#char B1 bis
carbone14 · 1 year
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Le mur de l'Atlantique, une ligne de défense côtière de 2,685 km construite entre 1942 et 1944
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Char B1 bis servant de point de défense côtière – Westende – Belgique – Après septembre 1944
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Char B1 Bis "HAUTVILLERS" No. 416 of 49e BCC 3e compagnie burned out on the outskirts of Stonne after multiple hits from a Panzer IV, 15 May 1940
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weathermanpolls · 1 year
Anglerfish: Has the highest levels of communication of any tank, and the best dismounted reconnaissance. Also provides the entirety of the troop's outsider battle plans.
Duck: Fast and nimble tank. Too small to be fitted with smoke launchers, but the occupants can still do so with their own personal skills. Becomes the mama-duck for the ducklings in Das Finale.
Hippo: The historians of the group. The StuG was a way of finding use of the outdate Panzer III chassis. It's good armour, low profile, and big gun, made it the most common tank in German hands.
Rabbit: The M3 was an emergency attempt at creating a tank with a bigger gun. It's awkward, two-gun design is a good jack-of-all-trades. The least disciplined of the the main tanks, prone to panic, which randomizes their abilities even further.
Turtle: While Anglerfish provides the tactical command, Turtle provides the strategic command. When upgraded to a Hetzer, they act as a not-quite-as-good StuG.
Mallard: The provosts of the team, providing discipline for the troops, although prone to taking it too far. The Char B1 was a good, solid heavy tank that suffered from the greatest weakness of being French.
Anteater: A solid tank with the heaviest level of cannon fitted to a tank turret. Driven by the gaming club, they have extremely high theoretical abilities. Theoretical abilities that are much higher than their practical abilities, but they gain experience much faster than the other tanks.
Leopon: In terms of armour, firepower, and mobility, this has the highest balance of any tank in the war. Unfortunately, they have extremely low reliability. Driven by the Mechanics club, this allows them to affect battlefield repairs, which somewhat makes up for the near-constant need to make battlefield repairs.
Shark: Self-describe pirates that literally fly a flag. Normally doesn't affect them too much, as their tank is too slow to really be affected by it. They literally drive a Mark IV tank, which was a simple upgrade of the first tanks ever built. Luckily, they at least got a male one, meaning they do have to sponson-mounted cannons. It is extremely large, allowing it to cross pretty much any obstacle.
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photos-car · 10 months
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flomisa · 1 year
The Char B1 bis french heavy is one of my favorite tanks
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honestlyfullfox · 2 years
You can not simply cling out the hatch all of the time
Warcraft and different floor automobiles appeared to be the maximum famous devices to this point WoTLK Gold the beta, and for suitable cause. The degree of simulation is pretty exact in phrases of highlighting the variations among diverse Warcraft which can be so regularly stated in records books however that do not truely encounter in addition to whilst you see them for your self. The French Char B1-bis tank turned into a monster at the western the front, with each a 75mm foremost gun and a 47mm secondary gun, in addition to heavier armor than its German counterparts.
However, after you get withinside the tank itself, you recognize how tough it have to were for French tankers to apply those benefits efficaciously. The Char B1-bis is sluggish, bulky, and tough to look out of. Whereas a Panzer III commander can come out of his turret any time he loves to get the lay of the land, the Char B1-bis commander is caught searching out his imaginative and prescient slits or out the lower back hatch. In exercise, it is a lot less complicated to move a Panzer III than its French counterpart, and nowhere does this encounter higher than in the sport whilst you're looking to determine out wherein you're and wherein your pleasant devices are, at the same time as on the equal time looking to hunt the enemy.
These are components of armored fight that do not have the equal effect in records books as whilst you're peering thru the imaginative and prescient slit to your screen, looking to song down that Panzer you noticed a 2d in the past that appears to have vanished. For those motives and others, German tank commanders will combat with a one of a kind fashion than the Allies. Of direction, you can not simply cling out the hatch all of the time as cheap WoTLK Classic Gold though you're on a sightseeing excursion. Exposed tank crews are very susceptible and may be picked off through a unmarried soldier pretty effortlessly.
