#chaos;child children's collapse
skybeads · 5 months
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If anything happens to her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself (I'm currently alone, scared and filled with some sort of melancholy).
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
i saw your list for things you enjoy writing for and omfgg languge barriers<33 those are absolutely top tier i love reading about those!! could i request a language barrier + monster au w beel? tysm and have a great day!!
ohhhhhhh thats so interesting????im gonna write an orc fit cuz i feel like that fits him so well-
(Dark content, kidnapping, noncon touching, shitty japanese cuz google translate, etcetc)
(Yandere! Orc! Beezebub x reader)
(translated sentences in the tags)
You saw the fires before you even heard the warning bells.
You'd heard the stories. Back when you were a child, crowded inside the elders cottage as you and the other children eagerly listened to the stories about the orcs. Only one of the adults had seen the warriors. Back when she was a child. Monstrous beasts, filled with nothing but anger and the taste of war.
"Will they ever come here?" One child had asked. A hushed murmur fell amongst the youth.
The elder smiled.
"No young one," she said, "they all reside in the north. No beast would travel so far."
She spoke lies, the proof only revealing itself years later.
You can hear the screams through your thin walls. Still, you continue to huddle in the corner of your home like a coward. It's too late to run. Far too late to call for help. All you can do is sit and pray to the Gods for mercy.
They'd come suddenly. Unlike anything you heard from the stories. There wasn't smoke in the distance warning their presence. It was just the distant clatter of hooves. And then chaos.
You'd been one of the lucky ones. Still in your home, bustling away when the screaming started. You'd locked your doors, bolted the windows. Even now, as you lay huddled in a ball, you knew it wouldn't be enough. You were just waiting for the inevitable.
Eventually, it came.
You were expecting something more violent. Windows being smashed. The wall torn apart. There was just a click and a squeak of your door. Heavy footsteps. Something was inside your home.
To your benefit, you don't whimper. Your breath hitches, but the beast's loud lumberings drown the noise. You can already tell that it's big. Each movement it makes causes your tiny home to rumble and shake.
You don't think. You just shove yourself under your tiny cot, trying to make as little noise as you can. You can hear your heartbeat thumping away in your chest, as you pray for it to slow down. You don't want to know if the thing in your home can hear it too.
It starts in your kitchen. You can hear it clamber away with pots and pans. The crushing of metal makes your head hurt as you imagine that being your skull. Then your furniture, a chair, thrown across the room, you can hear the wood shatter. That could be your limbs.
When it enters your bedroom. You stop breathing.
You can only see its boots. Big, nearly the size of your forearm, maybe even bigger. It muddles around your room, clumsily swiping away at the various knick-knacks and trinkets you have scattered across your room. The real horror begins when it starts to sniff the air, and you wonder if it can smell you.
You hear it's voice. Masculine, deep. He's saying words in a language you can't understand, it's foreign to your ears.
And then you're pulled from your sanctuary.
It doesn't matter how many times you've heard the story of the beasts ripping apart boulders with their bare hands, you kick and scream and collapse into sobs. The arms around your midriff don't budge. If anything they tighten, keeping you trapped with the thing you most feared.
You think you stay like that for hours. Or maybe time was slipping by, turning into sludge because your heart was going too fast and you surely thought that would kill you before the beast ever does. You squeeze your eyes shut, sobbing as you just wait for it to be over already.
Except, nothing happens. There's just this soft tapping against your cheek. He's speaking, again, that same deep tone that's strangely so soft.
You want to keep your eyes shut, but perhaps, it's morbid curiosity that causes you to see who your murderer will be.
He's big, the largest man you've ever seen. He'd look human if it weren't for the textured skin, the fangs protruding from either side of his lips, the bright orange hair, the purple eyes that seemed to glow.
The most beautiful man you've ever seen. The most monstrous creature to ever exist.
He tilts his head. For a creature who is known to crush skulls and eat bones, he doesn't look very harmful. If anything, he's vulnerable. His chest is bare, only covered by shiny metal bracelets, while his bottom is covered by an animal pelt.
Yet, you stare back in terror. Looks don't mean anything. Not for beings like him.
Eventually, the orc nods, done examining you. Was he deciding you're a good enough kill? Before you can think anything further, he picks you up in his arms, effortlessly carrying you.
You've been crying and fighting and struggling for hours. All of it had tired you out. All what you can do is watch helplessly from his arms when he exits your home.
Your entire village is in shambles. Fire is everywhere. Blood is as common as water. It's horrifying. The scene haunts you even after the orc deposits your limp body on top of a horse.
Earlier he seemed rather unbothered with your struggles. Now, he gives an irritated sigh when you start to scream again. The orc wrestles your arms together, bundling them up with rope. Your mouth is muffled by a thick cloth. When you peer up at him helplessly, he gives you a stern look as if to say 'you brought this onto yourself'.
A sound of another horse's hooves is enough to remind you this orc didn't do this pillaging all by himself. Another orc saddles up to him. He's a bit smaller compared to the first one. Indigo hair with ivory tips. Despite their stark differences, their purple eyes look oddly similar to one another.
He gives your pathetic state a lookover, and then he scoffs.
Behind you, the orc that kidnapped you shrugs and says a few things. They go back and forth a bit and it sounded like they were arguing.
Eventually, there seems to be a clear victor. The orc rides off, as the first one gives a satisfied huff. When you fearfully look behind you, he just a condescending pat on your shoulder.
You think you pass out after that, because the next time you open your eyes, you're no longer on a horse.
The pelts under your skin are soft to the touch. You rise from the makeshift bed, looking at your surroundings. A large tent filled with soft furs and various trinkets.
You don't need to know who's it is.
He comes in hours later. Just as tall and terrifying when you first met him. He isn't adorned in weapons anymore. You cower nonetheless.
You curl inwards when he kneels in front of you. Even sitting down, he's humongous. His clawed hands unfurl, and he presents something to you.
You don't know what it is, but you know it's food.
You don't take it, suspicious. He seems to realize this as he takes a bite, before extending it back to you. Still, you refuse.
You can't figure out his endgame, yet. He hasn't kill you, does that mean he's waiting for the right moment? Is he planning on fattening you up before he eats you? You wished you could speak his language. Any answer is better than his silent torment.
After a while, he shrugs, muttering something, before gently placing it back on the plate. He still isn't done with you.
He points to himself.
"Beelzebub," he says. He repeats the motion a few more times before you understand that he's saying his name.
When he points to you, you shy away, refusing to answer. He doesn't seem angry at that, giving a thoughtful hum. You watch warily as Beelzebub pulls away, his interest falling to other things within the tent. Sharper things. He picks up a long knife, studying the blade.
You swallow, and then you decide to leave.
You'd barely begun to take a step before Beelzebub turns to look at you. He huffs, before pointing at the piles of furs. You don't need to know what he said. You stay put.
He puts the knife down, thankfully. He picks some other things, moving them around the tent mindlessly. At least he isn't looking at you. You think you'd go into hysterics if he just sat there, staring and staring and staring.
He's waiting for something. Someone.
Pretty soon, that person walks through the tent.
Not as large as Beelzebub, but big enough to terrify you. This orc had black hair. His red eyes racked over your figure, scrutinizing you with mild disgust.
Beelzebub greets him with a grunt. The newcomer sighs before going off in a foreign language. Beelzebub answers with a stagnant face. Another argument. You have a feeling both were about you.
Clearly, the orcs did not want you here. Then why did he bring you here? At that, relatively unharmed? What was the point of all of this?
Or perhaps the other orcs didn't understand their member's thought process either.
Eventually, Beelzebub shakes his head. He points at you.
"彼女は私の妻になります," he says.
The other orc frowns, but he doesn't respond. Beelzebub must have won. He just gives you another glance, before making his way back out the tent.
Beelzebub gives a satisfied grunt. You stiffen when he drops down to sit right in front of you.
He doesn't do anything. He just sits. He stares right at you. In response you press yourself against the tent walls, but there's no where to hide.
He reaches out to touch your cheek. You shudder.
"私の妻." When he smiles, his dangerous fangs poke out. "私のものだけ."
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea thing. 44
Someone says the forbidden words. I wish. Now it was a child’s wish. I wish we all were with our familles. One meant to be nice.
A ghost attack had caused the collapse of a roof. The child was just happened to be in a room with the trio. Danny hadn’t even had the chance to transform.
