#ch: hyroh kaah
tiredassmage · 1 year
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Realistically. Maybe I should split these. But. My heart said emotional distress, so you know what that means!!!!
@hyrohkaah come get your boy
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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Bunch o' jackasses standing kneeling in a circle.
Obligatory trooper bullshit post because @hyrohkaah and I made each other worse at the devil's sacrament aka the trooper aus we're lighting on fire and hailing like a great, giant friendly(?) mushroom and how many references can I make in one post kaldnflsadnflsdf
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tiredassmage · 1 year
from the 25 questions post, let's have 1, 7, annnd 14 for trooper!Tyr :)
[25 Character Questions for the Writer] Kicks my feet! Thank you for indulging me. x3
1 - What is your character's favorite food and why?
Keep your high-rated restaurants and meticulously planned dates. Tyr is scouring the streets for the corner food truck selling fried kebabs and greased concoctions. And Elara has, unfortunately, hooked him on Kaasi brandy. She’s taken to smacking him on the shoulder when he breaks out a bottle from Force-knows-not what sources, but it certainly must be to his fancy for him to risk potentially trading with Imperial interests even by proxy or distantly.
Street vendors range from some of the best food you can find this side of the Hydian Way to downright ireputable, and Tyr would like to think many years running past a fair lot of them back and forth to work before his official days in service to the Republic has given him an alright enough eye to discern what you’re looking for. Point him at something with a bit of spice or heat, or a truck with smoke pluming out the side, and he’s going to be eyeing that menu. Leave no stone unturned. The strongest of his cravings would prefer a spot that forgoes such nuisances as cutlery. Dig in with your hands or it’s just not the right stuff.
As for why? It's relatively universal, and a mash of familiar comforts and whatever might be local. It's a bit of an adventure. And Tyr, admittedly, probably doesn't realize that he likes the adrenaline of such. xD
[And now the rest are about to give me lots of emotions below klsnflsdfs]
7 - What does your character miss the most?
Honestly? I think he misses that exhausted look his mother used to give him… a lot. Because he was… a bit of a handful. They moved around a lot, bouncing from job to job - sometimes world to world - for his mother as she could find employment after the nebulous hole his father left behind in their lives (she’d never talk about it, never tell him more than the man was never present, and he didn’t need to be).
As… tends to happen, her rambunctious teen of a son often told her she worried too much, and gave her the crooked smile to match. Yes, even the day she found out he’d been illegally racing swoopbikes for months without telling her.
He promised he’d stay in touch when he up and enlisted with the Republic SIS. He’s kept sending her parts of his paychecks for years now, but getting into SpecForces put strain on a somewhat already burdened relationship. There’s times he misses coming home with his busted lip and scuffed up knees because he got in the way of the wrong type of crowd trying to make it home from the mechanic’s shop or the tracks, the way she’d tilt his head up and click her tongue in disapproval at him before setting their meager dinner preparations aside to clean him up. It was a gentle and stinging love, all at once. She’d always tell him he was going to get in over his head someday.
I think a part of him sometimes wishes he could tell her, you were right, ma. And it sucks. He’s not… very sure of the man he’s grown into. But his mother's love was unconditional still, despite their imperfections. And he's not entirely lost a younger boy's longing for the galaxy to just make sense. And to be told it's all going to be alright.
14 - Who would your character never betray?
Ough, loredumping warning because this is. This one's got a bit of a loaded answer.
It’s a bit of a contradictory answer, but his core teammates of Havoc Squad come to mean a lot to him. Hyroh (@exeuntlegacy ehehehe new blog tag new blog tag) and Aric have been by his side from the beginning and Elara quickly finds a place among the boys. Even if they drive her to wit’s end sometimes. [Please send her some brandy and maybe get her a raise. She’s dealing with far too much of Their Shit sometimes.]
In short, it’s contradictory because he does, technically, start out betraying all of them before he even knows them. As a plant from the SIS in SpecForce to investigate Garza’s command and rumors of SpecForce defections, and given the two departments’ notorious mistrust for one another, the news does… not go well when Tyr pipes up and reveals the truth about his recruitment to the squad and the general after trading information about Havoc’s reason for being on Nar Shadaa freely with their contact there, SIS Agent Jonas Balkar.
