#charlie grant imagines
yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Bittersweet Days (Charlie Grant x Reader)
A/n Requested
Warnings: a little bit of smut at the end. I've marked the section with a star so y'all can skip it if you so wish but marked the kind of end, so y'all could read the last bitty bit, so warning, teeny mention of nudity in the last of it.
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Your chest is heaving as you grab one of the blue bottles from the drinks crate, squirting a stream of water into your mouth.
The subs along the line handing the current lineup their bottles during the injury check.
"I swear to fucking god, they're firing on all cylinders tonight, Asllani is on my ass like she's glued to it. I can't focus and I can't mark her either."
The game hadn't been going well. Sweden suddenly picked up the pace like they had fire lit under their asses and Sam was now down with a leg tweak after a challenge from Eriksson.
It didn't help the referee didn't do shit about it for a whole minute. Even Eriksson and Mušović were going the ref about her taking so long to call it.
Charlie hands you a sweat towel and takes the bottle from your hands when you offer it.
"Don't let her get in your head. She's just trying to pick apart the midfield. She's already gotten into it with Mini. Don't bite the bait. Stand your ground, but don't bother trying to chase her around. She's not the one you need to keep an eye on."
"Rolfö is being the biggest pain in the ass to mark. There's no way our backline can keep up with her. Hunty is the only one who can even block her from that side. Ellie's getting drawn out way too quickly, and I have to back track, and it's leaving Asllani open. It's like we're panicking."
You shake your head. What a way to celebrate your anniversary.
Charlie takes the towel from your hands as well and moves to hold your shoulders so you can sit still for a moment, ever eager to get back out on the pitch.
"Babe, you know how to keep the midfield locked, talk to Ellie, she needs you to keep her in line. If she goes, Clare covers, not you. You have to cover the top of the box, you know this." You nod, grabbing the bottle to take one last drink and Tony signals you over.
"Talk to Mini in that midfield. She can cover Asllani, but not while she's playing the way she is. She's getting pushy, and Mini is biting easier by the minute. I might have to pull Sam here, so I'm looking at Chids to replace her. She'll cover where you and Mini can't. Look for the lines, follow your lines, L/n, you got this." He claps you on the back, and you give him a tight nod.
As Sam gets walked off and you all return to the pitch, there's a higher tension in the air than before. Everything just stops functioning. It's like nobody listened, and Sweden is just blocking everything that gets sent in. Sam isn't coping, and she can't meet any headers despite insisting to Tony to let her go back on.
Alex is subbed on for Polky, but she isn't given the time or ability to get much done. Why would he push her there? Their backline won't allow for her style of play there.
In the end, it's just frustrating, and the exhaustion is setting in faster than every other match. Steph is trying to keep the backline in form, but running a full marathon at the World Cup isn't doing her legs any good either.
In the end, the moment the whistle blows at the end of the game. You all just collapse to the pitch. You'd all pushed for effort after effort, but nothing broke through. In the end, the Swedes emerge victorious.
Everything kind of just crumbles down. Sam collapses to the pitch, Steph is already on the ground by the technical lines where Tony is, who's still arguing with the ref. Lord knows why.
The man's patience when it came to terrible reffing ran about as deep as the hole you wanted to dig yourself into.
Everything hurt. Your heart, your head, your lungs, your legs. It all felt like a slap that your grandkids would feel. Like it made your father turn over in his grave.
You felt the pats on the back from some of your teammates and some from Sweden as well.
You push yourself up, legs shaky and muscles screaming at you. You go find Sam, giving her shoulder a quick pat as you kneel in front of her.
"Hey, c'mon cap, that's gotta be hurting your ass. Up we come." You pull her up and wrap your arms around her, and she just grunts and just about leans fully into you.
You walk her over to the bench, arm around her shoulder, and give her a few back pats and a shoulder squeeze, mumbling words of consolation to her.
She doesn't say much, and you leave her with a small kiss to the temple.
Charlie is the first to approach you, having spotted your hunched form and slow limping steps. You can tell she's holding back a lot more than she feels comfortable with. The tears peeking out of the corners of her eyes, and the red of her face make it obvious to you.
"Hey baby, I'm so proud of you."
You bury your nose into her neck the moment she has you wrapped up in her arms. Her hand sits at the back of your neck, squeezing at it slightly, and her other rubs circles into your shoulder blades.
You lean into her slightly, feeling your legs wanting to give out on you, and she quickly moves her arms around your waist to hold you.
You whimper, feeling your knee start to twinge more now that you aren't running on adrenaline. You'd done it in about six months ago, but the pain never fully went away, even after months of physio.
You just stubbornly chose to ignore it after not being able to play and worrying it would cost you your career.
"I know it hurts, sweetheart. It's just a little bit longer, and then we can go back and just stay in for as long as we like."
Charlie only knew because she caught you spraying the crap out of it one day with deepheat after a particularly bad training session, and the cold was starting to set in on it.
"Sorry, I know this isn't exactly the present you wanted for our fourth anniversary." You say half jokingly, and she just gives you a watery laugh, shaking her head.
"Honey, I got my present a month ago when we stepped onto the pitch together before the game in Sydney. That's all I've ever wanted."
Tears only pour harder. "We were so close, though. I could've played harder, I could've done something about that damned midfielder."
"She was just so much more physical than either of you or Mini were prepared for. There's nothing you could've done without injuring yourself or the other player."
"Me losing out on my knee would have been worth it if we had made history."
Her hands grab your face at that, bringing you to look her in the eye.
"No, it's not because we already did that. Because you already helped do that. You putting yourself out permanently should never happen for a piece of metal that will get covered in beer and put on a hook to get dusty inside a display cabinet. You are worth so much more than that. Don't ever put yourself or your career down for that."
"No. You've worked so hard to get here. You put your knee on the line just to make the team. It's time to rest. It's okay to need a break. It's okay to say you've done everything you could. It's okay that you couldn’t force yourself to do the impossible. You gave everything, and that's what matters. Sometimes, stuff happens, and you end up outclassed."
You huff a sigh, sniffling lightly. Then slowly nod.
"Okay, okay, I see your point."
She caresses your face.
"Good. I love you."
You give what you can of a smile.
"I love you too."
Upon return to the hotel, you're all invited for an afterparty and taking the opportunity to let off some steam, you all accept.
You half collapse on the bed in your room while waiting for the bathroom to empty so you can shower properly.
A thought comes to mind. Why hadn't you planned anything more for today?
Charlie woke you up with flowers and delivered (pre approved) breakfast. She snuck you extra coffee in the morning every day. She made sure you had your gear back clean and organised and folded while dealing with everything she needed to do as a player.
She'd made sure you both had the night together last night.
Hell, she made you laugh in one of the most heartbreaking settings a player can go through at a World Cup even though she barely got minutes on the field herself.
What had you done?
Given her a heart attack when you went down and played one game together, that and a terrible apology earlier after the game.
After chatting with Mini, Kyra, and Harper, though try as she might, little Harper wasn't as much help as the other two, you set up a roof top date, rented out one of the top suites in the hotel for the night and promised Tony more media duty for the next month than the whole team combined in exchange for the night off.
So that's where you decide you have to do something.
You arranged a little food delivery, snuck out to drop by a few stores, and bought some last-minute flower arrangements and a few packets of rose petals.
You also stopped by a jewellery store to pick up a necklace you knew she'd been looking at while you were out on the team morning walk.
Now, you just had to convince Charlie to stay in with you without it being suspicious.
With it being about thirty minutes before the team was set to leave, you knock on the door to the room Charlie shared with Kyra, ignoring your muscles screaming at you after you'd told Charlie you'd still go with her to the afterparty.
She looked like she didn't quite believe you, and questioned your pain level but you insisted you were fine and that you were happy to go out, knowing she needed to have something to do other than the usual team stuff.
Kyra opens the door, but the moment she spots you, and you give her a nod, she turns back to Charlie. "Hey Cha Cha, your girl's here."
Charlie looks up, a smile gracing her lips but mild confusion joining it.
"I thought we were meeting down at the bus."
You shake your head, immediately having to go over the plan in your head again.
Everything was making you nervous at this point, but you had to fight for your life to not let any nervous tics show. Lord knows your girlfriend would spot them in a heartbeat.
"Actually, change of plans. I convinced Tony to let us skip and found a really nice place for us to go for dinner. I know we haven't had too much time together lately, aside from last night, which I wanted to thank you for."
Charlie's expression softens, and she hops up to come over to you, immediately pulling you in for a tight hug.
"Baby, you don't have to thank me for anything, I'm more than glad for any time we spend together. Saying that, I will take you up on that offer."
You grin and let your lips meet hers for a moment. Of course, you hear a gagging noise from Kyra.
"You two are so sweet, it's actually fucking gross."
Charlie rolls her eyes and turns back to you, arms still around you.
"Come back in about twenty and we can go?"
"Fifteen, I have to show you something first."
"Baby, c'mon, you know my makeup takes forever, twenty, please?"
She bats her eyelashes at you, and you roll your eyes lovingly and peck her lips.
"Fine, twenty."
"Shut the fuck up, Kyra."
"Okay, when you said you were showing me something, I didn't think you meant breaking onto the roof. Why are we coming up this way anyway? You're gonna get us both in trouble."
You seemingly don't hear her protests as you both walk down the hallway to the roof access.
"Seriously, I love you, but now is not the time to fulfil your 'sex under the stars' fantasy."
You roll your eyes and open the door, and start to ascend the steps. She's looking around nervously at the security cameras and nearly stops behind you.
"Y/n, seriously, you're gonna get us into shit with the hotel. We can't be up here. I love you, but why are you bringing me into this again?"
You stop suddenly and turn, grabbing her by the face and kiss her.
"Because you love me, and you follow me anywhere."
She groans, knowing full well she can't argue with you. As much as she vehemently denies it and gets teased for it, she'd follow you off a cliff or into outer space if she had to choose.
You continue up the steps, and when you reach the door to the roof, you step aside and gesture for her to go through first.
"Ladies first."
She huffs at you and moves around you to open the door.
"You're such a little shit, honestly."
Hand to your chest, you gasp softly.
"You wound me." It's said with a teasing smile.
The moment she opens the door, she freezes, tears coming to her eyes.
The roof is set out with an outdoor garden and a pergola with vines wrapping the wood. However, a white clothed table sat directly in the middle, a longer one off to the side with shared dishes that you both love and miss having now that you're away at the World Cup.
The ground and the tables are sprinkled with rose petals, and there's various vases of flowers around.
She realizes now why you'd been so insistent, and when she turns back to you, she can see only pure love and admiration radiating back at her.
The suit you were wearing was perfectly fitted, and it seems the moment she looked away, you'd clipped a small rose to your pocket.
Charlie has to tilt her head back slightly to avoid letting the tears ruin her makeup.
"Happy Anniversary, my love."
Her hand comes up to cover her mouth as she looks back at you, fighting off tears.
"Baby, did you really do all this?"
You give her a shy smile, running your hand through your hair.
"It was last minute, but lately, you've been doing so much for me, and for us as a couple, I had to do something. I love you and appreciate you so much, and I won't ever feel like I'm doing enough for what you deserve. I'd give you the world if I could."
She laughs and grabs you by the hands to pull you closer.
"God, I love you so much. You're doing so much more than you'll ever know. Happy anniversary. Thank you for doing this for us."
You smile widely and cup her cheek, giving her a quick kiss and gesture to the table.
She looks over at the food on the table set out for you and nods quickly.
"You got me my favourite comfort foods. Hell yes, I'm hungry."
You chuckle, and you both dish up from the transportable warmers.
You settle down to eat, chatting about the day and looking back on some fond memories from your early days.
"I can't believe I let you sign me up for a whole go-karting season. As fun as that was, you drive really weirdly dangerous compared to how you drive a regular car."
"Do not, I'm just free spirited when I'm in a mini race car, that's all."
"Baby, you intentionally sent someone off the track because they nudged me trying to go around me."
"That was a fair response. Thank you very much. He was an asshole and he was pretty much fine after anyway"
"The poor guy ended up with a broken arm."
You go silent for a second, and Charlie has an amused look on her face.
"But.. he tried to take you out, it was only fair." You pout.
"Yeah, but baby, you got us banned from that go-karting place for life. I'm 90 percent sure they blacklisted you, too."
"Look, I'm just saying Rich asshole wants to lay wheels on my girl. He ain't walking away without a few scars, okay? Plus, it's better than that time you got us kicked from Paintballing."
"They should've kept their dicks in their pants."
"Clearly, they had to, considering you shot all of them in the crotch."
"Their problem for not wearing the supplied crotch guards."
"Yes, and the instructor was clearly impressed with that effort."
"I did try to tell him they wouldn't stop flirting with you, so they needed a reality check. Plus, I did just say it wasn't intentionally aimed that way while we were fighting."
"They were your teammates. We were on opposite sides of the course."
Charlie pouts and moves around her food slightly.
"Still didn't stop them from trying to get your number at the end of it. I saw you giving something to them by the way."
You raise your hands slightly in mock surrender.
"I may or may not have given them the number to that radio station that broadcasts all the creepy voicemails and texts they get from guys who purposefully get given the wrong number."
Her eyes crinkle with laughter as tries to cover the sound, the melodious noise making your heart warm. You could listen to it all day, every day.
"Oh god, please tell me you've got the broadcast somewhere."
"Maybe. It requires payment for viewing though."
Charlie raises a brow at you. "Yeah?"
You tilt your head playfully. "Yeah, sorry baby, only acceptable payments are kisses."
She hums, nodding.
"Remind me later and I'll take you up on that offer."
"Aw, no fun." You pout softly.
"Baby, we're enjoying the night to ourselves. We have plenty of time for kissing."
"Speaking of, Tony knows we're not gonna be in our rooms tonight."
She tilts her head slightly.
"I may have booked us a room for the night separately."
Her heart absolutely melts at your words, and she wordlessly grabs your hand over the table.
You wiggle your eyebrows. "Wait 'til you see the room."
