#cheers to all of you in swing states—voting genuinely made a difference
anghraine · 2 years
At 97% of the vote counted, the race is still close (51 Warnock/49 Walker), but 2/3 of the remaining vote is coming from either blue or extremely blue areas, which was good enough for ABC News. They've called it for Warnock!
Looks like it'll be a real Senate majority, y'all.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Strong and Swift
Summary: Brody and Mitch transfer to Ericson High and get through their first day together before going out and completing their first mission in New York as spider heroes.
Word Count: 3869
Read on AO3:
“All I’m saying is that brunch is a very valid and delicious way to hang out with friends,” Louis strolled through the hallway, his backpack dangling off one of his shoulders.
“Louis, drop it,” Violet mumbled as her hands struggled to hold all the books that she needed for today's classes.
“Well, Clem, I guess you’re the swing vote. Is friendship brunch a thing? Yay or nay?”
Clementine looked over at her friends then focused back on the hallway before her. “Hmmm, I guess we’ll just have to go to brunch and find out.”
“Yes!” Louis pumped his fist while Violet let out a tired groan. The three of them continued to discuss the matter as they made their way into their homeroom class where Javi was leaning back in his chair tossing a baseball in the air.
“Oh hey, you three are early,” He gave a happy smile at the sight of his students.
“No,” Violet sat down in her chair with a groan. “Your clock is wrong.”
Javi looked up in shock then glanced between his phone and the clock. His eyes darted back and forth to check it. “Oh no,” He pushed his chair up to the clock and started to reset it while the classroom became full with the different students.
“Morning, Mr. Garcia,” Sophie’s cheerful tone drew the teacher's attention.
“Hey, Sophie.”
“Whatcha up to?” Renata popped out from behind Minnie with a curious smile.
“Changing the clock. Time was totally wrong and would've been really awkward when the new transfer students showed up.”
Minnie’s eyes widened at that statement. “More transfer students?”
Javi gave a light hearted chuckle. “Yeah, who would’ve thought. Must be that they think Ericson High is quite the place.” He got off the chair and spun it around, taking a seat in it. “You three should get in your seats.”
“Right!” Renata jogged over and slid into her chair; the twins soon followed suit. Javi gave the students a few more minutes to file in and get settled before he rose up.
“Good morning class, as a few of you might already know we are getting in a few new transfer students today.”
Clementine glanced up from her spot. That’s odd. Why are there so many transfer students showing up? The timing seems off.
Suddenly a knock on the door drew all the students’ attention.
“Oh, I bet that’s them now,” Javi lightly jogged to the door and swung it open with a bright smile. “Come on in, you two,” He stepped back, giving the two students a chance to walk and stand in front of the class. On the left was a tall guy with short chestnut hair and green eyes. He seemed to radiate a sort of grumpy energy from. His eyes glanced around the room, challenging anyone to speak up and say something. On his right was a girl who was shorter than him with beautiful pale blue eyes. Her auburn hair was slicked back and her hands were by her sides balled up, most likely due to nerves based on the expression on her face. She seemed nervous but something about her was genuine and kind.
“Well, why don’t you introduce yourselves to the class,” Javi leaned back in his chair with a warm smile.
“Name’s Mitch,” the guy spoke, looking around at the room for a few seconds before focusing his eyes elsewhere. “From Atlanta. Moved suddenly and ended up here.”
“Thanks, Mitch,” Javi said with a smile then looked over at the girl. “It’s your turn.”
The girl looked over at the teacher before taking a deep breath and uncurling her fists. “Hi there, I’m Brody. I’m also from Atlanta. My folks moved because of a new job so I look forward to getting to know all of you,” Brody’s eyes fell back down and for a split second Clementine could’ve sworn she saw Mitch reach out his hand and give Brody's a small, comforting squeeze.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you two. Now as for seating, you can take the seats behind Louis and Violet,” Javi motioned over to the two empty spots behind them. Louis gave a friendly wave while Violet looked up for a second, a ghost of smile on her face before she looked away again. Brody took her spot behind Louis and Mitch sat behind Violet.
Louis immediately turned around in his chair. “Hi, I’m Louis,”
Brody looked surprised by it. “Hi.”
“Louis, if you could turn around again, we can get started on taking attendance.” Javi’s voice caused Louis’ face to change to a guilty look before turning around with a sheepish smile. The rest of the day seemed to go fairly smoothly. Nothing besides the new students seemed unusual for a normal day at Ericson High and soon lunch had rolled around.
Brody sat down at the empty table with a tired sigh. Mitch sat beside her, giving a small, sympathetic smile. Slowly his arm reached around her shoulders.“First days always suck,”
Brody nodded in agreement. “Yeah they do, but everyone seems nice. I just wonder why we got assigned-” She immediately stopped when she noticed Louis waving excitedly over at them and making his way over to their table with Clementine and Violet.
“Hey, mind if we join you?” Louis sat down, placing his lunch tray that was stacked high with pudding and pizza. Violet and Clementine sat down on opposite sides of him.
“Yeah, sure,” Brody gave a kind smile that seemed to cause Mitch’s tension to decrease.