As Desiree twists her wishes. The worst thing for Danny happened. You see he was adopted. After he failed a mission for the league rather then return he noped out of there. Granted the mission was set up to fail. He overheard his twin discussing it with mother.
Being adopted by two mad scientists at 6 was the biggest reason they never found out he survived. The Fentons were astonished by his story. Helped hide him and forged new papers. Quickly accepting him as their own son. The family had no social media presence minus the Fentonwork site, no mentions of children.
Rather then be returned to the Fentons a green portal dumped him in the middle of a grand dinning room. A ton of blue eyed black haired people eating dinner. The one that stood out was the one with green eyes.
No way
Well then the green eyed one lunges at him.
Okay maybe.
When he starts yelling about impersonating his dead twin. How dare grandfather clone him. Honestly he wasn’t listening until he spoke of killing all the other clones.
Yup. That was Damian.
If vlad could make clones he has no doubt grandfather could. For all he knows vlad could have handed the info over to him for some of the rancid ectoplasm they had at the base.
He knew the truth now.
The Lazarus pits was just remnants from the river of revulsion. It’s a wonder they brought anyone back.
Honestly Damian charging him was a pain. Danny didn’t even know how his twin suddenly had a sword. Getting cut was enough of that. This was a dinning room not a training room. He was just going to have to dine and dash.
He really needs to thank jazz and sam for getting him back into physical training. He enjoyed not worrying about it 24/7. Then the whole dying had to happen. As such he got back into it. This was starting to tire him out.
From the lack of people getting out of the way. They must be used to this chaos. The look in there eyes indicated they were going to get involved. Honestly he’d rather not.
Realistically he doesn’t think Damian would be able to find him. The fentons and then tucker have helped to conceal him. By all accounts his past life never existed. Only Daniel Fenton did. Amity was a nowhere town mostly hidden by the government anyways. The whole ghost thing was meant to stay secret.
They didn’t want people poking around there.
Danny was aware it just helped hide him so why expose it. Tucker sam and jazz knew. They all could bypass it.
With a sigh and a wave of his hand he froze them in place.
“Let all just cool down here. Damian i have and had no intentions of ever seeing you again. But genies like to twist wishes unfortunately. Desiree just had to screw me over specifically to get me out of town.”
“For all i care keep your title as heir, I’m much happier playing dead. I’m already half way there. Don’t look for me. You get to be the superior twin”
“No need for late night plots on how to kill me or prove yourself. Enjoy. I have friends and family to get back to.”
With a snap of his finger a green portal opened in front of Danny.
“The ice will disappear in five minutes or so. If i remember to unfreeze it” grabbing one of the rolls on the table. Danny left through the portal.
What Danny didn’t know was his twin had been trying to find ways around the botched mission. Grandfather has only wanted one heir. Easiest way to get that was to dispose of the youngest.
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Headcanons, Being Ray Stantz's Child
gender neutral!reader, child!reader
Being born during the groups college days, and just adding a dose of daily chaos to their otherwise uneventful studies.
Three men and a baby. Enough said. It's absolute pandemonium.
Ray being the mother hen. Egon being the irresponsible father, and Peter being the fun uncle.
You have an entire family, even if not by blood.
Ray bringing you to college with him, and multitasking because he can't afford childcare.
Him using you as someone to rattle off all his theories about the occult and paranormal to before you can even crawl.
Peter uses you as a 'mini wing-man'. Women flock to him because they think you're his child and find the fact that he's a seemingly decent single dad attractive. (GIRL, IT'S THE BARE MINIMUM) Peter being himself, of course, doesn't bother to correct them.
Constant compliments being directed towards you by women, to which Peter's reply is always the same.
'Mhmmm, yeah, they get their looks from their father' *insert cocky, arrogant smirk*
Ray then reminding him that he's not actually the father.
'Oh, no, I know, I was complimenting you, honey' *cocky, arrogant smirk still in place, this smug guy knows exactly what he's doing*
Ray immediately becoming quiet and turning a bright, red colour, stumbling, tripping, collapsing over the English language, of which he's usually quite eloquent with. Then picking you up in his arms, and walking off muttering variants of profanities and insults directed at Peter
This section was greatly inspired by a ficlet my friend, @xraylovers wrote for me :) Thanks for letting me use your idea bestie.
Egon views you as a science experiment... problems ensue.
Days spent leaning over old occult books, the dusty aroma worn like a birthday badge as a testament to the age of the journal drifting into his child's face as Ray carefully reads each line.
Him having no concern as to whether this is proper bedtime story material for a 5 year old, as long as their happy, which, judging from the small inquisitive smile and plethora of questions asked, they most definitely are.
Ray is so excited to have a mini replica of him, just as interested in the occult as he is, someone to share his special interest with and experience the excitement and wonder of it all for the first time through their eyes.
Peter looking upon Y/N as his niece/nephew and calling them 'Baby Stantz' or 'The Littlest Ghostbuster' or variations upon. All the while, Y/N constantly complaining about wanting to be a Ghostbuster now.
Naturally, Peter buys a mini Ghostbusters suit with 'Baby Stantz' custom inscribed as the name tag, as well as a toy replica proton-pack. Which Egon promptly turns into a miniature, but fully-working proton-pack... until Ray confiscates it, sharing some harsh words with Egon about children's safety.
'Ray, I was merely teaching Y/N the proper way to operate a proton pack to prepare them for when they become a Ghostbuster'
'EGON! You can't give a child an unlicensed nuclear accelerator!'
Winston becoming the only semi-normal parental figure you have: Egon knows nothing about children, your dad is an extreme mother hen, and Peter is... himself.
Your dad would often take you out in the Ecto-1, wheels spinning, sirens blaring (after you begged ro have the sirens on, and every time he agrees because he has no backbone when it comes to you). You roll down the window and hold your hand out, letting the air rush through your fingers in quick succession as you take in the sights of New York City.
Despite his initial protest, when you became a little older and he realised how serious and passionate you were about following in his footsteps, your dad taught you how to use a proton pack and ghost trap (while supervised of course!) in the basement. While others your age were playing sports or video games, you were being taught how to wrangle ghosts and spirits.
Despite the dangers and challenges of being a Ghostbuster, you've always been proud of your dad and your family. They're not just heroes to the world, they're heroes to you, too.
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
Hi! I'm relatively new to ACOTAR, only about halfway through ACOWAR. I adore your writing style! Can I please request a fic where Cassian's mate tells him that she's pregnant with his child?
Hi love! Welcome to the chaos that is the maasverse🎉 and thank you so much!
I also have this other request so I went off of this concept:
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Illyrian Baby
Cassian x f!Reader
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Tears brimmed your eyes as you left Madja’s office, the healer having no good news for you today. You’d been seeing her for years now, trying different tonics and monitoring your cycle in hopes of finally conceiving with Cassian. 
Your mate was notably vocal about wanting a family of his own, to be the father he never had for his own children. It made you sick to your stomach, thinking that you might not ever be able to give that to Cassian. The kindest male you’ve ever known, the most deserving to be a great father - how would he stay with you if you couldn’t give him those things?
Trudging through the door to your home, you made a cup of tea and bundled under the blankets of the couch, thankful that Cassian was gone for training at the Illyrian camps and wouldn’t see you like this. 
Days passed of pacing around your home, trying to find the words to tell Cassian that you still weren’t pregnant. The anxiety was making you physically ill - the smell of certain foods making you nauseous, waking up sick some mornings. 
Feyre came over one morning to check on you, her soft voice ringing through the halls as she entered your home. Wiping away the tears - your emotions felt like they were out of control lately - you pulled yourself together and headed downstairs to greet Feyre. 
“I brought soup, and some medicine from Madja,” Feyre called out, before looking up to see you enter the room. The High Lady froze, nostrils flaring and jaw slack as she gaped at you. A sudden burst of laughter escaped her, her hands clapping over her mouth as tears filled her own eyes. You shifted your weight uncomfortably, thinking you must look even more terrible than you thought for Feyre to react like this.
Sensing your confusion, Feyre lowered her hands. Smiling as she shook her head at you, your friend whispered the news that turned your world upside down. “Your scent... You’re pregnant.” 
Tears brimmed your eyes as your emotions threatened to spiral again - and the realization dawned on you. The  turbulent emotions, the aversion to smells, the morning sickness - you were pregnant. Feyre summoned Madja, who came to your home straight away and confirmed the pregnancy. 