She giggles softly, shaking her head.
"God, I love you."
Your eyes water, heart beating faster.
"I love you too."
Should this be it? The moment you finally used that damn box that's been tucked under three layers of old socks and giving you a world of anxiety?
Not yet.
The velvet lined case was like lead in your pocket though, and if you didn't do it soon, she'd probably get sick of waiting and do it for you.
You knew she knew you were waiting to propose. She was only waiting for you to do it.
You hold it back and suck back tears before she sees them. You continue eating, and her laughter fills the air as you do everything you can to keep her laughing throughout the night.
Later on, under the caressing melody coming from a speaker you had set out beneath the table, you and Charlie sway together. The moonlight filtering through the vines of the pergola leaves a soft dappled glow across your skin and surrounds.
Your heart flutters as her hands trace the contours of your shoulders before moving back to settle on your neck.
A tender smile tugs at your lips, warmth spreading through you as you feel her fingers play with the hairs at the nape of it.
You can feel the squeeze of your fingers on her waist beneath them, holding her like you never want to let go. Your shared breath intermingles in the space between you, a bridge between your shared love making your heart race.
You take the moment to just ruminate. Your heart replays the moments that have brought you here.
The shared completion of your dreams, the laughter, the moments of disappointment, and the hard times you got stuck in that you had to work out how to navigate.
In all of it, one thing remained consistent.
Your rock. Your love. Your confidant. The person who stood by you at your worst and raised you up at your best. The woman you were so sure couldn't possibly return your feelings just four years ago.
And yet here you were, stood embraced under the moonlit glow of the night, just hours after a fourth place finish at the World Cup.
And yet here you were, holding the love of your life in your hands, her holding you like you'll slip away at a moments notice. That's when you know you're gonna marry this woman.
This beautiful, light, courageous, caring, kind human being was yours.
Her fingers in your hair send shivers down your spine and her lips murmuring sweet nothings to you course through your gut like your blood flows through your veins.
You live in the moment for as long you can before you can tell exhaustion is starting to set in a little between the both of you.
"Come on, love. I can tell you're tiring a bit there. Wanna head in for the night?"
Her lips meet yours softly in a brief but reassuring kiss. "I'm not done with you yet."
Your lips move to her neck with light ghostings across her skin.
"We've got time, baby, all night if you want."
Her sigh and slight head tilt urge you on.
"Lead the way then."
---------------------- **
Under the soft sheets of the bed, you lay propped up on your side, elbow holding your head above the blonde girl beside you, fingers gently tracing her stomach as the breathlessness relaxes into calm once again.
Charlie moves to turn onto her side to face you properly.
"Please tell we didn't let that food go to waste up there?"
Your laugh from there makes her pout slightly.
"I just gave you some of the best three orgasms you've had and your first thought is that?"
Your tone is teasing, and she whines, shoving you lightly.
"I just feel bad is all." You reassure her quickly.
"Don't worry, I made sure my assistants had the food wrapped up and put in storage for now."
"Assistants?" She cocks a brow and you move to straddle her bare waist.
"Yup, my assistants."
"Uhuh, also what makes you think these were the best three orgasms I've had."
You gawk slightly, hands now settling on her ribcage.
"Oh, you've had better have you?"
She braces, slightly hands settling against your wrists, knowing where this is going.
"Mhm, maybe."
Your gleam turns mischievous, and your fingers start to twitch at her sides.
"Is that so?"
Her laughter rings out as you tickle her, squealing slightly and trying to shove your hands away as you relentless torture the poor woman.
"Baby, please! I'm sorry, that was a lie! Please!"
"Oh, was it now? Who gave you the best, huh?"
"You did! you always do, nobody else!"
You slow your ministrations and lean down to take her lips with yours as she calms her breathing again.
"Damn right."
Her breathing turns to soft sighs as you trail your kisses down, resting at her abdomen, tracing the soft lines of her stomach.
It's like everything hits you all at once, the moment she's in your lap, rocking her hips into your hand, your lips trailing up her neck and she breathlessly whimpers your name when your fingers curl inside her.
The moment her legs start to shake and the high of her orgasm reaches, it's out of your lips before you can stop it.
"Marry me."
It catches her off guard, her eyes shooting open slightly as she cries out, clenching around you.
**(if you wanna read the proposal)**
Her breathing calms, and her head moves forward from having been lulled back.
"You wanna repeat that?" It's not said with anger, only a soft undertone of surprise.
Your cheeks turn red at that. You mutter it again.
"Please marry me?"
You don't expect the soft laugh that accompanies it.
"Baby, that was the most unorthodox way you could have proposed."
The tips of your ears are now burning too, and you turn your head slightly to avoid her gaze but she grabs your face and kisses you hard.
"God, yes, I'll marry you."
You grin hard and kiss her again.
You pull away, slipping out from under her to grab your discarded suit pants from the floor, digging out the box.
A soft sigh, leaving your lips as you, still naked, lower yourself to your good knee.
"I was planning on doing it after dinner, but I half chickened out, and now I'm doing this. I wanted to give you a proper proposal, one that you deserve and one that'll you'll remember for the rest of our lives. While the second half may be true, I'm disappointed for not doing it earlier."
She moves to the edge of the bed, tears starting to slip down her cheeks.
"I love you so much. You've been there for me when I wouldn't let anyone else in. You've been my rock, my whole world. You supported me when I was ready to give up. You've lifted me up when we've both been triumphant and you've given me every bit of your heart you could and I love you so much for it and I want, if you'll let me, to spend the rest of our lives repaying it by giving the same back to you."
You pop open the ring box.
"Charlotte Layne Grant. Will you do the honour of making the happiest woman in Brisbane, Australia, and marry me?"
Her laugh is choked up with soft sobs as she nods. "Of course I'll fucking marry you."
Her hands pull you up onto the bed again, kissing you hard and you catch yourself from falling onto her entirely, ringbox still in hand.
You pull away just enough, tears now streaming down your own face, too.
You show her the ring, and she finally gets a glimpse of it. It's a custom, rose gold ring with roses and a deep set diamond with two rubies set on either side at the top. There's also something engraved on the inside.
The moment she reads the inscription, she covers her mouth to stop her sobs.
You look at her worried.
"Is it okay? Are you okay? I didn't know if-"
She tackles you back onto the mattress, and you nearly fall off the bed entirely, just barely managing to catch yourselves.
"I love it, it's perfect."
On the inside, it says.
"To my love, my life, Charlotte Layne Grant-L/n"
"May you forever shine at your brightest, my superstar."
You help her slip the ring on, and her arms immediately wrap around your neck, and you bury your face in her hair, just sitting and holding her.
You finally did it.
You're marrying your superstar.
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etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: seventeen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
lotte has anyone checked on y/n lately?
lessi no why? what's up
lotte i feel like she's been trying to ignore us and the groupchat is quite dead that itself should be ringing some bells
niamh last time i saw her was when we went to nandos together a week ago but i could tell she was feeling a bit down, and these past few days she keeps saying she's busy or tired whenever i try to make plans with her
charli same here
leah wait you guys went to nandos again?!
steph that's what's concerning you the most rn omg? nandos? and not my child?
kyra i think we should revoke leah's privileges to be in this chat tbh raise your hand if you agree ✋
niamh ✋
lotte ✋
lessi ✋
charli ✋
katie ✋
steph ✋
georgia ✋
ona ✋
ella ✋
viv ✋
kyra see that just shows how uninvested leah is in this gc she isn't worthy to be part of the y/n protection squad
leah kyra istg you're gonna catch these hands the next time i see you
steph oi you won't lay a hand on my children not on my watch, williamson
kyra thank you mum 🥰
the REAL karate kid guys have we noticed that y/n's disabled comments on all her posts lately?
viv the fans and media can be quite toxic i won't be surprised if they caught up to her
niamh sent a few screenshots
kyra oh.
lotte no wonder she's been trying to avoid us she's most definitely seen all those tweets
katie i'm gonna fight em 😈
kyra i'm joining you 😈
niamh count me in 😈
georgia me too 😈
lotte guess i'll see you all on the battlefield
steph the battlefied it is
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
brightness why are we at war in twitter rn
sam the skippa HELP this is so entertaining
rusty metal @ the imposter aka y/n ❤️
meado y/n you need to see this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ what is happening
mccard y/n protection army reporting for duty
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rusty metal i need more popcorn for this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stop you guys tysm i'm crying
the REAL karate kid you see those are the more .... civilised ones and then there's kyra's ones
pest don't be shy show em 😈
the REAL karate kid
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willybum KYRA 😭😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ thank you kyra 😈
pest you're very welcome y/n 😈
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ PLS IM SO PROUD OF YOU ILYSM HAHAHA
pest our teachings have paid off
ona they sure have pookie 😈
rusty metal STOP 😭😭 you two are banned from teaching her slang
pest it's not our fault you're a grandma
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ okay but genuinely thank you so much everyone you guys really didn't have to back me up there but it truly means a lot to have your support i love you all so much 🥺😭❤️🙏
pest we love ya too y/n ❤️
mccard ❤️
stephy ❤️
neev ❤️
cha cha ❤️
elton ❤️
meado ❤️
viv ❤️
ona ❤️
rusty metal ❤️
the REAL karate kid ❤️
stairway ❤️
willybum ❤️
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
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afterglowkatie · 5 months
mini and co | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.4k | a day off for the found family, the sun finally making an appearance leading to a mini and co family picnic
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the pair of pests universe. my favourite found family dynamic
‘Shh, you gotta be quiet. We don’t wanna wake Kyra,’ You whispered crouching down next to Harper, smiling at her little laughs. It was a sunny, warmish day which had you all outside at the park soaking in any bit of sun you could get. Mini and Clara talked about a potential picnic that morning, not fully sure of the idea, though they hadn’t counted on the little ears that had been listening in who definitely wouldn’t let go of the idea. Harper insisted she had to individually call you, Kyra and Charli to join them. 
An afternoon of running around playing games trying to wear out the toddler, Kyra had ended up being the one to fall asleep in the sun on the picnic rug. Mini, Clara and Charli in deep conversation paying no mind to you and Harper, you saw this as the perfect opportunity to rope your little shadow into some mischief. The three of you always liked fighting over who was Harper’s favourite, but there wasn’t any doubt that you were her favourite. No matter where you were, she was always next to you. 
‘Shh, be quiet,’ Harper loudly whispered, holding her finger up to her lips. You held back a laugh after seeing how serious she was looking at you and then at Charli who had spotted the two of you creeping up on Kyra, full unscrewed water bottle in your hands. She just smirked, rolling her eyes and continued to keep Mini and Clara distracted by the conversation so they couldn’t interrupt yours and Harper's plans. 
‘Ready Harps?’ You whispered, the little giggles coming from her were all the confirmation you needed. Helping Harper, you both lifted the water bottle above Kyra, giving a silent countdown before tipping the bottles entire contents onto her. Kyra groaned confused as she sat up looking at herself, her clothes wet before waking up enough to hear the laughter coming from you and Harper. The corners of Kyra’s lips started to form into a small smile hearing you laugh, no matter what she always loved the sound. Though she quickly wiped away any evidence of a smile instead shooting a glare towards the two of you who were laughing so hard you struggled to breathe.
‘Oi, you’ll regret that’ Kyra playfully grumbled while playing along. Quickly sitting up enough to reach out and grab you. Kyra’s arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into her.
‘Oh no! Harper, Kyra’s got me, run and save yourself,’ You dramatically yelled out to her, faux struggling against Kyra knowing you could definitely get yourself free if you wanted to, and pointing in a direction which Harper ran off in away from everyone.
‘No Kywa!’ Harper yelled while running off, Mini following closely behind her trying to hold back her own laughter while shaking her head.
‘Ugh Kyra, you’re all wet,’ Your hands went to hers that were locked around your waist, trying to pull them apart so you could at least sit next to her where you also weren’t getting wet. But she just tightened her hold on you, pulling you even closer, smirking while hearing you protest even more until you finally relaxed into her embrace accepting that Kyra wasn’t letting you go any time soon.
‘I wonder who’s fault that is,’ Kyra rasped out almost into your ear, her head leaning against your shoulder, ‘Don’t dish it if you can’t take it,’ Kyra annoyingly pressed an extra sloppy kiss against your cheek knowing that you’d hate it. Screwing up your face at Kyra you wiped it away onto her arm. She feigned offence at your actions, a faux gasp leaving her lips, you just rolled your eyes. 
Looking away from Kyra and back to where Mini was now chasing Harper around the park. You couldn’t deny the way you felt your cheeks heat up when Kyra’s lips found your cheek. It wasn’t an unusual thing to happen, you both often gave each other little kisses on the cheek and forehead. It was the way you showed your affection, despite your friendship being based on teasing, mocking and pranking each other. There were still those soft moments between the pair. The unusual part was how you felt towards it this time. Though Kyra is just your best friend and you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s a part of you that realises that you don’t have this same internal reaction whenever any of your other close friends show affection towards you. The other part of you, the one that takes over, pushes those thoughts away. For now at least.
‘Who do you think’s gonna win?’ Kyra’s voice pulled you back into reality. You hummed out thinking while watching the scene play out in front of you. It had turned into a game for Harper trying to get away and stay away from her mum for as long as possible.
‘Obviously Harper. You’ve been the one to chase Harps enough that you know Mini is not winning this one,’ Kyra chuckled as did you. You both had been the one chasing after Harper countless times. Toddlers can be fast when they want to be and you both found that out the hard way.
‘You two look quite comfy,’ Charli had moved over to where the two of you were sitting, Clara going to help wrangle the 2 year old. Only then did you notice that Kyra’s grip on you had loosened, definitely enough that if you wanted to move away you could have done so ages ago.
‘Kyra makes a great pillow,’ You laughed out, joking around while leaning your head against Kyra’s shoulder.
‘Oh let me test this out,’ Without warning Charli had laid against Kyra’s side with her head on Kyra’s other shoulder, ‘You’re right. Room for both of us,’ She hummed in agreement. You both laughed while Kyra tried to push Charli off of her.
