#charlie's angels tv rewatch
privateeye-cj · 11 months
Charlie's Angels rewatch - The Seance (Ep. 11, S. 1)
The Angels investigate a case where valuables are vanishing from a rich old lady's house. No strange fingerprints on the safe.
Sabrina finds accompanying the old lady a rather exhausting job. Kelly and Jill go undercover as a rich heiress and her secretary looking into the medium that the lady consults.
Unfortunately the medium's secretary is into hypnotism...
Best Quote
Sabrina: I cannot keep up with her action. I'm not old enough.
Gayest Moment
Sabrina leaning into Kelly while reading over her shoulder at the closing scene.
Greatest Mystery
How did Kelly manage to get home without her car, wearing only a nightdress and without her purse?
Four out of five forgotten purses
I think the Beemish backstory conflicts with the orphanage backstory we got in Target Angels. Or maybe she later changed orphanages?
Did Sabrina move out of her apartment? And what's with her interior decoration?
Bosley as a chauffeur is a lot of fun.
Don't think hypnosis works that way. Neither does trauma.
Still the car scene with Jill and Kelly was chilling, Jaclyn Smith really sells it.
And Kelly's performance at the end was stellar.
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angelic37 · 2 years
Tagged by @diamantdog ♥
Okay, keep in mind that my comfort films aren't always of the highest quality in storytelling and they're pretty mainstream :') And it was hard to keep it at 10...
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
The Fifth Element (1997)
Gladiator (2000)
The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003)
X Men 2 (2003)
Love Actually (2003)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Star Trek (2009)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
I suck at tagging people (like am i bothering you ;__;) so if you see this and want to do it, please do! Would love to hear about your lists too ♥
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campbell-rose · 7 months
V's Redesign - 3/3
Ugh Idk why Valentino took me so long but here he is, worst boy! I can't decide which color looks better so I made three versions.
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His teeth should be gold in all pics, but I straight up forgot to go back and fix it, didn't realize until rn lol
I hate his accent in this show, like it's so inconsistent if i had my way his VA would be able to do a good italian accent.
Anyway, I've changed his demeanor. He's supposed to be a serious threat that abuses and assaults Angel Dust and in his first scene he's throwing a temper tantrum and being coddled like a toddler. In my rewrite he's more collected on the surface, but his temper does flare. But it will be more like when he's telling Angel to get Charlie out of his studio and beating him - that scene was well done (haven't watched Hazbin in a bit, might need to rewatch it, so it was good from what i can remember). He's like that when he's angry.
He's actually charming when he's being flirty
And i have nothing more to say. Which is odd, seeing as he's a major antagonist and I had a lot more to say about Velvette
Probably because with Velvette I was working with next to nothing.
Speaking of Velvette, and Vox by proxy, I think all three of the Vs need to be on the same level of god awful. Valentino sticks out compared to the other two. So, my changes for that - Velvette is a manipulative and verbally abusive person who puts down her models constantly and demands they hurt themselves to attain the perfect figure. Vox is like if Dr. Phil and Jeremy Kyle had a trash tv host hellspawn baby, he exploits those in need, lies about and abuses them for entertainment, and feels no remorse when his guests inevitably do something drastic. I want all three of them to be horrible people that thrive in how awful they are and enjoy hurting others.
Anyway, bye bye <3
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nonsensefromtheabyss · 8 months
Alastor Analysis
(Throwing my hat into the ring because the smiley fucker has me in a headlock. Warning; long and potentially insane. God I hope the cut works.)
I think something significant is gonna go down with Alastor in the next few episodes. I think the man is slipping.
Something that sticks out to me on rewatch is that Husk isn’t worried by the lights flickering or Alastor’s voice changing (the usual signs of him getting vicious.) He doesn’t look scared when the collar appears; his initial order of reactions actually goes ‘surprised’, ‘bitch please’, and then he starts doing damage control. It takes Alastor pulling on the chain to make him stop and actually look at how angry the overlord actually is. It says a lot to me that Husk’s first reaction is to be pissed off. He looks like he’s recognising that his bitchy demon master isn’t going to take any advice and he’s gonna be made to back off—and he’s angry about that. 
To detail, the fact that he approaches Alastor directly with his concerns and not Charlie (you know; the all-powerful, hotel owning, hell princess whose daddy’s in town), and puts the focus on him possibly getting into trouble means that Husk did all this out of a sense of concern or compassion. Husk isn’t acting purely in the interests of the hotel here, he’s trying to protect Alastor. This is a genuine offer of advice being thrown in Husk’s face for no apparent reason beyond arrogance; he has every right to be pissed off, and he is. He’s angry with Alastor and he shows that even as he’s shutting up. Angry, not scared.
Husk bitching about Alastor isn’t unusual. He cares enough to try and help the bastard out. The way he interacts with the conversation initially indicates to me that means he normally feels safe enough to do things like this. He’s comfortable calling his master out. He’s doing his best to stop Alastor making some kind of mistake. He is trusted with the information that Alastor isn’t a free man himself. When the chain appears, he’s frustrated, he cedes ground… but he isn’t scared. 
I don’t think Alastor manifesting Husk’s chains is unheard of in their relationship—Alastor’s a mean bitch who only tolerates a little bit of poking before he snaps—but I do think that the pulling of that chain is usually as bad as it gets. That’s the point where Husk stops talking but hasn’t started looking worried yet. Husk was probably fully expecting that being knocked to the floor would be the end of the matter. 
He’s scared—the most scared we’ve ever seen him—only after Alastor goes Radio Demon on him, and that’s why I think it’s something he’s never had happen before. Husk wasn’t expecting that degree of reaction at all. And I think it’s a sign that Alastor is starting to lose it.
We know the smile is fake. We know it’s a form of self-imposed self-discipline that’s as rigid as it is insane. And we now have it confirmed that Alastor has some pretty aggressive insecurities that are eating away at him behind the facade. Last time he was seen as ‘less than’ he slaughtered hide way to the top of the Pride Ring
Going episode by episode, there’s a subtle pattern of Alastor getting progressively more snubbed, which isn’t really what you expect when you’re introduced to the character in the Pilot. Vaggie describes him as someone of almost mythic power and, even with Angel’s levity and irreverence, that’s the impression that sticks, cemented by the way he takes out Sir Pentious. You get an immediate impression of what Alastor was like at the very top of his game.
