#cheater vi
kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Caraphernelia - Final Part
“I'm not the way that I used to be. I took the record off repeat. You killed me, but I survived, and now I'm coming alive…” - Fifth Harmony, Miss Moving On.
Final Part - Miss Moving On
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First Part | Final Part
Warnings: Sevika x Reader, Ex!Cheater!Vi, throwing up blood, Mentions of past failed suicide attempt, moving on from an ex, polyamory, description of slap, facial cuts from nails, working with an ex, navigating sharing a social network with Vi, Sevika spoils you, joking about kinks
Summary: A year after your suicide attempt, you’re in a much better place. It’s all thinks to your friends, family and… your new girlfriend.
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Vi was at Caitlyn’s manor when things started to take a turn. They were seated in the parlor discussing what to do for the charity when they heard a scream. The two of them sprung out of their seats and raced to the foyer where Tobias was comforting a near hysterical Cassandra.
“Mother?” Caitlyn hurried over to her, “Mother, what’s wrong?” Vi watched as Cassandra shook her head, wiped away her tears, and headed straight for her office without a word.
“A friend of your mother and I attempted suicide this evening.” Tobias says softly, shocking Vi and Caitlyn, “They tried jumping from the top of the Western Sun Gate, but someone stopped them in time. She’s very close to them so she’s distraught about it. Please be delicate with your mother.”
“Oh!” Caitlyn gasps, hand covering her mouth, “Is there anything I should do? Is her friend okay?”
“I… think I should go.” Vi says slowly, “Give your family the space. We can go over the charity stuff later.” She puts a hand on Caitlyn’s shoulder.
“Right. Thank you, Vi.” Caitlyn hugs her, kissing her cheek, “We’ll catch up later.” Vi nods and leaves the manor, tucking her hands into her pocket as she does. There are tons of Enforcers out on the streets and Vi shakes her head knowing why. ‘Suicide… this person must’ve felt like there was nothing left to care for. That’s heartbreaking to hear. I hope their families are okay.’ She wasn’t a stranger to it. It was frequent in Zaun before the aid had started coming in. No matter who it was, it made her sad. No one should have to resort to that.
The activity in Zaun was higher than normal too, but Vi ignored it. It wasn’t every day you heard about someone from the upper ring making an attempt on their life. Vander wasn’t behind the bar when she got to The Last Drop and that made her pause. Ever since stepping down, the only reason he wouldn’t be working was if he was sick. Vi made a mental note to check on him later.
When she got to her room, she noticed that the door was wide open. ‘Ugh, Powder.’ Vi groans internally, but she stops in the doorway when she looks at her bed. Her missing jacket, along with a note and a small box, sat on it. Furrowing her brow, Vi cautiously walked into the room and picked up the little box. It was mechanical as she flipped it open and a gasp left her lips. Resting in a bed of crushed velvet was a beautiful diamond ring band.
“Hey, baby?” Y/n turns over in bed, “Would you ever want to get married?”
“Married?” Vi turns to her, “I’ve thought about it. We’ve been together for four years now.” Her hand comes up to caress her girlfriend’s face.
“What kind of ring would you want? I’m thinking it’d be something with diamonds since you like them so much.” Y/n smiles cheekily.
“Diamonds?” Vi raises an eyebrow, a grin on her face, “I do like diamonds… Yeah. I think I’d be the one with the diamond ring. They’re reeeaaal shiny.”
“You’d look adorable with a diamond ring on your finger.” Y/n kisses her hand, “And you’d be all mine, forever.”
“I like the sound of that.” Vi purrs, pulling Y/n against her chest.
Vi shakily places the ring box down and reaches for the note. ‘I didn’t know she had bought this. Why wouldn’t she tell me? It looks like it cost a fortune.’ She opens the note and flinches slightly when she sees the messy cursive handwriting.
‘Dear Vi. We haven’t spoken since you left, but I found your jacket under my bed and wanted to return it. I don’t blame you for what you did. I understand that I was a neglectful girlfriend and wasn’t taking care of you in the way I should have been. Caitlyn can do for you what I can’t, I understand that. I left a box with this note, but I’m sure you’ve opened it by now. That ring is yours. I had it custom-made and planned on proposing to you during our vacation. But… that obviously didn’t go as planned. They’re real diamonds. All are ethically sourced and hand-picked. Keep it. Maybe you could give it to Caitlyn when the time comes. 
I want to say that I love you. I always will, even after what happened… and I also have to say that by the time you’re reading this, I’ll already be gone. You’re happier without me in your life. Everyone is, so it’s better if I disappear and let you be happy. Enjoy your life with Caitlyn and good luck with the charity. Those kids need all of the help they can get. With love, Y/n.’
Vi felt the blood drain from her face. Her fingers clutched the paper like it would disintegrate if she let it go. Everything clicked into place. Cassandra crying, the activity in Zaun, Vander missing. It wasn’t someone from Piltover who attempted suicide, it was Y/n… and it was her fault. She drops to her knees, staring blankly at the paper as her head spins. ‘She was going to propose to me, and I cheated on her. I cheated on her, broke up with her, and didn’t even look back.’ The reactions from everyone around her made sense. The paint balloons, Powder being passive-aggressive with her, Vander locking her out of the house, Sevika jumping her, Ekko punching her. She deserved it because she drove a woman that she loved to suicide. Vi felt the bile rise into her throat and she rushed to the bathroom. She had to go find her. She had to. Even if it resulted in her limping back home and sleeping in the streets. ‘What have I done? What have I done?!’ Vi didn’t realize that she was sobbing or that she was heaving so badly that blood was coming up. She was too overwhelmed by the consequences of her selfish actions. Y/n could’ve been dead. And what made her feel even worse was that she realized she was still in love with her.
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The sound of a knock on your door has you putting your book down and calling the person in. Your eyes widen when you see Vi in the doorway, Powder, and Ekko giving her murderous glares as she slips in. Your heart rate picks up a bit and you flush when the monitor you’re hooked up to reflects that. You can’t help but notice that Vi looks a bit paler than how she was earlier in the day.
“Hey, Y/n…” Vi mutters softly, messing with her fingers as she stops at the foot of your bed.
“Hey, Vi…” You give her a small smile.
“I um… I got your letter.” Vi takes a shaky breath, “Y-Y/n. I’m so sorry for cheating on you and leaving like that. I never should have done that, and I’m so sorry. I-I should have properly talked to you about it when I noticed the feelings. That was so shitty of me, a-and please know that you are more than needed.” She’s crying now, her body shaking as she balls up her hands. “I didn’t know you were going to propose. If I knew I-I- That’s no excuse for what I did to you, but I do still love you. And I’d never want you to feel like no one cares about you. I’m so sorry about that. I’m so sorry. You’re perfect. I’m the shitty one. That- Fuck.” Vi grabs at her hair as she struggles to speak to you. She’s stumbling over her words and her train of thought is jumping around. You frown and fidget with your blanket. You wanted to talk with Vi and ask her why she did it, why she left you, but you didn’t expect this. She seems so distraught about what happened to you that it’s a bit unsettling. ‘Shouldn’t she hate me?’
“Vi… Why’d you do it?” You sit up a little straighter, “Why did you cheat? Why did you leave?”
“I… no answer I give will be satisfying, but… I felt something for Caitlyn and I was too deep into it. I was so into her that I just had to be with her. I-I should have broken up with you first, but… I don’t know.” Vi sighs, “I’m so sorry. You don’t have to forgive me, but please… please know that you matter to people.”
“You’re right. No answer you give will be satisfying... Just know that I loved you, Vi.” You dismiss her, picking up your book. Vi comes around the side of the bed and places the ring box down. You make eye contact with her, tears stinging your eyes as you try to hold them in.
“Return it. Get your money back.” Vi swallows hard, “I don’t deserve to keep it… Bye, Y/n. I-I’m sorry for everything.” She whispers before turning and leaving the room. You watch her go, feeling miserable. Vi couldn’t even give you a straight answer on why she cheated. ‘I’m not going to let this stop me from being happy. It’ll take some time, but I’ll get there one day.’
~ One Year Later ~
You get admiring looks as you strut your way through the streets, heading for The Last Drop on a personal mission. Shockingly, it didn’t take you long to get over Vi with all of your friends around to help you out. Ten months after your suicide attempt, along with some therapy, you were feeling much better than before. Your friends were constantly hyping you up and reminding you about how much of a bad bitch you are.
You really needed the confidence boost, especially after what you were about to do. The bouncers nod at you and give you no trouble as you push the door open. You’re greeted by the sound of loud chatter and music, and you go straight to the bar. You hop onto a stool, waiting for Vander to look up so you can flag him down. When he does, his eyes light up when they see you.
“Hey, Y/n! What can I get for you today?” Vander says cheerily, “Looking for a vodka sour?”
“Whatever she’s drinking.” You tip your head in the direction of your target, Vander’s eyes following. He gives you an amused look with his eyebrows raised up.
“You sure about that one?” Vander grins.
“Positive.” You nod.
“Tequila with lime coming right up.” Vander goes to get your drink and you tap your fingers against the bar. People were starting to notice you, giving you one-overs, and sending you flirtatious smiles but you only had one person on your mind.
