#charlotte melise
artvm1s · 2 months
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Charlotte Melise for the One Piece Collab
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bitingblade · 1 year
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one piece is okay ig but i do love the charlotte family sm so here's some girlies!! 🎂
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diablademon · 8 months
I did a list of how long time there were between Charlotte siblings births.
This was made with the idea that Big Mom gave birth each and every year from she was 18 to 60 and never skipped a year. But keep in mind that she apparently gave birth 43 times in 42 years. So there was one year she gave birth two times.
First of Cracker and his sisters are only 5 months younger than Opera and his brothers. I read that children only have a chance of surving being premature birth if its been over 6 months. Because its at 6 months lungs and other organs are fully developed. But this is a show where a woman was pregnant for 22 months so everything goes in this world I guess.
Brûlée and Broyé have two different birthdays, twins being born on different dates arent that uncomman, but Broyé would have been born 9 months after Brûlée, 28 days before Nusstorte. Sounds more like Broyé would be apart of a Quadruplets with Nusstorte and his brothes than a twin of Brûlée. Most likely just a mistake on Odas part.
Perospero: March 14th 19 months
Compote: October 15th 12 months
Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven: November 25th 12 months
Mondée, Amande, Hachée, Effilée: December 10th 9 months
Opera, Counter Cadenza, Cabaletta, Gala: September 29th 5 months
Cracker, Custard, Angel: February 28th -
Zuccotto: - -
Brûlée, Broyé: March 6th and December 26th 10 months or 28 days
Nusstorte, Basskarte, Dosmarche: January 23rd 23 months
Noisette: December 15th 12 months
Moscato, Mash, Cornstarch - December 16th -
Compo, Laurin: - -
Mont-d'Or: April 23rd 20 months
Mozart, Marnier: - December 20th -
High-fat, Tablet: - -
Smoothie, Citron, Cinnamon - October 16th -
Saint-Marc, Basans: - -
Melise: - -
Dacquoise: - _
Galette, Poire: October 19th 12 months
Snack, Bavarois: October 29th 9 months
Prim, Paraline: July 22nd -
Kanten, Kato, Montb: - -
Chiboust: - -
Chiffon, Lola: January 27th 22 months
Mobile, Marble, Myukuru, Maple: November 17th -
Brownie: - -
Joconde: - -
Raisin: March 23rd -
Panna: - -
Mascarpone, Joscarpone: February 27th 19 months
Yuen: October 15th 13 months
Newichi, Newji, Newsan, Newshi, Newgo, Nutmeg, Akimeg, Allmeg, Harumeg, Fuyumeg: December 2nd -
Nougat: - -
Pudding: June 25th 7 months
Flampe: February 11th 20 months
Anglais: October 19th -
Wafers: - -
Wiro: - -
De-Chat: - -
Normande:- -
Doice, Dragée: Ferbruary 21st 14 months
Anana: April 17th
526 months total from start of being pregnant with perospero (Added 9 months to before his birth) to her giving birth to Anana. ~381 of those months she was pregnant (total of 31.75 years spent pregnant) and ~145 months (~12 years) between that being not pregnant. 72% of her prime was spent being pregnant. (46% of her entire life)
Other facts: -When Big mom was 24(?) she joined Rocks Pirates. same year she gave birth to Zuccoto. -Rocks got defeated when Big Mom was 30, the year Mont-d'Or was born. -At 35 Year old Big Mom created her own pirate crew, the year when Melise was born. And as it seems her children become officers in her crew when they turn 15 means Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven all joind the crew as officers at the same time.
I find Big Moms pirates to be very interesting and I want to know more how the development happend. When did tottoland become a candy fantasy land? Did she have to wait untill her children ate devil fruits for that to happen? Or did Streusen turn things into food? Did she leave Rocks pirate to give birth or gave birth at the ship and then left back to tottoland to leave her newborns there? Katakuri and his brothers was apparently born on a ship, but such infomation isnt mentiond for Perospero or Compote. Katakuris flashback showed him and his sibling to grow up in a city, so Big Mom didnt keep them with her.
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It would have been interesting that instead of Pudding that Panna was the one who was selected to be Sanjis bride since they are the same age. I am just thinking what other candidates would have been good substitutes for Sanji's bride instead of Pudding.
