#char reacts to heavensward
i forgot that there are some cutscenes that just- hide you headpiece so you can see your character’s expressions during it but now Ren is in a meeting with Thordan withojt their glasses and I can’t stop thinking about him just trying desperately not to squint at this white blob who’s talking about the ascians
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autumnslance · 4 years
Overall 5.4 Impressions
So I’ve said enough words about 1 story. The rest of the patch though I liked.
The VAs obviously had a rough time with alternate recording options and direction making many of them sound different, and it’s been so darn long since Cid’s gotten to speak--Heavensward patches!--and we’re all more familiar with his ARR voice out of Prae, that it really sounds off.
I’m neutral on catboy, so am fine with him running around doing Scion things with us. Honestly, if I start to feel fandom is negatively impacting me toward a character, I change up my social media consumption, who I interact more with for a time, and do my own things with the char. I’m also generally far more likely to go from negative on a character to positive thanks to fandom enthusiasm, though--I’d rather be neutral to positive on characters and their place in narrative than not.
(In any case, Aeryn keeps catboy at arm’s length; things are weird, but he means well, even his methods weren’t great, and she’s happily in a relationship so doesn’t even notice his crush/hero worship, which isn’t any different from a lot of other popular NPCs reactions to the WoL, anyway, so easy to wave off.)
I LOVE EDEN’S PROMISE. I’ve been through it twice now and the parallels with FFVIII killed me. I still wish Eden’s Verse got as much emotional resonance, but the usual end of the 8man raid story paid off well here. The reveal of the “Faerie”’s true identity works, tied back to MSQ and the main plot of the First well, and makes sense from a lore standpoint in every way. It’s bittersweet in how it validates a lot of headcanons concerning reincarnations and how it resolves on that angle. I am sad the daughters seem to be back behind the NPC Plotwall again, though. Gimme my girls, SE! I want to see them being cute around Norvrandt. Ryne’s little line about it’s unlikely she’ll ever see Thancred again did break my heart a little, please, I want our family to be together!! Also her calling him her knight in shining armor, and thinking how he would react to that, amuses me. I love how his gunblade was relevant, though, and again tied back to those FFVIII parallels.
YoRHa’s little story bit this patch I felt OK with taking care of Konogg, and like how the WoL spends a lot of time talking gently with him, and/or teasing him to try and cheer him up. The injured dwarves story is very sad, and their anger understandable, though Konogg is just a kid. I’ve got theories and ideas and talked things over with a friend who’s played more NieR and I am intrigued for the final wing of that quest. And creepy as it was in the end, I was less creeped out than by Werlyt. Maybe cuz I expected weirdness and some tragedy in NieR but also there wasn’t anything really overt going on here.
The Role Quest and following Void Quests were all I have ever wanted for the Virtue Hunters, for Cyella, and for Unukalhai. I love them all being friends and working together. I enjoyed getting yelled at by a rightfully exasperated Beq Lugg, especially when choosing the silly dialogue options. I want more of this plot and these characters going forward; it feels like it’s a setup for more coming, and I very much hope that’s the case.
Fandaniel’s nihilism is interesting, and I wonder if a cover for something else. A friend calls him “very Kuja” and it really is that vibe; learning you’re “not real” and deciding the world can burn for it. Zenos is just...there for me. I really don’t care one way or another. He mostly irritated me through Stormblood and I eye-rolled he came back (like everyone else in that expac) and am now like “guess we’ll see where this is going.” I’m interested in where the MSQ’s going next but with a .4 patch I am scared for characters again. A little salty they took the boys off to the Empire right away, and what could happen there; a “Meanwhile” might have been nice. Hopefully we get them back in 5.5 (if nothing else for tank and healer variety in MSQ trusts again). We just got the family home, and off they go! At least their shippers got some nice food, though.
Speaking of trusts, I love Matoya, and I love the dungeon. Took me a bit to get the second boss’ mechanic, but overall a lot of fun, neat design, cute music. I’m glad Alisiae finally got a win and has made frickin’ history. Everything with Limsa and Merlwyb was fantastic.