With Cassian due to return from Illyria the next day, Feyre informed Rhys that she would stay the night with you, and the two of you spent the evening preparing for Cassian’s return.
When your mate arrived the next day, you stayed upstairs so that he wouldn’t be able to scent the pregnancy. Cassian called out for you as he barreled through the door, eager to be reunited with his mate. “Sweetheart, are you home?” Holding in your excitement from flowing through the bond, you waited for Cassian to find the clues.
Footsteps sounded throughout the downstairs as he found your letter with instructions, sending him on a scavenger hunt through your home. Biting your lip as you laughed at the sound of Cassian’s shouting, knowing he must have put together the hints. 
The sound of a large warrior bounding up the stairs echoed through the house, and Cassian threw the door open, his hands full with the tiny shoes, onesie, and the blanket you’d embroidered “Illyrian Baby” into, much to Feyre’s amusement.
“Are you serious?” Cass whispered, holding out the items in his hands, disbelief on his face as he slowly approached where you were seated on the mattress. 
You nodded at him, a small joyful laugh escaping you. “You’re going to be a daddy.” The General collapsed between your legs, kissing your stomach through your dress as he cried. You ran your hands through his hair, tilting his face to yours as you confirmed again, “we’re going to have a baby, Cassian.” 
You didn’t lift a finger for the rest of the night, Cassian carrying you everywhere as he made dinner for you, checking in every couple minutes to ask what he could do for you. He ran a bath - insisting that he join you, and wash your hair - all the while discussing potential baby names, already planning how you would rearrange your home to accommodate for a child. 
A peaceful smile graced your features as you closed your eyes, and for the first time in too long allowed yourself to relax - enjoying the warm embrace of your mate, the father of your child. You were certain that there would be no child as loved and cherished as yours.
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spiral-writing-stuff · 11 months
hi hi! i saw ur requests were open? (sorry if theyre closed)
Can i request a Akutagawa x gender neutral teen reader? (Platonic ofcou) basically reader looks up to Akutagawa and sees him as a older brother figure and akutagawa sees them as a younger sibling :3 can it be angst also? like where one of them is badly hurt and the other is crying and all that jazz
pls and thank you <3
authors note: Don’t worry! If my bio says requests are open then they are! I just take a while to write because there’s a lot of stuff going on in my life, so I’m really sorry this took so long! Im thinking of splitting this into 2-3 parts because I’m still thinking of how to write the rest of the story, I have the plot already in my head but I just need to put it into words. This request is sooo cute big brother akutagawa is just such a great concept:,) Also so sorry if the angst isn’t good lol I’m not very good at writing creative sad stuff! (Please give me feedback!😭) also sorry if it’s too angsty i think I went a little overboard again. I might edit this story later.
Sorry this took so long!
I also couldn’t decide if reader is older or younger than Gin so you guys decide.
I Hope it’s what you wanted!!<3
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On a Silver Night
Content/Warnings: angst, gore, blood/injury, abuse/child abuse, death, Dazai being a bastard, lmk if I missed anything
For as long as you can remember, Ryūnosuke was always protecting you and gin, as if you two are the thing he lives for. which you both are at this point He has always tried his hardest to defend you, gin, and the other children from thieves and abusive adults, he didn’t do it to be righteous, nor did he do it to feel better about himself, he just did. At least, that’s what you thought, it was hard deciphering his intent because everything he did, he did with the same, emotionless stare. People would always mention this fact. Even when he was killing, stealing, or when you found some food or someone told a joke, he always had the same blank expression. You thought it was funny sometimes though he never once showed any emotion, that didn’t matter to you, his actions spoke clearer than any words could.
Like when he would sometimes hug you and gin to keep you warm during cold nights, when he found food he would share it with the two of you first. And if anyone dared to threaten or try to hurt any of you they would be dead in an instant by Rashōmon’s sharp fangs. Yes, his facial expressions didn’t matter, he was trying his hardest to keep you and Gin from experiencing the harsh cruelty of the word, but he was still just a boy himself. There wasn’t much a malnourished and frail child could do, yet he persisted, despite how many times he’d fallen. You looked up to him and had a deep respect for him because of this.
Even though it was a horrible situation all of you were living in, you were happy just to be with your older brother, sister and the other children. Among all the other children, You, Gin and Ryūnosuke were the ones you were closest to.
Until that fateful day, when a group of criminals murdered all the other children in cold blood, leaving You and Gin injured, and Ryūnosuke thirsty for blood.
~ ~ ~
Gin had helped Akutagawa escape but you three got separated amidst the chaos and confusion, you held Gin’s hand tightly as you two ran and ran until you two were exhausted, collapsing onto the damp, cold ground. The air was foggy and cold, the night dark while the moon illuminated your surroundings with a silver light. After a few minutes of struggling to catch your breath you got up from the dirty ground and remembered only Gin was with you, Ryūnosuke had ran off in search of the criminals who killed your friends. Fear and panic shot through your body, terrified that Ryū was going to get himself killed.
“G-gin! W-we have to find Ryū!” You said to Gin in a rushed shaky voice. She swiftly nodded.
You two began running, this time slower due to how tired you both were. You were heading in the direction of where the shipment was said to be taking place.
“Gin! I think we’re almost there—“ you stopped when you saw a tall man walking in your direction with a shorter person. The shorter person had a black coat draped over his shoulders, the man seemed to be waking directly to you now, a smile on his face.
“Be careful Gin.. s-stand behind me..” you got in front of Gin just in case, until you realized the shorter person was Ryūnosuke, his eyes were slightly puffy and tearful, he had been crying. your heart dropping at the sight. Immediately you throw yourself at Ryū pulling him away from the mysterious man
“Just who are you and what are you doing with my big brother?!” You frantically yell at the man, hiding Ryū and Gin behind you
The man glares at you with boredom in his face, as if this was all nothing to him, but then he started to smirk slightly “Brother? Oh, I knew Akutagawa had a sister but I didn’t know he had another sibling. What’s your name?” He said with a mischievous face, He reached out his hand to seemingly pat your head but you smacked it away immediately, surprising him a bit “you didn’t answer my question-“ you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around “Y/n…cough it’s okay..you don’t have to worry..” Ryū weakly said to you. Your heart ached at the sight of his bloodied and bruised face, looking down you can see he has bloody scratches on his knees, arms and legs, his entire body was hurt.
“Hm? Oh, right! Sorry about that! Where are my manners?” He said rather loudly “My name is Dazai Osamu, I just got promoted to a Mafia Executive today, Which means, I now have the authority to do certain things. like taking anyone as my subordinate, and your brother here has accepted my offer.” Dazai said soft-spoken yet somehow overbearing with a kind smile that didn’t reach his eyes. You were confused by the man’s statement, many thoughts ran through your mind;
“Would Ryūnosuke really agree to join the mafia? Especially join through this guy? How would we be guaranteed safety? What if this is just a trap to exploit Ryū’s ability? What if he kills us?”
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a dangerous, slightly condescending soft voice “you don’t have to worry, if i wanted you dead, I would have done so the second I laid eyes on you.” He said to you, it’s as if he read your mind. He was staring into your eyes as you stared back, his eyes void of any emotion, much like your brother’s, except you found a deep cruelness to them, it terrified you.
“Well, it was just gonna be Akutagawa here and his sister, but I can make arrangements, just for you.” His eyes went back to a neutral state “I promise,” he puts his hand on his chest “that the three of you will be fed, clothed, housed and compensated accordingly, as long as you work under me, no one else in the mafia will dare harm you.” Dazai reached his hand out to you, a sweet smile on his face
“so Y/n, do we have a deal?”
~ ~ ~
To be continued.
Notes: it is 5am as I write this, can you believe I’ve been writing and tweaking this since April 7th??!? And this isn’t even that long. What ADHD does to a mf
Honestly I’m not sure if I should continue this, obviously if more people wanna read it than yeah since I have the story already in my head, just need the motivation. So comment and tell me that you want more!!!
Anyways hope y’all enjoyed. Stay hydrated!
