#cheb my beloved
xiaoluclair · 1 year
omg thank you so much for all the reblogs and the tags 🫶🏻🫶🏻 you got me blushing 🤭 and btw love love love all your creations too
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
in honour of Sebchal day, have the Monaco 2018 excerpt from the longfic I’m writing as a companion to @gruaigruaa bestie’s longfic :D it’s long enough, so it’s going to be under the cut :) have Sauber!Charles crushing hard on Seb, all inspired by that press conference I have watched more times than is probably sane.
Monaco 2018
English is still hard for Charles, and sitting in the conference with Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel isn't helping his nervousness at all. There are eight world championships in that press conference between the two of them, and Charles can admit to himself that he's a bit starstruck. 
Lewis is a legend in the sports, everyone knows that, and he has this aura of untouchability around him. Charles is definitely intimidated by him, but he tries to play it cool. The problem is, Hamilton isn't his biggest issue here, because right next to Charles in the chair is Sebastian Vettel.
Pierre had laughed so hard when he saw who Charles was going to be in the conference with, he almost peed himself. Charles didn't know why he thought it was so funny, when Pierre was the biggest Vettel fanboy amongst the two of them, and has been even since before RBR signed him for GP2. 
"Ah, Charles," Pierre had said with way too much amusement when Charles asked him this. "It is because I may be a Vettel fanboy, and admire his racing and his career, but I do not have a crush on him like you do." 
Charles had blushed so hard, his press officer came to ask him if he was developing a fever. Pierre did not stop laughing even when Charles kicked him in the shin.
"I don't have a crush on Vettel," he'd mumbled back, and Pierre just kept laughing.
"Sure you don't, calamar, sure you don't. Have you ever seen that video of his podium in Monaco last year? Because you should watch it, maybe you'll see what I mean," his asshole of a best friend said, choking on laughter. "Try not to embarrass yourself by throwing yourself at him, and keep the heart-eyes at a minimum, if you can."
Apparently, saying "I have media training" did nothing to discourage Pierre from the notion that Charles has a crush on the four-time WDC and Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel. The same one sitting on Charles' right in his bright red Ferrari gear, laughing about all four of them wearing sunglasses inside.
Sebastian Vettel leans towards him, and Charles shuffles closer, trying to keep his hands still.
"We look like the blind mice from Shrek," Sebastian says quietly, and Charles smiles automatically, until he registers what Sebastian said. Then he covers his mouth with his palm, trying not to genuinely laugh out loud as Sebastian grins widely at his own joke. Charles never saw anyone smile so wide and so sincere while doing media duties.
"Ah, so you do know that film! Good, I thought my references were outdated," Sebastian Vettel grins at him. He has such a nice smile, Charles thinks, and then blinks. Merde. 
Questions came, suggestive and boring at the same time. 'You come into F1 with high expectations of you', the journalists say. Charles has media training, so he doesn't let himself think about what they really mean. 
You come into the seat which was promised to another. You come to fill the shoes of another life. You come into what isn't yours, into the position of a better driver, and a better man.
Charles hopes nobody notices how his hands shake under the table as Grosjean talks about who knows what.
"Don't listen to them. They just want to make a circus out of everything."
Sebastian whispers to him under the guise of reaching for more water. Charles only blinks, having taken his sunglasses off. He wishes he hadn't. He wishes the words don't make him feel warm all over. 
"Grazie," he he says softly, and gets a "Prego" in response.
Then they ask Sebastian and Lewis about him, and Charles thinks he may die right there.
"If there is no hype about him, then I don't know who should be hyped," Sebastian says, and Charles doesn't get it at first, because the grammar is confusing, but when he does understand, he can't stop the inevitable blushing. His eyes fall on Sebastian's hands, and he tries to control himself and the thoughts in his head. Inappropriate, Charles. Not now.
"Why not," he says at the notion of them being teammates. Charles knows there are negotiations underway. By the way Lorenzo is smiling sadly to himself sometimes when he thinks Charles isn't looking, he will be getting the Ferrari seat. Jules' seat. Charles swallows around the lump in his throat. 
"My advice to him is not to listen to the circus," Sebastian says and meets his eyes for the briefest of moments, the smile ever present on his face.
His eyes are really blue, and really pretty, Charles thinks to himself, and then almost groans because, fuck. Pierre may be right after all. He'll never let Charles live it down, because even though Charles could maybe not tell him, he’s going to know somehow. He has a sixth sense for embarrassing Charles.
