#charlize theron imagine
annie-creates · 5 months
After my mother
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1900
Note: As I said before, no. But I can write something similar for you. I feel like this turned out really cute so I hope you'll like it too.
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Another restless night. Hugging the pregnancy pillow under your body you toss and turn over and over in your big bed, missing the person who was supposed to sleep next to you. Lately it was pretty rare for Leonora to show up at home, or even spend any time with you. You stopped worrying about why that is long time ago, opting to save your sanity from all the dreadful scenarios your hormonated head could come up with. Giving up on the hopes for a good night’s rest you get up to make yet another melissa tea.
Was it the fact you were getting bigger and waddling around like a penguin? did your wife not find you attractive anymore? Did she get scared from the responsibility for a baby? You both planned to start your own family for so long, your child seemed to be sent to you by heavens. To you it was the most amazing little miracle, but maybe your wife didn’t see it as such? Maybe she didn’t actually want to have a child? Or maybe she just didn’t want one with you…
Pushing all the nagging evil thoughts aside you pack your bags and make your way over to the School of good and evil with the first sunlight of the day. If your wife won’t take the effort to spend time with you, you’ll come keep her company at the school. She won’t get rid of you that easily, you’ll bother her until she gets tired of it and then some. With two suitcases and a bag slumped over your shoulder you appear at the doorstep of her office, her surprised face turning into a big smile.
“Baby! Oh my god what are you doing here?” she lights up, quickly taking the bags from you so you don’t have to drag it and kissing you on the cheek in the process.
“Well it’s not like you were coming home any time soon.” You reprimand her with a scrunched-up face in annoyance. “So I came here.”
Her face retorted to one of honest regret and shame, she knew she was spending a little too much time at work but didn’t know you’d notice. You always seemed so busy at home she didn’t want to bother you. Any time she tried to help you’d push her away because she was arranging the sofa pillows wrong or didn’t light up your favorite scent of candle. Ever since you became pregnant you were an impossible neat freak, probably having to do something with nesting, if she was to guess.
But she was very happy to see you here, now being able to combine her work duties and family life better. The enthusiasm lasted her exactly two and a half days, until you rearranged literally everything she owned and kept in her chambers in the castle. You turned to her office next, Lesso suddenly not being able to find any of the props she had prepared for her next lesson on deadly traps or books about ancient torture techniques. She slowly started regretting welcoming you in her towers, but of course she’d never tell that to anyone, much less you. She loved you for who you were, even when crazy from pregnancy. She was the one to put the child in you after all, so she sort of brought it on herself.
Dovey however was ecstatic to have you back at the castle. Being her best student and then a beloved teacher before you gave the position up, fearing it could be a clash of interest considering you married the dean of evil, she had some unbreakable admiration for you. And there wasn’t anything she loved more than happy endings and babies. So she kept you company while Lesso taught and invited you for walks and picnics with her other friends. She helped you pick up baby clothes, look for nursery equipment and even brainstorm some baby names, that one was her favorite.
You were already showing pretty clearly when you arrived but now you felt like a big barrel of beer. You couldn’t tie your own shoes and always needed someone to help you stand up from your chair, feeling utterly useless. That affected your mood, turning your bubbly personality into somewhat shy and insecure. You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, much less your hardworking wife. She deserved a partner who could take care of their own socks and showering. Leonora noticed your saddened state, it would be hard for her not to. Maybe she wasn’t always present as much as you needed her to be but she was always perceptive and observant.
“How was your day today darling?” She asks as she steps into your now shared room in the evening, you already snuggled under the duvets.
“It was fine. Had some tea with Anemone and then we planned this weekend’s activities.” You answer tiredly.
As she dresses in pajamas and joins you in the bed, you snuggle into her as close as you can with your out of shape form. You didn’t want to be too clingy and drive her away with your neediness and unattractive body, but at the same time you needed her warmth and the comfort of her loving embrace. She starts to mindlessly draw small circles over your back and arms with her thumb, breathing in your fresh roses scent.
“I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.” You admit suddenly, almost as if you were scared to say it out loud.
“What?” She thought that maybe she didn’t hear right, you seemed very happy every time you cooed over your growing baby with Clarissa.
“You can’t find me attractive like this, and I need your help literally all the time.” You complain, your intrusive thoughts winning over this time.
“Honey there’s nothing I’d find more attractive than you all round and pretty with my child.” She corrects you with a deep look into your eyes. “The only reason I couldn’t wait for you to not be pregnant anymore would be to get to finally meet our baby.”
She sooths your pregnant belly with her palm, feeling the baby kicking against her hand. Your and her eyes both go wide and you cover her hand with yours, wanting to feel this special connection too. Maybe she was right, carrying your baby was a little miracle and nothing to be insecure about. Leonora enjoyed taking care of you and having to help you with little everyday tasks made her feel needed and wanted.
“Mommy is feeling a little insecure today, hm?” she talked to your child in your womb and it filled your heart with warmth and love. “Don’t worry, I’ll make her feel all loved and appreciated.”
With the promise she looks up to kiss you and you happily accept her affection. Since then, you spend every night listening to Leonora’s reassurances and affirmations, talking about baby names, genders, what your child is gonna be like growing up or if it’s going to inherit your round nose and her devilish personality. She caresses your back and massages your swollen ankles, not once complaining about the job, because she knows she’ll actually miss it once you’re not pregnant anymore.
And not being pregnant comes sooner than you expect it to, in the middle of the day being escorted to the medical wing as your water broke right outside in the middle of your walk by the lake. Lucky for you you had Dovey and Anemone right by your side so they helped you get back and find the help you needed. The nurses and doctors rushed around you getting you comfortable and ready for labour. Talking you trough contractions and pain, they prepare you to deliver your baby while Dovey runs out to find Leonora.
“Seems we’re about ready to push your little princess out madam.” The nurse informs you, getting you panicked.
“What!? I can’t do this without my wife!” You reprimand her squeezing your fists in pain. “I need Lesso to be here!”
“I don’t think the baby is willing to wait…” her calm demeanor only fueled your hormonal anger more.
„I swear to heavens if you make me have this child without my wife you’ll spend the rest of your life in hell!“ Surely your dear wife could take care of that. “Lesso! I swear if you don’t come right this second, I’m naming this child after my mother!” You scream as if your wife could hear you all to way to her classroom and with your new found strength driven by pain and fear maybe she could.
Dovey ran to the classroom in the dungeons of the school of evil out of breath, not bothering to knock as she flew into the room like a tsunami wave. Lesso fried her with an annoyed look, ready to give her a mouthful about how she doesn’t want to be bothered during her class even if someone was dying some boring way of death, but before she could admonish her counterpart Clarissa caught enough breath to get out why she was there.
“Y/N… in labour… baby. Here.” She pushes out over her almost collapsing lungs and it’s enough for Leonora to drop everything and run out of the class without even dismissing it.
Dovey rolls her eyes and lets the kids go because it’s clear their teacher won’t be coming back any time soon and takes her way back to the medical wing to also be there when it’s time to welcome your child into their world. Meanwhile Leonora takes the steps by three, speeding to the delivery room to be with you so fast she’d put the speed of light to shame, but not fast enough for you to not be angry with her for being late.
“What took you so long?” You complain tears briming your eyes from the fear of having to push your child out alone and not knowing what to do.
“I’m so sorry love, but I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She promised kissing the crown of your head and enduring the iron grip of your hand.
“You ready now?” The nurse asks a little annoyed with your dramatics and you nod.
After what felt like twice the eternity to you, a lot of painful screams and maybe a few bruised bones in Lesso’s hands, the crying of a newborn fills the room and everyone exhales in relief. Your baby is wrapped up in clean blankets and given to you to hold, looking up at you with curious blue eyes and a few red hairs. It was the most ethereally beautiful girl you have ever seen in your entire life.
“Oh my god look. Leo look. We have a baby girl.” A new wave of tears washes over you as you whisper to your wife, being swept away by emotions and hormones.
“Yea, our beautiful little baby girl.” She whispers back too scared to startle the little angel in your arms, hardly fighting the tears herself.
“Oh, by the way? We’re naming her after my mother.” You announce to your wife shocking her speechless, because that was nowhere even near your baby names list.
She knew better than to question you right now and she’d rather fight off a dragon than argue with her postpartum wife, she sort of still values her fragile life.
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sere-rine · 6 months
Just pondering how Lady Lesso would punish you once she saw you touching yourself after she tease you all day.
Maybe she would edge you for hours. She would make you put your skirt up unto your waist and open your buttoned shirt only for her to be able to see your breast. She would make you touch yourself on her desk in front of her (while she's sitting gloriously, fully clothed and looking at you with the darkest eyes she could have.) and would make you stop once you're near. And if ever you can't control yourself, she would smack your hands away from your dripping wet cunt with her cane.
"Bad sluts like yourself does not deserve to cum, am I right?"
Or maybe she would make you cum non stop with a vibrator while your hands are tied up on top of your head with her neck tie. She'll use her magic to recover your stamina but she'll make sure to leave your cunt and stay overstimulated. She'll not stop until you say your safe word or until you pass out.
"What? This is why your touching yourself without my permission, you want a release. So I'm giving you a non stop chance to cum you whore."
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Ravennas iron crown in 4k
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moerusai · 2 years
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multimilfs · 2 years
Queen Ravenna x Fem!Reader: Beyond Fury
Summary: escapetodreamworld sent... Queen Ravenna + 14 -- “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
Prompts found here!
A/N: This is the first fic I wrote for this challenge and I love it. Charlize is amazing and getting to write for Ravenna was a lot of fun, she's a bit difficult, which makes it a nice challenge. I hope you enjoy!
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @escapetodreamworld @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix
Warning(s): Non-con elements, Blood
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It’s after nightfall when the Queen summons you. Her brother arrives at the door to your rooms, a leering grin on his mouth. You almost trip over your own dress in your haste to put distance between the two of you. 
“Where is Sir Maynard?” You ask. 
His grin gets wider, “Indisposed, I’m afraid. My sister has sent me in his place.” 
The room is freezing despite the roaring fire and furs on the floor. It feels like a trap. Sir Maynard is always the one to escort you to your Queen, his hands startlingly gentle even in the beginning; A rapport and trust building between you as your affection for Queen Ravenna grew. Fear courses through you at the thought of something befalling him. 
But nothing inspires more fear than her brother. You don’t know his name, don’t care to, for there’d always been a curious distance between the two of you. Whispers of his… proclivities reached you, and you operated under the assumption they reached your Queen too; your heart had always been warmed by the idea of her keeping you safe, even from her own family. 
Now, you wonder how you’ve deluded yourself into believing you’d ever be away from him. 
“An escort is unnecessary, Sir,” You say, trying to infuse your voice with strength, “Queen Ravenna knows I’ll come to her willingly. Though I thank you for your willingness to assist.”
His advance on you is swift and sure. In a second, his face is inches from yours, eyes boring into you. You look anywhere else. The unpleasant warmth and stench of him make your stomach twist. 
“My sister, for some reason foreign to me, may let you get away with what you wish. Watch your tongue around me unless you want to put it to good use.” He punctuates the statement with a glance downward. Your face burns with shame and rage. 
“I’d sooner lose it.” You snarl. 
A hand clasps itself around your neck and the point of a dagger is aimed at your chest. Your skin bends to make space for it. One wrong move and it will slice through, spilling blood on the dress you adore. 