But what follows over the next several years of their continued service together in Havoc is admittedly a roller coaster. There’s some highs in their victories, and there’s some definite lows and fuck-ups on Tyr’s part as a young and relatively inexperienced commanding officer - one of them is, indeed, being a once-SIS plant. But ultimately, Tyr’s left to his place in Havoc by the SIS because the squad’s already in a bad way and by General Garza because Tyr, while he says he won’t fight the general if she wants to strip his rank and position in Havoc and SpecForce entirely, does make a fair argument that she’ll only make more problems for herself, and kicking him out will only draw attention and detract from the hunt for Tavus.
Again, not all of this pleases his squadmates. But they don’t ever entirely give up on him in… a way the SIS seems to. He’s cut loose, essentially, traded over to actually fully live in his position with Havoc. And that stings a little, honestly.
Tyr manages to piss off Hyroh several times. Tyr fucks up, really. They have different opinions because of their exposures to the galaxy, to the Republic’s underbelly and its flaws. Tyr’s a bright-eyed idealist and, early on, pretty damn loyal to it to actual fault. Hyroh actually breaks his nose over it when Tyr puts a blaster bolt through Tavus. And, with time, Tyr eventually recognizes he… deserved that, more than likely. [In time, Tyr will express this as a badge of honor, much to Hyroh's embarrassment.]
Aric and him go… a bit back and forth. Jorgan’s a more experienced soldier, a more experienced leader, and in a way scruffs his new Lieutenant carefully by his little scarves and tries to teach him the ropes as best he can because they might as well try not to get each other killed. Tyr’s an alright kid, he’s just. Inexperienced. An idealist. Aric doesn’t like the truth that he’s an SIS spy, but they smooth things out, eventually. They come back around. Havoc’s really the only place left that Tyr has to hold to at that point. The SIS has left him, Garza’s been successfully pissed off that the SIS went around her. He’s really got no choice but to try to work through it with the rest of them. And, despite the initial blow up, Tyr tries. He does. Genuinely. He learns. And Jorgan can’t hold that against him. And he makes Hyroh happy. That’s… still his younger brother, even if their relationship is… only sort of on the mend, at that point.
And Elara is perhaps the most steadfast of his supporters. Her line of, “I’ve always preferred hard truths to easy lies,” really shows up for him. It’s unsettling, sure, but she recognizes it must have taken a lot for Tyr to come forward with his SIS ties willingly, without official orders from his superiors to do so. While she’s less actively a teacher to him, he does learn a lot from her. And, admittedly, he had his reservations at first, her being a former Imperial. But she doesn’t ever let him down. So, the three of them in particular. The rest of the squad, he’s more distant with but, by the end of things, Tyr learns a lot about how you count on the people actively beside you. He learns kinda what drove Tavus to act as he did, even if its several years too late and after he’s gotten a lot of blood on his hands about it. Havoc's not afraid to challenge him when he’s in the wrong. But they haven’t abandoned him, either. He’s made a lot of fucking mistakes along the way. He has. Maybe he doesn’t really deserve their faith in him, but… to Havoc Squad. Whatever this galaxy throws their way, he intends to do his damned best to see them through it together.
This is all sealed particularly by their experiences together on Oricon as part of the wildly under-prepared rescue operation for the forces the Republic had already lost on the planet and then getting roped into fighting the Revanites alongside Theron Shan and Lana Beniko. Tyr's realization of the... kind of systematic flaws in their operations for the Republic, and the Republic's handling of such operations overall is... a kind of gradual and building experience - something Hyroh and Aric, especially, are familiar with well before Tyr has entirely grappled with that particular serpent. So it's... all the more of a statement to him that they never cast him out.
They get real damn begrudging sometimes, lol. Sometimes it's a bit like, how many times must we teach you this lesson, young man? But. Y'know. What's family if you don't occasionally squabble about ideals and execution, I guess?
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tiredassmage · 1 year
sorry for being extra curious but if it's ok to ask (and with your rp partner's permission to discuss it) but what's the deal with Hyroh and Tyr, and how their class stories overlap?
Hehehe, some of it is in rp, a lot of it has already developed in dms, lol, bUT. The short of why they Work to begin with is we realized there’s a lot of parallels between the Jedi Knight story and the Agent story and then there’s a lot of similarities in how Hyroh and Tyr cope (or don’t, tbh) with these developments.
The Knight and the Agent are both lauded as one of the best of their kind and, long story short, also go through a period where they’re also perceived as a threat for this very thing that made them so desirable. And there’s the brainwashing and the expectation that all of this pressure and all of these hits won’t absolutely mutate your loyalties in any fashion. Hyroh and Tyr work a lot like mirrors at each other, usually for better and occasionally for times where their own vices grate on them when they see them in the other - usually their… self-sacrifical streaks, tbh. They’ve both experienced the pressure to step up and get a job done because they’ve been told that there isn’t anybody else and they’d like to spare anyone else the trouble and the pain and the way it breaks and reshapes your spine either way.