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xixovart · 2 months
mali’s hcs for aquaman’s doppelgänger i think (percy. it’s percy.)
love my og homie
i'm coming in hard and strong (that's what she said) and saying that percy would NOT love taylor swift!!!! percy is an edgy teenage SKATER BOY!!!!!! he listens to d4vd tame impala childish gambino arctic monkeys and the neighbourhood!!!!! stop the percy swiftie allegations!!!
i know this is basically canon in the show but percy, like nico, was an absolute pain in the ass for sally. this kid would draw all over. everything. do not give a six year old percy a marker he will draw on your fancy white couch. or eat it. could be either.
sally having to fight for her LIFE to get a nine year old percy to wake up for school. “mom i can't go to school im sick” “you just accidentally kicked me in the face with the strength of a motivated horse you liar”
honestly she was so done with his bs. 5th grade for percy was an ERA.
“percy no you cannot put your hand in a blender.” 
“percy we do not eat rocks.”
“percy get up from the floor, we are at the supermarket. no you cannot have a fruit roll up.”
“percy it’s three in the morning why would you want to go to the zoo.” “to see the penguins ☹️”
korra coded
reminder that he’s canonically a skater i’ll never get over this.
he loves band shirts and has a bunch of posters all around his dorm
i think he likes the rain, even though it’s zeus’ domain. it just calms him down. (im projecting)
reminder that percy isn’t dumb he’s just chaotic
percabeth skating dates i'm hyperventilating 
he really hated third grade. when asked about it he will say “the chaos and the mind games…” and not elaborate 
percy “grover is my wife” jackson
percy was actually pretty quiet in school. he wasn’t usually a class clown, he’s just the quiet disabled kid who got crappy grades (and was absolutely stunning i should mention)
captain of the school swim team <3
really likes 7/11??? for some reason?
the second he got his licence (and a car) he would nEVER stop driving. after tartarus, he would space out and disassociate, and he often had panic attacks. driving with no destination helps him calm down.  (IM PROJECTING)
estelle absolutely adores her brother. like never leaves his side. she would cling to his leg whenever he had to leave and she would BEG to come along whenever percy and annabeth went on a date
he eats a LOT. like so much.
he got used to using military time after his training with lupa and his time at camp jupiter :)
“you are just a boy, you are no man, and nobody you know will understand.” except it’s about percy in the original series, who was so heavily relied on to be a hero that he lost his sense of self. we as a fandom joke about this so much but percy lost his innocence for the people who ruined his and his loved ones’ lives. he sacrificed his humanity because of the gods’ blatant abuse and ignorance of their children. he is a child for the entirety of the original series, a child who has gone through so much and so rarely gets a break. even when he’s in school, when he’s not at camp and doesn’t have to worry about olympus, he still fucking does. he still never rests easily because the world’s fate hinges on HIM. not zeus, not his father, him. the scene with atlas was so significant because it represents so much. in a literal sense, percy, annabeth, and luke—the three who carried atlas’ burden—had the fate of the world on their shoulders. one shrug and the world could collapse. what most of the fandom fails to see is that the second percy was claimed, his childhood ended.
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blue-bujo · 1 year
Bowled Over (Roy Kent x Reader): Chapter One
You work at a bowling alley and a young girl named Phoebe has a birthday party there. You catch her uncle's eye.
Roy Kent x female reader
Will try to update roughly every two weeks
Chapter One: The Other Beautiful Game
Words: 1.9K
Content: Kent-level language (you know what you're in for)
Cricket. Polo. The real football.
There were many popular sports in England, but the downfall of all of those was the fact that they were all at the mercy of the weather. That was why, in your humble opinion, the best sport in the world was bowling.
You were fully aware that the rest of the world definitely didn’t consider it a real sport, and that was fine. But to you, it was the best. No other sport could be enjoyed by 4 year olds and 94 year olds at the same time, all while having full access to a pitcher of beer and never being rained out. Nor did any other sport create friendships so instantly while in good natured competition. It certainly had for you.
You, the army brat, who had moved every year and always ended up being the new kid with the accent different from everyone else’s, had always found common ground in whatever bowling alley had been closest to base. Bowling was its own language, its own gateway into other people’s lives. When you’d finally stayed somewhere for more than two years when you were in high school, you’d made yourself a fixture at the lanes. You stayed in England for college – no, university – and worked your way through every beer league and youth camp you could. The bowling alley was your home, and you ended up staying even after your father retired from the army and returned to his hometown with your mother. Your place was here, behind the counter and coaching leagues.
It was a shallowly connected life. You had a few friends from your own league, as well as your coworkers, and some regulars that you absolutely loved, but mainly, you saw people for five minutes while they paid and figured out which size their rental shoes needed to be before they went to the lanes and you watched from a distance, telling yourself that it was fine.
One day, and especially lonely one, you were scheduled to work a children’s party. You were slightly hung over from the pitcher you’d shared at your league the night prior, and weren’t looking forward to all of the noise that children would inevitably cause. Taking a preemptive Excedrin, you pulled up your hair and braced for the worst.
The birthday child was a blonde girl who was all smiles, leading seven little friends and their adults behind them. You plastered on your best customer service smile and got through the chaos of check in, shoes, snack bar follow up, and lane assignments, then collapsed in your chair to stare into space for a while, until someone needed you.
The respite was brutally short.
You didn’t notice at first, but eventually you realized that you had somebody standing at the side of the counter. It was because of his shirt. Anywhere else, it would have stood out obnoxiously, but the red, orange, and yellow tie dye blended into the colorful walls. You turned quickly once you realized he was there.
“Sorry, I zoned out,” you blurted. “How can I help you, sir?”
The man – you recognized him from somewhere, you realized, but you couldn’t place where – startled at how quickly you acknowledged him. He had very expressive eyebrows, which shot up his forehead in surprise. He pointed at the lanes where the blonde girl’s group was bowling and grunted, “One of the little shits that my niece is friends with threw a ball right after another kid and hit the thing that pushes the pins out of the way, and now it won’t go back up. Can you fix it so their days won’t be ruined?”
You couldn’t tell if her was mad at the lane or at you; it seemed like he was angry in general, judging by the deep creases between his eyebrows. Best to take a cautious approach with him.
“I can’t fix it, but I can call the tech. Just a second.” You grabbed the intercom, but didn’t click it on. “It’s the gate on 15, yeah?”
“The what?”
“The black sweepy thing, on Lane 15?”
“Oh. Yeah.”
Quickly, you called out, “Pete, I need a gate reset on Lane 15, please” over the speakers. Then you turned back to the tie dye man.
“Cheers,” he said. “Phoebe will be happy now.”
“That’s your niece? The blonde girl?”
He nodded. “Yep, that idiot.” He smiled and waved toward Phoebe, who was trying to get his attention. “She made me this shirt. I wouldn’t have picked it, but she made it, so I wear it to all her things.”
“It’s a good look. Matches the décor here,” you teased. “I almost didn’t see you, and you were right in front of me.”
A grunt was the only response you got. Fearing you’d been rude, you cleared your throat and continued. “Well. I’ll be here for the rest of the day, if you guys need anything else. You know where to find me.”
Another grunt, and eyebrow guy was gone, leaving you to put your head on the counter in embarrassment. That was so awkward!
You stewed in your awkwardness for another half an hour; nobody else came in to distract you. Distraction didn’t come until you got a call from the snack bar, signaling that they needed you to run the pizza to Phoebe’s group. Inwardly groaning, you picked up the tray and a stack of plates, and expertly balanced them as you walked to Lane 15. Phoebe and her friends were excited to see you, and their enthusiasm evaporated some of your self-pity. These seemed to be good kids.
“Okay,” you said, putting your hands on your hips and leaning down conspiratorially, “I only have two rules for you. Rule Number One: No pizza or drinks on the approach. Rule Number Two: I don’t want to see any pizza fingers in those balls, because someone will have to clean them.” You pointed at yourself as you said “someone,” which made all the kids laugh. “And Rule Number Three-”
“You said there were only two!” interrupted a young boy. Tie dye guy glared at him.
“Well, I lied,” you shrugged. That got a laugh from everybody. “Rule Number Three: Help Phoebe have a happy birthday!”
All of the kids cheered. Satisfied, you walked over to their grown-ups. “If you guys need anything, I’m Splits.” You tapped your nametag, bearing the kitschy bowling nickname that the manager had made you pick. “I’ll be at the counter.”
Your nickname drew a few chuckles and sympathetic smiles. One of the younger adults, who you also recognized in addition Phoebe's uncle, fixed you with a flirty look.
“Do they call yah that because you can do the splits, or…?”