“Here you are.” Vander places the glass down in front of you, “And a little bit of advice? Be yourself. She likes that.” He winks before going to help someone else. You smile to yourself, your eyes finding the woman that’s been on your mind. Sevika. Her fan club was sitting a few tables away from her and watching her play poker. ‘Too bad for them. If things go right tonight, she’ll be spending the night with me.’ You slide off the stool, a glass of tequila in hand and you confidently walk up to their table.
As if she knew someone was staring at her, Sevika looks up from her cards to see you. You smirk at her, striding over and placing your glass next to her almost finished one. Then, you did something against Sevika’s rules. You seat yourself on her lap, wrapping one arm over her shoulders and caressing her face with your other one. Her eyes show her surprise when they meet yours, although her body doesn’t.
“Is this seat taken?” You smirk, crossing your legs.
“Yes.” Sevika grunts, trying to seem uninterested in you, “Get off.” But, you both knew she was very interested in why you were sitting on her lap. Especially when there was an unspoken rule that no one interrupted her poker games.
“If you want me off, remove me yourself.” You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Why would I do that? You’re not worth the energy.” Sevika snorts, bringing her arms back up and trapping you between them. You could tell that she was trying to keep herself from smiling as her eyes go back to her cards. You raise an eyebrow at her but she ignores you as the game continues so you get comfortable and rest your head against her shoulder. Throughout the poker game, Sevika’s hand rubs your thigh. You had to press your face into her shoulder so you didn’t laugh when she outright insulted one of the guys playing with her. All of your attention was on her, and while she wasn’t giving you her full attention, Sevika kept you entertained.
“Alright, show your hands.” One of the guys calls out. Sevika’s eyes flick to yours, winking at you before she tosses her cards down. You knew nothing about poker, but she seemed really confident about her hand.
“Are you kidding me?! I swore I was going to win!”
“Better luck the next round, boys.” Sevika smirks as they gather up the cards.
“Well, I should leave you then.” You pick up her glass of tequila and down what’s left of it, your lipstick leaving a mark on the glass, “Come find me when you want to talk.” You wink at her, standing up and walking away. You didn’t need to turn around to know Sevika was staring at you. You can feel the heat of her gaze on you, especially as you sway your hips. You took a major chance, but you are sure that Sevika has a crush on you. She was always there for you when you needed her, a strong shoulder to cry on, and she even brought you along on some of her liaison meetings to Bilgewater. You knew she could drink, but watching her outdrink Miss Fortune had impressed you. Between her skills and your silver tongue, you had the Queen of Bilgewater eating out of the palm of your hand.
A few months after your breakup, you found yourself crushing on Sevika but you didn’t say anything to anyone. You were still getting over Violet, and you didn’t want to complicate anything or have her thinking that she was a rebound. So, you went about your days as usual… well, as usual as it could be now that you were single. You got back into your gang - the SilverJays - and beat the shit out of your old rival as a way to reaffirm your place. There were whispers that you had been getting soft from being with Violet and having your cushy job. Nothing pissed you off more than that disrespect, so you beat up the Knuckleheads and strung them up in the main square with your symbol spray painted on them. You had been chosen as an Ambassador for a reason, and it wasn’t for your pretty face or skirts.
After you got over Violet, you were all in on Sevika. You’d subtly flirt with her, trying not to make your attraction obvious but that didn’t last long. You had caught Sevika flirting with a random woman and you were hurt by it. Hurt. You had gone home horrified realizing that your crush might be a bit deeper than you thought. To your surprise, Sevika visited you at home that night and asked why you left. You had stuttered out that you were feeling down, and she picked you up and spent the night with you instead. The way your heart skipped a beat had locked in your feelings for her. It wasn’t long before you realized that Sevika was acting differently around you. Your friends agreed to say that she was absolutely crushing on you, hence your bold move.
A knock sounds on your front door and you toss off your blanket to go answer it. With your new position as an Ambassador and not a liaison, you were getting heavier paychecks which allowed you to move to the Promenade. A vast majority of your money went directly to building new homes for the citizens of Zaun. Thanks to you, hundreds of people were off of the streets and in homes that they wouldn’t have to pay for. The only thing you asked for in return was that they helped anyone who needed a home find one.
“Sevika!” You yelp in surprise seeing the woman.
“I’m here to talk.” Sevika smiles at you.
“Right, right.” You scramble to let her into your house, “Come in.” Sevika steps inside, caring enough to take her boots off before you two end up in the living room. You sit down next to her feeling more nervous than you had earlier, internally cursing at yourself. ‘What if I just annoyed her? She didn’t seem annoyed with me. Holy fuck, I hope I’m not reading into these signs.’ It’s quiet for a bit, you and Sevika looking anywhere but at each other. But, you could feel the tension between you two. You wanted to jump into her arms and kiss her, a feeling you haven’t had since you were with Violet.
“Can I kiss you?” Sevika rushes out suddenly and it has you snapping your head to her.
“Yes, please!” You whine desperately, and you’re being pulled into a kiss a second later. It’s hot, desperate, and needy and exactly the way you had fantasized kissing Sevika would be. You’re pulled onto her lap, her arms wrapping around your waist and you grab a fistful of her hair. The two of you make out for a while, going from a desperate kiss to something sweeter. When you separate, you’re breathing heavily with large grins on your faces.
“So it’s safe to assume that you’re into me.” Sevika smirks, “You had me guessing for a while, you brat.” She smacks your ass, making you laugh.
“I’ve been into you for months, Sev. It just… didn’t feel right to mention it when I wasn’t over Vi. I thought you might’ve been a rebound, but even when I got over her… I was still into you.”
“Even knowing about my open, non-monogamous lifestyle? I mean after what Vi did…”
“Honestly? In some ways, I find it relieving. You’re open and upfront about sleeping or dating other people. The part that really got to me about Vi was the secrecy. She was so secretive about it that I was doubting myself for a while. You’ve been very upfront, and I don’t mind, really.”
“That’s a relief.” Sevika exhales, “I’ve been… into you for a while. I admired you at first and it grew from there. You were a woman to be reckoned with, and Vander wouldn’t stop yapping about you.” You both laugh at that. Vander had told you that you were like a daughter to him. He talked about you to anyone who would listen, bragging about your accomplishments and even your failures. As an orphan, it made you feel seen and he was the reason you worked so hard to move up the ladder. Silco said he planned on offering you the liaison job before you even told him you wanted to do it. His brother’s rambling about you had swayed him so he was pleased that you came forward when you did.
“How long is a while?” You raise an eyebrow.
“…Three years.” Sevika coughs, a tinge of color on her cheeks. You blink, processing her words before you’re blushing, too. ‘Three years?! Sevika has been into me for three years?!’
“I-I-I- Wow.” You stutter, “Really?”
“Really.” Sevika nods, tucking you under her arm, “Like I said, I admired you at first. You were such a strong woman, a firm leader, and yet you managed to be so friendly and soft with everyone. You managed to get the entirety of Zaun to fall in love with you. I was honestly baffled by how such a feminine woman like you came from here… and then I saw you beat someone after getting your nails done.”
“You saw that?!” You gasp, covering your mouth in embarrassment. You enjoyed getting your nails done, going for the sharp claws or an indulgent coffin shape. The nail techs in Zaun were the greatest, and you didn’t care about paying top price for them. You did care when people looked down on the nail techs. The person you beat up had jumped one of the girls and took her nail kit, intending on tossing it down a fissure.
“Oh yeah.” Sevika laughs, “I watched the whole thing from the start to the finish on Kippler’s balcony. The guy’s friends had to carry him out of there because he was so badly injured. What was that weapon you used? I mean to ask but uh… I kept forgetting.”
“Ekko and I made our own weapons.” You stand up and grab your twirling baton, “I found this in the junkyard, took the end caps off, and soldered on some knives. It’s called a twirling baton and it’s used generally in Piltover. I was so excited to find it so I chose it.” You show it off to her, expertly twirling it around after years of practice.
“Is that how you got all of those scars on your fingers?” Sevika watches you in awe. Once again wondering how someone so delicate as you can be so deadly. She wouldn’t voice it out loud but you were totally turning her on.
“Yeah. Apparently, there’s a lot more skill required for this than I previously thought. I got nicked a lot while I was learning.” You chuckle, collapsing the rod and putting it back on the mantle. You seat yourself back on Sevika’s lap and wrap your arms around her shoulders.
“So… where do we go from here?” You ask.
“How about we go on a date tomorrow?” Sevika brushes your hair out of your face, “I know just the place. I want to take it slow with you, especially after what happened. I want you to be able to trust me.”
“Sev, I already trust you. Being cheated on doesn’t make me automatically mistrust you, and besides…” You kiss her cheek, “Loyalty is your thing. You’re literally known for that.”
“Still.” Sevika whispers, fingers brushing against your cheek, “I’m going to treat you like a princess. You’ll never want for anything.”
“Oh yeah?” You smile teasingly, “Prove it to me.”
