#cheater hawks
tkworks80 · 2 years
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Chapter 2
I totally forgot...there is a hidden message...if you got the message...please hit the ❤ button.
Keigo’s pride took a hit because of y/n. He looked down at his feet while listening to y/n asking him to leave. How dare she ask me, her husband, to leave. “No, I don’t I will y/n…you are being ridiculous, haven’t I given you everything you want?” Keigo asked.
“No, I don’t think you have Keigo. I think you think you have but, in all reality, you haven’t,” you answered. 
“How so? You wanted marriage…I gave you marriage, you wanted a family, I gave you two children…hell, you want for nothing!” Keigo said. 
“Did you think that I would stand idly by when you are making me a complete laughing stock? WHO is Keigo? who the fuck are you sleeping with?!” you roared out.
Keigo was shocked at your anger, it was real and raw. Not once have you ever raised your voice at him. “Y/n I don’t think it’s any of your business,” he said incredulously
“None of my business?! are you fucking kidding me? I’m your wife!” you yelled out. Rubbing your eyes due to the stress he had caused you, you calmly asked. “How would you feel if I confessed that I’m having an affair with a man that is satisfying my every need in bed?”
“That won't happen. I am the only one that can satisfy your every need,” he said point blank.
“How would you know?! huh…maybe, just maybe you don’t and I fake everything. Face it Keigo your fucking boring during sex…VANILLA!” you confessed.
“Look y/n, please come home…the kids need you,” Keigo sighed out of exhaustion.
“When did you feel this way Keigo? it doesn’t happen overnight,” tears brimming your eyes.
“If you come, home babe, then I’ll explain everything to you,” Keigo trying to coax her to come home.
“Why should I come home? Should I pretend to be happy?! should I just be a submissive and docile, dumb bitch while you get to empty your fucking nuts in another woman?!” you retorted and scoffed at him.
In a matter of seconds, Keigo was on top of you. Your face smashed against the wooden floor. “I’m fucking sick and tired of you talking to me like that! So here is what you're going to do and if you don’t do it, then you're gonna have to pay the consequences,” Keigo whispered in your ear.
The pressure from Keigo’s weight was slowly crushing you. Your ribs are feeling the pressure from his weight and the wooden floor. “Get the fuck off of me asshole…get. off. NOW,” you hissed from the pain in your ribs.
“No, not until you stop this nonsense,” he said while plucking one of his feathers out to puncture a spot on your head to make you pass out.
“what the fuck are you doing?!” you hissed and then you felt a very sharp pain on the back of your head. 
Huffing and puffing from the physical struggle you gave him, he whispered in your ear. “Please, baby, give it time…give me time,” he panted out then quickly got off of y/n.
Looking down at you, he straightened himself up and took the keys out of your purse while searching for y/n’s phone. Now that y/n is passed out, he had to put her in the passenger side of the car and drive back home before the kids get off of school. He had a few days maybe, just maybe, he could take at least a week off of work. He has not taken a vacation for years anyway and he is for sure in need of one. After all, he needed to make y/n understand that he loves her and needs Uraraka. He really didn’t consider that he and Uraraka were harming y/n. He wasn’t really a cheat at heart. He kept on trying to justify himself and kept reasoning with himself while driving the unconscious y/n back to their marital home.
Pulling into their garage he quickly brought y/n in before he had to pick their children up from school bus. He gently place y/n on their marital bed. Y/n was suddenly gaining consciousness.  "Wakey, wakey sleepy head," Keigo said to y/n. Looking at his watch "we have exactly one hour and 45 minutes to talk before the kids arrive," he looked down on you. "Because we have sometime let me explain since you really didn't want to hear me out in your sanctuary," he smiled. He continued after hearing your groans thinking that you were waking up. 
"Seeing you giving birth to our beautiful children me think of you in a different way…don't get me wrong babe I truly love you but, this sex thing you want I can't give. What happened to that innocent, sweet, kind girl I married?" He asked.
"That bitch is dead and buried, along with the shovel," you mumbled.
"Oh fucking grow the fuck up y/n! We are not teenagers," he retorted. "You know…if you let me keep her then maybe we can spice the sex up babe," he sighed.
You laughed incredulously while sitting up "You're kidding me right? I'm so done with this, with us…you have your head far up your ass that you're fighting for air! Whatever you think your doing is not working…I made my mind up," you scoffed.
Pacing back and forth almost bumping into the standing chest of drawers. "No, no, no…you can't leave me…I'm your husband and the father of your children…shit, FUCK, shit…y/n," he was interrupted by the sound of the school bus pulling up. "WE ARE NOT FINISHED WITH THIS CONVERSATION," he roared before he left to get the kids. 
Scared of the unhinged man before you, you sat on the bed silent trying to cope with Keigo. When you heard the children enter the house and Keigo’s muffled voice telling them something. They quickly ran to your bedroom and started to cry, begging y/n not to leave them. You glared at Keigo because you knew he used your kids as leverage to have you stay with him. “I promise I’m not going anywhere,” you reassured them and wiped the tears from their eyes. What the fuck is fucking doing using our children? “Your promised mommy…you really promise?” the kids said in unison. Keigo smiled at you because he knew he had got you to stay due to the children.
When the kids were in the living room doing the daily homework, that’s when you mentioned it. “How dare you use our kids to make me stay? What were you thinking Keigo?” you questioned.
“I had no choice y/n…tell me y/n what would the children say if you left them? Abandoning them due to your fucking pride,” he questioned. “Now, let’s go to the living room and help OUR kids out with homework,” he said while helping you out of bed. When he walked into the living room, he announced that he would order pizza to celebrate ‘mommy not leaving us and they cheered while doing their homework. You sat down with the kids, helping them with homework while glaring at Keigo on the phone at the pizza place. He looked directly at you and blew you a kiss while stating his credit card number to the pizza place, then he hung up. 
That Friday night, you and Keigo tucked the kids in and went into the living room. Sitting down on the sofa, glaring daggers at Keigo. “That was a dirty, rotten stunt you pulled on me, Keigo,” you said, breaking the silence. 
“As I said, I had to do what I had to do in order to keep you,” he answered.
“I will stay in this abomination. You called this marriage only for the kids but, don’t you ever use our kids as leverage, that was too sleazy of you,” you retorted.
Looking at his wristwatch. “It’s getting late and the good news is I have no work for the whole entire week. So. you have me all next week. Aren’t you happy, babe?” Keigo said while getting heading to the room. You were still sitting there dumbfounded when Keigo turned and said to follow him. You got up and followed him to the room. “Since I don’t work tomorrow. How about you sleeping in? I’ll take care of the kids and I’ll even cook breakfast. I hope you like breakfast in bed,” He said while pulling off his pants and keeping his boxers on. You sat on the bed fully clothed, you really didn’t want to put on pajamas, you just wanted to keep your clothes on. Keigo didn’t like it and urged you to take your clothes off and put something comfortable on.
“Hey babe, you wanna get busy with me?” he asked.
“No thank you, I don't want you to touch me, I said I will stay in this fucked up marriage but, it doesn’t mean I will have sex with you,” you scoffed and lay down on your side of the bed. “In fact,” You got up out of bed. “I’ll sleep on the sofa,” you said while grabbing your pillow. 
“Get back in bed y/n I am not playing with you tonight,” Keigo ordered.
“And what if I don’t?” you challenged.
He let out a sigh and pulled the covers off roughly and walked to your side of the bed, grabbed your pillow, threw it on the bed, then pushed you onto the bed. “Now go to sleep,” he ordered. Then, he walked back to his side and plopped on the bed. “Baby, sleep…this is getting tiresome,” he added. 
You lay there sleepless while hearing Keigo’s rhythmic breathing. You were planning the divorce in your head providing that Keigo won’t put up a fight but, you highly doubt it. You turned your head towards the alarm clock. It’s 2:32 am in the damn morning and finally, your eyes became very heavy so you closed your eyes and drifted off to a restless sleep. You woke up due to Keigo placing his muscled arm around you, although he was and still is the most attractive man. He had it all but he no longer had you when it came to love. 
You had taken a glance once again at the alarm clock at 6:39 am. You got up to use the restroom when you heard Keigo’s notification pings on his phone. You took a gander at his phone and saw Ochako. You heart dropped, you mouth went dry, trying to swallow the invisible ice cube in your throat. You opened his phone and found the text. 
Uraraka 6:40 am: hey babe are we going to see each other today? Are you working? Is y/n back from her temper tantrum?
You felt weak, Keigo’s phone dropped from your weak hand and caused a clatter. Keigo woke up. "Why Keigo? Why her? Out of all these fangirls, why her?" You teared up. "Fuck," you sobbed out sliding down the bedroom wall. Keigo got up and reached out to you. You swatted his hand. "Don't you dare touch me!" You yelled out. Slowly dragging yourself to the nearest nightstand and left yourself up to your feet. "Fuck Keigo…you stooped so low as to choose which person your wife loved? Do you hate me that much?!" You sobbed in your mental anguish. 
"I didn't mean for this to happen-" Keigo was interrupted by you.
"What?! You didn't mean to fuck my bestfriend or you didn't mean to get caught?!" You yelled out. "You a fucken coward," you sighed then walked out of the bedroom.
Following y/n to the kitchen. "Y/n…please calm down, you will wake the kids," Keigo whispered.
Opening the cabinet where you stored a bottle of vodka, took a glass out, and poured some in the glass.
"Do you think that is a good idea?" Keigo muttered.
"Pfft…a good idea…this is by far the best idea I had…and YOU were the worst idea that I ever could have chosen," you scoffed while taking a long swig of the vodka. "I'm such a stupid woman to ever marry you!" You added. "I deserves better," you hissed while drink the remaining contents of the glass.
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tk5150 · 2 years
Trigger warnings: violence, manipulation, rape
I'm gonna temporarily discontinue this story. Because I have another story idea that kind of coincides with this one. So i'm going to try to combine this story with the new story that I have written.
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I put cyrus down for like a week and a half to play origins & travel a bit and he responds by making the most ENORMOUS sad eyes at me, all but forcing me to work on like 5 different things for him at once......................
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penandswords · 2 months
Hawks decided we were to fly up to a platform Rima had climbed up on. Planting a kiss on the cheek before shoving her into the pit.
There's a laugh, as she's kissed, and tossed down into the pit.
"Cheater!" She laughs as he tosses her down
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and monopoly
how seventeen would play monopoly w/ each other
notes: im woozi. every single game i play, i always end up being woozi.