Ohhh that's an interesting question! 👀 To be honest, Pudding is a questionable choice in itself. Like, she's 16?? Hello? I get that Linlin never meant to let Sanji live until the wedding night, but it's still kinda weird.
To answer your question, let's first think of what made Pudding the chosen candidate in the first place!
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First of all, for Big Mom's plan to work, she had to convince Judge that she offered the best of the best to the Vinsmokes. She had to make them believe that they had the upper hand by offering a throwaway son, and that she really wanted and planned to follow through on this alliance.
Therefore, the person she chose had to, firstly, look the part. It had to be someone good-looking, innocent looking, and ideally, someone generally human-looking. While Totto Land is an all-races-welcome country, Linlin probably realizes that the outside world is rarely like this. To successfully convince the Vinsmokes that she was ready to give them all the best, she then had to avoid them accusing her of offering up a non-human daughter for a Vinsmoke. That's why Panna could be a risky choice.
Additionally, as Linlin couldn't be certain of what Judge thought of different sexualities, a daughter was probably the safest choice.
The chosen person also had to be a good actress; at least good enough to keep up appearances until the wedding. It also had to be someone that Mama deemed loyal to herself, as she didn't want the risk of someone fucking up the master plan to occur.
So, there we have it. Pudding ticked all of the boxes: Linlin thought she's loyal, she was good at acting, pretty, and could pretend to be human. Having established that, who else could have ticked these boxes? Here's some suggestions!
Allmeg could work pretty well. She seems to be a sweet and excitable girl, who still can be loyal to Big Mom and wouldn't blabber out too much. She looks good enough, her personality works: definitely a choice Linlin could have made in an alternate universe.
Although she's way older, Galette is another daughter that could have been selected. Her age could just stay undisclosed (just like Pudding's probably was). She looks human enough, she wouldn't oppose Mama, and she'd be able to play the part of a shy l, submissive girl - good enough for Linlin to make it all work out.
Last, although less likely choice, could be Melise. Again, older, and with some horns, but she would probably be just as good of an actress as Pudding, if not better!
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoyed our take on some possibilities for alternative Sanji brides! 💕
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Was there any sibling that was in an abusive or toxic relationship?
Not my headcanon, but I do agree about that one where Kanten was married off early at age like Pudding and to a much older woman, and their relationship was very abusive (headcanon source). One thing the fic and my headcanon differs in is how Kanten got bandages (here's mine), but still I liked how the toxic relationship Kanten had somehow tied together on why the siblings were ready to eliminate Sanji on Pudding's wedding.
(I have read popular headcanons about Amande murdering her husband/s because of her epithet which may have hinted she was widowed, and I kind of agree on that headcanon)
I hc Amande having trust issues on other people who are not her family, and that this issue rooted from her childhood. This trust issue is one of the factors that fueled her motive on killing her four different husbands.
The first one was a fairly innocent man ("fairly," because he's still a pirate). There was a lot of uncertainty in their relationship, due to Amande's trust issues and the man never really had a relationship before. She slowly began to trust him, but one day in one of the missions, he never came back. She became obsessed in finding him, and when she did find him, she was very mad at him for abandoning his duty to the family. He was a traitor and a deserter, she killed him and wallowed in misery.
The second one she tried to faith in, as Mondee advised her. But she was wrong: he was a two-faced liar who faked loving her and her family only for his pirate crew to gain reputation for being part of a Yonko's crew, but talked about how disgusting and weird her long neck was, and made disgusting remarks about her family behind her back. She killed him too enthusiastically.
The third and fourth she did not love at all. The third she killed for hurting her beloved younger siblings, the fourth she killed because of mere suspicion and precautions. The fifth one was wise. He knew of her marriage history and reputation, he was aware that she has trouble trusting people (the siblings told him). He genuinely did want to try to love her despite it, but Amande was far too detached to love any more after all she has been through. She does see his efforts, but she refused to become vulnerable to anyone other than her family ever again. She killed him in his sleep.
She got two heart tattoos as a last piece of memory of her first and last husband, who loved her best.
