#chakra is different
theawakenedstate · 1 year
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You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction. It’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Chakras are MORE than color therapy
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system. I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
I distinctly remember when i received the download for this – partly because i RARELY see anyone teach it like this. Most teachings are focusing on surface level techniques that BARELY scratch the surface with the deep seeded internal emotional healing work that can produce such profound emotional fulfillment when you use the chakra system correctly. 
This is part of the reason why I choose Chakra Healing over Reiki.
do not get me wrong here, I personally LOVE both systems but honestly, they are wildly different.
I use them for different things and I find that it’s important to understand WHY they are so different so you can also see the benefit of both. 
It really puts a Name and A Label on what is happening to you
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
I totally understand! This is why I continuously come back to the chakras. They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening. it also helped produce so much emotional healing and helped me rewire beliefs! 
If you’ve ever been curious on how they are different
you gotta take the time to watch this week’s episode!  Watch on Youtube & subscribe for more videos Every week: 
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BTW – We are like so close to 1k sub, If we get to 1,000 subscribers this month – I am TOTALLY doing a giveaway 😉 just sayin’  😉
p.s. Want to heal your Chakras to improve your Emotional Health, get confidence in energy work and embrace more soul purpose? Check out my Latest FREE training: the Chakra detox Masterclass!
Learn My 3 Step Framework To Detox Your Chakras With The Mind-Body Connection For Amazing Health, Radical Awareness, And Learn To Manifest With The Chakra System: Sign up and save your seat below! https://www.theawakenedstate.net/freechakramasterclass/
Why I Choose Chakra Healing Over Reiki
You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in […]
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equill · 6 months
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The Warden
Panel: No escape.
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Ok, now just some silly ideas to share (playing around with the au)
Comic 1: Invading dreams
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Extra: no thanks.
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Comic 2: Unwanted attention
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katydoodles · 6 months
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Posting this again for those who didn’t see it.
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yuwuta · 26 days
i get critiquing plot holes and power differences/disadvantages and systemic things like sexism and sexualization/fetishization and racism in manga and stories in general, and i also understand loving your favorite character and wanting a certain outcome for them, but it's always a little bonkers to me that people geniuenly believe they could have come up with better endings or outcomes than the authors themselves... like i know people get attached to their favs and everything but manga and story telling is an artform and it's art that's created by a real life person who chooses to share their story with you there is no "better" ending that you could have come up with because you couldn't have come up with those characters in the first place! sure you think you could worm them around in better scenarios but even that is wishful thinking because you couldn't have, wouldn't have, and didn't come up with the world and scenes around them to navigate them in canon in the first place! idk i get wishful thinking and hopes and cracking jokes and fix-it fics and ships all that but sometimes i feel like people need to be humble and take a step back lol.... it's not your story and there's nothing for you to change, much less publicly scream about how the author fucked up just bc your favorite character didnt end up how you wanted them to.... and if u feel that strongly just like... do it in your own little online or irl community lol there's no need to scream on the internet every 3 months about how u think the mangaka who gave u the character u love so much is a piss poor artist
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actual-haise · 4 months
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I want to put those two in a room
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every-sasuke-uchiha · 10 months
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bigcryptiddies · 4 months
It might just be that I’m a little dumb but I feel like jjk has the most convoluted ability system to the point where the creator can have their characters explain what’s happening every single time and yet I don’t understand it even once
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uzumakiheart · 1 year
idk if this is an unpopular opinion or wtv but like naruto and sasuke’s respective traumas are super integral to their stories because their entire personalities would’ve been completely different if they hadn’t gone through what they went through. it’s fine when ppl write their families to still be alive but then they write the two of them to be the exact same and it irks me sometimes idk
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differentwitchflower · 5 months
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My practices lately <3
I've been struggling a lot lately being in my ED recovery program, but I've been making an effort to do a ritual weekly and work through a Chakra workbook and actually learn.
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avengernomore · 3 months
If I were to make a AU for Sasuke for Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes...
Would Sasuke be a mercenary hired by the Church of Seiros, similar to Shamir...
Or would he be an orphaned noble whose entire family was killed by his brother for unknown reasons...?
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waffliesinyoface · 3 months
Also speaking of naruto + trying to come up with in-universe explanations for things, it's always very gratifying when I come up with a theory for how something works by essentially pulling an explanation out of my ass, and then when I go check canon to make sure I'm not completely out of line, I find evidence that supports my bullshit.
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orcelito · 4 months
Oh Boy if the naruto brain grips me as hard as it did in 2018, I really just might end up doing a trigunxnaruto crossover. Specifically with trigun characters in naruto world
Listen. I am just utterly fascinated by Naruto's world building. And if I can find a way to fit Vash (and Nai) into the Naruto world's lore in a way that is both convincing and fitting. Then fuck YEAH I wanna do it
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makifishcake · 6 months
Y'all ever try to explain something that has to do with something else and both of those somethings are really deep into the series you're watching/reading/listening to? And to explain that little bit, you have to go back and explain the earlier events so all this isn't out of context and really wierd. So you're sitting there going into grat detail about a characters backstory so you can explain why they believe thus so you can explain why they did this like. Watch the show don't ask questions please omg
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crimsonfeatheredraven · 11 months
Has anyone else looked at a character, especially from anime, and gone, "oh, you're definitely a Spider-person in another reality"?
The concept of a Spidey! Sakura has been living in my head rent free for about a month now and I'm about to bite something.
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abyssalpriest · 10 months
"honestly I was built to go to the middle of fuck off nowhere and commune with nature, because where the fuck am i supposed to go in the clothes I make and the animal parts and do the singing/etc required to do what I know how to do" bruh. astral.
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gojobait · 1 year
i genuinely see sukuna as more of a threat to kakashi than gojo. and even then kakashi would still win
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