#char reacts to shadowbringers
just realised that my pinned post is two years old and has so many edits to it, so:
hi. i'm char, she/they, and i dunno why you're here but welcome
mostly i just reblog random shit and complain about life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
occasionally, i write fanfic. my most prolific fandom is FFXV and i also write for various other fandoms, most recently FFXIV, and I've long been infected into OC hell (most of my FFXV oc's are here and my FFXIV WoL's are here for anyone who's curious)
most of my fic can be found under either #my fic or #snippets as well as general fandom tags (my many many many ffxv aus have their own page to try and keep track of them here) and my ao3 account is under the same user
I swear i'm gonna get back to my fics eventually but the pandemic followed by my masters has just drained all inspiration away from me rn
anyway these days i've been live blogging a lot of games, mostly FFXIV and FFXVI but not only. if you want to avoid the posts, block the #char liveblogs ffxiv and #char plays ffxvi and #char does vidya games tags because I know they can be a lot and people don't wanna fill their dash with them
my prompts are always open
[reminder that if you're a terf or a tory you can fuck right off]
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autumnslance · 2 years
Thank you for answering my question about the matching up of written and in-game characters, that definitely helps. I had planned to start playing my WoL first but reading your advice has me thinking maybe I need a character to just enjoy the story then go back and play my WoL. When you play Dark Autumn and Aeryn, do you play one all the way through or do you play Dark to a point then go back and play Aeryn to the same point? My WoL is FFVIII inspired and pulls a bit from the game itself. ♥
You’re welcome! And I know a few folks with that approach; they have their “gameplay main” but their “Warrior of Light” for fanfic, or even their RP main, is another character—who sometimes lags behind on finishing MSQ, even.
Dark’s my first FF14 char, and I never intended her to be “the” WoL. “A” WoL, a heroic adventurer with the Echo, but she is here to help the Actual WoL (whoever that is in my or friends’ stories).
I play Dark through first partially from habit. I got her to 4.1 before I made alts to replay ARR (it was before NG+) and see the other city intro stories. She went through the patches as they dropped. Eventually C’oretta, and then Aeryn, caught up. C’oretta got left behind though, as I started taking Aeryn through story after Dark was finished (I was also waiting on Dancer for C’oretta as melee is not my forte).
Shadowbringers 5.0 I finished on Dark Autumn and was planning to take time before leveling Aeryn. But I began her play through within a couple days cuz I wanted to relive that story. And that’s kind of how it goes; Dark plays through to the end of current MSQ, then Aeryn starts her playthrough a couple days or so later.
There’s content Aeryn’s done that Dark has not, like Bozja and Eureka. I leveled all the jobs and classes on Aeryn and saw all those stories on her first. But for Raids, Trials, MSQ, it’s typically Dark first—and in the case of Raids and Trials, it’s helpful to take Dark first not only for story, but to see the fight so when my FC does it later in the week and I take Aeryn I have a good idea of what’s going on (as I am RezMage).
Dark tackles the main stories first so I get the lore and info, but also my own kneejerk reactions out of the way. I can start thinking of my WoL’s story and how she reacts to it and where the other OCs fit, and then revise that and take more detailed notes on that second playthrough (usually adding to my initial notes and reactions, to see how they match up or change).
It’s also worth noting; C’oretta and Iyna, while part of my EW stories and have parts they take in EW’s plot, and assigned role quests…they are still in Shadowbringers and Stormblood patches respectively. I know the story and lore. It’s my fiction. They’re supporting characters for my WoL, as Dark is, so I can write them where I need them even if mechanically they are lagging behind until I have the time. I do similarly with which of them has done which class/job chain. What parts of MSQ and the Raid/Trial stories the 3 alts take on, compared to Aeryn—my WoL doesn’t do all of it herself.
(Though I do need to push Iyna through the last few StB patches and at least early ShB for general writing project reasons, to refresh myself on canon)
I actually keep A version of my timeline and ideas for the ladies on the blog (spoilers through current content so not sprout friendly). I have others in my doc folders—for jobs, for relationships—as well as all those notes, drabbles, and scraps as I go. But this helps give me a foundation. I can also shift it around; I added the Avengret stuff last year, and Zaine’s service in the Radiant Host only a couple months ago when I determined that was where he received his initial combat training and why he didn’t start adventuring and return to Eorzea until his mid-20s, trying to be the dutiful son first.
So. I play through entirely on Dark. Then take Aeryn through a few days after Dark finishes MSQ. During both, I keep drabble reactions, notes, etc. I kinda figure then, with all the story behind me, where all of my OCs fit into that story, and how. And I do my best to keep track of it in ways that work for me.
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wolfromtheisland · 5 years
Failure (part 1)
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TIMELINE: During The Events of Shadowbringers
LOCATION: Amh Araeng
The smell dry and fresh blood mixing.
The feeling of powerful axe swings sending vibrations through the air.
The sound of a particular roar that's just a little more high pitched than a beasts.
And, the ever so slight taste of sardines bizarrely drifting on the desert air.
"Ah, it's Xan." Meives concluded quickly, as her working senses surveyed nearly the whole of Amh Araeng's desert. The Blind Miqo'te trod happily toward what was clearly some sort of carnage. She knew the warrior fighting it, (or perhaps causing it? Either or...) and she had grown rather accustomed to her feral-ish friend's antics; journeying toward the chaos she was involved with merrily. Would she get tangled up in some world saving fight again? Or just a series of "training hunts" that would ordinarily take whole squadrons? Or perhaps it was something beyond common sense and completely nonsensical, like mixing up fish and gil again and nearly bankrupting a world power? With her tabard flowing behind her, Meives lost herself in the thoughts of what amusement her friend had waiting for her. So lost in thoughts, in fact, that she hadn't noticed. Not until she got close. Close enough for her heightened senses to be absolutely screaming at her. 