You want to believe you’re protected, but you can’t say for certain; you can never say anything with certainty about your Queen. Wisely, you stay silent as he increases the pressure of his weapon and his hand. 
“You’re a stupid, vile girl.” 
The hand around your throat tightens.
“And one day I’ll have the luxury of doing what I want with you.” 
He steps back, infinitesimally, and his hands fall away. One pulls at the sleeve of your dress and pulls it down your arm, the neckline moving with it. You shiver as more of your skin is exposed to him. He stops before any of your chest is bared. 
With a lazy spin, he slashes downward. The skin splits open. You let out a pained noise, clutching your hand over the now-bleeding gash. The Queen’s brother pulls a white handkerchief from his belt and presses it into the wound roughly. Wincing, you flinch away, but hold the cloth in place. 
“Fix your dress,” He snaps, “My sister is waiting.” 
You pull up the sleeve and neckline so it hides the reddening handkerchief. A threat lingers in his eyes as he watches, then shoves you ahead. Dark soldiers flank your sides. You shiver against the chill in the air and follow their lead; you know the way just like the route to your own rooms—down several twisting halls, a few sharp lefts, and you’re before her doors—but they’re taking you somewhere different. 
Instead of the final left, you take a right. You’re brought to two large, iron doors, etched with sigils and writing you can’t understand. One of the guards pounds his fist against the door three times before opening it. 
Across the expanse of dark stone and pillars she stands facing away. Fire rages in the center of the room, drawing her full attention. You can feel the warmth of it from here and wonder how she can stand to be near it. 
“I’ve brought the girl.” Her brother says. You jump, having forgotten he was there. 
She turns and her eyes find you in an instant. You can’t help the blush you’re sporting, bowing your head and offering a polite curtsey. A smirk pulls at her mouth. 
The smirk drops as she addresses the other occupants in the room, “Leave us.” 
The soldiers offer bows and turn in sync, stomping out of the room. Her brother hesitates. His eyes flicker to her and then to you, giving you a long, serious look. Then he follows the soldiers. Your blush has vanished by the time he’s gone. 
“You kept me waiting.” She says, low voice covering the expanse—both physical and mental—between you. You’re relieved to see her shoulders relaxed, “You never keep me waiting.” 
You can sense the question in her statement, can practically hear her shouting what was more important than your Queen? But instead of raising her voice, she tilts her head, and waits. 
Lying has never been a skill in your arsenal. And with your Queen looking at you like she’d unwrap your flesh from your skeleton should you cross her, you’ve never had the guts to try. 
Skating the truth might work, you decide, “I was speaking with your brother, My Queen. He offered me a lesson on courtesy.” 
She huffs out a laugh. 
“I’d say that’s one skill you don’t need a lesson on.” 
You blush. Now that the danger of tripping her wrath has truly passed, you take slow movements to her, coming to stop at the bottom step leading to the room of fire. Her eyes are intrigued when they look down at you. 
“And what skills do I need a lesson on, My Queen?” You ask. 
She lifts an eyebrow. 
You’re quick to correct, “Ravenna.” 
Ravenna’s eyes slip closed like her name from your lips gives her power. There’s a split second of bliss there, like when you’ve finished your usual duties with her, but it feels more intimate this time. You look away. 
A blush pulls at your cheeks and you can’t fathom why; you’ve seen her in various positions and states of undress, heard things drip from her tongue that’d make any reasonable woman melt with shame. You’ve never had an issue being a witness before. You blame it on the heat radiating from the room behind her. 
Fingers tilt your head back to look her in the eye. Ravenna’s closer now, armor clad body nearly pressing to your own. A finger, adorned with a black talon, scrapes along your bottom lip. 
Her kiss is demanding and brutal when you’re locked in it, claiming every inch of you she can reach. You let out a whimper against her. Teeth find and tug at your lip, insisting on torturing you just within the bounds of what you can handle. You’re running out of air but can’t make yourself pull back. 
Ravenna’s taloned hand ghosts down your neck and makes you shiver. You feel her grin against your lips when she starts to move to your chest and you moan pathetically, pushing yourself into her embrace. She freezes before fully touching where you desire. 
You laugh against her, used to her teasing, but you open your eyes to shards of ice staring you down. 
Her eyes have landed just about where her hand is and you gaze downward, freezing. There, next to her hand, blood has seeped through the exquisite fabric. Some of it stains her fingertips. You feel lightheaded. 
“Take off your dress.” She commands, no longer Ravenna, but your Queen. 
“My Queen, I…”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.” 
The control she had before is gone. When you step back to pull down the top of your dress, she stays rooted to the spot. Her eyes are sharp, deadly, and you know armies trembled beneath this gaze before but you’re not, whether it be stupidity or comfort. 
Pulling down your dress reveals the bloodstained handkerchief and you peel it off of your skin. The gash is angry, blood still seeping from it, though in smaller amounts this time. You don’t dare wipe it away. 
Ravenna steps to you and brings her own hand out to touch at the gash, hand shaking with barely contained rage. You try and fail to stop your wince. 
“They’ll pay in blood.” Ravenna forces through gritted teeth, “Tell me their name.” 
You go cold. Her brother has been her longest and fiercest companion, even uttering his name would assure her rage be directed at you. She’ll choose family everytime. You don’t want to die, not when there’s still so much time you haven’t shared with her. 
“A name!” Ravenna shouts. 
Shaking your head, you try to pull back, but her left hand clasps around your arm. You’re caught in an iron grip. 
“You’ll be furious with me.” You whisper, voice pleading. 
“We’re beyond fury,” Her voice trembles, “A name.” 
Wincing and looking at your feet, you accept your fate, “It was your brother.” 
Emotions from defeat to pure hatred flicker behind her eyes before she settles on one; betrayal. Her hold on you loosens and you step closer, reaffirming the contact. She doesn’t react to it. 
A vulnerability lingers in her muscles as she deflates, a lone tear tracking down her porcelain cheek. You ache to wipe it away. She’s staring past you, mind caught in something you can’t hope to understand. You remain an anchor to the physical world as you take her hand and bring the palm to your lips, your own tears falling onto the skin. 
“I’m sorry,” You whisper, not sure she can hear you, “I spoke out of turn and upset him. It was my fault.” 
Her hand tightens around your own. 
“He knows the limit.” 
Ravenna drags you to the door and your heart nearly beats out of your chest. She’s reached her limit with me, you think, as she throws open the doors with an ease that startles you. 
“Guards!” She shrieks and they come running.
You wait for the command that will sentence you; you wonder if she’ll do it herself or if she’ll just have you thrown onto the streets to rot with the people. Will she slit your throat or take your heart? 
Her hand ghosts over the gash and the lingering pain fades. Looking down curiously, you find the skin mended. 
“Take her to her rooms.” Ravenna commands the guards, “And bring me my brother.” 
Eyes widening, you examine her face, shock rendering you speechless. Her face remains the portrait of indifference as you’re led away. Disbelief floods you when you’re in your rooms, even as your ears hear the screams across the castle, and even as the whispers tell you he’s dead. 
You feel dread at being responsible, but can’t help the lingering affection. You were protected after all. 
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annie-creates · 4 months
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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cosmicanemoia · 1 year
Alone Together
Cipher (Charlize Theron) x reader
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You met a woman. She met you.
First meet. (The Fate of the Furious)
You were hiking, enjoying your time alone, away from everyone. Suddenly, a blonde woman who came from the sky falls right in front of you. You were shocked as hell. You smile at her and scoffed and shake your head sideways, which pique her interest, she removes her parachute, she then ask you "what the hell are you smiling at" as you walk pass her, she grabs you and puts a knife to your throat. You both breathe heavily, you look her in the eye and smile more as you hold your eye contact. You move closer to her face, making the knife cut your skin.
"Is this supposed to scare me? Cause this kind of shit just turns me on. This is the stuff of my fantasy. Tall, gorgeous woman with spacey eyes holding a knife to my throat, heh. If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up yet. But if you wanna kill me, do it then," you stare in to each other's eyes, you said "I didn't think so," she decided to put the knife down and took a step away from you, she let's her eyes to wander the vastness of the woods, you walk past her and after a couple of steps you look back at her and said "well, aren't you coming?" She looks at you and you nod signaling her to come with you when she finally catches up with you, you said "Not that I'm complaining, you just made one of my dream came true. if you needed help, you could have asked for it." You smiled at her
"What are you doing alone in the middle of nowhere?" She questioned. "What everyone who would go alone in the middle of nowhere do. Be away and alone." You answered and questioned her in turn."What were you doing falling from the sky?" She didn't answer. She just kept trailing behind you as if she didn't hear you say anything, "I see. You don't have to tell me anything." She scoffed and chuckled.
You were actually on your way back to the cabin when she fell in front of you. As you came nearer and nearer to your cabin, she asked, "You're not one of those serial killers or psychopaths are you?" You grinned at her amused by her query. "What? Good one, even if I am, I'm sure you could handle yourself. Everyone's a psychopath, and most just play along with the system," "That is not a no." She commented, and you're just looking towards your destination and continue walking.
"We're here. Make yourself at home." You welcomed her, and she is hesitant but eventually decided to go in the cabin with you. She thought that you were right. She could definitely protect herself from anyone.
You went in and paid her no mind. You just went on your daily routine as if she had been there for a long time. You didn't offer her anything, and you didn't treat her like a guess. You said she could sleep wherever she wants, and she just nods at you, sitting near the fireplace.
Later at night, you make your way to bed and you saw her lying comfortably there, reading something, you said "that's my bed" and she said "you said I could sleep wherever" you look back on your words earlier and you agreed and said "fine" you slip on the little space on the bed and nudge her to move a little to give you more space. "Hey!" she said, "what? You can sleep wherever and I can't? This is a king-sized bed, stay in your corner, and I'll stay in mine." She rolled her eyes at your remarks, gave you some space, put her book down, and went to sleep.
Morning came along and she didn't see you beside her, you already got up, so she gets up and went to look for you, she sees you eating your breakfast outside the cabin just right in front of it. You turn your head and see her. "Sleep well?" You asked, she think about it for a couple of second and she did in fact slept well, the best she had in a long time, but she didn't admit it and simply said "yes"
"I'm going back to reality. You can stay here as long as you want but don't tell anyone about this place. You and I are the only people who know about this place. It will be our precious secret. "
"Wait--" she said. "Oh-- right. There's a motorbike at the back and extra gas, enough to get you to a small town. You'll manage." You informed her. "That's no-- That's - I, uh- thanks," she mumbled and thanked you. "See you when I see you, miss gorgeously strange badass. I hope" you winked at her then walk away.
You gave her your name but she didn't return the favour. Now she thought she should have.
You are hiking to the nearest motel and take your car from there. You have always left it there before you went to the cabin, and then you drive home.
She spent a month at the cabin enjoying the solitude, but after some time, she got bored and got a little creep out by the silence and the old-fashioned place. She needed her techs.
Next meet. (F9)
After a year, you came back to your cabin. You open the door, and as you step a foot inside, someone grabs you and pins you to the wall while holding a knife to your throat.
"We gotta stop meeting like this," she said with heavy breaths, and you could see her smirk.
"Agree to disagree. I hope We don't." You smirk back.
You both stay in position for a hot couple of minutes just staring into each other's eyes, exchanging heavy breaths. As she let you off and pulled away, she scoffed, and you frustratedly scoffed, too.