You know: before the Seven Year Absence.
In the first episode, there’s the advert. The video advert. It’s all played for jokes (as it should be) but if you look at it as a first domino it makes sense. It’s our reintroduction to Alastor as a character: he’s made a terrible, unhelpful tv commercial and the ‘good’ one (we never get to see) was made with significant help. He clearly loathes having to do it, and he’s clearly got no real skill in it (if he did, he’d be showing off because he’s unbearably vain, you all know this is true.) He’s out of his element and he’s not adjusting quickly enough; people don’t know him from the radio anymore because Vox has the monopoly in entertainment.
Speaking of, in the Second Episode, we get Vox, aka the first and only person who gives a damn where deer boy went. Vox gives this shit by playing dress up and writing a diss track which Alastor immediately co-opts to make him rage quit. The song slaps—Alastor’s part in the song slaps… but it’s worth pointing out that Vox is the only person shown caring that The Radio Demon is back; the other two V’s are mildly entertained because they have renewed lease to absolutely dunk on Vox, and, while the crowds are drawn to the radio, they don’t look… bothered. There’s no big reaction of ‘dear god, it’s him (the deer god)’. Granted, we don’t see their response to the threat, but tbh if any radio threatens you with a return to The Bad Old Days the only honest reaction is to be a little scared, you don’t need to be in Hell for that.
In any case, regardless of how much he sucked at it, Vox still felt confident enough to make his little coping track public in the first place. He felt certain enough about Alastor’s lack of standing to make his own insecurities into a musical. The cultural idea of Alastor and his mythos has degraded enough for people to take potshots and then broadcast those potshots for funnsies. It’s pretty far from where we started in the Pilot with Vaggie not even wanting him past the door.
Third Episode… people of the conference room, please raise your right hand if you care why this staticky twink has been gone for seven years. *cue the deafening silence of no hands being raised*
Alastor is shut down and dismissed entirely in front of every other overlord at once, and it happens without consequence. He can’t do dick. He can’t play up the mystery, or draw them in to his narrative, or do anything to take control of the room. No one asked, no one cares. The meeting (which, if Carmine’s surprise at seeing him there is any indicator, he might not have even been directly invited to) moves on. I’m almost certain that the only reason he played coy with Zestial was because he thought he could have that Moment with everyone there and listening. He wants so desperately to be listened to.
We know that the hierarchies in Hell are less about who could actually make you eat concrete and more a popularity contest. That’s made explicitly clear in the first episode with low level sinners tearing strips off of Charlie, and clearer still in Helluva Boss where Stolas gets disrespected by the whole club for his messy personal business—in song form. And what I’ve not actually seen anyone else talking much about is how Alastor may be a very physically powerful demon but he’s getting no respect from any of his old peers. Sure, maybe the masses are spooked, but it’s not to the point where it’s making anyone else lose their chokehold. The people huddled around his radio still flick their eyes back to Vox’s screens when he talks. The egg boys ask him inane personal questions the same way they would anyone else. His own peers neither respect him nor care that he’s come back. Nobody has shown (positive) interest in the hotel now that it’s his personal enterprise.
We’re told the time skip was five months. We have no idea if things have changed in those five months, but Alastor starts Episode 5 palpably agitated. I’m guessing things didn’t go up for him. I’m guessing that it’s setting in for him that this is the vibe now, and the only person who actually thinks him untouchable is, well, him.
Add Lucifer. Suddenly, his business partner might not actually need him at all, either as help or an emotional connection, because she can replace them with her father, the actual king of Hell, who doesn’t like him; there’s an infinitely more powerful and capable demon in what is functionally Alastor’s home; said powerful demon has no fucking clue who Alastor even is, the role he plays, or the effort he’s invested (regardless of reason) into Charlie’s project, and there is no Alastor Approved way of making any respect happen on that front. As far as he’s concerned, he’s looking at a brick wall with FUCK YOU PERSONALLY graffitied on it.
Regarding the songs with Alastor in them, both of them are serving two purposes; the first is to piss off someone who slighted him, but I think the second is to reassert to everyone present his importance specifically after an instance of them forgetting. With Vox the primary objective is roasting the other overlord into shut down and the secondary is warning everyone listening that he’s still a viable threat despite what they just heard. With Lucifer, the first goal is to piss harder than the devil, but the second is reminding Charlie that he’s important and he has a place with them. Little as he’d like to admit it, it’s two cases of Alastor demanding a return to the way things usedto be. He wants to be the most terrifying thing on the wavelengths by default, and is willing to short out the power supply to all Hell to get that; he wants to be valued so much by the people around him that the most important man in Hell can’t just supplant him by being there. Obviously it doesn’t work out like that, but a self-absorbed nightmare man can dream.
And then Husk brings up the idea that he might be vulnerable on top of All That. It’s the final straw. He has spent the last few episodes very subtly scrabbling for a shred of acknowledgement and his bitch ass is getting none. 
Mimzy, if I’m allowed to speculate a little, is deliberately thrown into the mix at this juncture because of how she relates to Alastor in juxtaposition to the damage his seven year absence and unspecified deal has done to his reputation; she wants to hide behind his coattails because he’s the big, scary Radio Demon who can protect her from anything, because who in their right mind would cross him? She’s literally a part of his old life. She’s reacting to him the way everyone did seven years ago—with complete and total faith in his ability to be an unholy monster at a moment’s notice.
Being told ‘hey, maybe she’s in deeper shit than you can shovel because someone’s tying your hands’ is, to Alastor, just another snub in a long, illustrious line, and this time it’s personal because it’s coming from Husk. It’s not just a newly popular medium he’s no good with, or Vox with his haterection, or a meeting he can’t derail with his personal life, or a boardroom full of equals he newly means nothing to—it’s his own people thinking he’s not capable anymore. And Husk is happy to say that with literally the most powerful man in Hell right there for comparisons in inadequacy. Going full dial eyes on him isn’t just an over-vicious retaliation, it’s a demonstration and reminder of what Alastor is capable of… and it’s probably done for himself as much as it’s about putting Husk back in his place. 