Sevika did, in fact, prove it to you. You went on a few dates before you asked her to be your girlfriend. It was important to her that you made that step, and you appreciated that. Truthfully, things between you and Sevika were moving very quickly. She took you to places in Zaun you didn’t even know existed. They were these hole-in-the-wall bars and restaurants that you ended up loving. The two of you even went to a gay bar called Cherry Pit where a lot of women were flirting with you. When you mentioned that you’re in a relationship, they switched to flirting with both of you. You’ve had girlfriends other than Violet but this wasn’t something you’ve experienced before. You were hesitant about flirting back, but Sevika didn’t push you, and that made you more comfortable trying it out.
You were surprised to learn how many women were into you. Sevika would later tell you that you have more of a reputation than you know, especially among the queer community. The bar served a drink called Dripping Wet which was an aphrodisiac. You coyly suggested trying it out to kick off your sex life, and the eight hours after that was a vivid memory you blush just thinking about. It ended with you waking up with a bit of pain and in Sevika’s bed.
One thing that really helped you relax was how different Sevika is from Vi. Oddly enough, you felt more alive than when you were with your ex. She continued to go out, party and drink but she brought you with her and you did it together. When you were out, she made it known that you’re her girlfriend and nothing was done without your permission. To Sevika’s surprise, you even had a threesome for the first time! It was brought up by you, of course, but she was happy to accommodate your desires. Your girlfriend was very careful with you, letting you take the lead in how the relationship progressed. Within a few months, you were whispering “I love you” during the most intimate moments. Then, came telling your friends and family.
“Hey, guys!” You wave happily, walking in with some of the SilverJays and seeing the Firelights and Sevika’s gang messing around. The Drop was closed for the evening since Vander liked to give your gangs a quiet place to relax.
“Y/n!” Everyone cheers, Sevika’s lips curving into a smile as she brings her cigar up.
“If it isn’t the Silvers.” Krow drawls playfully, spinning her pool stick around, “Care to get your ass handed to you, Tremaine?”
“Why Krow, are you flirting with me?” Tremaine, your second-in-command, grins. Your crew dispurses into their own groups while you slip into the open chair at the poker table.
“How’s your hoitey-toity Ambassador stuff going?” Ekko grins.
“I’ve got a meeting next week with the whole Council about Zaun. We’re going to be discussing what measures to take in order to get rid of the Zaun Gray for good.” You smile brightly, “Mel already has Jayce and Victor working on blueprints. They were shocked to learn that most of my paycheck for the last year has been going directly to the city.”
“I’d be surprised if you don’t get appointed the leader of Zaun instead of Uncle Silco. He’s been very good, don’t get me wrong, but everyone loves you. After everything that has happened, you’re still Zaun’s Silver Girl.” Powder winks.
“Agreed!” Eve chimes in, “And you’ve been doing so amazing this past year! The only way you’re going is up!” You spend a while talking and laughing about what everyone is doing. The Firelights were working hard on detoxifying the waters while Sevika’s ChemBandits were managing the mines. Between your three groups taking charge, Zaun was doing much better.
“Hey… guys?” You nervously call out after a fit of laughter.
“What’s up sis?” Ekko tilts his head, noticing your nervous tapping.
“Uh… So, I have something to tell you guys.”
“YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” Powder screeches, making you recoil in shock.
“WHAT?! NO!” You shout back, staring at her with wide eyes, “EW, NO!” Your visible disgust makes people laugh and helps you calm down. 
“No.” You chuckle, “I’d be confused as hell, but at least I’d know who the mother is.” You smirk at Sevika who raises an eyebrow.
“In other words- Sevika and I are in a relationship.” You hurriedly continue and bite your lip at the blank stares you’re being given. The rest of your group was doing the same, having tuned into the conversation when Powder screamed. ‘Uh… Did I… Did I break them?’ You and Sevika share a concerned glance before there’s a sudden movement in the room. You squeal in shock as everyone pulls out their weapons and points them at Sevika who holds up her hands in surrender.
“DON’T YOU DARE HURT HER!” They all scream together thrusting their weapons closer.
“I swear to Janna, Sevika! I’ll gut you if you even dare to make my sister cry!” Ekko snarls, eyes dark as the blade of his bat hovers by her throat.
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re my boss, I’ll stab you to death!” Ran hisses.
“Ditto! I’ll litter your body with bullet holes!” Powder cocks back the hammer on Zapper. You open your mouth the tell them to calm down when Sevika puts a hand over it.
“If I ever hurt her. You can kill me.” Sevika says seriously, making your body stiffen, “I know what she’s been through and she deserves to be happy. The moment I stop making her happy, I better be dead.”
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The Enforcers at the entrance to the Councilor Building gawk at you as you glide past them. You were in such a good mood that you were humming with a skip in your step. You get amused smiles from people who tell you good morning and you happily chirp it back. You had a wonderful night with Sevika which put you in the best mood.
You practically twirl into Mel’s office and give her the widest grin you can manage, “Gooood morning, Melandrea!” You giggle. Mel gives you an amused look that quickly turns into a surprised one. She puts down the teacup in her hand and blinks at you.
“What?” You pout.
“First of all, that’s not my name and you know it.” Mel rolls her eyes, “Secondly, when did you get a diamond choker? I thought your money was going into Zaun?” She looks at your neck in interest. That puts the grin back onto your face, making her smile in return.
“My girlfriend got it for me.” You’re grinning so hard that your cheeks hurt, “She surprised me with it last night.” You watch Mel’s face as she processes what you said. It goes from interest to surprise and then to excitement. Mel’s hands shoot out and grab yours tightly as a grin crosses her face.
“Girlfriend?! Y/n/n! When did that happen?! Who is it?! You must tell me!” Mel rushes out, squeezing your hands. You giggle at her antics but there isn’t any time to tell her right now.
“After the meeting, okay? We have to head to the Councilors’ Hall. I have more than enough time to hang back and talk with you.” You promise her. 
“This is why I say you need to wake up earlier.” Mel huffs and crosses her arms, but the two of you head for the door.
“You want me to be here by 6 am like you? Not a chance!” You shake your head, “I’m merely an Ambassador, Melanie. If you want me to be here earlier than 8 am, I better be getting a paycheck to match.” You joke.
“I detest your attempts to give me a full name.” Mel drawls, “I quite enjoy my current one.”
“Now, now, Melina. Be more hospitable.” You pat her shoulder as you enter the Councilors’ Hall, making her laugh. You laugh with her and gaze around the room to see everyone else sitting down. Violet nods at you and you nod back. Keeping a professional work relationship with her had been challenging at first, but it got easier the more you saw her as a co-worker and not an ex-girlfriend. You were cordial with each other, only interacting when necessary as she hadn’t been removed from Stasis, yet. You may never care for her on the same level again, but you respected her efforts to be professional with you regardless of your history.
“Good morning, Y/n.” Cassandra smiles at you as you take your seat beside Mel.
“Good morning, Cassandra.” You smile back.
“I’d like to call this meeting today into order.” Jayce stands, “We will be discussing the state of our two cities…” You tune Jayce out but listen back in when they start talking about Piltover. The topsiders were really making progress. A large amount of Piltover’s wealth comes from Zaun and they were making an effort to get things to be equal. Your eyes wander over to Caitlyn and you feel the anger rise through you. Your hands unable to curl into fists from your long nails so you clasp your hands instead. You were too heartbroken to feel the anger last year, but that’s different now that you’re in a better mindset.
“Now, I’d like to turn the topic to our Zaunite representatives. We’ll start with Violet and how things are going with the charity.” Jayce motions to her.
“With awareness spreading, we’ve been receiving regular donations. One of the orphanages is completely stocked with brand new blankets and mattresses.” You’re handed a list detailing all of the donations, “The children also have new toys and books to use. I’m happy to say that within a month, we should be meeting our goal.” Vi smiles, “It’s a relief to be able to provide for these kids and give back to my community.”
“That’s wonderful.” Shoola smiles widely, “Every child deserves to have the chance to be a child.”
“That’s right.” Cassandra nods, “You’re doing a great job, you two.”
“We plan on rebuilding the orphanages after everything is settled. While the children have newer things, that won’t be of use if they have leaking roofs.” Caitlyn adds on. You bite your lip not wanting to speak out of turn.
“Y/n, how is your work going in Zaun?” Jayce turns to you, “We know that your paycheck is going directly into the city, but what are your plans?”
“My team and I have been constructing and renovating homes. I contracted all of the workers from Zaun and Bilgewater to do this in a faster time frame. We started at the sump level and next week we’re moving to the Entresol level.” You pull out copies of your plans and hand them out, “All homes are run completely on a non-volatile form of Chemtech made by Glasc Industries. They’re equipped with two bedrooms and a bathroom, a proper kitchen and a living room. Even with our plans on clearing the Zaun Gray, every home has an air filter.”
“Where have you gotten the money to pay for this and continue living?” Salo’s eyebrows shoot up, “I mean that diamond choker around your neck looks like it costs a fortune.” Your hand goes up to your choker as everyone looks intently at you.
“They’re real?” Caitlyn questions.
“Of course they are.” Shoola chuckles, “They’re diamonds from my family mine. There are one hundred diamonds around her neck. My younger sister was the one who handled the custom request, but… your name wasn’t the one listed as the buyer. Her name was Sevika.” She raises an eyebrow with an interested look on her face. That piques everyone’s interest and you blush trying to hide the flustered smile on your face.