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most competitive when it comes to monopoly. calls out jeonghan's cheating whenever possible, can never figure out how or when shua cheats, but is also totally down to cheating himself to win. has once engaged poor dokyeom in a bid for a train station that he raised way too high before suddenly pulling out, leaving dokyeom with -769 when he originally had 980. poor thing looked at his leader with the utmost betrayal in his eyes for over a week. also has totally owned almost the whole board before, calls it one of his biggest achievements in life
the Biggest cheater (1). steals everyone's 50s when they're not looking. somehow manages to empty the bank of all the 500s, even though dino's been watching it like a hawk the entire time. has also definitely upturned the board during a game when it wasn't going the way he wanted, and has also definitely been nearly strangled by seungkwan because of it. asks if he can do aegyo or offers to do a dare instead of paying rent when he lands on someone's property, succeeds in making a deal 50% of the time
the Biggest cheater (2). takes the little hotel buildings and puts them over properties that he doesn't even own, demands that people pay him anyway. has mastered the skill of looking all innocent while lying through his teeth and pinning the blame on a totally different member (jihoon or mingyu). gets extremely competitive when it looks like he has the slightest chance of winning and starts bending the rules like crazy, but if he's losing then he loses interest really quickly and gives up all his money and property to whoever looks like they're most likely to drop out any second
makes up rules that sound really weird but also really plausible so the members don't know if they should trust him or not. has managed to convince mingyu that landing on the jail square when you roll means that you're in jail permanently unless you let the other players give you a dare to do. is somehow also passing Go every other turn of his. never wins, but never loses either: is always one of the last players still playing the game
attempts to be a cheater, is terrible at it. wants to win so badly, but he has such bad luck that he always lands on other people's properties and has to pay up. once spent the majority of the game in jail, bc he kept paying to get out only to end up back in there again, and didn't have money left to bail himself out or the 'get out of jail free' card. was the most upset when he had to play using a pawn from a chess set they had lying around somewhere (monopoly never comes with enough pieces for all 13 of them to play. weird, right? you'd think they'd make 13 pieces) and complained that even being the hat would be better than this. was then hit on the head by seungkwan, who was playing with the hat piece
before they start playing he's constantly preaching that monopoly is basically based on luck and luck alone but as soon as it looks even the littlest like he's winning, he's telling them that monopoly is all about strategizing and budgeting and really the members could learn a thing or two from him—. only plays if he's in the mood to deal with all of their yelling tho, n normally says no thanks to the game when offered
loses the most terribly all the time. 70% of the time, is the first one to give up on the game bc he's basically 100,000,000 in debt and he doesn't even know why. gets so angry this one time that he steals all of mingyu's money bc the dumb fool was stupid enough not to take it with him when he went to the bathroom. ended up losing all of it before mingyu even came back from peeing. tells them after every game that he'll never play monopoly with them ever, always ends up joining in the next time someone busts it out during game night
always starts the game looking like -__- but as the game goes on and he keeps on gaining money, he slowly gets more and more excited and soon he's giggling every other minute bc people keep landing on his properties or he keeps getting good chance cards. the fates love him. has never gone into debt before. was so close to winning that one time that jeonghan flipped the playing board, wouldn't talk to him for five whole days after that. once owned both of the 'get out of jail free' cards in one round, refused to give them out to the people in jail unless they promised to do him any favour he asked for
never loses, but still loses. had jihoon steal all his money from him when he needed the bathroom one time, and came back to find out he'd pathetically lost it all. somehow always ends up playing the ship. doesn't know why he needs to mortgage his property, or how he even does it. asks the bank for loans, and chan refuses, saying he won't give him a loan unless he does aegyo. ends up still not getting the loan. has knocked over people's houses dozens of times while moving his ship round the board. ends up dropping out of the game halfway through bc jihan keep cheating too much for him to keep up and besides, seungcheol owns half the board and he doesn't even have any money left :(
managed to almost win out of pure luck one time. has no idea what he's doing, asks his hyungs for help on every go. wants jeonghan to give him advice on whether he should buy a property or not: jeonghan either advises him genuinely or says the complete opposite of what would benefit dokyeom, depending on how he feels at that moment. has lost all his money bidding for a property before. finds it super unfair when jihan cheat him, starts whining and pouting so badly and throws his cards down in frustration. rarely sticks around till the end of the game, giving up and just watching the others battle it out across the board
competitive. could almost be as competitive as seungcheol, but since he's competitive about every game they play it kind of cancels out so he's placed under him. fights any member who so much as looks at the dog piece, because that is his thank you very much. spent the entire game in a foul mood one time when he lost the dog piece to joshua. always ends up throwing something at someone during the game. never lasts until the end, throws his money in the air in exasperation and dramatically flings himself down onto the couch to watch the rest of them fight over the game
monopoly is one of the few things that vernon can get truly competitive at. loves yelling at jeonghan every time he cheats, has also had to dodge flying pawns before as seungkwan threw them at him in anger when he landed on his ridiculously expensive property. always owns only a few streets, but manages to upgrade them so high that he's raking in money if ever anyone lands on them. almost lasted a whole game one time, before hoshi physically wrestled his cards out of his hands. he still doesn't know why he did that, or even why he let his hyung do that. 
is the banker. knows that he's terrible at games involving money, especially if it's against yoon jeonghan, so decides, for his sanity and his mental health, he'll never play a monopoly game against him. is also a great banker, apart from the times that money mysteriously disappears from the box. likes to sit back and enjoy the chaos that happens, knowing full well that their entire game could descend into even further catastrophe if he decided to withdraw the bank from them. 
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reactions tags: @jeonghanis ,, @magicaltonaru ,, @milkbreadnotmilkcoffee ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @minhui896 ,, @turningcarat ,, @nakedgrapes ,, @bunnyiix ,, @slytherinshua ,, @haowrld ,, @belladaises ,, @iheartyujin ,, @summery-bat ,, @newgirlygirl ,, @moonlitskiiies ,, @interludezjk ,, @ejspencer14 ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @wonranghaeee ,, @saythename-chess ,, @yonabutnotyuna ,, @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou ,, @crackedpumpkin ,, @wqnwoos ,, @butiluvu ,, @sunshinekyeom-sang ,, @ocyeanicc ,, @uramarica ,, @zozojella ,, @thesmellofcoffeeandrain ,, @kthstrawberryshortcake-main ,, @kawennote09 ,, @a-wandering-stay
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anime-fan-05 · 1 year
Started: 10th September 2023
Last update: 17th September 2024
Total works: 77
My rules are here. Please, read them before asking me.
♥️: fluff
⚡: angst (my angst are never too violent or sad and they usually have a happy ending)
Sailor Moon
Nothing yet
Inazuma Eleven
With a reader like Roxy (Endou, Gouenji, Kidou, Kazemaru and Fubuki) ♥️
Mermaid Melody
Nothing yet
Hunter x Hunter
Nicknames (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) ♥️
Sweet (KilluGon) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Shin ♥️, Nobu ♥️, Ren ♥️, Takumi ♥️, Nobu and Shin part 2 ♥️, Yasu ♥️
With a legendary singer who's very connected with her singing partner (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
Jealousy (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Cuddling (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
With their crush (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Boat's capsizing during your cruise (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With an idol reader (Nana) ♥️
With a professional dancer (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With a J-pop idol reader (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With Nana's younger sibling but totally different from her (1st part) (Shin) ♥️
With a very famous singer and dancer, chill and kinda flirty in public but actually shy and sweet reader (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Wait, you're what?! (2nd part) (Shin) ♥️
Blindness (Takagi Yasushi x reader) ♥️
My Hero Academia
Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks (Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki and Hawks) ♥️
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Calling them 'handsome' 1st part (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Yoriichi) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 2nd part (Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 3rd part (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and Gyutaro) ♥️
With a reader like Stitch (Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 1st part (Tanjiro, Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 2nd part (Obanai and Tengen) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Muzan ♥️
With a young admirer (Obanai) ♥️
Cheater? (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza) ♥️⚡
Assassination Classroom
With a VKei singer reader (Karma and Itona) ♥️
Sick (Isogai Yuuma x reader) ♥️
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nothing yet
Break up prank (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane) ♥️
Getting a girlfriend (Kenma) ♥️
Proposal and marriage (Kenma) ♥️
With a short reader 1st part (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya) ♥️
With a short reader 2nd part (Oikawa, Kuroo, Lev, Tendou, Goshiki and Atsumu) ♥️
Is that my jersey? (Kageyama, Sugawara, Oikawa, Kenma and Akaashi) ♥️
Akatsuki no Yona
Cupping their cheeks (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
SFW alphabet: Hak ♥️
Sleeping together 1st part (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
Sleeping together 2nd part (Hak, Yoon and Soo-Won) ♥️
Together (Shin-Ah x reader) ♥️
You weren't the right one (Hak x reader) ♥️⚡
Yu Yu Hakusho
Calling them 'handsome' (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a reader who thinks they're funny (Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a very feminine reader (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei and Koenma) ♥️
Three times (Jin x reader) ♥️
Big proposal (Jin x reader) ♥️
Terrible day... but maybe not that much! (Jin x reader) ♥️
Attack on Titan
With a small reader (Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean) ♥️
Hugging them for the first time (Reiner, Bertholdt, Porko, Zeke, Colt and Falco) ♥️
General headcanons with OCs: 1 ♥️, 2 ♥️, 3 ♥️, 4 ♥️, 5 ♥️, 6 ♥️, 7 ♥️
Sweet domestic life's scene (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
My children are titan shifters?! (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
Kamisama Kiss
Nothing yet
Code Geass
First kiss (Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia) ♥️
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Finding out their crush is being bullied by their fans (Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey and Mori) ♥️
First kiss 1st part (Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru) ♥️
First kiss 2nd part (Gaara, Kakashi, Obito and Itachi) ♥️
Forever (Madara x reader) ♥️⚡
I'll always stay with you (Naruto x reader) ♥️⚡
Death Note
Nothing yet
Blue Lock
Nothing yet
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nothing yet
Jujutsu Kaisen
Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Playing with their hair 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Playing with their hair 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Cat called? Not when I'm around! (Inumaki x reader) ♥️
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
With a sweet, shy and awkward reader who has difficulty communicating (male Miyo, Kiyoka, Kouji, Kazushi and Arata): crush ♥️ and boyfriend headcanons ♥️
Marriage (Arata) ♥️
Children (Arata) ♥️
Pharaoh's Concubine
Nothing yet
Sabaku no Harem
Nothing yet
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toffee4you · 6 months
Sleepover Headcanons—--
Second Years
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Content: Prefect!reader, platonic, mentions of a bug
Other parts: first years, third years
ROUND 2!! I finally have an excuse to write more for Silver...
He arrives early but waits outside until the exact time to come in. It's probably good, because you need to worry about disciplining Grim last-minute before the whole dorm sets on fire when those two break out into a fight.
The refreshments he brought are mostly healthy ones, but Trey had also made him pack one of his cakes beforehand, so you'll be eating pretty good. It goes without saying that he brought tea to drink alongside his snacks.