Because that’s what Alastor used to be able to do; make all the other overlords cower on their knees at his feet while he regaled them with all the ways in which they could fuck off. 
Seven years of possibly not entirely voluntary absence… and this is the closest to that he can get. A guy whose soul he owns, who will be back to snarking in a few days time, having to be dragged into prostrating himself on the carpet. One of the few people who inexplicably give a shit about him promising to shut up only on pain of death.
And at the end of the episode everything he’s done means nothing and he has to tell Mimzy to leave anyway… and he’s subdued and uncomfortable about it. She’s his friend, one of the few people willing to tolerate him, and apparently one of the last people to share the perception he has of himself… and he has to tell her to go because the reality is that he, for whatever reason, is not making choices which are entirely his own. The reality is that Husk may be right; Alastor’s grip on everything and everyone around him is, for a variety of reasons, not as strong as it used to be. The guy is unravelling behind the mask; he’s insufferably proud and it’s starting to strangle him.
The point of all this is, there’s a pattern of escalation here. I think Alastor is out of his depth and it’s going to start showing. I think he’s going to make some sort of desperate bid for control to get his standing back. I think he’s going to have to reckon with his own disappearance. And… I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty.
TLDR: My Beloved is a time bomb and him dominating Husk was just the alarm going off. I believe this with my whole heart because of Reasons.
(Side note: I think it’s been sidelined and/or cut due to season constraints and the show being rushed to shit by production, but I do believe Charlie and Al must have some kind of bond. It’s been five months of living together and she doesn’t turn around and refute his claims or even look surprised by them, which implies to me that the events are true if not the presentation. Obviously the girl’s got daddy issues and Al doesn’t actually see her as a daughter, but I really don’t think that equals ‘there’s no fond feelings here at all.’ Plus everyone else is there watching their nonsense; while Alastor has 0% shame, I’m pretty sure someone else (Vaggie) would have something to say if him claiming affection for Charlie was as left field for them as it was for us. Really wish we had more time for relaxed character interactions to let dynamics breathe, there was such potential in HH’s concepts but I feel like we’re skipping whole chunks. I want the dumb beach episode, you know?) 
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resisteverything · 8 months
You know what I just did? Rewatched the Hazbin hotel pilot. And… it made me so disappointed to see what this show could have become but didn’t. It’s a small thing, but I think you’ll get it.
There was a scene where a random demon in a bar was laughing at the fact that Charlie is trying to redeem sinners, and I was thinking… this dude has lived in constant suffering for years to the point where he has given up on things getting better. Imagine a story where Charlie has to get through to that guy, gave him potential hope for something better than what he has.
I’m imagining him making fun of Charlie and her dumb hotel, but in his darker, messier moments, where he feels emptiest, he thinks about it and sees all the people in it from his window, feeling this hopeful positive energy that he just doesn’t have in his life, and wonders if he’d be happier there. Until eventually he can’t take it anymore and shows up, looking guarded and vulnerable, saying he wants to try this. He is slowly coaxed out of his shell and starts to feel truly fulfilled. He makes real friends, and he starts to let down his emotional barriers and opens up about how he ended up in hell anyway, and how the guilt of what he did has haunted him forever. Then he is reassured that he is not broken, and can be better.
That was what kind of thing the premise of this show promised. That sounded amazing. But fuck no, what this show was really about is daddy issues, and some old boomers hatred of TV for some reason, and what if heaven bad, and the impending war, and trust falls, and a sexy music video of explicit rape scenes.
Literally follow the show’s trajectory episode by episode in terms of what the plot did.
1. Charlie tries to win over heaven and fails.
2. Sir pentius joins the hotel because Charlie sang and awful song.
3. The war is suggested and we find out who killed an angel.
4. Angel dust character development.
5. Lucifer gives her a way to deal with heaven.
6. Heaven meeting happens and fails.
7. War is planned.
8. War happens.
Notice how at no point was “Charlie rehabilitates a sinner and gives him hope for a better life” in there. It could have been a great story about hope and redemption and love but no what it really needed was a dragonball laser to slice the hotel in half even though no one cares and it affects nothing.
Hazbin was never even good, we just gave the pilot a pass because it was a setup for good ideas that we expected to come but never did.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Just noticed something interesting upon rewatch.
Most of Vox's scorn tends to be directed towards whoever is taking attention he feels entitled to, especially if that attention comes from someone he's possessive over.
We already know about his disdain for Angel, because Valentino won't leave him alone.
And it could be one of the reasons he blew up in "Stayed Gone" because Alastor effectively split his audience. Though I cannot be convinced that he wasn't the slightest bit mollified by Alastor talking back to him, because he missed him.
But what really caught my attention was how he talked about Charlie and Alastor after their little dis-track conflict. He insults both: "Lucifer's Brat" and "That Smiling Freak", but noticeably he punches the table at Charlie and rolls his eyes at Alastor.
Almost like he was already displacing his ire at the object of Alastor's attention and not Alastor himself without consciously realizing it.
I foresee a season 2 tantrum when Alastor makes any effort to protect Charlie from Vox's inevitable assault on the hotel.
On top of the hilarity there, it means that despite Alastor trying to pull back from his attachment to the crew, Vox can see and show him that he's not as disaffected as he believes himself to be. And THAT would infuriate him. >:)
I love it. No notes. Headcanon accepted.
Anything that involves the twisted relationship between Alastor and Vox seizes my attention. Vox's frail little ego means so much to me. I, too, share his rejection sensitivity. It's okay little TV man, I love your insecurities and toxic tendencies.
Also love the idea of Vox calling out Alastor's growing attachment to the Hazbin crew.
Vox: You like them!
Alastor: nuh-uh.
Vox, holding up a distorted video of Alastor singing and dancing with the Hazbin crew: TF YOU MEAN NUH-UH
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 3)
I know Adam has his guitar and Alex Brightman voice, but is he an actual rockstar in Heaven?  He’s going on about his gig in his anecdote. 
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They talked about how Lilith empowered demon-kind with her songs – but how did Heaven get its groove then?
