
Pain tolerance from greatest to least: Medea -> Helio -> Eros -> Perion -> Psyche. This is mostly because Psyche’s body is the least resilient to stress, since she’s the least physically fit. And also because the first two are too used to killing their feelings.
However, all of these idiots are highly likely to cut off their own limb if the situation calls for it. Medea and Helio if their cold logic deems it necessary (Helio especially for Medea). Eros has the same cold logic. You can’t tell me Psyche “I’ll stop Helio from stabbing himself with my own hand” and “Dying is scary but I’ll stop my own heart to prevent Eros from killing Medea” Callista wouldn’t treat her own body with little regard. And Perion canonically stabbed his own eye.
Average hours of sleep per night: Medea = 4 (she takes short naps during the day), Helio = 6, Eros = 7, Perion = 7, Psyche = 10 pre-body switch, 8 after returning to her own body.
Medea doesn’t get sick often, and when she does it’s usually something mild that goes away within a few days. But one time when she’s finally allowed to relax and breathe for a minute without Eros, her family, or even the public breathing down her neck, her immune system completely tanks and she gets the worst cold of her life. It’s so bad that she has a fever dream where she wakes up as a reincarnated villainess betrothed to Eros, is being courted by Helio, Perion, and Psyche, and even has relatively loving parents, but all she wants to do is cultivate her farming skills in the inevitable outcome that Eros dumps her for Psyche and banishes her from the kingdom.
No, Medea has never heard of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! or whatever a Bakarina is that’s why it’s a fever dream.
Psyche (in Medea’s body) kissed Helio on the balcony in the only way she knew how: based on how Eros used to make out with her. It was not a pleasant realization for either Psyche or Helio.
Even with her lack of diverse experience, Psyche is a better kisser than Eros. She learns fast.
When Psyche reveals what happened on the balcony to Medea, Medea just scoffs and offhandedly comments that Helio likes it rough. Psyche chooses not to ruminate about that for too long.
On a similar note, whether or not Medea has actually explicitly mentioned the ch. 122 discourse yes I’m bringing that up, Psyche had a hunch that that would’ve happened while Medea was in her body; considering Psyche and Eros probably did it together after they became engaged. It’s part of the reason why she was so devastated during the body switch, before the women reconciled. But after learning how Eros never loved her, Psyche just feels awful that Medea had to act through such a vulnerable situation.
Supporting Cast:
Dekis, like Nana (bless her soul), is happy that Medea at least has a friend who isn’t trapped in a sense of tragic worship like Helio is. He hopes his sister can continue to build healthier relationships, with new and existing acquaintances.
Thanks to living on his own and developing some life skills, one of them being cooking, Dekis will help out in the kitchen sometimes. The servants were initially against their master doing menial labor, but their worries quickly dissolved. They even share some secrets about Medea’s preferences, to Medea’s amusement.
Along with the books gifted to him, Lira took the rabbit Psyche saved back to his family. They now take care of it as their own pet.
Lynn still reports back to Medea even after Psyche and Medea reconcile. Except instead of plotting to ruin Psyche’s life, now Medea is content with mundane updates like whether Psyche is feeling well or what food she ate or—cringe—how Psyche handled another one of Eros’ visits. Lynn is 100% ??? about the sudden change of heart but doesn’t have the guts to ask her very-scary original employer.
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coeluvr · 8 months
Nooooo, Coe, why did you have to make me choose between burning the room (deliciously in-character for my MC who wants to perpetuate the cycle of violence because he's not very smart) and letting Lucerius and Lancelot get together (my personal ship 😭) That being said, I adored ch 3. Soarine is the queen of my heart and my wlw ass will be making a separate MC to romance her with zero roleplay and all self-indulgence. Also, a question: on a scale of 1 to 10, how much credit will Lucerius be giving himself for MC and each of LIs getting together if that ever happens?
Nooo, don't worry. As I said before, burning the room just delays their relationship so you can help them out if you want to. Or delay it until they die of course. ✨️
Judging by your MC you won't be a lot of help though LOL.
I'm glad you enjoyed chapter 3! And Soarine is the queen of our hearts. 💗
For your question:
Fadiya : 4/5
Helios : 100/5 unfortunately (his words)
Hunter : 2/5
Soarine : 3/5
Vincent : 5/5
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mrfancyfoot · 6 months
Raphael x Evie (f!OC) | Fic Rating: E/Varied | Chapter 1 on AO3
Photic sneeze reflex (or autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst, "ACHOO" syndrome): A condition characterized by successive sneezing induced by bright light.
Raphael's devil transformation makes poor Evie sneezy, plus a reminder of how they met.
Chapter 10: Just a Light Reaction “Oh, humans and their silly-” *gestures vaguely*
Ch. Rating: T / SFW Ch. Word Count: 307 Ch. Tags: POV Evie; Humor; Drabble Ch. Warnings: Slight (General) Humiliation
Read under the cut or on AO3-
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With the bright flash of light of his transformation, Evie found herself doubled over in a violent fit of sneezing.
She heard Raphael walk to his desk and pull out his chair to sit.  “In all my years of dealing with mortals, I can safely say you have the honor of being the first to have such a-…reaction.”  She didn’t need to be able to see Raphael to know the judgmentally amused expression he assuredly wore.  “Fear, cowering…apathy, varying degrees of anger.  A dwarf pissed himself last ten-day - not uncommon.  Sneezing, though, that is new.”
“Oh, dear fox, we are beginning to match with the shade you’ve turned!” he teased.  “This reminds me of when we first met.  And here I thought it had merely been the occasion!”
She’d rather not be reminded.
Though she frequently saw him in both his devil and human forms, Raphael hadn’t transformed in front of her again since that first time.
Evie further hid her face in mortification.
He’d come waltzing into the camp, started reciting poetry, and she panicked as he introduced himself, promptly informing him, “Sorry, sir, but we’re full on bards.”  Things were a bit tense at the time and she had literally just come from separating Volo and Wyll, who had threatened to skewer the bard for his gods-awful playing.  Not one of her best moments.
And then the devil whisked her away, and she nearly brained herself on a dining table chair from sneezing after the first time he transformed in front of her.
“It’s the liiight,” she whined out from behind her knees in explanation, now half buried sideways in the armchair as her face throbbed and lungs burned but the sneezing had finally stopped.  And then she hiccoughed.
The devil was laughing.
He could never say he hadn’t been warned of her oddities.
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❤️ Thank-you for reading! ❤️
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