She was wrong. This was wrong.
The taste of sardines on the air had vanished at some point, overpowered seemingly as the blood from the scene increased and took its place. But a saltiness did accompanied it... tears?
The sound of the roars, they were not the confidant and powerful roars she knew from her friend. They were laced with sorrow, like a beast crying out in anguish.
The feeling of the axe swings was dulled, not like the usual hits against ferocious beasts, but like they were hitting something weak and fragile. Something not defending itself.
And the smell, the fresh blood now far outweighed the dry, and by getting closer it became clearer that this fresh blood wasn't from a beast.
It was human blood.
Immediately the ninja shifted her leisurely trod to a sprint. Her mind trying to make sense of the sensations she was feeling while avoiding the obvious conclusion. 
"Xan... what are you fighting... what are you fighting that would make it seem like...!" 
She rejected the notion completely, but was unable to think of another answer, until she was close enough where she could no longer deny it.
Until she came upon that village soaked in blood.
What Xantunsia was "fighting" couldn't even be considered people anymore. Every brutal swing of the Warrior's axe there was accompanied by a "squish" as if tenderizing ground beef, with only every 6th or so swing having the proper "crack" of a blow to a solid body. There couldn’t have been any more than pieces of limbs left of her opponents, and yet she kept striking. Viciously. Angrily.
Each strike churned Meives' stomach violently, reminding her of the slaughter she escaped from in her youth with her mother, rivaling it possible at least in its monstrosity. The sheer amount of blood and triggered memories even stopped her from noticing the rest of the scene immediately; the heat on her skin and the taste of charcoal in the air from the powerful blaze this village was engulfed in. All of these sensations hit her in especially slow succession, considering how used to her lack of sight she had become at this point. A sensory overload brought on by sheer shock most likely that forced her to take everything in one piece at a time. The next piece being…
Her friend was mere feet in front of her. Letting out this sound somewhere between a growl and a gasp, interwoven between her sorrowful sounding roars, as she continued to crash her axe against the charred mortal paste she had created. It took a good moment for her to turn her attention towards the direction her name was called. It wasn't until then Meives' sixth sense started registering her surroundings; being heard finally through the screams of her more immediate senses. She felt the aether of the area, specifically her friend’s, and it was familiar at a glance. The energy let off by Xantunsia releasing her inner beast was nothing Meives hadn't felt before, but this was different. 
It was as if her Inner Beast, this raging embodiment of violent desire, was flaring at full force not to unchain her friend's strength, but to hold something back. Something more deeply repressed, with more twisted cravings, more primally violent ,
and much more powerful. 
If what was usually felt could be called an Inner Beast, this was something else entirely. 
This was an Inner Monster.
Adding this to the sensory overload and sheer confusion of the situation Meives felt, her legs buckled, making her fall to her knees. The being swelling in this Monster-like aether, shaped like a longtime companion, took a step towards her as this happened. The sound of the heavy axe swinging up into the air could be heard as it approached. And as the tabard wearing miqo'te fought to react to all of this at once, with classic timing, her situation worsened.
She grabbed her head to ease the coming headache
"Wait... not now… damn it!"
As her echo began to take her out of herself, the last thing she felt was the air pressure of a monstrous axe swing crashing towards her
And then her senses were no longer hers.
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
i know i’ve been spamming everyone with ffxiv posts recently so i’ve tagged them for easy convenience
everything generally ffxiv is still tagged ‘ffxiv’ but anything posted while i’m playing the game is and will also only be tagged with ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’
then anything vaguely spoilery is also tagged either ‘char reacts to arr’, ‘char reacts to heavensward’, or ‘char reacts to stormblood’ so that anyone who doesn’t want spoilers for specific things can block those tags if they want
so yeah, hope that helps
i’m also going to tag this post with all of them to make sure they’re the right tags lol
EDIT: about to start shadowbringers so there is now a ‘char reacts to shadowbringers’ tag that people should block if they don’t want spoilers
EDIT 2: stripped the ‘ffxiv’ from all posts also tagged ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’ because it honestly didn’t occur to me that they would be clogging up the main tag
EDIT 3: i plan on starting 5.1 msq content soon and anything from 5.1 to current content will also be tagged as ffxiv spoilers to be thorough (yes, 5.1 is old news but otherwise i’ll forget to start when i hit 5.5 so i’m starting there)
EDIT 4: endwalker prep is under the tag ‘char preps for endwalker’
EDIT 5: not sure how much screaming is gonna end up on here but. all endwalker spoilers will be tagged ‘char liveblogs ffxiv’, ‘ffxiv spoilers’, and ‘char reacts to endwalker. please block the ‘char reacts to endwalker’ tag at the very least to avoid any spoilers because i am playing in early access
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
I want to appreciate an ascian who just wants to destroy things (whose literal entire goal is to burn the world and himself with it) and has no tragic backstory or valid reasons or anything like that that leaves me with no guilt over the inevitable death of him. a villian like this daniel knobhead should be a relief for once after a string of damn if i can’t see your point i just can’t let you get away with it ascians except
wow i fucking hate this guy
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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Alisaie is my new favourite sister hands down
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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5.3 is complete! now let me bask in young (looking) and happy and free Raha before i move onto 5.4 tomorrow
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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thank you shade fren for that information
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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crystal fren, raha, you are such a little shit and you’re never going to get such open ended rules for anything again
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
‘the seat of Azem’
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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look at that face and those ears and the big eyes
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
baby miqo’te is adorable wtf how can something so adorable exist
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
who tf is that white robes figure and why do i recognise his voice?
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
gaia is (was?) a what
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
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hey yeah what the fuck
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
‘new old friend’ shade friend i want an explanation pls
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