#cheap yorkie
deepdreamnights · 8 months
A friendly wizard and style reference.
Midjourney has just released both the version 6 of its niji anime engine and the first version of its "style reference" tool.
Functionally this is a variation of the image prompting system (explained here), in which breaks a submitted image down into the 'token language' the AI uses internally and uses that as a supplement to a text prompt. "Style Reference" (or 'sref') lets you do this with up to three images, only with only the tokens associated with 'style' being drawn upon.
This is not to be confused with style transfer, a much older and very different AI art process.
But what is a style in this context? And how does it affect generation?
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Prompt: a blue axolotl-anthro wizard in a red-and-yellow swirl-pattern robe, holding a sheleighleigh made of purple wood and a potion full of glowing green energy drink. A blue-and-green ladybug familiar stands near his feet, white background, fullbody image
Settings: --niji 6, --style raw --s 50 --seed 1762468963
Here, I've tested the same seed and prompt with a number of reference images.
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My semiorganized ramblings under the fold
The first thing I note is that style reference affects the gen so much that same-seed/different style ref comparisons are kind of pointless. Way too much of pose, composition and content changes for it to matter, so for future style ref tests, I'm probably going to drop the seeds.
The second thing I note is that there are certain limitations. You need to change up your prompt for things like photography, and the system interprets styles using its own criteria, not ours. If image prompting misinterprets something, so will style ref, but perhaps not in the same way.
This is notable for the one prompted with a scan from the Nuremberg Chronicle (first row). It recognizes that its a woodcut and emulates that general vibe nicely, but MJ is highly tuned for aesthetics, and emulating real world jank and clumsiness is a weak area. This is literally the first printed (european at least) book with illustrations. Every example thereafter is building on that skillset, so the dataset for woodcuts is going to be largely of a higher apparent quality.
In short, with Midjourney, additional prompt work is needed to replicate the look of early jank or intentionally 'ugly' art styles, and even as recent as v6 I've had no luck with things like midcentury Hanna-Barbereesque cheap TV animation styles or shitty 1990s CGI.
Style reference can help, I've gotten some pretty good cheap 80s-90s TV animation looking stuff from v6 niji and style ref in my early tests:
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Color observations: Absent specific requests in the prompt, SREF will stick pretty close to the palette and lighting conditions of the referenced image. With such instructions, you get blending, so the one referencing the okapi fakemon (second row from bottom), for instance, has a lot of colors the reference image doesn't have, but they're in similar in vibrancy and saturation.
One limitation, however, is it doesn't apply to the aspects of the gen that come from any image prompts, so it will always blend the style of the style reference with the style aspects inherited from the image prompt, and that is very strong compared to the style ref.
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Using the dog as the image prompt, and the TFTM reformatting as the style prompt, and the text prompt: "a cute older yorkie dog sitting on a bedspread", we get the image on the left. Dropping the image prompt weight to .25 gets us the center option, and removing the image prompt entirely produces the one on the right.
I expect this will be patched eventually, or general image prompting may fall out of favor compared to a combination of style ref and the upcoming character reference option, which will be the same thing, but will only reference the tokens associated with the character in the reference image. Depending on how that works that will have a lot of uses.
Stay tuned for more experiments. There's some good potential for freaky, unexplored aesthetics with combinations of multiple style refs and text prompts.
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dyanix · 4 months
Monster trio headcannons😆
He’s not very big on Pda but he will include sometimes a little hand holding and an occasionally a kiss on the cheek
His big juicy lips give the best kisses ever guys
3. I feel like Kidd is a dog person but with really small dogs and he would have a teacup yorkie named Cinnamon glaze
4.He would beat you like Kendrick Lamar beats his wife. But he would apologize later with a little punch on the cheek😣
5. He would propose with a cheap but pretty ring he found at the flea market in Alabasta
1.I do not see this boy dating anyone because his main focus is his crew and becoming king of the pirates.
2. If he somehow manages to get a girlfriend/Boyfriend he would be really sweet but also insensitive.
3. It’s breath is horrendous so you would not kiss it willingly but if you get him to brush his teeth he would be a very inexperienced kisser.
4. He would obviously still be a very lovable guy and he would own a pet fish named theodore. He would never ever cheat on you because you’re the love of his life.
5. He would sleep in a fetal position but in the middle of the night he would strech his arms out and sleep like a starfish. He also snores really loud and it smells bad.
My man is so clean his hair is always smelling like cedarwood and a hint of vanilla.
2. His significant other wether male or female would never ever live uncomfortably when they’re with him. Comfy beds, hot showers, and warm meals
If you were ever sick he would immediately come to your side and help you out. He’s so sweet and gentle.
4. He would not own any pets but he tolerates birds and even feeds the seagulls that land on the Polar Tang.
5. He is the cutest guy ever
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forensicated · 2 months
04x20 - A Dog's Life
TW: Racism and sexism related to the 80's terms when this aired.
Yorkie and Taffy are eyeing up the legs on the latest model in the newspaper. Viv asks for a look and the boys banter if she's prepared and old enough to have a look. They hand the paper over... and she's disappointed to realise it's a dog! A greyhound to be specific. Taffy is buying a quarter if he can find someone else to go in with him. His neighbour owns the other half and is offering the chance to make a syndicate. "What's his name?" "Alan Metcalfe." Viv looks puzzled. "... That's a funny name for a dog!" The dog is called General Warrior. He hasn't won yet but it's the stud fee that really brings the money in - if he's a winner! Taffy is sure he will be a winner and offers Yorkie the chance to go in with him at £125 down and a tenner a month onwards. He's not interested and neither is Viv. "He's got shifty eyes!" she insists, pointing at the dog's picture. June isn't interested in entering into the Greyhound Business either and neither are Malcolm or Pete.
Brownlow tells Bob that complaints are coming in about fly-tippers from his influential friends. The only way to stop them is for a permanent watch at the 5 sites and Bob says they don't have the manpower. Charles insists he'll have to find it!
Bob asks Pete and Viv to visit a builder friend of Pete's to ask him about the fly-tipping. He sends Malcolm and June to speak to a builder, Callaghan, who has called in about vandalism. Callaghan is an arse who is rude to June because she's female and Malcolm because he's black. He hands over the names and addresses of boys he 'knows' did it. June recognises one name and Callaghan explains a third boy who was with them gave him the names for a fiver. He also insists he's pure as the driven snow and would never flytip.
A librarian rings and tells Bob a man has stolen 6 library books from them by giving a false name. Viv knows exactly who it is who did it because he's done it before. Archie's just returned from Manchester and tells Viv he's going into business and has turned over a new leaf. She says she knows - given the titles of all the library books taken!
Malcolm catches the first of the boys named on the list and cops another load of racist abuse whilst arresting him. When he goes to see the second the door is slammed on them. The boys mother reopens it and shoves her son straight into their hands before he can get very far, however! She follows them to the station and the first boy's father is contacted to meet them there.
Yorkie tells Taffy he's found someone to go in to business with him over General Warrior - Reg Hollis. Taffy sarcastically thanks him.
Pete asks his friend about the fly tipping and he tells him there's a war on out there and he's surprised the police have only just cottoned on to it. "Some naughty boy has upset the status quo." he tells them before explaining that they all used to do a little bit of flytipping and, subject to a backhander, the council would clear it. Someone has started tipping everywhere and they suspect it's someone new to the area. The builders are upset because they now can't get rid of rubbish on the cheap anymore. The tippers are ambushing and fighting each other. He won't go on the record however.
Reg bores Malcolm and June by talking about racing dogs. He claims some are left-handed because they run wide at the first bend and it affects their performance. He wants to see if Taffy's dog is left-handed before paying out and will get the chance tonight at a race.
Malcolm and June are sent up to follow up on the flytipping - much to their delight (!)
The parents of the two juveniles bicker amongst themselves whilst the boys play noughts and crosses. They can be heard upstairs in CID and it's up to Ted to shut them up because Jim can't. At first request from Ted the father tells him to keep out of it.
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Safe to say they don't make that mistake twice.
Ted asks the boys if they did it. They make out they didn't. He then asks if they didn't do it, who would sell them out for a fiver. "That's what you cost. Cheap at the price, hey?" The dad names a third lad as the "The Collins' kid!" when they get angry about being grassed on for a fiver. Ted tells Bob that the boys did it but there's a funny smell about it. He hands over the details of the other boy and asks for him to be brought in for an interview.
Taffy talks to Reg about the greyhound and Reg admits he's interested as long as he's not a wide runner. Taffy is confused and asks what he means...
