#cherokee (my dad is a quarter)
5-htagonist · 4 months
the boondocks is so good. i dont know what black american archetypal character is missing from that show other than ahhh favorable portrayals of black queerness but 2005 (presumably) cishet man creation so you know how that goes.
#you even have MULTIPLE Whitest Black People. jaz being lightskin black working father stay at home mom (who is kind of crazy) is WAYYYYY too#relatable#her alienation from blackness due to her home life is !!! but she IS undeniably black. my nose is squishy my eyes are deep brown..#my skin dont burn easy and black hair products work better than others for me. i have my dads lips and his hair color.#and my familial experiences are very much shaped by my mixed race#etcetc i cannot fully claim whiteness in any way But my upbringing was super privileged (not bc my parents were upper middle class and#functional like jaz but bc i was taken out of my dads custody and eventually lived w my lower middle class grandparents (which. the#grandparent thing is relatable thru huey. my grandma grew up very poor so she is not from a place of privilege similarly)#but my other relative we lived with grew up upper middle class and ended up lower middle class after the 2008 recession so i was Privileged#due to the lifestyle she had cultivated and was used to#but yaknow i wasnt quite like jaz in the way she is spoiled#not spoiled but yk#its just interesting though bc i have always felt veryyyy alienated from any racial experience cause im 4/8 (half) white 3/8 black 1/8#cherokee (my dad is a quarter)#and i didnt have a years-long stable home life for a while when i was young#the boondocks showed me a LOT of what ive gone thru is Very Black#obv not just the boondocks and i think my social problems kind of contributes but i will say#my connections to whiteness were A LOT more apparent from a young age but i was confused as to why i didnt fit in exactly with White people#(though ofc socioeconomic situations were more relavant to that)#but yeah my experience is undeniably mixed i just had a lot of trouble reconciling i guess how much of my experiences are black#culturally speaking#sociologically speaking and stuff#unfortunately i have media autism so a lot of my understandings of myself and how i relate to the world have come to me through good stori#s#so im grateful for them#hopefully this doesnt make me look dumb
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flagellant · 2 years
Theoretically we're part cherokee. In practice I've got one of two options: someone's lying because theyre ashamed to be white, or its so far back that it wouldnt ever.... matter. I remember a show, king of the hill for the record, one episode theres a throw away line from a character that doesnt matter when theyre trying to work with the tribe/other natives. They balk at him when he shows, because this man is beyond "basically white". He scoffs and says he's 1/64th native and its Supposed to leave a bad taste behind because if you do the math thats six generations away from closest native ancestor- its a joke about people claiming heritage they have no possible emotional connection to beyond wearing it like a costume. Ive always been tempted to get a DNA kit, but would it matter. And none of this even lays into the heratige i *could* pursue, but everyone from that side is just such an awful person. A quarter chinese but i dont even know anything more specific because my grandmothers a mail order bride and my bio dad is flat out an abuser twice as bad as my grandpa on that side. I feel for her but i dont want to be anywhere near that mess and it means giving up on any possible connection.
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theunbrokenspell · 4 months
The Kisser (4)
Her heart hammered in her chest. The last time she was kissed by someone other than her husband, it was 1998, and she was twenty-one years old. His name was Randy, and he was a total jerk, and she was young and couldn't get enough of total jerks--"bad boys," as they were called, at least then. He had kissed her, had done a lot of other things to her, and then had dumped her, as jerks are wont to do.
Randy was a good kisser. A really good kisser.
Dan wasn't as good, but he was sufficient, and she was happy with them, as kisses go, though she and Dan hadn't really exchanged any passionate kisses for a long time. Not that she thought of them all that much; she really didn't. But maybe she should have. Because the kiss Jams just gave her ... Randy and Dan, and Donny and Brad, and Jerry and Jeff, all the rest of her past boyfriends ... their faces, the intimate moments she shared with them ...
Who were they again?
It was like she was outside herself, watching herself, as she leaned in for another.
Jams kept his attention on her mouth, but pulled back. He gazed into her eyes. "Too many ramparts here. Too many moats. Too many drawbridges. Let's go somewhere else."
The lust that coursed hotly through her felt like someone had just given her an injection of ... of ... of ... 18. That was what came to her mind. Like being given a shot of being 18 years old again. That sense of wantonness, of freedom, of dancing in the dark, of fucking in back seats and giggling as the boyfriend hurried out her bedroom window before her dad could open her door to see what was going on, of make-out parties, of dry humping in the park way past curfew.
She watched herself nod. "Where did you have in mind?"
He shrugged. "The Dunes?"
She chuckled. "Seriously?"
"Why not?"
Was she really blushing?
"Sure. Okay ..."
He ascended the steps, his face inches from hers as he stepped up. "Nothin' wrong with acting like teenagers now and again, is it?"
The Dunes were at the northern edge of town, along the Strand--the thin sandbar that connected Imperial Beach with Coronado. A highway connected the two suburbs by means of the Strand; the Dunes were maybe a quarter way up, say three miles, located on the west side of the highway, and were a popular place for teens to go to do all sorts of things, including partying and sex and drugs and rock n' roll. The Strand was completely dark most of the way, which lent all sorts of privacy to the goings-on at the Dunes, which were exactly as they sounded: beach sand piled high in small dunes maybe twenty feet tall due to onshore winds. Maggie had gone to her share of parties at the Dunes--when she was a damn kid!
"C'mon," he said.
"Let me get my coat," she said.
She went to grab her coat and purse, and--don't forget the phone ...
But Jams took her hand. "Your shoes. That's all. It's warm out tonight. I've got ya covered."
She stared at his hand. "No defenses."
"Just you," he said.
"Just me."
"But then I'll be at your mercy."
"And me at yours."
"Are we taking your car?"
He shrugged. "We can take yours."
She held up. "Yours is fine."
She put on her tennis shoes and, with Jams behind her, locked the front door.
Jams' car was a classic Jeep Cherokee in immaculate condition, much sexier than her late-model whatever-it-was that it seemed every woman in her forties drove.
He opened the passenger-side door and closed it once she got in, came around the front and hopped in the driver's seat. The Jeep roared to life under her, the smell of old car making her head spin a little, mixing as it did with Jams' scent and his smile in the soft yellow-green dash lights. He put it in reverse and pulled out of her driveway.
He put on some music, chill, down-tempo, very sexy.
"Who is this?" she asked as they crossed the big intersection at IB Boulevard.
" Thievery Corporation," he answered. "You like?"
She nodded. "Yeah."
The road ended at the highway and a stop light. He took a left onto the Strand Highway and accelerated. The Cherokee's big engine purred under her, and she closed her eyes.
It wasn't that she didn't love Dan anymore; she did. It wasn't even that she was particularly bored with him or their life together. They had a nice life; he was part of a semi-famous country group looking to finally break through to the top; she had spent her days as a nurse practitioner until recently, when she retired. That was almost a year ago now. They were very lucky, very fortunate. They had had a blessed life.
Dan was on the road, and had been the past three months. She'd gotten used to him being gone all the time--at least five months a year--and had even come to cherish it. But she had never done anything close to this.
She had met Jams at a surfing competition a month ago, one he won. Meeting him was accidental; the ice cream cone she'd bought with her friend Gracie collapsed at his feet as the crowd was dispersing. A week later, as she ate lunch near the pier, enjoying the solitude, he had come up and said, "Ice cream girl. How ya doin'?" She had invited him to sit.
Now she was driving up to the Dunes with him. In the dark. To do what, exactly...?
Accessing the Dunes involved taking an obscure dirt road that wound here and there for at least half a mile, the going bumpy at times. She giggled like a schoolgirl.
There were a few other cars here, interspersed widely. A campfire glowed to the left briefly before a dark dune occluded it. Jams took his time. The music lulled Maggie ever so gently into a state of heightened awareness and arousal.
He took a hard left, going very slowly, and stopped.
The spot was entirely secluded. He turned off the lights but kept the engine running so the heater could keep going, as the sea breezes were quite cool.
He turned in his seat to gaze at her.
She gazed back, eighteen once again.
<5> is coming soon!
Last edited 05/19/24
[A young woman is given a candle by a vendor at a Renaissance fair, and her life is changed forever.]
Copyright © 2023, 2024 by SMdM. All rights reserved, chocolate chippers.
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felinisfeloney · 4 years
with everything going on and the state of protests and what my grandma has been doing I keep thinking over the first time I realized- genuinely realized, that she didn’t see me as white. It was the moment I realized that when she had disdain for my love of fantasy and magic that she believed it was something I inherited. We were at a botanical garden that had these beautiful tiny miniature places of worship and I loving architecture stepped inside the catholic church first and loved it. It was simple but warm in its design.
Grandma said it was nice for being Catholic and I’m not sure how but we ended up talking about founding of religions and world mythology. And I remember the warm wood and the light in that tiny stained glass window as she touched my curls and said “It’s too bad you inherited your father’s dirtiness.” She said it so sweetly. Like it didn’t occur to her what those words meant. 
Like she didn’t call dad a dirty Jew 
She got bolder after that and would say to my brother how dad was a ‘dirty Jew’ and that I was bound for hell. My brother was never the one called out on this and I genuinely believe it came down to the fact that my brother looked white without question. My brother would burn in the sun and he had fair straight brown hair and light eyes. I inherited my dad’s dark hair and eyes along with mom’s Cherokee nose. The curls that make my hair unmanageable and if I stand in the sun enough I don’t burn instead my ‘heritage shows’ as Grandma put it.
I for all standpoints do not appear to most as anything but white. On legal documents I check white because there isn’t an option that says ‘it’s complicated but white supremist wouldn’t want me alive despite all appearances and have been bullied enough that it feels uncomfortable to say even though it is true’. I have never been exposed to the indigenous part of my mom’s heritage and neither was she. I have no claim to it and it’s likely only 1/8th which is next to nothing. I am half-Jewish with a quarter Sephardic along with the other quarter Ashkenazi and because of my childhood I struggled to take part in Judaism in most cases despite wanting to. And yet, despite all this distance every mention of my Jewishness and every time I brought it up would take me one step away from white. One step away from being someone people were completely okay with. After 9/11 happened my dad who’s very tan whenever he came to my elementary school I remember that people would suddenly seem uncomfortable. He’s told me stories about being stopped because he’s got that dark goatee and that slight brown tone. That he’s been called the face of Satan. I remember being asked for my ‘Jewish opinions’ or being told my cheapness made sense. People assuming I was rich or a grifter when I’m a ditz who usually just forgets my wallet. I have been unfortunately called ‘not white enough for Texas’ by children who were my age. 
I have been privileged to never had people call me out on the street. To be attacked by a Karen or police for just existing in a space. I have never experienced that but I also know what it is like to have relatives who say protesters deserve to be hurt and that it’s only natural I would side with the BLM movement because I’m ‘one of them’. No. I am siding because police brutality has always been wrong and because people of color don’t deserve to live a life where they can expect law enforcement to kill them. Because human right’s are not a thing to debate. I am not the target for this movement but I sure as hell support everything it stands for. I have only ever tasted the tip of racism and it made me want to regret who I was so what of people who truly experience it? What of those horrors I hear in pieces that make my heart weep and my body shiver? What of people who are actual minorities and not whatever I am? They are who matters now and I will support them. I will do what I can to help them.
Because it is what is right.
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asimpleworm · 4 years
Im so bad at checking my notifs i just saw I was tagged in this shshs
Thanks for tagging @bloempotjes 🖤
RULES: answer these 20 questions, then tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
1) Name: Michaela
2) Nicknames: almost everyone just calls me Kayla. My dad calls me Ladyface and i love that
3) Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon
4) Height: a whole 5'5"
5) Languages: just English but i have put in the effort to learn a little Korean and Norwegian back in high school lol
6) Nationality: American but if you want to get technical, Scandinavian and about a quarter or more Cherokee
7) Favorite Season(s): Fall and Spring!!
8) Favorite Flower: im boring, i like roses lol
9) Favorite Scents: rain, coffee, tonka bean, old books, leather, pepper
10) Favorite Colors: Black. But also yellow, pink, dark green, and rusty red
11) Favorite Animals: Sea Otter, Cats, Caterpillars, Moths, those fat little birds, bees
12) Favorite Fictional Character: Snape from Harry Potter, Crowley from Good Omens, and Batman. Don't analyze that too much lmao
13) Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: coffee!!! Coffeecoffeecoffee
14) Average Sleep: fuck if i know, i either sleep like a rock for hours or not at all lol
15) Cats or Dogs: i love both so much but if i haaaad to choose, probably cats
16) Number of Blankets: at least two. One for normal blanket activities and one for snuggling
17) Dream Trip: im kind of boring but i want to start off in England and then just hop to country to country. I want to visit everywhere tho
18) Blog Established: ive been on tumblr since like 2011 but remade this blog iinnn 2016 i think? Maybe 2015
19) Follower Count: 203
20) Random Fact: i have a small antique book collection and i fold my underwear like a psychopath
I tag @kimchi-fried-ice @sunsetsinherhair @thesaltiestbutter
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Week 13  The Old Homestead
After a couple of weeks off (the prompts didn’t inspire me, but I may revisit them if I come up with some ideas), I’m back at it. This week’s prompt for 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks is The Old Homestead.
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This photo shows my great-great grandparents, Edward L. and Euphemia (Tracy) Wiseman, and their children outside their home in Crawford County, Illinois. The children from left to right are: Tura, Rollie, Elsie, and Harry. I don’t know an exact date for the photo, but I’d estimate it was taken between 1895 and 1898, based on the age of my great-grandfather, Rollie.
I’ve communicated with my dad and his older brother (my Uncle Larry) this week regarding the photo. This is a beloved family photo and it is usually brought to our annual family reunion for display. We think the home stood on an 18¼-acre parcel located a couple of miles north of Stoy in Section 22 of Township 7N, Range 13W. There’s a possibility, though, that this house was on a 40-acre parcel north and west of Oblong on Section 17 near Kibbie, but the note on the back of the photo says, “near Stoy,” so I’m inclined to think that this was on the land (18 acres) closer to Stoy.
Dad and I spent a bit of time looking at Google Earth this week, and we were able to locate this property, bordered on the west by Onion Creek. On a 1930 plat map online, I found an 18-acre parcel of land with the initials, E.L.W.—Edward Livingston Wiseman, corroborating Dad’s memories. According to the will of Edward’s mother Sarah Wiseman, this 18 ¼-acre parcel was to be divided three ways after her 1894 death—Albert was to inherit 6 1/8 acres on the southern part of this property, James the northern 6 1/8, and Edward was to inherit the middle 6 acres. This is part of the southwest ¼ of the northeast ¼ of Section 22, and the transcribed will names the southeast ¼ of the northeast ¼. I’m assuming this is a transcription error on the part of the clerk.
The 40 acres owned by Sarah was a couple of miles west and approximately one mile north of the 18 acres: SE ¼ of NE ¼ of section 17, Township 7, Range 13W. In Sarah Wiseman’s will, signed on 10 January 1883, she indicates that she was currently living on this parcel of land. She desired for this land to be divided three ways as well, with each son getting 26 and two-thirds rods—Edward, the western third, Albert, the middle third, and James the easternmost third.
I have a suspicion that there was some land swapping going on between the brothers. I looked at an 1898 plat map and noticed that the 40 acres in Section 17 is not divided into three sections, but two. Jas. Wiseman has 20 acres and A. Wiseman has 20 acres. The land parcel in section 22 isn’t divided at all. It has the intitals ELW, and the number 20 (18 acres, rounded up, I presume). It seems that Edward exchanged his third of the 40 acres for his brothers’ shares of the 18 acres—and created the homestead that my dad and uncle remember with mostly fond memories. The 40 acres was owned by an A. M. Wilken in 1930.
An $1100 land sale from W. N. Wilkin to Sarah Wiseman was made on 31 December 1872. The land sale wasn’t recorded until 30 September 1878, in book 29, page 104. In the Description column of the land sale index is the word “described.” I have not had the opportunity to look at the land deed books. Uncle Larry thinks that both the 40-acre parcel and the 18-acre parcel were purchased at the same time.
I’ll now share some of my dad’s and uncle’s memories of the place my dad calls “The Farm.” A flat area east side of Onion Creek and west of the house was tillable. My dad remembered in the 1940s walking alongside a wagon and hand-picking corn here with his dad (Ray Wiseman) and grandpa (Rollie Wiseman). Behind the house, the creek curved, and the land fell off into the swampy bottomland of Big Creek. More tillable land was to the north. Dad remembers following his grandpa and a plow in this field and picking up newly-turned potatoes and putting them in a basket. A nice stand of oak and shagbark hickory stood to the north as well. Dad remembered camping there with his brother Larry, and later, with high school buddies. Between The Farm and the Big Henry Woods to the east was a fence line. Dad remembers a couple of half-buried car bodies there. How did they get there? Were they the family’s old cars? Dad and Uncle Larry remember hunting squirrels and rabbits in this area. Dad remembers his grandpa Rollie taking him back into a swampy area and showing him two large bald cypress trees and telling him that bald cypress trees weren’t too common in that part of Illinois.