When Lewis joins in the praise, Charles is very glad there are no cameras on him, because he thinks he may spontaneously combust. It's Lewis Hamilton, for fucks' sake. Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel are both praising him, Charles Leclerc, in the press conference. Charles has never been more glad when he saw no cameras were focusing directly on him, breathing out in relief as the questions turn to Lewis' contract.
"You did good," Sebastian tells him when they're done. Charles doesnt even try to control his blush. 
"Thank you." He stammers out. "For your words, also. They were kind."
Something passes over Sebastian's face, something Charles doesn't understand, and it's gone too quick for Charles to try to guess at what it is. Lewis catches up to them then, and starts talking about stupid questions and navalent journalists. Sebastian laughs at him, and with a final look at Charles, follows Lewis as they all walk together out of the conference to get to their press officers. Charles' phone vibrates in his pocket and he falls back, pulling it out of his pocket.
From: Pierre 🦑💙
You don't need to advertise your praise kink on national tv, you know 😂
Charles' face is Ferrari red as he hurries to catch up with his team, heading for another media obligation, but not before sending a "🖕🏻" emoji to Pierre. 
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3-1pool · 2 years
i have so many things i want to write and yet... i am writing none of them... what’s that all about?
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bamudaba · 4 years
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Purnamasi Yogamaya『Oh My Beloved』(リトアニア)
Daniel Mancero『Palíndromo』(エクアドル出身フランス在住)
Delfina Cheb『Doce Milongas de Amor y un Tango Desesperado』(アルゼンチン出身アメリカ在住)
Les Mamans du Congo『Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin』(コンゴ、フランス)
Les Passagers『Les Oiseaux』(カナダ)
Mora Lucay『Bestia』(チリ)
Meritxell Neddermann『In the Backyard of the Castle』(スペイン)
Rodrigo Carazo『Octógono』(アルゼンチン)
shonen bat「ashes」 (スペイン)
2020年も素晴らしい作品が多くあった。毎年年間ベストは順不同で発表していたが、今年はPurnamasi Yogamayaを聴いた回数が一番多かったというのもあり1位にしたい。それ以外に順位はつけていない。曲単位で一番聴いたのはチリのインディーロック系フォルクローレ歌手、Natalia Vásquezのソロプロジェクト、Mora Lucayの「Bestia (feat. Chini.png)」だったように思う。それ以外にも、Daniel Manceroはアンドレ・メマーリにも通ずるテクニックと抒情性で驚かされたし、Delfina Chebはタンゴでありながらシルビア・ペレス・クルスのような歌唱、音楽性で、新たなタンゴ像を作り上げたことにも驚かされた。日本の音楽ではGEZANを置いて他に選ぶことはできなかった。Les Mamans du Congoはアフリカものではそのプリミティヴさとモダンさの融合において比例するもののない作品だったように思う。Les Passagersはフレンチポップをアフロビートなど様々な音楽性でアレンジするのがどれも音響面を含めレベルが高く何度も聴いてしまった。スペインはカタルーニャ出身のMeritxell Neddermannは、冒頭曲がピアノ主体の歌ものにJuke/Footworkのリズムを合わせるという聴いたことのない音楽にノックアウトされた。Purnamasiがいなければ彼女を1位にしたと思う。アルゼンチンでは今年アシィ、バンティと日本盤のリリースが続いたコルドバシーンを代表するロドリゴ・カラソを選ばざるを得ないだろう。もはや南米という枠すら軽やかに飛び越えた傑作だ。shonen batは90’sエモ好きならたまらないバンドだと思う。初期のBraid的な崩壊しそうなギリギリのバランスで成り立っているバンド・アンサンブルは唯一無二。次点として、Antonino Restuccia『Otro camino』、SOA『Canciones Guachas』らウルグアイ勢を挙げたい(ウルグアイ作品のもう1枚は2021年にCD化する可能性が高いため伏せる)。それ以外にもJhené Aiko『Chilombo (Deluxe)』、君島大空『縫層』、Grégory Privat『Soley』、concrete concrete『Drifter』(これは2019年の作品だが)を挙げたい。そして忘れることができないのは2020年はCribasが来日公演を行ったことだ。近年数々のアルゼンチンの音楽家が日本でライヴを行なっているが、Cribasを日本に紹介した当事者として、彼らの音楽を求めてあれだけの人が集まったということに胸が熱くなった。
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renofmanyalts · 5 years
👠 What kind of shoes does your character usually wear in daily life? (Zhah'ra)
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(another double response! Hope y’all don’t mind!)