(There's also another interesting headcanon about Amande's marriage, submitted by an anon. The hc about the heart tattoos actually belong to them! I'll post the headcanon separately)
Married to a gold digger and a liar. She introduced herself as a royal daughter of a small kingdom, and offered her kingdom's soldiers in exchange for protection under Big Mom's flag.
She seemed like a very loving woman, she and Noisette were happily in love and lived together. After a year, her behavior began to change. She began asking odd questions like "Does Mama keep treasures? Where?", "How long will you be away?", "Can I borrow money?" Noisette happily provided everything she asked for him, he loved her without doubt.
One day, she disappeared. His siblings called him through den den mushi, asking why his reports on the finance were inaccurate and why there were unconsulted financial cuts. That day, they discovered that one of Noisette's ship was stolen, and that his wife was caught in the sea trying to escape Totto Land with many stolen treasures and money - those were the money she "borrowed" from Noisette.
When Noisette asked her if she even loved him, she said she never had. She was executed.
His marriage was clear oil and water. He and his wife had never gotten along since the start, and their relationship had gotten worse to the point they physically hurt each other. That's where Laurin got his stitches from. One day, he couldn't tolerate her anymore, and killed her with an axe.
Was in a mutual private relationship with a woman, until Mama had chosen her for an alliance, which she obliged because it was "her duty." Her husband was a pirate captain, and he was incredibly sexist and abusive. She still kept her relationship with the woman in secret, and her husband was mad when he found out. Behind her back, he killed her lover. Unlucky for him, Smoothie happened to witness the murder. She killed him on spot. When Smoothie confronted Cinnamon about it, Cinnamon could only wish she was the one to kill him. This is when she began to develop a great distaste in men.
Very self-entitled, a total himedere. She may seem like a sweet girl, but she actually has a very toxic attitude. She didn't marry, but she had many relationships that ended short because (1) she demanded too much of her lovers and doesn't do the same to them; (2) she doesn't love them at all - she gets infatuated, get into a relationship with them, she gets bored and leave them heart-broken.
Is in a loveless marriage. He never thought of his wife as anything other than an ally to the family, and the woman thought the same. They ignored each other for the most part of their lives.
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dragal20 · 4 years
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These sister are an example of the charlotte siblings that have yet to appear in the anime
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theladyofthechibis · 5 years
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Some Charlotte family chibis from One piece (part 1 is here)
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queenofcandynsoda · 5 years
When will Melise's children get posted?
Actually, Melise is infertile. She doesn’t have any children but she did adopt Cherry as her own daughter.
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onepiecescience · 4 years
one of big mom's daughters, charlotte melise, has deer-like horns, so she might be half mink. if minks and humans are compatible, it would be weirder if big mom didn't have a half mink kid.
She could be half-Mink, and you’re right it would absolutely be weirder if Big Mom DIDN’T have a half-Mink child. 
(I’ll admit I had to look her up because I had no idea who you were talking about at first, and yeah, she’s got horns)
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candymakcr · 4 years
                     CHARLOTTE FAMILY BIRTHDAYS.
Nusstorte - 23. January.
Basskarte -  23. January. 
Dosmarche -  23. January. 
Chiffon - 27. January.   
Lola - 27. January.  
Flampe - 11. February.
Linlin / Big Mom - 15. February.
Dolce - 21. February.
Dragée - 21. February.
Mascarpone - 27. February.
Joscarpone - 27. February.
Cracker - 28. February.
Custard -  28. February.
Angel -  28. February.
Brûlée - 6. March.
Broyé - 6. March.
Perospero - 14. March.
Raisin - 23. March.
Mont-d'Or - 23. April.
Anana - 27. April.
Pudding - 25. June.
Prim - 22. July.
Praline - 22. July.
Opera - 29. September.
Counter  - 29. September.
Cadenza -  29. September.
Cabaletta -  29. September.
Gala  -  29. September.
Smoothie - 12. October.
Citron -  12. October.
Cinnamon - 12. October.
Compote - 15. October.
Yuen - 15. October.
Galette - 19. October.
Poire - 19. October.
Anglais - 19. October.
Snack - 29. October.
Bavarois - 29. October.
Mobile - 17. November.
Marble - 17. November.
Myukuru - 17. November.