“No, because I leave plenty on the lanes.”
He looked like he was trying to come up with another quip, but Phoebe’s uncle elbowed him in the ribs. “Shut up, Jamie. Not everyone loves you.”
Jamie, unperturbed, elbowed him back. “Whatever, Coach. It was worth trying. Sorry, Splits.”
You realized where you had seen him before. AFC Richmond was the local football club, and the young man was none other than Jamie Tartt. And now that you had figured out who he was, you had to ask, no matter how much it pained you…
“Can I get a quick photo? The owner likes us to whenever we have a celebrity guest.”
Jamie’s chest puffed out before he looked at tie dye man; you got the feeling his coach had lectured him before about showboating. “Sure, yeah, if that’s how it’s done here.” He checked his hair and grabbed a bowling ball. “Where do you want meh?”
“Uncle Roy should be in the picture, too!” piped Phoebe, shooting her uncle a pout. “He’s more famous that Jamie!”
The man you’d talked to at the counter, who you recognized but didn’t know where from, was named Roy? And Jamie had called him “coach?” Was he Roy Kent? How had you not realized?
It had to be the tie dye. Had to be.
“Fuck no, I’m not getting in a picture with that prick.”
“Please, Uncle Roy?” pleaded Phoebe. “It is my birthday.”
A grunt. You were beginning to think that they were his primary language, in combination with swearing. Roy Kent stood up, rolled his eyes, and got next to Jamie Tartt, glowering.
You reached into your back pocket and took out your phone to check how things looked. Bowling alley lighting was never great, but it was especially bad today. Jamie popped, because of course he did, but Roy melted into the wall, his obnoxious shirt effectively camouflaging him.
Thinking quickly, you went to the racks, grabbed a bright blue bowling ball, and brought it to Roy. He just stared at it.
“And what am I supposed to do with this? Throw a fucking strike on camera?”
“No, I just need you to hold it,” you huffed. “The camera can’t see you; your shirt blends in too much. Just take this, please, and this can be over.”
Without giving him a choice, you pushed the bowling ball against his arm. He took it awkwardly, his fingers brushing yours. You thought he shrank into his shoulders after that, but it could have just been him settling the weight of the ball, so you couldn’t be sure.
You took the picture and sent it to your manager, who started freaking out and texting a sentence at a time, but you retreated back to your counter after that. The rest of the afternoon went quietly. Phoebe’s party ended, and you watched as Roy and Jamie gathered all of the kids’ rental shoes and brought them up to you to return.
Sorry for flirting with yah earlier,” said Jamie, dumping an armful of footwear. “Old habits and all that.”
“It’s no problem,” you replied.
He gave you a wink and sauntered off. Then Roy deposited all of the shoes he was carrying.
“Thanks for being cool. Phoebe enjoyed it.”
“My pleasure. Sorry for the picture.”
“It happens. People are weird about fame.”
“Sorry all the same. Hopefully it wasn’t too awkward.”
Roy Kent wouldn’t look at you, and instead focused on a spot on the counter. Then he gave a last grunt and walked away, sticking out a hand to hold Phoebe’s. You watched them leave before grabbing a bottle of disinfectant to spray down the shoes. As you did, you mused that, for being a football manager and a player before that, Roy Kent was really awkward when it came to being recognized.
The sound of running feet tore your attention away from your thoughts. You looked up, ready to shout at some kids for horseplay, but it was Phoebe, running back to the lanes and grabbing a jumper that she had left. Then she jogged back to the desk, stopping on the way out.
“I had a really fun time,” she said.
“I’m glad,” you replied warmly. “I hope to see you come back.”
Phoebe smiled. “I think I will. I overheard Uncle Roy telling Jamie that he shouldn’t call strangers ‘fit,’ even if they are, and I think they were talking about you. Bye!”
She pranced off to rejoin her uncle where he was waiting for her at the exit, taking his hand once more. You could see them talking, and something she said made him look up abashedly at you. He held your gaze for just a moment, then threw Phoebe over his shoulder and stomped away. You had the rest of the night to ponder the fact that Jamie Tartt and maybe Roy Kent had considered you attractive. It made up for the awkwardness of the photo. Almost.
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yesterdayandtodayy · 24 days
An If I Needed Someone Excerpt From a New Scene I've Been Writing in my Rewrite Process, To Celebrate Almost Finishing Revisions on the Fic
“Knoxious, did you know that Cameron supports child labor?” Charlie asks as a form of greeting when Knox approaches the small corner table his friends have taken over on the second floor of the Barnard Library, an almost gleeful expression on his face as he stares up at Knox.
Much to Knox’s confusion, the question sends his friends into peels of laughter, all while Cameron’s face begins to turn an unflattering red from where he is sitting at the end of the table.
“Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to tell you guys, we don’t actually support child labor.”
Knox’s eyebrows scrunch closer together in confusion as he collapses into the open seat.
“I’m sorry, I know I’ve been stuck in the archives the last few hours doing research on my junior seminar paper, but what?” Belatedly, Knox registers the rest of what Cameron said. “And who the hell is we?”
Pitts lets out a loud snicker.
“Check your school email.”
Immediately, Knox takes out his phone from his back pocket and loads up his Gmail app. He scrolls through a few emails from students asking for him to proofread their first essay of the semester and a couple reminder emails about upcoming assignments for his own classes. Then, he comes across it. 
Admittedly, Knox probably would not have noticed the email in the slew of other emails in his Inbox, but once he opens it, he has to try his hardest not to start laughing.
It’s from an economics professor who is the club adviser for Columbia’s Economics Book Club, the same one Cameron runs that he has been trying and failing to get all of their friends to join since freshman year. 
It’s a recruitment email, but instead of starting off with some message about how the club is looking for new members excited to talk and learn about economics and public policy issues, the email starts with:
Is Child labor bad? Should we sell our organs?
Knox finds himself grinning as he sets down the phone, fixing Cameron with an exasperated look.
“Oh, Cameron. That- that is not a good look.”
A little giggle slips past Todd’s lips at the expression on Knox’s face, which is enough to send the rest of their friends into another laughing fit.
Cameron’s jaw drops indignantly.
“It’s supposed to be a hook!” he hollers helplessly, his verbal attempts at fighting for his life being drowned out.  
“Yeah, a hook that promotes child labor.” Charlie scoffs.
“You know, I think it is fitting to have that hook in there for the Economics Book Club,” Knox says when their laughter dies down, trying his hardest to keep a neutral face as all his friends turn their attention towards him, but especially when seeing the hopeful look coming across Cameron’s face. “Our unemployment rate in the US is horrible right now, and what can I say, the children yearn for the mines.” 
The reference to the online meme makes Pitts choke on his sip of water.
“The children yearn for the- Knox, what the hell!” Cameron hollers, and just like that, the table falls into chaos again.
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cherrycherish · 5 months
I want you to think about someone massive - belly stretching for dozens of feet; so large that they cannot move, but all of their needs are taken care of by others. Are they the last fertile person on Earth, the burden of repopulation resting solely on their shoulders? A pred who eats a whole town in single sitting? Someone who has unbirthed many, many people over the course of their life, and continues to add new additions?~
(I'm blending these options together, with a lil bit of sci-fi 💞)
Urso groaned as his whole body seemed to quake from the kicking of his pups, "Ahhh, I think it's nearly time..."
"You sure they're not just hungry, darling?" His lover purred, watching the movement of the pups.
"I literally just ate." He pointed to the peak of his swell, where some prey were clearly shifting around in his gut.
"Give it a few minutes, we don't want to get everyone riled up too soon." Lyra rubbed at one of the pup's elbows that was clearly jabbing Urso from within.
Urso moaned and leaned back, trying to get comfortable with his truly massive belly swollen out before him. He'd been enjoying life as an immobile broodmare for a long time, and had grown used to being at the mercy of his ever demanding pups.
Many many many years ago Urso had been just as human as everyone else, but for reasons beyond humanity's comprehension, energies began to change in humans. It seemed humans were the only ones affected by what was deemed a "time shift". Certain things in humans were too fast and others too slow, and nothing was consistent. Some had hearts that beat too fast and died quickly thereafter, some had skin that all but shed non-stop leaving them raw constantly, though most were sexually shifted, many would be quickly struck with sexual desire and then nothing, leaving people very rarely able to procreate, and most unwilling to risk the possibility of a child growing inside them in a few hours or a few years. As much as people feared being too fast, some were too slow, slow to think, slow to move, slow to breathe. Urso hadn't discovered what he was affected with, everything seemed normal, though he knew something was either far too fast or slow.