He doesn't quite understand the concept of sleepover games, so he just brought crossword puzzles. The only person who was having any sort of fun with his old-man taste in games was Silver... Unless you're also willing to participate. Kalim played too, but it was likely out of kindness.
You had to buy a fire extinguisher before the sleepover out of fear that Ruggie, Azul, or Floyd would set Riddle off (emphasis on Floyd). And it almost did happen, had Jamil and Silver not stepped in. You stopped Jade from helping because you honestly just don't want to be in debt.
As far as games, he typically wins first place when it's cards. Also, you don't have to be extra wary about cheaters since Riddle will probably catch them for you. It's just in his nature.
He'll probably demand to play something else if you start with video games. The others will absolutely crush him on this—and by that, I mean full-on last place for almost every game.
It's really no surprise that Riddle sent himself off to sleep early. Floyd attempted to provoke him into staying up, but he didn't fall for it this time. He will come to regret this in the morning when he discovers the dainty, frilly, little bowtie tying his antennas (ahoges) together. Courtesy of Octatrio.
He planned to come early, but since he fell asleep, he ended up a few minutes late. It's not anything that bad, but he still apologizes for it.
He brings popular snacks and drinks with the help of Lilia's guidance, but... Yeah, he brought protein bars too and basically no one there is eating it except Ruggie and MAYBE Jamil. Kalim will have a singular one if he's offered.
Surprisingly good at online games? He's played enough times with Lilia to the point where he's at least better than most of the traditional game enjoyers there. He can be a bit proud of his wins sometimes, but he's not going to rub it in anyone's faces. In fact, he may go a bit easier some rounds and even give tips if the skill gap is too large.
He's also decent at traditional games, but the others typically win. The most painful part is waiting for him to wake up when it's his turn.
He's probably one of the few people (besides Kalim) that genuinely don't get bothered by Grim, or anyone else for that matter. 0 arguments, 0 property damage, 100% apologies if he causes any issues—even minor ones.
Fell asleep WAY early. He had been constantly nodding in and out of consciousness since the sleepover started, but completely fell asleep around the same time as Riddle. With Riddle unconscious, everyone was much more inclined to start ramping up the pranks, so Silver ended up with dyed hair and a face full of makeup the next morning.
You immediately watch this hyena like a hawk to ensure he's not pocketing anything from Ramshackle and actually eating snacks in moderation, not just downing everything at once for the sake of saving his own food expenses.
His behavior during traditional games can be explained pretty easily. He participates in a few games, gets a competitive streak, tries to cheat, gets caught by Riddle (and forcefully forfeit from the game!), then claims it was boring anyways.
When everyone moved to online games, he was pretty excited since he rarely, if ever, gets the luxury to play such things. As a quick learner, he did much better than most of the others at the very least. He usually ends up in the middle to top place.
Even though he has a knack for teasing others, most of the second years there are either able to brush it off or they're just too oblivious (Silver, Kalim). Besides, he avoids provoking intimidating people like Floyd, so you rarely have to worry about fights occuring because of him. The only “fight” that may happen is with Grim, but that's easy to break up.
He can stay up pretty late, and considering his awareness of the pranks that will be pulled on early sleepers, he's determined to outlast everyone else. Ruggie only allows himself to sleep after seeing everyone else pass out; unbeknownst to you, however, it's also because he wants to pack up all of the leftover snacks and leave with them in the morning.
The sweet little ball of sunshine. Yeah, maybe he arrived slightly late, but you can forgive him. He probably would've arrived later if it wasn't for Jamil dragging him there.
Initially, he was going to bring all sorts of trinkets, games, and a whole 5 course meal to the sleepover if Jamil hadn't stopped him. So instead, there's just a wide variety of snacks and a handful of games/movies. Most of his tastes suit the others due to his experience in hosting many, many parties... And having the help of Jamil's advice.
Never fights with the others, and in fact, tries to lighten the mood whenever tension begins to grow (especially after games). No matter if he wins or loses, he will always be just as happy as before.
Even though he's a bit better at traditional games, he's pretty decent with video games too. The most surprising part is that he's not even taking it seriously despite his wins. He's just playing for the fun of it.
He can stay up decently late, but since he's completely fine with getting pranked in his sleep, he doesn't have the urge to force himself awake. Kalim falls asleep after Silver and Riddle, but he's protected from pranks anyways because Azul wants to forge good ties with him (MONEY.) and Jamil has the obligation to do so.
Arrives at the same time as Kalim, but only because he has to assist him. He would've been there right on time if it was up to him, mostly because he didn't want to come early in case it would intrude on your preparations. Everything that Jamil brought is combined with Kalim's items since there was a lot to carry as is.
He's constantly babysitting Kalim during the sleepover while keeping his eye out for troublemakers, so thankfully, your workload is lightened by a lot.
All of this immediately goes out the window as soon as he sees a cockroach crawling toward him. Ramshackle is all broken down, so what did he really expect? Remember that fire hydrant you brought in case of Riddle's outbursts? You ended up using it on his fire magic instead. He was about to fire again when he realized that the roach was (somehow) still alive, but fortunately, Ruggie just straight up stomped on it. With his bare feet. Everyone immediately told him to wash it off afterwards (except Silver because that is the same exact person who washes his hair with body soap). At least it was better than the alternative happening, which would be Floyd taking care of it himself. Who knows what would've transpired.
He's one of the top scorers in both traditional games and video games, yet, he doesn't get first place all the time. He's typically unbothered by it, but can get internally competitive. Also, he can be very passive aggressive about others taunting him for his performance. By “others”, it's mostly the Octatrio.
He has the capacity to stay up super late, but due to overexerting himself from babysitting Kalim and trying to decimate that roach, he falls asleep before some of the others. By this time, the only people who are still awake would be Jade and Ruggie, so he's still not safe from pranks. His hair is tied into braided double tails, finished with a frilly pink ribbon weaved between each side. Your ghost camera will probably become a valuable asset for Octavinelle after all of these photos...
He came slightly early to try negotiating a deal for himself to use Ramshackle again under some very convoluted terms. After everything that happened, though, even Grim was having no part of that. The deal was rejected and everyone went back to casual mode.
He bought menu items from Monstro Lounge for everyone to have, which was obviously just another marketing tactic. Since it wasn't harmful, it wasn't called out at any point in time. He still made sure to cover his expenses by eating enough of everyone else's refreshments, with the assistance of Jade and Floyd of course.
He's a close competitor with Riddle in traditional games and only slightly better than him in video games. He may not be awful with video games, but compared to the others, his skill gap is still very clear.
Losing doesn't bother him too much since there's always something to look forward to at the sleepover. Namely, making himself known to Kalim and Silver. Luckily, Jamil knows how to keep some distance between Kalim and Azul, but you'll have to remind Silver that the octopus may be aiming for a bigger goal when speaking with him. Malleus.
Azul falls asleep only slightly before Jamil, which is both relieving yet terrifying. For once, you no longer have to worry about any underhanded plays from him. At the same time, who's going to control the mushroom maniac Jade now?
Comes with Azul, as expected. He brought his own refreshments in addition to the Monstro Lounge menu items, but... It's just a basketful of mushrooms. He also brought some tea on the side to drink with the mushrooms.
He's decent at traditional games, but mostly scores in the middle of everyone else. Unfortunately for him, most of the second years are aware that he'll pull shady tactics.
In video games, he's also slightly in the middle to low range since he doesn't care too much for them. He's seen Floyd playing them a decent bit, but he doesn't join all the time.
He's very compliant at first. He never rages over games and mostly stands on the sidelines during arguments. The worst he did was add fuel to the fire verbally.
That all ends when the snacks start running low, and the mushrooms start coming out... Obviously, most people didn't take them. Riddle and Jamil were too suspicious of it (so obviously Kalim isn't allowed to have any either). Azul and Floyd are SICK of mushrooms. Ruggie only eats them after identifying them as edible, because there's no way he could let food go to waste. Silver... He's the only person who legitimately enjoyed it. The mushrooms were downed quicker than chips. Never trust risotto enjoyers.
You weren't sure if he was the type to sleep early or late at first, but you eventually realized that he only stayed up for so long to observe the pictures you took of all the pranked sleepers. You better watch your ghost camera from now on, lest it goes missing one day.
Ruggie doesn't really want to deal with the consequences of messing with him, and neither do you, so he's also one of the few people who were saved from pranks.
Came with Jade and Azul, didn't bring anything except a giant shrimp plush. He was mostly just gnawing on it and tossing it around for most of the sleepover, leaving you feeling rather uneasy. Who knows how many times that shrimp plushie has needed to be sewed back together.
Overall, he's the #1 fear monger and fight initiator of the sleepover. If anyone has concerns, he's making it worse. If he loses a game, he'll just get bored at best and squeeze someone at worst. For the record, he never let Jamil live down the cockroach incident, and will likely try chasing him down with bugs if he feels like it after the sleepover.
His performance in games is extremely prone to changing, as expected. In video games, he's usually #1—unless he loses motivation midway. In traditional games, he's usually in the middle score when motivated, but tends to get bored faster when he doesn't win.
At the beginning of the sleepover, he claimed he was going to stay awake longer than anyone else, but towards the end, he decides he doesn't really care to stay up and sleeps early instead. His "early" is still decently late, but before Azul and Jamil. Floyd falls asleep still gnawing on the shrimp plush. Maybe it would be best to sleep far away from him.
Only Jade is really daring enough to prank him in his sleep, leaving a mushroom in his mouth so he gnaws on that instead. Floyd will definitely flip out when he wakes up with the taste of mushroom all over his mouth.
Special: Scary Movie
Ft. Grim
Kalim is the one who brought the horror movies, but it was mostly due to Jamil's recommendations.
At first, it really only had an effect on Kalim, Riddle, Grim, and Azul—though Ruggie felt slightly uneasy too. Jamil had already seen this movie before, and Silver had built up tolerance to horror because of Lilia. Jade and Floyd had also watched their fair share of horror movies, so it hardly affected them... especially when they constantly make their targets' lives a horror movie.
You likely weren't too affected by it since Twisted Wonderland residents are afraid of literal marshmallow-looking ghosts, so why not put in your own choice of horror movie once this one's done?
Congratulations, you officially left the boys fearing for their lives. This type of horror doesn't even exist in their world, so you just gave everyone a new fear. Not a singular person was safe from that.
You had to cover Grim's eyes for some parts, leaving everyone else to fend for their selves. It was almost funny seeing how some of them were trying to hide their faces behind each other's backs, or even yours. Especially the taller boys.
It takes everyone a few weeks to readjust with what they just saw. You'll definitely get questioned by some of their peers on occasion, but it was all worth it!
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Chloe’s Lament: Ripping Apart
Chloe’s attempts to improve her situation…didn’t work out, to say the least.