Maple - 17. November.
Katakuri - 25. November.
Daifuku -  25. November.
Oven -  25. November.
Newichi - 2. December.
Newji - 2. December.
Newsan - 2. December.
Newshi - 2. December.
Newgo - 2. December.
Nutmeg - 2. December.
Akimeg - 2. December.
Allmeg - 2. December.
Harumeg - 2. December.
Fuyumeg - 2. December.
Mondée - 10. December.
Amande -  10. December. 
Hachée -  10. December.
Effilée -  10. December.
Noisette - 15. December.
Mascato - 16. December.
Mash -  16. December.
Cornstarch -  16. December.
Mozart - 20. December.
Mariner  - 20. December.
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Ive seen one member of the Charlotte Family called Melise, and... shes so pretty... I dont know ANYTHING about her but I wish she had screen time :(
Oh wow, she is pretty. Maybe she'll get a scene or two if we cut back to WCI for their reactions to what's going on in Wano?
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opotakuism · 6 years
OP Descendant AU: Tony Tony Cherry
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Age: 5
Gender: Female
Ailas: “Angel with Horns”, “Forest Fairy”
Occupation(s): Doctor, Nurse
Devil Fruit Power: None
Strength/Abilities: Medical Expertise, great tactical skills, zoolingualism
Cherry is Tony Tony Chopper’s adoptive daughter. Found as orphan in age of three by Danielle and Chopper, her parents were killed by Aoi during their escape from Forår kingdom. Due to her fondness of fruit cherries, Chopper named her Cherry and adopted her. She is Descendant Pirates’ doctor and nurse.
Like her father, she is naive and timid towards strangers as she is extremely innocent and clueless of cruelty in the world. Kind-hearted by nature, Cherry is caring to her crews and Villain Children. She also enjoys cotton candies, chocolates and other sweets, developing good friendship with Charlotte Raclette, Suzette, and Cream. Even she developed mother-daughter relationship with Charlotte Melise, who’s infertile and unable to had children. Due to her innocent and adorable charm, she is popular among young boys, especially younger Charlotte grandsons.
As a doctor and nurse of the crews, she has vast medical knowledge as she was taught by her adoptive father Chopper. When first introduced as new nurse of Charlotte’s household during Charlotte Ginger’s absence, she gained respect from Charlotte family due to her medical intelligence and psychological support she gives to them. 
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thenamegarden · 7 years
The Name Garden: Q&A Monday
Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Easter, for those who celebrate! Sorry about the lack of Q&A post last week, I’ve been quite unwell and am working on resting up more than anything else. 
This week, I’ve been chatting with my sister-in-law about names that they just felt they couldn’t use. For them, it was “May”, as they felt it sounded too much like a sentence. Have you come across a naming dilemma like this?
Let’s dive into the anonymous questions received during the past two weeks, and find some naming inspiration. If you have a question that you’d like answered in the next Q&A, please submit it here!
Q: Hi! I recently came across the name Avner, and I was wondering whether you knew the meaning of it?
A: Hey there! I certainly do! Avner is a Hebrew name, from the same origin as the name Abner. It means “my father is a light”.
Q: This is a different request, but I was hoping you could give me some ideas for a son's name. We lost my fiance's twin not long ago and want to name our son in honour of him. We wanted to use his name "Nicoleaus" as a middle name but don't know any first names that that fit it well. Our son has two older siblings named Lillian and Sebastian. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A: Hello. I’m very sorry for the loss of your fiances brother, my condolences to you, your fiance and his family. Here are some names that might work with his name:
Oliver Nicoleaus
Patrick Nicoleaus
Christian Nicoleaus
Lucas Nicoleaus
Julian Nicoleaus
Jasper Nicoleaus
Maxwell Nicoleaus
Harry Nicoleaus
Timothy Nicoleaus
Tobias Nicoleaus
Ethan Nicoleaus
Isaac Nicoleaus
Tyler Nicoleaus
Alexander Nicoleaus
Caleb Nicoleaus
Jack Nicoleaus
George Nicoleaus
Thomas Nicoleaus
Arthur Nicoleaus
Xavier Nicoleaus
Q: Could you please post the name Miri?