Malcolm and June speak to a lady who reported some flytipping a fortnight ago but nothing was done about it then. It was just bricks and rubbish at first but he keeps returning and adding to it. She heard shouting and fighting last night and saw a fresh pile at 8am.
Viv and Pete visit The Collins's house. "I told you not to let them in!" he growls before the mother lets Pete shoulder barge it. Danny Collins says his problem has nothing to do with the police and he'll sort it his own way. He doesn't want to talk to them but his mother forces his t-shirt up and shows large bruises on his back.
Malcolm and June watch as a flytipper arrives and they strike when he's halfway through tipping. Malcolm is stabbed in the arm and called a coconut by the lookout who legs it. June wants to go ofter him but Malcolm refuses to let her and chases after him himself. June goes for the driver - it's Archie - who Pete and Viv spoke to about the library books! Malcolm manages to catch and restrain the lookout with a low growl of 'you shouldn't play with toys like that, mate. They're dangerous.'
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The next morning, Yorkie asks how General Warrior got on. Taffy says the odds were 5/1 and he won.... but he bottled out of backing him after Reg told him there was a dog with better form in the race.
Ted interviews Archie - it's clear they know each other of old. The lookout told Ted that Archie gave him the machete he attacked Malcolm with. Archie insists he has nothing to do with weapons. He wants to be charged with flytipping and let go because he's supposed to be meeting someone. Ted refuses until he tells him who he was working for and where the knife came from. Archie insists Ted knows he's not a grass. Ted asks Archie why he's reappeared back in London and what he's running from. If he doesn't tell him he'll ask Manchester CID. Reluctantly, Archie admits he got involved in a building business venture. He thought he had it made as they were so busy, but then he found out that his partner was skimping. Cheap materials, unsafe workmanship, flytipping... no wonder he was undercutting all other builders and getting the work. Then he discovered he was taking twice as much in payment. He left Manchester when threatened by another builder before he could sort out finances. Archie refuses to give the other man's name.
Bob interrupts the interview and tells him that Collins' didn't sell the boys out for a fiver at all. Callaghan beat it out of him with an iron bar and Martella found Danny plotting revenge. They were paid to do it by a builder called Seymour and were supposed to pull down some brick walls of Callaghan's. Ted now knows who Archie's partner was - Callaghan! Archie is gutted when he realises that Ted knows.
Jim asks if he can go with him to pick Callaghan up but Ted says he's not going to do the leg work. Instead, he'll let Callaghan come to him. He was stupid and cocky enough to call them in so he'll be stupid enough to attend the station to 'sign the paperwork'.
Reg tells Bob he signed up on the Greyhound and tries to get him in on it - he's not interested. Bob takes a cup of tea to Archie and asks him if he still goes down the dogs. He does, so Bob asks him if he's heard of a dog called General Warrior. He laughs and says it's made his day to hear that the dog is owned by police officers and explains why. Bob takes Taffy and Reg into the CAD room. He explains the dog has been stolen from kennels and passed around several race tracks under different names for just long enough to con people into paying money in joint ownership so that two unknowns can bet big on him when his odds are promising big paybacks and they clear the bookies out before moving to the next area and with a different name to the dog. This is at least the fourth place he's raced. Bob sends Taffy and Reg to find Taffy's friend before anyone else is told about it!
Ted takes Callaghan into a private room and Callaghan thanks him for finding the boys and tries to shake his hand. Ted ignores it and tells him he wants to talk to him about a few things - like flytipping and giving knives to teenage boys. He arrests him - much to Callaghan's horror and brings up Danny's assault.
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timelesstimesgoneby · 10 months
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Season 1
disc 1
S01E01 Matt Gets It 1950
S01E02 Hot Spell 1950
S01E03 Word of Honor 1950
S01E04 Home Surgery 1950
S01E05 Obie Tater 1950
S01E06 Night Incident 1950
disc 2
S01E07 Smoking Out the Nolans 1950
S01E08 Kite's Reward 1950
S01E09 The Hunter 1950
S01E10 The Queue 1950
S01E11 General Parsley Smith 1950
S01E12 Magnus 1950
disc 3
S01E13 Reed Survives 1950
S01E14 Professor Lute Bone 1950
S01E15 No Handcuffs 1950
S01E16 Reward for Matt 1950
S01E17 Robin Hood 1950
S01E18 Yorky 1950
disc 4
S01E19 20-20 1950
S01E20 Reunion '78 1950
S01E21 Helping Hand 1950
S01E22 Tap Day for Kitty 1950
S01E23 Indian Scout 1950
S01E24 The Pest Hole 1950
S01E25 The Big Broad 1950
disc 5
S01E26 Hack Prine 1950
S01E27 Cooter 1950
S01E28 The Killer 1950
S01E29 Doc's Revenge 1950
S01E30 The Preacher 1950
S01E31 How to Die for Nothing 1950
S01E32 Dutch George 1950
disc 6
S01E33 Prairie Happy 1950
S01E34 Chester's Mail Order Bride 1950
S01E35 The Guitar 1950
S01E36 Cara 1950
S01E37 Mr. and Mrs. Amber 1950
S01E38 Unmarked Grave 1950
S01E39 Alarm at Pleasant Valley 1950
Season 2
disc 1
S02E01 Cow Doctor 1950
S02E02 Brush at Elkader 1950
S02E03 Custer 1950
S02E04 The Round Up 1950
S02E05 Young Man with a Gun 1950
S02E06 Indian White 1950
S02E07 How to Cure a Friend 1950
disc 2
S02E08 Legal Revenge 1950
S02E09 The Mistake 1950
S02E10 Greater Love 1950
S02E11 No Indians 1950
S02E12 Spring Term 1950
S02E13 Poor Pearl 1950
S02E14 Cholera 1950
disc 3
S02E15 Pucket's New Year 1950
S02E16 The Cover Up 1950
S02E17 Sins of the Father 1950
S02E18 Kick Me 1950
S02E19 Executioner 1950
S02E20 Gone Straight 1950
disc 1
S02E21 Bloody Hands 1950
S02E22 Skid Row 1950
S02E23 Sweet and Sour 1950
S02E24 Cain 1950
S02E25 Bureaucrat 1950
S02E26 Last Fling 1950
disc 2
S02E27 Chester's Murder 1950
S02E28 The Photographer 1950
S02E29 Wrong Man 1950
S02E30 Big Girl Lost 1950
S02E31 What the Whiskey Drummer Heard 1950
S02E32 Cheap Labor 1950
S02E33 Moon 1950
disc 3
S02E34 Who Lives by the Sword 1950
S02E35 Uncle Oliver 1950
S02E36 Daddy-O 1950
S02E37 The Man Who Would Be Marshal 1950
S02E38 Liar from Blackhawk 1950
S02E39 Jealousy 1950
Season 3
disc 1
S03E01 Crack-Up 1950
S03E02 Gun for Chester 1950
S03E03 Blood Money 1950
S03E04 Kitty's Outlaw 1950
S03E05 Potato Road 1950
S03E06 Jesse 1950
S03E07 Mavis McCloud 1950
disc 2
S03E08 Born to Hang 1950
S03E09 Romeo 1950
S03E10 Never Pester Chester 1950
S03E11 Fingered 1950
S03E12 How to Kill a Woman 1950
S03E13 Cows and Cribs 1950
disc 3
S03E14 Doc's Reward 1950
S03E15 Kitty Lost 1950
S03E16 Twelfth Night 1950
S03E17 Joe Phy 1950