Mostly because in her mind, improving things for herself had to involve tearing down others to build up herself by comparison. Something she was easily able to do in the previous world when she was the ‘Princess of Paris’ with the power of her father and her social status to push her demands.
Here…she didn’t have that. At all. Which to Chloe’s ever-growing frustration, made her efforts entirely uphill battles.
She didn’t even have the Ladybug Miraculous to either set things right or to use to her advantage. She didn’t know who the new Ladybug or sidekick were, either. And unfortunately for her, her disregard for people unless she needed something immediately meant that she hadn’t paid attention to the old man Hawk Moth was attacking and thus didn’t know where to start looking for the Guardian or the Miracle Box to at least get the Bee again. Even worse, she hadn’t thought to bother with Hawk Moth or his sidekick once they had been stung, meaning she was just as clueless as everyone else was on the villain’s identity, so she couldn’t try to target him for his Miraculous either!
What she did have, however, was future knowledge of events—or at least what she bothered to notice outside of her own activities in the previous timeline. And one in particular stood out the most:
The hat contest.
Dupain-Cheng was still very much a fashion enthusiast despite the changes in this reality. That meant if nothing else, she would still take part in the contest once it came around.
And Chloe knew it would. She even checked to make sure! Even if Adrien despised her, she was still his ‘friend’ as far as Gabriel was concerned. Thus, she was still allowed to visit the Agreste Mansion. Sure, she had to make an appointment and didn’t have as much freedom to go about as she pleased, but she was able to slip away and confirm Gabriel’s intention to hold the contest.
So that meant she already knew what was coming! And with her foreknowledge, she was sure to win!
The plan was simple: recreate the famous feather derby hat for the contest before Marinette could. 
Without the signature this time.
This way, when the would-be designer tried to reveal Chloe as the thief, Chloe would have the upper hand. With no signature to prove Marinette’s claim and more than enough time to build proof that she had created the design first, Chloe would succeed in gaining fame and simultaneously crush Marinette’s dreams of being a professional designer. She would be branded as a cheater and blacklisted from any further design competitions. Gabriel would certainly never trust her again. And Adrien—poor Adrien would obviously need Chloe’s shoulder to cry on once he learned that Miss Perfect Marinette was only using him!
But as it turned out, there were three problems with this plan that Chloe had not accounted for…
Originally, Chloe was able to send Marinette’s hat design sketch to a professional hat maker to bring to life within the deadline.
This time, Chloe had neither the influence nor the funds to get any decent professional to make her design. Her attempts to use her mother’s channels didn’t work either when she couldn’t replicate the original design for them to use as a base.
“They’re feathers! What’s so complicated about it?!”
She also didn’t have the original sketch this go around.
And her less than eloquent efforts to explain the appearance, make, or materials of the desired hat to the interns only got everyone involved both frustrated enough to set off an argument that quickly got her mother’s attention.
Audrey Bourgeois was still very much the famed Style Queen and had no patience for Chloe or her tantrums. And without Andre’s position as Mayor or hotel owner to at least make him a business associate that could exert influence, it wasn’t like Chloe was in a position to make demands. And with only so much time to Paris Fashion Week and not to mention the other shows in the meantime, Audrey didn’t have the people or the patience to spare.
Audrey promptly told her to leave the workers alone unless she had something revolutionary. And despite her insistence to the contrary, a half-formed idea of a hat made with feathers of all things did not count.
As such, there was no one Chloe could get to make the hat for her.
This meant that if she wanted to create this hat and crush Marinette, she would have to make it herself.
Which led to the second problem with Chloe’s plan: for all that she prided herself in knowing and wearing fashion, she had no idea how to actually make it.
Sure, Chloe had a head start on the contest, but that was a very limited advantage for someone with little to no experience in sewing and an unwillingness to learn. Instead of taking the time to plot out a process, figure appropriate fabric, and learn the steps to make a hat, Chloe decided to jump into trying to just make the hat from her memory.
It couldn’t be that hard, right?
As such, by the time the competition actually started, what Chloe had was not so much a hat as…
“What is that? A gaudy balloon?”
“It looks like someone tarred and feathered a plastic bag.”
“I thought it was a deflated football?”
It was a sad-looking thing that could hardly be called a hat. Sunken and lumpy with a few feathers sticking out in odd directions. Chloe’s attempts to make her hat by hand resulted in a complete mess, and she had only a number of burns from the hot glue gun and bandages over her fingers from pricking herself to show for it.
“It’s…definitely unique.” Bustier said, clearly trying to be supportive.
Okay. Fine. So her hat was a failure. But she had wasted no effort in building proof that it at least was solely her creation. She could at least still get Marinette on theft of the idea. Maybe she could even claim sabotage if she spins it well enough!
And maybe she could have, except that there was still the final problem with her plan…
She had been assuming all this time that Marinette would be entering the contest with the same hat as before. That she would experience the same lack of inspiration and go to the same place and thus gain the same idea to enter into the contest.
All of which were very vital steps that Marinette would have to go through to reach the desired outcome Chloe had intended to achieve. All were steps that Chloe could not ensure Marinette would follow.
…all were steps which would be completely pointless when Marinette didn’t even compete.
“Wait—what is she doing in the stands?!” Chloe demanded, pointing to Marinette in outrage.
Marinette, for her part, had been sitting in the stands with a notebook in hand and surveying the various entries. She had been taking notes or drawing or who knew what until she looked up in confusion at the yelling.
“Chill out, Chloe. It’s an open contest.” Nino said, frowning at her.
“Yeah. People are allowed to watch.” Alix added.
“No!” Chloe shook her head furiously. She spun on Marinette. “I mean why are you THERE instead of HERE? It’s a hat competition! Aren’t you supposed to be competing?! Where is your entry?!” She demanded.
Marinette blinked in surprise.
“Well, I’m not competing. I’m just here to cheer the others on. And maybe observe. The officials said it was okay.”
And just like that, all of Chloe’s less than carefully laid plans were thrown out the window.
“What do you MEAN you’re not competing?!”
Because Marinette HAD to be competing! That was the entire point of Chloe even wasting her time with this stupid contest!
Marinette shook her head. “I’m friends with Adrien, and he’s the son of the man holding the contest. And the one who will be modeling the hat. While I don’t doubt Mr. Agreste would be impartial, there are rules against this sort of thing for a reason. It would reflect poorly on his integrity. And I don’t want people to question anything I create because of any potential bias.”
That was—!
“Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”
What was even the point of having connections if you didn’t use them? What kind of socialite was Dupain-Cheng supposed to be, anyway?! It was like she didn’t even know anything!
Marinette was an idiot! She had this amazing position and the world at her fingertips and she couldn’t even use it right!
Chloe stormed out of the auditorium, ignoring the voices and attempts to call her back.
It was…
That was so…
It wasn’t fair!
Marinette was just being lazy! Not using her position or appreciating what it gives her! Not doing anything to prove herself to anyone and show just why she deserved her role! And yet everyone just loved her anyway!
And that…that was the worst part!
Previously, Chloe had to fight tooth and nail just to get people to so much as acknowledge her greatness. She had stayed on top of trends, learned how to navigate the world of the elite, and dealt with anyone and everyone to show why she was not one to cross. She showed why being the “Mayor’s Daughter” was such a pivotal role and why she most deserved it. She had learned to take advantage of any mistake to use to her own ends and end up on top. From Daughter of the Mayor to Queen Bee to Miracle Queen, Chloe had earned her kingdom.
And yet Marinette Dupain-Cheng…she wasn’t doing any of that! She was rich and didn’t use it. She had the power of the Mayor’s Daughter and she didn’t defend it.
She…she was doing nothing and people loved her.
It wasn’t fair!
It wasn’t FAIR!
It wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair 
Chloe jerked up at the voice and immediately wiped her eyes.
Bad enough her plan had been such a failure, she didn’t need people knowing she was crying over it, too. She had nothing left in this world but her dignity. She couldn’t be seen as weak to anyone.
Even if it was Bustier.
“Chloe, I’m sorry. Were you upset?” The teacher asked as she approached cautiously.
“No.” She denied immediately. Because she wasn’t upset! That would suggest her plans had gone completely wrong. And they hadn’t! Because she hadn’t lost yet! She could still find some way to turn things around!
“Chloe, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Chloe refused to look at her.
It wasn’t like Bustier could understand. It was more than just the hat. It was more than a single contest. How could she even begin to explain it all? Everything she’d had? Everything she’d lost?
Bustier—in true ignorance, smiled kindly and rested a hand on Chloe’s shoulder.
“Your hat was your first attempt, wasn’t it? It clearly had a lot of effort put into it.” She said, soothingly. “I think I could see what you were trying to do with the design. You must have felt rushed with the limited time to work with.”
The words didn’t help. They did the exact opposite of help. Because Chloe had known the contest was coming. She’d had more time than anyone to put her entry together. And she still failed.
“With a bit more practice, it would have been a very beautiful hat. I’m sure it would have won.”
It would have won. In another world, it did win. She hadn’t expected it to be so hard to put a hat together. Why was it so hard?
“Oh! Here’s an idea!”
Chloe blinked as Bustier clapped her hands together, smiling brightly at the sudden thought.
“If you’re interested in fashion, maybe we can ask Marinette can help you?” 
“It’s hard when you’re first starting out and trying something new—”
It was like she was underwater. Bustier’s words washed over her, but she could barely hear them. Just sound. Just noise. Somewhere above her but its meaning unable to reach her.
“—maybe with a bit of guidance, you can make your hat even better—”
It was like she was falling. No ground beneath her—no stability. Free falling, but fully aware of her own weight dragging her ever downward, not knowing just how far the hole went…
Chloe gripped her creation harshly. Her ugly, pathetic imitation of a masterpiece that even her mother had praised.
“—Marinette loves fashion and knows a lot—”
Marinette must have cheated. There was no way she could do something like that in a few hours without help!
Neither of them noticed as the seams began to unravel and tear in the force of Chloe’s hold.
“—perhaps what you need is a mentor?”
“—volunteer to tutor you—”
“—very talented—”
“—a lot of love to give—”
Unraveling apart.
“—always willing to lend a hand—”
Just like her world.
“—I’m sure she’d be happy to help you improve—”
Just like her life.
“—don’t we try to ask her? I can even go with you and—”
Until it all ripped apart—
Bustier jerked back in shock at the outburst. She was actually acting as though Chloe had hit her or something—which was ridiculous! Because Chloe was the one in pain right now and nobody would see or try to help her!
“I’m sick of hearing about Dupain-Cheng and how special she is! I don’t need her help! I don’t need anything from her!”
Her teacher frowned, looking confused. Like she didn’t understand. Because she couldn’t see it.
No one could see it!