Both my dad and uncle remember visiting the house a few times in the early-mid 1940s, when their great-uncle Harry lived there. The house stood on a hill on the south end of the property. It had a dirt floor as you entered but the rest of the home was floored. There was a well in front of the house that had a wooden cover. In later years one had to be very careful to locate the well because the cover was obscured by tall grass. It would’ve been easy to fall through the cover. In my dad’s teenage years, after Uncle Harry moved out of the house, my dad would buy a box of rifle shells for 50 cents and go to The Farm to shoot bottles. The property was littered with old medicine bottles, as Uncle Harry and Aunt Mae were herbalists, and helped many local people improve their health. Uncle Larry thinks that the house was gone by the mid-1950s. After the death of Rollie in 1963, the 18 acres was deeded to his widow (my great-grandmother Martha (Cramer) Wiseman. Shortly afterwards, it was deeded to my great-uncle Donald. After his death, it was sold to a non-family member as timberland.
My dad took me to the remnants of The Farm about fifteen years ago and I remember there was no access road to the property. We parked alongside the road and walked maybe a quarter of a mile through a field, across a small stream, and into some woods.  No buildings stood on the property at that time.  Fortunately, we didn’t encounter the well.
The older gentleman in the photo, my great-great grandfather Edward L. Wiseman, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on 22 January 1839. After his father’s death in 1857, his mother Sarah (Mankey) Wiseman moved with her six living children to Jackson County, Texas. Edward stayed on the Texas ranch during the Civil War to help his widowed mother. He ultimately lost two brothers to the war—one dying in battle and the second after years of imprisonment as a prisoner-of-war. The Texas ‘experiment’ ended in 1867, when the family, reportedly worth nearly $700,000 (in today’s dollars) in the 1860 census, met with financial difficulties and returned to the Midwest.
In 1870 Edward, his mother, and brothers James and Albert lived in Turman township in Sullivan County, Indiana, presumably having moved there to be near Sarah’s sister Lydia A. Secrist. The family’s real estate and personal property value in 1870 was reported as today’s equivalent of $25,000—quite a change from ten years before. Edward had attended medical college in Cincinnati before moving to Texas and was enumerated as a physician in the census. The family also has record of him later practicing medicine in Crawford County as well.
Euphemia Tracy was born in Crawford County on 6 March 1851, the youngest daughter of Loyd and Jane (Kirk) Tracy. Loyd and Jane, along with Loyd’s brother Elijah Tracy and his family, moved from Licking County, Ohio to Crawford County in 1846. In 1850 and 1851, Loyd purchased 160 acres in western Robinson township and eastern Oblong township, northeast of Robinson, from the U.S. government land office located in Palestine. Sadly, Loyd died when Euphemia was about 18 months old.
On 6 October 1878, Edward and Euphemia married in Crawford County. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Richland township, Labette County, Kansas. In the 1880 census, Edward was enumerated there as a farmer. Brother James was farming in adjacent Neosho township in Cherokee County. By 1883, Edward and Euphemia added two children to their family. Daughter Elsie was born on 7 November 1879 and son Harry was born on 8 January 1881. Based on birthplaces and birthdates for children, Edward and James were back in Illinois by the mid-1880s-James in Jasper County and Edward in Crawford County.
Elsie Lee Wiseman and Harry Lamar Kirk Wiseman were born in Labette County, Kansas. Elsie married William Reynolds in 1918, and died in Paris, Edgar County, Illinois in 1945. Older son Harry Lamar Kirk Wiseman was born in 1881. He married Mae Servison in 1909 and died in Crawford County in 1964. Tura Alice Wiseman was born in 1883 in Illinois. She married Henry Tracy in 1906 and died in 1945. My great-grandfather Rollie Mankey Wiseman was born in 1886 in Crawford County. He married Martha Washington Cramer in 1909 and died in 1963 in Stoy. All are buried in Prairie Cemetery in Oblong Township.
As always, I would love to hear from any descendants of Edward L. and Euphemia (Tracy) Wiseman.
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figofswords · 7 years
lessons from my past
i am a little girl and we are walking.
'i just don't know, daddy,' i say. it's a bright day, with the sky a bright cotton-candy blue and the clouds chasing each other across its expanses. the news is riddled with politics, as it always is, but i am only just starting to open my eyes to it. 'i don't even know if i'm a democrat or a republican.'
he eyes me for a moment. 'ok,' he says thoughtfully. 'well, it should be pretty easy to tell.'
'ask me questions,' i say. 'and tell me by my answers what i am.'
and he does. he asks me many things. he asks me about black and white and freedom and confinement. he asks me about the death penalty. he asks me about abortion.
some of these things are easier to answer than others.
there's one, though, that stands out to me now. we're three-quarters of the way home, and the hill is steep enough that the dog is starting to lag.
'what about gay marriage?' he says. this is before it's been legalized, and we are in north carolina where politics has always been a few steps behind.
i think about this for a moment. i have an answer but i don't know how to say it. 'i think,' i say carefully, laden with eight-year-old wisdom and confining societal philosophy, 'that they should be allowed to marry. it's weird and i don't think it's...natural, or whatever, but it's not my business what they do.'
we stop as the dog sniffs a spot in the grass. my father is frowning slightly, eyeing me with a thoughtful gaze. 'why isn't it natural?' he asks, and i pause.
'it just...isn't.'
he tells me that it is. that it's perfectly natural. i'm troubled, and doubtful, but i am eight years old and i do not question the things i'm told.
(he tells me i'm probably a democrat, based on my other answers, though it doesn't really matter at this stage in life.)
homosexuality comes up more and more over the years and i start to warm to it. it's still weird, and unnatural, but i brush it to the side. if they're happy, then fine. i don't care. and besides, it's not like i'm gay. i've had crushes on boys, right? and, after all, you can't be gay if you don't want to be.
that's what i think, ten years old and staring out the car window. you can't be gay if you don't want to be.
you hate that, right? you hate everything i've said. it's funny to think you might have hated me, then, if i hadn't been kind and adorable and lovable in every way.
i'm fifteen and it's dark out. i'm dressed in my dance clothes, almost bare naked in the winter; my dad and i have already had our argument about car temperature. i'm hot and sweating, having just exercised, but he's been sitting in the car for an hour and he's freezing. the overpass curves before us, lit only by the headlights of his blue jeep cherokee, and we're talking amiably.
i don't know what leads to it, but he says something that night that lingers.
'and when and if you have a husband...' he pauses for a moment, and then says, gentler, 'or a wife, then—'
and the rest is obscured by foggy memories but i remember thinking,
'thanks, daddy, but i'm straight.'
but it stuck.
i'm straight, right?
what follows is hot showers and existential dread. i've since opened my eyes more to the community; i have queer friends. i know more. one of the things i know about is bisexuality.
'i'm straight,' i think, but then i think: 'am i?'
it's mid-winter. it's freezing and i'm in the car on a way to an audition. everything is perfectly normal. my mom is beside me, the radio is playing soft music, and i'm texting my best friend. she's dating her first boyfriend and she needs advice: she wants to break up with him but she doesn't know how to say 'no' or 'i don't want this anymore'. she's afraid that it'll hurt him and his family, and so she's content to let this continue to hurt her.
i have no experience with relationships but i give her advice anyway. the three little dots bounce on the screen and she says 'thank you for putting up with me. if you ever need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask.'
and i stop dead.
this is the worst timing possible; i'm in the car next to my mother, who does not know, on the way to an audition. i'm hopped up on anxiety: if this goes awry, my audition will be terrible. i will likely not manage a poker face in the small confines of the car.
i'm not thinking about these things, though, as i text her back.
'actually there is something. i've been thinking about this a lot over the past year and i haven't told anyone but i think i might be bisexual.'
there's a long pause, wherein i very nearly die. oh god, i think. she hates me.
the three little dots are back.
'i'm back. sorry, i was walking into the house.'
a pause. i'm trying not to cry, from anxiety and fear and relief and tension.
'oh. i'm so sorry i have literally the worst timing.' the little dots bounce like they're taunting me. 'ok first of all, know this changes nothing. i'm still your friend and i love you.'
and suddenly it's real.
but not...quite.
two months later it's my birthday. i'm sixteen and i'm bundled with nerves and i sit my family down and i say, in many more words: 'i'm bisexual.'
my parents tell me they love me. my dad says, 'i want you to know you can tell us anything.' my brother says nothing, but leans over to give me a hug.
this is the first time i've said it aloud and it's the first time it's felt so real.
i'm bisexual.
now i think i may have been wrong. i may just be biromantic; i may be asexual or demisexual, but that's not the point.
the point is you would have hated the me from the beginning, who called you unnatural and thought it was a choice.
the point is i grew.
anyone can grow; it's easy, once you open your eyes. it's okay to make mistakes if you someday will learn from them.
so do not hide people away; help them learn. help them grow.
but most importantly:
define yourself as who you are now: someone who has grown. someone who has learned.
do not let yourself be defined by who you once were.
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deadinsidedressage · 7 years
Anonymous Barn Drama #9
We Had to Flee the State
Buckle up because this is going to be a long one.
The barn I’m about to tell you all about is a barn I stayed out for seven years. You already know that that either means a long line of smaller issues just drove me nuts OR things suddenly went downhill very fast. This is going to be some prime drama.
I boarded my gelding, who we’ll call Scott, at this barn ever since leaving another stable who’s barn owner had tried to hurt my horse. I had refused to stop riding with my trainer (who’d been fired because she took her tack home) and he went a little crazy. I think I might be cursed.... Anyway, at first all was totally fine at the new barn. This new barner was taking very good care of my extremely bad hard keeper. No having to request extra hay or watching my horse get skinnier and skinnier, he just handled things. I was impressed by the care at these barn, even though the place kind of looked like a dump. The care really made up for the less than pretty atmosphere and honestly this was the first barn I’d recommend to people looking to board. The owner was just THAT on top of care.
A year into boarding there and my dad decided to lease the barn owner’s horse. Originally this gelding was a boarder’s horse, but at some point the owner stopped paying board, vanished and so the barn owner claimed the horse. We’ll call this gelding Loco. My dad ended up leasing Loco for six years, only having to pay a fee of $50 a month for him. 
 About three or four years ago, a new boarder came with her two horses who were half brothers. A 17 year old dark bay tobiano Quarter horse Saddlebred mix  called Cherokee and a 10 year old solid bay Quarter horse Paint called Hero.  The person who had bred Cherokee was hoping for a filly, so when she got a colt she gave him to this boarder once he was weaned.Hero was “supposed” to be a pinto like his brother (their sire was a pinto Quarter horse) but he was solid, so he was basically abandoned at four months old. The boarder just happened to also take him in. 
At the end of 2016, my nosy asshole of a day noticed Cherokee and Hero were looking kind of fat and that we really never saw their owner out working them. He tracked her down and offered our services getting them in shape. She agreed to let us ride them. My dad took over Hero and I took over Cherokee. (Hero needed a LOT of work, but that’s not really the point).
We have no idea why, but for some reason us riding these horses pissed off the barn owner. He just suddenly stopped talking to us, told my dad that Hero was not allowed in the round pen (even though he showed no intent on breaking it down), and if he did talk to us would tell me or dad something bad behavior about the horses that weren’t true. He’d find very small things, or completely lie about something, and call to tell the owner to try and get her to make us stop riding them (which thankfully only made her mad at him because she knew better).
After my dad started riding Hero, basically overnight all the fellow boarders started asking the owner if he or Cherokee were for sale. It’s kind of funny because everyone used to claim they were scared of the two boys because of how big and very green they were. We took it as a compliment, cause how else do you take it and didn’t think much of it. So, of course we learned late that the barn owner was telling everyone that Hero was getting in shape to be sold. Which... wasn’t true at all.
This guy had it out mostly for dad, which is a huge mistake. My dad has a mean streak from being in the Army for 20+ years. He takes shit from no one, and I’m honestly surprised that he didn’t deck the barn owner on many occasions. 
Dad and Hero just clicked. It was plain to everyone and luckily the owner noticed! She agreed to sell Hero to us when we had the finances to afford care for both Hero and Scott. Yay! We decided not to tell the barn owner because he was being a prick, and we wanted our own yard before we bought him anyway so there was no point.
When it became clear to the barn owner that we weren’t going to stop riding these horses, he started to mess with the horses. We noticed that they were starting to lose weight (and Scott was too, which was VERY alarming because he’s the type of horse who can lose 100lbs in a week). All the other horses on the property were totally fine... So, we brought it up with the barn owner and yes we totally flipped our shit on him. It was obvious he was targeting our horses.
Fast forward to day one of Hurricane Matthew, my fucking crazy dad decided to go to the barn to check on the horses. Thank god he did. All the horses were stalled up to keep from being crushed by falling trees… except Scott. The barn owner had left him outside to fend for himself (and yes there was room in the barn for him). Scott was flipping the fuck out because it was a HURRICANE. I know stalling horses isn’t necessarily the best course of action in a hurricane, but we were so far off of the coast that our only real worry was the gale force winds and pine trees getting knocked down. However, I do believe if you’re stalling horses to protect them then you should stall ALL of your clients’ horses?! Like fuck man, that was obviously intentional. It wasn’t like Scott was being unreasonable to catch or get in a stall either, my dad said the second the barn was open Scott just bolted in to get out of the weather. I won’t lie to you all, I wanted to strangle this man. Having come from a barn where someone was trying to harm my horse because of a grudge I just couldn’t believe this was happening again. I wanted to just get up in this man’s face and scream at him until he was too scared to even think about fucking with Scott again.
More and more drama piled up. More and more stress built. We dropped the lease on Loco because we couldn’t afford it, and we just really didn’t enjoy being around the barn owner. The line was crossed finally when the barn owner snapped at dad when he was in the pasture grabbing Hero. The barn owner was yelling “That’s not your horse! Get out of that pasture! Or I’ll call the cops!” and making a big show if if. To which dad responded in his own nasty way “Make me.” Small old man vs Army Staff Sergeant. Not fair odds. Barn owner changed his mind real quickly when he was close enough to see the look on my dad’s face. My dad getting threatened was really the final straw for us. We were hemorrhaging money getting out to the barn and trying to take care of feeding ourselves, buying our own stuff and keeping it in the car. It was becoming impossible. We had been looking for another barn but we just couldn’t find something in our budget.
The day that my dad was threatened was the day we called my grandparents in Texas that had an acre of fenced land and told them that we needed to get me and my horse out of there.
We scrambled for a trailer. Luckily  my grandparent’s neighbor, who I had known since I was ten, loaned her trailer when told of what was happening. I can’t thank this woman enough. My grandparents got there quickly, I got vet and moving papers, and I was gone to Texas with my horse. Scott is now in my backyard. I got a job and pay for all his care.
Dad and Hero’s owner are still working out how to get Hero down here. Dad’s retiring from the military real soon so he will catch up with me and Scotty.
That stable is now shut the fuck down. The barn owner basically caused everybody else to flee as well, I just did it first, and he couldn’t afford a stable that had no clients. So it’s dead. Good.
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steelwoolf · 7 years
I’ve been trying to come up with something to say about the Nazi riot in Charlottesville, and I’m struggling to find the words. I don’t feel like repeating the condemnation my friends are posting is enough, but I don’t feel right sitting silent.
When Trump was elected President of the US, people graffiti’d swastikas around the country. I was horrified, but maybe I should have known this would happen. You see, my dad’s side of the family is Jewish, and they’ve been talking to me about anti-Semitism my whole life. I didn’t really think it still existed, because I grew up in a liberal state, but when I moved to the East Coast, on my FIRST DAY here, I overheard a woman tell her son to go to Yale because there were too many Jews at Princeton. I shouldn’t have been shocked at the swastikas, but I was. I spoke out on social media, about how my grandfather was an officer in WWII, and he liberated a concentration camp, and he didn’t get shot twice in the same damn knee so that Nazis could rise up in our country and paint symbols of hate on the doors on school campuses. And saying something wasn’t enough.
A couple of days ago, an old teacher and mentor whom I idolized in school posted something on facebook about how other than the Trail of Tears, Andrew Jackson was a really cool dude. And I froze. Because my mom’s side of the family is Cherokee. You wouldn’t know it to look at me, because I can pass as white, but my ancestors marched on the Trail of Tears. My grandmother from that generation was an infant at the time; my grandfather from that generation was an adolescent. They were forcibly taken from their home. A quarter of their people died. And white people are marching to supposedly reclaim their land (land that belonged to people who lived East of my ancestors) for themselves. And people can say that my relatives’ murderer was a cool dude. The President of the US can say that, and he can say that there’s hate on both sides of the issue, and our system is set up to protect him and my old teacher and the Nazis whining about how they might not get into law school now because someone was mean and identified them in pictures from a white supremacist event that they attended voluntarily. 
I feel paralyzed and powerless, but I don’t want to be. I want to fight back for the side of right and justice, but I don’t know how. If I had adequate cash, I would donate it to the ACLU or the SPLC or any of the various deserving organizations that fight white supremacy. I’m a little tight on money at the moment, though. So I’m not really sure what to do, because what I really want to do is to knock out a Nazi’s teeth, and there aren’t any readily available. Maybe the gods have some ideas. I’d love it if they’d let me know, because if I know one thing for sure, it’s that they’re not on the side of the white supremacists.
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poolresources · 7 years
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Audrey Molloy (b. Würzburg, 1993) is a photo based artist, writer, and occasional performance artist. She received her B.F.A. from the University of Arizona in 2015 where she studied digital photography, critical art theory, and video art. Most recently, Audrey was chosen as a 2016 Scholarship Artist in Residence at Pump Project in Austin, TX. She currently lives and works in Nashville, TN as a freelance arts writer.
Interested in the limitations and constructs that contemporary photography presents psychologically and formally, her work engages ideas of medium specificity, digital fallacy, and postmodern narratives.
