#ch: pheeb
Preview for Mucronella Bresadolae- Icicle Fungus. Twilight and the fungus from the last of us and resident evil 8 inspired fanfic.
Death is a natural thing in life. We all thought of it. Feared it. Mourned it. Welcomed it.  It was never death itself that scared me, but the reaction to my death.
Here, now, staring into those dark, hungry eyes. All I could think was... how cold I was.
Chapter One
The Burning Sun of Phoenix
The sky was cloudless, as it always was in Phoenix. The giant burning star shining brightly above us, helping create life on earth and creating irritating sunburns for its human inhabitants.
The wind whipped through my hair, the sun blaring down on the dashboard covered in stickers. I rested my arm on the window, watching the cars fly by us and planes swoop down over us, landing on the runway. I pushed my sunglasses up, flopping my head to the side to look at my mom.  She wore a white, floppy sunhat, and her dark glasses used to hide her streaky mascara.
“I’m gonna miss the sun,” I smiled, trying to break the ice that settled over us.
“I’m gonna miss you,” She said with a hiccup, glancing at me. “Are you sure you want this?”
I nodded, trying to sound sincere and cheerful, “Absolutely, mum. It would be great to see Ch- Dad again, and I can’t be afraid of cold or ice anymore. It’s unpractical.”
“Yes, you can. It’s okay to be scared sometimes. I’m scared of old furniture and the government and those weird alien inflatable toy you had when you were a kid,” She ranted, throwing her hand around, her hat bouncy as she spoke. I listened as she continued listing things that scared her and how those fears were practically acceptable to have. “Going to prison for accidentally committing tax aversion.”
“Mum? Are you done?” I asked with a giggle when she finished with her rant.
“Yes…for now,” she added, straightening her back. I laughed harder, turning my attention to the slowly approaching airport, looming over me like Dracula’s castle. My laughter came to a stop, my heart moving to my throat. “I’m sorry Pheeb’s couldn’t come with us to say goodbye.”
“It’s okay, mom. It’s not her fault she couldn’t get time off work. I really do want to go,” I added, hoping to convince not only her but myself. She pulled into a parking spot and removed her sunglasses, turning in her seat to look at me.
“I just wanted to make sure,” She said, fixing my hair. She sighed and smiled, opening the car door and climbed out. “Let’s rock and roll.”
to be continued on Wattpad
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haunteddeerstranger · 3 years
Kinda random buttt…if you’re comfortable answering nsfw questions: what are all of the ros top/verse/bottom and dom/switch/sub preferences?
I am comfortable answering nsfw questions! I'll always place them under a read more for people who don't want to interact with that. I’ll also be using the nsft tag.
And for future reference, I would prefer if people narrowed their questions down to one project since it’s...a lot of characters.
Thank you for the ask!
Edit: I forgot Tam 😅
Jack is a soft dom, and is happy to either top or bottom.
Tobi is a dom, and they like bottoming.
H is a switch in both cases.
Nechtan doesn’t engage in either kink or sex.
Cedar Oak:
Morgan is a sub. He’s willing to top or bottom, whichever his partner prefers.
Phoebus (Pheeb) is a soft dom. They prefer to top, but are always open to negotiation.
S is a switch. They don’t really care if they’re on the top or bottom, as long as they’re touching their partner.
I’m including both Rio and Gil, even though there aren’t any planned full romances with them.
Rio is a switch with submissive leanings. He prefers to top.
E is a submissive bottom.
Swasti is a gentle dom, and likes to switch.
Gil is a switch on both counts, but is only really interested in sleeping with people who beat him in combat/come close to beating him in combat.
Heilyn/Heledd is a submissive switch. A very...ornery submissive switch.
Tam is a switch in bed and doesn't really engage in kink, although she's willing to try more mild things.
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joubauthor · 3 years
CH 1. The One With The Old Friend
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"Phoebe?" I asked as I saw the familiar, blonde woman in front of me get coffee. She turned around spooked. "Gemma?" she said as she recognized me. "Oh my gosh, hi!" Phoebe said pulling me into a welcoming hug. "Where have you been all this time?" Phoebe asked me.
Phoebe and I have been friends for a few years before I moved to go to university to study medicine. We always hung out in the streets after school because I always walked past her and eventually became friends. Phoebe became my only friend and my best friend at the time.
"Y'know, school I guess... I've been wanting to come and find you, but everytime I tried, I got caught up in school." I said feeling guilty. " Oh  yeah, right, yeah, that's fine, but listen,I'm happy you're here now." she said with a smile. "Here’s your coffee." the man with very light hair said handing her the coffee from behind the counter. "Thanks Gunther."
"Pheebs! Where's my cookie you promised me?" a man with very stylish hair said as he waved his hand around not looking back.
"Oh!" Phoebe said and gave him a cookie. "Hey, since you're here, do you want to meet my friends?" Phoebe asked. "Oh, of course!" I said.
"Hey guys!" Phoebe said trying to get her friend group's attention. "This is Gemma, my childhood best friend."
Everyone greeted me with a "hi" or "hello" or just a smile. "Do you guys wanna sit?" the guy with stylish hair asked. "How you doin'? I'm Joseph Tribbiani, but you can call me Joey." Joey said with a wink. I just laughed slightly at his introduction. "Smooth Joey, smooth." the guy said putting down the newspaper in his hands. "Let me just introduce us all, I'm Ross, that's Monica, Rachel, and Chandler," he said pointing to every friend, "and Joey of course" he said the last part sounding disappointed, as if he is used to Joey's antics. 
"Well, it's lovely to meet you all." I said looking around at everyone, landing my eyes on Phoebe, "Especially seeing you here, Pheebs." I said patting her arm.
"Oh shoot, guys I have to go, boss will be on my ass if I don't go, see you guys later." Ross said as he kissed Monica's cheek and left. "Oh yeah me too, I have an audition in 15 minutes!" Joey said before bolting for the door. Monica, Rachel and Chandler left to go home too.
"How long are you staying for?" Phoebe asked putting her coffee on the table. "I've decided to move back to New York permanently, for now I've just rented a hotel for the night, but I might stay longer in case I don't find an apartment soon." I said picking up the newspaper Ross had put down. Just checking the listings for apartments in town.
"Oh thats so cool!" Phoebe said in excitement. "Cool? I'm living with cockroaches in a hotel.." I said confused as I turned the page.
"No no no. You can come live with me!" Phoebe said as she clapped her hands. "Oh Pheebs, I don't want to invade your space." I said frowning slightly. "Oh no Gem, you won't! Please I insist! I have a spare room and I don't have any weird animals." she said.
"Okay, let me just get my things later and I will come to your place." I said giving in. "Oh yay! Here's my address" she said getting up.
She hugged me briefly and ran to get to her apartment to get ready for my arrival.
Words: 600
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haunteddeerstranger · 3 years
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Currently working up the cast pictures for Cedar Oak! Morgan's is done, and I'm doing a few sketches for Phoebus to see which I like best. I'm kind of digging this one, tbh.
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haunteddeerstranger · 3 years
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The most important note in my character notes for Phoebus
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