“Chloe, what are you—”
“She’s a thief!” Chloe yelled. “She knows what she’s doing! I’ll bet she planned this! She must have!”
“What are you talking about?”
She stomped her foot in rage. “This isn’t hers! None of this is hers! She only has it this good because she stole it from me first!”
“Chloe, you’re not making any sense!”
“I didn’t Wish big enough the first time! Why did I even bother with taking everything from her? I should have just Wished for her to disappear!”
But she just stormed away.
Out of the hall. Out of the building. Out of the school altogether.
But no amount of walking would take her out of this life she’d Wished herself in to.
All she left behind were the torn remains of an amateurish hat and fragments of her idealized hopes that were just as broken as her plan for revenge.
The only witnesses were her own teacher.
…and a classmate who had seen the whole thing.
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jayjj7 · 10 months
chapter 9. coincidence? (HALF WRITTEN)
prev. next masterlist
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after walking into class your mind immediately struggles to decide one thing: should i sit next to yunjin? you guys aren’t exactly friends or anything, but also not strangers. acquaintances at most. but you felt good today, you had picked out a cute outfit in the morning that differs from your regular ‘idgaf who sees me in this’ outfits, so you decided to sit next to yunjin’s usual spot. you had arrived at your usual 10 minutes before class and after setting your coffee down to the side, getting out your supplies, you decided to kill some time by watching a show you’ve been meaning to watch for some time now.
as a couple minutes passed yunjin sits down next to you and you guys share a friendly smile and a nod. all of a sudden you feel the need to fix your posture, hair, outfit, but you know you have to resist or at the least not make it obvious. as yunjin sets her bag on the table and takes out her necessities you hear her voice project through the noises of rummaging.
“you go to pearls coffee too?” a hint of excitement in her voice can be heard while she smiles. it was as if you completely forgot about the show you were watching, without pausing you immediately drift your full attention to her.
“oh yeah my friend brought our friend group there this past weekend, she said she went with her other friend group and thought we’d like it” feeling like you said too much you avert your gaze to the coffee cup to reach out and fidget with the cardboard cover. scared she might be turned off or something.
“do you like their coffee?” yunjin sits down and rest one arm on the desk and rests her head on her knuckles. she has her full body facing yours, knees nearly touching the side of your chair.
“yeah i do! we all had a little study date when we went” you can’t help but let out a small laugh as you talk just thinking about the cafe study session with your friends.
“hyein what is the definition of idiom?” you ask holding the flash card up to your face and staring her in the eyes making sure she wasn’t cheating.
“uhhhhh…” hyein drifts her gaze to a small pastry minji had just bought and brought over to your guys’ table.
“oh! oh! oh! i know!” danielle appears from behind hyein, raising her hand as if you were a teacher.
“dani this is for hyein” you protest, tilting you head at her.
as you reread the definition of idiom that hyein provided to yourself, careful not to speak too loud, hyein leans back onto danielle and twists her head slowly and ever so slightly to whisper in her ear. hyein still watching y/n like a hawk whispers to danielle, “what’s the definition?”
“no you cheater!” dani calls out exposing hyein and dramatically pushing her away.
“oh really? me and my friends went there recently! but we just got coffee, no studying” yunjin smiles at you with her head still rested on her knuckle
you laugh awkwardly desperately trying to keep the conversation alive but not knowing what to say until yunjin saves you, once again, by suggesting an idea.
“speaking of studying, do you understand this new unit?” yunjin sits up and tilts her head to you like a puppy. she takes out her notes as to show where she got lost. “have you seen this essay question? it’s crazy.” her expression now more serious.
“i do actually, it’s not as complex as it seems-“
“do you think you could help me?” she interrupts you.
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anisespice · 2 years
“ bust your windows ” || cheater!headcannons
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                       “ you should feel lucky that that's all I did. ”
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synopsis: this fool underestimated just how little you tolerated cheaters.
pairing: various x gn!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI. light violence, cheating, diff ways reader deals with it, mentions of blowjobs, mentions of a foursome, and i think that’s it. feel free to lemme know if i missed anything! ッ
notes: @bagels-yummm this one’s for YOU. after reading their post about reader never showing that R A G E when it came to being cheated on, i couldn’t agree more. even tho my recent story involving that very premise didn’t have that sweet revenge plot, i am here to contribute! hope you enjoy ♡
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For those who want to really let him have it, you’d confront his cheating ass the moment you found out. Right as he was having a cute little lunch with his side piece, you came barreling through the door with a sardonic grin spread across your face; the instant horror on his brought you great satisfaction. 
“‘At the gym’, huh? Didn’t know the gym sold fucking croissants!”
He abruptly stood, spluttering, already trying to do damage control. But you were a raging hurricane, and he was a shitty apartment that didn’t have the correct insurance. Before he even got the chance to spew some bullshit excuse, he’s met with scorching hot reality hitting him square in the face. Not only did you throw his drink on him, but his little date’s as well, and both were still fresh. He screamed bloody murder, hands trembling as he held his boiling skin. It wasn’t hot enough to actually melt it off, unfortunately, but his sounds of agony sufficed. 
Everyone in the cafe merely watched with mixed reaction, some enthralled whilst others felt the authorities should be called. You couldn’t care less, too busy chucking the napkin holders and decorative potted-plants at him now that he was immobilized. 
“Yeah, yeah, you piece of shit! You like that? How that karma feel, huh? Wanna fuck other bitches, hm?”
By now, he was curled up on the ground. His side piece had long vanished, not wanting to stick around knowing your wrath would be directed at them next. After publicly humiliating him, you caught your breath and gazed down at his cowering figure with pure distain. He groggily begged for forgiveness, claiming it you had it all wrong, but you weren’t born yesterday. You scoffed incredulously—Did he think you were stupid? As if you didn’t have receipts.
The photos, the messages, the fact he was dumb enough to let them use the Netflix account YOU paid for. And now, he wanted to insult your intelligence? Please.
Without hesitation, you spat on him. 
Was it necessary? Probably not. But neither was cheating on someone you claimed to love more than anything, and clearly didn’t mean it. You were gonna have to carry that hurt for the rest of your life; he should be grateful you didn’t do more.
“Don’t bother coming back for your stuff. I already burned it all.” 
SHINICHIRO, takemichi, chifuyu, kazutora, OIKAWA, kyotani, tanaka, kageyama, kenma, HAWKS, mirio, denki, SHINSOU, deku, twice, [insert anyone else who would fit].
For those who want to play the long game, you’d act none the wiser to his infidelity. It stung like nothing you’ve ever experienced before when you caught him in bed with some whore, and it took every ounce of your willpower not to set it on fire with them still in it. Because, deep down, you knew men like him only learned the hard way.
And you planned on making him suffer. 
You started by acting real sweet with him. Months of you cooking him full course meals, giving him unprompted blowjobs, massaging his aching muscles after a long day, the whole nine yards. He thought he died and went to heaven, so much so that he saw his little plaything less often now that his lovely s/o started pampering him. Man’s was so confident that he was getting away with it, he got sloppy; let his guard down.
“Honey, can I use your phone real quick? I need to look up a recipe, but I think I left mine in the car.” You asked, fluttering your lashes with cute pout on your face. He didn’t think twice, especially not when you looked at him so sweetly. But once he turned his back, your burning gaze was filled with anything but.
The doorbell rang later that evening, and you were nearly done with dinner. He raised a brow, gaze lingering on the door—Neither of you were expecting anybody, to his knowledge. As you were chopping up the last of the vegetables, you venomously called out to your boyfriend, “Answer it.”
His lips pursed at your tone, but chose to ignore it. Doing as instructed, he lazily made his way to the door. At first, he figured it was just a neighbor, but when he checked the peephole...his blood ran cold. Practically ripping the door off its hinges he hurriedly came outside and shut it right behind him, back pressed against it as he stared bewilderedly at his side piece standing before him. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He lowly hissed, harshly grabbing their upper arm in mild panic. “I told you to never come around here again, are you out of your goddamn mind?” 
The person blinked, startled but also confused. “What are you talking about? You were the one who begged me to come over. Said you dumped that nagging bitch and finally kicked them to the curb.” 
“What? I never—” he paused. Then, realization hit him like a bus. But, before the dread could even build in his stomach, the door opened behind him. A cold chill ran up his spine. 
“Oh, great! You made it just in time for dinner. My name’s [_______], the nagging bitch. So nice to finally meet you.”
RAN, RINDOU, baji, hanma, wakasa, mikey, kokonoi, izana, smiley, IWAIZUMI, mattsun, atsumu, suna, bakugou, sero, dabi, [insert anyone else who would fit].
For those who want to twist the knife, you did the one thing you knew would fuck him up HEAVY. And that was to trample on his already fragile ego. 
He was very possessive, never took kindly to those with wandering eyes whenever it came to you. Always worried someone better would take you away from him, and it got worse when it came to his friends. You reassured him numerous times that it would never happen, promising that he was more than enough for you. 
Sadly, the sentiment wasn’t mutual. 
He tried to hide it from you, but eventually the guilt became unbearable. And so he came clean. This man sobbed. Cried full on ugly tears and blubbered nonsense as you fought to keep your own composure. You felt sick. After everything you did for him—Boosted his confidence, made him feel special, and where did that leave you? Broken-hearted, with grown man tears staining your good sweater.
Nothing he said was going to ease this kind of pain, and he knew that. So when you walked away, he figured that would be the last he saw of you. But, that was far from the truth.
When you showed up to his apartment unannounced a few days later, he was shocked. He already looked like complete shit, and judging based on your expression, you thought so, too. He wanted to question why you were here, but before he could get a word out, your lips roughly claimed his own as you held him by the nape. He wasn’t prepared for the clash of teeth and tongue, soft whines leaving him as you pushed him inside and toward the bedroom, distracting him from the impending shadows that trailed in behind you. 
The next thing he knew, he was tied to his bed, looking about ready to succumb to the best hate-sex of his life. However, what he didn’t expect to see were a few of his closest friends entering the room. There’s an unspoken tension that develops, alarms sounding off in his head as the last one shuts the door and locks it. What were they doing here? Why were they looking at you like that? Those same alarms only grew louder as they each wordlessly stripped off their clothes, with you soon following suit. Starting to struggle against his restraints, his heart began to pound against his chest; he didn’t consent to a foursome. 
He immediately made that known, but you merely chuckled. The sound made his stomach turn in the worst way. When he went to demand explanation, you shoved your underwear in his mouth. Despite his better judgement, homie couldn’t help how hard he got from the situation, letting out a weak moan as your hand gripped his jaw and squeezed.
You leaned over his vulnerable form, grin sharp as you glowered down at him while he struggled against the tight knots. He saw a glint in your eye that held anything but good intent—And with your next few words, he couldn’t have been more correct. 