Hyroh and Tyr specifically don’t get the chance, ofc, to bond on all of this until they’re partnered up on Rishi against the Revanites by their respective… handlers, we’ll say. Lana brings in Tyr and Theron brings in Hyroh, and together, the two of them run the front field cover for the Red Blades, learn how to work together, learn that their core ideals aren’t so different from one another despite what their faction allegiance looks like on the outside at first glance and… end up falling for each other and for the mutual peace they find in being able to remove themselves from roles that had been suffocating.
Rishi becomes that place, the time, they long to return to - a space they carved out for themselves between a war that’s consumed most of their lives. They entertain running off together after the Coalition wraps work on Yavin IV, but… Tyr worries he has enemies that wouldn’t let them rest, that he hasn’t set up a clean enough exit to give Hyroh that promise. Not that Hyroh doesn’t promise to fight them all himself - and Tyr would believe it, but… He needs to make sure he can do it for real. That he gives them the best chance he can.
That best chance is Ziost. Tyr uses the decline of Sith Intelligence and the chaos erupting across the planet to quietly disappear except for their close circle of contacts and spends the next several months at Hyroh’s side as the search for Vitiate continues. And, true to their nature, he gets… pulled into the mess of KOTXX and onward by… wrong place, wrong time, and that… nagging inability to know when to quit. That they both share. And they take turns checking in one another. [Which. is also how we had Commander!Hyroh au with Tyr going all brooding hunter for 5 years before becoming Hyroh's violently protective bodyguard during the Alliance era]
I’d say probably one of the most important things is Hyroh teaches Tyr how to value himself, to actually stop and think long enough about why he’s doing something so he can get somewhere in processing whether or not it’s because he desires that outcome and believes in the goal or if it’s just… the expectations he’s been hardwired to follow for something like half of his life at that point. Hyroh loves so earnestly and openly and completely that Tyr can’t… help but be stopped in his tracks by it. It’s so completely unlike anything else he’s ever had or been given; he’s loved, certainly, but his life has been one of half-truths and double meanings. He’s never been in a position to throw caution to the wind so freely. Joel describes Hyroh as unable to be anything but himself and it cuts Tyr to the quick. He can’t help but be transfixed, drawn into the warmth of that smile and the unquestioning embrace. And Tyr loves him in return in absolute devotion in… a way that’s not always graceful. Tyr means it when he says he’ll do anything for somebody - and that includes lying. That’s not easy for Hyroh. That’s a harder line. It causes some strife for them when they get into the Alliance era and find themselves again wrapped up in the same old war. They’re both driven, unable to leave something so important unfinished, unable to accept the cost of letting the burden fall to another’s shoulders when there’s still more they’ve left to give and it’s hard to swallow seeing it in the person you love like it’s breathing.
Really, at the end of the day, they both wanted to walk away. They’re both worn by everything they’ve been through, by the never-ending nature of this conflict they’ve practically grown up in and have been shaped for and by and they find an unexpected haven of understanding and trust in each other. As much heartache as knowing intimately what their struggles are like from having shared experiences can cause, it usually makes them pretty decent at pulling each other up when the going gets too rough to face alone. Hyroh can’t physically fight all of the nightmares that haunt Tyr, that keep him chained to his past for so long, and Tyr can’t fight Hyroh’s battles for or sometimes even with him given the galaxy-spanning nature of them, the unknowable and unpredictable limits of Vitiate’s power when he's just a man with an arsenal of blades and a fairly trained shot with a pistol and rifle, but it doesn’t matter, in the end. In the end, what matters is that they’re together.
And Tyr finds that Hyroh’s someone that makes him want to keep that promise. Tyr’s lied for plenty of people. He’s lied to himself for longer than he can bear to admit, even in the safety of Hyroh’s arms, bleeding hearts entwined. But for Hyroh, he’d live. Live. Not just survive. He’ll find what the way out of this endless cycle is. And they’re going to do it holding hands.
And he’ll love Hyroh unconditionally, through every change, despite and for the changes. They’re more than what they were made to be. He hopes he can return even half of the love and support Hyroh's shown him over the years.