I’m so fascinated by this because Adam knows who Charlie is.  He knows she’s Lucifer’s daughter, which pretty much makes her Lilith’s daughter (theories in the epilogue, theories in the epilogue) which means that she could have been Adam’s daughter if his first wife hadn’t run off with another guy.  Honestly, considering how immature and spiteful Adam is shown to be later, sitting down and talking to Charlie and having lunch “with” her is reasonably chill behavior on the Adam scale….  I’m kind of getting “that weird uncle that peaked in college” vibes from him.
Starting from about this point is where Lute begins to become more interesting to me than Adam.  We get what he’s like.  But when he’s asking whether a girl would want a “lesser” guy to him, Lute shakes her head, agreeing with him. 
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She hasn’t said a word so far, but immediately she’s on Adam’s side – not at all appalled that this guy representing Heaven is acting like this and in agreement with him even.
Lute will remain fascinating to me, just saying that now.
Adam goes into listing what he thinks is “our biggest problem” and knowing what we know about Adam later him possibly having herpes is both amusing and scary.  I’m pretty sure he uses the exorcist army as his own harem.  Maybe that’s why all of them are so angry.
(Yes, I think everyone caught the fourth wall break.)
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(We’re not the ones who refuse to go out in public without a mask on, big man.  Well, at least not since COVID numbers went down!)
I really want to find out Niffty’s backstory. 
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I’m sure Vivianne already has the whole thing drafted out in her head.  But that complete paralysis when the camera was rolling seemed like a trauma response.  And that’s in a room that has a guy that is frequently raped on camera standing a few feet away from her.  Niffty goes totally dissociative until she hears the word “cut” and the camera beep off.  So, so curious.
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(Have some nightmare fuel.)
I feel like working in the film industry Angel would be the perfect person to explain “fix it in post” to Vaggie if she hadn’t bitten his head off.  He literally raises his hands in surrender when she snarls at him, so done with all of their shit.
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What room is Vaggie in when she’s editing the commercial?  We know there’s a reasonably better working TV down in the living room since they were watching it at the beginning of episode 4, and that room doesn’t look like hers and Charlie’s room that we see later on.
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And why did this seemingly unused room get matching elephant statues for the mantle?
Alastor shows up to be generally unhelpful and kick her while she’s down, as he’s wont to do. 
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Alastor’s shadow thing is so interesting to watch.  In some ways, it almost acts like Asmodeus’s extra faces from Helluva Boss, mimicking Alastor’s emotions.  But then other times it acts semi-separately.  Is the shadow thing supposed to be Alastor’s unfiltered id behind his veneer?
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(You can actually kind of see a non-psychotic deer form for Alastor when the camera bugs out when Vaggie is trying to video him.  That looks like a deer to everyone else too, right?)
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When Alastor has his “this face was made for radio” freakout, he’s missing the X in the middle of his forehead that he always has later, which is just an interesting detail to note.
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I also feel like “who or what you are” is something that could come up later on.  We know that Alastor is an aberration in Hell, having powers at levels never before seen from a Sinner.  Either his deal goes back farther than I was suspecting or else he’s been very not-usual from the start.
I feel like what Alastor does here with Vaggie is the first (or second if the pilot is cannon) step along a long road to desensitization.  We make him see two deals in the current timeline in the show – once to not have to fuss with the TV ever again, once for a favor where Charlie “harms no one.” 
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He seems to be getting them used to making little, insignificant (or maybe significant, depending on his favor – it was very specifically worded) deals with him.  Like when you try to get close to a stray animal so inch your way towards it one step at a time.  Though in this case Alastor would probably do the biting…
I also feel like it’s very telling that Alastor didn’t bother to offer to do his whole set/costumes/crew thing when Vaggie first asked for help with the commercial.  Only when helping with the commercial was in some way beneficial to him.
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Are these dude’s Alastor summons a couple of times other Sinners, or are they just fake, temporary creatures?  Does that mean that Alastor is controlling them or are they equipped with some sort of rudimentary AI that lets them perform the tasks he’s set to them?  If they are other Sinners, Husk and Niffty are out of uniform.  If they aren’t, Angel can probably keep the one he hits on later as a fancy sex toy without many moral implications.
(Alastor should give up being the Radio Demon and give Velvette a run for her money in the fashion industry.  Angel and Vaggie’s outfits in particular are *chef’s kiss*)
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I hope Alastor’s closed captions staff are better than Amazon’s, though. 
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Also, at some point during the flash back to the hotel, Adam has finished his pile of ribs.  I don’t know how if he never shuts up enough to let someone else get a word in edgewise.
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Adam and Lute start talking about the Exterminations, and Lute mentions that she “got a good 275 this year.”  (We’ll be coming back to that number later, by the way.)
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Adam seems impressed by this, telling her that was “bad-ass” and giving her a fist bump.  While calling her “danger tits.”  Lute does not, in fact, punch Adam in the face for this.  Again here Lute seems totally on board with Adam’s… Adam-ness.
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She seems like some of the girls that I’ve known from school, work, etc that go out clubbing and actually will give the time of day to the guys who wear sunglasses inside and think that negging is a successful way to get women’s attention.  Lute, you are encouraging bad behavior!
But that’s not surprising since Lute is quickly revealed to be a zealot, a fanatic, an extremist. 
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She hasn’t just drank the Kool-Aid, she was pouring the fruit punch flavored powder mix into the pitchers for other people to add the water to. 
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(Is this because if you, personally, catch an angel making one you de-angel-ify them?
Her belief system is carved in stone, and unfortunately for Charlie and all of Hell that belief system is that Sinners double-dying is not only an acceptable thing but an excellent thing.
Lute does reveal something here that has the potential to become important later: that Lucifer made some kind of arrangement that spares the Hellborn from the exorcisms. 
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Vivziepop’s other show “Helluva Boss” focuses a lot more on the Hellborn than Hazbin Hotel does (obviously, with Hazbin being focused on the redemption of Sinners.)
The Hellborn that we see/know/spend time with in Hazbin are going to include: Charlie, Keekee, Razzle, Dazzle, the Egg Boys, Fat Nuggets, and that’s pretty much it.  Everyone else aside from background characters in Hazbin – I may have missed one or two – is an open target.  I guess maybe fallen angels must also be exempt since no one is trying to go after Lucifer himself.