“I assure you, I didn’t even know about the choker until last night. Sevika is my girlfriend and the one who ordered it for me as a surprise gift.” You brush your fingers over the choker, “She’s been supporting me while I focus my efforts on Zaun, and has been the best helper. She’s an Ambassador, but she deals directly with the other countries - Bilgewater, Ixtal, Shurima, Targon, Noxus, Demacia, and the Freljord.”
“A girlfriend?” Cassandra gasps, “Oh, Y/n, it’s wonderful that she supports you.” She puts a hand over yours, a happy smile on her face.
“She sounds like a valuable partner.” Hoskel nods in agreement, “Anyone who supports your endeavors and values you enough to purchase a near priceless gift is worth keeping.” You notice that Vi has an odd look on her face. A mixture between shock, disbelief, and something else you can’t place. You look back down at your note and clear your throat. 
“May we get back to my report?” You glance at Jayce who chuckles and nods, “You may have noticed that I left the orphanages out of the renovating process. If you flip to the next page, you’ll see that the brand new orphanage is going into construction next week on the Promenade level. Some of our Chem-Barons graciously handed their sections of land over when I… requested it. As an orphan myself who grew up in the sump at Hope’s, I vowed to give those children a better life. I visited my old Keeper and asked her what the orphanage needed and planned it out.”
“How many square feet is this new orphanage?” Caitlyn asks, “Will it be big enough?”
“This new orphanage will be big enough to house all of the children and give them private rooms.” You cross your arms, “Children currently share a bedroom. When I was there, there were twenty girls in one bedroom.” You watch as their eyes widen, surprised gasps sounding at your confession.
“This is what we’ve been talking about.” Vi speaks up, “The Undercity is not like Piltover, and that’s why we’ve been advocating so hard to get help.”
“It is thanks to Vi’s efforts in focusing on their comfort that we can move quickly and finish building within the month.” You give Vi a smile and she returns it. You knew that she had the children at heart and you wouldn’t let anything get in the way of helping them. Violet was an orphan herself, after all, even if she had lived with Vander. Caitlyn looks shocked at your words and it makes you feel satisfied. You weren’t going to let her take your dream from you. The orphanage was your home for so many years. It didn’t feel right to let someone else come in and do the work when you have the resources. Especially a Piltie.
“You’re doing all of that work?” Bolbok questions, appalled, “How do you have time for anything else?”
“Yes. When you asked where my money was going… that’s what it’s going to.” You smile, Sevika flashing into your mind, “If my girlfriend hadn’t snuck her way into providing for me, this may be a different conversation.” You laugh. The discussion continues on and you’re elated to know that all of the Councilors give you their support. Your heart nearly burst from your chest when they drafted a document and formally pledged to assist in the upkeep of the new orphanage. You and Vi had jumped up and hugged each other without much thought, before jerking away and returning to your seats.
Mel dragged you back to her office and broke out a bottle of champagne to celebrate. She grilled you about Sevika and you spilled everything to her. You were a bit confused when she didn’t blink as you brought up polyamory. Mel laughed at your confusion and mentioned that her mother is polyamorous, and she is too. That led to you two having a discussion about it before going back to talking about you and Sevika. Then, the topic went to how you met her and you finally told her the truth about that day. Mel hugged you tightly and tentatively asked you how you felt about Vi and Caitlyn.
“Vi? I don’t hate her or anything. She said her piece and I’ve moved on from her. My relationship with her is two Zaunites working together in a professional setting. Nothing more, nothing less.” You shrug.
“And Caitlyn?” Mel pours you a third glass.
“Between me and you?” You ask casually, making Mel give you a look. After taking a sip, you sigh and put your glass down, “Truthfully, I want to ruin her reputation. It angers me that she was my ex’s mistress, a Councilor’s daughter, and nothing happened to her. In Zaun, we have this thing called Stasis. When someone has a crisis caused by another person, they’ll be shunned until the person is in a better mental state. Vi was forced to sleep outside, got beat up, and her own family ignored her for months outside of basic things. Vi’s Stasis ends as soon as I give the go-ahead, and yet Caitlyn continues to be treated like an angel.”
“You need to tell Cassandra.” Mel touches your shoulder, “If you need help covertly getting to Caitlyn…” 
“No. I’m sure once Cassandra knows she'll do something about it.” You smile darkly. A knock sounds at the door and Jayce comes into the room.
“Ladies.” Jayce greets you two, “Do you know if Cassandra has gone home? I went to her office but she was not there. I have some paperwork for her.”
“She left about an hour ago.” Mel responds, “She stopped by to say goodnight, but she should be finishing up work at home.”
“Crap.” Jayce sighs, “I have to get back to the lab, but she needs this report.”
“I can bring it to her.” You stand, downing the rest of your champagne, “I should be heading out. Sevika and I have a date tonight.”
“I can’t believe you’re dating an ex-murderer and gang leader.” Jayce huffs, handing you the file, “Are you sure about it?”
“I’m an ex-murderer, Jayce.” You give him a coy smile, “Remember, I am a gang leader, too.” 
“Well yeah, but-”
“-She isn’t any more dangerous to me than I am to her. So really, we’re perfect for each other. Anyway, I’m heading out. I’ll see you all next week for the follow-up meeting if I’m not in Bilgewater.” 
“Why would you be in Bilgewater?” Jayce tilts his head.
“I’m collared now.” You smile cheekily, wanting to have some fun, “I follow my owner everywhere. I’m her prized pet.” You wink, making Jayce turn red while Mel laughs. You’ve been messing with Jayce ever since you found out that he didn’t know what kinks were. You took every chance he gave you and Mel joined in at times. It brought you amusement to watch as his face turned red at your antics.
“Y/n, stop messing with him!” Mel giggles, “He’s too fragile to hear these things.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that my dear, Melody. Jayce is my friend, and as my friend, he’s subjected to my whims.” You laugh, playfully blowing a kiss before leaving the room.
You took a peek at the file on your way to Kiramman Manor and nearly screamed from excitement. Jayce didn’t tell you that it was confidential and you’re very glad that he didn’t. Inside the file was a document detailing every reason why you should be chosen as the first Zaunite Councilor! You had to calm yourself down because this felt like something you shouldn’t know is in discussion. So, when you got to Cassandra’s front door, you made sure to compose yourself before knocking.
“Y/n! Good evening! How can I help you, dear?” Tobias Kiramman grins at you as he opens the door.
“Tobias!” You grin back and accept the hug he offers you, “I’m looking for that wonderful wife of yours. You know I have quite the crush on her.” You joke as he lets you inside. You’re welcomed by the smell of freshly baked banana bread. The manor was always pleasantly warm and inviting every time you visited.
“Ah, Cassie is in her home office. I’ll take you there, but would you like some banana bread to take home? I got a little too ambitious and made more than we can eat.” Tobias chuckles and guides you through the halls. You’ve been here enough times to know your way, but Tobias loved having company over so you allowed him to take the lead.
“I would be thrilled!” You squeal excitedly, “You know I love your banana bread!”
“I’ll get it wrapped up for you, then.” Tobias nudges you, motioning to the office door, “Do me a favor and remind her that work ended an hour ago?”
“I’ll make sure your wife knows that you miss her, Toby.” You nudge him before knocking on the door.
“Come in!” You hear Cassandra call out with a wink to Tobias, you head inside. You close the door behind you, smiling in amusement when Cassandra doesn’t look up from her work. You stay quiet until you’re standing behind the chair, putting a hand on your hip, “I could have killed you.”
“Well, it’s a good thing your perfume would have given it away.” Cassandra chuckles, putting her pen down and looking at you, “What brings you to my home, Y/n? Is this a social visit?”
“Unfortunately not, my dear Councilor.” You reveal the file from behind your back as you sit, “I come bearing a gift from one Mr.Talis and a note from your darling husband. Tobias says that he wishes he was your lover instead of your desk.” That gets a laugh out of her as she views the file.
“I was hoping this file would find its way to me tonight as it’s time sensitive. So, thank you for that. And as for my husband, I assure you he is my lover and not my desk.” Cassandra winks, making you laugh. ‘Ah, this would be the perfect time to tell her. Should I?’
“What is it?” You’re popped out of your thoughts to see the concerned look you’re being given, “What’s wrong, Y/n/n?”
“Ah…” You clear your throat, “I have something to tell you about your daughter, Councilor Kiramman. But, I’d like for this to be off the record.” That makes her straighten up in her chair and give you a worried look. You take a deep breath and explain everything to her. You hadn’t cried when you told Mel, but you found yourself crying now. Explaining it to Cassandra - Caitlyn’s mother - felt embarrassing. She is a close friend of yours now and to not have told her in over a year made you feel bad. But, she only comforted you, listening closely with a fire in her eyes that made you nervous. Was she going to call you a liar? At some point, Tobias stopped in to give you the box of banana bread.
“It appears I have failed as a mother.” Cassandra closes her eyes, sighing, “My daughter put you in a position where we could have lost you. So, please, let me take care of this. Is there anything I can do for you…? I feel horrible knowing this.”
“You don’t need to do anything, Cassie. You and your husband have been here for me since my attempt. That’s all I needed… people being there for me.” You place a hand over hers while she wipes away her tears. Your eyes flick to the clock and you realize that you need to get going. ‘I don’t want to be late tonight. I don’t know what Sevika has planned but she told me to be on time.’