‘Nah, only for tiny Catley. You get off,’ You rolled your eyes, your unofficial nickname being tiny since you were younger and noticeably shorter than your older sister. That name followed you from even before you were called up for your first seniors camp, so it wasn’t a surprise when you did arrive to everyone calling you tiny or tiny Catley or some variation. 
Your heart always did race a little whenever Kyra chose you over anyone else, even if you thought it didn’t mean anything other than you just being her favourite friend, ‘Aw no fair Kywa, I’m your bestfriend too,’ You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips and shook your body when you heard Charli’s mocking tone and then saw the pout she threw Kyra’s way.
Though before Kyra could successfully get Charli off of her, she found herself at the bottom of not just two bodies but now three, ‘Cuddle!’ Harper yelled while running full force and jumping on the top of all three of you. You opened your arms letting Harper get comfy, while Charli shot Kyra a look of triumph knowing there was no way Kyra would try anything not while Harper was also a part of the pile on top of her.
You stayed like that until Harper had fallen asleep and Mini decided it was probably time for them to head home. While helping pack everything away you noticed Kyra shiver a little, ‘Ky, come with me,’ You didn’t wait for her to respond before you pulled her away from the group towards your car. No other words said to her before you were shoving your arsenal training jumper over her head, ‘You never know when you need a jumper,’ Answering Kyra’s silent question.
‘In some ways you’re just like your Steph,’ Kyra fiddled with the bottom of your jumper that was now on her body, ‘But you’re obviously better,’
‘You should definitely tell her that I’m the better Catley. Gotta knock Steph down a little,’ You both laughed out before being interrupted and brought back to the world when Mini and co. came over to say goodbye and grab Kyra to take her home, ‘I’ll see you at training Ky,’
‘Yeah see you at training,’ Turning around to follow Mini, Kyra couldn’t help but smile to herself. Playing with the bottom of the jumper that was a little bit too small for her, but that didn’t matter, the fact it was yours and you had given it to her for now was all that mattered to Kyra. It was all she could think about on her way home. You were all she could think about on her way home. 
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chaotic-toasters · 5 months
AUSWNT x Teen!Reader
"Hi, Macca!" You grinned, rushing into the Keeper's waiting arms. "I missed you!"
"I've missed you too, kid," she smiled, squeezing you tightly. "How's Spain treatin' you?"
"What about me?" Alanna questioned. "I haven't seen you in a while too, y'know."
"Oh, hi Lani," you patted the defender on the shoulder. "Didn't see you there."
"You're so mean," the cityzen feigned hurt, all too familiar with your playful antics. "Kyra said to go and meet her and Charli in her room. They need you for something. Probably a prank."
"Alright," you gave her and Mac fist-bumps as you walked past. "If I turn up dead tomorrow, you know what happened."
"Hey, Ky, hey Char," you greeted, eyebrows raised as you followed Kyra into the room. "What was it you needed?"
"Y/N, perfect," Charli was suspiciously gleeful. "We've got some Tim Tams that we need eaten, but Ky and I have already had too many. You mind finishing them for us?"
"Sure," you agreed instantly, never one to deny a Tim Tam (even if it was way too early in the morning. "I'm down."
In short, you consumed three whole packets of Tim Tams. Kyra and Charli had shared a look, the former getting up and grabbing a coffee from otherwise empty desk. "You look kinda tired. Have some coffee, it'll help you get through the jetlag for now."
You hadn't thought much of it, so you'd graciously accepted it and finished it within the hour.
"Y/N! Kyra! Charli!" Lydia's voice called through the door, followed by a couple of knocks. "We've gotta head to training! Get ready to go!"
You rolled your eyes, much to Kyra and Charli's amusement. "Yes, mum!"
"MINIMINIMINIMINIMINIMINI!" you practically yelled, barreling towards the surprised Midfielder excitedly. "LOOKLOOKLOOKLOOK!"
"Woah, kiddo," she sidestepped, glancing over at Alanna. "You're a lot stronger than I am. Careful."
Alanna was quick to pull you into a hug in a fruitless attempt to calm you down. "What's goin' on, Y/N? You okay?"
You were shaking, bouncing up and down rapidly in the defender's arms. "What d'you mean? I'm great!"
You bolted away, somersaulting across the pitch before slamming your foot into a ball that had been laying on the ground. "WHEEEE!"
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," Tony ran over with Steph in tow. "What's happened, kiddo? You just excited?"
"Yeah yeah yeah!" you did a random backflip for no reason other than you feeling like it. "I'm excited! Yup yup yup!"
Ellie looked severely ashamed for what she was about to whisper to Hayley. "Is she... is she high?"
"No, there's no way," the Madrid player shook her head instantly. "She cares about her career way too much to jeopardize it with something like drugs."
"Yeah, you're right. But if she's not high, then what?"
Across the pitch, Lydia and Mackenzie's eyes swept over each and every player like hawks.
Instead of being worried that a new, younger keeper would take their places when you joined the national team, they immediately took you under their wings and declared themselves as your team moms. It wasn't a secret that they'd kill anybody who messed with you.
"Mac," Lydia elbowed the West Ham captain. "Over there."
Mac's eyes zeroed in on two best friends, seemingly worried as they whispered in each other's ears. "Oi! Cooney! Grant! You got somethin' to share with the team?"
Both of their heads snapped up, fear written clearly all over their faces.
Two tall, angry Australian goalkeepers was a terrifying sight for anybody, but up until now, none of the Tillies had been on the receiving end of your team moms' wrath. Safe to say, no one was prepared.
"You give my kid something?" Macca demanded, rolling up her sleeves. "Why's she actin' weird?"
Charli gulped. "We— we, uh..."
"Spit it out," Mackenzie growled, ignoring the fact that you were currently clinging onto her leg like a koala. "What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?"
"We gave her a bunch of Tim Tams," Kyra blurted out, caving as soon as Lydia dragged her thumb across her throat menacingly. "And... and... Charli gave her a coffee with, like, eight packets of sugar in it!"
"Me?!" Charli cried. "You literally handed it to her! And it was your idea! I only agreed!"
"Oh, you two are so dead," Mac glared, lumbering forward with much difficulty considering there was a 140-pound human attached to her right leg. "I swear to God, I'm gonna murder you both."
Lydia did it for her, seizing both troublemakers by the fronts of their shirts. "You think this is funny? Y/N can be fuckin' dangerous when she's hyper! She coulda run over Mini!"
Kyra looked past Lydia's shoulder to where you were snuggling into Macca's knee and babbling about racecars. "Uh—"
A smack to the back of the head shut her up real fast.
"Not now, Ky!" Charli hissed through gritted teeth.
"Tony!" Kyra pleaded as Lydia's grip on her training bib became tighter. "Tony, please!"
The manager held up his hands, walking backwards and almost tripping on the drinks cooler. "Nope. Not getting involved."
The skipper looked around wildly. "I... I have to go plan your funeral! In the bathroom! Bye!"
"Ras, please—"
The Madrid player was gone before the gunner could even finish her sentence.
Lydia's eye twitched.
"Y/N, babes, you good?" Ellie asked, nudging you slightly.
You blinked slowly. "Huh?"
"I'm gonna go get Mac, I'll be right back."
True to her word, the Lyon defender returned a minute later with the ever-protective older keeper at her side.
"Y/N's kind of out of it," Ellie explained as your head bobbed slightly. "I think she's crashing from the sugar."
"Aww, kiddo," Mackenzie sat beside you on the bench, using a hand to place your head on her shoulder. "It's only three, you tired?"
"Mhmm," you murmured, only half-paying attention. "Sleepy."
She sent a cowering Kyra and Charli a death glare. "Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind. Right, Tony?"
The manager instantly agreed, giving you both an awkward and slightly terrified thumbs-up. "I— yup. Whatever you want, girls. It's- it's totally up to you."
Lydia walked over, brushing a flyaway out of your face. "I'll bring you up to your room when we're done here. Get some rest, kid."
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skipper1331 · 5 months
Obviously in love // Grace Clinton
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a/n: based off this request:)
Grace Clinton liked you.
You liked Grace Clinton.
Everybody knew.
Everybody but the two of you.
Several occasions showed exactly that.
It started with the many superstitions the two of you had or rather shared. The girls would always tease you about it while both of you claimed and often argued that you‘d play horrible if not doing so.
1.) Grace always had to do your hair. Each time she would do a different hairstyle, each of them done perfectly as your hair wouldn‘t ever get in the way, no matter what happened.
2.) You had to tie her boots. Yes, she was able to do it herself, (like you were capable of doing your hair yourself) but something about you tying her shoes gave her enough confidence to shoot from every angle and distance on the pitch. And score goals.
3.) "ready to win?"
"Ready whenever you are"
"Popcorn!" Celin shouted as she entered the living room with three bowels of popcorn balancing in her hands.
The Tottenham girls were sat around the couches, arm chairs and bean bags as the movie marathon was about to begin.
Grace and you shared a bean bag, yourself sitting in between her legs while your back rested against her front and her arms were loosely wrapped around your mid section. "Try not to fall asleep to soon, yeah pretty girl?" the midfielder purred, in responds your hands pinched her thighs "If i remember correctly it was you who snored like a grizzly bear the last time" you giggled as Gracie attacked you with pokes in your side. She only stopped when she felt a smack against the back of her head, "movie starts" the captain stated. You settled back in her arms while she pulled you closer.
Her arms brought you a type of comfort nobody ever could.
It was save to say that Grace loved the spare key she had to your home. She used it at every opportunity she got, opening the door when you were with her "I have my own key, I can open the door for us" proudly showing the key on her key chain. Or other than that, letting herself in when you weren‘t there as she made herself a home and even using the key when you were at home but didn‘t expect her to come over.
You stood in the kitchen, preparing your dinner when you felt arms snuggling around your waist, a head resting on your shoulder. You shrieked, caught completely off guard as you yet melted in the grasp, your favourite scent filling the air.
"Gracie! You promised me!" you grumbled, turning around as you stared at the midfielder with crossed arms, "you can‘t just come over and use the spare key! It‘s for emergencies"
"It is an emergency!" she defended herself, arms up in surrender.
"What‘s the emergency, hm?"
"I missed you" she stated, pulling you close before she hid her face in the crook of your neck, mumbling something inaudible.
You sighed, asking "Do you want some dinner?" your fingers combing through her hair.
"Yes, please"
"You‘re staring" the voice of Beth appeared next to you, calling you back to reality.
"What did you say?"
"You‘ve got something in your eye" she repeated as you looked at her, "what? Where?" trying to find what and in which eye.
You glared at her while she laughed her ass off.
"Shut up!" you hit her arm, Grace already skeptically looking at the two of you from the other side of the pitch, about to make her way over.
"Come one, you like her" Beth said now in an softer tone, "and she likes you"
"We‘re best friends!" you replied, slight anger in your voice.
"Whatever you say, babes"
After tossing and turning for hours, you came to the realization that you weren‘t able to sleep. You didn‘t why but it annoyed you. Physically you were tired, your eyes closing every now and then but you just couldn’t fall into a deep slumber.
Not knowing what to do, but desperately in the need and want of sleep, you reached for your phone.
"Hello?" The sleepy voice rasped.
"What‘s wrong? Are you okay?" She shot up from her bed, you never called at such a late hour and with the shakiness in your voice she thought of the worst.
"I don‘t know, sorry. Forget about it" you mumbled, regretting that you called her at 3am.
"Wait-" but you had already hung up. You would find a way to sleep.
On the other side of the phone, Grace was already out of bed, throwing a hoodie and joggers over her pyjama. She raced through the apartment, every possible light on, searching for eventually needed stuff, not being bothered by the noises she made which woke up her flatmate.
"What are you doing? It‘s in the middle of the night" Celin said, leaning in her door frame while she rubbed her eyes.
"Something’s wrong"
"Do we have an intruder?!" she yelled, grabbing for the nearest weapon in her room.
"What? No. Something‘s wrong with my- Y/N"
Celin watched Grace pace through the kitchen, collecting your favourite snacks which she had stored in her home in case you hung out here, craving some of them.
"When are you going to tell her that you like her?"
"We‘re best friends"
"Are you telling me that or yourself? Everybody knows you like each other"
In silence, she put on her shoes, backpack filled with essentials before she rushed out of the house.
When she opened the door, she was met with darkness. Because of this, she assumed that you were in your bedroom. Gently, she opened the door-
"What the fuck!" you yelled, frightened. You switched on your lamp, staring at the midfielder, "you scared the shit out of me!" suddenly wide awake.
"I scared the shit out of you? You scared the shit out of me!" she replied, putting down her backpack and walking over to 'her' side of the bed - the side she slept in when she was staying over. "What are you doing here?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"You called me and then hung up on me all of sudden." she slipped under the duvet, closing the distance, "I was worried" her hands found your waist, pulling you in her grasp before she continued, "what‘s wrong? There’s a reason you called me, so please don‘t say 'nothing'"
Looking away from her, you could feel your cheeks heating up embarrassingly.
"I couldn’t- can‘t sleep" you muttered, "and I can always sleep when you‘re here, so-"
"you thought asking me to come over would help until you realized it’s three in the morning?" she finished your sentence.
you nodded.
"I‘m sorry"
"Don’t be, I’m glad you called me" the girl tangled your legs together, resting her head on the pillow, "Besides, it's a full moon, no wonder you couldn't sleep"
With that being said, you hugged her back, resting your head on her chest like you always did.
And within a few minutes you were asleep, the rhythm of her heartbeat lulling you into a slumber.
Derbies were always rough matches, especially when it was Arsenal.
As it was now.
Grace and you were both in the starting lineup, excited to play against the gunners - some of your national teammates.
"Ready to win?" you asked Gracie, the girl already staring at you with heart eyes (which was unnoticed by you).
"Ready whenever you are" she replied, smiling - an unspoken rule to have this small conversation while you waited in the tunnel - Grace always lined up behind you.