“So, you said you two were from Atlanta?” Clementine leaned forward and opened her apple juice box, taking a long sip from it.
“That’s right,” Mitch responded and took a fry from his plate. “We went to the same school, Prescott High.
“It was a really nice school.” Brody added with a fond smile.
“But you had to move?” Violet’s voice caused them to look over to her. She had a huge pile of nuggets on her plate. Way more than seemed humanly possible to consume in one sitting.
“Yeah,” Mitch grumbled. “Some shit came up and my family had to move.”
“Well, enough with that,” Louis dramatically opened his first container of pudding, thrusting a spoon into it. “Tell me, how did you crazy kids get together?”
Clementine shook her head good-naturedly while Violet gave an annoyed sigh. “Really, Louis?”
“What? It’s a valid question. They could ask if any of us are dating anyone. We’re not, by the way.” Louis flashed his classic charismatic smile.
“Oh, well...” Brody awkwardly twirled her fork around her plate.
“I asked her out to the dance on a dare,” Mitch had a smug expression on his face that instantly dissipated when he saw the look on Louis’ face. “What?”
Brody reached up her hand and grabbed Mitch’s. “It was a weird starting point, but we quickly got along and we’ve been together ever since.”
“How long have you been together?” Clementine took a bite of her burger.
“Three, maybe four years?” Brody looked over at Mitch for confirmation.
Mitch shrugged. “That sounds about right to me.”
“Wait - so you got together when you were what? Thirteen or fourteen?” Louis looked shocked as the spoon slipped out of his slightly opened mouth. Before either Brody or Mitch could answer that a Hispanic girl with dark brown hair jumped onto one of the chairs with a  chaotic smile.
“Hey there, just want to stop by and meet the two new hot people in our homeroom,” She offered her hand. “I’m Renata. Rhymes with frittata if that helps,”
Brody awkwardly took it. “Brody, but ummm, what was that about hot people?”
“Well obviously I was talking about you two.” Renata playfully kicked her legs.
“Where’s Sophie and Minnie?” Violet’s words were muffled by the chicken nuggets she was currently inhaling.
“Yeah, aren’t they always with you?” Clementine looked up from her food.
“Usually yes, but right now they’re trying to convince Omar to try the latest masterpiece Sophie has concocted.” Renata tossed forward a pudding cup that spun around the center of the table.
“Pudding?” Mitch looked confused. “That’s already been fucking claimed.”
Renata shook her head and held up a finger. “Hot pudding.” Her eyes wandered over to another table, making the others do the same.
There they saw a girl with long red hair arguing animatedly with a shorter guy with an afro who had his arms crossed. A girl with short red hair who looked identical to the other one was laughing lightly with a happy smile on her face. Only every now and again did she speak up. The other girl lifted up the pudding cup to display it before dropping it and shaking her hands wildly. Renata laughed at the sight. “Sophie really is trying her best,” She turned back to face the others. “So, anyone game to try it? I promise it’s worth it.”
“Nope,” Violet stated, simply finishing off the last of her chicken nuggets. Brody and Mitch looked shocked by the sight.
“I will take the risk!’ Louis dramatically rose from his spot and with one fluid movement gulped down the hot pudding. His face winced from the heat, but soon melted into a joyful, content look. “Holy shit! This is no joke!” “Right? Right?” Renata bounced excitedly in her seat, smiling at the people at the table.
Louis looked around the cafeteria with a wide grin which disappeared after a few seconds. “Damn it, I thought Gabe and Mari would be in the cafeteria but they must be in the newspaper room with Nurgul. Gabe would lose his mind over this.” Louis said, looking round.
“Well, have no fear,” Renata reached forward and snagged the empty pudding cup. “We have the mastermind behind it all,” She pointed back at Sophie who had spilled the pudding all over her pants and was now jumping and dancing around as Minnie burst out laughing. Minnie held out a napkin while her hand shook with laughter.
“Say no more, I’m sold. It was nice talking to you two, definitely wanna hear more, but now I’m on the quest for more hot pudding,” Louis gave a playful smile and wave before standing up.
“See ya,” Renata winked, giving a casual salute as she strolled over to the twins.
Brody and Mitch shared a look before laughing.
The rest of the day went smoothly from that point on. All the teachers seemed nice and understanding and the classmates helped whenever either Mitch or Brody didn’t understand something.
“All in all, not a shitty day,” Mitch smiled over at his girlfriend.
“Nope. I think I’m really going to like this school.” Brody’s hand swayed along with Mitch’s, their intertwined fingers locked firmly together as they exited the building.
“Mari, wait up!” Gabe rushed forward, his camera bag hitting his hip while he tried to catch up with his sister. Mariana looked back at her brother with a playful smile.
“Come on, slowpoke! If we keep going at this pace, we'll never reach the pizza place.” Mariana stopped when she saw the red hand appear on the display, signalling that it wasn’t safe to cross. Gabe leaned over and caught his breath for a moment. “Are you sure this pizza place is any good? Why can’t we go to the usual one on Broadway?”