S03E18 Buffalo Man 1950
S03E19 Kitty Caught 1950
disc 1
S03E20 Claustrophobia 1950
S03E21 Ma Tennis 1950
S03E22 Sunday Supplement 1950
S03E23 Wild West 1950
S03E24 The Cabin 1950
S03E25 Dirt 1950
S03E26 Dooley Surrenders 1950
disc 2
S03E27 Joke's on Us 1950
S03E28 Bottleman 1950
S03E29 Laughing Gas 1950
S03E30 Texas Cowboys 1950
S03E31 Amy's Good Deed 1950
S03E32 Hanging Man 1950
S03E33 Innocent Broad 1950
disc 3
S03E34 The Big Con 1950
S03E35 Widow's Mite 1950
S03E36 Chester's Hanging 1950
S03E37 Carmen 1950
S03E38 Overland Express 1950
S03E39 The Gentleman 1950
Season 4
disc 1
S04E01 Matt for Murder 1950
S04E02 The Patsy 1950
S04E03 Gunsmuggler 1950
S04E04 Monopoly 1950
S04E05 Letter of the Law 1950
S04E06 Thoroughbreds 1950
S04E07 Stage Hold-Up 1950
disc 2
S04E08 Lost Rifle 1950
S04E09 Land Deal 1950
S04E10 Lynching Man 1950
S04E11 How to Kill a Friend 1950
S04E12 Grass 1950
S04E13 The Cast 1950
disc 3
S04E14 Robber Bridegroom 1950
S04E15 Snakebite 1950
S04E16 Gypsum Hills Feud 1950
S04E17 Young Love 1950
S04E18 Marshal Proudfoot 1950
S04E19 Passive Resistance 1950
disc 1
S04E20 Love of a Good Woman 1950
S04E21 Jayhawkers 1950
S04E22 Kitty's Rebellion 1950
S04E23 Sky 1950
S04E24 Doc Quits 1950
S04E25 The Bear 1950
S04E26 The Coward 1950
disc 2
S04E27 The F.U. 1950
S04E28 Wind 1950
S04E29 Fawn 1950
S04E30 Renegade White 1950
S04E31 Murder Warrant 1950
S04E32 Change of Heart 1950
S04E33 Buffalo Hunter 1950
disc 3
S04E34 The Choice 1950
S04E35 There Never Was a Horse 1950
S04E36 Print Asper 1950
S04E37 The Constable 1950
S04E38 Blue Horse 1950
S04E39 Cheyennes 1950
Season 5
disc 1
S05E01 Target 1950
S05E02 Kitty's Injury 1950
S05E03 Horse Deal 1950
S05E04 Johnny Red 1950
S05E05 Tail to the Wind 1950
S05E06 Annie Oakley 1950
S05E07 Kangaroo 1950
disc 2
S05E08 Saludos 1950
S05E09 Brother Whelp 1950
S05E10 The Boots 1950
S05E11 Odd Man Out 1950
S05E12 Miguel's Daughter 1950
S05E13 Box o' Rocks 1950
S05E14 False Witness 1950
disc 3
S05E15 Tag, You're It 1950
S05E16 Thick 'n' Thin 1950
S05E17 Groat's Grudge 1960
S05E18 Big Tom 1960
S05E19 Till Death Do Us 1960
S05E20 The Tragedian 1960
disc 1
S05E21 Hinka Do 1960
S05E22 Doc Judge 1960
S05E23 Moo Moo Raid 1960
S05E24 Kitty's Killing 1960
S05E25 Jailbait Janet 1960
S05E26 Unwanted Deputy 1960
S05E27 Where'd They Go 1960
disc 2
S05E28 Crowbait Bob 1960
S05E29 Colleen So Green 1960
S05E30 The Ex-Urbanites 1960
S05E31 I Thee Wed 1960
S05E32 The Lady Killer 1960
S05E33 Gentleman's Disagreement 1960
disc 3
S05E34 Speak Me Fair 1960
S05E35 Belle's Back 1960
S05E36 The Bobsy Twins 1960
S05E37 Old Flame 1960
S05E38 The Deserter 1960
S05E39 Cherry Red 1960
Season 6
disc 1
S06E01 Friend's Pay-Off 1960
S06E02 The Blacksmith 1960
S06E03 Small Water 1960
S06E04 Say Uncle 1960
S06E05 Shooting Stopover 1960
S06E06 The Peace Officer 1960
S06E07 Don Matteo 1960
disc 2
S06E08 The Worm 1960
S06E09 The Badge 1960
S06E10 Distant Drummer 1960
S06E11 Ben Tolliver's Stud 1960
S06E12 No Chip 1960
S06E13 The Wake 1960
S06E14 The Cook 1960
S06E15 Old Fool 1960
S06E16 Brother Love 1960
S06E17 Bad Sheriff 1960
S06E18 Unloaded Gun 1960
S06E19 Tall Trapper 1960
disc 1
S06E20 Love Thy Neighbor 1960
S06E21 Bad Seed 1960
S06E22 Kitty Shot 1960
S06E23 About Chester 1960
S06E24 Harriet 1960
S06E25 Potshot 1960
S06E26 Old Faces 1960
disc 2
S06E27 Big Man 1960
S06E28 Little Girl 1960
S06E29 Stolen Horses 1960
S06E30 Minnie 1960
S06E31 Bless Me Till I Die 1960
S06E32 Long Hours, Short Pay 1960
disc 3
S06E33 Hard Virtue 1960
S06E34 The Imposter 1960
S06E35 Chester's Dilemma 1960
S06E36 The Love of Money 1960
S06E37 Melinda Miles 1960
S06E38 Colorado Sheriff 1960
Season 7
disc 1
S07E01 Perce 1960
S07E02 Old Yellow Boots 1960
S07E03 Miss Kitty 1960
S07E04 Harper's Blood 1960
disc 2
S07E05 All That 1960
S07E06 Long, Long Trail 1960
S07E07 The Squaw 1960
S07E08 Chesterland 1960
disc 3
S07E09 Milly 1960
S07E10 Indian Ford 1960
S07E11 Apprentice Doc 1960
disc 4
S07E12 Nina's Revenge 1960
S07E13 Marry Me 1960
S07E14 A Man a Day 1960
disc 5
S07E15 The Do-Badder 1960
S07E16 Lacey 1960
S07E17 Cody's Code 1960
disc 1
S07E18 Old Dan 1960
S07E19 Catawomper 1960
S07E20 Half Straight 1960
S07E21 He Learned About Women 1960
disc 2
S07E22 The Gallows 1960
S07E23 Reprisal 1960
S07E24 Coventry 1960
S07E25 The Widow 1960
disc 3
S07E26 Durham Bull 1960
S07E27 Wagon Girls 1960
S07E28 The Dealer 1960
disc 4
S07E29 The Summons 1960
S07E30 The Dreamers 1960
S07E31 Cale 1960
disc 5
S07E32 Chester's Indian 1960
S07E33 The Prisoner 1960
S07E34 The Boys 1960
Season 8
disc 1
S08E01 The Search 1960
S08E02 Call Me Dodie 1960
S08E03 Quint Asper Comes Home 1960
S08E04 Root Down 1960
disc 2
S08E05 Jenny 1960
S08E06 Collie's Free 1960
S08E07 The Ditch 1960
S08E08 The Trappers 1960
disc 3
S08E09 Phoebe Strunk 1960
S08E10 The Hunger 1960
S08E11 Abe Blocker 1960
S08E12 The Way It Is 1960
disc 4
S08E13 Us Haggens 1960
S08E14 Uncle Sunday 1960
S08E15 False Front 1960
S08E16 Old Comrade 1960
disc 5
S08E17 Louie Pheeters 1960
S08E18 The Renegades 1960
S08E19 Cotter's Girl 1960
disc 1
S08E20 The Bad One 1960
S08E21 The Cousin 1960
S08E22 Shona 1960
S08E23 Ash 1960
disc 2
S08E24 Blind Man's Bluff 1960
S08E25 Quint's Indian 1960
S08E26 Anybody Can Kill a Marshal 1960
S08E27 Two of a Kind 1960
disc 3
S08E28 I Call Him Wonder 1960
S08E29 With a Smile 1960
S08E30 The Far Places 1960
S08E31 Panacea Sykes 1960
disc 4
S08E32 Tell Chester 1960
S08E33 Quint-Cident 1960
S08E34 Old York 1960
S08E35 Daddy Went Away 1960
disc 5
S08E36 The Odyssey of Jubal Tanner 1960
S08E37 Jeb 1960
S08E38 The Quest for Asa Janin 1960
Season 9
disc 1
S09E01 Kate Heller 1960
S09E02 Lover Boy 1960
S09E03 Legends Don't Sleep 1960
S09E04 Tobe 1960
disc 2
S09E05 Easy Come 1960
S09E06 My Sister's Keeper 1960
S09E07 Quint's Trail 1960
S09E08 Carter Caper 1960
disc 3
S09E09 Ex-Con 1960
S09E10 Extradition (1) 1960
S09E11 Extradition (2) 1960
S09E12 The Magician 1960
disc 4
S09E13 Pa Hack's Brood 1960
S09E14 The Glory and the Mud 1960
S09E15 Dry Well 1960
disc 5
S09E16 Prairie Wolfer 1960
S09E17 Friend 1960
S09E18 Once a Haggen 1960
disc 1
S09E19 No Hands 1960
S09E20 May Blossom 1960
S09E21 The Bassops 1960
S09E22 The Kite 1960
disc 2
S09E23 Comanches Is Soft 1960
S09E24 Father's Love 1960
S09E25 Now That April's Here 1960
S09E26 Caleb 1960
disc 3
S09E27 Owney Tupper Had a Daughter 1960
S09E28 Bently 1960
S09E29 Kitty Cornered 1960
S09E30 The Promoter 1960
disc 4
S09E31 Trip West 1960
S09E32 Scot Free 1960
S09E33 The Warden 1960
disc 5
S09E34 Homecoming 1960
S09E35 The Other Half 1960
S09E36 Journey for Three 1960
Season 10
disc 1
S10E01 Blue Heaven 1960
S10E02 Crooked Mile 1960
S10E03 Old Man 1960
S10E04 The Violators 1960
disc 2
S10E05 Doctor's Wife 1960
S10E06 Take Her, She's Cheap 1960
S10E07 Help Me Kitty 1960
S10E08 Hung High 1960
disc 3
S10E09 Jonah Hutchinson 1960
S10E10 Big Man, Big Target 1960
S10E11 Chicken 1960
S10E12 Innocence 1960
disc 4
S10E13 Aunt Thede 1960
S10E14 Hammerhead 1960