In the first half, both teams had their chances, sadly none of Tottenhams and thankfully none of Arsenals leading to a goal.
With Katie McCabe on your side, it was rather physically exhausting, the Irish woman challenging you in more than one way. Each time, Grace saw you hitting the ground, she was about to rip Katie‘s head off, only calming down when she saw you get up right away. Yet her anger was still very much present in the break. She was holding your hand tightly, in the need of your touch to reduce her anger.
In the first few minutes after halftime, Alessia opened the score, fueling more pressure on the team for the equalizer. The game got rougher and more physical as tackles came sliding in from multiple players.
When Tottenham was awarded a corner kick and it came flying in your direction, you jumped up, trying to head it somewhere near the goal. But instead of hitting the ball, you felt another head smack against yours.
Grace watched in horror as you went down while her legs started to work on their own - sprinting towards you. Blood trickled down your forehead, making the midfielders stomach twist. Multiple people were at your side, including the Arsenal player who caused your injury. She pushed everybody aside, kneeling down next to you, "Get the fuck away from my girl" pure venom laced in her voice as she shoved the gunner away, her full attention on you and you only. You had a nasty cut on your forehead, eyes barely staying open. You could hear your favourite voice talking, but you didn‘t understand what she was saying - was she even talking to you? All you knew was that her hand was holding yours. You knew her touch. You‘d always recognize her touch - no matter what.
"Mate, what‘s your problem?!" Katie McCabe snarled, matching her attitude while pulling her on her collar. "My problem?!" Grace jumped up, her hands bloody from holding yours, "She‘s fucking bleeding"
"And? Everybody hurts themselves. It‘s a physical game after all!"
"She‘s not just anyone!" with that she shoved Katie to the floor, all her anger bubbling over. Of course, the defender was up on her feet in less than 10 seconds, starting to shove Grace around, both of them yelling at each other.
Katie had to be held back by Leah and Kim while Beth and Ashleigh pulled Grace away who was still shouting at the Irish woman.
How dare she to say anything about you?!
Winning the fa cup against Manchester United was amazing and something massive. Tottenham made history that day. Unfortunately, Grace wasn‘t allowed to play yet that didn’t stop her from cheering for the spurs, especially for you. When you scored the opening goal, Grace thought her heart might explode with all the pride she felt and when Marta made it 3-1 in the 89‘. The deal was settled.
After receiving your medals and the pitch-celebrations died down, the team decided to go out tonight.
When you entered the bar/club, you were met with very loud but fancy music, people dancing everywhere and a few of your mates sitting at a table chatting. Not in the mood to dance just yet, you joined them, greeting everybody before taking a seat in Grace‘s lap - nothing new.
Her mouth fell open as she almost drooled at the sight of you, "you look- wow" she breathed out, completely in love with you.
"Thank you!" you grinned, " you don‘t look bad yourself" while checking her out the best you could - but indeed, she wasn‘t looking bad, she looked gorgeous.
"Do you want a drink?" she asked, squeezing your hips.
"Yes, that would be nice" you replied, making no move to get up, "don‘t you want to ask what drink I‘d like?"
"I know you quite well by now" with that she got up before gently guiding you back down in her chair.
While Celin tried to make conversation with you, you only had eyes for the midfielder, admiring her from afar. You frowned when a lady approached her and started talking to her. Your jaw clenched, chest tightening as you glared daggers into the woman’s head. What‘s her problem? the strangers hand touched Grace‘s arm as she discreetly stepped closer. "Someone is flirting with Y/N‘s girl" one of the girls teased, your friends laughing at her joke. That comment made your jealousy grow, your hands balling into fists as you tried to keep your cool. "Aren‘t you going to do something?" Charli asked, sensing your frustration.
With a huff you got up, marching over to the beast who was talking to the beauty.
Stepping between both of them, you leaned against the counter, "hi! I‘m her girlfriend and you are?" your voice sounded firm and stern, Grace taken aback by your statement and your sudden outburst.
"Sorry" the girl was quick to flee the scene, not wanting any drama as well because she was scared and intimidated by you and your presence.
After the girl was gone, Grace grabbed your hips, pulling your back against her front, "What was that?" she asked, her voice raspy.
"That creature was flirting with you" you replied stubbornly, crossing your arms as you tried to leave her touch.
"Stop" Grace grumbled, pulling you back, "relax" she ordered softly, her arms wrapping fully around your midsection. As on cue, you melted in her embrace, letting all anger flow away.
"So, what was that?"
"What was what? I just wanted my drink" you answered yet defensively.
"None of that, it‘s me" she whispered as you intertwined your fingers, "were you jealous?"
You sighed, "yes"
The young lioness froze, she didn‘t expect you to be straight up honest with her. She knew you had never lied to her and she wouldn‘t assume that you would ever lie at her, but she indeed thought that you would avoid admitting your obvious jealousy.
"I don‘t like it when other people flirt with you" you mumbled after you had turned around, looking at her.
Not wanting to push you any further, she kissed your forehead in responds before guiding you on the dance floor.
"They‘re disgustingly cute" Charli told Celin as they watched the two of you dance.
"And obviously so in love"
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
cheerleader II Grace Clinton x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1882
a/n: inspired by the request if we write for Grace Clinton, enjoy. 🤍
“Hurry up, Celin, I don’t want to be too late for the match.”, Grace Clinton told the fellow football player impatiently, the arms crossed over her chest. The rest of the friend’s group had already been ready to leave fifteen minutes ago.
The Norwegian meanwhile took a final glance at her bathroom mirror, checking if the curls she just made fell right, before announcing:” I’m coming.”
“Finally.”, Grace sighed relived.
Eyerolling Celin padded the shoulder of her friend: “Don’t be annoying. We’ll be on time.”
“Someone can’t wait to be the personal cheerleader of her girlfriend today.”, Khiara Keating teased the fellow Lionesses teammate with a huge grin on her face.  
When the goalkeeper mentioned you Grace cheeks turned immediately red which Charli Grant couldn’t help but to point out in a swooning voice:” I think it’s adorable. Look at how much she’s blushing!”
“Oh, shut up!”, your girlfriend begged annoyed who felt her face becoming even hotter than before.
Amused Celin commented: “Disgustingly cute.”
“Celin!”, she yelled at her.
The Norwegian looked innocently at her teammate:” What?”
“Stop it. No one said it was disgustingly cute when you got engaged.”, Grace reminded the woman who was only two years older than her.
Smiling at the memory Celin admitted: “ No, that’s true. Bethany was really annoying about it though like a mum. She asked me if I was sure about it? And that we’re still in the puppy love phase, blab la bla.”
“She just doesn’t want you to make a mistake.”, your girlfriend replied softly.
Dramatically the midfielder groaned:” Yes, and that’s sweet of her but she really needs to stop using dog metaphors all the time.”
The smile on Grace’s lips grew even bigger as she thought of Beth Englands golden retrievers who were adorable in her eyes and made her wish that you both would eventually get a puppy together, maybe the summer would be the perfect time for it:”  Everyone loves dogs though.”
“And her golden retrievers are so cute.”, Charli added in a tone she usually reserved for Harper.
The youngest of the four, Khiara was looking alarmed at the time on her phone:” Girls now we really got to hurry up!”
“Tell that to Celin.”, Grace scoffed.
She pouted: “It wasn’t my fault!”
“Yes, it was.”, your girlfriend laughed.
As they stepped out Charli was putting an arm on each of the best friends, while reminding them why they were heading out today: “Come on, girls. It’s time to watch some grassroots football, now.”
Your teammate Ava bumped her shoulder against yours as you walked out on the pitch together. With a smirk she commented: “Y/n, havd you spotted your cheerleader already?”
“Not yet. I fear they run a little late. She's bringing some friends with her today.”, you replied, your gaze wandering towards the entrance of the football pitch. But there was still no sign of Grace.
Avas eyes widened: “There's even more of them coming?!”
You nodded patiently: “Yeah, Celin, Charli and Khiara are coming as well.”
“Holy F-…”, Ava replied, stopping herself before your coach could hear her.
Your goalkeeper, Max, joined your conversation, lifting their eyebrow at you; “But you warned them that we do this just for fun and that we are not really good in our league, right?!”
Grimacing, you looked at your two teammates; “Uhm…”
“What the hell, y/n? We're totally going to embarrass ourselves in front of them!”, Ava yelled out, her voice rising with anxiety. She exchanged a panicked look with Max.
“Girls, calm down…”, you started, fighting back a smile.
The defender shook her head, her blonde ponytail swinging: “How?!”
You rolled your eyes with fondness: “You guys know Grace already and you never had a problem playing in front of her.”
“That’s different!”, Max interrupted you but the corners of their mouth curved into slight grin.
“Yeah, she’s only there to look at you with heart eyes during the match.”, Ava agreed, giggling.
You could feel your cheeks heat up: “Oh come on…”
Max shrugged nonchalantly: “She’s got a point.”
“Her friends are very nice, you’ll see.”, you promised them while you caught yourself looking for your girlfriend again.
Ava raised her eyebrows: “Let's hope so.”
“I guess we should start warming up.”, Max changed the topic and started to jog across the grass.
Ava clapped her hands: “Yes, let’s go.”
Max looked back over their shoulder towards you: “Come on!”
Laughing, you followed them: “I’m coming, children!”
“Children? You’re the child here!”, the goalkeeper laughed.
“Since she got into uni she thinks she’s an adult.”, Ava continued to tease.
“Hey!”, you protested. You were not even the youngest player on your team.
Max deliberately ignored you: “She wishes.”
Before you could reply, you were almost knocked off balance by someone jumping on your back and wrapping their hands around your shoulders.
“She’s still our baby!”, Rileys voice shouted right next to your ear.
You shook the redheaded midfielder off: “Ugh, stop it. I’m not.”
“Yeah, you are.”, Max countered smugly.
“At least I’m faster than you!”, you grinned and increased your pace, switching from a fast jog into a sprint.
The goalkeepers jaw dropped: “Without stretching! If we’d do that, we could go home right now.”
“Honestly, some things you can only do when you’re young.”, Ava shook her head.
Riley laughed: “My knees hurt from only watching her.”
“You sound like Lucy Bronze, Riley.”, you chuckled, remembering the phone call you had with Grace when she was away with the lionesses in Spain. Your girlfriend was happy about the fact that the English defender put her under her wings.
Even though the knee of the Barcelona player was hurting after she ran against Grace in training the older woman was still joking around with her like the pain was nothing.
Dropping the name of the famous lionesses Riley’s mouth dropped wide open: “Excuse me?!”  
“Yeah, it’s true but Luce wouldn’t just sat by and chat when she has to warm up.”, Khiara joined the conversation with a teasing smile on her lips.
Your teammate pouted, begging not all too serious: “Never ever bring your girlfriend and her friends again.”
“Riley, you got compared to Lucy Bronze that’s a compliment., you tried to cheer the older woman up before you turned around to kiss your girlfriend who was standing next to the Mancity goalkeeper, hi babe, glad you could make it.”
You were willing to ignore Celins fake gagging noises unlike Grace. She scolded the Norwegian for her reaction:” Celin!”
“Ignore her, Grace. Have fun watching the game, girls.”, you told her softly.
“Good luck.”, Khiara shouted after you, widely grinning.
Grateful for her support you mouthed: “Thank you, Khi.”
“You’re welcome.”, she replied.
During the match, Celin bit her lip, looking worried at what was happening in front of them:” Oh god, their team is bad.”
“Don’t be mean.”, Grace immediately defended you and your team.
With a mischievous grin Khiara reminded the Tottenham players:” You guys were bad too when we won against you 7:0.”
“You said you wouldn’t remind us anymore.”, your girlfriend whined.
The mancity goalkeeper countered: “At least it stopped Celin from being mean.”
“Grace, your girl scored!”, Celin excitedly interrupted them.
Proudly Grace said:” Not too bad, right?”
“It was a really nice goal.”, Charli admitted.
When Max celebrated your goal with you, she pulled you close to hum into your ear:” Little one tell your girlfriend she needs to come more often if her presence makes you score such bangers.”
“Oh, but you know she’s a busy girl.”, you answered grinning.
Confidently she shook her head:” Doesn’t matter. We need some wins.”
After the match, Ava announced to your girlfriend:” Grace, we need you to attend more games it works wonders on y/n’s performance.”
“I’ll try to come more often. But my weekends are pretty booked.”, Grace promised.
 In a reassuring tone you responded:” You don’t have too.”
“No, I want to come more often. I really enjoyed watching.”, your girlfriend looked at you lovingly.
“To be fair I enjoy watching you play too.”, you confessed sweetly.
She smirked while suggesting:” I think we could make a deal out of it.”
“Yes, we’ll try to see each other’s games as often as we can.”, you nodded eagerly.
The promise was sealed with a kiss from her on your lips:” That sounds fair.”
Two weeks later, the roles were reversed and you watched Grace and her team play against Manchester City in the FA Women’s Cup.
It was a suspenseful game that eventually went into a penalty shootout. You held your breath as Amy Turner converted the final penalty for Tottenham. You could not hide your joy for your girlfriends team while you watched them run towards each other and celebrate their win.
“Becky, you were amazing!“, Grace yelled at their goalkeeper who was able to save two of Manchester penalties.
Beth England pulled her two teammates into a hug: “I’m so proud of you, girls!“
“You really saved us with your goal in the last minute of stoppage time!“, Grace yelled happily at the striker. Her cheeks were still red from the game as her gaze drifted over the crowd of people applauding the win.
Beth shrugged with one shoulder: “They had to make a mistake at some point. She’s over there by the way if you’re looking for her.“
A new bright red flashed across Graces face: “Yes, I was searching for her.“
“Come on. Go to her, get your winners kiss and then we can celebrate together.“, Becky laughed and pushed the younger player in your direction.
Beth called after her: “Hurry up!“
“Trust me, I’m running as fast as I can.“, Grace laughed back at her as she made her way across the pitch.