“I have to go, but you know where to find me.” You give her a smile.
“Please, you can come to me for anything. Anything at all.” Cassandra nods, escorting you to the office door, “I’d walk you out but I need to finish this document.”
“No worries, I know the way.” You pat her shoulder and exit the office. You pause for a moment outside the door to take a deep breath and compose yourself. ‘I did it. I finally had the courage to tell Cassandra what happened. It feels good.’ You smile to yourself and start walking to the front door. As you turn a corner, you come face to face with Caitlyn Kiramman in a nightgown and robe. You come to a halt as she does, jolting back so you don’t crash into each other.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Caitlyn gives you a confused look. Just looking at her made you angry, breaking through all of your patience. She was your ex’s mistress, choosing to have sex with Vi when she was in a relationship. That didn’t excuse Vi’s behavior, but it took two to tango.
“Dropping off a file for Cassandra.” You cross your arms, “So if you’ll excuse me, I’m on my way out.” You step around her, wanting to leave before you do something. But, you stop yourself the moment you think that. ‘What am I doing? The bitch deserves it.’
“Hey, Caitlyn.” You turn to face her. Caitlyn turns around, and your hand is flying before she can look at you. You feel the impact, the back of your hand colliding with her cheek with a heavy force. You watch as Caitlyn hits the ground, staring up at you in shock as you crouch next to her. Your nails had cut her cheek leaving four thin, bloody lines and you knew her face was going to bruise.
“You can keep her, but you’ll always be the mistress...” Your voice drips sickly-sweet honey, Caitlyn staring at you speechlessly, “Ta-ta. Don’t forget to get your beauty sleep.” You pat her on the cheek, wipe the blood off on her robe, and walk away.
After that, Sevika and you started making more noticeable appearances. You kept it quiet until your relationship was fully secure and now that it is, you didn’t give a fuck who saw. Sevika loved to flaunt you and have you with her whenever she could. She sat you on her lap, one hand always on your thigh and you couldn’t sit anywhere else. If her lap was free, that’s where you were.
You would go to Babette’s together to have some fun every once in a while, and word spread like chemical fire. All people could talk about was you and Sevika being an item. No one saw it coming, but they agreed that you were a perfect match. You even brought her along to one of your Councilor meetings at their incessant requests. That was when you noticed the bad mood Vi seemed to be in. Every time you were out and happened to be near her, you caught a glimpse of a frown on her face. That must’ve meant there was trouble in paradise between her and Caitlyn and didn’t that bring you a petty joy? You even heard them arguing in Vi’s room once when you were hanging out with Powder. But, you shrugged it off. It was none of your business… until it was.
“Caitlyn Kiramman was removed as a Piltover Ambassador!” Powder gasps as she reads out the newspaper, “Our esteemed Councilor Cassandra Kiramman came forward and publicly outed her daughter for having an affair with the partner of a family friend. Her informant was her own assistant who caught her daughter in the act! Councilor Kiramman kept silent until she could get into contact with her friend and privately ask for permission to share the story. She said that she abhors cheating and won’t accept it from her own daughter. Caitlyn Kiramman has been renounced as the Heiress to the House.”
“Holy shit.” Ekko breathes out in shock, “Sis, did you know that she was going to do that?”
“No.” You shake your head, “All she said was that she’d take care of it. And that was before I bitch-slapped her daughter.”
“I love that you did that!” Power grins, “I’ve been pranking her every time she comes around. You should’ve seen her face when I swapped out her tea for a dark roast coffee!” She laughs, making the rest of you join her.
“Are you ready for the ceremony tomorrow?” Sevika kisses your nose, Vander walks into the room as she does.
“I’m so nervous, yet really excited. I can’t believe they’re going to swear me in as a new Councilor. This is like a fever dream or something- OW!” You yelp, rubbing your thigh and your arm, “Really, guys?” You pout, making Sevika and Eve laugh.
“Have you thought of a Clan name yet?” Vander places a few boxes of pizza on the table.
“I have but… I’d actually like your opinions on it.” You fidget nervously.
“Well, what is it?” Vander distributes the pizza. You bite your lip before telling them. Their reactions are stunned at first but you ramble about your explanation for it. While you sit and eat, the rest of them each take their turns giving you advice and their opinions on it. You’re having a great time when Vi comes into the living room looking like she hasn’t slept in a while. The laughter dies down as Vander hands her a plate, but she turns her attention to you.
“Y/n, can we talk privately?” Vi nervously clears her throat. Gazes around the room sharpen as the tension rises but you nod. Everyone knew you were over her, but they would forever be protective over you. Sevika kisses your cheek and allows you to get off of her lap. You follow Vi into the hallway, but you still have a view of the group.
“What’s up?” You cross your arms and lean against the wall.
“I um… I wanted to say that you’re right. Caitlyn is nothing like you, and I realized that… I still love you. I-I know it’s a long shot, but I still have to ask… do you- do you still love me?” Vi fidgets with the paper plate.
“…I do. You were my first love. I care for you, Vi, but not in the same way. Not anymore.” You sigh, watching tears form in her eyes, “…I’ve moved on, and I’ll never go back to that girl you knew a year ago. I’m with Sevika and she makes me happy.” You look at Sevika, seeing her laugh as Eve and Powder wrestle. She has your heart now.
“I know.” Vi nods, “I know I’ve ruined any chance of getting you back but I just… I had to tell you. I broke up with Caitlyn two weeks ago. I cheated because…” You smile sadly as Vi finally explains to you why she cheated. Why things happened the way they did and how she felt after learning about your attempt.
“Again, I wanted to tell you. It took a while for me to realize why I cheated, too. It wasn’t you. It was completely me, and I take full responsibility for everything.” Vi rubs the back of her neck, “Anyway, um… have a good night.” She goes to walk away out you stop her. ‘That was the last thing I needed from her.’
“Come on. Come join us.” You motion to the group, “You’ve been shunned long enough.”
“What? You’re letting me join?”
“Vi… you finally explained yourself to me. You took the time to talk to me even though you’re shaking like a leaf. And, as I said… I still care about you. Things won’t be the same between us, but this is still your family. It’d be different if we weren’t working together or running in the same circles, but you need support, too. Now, come on before I change my mind. They missed you, you know?” You guide Vi back to the group and explain the situation to them. Vander and Powder are the first two to welcome her before the others do. The conversation starts tentatively but picks up once everyone starts getting comfortable again. You and Sevika dismiss yourselves and head to your place for some private time. 
“That was very mature of you, Y/n.” Sevika kisses your neck as you sit on her lap.
“You listened in on the conversation.” You chuckle, giving her a look.
“Mmm, I did. I liked hearing you stand your ground.” Sevika whispers, “…And mention that you’re with me.” She grins.
“I’m yours.” You whisper, tilting your head back to kiss her cheek, “I’m happy with you.”
“I love you, Y/n/n.” Sevika says affectionately.
“I love you, too, Sev.” You smile, cuddling to her chest.
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ranvwoop · 11 months
oh i forgot i just actually really like thinking abt Minecraft as a medium / Minecraft worldbuilding . All of my guys are about Minecraft as a medium
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chrollogy · 2 months
LIMELIGHT | short series masterlist (on hiatus)
ft. miya atsumu x f!reader
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synopsis: An inebriated one night stand in the City of Love with a mystery man loops you into the shackles of a chaotic scandal after finding out that he’s a professional volleyball player for the MSBY Black Jackals, and also a part of the men’s national olympic volleyball team. This wouldn’t be a huge problem if the tabloids didn’t stir up rumours about your relationship with a co-artist months prior. Now, the media thinks you’re a cheater.
With your reputation on the line as Japan’s treasured artist, you’re forced to navigate through the ropes of publicity stunts with Miya Atsumu—acting like a make-believe sugary couple under the watchful gaze of newshounds, and observant fans until the scandal dies down. It’s all strictly business until feelings get involved.
content warning: fake dating au, pop artist!reader, fluff, smut (first chap; mdni), drunken ONS, consensual s*x, messy scandal, implied alcohol use, angst, mutual pining, slow burn, strangers to lovers, requited unrequited love, miscommunication, implied cheating (falsely accused), suggestive themes + more tags tba!
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teaser. Exercise routine
i. Mystery man in Paris
ii. His name? Miya Atsumu
iii. A meeting
iv. tba
v. tba
vi. tba
want to be updated? fill in the taglist form! 37/50 slots (open)
notes: divider: cafekitsune. ehehehee a new tsumu series?? as usual, this will be a slow update so yeeee!!! hope u all enjoy this journey with me <3
© chrollogy 2024 | don't plagiarise, repost or steal my video.
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cottonundiestf · 10 months
Winner Take All
Diana and Violet shared a streaming channel, DiViGaming, that was struggling to gain traction. The streaming space was crowded if you didn't have a gimmick, and they hadn't settled on one yet.
At least, not until they got their hands on the Victor's Spoils Chokers!
Wearing matching choker necklaces, their contests now had higher stakes, with the winner getting to steal away a trait of her choice from the loser. Viewers flocked to watch each stream, waiting with pants in hand for the results.
Today's games had been... rough on Diana. Violet won the first game, a rhythm game, which was expected; she was always more on beat than Diana. But Di had way better reaction time to make up for it in the next games.