S10E15 Double Entry 1960
disc 5
S10E16 Run, Sheep, Run 1960
S10E17 Deputy Festus 1960
S10E18 One Killer on Ice 1960
disc 1
S10E19 Chief Joseph 1960
S10E20 Circus Trick 1960
S10E21 Song for Dying 1960
S10E22 Winner Take All 1960
disc 2
S10E23 Eliab's Aim 1960
S10E24 Thursday's Child 1960
S10E25 Breckinridge 1960
S10E26 Bank Baby 1960
disc 3
S10E27 The Lady 1960
S10E28 Dry Road to Nowhere 1960
S10E29 Twenty Miles from Dodge 1960
S10E30 The Pariah 1960
disc 4
S10E31 Gilt Guilt 1960
S10E32 Bad Lady from Brookline 1960
S10E33 Two Tall Men 1960
disc 5
S10E34 Honey Pot 1960
S10E35 The New Society 1960
S10E36 He Who Steals 1960
Season 11
disc 1
S11E01 Seven Hours to Dawn 1960
S11E02 The Storm 1960
0 notes
yorkiebabies · 10 months
Adorable Shih Tzu Puppies for Sale at Yorkie Babies
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Are you on the hunt for the perfect furry companion? Look no further, because Yorkie Babies has the most charming toy shih tzu puppies for sale that will melt your heart. Whether you're an experienced dog owner or a first-time pet parent, Shih Tzus make wonderful additions to any family. These small, affectionate dogs are known for their friendly personalities and stunning appearance. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to these adorable Shih Tzu puppies and share some additional information about other available breeds.
Meet the Shih Tzu Puppies at Yorkie Babies
At Yorkie Babies, we take pride in providing top-quality Shih Tzu puppies that are raised with love and care. Our Shih Tzus are well-socialized, healthy, and ready to bring joy to their new forever homes. Here are some reasons why Shih Tzu puppies are an excellent choice:
Cuteness Overload: Shih Tzus are famous for their cuteness. With their fluffy coats, expressive eyes, and charming personalities, they are sure to steal your heart.
Loving Companions: Shih Tzus are incredibly affectionate and enjoy being a part of the family. They thrive on human interaction and are known for their loyalty.
Low Maintenance: These little dogs have luxurious long coats, but don't be deterred by that. They are surprisingly easy to groom and maintain.
Great for Small Spaces: Shih Tzus are small in size, making them a perfect choice for apartment living. They adapt well to both large and small spaces.
Good with Kids: Shih Tzus are gentle and patient, which makes them an ideal choice for families with children.
Additional Information on Other Breeds
While Shih Tzus are the stars of the show at Yorkie Babies, we also offer other breeds for those looking for alternatives. If you're interested in other small dog breeds, we have some additional options for you to consider:
Cheap Maltese Puppies for Sale: Maltese puppies are renowned for their elegant appearance and sweet nature. Their long, silky white fur and loving temperament make them wonderful companions.
Miniature Maltese Puppies: If you prefer a smaller version of the already petite Maltese breed, we also offer miniature Maltese puppies. These pint-sized pups are just as adorable and affectionate as their standard-sized counterparts.
At Yorkie Babies, our goal is to match loving families with the perfect puppy to suit their lifestyle and preferences. Our Shih Tzu puppies, cheap Maltese puppies for sale, and miniature Maltese puppies are all raised with care, ensuring they are healthy, happy, and ready to bring joy to your life.
Contact Yorkie Babies Today
If you're ready to bring home an adorable Shih Tzu puppy or explore our other available breeds, visit our website at Yorkie Babies or give us a call at (954) 324-0149. We can't wait to help you find your new best friend! Yorkie Babies is your one-stop destination for adorable Shih Tzu puppies and other small dog breeds. Don't miss out on the opportunity to welcome a new furry family member into your home.
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mottemotte · 1 year
The Yorkie Saga
I thought maybe if I made it into a blog post I can update this from now on and stop spamming my friends asudhaoshdias
So I'm trying to get.... a yorkie!! I've been wanting a Small Dog for years and originally I was thinking a pomeranian, but when I was telling Mom, she said she's wanted a yorkie all her life and would help out if I ended up with a yorkie, SO YORKIE IT IS AND OH MY GOD ARE THEY HARD TO FIND
I feel like the absolute most my family spent on a dog before was maybe $800 being extremely generous, and now people are charging $3,000+?! WTF and one breeder I had spoken to said her yorkies STARTED at $3k, but her chihuahua/yorkie mixes started at $450. Like. You're obviously charging just for the "name" at that point, it's outrageous.
And I can't even get a cheap one from a shelter because all of the shelters in my area are crazy. I get that they want their dogs to go to good homes, but they don't just look into your financial situation/veterinary access/etc. They have requirements on how big your yard is, how well-kept it is, what kind of fencing you have, what condition it's in, whether you live with other dogs, whether you live with cats, whether you have any children in your household.... I'd understand if they cared that like you weren't living in squalor, but they have like no flexibility for other lifestyles. I live with a ton of people, there'd be no need to leave the dog out alone in a yard because someone will always be home to walk it on a leash. But they think that especially small dogs can NOT live with cats or kids, so... no shelter dog :,(
I found one breeder who seems more reasonably priced but there's no real info about her online, and I think she might dock their tails which I hate. Mom says it's whatever, but unless she's getting their tails docked at a vet with anesthesia, I really don't want to give her money!! plees im just want a puppy :,,,(
WOWIE it's been TEN DAYS and i have FUCKALL TO SHARE! :D
mom and i have talked and agreed to each split the cost of buying the dog, so our budget has doubled. Which is still not really making it easier to find a dog but oh well.
We found a backyard breeder in the meantime - I was getting shady vibes from the start but Mom wanted to meet the seller and the puppies in person (not at their home, of course. in a parking lot!!) and found out that they're not registered because the breeder doesn't want anyone to breed them, and also their vet is in a different state. yeah sure these dogs are totally seeing a vet and that's definitely why they're not registered ok
so anyways. there's that.
I've been doing budgeting bc money and planning is all I'm good at, and I think, long-term, we would only really need to spend $1,000 at the absolute most each year, including vet visits, food, waste bags, toothpaste, grooming... so that's kinda cool to see :) after the first year it should even out into <$500 a year so wahoo. it really is just. getting the fucking dog that's going to be a nightmare.