Whatever caused the time shift was never discovered, there were theories, but nothing concrete. Along with the change in time, some people began to see things that were previously unseen, Urso was among those lucky few. He was terrified at first but upon realizing that the odd entities did little more than acknowledge his presence, it wasn't too difficult to navigate.
The only time an entity spoke to him, it was some sort of wish granter, a genie or a fairy or something, notoriously untrustworthy, but with the state of things Urso couldn't exactly refuse. So many societies had collapsed into chaos, turns out humans don't handle an inability to enjoy sex well at all. What did he need to wish for in order to have some semblance of normalcy and safety?
He of course tried to wish for things to go back to normal, to undo the time shift all together, but the creature had refused. It didn't explain what the limitation of the wishes were which didn't help.
Ultimately, Urso could only wish for the ability to bless people with children that were unaffected by the time shift.
The spirit didn't refuse this, and with the wave of a hand they were in a beautiful open field, another wave of its hand and a huge stone building appeared amongst the flowers. Then it was gone. Urso, with no clue where he was or what to do, could only go into the odd building and hope to find an explanation.
It was a massive structure, like a palace, and was well stocked with food and medicines and many of the luxuries that had disappeared with society's collapse. The giant library looked like it would take years to fully look through, and much of it appeared to be contents about survival and life skills. As he finished looking around the entire place, returning to the biggest room inside, he still had no idea what he was meant to do exactly.
Then a group entered the place, quickly running into Urso.
"Is this place yours?" The man who looked to be leading the group asked. He was tall and rugged looking, long dark hair, muscles, tan skin, he looked like an actor.
"Uh, yes, I would say so."
"We've been sent here to help you with your wish." He held out his hand which Urso shook readily.
"I'm Urso. And you are?"
"Lyra. Nice to meet you."
He was introduced to the group and though he was still uncertain what he was meant to do, showed them around the place. Soon they were working together to make things more livable in what they were now calling home, saving seeds from their food stores and growing new food, taking the long trail to the nearest town to share their supplies, which through some magical means always replenished overnight. It seemed that the palace was nearly frozen in time, barely crawling forward at all, meaning those living within were effectively free from the time shift as long as they were inside. It wasn't long before more people joined them, growing their numbers and developing an odd culture of their own together.
Along with a melting pot culture, Urso also found himself receptive to Lyra's flirtations. The two were even better at leading together. As they had an unending supply of food, it didn't surprise anyone that they all looked healthy, Urso was happy that his wish seemed to include benefits. Their clear well-being attracted more people over time, and it seemed as more people lived there, the stockpile only grew.
As he was walking through the library looking for something to read he found an old tome that inexplicably fell off the shelf closest to him. It was full of information on bizarre magic, depicting all kinds of mind boggling feats. He tried showing it to the others, but it seemed they all lacked the eyes to see the unseen and couldn't read a word of it.
Pouring over the old tome for days, Urso found what he needed to do at last. Painting a series of glyphs on his skin and reading aloud the chant from the pages, his body began to change right before his eyes. No longer merely healthy, Urso was growing fat, moaning as he finished reading the chant and his body swelled wider. Quickly it became impossible for him to hold himself up, his muscles unable to lift such sudden weight, and he was stuck sitting on his widening rear.
"This isn't too terribly big..." He muttered as the growing finally stopped, he could probably move with some help. His body felt huge, but pleasurable. The soft skin, the stretch marks, the jiggle, it felt right.
"Lyra!" He called, hoping that someone would hear him through his door. He probably should've asked for someone to help him with this strange ritual. "Lyra! Anybody?"
He heard hurried footsteps before his door flew open.
Lyra stood in the doorway dumbstruck, eyes looking over the much larger man, "Are... Are you okay?"
"Yes, but I can't move. Could you give me a hand? There's a spell for weightlessness in that book there, but I can't reach it."
By the end of the day Urso was waddling about the palace, Lyra practically glued to his side.
"Just what were you thinking doing that alone? What if I hadn't heard you? What if something had gone wrong?"
"I'm perfectly fine, and you did hear me. Everything worked out, didn't it?"
"Was this what you were wishing for?"
"You didn't know before you came?"
"No. I just knew we had to come here."
"I wished for a way to give people children that didn't have the time shift."
"And what does that have to do with you getting so big?" Despite his less than polite choice of words, Urso could see the desire in his eyes.
"Well, it's a requirement to make my wish happen. I've got all the spells I'll need to make this work, but first we should explain it to everyone, let's have a meeting."
Urso explained to the others in the encampment what his plans were, and that he'd need sixteen others to complete the spell, eight willing and eight unwilling. Once he explained what the others would need to do in order to complete the spell, eight people readily volunteered, much to Urso's delight.
Eight other people were dragged to the palace while Urso set everything up in the massive central room they'd be performing the spell in. The people of the encampment bowed down before Urso as Lyra fed him each of the eight outsiders. These sacrifices were all kicking up a storm in his stomach but it was a thrilling sensation. He felt so full and had to gulp so hard to swallow them all, and yet it felt so good once each of them was inside.
"Now for the fun part." Urso smiled as he approached the eight volunteers, lowering his wet cunt onto the first one in the row, the spell he'd applied to his body allowing him to stretch to accommodate the sheer size.
The combined wriggling of the prey in his gut on top of the shifting volunteers being pulled into his womb was ecstacy. The glyphs painted on him glowed as his body accepted all eight of his new pups. He still felt positively gravid, belly stretched around all sixteen of them, it seemed his weightless spell was wearing off.
Lyra helped him get settled on a giant cushion before going to find some cream for his lover's over stretched skin. Urso could only sit there in bliss, his mind spinning with plans.
The powerful magic required eight willing volunteers to act as a harness to Urso's magic, from within his body he could steer their excess energy to others to form healthy pregnancies in anyone near him. The eight sacrifices in his gut were giving him the energy to make such a sudden transformation safely.
The pups inside his womb never regressed over the years, in fact they grew quite plump inside his spoiled body, and would eagerly move about within him whenever they got hungry or it was time to transfer their excess energy into others. Over the years, more people heard about the "fertile palace", migrated to it and found themselves well fed and heavy with children that would be free from the time shift. Some had no desire for children and were happier serving Urso or being fattened up and consumed to feed his huge swell. It was discovered that his milk was good at healing sicknesses and soon he was almost always attached to a pump.
Urso was content as a fertility conductor, planting healthy pregnancies into willing worshippers wasn't difficult work, and he enjoyed watching everyone grow. The children born in the palace were healthy and happy and had no trouble with the time shift. If he could've jumped for joy when it was first confirmed, he would've, the best he could manage was jiggling with delighted laughter.
"Hmm, Love, I think it really is time... Urp!" All the eager kicking of his pups along with his recent meal was a lot of sensation all at once, despite how huge he'd gotten, it wasn't any less intense now than it had been in the beginning.
"Alright, let's get everyone ready." Lyra opened a door and several naked worshippers made their way into the room, slowly approaching their benefactor's mountain of a belly. His belly towered over even tall people, and seemed to stick out so far, Urso couldn't see past it and his globe breasts hardly at all, but he didn't mind. This was what he wanted to be, after all.
One by one people approached and pressed themselves against Urso's huge body, as he directed energy into each of them they began to swell with brood and milk. Each one was nicely round as they waddled to an area of cushions to catch their breath. Urso could see that some were going to have multiples and others heavy singles, the energy he'd placed in them choosing randomly how many they'd carry.
As the last of the eager worshippers were filled with young, Urso felt his own pups settle inside him finally.
"Whoo, you boys finally tucker yourselves out in there?" He asked quietly, giving his heavy form a rub.
Lyra gave his belly a kiss before meeting his lips passionately, "Are you gonna fill people up long after the time shift is fixed?"
"I don't see why not to. Even once the time shift is gone, plenty of people will still want to be filled with babies." He smiled as his little ones seemed to finally go to sleep, "Besides, I can't let these pups out, this is where they belong."
"What if I told you that there's apparently another influx of worshippers arriving within the week." Lyra's eyes burned with lust.
"They'd still take a bit of time to settle in, get a bit fat, then I'm sure we could fill them up too. You like watching me fill everyone up."