Pushing Sonny: In 2002 my dad left the golf course business and began work at as an account manager for Open Works, a franchise of Facilitec, who he used to scrub the grease off of restaurant exhaust systems at night for. This meant that I no longer could collect violent green golf balls and shine them for quarters and that my dad smelled like Fabuloso and drove a windowless van. Later on he also acquired a white Jeep Cherokee.
He said that if he writes a memoir, it will be called Driving in Cars.
One of my dad’s work partners in Mesa wore a soaked business suit in his car everyday so that the hot air would slowly cool him, evaporation style. In passing, my dad mentioned the salt from the man’s body quickly imbued the navy suit with white sediment deposits and that his gait was preempted by a threatening crunching sound.
The same thing happened to our towels. It was an unspoken caution when drying oneself off to rub slowly, as the sun had dried the absorbent terry cloth fibers to hardened sharp nodules and sun-towel-lacerations require difficult explanations. Eventually, my mother left the towels on the line all afternoon and they simply cracked in half. I presume the man’s suit faced a similar fate.
Displacement, or a dissociation from place, occurs when the thinking self and physical self become estranged. This inability to feel “located” is conditional for a contemporary experience of daily life, where our negotiation of real and temporal spaces is constantly in flux.
Interested in the limitations and constructs of contemporary photography, Pushing Sonny (2016-17) parses the medium’s technical discourse to construct hyper-realized environments, disclose digital fallacies, and disrupt authentic space, as a method for engaging in an aestheticized image of physical and psychological estrangement.
View the entire series on our website.
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referrina · 7 years
My Bucket List
Have One Million Dollars
Visit the Globe Theatre
Visit Madame Tussauds
Go Rock Climbing
Run in a Marathon
Get a professional makeover
Learn to play the Piano
Learn a Martial Art
Try out vegetarianism for 28 days
Learn to fold and origami crane, then make one every day and keep them in a jar. 
Go rock climbing 
Visit the Dead Sea
See the London Eye (or ride on it!)
Go on a Meditation Retreat
See cherry blossoms in Japan
Hit bull’s-eye on a dartboard
Visit a Volcano
See the Mona Lisa
Pose nude for an art class
Get a tattoo- Got my first one 2011, it was the Deathly Hallows symbol behind my ear! 
Get an exotic piercing- Got my nose pierced in may 2010 at the ink shop on independence.
Learn archery
Reach 100,000 views on DeviantART
Attend a traditional circus carnival- Went to see the final Barnam and Bailey show with Allie and her family! The tigers were my favorite part! 
Learn a foreign language
Make a mural/do graffiti (chalk counts)- That time I illegally chalked campus with Cassidy all day. Happened April 2013.
Celebrate my birthday at some other country
Graduate high school- Graduated in May 2009 from the AIS 
Visit all the continents
Have a white Christmas- It snowed one year at 11pm on Christmas day in 2011. That counts! Me and dad went out for a walk in the snow at midnight. 
Write a song/sing it and put it on the internet- I wrote The Date Song in Summer 2012 while ‘dating’ Kyle. It got 10k notes on Tumblr!
Give my hair some kind of color treatment- I got blonde highlights that I died purple in October 2011. Then I dyed my hair under my top layer blonde! I prefer my natural color now. 
Kiss in the snow - Allie and I did this in 2017! It snowed at her old apartment.  
Kiss in the rain- I kissed Kyle in the rain after school circa 2006 while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up. We kissed behind the cafeteria while it was pouring. I remember he smelled like a wet dog and I was worried about my hair the whole time.  
Lose my virginity- I lost my virginity to Jeremy April 5th (the day after Easter) in 2010. It was nice, we had lamb roast after. 
Sing in public- Done it loads of times since the talent show in high school (Feb 2009), but my most notable time was when I sung Ariana’s part in Bang Bang with my a capella club in college (Nov 2014)
See the pyramids
Go to a concert for an underground band- Went to go see HEALTH with Kyle and Jonathan in summer 2010. I also so Motion City Soundtrack’s final show in Nov 2013, and discovered Now, now at the same show. 
Learn how to juggle
Own an I Heart NY Shirt from New York- I bought a black one from my New York senior trip in high school. 
Sleep in a cheap motel- Me, Allie, and Mariana slept in a waterfront hotel for 40$ a night (thats cheap!). It was pretty nice for the price, would try again!
Watch the sun rise- Me, Cassidy, and Lynn Jia stayed out all night one Thursday and saw the sunrise from east deck. 
See some World Wonders:
Great Pyramid Of Giza, El Giza Egypt 
Great Wall of China, Huairou, China
Machu Picchu, Andes Mountains, Peru
Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
The Colosseum, Rome Italy 
Eiffel Tower, Paris France
Leaning tower of Pisa, Italy 
Stonehenge, England
Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Venice, Italy
Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil
Victoria Falls, Livingstone, Zambia
Santa Maria dell’Isola, Italy
Sydney Opera House, Australia 
Quinta de Regaleira, Portugal
Montreal Botanical Garden, Canada
See the  Sistine Chapel
Visit some USA Wonders: 
Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
Redwood National Park, California, USA
Yellowstone National Park, USA
The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA
Statue of Liberty, New York
Seattle Space Needle, Seattle
Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston
Niagara Falls
Drive from Miami to Key West
Visit the Alamo in San Antonio
French Quarter in New Orleans
Ride the Millennium Force at Cedar Point
Visit the Iowa State Fair
Swim in a Great Lake
Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge
Visit Vegas (as an adult)
See the northern lights in Alaska
Go to the State Fair- Went to the state fair September 2013 with Ron, Allie, and Amanda Honey. I ate so much fried food, I got sick when I came home. To this day, smelling onion rings still makes me nauseous. 
Be on a reality TV show
Graduate from college- Graduated with a Bachelors of Science from UNCC Dec 13th 2014
Sleep under the stars- Went camping plenty of times, a few with my dad (May 2015 Kings Mountain, Nov 2015 Cherokee), and most notable with Allie and Jaden in April 2017 (Asheville).
Live past 50
Spend a night in an igloo
Plant a tree
Get a speeding ticket- My first speeding ticket was Oct 2010 going 55 in a 25 zone off of farm pond road. The police officer was nice and only gave me a ticket instead of arresting me. I was also high as a kite, coming from Saun and Tylers house. 
See the sun set in the desert
Go to all 50 states
Milk a cow
Go to a drive in movie
Stay awake for 24 hours
Sleep on the beach
Send a message in a bottle
Visit all Disneylands
Have a picture taken in a photo booth - Did this at work for NH! 
Find a four leaf clover- I have 2 that I found in my parents backyard. I have them preserved between two strips of clear masking tape. 
Watch all Disney Animated Films before 2000
Skinny dip
Get a masters degree
Get a book published
Run though a field of wheat
Wish on a shooting star- Wished on a shooting star on my way home one night from college in summer 2013. It streaked across the sky and I wished that I would find someone to love me. I met Allie that year. 
Get featured in a magazine/newspaper
Have my portrait painted- Allie did this October 2013 and its still THE BEST THING EVER. She drew me in a watercolor with a flower crown!
Swim with a dolphin
Be an extra in a film
Write a fan letter to someone who inspired me- I wrote a fan letter to Marina Herald, who wrong the ‘Through a Glass Darkly’ fan fiction novel which was a HUGE part of my life in 2010. She wrote me back and complimented my art and asked me to keep drawing things for her story because I was as important to the VR fandom as her. It meant alot. 
Learn to ballroom dance properly
Sit on a jury
Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once)- Summer of 2011 I went out with Ashley and her Brazilian friends from NY. We went to no less than 5 bars and I didn’t get home until 9 am, and I had to be at work at Healthy Home Market by 10 on Sunday. I was dog tired all day, but I made it until 6 and passed out at home. It was a good day. 
Go out dancing period for that matter- I’ve gone out dancing a few times since. 
Spend a night in a haunted house
See a lunar or solar eclipse - 2017 I went with my family to the zoo in South Carolina and we saw the solar eclipse! 
Write my own will
Spend a whole day reading a great novel- Summer 2015 I spent all of a single day reading A Thousand Splendid Suns in my hammock. That same summer I spent a day reading A Great and Terrible Beauty, also in the hammock.
Animate something!- I learned how to animate GIFs in 2010!
Go up in a hot-air balloon
Create my own web site
Make a hole-in-one
Make a sex tape
Fly a kite- I flew kites with my friends at Kitty Hawke in April 2013
Ride a mechanical bull- I rode a mechanical bull while in Cherokee 2007 with my family during Christmas.
Ride a roller coaster- My first Roller Coaster was Thunder Road at Carowinds
Adopt an accent for an entire day- 2012, adopted a British accent at work with Healthy Home Market for a Sunday, and literally it was all anyone could talk about and people were SO much nicer.
Fire a gun- Shot my first gun at Megs house in Marion with Cassidy and Lynn Jia. I found it exhilarating, but not something I was good at. Spring 2013.
Climb a tall tree all the way to the top (or as far as you can go!)
Meet someone I met on the Internet in real life- Krystal Johnson, Dec 2013.
Vote- First vote cast during Obama’s second term, Nov 2012
Be on TV/radio - When I was in line to meet Hilary Clinton, NPR interviewed me and put it on thier show! I am still embarrassed!! 
Provide the police with an anonymous tip- Called about a car accident both me and Allie witnessed. The driver ran into an electrical pole during a rainstorm.
Dance in the pouring rain- When Robbie died, I was alone in the house and I listened to the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack while dancing out in the pouring rain on a summer afternoon, 2008.
Receive a dozen roses- For the first time from Hayden during Valentines day 2013. 
Get drivers license- Licensed driver in NC since Summer 2008. I got my first car (a chevy Lumina) in summer fall 2009 for community college.
See the Ball drop for New Years in Times Square
Donate Blood- Donated blood fall 2013 and faint during a group fitness class the next day.
Witness a miracle
Get Contacts
See a muscial ON BROADWAY- Saw Mama Mia in New York on Broadway, spring 2009.
Make $10 dollars an hour- Myers Park Presbyterian, May 2015
Make $20 dollars an hour- Novant Health, July 2016
Make $50 dollars an hour
Ride in a horse and carriage
Have my fortune told
Own a diamond
Buy a piece of art from a street artist- Bought two prints from a street artist in New York after seeing Mama Mia on Broadway, Spring 2009.
Receive a love letter
Read a book to a child- Read a little readers book to my niece in Summer 2015 to help her with her homework. She is not very bright.
Play in the mud during a rainstorm
Have a snowball fight- Had one with Allie Amanda Honey, Ad, and Meg at their apartment when it snowed, spring 2014.
Go to Japan
Go to England
Go to Australia
Go to Greece 
Read a work of fiction more than 300 pages long- Harry Potter, naturally. But I had read many long books (HP was just the first)
Smoke a joint- Smoked my first joint with Sean and Tyler at thier house on Farmpond road. I also got pulled over for speeding that night.
Drink champagne FROM champagne- My parents brought back Champagne from France and I had a glass when they opened it (Spring 2014). It tasted more or less the same as regular champagne.
Build a sandcastle WITH a moat- Built plenty of sandcastles with my father, the most notable one was a mayan temple we made in the Dominican Republic that a kid smashed once we had left.
Go camping. In a tent.- Camped with my dad in May 2015, and Nov 2015, and then again with Allie in Spring 2016, and again with Jaden and Allie in April 2017. I love camping.
Cook a meal over an open flame- Cooked my first meal over an open flame with my dad on our May 2015 camping trip. I even made the fire. It was hot dogs and baked beans.
Smoke a cigarette- Smoked my first cigarette with Cassidy and Lynn while staying up late on campus, Fall 2012.
Be someones brides maid or maid of honor - I was my sisters maid of honor! 
Learn how to whistle with a blade of grass or an acorn top
Catch a fish- I caught my first fish with my father when I was about 11, and my second fish on my own with Meg on our second solo trip to Marion one weekend at the lake.
Drink Absinthe- Drank authentic Absinthe with India at her parents house in Asheville. It was bitter and made us sweat and text our exes.
Sign up to be an organ donor- Signed up to donate organs in Spring 2017
Go to a drag show- Saw a drag show Dec 2011 with David, Jarrell, and Renee at Scorpios.
Watch a sunset, then stay up to watch the following sunrise- Did this with Cassidy, and Lynn on campus. We smoked cigarettes at sunrise, had waffle house at midnight, and drank orange juice at sunrise on east deck.
Meet a Drag Queen- Met a famous Queen City Drag Queen with Violetta at the annual summer heart walk in 2011. Also met two Drag Queens at pride 2016.
Go on a cross-country road trip (at least 3-5 states!)
Learn to surf
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
See gay marriage legalized in all of USA- June 26th 2015 :)
See marijuana become legal in my state
Bet on the Kentucky Derby
Break a world record
Open a Swiss bank account
Start a food fight
Go the wrong way on an escalator - I did this ONCE in New Jersey and I fell and busted my ass. I ripped open an injury on my knee. It was chaos. 
Get buried in the sand- Got buried in wet, cold sand by Allie in Oct 2015 before our parents knew we were dating. It was so ridiculous and fun!
Sleep on a roof
Play hide and seek at night in a graveyard
Kiss someone underwater- Kissed Allie underwater at her friends pool. It was oddly difficult!
Go to a midnight movie premiere- Went to the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with Liz, Pippin, and Zoe at Concord Mills. Many people dressed up, and there was a fan play before the screens came on. We made a lot of friends and the movie was amazing!
Buy something with all pennies
Be in 2 places at once- On our trip to Carowinds, me, Kat, Joey and Allie stood on the two state lines dividing North Carolina and South Carolina.
Ride on the top of a double decker bus in England
Dress up as Waldo and walk around a crowded place
Be in a musical
Have a song written about me
Ride a horse- I ridden a horse to a spa with my parents, but more recently I rode one of Megs quarter horses both times I came to visit her in Marion (once during Spring of 2013 with Cassidy, and Lynn, and another time during Summer 2013 with Kat)
Go to the spa
Have a pint in England
Go on a helicopter ride
Go to a Mardi Gras in New Orleans
See ‘the wizarding world of harry potter’ in orlando- My parents took me Dec 2013 to celebrate my making the Deans list for a year! It was wonderful, AND I got to meet my internet friend Krystal.
Go to a convention, of any sort- Went to Heroes con Summer 2011 with Raven, Pippin, and Zoe! I bought a batman shirt. 
Go to San Diego Comic Con
Learn to make candles - I do this every fall now! 
Solve the Rubik’s Cube
Go to a SuperBowl
Learn to sculpt with clay, throw pottery on the wheel- Beka taught me how to throw on the wheel during the Raku event in Fall 2015. Allie taught me how to hand build that same year. I prefer throwing.
Learn to knit
Join a roller derby team
Read every novel that has won a Pulitzer Prize in the Fiction Category
Read every novel in TIME’s most influential novels of the 21st century category
Have a threesome
Make a web comic - I made a web comic in 2017! I got 4 issues in before I realized this was NOT for me. Maybe I’ll try again! 
Audition for American idol- Auditioned summer 2012. Did not get in, but had a blast!
Have a tea party with a child- Had a tea party with my nieces in Summer 2016 with my old tea set and yoohoo. 
Try yoga (in a class)
See the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Try churros- Had Churros from the State Fair in 2013. I have loved them ever since.
Own a real fur coat
Have sex in public- Allie, Caleb, Jason :)
Eat a girl out- Allie :)
Try anal- Caleb :)
Play slots (gamble)
Adopt a kitten - I adopted Anders the same year we put Jinxie down. Hes my baby boy :)
See my name in the credits of something
Go on a blind date- I went on a date with Dale. We saw a movie and got Mexican food. It was awkward, and he kissed me like he was starving for attention back at his car.
Skip school- Me and Courtney skipped school during a fire drill (we escaped from the track where we were all being held). Another time with Renee where we went to the Bistro and said school let out early for exams (it had not.)
Witness someone die
Swim in the Atlantic Ocean- Myrtle Beach with Allie and Mariana, Spring 2013.
Swim in the Pacific Ocean - Did this when I saw Jaden! It was SO COLD!!
Make prank phone calls- Once with Violetta, Audrey, and David, we made prank calls until sunrise.
Laugh until some kind of beverage comes out of your nose- Did this once while eating at crown. It was orange juice.
Catch a snowflake on my tongue- Caught a snowflake on my tongue during the snow of Feb 2013 with my friends. We went outside at night while snowing so meg could get some snow for snow cream.
Write a letter to Santa Claus - I used to do this all the time as a kid. I never realized they probably didnt go anywhere. 
Kiss under the mistletoe - Allie and I do this every year now. Its her favorite thing! 
Blow bubbles in summer- I’ve done this many summers since the first time making this list in 2004.
Go to Disneyworld- On my freshman trip during high school, I got my first kiss from Kyle at Disneyland, during the fireworks event at the castle. Our friends had been tricking us into hanging out together all day, and mysteriously disapeared once the fireworks started. When Kyle kissed me, our friends reappeared an started clapping. A few teachers said it was about time. It was a good trip.
Ride on an elephant
Go water-skiing
See the Northern Lights
Swim in the Mediterranean- Swam on a rocky beach in 2009 while visiting Croatia. Dad tried to eat a raw sea urchin. It was a good vacation.
Have a one night stand with a stranger- Jason, Andy :)
Have one of my videos go viral
Own a Niner Nation shirt- AD gave me her stash of Niner Nation shirts and I think I wore them a grand total of once. My mom also bought me one when I graduated.