A: Sure thing, it’s all set to pop up on Wednesday night for you!
Q: What are some names for the nickname Mellie? Or just names where you could get that nickname?
A: Hey. Firstly, there are more well-heard of names starting with Mel-, such as:
There are also these less common names, which also start with Mel-:
Lastly, there are names with the -mel sound elsewhere in the name, such as:
Q: Hi there! I absolutely love your blog and I love unusual names what would be some good middle names for Qrow and Raven? Thanks so much.
A: Hello, and thank you so very much! I’m unsure of whether you’d like masculine, feminine or neutral names, so I’ll give a list of both masculine and feminine names for each one.
Qrow Delaware
Qrow Weston
Qrow Fallow
Qrow Damon
Qrow Malachi
Qrow Xenon
Qrow Cyril
Qrow Cassian
Qrow Xavian
Qrow Romulus
Qrow Atticus
Qrow Soren
Qrow Killian
Qrow Lonan
Qrow Silvain
Qrow Penrose
Qrow Stellan
Qrow Caspian
Qrow Varian
Qrow Calder
Qrow Camellia
Qrow Alouette
Qrow Calliope
Qrow Thessaly
Qrow Santia
Qrow Amorette
Qrow Senna
Qrow Trinity
Qrow Missia
Qrow Vesper
Qrow Lilia
Qrow Luna
Qrow Alexandria
Qrow Delia
Qrow Vinita
Qrow Aspen
Qrow Scarlett
Qrow Waverly
Qrow Romilly
Qrow Monali
Raven Carlisle
Raven Maroon
Raven Clyde
Raven Alder
Raven Ashe
Raven Beau
Raven Merritt
Raven Thane
Raven Blaise
Raven Kasper
Raven Casimir
Raven Lazarus
Raven Tybalt
Raven Bram
Raven Griffith
Raven Cypher
Raven Artorius
Raven Caius
Raven Kross
Raven Ludlow
Raven Eris
Raven Rosana
Raven Willow
Raven Tigerlily
Raven Asha
Raven Gaia
Raven Arula
Raven Xanthia
Raven Amalthea
Raven Renata
Raven Octavia
Raven Elara
Raven Lyssa
Raven Amaranth
Raven Sage
Raven Historia
Raven Astrea
Raven Circe
Raven Lilith
Raven Nyx
Q: I like the name Harper and I want to use the name Caroline for personal reasons. How you do feel about Harper Caroline or Caroline Harper?
A: Hey! Although the names don’t match my personal taste, I think that they work fine together and make nice names. I think that Caroline Harper ages better though, and I like the flow more!
Q: Any suggestions for names (both boy and girl) without religious ties?
A: Hey there! There’s a lot of names with no religious ties! But here are some quick suggestions for you (I’m not including saints in this, as there are thousands of saints, quite a few without actual religious names):
Q: Hi! My wife and I are expecting twins soon, (one boy, one girl) and we are thinking about the name Kit for our boy, and Ophelia for our girl, but we're stuck on middle names that are classical sounding. Any idea? Thanks!
A: Hello, and a big congratulations to you and your wife! Here are some names that could work for you:
Kit Nathaniel
Kit Alexander
Kit William
Kit Sebastian
Kit Tobias
Kit Everett
Kit Benjamin
Kit Jeffrey
Kit Emmanuel
Kit Oliver
Kit Samuel
Kit Harrison
Kit Jeremy
Kit Leonardo
Kit Bartholomew
Kit Montgomery
Kit Zachariah
Kit Maximilian
Kit Julian
Kit Jonathan
Ophelia Harriet
Ophelia Julie
Ophelia June
Ophelia Lucy
Ophelia Bonnie
Ophelia Charlotte
Ophelia Grace
Ophelia Maisie
Ophelia Margaret
Ophelia Rose
Ophelia Lillian
Ophelia Mary
Ophelia Eloise
Ophelia Jane
Ophelia Violet
Ophelia Ruth
Ophelia Catherine
Ophelia Pearl
Ophelia Madeline
Ophelia Jean
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I was re watching the part where Lola's vivre card got taken by Amande from Nami, her siblings were pretty shocked finding out that Nami knew Lola and didnt belive Lola gave it to her.