“Because I heard that this one really does have the best pizza in New York. Sure it’s only been open for a few weeks, but Uncle Javi swears that it's the best he’s ever had.” Mari’s smile faded when she saw the unsure expression on her sibling’s face. “Tell you what: if Reggie’s Pies and Fries isn’t the best pizza ever, I’ll buy you a four pack of pudding.”
Gabe’s eyes danced with excitement at the suggestion. “Make it six and you’ve got a deal.”
Mariana looked at him with a  competitive smile. “You drive a hard bargain. Deal!” She shook his hand firmly. “You’re buying the pizza today though.” She turned to start crossing the street while Gabe looked dumbstruck for a second. Running beside her, he spoke up again. “Fine, but you’re paying next time.”
“Of course,” Mariana looked down at the black camera bag that was flailing around as Gabe walked. “Do you really need your camera today? It’s not like we’re gonna stumble across some spider people or anything.”
Gabe smiled proudly while holding his camera bag. “You never know. I have a good feeling about today. Especially after that newspaper meeting with Nuri.”
Mariana opened her mouth to comment on that statement when her phone started to buzz against her back pocket. Gabe’s phone was vibrating as well with the same loud sound. It was one that they recognized immediately. Pulling out their phones, the siblings looked at the Amber Alert that stated to look for a black Sedan with the license plate 7TYP290.
Gabe and Mariana looked at each other with a sad expression. They hated whenever these popped up, but that wouldn’t stop their ever constant vigilance to keep an eye out for the license plate just in case. That was when they heard a loud screeching noise followed by a crash coming from about a block away. They looked up to  see a pillar of smoke emitting from a white car that had collided with a blue minivan and black car. People started to gather around it, staring in horror and awe at the crash site before them. Gabe and Mariana ran over without hesitation.
“We should help!” Gabe sprinted forward towards the scene of the accident.
“We should call 911,” Mariana was trying to unlock her phone when Gabe let out an excited gasp. Mariana’s eyes shot up to see what had gotten her brother’s attention. Bumping into her brother with a soft thud, Mariana caught a glimpse of what it had been. There standing on the street sign was a female silhouette. Her eyes were sheltered by a pitch black mask that covered her face all the way down to the bridge of her nose. A hood covered her head, the hem of which was silver. Her body was covered in a skin tight black bodysuit that had silver detailed webs on the torso. The silver on the tips and edges of her black gloves shone in the sunlight.
“Holy shit. Is that-”
“Mimic!” Mariana practically squealed with excitement, finishing her brother’s sentence.
“We’re here to help,” Mimic spoke with a gentle voice when another spider person landed beside her. They were dressed in a  black leather biker jacket, dark denim pants and red shoes. A red spider stood prominently on the back of the jacket before he rose up. His black spider mask looked commanding with its red web detailing around it.
“Step back. We don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”
The crowd listened slowly, stepping back from the scene.
“That’s Goliath. I can’t believe it!” Gabe stared in awe.
“I thought they were based in Atlanta.” Mariana looked over at Gabe with a confused expression then turned her attention back to the two spider people.
“They should be.” Gabe watched as Mimic landed softly on her feet and stood absolutely still, pointing towards the left back car door of the minivan.
“Goliath, two kids.”
“On it,” Goliath moved forward and wrapped his fingers around the edges of the door. Crumpling the metal like paper, he lifted off the door.
“That was his super strength. It’s even crazier in person,” Gabe mumbled, too caught up in the sight before him to think to take photos.
Mimic moved beside her partner. Kneeling down, she looked at the two kids.
“Hey there, we’re gonna help you out, okay? Does anything hurt?” Mimic asked in a soft, comforting voice.
N-no,” The older sister was holding onto her younger brother who was crying in her arms. “But our dad...”
Mimic looked back at Goliath. “Check the front door, but be careful.”
“Of course,” Goliath moved forward and ripped open the door, finding the father whose leg was bloody and broken. “Mimic.”
Mimic stood up with the two kids, one in each of her arms. “I’m going to leave you with my friend. He may look mean, but he’s super nice.” Mimic walked over to Goliath and gently handed him the kids.
“Hey there,” Goliath had a surprisingly gentle tone to his voice. “We’re going to go over here for a few minutes.” He placed the kids and knelt before them. “Gotta help the others, okay?”
The older sister studied his face for a minute, reluctantly nodding. “Just help our dad.”
“I will,” Goliath looked over at the younger brother. “Be sure to watch out for your older sister okay, buddy?”
The little boy nodded, his eyes shining with determination.
Mimic had carefully extracted some of her webbing. Her fingers danced while the webbing carefully wrapped around the father’s leg. Gabe and Mariana watched in amazement as the webbing caused the bleeding to stop.
Goliath jumped over and with care carried over the father to his children who showered him with love and care. “That car is clear. Check out that one next, Mimic,” Goliath pointed to the white car that was smoking profusely. Mimic got back into her meditative stance, a shiver running down her spine when she sensed the presence within the vehicle. “Front right hand side.”
Goliath moved immediately, saving a middle aged lady and carrying her over to where the other survivors were.