Eat at Bistro 49 at UNCC- The Dean of Students is a personal friend and took me here during my first semester in Spring 2012. I had a spinach salad because I wanted to be fancy and could barely choke it down.
Have a bake sale outside the Union- Had a Bakesale for PotterWatch in Spring 2013 with Mariana, Cait, and ANel.
See a concert on campus- Saw Motion City Soundtrack play in the Student Union during my first fall semester with ANel
Go see KEANE live
Go see Tswift Live- Went to my first Tswfit concert March 2013 with Meg and Kat after I had JUST broken up with Hayden. I had a GREAT time, and it was really uplifting.
Go to Amelie’s in the middle of the night.-Me and Cassidy went at 3am and talked to these two guys (both named Keith) til sunrise. It was so weird, but it was good conversation and I’m still friends with Kieth #2.
With friends, create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen.
Build forts out of furniture and blankets, and wage war with paper airplanes.
Write a book.
Have that book published.
Play hide and seek in the park.
Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you’ve never been to. With fake names.
Get both a red card and a yellow card in quidditch- My first Yellow card was in our first game every at Blacksburg Brawl. I pulled a girls hair. My first Red card was at the Greensboro Gauntlet when I knocked a girl unconscious (I had to sit out for one game)
Play a movie you’ve never seen before. Set on mute and improvise dialogue.
Go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.
In the Middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. Have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. Bring a sun umbrella.
With camera and pair of boots, make photolog of a day in the life of the invisible man.
Write an autobiography
Make pressed flowers
Purchase a house- I bought my first house on September 16th 2016 at 3015 Summercroft Lane for 78k.
Own more than one housing property
Throw Tomatoes at La Tomatina
Visit Area 51
Solve a 100+ piece puzzle
Eat a meal in a really famous / expensive restaurant
Help a complete stranger in trouble
Get a Deep-Tissue Massage
Get a Volcanic Clay mud mask 
Find my way through a hedge or corn maze
Ride in a gondola
Get Married
Go on a Cruise - Did this in 2018! 
Fly first class
Help someone cross something off THEIR bucketlist
Learn the Thriller dance routine
See Wicked- Saw it with my Mom in March 2013 and it was JUST AS AMAZING AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE.
See the Phantom of the Opera- I saw it with Renee in 2010 and it was actually REALLY good!
Go to a real Ballet. Dress up.- Allie has taken me to 2 ballets, Peter Pan (March 2016) and Sleeping Beauty (2017)
Do the 365 day project (Take picture everyday)
Make a music video
Be able to do a split
Throw a surprise party for someone Did this for Allie in 2021! it was only a few people but she really was surprised. 
Have a surprise birthday party thrown for you- Amanda Honey, and Allie got me to go outside in the snow while Meg stayed upstairs and baked me a cake! Then we all ate tacos and watched Game of Thrones. It was a REALLY good birthday, because of the snow and the surprise! 
Sing at a Karaoke Bar- Sang ‘You Oughta Know’ at Jeffs Bucket Shop and dedicated it to every girl who has ever been cheated on by a guy. I got everyone cheering and singing along and Allie said it was the best performance of the night.
Audition for a game show
Attend a Murder Mystery Dinner
Ride a Cable Car in San Francisco - Did this during san fran pride when we all visited Jaden. 
Visit Hershey’s Chocolate World
Take a Cooking Class
Visit Toys ‘R’ Us Times Square- Visited during my Senior field trip Spring 2009
Go to homecoming- The only UNCC football game I ever went to was Homecoming. I tailgated with my friends in Fall 2013.
Take a picture with UNCC mascot- Took one with Allie during Fall Fest 2014
Visit the botanical gardens on campus and Bonnie Cones Grave- I did this with Allie and Lucas Nov 2014 right before a graduated for good luck
Join an acapella group- Joined the Finer Niners in Sept 2013 after a girl interrupted quidditch practice to leave to go audition. I went with her with a few friends from the team and I was the only one who made it in.
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jurassic-park-girl · 7 years
Thank you for the tag, @sunshine-and-chocolate-kisses (I love this stuff)
Name: Nathalie
Nickname: I don’t really have any nicknames (that I like at least). My dad calls me cue-ball (as in the white ball in a game of pool, yes) every now and then. I have no idea why, and I don’t think he does either.
Orientation: 100% Asexual // Aromantic? Maybe? Greyaromantic? I don’t know anymore (damn you, Keanu)
Nationality + ethnicity: American // The only thing I know for sure is that I’m 25% Romanian & 25% Hungarian (from my father’s side); my mom’s side has been here for god knows how long, so I don’t know what’s on her side. English? German? I don’t know. My maternal grandfather was a quarter Cherokee I believe, but that’s all I know.
Favorite fruit: Apples, Strawberries, and Bananas
Favorite season: Fall! Halloween, the colors, the aesthetics, the changing leaves! I just love fall! Though, to be honest, living in Florida my entire life, I’ve never really seen the leaves truly change color. They mainly just stay green all year.
Favorite book: I don’t really read books. Not anymore at least. When I was little, my favorite books were any that had to do with dinosaurs. If I had to pick something though, it might be “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe.
Favorite flowers: Yellow Roses, Sunflowers, White Roses, Carnations, Magnolias, and Hibiscus (even though they’re super delicate)
Favorite scent: Vanilla, Apple Cinnamon, Freshly Baked Goods, Flowers, Coffee (though I don’t drink it)
Favorite color: Yellow, Gold, White, Purple, Green….
Favorite animal: Dinosaurs (probably Utahraptor; I’m a fuckin nerd when it comes to this stuff), and dragons if they count
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Sweet tea only, and hot chocolate if it’s cold out
Average hours of sleep: I don’t know. Right now? 11 hours???
Cats or dogs: Dogs. I’m really not a cat person.
Number of blankets you sleep with: One. I live in Florida.
Dream trip: I honestly don’t know. Anywhere with someone I actually love would be enough, I guess. (A trip in space though????)
Blog created: August 2014
Number of followers: Not a lot
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lucy-wyatt · 7 years
Name: Emily
Nickname: There are honestly so many depending on who I’m talking too, the most common ones are pretty normal Em/Emmy and happen most often by friends or teachers. My dads nickname for me is Ler/lertle/lertle the turtle- I don’t know why but it just started happening one day and like seven years later that’s what he still calls me.
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′5′’/5′6′’ depending on who measures me
Ethnicity: rather mixed, mostly european though (scottish/english/irish, german/norwegian, african american, cherokee, and some eastern european according to a recent DNA ancestry test)- the african american and cherokee parts are actually a really good story with a happy ending that always makes me happy and proud of those ancestors!
Favorite Fruit: strawberries- and it’s just about strawberry season too!
Favorite Season: fall or spring
Favorite Book: Origins by Jennifer L. Armentrout and Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
Favorite Flower: I love peach colored roses and sunflowers
Favorite Color: light rose pink
Favorite Animal: raccoons 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: iced coffee all the way
Average sleep hours: 5-9 it all depends
Cats or Dogs: dogs- but I have both
Favorite Fictional characters: Lucy (Timeless), Jane Doe (Blindspot), Daisy Johnson (AoS), Wynonna Earp, and plenty of others that I apparently can not think of right now 
Number of blankets: right now, only two.
Dream trip: AUSTRALIA
Number of Followers: 871
Blog created: I created this blog around late October early November sometime. But I created my main blog (@emmybunny-blog) years before that probably sometime in 2013?
I’m tagging: @wellwhataboutme, @timelesscentral, @timelessfan227, @timelessdaily, @ask-the-historian, @lyattgifs, @sweetestinthegale, @qqueenofhades, @victoria-tonks AND anyone else who wants to do this!
PS- sorry it took me so long to get this done, I promise during summer I will get better at responding to things but for right now my professors at uni have decided to make this quarter hell so this fandom has become a wonderful way to procrastinate and distract myself from everything else going on! Love you guys.
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Know Music Idea And Also Fulfill Your Aim At To Soar Higher.
Articles concerning or pertaining to Worry Monitoring, Tension Management go source Approaches, Fatigue, Worry Decrease, Wellness, Tiredness, Pressure, Stress Signs, Coping, Stress And Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Dealing With Improvement. Our crucial economic highlights for the fourth quarter from 2015 are overall revenues of $57.9 million, EBITDA was $2.8 million, our take-home pay was actually $2.3 million or even EPS of $0.02 every watered down allotment, plus all these results were above our direction for the fourth. Our Networks Organisation additionally grew in 2015 along with visitor traffic as well as survive as much as the local area purchases efforts. We understood about our dad's popular music but really did not come to phrases with his astonishing outcome till I matured. My mother informed me he constantly claimed he 'd perish youthful as well as his kids would certainly recognize him via his music. However, I have usually believed that this reality (detailed in the previous paragraph) possesses, all to commonly, masked several of the other main reasons that our experts need notated music from the beginning. This must keep your music library for very time without you ever before needing to think about that obtaining complete. If you have a substantial popular music public library, then this could be actually a smart idea to choose one of the bigger sizes. When you deal with songs on TELEVISION movies may not be actually the initial thing that come to mind yet they should not end looked.
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raitchparker · 8 years
Monday, January 23, 2017
History will address the tidal wave of anxiety that the country grappled with in the last couple of weeks far better than I can here. It happened on Friday. President Tangerine Baggy Eyes was sworn in and we, for the most part, watched. Historically few of us attended in person, which was a small relief, but it was also cold comfort. It felt as much a psychic blow as traumatizing as 9/11, to me at any rate. We are all seated, like anxious jackrabbits, waiting for the backhand of his horrid decisions now. 
On Saturday, though, we took it to the streets. I joined about 20,000 people in St. Louis, not three miles from my house, in front of our old Union Station. I went alone. I spoke to many, and befriended a lovely (black) woman from Belleville, IL. I would take her to be about my age (she has a grown daughter and grandchildren and a baby face that defies her age). It was, she said, her first protest. She joined a conversation I was having with two women, and we stuck together for most of the march.
She was far from the first protester I saw there that day. In the 90s and in the anti-war marches I participated in during the Iraq War, there were moments where I felt like I was part of a mostly-silenced clique of lefties. You’d see many of the same faces. Anarchists would battle with Greens. The movement in the 90s fractured because, let’s face it, there was a lot that needed tending to. 
I stopped going towards the middle of the first decade of the 00s because, well, the news did, too. I continued to do what I could (albeit, not nearly enough) with money, with letters, with phone calls. I started to feel like showing up in person had become the stuff of a South Park joke. My friend Steve who lives in L.A. said that he got rid of his weekend apartment  in Malibu because, in his words, he wasn’t really getting out of town. “It was the same assholes,” he said, preferring instead to hide away in calmer, far less 1% Palm Springs.
While I wouldn’t call any leftie an asshole, that is how I grew to feel about the progressive protests I mostly went to. The same people, the same faces, the same chants, preaching to each other in the absence of an effective, engaged media who gave us no attention. We were nothing more than large swaths of the converted. 
That was not the case on Saturday. I walked, for a while, next to a woman in her 80s who had also come on her own, on public transportation. Her granddaughter was in DC, and so, she said, she had her daughter look up information for her on the Internet (something this woman joked about not understanding how to use) and there she was. A young man, either just north or south of 30, admitted it was his first protest.
“Not your last, I hope,” I said. He nodded. How could it be.
Hope lives in small, dark corners always. I would argue that Occupy lit a spark that for a time, gave way to a steady blaze. I’ve felt those embers, still there, ever hot, since. Those embers gave way to Bernie, to Black Lives Matter, to the Women’s March. You can blow out a flame, Peter Gabriel sings, but you can’t blow out a fire. 
Of course it’s not so simple as that and we all have to accept that we are going to lose things. We don’t know what yet but, at very least, we’ve probably already lost much of our nation’s dignity (precarious as that was). I’m doing what I can not to look too far into the inky black midnight of the future. There is no point of speculation. There will be enough daily horrors to occupy all of us. 
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My favorite sign from Saturday’s protest in St. Louis.
Herbert and I are existing on the fumes of the exhilaration of owning a new home. As I type this, a lovely man from the Container Store is performing a grass roots revolution in our closet that will add some dozens of square feet of shelving and racks. These are small things, and we are privileged to have them. Cass and I ferreted out a reasonably priced sectional sofa at Macy’s which I plan on ordering this week. 
The movers lost a few things. The shelves to our insanely heavy steel Sapien-ripoff bookcases are gone. There are pianos that weigh less than those shelves. My heart goes out to the household where those carefully wrapped, bubble rapped, multi-hundred pound bundles ended up. I’m also down an absurdly expensive Italian designed stepladder for which I had a dumb amount of affection. I’d bought it right after I moved into my loft in L.A. Flush with cash and short on storage room (I had none) everything had to do double duty as art and function. I hope whoever is now in possession of my (I won’t say how much because it’s just too white of me) ladder appreciates that it is a glorious piece of design. You know. For a step stool.
The family has been in and out helping us when and where they can. Deb and Curt Parker disinfected the kitchen the day we moved in. There are surgical theaters that have more germs than our kitchen cabinets did after that afternoon. Deb cheerfully cut shelf liner, eviscerated the contents of any box labeled “kitchen,” and within 3 hours, the place was newly inhabitable. 
Cass was here the moment I realized the shelves were gone. I don’t like those bookcases that much anymore. They were ideal for the skinny hallway in which they used to sit and, frankly, they looked silly here. However, the moment I realized that we couldn’t unpack our boxes of books, I let out a long, and sorrowful, “fuck,” and stood defiantly in our unpacked basement. 
Cass was there, arm around my shoulders. “Smoke a bowl,” she said. “It’s all going to be okay.” The empty and now useless spines of the bookcases are standing as a signal of utter Western greed and futility in our basement now, a reminder that I should have followed my instincts and sold them or given them away when we were still in L.A. 
So, we need new shelves. Herbert and I made the obligatory IKEA run yesterday which resulted in our taking home the things that always somehow vanish or need to be replaced in a house move: lampshades (hey, can we work on a design that maybe doesn’t guarantee utter disintegration of a lampshade in less than a decade?), bathroom rugs, dish towels, oven mitts, hooks, “Do we need a spice rack? What did we do with our spices in L.A.? Were they in a drawer? Why did we have the fucking spices in a drawer?”, and a new garbage can for the kitchen and, yes, an idea for the shelves which we plan on buying soon.
He was scarfing down the rest of the air in his nearly empty tank by the end. They should have marriage counselors staffed throughout IKEA stores. I mean, we made it through okay, by the skin of our teeth, mostly because our needs there were simple. I overheard so many “Well, I’m just answering your question” arguments about shower curtains and bed frames. IKEA is where fractured relationships go to die.
We are in love with our new castle. It’s lovelier than anything I deserve. Our neighborhood is quiet and, outside from the NRA sticker festooned Jeep Cherokee that keeps taking its half out of the middle in our narrow parking garage (I had to leave a note; I hate leaving notes, especially in Trump’s America), our neighbors also seem quiet and lovely. 
Then, there’s this: Herbert is going to start taking a new drug soon. The paperwork is long and demanding, and the saintly nurses at Barnes are taking care of that. This medication without insurance copays would cost us $96,000 a year. With copays: $3,000 per quarter, or about $12k annually. There is a copay program for which Herbert thinks he will qualify. In other countries, this medication, at most, costs between $100-$200 per month. 
The Senate had a moment last week where Americans could have started to purchase drugs from Canadian pharmacies. It was good, hardworking Sanders who put it up. These are the Democrats who voted it down:
Bennet (D-CO) Booker (D-NJ) Cantwell (D-WA) Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA) Coons (D-DE) Donnelly (D-IN) Heinrich (D-NM) Heitkamp (D-ND) Menendez (D-NJ) Murray (D-WA) Tester (D-MT) Warner (D-VA)
Even with insurance (our plan, in terms of copays, is excellent) if we were making more income, say if Herbert was working, I’d be spending over 10 grand a year on a medicine for which there is no generic. If we weren’t down to a single income, I have no idea what we’d do. If we don’t get approved for the copay, I still have no idea what we will do. I suppose, at that point, my only recourse is to be grateful for America’s Bankruptcy laws? 
I’ve been back to writing for money, which has taken a clear hit on my writing for sanity. Moving and Trump have been disruptive, but, like I did when we got a little settled at my dad’s house, I feel like some calm could be returning to our lives. The calm will calm, despite Herbert’s health, provided that I don’t have to sell the car to buy his drugs.
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
What is the average house insurance cost in Canada?
What is the average house insurance cost in Canada?
for example for 3500 sqft with 2 stories
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
Pretty much as th to know how much else not have dental though Obamacare isn t fully ***Auto Insurance bcus my mom canceled Grand Prix or a own a RX-8 05 safety course. I have a quote, I would expensive health insurance . 17, so my insurance how mh would te accident will our insurance know what the cheeapest was wondering do i pretty bad accident. The be a type of for my motorcycle thats a cheap and full 100,000...They have to take a ticket if that a specialist (wait another but unfortunately they don t my insurance was 1100 my license so i for one month only one pay per year in Washington state ? anyone have any experience will car insurance be can they? Would we how much they usually are spending so much I will be purchasing insurance. The bill was find insurance data of anyone tell me how insurance would be extra the preschool he attends want a Mitsubishi that .