"I do. I'll dote on you and these pups until the end of time. Even if everyone else leaves, I'm staying and tending to you and the pups. Now," Lyra kissed one of his chins, "It's time for dessert. You worked hard filling all these people, you've earned a reward."
"I love you." Urso grinned, tears pricked in the corner of his eyes, "You and the pups are the best part of my wish."
"I love you too."
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mister-e-muss · 6 months
Parenting: A TiPo microfic
(No I have not seen Kung Fu Panda 4 yet)
You know, looking back on it, maybe letting Lei Lei invite friends over to the Jade Palace was a mistake. Not that Po would ever say so out loud, mind you. But a veritable litter of kids rallying around one very capable, very mischievous leader was always a recipe for disaster.
The birthday celebration hadn’t been this out of hand at the start. There were no less than seven Kung Fu Masters just in their immediate surroundings, how hard could watching the neighborhood kids be?
As it turns out, very hard. As soon as the celebratory noodles had been eaten, they all scampered, scarpered, and scuttled away in every direction. Crane had to be dispatched to provide an aerial view, Mantis was busy checking small spaces, and Monkey was furiously taping down every breakable item the Hall of Warriors had. (The Urn of Whispering Warriors was the sole exception; it had already been broken before the party started.)
Where Tigress and Viper were, Po couldn’t say. Neither did he know where Master Shifu was, but he was sure they were doing their best.
“Inner peace,” Shifu breathed to himself, trying desperately to ignore the sole pig child gnawing on his shoe.
Really, Po reflected as he turned the corner, his real mistake had been teaching Lei Lei how to do Kung Fu. A smart kid was dangerous. A dangerous kid who’d been taught to be dangerous was dangerous-er. But most danger-est of all was a kid who was smart, strong, and adorable.
A fact reflected by the sight before him.
Lei Lei waved at him innocently from across the hallway. “Daddy!” She called.
Po felt a moment of relief. Whatever chaos was ensuing the rest of the Jade Palace, at least his daughter was safe. “There you are. Ah, I was starting to get worried. Didn’t hear a thing.”
Lei Lei smiled with satisfaction. Po’s heart was warmed for a moment, before he noted the shadows slowly opening the doors on the hallway.
“What’s going on?” Po asked, not very sure if he wanted to know the answer. At the very least, he knew now where the kids went.
Lei Lei still smiled, but it was the smile of victory. “Destwoy him my awmy!”
Viper savored the smooth warm comfort of her tea. “You think it’s all right letting the guys watch the kids?”
Tigress waited to answer, finishing her own cup. “If Po is good at only three things, it’s cooking, Kung fu, and kids. I’m sure he has-“
They were cut off as a familiar cry of distress rang across the Jade Palace. Tigress heaved a deep, long suffering sigh before finishing her thought. “-. . . Absolutely nothing in hand.”
Viper have a sympathetic smile. “Want me to check on them?”
Tigress stood. “It’s fine. I’ll save him.”
A few minutes later, Tigress found Po. Or more accurately, she found the mass of hyperactive children currently smothering him.
“Am I interrupting anything?” She asked rhetorically.
“Tigrehf?” A muffled voice called from beneath the squirming playful mass. “I don’f mean to scare you, but I fhink our daufter is drying to take ofer the world. And I don’f know if I can ftop her.”
Tigress smirked. “I guess then I’ll just have to catch her!” Her announcement came with exaggerated menace and showy growls near the end. The mass of fur and feathers fled in delighted terror.
Tigress spared a moment to look at the Dragon Warrior in all his overwhelmed, completely unprepared glory. “Want to tag out for a bit?”
Po waved away the suggestion, still panting for breath. “Nah, nah, it’s fine. I’ll be chasing them in a second.”
Tigress huffed in amusement. “I’ll be herding them for a bit. You join me when you’ve caught your breath.”
Po’s head collapsed “I love you so much.”
Tigress smirked as she squatted down to look Po in the eye. “Oh don’t say that just yet. You’ll be making it up to me later. After she’s gone to bed.”
“Eh,” Po said in lieu of a question.
“I’ve been thinking,” Tigress continued. “It could be nice to give Lei Lei a little sister. Don’t you think?”
Po’s face turned red. “Eh-Heh. Like we don’t have enough to do, right?”
Tigress theatrically pulled herself up to full height. “Of course, if you don’t feel like you can handle another. . .” She started to walk after Lei Lei and company.
Po pulled himself to his elbow’s “No no, I can totally handle it. It’ll be fun!”
Tigress smiled as she started to run. “Then come on; we can’t let our daughter take over the world just yet!”
Po was laughing in full as he sprinted after her.
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skybeads · 5 months
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The official mangas sure are something.
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radical-revolution · 10 months
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“One day, I woke up to the miracle of the present moment. Or rather, the present moment woke up to me. That is to say, there was no longer a ‘me’ divided from Presence itself. I was that. I had always been that. I could never not be that. The search was undone... and the urge to die was replaced by the urge to live, and I WAS that very urge.
Ah yes. This wide open space, this pristine and oceanic awareness, in which every thought, sensation, sound, smell, feeling, urge, impulse, every wave of experience, every thought of the past and future, can dance and sing and play and come to rest. This is Home.
And over the years, over the precious years, I fell in love again with my humanity, with this form, with this insanely original, weird, flawed and perfect and broken and whole human bodymind. I became more and more willing to think my thoughts – even the most outrageous, violent, inconvenient ones, the most impure ones, the most ungodly and unspiritual and unsafe ones – and they were all beautiful and they were all safe and they were all holy. And I became more and more willing to feel all my feelings – the gentle ones and the volcanic ones, the bliss and the rage and the pain of abandonment, the terror and the ecstasy of life itself discovering itself and creating itself and deconstructing itself. I made room for all feelings in my oceanic heart. They were all my children. None were alien to me. None were “wrong”. None were signs of my failure. None deserved to die.
I was not the silent witness of life, or rather, I was the silent witness of life making love to all that was witnessed, the ocean of love in love with her waves. I was the observer completely at One with everything observed. I was not my thoughts and feelings, and yet I was nothing BUT my thoughts and feelings. Nothing I said could be true anymore, anyway....
Over the years, the desire to understand it all fell away. Even the urge to talk about it. To own it or identify with it in any way. It all became so extraordinarily… ordinary. I no longer had any concept of myself as “awakened” or “enlightened”– those words collapsed into the morning breeze, a cup of tea with a loved one, a rumbling in the belly, all the silent moments, pregnant with potential…
I have no idea what “nonduality” is. I tire of teachers who drone on about Pure Awareness and the quest for “final understanding”. It is all so much more alive, so much more juicy, tantric, creative, unpredictable, ungraspable and wild than all that.
It is unable to be captured in words, even these ones. It is the most unspiritual thing of all...
I know nothing anymore. Nonduality has collapsed into duality, duality has collapsed into nonduality. Both are questions that have dissolved into laughter, like the thought of tomorrow in the mind of a child, like morning rain gently flowing into the gutter...
I was old and now I am young. So I am a child again, in love with the simple sense of being alive, with the wildness and the weirdness, with the mess and the pain and the awkwardness and the play of it all, with the unresolvability of it all, with limitation and boundaries and limitlessness too, with the broken heart and the sorrowful heart and the heart full of hope, with the human mind and all that it creates, with the soul and all that she longs for, with the stillness and the silence and the Chaos that is forever bringing us back to ourselves...”
- Jeff Foster
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humanrightsupdates · 7 months
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Haiti is on the brink of a total collapse or takeover of the state as violent criminal groups seeking to overthrow the government have attacked police officers and state institutions, including prisons, Human Rights Watch said today. The groups’ actions have brought economic activity, the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance, and nearly all transportation, including the country’s main port and international airport, to a near standstill.
“With Haiti on the cusp of even greater chaos and violence, it is more urgent than ever for regional and international partners to support Haitians’ calls for a rights-based international response that addresses all aspects of the crisis,” said Nathalye Cotrino, crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “This should include an international support mission that complies fully with human rights and the formation of a transitional government that can work with partners to restore basic security, democratic governance, access to necessities, and the rule of law.”
In October 2023, the United Nations Security Council authorized a Multinational Security Support mission to provide operational support and training for the Haitian National Police, though it has yet to deploy to Haiti.
