urtwice · 2 years
Irene: Dream for anyone who would like to answer~
Yeri: Masque for the bestie!!!
Wendy: Angel for the artist~
- @reve-rv
“how long do you sleep on average?”
DH. i always try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night !
MM. people keep track of how long they sleep– ?
“what’s your skincare routine?”
NY. i’ll briefly run you through my most extensive one: after removing my makeup, i use a cream cleanser, then wash, oil cleanser, wash, foam cleanser, wash, then toner, ampoule, sheet mask, then night cream, and finally eye cream :D
“is there anyone you’d do anything for?”
CY. omg she didn’t call me brat– oh, that’s an easy one ! my family and the girls, of course !
TY. us ? really ? are you drunk ?
CY. is it so wrong for me to be affectionate with you guys– (ー ー;)
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22-23 // fictive // they/she // pansexual
don’t sexualize or idolize.
don’t be rude to their friends.
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urtwice · 2 years
For nayeon unnie 🤭
CY. hi, yes, nayeon-unnie can’t seem to form a coherent sentence right now– but i think she’d want me to say thank you on her behalf
NY. [ in the background, malfunctioning ]
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urtwice · 2 years
Wendy: MC for Chaeyoung! - @reve-rv
CY. oh ? someone’s a little curious about me now, isn’t she~ ?
“what kind of reputation do you think you have?”
CY. not to brag, but i have a bit of a reputation in the art community for being a talented and promising young artist~ hmm, other than that, my friends tell me i have this cool and chic image when i’m out in public <( ̄︶ ̄)>
DH. she can be a bit of a brat sometimes, though. in an endearing way
CY. only with you guys !! that is not part of my reputation !! -`д´-
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urtwice · 2 years
Irene: 7 for anyone who wants to answer~
Wendy: 23 for the artistic brat!
- @reve-rv
“have you ever been kissed?”
MM. like kissed on the lips ? i think all of us have except for our baby tzu~ [ whispering ] she’s still inexperienced in the romance department
“does the person you have feelings for know about that?”
CY. . . . i have been set up. i should have known, we’re playing this game against me. and you– you just had to choose that question. and call me a brat again
JY. just answer the question–
CY. . . . i’m pretty sure she does know. against my will
NY. oH MY GOD– so you admit that you do like her ?!
CY. Σ(°☐°|||) no wAIT I TAKE THAT BACK–
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urtwice · 2 years
blush and peach syrup?
ADMIN. i wasn’t too sure on how to answer peach syrup because it kinda sounds more like an admin question (my answer is no by the way, i’ve never had an internet crush) so i changed the question to having a crush in general instead and will be tagging them just to make it a little less lame (since they already know anyway)
“are you single, taken, crushing, or not interested? or is it complicated?”
TY. nayeon-unnie is definitely very interested in someone right now~
NY. yeah, i mean, i’m not even gonna try to deny it. i really really like her
CY. sana-unnie has a pretty big crush too
SN. hehe, i do ! (≧◡≦) i’m pretty obvious about it so i’m sure she knows i like her, and i think she likes me too
DH. then of course there’s tzuyu, she’s been on a date or two
TY. we’re still in the early stages of things ^^’ i don’t want to rush into anything, or rush my feelings
MM. did you hear ? minari’s been talking to someone too~
NY & JY. WHAT ?! Σ(°ロ°)
MN. [ flustered ] ah, no, that’s just what it is !! talking !! ( ‘ ><)
NY. mina-ya, no . . . you’re not supposed to grow up yet ㅠㅠ
JH. i’d say i’m not really interested in a relationship right now. i have way too much on my plate already
JY. that’s just what she says. we all know you want a kdrama-worthy relationship, hyo~
JH. yah ! don’t try to assume things ! ಠ_ಠ
“have you ever had an internet crush on a mutual on this app or another app? -> have you ever had a crush? + tag them”
NY. like i said, i really like her ♡ @hwangroyaltycb
SN. 👉🏻👈🏻 @supernaturalcb
JY. . . . so, are you gonna come clean ?
