picklingsalt · 7 years
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This is a vicious cat. He bites, howls, attacks the dog, and takes no shit from no body. He is BIG, fluffy, and does what he wants. Not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him. I get little cuts and scratches daily. He is my cat. . . . Just like people, no one, and nothing is 100% evil. Creatures, and I'm talking humans too, all have a light inside. If we choose to pay attention to the darkness, then more darkness will be revealed. Evil is everywhere, and if you want; pain and suffering is all you will see. . . . Anything that is given focus and attention grows. I choose to see that light inside all beings. It gets easy quickly. Working as a waitress for 16 years teaches one about people more than any psyche degree. When a hungry monster is screaming at the hostess, red faced, fist clenched.. or when a boss is drunk and spitting insults behind the line... I see only an animal in distress. There is still good in there. There is still a beating heart that wants to be loved, and has basic needs that arnt being met. What I have learned.. and how I have worked with this cat.. is that if I can keep myself detached and steady of breath, I can hold space, at the level of the wound, and choose to only speak to the light. Choose to see a wounded animal who has been living in a life of anger and pain. Not a monster doing something to me. I choose to nurture their light. Whatever you put your attention towards grows. Sometimes even just keeping an eye on something is all that is needed to change it. . . . . So if we yes acknowledge the evil, stand with boundaries, breathe, and look at the light, the light will be all that grows. I have noticed that in this practice, angry nasty people treat me well. This cat over time, now snuggles on my lap, begs for pets, and is so quick to pur. This cat that was on the street, this cat that was in an unhealthy living situation. This cat. He has boundaries. He has attitude. But the more I see his sweetness and give space for his wounds to heal, the sweeter the cat he becomes. #morningramblings #YouSeeWhatYouAreLookingFor #boundariesAreBeautiful #meetmeatmywound #cherishthelightwithin #paincannotexistwithoutlove
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