I’m. insane about them and I love them and we’re so, so completely in deep with them, bro. I’m just. I hope this even half conveys what they’ve done to me akdfnlsdfnlsdfdsaf.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Okay, I love my shitpost introductions to actually serious thoughts, headcanons, 'verses, what have you, but also... big, pretty post with (some semblance of) context (primarily in one spot instead of scattered in asks). That might be cool.
Okay! So! I made a shitpost about Tyr and his... growing list of aus and other shit I've made him do. So now because there's a lot of lore in my goldfish bowl of a brain about it sometimes and so hopefully anyone who is like, "Dot, what the Fuck are you smoking?" can find some semblance of an answer to that, I have made a slightly less shitpost (maybe...), more written guide to The Bullshit I Am On.
This brought to you by uh... there are several of you that are enablers. You know who you are. Blows you a kiss through the screen.
The rest of you? Welcome to my shitposting. I am only partially sorry. But get comfortable because I'm not about to stop. : D
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Imperial Agent, moniker: "Cipher Nine"
The man, the myth, the legend, the og. Tyr Deckard, formerly Cipher Nine of Imperial Intelligence, double agent for the Republic Strategic Information Service answering to code name Legate.
Eventually turns Commander of the Eternal Alliance.
Primarily, if I'm talking about this bad bitch, it's as his og agent self. This is the foundation upon which all of my following nonsense came off of, which is why "ch: tyr" still talks about mostly this bad bitch, and all these other bad bitches that are and aren't him at the exact same time have other weird tags I have banged into existence with, like, a frying pan.
I love him and he needs to retire.
His character page is about this. I promise.
related tags; ch: tyr
Actually he has a pinterest board i haven't been obnoxious about in public yet either. merry crisis!
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Smuggler; known alias: "Oliver Daxton"
A companion au as much as a Tyr in the smuggler campaign in general-au. Reimagines Tyr as an ex-Imperial agent that defected out of Imperial Intelligence to the SIS, former Cipher Ten turned SIS Agent Oliver Daxton.
Started as an ask from @captainderyn that I just decided to be a little insane about, I guess.
Joins the titular Smuggler on Hoth as their contact point for the White Maw job and can potentially act as their right-hand. For fic writing purposes, I pair him with one of my other smugglers, Cee, and I primarily discuss Oli in that lens.
If Risha is Cee's right hand woman, Oliver is her left-hand man. In the smoke and dust after Corellia, Oliver and Master Sumalee pull a few strings with the SIS and have him reassigned with the new Voidhound more long-term, to protect the Republic's latest investment in underworld logistics.
In a potential edition of KOTXX events, when Cee goes missing in the wake of Marr's destroyed fleet, Oliver takes over her contact network and assumes her moniker as Voidhound, attempting to run supplies through Eternal Empire blockades initially in tandem with SIS efforts, before the straining relations between the Republic, Sith Empire, and the Eternal Empire of Zakuul break Oliver's overall faith in the Republic's true goals, and he takes the Voidhound's fleet to act independently until he is later contacted by Theron Shan to come home to the Alliance and reunite with Cee.
related tags; vs: king and lionheart [smuggler!tyr]
Oli does not have a pinterest board. Yet. Sorry to set a trend and expectations and then immediately throw a wrench in it.
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Bounty Hunter; known alias: "Kyranthe Rayne"
Shared au verse with @hyrohkaah; primarily focused in on the five year gap preceding KOTFE and following. A "Valkorian hot potato" role swap to shared verse events with Tyr & their Jedi Knight, Hyroh Kaah.
Involves a bit of timeline fuckery because timelines are a playground and this is already an au.
The short & sweet; Tyr adopts the alias "Kyranthe Rayne" and becomes a bounty hunter and assassin primarily for-hire following Hyroh's disappearance with Marr's fleet. Struck hard by the loss of a best friend, confidant, and lover, as Ky, he has already cut ties with Sith Intelligence earlier following the events on Ziost and now employs his former skills as a Cipher agent for his benefit first. And also to seek a little vengeance on the corrupt systems and parties that put him through hell as Cipher Nine.
Runs into Mako on the course of one of his hunts and basically adopts her. They are friends and partners now. They, in turn, also eventually adopt a stray former Jedi padawan named Ezekiel (also @hyrohkaah).
Ezekiel and Tyr got that sad, neglected, bonded, do not separate shelter dog rizz together. Eze essentially becomes his daughter. Bc it turns out Eze was also once a Sith Acolyte, so they share Imperial Abandonment Trauma (TM) and probably much to the stress of both of his now-adopted daughters, Tyr will kill people for them without so much as blinking.