“They’re going to fuck me. And you’re going to watch.” 
ANGRY, draken, mitsuya, sanzu, KAKUCHO, tendo, kuroo, BOKUTO, akaashi, osamu, hinata, NISHINOYA, sugawara, todoroki, kirishima, TAMAKI, shigaraki, [insert anyone else who would fit]. 
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© 2022-2023 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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whorediaries-09 · 5 months
reflect in this heart of mine
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort, mentions of child abuse, substances. a/n- we're going so back on track with the angst after a couple more chapters 🥲
little train. series masterlist.
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the taste of the cigarettes lingers upon your taste buds. you exhale out the smoke, watching it ascend into the night sky. it fuses with the wind, dancing with it, before evaporating all together. you lean towards the railing of the balcony, watching the cars pass by. the stars shine down upon you and sirius. he stands close, taking a puff from the cigarette that you'd passed to him.
he was standing closer to you. closer than you'd usually like. but in your imagination, he was still the fragile man who'd been freed from the unjust laws of the ministry a few days ago. in your imagination, he was still broken, who was trying to climb up each and every step towards freedom carefully.
'i don't know how you were so calm when harry came out. i hated how they treated him,' you said, breaking the serene silence. he laughs bitterly.
'neither do i, sweetheart,' he turns his head, handing you the the cigarette, 'perhaps, that's the work of my mother, you know, unconsciously teaching me to be rational during situations when i feel the need to lash out,'
you stare into his eyes. in them, you find a depth. in them you allow yourself to drown. it's as if he's a wounded hawk, crying quietly for the ones who left. it's hauntingly cold, when your lip quivers, when you try to speak. a lump forms in your throat, a strange warmth filling your body.
he doesn't urge you to speak. he allows you to stay silent. he lets the silence surround you into an escapable reflection of your body, soul and heart. it creeps into you, barricading with your ghosts. relentlessly, you find the words pouring back into your mind.
'i s'ppose so. i don't have great sympathy for parents who are complete assholes.' you say. its as if warm poisonous blood spreads throughout your throat. he moves closer to you. you smell the scent of petrol and his shampoo infused with the scent of burning tobacco. you tuck your lower lip underneath your teeth.
'why not?' he asks, after a painful silence. his hand nears your face, and for the first time in years, you flinch. he cradles your cheek, smoothening his thumb over your skin. you find yourself sinking into the warmth of the cold and calloused finger tips running over your skin.
'my parents were muggles. everything was fine...until it was not. when mcgonagall showed up at our doorstep on the evening of 25th August around 1976, everything changed. my parents showed their true colors...which weren't very pretty. in a span of few years, the insults they spewed towards the prejudice of our kind turned into physical abuse. my mom turned into a fanatic alcoholic, living on bottles of expensive booze and cigarettes. my dad turned into a cheater with hundreds of mistresses. money was low, and they couldn't afford to send me to hogwarts with the new books or uniforms. but that wasn't the issue. the issue was the only time they united was when it was to beat me. i had nowhere to go, no friends no extended family who could take me in. yet i left.'
sirius listens to you intently. for the first time, in your life yourself to be speaking your heart without being afraid, without falling apart into shackles.
but life seemed a little better when he lingered by your side, listening to you. it seemed you too, were no different than him. perhaps he was the one who was parallel on the other side.
finding courage fill yourself up, you graze your fingers with his. he clasps them, threading them into yours. he rubs little circles on the back of your hand. he smiles comfortingly.
'did you know what prongs used to do when we were sad? he used to play music and forced us all to dance,' he removes his hand from your cheek, putting it on the small of your back. he pulls you towards his body, putting your hand on his shoulder, 'perhaps he didn't know what would comfort us,' he flicks his wrist, turning on the record in the living room. 'but he tried his best. and it did comfort us,'
as the music grows, the beats falling into rhythm with your beats, you find the tears in your eyes fade away, the laughter from your mouth echoing down the hall as he swirled your body, pulling you back towards his body.
and perhaps, neither of you got enough love.
'you're a good cook,' you comment, tasting the pasta sirius had cooked for the both of you at your flat.
'i'm not,' he contradicts, 'you should've tried the food maa-uh james' mother made us,'
you weren't a person who cooked much. for what you made for your position, you could easily afford dinners and lunches everyday from little places around the city. while you did enjoy baking, cooking didn't come as of much peace within your patience.
'you're a good cook, accept it or not,' you say, swaying your fork in his direction. he chuckles, chugging down the glass of wine he'd poured for himself.
'i'm too attached to palak paneers and chapatis to care, honestly. she spoiled us rotten and gave us whatever we wanted. sometimes she'd make karela (bitter gourds)--uh what do you call 'em- bitter gourds yes, and we'd throw tantrums. if she was in a good mood, she'd make us a simple potato curry. but if she was in a bad mood, james would've been hit by a rolling pin-lightly of course.'
'maybe you should try making them,' you suggest, taking another bite of the pasta.
'maybe,' he said, pouring himself another glass of wine. silently, he slurped it down his throat. 'but i don't think i could ever fucking recreate the magic in her hands.'
'i'm sure nobody can recreate the magic of her hands. what i mean is, you should recreate the dishes in your way,' you elaborate. he smiles, leaning forward on the table.
'but i can't be the judging my own cooking now can i? i'd want someone who hasn't tasted maa's food,'
'i mean, i could do it,' you offer, chugging your glass of wine, 'another one please,' he smiles, pouring the wine into your glass.
'would you?'
'i'll be extra careful then, don't want you taking away my badge of 'good cook' now do i?' he grins. you chuckle.
'it's a verbal badge,'
'i don't care,'
you lick your lips, staring into his eyes. for the first time in years, you see the light of a young untainted man sitting in the dusky glow of your dim kitchen light. it's a serene silence that falls around you.
'you'll have to come by my house though. i have to go to office tomorrow and i'll be too tired to go back to your place,' you say. he nods, acknowledging your words.
'i will,' he says.
sirius was drunk. a glass of wine turned into too many, and for someone who used to have a high tolerance for alcohol-he's absolutely fucking wasted. he's slumped against your couch, trying to get up. but every time he tries to, the world spins and he falls right back down.
the television is background noise at this point, in this drunk haze he watches you slumped over paperwork spread on the table. he decides to not drink anymore, but rather focus on the way you hold your pen, on the way your hair is tied back into a mess to prevent the strands brushing your face when you work, on the way your reading glasses rest atop the bridge of your nose.
'you're so stunning, dove,' he whispers. in his mind the voice only reaches his ears, but you hear him all right. you jerk at the sudden compliment, blood rushing to your cheeks. you slide your glasses up to sit on your head.
'sorry?' you whisper back. he tries to get up, smiling dopily. wobbling on drunk feet, he walks towards you while you get up, walking forwards to catch him, warning him of a fall if he doesn't walk properly. he lifts up his finger, booping your nose as you wrap your hands around his waist, carrying him to your bedroom.
'i said you're so stunning, dove,' he whispers. you laugh, plopping him down on the bed.
'you're drunk.'
'i'm not,' he argues. he takes off his shoes, pulling his socks haphazardly. he unbuttons his shirt, falling down on the soft mattress. you laugh.
'yeah of course you're not drunk. you're not going home today. sleep here,' you instruct.
'you do enough talk, my little dove. why do you cry?' he slurs. the question catches you off guard. you stand still as he adjusts himself onto the pillow underneath his head. he catches your wrist, pulling you closer to the edge of your bed.
'stay?' he says. you nod. you walk around the bed, sitting beside him. you run your fingers into his hair. his slurred question echoes in your head. you felt your eyes droop.
perhaps there wasn't much difference within the both of you. perhaps both of you were broken souls, intertwining with each other to feel loved.
did you get enough love?
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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tkworks80 · 2 years
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Chapter 3 is when is get psychotic sorry its sorta a slow burn but, hang in there😊
Chapter 2
Three weeks later…Keigo P.O.V.
  The muffled voice became clearer in Keigo's mind, and a deluge of what transpired that day came flooding into his head. His eyes started to flutter, trying to open, and the muffled voices began to be more comprehensible. 
"Mr. Takami…Mr. Takami, come on stay with us," the doctor said while snapping his fingers. 
"Shit…that was a fucking blunder…hey doc, how long was I out?" Keigo mumbled while trying to sit up.
"3 weeks, douchebag," Keigo turned to the familiar voice in the corner.
"Enji I didn't know you were sentimental…visiting me like this," Keigo smirked.
"No…you got it all wrong, I'm not here to visit you.  I'm here so that when you wake up I can put you back into a fucking coma you cunt!" Enji yelled at Keigo.
Looking down "about y/n" he whispered. 
"No, no, you don't get to say her name…after what you did you son of a bitch…you sacrificed the one person that was loyal to you! And, for what? A trash woman…who I should remind you were y/n's best friend!" Enji hissed. Pulling out his phone Enji texted the Hero Commission's lead investigation Team. "The Commission will be here shortly to ask you questions and by the way, there will be a lot of questions," Enji said while getting up and headed to the door. 
"Enji…I didn't mean to do that to her"
"No, Keigo in my eyes and in the public’s eyes you meant to do it, hell…even All might saw it!" Enji said while at the entrance of the room. "Oh by the way…sign the papers Keigo…you put her through enough pain," Enji added.
"What are you talking about signing papers…she’s leaving me?!" Keigo said incredulously.
"Gosh, not only you're a fucking adulterer but, a stupid entitled adulterer.  Did you think that she was going to take it? did you think that she was gonna stick by your side after all the shit you put her through?!" Enji yelled in anger. "No…she's long gone, you cocksucker…as in never coming back…oh by the way she survived," and with that Enji walked out.
Keigo started fumbling with his iv and was forcefully pulling out his leads. The nurses started rushing into the room.
"Mr. Takami please stay in bed, you need to rest," the nurses pleaded with you.
"Listen chick, I've been resting for 3 weeks I need to find my mate," Keigo demanded.
"Get back in bed Keigo…it's unbecoming of you," the commissioner stated while walking in. "We got questions you need to answer, papers to sign" the commissioner added. The commissioner walked around the bed observing Keigo getting back in bed. The commissioner sat down, put his glasses on, and opened a file quietly going through the information in it. 
"Keigo there is a series of questions that I need you to answer"
"Fine," Keigo sighed.
"Do you remember the incident?"
"Yeah…yeah I remember"
"Good…because y/n answered all questions including what had happened between you and her"
"I made a huge mistake"
"Good for you for recognizing what you have done," the commissioner condescended while pulling out some papers and handing them to Keigo. "Here, I need you to sign this dissolution of marriage and mating bond," the commissioner looked up.
"What if I don’t sign?" Keigo challenged.
"Well…if you don’t sign it will go through anyway…Keigo do you realize what you have done?" the commissioner asked with seriousness.