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Lute’s words do seem to upset Charlie a bit.  “How little you matter,” she said, and it looked like a hit to Charlie’s battleship.  Which I know Charlie is a bouncy blonde ball of daddy issues at this point, but it really seems like the opposite, doesn’t it?  Like she – and the other Hellborn – were being protected.  Is Charlie upset that the exorcists aren’t coming after her because they can’t, so they don’t really care about (killing) her?  Maybe that’s just Charlie’s guilt for being exempt?
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Charlie tries to explain her plans to Adam and Lute, but by this point we all know that she’s not going to succeed, right?  At least her crayon drawings are kind of cute.
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“Hell is Forever” sounds like one of the songs that the youth pastors I grew up having to go hang out with every other week (divorced parents, split custody) used to make religion cool to the youngsters. 
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Very Skillet, Fireflight, etc.  This ain’t your grandpappy’s religion – except the whole eternal damnation part.  Except I’m pretty sure they would have censored some of the “fucks” to let us have this one.
Adam kind of cuts through all of the divine judgement propaganda to get to the heart of things in the second verse.  This isn’t even about population control or final death or any of that – he and his exterminators just enjoy it.
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 Since we find out later that no one else knows about the exterminations, I imagine that the exterminators have to be – up to a certain point, at least – on their best behavior in Heaven.  This kind of makes Extermination Day a bit like “The Purge” for exorcists. 
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One day to go nuts and get it all out of their systems.  Frankly, it might be a little bit dangerous for Heaven to stop the extermination; after several thousands of years of having that release valve, if it was suddenly taken away that pressure could go pretty kaboom – and Sera won’t let that kaboom happen anywhere near her Winners.
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(Charlie is right.  Where did all of these backup singers come from?  They’re gold, not full monochrome like Lute, so they’re probably not real exorcists they yanked into the meeting room from the lobby.  Adam must have a “give me a posse” button in the Heaven version of the meeting room.)
Adam’s big reveal comes right at the end of the song.  They’re moving the next Extermination Day up to six months instead of a year out.
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Who approved this plan?  Did Sera sign off on this?  This seems like really bad population control practice.  The exterminations seem to already be getting worse and worse (Carmilla Carmine says specifically that this most recent extermination was brutal, with approximately 15% of the Sinner population being wiped out.) 
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If they increase the pace and severity of exterminations, that’s almost a third of the population each year.
I stopped going to church a long time ago, but that number seems interesting…
Revelation 9:15: “And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind.”
Revelation 9:18: “By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths.”
This may not mean anything.
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 4 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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so, alright, here are the movies/MEDIA that make me go *oh shit I'm so bi, omg bisexual panic*
so, alright, here are the MOVIES that make me go *oh shit I'm so bi, omg bisexual panic* (it can be very bi-vibes movies or simply movies that make me feel how very deeply i love being bi, or the ones i just enjoy rewatching-not necessarily with bi/queer representation!) : Red, White & Royal Blue 2023 , The Mummy 1999, The Little Mermaid 2023, The Little Mermaid 1989, Anne Of Green Gables 1985, Anne Of Green Gables:The Sequel 1987, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story 2000, The Road to El Dorado 2000, Mulan 1998, The Cutting Edge 1992, Ten Inch Hero 2007, Rebel Without A Cause 1955, The Fallout 2021, Better Off Dead 1985, Anastasia 1997, The Idea of You 2024, Rise Of The Guardians 2012, 10 Things I Hate About You 1999, Do Revenge 2022, Charlie’s Angels 2019, Bottoms 2023, Cadet Kelly 2002, Lemonade Mouth 2011, The Little Vampire 2017, John Tucker Must Die 2006, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 2016, The Princess and The Frog 2009, The Addams Family 1991, Addams Family Values 1993, Treasure Planet 2002, Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001, The Favourite 2018, Challengers 2024, Upgraded 2024, Fallen 2016, The Half Of It 2020, Feel The Beat 2020, My Old Ass 2024, (+ will probably keep adding to this soon-ish)
+ edit TV SHOWS that my bi heart loves: One Tree Hill(OTH), Shadow and Bone, Roswell 90s(OG), White Collar, Reign, Mary & George, Heartstopper, Wild Cards, Living for the Dead, Warrior Nun, XO Kitty, Wednesday, Maxton Hall : The World Between Us (2024), Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous(JWCC) & Jurassic World Chaos Theory (JWCT) , Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Dawson's Creek, Vampire Academy 2022, Fallen 2024, Willow, Dickinson, Heartbreak High, Teen Titans, Legacies, TheAddamsFamily(1964-1966), Love Victor, Lockwood&Co, Queer As Folk, The L Word, Shadowhunters, Ginny & Georgia, Get Even (2020), Geek Girl (2024),
+ edit BOOKS/ BOOK SERIES that my bi heart absolutely LOVES:
Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer, Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi, The Folk Of The Air Series by Holly Black, The Diviners Series by Libba Bray, The Devouring Gray Duology by C.L. Herman, GRISHAVERSE books (Six of Crows!!, Shadow and Bone, King of Scars-3 mini series) by Leigh Bardugo , This Woven Kingdom Series by Tahereh Mafi , Fallen Series by Lauren Kate, Elixir Series by Hilary Duff, The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books Series by C. R. Zafón, The Keys To The Kingdom Series by Garth Nix, Infinity Cycle Series by Adam Silvera, Anne Of Green Gables Series by L. M. Montgomery, Bloodlines Series & Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead, An Ember In The Ashes Series by Sabaa Tahir, The Selection Series by Kiera Cass + STANDALONES Lauren Kate-Unforgiven (standalone book in my opinion), Eoin Colfer- Airman, David Nicholls- One Day, Gayle Forman-Just One- Day & Year & Night (mini series), Vanessa Len-Only a Monster (mini series here too), Adam Silvera- History Is All You Left Me, Adam Silvera- They Both Die At The End , Adam Silvera- The First To Die At The End, Becky Albertalli-Imogen,Obviously, Mason Deaver- I Wish You All The Best(+short novella here!), Casey McQuiston-Red, White & Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston- The Pairing, Casey McQuiston-I Kissed Shara Wheeler, Casey McQuiston-One Last Stop, Aaron H Aceves-This Is Why They Hate Us, Wen-yi Lee- The Dark We Know, Mason Deaver-The Feeling Of Falling In Love, Sophie Gonzales-The Law Of Inertia, H.E.Edgmon-The Witch King & The Fae Keeper (duology!) , H.E.Edgmon-Godly Heathens & Merciless Saviors (mini series here!) , Carlos Ruiz Zafón- The Midnight Palace, Isabel Abedi- Whisper Haunted House, Francis Scott Fitzgerald- The Love Of Last Tycoon, Leo Tolstoy- Anna Karenina, S. E. Hinton- The Outsiders, Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera-Here's to Us & What If It's Us (duology), Page Powars- The Borrow a Boyfriend Club,(will keep adding here probably!)