ALSO! Fabric seems to finally be getting cheaper in my area (not for winter fabrics though, but summer? which I mean makes sense bc there's a lot less actual fiber in them, they're thin bc summer, but why? now?) and I will finally be able to start sewing again :D and I've found tons of different methods of making leashes/collars, my favourites of which involve scraps only, which I am kind of already swimming in but definitely again when I can get more fabrics B) v much looking forward to it eeeeee
the puppies will be 8 weeks around the end of june so !! WE START THE PREP i was originally going to put the money we set aside in a CD until then but the rates are ass so :p we just. waite
BUT ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
since my CD player/radio are finally fixed, i saw some people recommend playing some sounds of "scary" things to get puppies accustomed to them while the pup isnt yet vaccinated so when they can go out to places its not so much of an adjustment and YES i am sitting in my room like a psychopath looking up plastic bag, car horn, and firework/gunshot sound effects on freesound.org to eventually burn into a cd. YES im losing it bUT IN A GOOD WAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D
feel like i should b dating these
anywasy WE GOT  OUR FIRST PIC OF OUR DOG!!!!!!!!!!! she is so cute and she has EYEBROWS i love it she looks so >:( all the time, also she is TWO WEEKS OLD so her eyes are just beginning to peep open im love im loev im love im love im lvoe
i went thrifting today and there was a tiny dog harness on sale for $1 and then i also got it half off bc of their sale today!!! i was thinking abt getting a bowl or leash as well but they, fsr, bundle up all their leashes and then tape them around, and the only ones i saw that were small had words on them, and i didnt want to accidentally buy a leash with something absurd!! and all of their bowls fsr didn't have a match :,) but i got a cute blue dot harness thing!!!! and our breeder just texted us today that she's growing well!!!!! :DD
4 Kudos
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lisalantzduhon · 2 years
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💘February 15 is my Valentine's Day—hello, cheap candy! #ruffcutspurrfectstyles #gracieschneider #yorkie (at Ruff Cuts & PurrFect Styles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoC1pQGu8ZW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kingheld · 2 years
Well, Taiga's still kinda iffy on where he stands with Atobe, especially since the guy has the same voice as his worst rival of all time and a similar arrogance but he is also dating his girlfriend when he's not around. Taiga @eternalorganization plops down two simple paper bags and said "Uh... Shinoa told me it was your birthday and what you liked. So, this bag has a Yorkshire pudding and yes, I baked it myself. Kise helped with the cologne and lip balm to get you." He gestured to 2nd bag.
october 04.
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      an eyebrow raised, oh so she told him what he liked? he hadn't really expected anything from kagami but, whatever the gift was, he always appreciated it. "you bake?" that wasn't something he knew, but, it was something he'd keep in mind next time if he wanted to eat something...or if he ever was invited to the red head's home. perhaps he should've invited him to his mansion, his home.
blue eyes stared at the first bag then the second which contained lip balm and cologne. he wasn't super picky with either of them, even the cheap stuff was just as good, though he knew of kise, he was in magazines, that model most likely played basketball too if kagami knew him personally.
"yorkies and..." atobe chuckled, "thankyou kagami." he smiled his usual confidence "i wonder what scent of lip balm you got me. or did shi tell you i have yet to try the apple one?" either way, it didn't matter, it was one he'd use and he rarely bought cologne or lip balm for himself, only when he was running low, which was quite funny considering the one he had was nearly finished, perfect.
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The Brass Bottle 1964 I Dream Of Jeannie 1965–1970) I Dream Of Jeannie… Fifteen Years Later (1985)
Season 1
disc 1
S01E01 Matt Gets It 1950
S01E02 Hot Spell 1950
S01E03 Word of Honor 1950
S01E04 Home Surgery 1950
S01E05 Obie Tater 1950
S01E06 Night Incident 1950
disc 2
S01E07 Smoking Out the Nolans 1950
S01E08 Kite's Reward 1950
S01E09 The Hunter 1950
S01E10 The Queue 1950
S01E11 General Parsley Smith 1950
S01E12 Magnus 1950
disc 3
S01E13 Reed Survives 1950
S01E14 Professor Lute Bone 1950
S01E15 No Handcuffs 1950
S01E16 Reward for Matt 1950
S01E17 Robin Hood 1950
S01E18 Yorky 1950
disc 4
S01E19 20-20 1950
S01E20 Reunion '78 1950
S01E21 Helping Hand 1950
S01E22 Tap Day for Kitty 1950
S01E23 Indian Scout 1950
S01E24 The Pest Hole 1950
S01E25 The Big Broad 1950
disc 5
S01E26 Hack Prine 1950
S01E27 Cooter 1950
S01E28 The Killer 1950
S01E29 Doc's Revenge 1950
S01E30 The Preacher 1950
S01E31 How to Die for Nothing 1950
S01E32 Dutch George 1950
disc 6
S01E33 Prairie Happy 1950
S01E34 Chester's Mail Order Bride 1950
S01E35 The Guitar 1950
S01E36 Cara 1950
S01E37 Mr. and Mrs. Amber 1950
S01E38 Unmarked Grave 1950
S01E39 Alarm at Pleasant Valley 1950
Season 2
disc 1
S02E01 Cow Doctor 1950
S02E02 Brush at Elkader 1950
S02E03 Custer 1950
S02E04 The Round Up 1950
S02E05 Young Man with a Gun 1950
S02E06 Indian White 1950
S02E07 How to Cure a Friend 1950
disc 2
S02E08 Legal Revenge 1950
S02E09 The Mistake 1950
S02E10 Greater Love 1950
S02E11 No Indians 1950
S02E12 Spring Term 1950
S02E13 Poor Pearl 1950
S02E14 Cholera 1950
disc 3
S02E15 Pucket's New Year 1950
S02E16 The Cover Up 1950
S02E17 Sins of the Father 1950
S02E18 Kick Me 1950
S02E19 Executioner 1950
S02E20 Gone Straight 1950
disc 1
S02E21 Bloody Hands 1950
S02E22 Skid Row 1950
S02E23 Sweet and Sour 1950
S02E24 Cain 1950
S02E25 Bureaucrat 1950
S02E26 Last Fling 1950
disc 2
S02E27 Chester's Murder 1950
S02E28 The Photographer 1950
S02E29 Wrong Man 1950
S02E30 Big Girl Lost 1950
S02E31 What the Whiskey Drummer Heard 1950
S02E32 Cheap Labor 1950
S02E33 Moon 1950
disc 3
S02E34 Who Lives by the Sword 1950
S02E35 Uncle Oliver 1950
S02E36 Daddy-O 1950
S02E37 The Man Who Would Be Marshal 1950
S02E38 Liar from Blackhawk 1950
S02E39 Jealousy 1950
Season 3
disc 1
S03E01 Crack-Up 1950
S03E02 Gun for Chester 1950
S03E03 Blood Money 1950
S03E04 Kitty's Outlaw 1950
S03E05 Potato Road 1950
S03E06 Jesse 1950
S03E07 Mavis McCloud 1950
disc 2
S03E08 Born to Hang 1950
S03E09 Romeo 1950
S03E10 Never Pester Chester 1950
S03E11 Fingered 1950
S03E12 How to Kill a Woman 1950
S03E13 Cows and Cribs 1950
disc 3
S03E14 Doc's Reward 1950
S03E15 Kitty Lost 1950
S03E16 Twelfth Night 1950
S03E17 Joe Phy 1950
S03E18 Buffalo Man 1950
S03E19 Kitty Caught 1950
disc 1
S03E20 Claustrophobia 1950
S03E21 Ma Tennis 1950
S03E22 Sunday Supplement 1950
S03E23 Wild West 1950
S03E24 The Cabin 1950
S03E25 Dirt 1950
S03E26 Dooley Surrenders 1950
disc 2
S03E27 Joke's on Us 1950
S03E28 Bottleman 1950
S03E29 Laughing Gas 1950