MM. or will i have to tag her for you instead ?
MN. girls, believe me, we’re just talking (>﹏<)
NY. [ in denial ] yeah guys, leave her alone ! (; ̄Д ̄)
MM. . . . @.c–
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urtwice · 2 years
charcoal and melody for all the girls !! <3
“do you have a good relationship with your parents?”
JH. i think it’s safe to say that all of us do, yeah
JY. maybe some of us are closer to our parents than the others, but overall we all have good relationships with our respective parents
DH. in fact, all our families know each other~ so i guess that says something about our relationships with our parents (@^◡^)
“favorite artists?”
NY. . . . can i– ?
MM. no, you can’t say yourself 🤨
NY. darn it . . . hmm, well, i’ve been listening to phobe bridgers a lot lately. but for a long time i loved ariana grande
JY. i don’t think i have one ? i just listen to songs that i think sound good
MM. maybe not my absolute favorite, but i like christopher !! i did a dance cover to one of his songs too
SN. new jeans ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა ♡
JH. i’m with jeong on this one. there are so many talented artists out there, it’s hard to choose just one
MN. maybe i don’t look the part, but i actually really like taylor swift ! i loved her latest album
DH. it’s hozier for me~
CY. anyone who knows me knows i’m a big justin bieber fan, i’m not even ashamed to admit it. but i also like aurora and lil cherry <3
TY. umm . . . maybe lee hi ? and niki
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urtwice · 2 years
hey! saturn for anyone who wants to answer~
“what are the things you consider you struggle the most?”
DH. hello hello ! i think for me, as a writer, i struggle with writer’s block a lot more than i’m proud to admit ^^’ when i have so many ideas but i can’t find a way to put them into words
CY. it’s the same for me but with art block ! or when a piece doesn’t turn out as good as i imagined it to be
TY. i still struggle to be social sometimes, but i’m trying to overcome this ! i can fake it enough during social events, but it gets draining (´・・`)
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urtwice · 2 years
7 and 8 H for all the girls
ADMIN. this got a little serious–
“what do you consider green flags in a relationship?”
JH. we talked about this in passing before. and we agreed that one of, if not the most important green flag in a relationship would be the ability to communicate well
MM. and not in the way where you tell each other every little thing and constantly update each other, no. it’s being able to talk things out instead of arguing or ignoring each other. i really hate it when in movies or tv shows, one of them gets angry or reacts badly over something without talking to their partner first
SN. i think this also kinda falls under communication, but not making promises often yet keeping the ones they do make is a big green flag. like, saying something and then actually having the effort to put it into action instead of simply making empty promises. i feel like people who make promises so easily in a relationship don’t actually take their promises seriously
CY. also, when they respect you and your boundaries. understand that when you say no to something, you really mean no. and they don’t try to keep pushing you or guilt-tripping you to say yes. even if you’ve been dating for 10 years, you each should still have your individual boundaries
JY. i feel like sometimes, you just know when someone is a green flag. you feel comfortable around them, feel safe to be open and vulnerable with them, trust them to show them sides of you that you don’t normally show anyone else. they don’t make you question or doubt yourself and your relationship
“what do you consider red flags in a relationship?”
NY. pretty much the exact opposite of the green flags. when they can’t communicate for their life and instead resort to completely ghosting you or trying to get back at you for unknowingly upsetting them. like, you didn’t even know you did something wrong because they didn’t bring it up to you first, and now suddenly they’re being all snappy ? ugh, i just hate that !
TY. i agree with sana-unnie. when they make promises but never keep them, until every promise they make feels like a joke. that’s a red flag. just . . . not being able to stay true to their words in general, actions contradicting what they say. it kinda shows how little they think of you and your relationship . . .