BOOKS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BISEXUAL HISTORY & ACTIVISM:https://www.tumblr.com/ruimtetijd/686000390089621504/list-of-books-about-bi-history-and-activism-from
+ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q--nIkJu0OS0BgiyZmdKVwOVg1G90SFzWijNDWFTt58/edit#heading=h.wqkaxpi7o5je
+about THE MUSIC:
love you all, we need MORE bisexuality in media!!
+some links:
The Bisexual Flag, its meaning and history!:https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/762664140472008704?source=share + Lani Kaʻahumanu talking about how bisexuals have ALWAYS been around!:https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/762663819491328000?source=share
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pheonix-inside · 8 months
After watching the new Hazbin episodes I gotta say
1) I'm totally gonna have to rewatch them to get past the internet-brained critic that is my mind whenever I first watch something
And 2) I really wish Hazbin got more episodes per season, because - even setting aside the overly critical part of me that's purely fueled by self consciousness caused by the hate the show gets - I really do think that for the story they're telling, it needs more room to grow.
They've only got eight episodes, so I understand why things are going fast and, say, emotional payoff is happening so early. Like that's not the fault of the writers. But I wish that they had more episodes. I honestly think that double the amount would be best. Then they'd have more room to introduce concepts and really explore them before having to conclude them to move to the next point in the story.
I'm not shitting on the story itself, but the timeframe they're given. Shorter seasons like that work in shows like Helluva Boss that are meant to be episodic, with mostly disconnected episodes. But Hazbin isn't like that, and so they're having to rush through some of the plot points so that there'll still be enough episodes to really get to the main plot without having to completely put the character arcs in the backseat. And the whole story suffers for it.
Don't get me wrong, I still really like it and I still think it's good. But so many shows in the past that I love and have held as a standard for my own writing had the space to grow, with at least 20-something episodes per season, if not more. Steven Universe had 52 in its first season!
The problem is whoever is in charge of deciding the number of episodes. I won't pretend I know much about how tv shows are made - I've been honing my writing skills to create books, not shows - but I know enough to figure out that the episode count is not the writer's choice. And that makes me sad, because Hazbin is already really fun and interesting and GOOD, and it would be so much better if it had more room to breathe.
I'm really enjoying watching Hazbin, but I do wonder how it could be even more enjoyable if we really got time to see the characters' relationships grow. Get some more buildup of things like Angel's whole breakdown in episode 4, or Charlie and Lucifer's heart to heart in episode 5. Or Vaggie's reveal in episode 6!
I could go on about this for a while, but it's late and I need to go shower. I just have thoughts on the new season, the majority of them good, but a select few of them disappointed. Not in the show, but for it.
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privateeye-cj · 11 months
Best Episode out of Charlie's Angels TV 1976/77 Season 1 - First Half
Put why in the tags
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australet789 · 8 months
So I rewatched the pilot, and so Charlie calls her absenteee mom and leaves her a voicemail about how her dad doesn’t believe in her. Seconds later her new father figure shows up. The current big sensible theory is that her mother owns his soul. So like you have Lilith getting a message that Lucifer’s a bad dad, then is immediately like ‘yo, Alastor, you’re her dad now, here’ and he’s left at the front door. Like he remained to help even after Charlie wouldn’t make a binding deal with him, to say the real reason was he couldn’t not help even if he’d wanted to. Also, separately, while Vox and the Vees are villains, sure, is it relevant that at their meeting about Alastor, Vox seemed just a bit genuinely concerned about stopping Alastor from ‘making a deal with Lucifer’s daughter’, like somehow he knew he hadn’t done so already, as if him doing so would have caused something BIG to happen Vox would be aware of if it had happened? Something they may have discussed in the past when the two were on better-enough terms respect-wise for Vox to want to work with him? To say something Hell-defining will happen in that scenario? Also Alastor did succeed in making on of those binding deals, only with Vaggie for not appearing on television, and while this might be irrelevant since she’s an angel, if he knew that then it might be a very big thing.
That's the thing, it all goes back to Lilith
When Charlie tells Hell's story, she mentions Lilith powers reside in her songs.
Then, when Mimzy tells Alastor's backstory, she mentions that "weird" radiowaves came from his station and then the screams of the Overlords.
Now, in episode 2, when Vox uses his powers, we see how the citizens are affected by it and how it works over the TV. With Alastor dont. His voice DOESN'T affect people. We see this in Stayed Gone: it was Vox's rage what caused the blackout, not Alastor's doing. And when Alastor sings, Vox is not affected by anything extra.
So what's what im trying to say?
Those waves were Lilith 's voice. SHE is the one with the power. SHE was the one who used Alastor for her music to reach her people. And it helped Alastor to get a reputation.
That's why Vox knows Alastor hasn't make a deal with Charlie: his broadcast is not the same as before. Vox (and every demon) is aware of Lilith's powers so until Charlie sings or appears in Alastor's show, he knows there isn't a deal going on.
And im not sure if he knows Vaggie was an angel or not. He didnt know about Carmilla killing the exterminator if it wasnt for Frank, so Alastor knows shit, but he isnt omnipresent.