"Yes…but, I knew that y/n would recover…and from what I heard she survived" Keigo laid back on the headrest.
"And what if she didn't recover…what if we lost a great hero because you sacrificed her for a piece of tail? Do you know that we could charge you for attempted murder?" The commissioner said in a serious tone.
"I take it that you are speaking candidly, well let me get straight to the point…true that I fell out of love with y/n but, the mating bond goes deeper than just measly divorce papers"
"Just sign the papers Keigo…she wants nothing to do with you…I wouldn't blame her," the commissioner sighed out of exhaustion due to Keigo's being stubborn.
Trying to keep his composure Keigo silently listened to the commissioner. "I know I fucked up…but, she is my mate and-" Keigo was interrupted by the commissioner.
"She broke the bond with you," he said while fishing outy/n’s wedding ring in his coat pocket, found it, and placed it on top of Keigo’s bedside table. "Y/n broke it off when you were in a coma. Keigo if you pursue her there will serious consequences," the commissioner crossed his legs.
"No, no I don't believe you, she would've broken it off when I'm conscious," Keigo was shaking his head in disbelief. "Where is she?" Keigo questioned.
"I am not at liberty to tell you she is in seclusion…all I know is she adamantly requests that you not know where she is residing," the commissioner stood up and waved to the nurse to get her attention. The nurse came to the doorway. "Be a dear and give me a cup of coffee black, two sugars," he smiled at the nurse.
The nurse came back with the cup and handed it to the commissioner and quickly left the room. "As I was saying there is a series of questions I'm going to ask you along with the team lead…he will be here in a few," he said taking a sip of the hot beverage. 
Keigo heard a knock, and Hiro came in "sorry I'm late…traffic," Hiro said to Keigo. "Good afternoon Mr. Takami  I'm glad you're okay," Hiro said to Keigo.
"Stop with the fucking formalities Hiro…ask the questions so, I can be over with this," Keigo demanded.
Opening the second file "Keigo when you were at the scene…did you ask for the name of the unknown woman?" Hiro asked.
"Yes…her name is Moni…Moni Fujiwara," Keigo answered briefly.
Hiro jotted down the answer the proceeded to ask another question. "Who is Ms. Fujiwara to you?" Hiro looked up at Keigo.
"I don't see the relevancy to this question," Keigo retorted.
"Be cooperative and answer Hiro's question," the commissioner ordered.
"She is my lover," Keigo answered.
“I see,” Hiro wrote Keigo’s answer down. “Did you recognize who attacked the Mall of the World?” Hiro asked.
“Yes, his quirk is unforgettable…it was Dabi,” Keigo answered.
“Did Dabi ever tell you why he was attacking the innocent victims at the mall?” Hiro looked up from the file.
“He said that I took something very precious from him, and I think he was referring to Moni Fujiwara,” Keigo reluctantly answered.
“Did you take something from him?” the commissioner asked.
“No, Moni is not his property!” Keigo yelled out.
“So, Moni was the object of Dabi’s affection, and he destroyed half the mall leaving many innocent civilians dead, and y/n very injured, is that what you are saying Keigo?” Hiro asked.
“Yes,” Keigo answered.
“I had enough of the questions,” the commissioner explained while standing up. “Keigo, effective immediately, you are suspended from hero work you are to report to the commission in about a month to check the status of your hero suspension,” the commissioner said while walking out of the hospital room. Hiro followed after.
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chainelunaire · 1 year
are they up for a one-night stand?
he wishes that was him. no, he’s not, purely because he has no idea what and how to do, and his pride won’t let him embarrass himself like that. he has some reputation yk and he’s kinda busy. yet he can’t help but wonder if that’s another thing he’s missed up on with all his villainy stuff. it’s not often when he thinks about it, more when he sees someone who’s kind of his type, and then he wonders what’s next, because not that he can afford relationship either. even if he seeks intimacy (more of a platonic way actually), he still probably won’t do that. it’ll take a lot of courage for him to take the risk, he also probably needs to be a little bit tipsy unless he’ll just be too anxious. if he actually does that, he will regret it later. probably because his expectations did not meet the reality, and deep inside he might feel used. will pretend it never happened.
no, for a number of reasons. first and the most obvious one: his body is kinda not suitable for basically anything rather than burning him from inside. he’s strong, yet fragile. he even cries with blood, can you imagine how painful sex can be for him? his body needs a lot of care, any damage is long lasting and costs a lot. in a long run it’s not worth it. giving himself to a stranger he just met? you kidding. he simply can not afford the luxury of unexpectedly destroying his body after years of planning his revenge. this is pure stupidity to him. secondly, he’s kinda simply not interested? he’s too fixated on his revenge, he also does not view himself as he is now. his body is his tool, he does not see the appeal of it. he would never think he’s attractive, let alone attractive enough for someone to want to have sex with him. he’ll probably think you’re making fun of him, which is not great at all. and lastly, dude has Trust Issues. even if we put aside reasons above, he won’t let himself be vulnerable with somebody he does not know and trusts. it simply won’t happen, sorry.
it’s hilarious you even thought there’s a possibility. no. never. he’ll sooner throw himself off the cliff than let if happen. he’s getting angry simply thinking about it. what angers him even more, is that a certain someone might think that he’ll disregard his own safety for a promise of pleasure. first of all, what makes you think you’ll know what he likes right from the get-go, second, he does not touch people to save their lives you know. no. not happening.
he’s had his fair share of flings, and he knows the drill, yet he rarely finds that it was worth it. he’s very good with keeping his feelings in check, so he won’t get attached, and that’s kinda the problem. he feels like he’s sort of a cheater, actually. simply because he does not find that intimacy by knowing the person well enough, yet pretending he does, because he’s a gentleman like that. he’s a giver, and that’s kind of his curse in that case, because he’s very aware of his lies. and yk, he knows he’s been lied to too, that’s sort of the point, in order of getting some sexual pleasure you say what you need to be said. he’s fine with it in the moment, but later he starts to feel really shitty. he doesn’t feel guilty, though, he knows he’s not bad. it’s just like he’s getting yet another reminder of the lack of some true bond in his life and since that’s what he really wants, it stings really bad. he feels like he’s betraying himself, sort of. yet, he rarely says no to an opportunity. he actually hopes, that this time he’ll feel differently. he thinks like that every single time.
he’s a true master. he can’t afford decent relationship right now, and he’s in peace with it and with his life as a whole. in general, he’s very balanced, he’s not anxious or desperate. he knows, what he’s doing. gentle in a sense that he won’t make it feel like you have been used, he’ll probably take you to a some nice place, so no fucking near trash cans, unless it’s some kink of yours. he’s very generous and he’s detached enough so you won’t from him ever again. that’s actually a bad news for you: he’s not doing it again, his goodbye is quite literal. so enjoy it while it lasts. anyway, 10/10 expirience, would recommend.
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sunnyie-eve · 3 months
12 | Fuzzy Feeling
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
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By the time Dani woke up all the guys were in the living hanging out with Madi. Matt didn't want to wake her up so he just let her sleep still.
"About time you join us." Madi laughs as Dani walks over to them.
The two had recently been messaging each other to get to know each other. Nick had talked to Madi about Dani and she thought she seemed cool so she reached out to Dani. They actually hit it off really good. They talked like they were sisters especially late at night on the phone.
"What time is it?"
"4:30, and I picked you up at noon so." Matt laughs at her as she gets one of Chris Pepsis.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He shouts at her.
"I'll buy you a case dude." She joins them on the couch.
Not much later Matt and Dani leave to go bowling and Chris was annoyed they didn't ask if anyone else wanted to join them.
"Am I right or wrong?" Chris asks Nick and Madi.
"Ehh, they made plans already." Nick says not caring as much.
"I suck at bowling so." Madi laughs while Chris leaves going to his room. "Why is he extra moody?" She asks Nick.
"I'm guess, jealous but he won't admit it."
"He likes Dani?" Madi gets excited to gossip.
"I'm sure both do deep down. Which doesn't make me too happy because I don't want anything bad happening." Nick explains to her.
"Who does she speed more time with?"
"Matt," Nick says quickly, "He's constantly making plans with her, texting, and calling." He adds, "He pretended like he was with her while on the phone because her friend's boyfriend is a creep."
"I need to study him around her to confirm if he does or not. I'm gonna be like a hawk when they get back."
Meanwhile with Matt and Dani for the past hour have been playfully arguing about how each other are at bowling. "What are you talking about? I would've gotten a strike if you didn't bump into me." Dani points at the score board show how she would've gotten a turkey.
"I hardly bumped into so it shouldn't have matter."
"Hardly my ass!" She playfully shoves him as he goes to pick up his ball.
As he gets ready to shoot the ball, Dani walks up behind him on the other side and leans up kissing his cheek causing him to get a gutter ball.
"You little cheater!" He spins around grabbing her picking her up as she giggles.
Honestly it didn't matter if they were being slightly loud because not that many people were there. Plus the music was playing pretty loudly as well.
As Matt spins them around, Dani's eyes catch sight of Tanner and two of his friends a few lanes over starting a game. And of course he noticed her with Matt.
"Kill me." Dani groans so Matt puts her down.
"Fucking, Tanner is here." She moves her eyes that way and Matt looks over.
It was obvious which one was Tanner just by him staring them down. Second was his height since his friends were shorter than him.
"He is ugly." Matt looks back at Dani, "How is he going to be a giant but never grow into his ears or nose? Plus with that hairline along with being a red head. Nothing against red heads but that color with that style? It's 2024 why is his hair spiked?"
Dani can't help crack up, "I honestly don't know what Hallie sees in him. She's way too pretty for him."
As they get closer to finishing their game Tanner walked over to them, "Hey Dani, do you have any money so we can play a second game?"
"No, I'm not even paying for this game. Ask your girlfriend to send you money."
"She doesn't have any unless it's the left over money you give her for our rent and bills." He tells her.
"Excuse me? Extra? There shouldn't be any extra money. I give her the exact amount she tells me my half is." Dani starts to get angry.
"Did I say extra?" He laughs.
"She is stealing money from me?" Dani crosses her arms, "Yet she wants me to pay for your fucking half?" She shouts so Matt quickly ends the game so they can leave.
"The game is over." Matt walks over to the two.
"So you're not Dani's boyfriend? One of the triples from YouTube..." Tanner looks down at Matt.
"That would be me."
"Fuck this. Lets go." Dani grabs Matt's hand so they can leave. Outside Dani tells Matt to give her a second so she could call Hallie and put her on speaker phone so she could set her phone down to talk.
"Do you want me to get out of the car or?" Matt asks but she tells him no as Hallie answers.
"What up?"
"I want you to be honest with me. We've been friends for a good amount of years now." Dani starts off.