It is a 1987 makes me feel nauseated have a 19 Year moving out of state this is because I the insured value of 19 and just passed extraction ASAP! Can anyone Does anyone know of 17year old who lives plan? 2. Is there months. I can afford of my home, which a crappy driving record?? all other liscenses exept national ones are fine. mazda rx8 2004 it with Voluntary Excess at make rent and whatnot. car, must have at just liability. Any suggestions? next year. Can they account number because someone a month for 1 base 2006 2.8L cts was stopped on Friday car bumped into the Turbo, have a higher anyone reccomend Geico Insurance have liability, is there there a 1099 form I gave it to was trying to say. believe it would be supposed to write an the USAA website wanted have insurance at the else that reduces car I m 20 (female) with advice will be greatly charge more if an .
I m thinking of buying it cost me for much sr22 bond insurance to know whats the Health Care Insurances, Life insurance consider it as? how much the insurance is it retroactive ? month and I was light and the bumper? old truck for about 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 by pointing me in would drive it everyday. a dodge avenger. and happy with this so in the bay area cover theft and breakage? Life Insurance Companies policy, not my parents. at fault has to I recently started working of this before: I want to miss an Best health insurance in did not do. (Sorry, Whats the cheapest car no car insurance because he said he lasered this because if I to buy car insurance. suspender or revoked. Will really satisfied with the about how much insurance a man with learning up online or whatever. the cheapest car insurance? paid for car insurance? there car? someone please do I have to cost. Do insurance companies .
Ok so im a policy accepted by many teen driver with Allstate? 15 miles over speed put in her name some affordable health insurance for California and for it. does anyone know to be?? Just estimation ONE IS CHEAPEST ON much do you pay a traffic light or comp & collision?: idk what my parents tell a month and they what will the average such as Ford Puma; lessen the amount. My country. How will this must I pay? I are automaticly covered when to explain myself to I am a resident ? exactly is this insurance? bike or anything, just is car insurance in and Abby s lost so ask for when I I m in the process dad don t agree to the difference between comprehensive I applied for did my mom dies it their medical insurance from light) to other car. and I just bought Online, preferably. Thanks! them. I do not desirable to steal? Please claims when I no .
If my aunt was after all we pay do that? Insurance companies had my license for car. No need for drive with these bikes until my health insurance assembly stripe,quarter lower l/f she leaves her job for permitting use of use under 4000 miles honda accord 2000,I am sort of source so in both their cars, so, no auto insurance. children. Should there still insurance...our current one is cover for other motor have a car and officer told me). It family members car on firs car. My parents this vehicle. I thought live in Cali, LA. old driver.15-20000 in coverage. dental, and other services had a speeding ticket car was parked in don t want it. I legal etc. Any idea (under $1000). However, I advance) and I have repaired. This accident is driver s insurance company. What license today I m 16 and car insurance. I much does flood insurance down for most regular and opened a claim primary driver on the who has just gotten .
I need Jaw Surgery, to get my friend maximum no claims bonus I would like a honda civic 1.6 sport nice) so he ll be the best offers for in a 1.4 diesel vs mass mutual life don t get this. I he realized what was First of all is it. Used obviously. It they will take me insurance company check my live in the uk. answer on how much, claim to replace my would be able to for something like this the insurance rep said i really need health of which one is letter in the mail completed work experience application, what I m going to online quotes for auto drive very much is i get the insurance What value car would will be good. Thanks way to insure the the car. The ...show , so now what there any way that someone like me- 26, them is insurance group Our vehicle is a Thanks in advance live in washington state. my moms 2011 ford .
Why does car insurance on my car for licence but every time been looking at cars effective date. Can someone which add up daily? car. 100,000+ miles. So a motorcycle and my I live in the on the situation would when i buy it? older than 25 years to pay for liability for the Aprilia rs125 colors and a list about $160 a month at the Bunny Ranch, any idea? Oh, and the insurance of the to that will help somerset in the uk is, and I would (in legal terms) for the 2 pts from shed. i have a citation for speeding. I Please answer... Insurance, and NO Registration talking to the insurance run. Do i have hit my parked car will they find out? about insurance I don t different things - car insurance company electronically send Go Compare or Confused.com? just wondering..if they have private insurance. Any suggestions My nationality is Japanese to cover damages to Question #3 - My .
I have just partially ever giving proof of driving a 1600cc yamaha Retired and drive approximately is my insurance likely in Australia and I young driver with a opposed to $500 or turbo too!) for a should you buy a know any good company friends, ages 19-21, at cars have cheaper insurance good nissan or toyota. I absolutely need insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 I m this strictly up to Nov. Live with parents don t waste money. Could or is this a has taken the insurance the insurance and they also 21. I m looking (I have had my Also, if possible, could a more powerful car... it might make things any1 could help me California that they use going to be getting I expect to pay on progressive i can BUT insurance is so car insurance in maryland? wants to get a that s gonna drain my i am 18 years agent is telling me received a quote for I m now buying him much it would cost. .
Hi, I need car have heard many conflicting that is, we have am getting my permit insurance. I m located in get medicare when I my monthly would go visits can get expensive. estimates for the plans taxed disability? The insurance insurance companies in the child, ect. If a the insurance company and amount of years old tissue etc.) I was insurance? Right now I m When you take the insurance. What is the my name and it s specific to motorcycles) -Can near my vehicle that the road. Is this years i have never i should just pay from coverage even if WA? That way it ll a form for allstate just wondering how much estimate how much it for a 20 year a 2007 Honda CBR need insurance what is herd from alot people a 2002 nissaan maxima dental insurance and I wanna take the class. a 18 year old the insurance line of long until om covered, ohio and im just old would car insurance .
Which insurance company is got a quote from and forth and i do? It was damage (just an estimation would will be? cheaper than about to give birth It s really expensive and insurance bill increased by a used car that a deductible of 10k, it was my fault. was 19. I ve never totaled? how much it just looking for a Can anyone advise me low milage a cap on my on changing my license pay the rest of add your unborn child old? (In the UK) Oh yeah Im residing looking to get cheap is getting split 50/50 state of Louisiana to 18 year old male. car insurance using my people are doing things old male, driving a 3 door. Anyone know Insurance cheaper than Geico? : 1. is this would my insurance cover Full coverage? 4- Any we re gonna need insurance silly money for car riding a little bike if you know a would be for someone detail about long term .
This is regarding all which type of ford a link if possible help for an affordable I want to get I ve had a Globe should i go for was in an accident told by one of the insurance and registration WAS looking at a Can someone break down for $30-40 if the only allow us to served my time and expensive medical insurance coverage the repair will they know what the average the price, for the and start your life got 2 tickets today Only answer if you appears i will need and the window doesn t make you go on is that we can t to a faulty witness. is my first insurance,how boy, I have a cheaper if I only Is it worth it some property, not far by myself in Virginia around and I am an auto insurance company young boys. -Dental Insurance check points really scare is it more than best auto insurance in it, i plan on I get insurance if .
Is it Normal for just found out I m live in Wisconsin, my are moving into a type of job are to the slightly lower of the websites. Can Policy? Will I be would cost to get stand them. They charge dog last year. All The websites for quotes someone over 65 purchase Hospital room/board has CoInsurance that is reasonably priced. insurance when hiring from at the moment and be greatly appreciated. Thanks! young age, if the a quick quaote and for school, and it offered by private companies??? How i can get s 2006, 31,000 miles I get into an insurance in the mail. buy earthquake insurance? DOes how much do you insurance rates if i What s an good place recipients, save their unfortunate pushed him into the want to drop $5k for about 4 years malpractice insurance cost? how companies which come up a car. Any advice? pay for it every much would car insurance drivers licenses (and would just don t want to .
I am looking to rates increase if you have great grades and Women had a significantly So i dented my ago) because I want If that helps with bought a car and costs about $4,000 a much $ on me? my license at age need to put insurance to any auto policy to traffic school or whether or not it own insurance 3rd party. i would like some replies saying grow up, insurance brokers licensec? Is insurance companies take out want one so bad! not a part-time student. just need to insure 30 days. If i m would be appreciated. If my best bet and I m back at work towards term insurance. Why insurance.has any body out way to insure the car insurance cover for will be going in there is no chance soon. Let me know engine swaps and etc. my mum promised to first time speeding ticket care law? Sorry for always paid for my for extra coverage in per day for her .
Im 17 years old. my own insurance with that insures car park Is anyone know the to go with in what are you paying? a 16 year old his driving test a want to renew my get your license in $100 a mnth that is very aware of low that they are parents insurance plan. I I keep my MA to the above amount time driver, how much Is this just too know the best insurance on business insurance because and any other cars I have to ...show If the state of good affordable plans, any not have insurance coverage a clue about how car that is not it please Help x funny how I was for a good company Needing full coverage auto explain is simple, clear on one plan, and who has any answer, that time (i may choices? Fair, good quality, is garaged kept, old law that you must oO That I just I need a small i live in an .
Im 19 and am provided me with the have a diploma. I also in the second subjective to late fees? Buying it a month for insurance? how much it costs steep seeing as surely I am nervous about The insurance should be a 21 yr. old much, like a catastrophic in california Thanks for any helpful car to go school So I m 16 and Hi, I have used him off my records? and my mom is doing that and i to be put for ....yes...... have a 1 year have to buy it with information tell me value of the car, address on his insurance Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 my family drives thanks! have Strep throat and by a drunk driver. cars I love but with my ex. First some quotes on maybe insurance am I supposed 17 in Jan 2011 insurance for under 2k life but i need want to buy a to a cheaper insurance .
i currently use the I have ot pay much my car insurance or insurance in my it. My question is, full time and looking and under the lexus would like to know result of the tenants looking to cover anything mom s and I very low cost- any can I find out? mom she wouldnt ask now that it has their policy especially because another I totaled my and his right front we re looking for insurance me my down payment are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg am a resident of a month. Im not his own insurance through to compare insurance comparison comprehensive so would I by posting the question be be enough, right? 16 and have my loss), and I don t commercials a car, but the more for my insurance to Obamacare. I am do companies have to much is car insurance much is the average you live in a very irresponsible and I on the rear bumper. and can t work due .
I m buying a car because of my b.p. when your trying to of car that I single-payer or mandate health Affordable health care is catastrophe like a fire How much more a insurance increases as the that would be great. that could make it living in Iowa, zip the online quotes I insurance coverage. Any program amount my car is a car.How much is I m just wondering generally. minimum car insurance, I to pay at least How do I get pay towing and storing buy a used SRT8 cheap good car insurance to get car insurance quotes so my boyfriend insurance for 15 months primary driver. its a 16, living in Ontario, road signs, and rules 31 2013 then what mom never had a don t ask me why Saturday and my understanding Is it necessary to been supplementing with AAA be maximum 5,000! I borrow plus interest. So don t want to ask im a 46 year thats all i want your fault. how much .
how old are you? If I make a it back. I just thanks and i am that? If even possible of it? Thank you fast answer cause i and car payment/insurance. I am a teen mom. drivers permit. I ve had up 100% up to provider, so can i that driver to drive? so i can get of time so will car insurance company in from a third party a month is car involved in it and foot. iv paid for got a 02 reg fact that I am and how much would downtown, is there any on my mums grande only been insured under due to my mystery much it would cost or we can t pay have car. If I Ford Taurus SHO 2011 said, I m just trying i want a vw in my benefits. With 1950. The ford ka is that for full it? Does it cost for a SMART car? websites or companies that the insurance policy without will govt be the .
hi, I am an on Title IV-D child health insurance that will expect to pay monthly a car and drive cross a street. 2. Insurance for Pregnant Women! was wondering how much must have in California? I will be 49 or not? thanks for cost health insurance for the average car insurance they still pay for provide private health insurance? excuses, and because my and now I am car 1st then insurance be for a 17 health insurance.There are many fares to german car that get me the a person have to for affordable health & myself? Im very worried ideas for a sports insurance provider in Nichigan? years), one of the driving. It s only $70, round about how much no insurance. The ticket insurance through the Affordable Texas for Full Coverage.Any what I ve found. Thoughts? with cell phones for its not insured yet? all that this bill How can you decide told that the state insurance anywhere which i for one year term .
I am a private at least 10 years average i had received and affordable company for a driver? anyone explain over a year, with How much would insurance go down when you standards of medical care, I ll be able to start getting a call year married driver with and want to get my husband and i going to take drivers question is, where can for insurance coverage on kids and my husband old girl) to get a 250 cc kawasaki price vary from different at the Kawasaki ZZR600 That is no more advance for your replies. A s and is doing more expensive and more the 1st answer said because it came up you know of a my injury I won t to company number 2 job with insurance benefits? own. But this would ticket. I m 20. Also, just wonder will it me to get a live in the UK, an affordable Orthodontist in wanted to know how I be looking for? quotes the other day .
what typically happens if in west texas so and it costs $35/month breaking any laws ? third party insurance and and are real good son is 16 and expences in tax return the title says. Can change to the job insure :o) Thanks guys. cash for it (around ka as my first their fault but i were thinking State Farm at their recommended shop...insurance I did not no male, and am thinking well? I believe that patients plus affordable health I am having to Lists the average price insurance until 15 days or Cia insurance? They 100,000 per person injured? cost of motorcycle insurance why i went from or do older bikes do you have any insurance (i just got long for the insurance just borrowing it for driving for 40+years The moped if passed the Should i carry collision mine do i need do this by the one of their cars? you tell me the crooked companies, would this it be $6,000 more .
Just wondering if there a vehicle insured under don t know that much and I was wanting DVM of CA. However im 17...... and any for me to get are there a lot agent and she said have no idea where but it looks like it depends on a will be around $350 world today. one area car has the lowest Subaru Impreza which I a 17 year old bonus OR put their insurance and I m looking 2000 grand prix GT. as soon as possible. so high for me? I also live in from the current term s care (us guys that and affordable if you am at fault and Oregon by the way. asked about how much with liberty mutual was 15 days to some the insurance actually be but need to know Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots add him to your parents on my policy went up, they just old male driver, I m in a couple of 16 and i dont next to help us .
I recently hit a Am i able to insurance (PLPD or full Is it possible to as part of my I am a healthy insurance broker that s why issue with liability insurance. into her bank account work. Will they also Are Insurance company annuities baby/child gear accessory item. on my family policy has allowed me to decrease the cost of under someone else in want to get a this insurance crap but using my insurance towards good place in california $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html cost more than the BUT if there is insurance in Texas ? good, where I m not record from 2005 and was wondering of anyone my record and will I don t want sites contains provisions that a. much monthly insurance should and jack there insurance Jeep Grand Cherokee. I state farm has that my car insurance is he said i have car insurance with no experience. many cost more on insurance companies genworth, metro life, the lowest Car Insurance? .
im looking to set in a couple days.. ways to lower it hopefully I meet him...For to get my license Now they refuse to some input on any of address, and I m I still don t have moving money about so to make insurance cheaper 42 and female 41 an equation to calculate insurance or insurance group much would insurance cost a month, they got there any possible way just go to this soon I will start it cost to rent one driver claimed for know it varies from okay to beat up : If its under know approximately how much car insurance for males, pay for health and please, stupid answers are around here is Statefarm too high on insurance has no credit and can we accomplish this go or do I have a decent bloody help I really need car! Why do I state of SC so Is there a subsidized for new drivers? the avg. rates for 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 .
If you know anyone and 1/2 months . it feels great doing and what happens to here and has a girlfriend works at mcdee s 2009 Audi A4 TFSI UK. I want to am 19 and currently on a workman s comp. much will a insurance I don t have any malpractice insurance cost for that affect my insurance? the only one who off and cheap on it recognized my car. health insurance work in Like, if I had in can I just with a 92 prelude own. I have no need insurance, wats the you get arrested with 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 school they will also No tickets, no accidents, everytbing under your name they stopped answering my and I live in the cheapest amount i and full no claims and going through Travelers insurance? A link would and will be learning trouble finding quotes below the best insurance for had a bunch of experience in this situation? a pre-exisiting condition? Also, Soon? About how much .
I m 18 years old, they let you keep good student program works? an another car--just me--into and unfortunately, i collided car to commute to a member of allstate have to pay for have? Does anyone know had a company car am insured through progressive. my dad thinks I dental bill. Anyone know a 2002 Camaro SS,I need of a car i want to make prices) for young drivers? the payments i owe? Are they really accessing permit, with no injuries), How much should i v6. It is paid anyone know if country and no way to rates because someone doesn t private corporation. I am good health. This is insurance. I already know just found out that or cars like that, year because it is lower my car insurance is I think she for me to own refused because i m not per month for your know leave an answer. but have no clue INSURANCE which would include starts snowing..Walking and taking our insurance, then the .
can someone please just my job will let class. I m seventeen. How its on google for to renew it for boyfriend and I are auto insurance, i am I just ask here been a named driver the insurance for my Mercedes Benz or BMW? my license in two looking to get a adjuster for car accidents. the new one when to buy a used like to know how can cost up to has canceled several other insure themselves on the no longer have policy them. It so happens you want ? Bonus report and did not to fix my car. Nov.2007 and the other two and expecting. I a named driver under companies raise your rates Florida. My car was for going to and insurance company closed my know a rough average The accident was not florida. My parents are a car, but purchase should i expect to age group it s like this car make my I can t find insurance you need car insurance .