"Have you left, or have you been here since?"
"Course, I left. What would I do in this dump for a year? I just came back, I've only been here for a month."
She was waiting on you to come back, she figured you come back to the cabin once a year, so she came back a month earlier, after a year of meeting you there, hoping to see you again.
"You've been staying at this dump for a month. Huh." You said, and she replied, "What? It's so old fashioned, there's no Internet and I have to bring my own techs here" you look at her with disappointment written on your face "that's the whole point of all of this" you shake your head unimpressed.
"Is this all of it?" You said as you look at the coffee table with all the technology too advanced for you to understand. She confirmed and you move and took it all and lock all of it in a treasure chest, and throwing the keys amongst the other keys on the drawer near the chest, she couldn't even protest, too baffled by the sight. "What was that for?" She finally spoke. "You'll get them when I leave," you said as you raised your eyebrows up and down at her. "And when is that gonna be?" She asked frustratedly. You look at her with a stoic face, and she gulped, caused by the view in front of her, giving her goosebumps. She's never felt like this before.
You smile a few seconds later and phrase in a seductive voice, "I just got here, and you already want me gone. That's not how you treat your lover who just got home, my love, you know better than that" "That's not what I mean-- I'm not--" she defended but you quickly cut her off "Let's get some fresh air. The air in here is a bit thin. " she rolled her eyes as you walked out.
She searches for the key in the drawer. With no luck she didn't find it, there are a lot of other keys in the drawer. Sighing in defeat, she followed you out and saw you sitting at the front porch. You were looking as far as your eyes would allow you into the woods, she walks over and sat next to you.
There was silence for an awkward moment until you decided to break it, "Do you want to be cuddled?" Her eyes widened, and she scoffed in shock, "What?" She laughs nervously and you repeat yourself "I want to cuddle you, it's so cold here, and I don't wanna go in yet" "then let's make a fire" she offered and you refuse "that would take a lot of work, come here" you stretch your arms out and welcome her in to your embrace but she complains and whined "why do I have to be cuddled when you're the one who's cold, I should be the one cuddling you" she kept protesting.
You stand up, and she looks up at you. You stand behind her and sit down, your arms and legs wrapped around her. "What are you doing?" She asked,"keeping both of us warm, " you answered.
She shakes her body, "get off me," she commanded. Your embrace loosens, and she misses the contact. "Okay," you started to get off of her, but she muttered "fine" You embrace her tightly as the cold air brushes your cheeks.
She could just throw you down if she really wanted to, but there's something about your embrace. It's warmth - that stops her from doing so and instead keeps her wanting more.
Three days you live together, almost like an old married couple, endless bickering, madly flirting (on your part). The domesticity of it all made both of you forget the worlds you live in are burning. But all good things come to an end rather quickly than bad things.
You made a pack for your hike at the nearest motel and got ready to leave after you've eaten breakfast.
"Bye again for now, Ms. GSB" You bid adieu, "I have a name, you know, " She said in response, "No. I don't know." You told her, and she mumbles, "Wha-- That's not what I---" you cut her off, "So. Tell me." "My name is Cipher" she thought you'd ask more question like 'who is named cipher, just cipher' but you pulled her out of her train of thoughts and hugged her tightly "Hi. Cipher, It's been great spending time with you." You pulled out of the hug, but she aches for more, but she knows better than that or so she thought.
As she watches you leave, a wave of longing comes crashing on her already, she went inside and sat down, she sees the treasure box still locked, she'd forgotten about her beloved techs, she smiled to herself. Her mind brought her to look back on the conversation she had with you.
"What are you grinning at?" She asked as she looked at you, already looking at her with a wide grin plastered on your face "Sorry I just can't help it. I think you look like a coconut husk.-- A beautiful and brilliant coconut husk, " you said as you winked at her at the end of your sentence. She slightly blushed. "You're so cheesy." She said and shrugs, trying to brush the blush off.
After a few seconds of admiring her beauty and getting lost in her eyes, you asked her, "You okay? You seem pretty mad or something, but pretty nonetheless" you raises eyebrows up and down at her, trying to lift her spirits up " I swear I will just smack you out of nowhere one of these days" she said sarcastically and literally. "Looking forward to it," you replied with the same tone she just had. She looks at you with disbelief and amusement. Your face turns into a frown when she looks away from you.
"Seriously. How are you?" You requested to know, and she just said,"I'm fine. " "Sure you are. But, are you okay?" You insisted in knowing how she is, she took a deep breath and looks at you affectionately, after a few seconds of staring at you she said "I am now" she smiles at you genuinely. "Fine. Don't tell me." You let it go and you chuckled "I see what you did there, that's good" you complimented her, "learned from the best" she responded, and you both let out a loud and boisterous laugh.
Her flashback ended, and she's smiling ear to ear like a silly teenager. She sighed and said, "I want to be alone with you." Out loud, the person who she wants to heart it, already gone.
Third meet (Fast X)
You came back to your cabin hoping to be welcomed by a gorgeous woman, but there's nobody there when you arrived. You just shrug it off and think 'she has a life of her own', you exhale and find your keys.
After a couple of days of settling in, you're accompanied by hot chocolate and a book in your hand, and then someone knocks at your door rapidly. You rolled your eyes and groaned, frustrated by the disturbance of your peace.
When you open the door, worry washes away your frustration. You would say you're glad to see the badass in front of you, which you are, but she's seriously beaten up. You invite her inside and she drinks your hot chocolate, not asking for permission, not that she needed it, she just always do it, Eating out of your plates, drinking out of your cups, wearing your clothes, and you just let her all the time.
After she's settled in and got some rest. You break the silence, "Did you run into a car, or did a car run you over?" You asked, trying to lighten her mood. "I met the devil himself." She said loud and clear, you thought she was joking and that she wants you to leave it alone, so you burst out laughing, you see her at the corner of your eye not laughing with you, your laughter dies down, and realisation hits.
"Oh. You're not joking." You said after you cleared your throat."I wish I was." She replied, exhaustion in her voice is now more evident, "Tell me about it, " you requested.
She tells you the story.
After hearing the end of the story, you think to yourself for a moment, and you said, "So. You have no friends." She smiles at your response to the story she told. "That's what you get from all that?" She questioned, and you took her hand, "I'm just kidding, babe. From what you describe, that doesn't sound like the devil. Trust me. I know, cause I've met them." You nod and try to take your hand back and let hers go, but she tightens the grip, not wanting to be deprived of your touch.
"What do you mean you've met them?" She asked, but you just ignored her. "He just sounds like a total scum who didn't have a mother that loved him." You added to your last statement, and she asks again, "How did you meet the devil?" But you just keep ignoring her."Your guy just needed to be taught a lesson or two, " you added again to your last statement.
"Stop ignoring me!" She shouted, frustrated of you who kept ignoring her, "Okay... chill.-- Damn!" You chuckled nervously, a little scared for your life, but also somehow turned on. "What do you wanna know?" You inquired, and she said,"Everything. Tell me everything." Her eyes fixated on you. You look up at the ceiling, contemplating. "Okay, but there's a catch. I tell you everything, you do the same. No lies. No holding back certain truths to manipulate the story." You commanded, and she took a breath and huffs. The cabin is filled with silence until you both speak at the same time.
You said, "I didn't think so," she said. "Okay, fine. Deal"
Your eyes widen by what she said and ask her to repeat her sentence just so you could be sure you heard it right
"I said, fine. I'm willing to tell you everything if you tell me everything"
You told her who you really are. You put it plainly, not sugarcoating anything, wishing she'd look at you the same after everything.
You're a serial killer. A Stalker. You hunt your prey with the help of your job. A journalist. You were once an investigator, but they black listed you, saying your emotions get the better of you, and they concluded you're not fit for that job. You stalk them, investigate them, and with enough concrete evidence, you know that won't hold up in court. You took matters into your own hands by punishing them yourself. Torturing and killing them if they don't go to prison. Your prey are usually rapist. Physical abuser. And pedophiles.
She tells you her story and everything. How she wants to destroy or rule the world or something entirely different. She told you. She wishes the same thing as you are, for nothing to change, yet everything is.
"I guess we actually do, have a lot in common. We're both killers. We both think we're making the world a better place, but really, we're just making ourselves feel better. --Two silly and lonely humans playing god," You said, and you sighed, and she sighed in return, "Yeah. I guess so, too."
There was complete silence for quite some time.
She looks at you endearingly and smirks, "I was right. You were a serial killer." You both chuckled at the same moment. "Yep," you replied and looked back at her. "So, did you do a background check on me?" She asked curiously, wanting to hear your affirmative, but you didn't give her the satisfaction."No. I always thought you were just a hallucination." "What?" She asked and you continue to speak "but then I think, my mind could have not made up something as badass and intelligent as you" "and, there it is.--" They both burst out laughing, a tear escaping their eye from the joy of it all.
You're now cuddled up in bed. Her head resting on your stomach while you play with her hair. "I hope you still like me after all that" She said out of the blue "I hope you still like me after all that too" You said in response wanting to let her know you feel the same way she do.
"we're insane," she stated, and you agreed, "indeed we are"
She moves up, and her face now hovers on top of yours. She placed a gentle kiss on your lips, and your hand rested on her waist. You're now looking eye to eye, you move your head up and kiss her back, but not as gently, more desperately, missing her tongue on yours for a year, and thinking she wouldn't be back again. Here she is, as desperate and as hungry for you as you are for her.
In the morning, you're now the one resting your head on her body. You look up hoping to watch her sleep, but she's already looking at you. "How long have you been staring at the back of my head?" You asked lethargically, "Not long enough, " she answered, and she planted a kiss on your forehead, and you hummed by the contact.
During lunch, you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. Her stunning features just simply capture you, and then you speak your mind, "Now that looks more you. Miss gorgeously strange badass." You complimented her new look. "I already told you my name. Don't tell me you've forgotten." She said, still fazed by your constantly out of the blue flirting, "How could I forget such a cool name. Cipher, " you said her name in a seducing tone. She shakes her head and turns to look away cause she knows she blushed by the way you said her name, "Whatever." That's all she could say.
After having lunch and constantly teasing her, you rested. You took her hand and led her to a lake. You told her to take her clothes off, and she didn't move, "Is this the part where you kill me?" You didn't answer her and just look at her with a smirk on your face. You walk closer to her and start to slowly take your clothes off teasing her. She gulped, and you moved closer to her with no clothes on, all in your nakedness, you hover your face on hers, and you brushed your lips to her, then you ran towards the water.
She stood there dumbfounded, all worked up, and turned the hell on. She quickly took her clothes off and followed you. She wants you to finish what you started.
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mrswxyne · 8 months
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Supreme Spouses 💞
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cupofsapphics · 2 years
[ lady lesso x reader ]
summary: you fall for lesso, but don’t believe it’s mutual. you tell yourself that you’re fine with friendship, but will you take the risk for more?
warning(s): lesso might be a bit out of character, haven’t read the books, reader pining, clarissa being the best wingman
a/n: coming out of my hole for you guys but im probably gonna disappear again for a while; plot kinda ib @thedevilssinner and @jelonkan ; this kinda doesn’t make any sense i swear and im sorry for that :<
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(gif not mine)
It’s not like you did it on purpose. No matter how hard you tried, no matter where you diverted your eyes, they always seemed to land on her. With her flaming hair and beautiful black outfits, could anyone blame you? Even though the two schools had merged into one, there was still some controversy and discussion about dating between Nevers and Evers. Of course, there were times when that was tested, such as the recent ‘Trial by Tale’ by Sophie of Gavaldon and Prince Tedros. Despite being an Ever and teaching kids about true love, you were a realist and knew the odds that you and Lesso would ever be something were slim. 