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ttyto-alba · 6 years
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Some progress shots of the Char.
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tpmmpt-1 · 7 years
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German soldier sitting on a Char B1 bis disabled during the Invasion of France, 1940
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Finished Char B1 bis for my Bolt Action French army. Took awhile to find a scheme, but settled on this because it was simple enough, but unique. Used Vallejo paints and GW washes, with Typhus Corrotion for the grit on the muddy tracks. 1 tank down, 1 to go. Then with their GUP themed Mallard team tank, the 3 Char will be prepared to breakthrough the Germans!
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carbone14 · 10 months
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Char B1 Bis Bearn II 401 du 37e Bataillon de Chars de Combat de la 1ère Division cuirassée saboté par son propre équipage par manque de carburant - Bataille de Flavion – Bataille de Belgique – Beaumont – Belgique – Mai 1940
Photographe : Heinz Fremke
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 101I-125-0277-09
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Après la bataille de Flavion opposant les unités blindées françaises et allemandes dans le secteur de Charleroi en Belgique le 15 mai 1940, la 1ère Division cuirassée est contrainte au repli sur Beaumont. Le lendemain, 16 mai, la division tente de défendre Beaumont avant de céder le terrain. La dernière compagnie du 37e Bataillon de chars de combat à court de carburant, les équipages n'ont pas d'autre choix que de saborder leurs B1 bis avant la retraite. Le char B1 bis BEARN II 401, char du chef de bataillon, le Commandant Jean-Marie Courtot de Cissey, est sabordé rue Madame. A ses côtés, le MEUSE sera déplacé par les Allemands pour libérer le passage.
Equipage du char B1 bis BEARN II 401
Chef de char : Commandant Jean-Marie Courtot de Cissey
Pilote : Sergent Bonnat
Radios : Adjudant René Morlot et sergent Hubert Chabod
Aide-pilotes : Caporal René Lequeux et chasseur Bischoff
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Preserved Char B1 bis "Rhin"
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ww2photoarchive · 2 years
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Char B1-bis Charente the French heavy tank captured by the Nazi Forces
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chaos-connie · 2 years
Thoughts on the medium tank m3
The M3 Lee and Grant are both fantastic tanks for what they're designed for. Although they are admittedly far too tall, they provided an effective platform for the 75mm gun with decent frontal armour. This gun was necessary to combat the German Panzer IV, a well rounded, well designed tank with a 75mm cannon. Alongside the French Char B1 Bis, these tanks were stopgap tanks designed to accommodate a larger gun with a limited firing angle as well as a smaller one mounted in a turret. While the turret mounted one wasn't as effective against the Panzer IVs, it was still viable against Panzer Is, IIs, and IIIs. The high silhouette of the tank was undoubtedly one of its greatest drawbacks. The 75mm was the tank's main gun, and while the 37 in the turret could be used, it was intended as a backup gun. Still, it filled its role well as a stopgap tank, giving the allies time to develop the M4 Sherman, a tank capable of fielding a 75mm gun in the turret, which could properly match the later Panzer IV variants in even combat. Furthermore, even after its combat viability had ended, the tanks could still see use in auxiliary roles, such as supply convoys or parts haulers. Overall, for the time given to design it, and the role it was intended to fill, the M3 Medium Tank is a decent tank. While it undoubtedly has its issues, it was far better than many older British and American designs, especially given the opponents it faced.
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lekodeath · 4 years
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#38 Char B1 Bis
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ttyto-alba · 6 years
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So I think I'm done with this Char B1-Bis! 1:56 scale, I've never done a tank in this scale before, but I learned a lot! Might have to go back in on the treads in some spots, but other than that, I like the end result.
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roberdigiorge · 7 years
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Char B1 Bis Puzzle Camouflage
3D representation of a Char-B1bis with Camouflage TYPE 1 PUZZLE in 3 lobed tones with dark circles (ocher brown supposed green) in collaboration for www.tanks-encyclopedia.com
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