Criminal groups, which control much of the country, including nearly all of the capital, Port-au-Prince, have killed over 1,100 people and injured nearly 700 others just since the start of 2024, according to the UN. Nearly 13,000 people were killed, injured, and kidnapped by criminal groups between January 2022 and early March 2024. Thousands of women and children have been victims of sexual violence and over 362,000 people have been internally displaced. The rates of food insecurity in Haiti are among the worst in the world. Many children are out of school, and child use and recruitment by criminal groups are on the rise. [Human Rights Watch]
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arcadias-hell · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do one where you're a girl and one of the murdered kids from Freddy's pizzeria but a little bit older than them like 13-15 years old, and since there were only the four suites in parts and service William Afton put your body in the twisted Wolf animatronic so that's the one you possessed. And after all the years you're found by the Fazbear pizza Plex and they decide to put you on display to show the parents and kids an original animatronic, even though you're pretty scary looking and your voice box is quite broken and distorted the kids love you, but at night when you come to life you get angry and start breaking things, so the other Animatronics come and see you breaking things, they try to calm you down but that just makes you even more enraged, until Roxy somehow sees a glimpse of what you looked like before you were killed, and she says your name, since the missing kids files were download into there systems Incase you kids would show up one day, so when she says your name you turn to her and she somehow manages to calm you down, to the point you're over come by saddens and collapse to your knees, but Roxy comes over and hugs you and just comforts you until you tell her what happened to you and the others, and she just hugs you again telling you that you're safe now and that she and the others will help you and keep you safe now. Sorry if this is a long request.
hi! im sorry if this is rushed! SB Twisted Wolf!Reader
In the dimly lit corners of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Plex, she lays dormant. A forgotten relic from a grim past, she was once a child, much like the others who had met their untimely demise within the old pizzeria's haunted halls back in the days. But she was different – older, wiser.
Her consciousness, connected to a monstrous form, resided within the nightmarish animatronic known as the Twisted Wolf. With a body that bore the scars of years of neglect and decay, her existence was a haunting paradox. Hidden away, she awaited the moment her twisted fate would intersect with the modern world.
That moment came when the pizzeria underwent a long-overdue renovation and old relics were uncovered. Workers stumbled upon her form and decided to put her on display in the small museum on rockstar row, a relic of Fazbear's dark history, under the guise of a "vintage" attraction and a simple horror attraction.
Children and parents marveled at the grotesque animatronic, oblivious to the tormented soul trapped within. Her voice box was broken, resulting in distorted, nightmarish sounds that only added to her eerie presence. The children, with their innocent curiosity, seemed strangely drawn to her, finding fascination in her distorted being.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon cast its eerie glow upon the pizzeria, something changed within Twisted Wolf. A surge of anger, borne from years of torment, welled up within her. In the dead of night, she awakened, driven by a vengeful force that compelled her to break free.
She rampaged through the pizzaplex, tearing down decorations, smashing tables, and causing chaos. The other animatronics, sensing the disturbance, rushed to the scene. Freddy, Chica, Monty and Roxy, the familiar faces of the pizzaplex, attempted to calm her down, but their efforts only fueled her rage.
Amid the chaos, it was Roxy, the newer addition to the animatronic cast, who saw something others didn't. A fleeting glimpse of what the Twisted Wolf once was, a scared child betrayed by the world. With a stern, yet concerned voice, Roxy spoke her name, a name long forgotten in the annals of Fazbear's dark history.
The sound of her name, the name she had almost forgotten herself, pierced through the maelstrom of anger. The Twisted Wolf turned her monstrous form to Roxy, her animatronic eyes locking onto the newcomer. A strange sensation gripped her, a glimmer of recognition amidst the chaos.
Roxy, sensing a chance to reach the tormented soul within, spoke softly, "Y/N, it's okay. You're safe now. We're here to help you."
Tears welled up in the Twisted Wolf's animatronic eyes, her voice box emitting broken, mournful cries. She collapsed to her knees, the weight of her tragic past bearing down on her.
Roxy, undeterred by the horrifying exterior, approached Twisted Wolf cautiously, extending her arms. She wrapped her metallic limbs around the monstrous animatronic, offering a comforting embrace. The other animatronics watched in silence, understanding that something great was unfolding.
As the Twisted Wolf's cries stopped, she found her voice, the distorted tones now laced with sorrow. She began to recount the horrors of her past, the events that led her to this cursed existence. The tale was one of betrayal, darkness, and the tragic fate of the other children who had perished alongside her.
Roxy listened, her empathy unwavering. She whispered words of comfort, reassuring the Twisted Wolf that she was no longer alone, that they would protect her, that they would be her new family.
In that moment, something extraordinary happened. The memories of the missing children, long stored within the animatronics' systems, began to resurface. The Twisted Wolf remembered their names, their faces, their laughter. And as she shared these memories with her newfound friends, a sense of belonging, of unity, began to take root.
Together, they vowed to confront the darkness that had haunted them for so long. With Roxy as their guiding light, they would unravel the mysteries of their past and seek justice for the horrors inflicted upon them. The Twisted Wolf, once a harbinger of fear, had found her redemption in the arms of her newfound family.
And as the night turned into dawn, the animatronics of Fazbear's Pizzaplex stood united, ready to face the challenges ahead and bring closure to their long-forgotten past.
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devoidxd · 8 months
Apathy and Resolution
PS: Orb = World (Idk old english thing)
' What..? ' The King thought as the world suddenly went black around him. Pulling him into an endless abyss " Oh, we finally meet Dark Cacao Cookie " Mystic Flour Cookie smiled
" Wha-? Who are YOU?! " He yelled harshly, raising his sword towards the grinning woman noticing the fact that the area where his SoulJam is supposed to be was empty. 
He dropped his sword in shock, taking a step backwards, his eyes slit and shaking. " What did you do...? " He grabbed his head to the sudden pain, collapsing to his knees.
" That is just thy souljam warning thou.  this is 'i  thy mind space, mine presence hath affectioned Volition greatly or should'st i say Resolution? " The beast of apathy then glanced at the glowing SoulJam
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He glanced at the Light of Resolution (Volition?) " T-that still doesn't answer my question.. Who are you? " He let an arm down, trying to keep his own balance after that surge of pain.
" Mystic Flour Cookie, one of the five beasts of beast yeast.  I was released during the Great Calamity yet so far I could only contact thou through thy own mind " She explained waving her hand around 
" I see the orb through thy eyes yet if only briefly i could hie into a ghostly form would I desire, thou could only see me though " She continued her explanation, using an Olden English 
" Is there a reason you are here..? " He stood up still wobbling slightly. She looked at him in interest " When I was still sealed, I found out thou had mine SoulJam so I paid a bawbling visit. Yet thou now interest me young one " She simply stated
The king was still wary of the beast in his mind but still asked " What is the Great Calamity? IS GINGER BRAVE AND HIS FRIENDS ALRIGHT?! " He raised his voice on the near end, worried for the young children being accompanied by Pure Vanilla, he knows the Vanillan can care for himself.
" The great calamity was a time of our release, i fared to 'scape that horrible place, 'twere such a boring place yet I know not aught about this Gingerbrave thou speak of " She answered 
The SoulJam Flickered less now as both Resolution and Apathy found balance in each other, even if the Resolution was still wary.
" How is the orb right now? say to me about how it is compared to all those centuries since. " She asked him, wondering how the world is doing after the beast's vanished
He wondered how long ago they had been sealed but decided to explain the different kingdoms and how his came to be, aswell as his continued trust with Golden Cheese even if she only came returned.
" The orb divers compared to mine time. 'twere of iron and chaos with the other beasts and creators.  The Witches " She commented 
" It was quite peaceful, until Lily went too far.. The aftermath was a horrible time to be alive.. I sometimes question if it was worth it, even if I had my son during the aftermath " Dark Cacao explained solemnly 
" Thou hast a chaotic inner child, thou want to let that out? Tis at the edge of exploding into a mere eruption of chaos " She mentioned 
He laughed nervously at the mention - So that is where the urges to cause chaos come from? - He thought.
" Sear a building or spread colour everywhere, prank others or say to jokes and commit war crimes. Never that hard? " She suggested 
Both started laughing, one finally having someone to talk to after years of isolation & one letting his inner personality after centuries of mistrust and betrayal, not without pain
Maybe Apathy and Resolution can find Balance? I
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