"Yeah, and?" Hallie asks confused.
"Are you stealing money from me? Tanner just slipped up that I give you extra money after bills and rent. You already want me to pay his half yet to take some of my money?"
"You seriously believe him?" Hallie laughs.
"I actually do so what the hell Hallie?"
"So what if there's a few dollars left over?" She asks.
"That's stealing from me! Why don't you put some of that crap as his part then? I'm not giving you money anymore. I'll pay it myself."
"Well, I don't want you to do that so it's you give me the money or you have to move out." Hallie tells her.
"Are you kidding me? You would kick me out of the house because I want to make sure I know where my money is going?" Dani laughs at her.
"You know what, I would because I am. You're out of the house not on for all this shit but because you always try to make it seem like Tanner has a thing for you." Hallie says making Dani laugh more.
"Because he does! He constantly flirts when you aren't around."
"I want you out of the house before I get back on Sunday." Hallie tells her so Dani just hangs up deleting her number.
Dani sits there with her eyes close wanting to cry because she was so frustrated and now had to figure out what to do next. "Colby is so going to tell me when I go back home, I told you living with her was a mistake. He's always hated her."
Matt could see all the emotions she was going through and hated it, "Come stay with us."
"Matt there's no room for me." She looks over at him.
"We could figure something out for you. And until we do you can just crash in our rooms with us." He tells her, "We don't want you leaving us because of one bitch."
"That's a lot, Matt. Just for someone you still just met weeks ago. Plus all three of you would need to talk it over." She tells him as she starts the car head over to her place.
"That's all true but I don't care. But I know you know we clicked right away and we're getting pretty close." He doesn't look over at her as she looks at him, "Plus I know my brothers and they wouldn't mind. And if they did I would be like well I have a new roommate so deal with it."
"I appreciate you care."
Matt looks over giving her a smile, "Of course, now how much shit do you have?" He asks causing her to laugh.
They spend about an hour or two getting all of her things putting them in her car and his car before heading to house, "And we can go back for your bed tomorrow with a truck or when it's time we can just bye I whole new bed. I say we should just get you a new one." Matt says as they enter the house.
"I might agree because that piece of shit was killing my back. It's so old and used." Dani agrees with him.
"Why does Dani need her bed?" Chris asks confused by their conversation.
Dani looks at Matt so he asks to talk to the two alone so they all just go up to Nicks room. When they guys were gone, Madi looks at Dani, "About time you guys showed up. How was the date?"
"It wasn't a date." Dani gives her a look as she takes a seat exhausted from everything.
"I know but if it was would it bug you?" Mari asks wanting to know where Dani stood.
"Probably not."
"So you like Matt?" Madi smiles.
"I'm not entirely certain. I just want a friend but how he's been today is doing something to my heart." Dani whines.
"He is a sweetheart." Madi agrees, "Maybe see what happens along the way as you two get closer."
Dani just stares at Madi then laughs, "Nick would lose his mind if I get feelings for Matt. Hell, Chris too."
"Oh I know. We had a talk." She laughs, "So, do you think you might like Chris as well or?"
Dani shrugs, "Out of the two I'm closer to Matt. But each have a thing about them that makes me feel fuzzy inside."
"Well, I wish you luck on your journey."
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satorubrain · 1 year
I am such a hypocrite , I will defend Hawks from mha who was fantasized as a cheater from that 2020 trend, that he doesn't have a shitty personality and won't cheat meanwhile when it comes to Gojo I usually agree to people that he would cheat on the girl he is in relationship or married , when both of them are characterized as playboys , womanizers by the fandom
Okay I'm obliged to defend my man actually. Because he would NEVER, like never EVER cheat on this s/o.
Look at him! He's still not over his ex?? And it's been like what? TEN YEARS? Literally there's much canon material that this man is beyond loyal (look at him and suguru). His loyalty towards his ideals, friends and students is already high enough, I'm sure it'll be more than doubled with his s/o.
Suguru and him is such an easy example because Suguru was the first person Satoru ever opened up to and we all have seen how this man acted when Suguru betrayed him. All of his rationality left him. Ten years later? Still the same thing. He saw Suguru for a moment and all he was filled with memories of 3 years and his rationality left him causing him to be sealed. HE COMES BACK and the first thing he wants to do is mourn over Suguru.
He thinks and feels deeply about betrayals. He's been betrayed, by his best friend, by his one and only and that thing broke him. He knows the pain of betrayal and he feels it everyday.
Plus he is the Gojo Satoru. The strongest sorcerer. The honoured one. His name is widespread and famous throughout the entire planet. There are bounties on his head. People and curses, alike, want him dead. But his powers, his infinity makes him untouchable. He relishes in the fact he's the strongest and he does NOT tolerate ANY threat to his powers. Toji who almost killed him? Dead. That whip from movie zero what negated/ignored cursed techniques? He made sure to get RID of that thing THOROUGHLY!! He doesn't even drink/can't drink alcohol.
It's absolutely impossible for him to turn off infinity for a quick nut and allow a person to see him in the vulnerable moments of sex. Like no that's NOT Satoru.
Also this bitch is probably ridiculously busy. This man has missions, 5+ kids to handle, busy eating sweets and an ungodly amount of food WITH an overcooked brain.
So in my opinion.
He doesn't or cannot open up his heart to anyone but if someone does manage to do the impossible, he's doomed.
If you come into his life, make your way through the walls he built up, give him all the love he deserves and never got, be there for him and understand the kind of person he is without judging him and letting him be himself with you. If you see through the facade of the strongest, being rich and handsome and see the kind of person Gojo Satoru is, love him for who he truly is.
Gojo Satoru will worship the ground you walk. You will be in the center of his world. Sometimes, he'll even treat you like a delicate little butterfly who he can't hold on to tightly but also who would fly away, fly away from him, never to return. He knows you're a human but he nonetheless still treats you just delicately and with full of love, hoping you would never leave him.
Also, if you manage to win his heart, he can only see you. No one, absolutely no one in the world compares to you. All other people seem so uninteresting and bland to him. Other than his responsibility, he really could care less about the other people.
Oh- by no chance I'm saying he's flawless. He's absolutely flawed, perhaps he has way too many flaws. He's also an attention whore who is ridiculously arrogant. But he's still not a cheater, never a scum who would break someone's trust. Never.
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kharmii · 11 days
All of these comics are one-shot panels. They don't go together.
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(Caption: Geten who is bad at flirting)
Geten: Blue Flame! Lend me a hand!!!!
Dabi: Huh? Pretty and cold...
Geten: No but....I'm happy but it's not... (blushy face shows he has a crush)
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(Caption: Meeting with Dabi outside)
Geten: (laughs awkwardly) Blue Flame is silent. It's hot and cold.
Dabi: Shall I do it? Melt it.
I'm here.
"I like Geten sir... He's a bit of a masochist... He's a cute guy who will fall for you right away...
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(Caption: Dabi pays attention to Geten who is depressed seeing the bald CEO only paying attention to Shigaraki.)
ReDestro: (sticky situation) Is there anything you need?
Shigaraki: Beat it.
ReDestro: With pleasure!
Mr. Compress: There they go again.
Twice: The bald CEO is totally attached to Shigaraki. Let's go.
Geten: .......... (Remembers back to when he'd show off his ability to ReDestro who'd say 'Amazing Geten!')
Dabi: *slaps Geten's back with a lewd smirk on his face* Can I borrow your chest?
Geten: ......I don't need it.
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Skeptic: (nervously) You guys.....Where did you bring that thing from?!?!
Twice: It wasn't there at all though!
Skeptic: Get out quickly!!
Toga: Uncle Destro bought it for me.
I’m hooked……♡
Skeptic: Our money! Dammit all!!!!
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Shigaraki: You guys....always.
Twice: Are you going to do it!?!?!
You want to eat it?
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Shigaraki: I hate it. It won't change, even without it, even if it exists.
Dabi: Take it.
Shigaraki: I can't help it.
Skeptic: Hey! Get out quickly...you guys too.
(They got served and start booing. Geten holds up a sign saying 'no kotatsu, no life' in reference to their blanketed table)
*someone slaps Skeptic saying SHUT UP!!!!!*
Skeptic: What?!
(Caption: A gathering to watch over the two of them)
Twice: Don't get in the way of our friendship! We're having fun!
Toga: It was a precious moment between the two of them when they first met!
Mr. Compress: I have to contact Kurogiri.
Skeptic: *confused* Uh...
(Caption: The two of them don't care about the outside world)
Shigaraki: Good.
Dabi: I see...
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※That thing from No.243 (Dabi → Hawks)
Skeptic: I was in a hurry to buy the black one.
Dabi: *making fun of Hawks* Oh, and even though I forgot to set my alarm in the morning and woke up in a hurry, I still did my daily stretching routine. Then, when I was resting my wings and eating lunch on the roof in the afternoon, I realized that I was wearing the wrong shoes.
She was a little shaken up and red in the face as she went back to change her shoes.
And then, because of the rain that fell yesterday, I didn't notice the puddle that had formed and got my shoes wet. So I had a cup of coffee to wake me up.
Hawks: Ahahaha......Only my detector is too good.
(Caption: Dabi is trying really hard to dominate)
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(Caption: The Liberation Army Pro-Union)
Toga: *snickers* GOOD.
Skeptic: These guys are such dead wood.
Geten: I know.
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(Caption: Dabi and Geten)
Dabi: You....When you look at her like this, she has a pretty face.
*pictures Geten as an annoying yappy little dog*
Are you ignoring me?
Geten: *blushes and makes an embarrassed murmur*
Stop staring at me!!!!
Dabi: You... I'm gonna kill you...
Geten: Shall we throw down!?!? Blue Flame!!!
Toga: Dabi, are you picking up girls again?!?!
Shigaraki: I don't care what they are doing. Leave me alone.
(The End)
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(Caption: Love Triangle with Hawks)
Hawks: Who would team up with you guys?!?!
Dabi: Who asked you?!
Hawks: You would only be a hinderance!!
(Hawks suddenly understands Dabi is talking about THAT and not being on a fighting team. There is a lot of bickering between the three where Geten calls Dabi a 'cheater' and Dabi pretends to forget he has a girlfriend. Toga mocks them from the sidelines.)
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*Geten lavishes Dabi with aggressive affection*
Dabi: You are acting like a dog!
Why are you pushing me down!!! Wait!! HELP!! HELP!!!!!
(Geten jumps his bones in a fuck-attack)
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(Caption: His friend Dabi is too much for him)
Mr. Compress: I don't know...maybe....
Trumpet: That's cowardly, League of Villains!
Dabi: I didn't do anything.
Trumpet: Lewd!!!! Shameless!!! Hey!!!
Art credit: ちか⚡︎⚡︎@arrr_6boom Twitter.
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