You thanked the librarian as you headed out of the library with a stack of books. Unfortunately for you, the headmaster assigned you several courses to teach now that schools were merged such as Defense, History of Villainy, and Beautification. The stack of books was so tall, you didn’t notice a certain dean bump into you as you were about to turn the corner. The tower of books crumpled down, about to fall at your feet. Swiftly, you waved your hand to catch all the books before they landed on the ground. Setting them back into your arms, you turned to face the person and apologize. You were surprised to meet those eyes you constantly thought about. 
“Forgive me, Lady Lesso. I didn’t see you there.” 
She grinned, “I can see that. You have some fast reflexes there.” 
You felt your face become warm. You needed to get out of this situation before you explode. 
“Thank you, Lady Lesso. I’ll be going now, I need to prep for my lesson.”
The woman tilted her head slightly but nodded her head in understanding. She moved to let you walk to your classroom. As you were walking, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes burning through you. Lesso stared at you as you walked back. She usually didn’t take interest in other teachers, especially Evers because most of them were obnoxious and cocky. You, however, were quiet and knowledgeable, striking her interest. She would continue to keep a curious eye on you. 
Soon after, the school term started and you had students pouring in. This was the first year that students from both schools would be attending the same classes. As the kids sat down, you could already feel who was going to be the smart-ass, the lazy one, the “hero”, etc. You took your Beautification book out and started teaching. You could feel the boredom radiating from the Nevers, so you decided to spice the class up a bit. This year was a year of new beginnings anyway. 
“Robert, come up to the front.”
The prince proudly stood up and walked up to the front of the class. You could feel his courage and confidence ebb away as you asked him to attack you. 
“A-attack you? Professor, I don’t think I can-”
You cut him off. “Do it now, or I’ll be failing you.”
At this point, all the students were invested and the Nevers were chanting for him to do it. Everyone, including you, was so concentrated on the class that no one noticed when someone crept up to the door frame to see what was going on. 
Pressured by you and his peers, Robert finally drew his sword and swung it toward you. Almost immediately, you formed a glowing sword into your hands and swung it to counteract his. A loud ‘clang’ echoed through the classroom and everyone had their mouths wide open. You took your sword and put it down on your desk. Sitting on your desk, you then explain the lesson that you were trying to teach.
“The class of Beautification can mean many things. Specifically from me, I want everyone to learn that beauty can be used against the enemy. When you have beauty, people will underestimate you and believe that you are harmless. For all of you, that’s an advantage you want to have.”
You stared at the entire class in amusement as slow clapping erupted by the door. You turned your head to find Lady Lesso smirking at you. ‘This woman.’ you scoffed to yourself. Dismissing the class, you move to go sit behind your desk.
“My, my, who knew the quiet Ever professor was so good at combat?”
“And who knew you were so good at sneaking up on me?”
It was at that point that the two of you forged a friendship. Was it even friendship, or was it something more? At this point, you weren’t even sure. There was flirting, sure, but it never went further than that and it disappointed you. However, you’d rather be friends with the dazzling woman than a stranger. The constant yearning looks of love and admiration were not missed entirely, though. 
You loved Clarissa. She was such a supportive dean and friend, but sometimes you wanted to fling her across the room with the type of antics she suggested for you and Lesso. You could mentally hear her teasing you as you were bickering with Lesso. As if that wasn’t enough, she once locked the two of you into the library. Talk about stereotypical tropes. It was anything but effective though because the door burst open in a matter of minutes. 
You were positive that this was the closest you could be to the dean and you accepted it. Clarissa constantly told you not to give up hope, saying that she had a feeling that Lesso had those feelings too, but you didn’t want false hope.
Feeling under the weather, you decided to help out with supervision for the annual Ball. You were deciding what to wear for the night when Clarissa burst through your door. 
“Clarissa! What did I say about knocking?”
She shrugged, “Sorry, but I’m in a rush. The ball starts soon and I’m going to sparkle you up for the ball!”
Your eyes widened. “I’m sorry- why would you do that?” 
“I’m sick of you and Lesso dancing around each other. Tonight is the night when you guys will get it together so I can finally have peace.”
You were about to protest, but as you opened your mouth, a stunning moonlight-themed dress appeared on you. As much as you hated to admit it, you loved it. When you spun, a sheer layer sparkled. Butterflies adorned the fabric near your shoulders. Looking down, you found glass slippers. You looked at Clarissa with a smirk.
“I know you’re the fairy godmother, but I don’t think Cinderella will be happy that I’m stealing her shoes.”
Clarissa rolled her eyes and waved her wand to replace the glass shoes with a pair of heels that matched your dress.
Time flew by fast and until you knew it, it was time for the Ball to begin. Your hair was in a different style than it usually was and light makeup was applied to your face. The cheery woman was extremely proud of her work. She raced down the stairs as you tried to follow her as quickly as you could. 
You gracefully walked down the final staircase as everyone stared at you in awe. You were like a glowing beacon of light. Everyone’s eyes were on you, but you were only focused on one person. You walked towards her as she looked you up and down. Clarissa was nearby and gave you the thumbs-up. You take a deep breath, this was the moment. It was now or never, might as well snatch up this opportunity. You gave a smile and asked the dean to dance. 
Coming back from her shock, Lesso chuckled and dragged you to the dance floor.
“How do you always manage to surprise me with your beauty and talent?”
You don’t answer her, though. Like Clarissa, you were getting sick of dancing around each other. Screw keeping it the way it was, you wanted more.
“Are you-”
The dean was cut off with a kiss. Lesso’s eyes widened, taking a moment to believe that it was happening, but kissed back. Drawing back from each other, you smiled like an idiot and she had the same beautiful grin the first day the two of you met. 
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sere-rine · 2 years
~Your One and Only Protector~
SGE <Movie version>  Imagine (Lady Lesso x Fem Reader)
Warning: Fluff
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Woods are scaringly fascinating for an ever like you. It holds a lot of danger yet it is the most peaceful place you can find in this world of what they say is "balance".
You climb a tree with the help of Gale, and sit on one of it's higher branches and heave a sigh releasing all your anger towards a certain dean of the school.
Before the school being combined, you and Lady Lesso have a few small dispute that happens to be the one that is making your life like hell.
You missed Agatha so much for she is the only one who knows and who listens to all your rants about that Lady Lesso.
Now that Agatha left and the school is one, every single damn time that you walked into the hall you can see her which makes your blood boil all the time. She always looked at you with condescending eyes and Dovey would just elbow her and you will walk fast past them. 
You look at your surroundings and your view is no less than magnificent. You can see the whole school from where you are and you can observe from here. You don’t have any company but Gale, who is giving you a light refreshing breeze to help you calm down from your anger. But everytime you get to remember why you are angry, the temperature is starting to drop. 
“A princess is not supposed to hold a sword Y/n.” Lady Lesso said out of nowhere while you are busy practicing alone on the gym. You stopped at what you are doing and face her way. You try to meet her eyes but you are unsuccessful for her gaze are somewhere else.
You are wearing a white tanked top paired with black cycling shorts. You are filled with sweats and probably dehydrated. You make your way into the nearest bench where your towel and bottled water are placed. You hung your towel onto your shoulder and drank your water to satisfy your thirst. You did all of that with Lady Lesso’s eyes are scanning you making you feel conscious about the way you look. You are princess after all, you may be practicing to hold a sword but still appearance is one hell of a requirement for all of you evers. 
“What are you looking at Professor?” You asked after a minute of her feeding at your sight. She shrugged whatever thought she has and then she looked at your orbs. 
“Like I’ve said, princesses shouldn’t be bothered learning to hold a sword.” You scoffed at her statement and wiped your sweat. From your forehead to your cheeks down to your neck and chest. You didn’t notice how her eyes followed the strokes of your towel and how she gulped at the sight. 
“And do you think I care?” You asked her almost daring her to say something. She didn’t so you put the sword that you’re holding up to show it to her. “This sword is one of the most precious possession my mother have professor. I need to be worthy of wielding this.” You said while looking at the frozen sword. A ray of light from a window that is reflected at it is almost blinding you but that stopped when a slender hand with long black nails, holds the sword blocking the light.  
“Ahh of course. You, Princess Y/N of Arendelle, daughter of Queen Anna and King Kristoff, always trying to prove your worthy for the people of your kingdom. Your mother who claims to be inlove with a man who she met just a day. And your father who seems crazy talking to reindeer.” She said in a mocking tone making you furious. 
“How dare you talk to my parents like that?” You spat at her but all she did was to look down at you. 
“All i’m saying is stop this thing.” She tried to get my sword out of your grasp but you didn’t let her. You stepped backward and you get all of your things, ready to leave the gym. “Just leave me alone.” She was taken aback of what you have said.
“You are a princess, you should focus on how to keep yourself pretty and how to earn your first kiss. You’ll probably going to have a hard time to get yourself a prince before the Ball because of how you act. You have your mother’s stubbornness and yet you get your independence from your aunt. Such an irritating combination of attitude.” 
“And why on heaven’s earth do you care professor? You may be a teacher but you still are fruit of evil so why do you care for a mere ever whose looks does not have the power to reach your beauty standards?” You shouted at her but  didn’t wait for her answer as you stomped your way out. 
“Gale, I am beautiful right?” You asked annoyed at the elemental spirit that is accompanying you right now. It breezes lightly and you take that as a sign of yes. “Hmph, I can get any prince whenever I want. Besides they are not a necessity, I actually like to think that they are just an accessory for princesses to fit in on fairy tale's society. Don’t you think?” You asked again and much more breeze with autumn leaves surrounds you and you just laughs. 
“Such an idiot you are.” A voice interrupts you making you jerk from your sit and you lost your balance. You are expecting to hit the hard ground but you didn’t. You thought Gale helped you but you felt an arms around your waists after a few seconds. ‘Gale doesn’t have arms.’ You thought so out of curiosity you open your eyes but that caught your guard off.
Two amethyst colored orbs are looking straight at you and scanning not just your eyes but your whole face. How beautiful her eyes are whether you deny it or not. Her make up that is highlighting her gorgeous face are going to be the death of you. How can you hate her when she’s this flawless physically? Wait, whether she is pretty outside her insides are not. You seems to get a hold on your body now so you pushed her abruptly and she let you. 
“Where did you came from? You are literally coming out of nowhere.” You said exasperatingly. 
“I’ve come to say my apologies.” You are shocked at her statement for The former dean of evil does not admit her wrong. You can;t believe it because please, her ego is higher than the castle your aunt Elsa built. 
“Why?” You asked out of speechlessness. She looked at her sides eyeing if someone can hear her.
“Perhaps what I have said is too much.” She said with her eyes everywhere but yours and a blank expression. You don’t know if she is genuine or not but it is enough for now. At least she tried to say sorry.
“A-apology accepted.” She looked at you with a little to no expression. 
“That’s it?” You nod at her and she release a sigh. Your eyes are still at her and she meet it.
“How come it’s easy?” Your eyebrow cocked at this woman. 