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skatingthinandice · 11 months
i was tagged by @sirtadcooper - thank you so much, i love these things! 💛
tag someone you want to know better and/or some of your besties
favourite colour: it's been yellow ever since i was a kid, but also blue
last song: one from my rinch playlist - i think it was not alone by red - for a gifset i've been making
last movie: don't think i've watched one since the last time i did one of these, so it's still master and commander
currently watching: strictly come dancing, the persuaders, taskmaster, rewatching person of interest and doctor who
other stuff i watched this year: tv wise i can remember death in paradise, 911, the witcher, ghosts, schitt's creek, obsession, ted lasso, and the mandalorian. film wise, seven kings must die, some of the mission impossibles, charlie's angels, murder on the orient express and death on the nile, glass onion, dungeons and dragons, red white and royal blue, and barbie
shows i dropped this year/didn't finish: haven't yet watched the last season of the mandalorian (and may not), and sex education (but definitely will be doing!)
currently reading: nothing at the moment, waiting to see if anyone gets me the latest richard osman book for christmas lmao
currently listening to: every carly rae jepsen album on repeat basically, it's pretty much all we listen to driving home every weekend
currently working on: i've just finished my rinch gifsets, so next up will be another ripper street one to hurt me and @remembertheskittles
current obsession: my ariadne/dion fic is living in my head rent free rn. i know it's meant to be written down, but uhh the trouble with that is once you've finished a sentence, you have to write another one... but the vibes are impeccable
tagging some recent-ish mutuals if you want to do it: @roamingbadger @ourgraciousqueens @nyssalovescience @lllostgirlll @litallusion @aurora-boreas-borealis and @fidelias
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pearlypairings · 5 months
Your Charlie’s angels snippet was great! Nothing beats an Angels dynamic. I can’t wait to read more of that. It also motivated me to go back & rewatch the original tv series from the 70s, and that has been a huge & very needed destress these past 2 weeks. So thanks for that as well.
eeeep autumn<33 charlie's angels is my comfort media and it's so lovely to find another fan!!! I really loved the movies, but there's something about 70's TV shows that are so naturally comforting and fun in a simple way.
I'm having so much fun filling out these "episodic" charlie's angels plots for Nance, Chrissy and Robin. I'm glad you liked the snippet(the snippet in question~)
And I'm chipping away at the first "episode" still.... here's another (unedited) sneak peak just for you:
The early evening sun cast a heavenly glow over Bosley’s coffee table, the bouquet at the center floating a nice, delicate floral aroma. On the lavish black leather sofa, Chrissy braided Robin’s auburn hair in simple dutch plaits, the two women comfortable enough to lean into each other. Nancy sat on the arm of the couch, reading their finalized report one last time to sweep for any typos or neglected details. She chewed on the back end of her ballpoint pen. “Excellent work, angels. Because of your dedicated investigation, Ketter & Co. will remain open, minus one bad egg. Their CFO is now in custody and will await trial for fraud and embezzlement. Great job, girls.” With lidded eyes and in unison, the team replied to the modest speaker on Bosley’s desk, “Thank you, Charlie." After more than 50 cases together, the team had become accustomed to the agency’s quirks. The undeniable thrill of sudden danger. The necessary teamwork and solid communication for success. Flexibility while undercover. But most importantly (and arguably, strangest for outsiders), the fact they had never met nor seen their mysterious boss. Instead, the women batted their long lashes at the speaker, treating his voice with anthropomorphic respect at each and every check-in.
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thepinkjupiter · 24 days
so i just finished me and my moms annual tvd june-september rewatch (i am in pain.) and i can't decide which dr i want to go to from my wr tonight, so i will give some info from each dr and you can choose!!
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚
scarlett gilbert
species: angel/demon/witch tribrid
s/o: elijah mikaelson
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: season of the witch by lana del rey, donttrustme by 3OH!3, haunted (tv) by taylor swift, lonesome by sabrina carpenter, all your exes by julia michaels
valentine forbes
species: vampire/oysi/condyine/witch quadbrid (species i made up dont ask the logistics of it 💀)
s/o: kol mikaelson
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: liar by camila cabello, i love it by icona pop ft charli xcx, boys boys boys by lady gaga, my boyfriends back by the raveonettes, right where you left me by taylor swift
melody salvatore
species: heretic
s/o: kol mikaelson (i have a problem ik)
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: tears to shed by danny elfman, scott street by phoebe bridgers, once upon a dream by emily osment, salvatore by lana del rey, forever and always by minnz piano
ruby forbes
species: heretic
s/o: rebekah mikaelson/kol mikaelson..
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: good girl gone bad by rihanna, whos afraid of little old me? by taylor swift, butterflies by kacey musgraves, daughter of a cop by tv girl, after midnight by chappell roan
vienna marshall
species: slarisk (essentially a siren-witch-demon)
s/o: kai parker
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: please please please by sabrina carpenter, happiness is a butterfly by lana del rey, love potions by bj lips ft princess paparazzi, western nights by ethel cain, and change for me by emlyn
serena mikaelson
(not related to the mikaelsons but was adopted by hayley so hope is my older sister..its very weird and complicated so i like to ignore the logistics)
species: heretic
s/o: lizzie saltzman/ryan clarke
5 songs i would use to describe this reality: family tree (intro) by ethel cain, sugar by flo rida ft wynter, shut up and dance by victoria duffield, hard times by ethel cain, screwed by paris hilton
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hazbincalifornia · 9 months
Hazbin Episode 1 Liveblog
In order to avoid this post getting Way Too Long, I'm going to make one post for episode one, and one for episode two!
I will say, I'm kinda sad we don't have a 'proper' theme song/intro, just the little jingle :( I do get it, but ah well.
Oh my god the commercial is even better in full.
How the fuck did he get Charlie to keep the name if it was still him???
Al's so fucking offended they're making him use a camera he made it one giant middle finger. I love it.
The voices are definitely going to take a bit of adjustment. It's probably because I've rewatched the pilot a zillion times, though.
I like how Alastor didn't even look at Angel. "Never going to happen!"
Awww, Charlie's ringtone for her dad is cute.
I DO really love Keith David as Husk right away, he suits the role perfectly.
"I like being forced!" and I love you, you weird little gremlin. Hoping for some good CNC stuff with her now, tbh. She'd be fun for it.