“One left,” Mimic whispered to herself as she strolled to the last car.
Mariana looked at the black car with a look of concentration. That was a black sedan, right? Her eyes widened in horror. The license plate! What is it? Her heart stopped when she saw it: 7TYP290.
“Gabe,” Mari nudged her brother’s gut and gestured over to the license plate. Gabe looked at it, the realization hitting him only a second later.
“Mimic! Careful!” Mariana called out, causing the spider person to pause right by the front door. Suddenly a man lunged out of the door, stumbling around and swinging a sharp switchblade. Mimic’s body reacted to it immediately, moving in the unnatural way as if she had no bones in her body. The attacker froze when he stared at the spot she once was.
“That was Mimic’s signature evasion move.” Gabe let out a sigh of relief that the hero had made it out. Mariana felt her shoulders relax for a second before tightening again when she saw the fight wasn’t over.
Goliath ran over, trying to close the distance in time as he watched the switchblade try to land again on Mimic. Goliath shot out his barbed webbing, wrapping around the assulant ‘s wrist and stinging him sharply. Letting out a pained gasp, the man released his weapon.
Mimic appeared suddenly in front of him and kicked him in the gut then proceeded to wrap him in an immense amount of webs that stuck with squelching sounds onto the street sign. Mimic froze when she felt another presence nearby.
“Goliath, the trunk.”
Goliath tore off the trunk cover, revealing a young girl tied and gagged with a tear-stained face. “I’m going to take off the gag, ma’am.” Goliath carefully took off the binds and Mimic helped the girl over to where the others were. The sound of an ambulance and police sirens wailed out, signaling that they were nearby. Mimic looked around for a minute before landing her sights on Mariana.
“Make sure that man gets his leg checked out.”
Mariana could barely believe that a spider person had spoken to her. She couldn’t form any words and simply nodded.
Mimic gave a relieved smile. “Thanks.” With that Mimic and Goliath shot out some webbing and swung off into the distance.
“I can’t believe it….” Gabe looked at the sky where the two spider people had flown past.
“We met spider people!” Mariana exclaimed. The siblings excitedly high fived when Gabe stopped mid-high five, causing Mari’s hand to hit his face.
“It’s weird though,” Gabe looked at the webbed assailant. “There sure are a lot of spider people showing up in New York.”
“That’s true.” Mari paused, intrigued by the information.
“Oh, crap!” Gabe yelled as he clutched his camera bag. “I forgot to take pictures!”
Mariana let out a sad sigh and placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Oh well.”
Gabe looked at where he saw the heroes swing off too. They can’t be that far away . “I’ll be back.”
“What?” Mariana looked confused as she watched her brother run away. “Gabe!”
“I’ll be right back!” Gabe cupped his hands over his mouth to make sure his sister heard him before turning back and focusing on the task at hand. He wanted that picture.
Brody landed easily on her feet as Mitch soon joined her. Taking off her black mask, she felt her hood slip down as she let out a relieved sigh, leaning against the alleyway. “That was close.”
“Yeah, but we kicked ass. Especially you, Brody! You were so fucking hot,” Mitch pulled up his mask, the crinkles on his leather biker jacket increasing with the movement. In a single movement, he cupped the sides of Brody’s face and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Brody looked surprised for a moment before leaning into the kiss, her hand traveling up to grasp the back of Mitch’s head.
That was when it happened. The sound of a camera went off, causing Brody to throw on her mask and Mitch to pull down his.
In seconds Brody shot out a web, snatching the camera from a Cuban boy with an orange beanie who looked shocked by her action. Brody opened the camera and took out the film, tossing the camera back to its owner. “Sorry,” she apologized, shooting up a web and launching into the air.
Mitch gave a sassy smile that was lost under the mask. “We don’t do pictures.”
After the pair was far enough away, they landed on top of one of the buildings. Both of them took the risk and took off their masks once more. Mitch gave a small smile towards Brody. His hand gently intertwined with hers.
“Don’t worry, we got the film.”
“Yeah, I know. Just glad our first mission went well.” She had a warm smile on her face when her eyes grew large. Tilting back her head, she let out a long, exacerbated groan.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I forgot I still have my English assignment to complete,” Brody mumbled, letting her face fall forward in defeat.
“Fuck! I do too.” Mitch’s frown deepened, softening only when he glanced over at her. “Hey, wanna drop by my place and we can finish it together?”
Brody looked over at him with an appreciative smile. “That sounds great.”
A smile appeared on Mitch’s face at her words.
Leaning forward, Brody placed a quick kiss on Mitch’s cheek, causing him to blush.
“Ready?” Brody put her mask back on.
"Yeah!” Mitch scrambled up to his feet and did the same.
With that the pair attached their webs to a nearby building and swung down back to the normalcy of life.
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tricksters-captain · 7 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 20
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A/N: Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays y’all.
(Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)(Part Six)(Part Seven)(Part Eight)(Part Nine)(Part Ten)(Part Eleven)(Part Twelve)(Part Thirteen)(Part Fourteen)(Part Fifteen)(Part Sixteen)(Part Seventeen)(Part Eighteen)(Part Nineteen)
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s old sister and you have a thing for a certain serpent
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 4,494
Warnings: Age gap between reader and FP (reader is legal). Pure Smut. 