“What choice do I have other than to forgive you?” You asked her then you sit down at the bottom of the tree where you fell.
“Not to forgive me.” She said then points her cane into where you’re sitting. “That is full of dirt princess, what are you thinking sitting the-” She stopped whatever she was saying because you grab the end of the cane that is near you and pulled it with her. She ended up sitting beside you and after that you stare at the clouds above you. What a great weather it is.
“You know professor, it would be no good if I keep my grudge onto myself, I am now grateful that you at least say your regrets after what you’ve done even though it is clear that you are evil.” You say beside her relaxed and feeling the air around you. 
While you are enjoying your surroundings and her company, your professor seems to not like sitting on a dirt. She keeps patting at her back and when you twist your head to look at her, she looks uncomfortable.
“Well you should be thankful for I will never ever say sorry to anyone ever again, and oh my, I really hate dirt.” She whines and she stands up. You followed her and straighten up your back.
“Well I feel honored to be the only one to hear your apology professor.” You said in a mocking tone and you look up at her while smiling genuinely. Her posture is straight and her eyes are running from your head to your toe.
“And to answer your question earlier...” She said dragging every word but you look at her with confusion in your eyes.
“Why do I care?” You mouthed an ‘aahh’ at her and nod. So she continued. “That’s because you are such a precious princess. I can’t bare to know that you can stand up physically for yourself when...” She pause her sentence. It is evident that she is contemplating whether she should say her next words or not. Because those words will surely change everything between the two of you.
“When what?” You asked really anticipating on what is she going to say next. You gulped and unconsciously licked you lips to give them moisture. You don’t know why but you feel like whatever she’s going to say next will lighten your already good day.
She leaned in into you and you just stand there like a statue which is the source of her giggle. She puts her index finger under your chin and her thumb brushed your lips. Her gesture made a rampaging zoo like feeling on your stomach and redness is coating your entire face.
“When you should be protected by me. Whenever danger surrounds you, you are physically prepared and I hate that because I want you to need me. I want to be your one and only protector, not just some silly prince who can’t even invite you to the Ball after one simple threat. Like hello, in the future they will need to have the courage to save princesses like you and yet... ugh I really hate princes.” She said that causes your eyes to widen and you gasp at her reveal. 
“You threatened them because you like me? Poor man.” You put your hands on your waist and turn your back on her. You can’t believe that someone really tried to ask you out. Not that you lost hoped with it, you just doubted your appearance for a second.
“You don’t need them anyways.” Lady Lesso said and you felt an arms circle your waist and you felt her chin on your shoulders. She is still holding her cane in front of you both.
“You are right, I don’t need them but you didn’t have to do that. Who is he?” You asked and you feel a tickling sensation when her breath touches your neck after she shoves your hair.
“He? More like them! Whatever you are going to the ball without them and you will spend your night after the ball with me.” She said and you didn’t oppose on that idea for you loved it as well. 
I’m really gay for Charlize Theron
Just tell me if you want more guys! My inbox are open for recommendation and requests!
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
you’re enough
i just needed to get it off my chest to be honest
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navigation // request // masterlist
summary: lesso reassures you after you got a bad grade
warnings: none; (not proof read)
notes: that’s my first fic (on here) written from the first person’s view phew~ it’s fluff but the start can count as a little bit of angst i guess??
i pushed the door to lesso’s office and came in not even waiting for her agreement. she was working behind her desk, probably grading some tests. her eyes immediately flowed to me at the moment i crossed the line of the room. my face was saying it all. i was frustrated and mad. horribly mad. i shot the door behind me earning a loud noise from them which made me even more nervous. i threw away the books i have been carrying with myself, them landing somewhere on the floor. i couldn’t care less about it now. her eyes were glued to me even though she was still grading the papers who were starting to form a high pile on her desk. i walk up to the two furnitures situated right before her desk. with a loud thud i threw myself at one of them. my hands immediately started caressing my face trying to calm me down a bit. her eyes were now back at the test she was continuously grading. after a while of rubbing my eyes and totally smuggling my make up i finally seated my hands on the armrests. lesso’s eyes suddenly flew right up catching mine in no time. i was feeling so ashamed and i’m sure she could sense it. her look filled with no emotions at all was just adding perfect atmosphere to this whole situation. i bit my down lip looking away from her. tears uncontrollably forming in my eyes. when i looked at her again her look was more soft. still emotionless but softer. almost like she’d be worried.
“can i finally ask what’s this all about?” she asked looking at her paper once again, fully breaking the eye contact.
i let out a long and loud breath. taking in another one, deeper one.
“i got a bad grade.” i whispered. “a really bad one.” i added so quietly she probably wasn’t able to catch it. probably.
“so you should’ve studied harder.” she explained not even bothering to look up at me. tears in my eyes started to form once again.
“i did. i really did.” i responded looking at the cabinets behind her, like i was seeing them for the very first time.
“clearly it wasn’t enough.” she said and i just suddenly lost it.
suddenly the tears forming in my eyes were now flowing down my face like huge drops of rain. the rest of my smudged makeup coming off along with them. i felt a single drop land on my left thigh sinking into the material of my tights right away. i didn’t even bother to wipe my face when i felt another wave of tears coming out of my eyes. the whimper i let out next was the thing that caught the full attention of the dean of evil. maybe i was often crying with her but it was rare for it to get that bad. in no second her eyes were at my face and the pen she was using to grade the papers was laying alone at the hard surface of her desk. she then pushed herself away a bit making room between herself and the desk, making it for me, without using words to state that. i clearly wasn’t thinking in that moment so i suppose it was just the memory of my muscles. i got up and came to her in no time. then she opened her arms for me to literally hide in them. no needing more in such a moment i just sat on her lap and immediately hugged into her, wrapping my hands around her neck, while hers gently wrapped around my back and her fingers started stroking it delicately. i felt another wave of water coming straight out of my eyes. having the wet path already on my cheeks the next drops had easier way to slip out of my face and wet the material of lesso’s suit. but she seemed like she didn’t care. maybe it really wasn’t bothering her. another sob came out of my mouth and the grip on my back tightened, bringing me closer to her body than i already was. it made me feel calmer. she then grabbed me even tighter and moved me even closer to her that i was almost sitting on her hips. one of her hands left my back and immediately went up to grab my cheek and gently stroke it, meaning that she wanted my attention. unsurely i pulled my head away from her and then my eyes again met hers. her look was soft now and overflowing with worry. when you want to know how lesso actually feels and what she really means, you need to pay attention to her eyes. they will tell you everything. i knew she wanted me to just explain what happened but right now i needed the most of reassurance. she still rubbed my cheek with one of her fingers making sure i knew she actually cared so much.
“tell me darling, what’s actually wrong?” she asked after a moment of silnce. i took another deep and unsteady breath.
“i studied for it. i literally spend a lot of my time studying. and you know how hardly it comes for me. how easily i loose focus or motivation. how much strength i need to just sit down and learn something. even something i actually enjoy. what a struggle that is for me. how hard it is for me to learn something that just doesn’t want to get into my head no matter how long and how hard i try to make it work. how demotivating it is to do your best and still not be enough. and be judged. by others and mostly by yourself. how incredibly unfair it is for me to get a bad grade when my friends who did nothing to learn and didn’t even try to learn got such a good grade for cheating and even not trying, not talking here about trying their bests. and how unfair of her it is to give us such hard exercises when she knows most of the class doesn’t even have a clue what’s happening and they just copy and paste from each other when we’re doing something on lesson.” i said and the tears weren’t stopping. “and how hard it is for me to see that grade knowing damn well i did everything, i did my best, i tried and tried and it still isn’t good enough, or not even good, just enough.” i wanted to continue my monologue but another whimper interrupted me. lesso immediately pulled me to herself clearly not wanting to listen to the signs of how bad i was feeling.
“oh darling.” she said, stroking my back again. “sometimes we just need to accept it. even if it’s unfair or not how we would want it to be” she was about to continue but i interrupted her.
“but it wasn’t enough!” another sob came out of my mouth along with those words.
“did you do your best?” she asked, grabbing my face and pulling me away from her a bit, also making me look into her eyes “did you really try?”
“i did.” i responded tears finally starting to slow down.
“then it was enough.” she stated harshly, desperately trying to make a point.
“but even you said otherwise!” i said louder than i wanted to.
“i know.” she said licking her lips. “but i haven’t seen the whole situation then and just assumed that it was something less important to you.” she explained her point of view while also swallowing hardly at the end. “you know i would never say something with intention to hurt you.” she added even thought in the past she hurt me with her words more than once. but she was learning, and that was the most important.
“will i ever be enough?” i asked looking straight into her eyes in which i could see only worry and love now.
“you are enough.” she said rubbing my cheek a bit harder. “no matter the grades you get; no matter what anyone says; you. are. enough.” she said and brought her other hand to capture my other cheek.
needing to finally let go i automatically came closer to her and she did the same. the tips of our noses were touching right now. she still looked very worried and clearly wanted to help even more but she just didn’t know how to. at least how to do it and also not loose the job for murdering someone. sensing that i unconsciously smiled to her. it wasn’t this big, bright smile i’m used to wearing everyday but it was a smile. a small one, but truthful. when lesso noticed it she automatically smiled herself. the most beautiful sight i could ever ask for. her smile also wasn’t the one she used when she was teasing me or when i did something that made her pretty satisfied with herself, no. it was the one, the proud one. the proud of me one.
couldn’t wait more i slightly moved my head so now our lips were touching each other. we still weren’t kissing, our lips were just next to themselves. lesso decided it was enough for her too. with one gentle move she started kissing me. the kiss wasn’t as rough as she would normally kiss me. it was more soft and more meaningful i think. her delicate lips slowly worked with mine making me feel butterflies in my stomach in actually no time. my hands situated on her neck slowly found their way to her red hair almost immediately wrapping themselves in it. lesso smiled to our kiss feeling my fingers. her arms came back to my back and didn’t move from there. not an inch up or down. something unlikely for lesso, but in that very moment it gave me another wave of care from her, knowing she was actually trying to show me how much she cared about me and not only wanted to turn it into something spicier.
i didn’t want to stop kissing her but my lungs, same as hers, were burning for some oxygen. i gently pulled away from her lips linking our noses once again. lesso opened her eyes slowly, breathing a bit heavier than before. my own breath was faster and definitely shorter.
“no matter what,” she started to whisper and it immediately got my attention “you are always going to be the most valuable thing in my life.” she said it so casually i didn’t know how to respond. instead i just kissed her, again.
lesso was quick to kiss back. her hands gripped my back slightly harder again, brining me closer to her, craving to feel me closer. i felt her lips leaving mine and i wanted to protest but stopped myself. then her lips moved from mine, to leave a path of many wet kisses almost all around my face. first, she kissed my cheek as many times as she could and then started to go up. she left one of them at the middle of my forehead. to be honest i think that kiss was the most affectionate one of them all. then, she came back down to my cheek, but the other one. again, she left there so many kisses and next she moved lower. i felt her soft lips gently touch my jawline leaving another wet spot there. lesso moved even lower going to my neck. her mouth left another thousand of kisses there making a darker spot from time to time. she then came back up, kissing all of my face again but skipping my lips. she pulled away slightly waiting for me to open my eyes and direct my attention to her.
“my precious thing.” she whispered staring at me with pure adoration in her eyes. a quite unique sight.