Prompt 18: Wilt (make-up day)
Who: Zhah’ra Savaptha, Jeremias Greyashe (@singforalamhigo)
What: Jeremias sings, and Zhah’ra listens.
Where: An alleyway in Ul’dah, outside of one of the taverns where Zhah’ra performed regularly
When: Several years before the Ala Mhigan Revolution, before Zhah’ra left Ul’dah
Content notes: This one’s pretty tame, but there’s a mention of sex work if you squint real hard, and of course Zhah’ra’s whole business model was partially based in an Eorzean version of Orientalism.
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Strings rang out softly, plucked by callused fingers. Overhead, the narrow stripe of sky was beginning to lighten, the stars fading.
Blinking slowly, Zhah’ra stepped down into the alleyway, movements halting from the aches of a night on his feet. Jeremias, the musician who sometimes sang alongside the dancers, sat folded on a rug, harp in hand. 
Zhah’ra gave Jeremias a tired smile and gestured a question – may I sit?
At his nod, Zhah’ra settled next to him and pulled the soles of his sandals together, leaning forward over his ankles and breathing through the stretch. Jeremias’ clear voice, husky with fatigue, began to spin and drift over the notes, rising and falling with emotion.
Oh night, oh night…
Turning his face to the side, Zhah’ra drew his legs up to rest his cheek atop his knees, watching Jeremias play. It took him a little while to place the familiar melody. Usually this song was played at speed, a driving beat to send the dancers’ skirts swirling – the lyrics in Common speaking of intoxication, desire - perfume and veils. All the things of a dance.
But now, the parts that were still in the language of the music were sung alone, the rhythm slowed to linger on the melody. He couldn’t understand the words, but the plaintiveness came through.
For so long, so long / I have searched for myself / For so long I have searched / For my beloved
Jeremias’ eyes were closed, he realized – and it seemed to Zhah’ra that he was singing for himself, not his usual performance to pull in the crowd. He was struck by the sense that he was intruding, despite the invitation, and he let his gaze fall away, studying the faded pattern of the rug. 
My life is yours / My life is none but yours
Zhah’ra found himself drifting, settling, ears slowly falling atop his braids. 
Oh night… oh night.
Note: I have taken significant poetic license with the translation of the Arabic lyrics of “Desert Rose” - it’s not exactly what the song says! But I hope the tone is similar enough to be a plausible variation. I also hope this headcanon is consistent with Jeremias’ character!
To answer the ask more directly: Zhah’ra has for most of his life worn leather sandals. More recently, he has been wearing the tall boots in soft nubuck that Maayan had made for him in anticipation of his traveling to Gyr Abania – they are much more resistant to water and mud, which became a necessary property when making an almost daily trip back and forth between Limsa and southern Lower La Noscea. 
Written with this lovely guitar cover by soYmartino of “Desert Rose” by Sting ft. Cheb Mami on loop. For a reference for Jeremias’ voice, see the Peter Hollens & Alaa Wardi cover of the same song. Jeremias plays harp, not guitar, however.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Akira my most dearly beloved
I am here to confess my love, my admiration, and most of all my gratitude at being allowed the privilege of calling you my moot.
You are the stars in my sky and the flowers in my springtime!