Seems like most people reacted differently to the Blackhood’s little announcement. Most noticeably, your younger brother went down a similar route to you. Defiance. 
If there was nothing you could do about the Blackhood, you might as well challenge him. Unfortunately for you, Archie decided to challenge him everywhere including your home to which you had walked in on several times already. 
“Are you serious?!” You walked into the kitchen to find Veronica on the counter with Archie in between her legs with their lips locked. You had already caught them in Archie’s bedroom and the garage and at school and even Pop’s. 
Archie pulled away from Veronica and tried to wipe away his smirk. 
“Sorry.” Archie turned to the fridge and took out a couple of sodas. 
“I should get going anyway.” Veronica slid off the countertop and pecked Archie on the cheek to say goodbye. “Archekins. (Y/n), always a pleasure.”  She sent a smile your way as she left. Now, as much as you loved Veronica, you didn’t love the amount of saliva she was sharing in your presence. 
“You know this is a place where food is prepared, right?” You gestured to the counter that Veronica was just sat on. 
“If you mean where the take out boxes are put then yeah.” Archie smirked at his comment as he took a mouthful of soda. 
“Archie, in all seriousness, could you not do that around the house. It’s hard enough having to deal with the fact that the guy I want most in the world I can’t have without having my little brother throw in my face that he can have what he wants and more.” You told him bluntly as you made yourself a coffee. 
“Sorry, (y/n/n), I, uh, I’ll go to Ronnie’s tonight instead.” Archie genuinely apologise and you nodded gratefully. 
“Thanks, Arch.” and with that you left the kitchen. 
Little did you know, you’d be seeing the man you wanted most in the world very soon.
The next evening you headed to the Whyte Wyrm and Toni greeted you like usual with a bright smile and a hug. 
You had just sat down at a table with a drink when Jughead decided to make an announcement. 
“I have an announcement to make! My dad’s getting out!” Jughead gathered the attention of the whole bar with that sentence. 
You felt your heart stop in your chest and you had to contain the smile on your face but you felt the young Serpent’s eyes on you from across the room. He was leant against the bar with his arms folded across his chest, he seemed to be the only person in the bar that was thinking about your relation to FP now that Jughead was apart of the Serpents. 
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“And when he does, I'll bring him up to speed about our plans with Mayor McCoy.” Jughead continued once the cheers had died down. 
“That's brilliant.” Tall Boy grunted, stepping up to Jughead with an unimpressed mask on. 
“Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?” Jughead cocked his head at the older man. 
“Your old man? No. I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor.” Tall Boy placed his knuckles on the pool table in front of him, leaning towards Jug and you moved to the edge of your seat in case you needed to get involved. 
“I do. He's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's going to take work and it's going to take compromise.” Jughead explained openly to which Tall boy laughed cruelly at him. 
“Bring the Southside back. You've been here all of five minutes.” Tall Boy slurred, glaring back at the boy. 
“Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch. Whispering behind my back that I'm half a Serpent or that I don't belong here.” You smirked at Jughead balls to confront the older Serpent. “Why don't we put it to a vote? If you guys think what I'm doing is wrong, I'll step aside.” 
“All those who stand with Jughead and think that Tall Boy should shut the hell up?” Toni stood, raising her hand. 
You rose your hand, smiling as you watched Tall Boy looked around at the rest of the raised hands with disdain. 
You noticed the small smile Jughead broke into as the bar took his side. You patted the boy on the shoulder as you passed him to approach the young Serpent. 
“Fp’s getting out.” He stated as you neared him. You smiled and nodded your head. 
“It’s cause for a celebration.” You admitted, you saw a flash of something in the boys eyes as you looked towards the booze but then decided against it. “But I have work tomorrow so this celebration will have to wait until Fp is in our presence.” You pulled out your car keys with the idea in mind that if you went home now and slept that you’d see Fp sooner which reminded you of being a child and doing the exact same thing for christmas. 
“So, I guess I’ll be seeing you around then, princess? You won’t be as available when you have your hands full with the Jones family.” The Young Serpent almost sounded bitter at that, you furrowed your eyebrows but gently pressed a kiss to the boys cheek to his surprise. 
“Thanks for everything.” You whispered before leaving the bar. 
Archie had told you that Jughead and Betty were picking Fp up in the morning and taking him to Pop’s and you were thankful that you had chosen to do the morning shift at the exact same time so you’d get to see him. 
You had been tossing and turning trying to figure out a way to see FP without Jughead being there but fate landed this straight into your lap and your stomach was in knots as you thought about seeing the man again. 
You hadn't visited him in a little while and anyways, seeing him in person was going to be so different. You hadn’t physically touched the man since the night of homecoming. 
In the morning you got up slightly earlier to make a bigger effort into the way you looked. You left the house and headed straight to Pop’s with what felt like a hand in your chest which stopped you from breathing. 
You hadn’t been this nervous since the first time you went round Fp’s house to see if he remembered you admitting you had a crush on him which felt like years ago now. 