“all yours.” i responded and she smiled at my words. she moved her head up slightly and kissed my forehead once again. definitely showing me the affection she was giving.
and then she finally came back to my mouth, kissing me again. i kissed her back almost immediately with more intention into it.
lady lesso was quick to catch up with me mostly when she felt the back and forth movement of my hips. she then quickly put her hands on the both sides of them situating them in place and not letting me move them.
“i see what you’re doing love.” she laughed almost breathlessly. “but i don’t think it’s the best activity for now.” she said with a very serious tone but her smile was still present. “i just want to cover you up with kisses right now and maybe, we can think about something else later.” she added with her normal smirk crawling to her face. how could i say no to something like this?
she kissed me immediately not giving me time to answer such an obvious question. her hands came back to their previous place and mine pulled her hair even more earning another wicked grin from the dean. even while smirking and smiling lesso didn’t stop the kiss, not wanting anything to interrupt her while she was doing the best she could in showing me that she cares and doing my best is always enough.
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my-blind-album · 1 year
Leonora Lesso x Fem!Reader - My Redhead
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16 years ago
"And that's the story about how Rafal supposedly died and then Rhian had no choice but to run both schools," "Whoa!" "Mhm," she tugged a strand of hair behind Y/n ear as he tucked her daughter into bed. "Mom?" "Hm?" "Is the school for good and evil real?" "I don't know Mon Chérie, it might be," she leaves a peck on Y/n's head. "Goodnight," she makes her way to the door but Y/n stops her in her tracks. "Ma mere?" "Oui?" "If the school for good and evil was every real and I got accepted where do you think I'd be?" she laughs her daughters question. "It's not my question to answer, Mon Chérie" "Then whose is it?" Y/n asks "Nobody's" she laughs out and Y/n gives her mother a confused look. "It all depends on what you do and who you are in heart, which do you think you're in?" her mother shoots back the question. "I don't know I'm not a goody princess but I'm not an evil person" "Then you'll find out when you finally know who you are," with that Y/n's mother leaves the room and Y/n is left in her thoughts, 'Am i good or am i evil?'
She was left in her thoughts till she looked outside the window staring out at the moon. Her second favourite thing in world, after her mother of course. She was about to fall into deep sleep till the sky turned into a blood red colour and Y/n started to rub her eyes thinking she was dreaming but it was still red and then she noticed a pair of red eyes surrounded by black smoke look at her through her window. She grabbed a shoe of hers from the floor and slowly moved towards the red eyes. She was about to reach the window till the eyes turned a different direction and quickly left. 'How odd' she thought. Moving close to the window to try and spot the red eyes from before till someone jumped up from hiding standing in front of the window and Y/n flinched and screamed before dropping her shoe on the ground. 
The person who seemed rather short knocked on the window and Y/n went to the window to try and get a closer look of the person's face while being cautious of her actions. The closer she got the more clearer the person seemed and Y/n noticed it was her redheaded best friend. "Leonora?" Y/n asks "Hey, Y/n could you open the window please?" without hesitation she opened the window and let her best friend enter the room. "What are you doing here?" "Mom and Dad were fighting and I decided to run away then I was walking in the streets and noticed the sky went red and a black shadow thing with red eyes saw in front of your window and I tried shooing it away but it came to me and knocked me on the ground and now I have these scares on me," 
Before Y/n could answer her mother burst through the door and looked at her daughter and was surprised to see the redhead here. "Leonora, what are doing here?" "Her Mom and Dad were fighting again and she ran away, can she please stay here?" Y/n's mother looked at the both of them with their pleading eyes on their faces. She gives into them and agrees. "Alright but only for the week, okay?" "Yes, Auntie!" "Yes, Ma Mere!" "I'll tell your parents you're here, Leo," "Thank you Auntie!" she nods and is about to leave till Y/n calls for her. "Ma Mere, we saw the sky turn red!" "Oui Auntie! and then the was a black shadow with red eyes in front of Y/n's window," "Then Leo shooed it away" "Oh! Mon Dieu, Leonora you have bruises on you" "The red eyed creature pushed her to the ground," "Oh- okay let me get the first aid kit, alright?" Y/n's mother left looking for the first aid kit. 
A Few Hours Later
"Y/n did you hear the story of the school for good and evil?" Leonora asked "Yes, my mom told it to me, today" Y/n replied to her half asleep. "Do you think it's real?" "I hope so, I wanna go there" "Me too! Which school do you think you'll go to?" "I'm not sure, you?" "I want to be in the school for evil and be a powerful villain like Maleficent or The Evil Queen" "If you ever become evil I'll be your assistant" "Really?" "Yes, you're my best friend and I love you no matter what"  "I love you too, Y/n" 
Narrator; 16 years have passed and now little miss Y/n is not so little anymore. She's now 24 and works as an assistant in her mother's library. Years have passed ever since her mother last told her the story for good and evil and she never got to be accepted or knew whether or not the school was real or not but then 8 years ago when Y/n was only 16 years old her best friend Leonora went missing and rumours had it that she disappeared when the sky was blood red and taken away by a black shadow with red eyes that being the one you once saw as a little kid and since then Y/n had made it her mission to search for her best friend. 
Present Time
"Freaks!" "Losers!" I watched as the carriage with the a bunch of the village kids move away calling me and 2 other girls names and just roll my eyes as I continue walking around with my cat. Lunar. "Y/n?" I froze hearing someone calling my name, I turned around and spotted the girls who were also called names and I recognised them to be Sophie and Agatha as they were my mother's favourite costumers. "Sop, Aggie how are girls both doing?" "Good," Sophie responds and Agatha looks at me confused. "What are you doing in this part of the forest, I'm not used to seeing you here," I was fighting on whether or not I should mention about my search for my long-lost best friend who was supposedly kidnapped by a red eyed creature and never to be seen again. "Walking," "Walking? Really?" Sophie nudged her friend in the stomach "Ouch!" she yelped. "Forget about her, we were actually on our way to the village to gather some books from Mrs Deauville's bookshop wanna come?" "Well might as well head home since Lunar seems a bit tired," "How long have you been walking in the forest?" Sophie asks "Since 6am, why?" "Y/n it's literally 3pm," Agatha says receiving another punch from Sophie as she nervously laughs. "Shall we go?" Agatha and I share a look before leaving. 
At Mrs Deauville's Bookshop 
"Ah! My favourite readers," "Afternoon Mrs Deauville," Sophie greets cheerily "Afternoon," Agatha greets plainly but with a small smile on her face. "Afternoon Ma Mere," I say placing a kiss on my mother's cheek and place Lunar onto the counter and she meows at my mother. "Hello Mon Chérie," she says to me and pats Lunar on the head as she purrs softly. "Its a good thing you stopped by, girls, we had a big delivery yesterday," my mother says to Sophie and Agatha placing a crater loaded with books. "Any ghost stories?" Agatha asks "Yes, a few interesting-looking ones," "Any new fairy-tales?" Sophie asks hopeful "Not anything you haven't already read, fillette," my mother responds. "Whose SGE?" Agatha asks looking at a symbol inside a book. "It's not a who it's a what" "Alright what is SGE?" "It's the school for Good And Evil," "What happens there?" "Well um" my mother looks up at me as if asking for permission to discuss the topic and I nod my head taking Lunar in my arms before exiting the library and running back to the forest while ignoring the weird glances I receiving from people. 
At The Forest
I was sitting at a tree with Lunar in my arms fast asleep but I still continued to pat her head. 'What am I supposed to do Leonora?' I thought to myself looking at the clear sky. 'I've tried searching but I can't find you'  I was about to leave till I heard some noises coming from the bushes. I froze in place as the bush kept on shaking and Lunar had already woken up from her nap due to the sound of the bushes disrupting her sleep. The noise of whatever was in the bushes kept getting louder supposedly meaning that the ting was getting closer. Holding Lunar tightly in arms as she dug her nails into my clothing. "Argh!" the creature in the bushes made a human sound which seemed recognisable. "Why are forests filled with so many bushes?!" the thing complained.
 I say as Sophie comes out of the bushes with a basket on her wrist. "Ah-um, Y/n what are you doing here?" "Thinking, you? and where's Agatha?" she rushes towards me covering my mouth with her hand. "Please don't tell her that I'm here, please?" I sigh "Alright but what are you doing here?" she sighs before inhaling deeply "I'm leaving" "What? as in out of Gavaldon?" "Yes?" she flinches at me waiting for my reaction "I'm going with," "What?" "I'm going with," "Why?" she said relaxing that I didn't shout at her decision to leave. "I need to look for someone I lost years ago," "Leonora?" my eyes widen in shock and she raised her hands defensively "Your mother told me and Agatha while you went," I relax a bit "And also you not gonna be able to survive without me, lets admit it," I place my hands on my hip and she just rolls her eyes in agreement. "True," I nod and we walk towards the exit from Gavaldon. "Won't your mother be worried?" "No, she knows that one day I was gonna leave Gavaldon for good and she always encouraged me to do so," Sophie hums "What about your family?" "Well I couldn't care less for my step-mother and my annoying little brothers," she says coldly clearly those people stroked a nerve in her veins cause I've never seen this side of her before. "What about your dad?" she then stops in her tracks before shaking her head and gaining back consciousness "I don't know," I just take her answer not wanting to pressure her. 
We already made it to the exit and it was already night. I picked Lunar of the ground so I don't lose her. "Well we're off then," I say. "Okay," 
"Shit," "What?" I ask. 
"It's Agatha," 
A breathless Agatha comes in front of Sophie gripping onto her arms tightly. "What are you doing?" "Nothing, I was with-" Agatha looks behind her and sees the sign saying 'Leaving Gavaldan' and her eyes widen as she clicks the pieces together. "You were gonna leave Gavaldon?" "Agatha, please listen to me-" "You were gonna leave me?" Her voice breaks a little cause of her watery eyes. "I can't settle for an ordinary life, Aggie," "So what you're just gonna leave me here? I thought we were best friends?" "We are it's just that-" "No! we aren't! cause best friend stick together!" 
The sky was turning red and it was getting really dark, too dark to even see anything at all. This was it, this was the same red sky that appeared when Leonora was taken. "I'm coming for you Leo," Y/n whispered to herself.
 "So just come with me so we can live this rotten town!" "I can't my mom needs me! And so does your family!" "I can't go back to that family!" "They love you Sop," "No they don't," "I love you," Sophie keeps her head down. "So please don't leave,"
The wind was starting to get really strong. 
"Um girls-" 
"Sop, please just think about this again," 
"Aggie I-," 
Before Sophie could finish her sentence, a large bird swooped down and grabbed onto Y/n and started to drag her away.
Sophie was about to respond till she heard a scream, of a familiar voice and lifted her head up to be mortified by the sight she was seeing. "Y/N!" she chased after her and once Agatha turned around she saw Y/n been dragged by a huge bird. "Oh my god!" she ran after her. Sophie caught up to the bird and gripped on it's legs and Agatha did the same on the other but it was useless cause the bird was trillion times they're size and they were being dragged as well. "What are we gonna do?!" Sophie screamed out. "There's an edge!!" Agatha cried out seeing that there was a cliff at the end. "Let go!" "We can't do that Aggie!" "Girls don't let go at all costs!" Y/n cried out. "But there's a cliff," "Just hold on tight," Before Agatha could argue back the bird and taken off and now they were in the air and sooner a random portal opened up and the bird flow through it and now they were in another place. 