The flat delivery of 'crack is expensive' made me wheeze out loud.
Aaaa and here we go, full animation for Happy Day!
Why... why is the 'shoving barbed wire in your hole' guy an imp. Is that, like, his job or something. Is he just an asshole?
Ooooo, that was VAGGIE singing the 'bloodthirsty and deranged?' line? More fodder for her being a fallen angel/exterminator.
'Helluva post' for the mail. Ha.
This just made me fully realize how much the cannibal colony probably considers the post-extermination like a feast day.
Awww, the music note background is a fun touch.
Something about the fact that the 'touch my parts!' guy is a completely shapeless slug-creature instead of just keeping the dick offscreen makes it funnier.
Oh, I love Adam. The fun kind of punchable prick.
The animation seems a bit... overacted? I've noticed it all along but with Vaggie in the scene where she talks about making a new commercial especially. It sort of felt like they wanted to match the pilot's very snappy energy but weren't quite sure how, so everybody makes kind of... aimless motioning instead of moving with purpose, if it makes sense? It feels more like 'moving body parts for the sake of moving things' over 'moving with intent'. It's sort of awkward and distracting. The shifting proportions don't really help, but I just know people are going to be Fucking Annoying about that when it's unfortunately part of the package of making a whole season at once by a regular animation studio.
Oh yeah, Blake's perfect for Angel, lmao. It was more of a change than I expected from the few lines we'd gotten since they sounded more like the original, but he's got the energy.
Charlie didn't know Adam ran the angel army? That seems like the kind of thing she should have known. I wonder if she was relatively sheltered growing up.
'Call me dickmaster' why do I get the feeling the Chaz fans will like him, lmfao.
Since I'm on Adam though, another little groan to myself about the lack of fat characters in the hellaverse that aren't either gross stereotypes or background characters. Adam falls into the misogynist type, (like, the 'redditor', you know the one, just sort of mixed with a sleazy rockstar) Mammon's literally Greed and a talentless abuser, the lady at the pound was gross/uncaring and ugly, and I still think the Nurse was the only one that really broke the pattern and I've seen approximately one piece of fanart or mention of her ever (despite her clearly-developed positive relationship with Barbie!) and it was porn. I'm allowed to bitch on this after people were so fucking annoying about how wanting Bee to be fat was wanting her to be a 'gross ugly blob' and then saying other people were being fatphobic for pointing out everybody's skinny. Somehow. Anyway.
Well, at least they got the vagina joke out of the way early.
I love how his deal isn't for anything that would genuinely screw Vaggie over, he's just pissed they want him to deal with TV.
The fact that the pilot's still 'soft canon' makes sense with how Angel just immediately starts admiring his new clothes without any surprise, since it's happened before. Also, Niffty with the Marilyn pose is cute.
Oh, I'm definitely going to like Lute. I still like my idea she used to be close to Vaggie but when Vaggie was cast down, she stuck tighter to the rules.
Adam's song is fun!
So season 1 takes place over the course of six months? Huh. I'm guessing we'll have some time skips if we only have eight episodes.
I wonder what the Heaven Embassy is for? I can't imagine it's only for meetings like that considering there's couches in the lobby and stuff. Can sinners communicate with loved ones in heaven or vice versa, maybe, just using the holograms?
Oh my god the Katie voice IS basically just Brandon's Bryce voice. Amazing.
Ohoooo? VERY curious who managed to pull off killing an exterminator, and 'can't let them catch on'... hmm.
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serendipitous-posts · 8 months
So I rewatched the pilot, and so Charlie calls her absenteee mom and leaves her a voicemail about how her dad doesn’t believe in her. Seconds later her new father figure shows up. The current big sensible theory is that her mother owns his soul. So like you have Lilith getting a message that Lucifer’s a bad dad, then is immediately like ‘yo, Alastor, you’re her dad now, here’ and he’s left at the front door. Like he remained to help even after Charlie wouldn’t make a binding deal with him, to say the real reason was he couldn’t not help even if he’d wanted to. Also, separately, while Vox and the Vees are villains, sure, is it relevant that at their meeting about Alastor, Vox seemed just a bit genuinely concerned about stopping Alastor from ‘making a deal with Lucifer’s daughter’, like somehow he knew he hadn’t done so already, as if him doing so would have caused something BIG to happen Vox would be aware of if it had happened? Something they may have discussed in the past when the two were on better-enough terms respect-wise for Vox to want to work with him? To say something Hell-defining will happen in that scenario? Also Alastor did succeed in making on of those binding deals, only with Vaggie for not appearing on television, and while this might be irrelevant since she’s an angel, if he knew that then it might be a very big thing.
Ooh I definitely think it's suspect that he turned up so soon after . . But at the same time I can't help but think that the Pilot was 4 years ago, so some things could have changed (for example the relationship between Vox & Val seems more equal, and previously Vizzie said that Lilith and Luci were in a very happy commited relationship and now they've split(?)). The pilot seemed to indicate that Lilith was still around, but was just really busy all the time. And Al did genuinely seem fascinated by Charlie's interview to the point of watching tv (please hold your applause). So I do think a bit of this is genuine interest. (Of course this was early days so there probably would be early installment weirdness and it's loose enough I can completely 💯 believe Lilith called Alastors deer ass to check in on her daughter)
However I am going to point out that Al did try his level best to make a deal with Charlie in the Pilot. The only way Charlie got out of it was pulling rank. So. Definite interest there. Or opportunism.
And even though Al says he's only around to help the hotel/sabotage... we don't really see him do either. The first episode of the show Vaggie notes that he said he was doing this for entertainment and how he was acting would be counterproductive to that. The second one he repairs a wall, fucks off to the tailors, gets into a rap battle, and Destroys a phone. Third he goes to a meeting. Not really in fourth. Fifth is the only real episode where he
And like. That's weird right? If he wanted the others to fail, shouldn't we be seeing him sabotage them? Or gloat over their failings. If he truly wants to support the hotel, why does he keep leaving and doing other shit? If he's not here to help them and not here to actively sabotage them, why is he here?
Tldr I do absolutely believe Lilith either sent him here, or this is a plan to get back at her somehow
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