“Morning, (y/n).” Pop greeted you as you tied your apron round your waist whilst exiting the kitchen.
“Morning Pop.” You smiled. You knew it’d be over an hour before they showed but whenever you heard the bell go, your heart skipped a beat and your eyes cautiously jumped to the door. 
But when they finally did enter, you were counting some change at the cash register so didn’t look up. 
FP, Jughead, Betty and Alice entered the diner with Fp entering last. He almost froze when he saw you behind the counter, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, your mouth silently uttering some numbers as you counted and your hair falling slight forward. 
“Dad.” Jughead called Fp over to a booth and that’s when you raised your head. 
“I got it.” You told no-one in particular as the rest of the current waitresses were busy anyway. 
You had to control yourself from running over to the table but at the same time you wanted to look good as you walked towards FP. 
You smiled as you approached the table and Jughead’s eyes met yours before you turned to Fp. 
“Mr. Jones. Good to see you out and about.” You said as you stopped at the booth; smiling at the man. 
““Thanks, good to be out.” Fp nodded, smiling slightly back at you. 
“What can I get you today?” You asked the table, trying not to keep your eyes on FP too long as you knew what Alice and her judgmental observation skills were like. 
They all ordered and you walked away with a little swing in your hips as you knew FP would be watching you head back to the kitchen. 
After you stuck up the order and took over the drinks, you stayed behind the counter waiting for Fp to do something, anything that could symbol that things were going back to the way they were before this whole storm happened. 
You watched Fp excuse himself to go use the restroom, as you watched him stand and head towards the bathroom. You went into the kitchen to the side door that allowed the staff to reach the toilets. 
You opened it and pulled Fp by the sleeve of his flannel shirt and then dragged him through the kitchen which was thankfully almost completely empty and to the back door. 
Before the backdoor even closed you felt Fp tug your arm so you span around and straight into his chest. 
He buried one of his hands in your hair on the back of your head and his other arm was firmly around your back. 
You clung onto him, smiling widely as his smell filled your nose. It was so much better than borrowing his shirts. 
“God, I missed you.” Fp exhaled, you pulled back but didn’t let go completely.
“How are you?” You asked, still smiling like an idiot which only made Fp’s heart squeeze as he really had missed you more than you could have known. 
“Much better now.” He admitted. 
You bit down on your lower lip and contemplated whether to kiss the man but you knew better and as did he.
“We should get back.” You told him, nodding towards the door. People will get suspicious if you’re gone too long. 
“Only if you promise to meet me later.” He negotiated with one of his typical smirks on his face. 
“I promise. Call me when you lose the couple of the year and the mother.” You teased.
Fp chuckled at you and held the door for you as you both retreated inside. 
You sighed, turning back to face Fp for a second. 
“You have no idea how much I missed you too.” You whispered before walking away and leaving him to head back through the kitchen and into the diner himself. 
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As soon as your shift finished, you found yourself waiting by the phone and when it finally flashed up with Fp’s name you answered it immediately. Almost too quickly. 
“Jughead’s with Betty. Meet me by the Whyte Wyrm in ten minutes. We’ll go for a ride.” Fp told you and so you did. 
You swung your car door shut when you saw Fp pull up in front of your car on his motorbike. 
“Nice jacket.” Hesmiriked when he spotted you wearing your very own Serpent’s jacket. He had only seen it a handful of times but now that he was out of jail, it seemed so much more real to him. 
“You don’t look half bad yourself.” You replied with a smile, climbing onto the back of his bike as he held out a helmet for you. You missed seeing him in his leather. 
You had to take a moment as you felt his broad shoulders under your hands as you climbed on. He was actually there. This wasn’t a dream. 
You held on tightly around his waist as he took off, speeding away from the town and into the vegetation surrounding Riverdale. 
When Fp found the right spot, he pulled over and you both climbed off his bike. 
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go back to the trailer but with Jug living there now, it’s too risky.” Fp apologised as he removed his helmet. 
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged your shoulders and stepped back, taking in the view. The view being Fp and not your actual surroundings. “I can’t believe you’re out.” You admitted, 
“I can’t either.” Fp turned and faced you, you chose this moment to finally kiss the man. 
You took one stride forward and reached up, placing your hand behind the man’s head and brought him down to kiss you. 
Fp wrapped his large arms around you and held you tight against him. 
When you parted, you just smiled like an idiot with your forehead resting against his. 
“I’m applying for a job at Pop’s.” Fp then told you. 
“Great, just the distraction I need.” You groaned teasingly. 
“Just though I should let you know.” Fp lifted his head and looked down at you with playful eyes. “When did you start working there anyway?” 
“Just after Hiram Lodge came to town. There was a little fundraiser for Pop’s and I volunteered and then got a job there.” You explained. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t get a job at the Whyte Wyrm.” Fp cocked his eyebrow at you. 
“Yeah, I’m sure my dad would have loved that.” You shook your head at the idea. It’s not like you didn’t consider it.
“How is your old man?” Fp asked, 
“He’s been better but he’s getting there.” You sighed when you admitted that. It was the truth at least. 