MN. and when they try to guilt-trip you into getting what they want. gaslighting you, manipulating you, playing the victim, all for their own gain. when everything has to go their way and they don’t even try to compromise with you. the way i see it, although it’s healthy to still prioritize yourself in a relationship, it’s really bad if you reach the point of being selfish
DH. there are so many red flags i can think of, sadly. i especially hate it if someone in the relationship constantly brings down the other, either to force their partner to stay in the relationship or to make themselves feel better. it’s . . . well, disgusting, to put it simply. if you feel uncomfortable or nervous or even scared around your partner, that’s a major red flag
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urtwice · 2 years
Watermelon and hibiscus :) @nana-n-nono
“have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?”
CY. oh, i have ! she was a friend of mine. after i rejected her, she took it well at first, but then she started acting weird around me and things sorta got awkward so we drifted apart– :T
“what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?”
JY. i’m not sure if i have a pet name i like being called, but i think it’d be cute to call someone buttercup~
MM. i don’t usually care for pet names but i saw “little dove” the other day and i really like the sound of it ^^
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urtwice · 2 years
Cider and amber!
“do you dress up for halloween? if not, what do you do on halloween instead?”
DH. i do dress up ! every year when i can ! i love going all out on my costumes, hehe~
“how do you prefer to spend a rainy day?”
CY. i don’t do this every time it rains but sometimes i’d put one of my playlists on shuffle play and try to paint or draw something rain-related
MN. hmm, wrapped in a fluffy blanket and drinking something warm ?
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urtwice · 2 years
Joy: Bright, buttercup & daylight for anyone who wants to answer. - @reve-rv
“mermaids or fairies?”
DH. i think i lean more towards mermaids. i can’t exactly pinpoint a reason why but i’ve always found them so interesting
“showers or baths?”
MN. this depends on my mood ! sometimes i really like feeling the running water against my skin during a shower, it kind of feels therapeutic, but other times i would be in the mood for soaking in a bath especially if it’s filled with bubbles ˊᗜˋ
“favorite album of all time?”
CY. i’m a big fan of justin bieber’s music and i’ve been in love with his ‘justice’ album since it first came out ♡
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urtwice · 2 years
Wendy: 💔 for anyone who would want to answer~ - @reve-rv
“Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened.”
[ chaeyoung shrugs ]
CY. my first girlfriend cheated on me then tried to put the blame on me. i’m over it now of course but it’s not something i like to talk about
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urtwice · 2 years
7 and 9 for Tzuyu and Chae!
“hair-ties or scrunchies?”
TY.  i prefer scrunchies because they hurt way less when i use them, and because they’re so cute~
CY.  now that i think about it, i realize that i use hair-ties more, but really i don’t mind either
“which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?”
TY. it depends on the weather for me. i would choose cold coffee on hot days and hot coffee on cold days ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
CY. i don’t drink coffee a lot but definitely cold ! i think i’ve only ever drank cold coffee
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urtwice · 2 years
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son chaeyoung — apr. 23 1999 — seoul, s. korea — korean — 159 cm — lesbian — dom-lean switch — mono — artist
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chaeyoung is the free spirit of the group who is often introducing the others to what is considered to be “against the norm” in south korean societies and cultures. despite being one of the youngest and holding a playful and energetic and also sometimes bratty side, she is one of the most mature-thinking girls in the group and doesn’t typically care about how people view her. as an artist, she specializes in traditional drawings and paintings but has been experimenting with digital art and sculptures. she makes a living from selling pre-made art and taking art commissions.
trivia !
₊˚ପ⊹ she has two toy poodles named logan and nereri.
₊˚ପ⊹ she loves getting tattoos and already has a lot all over her body.
₊˚ପ⊹ she enjoys playing basketball and drawing in her free time.
₊˚ପ⊹ she loves strawberries and often refers to herself as “strawberry princess”.
₊˚ପ⊹ words to describe her : outspoken, self-assured, creative
₊˚ପ⊹ post tags : #chaeyoung.txt, #chaeyoung.jpg, #chaeyoung.gif
₊˚ପ⊹ special tags : tba
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