S03E30 Texas Cowboys 1950
S03E31 Amy's Good Deed 1950
S03E32 Hanging Man 1950
S03E33 Innocent Broad 1950
disc 3
S03E34 The Big Con 1950
S03E35 Widow's Mite 1950
S03E36 Chester's Hanging 1950
S03E37 Carmen 1950
S03E38 Overland Express 1950
S03E39 The Gentleman 1950
Season 4
disc 1
S04E01 Matt for Murder 1950
S04E02 The Patsy 1950
S04E03 Gunsmuggler 1950
S04E04 Monopoly 1950
S04E05 Letter of the Law 1950
S04E06 Thoroughbreds 1950
S04E07 Stage Hold-Up 1950
disc 2
S04E08 Lost Rifle 1950
S04E09 Land Deal 1950
S04E10 Lynching Man 1950
S04E11 How to Kill a Friend 1950
S04E12 Grass 1950
S04E13 The Cast 1950
disc 3
S04E14 Robber Bridegroom 1950
S04E15 Snakebite 1950
S04E16 Gypsum Hills Feud 1950
S04E17 Young Love 1950
S04E18 Marshal Proudfoot 1950
S04E19 Passive Resistance 1950
disc 1
S04E20 Love of a Good Woman 1950
S04E21 Jayhawkers 1950
S04E22 Kitty's Rebellion 1950
S04E23 Sky 1950
S04E24 Doc Quits 1950
S04E25 The Bear 1950
S04E26 The Coward 1950
disc 2
S04E27 The F.U. 1950
S04E28 Wind 1950
S04E29 Fawn 1950
S04E30 Renegade White 1950
S04E31 Murder Warrant 1950
S04E32 Change of Heart 1950
S04E33 Buffalo Hunter 1950
disc 3
S04E34 The Choice 1950
S04E35 There Never Was a Horse 1950
S04E36 Print Asper 1950
S04E37 The Constable 1950
S04E38 Blue Horse 1950
S04E39 Cheyennes 1950
Season 5
disc 1
S05E01 Target 1950
S05E02 Kitty's Injury 1950
S05E03 Horse Deal 1950
S05E04 Johnny Red 1950
S05E05 Tail to the Wind 1950
S05E06 Annie Oakley 1950
S05E07 Kangaroo 1950
disc 2
S05E08 Saludos 1950
S05E09 Brother Whelp 1950
S05E10 The Boots 1950
S05E11 Odd Man Out 1950
S05E12 Miguel's Daughter 1950
S05E13 Box o' Rocks 1950
S05E14 False Witness 1950
disc 3
S05E15 Tag, You're It 1950
S05E16 Thick 'n' Thin 1950
S05E17 Groat's Grudge 1960
S05E18 Big Tom 1960
S05E19 Till Death Do Us 1960
S05E20 The Tragedian 1960
disc 1
S05E21 Hinka Do 1960
S05E22 Doc Judge 1960
S05E23 Moo Moo Raid 1960
S05E24 Kitty's Killing 1960
S05E25 Jailbait Janet 1960
S05E26 Unwanted Deputy 1960
S05E27 Where'd They Go 1960
disc 2
S05E28 Crowbait Bob 1960
S05E29 Colleen So Green 1960
S05E30 The Ex-Urbanites 1960
S05E31 I Thee Wed 1960
S05E32 The Lady Killer 1960
S05E33 Gentleman's Disagreement 1960
disc 3
S05E34 Speak Me Fair 1960
S05E35 Belle's Back 1960
S05E36 The Bobsy Twins 1960
S05E37 Old Flame 1960
S05E38 The Deserter 1960
S05E39 Cherry Red 1960
Season 6
disc 1
S06E01 Friend's Pay-Off 1960
S06E02 The Blacksmith 1960
S06E03 Small Water 1960
S06E04 Say Uncle 1960
S06E05 Shooting Stopover 1960
S06E06 The Peace Officer 1960
S06E07 Don Matteo 1960
disc 2
S06E08 The Worm 1960
S06E09 The Badge 1960
S06E10 Distant Drummer 1960
S06E11 Ben Tolliver's Stud 1960
S06E12 No Chip 1960
S06E13 The Wake 1960
S06E14 The Cook 1960
S06E15 Old Fool 1960
S06E16 Brother Love 1960
S06E17 Bad Sheriff 1960
S06E18 Unloaded Gun 1960
S06E19 Tall Trapper 1960
disc 1
S06E20 Love Thy Neighbor 1960
S06E21 Bad Seed 1960
S06E22 Kitty Shot 1960
S06E23 About Chester 1960
S06E24 Harriet 1960
S06E25 Potshot 1960
S06E26 Old Faces 1960
disc 2
S06E27 Big Man 1960
S06E28 Little Girl 1960
S06E29 Stolen Horses 1960
S06E30 Minnie 1960
S06E31 Bless Me Till I Die 1960
S06E32 Long Hours, Short Pay 1960
disc 3
S06E33 Hard Virtue 1960
S06E34 The Imposter 1960
S06E35 Chester's Dilemma 1960
S06E36 The Love of Money 1960
S06E37 Melinda Miles 1960
S06E38 Colorado Sheriff 1960
Season 7
disc 1
S07E01 Perce 1960
S07E02 Old Yellow Boots 1960
S07E03 Miss Kitty 1960
S07E04 Harper's Blood 1960
disc 2
S07E05 All That 1960
S07E06 Long, Long Trail 1960
S07E07 The Squaw 1960
S07E08 Chesterland 1960
disc 3
S07E09 Milly 1960
S07E10 Indian Ford 1960
S07E11 Apprentice Doc 1960
disc 4
S07E12 Nina's Revenge 1960
S07E13 Marry Me 1960
S07E14 A Man a Day 1960
disc 5
S07E15 The Do-Badder 1960
S07E16 Lacey 1960
S07E17 Cody's Code 1960
disc 1
S07E18 Old Dan 1960
S07E19 Catawomper 1960
S07E20 Half Straight 1960
S07E21 He Learned About Women 1960
disc 2
S07E22 The Gallows 1960
S07E23 Reprisal 1960
S07E24 Coventry 1960
S07E25 The Widow 1960
disc 3
S07E26 Durham Bull 1960
S07E27 Wagon Girls 1960
S07E28 The Dealer 1960
disc 4
S07E29 The Summons 1960
S07E30 The Dreamers 1960
S07E31 Cale 1960
disc 5
S07E32 Chester's Indian 1960
S07E33 The Prisoner 1960
S07E34 The Boys 1960
Season 8
disc 1
S08E01 The Search 1960
S08E02 Call Me Dodie 1960
S08E03 Quint Asper Comes Home 1960
S08E04 Root Down 1960
disc 2
S08E05 Jenny 1960
S08E06 Collie's Free 1960
S08E07 The Ditch 1960
S08E08 The Trappers 1960
disc 3
S08E09 Phoebe Strunk 1960
S08E10 The Hunger 1960
S08E11 Abe Blocker 1960
S08E12 The Way It Is 1960
disc 4
S08E13 Us Haggens 1960
S08E14 Uncle Sunday 1960
S08E15 False Front 1960
S08E16 Old Comrade 1960
disc 5
S08E17 Louie Pheeters 1960
S08E18 The Renegades 1960
S08E19 Cotter's Girl 1960
disc 1
S08E20 The Bad One 1960
S08E21 The Cousin 1960
S08E22 Shona 1960
S08E23 Ash 1960
disc 2
S08E24 Blind Man's Bluff 1960
S08E25 Quint's Indian 1960
S08E26 Anybody Can Kill a Marshal 1960
S08E27 Two of a Kind 1960
disc 3
S08E28 I Call Him Wonder 1960
S08E29 With a Smile 1960
S08E30 The Far Places 1960
S08E31 Panacea Sykes 1960
disc 4
S08E32 Tell Chester 1960
S08E33 Quint-Cident 1960
S08E34 Old York 1960
S08E35 Daddy Went Away 1960
disc 5
S08E36 The Odyssey of Jubal Tanner 1960
S08E37 Jeb 1960
S08E38 The Quest for Asa Janin 1960
Season 9
disc 1
S09E01 Kate Heller 1960
S09E02 Lover Boy 1960
S09E03 Legends Don't Sleep 1960
S09E04 Tobe 1960
disc 2
S09E05 Easy Come 1960
S09E06 My Sister's Keeper 1960
S09E07 Quint's Trail 1960
S09E08 Carter Caper 1960
disc 3
S09E09 Ex-Con 1960
S09E10 Extradition (1) 1960
S09E11 Extradition (2) 1960
S09E12 The Magician 1960
disc 4
S09E13 Pa Hack's Brood 1960
S09E14 The Glory and the Mud 1960
S09E15 Dry Well 1960
disc 5
S09E16 Prairie Wolfer 1960
S09E17 Friend 1960
S09E18 Once a Haggen 1960
disc 1
S09E19 No Hands 1960
S09E20 May Blossom 1960
S09E21 The Bassops 1960
S09E22 The Kite 1960
disc 2
S09E23 Comanches Is Soft 1960
S09E24 Father's Love 1960
S09E25 Now That April's Here 1960
S09E26 Caleb 1960
disc 3
S09E27 Owney Tupper Had a Daughter 1960
S09E28 Bently 1960
S09E29 Kitty Cornered 1960
S09E30 The Promoter 1960
disc 4
S09E31 Trip West 1960
S09E32 Scot Free 1960
S09E33 The Warden 1960
disc 5
S09E34 Homecoming 1960
S09E35 The Other Half 1960
S09E36 Journey for Three 1960
Season 10
disc 1
S10E01 Blue Heaven 1960
S10E02 Crooked Mile 1960
S10E03 Old Man 1960
S10E04 The Violators 1960
disc 2
S10E05 Doctor's Wife 1960
S10E06 Take Her, She's Cheap 1960
S10E07 Help Me Kitty 1960
S10E08 Hung High 1960
disc 3
S10E09 Jonah Hutchinson 1960
S10E10 Big Man, Big Target 1960
S10E11 Chicken 1960
S10E12 Innocence 1960
disc 4
S10E13 Aunt Thede 1960
S10E14 Hammerhead 1960
S10E15 Double Entry 1960
disc 5
S10E16 Run, Sheep, Run 1960
S10E17 Deputy Festus 1960
S10E18 One Killer on Ice 1960
disc 1
S10E19 Chief Joseph 1960
S10E20 Circus Trick 1960
S10E21 Song for Dying 1960
S10E22 Winner Take All 1960
disc 2
S10E23 Eliab's Aim 1960
S10E24 Thursday's Child 1960
S10E25 Breckinridge 1960
S10E26 Bank Baby 1960
disc 3
S10E27 The Lady 1960
S10E28 Dry Road to Nowhere 1960
S10E29 Twenty Miles from Dodge 1960
S10E30 The Pariah 1960
disc 4
S10E31 Gilt Guilt 1960