“Yeah, well, it’s not everyday you get shot.” 
“Damn right.” You pursed your lips and closed your eyes for a split-second and the image of your dad bleeding out shot to your head. 
“You alright?” Fp asked, concern written across his face. 
“I’m fine.” You brushed it off and smiled at the man, pecking his lips before changing the topic of conversation. “You know, Mr. Jones, you still owe me a dance.” 
“Oh yeah? Well, maybe I’ll take you on an actual date where I can pay off that debt.” Fp suggested, 
“I’d like that.” Your smile grew wider and you kissed him once more. 
You both stayed together for a few more minutes but it wasn’t long before Fp was needed back on the Southside by Jughead. He drove you back on his bike and you risked being caught by kissing him as you climbed off his bike –– the action reminded Fp of when he was a teenager –– and then you watched him speed off before you returned to the other side of the tracks. 
That night, Jughead messaged you which gave you a heart attack but reading the message, it was only about FP and how he was retiring from the Serpents. 
Jughead told you that he was giving up on Serpent life and that he didn’t know what to do but he messaged you and Toni. 
So, the next morning when you went in for your shift and FP was there, you decided to confront him on it. 
“Leaving the Serpents?” You pushed Fp against the wall in the back room of the diner. 
“It’s what’s best for me at the moment. Keeps you and me, both, out of trouble.”  Fp didn’t even try to move your hand from his chest as you confronted him. 
“I’m still apart of the Serpents even if you aren’t.” You argued that theory. 
“Yes, but less likely to be targeted if I’m out of the picture.” Fp only argued back. 
You paused; you let your hand drop. 
“Is it what you want?” You asked, knowing full well that there was no point in this argument. 
“Yes.” He told you. 
“Fine.” You gave in, stepping back from him. 
“It’s for the best.” He pressed his lips against your temple before leaving the store and heading out to be a waiter in his cute little get up. 
It was definitely a look far different to the Serpent jacket. 
You left the kitchen yourself to see Cheryl Blossom knock her milkshake over. 
“Clean that up, Plebe. The way you did my brother's blood.” Cheryl instructed Fp, you took the mop from the corner but your eyes connected with Fp’s as he turned back and something in them told you to let him fight his own battles. 
Jughead had the same thought process you did by protecting his father but Fp told him verbally to stand down. 
“Jug, don't.” Fp told him before kneeling down and picking up the glass. “ We'll get you another milkshake right away. On the house.” He told Cheryl before leaving to get the mop from you and a bucket. 
Later, you didn’t expect a call from Fp but your phone ended up flashing with his ID. He told you that Jughead had left him with take out and wanted to know if you were available to help him eat it to which, of course, you said yes. 
You drove to the trailer park and Fp opened the door before you even made it up the steps. 
“Does this count as the date?” You asked with a smirk, 
“No, this is just, you eating my food.” Fp closed the door behind you before you sat down and started helping yourself to the food. 
You were quiet for a few minutes before you put your Chinese box down and looked up at Fp. 
“Look, about earlier... I got angry because you’re considered the king of the Serpents and, well,  I didn’t expect you to leave them as soon as you got out. It just took me by surprise I guess. But, I also wanted to let you know that even though you may be retiring and passing on the crown, I will always be by your side. No matter what.” You said openly, looking down into your food as you spoke, afraid to meet FP’s eye at the risk of sounding foolish. 
“You aren’t going soft on me now are you, Andrews?” Fp teased you, you looked up at him and smiled. He leant over and kissed you. “I will never know what I did to deserve you.” Fp spoke more to himself than he did to you but you just laughed and shook your head at him. 
“You were born pretty.” You joked, winking at the older man and sitting back again. 
“Jughead is, uh, hosting a party for my retirement. You’ll be there, right?” Fp suddenly brought up as he remembered to ask you. 
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You assured him. 
Just that moment, Fp’s phone went off and it was a text from Jughead saying he be back soon so that he should save him some food. 
“That’s my cue to go.” You said as you made your way towards the door. 
Fp opened it for you and leant on the door frame as you stepped out before  leaning down and kissing you. 
“I’ll see you later.” You whispered, releasing his top from your grip then heading back to your car. 
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Entering the Whyte Wyrm that night felt like the first time for some reason. 
Seeing Fp stood there felt like a dream. It had been so long since you two were together in the bar. 
Seeing him stood with a couple Serpents as music played loudly felt like how the night of homecoming should have been if FP wasn’t arrested and you made it to the bar for your dance. 
You were wearing your jacket which meant you had to be careful with Betty and Veronica hanging around tonight. You didn’t want to stand out anyways, just fade into the background so you could admire from afar.
The Serpents that knew you and Fp were interested in each other knew not to mention it or point it around whenever Jughead was around so you knew you were safe with the Serpents. 
You stayed towards the back of the bar, in a small crowd of Serpents with a drink in your hand when people started to arrive and by people, you meant Veronica, Archie, Betty and Alice. 
You tried not to let Alice being there spook you and fortunately for you, Archie and Veronica taking the stage for Karaoke took your mind off of the journalist. 