Except Violet cheated! "As winner, I'm going to... drain some of your motor functions."
"What?" The small gem at Diana's throat glowed and suddenly she felt the world slowing down as dizziness overtook her. When the sudden wave subsided, she looked at her hands, trying to move her fingers, only to realize they were difficult to move and didn't react right away. "Ch-cheater!"
Violet just grinned. "We never said it was against the rules! Oh well, next game!"
With Violet's reactions and dexterity souped up and Diana's at minimal functionality, the next series of games were a stomp. And Violet was showing no mercy, laughing and bullying her friend the entire time.
"I win again! Let's take... that lovely tan complexion of yours." Diana grumbled, feeling the ripple of goosebumps across her body as the natural tan granted by her mixed heritage drained away until she was pale white and her friend's Nordic background vanished behind a perfect warm complexion.
"Another win? Oh my, how about... that round ass of yours! I could use a boost." The girls had comparable bottoms, or at least they did, but Diana was forced to stand and show the camera as her ass lost enough mass that her pants started to slip off. Meanwhile, Vi was happy to taunt Di, shaking her new cake for the viewers.
"Won. Again. You know, I can tell you've been hitting the gym. I'm fine reaping the rewards." Diana groaned, feeling weak as her muscle mass withered away, leaving her frame narrow as a toothpick while Violet enjoyed her new healthy build.
And this kept happening. Diana dropped out of frame as her height was reduced by a foot while Violet shot up. Diana's long hair had to be pulled into a close, messy bun as Violet flipped her new luxurious locks.
And, of course, with the final game, Violet approached her petite partner and touched her chest. "They aren't even that big. Cute little B cups. But..."
Diana whimpered. "...Please?"
Violet shrugged. "Sorry Di. It's all you've got left." The gem glowed, deflating the perky tits on Diana until she was left with naught but puffy nipples on her flat chest.
Violet chuckled, grasping her chest. "Well, this has been a fun stream! I hope everyone enjoyed this thorough ass-kicking! Now if you switch to our... 'private stream,' you'll get to see Di appreciate our body in all its glory."
"Can I at least get my brain stuff back," she grumbled?
"...Yes. But only because I'm going to make sure to put that dexterity to good use. Now smile for the camera, Di!"
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Tags for @misseviehyde and @bimbosanddolls for getting me in an attribute theft mood!
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levilaughlove · 6 months
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☁️► Heads up : M x m romance, cheating/disloyalty, mentions of emotional abuse, manipulation & gaslighting. Reader is taller than Levi by 3 in. Mentions of mental breakdowns & indecent language & ofc, smut.🗞 > Chapter 2
You woke up in a familiar bedroom. It's Levi's. You have a warm cloth on your head, the room has a heater set to a comfortable temp, & the smell of a vanilla candle was just enough.
"Welcome back to Earth." Levi says sarcastically, looking at you. The memories of how you got here flood back & your eyes water in anger & distress.
"You just got better. You were in bad shape..." Levi says cautiously as if he wants to add to that. "Go on..." You say, not breaking eye-contact with his unusually nervous person.
"You don't have to tell me now — or at all if you don't want to, but, what happened? That's the worst I've seen you.'' Levi asks, trying to keep an unbothered suit but the concern was there. You finally break eye contact and let out a tired breath. "She lashed out again. She waited for me in the living room." You stopped, not wanting her to seem more bad than she already is.
Silence rings through the room before Levi speaks up. "There's more to that. I know you, what else?" He says sternly. You stay silent.
"You shouldn't feel obligated to save her ass every time. She fucked up her reputation herself, you didn't do that." He adds. All you do, is nod in agreement but didn't audibly agree. "Also..."
"I tried to call you, but you didn't pick up. Was it a bad time or was it the heavy ass rain?" Levi asks, curious. "No she, she smashed it. My phone that is...that's what triggered the panic attack. It was just so loud."
You reply ashamed. You felt childish for the confession but it was Levi &, you confide in him. Levi looks at you with anger, but you know its not directed towards you. "That bitch, it pisses me off and i've never even SPOKEN to it." Levi glares, lost in unconscious, angry rambling.
Levi stopped, realizing how awkward it was for you. "I.." Levi began.
"I just want you to know, I'm not one to be sentimental or whatever the shit..." He continued, a tad bit embarrassed. "But, I care about you, so much. She's a cunt for how she treats you..you deserve much better. Even if it were for a minute, y'know, I could treat you better than she could in 7 centuries. I can treat you better." Levi uttered.
You were stunned, it was like a confession but you weren't sure if Levi had quite registered that he basically confessed his feelings about you. "Levi..." you murmured, an unexplainable joy rises in your chest.
Levi is looking down to his slightly fidgeting hands. He hasn't found the courage to look back up to you just yet. A hand sneaks under his chin & raises his head to meet your face once again. "I really understand how you feel, i'd love to reciprocate but..she is my wife. I'd be cheating. I don't...cheat." You say.
"One can label you a cheater all they want but more importantly label her a murderer. She killed a bright soul & that is unforgivable. My (M/n)." He said. "Pea."
Your heart dropped into your ass, he remembered. He remembers the best moments of your shared lives. It all made sense to you now. A breath of fresh air. It just. makes. sense.
"I've never said anything like this to anyone before." Levi Says. "— I don't need an answer now... I'll wait for you." he adds.
"Absolutely." You finally answer. "Yes, a million times."
Levi's stone cold expression has a hint of relief. You lean in, connecting your lips together.
"A million—times—Yes." You say in between kisses. He loves the way your lips feel, he has some unspeakable things he wants to do to you but won't say it, of course. Levis hands sneak to your waist, pulling you underneath him.
His hands roam your lower half, ever so slightly teasing your cock through your sweats.
" s-so good, vi. " Levi's face heats up, the way you get him worked up is concerning. You pull Levi closer, wrapping your legs around his waist and rubbing your manhoods together.
Levi moans & soft grunts in your ear. The friction makes you both hot and bothered, a faint wet spot can be seen on the head of both of your sweatpants. "I'm gonna take such...good care of you, (m/n)" Levi breathes out. "Flip." You obey and turn onto your stomach, lifting your ass in the air. Y'know, easy access. Levi eagerly slides your sweats down along with your boxers at once.
His breathing gets a bit heavier upon seeing your puckered hole, eager to be fucked. He guessed this was his reward for all his patience. You wanted to be filled so bad, never before had you ever had a desire this much. Everything boiled up to a point & you were ready to feel healthy love. Healthy love making.
You look back to Levi, eye full of desperate pleading. "I need it, I really need it, vi'...p-lease..." That sent him over the edge. "Oh, (m/n)."
Levi rammed his cock into your ass. A heat rises into both of your stomachs. Levi leans down & hugs you tight before pulling out and slamming back in. "Oh, hhnn." Fuck, you hadn't felt this much pleasure in a while. You feel his cock roughly pounding into your prostate, lewd fluids leaking onto the bed from your sex. Your cock hanging, the sheets below grazing your slit. Levi's hands tighten on your waist, more near your groin.
Levi listens closely to your voice, paying attention to your arousal. He gets off if you're getting off. "H-ghk! F-fuck Levi.." You choke out. Levi picks up his pace, wet slapping of his groin to your ass, your sloppy hole convulsing around him tighter by the second, driving him closer to orgasm. "(M-m/n) you're—) Levi just barely whispered. Tears fill your eyes once more, eyes low & slightly rolling back, body flushed. You let out a moan of immense pleasure, eyes now shut tightly. Levi blushing intensely at you. He has such a crush on you.
Levi slows his pace as to not overstimulate you.
"K-keep going, Levi.." You say breathless.
"B-but...you just—" "I need you to fill me, as deep as you can, vi'."
Levi breathes deeply before, once again, pulling out & slamming in. Your moans in union sound beautiful, your heads are hot, the bed creaking slightly, wet slapping of your jointed bottom parts, then it happens.
Levi loads into you, holding onto tighter than ever, ropes of cum spur onto you chest, your second orgasm. Levi's cum is much more than if he were to jerk off.
After you both fall from your highs, Levi pulls out, watching his cum drip from your gaping hole. You close your eyes & catch your breath. Levi rests his body on top of yours. After a while, he speaks. "You 'kay?" Levi asks, caressing your hair. "More than okay, we're filthy though." You reply. "A filthy i've longed for, for a long time." Levi murmurs into your ear. A small, content smile appears on your face.
The second beginning of something beautiful.
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
part 4four
part 2two
mdni please<3
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summary: ellie hoped to get her reward even though she didn't win the match, but someone really looked forward to ruin her plans, and potentially, change your whole life
warnings: i think its minors safe?? mentions of cheating tho !!
writers note: meow meow its a short chapter again plus everything happens pretty fast cuz im impatient🩷
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you watched as the both teams shook hands, acknowledging the game's conclusion and the tie.
ellie ran over to you and the other cheerleaders, smiling. she looked exhausted, but she was still happy to see you.
"you know, i could still use that kiss." she joked.
"but you didn't win." you smirked, handing her your water.
you remembered how just yesterday you hated her for taking the bottle, and the fact you're the one offering it now was hilarious.
she also seemed to think about that, as she hestitated before drinking it.