"What the-" Agatha said was cut off by Sophie screaming cheerfully "It's real?!" 
"What?" Agatha asked.
 "The School For Good and Evil," Y/n softly said as a small smile appeared on her lips. 
'I've made it Leo'
The bird was coming closer to the schools and Y/n, Sophie & Agatha could properly see the schools clearly now. 
"Look that must be the school for good!" Sophie said looking at the golden palace. The place it's self seemed like a setting fit for royalty with it's beautiful and large flower garden, the shining sun showing off the gold around the castle. 'I can't believe that this was actually real'. "And that must be for the evil," Agatha said lowly. I turned my head to the other school and this was one was simply the opposite of the school for good. It was dark and gloomy, it looked like a prison cell more than an actual school. 'Where could you be Leo?' 
The bird was leaning over to the school for good. "Sophie we have to go back!" "What?!" "I said we have to go bac-" Agatha was dropped into the school of good and Sophie started screaming no. The bird was now leaning over to the school for evil and this was when Sophie lost it. "No! You don't understand, I'm not supposed to be here my friend is supposed to be here! I should be in the school for go-" The bird dropped Sophie in the school for evil and moved away.
 "Wait where am I going?"
The bird squawked. "Your going to the headmaster's tower" 
"You can talk?!" 
"No- wait you can understand me?" 
"Yeah! What the hell is going on!" 
"Well that's new, guess the headmaster will sort you out," 
"Wait! How can I understand what you're saying-" 
The bird dropped Y/n onto the middle of the two schools, she expected to hit the brick bridge and shut her eyes bracing herself for impact. After a while of screaming her lungs of Y/n felt like she wasn't moving and opening her eyes softly to see that she landed on the bridge on her two feet.  
"What the actual f-" 
"Welcome Miss Y/n Deauville, to the School For Good and Evil," A voice spoke out and I turned my head to see a man in a rather aesthetic robe with round glasses, a bald head, a beard and a smile on his face. This totally doesn't remind me of a certain wizard. 
"I'm Headmaster Rhian but you can call me Headmaster," 
"Oh okay," 
I know this is rather odd for an introduction so why don't you enter my office and I'll explain everything to you there. He walks away to the middle of the bridge and I follow behind him and he gets on the bridge and steps his foot out, I shut my eyes. I just arrived and already there's a suicide attempt? I just wanna find my Leo for god's sakes. 
"Come one, time doesn't stop for no one,"  the headmaster speaks out and I open my eyes in shock, he's walking on the air? "Don't worry, they are stairs they're just invisible to the human eye," I follow behind him carefully placing my foot onto the first steps and continuing on. Eventually we made it up to his office and wow, it's huge. "Now we can discuss everything, like I said I am the Headmaster of both this schools and you my dear are a very lucky person," "In what sense?" I ask. "You've been chosen by the Storian," "Whose that?" The headmaster tilts his head to the side a bit signalling for me to look to the left and I turn my head confused but my eyes land on a glowing book that has a feather pen writing on it. "Wait so the Storians a book and pen?" The headmaster nods his head. "Yes, the Storian is the one in charge of writing everyone's fairy-tale story and it has begun to write yours," "Mine? why me? I'm not magical," "Are you sure about that? If I remember correctly you managed to talk to one of those birds," "That was magic?" "Indeed," "Thought I was smoking crack," I whispered to myself but heard the Headmaster laugh. "Oh sorry," "It's fine but I must say that you seemed to be quite the early bird," "What do you mean?" "No one usually comes to this place already unlocking they're magical abilities," "So I'm one of those rare people?" "More like you are those rare people, you're the first to have that happen to themselves," "Oh," "But no need to worry it's nothing to be worried of,"
 "Okay, wait what about Sophie and Agatha?" "Oh those two, well you see they're Readers, they people whoonly get to read about the amazing adventures that originate here," "Wait so you're telling me that Tiana, Mulan and Merida all like schooled in these same places?" "Mhm, and so did they're villains," "That's amazing wait so was the Mad Hatter in the school for good or evil?" "We consider him to be good," "And what about Goldilocks?" "Good," "Peter Pan?" "Good," "Wow," "So Agatha and Sophie have they're own fairy-tale being written?" "Indeed," "So what am I? Since I technically landed on the bridge rather than either of the schools?" "You'll be my co-partner in running the schools and once I retire you'll be the new Headmaster," "No way, that's amazing, I'd love that," "That's good to hear but I must warn you the work load is quite hefty," "I can manage, I'm very organized," "Well then I'm you feel that way, before I forget we should head to the assembly so that you'll be able to meet the deans of the schools including the professors," "Okay," 
A gust of blue dust surrounds me and later disappears and I look down to see myself wearing a new outfit from before. "Thought you might want to get into the fairy-tale look," "Thank you," "It is my pleasure,"
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[imagine it in a darker colour of grey/black/white]
"And I won't be able to make it so you would have to address yourself in front of the students, professors and deans, are you alright with that?" "Yes, a little stage fright couldn't hurt anybody," I laugh nervously before stopped. "Right?" "You'll be excellent," "Alright and a little birdy told me this but if you wondering where Leonora is, I can assure you that she's here and she missed you too," A smile lights up on my face. "Thank you Headmaster," He nods his head. Another gust of blue surrounds both me and before I knew it, I ended up in the hall room, receiving glances and stares from everyone.
'Fuck my life' 
"Um, Good Afternoon, Students, Professors and Deans," the room was still silent and Y/n swallowed down her nervousness, she took a deep breath before straightening her posture and looking up at everyone with a beaming smile. "My name is Y/n Deauville, and I am the Headmaster new and first, partner which means I will also be your Headmaster but only for the school for evil," 
Y/n's POV
A student from the school of good raises her hand. "Yes?" "Why aren't you the Headmaster for the school of good?" "Because of some personal reasons," Another student from the school of evil raises his hand. "Yes?" "Are you part of any fairy tale?" "Uh- no I'm not from the fairy-tale world, I actually come from a normal non-magic town called Gavaldon," The students begin to break into whispers and I can hear a few rather harsh...comments about me. A loud bang echoes through the room and my attention turns towards the source which is form a lady in a black suit and she had red curly hair and in one of her hands she had a cane. "Silence everyone, that's not how we treat our Headmasters or else doom room," she speaks up hushing the students. Our eyes finally lock even from afar I could recognise those eyes from anywhere. 
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milfswriter · 2 years
ຟh໐ I ຟritē f໐r and master lists:-
Other characters I write for I wasn't able to fit in here are in the google form character list
Before requesting:
-I write for fem!reader only. Can be masc tho
-I write mommy/daddy kink, BDSM, etc.
-I mainly write fluff but I’ll try my hand at smut and other stuff.
-I don’t write angst with no happy ending (hurt/comfort is welcome tho)
-no r!pe, pedophilia, etc you get the jest.
-if you want me to write for characters that aren’t on this list, send a request and I’ll see if I’m comfortable writing about them.
-prompt list
-Tag list Form
Mommy Larissa Weems
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Morticia Addams
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Natasha Romanoff
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Lena Luthor
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Kara Danvers
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  Grey’s Anatomy:-
Addison Montgomery
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Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children:-
Alma LeFay Peregrine
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Rhea Ripley/Demi Bennett (yes I know she’s daddy)
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Sonya Deville (can be poly with rhea ;) )
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Raquel and Dakota (poly or seperately)
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𝑰𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚...𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕...👇
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𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘.
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annie-creates · 6 months
Fool me too
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1000
Note: Happy April Fool's! And Easter Monday! This day just calls for a fic like this.
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You could have expected it. Should have, really. As the freezing cold water slowly seeps into your clothes being watered down from head to toe, you’re more disappointed in yourself rather than your students. They were the offsprings of pure evil after all, rotten to their very core. After the salt and sugar switched in your morning coffee, stinky mushrooms exploding in your office and poisonous vines sneakily hanging from the hallway’s ceilings, you should have known better than to step into your classroom without checking it out first.
April fools was after all a very popular concept amongst the nevers so you would be almost let down if they didn’t try to achieve some misdemeanors this week. And it was only Monday. How are you gonna get through the whole week you had no idea. Maybe it’s time to put on one of those scary armors that roam the corridors or just take a vacation. That however would be a sign of weakness and cowardice and that was foreign to you as a fellow never.
So you teach the lesson proudly in your wet clothes and at the end leave after all your students. You carefully turn every corner, looking out for any clues on their next trap. You spend the rest of your day watching over your shoulder and rather carefully tasting everything you’re about to eat or drink. You’re determined to not let them fool you even one more time, the score already being too prone in their favor. They keep teasing you a little longer and you’ll come up with a payback so severe they could never see it coming.
Clearly you weren’t observant enough tho because as you’re walking over the bridge talking with Dovey after today’s dinner, she steps on a wire that activates a mechanism which pushes you both over the edge into the muddy water. As if you weren’t soaked and humiliated enough for today, as you crawl out from the water to the small beach by the castle, a thrower full of confetti and glitter explodes over you. The laughter of your students fades as they run away, hopefully at least a little scared of your possible revenge.
You make your way into your bedroom, luckily without any other stupid pranks in your way. Your wife is already comfortably sprawled over the sofa in front of the lit fireplace and the flames dance over her face making her ginger hair shine more than usual. You sigh heavily as you close the door and she looks over at you from the book in her lap, clearly finding your state very amusing.
“Shut up.” You warn her before she can even say anything.
“I wasn’t going to laugh at you.” Leonora says but her face betrays her.
“Yeah, very funny. This is all your doing anyway.” You pester her.
“How come?” Lesso questions with her head tilted slightly to the side.
“You raised them like this. Audacious and impudent. You’re responsible for their stupid jokes.” But even you knew you couldn’t blame all the student’s effrontery on their dean.
“Why don’t you rather go clean up in the bathroom?” She offers instead.
“If YOU try to fool with me I swear to heavens I’m gonna divorce you.“ You warn your wife as you make your way to the sink.
Lucky for you, or more for her, she didn’t play any childish pranks on you and you took a long shower without her interrupting. It took a lot of effort getting all the mud and confetti off yourself and you’ll be lucky if your dress is still gonna be washable and wearable. There was still some glitter in your hair and skin you couldn’t get rid of, but it’ll have to be enough for now. When you return to the warmed-up bedroom, your wife is still sitting in the same position reading her book.
“If it’s going to make you feel better, I’m gonna threaten them all with a good long stay in the doom room tomorrow.” She proposed as she extended the blanket draped over her legs for you to sit under it next to her.
“It’s fine. I’ll just have to be more alert. It’s a good practice.” You admit, not really mad at your students anymore. “You should see my office, it’s a disaster.”
“It can’t be that bad, can it? I’m sure you won’t let them fool you again.” Leonora comforts you as she kisses your forehead.
“It’s not bad, it’s even worse. This morning they switched the sugar and salt, so my breakfast was ruined. My office stinks like a hundred years old troll and I had to spend a whole hour teaching soaking wet. I could hardly get a word out over the teeth chattering. Which I’m sure they found pretty amusing.” You explain all that happened in your horrendous day. “Mother-fucking stupid April fools.”
“Well it sure will be better tomorrow.” Lesso instinctively tries to warm you up.