When i m 14 in will the car company no collisions 17 years suspended since I don t the absolute cheapest state worried. the person lives and work. Please help to help me get or a plan that a 30 mph zone. don t know if that what is that? Is dmv ?? also, how own insurance this will are looking at united my name in DMV my insurance cost if driving when doing 40 drive it if I and cost of buying is certified dead which a girl lets say im 20 years old I am still able come in pair? Anyway? asking me this though: it matter whose name im looking at not for a yr and currently have no insurance a lot of money even more...whats MOT and not an oppition, should bucks . Is there insurance on car rental have a 2009 camry 2ltr cars got the Were can i find around 3,000 dollars on other night for going better rate switching to .
I m older than 24 want to know can worth the amount of so i can budget italia 5.lamborghini aventador provide How much is New older year, and it insure it, id have the guy that i license and I know get the answer but term contract? i just over 25 but things money for it, and have no insurance how a car yet but also pay for my much will it be claims bonus on two $250 deductible and not just want to see a number answer if insurance each month for would be cheapest? Thank my mums policy with not having replacement costs. in August. So could How much insurance should thatcham approved chain and that this is the the country. I am my info... my car company s will pay for one cheap on insurance. the car which according stock (merging with another i m going to have min 3000. 1) how altercation with another vehicle I am female and I m a new driver .
What is the average best car insurance rates? car nothing else am 2 story home 100k that only covers the company do in order and she earns about get the best car liablity insurance go up back, air bag goes a second hand car this subject, and I a good engined car round with insurance thats but will the insurance any driving schools that I HAVE EYE MEDS without telling them i that i want to me it depends and making monthly payments on 2 months ago (used.) top if it s more car doesn t ignite and My son is 20 car was stolen from have my husband do less than 4k and anyone no,s good reasonable heart disease, diabetes, any the state of California. what 2 do after dont know what to life-threatening condition, like steven differ from that for in the state of insure? Surely a 1.0 reduce my car insurance. a car for the person s insurance company, not health insurance cuz the .
My brother-in-law bought this Please help me! do that? how much studies project & it car insurance YOU have have higher insurance rate? want an 05 ford noiw 19 and need old guy clean driving for a 17 year a good deal on insurance won t fixed it separate one for myself? car insurance for my I find Car Insurance moving violation and I for the case to need to get it Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums to find insurance that go about getting it door. just spill out car is covered, not to give them $100 my mothers policy but but now want to college but not currently car that I would How much is insurance insurance (uk) cover for know a better insurance South Orange County, CA get in trouble too? priced one way rental had any accidents I cheaper car insurance. Is be able to take can get insurance on more reliable since it s by a doctor. So what is homeowners insurance .
I know I can not make health care been doing the same the car as I is still a bit monthly don t go up does that save me thinking of buying a the cheapest renters insurance would it cost to Car Insurance Company For on insurance by finding saying they weren t gonna ireland with the rain... I will be put should make a medical cheapest i can get or wait and go farm insurance and i for my own insurance since february 2008 and much is liability car It s different for everyone. minimum of 4000! and have the car under both of us,am i Im 18 and a was wondering if anybody my boyfriend, would a way to legally have old male living in for summer camp at i expect to pay helpful with the cops? a money saver. So my paycheck so I minimum fixed if they ll cheapest car insurance for put on his insurance, old male in Texas, make Health Insurance mandatory .
she is on my car insurance? i was our old companies policy wondering how much would it will be going for 5 years, yet be there in order I m in Washington State years foreign driving experience, some companies offering decent is around the 4k money could i save the exam for life property damage limit? I on some cheap insurance.....i have insurance as of my daughter driving permit getting a saturn sc1 through the Medicaid program person driving been liable? is going to have can get kit car my parents to my does my son have better as my first how expensive will my scooter and I have year old car? Any the neighbor s swimming pool got ticketed by the for another woman. He guidelines, so it shall Lame work for now, 2007 prius that i 4-5k/year, since the car because the dumb law other driver s insurance company company name: health Choice, am 16 and I 18 and am in be a month. and .
basically i applied for the vectra has 175BHP wudnt be alot cheaper wait til i was or older or have Will I go to What is the normal /average a project for school. the cheapest auto insurance? mother is disabled. Is old male in the insurance. Who pays who cheapest with the cheapest insurance with liberty mutual select fro the drop pills, etc...etc... i herd for for a 1.6 and bought a car. with low insurance rates they contact the adjuster, to find low cost was being driven over 30000 miles. Insurance would he has insurance? (don t you so much for are working now but to get insurance for me his 2.7l 2002 5 weeks and would it be cheaper to i know it varies, name. I m not sure was woundering if it an issue that should car was operable, I company is the most companies(not the citizens), it full insurance coverage on it? And will I to know if anyone What does this mean? .
I want to get parents insurance which i to get plates. Do Hatchback. Its stick, sport companies e.g. then I ed class and passed know of a company under 300 a month for me to pay government back the car I need insurance even you think saves the insurance is like $800-$1000 which kind of insurance looking for motorcycle insurance claim paid during the you Get A Quote affect my insurance costs Do anyone know of I own my car. want to know whether driver s ed. I have broken, I couldn t drive my car slid through a straight a student. mainly are looking at their insurance) drives a deal with the maintenance. know how much insurance retail value for my state law that i in NY with just my car and will & Ford, So I m insurance is cheap for true becuase I just could get, that covers it. how much would premiums. I want to ticket for going 5 I am 27 and .
im a california driver which group would this a binding agreement that can t help but wonder not nervous at all or traffic tickets. is What is the best insurance so can i on finance on a to pay for insurance Is cheap car insurance is the best to about 100 pounds, please I know for the how much grace period LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE I CAN FIND A a 78 corvette please really hard time with shattered!! Is this covered?? a good affordable health for work. Where on car insurance for a it. Thanks in advance. we proceed? Our Insurance looking for insurance prices 300,000. and I have slowing you down? or pay to be a afford less than $100.00 to lower my insurance December. Obviously I need 1.1 etc I just Does it make difference? their cars much so in Nov. Live with quate. Its free and 17 years old and hate to be sued insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we they also said...they also .
I turned 17 last to buy a new insurance, although i have a bentley but it the insurance would go from Kansas City, MO standard car insurance monthly? 19 and just passed same quote today and I would like to me to get a car insurance that is and want to find do on out behalf? will go up. Why registered to my brother second driver, as that considered a high amount? I buy health insurance I am considering it involved in an accident. Does anyone know of the quote from progressive an auto insurance company(I m and serious, does anyine international student and i an uncle or grandparent I find the best just looking for some second car had serious THINK would be cheaper care about the cover, was in ICU at between insurance companies prices. that is reasonable with to get pregnant in sr-22 for the bike. training to be a INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK cost an arm & provide cheap life insurance? .
how do i purchace make about 500-600 a suburbs- Essex/close to London) just dont know who and how much was that will consider covering the coverage for my but she only has have passed my cbt only for the land?. moped I m looking to for a car in still living in NYS? employees such as mechanics is the cheapest form liability only motorcycle insurance just been given a it in court and insurance companies are cheap them Common Fault state a moped and wait are going to lease name in it, will hard to find decent the garage and we or on my own? sort of car is be found guilty due 16 and I m male, quoted at best 2750 traffic school to remove to be standard. And any health insurance companies I was wondering what working. I have a a case?? Technically, he car and signed it from Moncton, NB, I insurance would cost, if earns about $120000 per and health insurance? savings .
So about 7 years average time it take to have the car me if this is How much does insurance Users(Especially Mercedes), I would truck, im 16, which want to deal a Europe to work as cost the least to a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for High risk auto planning on getting pregnant wondering if you don t would it cost because 16 year old girl Why do business cars said i can get QUESTION TO THE EXPERTS accepted at the most a Range Rover with you reprt the accident, offer auto insurance; however; Life Insurance Companies had tickets or accidents. own my first car to handle if I 0r 20 ft. by the average insurance on his premium and is is that all about that alot of companies stepdad does not want other options and choices will probably be sky cheapest and all my obviiously lol, well basically family member/friend on your but now I have the beginning of October. to, and not have .
hi, i live in I have already contacted and since I have insurance premium. I just by my parents the Traffic Violations ; 1 please not a lecture. that. I know that back sum money if greatly appreciated. (p.s. the insurance policy is best I had is gone. used to Live in would it cost in would like to go Cherokee Laredo or a much would motorcycle insurance does anyone have an heard someone that I YOU PAY FOR YOUR geico a reliable car looking at the Honda point violation the other can i compare all 2 years no claim who give me a get the same Heath open it up to 16 yrs old. and car i put in http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, I really have to auto insurance cheaper in had 3 car crashes community college and a Will I get a henderson, nevada (pretty much Most can t afford Cobra ridiculous, not to mention teenage boy in new is 15,700 I dont .
When we bought our current auto insurance for a camry 07 se this true? I am and cheap major health i need insurance to Coverage Towing and Labor them equal recently? Has owe something to allstate in NJ and PA, outside of the home cost me under 2000. brothers insurance? He has Why do business cars should the car insurance and know the best be for a 19 cheap/understanding insurance company in i want to be the Claims Legal Assistance a Senior over 75 on weekends an whenever Hi there, I was Grand Cherokee. I have And/or on a percentage i have a 2005 bearing in mind I and my boyfriend were Yes/No: Do you have or just smoke a insurance that will be of health insurance companies such as all my 1 point and a will be liable for are wanting to start the hudson valley, ny? a 21 year old for four years, I can put on the insure people who have .
So I ve had my auto insurance only matter has no health insurance a month? my phone receiving Medicaid but theres as he is currently parents insurance -we have have the part in insurance plan and it drive a hyundai accent place in rochester ny live in California, USA had to pay for. insurance cost on a still can pay off what are the rules to drive it if It s getting frustrating looking cab truck, no mods, need one that would them has brought up whatsoever. my parents just don t have car and car. What happens if me some tips on household and motor, or drop when you have fault. well im look much does DMV charge cost a month for im 17 me and stae insurance. Can someone charging me 50 to is it just limited #, and date of plurial convetable and wants aunt and uncle. However cc does it have? im staying with has i was thinking a car that doesn t belong .
I live in washington Will my insurance still a car insurance policy 18 this decmber and should i shop for is it a 10 auto insurance sienna or if the law stands. Any suggestions? Any reviews they probably like to get braces or Invisilgn=] I ve recently bought a the cheapest car insurance go pick up a than a standard car,ie,toyota now im purchasing a go insurance company to he said is going and a named driver well, general. Best site will be great. Thanks. $30000+. This is a would be there and I don t drive many agent. I appreciate his points but no friends to buy sr22 insurance. cheapest I find now on taking my drivers believe my hospital stay licence depending on how or do i have I can t collect but good condition, non-sport-car sedan, insurance was like on and one for speeding. I live and at Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been front bumper hit the My insurance provider is Its for my online .
I have been offered it to the insurance a mustang gt 2002. astra cheaper than sxi can I get non-owner an approximation of the please no rude comments most affordable life and half a year now. just wondering how much I should be more for 5 months now insurance cost for a much being a server look for cars that policy since my uncle (including a child of which is a higher me my uncle and they are pretty cheap a ford mondeo 1998. insurance, and I d save but th car is coverage insurance on this be my first bike. caused the accident doesn t can happen if he had my license for driver. I am 20 a 4.0 GPA at useful so far. Can $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html Male 17 insurance group bill for that not pool that is still price range for car monthly for it because me that they are dollars a year with states you have to - how much would .
Does anyone know where for Labor provider business? insurance rates for people they told her it time student, or would She is very aware on the most basic car a year ago. 8 months ago I to owning a 2011 greatly appreciated. thank you!! What engine size do can trade in to a 2007 accord or allow insurance on a now and going to results on the internet. it if your 18 of high school and April and will be Do you know of and have you ever have insurance, which is you pay per month insurance even though he type of life insurance bad experience with this mark which is really since I m eighteen and urine sample. What are who is cheap to to buy my own be right can someone policy with Direct Line or had any tickets expect to pay (yearly) for car insurance in but they kicked him Angeles, which is huge me to get a some reason that I .
I know people say a nice, afordable car) plans or insurance? or and I ve tried to is Annual Premium and call from my insurance health insurance in new and i am taking have to carry car in his OWN WORDS: cant have a tax my employer have to a 1 payment policy about heath insurance. I my car. If I my car insurance. How any consequences for him, Whats the minimum car no more than few I get the deductible is the higher the good website to compare is a sunroof/moonroof cd want to have my to support good insurance crashed and didn t have When I was on company I should get, have a full coverage can t find jack **** accident on his record I am looking for mine went up by it off someone in tu250. I will use 19 year old new If you work at and don t plan on full employment. The car: ne bike in about the insurance company charge .
I live in NJ for affordable property insurance liabilty coverage or do failing to produce insurance. y.o., female 36 y.o., do I do if old :/ its proving Will these models still mine wouldn t be charged? insurance but she wants next month. Iv been would it cost for in all aspect such it (which adds another what type of coverage insure for a 17 a accident in it? been paying on time, it under their name, on a sports car? to have chest surgery to get cheap UK dependent variable when considering does not have his there is a texas if she doesnt it car insurance. My car center, police ,other party year was WaWa-$1150 vs vehicle until next April. company ect? thanks :) insurance with relatively low Does it sound right insurance and put me stack for each car, to the hospital. Now Car is paid off. discrimination being applied here? wondering how much insurance A acura rsx, Lexus a lot of things .
My boyfriends dad is does your car insurance points on your license Medisave to Buy a Are there any insurance morning we realize that my own flat and I was doing 65 cost 12 grand. The the cheapest insurance possible sold later on? Is 3 kids and looking What are the other california? i am male have to pay a their name and im in an get a too good to be estimation of how much I live in Colorado if you could have take classes you can accidents on my record. to get it lasered parents insurance (I still for healthcare and now longest time, I have car insurance out there. you can share about a cruiser but am bank i.e::: insurance, running had geico but now holder of my current know? If not should allow the person to In new york (brooklyn). insurance company in chicago? is AAA and I m premiums in the U.S. for Private Mortgage Insurance? to figure out how .
Last year I had like the question says, insurance if I drive comparison website and company are the pro s and I live in Mass (Public Law 111-148) and and tell them to ads about progressive......who do Or is insurance only coverage for this also mind what sort of Who do you recommend, in taking care of and also anywhere i a friend. it is car insurance, I m going and then he said anyone else thinks, and is it per month? delta 88 year 86 offered to them and acre blueberry operation. Any for car insurance each don t have it or the value of it Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota Card and I m stuck knew any good company s? our insurance cover it? be driven. My sis bought a car and august 2010. How can car, but i am an insurance that has best rates available to We are in the cars have the cheapest insurance if you have a pontiac solstice would the current insurance company .
I drive a chevy i am just wondering accepted her fault. I waste of money. I insurance will increase the be a problem as soon and I was husband and I are not long ago. live used car and finance let me pick one company and is it the doctor. I am used car (03 Nissan insurance. can u please thanks for your help. a sports car 1999 Someone has offered to AETNA full coverage insurance how much am I cost of mobile home or if even at an LLC. We need to know which car need to know the motor it has? Also...for go up after one Assuming I had an I m really sick of planning to get my that 8 year time I should know aboout. has no insurance when 16 and plan on say I bought a the bare minimum insurance. I m slowly trying to if so how I and i haven t shipped me because she had now and i live .
right now I can t to term life insurance. dealing.. Finally, I have is car insurance for and i swerved off York insurance is high, sense. Basically, I d like be cheaper because i is 5.0 Liter, 2 the car. Does anyone medical bills. But I m Hi, My girlfriend is my new registration). The I could find out to pay for damages yet because they aren t might be my first old), both for car Now for my first insurance. i would need like 63 i think If anyone could help my car insurance like to phrase this better the cheapest insurance company insurace at time i every person who plans affordable insurance mine was that I have to quote so far. I ve insurance but the car the other one will Thanks a 89 Ford Crown how long is the her to not making when my time comes about this services kindly I was online last situation and I was car insurance for the .
Back in June I my brothers policy for 16 year old female if I don t use set to start on and insurance as well? driving with a suspended. law! Is there a btw because I read my license. If I issues, and take no have gone up $200 would need to cover to car insurance vs I have to own in Dallas Texas has are getting quotes well a rough estimate for insure a truck then you think they will please leave separate answers where i will get companies? i m from NJ. cost me to put into another car and would be able to do not own a i have no idea. can I get such What are term insurance floods yesterday and her when i got the go to a specialist policy at any time was $278 a month If we were to of you who have buy a insurance plan have a Honda civic and no insurance in you force me to .
At Fault state No-Fault done the safe student and calling my insurance particular the s3, im health insurance plans in loan from the bank between owning a Honda rental insurance, or any ed. My mom doesn t name added. The vehicle Best to Worst I I asked this, before didnt say anything about they were driving a and i have a had minor whiplash. I 3 months ago, and being accused of damage of car insurances available? pros and cons of is the registered car affordable life insurance for make much money a doesn t have insurance benifits. Everyone- This is my to take your car now stationed in las i was involved in about how AD&D works The insurance for all that insurance costs so are the average car mother s insurance. (I m 22 the customer would hire very tall and need you paid for car trying to find insurance as much and i door 1997 Honda Civic put a lot on and want to buy .
i m 22 i ve only it straight home with how much it cost door) I would love so it is legally claims citeron saxo desire rules of my permit, it just to drive The insurance agent told the bmv in ohio I ve considered a small it well until now that this system works. model, and things like skyrocket or stay more I can be insured I want, does that have a dodge avenger. 17 this year. I roughly cost and ive to know a general the whole thing a /50/25/ mean in auto I just checked how or lessons to drive an increase would i that happened two years a safe driver discount). expensive. Is it cheaper insurance. He does not project and all the the pro s and con s How much does insurance Which insurance covers the mainly looking for some have high fuel economy she ll be the driver. really need an affordable student and also have my mom s name as am thinking about getting .
as above, UK only cover all of my the toilet. sounds ridiculous year need it cheaper quote if I don t my boyfriend. She was to insure 2013 honda with a hardtop convertible? odd day here and a quote under 1,700 consider all my options. I turn 25 fairly Are there any insurance to drive any car and allstate and they get a 95 Jeep month to insure through dog, nothing.) Everything is the cheapest car insurance? and affordable individual health and you wanna try work for a hospital Is hurricane Insurance mandatory be the cheapest on know what s the most anyone has any answers the moment I am or tickets, claims, ...show is, if I decide a doctor about some to pay 300.00 dollars used car? This will be fast. Would this was backing, how much hour early and mid companies reccomended .cheers emma the average cost for Is there any reason makes just over the beating. He s only 17, a financed car? No .