"yeah, but..." she stopped to completely down the liquid in just a few sips. she must be really thirsty. "but i didn't lose, either."
ellie looked around. "she's somewhere around here, isn't she?" she asked with a smirk, and you instantly knew who is she talking about. "i need to shove these results in her face."
you shrugged and tried to change the topic. "anyway, back to what i..."
ellie looked you up and down before cutting you off. "one kiss. it's all i want."
she raised an eyebrow at you, clearly expecting a response.
"so is that it?" you chuckled. "you just wanted to make vi mad?"
ellie defensively raised her hands. "no, no. that's just a great bonus."
you laughed at ellie's response, but you knew that there was more to it than that.
ellie had spent the entire match trying to win your recognition. she didn't just want to make vi mad. she wanted to win you - your attention.
"fine." you agreed with a smirk. "i shouldn't, but i'll give you your hard-earned kiss."
you reached out towards ellie, bringing her slowly closer and closer.
you could both feel the anticipation in the air. ellie's breath hitched, and she held her breath as you both moved in for the kiss. your mouths met softly yet passionately, as your lips pressed together and ellie's tongue explored your mouth. you could feel her excitement and her desire for you, and you began to feel the same for her.
the cheering from the crowd faded away as the two of you were caught up in the moment.
a sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted you. you pulled away, heavily breathing, to see vi.
"i just wanted to congratulate you, ellie." she clicked her tongue and crossed her arms.
vi was clearly annoyed by the situation, as she looked at her rival with disdain.
"why do you always take things too far?" she asked ellie. "this match was supposed to be about scoring goals, not about scoring dates."
you both stayed silent, not wanting to start an argument. but maybe it'd be necessary.
"i'm glad to see you two having such a great time together." she said dryly, giving ellie a hard stare.
it was clear that vi was still trying to win you back, and it was also clear that she was bitter about the situation.
ellie looked annoyed by your ex's comment, as she knew exactly where vi's anger was coming from. ellie's face was still flushed from the kiss, but she didn't let it bother her.
you didn't even notice when other students and players left the field, leaving you almost alone.
"thanks for your concern, but we don't need it, alright?" ellie replied, rolling her eyes.
"you should be careful with her." vi warned ellie, sternly looking at her. "or you'll end up like me, being known as a cheater."
her rival laughed, shrugging it off. "not going to happen."
she pulled you closer, almost as if she wanted to keep you away from this.
"why so sure?" your ex put on a mockingly curious expression. "maybe you're feeling safe because you're the one who made up this little gossip?"
your eyes widened at vi's accusation.
"you did cheat on me, don't deny it." you shook your head.
"oh, of course i did!" vi sarcastically smiled. "did you never wonder why the first ones to call me a cheater were people from ellie's team?"
as soon as vi saw she got to you, she simply walked away, mumbling a proud; "i see you two have some explaining to do."
"ellie..." you started softly. "just tell me- is it true?"
she looked down, and for a moment, she seemed like she was about to lie. but then she took a deep breath and sighed.
"yes, i did." she looked at you and shrugged. "i was jealous, okay? the only thing i could think of was to sabotage her, so i made up that whole story about her cheating to get you to spend less time with her." she frowned, looking away.
"i'm sorry."
not only you just found out you broke up with someone you loved because of a false rumour, but it was ellie who spread it too. the same ellie you cheered on for the past months. the same ellie who, you thought, hated you the whole time. and here you are, finding out she's the one who ruined your relationship, because she liked you.
you were in disbelief. you felt stupid, and hurt. but more than anything, you felt betrayed by someone you, well, didn't really care about, but trusted. because you met up everyday after classes and no matter how much you pretended to hate her, you knew a lot about her.
ellie saw the look on your face, and the weight of her antics got to her. you never saw her so... vulnerable before.
"i'm so sorry." ellie repeated, her voice awkwardly quiet. "you have a right to be mad at me, but, please, keep in your mind that i didn't do this to hurt you." she took a step towards you. "i just...i liked you, and i didn't know what do you see in her."
"i need to-" you hestitated for a moment, taking a step back to make up the distance between you both. "i need to think about- everything. alone."
she opened her mouth as if to speak, but you cut her off by raising your hand.
"i know." you nodded.
you didn't know what was she thinking - that no one will find out eventually? you didn't know how is it possible her team just played along, making everyone in school believe it too. you didn't know how did she even come up with this idea. but you knew what she was going to say, you knew she's sorry. she already told you two times. enough.
it's good to know you're not the only hurt one, though.
"i know." you repeated, quieter this time, and it seemed like you were whispering it more to yourself than to her. because that's how it was. you were trying to convince yourself you do know and you understand.
she fucked up, really, but at least she knew that.
you could hear a quiet "m'kay." and the sound of a disappointed sigh.
so guys what do we think?? are we being in a generous mood and forgiving ellie?? are we trying to give her a little lesson?? <3<3
TAGS: @wandasromanova @bellaramslover @aouiaa @glennns-blog @elliewilliamsfuckbuddy @iheartsadiesink @ximtiredx @coff1nn @jowdann @simpforellie @iveofficiallylostmymarbles @skylerwhitwyo @pinkigirl @islalips @ratdungeon @okayyesbutno @dinoastronaut @ucannotcompare @elyonz @lesbiantothemoonandback @lovejuliettq more i cant tag for unknown reasons:(
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badlydrawndavepeta · 10 months
solkat AND erisol
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B33 < the three trolls that efurryone is going wild for lately huh
B33 < those thr33 are like a volleyball they go back and forth and back and forth
B33 < you never know where that meowtherfucker is gonna land after gettin tossed around all willy nilly like last w33ks mewspaper and the small delivery child on a two wh33led device is only getting less and less cautious about where theyre throwing that thing
B33 < theres a lot of pawtential fur both red and black leanings if they can get past their t33nage moodiness and talk things out and if they go fur one quadrant collectively my money is on ashen
B33 < litterally everyone and their lusus has had an ashen crush on eridan and sollux and you know what sure maybe im included in that but it takes thr33 links to make a chain and they didnt s33m interested back so ive pulled my horse out of THAT race
B33 < the only quadrant i definitely CANNOT s33 their relationship taking is a purrly pale relationship betw33n all three of them, theres just a tad too much animosity to make that work cohesively but theyre in a good state fur flush or blackrom
B33 < or hell i could s33 them mixing quadrants
B33 < im a modern purrson i k33p up with the times and quadrant smearing is getting more common
B33 < i f33l like they could make it work so long as they sort shit out vis a vis previously established t33nage moodiness
B33 < any way i n33d a break from this game of cheaters volleyball betw33n four people who dont know how to play so im gonna go grab a drink s33 yall in a bit
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mentallyadinonugget · 2 months
Arcane leaks
tbh I don’t care that much for vi and cait because cait done piss me off
now I was just scrolling through her tags and saw a tumblr post literally explaining the entire show leak and I tried HARD TO NOT READ IT I FUCKINH SWEAR but I ended up doing it anyways from what I learned cait is using vi idc what you wanna call it but cait is using vi in a way because I just got to know there was a caitvi kiss and I was SO happy but I also read that caitvi fucks another woman????????? Right after she promises vi that she will not change???? EXCUSE ME she called vi a DOG??????
I’m trying to keep a broad mind about the characters bevause maybe they’re gonna do smth different in act 2 but now I know for a fact that I will NOT be liking caitlyn this season because what the actual fuck they assassinated her character
Season one made me neutral to everyone’s action except silco and Marcus but when I saw that spoiler I swear to fucking god what the fuck is going on
Now I want vi to run away with jinx and somehow fix their relationship because YES.
I don’t want vi and cait now because caitlyn kiramman is a cheater who betrayed vi
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togetherhearted · 1 year
can you do heavy angst with cheater!vi?
Hope it was angsty enough. I have a soft heart after all.
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How could she possibly think that this was just this a huge misunderstanding?You knew what you saw. Did the ring you gave her matter nothing?Was that just a way to trap yourself in a relationship with her only for Vi to ruin everything? After you found her having a fun time with a piltie officer in a dark alley you couldn't help but bursting in fury in front of the two. It happened so fast;you wished you kept your head cool. You stormed away. What were you hoping for? For Vi to follow you and talk it out?For her to never show her face ever again?You weren't sure. What you felt was rush to your house, prepare the luggage and go. When Vi finally came back home what happened in the immediate was her legs failing her. She slumped on the floor. Your shared house was a mess;your things gone. Vi couldn't scream, couldn't cry;she just stared at the wall right in front of her. The house felt weirdly cold.
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etapereine · 3 months
all your perfectly delivered lines
@wtfanworkclassification stage 2: au -> actors (199 words)
also on ao3.
speaking as your friend and not your agent
i need to ask
are you for sure that you want to do this?
loved up! wout van aert and tadej pogačar spotted getting cozy
"...the couple, who met as costars in the thomas-directed the rain in spain, have been together for over a year..."
breaking: jonas vingegaard announced for new roglič-directed drama
“….the dane will make his return to acting alongside an all-star cast, including dani martinez and remco evenepoel. the as-yet-untitled series, which films this summer, marks vingegaard's first role since 2022's the rain in spain (geraint thomas)…"
see full list of oscar nominees: vingegaard, pogačar among others
*hiss* @/jonigaard
any of y'all putting #that man on my timeline will be blocked btw why is he even here
vi @/pogaerts
literally to be a good boyfriend get over yourself
*hiss* @/jonigaard
didn't know he knew how to do that
watch: jonas vingegaard's best actor acceptance speech
"...of course i want to thank the people who have supported me in this: my family and my friends, and my partner..."