S10E32 Bad Lady from Brookline 1960
S10E33 Two Tall Men 1960
disc 5
S10E34 Honey Pot 1960
S10E35 The New Society 1960
S10E36 He Who Steals 1960
Season 11
disc 1
S11E01 Seven Hours to Dawn 1960
S11E02 The Storm 1960
S11E03 Clayton Thaddeus Greenwood 1960
S11E04 Ten Little Indians 1960
disc 2
S11E05 Taps for Old Jeb 1960
S11E06 Kioga 1960
S11E07 The Bounty Hunter 1960
S11E08 The Reward 1960
disc 3
S11E09 Malachi 1960
S11E10 The Pretender 1960
S11E11 South Wind 1960
S11E12 The Hostage 1960
disc 4
S11E13 Outlaw's Woman 1960
S11E14 The Avengers 1960
S11E15 Gold Mine 1960
S11E16 Death Watch 1960
disc 1
S11E17 Sweet Billy, Singer of Songs 1960
S11E18 The Raid (1) 1960
S11E19 The Raid (2) 1960
S11E20 Killer at Large 1960
disc 2
S11E21 My Father's Guitar 1960
S11E22 Wishbone 1960
S11E23 Sanctuary 1960
S11E24 Honor Before Justice 1960
disc 3
S11E25 The Brothers 1960
S11E26 Which Dr. 1960
S11E27 Harvest 1960
S11E28 By Line 1960
disc 4
S11E29 Treasure of John Walking Fox 1960
S11E30 My Father, My Son 1960
S11E31 Parson Comes to Town 1960
S11E32 Prime of Life 1960
Season 12
disc 1
S12E01 Snap Decision 1960
S12E02 The Goldtakers 1960
S12E03 The Jailer 1960
S12E04 The Mission 1960
disc 2
S12E05 The Good People 1960
S12E06 Gunfighter, R.I.P. 1960
S12E07 The Wrong Man 1960
S12E08 The Whispering Tree 1960
disc 3
S12E09 The Well 1960
S12E10 Stage Stop 1960
S12E11 The Newcomers 1960
S12E12 Quaker Girl 1960
disc 4
S12E13 The Moonstone 1960
S12E14 Champion of the World 1960
S12E15 The Hanging 1960
disc 1
S12E16 Saturday Night 1960
S12E17 Mad Dog 1960
S12E18 Muley 1960
S12E19 Mail Drop 1960
disc 2
S12E20 Old Friend 1960
S12E21 Fandango 1960
S12E22 The Returning 1960
S12E23 The Lure 1960
disc 3
S12E24 Noose of Gold 1960
S12E25 The Favor 1960
S12E26 Mistaken Identity 1960
disc 4
S12E27 Ladies from St. Louis 1960
S12E28 Nitro! (1) (Tiger by the Tail) 1960
S12E29 Nitro! (2) (Tiger by the Tail) 1960
Season 13
disc 1
S13E01 The Wreckers 1960
S13E02 Cattle Barons 1960
S13E03 The Prodigal 1960
disc 2
S13E04 Vengeance (1) 1960
S13E05 Vengeance (2) 1960
S13E06 A Hat 1960
S13E07 Hard Luck Henry 1960
disc 3
S13E08 Major Glory 1960
S13E09 The Pillagers 1960
S13E10 Prairie Wolfer 1960
S13E11 Stranger in Town 1960
disc 4
S13E12 Death Train 1960
S13E13 Rope Fever 1960
S13E14 Wonder 1960
S13E15 Baker's Dozen 1960
disc 1
S13E16 The Victim 1960
S13E17 Deadman's Law 1960
S13E18 Nowhere to Run 1960
S13E19 Blood Money 1960
disc 2
S13E20 Hill Girl 1960
S13E21 The Gunrunners 1960
S13E22 The Jackals 1960
disc 3
S13E23 The First People 1960
S13E24 Mr. Sam'l 1960
S13E25 A Noose for Dobie Price 1960
Season 14
disc 1
S14E01 Lyle's Kid 1960
S14E02 The Hide Cutters 1960
S14E03 Zavala 1960
S14E04 Uncle Finney 1960
disc 2
S14E05 Slocum 1960
S14E06 O'Quillian 1960
S14E07 9:12 to Dodge 1960
S14E08 Abelia 1960
disc 3
S14E09 Railroad! 1960
S14E10 The Miracle Man 1960
S14E11 Waco 1960
S14E12 Lobo 1960
disc 4
S14E13 Johnny Cross 1960
S14E14 The Money Store 1960
S14E15 The Twisted Heritage 1960
disc 1
S14E16 Time of the Jackals 1960
S14E17 Mannon 1960
S14E18 Gold Town 1960
S14E19 The Mark of Cain 1960
disc 2
S14E20 Reprisal 1960
S14E21 The Long Night 1960
S14E22 The Night Riders 1960
S14E23 The Intruder 1960
disc 3
S14E24 The Good Samaritans 1960
S14E25 The Prisoner 1960
S14E26 Exodus 21.22 1960
Season 15
disc 1
S15E01 The Devil's Outpost 1960
S15E02 Stryker 1960
S15E03 Coreyville 1960
S15E04 Danny 1960
disc 2
S15E05 Hawk 1960
S15E06 A Man Called Smith 1960
S15E07 Charlie Noon 1960
S15E08 The Still 1960
disc 3
S15E09 A Matter of Honor 1960
S15E10 The Innocent 1960
S15E11 Ring of Darkness 1960
S15E12 MacGraw 1960
disc 4
S15E13 Roots of Fear 1960
S15E14 The Sisters 1960
S15E15 The War Priest 1970
disc 1
S15E16 The Pack Rat 1970
S15E17 The Judas Gun 1970
S15E18 Doctor Herman Schultz, M.D. 1970
S15E19 The Badge 1970
disc 2
S15E20 Albert 1970
S15E21 Kiowa 1970
S15E22 Celia 1970
S15E23 Morgan 1970
disc 3
S15E24 The Thieves 1970
S15E25 Hackett 1970
S15E26 The Cage 1970
Season 16
disc 1
S16E02 The Noose 1970
S16E01 Chato 1970
S16E03 Stark 1970
S16E04 Sam McTavish, M.D. 1970
disc 2
S16E05 Gentry's Law 1970
S16E06 Snow Train (1) 1970
S16E07 Snow Train (2) 1970
S16E08 Luke 1970
disc 3
S16E09 The Gun 1970
S16E10 The Scavengers 1970
S16E11 The Witness 1970
S16E12 McCabe 1970
disc 4
S16E13 The Noon Day Devil 1970
S16E14 Sergeant Holly 1970
S16E15 Jenny 1970
S16E16 Captain Sligo 1970
disc 5
S16E17 Mirage 1970
S16E18 The Tycoon 1970
S16E19 Jaekel 1970
S16E20 Murdoch 1970
disc 6
S16E21 Cleavus 1970
S16E22 Lavery 1970
S16E23 Pike (1) (aka: Dirty Sally (1)) 1970
S16E24 Pike (2) (aka: Dirty Sally (2)) 1970
Season 17
disc 1
S17E01 The Lost 1970
S17E02 Phoenix 1970
S17E03 Waste (1) 1970
S17E04 Waste (2) 1970
disc 2
S17E05 New Doctor in Town 1970
S17E06 The Legend 1970
S17E07 Trafton 1970
S17E08 Lynott 1970
disc 3
S17E09 Lijah 1970
S17E10 My Brother's Keeper 1970
S17E11 Drago 1970
S17E12 Gold Train: The Bullet (1) 1970
disc 2
S17E13 Gold Train: The Bullet (2) 1970
S17E14 Gold Train: The Bullet (3) 1970
S17E15 P.S. Murry Christmas 1970
S17E16 No Tomorrow 1970
disc 5
S17E17 Hidalgo 1970
S17E18 Tara 1970
S17E19 One for the Road 1970
S17E20 The Predators 1970
disc 6
S17E21 Yankton 1970
S17E22 Blind Man's Buff 1970
S17E23 Alias Festus Haggen 1970
S17E24 The Wedding 1970
Season 18
disc 1
S18E01 The River (1) 1970
S18E02 The River (2) 1970
S18E03 Bohannan 1970
S18E04 The Judgement 1970
disc 2
S18E05 The Drummer 1970
S18E06 Sarah 1970
S18E07 The Fugitives 1970
S18E08 Eleven Dollars 1970
disc 3
S18E09 Milligan 1970
S18E10 Tatum 1970
S18E11 The Sodbusters 1970
S18E12 The Brothers 1970
disc 4
S18E13 Hostage! 1970
S18E14 Jubilee 1970
S18E15 Arizona Midnight 1970
S18E16 Homecoming 1970
disc 5
S18E17 Shadler 1970
S18E18 Patricia 1970
S18E19 A Quiet Day in Dodge 1970
S18E20 Whelan's Men 1970
disc 6
S18E21 Kimbro 1970
S18E22 Jesse 1970
S18E23 Talbot 1970
S18E24 This Golden Land 1970
Season 19
disc 1
S19E01 Women for Sale (1) 1970
S19E02 Women for Sale (2) 1970
S19E03 Matt's Love Story 1970
S19E04 The Boy and the Sinner 1970
disc 2
S19E05 The Widow-Maker 1970
S19E06 Kitty's Love Affair 1970
S19E07 The Widow and the Rogue 1970
disc 3
S19E08 A Game of Death...An Act of Love (1) 1970
S19E09 A Game of Death...An Act of Love (2) 1970
S19E10 Lynch Town 1970
S19E11 The Hanging of Newly O'Brien 1970
S19E12 Susan Was Evil 1970
disc 4
S19E13 The Deadly Innocent 1970
S19E14 The Child Between 1970
S19E15 A Family of Killers 1970
S19E16 Like Old Times 1970
disc 5
S19E17 The Town Tamers 1970
S19E18 The Foundling 1970
S19E19 The Iron Blood of Courage 1970
S19E20 The Schoolmarm 1970
disc 6
S19E21 Trail of Bloodshed 1970
S19E22 Cowtown Hustler 1970
S19E23 To Ride a Yeller Horse 1970
S19E24 The Disciple 1970
Season 20
disc 1
S20E01 Matt Dillon Must Die 1970
S20E02 A Town in Chains 1970
S20E03 The Guns of Cibola Blanca (1) 1970
S20E04 The Guns of Cibola Blanca (2) 1970
disc 2
S20E05 Thirty a Month and Found 1970
S20E06 The Wiving 1970
S20E07 The Iron Men 1970
S20E08 The Fourth Victim 1970
disc 3
S20E09 The Tarnished Badge 1970
S20E10 In Performance of Duty 1970
S20E11 Island in the Desert (1) 1970
S20E12 Island in the Desert (2) 1970