She stopped right in front of you, a huge grin on her face.
“Hi, love. I’m so proud of you and your team.“, you greeted her and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Thanks. I’m glad you could be here.“, she replied.
As you pulled out of the hug, you held up your phone and presented your girlfriend your text messages: “Ava, Max and the whole team congratulate you and forgive me for missing training today.“
“That’s so sweet of them.“, Grace smiled, visibly moved by the thoughtfulness of your football team.
You nodded: “Yes, they are the best.“
“They are.“
“Go and celebrate with your team, babe, you deserve it.“, you laughed and gave her gentle push.
Grace held out her hand for you: “Join us.“
“Are you sure?“
“Okay, I’m coming with you.“, you finally agreed and followed your girlfriend onto the grass.
Grace carefully took your hand in hers: “Good. The girls will be happy to see you.“
As soon as you reached the celebrating football players, you smiled: “Hi, girls.“
Charli beamed at you: “You’re here!“
“Gracies' lucky charm!“, Celin yelled with a slight tease in her voice.
“So that’s why we won.“, Charli concluded with a grin.
Grace pressed a kiss to your cheek: “Oh yes.“
Celin shot her a sceptical look: “Sure. It was probably her.“
Grace turned towards you, searching for your eyes: “Ignore the sceptic Celin. Love you, y/n.“
“I love you too.“, you replied and kissed her passionately.
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mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
Hi, Can't wait for the fics that you write I lover them all. But can I request a Katrina Gorry x wife reader, where the reader is a footballer too but in England or Spain team. Thanks....
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Mi Vida
Katrina Gorry x Reader
Angst fluff
Falling in love with your wife has been the easiest thing you had ever done, telling her you loved her was nerve wracking but not hard, asking her to marry you was an easy decision planning out how you where going to do it not so much, organising the wedding was complicated but ultimately you both had decided to marry at La Fortaleza in Mallorca and finally the decision to start a family had been the quickest yes you had said in your life finally feeling your life align the way you had always hoped.
That changed when your wife had been signed to a team in Sweden and had ultimately decided that she would be the one to take your 6 month old daughter with her. Both your girls where three hours away by plane and the only way you got to speak to them was through a phone most of the time. You couldn’t help but feel deflated after you hung up every night, looking over the videos you had been sent of Harpers first steps to her first words and little sentences she was still trying to string together.
You spent every break you could in Sweden trying to make up for lost time but every time you saw them both your heart broke at how much had changed how big Harper was getting so quickly, and with that her interests something you didn’t catch on to until she had been a screaming mess shouting how much she hated paw patrol when you had tried to give her the presents you had brought over. What hurt even more was how little Spanish she had or understood compared to her understanding of Swedish “Osa puedes decir te amo mamá ?.” Harper had stood clueless babbling before you tried again and she began to get frustrated a tantrum ensuing after as Katrina watched heart breaking at your crest fallen features realising what was happening to her family.
Leaving was never easy you felt guilty watching Harper beg and cry for you to stay to not leave her and how hopeless she slowly became to your promises to return “too long mama stay.” You of course would only answer in Spanish wanting to surround her in as much of it as possible during such a short time, “lo sé, osa, lo siento, te prometo te veré pronto mi niña.” Harper would begin getting frustrated shouting for you to speak English.
Katrina had been a bystander during these moments, she had felt her heart break the minute she told you she had signed to play in Sweden and would be taking Harper with her, she was surprised you hadn’t fought for her to stay in Spain with you surrounded by her Tías instead when she had begun shouting at you to say something about her decision you had grabbed her into your arms and told her it was ok, having Harper move from place to place wouldn’t be good for her at all and if Katrina thought Sweden would be best for your daughter then you would support her. But she couldn’t deny she felt regret and guilt creep in watching you try to hold back tears on FaceTime or hear you cry every night you where home as you tried to hide it.
After talking to her agent Katrina decided that the 2023 season would be her last in Sweden, but she had decided to keep it a surprise from you wanting to bring some spark back in your eyes since she had left. But first was the Women’s World Cup.
Australia and New Zealand had been chosen to co host this years World Cup and the Matilda’s had been hopeful that they would win it on home soil, whereas the Spanish team La Rojas as they where fondly called had been shadowed in controversy and had come into the tournament wanting to prove the world they where more than what the news projected them to be.
Your contract with Barcelona was set to end while you where playing at the World Cup and you had made the decision to leave the club on a high of winning a champions league and leave for a new league the WSL, what team you would been signing to was get to be made known to the press wanting to tell you close family and friends before the big announcement.
The Spanish federation hadn’t been as accommodating as you hoped, refusing to allow you to fly over two days ahead of the team in order to see your wife and daughter or even letting you see them once you arrived over stating they didn’t want any distractions, Alexia and Ona stood beside just off camera as you called Katrina “Hola Mi Amor.” Katrina knew something was wrong the minute your face appeared “everything ok my love.” You looked at your teammates before sighing “they won’t let me fly out two days early or see you during the tournament, I don’t know how you say eh distracción.” Katrina eyes softened “distraction love.” You nodded “I just want to see her and to see you too.” Katrina felt the guilt come back “I know I’m sorry my love it won’t be much longer.” You nodded “is she there my little osa.” Katrina smiled sadly at the hope in your eyes at seeing your daughter “mums taken her to the park y/n I’m sorry.” You could only smile sadly at her “it’s ok, I have something to tell you though.” Katrina hummed letting you know she was listening “I’m leaving Barcelona, I want to go to England to play plus flight times are less I get to you both quicker no.” Katrina was overjoyed at the news “oh darling I’m…really but you love Barcelona.” You nodded “I do but it’s the right time.” Katrina smiled at you before she was interrupted by your older two children Kyra and Charli “hola ma how are you.” You smiled at the younger girls. “I’m good but I have to go I’ll see you all soon and please give my osa a big hug and kiss from me tell her I love her.” Katrina could see the heart break in your eyes at your words “she knows my love but I’ll remind her.”
The tournament had been a nightmare for the Matilda’s, they had been knocked out by England and would now battle Sweden for the bronze while you faced England at the hopes of winning it all. The team had gathered in the screening room to watch match hopping for your wife to win. Anytime Katrina came on screen your team cheered and your heart swelled every time of course those cheers got so much louder when your daughter appeared on screen as they all talked about how cute she was you felt tears form in your eyes seeing her dressed in her Australia jersey waving a flag. You texted the Australian girls after stating how proud you where of and that deserved so much more but that she should be proud of leaving it all out on the pitch and creating history.
You stood in the tunnel holding your mascots hand when you felt a tap on your shoulder turning to see Alessia Russo “Rumour has it your joining the WSL.” You nodded smiling “that rumour would be true.” Alessia smiled Turing to face the front “I look forward to it then.” You smiled before squeezing your mascots hand asking if she was ready to go. Walking out you stood proud giving your jacket to the young girl shivering in front of you before singing the national anthem and saying good by taking your place on the back line with Ona.
You had done your best making sure your back line stayed strong against such a strong English squad. You found an opportunity in the 29 minute the lioness gravitating to the left wing gave you the chance to break into the middle right before calling for the pass from Bonmatí seeing Mary just off her mark you sent a rocket to the top left holding your breath as it nestled in the back turning you ran to your bench jumping onto Alexia as she screamed in excitement before you looked past the bench to see the Matilda’s standing behind it, you spotted your wife and daughter pointing at the letting them know it was for them before Alexia pushed you back down to the pitch telling you to get a move on.
The minute the final whistle blew you dropped to the ground before feeling your teammates pile on top of you before you shook them off walking straight to the lionesses, congratulating them on their performance before Lotte Wubben moy grabbed you “we need you holy shit mate.” You laughed pulling her into a hug “I’m Spanish but ooh to be a gooner.” Lotte squealed pulling you tighter “can’t wait mate.” You nodded before excusing your self.
You ran right past your management team before jumping the Barrier as fans around you tried to grab you but you ignored them running up the steps “salto de Osa.” Harper jumped from Charli’s arms “oh mi Osa te amo.” Katrina pushed through the girls congratulating you pulling you down to kiss her “I’m so proud of you of all of you you did it Y/n.” You felt tears well in your eyes “I couldn’t do it without you it is all for you I’m sorry you didn’t win but what’s mine is yours sí.”
Harper wouldn’t let you go for the trophy ceremony, Katrina stating she was jealous of the mascot the minute you walked out holding her hand screaming that you where her Mama and only hers. You took your medal with Harper on your hip as well as threw her in the air when they raised the trophy before letting the girls take her away briefly as Katrina made her way on to the pitch “for you.” You took your medal off putting it over your wife’s head kissing her softly. Katrina held you as you watched Harper laugh with the girls “ lm leaving.” You froze “leaving what.” Katrina could see the worry in your face “Sweden I’ve decided I’m done splitting this family apart so at the end of this season I’m leaving and I’m following you to England.” You felt your heart swell “really.” Katrina nodded “my life is with you and Harper no where else I can’t live through that or put you both through that again it broke my heart seeing her cry every night knowing you where doing the same in Spain.” You held her as she gave you her reasoning “I’m going to Arsenal.” Kyra squealed from behind you “I am too oh we are going to be a real family in England.” Charli nodded “yeah cause I decide I wasn’t being left out either.” You felt content finally creep back in as you looked around at your little family “oh mi Vida es Bella.”
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carolineshairtie · 6 months
Mini: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
Charli & Kyra: Awwww-
Mini: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
Kyra: Aww?
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alotofpockets · 5 months
Gorry Fam Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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Plus a little Auntie Macca appreciation
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yeeterthek33per · 23 days
Two's Company, Three's A Crowd, Four And Five Say Let Chaos Reign (Katrina Gorry x Reader)
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A/n Requested. Part three to Missing Toddlers and Mayhem :) Will Edit later, cause I'm at work atm y'all.
(Y'all this took me so long freaking long to write like 😭)
Content/Warning(s): mildly suggestive, warning you now, it does get a little itty bit spicy. Harper, Kyra, R, and Chacha ganging up on Katrina.
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"So do I get to know where we're going or are we doing a surprise again, because the last time we did this, I got my butt kicked on a public beach."
"If I recall correctly, that was your fault, Miss L/n."
"Also, no 😘"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"I don't recall going into this knowing you were a professional slide tackler😫"
"Could have left the gear in the boot and never mentioned it. You should know us footballers are legally obligated to accept rondo challenges 😜"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"Turn that frown upside down, Babe😊"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"But close enough."
"Just be ready by 12, I'll be there soon😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"Of course, see you soon, Gorgeous😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"What do I wear??"
"Hike meets cozy casual😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"Got it, thanks, Cutie😘"
You'd been talking non stop in the days between the last time you'd seen each other in person.
Over the phone, via text, even a facetime at some point, where Harper managed to sneak in and say a very happy hello to you.
The little girl manages to bring a massive smile to your face every time Katrina talks about her.
There was always a smile on your face lately, or so your sister had pointed out just yesterday.
"I swear that woman's got you glued to your phone, dorky little smile and everything."
"Leave me alone, Ash." You whine.
A soft rap on your door lifts your head from your current position of smiling over your phone.
You really need to stop proving her point.
Ashley opens the door, a small smirk already on her face making you roll your eyes.
"Can I help you?"
"It's date time soon, why are you not ready?"
"How would you know what-"
"You told me yesterday, all dreamy eyed. Geez, she got you hypnotised too now?"
You huff.
"Whatever, why are you in here?"
"Because you're being awfully quiet about this Kat and I'm worried, because you haven't said a word about who she is or what she does."
"I haven't been murdered, I'm fine, you can stop grilling, nor are you grilling her when she gets here."
"I have to do my sisterly duties, now hurry up and get ready or else I'll have longer with her because you're running late for your date."
Glancing at the clock on your wall, she's right, it's about forty or so minutes before Katrina is due.
Standing up, you shoo the woman out of your room and quickly jump into the shower, grabbing out a pair of hiking pants, a simple short sleeve shirt and a light blue denim jacket.
By the time you're out of the shower dressed and touching up your hair, there's a knock at the door downstairs.
You fire down them, shoving your sister, who's racing you to the door, away.
As smoothly as you can, you open the door with a warm smile.
Katrina's warm smile greets your own.
She's beautiful as ever and you tell her as such, the long sleeve jacket almost matching your own except she's in shorts and sneakers and a light pink button up underneath it.
"Hey, Beautiful."
You step out the door to greet the shorter woman, arms wrapping around her, her leaning up into you, hands settling on your shoulder blades.
"Hi, Cutie."
You pout softly as she goes to pull away, and then she chuckles meeting your demands with her own lips.
Humming softly in appreciation, you squeeze her waist.
"You ready?"
Nodding, you go to shut the door behind you, keys, phone, wallet and water bottle already with you.
Of course, Ashley decides now is the perfect time to pop out, only, she pauses, surprise on her expression.
"Well... I was going to do the whole sisterly, bring her back by ten talk but... I don't need to. You two have fun!"
And with that, she slams the door behind you, giving you a loving tap to the butt.
Katrina looks confused, matching your own bewilderment at your sisters actions.
"I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what that was."
You cough into your palm, covering a half laugh.
"Anyway, continuing on. Are we good to go?"
She nods, grabbing you by the hand, leading you to the car parked in your driveway.
Clipping in, she reverses out and starts driving off in the direction of the northern exit from the outer city, a drive you know well enough, having gone this way quite a few times.
She leans over and hands you a black cable, winking at you from her spot in the driver's seat.
"Passenger princess duties are all yours."
The cheeky grin makes you roll yours playfully with a small huff.
"Sure, babe."
Switching to some music you'd both listened to that Saturday night, your hand settles in hers across the console as you hit the highway.
"So, do I get to know, yet?"
It's short, the little smile on her lips doing little to mask the amusement in her tone, her brow quirking a little at the pout on your face.
"Yes, Ma'am."
Making a joking salute, you start to hum along to the radio, thumb caressing across the back of her hand.