In short, a Tyr who very nearly managed to get out and have a life beyond being an agent with Hyroh, lost that in the Wild Space expedition, spent approximately five years beaten down by the galaxy's assumption Hyroh had been killed, and who thus became a bit harder and a lot more stubborn about his boundaries in the aftermath of it all.
Eventually turns covert operative for the Eternal Alliance and is Hyroh's very fiercely protective guard dog of a boyfriend and personal advisor as Hyroh is thrust to become Commander of the Alliance.
relevant tags; vs: my mind is a place i can't escape your ghost [bh!tyr]
woe! pinterest board be upon ye!
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Sith Warrior; known alias: "Tyr Kyrane"
I'm blaming this one mostly on @hyrohkaah because this is a take I said I'd never do for Tyr and now look what we're doing.
Full, actual, proper hot potato between Hyroh and Tyr, aka actual role swap where Tyr's the Force-sensitive one and Hyroh is the Imperial Agent. Crunchy Sith and Imperial power dynamics. Just as much devotion in blood. Just as much stupid displays of affection (eventually).
Partially reimagines Tyr's origin, of course, as adopted into the Sith Kyrane family following his parents' reported deaths (I'll neither confirm nor deny if this incarnation is still related to Keeper. Let's all suffer with the uncertainty. >:3), but not shown to be Force-sensitive until his early teens.
Thus struggles with alternating pressures of never being good enough for the family because he wasn't Sith, then because he wasn't of their own blood, and then especially because he's not of their blood, so any failures will be his own weakness, but could absolutely disgrace the house. Rigorous dance training eventually translates into dual training in dance and the demand to master the art of wielding a dual-bladed saber.
Connections with Overseer Tremel through the family bring him to Korriban slightly ahead of schedule, but Tremel takes over his training personally and paces it... far more evenly than his family. So you can imagine what Baras's later request for him to strike against the one man who perhaps gave half a damn about his well-being is like.
But, long story short, will attempt to use his eventual position as Wrath to curb some of the Dark Council's infighting and will take a particular interest in the remains of the Empire's Intelligence operations, thus adopted former Cipher Nine Hyroh Kaah as a personal agent in weeding out the remaining security risks of Baras's network of intelligence assets and informants.
Power couple shit, to be honest.
The babies of the aus because Joel and I had to make me bargain with myself to fucking finish his bounty hunter playthrough first and also maybe my Consular I've been neglecting on Satele Shan for fucking months, good god someone stop me.
relevant tags; vs: no stranger would it be [sith!tyr]
and bc i'm insane, perceive my madness about them: pinterest
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Republic Trooper, Commanding Officer - Havoc Squad
An edition of Tyr that grew up in Republic space under the care of his single mother. They bounced around a fair bit between her work, sometimes moving planets entirely.
In his mid-teens, Tyr picked up work at a mechanic's shop - the latest in a series of odd jobs to help his mother make ends meet. As a side to that, he also got into racing swoopbikes. And accidentally ended up sort of in the middle of an SIS op that ultimately concluded in a staged accident in one of his races when he was sixteen. Tyr still has the scars on his chin and left shoulder.
Officially recruited into the Republic Strategic Information Service at 18, when he promptly moved out. His relationship with his mother had always been a bit strained and a touch distanced, so Tyr rarely saw much of her after the move. He did, however, continue to send her parts of his paychecks back to help her stay above board.
Ends up in SpecForce as an SIS plant with the goal of investigating rumored SpecForce unrest, desertions, and other unusual activity. Was never meant to stay assigned to Havoc Squad, but then... the whole squad turned to the Imps in front of him and... the rest is kinda history.
Has a tight, but somewhat up and down relationship with fellow Havoc recruit turned pilot in Hyroh. In short, Tyr isn't always the greatest fit as Havoc's CO, nor do him and Hyroh always see eye to eye based on differences in experiences with Republic loyalty.
Ultimately, however, Hyroh, Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne, and Tyr are pretty ride or die. Despite the rocky lows and through the highs, they are consistently the people left around, the ones looking after each other. Tyr learns a lot about what he values and what truly matters: the people right beside you.
relevant tags: vs: kiss with a fist / self-control in locker room showers [trooper!tyr]
also has an edition where I made him suffer as the Outlander in KOTXX, which. exacerbates his issues developed as a Republic soldier in the thick of the war. that gets its own tag: vs: all their words for glory / they all sound so empty [outlander trooper!tyr]
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