*hiss* @/jonigaard
did he just say partner
*hiss* @/jonigaard
lmao wva's shocked pikachu face. he's moved on, cheater!
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weemsfreak · 1 year
🌹 Masterlist - Larissa Weems
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NSFW = *
♡ Series
Botany...Of Course, II, III, IV, V, VI*
The Board, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI
Fangs, II, III
Nevermore Academy No No’s
Only the Brave II
Full Circle II, III
♡ One Shots
Girl In Red (Lips)
Happy Ending *
Who's Rowan? The Rave'N *
My Little Snowdrop
Take Care of Me
Unplanned but not Unloved
All the Time - Nobody Like You - The Only One
My Hero
We Fell In Love In October
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kittyt-hexxed · 7 months
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⚡️ - Requests | ‼️ - Highly Recommended to Read the Warnings | ⚠️ - Graphic Violence | ❤️‍🔥 - NSFW | 💞 - Polyamory | ❄️ - Angst |
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‼️⚠️❤️‍🔥 - Hexed Series Masterlist
- I Can Be a Better Boyfriend (Modern Songfic) - Part One & Two | Final Part
‼️❤️‍🔥 - The Species Must Survive (Werewolf!Vi) - Part One I Part Two | Part Three | Final Part | Bonus Part
❤️‍🔥 - Thank God You Introduced Me to Your Sister - Part One I Final Part
⚡️‼️❄️ - Caraphernelia (Cheater! Ex!Vi) - Part One I Final Part
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‼️- Please, Hold Me (Comfort Fic)
⚡️‼️❤️‍🔥 - Belladonna (Soft Yandere!Goddess! Vi x Needy!Priestess!Reader)
❤️‍🔥 - Next Girlfriend (Sub!Vi x Tall!Medarda!Reader)
⚡️❤️‍🔥 - The One That Got Away (Childhood Crush!Reader)
⚡️⚠️- I'd Kill for You (Werewolf!Reader)
⚡️‼️❤️‍🔥 - Drown Me in Your Depths (Siren!Vi)
⚡️‼️❤️‍🔥 - Let Me In (Dark!Demon!Vi)
⚡️‼️❤️‍🔥 - In the Middle of the Night (Succubus!Vi)
Cherry Flavored (Ex Classmate!Vi x Black!Gothic!Reader)
⭐️ Including Sevika
‼️⚠️❤️‍🔥💞 - My Lovers Hate Each Other (Sevika x Reader x Vi) - Part One | Part Two I Part Three | Part Four | Final Part
❤️‍🔥 - A Thin Line (Dom!Sevika x Brat!Vi) - Part One | Part Two | Final Part
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Powder: My turn. Kwyjibo. K-W-Y-J-I-B-O, 22 points, plus triple word score, plus 50 points for using all my letters. Game's over, I'm outta here.
Vi: Wait a minute, you little cheater. You're not going anywhere until you tell me what a kwyjibo is.
Powder: Kwyjibo. Uh... a big, dumb, balding ape. With no chin.
Vander: And a short temper.
Vi: I'll show you a big, dumb, balding ape!
Powder: Uh-oh! Kwyjibo on the loose!
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starres-stuff · 15 days
Day 11: Surrogate FFXIV Write 2024
Surrogate: relating to the birth of a child or children using surrogacy.
CW/TW: Mature themes include talk of pregnancy, children bearing through surrogacy, and polyamory themes.
“Mom” Liri whispered as they left one particular house in the deep woods that day. Xixa's eldest daughter, Liri, had joined her on her rounds this morning wanting to learn more about healing and using magic; to do so. 
“Yes, Liri?” The Viera sighed, slowing her normal walk to listen to the questions she knew were coming. After nineteen years with this particular child, Xixa knew that questions always came about anything that Liri found different from her standards about life. 
“Erm, why is Miss Jandie’s friend carrying her baby for her? Doesn't that mean she had sex with Miss Jandie’s husband more than once to get that way? Who would do such --” Xixa had managed to get a hand over Liri’s mouth before she could say the rest and down the road she pulled the girl until they were a good malm away from everything else. Then she said in a harsh whisper. 
“It is not your place to ask that question girl. What goes on behind those doors is none of your business.” Xixa was furious, which tended to take a lot, the normally calm woman's cheeks were flushed and her nostrils were flared. No daughter of hers would say an ill word about personal choice, not as long as she was alive. 
“Mm mmfn mrfj mmpfft.” Liri said through the hand clamped over her mouth, even trying to bite it a time or two before Xixa pushed her towards a bench that marked a rest stop along the many malms long dirt path. 
“There is nothing wrong with Miss Solei carrying that baby. The three are very close and Miss Jandee can't have her own. It's a natural thing, girl and you will get your head on straight about it.” The truth was the three had been a couple for cycles now and with Jandee being the first wife it had been decided that she would have the first child when she couldn't Solei offered to do it for her, which bonded the two even closer than they already were. Xixa knew Liri was going to protest even more but reluctantly she removed her hand to let the girl speak. 
“Isn’t that cheating? You hate cheaters! Why are you being so nice about this?” Liri rubbed her jaw lightly, and she stayed at her Mother demanding an explanation. Which she soon got. 
“I shouldn't have to tell you at your age that it is possible to love more than one person. Look at Lady Vi and her two husbands, you've never said anything bad about that. It's called polyamory, girl, and it happens in many ways. I've known Jandee since she came to the Shroud. She prefers to have a husband and a wife. She enjoys both dynamics equally. It makes her happy, Solei and Montague get along wonderfully, it took them a few years but now they are all together, Menphina blesses them.” 
Liri still looked grumpy, her head shaking vehemently  “I couldn't stand the thought of another woman touching my husband in front of me like t-that.” 
“That is where I wish I had raised you amongst our people. I regret I didn't. Our tribes are made of all women, the men are not allowed. They come home once a year for mating and it is not uncommon to find two or more women sharing one man.” Xixa shrugged, her eyes closing as she remembered her upbringing, it had helped shape who she became as an adult. 
“I still don’t like the sound of it.” Liri crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her nose in the air. This made Xixa groan inwardly and she instantly gave thought to her other two girls she still had time left to teach, a rare moment of feeling like she failed with Liri washing over her. Perhaps, her life had been too busy. 
“I do like that Miss Jandee has someone she is close to like that, who is willing to help her have her dreams. I, would help my sisters if they ran into Miss Jandee’s problems though I would not be involved with whatever man they wanted to be the Father. I do not exactly like men.” 
Xixa found herself staring at Liri, there was more in that statement than Viera was expecting. The kindness to her Sisters was heartwarming and took away the worry for the most part but the revelation about Liri not being interested in men made her reel sharply, her eyes widening in shock.
“What?!” Liri started to laugh, her Mother’s expression a great source of amusement to her suddenly. “I don’t blame Miss Jandee for having a girlfriend” she shrugged “After Lunah’s Father, I’m not too keen on another one.” 
“Ah hells girl, don’t turn out like your Mother.” Xixa snorted her eyes rolling up to look at the blue sky filled with clouds above their heads “I’ve been mad at your Father for getting himself killed not too long after Volhi was born and that’s thirteen years too long.” 
“You could always date Laurent and Dimitri.” Liri teased, then darted off the bench before her Mother could swat at her “Then you would be like Lady Vi! You seem to like her relationship.”
Xixa scowled at her daughter, rose from the bench, lifted her long skirt, and then started to run towards her “Don’t let me catch you, girl.” She called back, which sent Liri fleeing off into the Shroud, their conversation left to be continued another day. 
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askgmangraves · 3 months
Hello it is me dean the therapist! You do the exact thing you are mad at vi for. You ALSO add people to the relationship without proper consent, unhealthy much? Yeah! You are also a cheater!
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gender-goth · 11 months
[PT: Shinya Oda (P5) ID pack /end PT]
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game/games, video/games, arcade/arcades, control(ler)/control(ler)s, gun/guns, console/consoles, ki/king, tower/towers, arcana/arcanas, tower/arcana, play/plays, player/players, joy/stick, trig/trigger, pix/pixel, vi/vid, click/clicks, cross/hair, buh/button, score/scores, neon/neons, win/wins, lose/loses, coin/coins, token/tokens, shoot/shoots, shoot/shooter, first/person, ne/nes
The King, The King of Gun About, The Young Marksman, The Skilled Gun About Shooter, The Vulgar-mouthed Arcade King, He* Who Dominates The Leaderboard, He* Who Dominates The Competition, The Arcade Champion, The One Who Mastered The Arcade Cabinets, His* Childish Ambition, He* Who Does Not Tolerate Cheaters (&& Losers)
Arcadegender, Gamergender, Neonarcadix, Gamegender, Inochuld, Gunnic / Gungender, Gunmasc, Fpsfem (surprisingly the only fps gender out there... I'm gonna have to coin some others)
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