You are so very precious to me but for one single flaw, the sebstache 😘
hello anon, i wonder i wonder, who you are. hmmmm. i think i love you very much, thats what i think, and i think that your only flaw is not appreciating the BEAUTY of the sebstache <3
dw, i can change your mind. look at it. look. and admire. <3333
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even sharl loves it ;)
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3-1pool · 3 years
For the ships: 💙💘🌹
🌹ship that you have as an otp:
okay FIRST i need to talk about my beef w the concept of an otp..... okay i won't actually get into it BUT just know that i am. first and foremost. a multishipper and maybe this is just my ancient fandom brain talking but it's hard for me to call something my one true pairing (UNLESS we're talking about the doctor and rose tyler.... they are the only survivors). another note to make is that i feel weird using regular shipping terminology when talking abt rpf..... okay that i honestly could write an entire dissertation about so i will SPARE YOU bc i'm already ranting, and i'm going to answer what we're all expecting me to answer for this: cheb my beloved
💙ship that you used to have as an otp:
uhhh in f1 fandom i don't think there's anything that matches this description? i've not been here for long enough lmao, check back in a year to see if i've turned on my beloved cheb. if we broaden our scope tho, i guess like. hate to admit this publically but a year ago or so i was firmly on the d*stiel/spn train..... now i don't care about them!! if we look even FURTHER back, i was into sterek when it first rose to tumblr popularity but i turned on them fairly quickly..... uhh other than that my like BIG ships from the past i still. hold affection for even if i've moved firmly on from the fandoms
💘ship that is unpopular but you still like:
okay i'm going to stop myself BEFORE i spiral about what the difference between an unpopular ship and a rarepair is. dantteri, my answer is dantteri. i love them and i think everyone should get on this train
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3-1pool · 2 years
I actually remember quite a few things from your writing i think, including but not limited to "and if he doesn’t then he is a fool" from "i still have your hat" (if this is? what you ended up calling it? funnily enough idk the title actually), but yeah, the drawer scene, the "can i touch you here?" dialog from here comes the sun and the "i swear it's not a rebound" exchange from december makes me quiet bc i feel like some part of me is still lying on the floor recovering from both (also "go fishing" which was SO in character and absolutely hilarious but if i dont stop coming up with things i like from your writing the ask will be a mile long)
(I know i said id shut the fuck up but i like your writing too much and i wont forgive myself if i dont mention "did you really?" (is that. what its called. the problem with reading things on tumblr instead of ao3.) (anyway the whole "i missed you" ficlet its so good im such a sucker for this specific flavour of cheb just mwah)
the way i just had to go reread the hat ficlet bc i couldn't remember that bit😭😭😭 i do love it tho, it's probably my favourite of the little ficlets i wrote for that round of prompts!!
ahhh and the drawer scene my BELOVED:') im so glad you like that one, it's probably one of my favourite scenes i've ever written!! and all the other ones too🥺 thank you sm, you're lovely as always!!!
AND LMAO THANK UFOR MENTIONING GO FISHING!!! you know i love my dumb jokes<3
Anonymously - or not - tell me what passage, fic, line of narration, or anything you remember me by as a writer.
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3-1pool · 3 years
what's your favorite...
-portrayal of seb in fic for each era (RBR, Ferrari, AM)
-non sebchal charles ship
-sebchal fall out boy song (since we've been discussing options for a while)
OKAY OKAY some very good questions!!!
STARTING WITH THE SEBCHAL FALL OUT BOY SONG. alone together. that's it that's thee sebchal fob song!!!
as for charles ship i am. not so sure currently. it WAS pierre/charles, but i'm not really. feeling it that much anymore? but i have been. intrigued by charles/alex lately, i think they are. very neat. would like to see more content for them!!!
okay putting the last one under a read more just to save some space on the dash!!
not sure if you mean specific fics or just general characterizations but i got overwhelmed trying to think of specific fics so i am just. going to ramble a bit about general characterizations😭
for rbr i can't really. think of a fic, because honestly i don't read THAT much rbr era seb? there is sebson of course, my BELOVED but i can't think of any fics that have been like. IT for me. (i could. talk abt my LEAST favourite rbr era characterizations for ages but i will refrain lololololol). in generel i think rbr seb just needs to be. obsessed with winning. a bit of a bastard, a bit [jenson voice] cheeky, very. goal-oriented, goal-driven. sees what he wants and goes for it?
and then for ferrari seb i think. still some of that, but more mellowed out. i think with ferrari he kind of had to get used to not winning all the time, but he still. wants. he's just better at knowing when to fight? still like. cheeky. thinks he's very funny. FRIENDLY, i think is a big part of it for me. people like him! he likes people! and then obviously that can be contrasted with like. maybe he doesn't actually like everyone but he is still. mostly friendly. idk
AND for am seb. whom i am obsessed with. uhh a lot of the same really, but what i'm MOST into (and this. is specifically for sebch- sorry i mean cheb fic) is a seb that is like. suddenly not willing to go for what he wants (re: relationships). holds himself back, tries to be? responsible? unwilling to admit to himself what he wants, but unable to fight it. something like that.
this really isn't something i've thought a lot about before!!! i also think it really depends on the fic and the pairing and the setting etc. but it was very interesting to try and put into words so thank u for asking!!
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