She huffs, shaking her head but gives your hand a squeeze anyway.
The drive isn't overly long, no longer than any of the trips you've taken, about forty-five minutes on the road.
You feel like you almost recognise the roads she's taking but a right turn far before anything else comes up on the forested roads throws you a curveball.
Normally you'd been one of the more observant travellers on these roads, however, it seems you'd never paid the tiny dirt road any mind before now.
The greenery, denser than when you'd entered the little driveway, started to part into a small dirt and gravel alcove, to which Katrina pulls in, parking in front a small wooden bollard that lines the alcove.
There's dense green directly in front of you that splits into a small dirt and gravel path which disappears off to the right in a slow curve.
Reaching across the console, she taps your leg with a small grin.
"Hope you brought your hiking legs."
Scoffing, you nudge the woman and basically bounce out of the car in the face of her challenge.
"Damn right I did."
It starts off fairly easy, a basic hiking path for anyone, not much change in altitude but then it starts to increase, and you find yourself falling into the familiar rhythm that you love when it comes to hiking.
If you'd said that to your teenage self, she would've cried at the mention of cardio.
Katrina, it seems, falls into the same familiar feeling, the mild sweat from the hike mixing but also the complete relaxation in her stance as she moves beside you, ahead of you in smaller sections of the path and behind you as you move ahead to crest the more difficult bits first as a precautionary.
It's the first time you really fall into an understanding that someone else gets.
There's a peacefulness to the area surrounding you, bird chimes and occasional cicada chirps as you pass by certain bushes and grass patches.
You think you even spot a small rabbit hopping off the path ahead of you.
Finally, the incline slopes downward again, and then leads down and off to the left, the faint smell of moss and running water becoming more apparent to breathe in, it's refreshing.
"God, I've missed this."
She sounds rightly out of breath as she steps onto a particularly tall rock lodged into the path.
"You've been missing out, then?"
"Far too much, between how cold it got in Sweden and just not really going too far from the city, it's been a good while since I've even gotten to take Harper on smaller hikes."
"Damn, life of an athlete, much?"
A small joking lilt.
"Ha ha."
You can practically see her eye roll from where you're walking in front of the woman.
"It's not that bad, just keeps our lives hectic if anything."
You hum.
"How's Harper feel about that?"
You miss the way her lips curl up at the mention of the mini-mini.
"She loves it if anything, sleepovers with Nonna three times a week and when the international break pops up, she gets to stay with the team and see all twenty-two of her aunties and siblings."
The closer you get to the running water, the less the trees hang over the both of you and the more the suns starts to bead down on your light blue shirt, the warmth very familiar as winter shifts into spring once again.
It's been about an hour or so since you'd started off on the track.
She moves in front of you, turning with a small nod and grin in the direction of the beginning of a large clearing.
"C'mon, we're getting close."
The sun shines through the light brunette hair around the tops and sides of her head that most likely refused to be tied down properly, but in a neat, casual setting.
Slowing to a stop near where she's starting to descend a slightly steeper part of the path, you look out into the opening, a large water not far off to your one o'clock, the green moss abundant around its edges and the dampened ground surrounding the flowing water and the small pool built up around its base.
The pool breaks off into a surpisingly sandy bay that opens into a much larger river, flowing from another path away from you and out into what you see is the beach.
You nearly miss the small misstep as she steps on a mossed up stone, grabbing her arm to stop her falling, alarm on your face.
"I gotcha."
You nod softly, hand squeezing her bicep, continuing jokingly.
"No hurting yourself, as much as I'd love to carry you back.."
She smacks you a little with a laugh before continuing down a different stone to avoid the same outcome.
"Real funny, Babe."
It's one massive secluded beach and it reminds you heavily of your first tryst together.
Only this time, it's much more private and less accessible, something you can almost appreciate with the nature of it all.
Another understanding between you.
As a public figure and known football player, Katrina knows the feeling well.
It doesn't come often, with media days a regular occurrence and spending near all of her time with teammates, club and country as well as with a two-year-old toddler at all hours of the day.
Of course, she wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
But privacy is a luxury that not even well paid athletes can afford.
So she understands the immediate droop and sigh of contentment when you see the vast empty beach and nothing but the sound of crashing waves and bird song behind you.
Letting your head fall back as you take in the cool summer breeze from the coastline, the smell of sea salt and damp greenery filling your senses, your head turns to look at the shorter woman.
She's already watching you, a small challenging smirk on her face that brings you back to the present.
"...What's up?"
"Nothing, I figured a nice walk and then a rematch would be a great way to start our day together."
"Rematch?... Wait-"
You're cut off as she suddenly pops out a soccer ball from behind her that she'd apparently managed to hide in her backpack the whole way, and tosses it towards you, darting off towards the beach.
"C'mon, I wanna see if you've learned anything yet!"
Jogging after her, you yell out.
"You mean that I'm not the professional footballer in this scenario and that I'm going to get my butt kicked again?"
"I'll make a baller out of you, yet, now get out here!"
It goes on like that for a while, how long exactly, you aren't sure but by the time you both land breathless onto the sand, mainly you, the sun is leaning more towards the other side of the sky.
"I hope you brought snacks, because I'm gonna need them after that last one."
Katrina giggles down at your dead flat form on the ground, chest heaving.
“You can’t give up on me now, to think you were just getting close to beating me.”
The teasing lilt to her voice makes you swat at her ankle lightly.
“Close, my ass. It’s like twenty-six to three.”
“Actually it’s about nineteen to six.”
She kicks you in the foot, tossing up a little sand in the air towards you in the process, landing near your face.
Darting up, surprising yourself you tackle the woman into the soft white sand, landing on top of her.
“That is so not allowed, that was a dirty play ref!”
You call out to the imaginary sideline ref pointing off into the distance with a fake angry face on.
She’s laughing underneath you, almost breathless because of your weight on her stomach, and her hands settle to grip your hips, as you look back down at the woman with a small pout.
“Aw poor baby.”
It’s a little mocking tone that you pout more at.
Poking her tongue out up at you, she sits up slightly to tug you back down towards her, your hands landing either side of her head and you shift to be more level with the woman’s head.
Grinning once again, you brush your nose against hers.
A small peck to her lips is all she needs to tug you further down, fully sealing yourselves together, lips locked.
The breeze blows over your back, and the sounds of the waves wash away as you sink fully into the shorter woman, lips sliding across hers.
A new but familiar sensation, becoming accustomed to having the air in your lungs sucked from you every time you kiss her.
Sighing softly into her mouth, you take the opportunity to let your hand wander over the crook of her neck, before shifting to rest over her collar and then over her neck again.
It’s not intentional when you do it, but your thumb almost caresses the column of her throat and it’s her turn to sigh into the kiss.
Pulling away for a small breath, she notes the way your fingers now rest just under her jaw, on her neck, sending shivers through her.
If you noticed it, you don’t say anything, instead diving right back into her, fingers squeezing the skin slightly.
It seems you notice the way she hums into the kiss, a small smirk crossing your face as you let up once more.
The effect you have on her is shown well and truly in the way her cheeks redden and the part in her lips as her eyes open to meet yours.
A warmth spreads through you at the smile she gives you once more.
Nudging you up once more, she pulls herself up, offering you a hand up.
Taking it, you stand close to her still, hands settling on her waist.
“So, what’s next then?”
Her hands grab yours and drag you over to where the bag lies in the sand.
“A little walk and wander and maybe a little bit more of that before dinner, hey?”
Grinning, you tug her towards the bag.
It’s just minutes back on the path that you tug her back into you for more.
You’d say you were someone who had quite the ability for self restraint, especially in previous relationships, but with Katrina, she’s just there, and it makes you want to kiss the daylights out of her every second you’re together.
Inevitably, it takes you both longer on the way back to the car, stopping every ten minutes to admire the scenery in a way only a couple making out against every tree can.
By the fifth time she’s resigned to let you do it every five minutes, more than happily letting the privacy you two have, consume you for the moment.
The way she tugs your neck down herself after an hour of this makes you well aware of the fact she feels the same.
Addicted to the way you taste.
Addicted to the way your lips slide so perfectly on her own.
By the time you get back to the car, you both look more than kiss-mussed, swollen lips, occasional purple marks over your neck when her teeth nipped at the skin.
Like love-sick teenagers.
But not that.
Not yet.
Pressed against the driver-side door, she looks up at you with a look you can’t describe other than pure and utter infatuation.
It makes your heart flip and twist like never before, the fact that someone can look at you like that.
It’s invigorating.
The brunette eventually lets go of you, and you pull back to let her off the car with a very content smile on your lips.
Opening the door for her, you gesture her into the car.
“Shall we go?”
A breathless nod and she’s in the car feeling as giddy as anything.
‘Breathe woman.’
She tells herself.
Settling into the passenger seat after packing the bags into the boot, you buckle in and the whole drive spent going to your next outing is one with clasped hands and small kisses pressed to the back of her hand and wrist.
When you pull up to a familiar club, it makes your heart swell a little.
She’d wanted to come back because the overall ambiance of the place was warm and welcoming and it made her feel comfortable in a place she wouldn’t normally spend any time going to.
Clubs have never been her thing but there was something about this one.
Maybe it was the fact you were involved in it. That it was attached to your first date together.
That would make sense.
You’ve been the deepest breath of fresh air she’s had in a long time. Even with the invigoration of her sport, her work, her home, her daughter. You’re new in her life and it makes her heart feel even more full.
The fact you adore every aspect of her life, her home, her family, makes it all that much better.
The fact that you ask to spend more time with her family without prompting when you both sit down for drinks makes her heart leap.
“Can we do the next one with Harper?”
There's a small sheepish smile on your face.
"It's just been a while since we've all had some time spent together and I miss her-"
Katrina cuts you off with a reassuring smile and a hand on yours.
“I was beginning to wonder when you’d ask again, of course we can, she’s been begging to know when she can see her new friend.”
You smile at the thought.
You had missed the little one quite a bit.
Her wide smile and nearly always happy personality brought so much light into your life that day.
When your drinks are sat down in front of you by a knowingly smirking Aiden.
“Whenever you ladies are ready, I’ve got you queued up with a classic.”
Taking a peek at the ipad in his hands, you see the song and roll your eyes.
It’s one you performed all the time for about three months straight because that’s all people would request from you.
Dragging the woman up with your drinks and a wink at the woman who’s just resigned to the fact she now has to sing every time she’s with you here.
There’s an adoration in her eyes as you step up onto the stage, keeping your eyes locked on hers and speak into the mic with a small wink.
“Hey everyone, we’ve got a good old classic today, it seems I’ve been requested of this one with my duet partner. Everyone thank Aiden for us.”
When the instrumental starts, Katrina half huffs at the song choice, half laughs.
Love Shack by The B-52
You start the song off, letting her get comfortable with the song first.
If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says "15 miles to the Love Shack"
Love Shack, yeah, yeah I'm heading down the Atlanta highway Looking for the love getaway
Bouncing to the beat slightly, you encourage her to move with you, gesturing down at the second mic that has been slipped into her grasp.
Headed for the love getaway I got me a car, it's as big as a whale And we're headin' on down to the Love Shack I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money
You almost have to laugh, she's better at this song than most would expect.
In fact, you'd bet she was better than you.
The love shack is a little old place where We can get together Love Shack, baby (the Love Shack, baby) Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Love Shack, baby, Love Shack (love, baby, that's where it's at) Love Shack, baby, Love Shack (love, baby, that's where it's at)
The pair of you yelling the chorus into the mic has a few people in the bar up and singing along as well, a few whistles and cheers as the pair of you keep making eye contact with each other.
Sign says (woo), "Stay away, fools" 'Cause love rules at the Love Shack Well, it's set way back in the middle of a field Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back
There's something about the way she dips and kisses you mid song.
You know you're screwed when she pulls you back up and there's a wink thrown your way as she turns to the crowd and starts hopping along to the beat finally, encouraging them to do the same.
You never thought you'd be up here, jamming along with a woman who's been matching your adventurous nature since you've met her.
Despite being someone who has somehow managed to calm your erratic nature, she's also had the more energetic side of her brought out that she normally only sees amongst the kids of the team.
Glitter on the mattress Glitter on the highway Glitter on the front porch Glitter on the highway
There's a small giggle she let's out as you step up and belt out the next verse.
The Love Shack is a little old place where We can get together Love Shack, baby (Love Shack, baby) Love Shack, that's where it's at Love Shack, that's where it's at
You don't miss the small shake of her head when you poke your tongue out between your teeth cheekily at her.
In fact your eyes stay on her for the majority of the song, every movement, every gesture, every expression, every grin while she sings with you.
The sweetest brightest laughter as you both duck off the stage panting is what seals the deal for you.
Her eyes glint with joy up at you and that's when you know she has you hook line and sinker.
"So he had to bail you out?!"
"I know right?"
"Babe that is so not-"
"Waitwaitwait before you judge me on it-"
She snorts and covers her mouth at the small glare you give her across the table, having to silence your own laughter to make it hold even a remote amount of sincerity, though she knows otherwise by the quirk in your lips.
Standing, you gesture to the door, wanting to get away from the loudness of the bar for a few moments.
You continue outside into the slowly cooling afternoon air.
"The dude had it coming, he was being way too touchy with this poor girl and security was not doing anything-"
"So you drop him in a trash can after throwing hot sauce in his eyes?!"
"It was well deserved, she was very grateful to not be harassed by that asshole anymore. Besides, the assault charges were dropped when I offered to show them the club footage of him grabbing where he shouldn't"
"Still, you shouldn't have risked going to jail over that-"
"I'd have broken his nose, too, but I literally just had a manicure done finally after like a year of refusing to go, I didn't feel like being made to go back, again."
An amused shake of her head as you both slowly walk down the path to the carpark.
"You're something else."
"That better be a good thing."
She giggles at the half pearl clutch gesture you make in response paired with an offended look.
"Of course it is, babe."
Giving your hand a squeeze, she can only smile at the grumpy look you give her.