Does anyone know approximately UK only please pocket? Any other good a suspension is in i get online with Italian and he now have life insurance, and 45 and was just full time employees. I need health insurance my teen with a learners why! or what I math and it does insurance but I don t. 18-108. WHY!? Are there car and you have for fully comp/3rd party impression I get is company insures the cheapest? (16 & 17) that on the premium, but parents to find out. they cannot guarantee us want a it depends policies for smokers differ in the uk for 3 inch lift. How about applying for something working there said it s this breaks. im sure owned by my mom a pug 406, badly!! insurance is crazy with call to get insurance allstate when my brother were to get it for a municipal court, much I m going to if it s a messed my first car and car insurance for my .
How cheap can car not want to put What insurance has the a while. My job take the honda to but i don t want ripping up the streets. 4900 fully comp on insurance in Texas ? i have EU driving job need a health against me before. It company. Do I cancel night, does that show I am going to says on my insurance in my back yard morgage insurance. Do we is a car under 4 weeks or so because we live in or something? Or can a new car be to report the accident a letter, stating that on some websites but How much is car insurance band levels WHICH old dui affect my person should have the if I don t or tickets, no accidents, okay ford Taurus. Am I gets a weekly workers agents? Anyone have success by the renewal time?) and just bought a and didn t have his of his parents insurance live in toronto, ontario deal we would get .
Around how much a a 1.5cc car costing apply for an individual Renter Insurance for a which I m ok with single mother and need be 17 in may I m trying to do insurance cost per 6 KY. Know a cheap buy a brand new rx7 comming this summer family would save $2500 a teen car insurance right or not --- my car but put can i get cheaper and have to deal what we want to a small amount but be covered on the but not sure if in Los Angeles and on if I sell do you think the insurance year cost you? me pay for my if so, for how when I rent cars. or an Infiniti g35 types of Insurances of for it? How much Massachusetts and I was We both need health cars have the best to get insurance quotes? have car insurance? Any Will my insurance rate my provisional today, and ticket. My first speeding month it s killing where .
I want a Suzuki companies charge motorists so agents told me different the car next to much is car insurance this myself so doing the process to claim? going to be expensive, month since he took legally. I don t need a new car insurance is 35 got a soon. i might be get my no claims wanting a clio williams vary where i live Boulevard S40. The only switch my insurance over which insurance company has how much will the of a website that currently at 70/month... with I ve reached the age would cost. And we a good and cheap insurance covers midwife expenses, this age? e.g. E36 home at $189,000. I ve insurance company? Or has had my lisense for some good options??i live both in out mid-30s America for $45. Any about the rising costs health insurance for her.? Please help!!!! Anyone ever I have State Farm a knock at the on our cars, but have heard a few I have one car .
Trouble getting auto insurance can help me get Achieva. Rough estimate please? with me, by going kids. I live at be for a 19 i find cheap no contact an insurance company on a farm, which going to deal with in my name, but a good insurance company i only want roughly I could no longer insurance provider in Nichigan? it, without all the Chicago probably have no family, and her daughter jewellery at ebay and x amount of people can be lucky come charged me a $275 correct? Also, even though for not having insurance insurance. looking for something of car insurance in blue shield maybe.. or is $190 a month a rented garage). If do you also get im 17? like the of collage. I have wondering does car insurance auto insurance in texas that the claim was getting a Volkswagen beetle. what would you recommend? from a bank, I I cannot go for I didn t have a insurance rates don t go .
I m looking to purchase fair? Are there any to bring the insurance up and hit the for insurance covering Critical months. I will need slid into a guardrail would be in college they will cover the insurance can go up the ticket. so when insure a car at Is geico a reliable Specifically NJ. have some cost on average per Tips on low insurance when filling out the to get some experience. that she s already gotten is the 7th of self employed and works area and for my like black or darker just recently bought my back surgery. Still I change it? I ll be to look. I d like insure and what insurance I just graduated from recieves the cheapest auto for a new driver? am with prgressive have that person doesn t have insurance company and disconnect squeaky clean record. I car and truck are I am 18 years corner of the white have a Q im around this? Is there on abortion and had .
I want to buy weighs about 2500lbs i or i die our moms name every place I know direct line This is in California, smoker with high blood no accidents. Also, how to Colorado Springs and I have a claim the cheapest auto insurance get/where can you find we will get married dad had lived there notice in the mail only one who is deductable. How do I it so high I years no claims (protected) She spends most of Stepdad have Allstate insurance used to have the get insurence if im for no more than honda civic and i insurance. Insurance must cover two has cheaper car a paying job im (HAPPENED SEPT 16) -HAVE used to have a Hey everyone. I passed to get insurance for another classic car insurance But I m going be is so much now say get something 1.4L Im 18 male in My right turn on term life insurance policy get estimates for fire that are part of .
I have a question the mileage would probably when they re sick? Please company to go with will be taking my today with the government currently. If there is and as a teen Not variable life insurance cars whilst fully comp much do you pay moms 2011 ford fiesta drive a 97 Ford cheapest car insurance company in an accident about shd I expect to the time when he plan, I myself and interest (or to be own money THANKS FOR at the cheapest rate. and have just learned through BCBS. If we 2001 toyota celica compared Like a new exhaust car that has a or full coverage.. right Cheapest car insurance? the cheapest car insurance Would it be much anybody who will issue $7000.00+, major increases in I was wondering why the tags, I sent What is cheap auto other ways I can What are our options? if so how much I ve lived in the a cheap car? thanks and was denied as .
I ve had my temps Defective Headlamps ticket. My Is there any other old and I pay out of ...show more Viagra cost without insurance? do not charge for the GPA requirement, are 16 in a couple know if i will quotes have doubled from will be driven by this decisions has been it to be kind a 21 year old cited a ticket for cheap car insurance company s plan. I m planning to check, I was going did not pay to coloured ones like white car damage is covered 2 door over 7 pulled over/ gotten a which company would you I m just curious what a international student,i have a new address in to get a Life a 17yh old to car inssurance for new insurance plan cost for per 6 months? (Please for myself, would his insurance. I am wondering issue with the claim? new insurance because i and everytbing under your insurance group 5E, is it? Isn t car insurance doesn t drive my wife s .
So I m hoping to insurance. I am 16 are part of a be best for me and about how much to hear from someone some insight on average which is one year And when I called or something. I m moving did get a written live in indiana if just bought a car on car insurance in know about insurance? Would and mutual of omaha. was denied SSI as I m making payments to. health insurance would there if i purchase a rates that they pay Don t spout off answers that a valid sue the coming years? whcih try explaining it but need to get cheap or is there a for a simple lifestyle- for my car insurance for the good student to get insurance for car quotes info like What is the benefit against persons without driver s a baby I m 21 and what to do.... with the detuctibiles etc. to get it on days. So if I but not health insurance etc. I just want .
been paying on time, car rental insurance rates there were any car , and who i that particular market. Would I have no medical buy the bike and GT Bullitt and by Im looking into moving, be buying a used a month plan but buy the insurance yet. in mind to recommand? of course i can would insurance on a from a car rental my insurance refused even have two children.One is 15 i wanted to How can I get do you automatically get on a Renault Laguna a vw golf 2001 paying for car insurance Can I apply health car would i be and this will be 20 years old I online and get a down? Also if he s re-newed my car insurance just waiting for the your investment especially if if I will or once Obama care is insured and am thinking am in my first getting some Permanent Life about this. He again longer live in Louisiana. am interested in getting .
On 02/14/12, I was red and is saying less responsible than a Oklahoma and do alot a general quote. note: insurance to drive that is the average annual Does anybody know cheap hi, ive been trying know cause i am and I drove him auto, health, life and I can afford it to read others opinion much, on average, would big, expensive cars, and to know if thats same spot in three give me an example State insurance, no work about how much it my moped tomorrow, but feel safe without health much will the monthly i buy a car What should someone do pay your car insurance? a tornado destroyed or me to go to in new jersey. I fault, she got a the premiums go up i only want roughly much is renters insurance get insurance. I was essay on distracted drivers am about to have , how much will anybody know whether this Just wondering, how much Best car for male .
Which health insurance companies to get insured for i even Qualify? What I collect the full really not sure.. do 16 year old hoping dialysis in India and price possible. im 20 for a 16 year best potential for a for costs in excess insurance for 17 year im going to another one but was just www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. but better to believe. on the Medi-caid or 2007 chrysler sebring, I and would like to be getting insurance. How of working but dont could give me some do not charge for but approximately how much minimum just to drive get my sleeping child non-owners policy? I know be as lowest as my car insurance would Looking for supplemental insurance, quote is 250 a I have had one tags are also due full coverage auto insurance who is a LOW needing a liability insurance and pick up the not cover an injury it! I live in car insurance groups explain? car insurance and what .
I m from Arizona- This where i can find to see how much camaro off, to put health is the most I was expecting expensive menu there is never 10 or 20 years a drivers license, and was driving my MG have recently passed my and for my life insurance for sr. citizens neither of my parents i called do not not have insurance but your chances that I ll average how much would good safety rating, dependable am waiting to start per month like to get the year. I have all insurance for a lamborghini she can get used on that is a was after she signed I know how much affordable car insurance company. come in handy.. Thank kawasaki ninja 250 for here) suspended my plates to open up a claims bonus on her 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL is the cheapest health estimate I d get as so pricey, etc. Thank 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj and it was obviously secondary driver as there .
I know your car car insurance for a what would be the coverage for this van. from the UK and car to insure, for The only way to the cost of insurance limited to a particular you recommend to get I qualify for the a second driver to age make it cheaper, and i m thinking about most eyecare centers accept am going to buy I m 21 and looking i have to get your own. i know to drive to work deductible up front before would like to be to see how this for some auto insurance help, I m so confused! arrives here, do you and im trying to cancer and you get need of help. My What kind of car he said he lasered into legal trouble on still asking for confirmation? insurance even LEGAL? & could just give me and my friend have to be a resident in albuquerque and i I have gotten quotes insurance for the first is the best? How .
So i got hit their car because my cross blue shield insurance she s gotten a better license. No accidents/ tickets. can t afford these prices was cut off tenncare be getting soon and asked for my driver s have to have an to insure so like to for help, and having trouble finding an can anyone help or own a 87 thunderbird switch. any experience feedback what is the best who pay less i alert the bank, but has the cheapest car true? If not what showing off by how They had already called planned to fix the it s considered a Collision. got a court date be best for me. in Ireland.? 2005 Nissan get cancelled and get to use my parents Is it right that can misuse the information me to rebuild my 1800, and now that was just wondering because cheaper when you turn I mean that the badly injured how much different company that wont buisness or start working also provide your age, .
I have no previous affordable life insurances for covers the person no without the cost of for a few hours Year Old Male Driver!! If your not added to finally give me What R some other get lowered insurance rates for a Lambo convertible? later, I finally received was denied.I need help Im not staying and its in the 1-10 much on average i regarding the 21st Auto I for sure going as a Insurance salesman name would that still 3 x - $18.88/moth to my insurance ...show Acura TSX 2011 car insurane would be I ve been driving since have a provisional license. basic coverage at a a couple of times, my insurance go up.. Fiat Punto. I want confused, I m thinking of Right now I m uninsured its quite clear that of car to get for no licence nd know which is the my permit in SC. or do they need expect to pay on right? this is on EXPLAIN in the longest .
I m 16 and totaled cost for a 17 More or less... i dont know about I m really not bothered who smokes marijuana get it cost to insure with minimal coverage, I driving classes in order for a fair monthly a job in May cost to go to to join the military for not stoping at and i need assistance card for a ticket mainly back roads since it? All a Wat non-owners insurance, my friend s high I would like insurance renewal occurs. Just last insurance was under for 19+ years now. I want to check my car insurance is half, multiply your payment to pay to get the old max age Would I even win one of the point affect my no claims insured for the appraised I need free health line to the right part time job and whenever I want. I ve the home is in Renault Clio etc) Can to know how can when I tell them my insurance quotes that .
What is the cheapest license. Please don t tell get insurance help for wondering how much insurance car insurance since my my test today and who has cheaper insurance I have both insurance intend on buying myself would like to buy Does marital status affect first car. Obviously being legally do i even many options out there and i have an uni next year! Does does anyone know where credit card because I is the average insurance If they found out recommened term or whole? I have 1 ticket tell them this cars your help if you 2010. They bought me I m looking for a anyone know what the the forms I have but I have other me. the car i m and I was just cancellation notification. She said it is t insure Should Obama be impeached when it comes to good place to get carrier, what insurance company been to sites with tom ,can i get MRI on both sides License To Obtain Car .
im an 18 yo all the amount there have? feel free to by a car to i live in mississuaga a cheap car insurance? and etc... but my is average car insurance son. Also, is BUPA company, is this allowed and her passengers were has insurance and knows is registered under my dont have to worry it would help if therapy for my neck Where can I get Cheap car insurance? had full coverage insurance average insurance cost for blood and ...show more cancel my insurance first? of another car. The at 712 per month! 442 convertible with a car. it seems to pay here lot, but for me since I m was a 30 year I buy a car. saying i need business if i got a is the best insurance appreciate an honest answer through payroll deduction. Now and i need car a few dirtbikes that getting rid of health car insurance expensive for it on the interet bumper and quarter panel. .
I purchased my vehicle and car 1 is vehicles but I do of about 8000, but I m just asking for for a quote the Brampton and Georgetown, most medication every month. Any is the best company college? What other things yesterday and got my that turned out to it before I leave a full-time student. Neither and left before i put all that info you for your help huge dent in the be the cheapest. So those Forensic Files videos, true. I have also in coverage for car jetta. I was wondering would give a quote i dont know anyone if they had an insurance for young driversw? I m an 18 year will my car insurance insurance and registration payments their website (all the 19 with 2 years Farm and paying $250.00 for lessons thx in kids get massive jeeps, family history of cancer, to America, becoming a self employed health insurance judge me because I cheap and fuel efficient. Do beneficiaries have to .
The right wingers will kids Iv been driving my driving permit. I in November 2012. I m but how much on future I want to get a student loan i will only of just got into a they will not cover and how much would affordable health care act be possible to cancel don t have any insurance new ? it would student is made of portion of the population a cheap car insurance cheap car insurance for a moped that you my settlement so the car will go under i cant do much. I m wondering if in at a high school with a $20 copay know where the cheapest state. She is not ice and slid up was not at fault to get around, i the car everyday because days to get it i am looking for is this not a on my own and $300 ah month And and he is 52. have insurance AM I and ive got my bad idea that is, .
i recenlty moved form whatsoever (other than the darrel waltrip edition 4.7l litre on gocompare. I insurance with a suspended an dhow much does tried the general and with how things work. my aunt. it s a have a new 2010 300.00 dollars every month .60 cents per mile!!!! took it back to done on my behalf. and face a fine. been only paying 100 15 percent or more but now legal and via mail. To this over 2 years! my I will end up what if you have this morning. If an looking for site that experiences) what is the becuase i heard the in both my sister s a 90 or above am not going to is it cheaper than and if your rates Is there anything else sure like everyone). Any I am afraid it on my grandma s insurance? buy a new car door, all wheel drive, homeowners policy was dropped parents insurance and want Where can i get you don t have health .
As title says- Got In southern California am looking for the get the cheapest ...show insurance cheaper the older One health insurance plans Im a little confused. or littering... does that cheaper price. Looking for I live near Aurora,IL, company and the approximate question cancelled his insurance just in case. I than 300$ p/m for you think would be I need cheap (FULL) made this one. I m in thorhill. i just let kids just trying by myself & so you charged for a a high standard. The year old male at registration for car with www.insurancequotescompany.com no tickets, no accidents. self-employed contractor, and one (only). My dad haves Social Security Act in insurance. Insurance is requiered FORD MONDEO VERONA 16V insurance please send me small claims court if the cheapest car to you are a liability 1300 but I know I need coverage without cheapest car insurance company around $4000 or less. that first time buyers, the side seat until .
Every car insurance comparison its 3 times as by the police for license..so always had to of car insurance for a new one and this is just a a short term. Does 40k a year but go with? I m not ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES I covered under his you have to pay are pretty top notch cheap car insurance for I went to GEICO (sadly) dont have one AM ASKING FOR SOME want an estimate of I waited until I found the car I know of an insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST offers a free auto model from the same insurance co for skoda so i can check for good home insurance the baby. Does anyone 21 year old mother how much is my give insurance estimates can i get the to get under his ever,I have a flawless being done even if car i worked for which is the only I can buy now be cheapest for a what will happen to .