disc 4
S20E13 The Colonel 1970
S20E14 The Squaw 1970
S20E15 The Hiders 1970
S20E16 Larkin 1970
disc 5
S20E17 The Fires of Ignorance 1970
S20E18 The Angry Land 1970
S20E19 Brides and Grooms 1970
S20E20 Hard Labor 1970
disc 6
S20E21 I Have Promises to Keep 1970
S20E22 The Busters 1970
S20E23 Manolo
0 notes
Teacup Puppies for Sale
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Teacup puppies are the preferred choice for dog lovers who want to own a pet but do not possess an expansive bungalow or a big residence. From the name itself we know that these are very small in size. They are not very tall and the typical height of these puppies is from 2 to 4 inches and their weight varies from 2 to 4 pounds. Once you decide to buy a teacup try and get a good deal by scouting for teacup puppies for sale advertisements.
While choosing the kind of teacup puppy that you want, you have to be very cautious. These puppies are so tiny that they face the danger of being stamped over by people when they are unable to see the puppy primarily because of an unorganized or congested home. If your home has staircases, you must think twice before buying a teacup as teacup puppies are not able to go up the stairs or run about in the house. This is an important consideration because teacups are not like the traditional pet dogs. They are modern lifestyle puppies and have specific requirements.
Another point which should be noted when you go in for buying a puppy is that if you have really bought the pup that you actually wanted. This is because some breeders sell different types of teacups and pass them of as teacup puppies. If you have decided to buy a pup from one of the teacup puppies for sale locations verify the authenticity of the pup before you actually purchase it. So before you make up your mind to buy, see to it that all the veterinarian tests have been performed for the teacup. My site yorkshire terrier for adoption
In order to make sure that the pup you buy is healthy and the right one, go to the location of the breeder. It is good to buy it from a local place. This will enable you to know the environment in which the pet was raised and bred. So the best way to get a right teacup pup is to get it from a breeder from the place in which you live. Searching for puppies in your area is not tough. You can browse the net as most of the breeders have their own sites in which all the information is given and they advertise their teacup puppies for sale. Remember to glance through the catalog and get all the details that you need. If you happen to know any breeder in person, it is better to go to his place and see how they raise the pups so that you do not get an ill pet.
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smartpuppiesspottx · 3 years
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Are you Browsing for Cheap Teacup Yorkies Near me online? Smart Puppies Spot is well known for providing mini teacup yorkie puppies, miniature yorkie breeders at affordable price with extreme gorgeous faces and beautiful expressive eyes. Book Now...!
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petpug · 3 years
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tinyminiyorkie · 3 years
Tiny Mini Yorkie Puppies for sale - buy cute Teacups
Tiny Mini Yorkie Puppies We sell beautiful Yorkie puppies at the best price rate, contact us now and get a pretty beautiful Yorkie puppy.
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mypuppiesshome · 4 years
The Cutest Of All – Yorkie Puppies Here Are Some Of The Best-Known Facts About Them
There are a lot of online searches for cheap Yorkie puppies for sale near me. So if you want to adopt one, then give it a glance before purchasing them.
York shire puppies are the descendants of black and tan terriers from Scotland. They are of various types like a teacup, biewer, partiYorkies and Yorkshire terries. Their mixed breeds include
Yoranian (Yorkshire terrier + Pomeranian)
Yorkipoo (Yorkshire terrier + miniature poodle)
Their life span about 13- 20 years approximately.They are really very small, about 7 pounds and some which are large weigh 18 pounds. They come in various colors. They have an exciting fact regarding their color. They are born with black and tan color, and as they get older, they acquire a diluted black color or gold in color. It takes approximately 1-3 years to attain this color change.
Older dogs have a lighter shade, i.e., they lose their black color and become more gold and tan-colored as they advance in their age. They don’t usually shed their hair except sometimes during brushing or bathing. People having allergies can afford them readily because they are hypoallergic. The grooming level changes according to the environment.
Perks of having Yorkie puppies
If you want to view it as a show dog, then grooming is necessary, but the household companion grooming level is minimal. They tend to bark somewhat less, which makes them good guard dogs, with proper training and exercise to further reduce their barking. They are quite adorable, tiny, and charming.
They become a little defensive because of their stubborn temperament, but with training and socialization, their behaviors and temperament improve a lot. They live merrily and harmoniously with children. They love to play and love being at home. They are better with old children. If the size of the cat is the same as the Yorkies, then they have better socialization. If the cat and Yorkies introduction is at a younger age, the situation is more ideal.
Drawbacks of having Yorkie puppies
They have a peculiar rat chasing ability. They are moderate to train, but they definitely have a stubborn and independent attitude.
Further, they have above-average intelligence while teaching lessons. They are prone to portosystemic shunt, Legg – calve-Perthes disease, progressive renal atrophy, etc. it costs around $400 - $800 to adopt one of these cute puppies. You have both the option of purchasing them from a breeder or through adoption.
You can search it on google for cheap Yorkies puppies for sale near me and buy this mini creature now.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel
Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel
Unique Jameson Golf Towel. Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel. Jameson Golf Towel – Buy Now for Clearance Price Free Shipping Jameson Golf Towel, Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel. USD$19.89   Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel Now Sale Price. Winning Edge Designs- Rocky and Bullwinkle Golf Towel Best matching items related to Jameson…
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puppiesyorkie12 · 4 years
Cheap Teacup Yorkie Puppies for Sale in Santa Monica, California
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Cheap Teacup Yorkie Puppies for Sale. Pure bred small Tea-cup Yorkie puppies. 12 weeks old. To good home only, preferably with fenced in yard.God Fearing Family Only. they cost $250 each.Call for details.text and call (715) 248-2965
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