"Hush you."
"Or what?"
"Or I might just do something about it."
"Do it."
A beat of silence, your eyes locked on the cocky smirk on her face.
She's baiting you, you know it.
Of course, you take it.
Two steps back towards her.
Three steps pushing her back into the building wall.
One more to find your place pressed against her.
None to press your lips into hers like they'd never separated in the first place.
The small hum she lets out as you do so makes the idea of the very public display suddenly leave your mind, wanting nothing more than to hear more from her.
It's when you pull away gently with a tug and pop that you both pull back a little breathless.
"That works."
She says, eyes still closed, breathing ragged.
You notice a flash of movement, thinking it was a stranger walking by until a small body crashes into the woman in front of you.
"Oh my god, Harper what did I say about running off like that? Especially across roads?! You can't do tha-"
A huffing, clearly scared looking Charlie practically sprints around the corner, bent over at the knees.
Her head snaps up at the realisation of who Harper's managed to run into.
"Oh! Mini, Hi!"
The brunette looks a little unimpressed at the blonde.
You get the distinct feeling it's less from the interruption and more the words of the woman who'd just been sprinting after her daughter.
"Charlotte Grant..."
"Wait. Wait. I didn't- She ran off. I promise I was doing everything to chase her down. It was a little road."
Katrina sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.
The tiny human being attached to her leg looks up at her with an innocent grin on her face.
"Harper, what did we say about running off?"
Picking up the smaller blonde, sitting her on her hip.
Suddenly very sheepish looking like only a toddler can, she looks in your direction in search of something to avoid the conversation.
Of course, with you being you, she does very quickly.
Practically jumping into your arms with excited squeal, the small child latches onto you out of the older woman's arms.
Giving her a squeeze, a few giggles leaving your lips at the affection from the little girl you hadn't seen in person since that first day, only catching some time talking to the little one over a phone screen.
"Hi Harper, whatcha doin here, huh?"
"Goin to the park."
"Is that right?"
You smile and wave to Charlie with an amused glint in your eye.
The twenty-two year old nods sheepishly.
Looking down at the little one in your arms, you raise a brow in her direction, too.
She nods enthusiastically, her little arms wound tight around your neck as she lays her head on your shoulder.
Katrina watches the exchange between her daughter and yourself with a hardly hidden heart eyes look.
She'd totally forgotten that the park they usually go to is only a couple blocks from where you both were, but it's on the other side.
Raising her brows in Charlie's direction, a small questioning look on her face.
"I can... explain.."
Another pair of footsteps come running around the corner, too, nearly bumping into the blonde, a mop of now very messy wind blown brunette hair.
"Charlie did you get her- oof!"
Nearly ending up in a tangled mess on the floor, Charlie catches the both of them from falling.
"Hey! You're the one that- Oh hey, Min', we were just- oh."
The mischievous look on Kyra's face that appears at the sight of you.
"That's what you were busy with today. Or who you were busy with."
She wiggles her brows at the older woman.
"I swear, do I need to start leaving you three with Nonna, again?"
Harper's head whips up so fast, you nearly clash heads and you're surprised she doesn't give herself whiplash.
"Nonna? Can we go see Nonna?"
"Sorry Harps', you can see Nonna tomorrow, it's just Kyra and ChaCha for now, alright?"
The little girl pouts for a minute before settling back into your arms.
"Oky, I stay wiv y/n/n, then."
You chuckle at her, before looking up at Katrina.
"Mind going for a walk to the park?"
She sighs softly, before shrugging.
"Alright, why not?"
You pass the little girl back to Charlie, much to her protests.
"One minute Harps, You can hop up again in a bit, I need to talk to mum first alright?"
She pouts before nodding.
You nod at the two to walk ahead, grabbing Katrina's hand softly.
"We can always continue later? You haven't got anything time sensitive?"
She shakes her head no with a small chuckle.
"Just a walk in restaurant, they're open late, though, it'll be fine."
You quirk a brow at her, and she makes the lip-zipping motion.
"C'mon, we've got a little girl waiting."
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, you both walk slowly behind the group, though quickly get dragged into carrying Harper for the remainder of the walk, still holding hands with the shorter woman beside you.
The pair of twenty-somethings ahead bickering only serves as a reminder of how chaotic this life is for the Footballer, yet it doesn't bother you.
In fact, it feels like something so much bigger for you, something you could get behind.
You don't want to commit yourself so early, but you don't fight the way your heart swells with a little love each and every word you exchange with both Harper and Katrina.
By the time you're both wandering back to the car, late after Kyra and Charlie have left, taking the little one back home to bed.
Late after having sat and eaten and discussed everything from Harper to thousands of kilometres away worlds of a sport you've never found yourself loving before now.
At least now, it seems you've found your favourite people entwined with it.
It's then you find yourself wanting to learn more.
"Hey, I know this is probably something you hear with your work a lot, but just, talk to me about football, anything you want, the rules, the games, anything."
She looks a little surprised that you bring it up, considering you've never personally been a big sports fan, at least, as much as she's known for the past couple weeks.
"I thought you didn't want to know about it?"
"Actually, I want to learn about it, if I'm gonna be showing up to my sister's matches, and maybe get to see you."
You pause, and the last bit is said with a little sheepishness behind it, though you don't miss the way her smile widens at it.
"I wanna know about the game. Or even just your experiences with it. What do you love about it? Tell me anything."
With that, she starts off on where she started with it, how much she loved it as a kid, how she always spent time playing it with her brothers, her time in the academy, in the beginning with the youth team in Mount Gravatt, to her start with the Melbourne Victory and everywhere after.
How she came to Brisbane Roar, her time in the US.
Her injury, her time spent trying to recover. Of course, she's told you the basics of how Harper came to be.
She talks about some of the bigger games she's played.
About the upcoming World Cup in July.
"You should come see us play."
"You'd want me there?"
"Of course I would."
It's said short and almost in an offended tone, but it shows so much more for you.
She wants you there at the biggest stage of her career.
You don't protest it.
"I'll be there, then."
"Good, I would hate to have to pack you into a suitcase to drag you to camp with us instead."
A laugh escapes your lips at that, head tilted back in laughter.
"Of course you would. You're cute. No but seriously, are you sure? I wouldn't be intruding?"
"Hell no, if eighty thousand other people can be there to watch it, why can't you?"
"Fair enough."
You continue like that, laughing, chatting, letting her rant on and on about everything and anything because you could listen to this woman go on and on for hours with no complaint.
Swinging your joined hands as you both wander along the boardwalk she'd taken you to, you look out on the slowly darkening skies over the water.
The colours are as amazing to witness as always, to the point where you both settle on a bench to relax a bit and watch it darken a bit longer.
The sparkle of the fading sun behind you warms your backs as you both settle into each other, the shorter woman contentedly tucked into your side, words starting to slow and you both quieten to enjoy the moment.
Turning your head to meet her gaze with the tips of her fingers.
"I like you. A lot."
You grin.
"I would hope so. Or this could be really awkward for- hey!"
She smacks your shoulder with a little roll of her eyes.
"Kidding. I really like you, too."
"Too? I only said like not really."
You guffaw at the woman.
She giggles.
"Okay, I deserved that."
Grinning, you lean down to meet her lips for the what seems like thousandth time today, though, neither of you mind at all.
It's soft, sweet and much less urgent than all of the ones earlier.
It's easy.
You find it easier and easier with each pass to kiss her.
There's a way she spends the time holding your face, caressing the skin of your cheek, that has you in an absolute whirlwind of just... her.
It's invigorating beyond anything.
Yet also, cathartic.
She tastes like home.
And who knows, maybe this is what you've been missing.
The cathartic parts.
A way to calm an already chaotic life.
Sure, she's a professional footballer, that gets chaotic more than a lot of jobs do but it's the way she handles everything. Somehow able to juggle the life of having a child and playing football across the country and internationally when called to.
But to be honest with yourself, there's nowhere you'd rather be than with this somehow new cemented person in your life.
You can't wait to see where this goes.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Ashley! Chill!"
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etherealstar-writes · 7 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fifteen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh that's it i'm quitting this job tillies my baes you guys hiring? 🙏
willybum Y/N NO
stephy of course! 🥰
the REAL karate kid NAHHH
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NO YOU GUYS ARE NOT
meado what did you guys do this time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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stairway it was nothing!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NOTHING?!
willybum did you just make a meme of me ....
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i've made memes of all of you BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT RN i hate you all except lotte i love you you're the only lioness i'll support
tom holland's twin while i really appreciate that pls don't leave me with these idiots 🥺🙏
meado waittt i wasn't part of all this why hate meee
earpsy yeah i wasn't there either why do we gotta suffer tho
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ MARY you not being there was what caused this torture and suffering in the first place 😭😭
keira i'm so out of the loop rn
willybum it wasn't even that badddd
stairway yeahh you're being kinda dramatic
tom holland's twin yeah it was a nasty bump ngl y'all knocked out her braincells
elton i mean to be fair she kinda didn't have many braincells to begin with anyway ....
the REAL karate kid
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kyra charli and i are coming to get ya rn from these losers we're on our way
willybum this is unacceptable
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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the REAL karate kid
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come at me you colonisers
tom holland's twin NAHH NOT COLONISERS 😭😭
stairway WE WILL
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cha cha imma bring in the big guns
cha cha added brick wall, ford, lani and sammy the skippa
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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cha cha um that photo .... anyway macca cait lani protect y/n at all costs
brick wall
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aye aye
lani on it!
ford okay!
sammy the skippa um what is happening rn
stephy all you need to know is that we gotta protect y/n from the lionesses
sammy the skippa
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neev we got our own big guns lucy millie mary rach need ya rn
earpsy here!
brightness yes.
daily i was summoned
rusty metal yeah?
the REAL karate kid WHAT?!
brick wall since always?
stephy yeah katie's an honorary aussie
meado katie?!
mccard yeah i am
rusty metal ona?
ona well ..... i'm afraid to tell you that we spaniards have formed an alliance with the aussies
willybum what is this blasphemy
tom holland's twin wait isn't spain also a coloniser tho ....
stairway oh yeahhh that's hypocritical of you
ona shhhhhhh
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cha cha well y/n is successfully ours
samma the skippa
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what are you all gonna do? drown us in your cup of teas?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ DAMN yall got violated haha
the REAL karate kid
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neev i cannot believe this just happened 😔😭
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
next part here
720 notes · View notes
woso-lover234 · 6 months
Can you do a fic where r and kyra get into this huge argument calling themselves names etc abd throwing a few punchs at each other until the other mitlidas had to come and sperate both of them and they both ignore each other until the team forces them to talk it out and kyra would be like no she doesn't want to talk to miss so called prefect" because she overheard others talking about how r was way mature than her and other stuff
Matildas + kcc x (platonic) reader- fights
you and Kyra were like two peas in a pod. always together with Charli, mini and harper causing trouble together and you stopping her from taking pranks too far so she doesn't get into trouble. Your Matildas and Arsenal teammates often joke that even though your the younger of the pair of you were more mature which wouldn't be a lie but it worked for the two of you with you're similar yet not clashing personalities. She made your life more interesting and you made sure she didn't get into too much trouble as she didn't think fully before she did stuff when you did. You knew of the jokes shared and honestly you were fine with them, they were harmless anyways.
"What is your problem?" You asked sitting next to Kyra at breakfast as she had been ignoring you the whole morning but she just stood up with her food tray and storming out of the room without a second glance. All of your team mates eyes were on you now with questioning looks which you just shrugged with confusion and anger written all over your face before you continued eating.
Before training the two or you ran into each other again which was bound to happen since you guys were room mates.
"Watch it" Kyra said shoving past you to get to the bathroom as you looked at her in shock before shoving her. You knew it was childish but you were sick of her shit and weren't gonna take it anymore. She turned around after she caught her balance and glared at you as you crossed your arms over your chest and glared back
"Seriously what is your problem with me today?" You asked raising your hands up before slapping them against your sides in frustration
"if your so much smarter than me then you would know" she shot back and that left you confused but your frustration and anger overpowered that as you said something you will come to regret later
"Well if you worried about the so called people you called your family and not just yourself you would realise I didn't know and that your making a big deal out of nothing" you practically screamed but her demeanour didn't stutter as she still looked at you with venom in her eyes
"Acting as if you didn't know" she scoffed "I'm sorry not everyone has to try be perfect to get people's attention! Just because your parents were hard on you and you had to be fight for their attention doesn't mean you have to outshine everyone else and make everyone look bad just to get over your mummy and daddy issues! She yelled as you stood there. She knew she had hit a nerve with that one as she smirked to herself and you lost it and launched at her. You were pulling her hair as she was trying to shove you off of her but you didn't let go as the two of you rolled around on the floor and bumped into multiple things which caught the attention of wandering Matilda's.
"Get off of me!" Kyra yelled at you as she again tried to shove you off
"No!" You yelled back in her face as she went to push you back but instead ended up hitting you in the face which angered you and caused you to punch her back which then turned into a slight boxing match as the two of you continued to roll around on the floor alternating who was on the bottom and receiving  the punches while the person on top tried to stay there.
Eventually Sam and Steph came in followed by mini, Caitlin, Alanna and charli who separated the two of you. Sam and Caitlin pulled you off of Kyra as you tried to fight out of their grasp as Alanna and macca grabbed Kyra. Once the both of you realized you weren't getting released the both of yous flopped in the designated older girls grip as mini looked between the two of you with a shocked expression and waiting for one of you to talk. You avoided eternally contact not wanting to explain what had happened which mini caught onto
"One of you better start explaining or so help me" she started as neither you or Kyra started or had the intention of talking about what happened. "By the end of dinner tonight this better be sorted because there is a game this weekend and I'm not letting this get in the way of yours and your team mates performances and if it isn't I will make sure you's don't play" mini finished as Steph and Sam nodded along in agreement while both you and Kyra nodded before being let go as you bolted to the door to go have your own space to go over what had just happened.