So yeah, I enjoyed it! It feels like I do more than some, but I try not to tie myself too tightly to specific characters or places, and tolerate chars I’m indifferent to all right. I’m glad a city-state and leader outside Ul’dah got some time finally. We checked in with a lot of folks, at least briefly, and so it really felt like “welcome home, immerse yourself in original Eorzea again” even as it’s threatened by a rogue Ascian.
So yeah, ready to see what we get in the next patch and how it leads us to 6.0!
I may make more posts about Eden’s Promise and the Role/Void Quests later, IDK yet.
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just realised that my pinned post is two years old and has so many edits to it, so:
hi. i'm char, she/they, and i dunno why you're here but welcome
mostly i just reblog random shit and complain about life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
occasionally, i write fanfic. my most prolific fandom is FFXV and i also write for various other fandoms, most recently FFXIV, and I've long been infected into OC hell (most of my FFXV oc's are here and my FFXIV WoL's are here for anyone who's curious)
most of my fic can be found under either #my fic or #snippets as well as general fandom tags (my many many many ffxv aus have their own page to try and keep track of them here) and my ao3 account is under the same user
I swear i'm gonna get back to my fics eventually but the pandemic followed by my masters has just drained all inspiration away from me rn
anyway these days i've been live blogging a lot of games, mostly FFXIV and FFXVI but not only. if you want to avoid the posts, block the #char liveblogs ffxiv and #char plays ffxvi and #char does vidya games tags because I know they can be a lot and people don't wanna fill their dash with them
my prompts are always open
[reminder that if you're a terf or a tory you can fuck right off]
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
i know i’ve been spamming everyone with ffxiv posts recently so i’ve tagged them for easy convenience
everything generally ffxiv is still tagged ‘ffxiv’ but anything posted while i’m playing the game is and will also only be tagged with ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’
then anything vaguely spoilery is also tagged either ‘char reacts to arr’, ‘char reacts to heavensward’, or ‘char reacts to stormblood’ so that anyone who doesn’t want spoilers for specific things can block those tags if they want
so yeah, hope that helps
i’m also going to tag this post with all of them to make sure they’re the right tags lol
EDIT: about to start shadowbringers so there is now a ‘char reacts to shadowbringers’ tag that people should block if they don’t want spoilers
EDIT 2: stripped the ‘ffxiv’ from all posts also tagged ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’ because it honestly didn’t occur to me that they would be clogging up the main tag
EDIT 3: i plan on starting 5.1 msq content soon and anything from 5.1 to current content will also be tagged as ffxiv spoilers to be thorough (yes, 5.1 is old news but otherwise i’ll forget to start when i hit 5.5 so i’m starting there)
EDIT 4: endwalker prep is under the tag ‘char preps for endwalker’
EDIT 5: not sure how much screaming is gonna end up on here but. all endwalker spoilers will be tagged ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’, ‘ffxiv spoilers’, and ‘char reacts to endwalker. please block the ‘char reacts to endwalker’ tag at the very least to avoid any spoilers because i am playing in early access
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
i have Suspicions about the masked man helping the warriors of darkness and i really don’t want to be right
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
P a p a l y m o
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
so i’m shit a voices (also faces lol) and i was distracted by the proper northern accent and the really cool outfit (and also the star trek i’m half watching) but i’m pretty sure i’ve seen that Griffin guy somewhere before
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
yeah chucking those dragon eyes off the side of the steps of faith is definitely gonna come back to haunt me isn’t it
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
...er Papalymo
Papalymo i’m pretty sure what you’re about to attempt is going to kill you so
maybe don’t?
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
annnd there’s those fucking eyes, coming back to bite me in the arse
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
i knew the pub was a trap; this game would never let you do something as simple as get a meal with no stress
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
don’t get distracted by triple traid game don’t get distracted by triple triad game don’t get distracted by triple triad gam-
oh master matoya i need to speak to you
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
it really is a good thing i can afford all the gil in teleport costs that this quest chain is racking up
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
...nanamo did you just leave me to distract your guards from finding you?
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
running after nanamo, isn’t this nostalgic
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