“I should probably be proud of them for succeeding, but they better watch out tomorrow cause I’m coming back after them.” You admit, picking on the loose strands of the blanket.
“I’m sure it will settle down, they just got too excited for today.” She admits, if there’s anything that bores the nevers it’s repeating stuff they already succeeded in.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I’m tasting the sugar before I put it in my coffee this week though.” You remind both yourself and her reaching out for your own book that was waiting for you on the coffee table.
You settle down next to Leonora leaning on her shoulder as you get back to reading your own unfinished book before going to bed. A cozy, calm, silent evening was what you needed right now after a day full of surprises and pranks. Little did you know she wasn’t really paying attention to the words in her book anymore, already planning her revenge on her students for tormenting her beloved wife.
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
enjoy the silence | lorraine broughton x fem! reader
I am back! Finally, I hope you didn't mind my disappearance. I decided to take a little break from the stories because I felt like I really needed to rest, and I was running out of creativity. I also went traveling this weekend and didn't have time to write as I had planned, but anyway, I'm back and that's what matters!
As I said in the previous post, I will be focusing this week on writing multifandom oneshots, and maybe an ask or two will be answered over the weekend, so those of you who sent in asks, please be patient with me, as always!
Well, taking into account the lack of stories about her, and taking into account that in the last few weeks I gained a boost of obsession with Charlize Theron, let's do a oneshot with Lorraine!
This is fem!reader, but if you feel comfortable adjusting your pronouns in it as you read, feel free!
Requests open!
*Atomic Blonde is such a badass movie, oh gosh, I can't!*
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Premise: As you tend to Lorraine's wounds, some things become crystal clear between you. Things that had apparently been kept secret for a long time…
You were used to being alone after all the other male members left. It was your most precious moment of peace, when none of them were making fun of you or making sexual comments about you. It was the only time, as one of the top MI6 officials, when you could be silent, focusing on things other than missions, The List or anything else that risked your life.
Turns out that night, it was different. You were concentrating on an electrifying chapter of your science fiction book, when you heard the door slamming loudly. A low, whispered curse and you turned, taking the book out of your eyes to look at who it was.
The thing is, you never took the time to talk to her personally and properly. Lorraine Broughton was one of MI6's most gifted and well-known spies, and newcomers joked that she had been with them since their beginnings in the Stone Age.
Someone of extreme importance like Lorraine apparently didn't have time to listen to your bullshit.
Your eyes met and she took off the black collar that covered her mouth, her platinum hair giving extreme emphasis to her scarred face.
"Good evening, agent (Y\LN), I thought there was no one here."
Hell, she knew your last name! How was that possible?
"I was just leaving, Lorraine, don't worry," you said, trying to sound at least reasonable so as not to cause a fuss with her. But then, as soon as you got up, you noticed her ripped pants, a hideous trickle of blood running down one part of her leg, and her face streaked with red streaks and very swollen.
She looked back at you, the weight of those pale eyes taking over you, and then, your voice was categorical, hoping she wasn't going to dump your ass, not this time.
"Need some help tending to those wounds? They look pretty bad…"
She looked at you, and with the same restful face, she shook her head. "Don't waste your time, I'm fine. It happens all the time."
"Lorraine, your leg is bleeding. We better look into this."
"Don't worry, (Y\N), go home, I can take care of myself."
You chuckled, already being aware of her stubbornness. Lorraine was good when she wanted to outsmart someone in an interrogation, especially the guys in the company, but you weren't interrogating her this time, so she didn't have to act so defensive.
Deciding not to let her go without tending to her wounds, you hurried out and opened one of the cupboards in the cold, dark corridor of the office. The sound of the creaking door obviously got Lorraine's attention because everything was extremely loud in that dark office. Grabbing a first-aid kit, which was only used in emergencies by high-ranking men, you pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down.
"I already told you I'm fine, (Y\N), I can take ca-"
"Sit down, please." You didn't mean to sound domineering, but it was unavoidable.
Lorraine rolled her eyes and sat up, legs spread, not intending to cross them. She wasn't going to make the job easy for you, but of course it wasn't a problem anymore. You opened the first aid kit and took out some gauze, cotton and bandages.
"Please, let's not turn this whole thing into a moment of silence, if you want, tell me how you managed the feat of getting all screwed up…", you said, gently swiping the cotton wool over her eyes and lips. , cleaning the blood.
Lorraine gasped and pressed her lips together, feeling the pain of the contact. "Are you sure you work for a spy team, (Y\N)?" You rolled your eyes as she took a deep breath. "It was a chase. Several guys shooting. One of them threw me on the glass table and I ended up cutting myself… not new to me, really."
You continued to gently dab cotton and gauze over the bruises, and her clear, intimidating eyes never left her face as you did so. It was even uncomfortable to look at, such beauty, staring back at you as if it were something normal.
"And how are the guys doing?" you asked curiously, determined to keep her distracted - and to keep you distracted too.
"Dead, I guess. It's not news to me either, they would keep chasing me if they lived and I needed to get rid of them to save my skin…"
You nodded, at the same time that you bent down to get some ointment from the first aid kit and began to run your fingers along Lorraine's injured leg, the blood still very fresh where the glass had probably been stuck. She's lucky she didn't hemorrhage, you thought absently.
"Is that really necessary?!", Lorraine exclaimed, pulling you out of her thoughts, her voice very firm and a hiss of discomfort escaping her lips.
"Unless you want to catch a bacteria, maybe," you replied in the same tone. She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, okay, you call the shots," she snapped. "Look, it's actually really weird that we've never crossed paths, (Y\N), you seem to know what you're doing."
You nodded, getting up, closing the ointment and putting it back in the first aid kit, as you sat on the edge of Lorraine's chair, her legs keeping your body steady.
"It's hard to come across an agent that the boys keep like a precious jewel inside a password safe…"
She laughed again, and only then did you stop to notice that her smile was beautiful. Your heart missed a beat, but you didn't know if it was envy or some much deeper feeling… And before you knew it, you pushed those thoughts away, afraid of the answer.
Whatever the case, Lorraine Broughton was not the type of person you thought was ideal for the type of person you were. Not as friendship. You could only support yourself within the walls of offices, and despite being called an agent, you were afraid to even fly a plane.
"Is it over yet?", she woke you up from your thoughts again, looking at you with a playful smile. "Yeah, it wasn't so bad after all."
"Yeah, but that's because the bad part starts now!", you said, holding the bandages, which were those children's animal bandages. "You can choose between the giraffe bandages, or the flower bandages, you call the shots, Lorraine."
The smile faltered on your lips as she frowned, clearly confused and uncomfortable, not sure if it was a joke or not.
"Seriously?" she said in disbelief. "Who let the guys buy this?"
You shrugged. "Make a choice, Lorraine."
"I'd rather go without bandages."
"Ah, come on! You're going to make a childhood dream come true! Your inner child is crying out for it, go ahead, choose one!"
"Okay, the giraffe one then.", Lorraine said, in a monotone voice, as if she knew she would regret it the moment she left the office and walked down the street. You laughed, calmly sticking the bandages on her wounds and caressing the skin with your fingers, to fix them better.
That took Lorraine by surprise. Until then, she hadn't known that she could feel that same electricity from a simple touch. She looked back at you, and allowed herself to relax as you finished gluing them all together. At the end, you noticed her look and bit your lip, also caught off guard, completely embarrassed.
"You're free, Lorraine. Now you can even take off the bandages while I'm not looking, I know you're going to do that…", you said, joking, just to ease the tension. But it didn't help much.
Her eyes were too bright in the dim light, and that perfect, even bruised face that looked as if it had been sculpted by angels only made it worse. You were extremely tense and nervous around her, and not in your best dreams, did you imagine that you would feel this way with Lorraine, when you saw her.
"Thank you, (Y\N). And I'm sorry, I think I've been quite rude to you in the meantime, you just wanted to help me get better."
"I don't mind, I'm used to agents' patience…", you laughed again. And he got up, going to put the suitcase back in the closet and close it properly, so that none of the others would notice that you had even touched it.
Lorraine was still staring at you when you looked back at her, and a smile graced her interested expression.
"How long have you been working with us, (Y\N)?", she asked, her deep voice dropping to almost a whisper in the silence between you.
You stopped to think, to remember, to count on your fingers, as you went back and sat in the small space of her chair, as before. Not to tease her, it's just because that was her usual chair and you had this habit of taking possession of things.
"A few months. Five, I think… I'm not good with numbers and dates…", you explained, laughing. Lorraine nodded. "Before you ask, this definitely wasn't the plan since I was a kid, but it seemed to me that I had a knack for it when I had my first experience here, so… yeah, maybe it was nice to get this job."
Lorraine nodded again. "And are you happy here?"
"I think so. I'm sure I do, actually. I don't think I fit in anywhere else right now, honestly."
"That's good, this work is not very easy, there are few people who manage, in the natural order of things, to stay for so long."
Lorraine was still looking at you, and nervousness was still very much present in her body language as she did so.
"And do you have… a boyfriend, (Y\N)?"
You frowned, caught off guard.
"Sorry, that was a weird question."
"No, I don't have a boyfriend", you replied, shaking your head. "It wasn't a weird question, you're just trying to get to know me better…"
Lorraine nodded again, scratching her forehead and looking at you, intent on knowing more. "And are you looking for someone? Or are you completely focused on work right now?"
"Ah, MI6 is my life, yes, but I wouldn't mind breaking that routine to find someone I can share my days with, you know…"
Lorraine looked away, and oddly enough, you noticed that there was a flush in her cheeks. Now, that was something you would never have thought to see, not in Lorraine Broughton.
"You say "someone", so… is someone really someone?"
"Are you asking me about my sexuality?"
Lorraine shrugged. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."
"No, I don't have a problem with that, I… I'm open to experimenting, actually. I want something that takes me off my feet, and makes me see whether or not it's worth risking everything."
Lorraine nodded again and her eyes glued to your lips. The tension became even more palpable between you, and when she took the opportunity that you were close to pull you close, seeing that you were going to fall out of the chair if you went any farther back, her inner will spoke louder and she kissed you, absolutely nothing, without expecting you to respond.
If it was someone else, you would have walked away and slapped that person across the face, but that didn't happen with Lorraine. You were so surprised when she kissed you that you just responded. She thought maybe that would ease the tension of the moment, that it would make it easier for you to talk, and she was so beautiful it was impossible to resist.
She was the one who pulled away first, gasping for air, and she opened her clear, beautiful eyes to look at you, her hand hesitating between your hip and your leg.
"Sorry, I really don't know why I did that, I…" she started, but you cut her off, your index finger on her wet lips.
"No, that's fine, I enjoyed it… and actually… I think I'd like to do it again, if you don't mind…"
She laughed and kissed you again, this time letting the moment flow by itself, last as long as it should. You were being drawn, like magnets, to each other's lips, and now it was impossible to break the contact. Lorraine's charm didn't help either, and she ended the kiss after a few seconds with a peck on your cheek.
"Well, I better get going now that you don't need me…" you said, feeling all awkward and embarrassed. Lorraine got up and let go of your hips, and just as you were about to walk through the door, she called out her name.
"Don't you want a ride home, (Y\N)? I think it's too late for us to walk alone…", her voice was full of ulterior motives, and as much as you would love to take things easy, have the chance of a lifetime with Lorraine Broughton made you want to find out where this was going to go.
To be honest, you were under the impression that you wouldn't regret it.
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