What do you think Lola's relation with her other sibling and their reaction to her leaving the family.
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As shocking as Lola's secret escape from Totto Land was, it makes sense that her siblings still wouldn't want to believe she would be outright helping the enemy! Although the official family policy is to disassociate from Lola fully, comsidering just how pissed Mama is at her ruining her alliance with the giants, it can be a whole different matter what the Charlotte siblings truly think of their sister; and what they used to think of her before she ran away. Below, we listed some common ways various chosen Charlotte siblings approached Lola, as we see it, before her betrayal and after it.
Thank you for that ask, it was very interesting, and sorry for taking so long to answer! 🙏💕✨
Lola's relations with other Charlotte siblings (prior to her escape)
Very close, knew her like no one else: Chiffon, Pudding, Maple, Cornstarch
Generally positive, appreciated her unapologetic personality: Oven, Katakuri, Angel, Opera, Counter, Cadenza, Cabaletta, Gala, Compo, Snack, Praline, Myukuru
Neutral: Cracker, Smoothie, Zuccotto
Judgemental of her: Broye, Cinnamon, Melise
Lowkey hated her: Mont D'Or (because she never followed the plan), Amande (because to her, Lola was obnoxious and too dependent on the idea of romance), Daifuku (because he found her strong persona overwhelming)
Reactions that Charlotte siblings had to Lola's escape from the family
Utterly pissed off, ceased to consider her family: Oven
Pissed off because of the inconvenience and having to deal with Mama's anger: Mont D'Or, Daifuku, Bavarois
Initially pissed off, neutral and even kind of understanding after a while: Perospero
Disappointed but not surprised: Broye, Prim, Smoothie, Moscato
Whatever: Cracker
Sort of hurt that she didn't tell them about the plan and left them behind: Katakuri, Compote, Angel, Snack, Akimeg
Secretly happy for her: Chiffon, Pudding, Praline, Cornstarch, Maple, Gala, Opera, Noisette
So, there you have it! If Lola ever decided to return to Totto Land, there would be quite some siblings who would be happy to see her; others, though, could chase her down without mercy. While the matter is divisive no one really dares to defy Mama, too; and as we headcanon, Lola is fully aware that she cannot ever go back, even if she likes to lie to herself that her family must still love her...a little.
Thank you for the ask! 💕
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Any Anana headcanons?
Charlotte Anana, the yandere in the making hskwks
Likes sharp objects. Knives, needles, scissors, spikes, etc. The way they cut through soft materials flesh fascinates her for some reason.
She has Wednesday Addams vibes but unashamedly expresses joy when hm. yeah.
No one knows where she adopted her murderous and sadistic behavior. Maybe it was when accidentally witnessing her mama take the souls of those who spun the death wheel? Maybe when it was when she wandered in the library and walked in on her siblings torturing an enemy? Or maybe it was when she snuck into a ship and accidentally ended up in Nuts Island and she had to stay with Amande for a week? Oh I wonder hm
Likes Katakuri and Amande a lot, but they're often busy and away. She only gets to hang around with Mozart, who's she's not really fond of (her jokes are lame, Anana doesn't know why she even visits them always). Basans and Melise are nearby in Whole Cake Island, they're at least a better company than Mozart. Other than them, she enjoys Panna and Dacquiose's companies, plus they teach her about weaponry, useful information.
One of Wafers bullies, Anana is mean :<
She's in the "I'm a big girl now" phase, she often copies the acts of her siblings and no one is really there to teach her that it's wrong. Y'know, classic Charlotte household.
She runs away from home every now and then. She loves to explore around wherever she is: the castle, the island, the ships, etc. She'd get lost, but her siblings are quick to find her.
That's all I have for now!
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Charlotte Family: How many of Big Mom’s children are single, childless, or both?
Melise is unable to have children, causing Big Mom to never arranged her to be married. She’s the only one who does not have any children biologically nor was ever married. However, she did adopted Cherry.
Over time, several of the Charlotte siblings had gotten divorced or widowed. Few of the most notable examples are Mont-D’or, Galette, Opera, and Moscato. Mont-D’or is the only one who had not remarried as he still misses Myrtle. The rest are currently in their third marriages.
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