However, when karaoke took a turn for worse and Betty had to take the mic things got... complicated. 
You watched Betty remove her overclothes to reveal some black lacy lingerie and you almost spit out your beer. 
You couldn’t see Fp or Tall Boy so you placed the bottle down and moved further into the bar to try and spot him. 
As Betty finished her little show, the bar fell silent until you heard a loud clapping which you soon saw was Fp. 
The rest of the Serpents followed with an uproar of cheers and you b-lined to the bar where Toni was working. 
She seemed to have read your mind and poured you a shot of tequila. 
“It never stops does it?” You half-heartedly joked. 
Fp gave Betty his jacket tp cover her up a little which you couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy but really you knew it was just to hide her now very much revealed body. 
“Let's give her a round of applause! And show her some of that Serpent hospitality we're known for.” Fp encouraged another round of applause to which you didn’t participate in.  “You know what? I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my son. And it's been a A wild ride. Good times, bad times, but through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side, while most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included. Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the Serpent den. That I can't associate with my friends. My real family. My blood. But I've been thinking about that. And it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do!” Fp gave his little speech which made the Serpents rowdy and loud. You furrowed your eyebrows at him but you knew he couldn’t see you from where you were stood. Something wasn’t right, you could feel that something had happened to bring on this change in his attitude and it wasn’t Betty’s dance. “Northside wants me outta this gang––?” Fp started up again just as Alice pushed through the crowd and met eyes with you. 
Her gaze fell to the leather that covered your shoulder but she just rushed past you and outside. 
“Alice!” You chased after her, your heart in your throat and fear tightening your stomach. “Alice!” 
Alice stopped in the parking lot and span around to face you. You could see the tears in her eyes and you knew it was from Betty’s actions but seeing you must have made it worst. 
“You know, I’m not actually surprised. All those times you stood up for Fp, all those times you snuck back or went out late at night, of course you’re a snake!   A smart, beautiful girl like you just wasting your life here in Riverdale! Well, you better wise up (Y/n), and when you do, drag my daughter out with you.” And with that, she left. 
You stood, open-mouthed and ran your hands through your hair in frustration. 
When you reentered the bar, Fp had Jughead in his arms. You watched him take a shot and then he found you. He strode through the bar and smirked when he stopped in front of you. 
“What happened to retiring?” You asked, 
“Not my time.” Fp shrugged his shoulders. 
“All hail the king.” You only repeated what you had heard. 
“And his queen.” Fp took your hand and pulled you into a small cleaning supply closet to which you just laughed at. 
He leant down and captured his lips in yours, holding you against him. 
You deepened the kiss and found yourself being lifted onto his waist. You could taste the alcohol on his tongue. 
He kept one hand underneath you as he tugged off your leather jacket whilst attacking your neck with his lips. 
You helped remove your jacket and pulled your top over your head. You pulled Fp’s hair slightly as he nipped your skin and his hand squeezed your breast. 
The air was getting caught in your throat as you realised where this was going and you were excited. 
You brought Fp’s lips back to your own and rolled your hips against his. 
Fp groaned into your mouth which made you want him more. 
You reached your hands down as Fp pushed you against a wall for support and then tried to undo his belt. 
“You sure?” Fp asked, breaking away for a second. You responded by kissing him and saying yes against his lips. 
It wasn’t your first time but you felt just as nervous. 
After unbuttoning his pants and him yanking them down enough for it to be comfortable, you took hold of his bulge and he hissed slightly at how good it felt. It’d been a while.
You had been wearing shorts that night so Fp had to put you down for a moment to get them off but when he placed you on his hips again, he wasted no time in pushing your panties aside and using his fingers to see just how wet you were. You gasped as his fingers brushed over your clit and almost pushed inside of you. 
FP chuckled at how much you wanted him from the dampness between your legs. 
He sprung himself free from his boxer-shorts and lined himself up with your entrance. 
You pulled yourself up on Fp’s shoulders as he entered you, you squeezed your eyes shut and bit down on your lip to stop yourself from making a noise.
“You alright?” He asked, you nodded and lowered yourself further onto him which made his jaw clench and his head roll back. 
“Fp.” You whined as he thrusted in and out of you. He picked up the pace within seconds and you were digging your fingers into the man due to it. 
The force of him was bringing you so close to orgasm very quickly and Fp could tell. 
He drove himself deeper and harder with each thrust and kissed you as he felt your walls pulsing around him. 
He rode you through your orgasm before pulling out and covering your stomach. 
You two stayed there, panting before you reached over and grabbed a paper towel which was luckily in the supply closet to clean yourself up with. 
You redressed yourself and kissed the man, not breaking apart or moving of a while before Fp slowly pulled apart. 
“You are––” You cut him short by kissing him again. 
“––Yours.” You whispered before opening the door and walking out first. 
You picked up a drink and threw it back. 
It finally happened. After waiting and dreaming and imaging it, it happened. 
Fp looked at you from across the room where the closet was located and you knew that this was only the beginning... With you and with the Serpents. 
(Part 21)
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