You and Kyra avoided each other for the rest of the day until dinner where Steph and Sam forced you two to sit at a table together with each other and the captain and co captain and by then you could see the big bruise coming in on her cheek as you smiled to yourself slightly but quickly wiped it off your face when you saw mini giving you a 'really?' look from the table next to you.
"Ok Kyra explain" Sam said looking to Kyra expectantly
"No I don't want to speak to miss perfect" Kyra scoffed as your rolled your eyes
"What does that even mean?" You asked over the fight and just wanting to be joking with your best friend again
"It means I'm sick of being second best to you! Everyone thinks so!" She finally made eye contact with you and Steph and Sam held guilty looks
"You're not second best to me we're equal" you said with a sincere eye which made Kyra feel bad considering she could barely see the other one due to swelling and a forming bruise.
"Nah I'm obviously the better fighter" she said in a joking voice as you laughed loudly which caught the attention of most of the girls in the dining room
"You guys all good then?" Caitlin asked from another table as you looked at her and nodded as she now held a shocked expression "Damn y/n/n that's quite the shiner you got there" she said as you laughed slightly and rolled your eye before turning back to Kyra who held a guilty face but before she could talk Sam and Steph had beaten her to it
"We're really sorry guys" Sam said as Steph nodded
"This is all our fault" Steph said looking down "me and Sam were talking in the locker room before breakfast today about the under 21's young player of the year nominations and we're saying how y/n/n would be perfect for it she was we didn't mean for it to sound different" she said as you and Myra shared a look before reassuring them it was ok and that if you guys had communicated better none of this probably wouldn't of happened which caused all of you to laugh
"You guys are like siblings at this point. Ignoring each other when something has happened, fist fights and making up like nothing happened" mini said as she walked past to put her dinner plate away and ruffle both yours and Kyra's hair up which you both shook off which again made everyone laughed at your same reaction "but that can't happen again" she said sternly as you both nodded "at least not to that extent, siblings are allowed to fight sometimes" she added with a wink before walking away.
"I'm sorry about your eye" Kyra said later that night as you both got ready for bed
"It's ok I'm sorry about your cheek" you said as you both laughed again and hugged it out before heading to bed.
You couldn't play the game that week due to your eye but neither could Kyra who had insisted that she shouldn't play considering it was her fault you were off. The team ended up winning 3-0 at the first game against Uzbekistan as you prepared for the second game which you made sure you would be able to play.
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daniswoso · 9 months
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Because I love you too much.
Charli Grant x reader.
Warning: idiots in love, angst.
Summary: She loved you too much.
You and Charli had been practically inseparable since youth team. You did everything together, you went to the beach together, you went to restaurants together, you went practically everywhere with eachother.
If you were somewhere you could guarantee Charli wasn't far. It was a comfort, she was a comfort to you.
Then you managed to both get a contract at Adelaide. You felt as if nothing could go wrong, you would play as one when you were on the pitch together, with you both being defenders and being on the same team you were unstoppable. You had been named the 'dream team', 'the ones to watch' and so many other things.
Then she just had to up and leave to Sweden.
To say it broke you would be an understatement, it shattered you. You felt like your world was caving in around you. Like you had been ripped from your home, like the only sense of familiarity you had basically your whole life had been ripped from under you. Leaving you alone. And scared.
But what hurt even more was the way Charli grew more distant. She would keep her distance, barely visited you when she came home to visit her family. Until eventually all contact stopped.
You had decided it was for the better, you changed your number, moved all the way to Arsenal but yet you still couldn't bring yourself to block her number. Just in case, you thought.
There never was a 'case' where you had the pleasure of seeing her name illuminate your phone screen again. Not for a long while.
Finally, you found peace. You had moved on, found new friends and a new sense of comfort in the Arsenal girls. Caitlin specifically taking you under her wing, calling herself your 'aussie mentor'. She made you laugh. It was a nice change of pace to the nights you had spent crying and screaming Charli's name in anger.
Then the world cup came around. You were desperately hoping for a call-up. So much so you hadn't slept the day before you were supposed to get the news. And when your phone finally rang, cutting through the deafening silence that invaded your flat as you stared at your phone, picking your nails and biting your lip; you practically jumped onto the coffee table you had your phone perched on.
"Hello?" The caller said. Holy shit, you thought, I'm speaking with the coach of the fucking matildas.
"Hello, Ms Y/L/N?" Then you remembered you actually had to speak, so you cleared your throat.
"Uh, yes. Hello, this is me." You cringed at the way you nervously stumbled through your sentence.
"I'm calling to tell you you've received a call up. Welcome to the Matildas, Y/L/N. See you soon." They hung up. You shook with excitement. You cried with excitement. And you screamed so loudly you're surprised you didn't get a noise complaint the following day.
Sending a text to Caitlin, you grinned from ear to ear the rest of the week.
That is until you got to Australia and realised Charli was there, too. That was a very rude awakening.
During the first training session you of course were paired with Charli. You cursed under your breath as you begin doing keepy-ups with her back and forth.
"Grant," You said, your voice blunt, you were in no mood for her bullshit at the moment. You were here to win a world cup.
"Y/L/N," She said back, her voice quieter than yours and her usually vibrant eyes seemingly dimmed slightly at your tone. The ghost of a smirk that crossed her face when she saw you dying.
It was almost enough for you to want to hug her so tightly she couldn't breathe. God you had missed her.
At the end of the training session, for which you were paired with Charli the whole time, you had enough. You needed to speak to her, you needed closure. You needed her. You needed your best friend back.
You hung back in the locker rooms, waiting till everyone had left and as per usual Charli was the only still left over, she saw you and awkwardly gave you a tight lipped smile.
"Hey," You began.
"Hi," She said back. You felt your heart twist.
"I want to speak with you," You murmured.
"About what?" She questioned. You groaned out loud at her oblivious nature.
"Us, Char.." You said, slowly sitting down on the bench across from her.
"What about us?" She said again, clearly having caught on to what you meant, then again maybe she knew what you meant all along and was just trying to get off easy.
"Why did we drift apart, Charli?" You asked, your voice breaking slightly as tears welled in your eyes.
She sighed and wiped her eye with the back of her hand, her lip trembling when she met your eyes, it was enough to make you need to bite down a sob.
"Because I loved you too much, Y/N." Your eyes widened. She loved you? She loved you?
"What?" You said, standing slightly as you tried to get a handle on what she just said, "You- You love me?" You stumbled over your words.
"I get it, if the feelings aren't mutual. It's why I left for Sweden. I thought you were straight. And I didn't want to make things weird-" You cut her off by bringing her into a searing kiss.
When you finally broke apart, you rested your forehead against hers, your hands clutching either side of her face as if she would walk away from you again, as if this wall just a figment of your imagination, or even a dream. But if it was, you never wanted it to end.
"I am so madly in love with you, you massive idiot."
She chuckled, bringing you into another soft kiss.
At least you had your girl back. And even if it went way differently than you imagined, it still went so incredibly well.
A/N: Treating you w the fics today eh? what’d you guys think?
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pinasscoladaa · 7 months
I’m sick today 😭 so can u please do a Matildas x reader sick fic
Poorly Girl - Matildas x reader & Katrina Gorry x Reader
Going into training was something you usually loved to do, especially at national camp, it was something that brought joy to your day. not today though, you had woken up feeling like you had swallowed a million tiny shards of glass and the dull ache that rattled through your head was far from pleasant. So as you walked through the corridor and into the camps breakfast hall, your usually happy demeanour and radiant smile was now replaced with an uncomfortable frown, squinting your eyes to try and ease your headache, quickly realising it wasn’t going to work when you were greeted to the loud chatter coming from the room of aussies.
Avoiding social interaction was extremely unusual for you, especially with the tillies, you normally opting to be one of the loudest out of the group of girls, always making some sort of joke. So when you trudged over to the breakfast buffet and grabbed a few pieces of toast before sitting yourself at the back of the room on what seemed to be the only empty table, the girls quickly realised something was wrong.
You stared at the pieces of toast for a few seconds before pushing the plate away, a wave of nausea flooding over you with the thought of eating, Instead opting to just putting your head on the table and closing your eyes to avoid the bright Australian sun.
Your peace was interrupted with an extremely loud “Oi Oi” being shouted down your ear, quickly identifying the person as kyra as she sat next to you along with a few other people to which you assumed was charli, caitlin alanna and mackenzie, you made a pathetic attempt to lift your head and give a not very convincing smile to group of girls.
All of them circling round, loudly interrogating as to why you weren’t being social or as ‘obnoxiously loud as normal’ as alanna has stated jokingly. You looked around the room hoping to catch the eye of mini to hopefully swoop in and rescue you, your best friend always being there when your friends were being too much, frown only deepening when you couldn’t see her anywhere. Luckily for you though claire and emily had spotted you and saw your dilema, both of them also sharing a look at how poorly you so obviously were.
“thats enough girls, shes clearly not well” Claire stated, distracting the girls while emily gently grabbed your arm to help you up out of your chair, “come on, lets get you back to your room, no training for you today” mumbling a small ok as she silently led you back to your room, tucking you back into bed and darkening the room before leaving, you quickly falling asleep at the sudden silence and darkness.
Around an hour later you woke to the sound of your door opening, knowing instantly who it was as there was only one person who had a key to your room.
“its only me” Katrina stated in a hushed voice as she walked in placing a bag on the desk before emptying its contents to get what she had brought out for you. It was obvious to alot of the girls that you and mini had feelings for eachother, neither if you having the courage to tell eachother though, instead the pair of you remained best friends who where very much inlove with eachother.
“i brought you some medicine and some snacks darling.. oh and obviously the best company ever” she smiled, putting the tablets on the bedside cabinet next to you.
“oh really.. i don’t see harper?” you croaked out with a tired smirk on your face. Katrina let out an offended gasp as she climbed into the bed with you, making you let out a small giggle, your actions making here smile brightly, only your previous laugh was quickly interrupted by a harsh coughing fit. Your throat felt 10x worse now so swallowing the tablets that mini had brought felt like hell.
“c’mere poorly girl” Katrina cooed, pulling you into her embrace , your head now resting on her chest as her arms wrapped tightly around you, one of her hands coming up to brush your hair away from your fever struck face.
The comfort of minis hold had you ready to fall back to a deep sleep within seconds, eyes closing and a satisfied smile on your face, murming out a “thank you mins” before dozing off.
Mini looked down at you, admiring your sleeping state, but also in awe of how somebody so ill could still look so incredibly beautiful before kissing your forehead gently and letting herself sink into her own tiredness, knowing harper was safe and having a sleepover with charli and kyra, and her girl best friend was safe in her arms.
(obsessed with the tillies & mini atm so i loved writing this)
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Charli Grant x Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend moves to Spurs
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"You've got a spring in your step today," The media girl laughed as you came bounding into the reception area," What's up?"
"My girlfriend's joining today," You said with the widest smile you could muster on your face," Did you know? I'm so excited! Charli's amazing, you'll see!"
You bounced into the changing room with an extra pep in your step.
"What's up with you?" Grace asked as you got changed in record time and stood by the door, rocking back and forth impatiently.
"Charli's here today," You replied, not taking your eyes off the door.
"Didn't you see her earlier today?" Grace rolled her eyes in amusement. "I mean, aren't you guys living together?"
"We will be," You confirmed, still waiting by the door," But she crashed at Kyra's place last night. They were having a catch up. It's her first day anyway, it's fine to be excited."
"You're probably more excited than Charli is."
"Who's more excited than me?"
You leapt into your girlfriend's arms instantly. Her hands naturally curled around you, supporting your weight as she wandered over to her assigned cubby.
As she let you down, her lips followed you. Kisses were pressed all over your face as you helped her unbutton her shirt and pull on her new Spurs training top.
Grace whistled behind you both, a low sardonic note as she stared with raised brows. "Oh god," She muttered to Martha," Look at them. They're codependent!"
Your cry of," We're not codependent!" was somewhat dampened by the way that you helped Charli into each of her boots and then helped to tie her hair back.
"You look codependent."
"We're not codependent!" Both you and Charli exclaimed and you inwardly chuckled.
Oh yes, Charli would fit in well with your team.
You missed her a lot while she was in Sweden. You used to play there too which was where you met her. You'd been picked up by Vittsjö almost as soon as you'd left the Spurs academy at eighteen.
At the time, the Spurs team was stacked and they didn't need an inexperienced player like you. You'd received a few offers from teams that weren't in the WSL but when Vittsjö came knocking with more money than you had ever seen and guaranteed game time, you'd gotten on the first plane to Sweden you could find.
You'd been pretty settled in the team by the time that Charli joined, with her good looks and Aussie charm.
It hadn't taken a long time at all for you to couple up. You'd been moved in with each other within the week of your first date (a total cliche, you knew) and were sharing clothes within the hour.
Charli was practically your dream girl in everything she did or said and you were very happy to hang off her arm or be encased in a hug by her if it meant that you just got to soak in her attention just a brief moment longer.
It was the hardest moment of your life a year and a half ago making the move back to England. Spurs were your dream club though. They had been your aim for years now. It crushed you when they didn't want you after you finished your academy training but it was probably the best thing that happened to you.
It brought you Vittsjö and it brought you, more importantly, Charli.
You hadn't thought that Spurs was still watching you until you received the offer to play for them again. It felt like ripping your heart straight out of your chest when you read over the email with the contract.
It was Charli that convinced you to go. She had sat you down one night, listened to how you sobbed over the decision, agonising about leaving her but still wanting to return to England to play for Spurs.
She was the one that spurred on your decision.
She was the one who drove you to the airport and pressed one last lingering kiss to your lips.
It wasn't a goodbye.
Just a see you later.
You flew out to Sweden every chance you got. You curled yourself into Charli's arms whenever you could.
And, now that she was at your club, you could do it at any time you wanted.
Maybe Grace was right.
Maybe you were a tad codependent.
But, honestly, you would have it any other way.
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carolineshairtie · 7 months
Charli: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Kyra: They do.
Mini: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
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