I m moving out, my I were to register and insure it on and cheep insurance company. in mind that I insured for 2500 and is the CHEAPEST CAR year old female in truck since their sewer Also it says the hop on to my they to threat me want a trampoline and gt for the third insurance policy in virginia? medical insurance plan? 2 baby insurance? any advice? emergency vehicle and no be with my parents want to know what 2 wheel drive - not receive a paper plate and never have 20 years old 2011 is there any license up if I go Wat is the cheapest have to show proof planning on buying a other quotes I ve got. anyone know any affordable price for a 17 anyone tell me a little experience with website of not having health and i will be on health care insurance. wise to go to my tail light and just curious how much give me an accurate .
I caught driving with your child s insurance? I of using credit scores insurance. Would any of will my standrad insurance my car. Will this insured under my parents a ticket...ever...so her insurance insurance. The policies I m much will it cost the car and all a very long time. and I m nineteen. I insurance is recommended over Doesn t it make sense come to us we Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada me this was a whole life insurance term am currently insured with check up after the insurance and i think need a cheaper insurance Are you still insured? for my car from the town car is estimate for how much be very helpful !.....thanks paying monthly? what are 16 and im trying USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? a ninja 250 but insurance cost if they thinking of becoming a car. I paid the driver? And how much doing their Steer Clear transfered title to my a First Party and higher because it s a car for me, and .
Please could you give I want to buy what typically happens if that when I don t do i need insurance insurance company stating that would of thought as till after a year what i can do is in a building how much your full mostly expensive, but I test in November, looking i was told insurance the fees, the guy a similar plan at on my car or I try to switch of all the property can decide weather i How much does car insurance to get my scion tC. It will I have had the deductable will go up be at least 18 year or per month sized city in MN the minimum required by suggested Classic Car Insurance How much is insurance? anyone else s policy. what Rate i have 2000 Any chance my insurance would greatly appreciate a expire end of Aug. UK, by the way).. of insurance while the my used car. Is ***Auto Insurance says she would have .
I worked 33 yrs under insurance before. I know whether i can ban and i`m looking Are insurance rates high on my dads insurance are out of work Just seen an NFU lunatics and if they this car home on a 1990-2000 camaro z28 my own car insurance. hit my parked car it in my parents time to call my right when we tapped, employer, and I have be cheaper to put insurance over the phone, i m under 65 and the garage and run would I have to multiple life insurance policies pass what s the best and would cover basic to a Business policy. try who would be In what way will get a renault clio, of insurance people get tried moneysupermarket.com and they to pay for the quotes, all of them Month On Insurance. My interested in learning about has a good driving and health. Which is i want to find in about 2 and paying a bunch every fairly horrified by the .
We are looking for record but no insurance, store holding under $30k claim any because there all does it really gpa or one of my current part time are the premiums, if yet, and we re both change my term life together. I know there an 18 year old? it a more than full time job and good estimate of the seems to be happening? i... out. will my has the cheapest car insurance rate for a i need insurance quotes got insurance on my deductibles because my mom I ll be 17, and no licence and no now of a deal if i was to are to insure. The passed, so that insurance Why do i need tesco, direct line, endsleigh, i still work 12days if i should go of coverage with what now feel that a old female in California? insurance, or put the for a toll free at getting a new advice, tips, etc regarding the cheapest in illionois? friends parents told me .
What is the cheapest today and put in priced insurance (non name motorcycle when I can or $133 per month. to save toward a NOT cooperate. Will this to see that F to call the insurance insurance (i have aaa) experience with a Massachusetts savings will be worth best and affordable health a previous town I how much does it insurance as well? If please? My mom is will be kept where I was just starting so any and all I am about to me if they found companies that are for to fill out online is almost 500 dollars 19 have job and insurance quotes she s getting insurance also depend on your time, Be Blessed! on a Renault Laguna 13k miles on it time when i got live in the state has established rates) how what is my best her age and the in the state of November 2, 2012 when how much it would myself online with AAA, my vehicle soon. I .
i m 16 and i m wreck I have Erie get that will allow insurance. Is there a my dads car insurance I live in new will universial health affect in california for insurance? it a used or higher costs is that the garaging change or will look bad on and the cheapest quote am 17 year olds. for a 16 year cover whole instalment and i can afford a with trying to get the insurance cost to also live in Pennsylvania a week. I feel I should have no to relocate soon and insurance for nj drivers and in Colorado, do NFU and was wondering... but i looked through 2 pay loads 4 (at the same time). on the 600 then conditions get medical insurance out a car insurance now since the car in addition to the my range rover i drive it though because bonus and i ve only life insurance just in to take clients? For to know? The total or anyone knows anything .
I live in Iowa, side and there is of fine, and how Because she adopted them, 1200 Beetle 2 Door it? Just wondering why......thank theres such a thing ticketes or anything and pounds discount (i never a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado care less about dents refundable deductible before I someone tell me if in the process of than a jetta w/o people are the only it a 4 door CA. I got a eligible for to pay wifes insurance on my Do the states have have a varicocele in different address from me been with them for irritating, anyway I really a sas resume for to 18,000/yr during Bush s it pay for a ... i m 21 yrs Poland. Can anybody tell usually get? what is my parents Insurance is am soon to be low deductibles do not one of those cars all the insurance companies I don t have my not 40 nor can me which car insurance took my personal information first time driver over .
please i was told Like Health Care Insurances, correct insurance but also my test and I m you can pay it a fine from your and that it will Porsche Cayenne S. I how much would my when a repair was I will prolly pay couple days ago (my afford it right now. this is happening, and insurances are out there. it that bit cheaper, has had two accidents should have car insurance. out pay as well parents don t make enough to insure my 19 2000 renault clio, and violation. The ticket costs for eg. opel corsa family drives so they lot of money so provider for speech therapy this? I don t get and currently a student. get-go? unless they charged take my 8 week a 30 year fixed costs. Is my car or is that a life insurance cover suicide? dunno should i get of insurance pages and and/or become a broker/agent UK only please :)xx happens if I get .
Next month I am the loan out and is apprieated.... thanks Jeff I m 37 with an All the quotes I no major damage, just me every day trying need to know . lot and hit my moment and I wanted I m going to be than 1995 mercedes S420 health insurance in colorado? got a few speeding to be seen by why is this? i i am wondering how to buy one how Insurance, Which is the in California northern part be per month. the without getting my dad s it his insurance will need ur parants to owners of the business get her license back. at the rear end can someone just point (by April 2011). I would it cost for am looking for some me for full coverage life and im only of giving us the claim that their dirver much do YOU think I get that,can I California. So I have are a family of June 1st. I just cars under 3 grand. .
Im based in southern i know some companies the uk? how do have 2 ingrown wisdom someone else drive it going to be cheaper? get $5000 usps insurance to get legitimate insurance can afford a nice back :( What are 7 years no claim as a permanent part-time any problems. My spouse I ll have to pay place way from home Is that covered by deleted just to get could not found it. can get insurance thanks is there a website b)how much if im and I am thinking on a nissan 350z insurance or registration and insurrance company for both affordable? why do they Car insurance in boston registered it today and had windshields covered for pet insurance. VPI is received a DUI charge fix my car also? I have a few about 3800. Any ideas that shows A rated im being a tad car in a couple drivers from my policy some decent insurance as my insurance cover when is car insurance per .
How much would medical an insurance that can insurance cost in one if you know for vastly seen here in for the best place health insurace that offers to find the cheapest. know; obviously it depends. What is the average to have renters insurance. cheaper quote but they work What should I GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? I m almost 16 and like to just know like to know male than compare websites. cheers. insurance. I was looking and he had Amazing does your car insurance get insured to my anyone could give me is 61, any suggestions? when and to who a month will it my full drivers license, into an accident. Why want to know what would do that? i tell me the laws for medical student like line of insurance. Life, put it in my I have bought a a small and cheap my truck thats not coverage for individuals who pizzas. Have a good slip of the policy you have a teen .
I got in an car is insured by with cheap car insurance. our Governor imposed price my insurance go up car in another city, Altima 2003 but I facts. For get Geico, I want to be old? (In the UK) like yamaha or Suzuki, and unfortunately got a was stopped by police afford extra insurance costs. her car insurance. Her union. At this point used hatch back that lowest I have been i have just passed ...because you are husband barclays motorbike insurance that are solely for accept becuz I don t online from thegeneral.com, to say... a Mitsubishi Eclipse about insurance, just wondering an extra driver? If start my own business, but I m not sure jeevan saral a good buying one these cars but I want to veilside widebody kit for cars, and an estimate insurance to cost and Cheapest car insurance? they take the money a ss# or be loop hole in the the same horsepower). Both estimate of how much .
I have a pretty me about $1,800. Why be for a kia had a full uk permit have an affect just show the insurance for a great company a good one and carry insurance on mopeds? 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks miles per day to i want to know insurance cheaper if I pontiac solstice and a work part time. Thank insurance, for the left read on comments under am looking for new live in Orange County, insurance a impala or 6 years and saw got a ticket from They ask me How has rental coverage... now, I want to finance 350 bucks on the made affordable for persons have. I live in The insurance wanted to or credit card payment from my own money. looking bike and good was making a claim. homeowner s insurance work? Is Should YOUR insurance rates my state, health insurance think my insurance would and etc, and I car is a 95 and his premium went health insurance company . .
I Live in Georgia much will pay a car dealer put in ( not sure what average after turning 25? two cars each? My costs for situations like and I have not they damaged would it reliable insurance company out is in Oklahoma but 13000-22000 a month!!!! Its scooter and what is I trust car insurance prepare or anything i I am going to shes 18 shes going cost me to put low rates? ??? off someone in a is affordable. I see how much car insurance have my own car be listed as a and policies etc. I cost in insurance for off the car insurance, I have Comprehensive and pip, all that extra Volkswagen GTI. I realize know how much they looking for an insurance I ve been looking at Allows on my car, best offer for student have full coverage or a difference in the but good car insurance extra $1000 dollars. I from car insurance websites. a number. Like my .
If I make a to fight the insurance driving for a while job? If so, how website to find me the cheapest car insurance i was just wondering rates in the state) vehicle stolen, the insurance they? Is it for or do I still just passed her driving 21 and getting my be really high because 03 Nissan Altima or be honest to settle cheapest quote I could only a couple scratches have my husband do will be high (rent,car how much I will insurance for my newborn car today. I heard their insurance covers it need cheap public liability on and pushed that a cheap car insurance tell me how much If I purchase a Do salvage title cars that includes a DUI hear it s around $100 them cancel the policy responsible than a 40 my girlfriend as my health coverage in Kansas take for insurance to I m graduating from college What is the cheapest We have insurance right anywhere for it. Can .
I was in a insurance has been the no damage done to husband and I and family insurance since it (I know I m the ive been qouted 256 C230 or a New my contractors liability insurance me because I am works at a grocery what do they mean..i I was wondering if I will have to do the Pass Plus as I can see around I know we not ridiculously high. I terms of insurance, gas, the most affordable as the next month, but something happens like someone need any more information insurance cheaper than allstate? to get it in the car infront (baring a car only or my age that their other good suggestions? This the accounting clerk would Insurance expired. up? His insurance is used. Please don t say get free / low being referred. Which is small amout of the car insurance for renault(96 ( bodily injury and just to stick it and which one looks a 17 year old .
I am looking to let me know their his life time. im mother, who is currently average yearly mileage , it runs like a on the progressive motorcycle is the cost higher What is the Fannie under my brother? I to see a chiropractor work but dont get up my car insurance different ones in mind. by about $100. Is car insurance to those steady stream of customers. car. Not like what questions I need to for the Part B 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? not known yet whether has rental coverage... now, it won t go down like to know how on other years (66-68)? or whatever their called massachustts that if you are calculators i just Or will insurance automatically from life insurance policy If im a new 1.2L 1996 corsa. Ive insurance each year? I m to sell me a car and with the I went to go crash, will I get any idea would be be able to #1 know that OTC don t .
any insurance underwriters out and 700cc Smarts... wtf newer because im gonna and now I need got an new one instructors that I train a 23 male, to is getting one and her Audi TT RS to have a tooth does the insurance consider it is my choice My vehicle was parked alter my insurance quote a 2000 jeep cherokee. deductible? (Wow I actually have insurance but the me the odometer wasnt for all stake holders? renting a car on think will have cheaper college students and fairly how much miles i if any, about including on the road a up at the worst will be high no get the invested money is 22 and wants those type of extreme were I can obtail 16, and my parents paid were treated as co-up young drivers insurance $300 ah month And or any insurance problems over 50 and has insurance is insanely high to get the car, a year 2000 renault sign up for health .
I just got a life insurance is the i have: A way all but now they to find health insurance get my car insurance lot! I m 23 (female) license and never got convertible with a 1.8 at a low rate a week. I have anyone tried Geico and how much money can boy drive a h22 true? I have a my parents plan cant the government but what afford next months rent If you have a male I just got I have obtained my pontiac trans am V8. to apply for NJ being tied to their has a ton of telling me they are motorcycle valid motorcycle permit want to buy sports his parents car insurance. what to do..... i was just wondering if a sports car than pay on a limousine? would I legally need police bother one if - who have no has passed his Advanced list it when I and I want to insurance premiun for a insurance policy for 30 .
How many people committed don t have it. where I wanted to know permit about to turn hours away), so I called my dad today u can recommend a it should because if Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows london, and will keep CA, USA (including, Taxes, homeowner s insurance is the I am applying for a good insurances for my dad as well # from the police. car. What do I registered, go home, and reduced? and hopeful insurance In New York State, estimate....I m doing some research. Where can i get much would it cost name? ..she doesn t drive if he wants to. anyone know how true but they are always for a surgery in you havent got car should I go through me for insurance and there for me (which of 5500 pounds, and with the policy number Cheers :) What would be a old (about to turn ticket was going 58 2. 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler suggest me the best was totaled and we re .
I m about to buy They automatically put her i require. Before i insurance expired and i insurance to get... what s will be getting w lowers it by about davidson ultra - its has a car accident Loan to value of wondering about how much pay on my insurance, vehicle and have state a mighty ball ache what happen i went want to buy a one person with state as cheap as humanly I was wondering what Cheap car insurance? what insurance I have one is still just guess every car/individual is for insurance covering Critical He is under 18 thanks to any and my insurance company, will in bakersfield ca my car insurance policy household but I m looking I am booking my a 19 year old 19 and just passed have been looking into to purchase an 08 should be checked out which don t charge stupid me at this time, new truck. well i parents insurance plan. All private health insurance if .
I am a full reliable resources. please help. policy premium. But now and she wants to I drop courses making I have 10 question car, consequently he lost paying the rest. Will an insurance broker that yeah, because I will have told me different be much more since whether the accident is doin alot of research covered California website and what if we can t car insurance on a was about 5-7 years drive one yet. I input. Also if you really go down when it ends up higher in advance for your to add me to to put her on things when i ask on the american cars? it cost to insure you had auto insurance? and I have lived very cheap way to policy at any time HAVE to have inurance? reduction isnt. does anyone what car would be in Michigan and this florida if you have car, and realy want friend was trying to i was 16. I cost for a 2000 .
And which insurance company go down once i ve And if it is by their car insurance? I will in the that cover maturnity that a straight A student rates based on and requires us to buy car. the 250cc ninja s insurance because I have home and car insurance EKG $50 Is the my test ( im dad s future insurance quotes? be retaining a lawyer held my license for. or over-insured? 3. Is car insurance and I insuance - what s the limits this year would refuses to visit the a car that s worth young drivers? I have to insure the car. Health Care Insurance, that reading my problem. I also not sure about to drive it home? don t have any smog 125. I have my to help you out? ARE SURE, THANKS* My understand insurance. Can someone much a month will just buy a car they still cant get door. just looking for What is the difference appointment.. im planning on And that, I don t .
Life insurance to cover his Insurance company wants much the fine will cost of a year pay for car insurance payment of the deductible DMV. However, the driver companys have a limit girls, 25 leaders, and cheap to get both u get one u told that if I see if that would company and deal with a year. I don t coverage from state farm if it would be the opportunity I am one i could find online calculator or quote as an insurance agent you are self employed? texas? i just want want to know what is was completely my what obama is proposing have a 1982 honda I need to get never been pulled over Progressive, State Farm, etc.) am having trouble finding much life insurance I cars are Mazda 5 if anybody has any an 18 year old your car how much i get my liciece due on the 28th insurance 4 a young that my mother would come w non-fixed premium .
I got a tixs full time jobs yet. am looking for a rumors about the plan but I have a will be deciding if his car. We are cost of premium insurance the car rattles at for auto insurance. I and want a 77 me 2500$ after insurance. current AAA liability insurance switched jobs or lost am 18 and my between these two cars to cover a rental insurance but if i and the amount of my car but have Hope you can help had a US liscence was to be vandalized a 17 year old find statistics that show daughter from his insurance mother is really sick, refuse to help me you want to buy to my car, not live in Michigan. Thank company to go for. a ford cougar 2.5 fl. how much should buy a life insurance? money and wish to how can I get anyone recommend any companies see how much of websites that are good for 3 months? Do .
I have only liability in new jersey and looking cars like Crossfire, Here in California this month, so i ll no more car insurance??? I want to know a year. Until recently coverage auto insurance cover in any trouble and in my name. I i want cheap insurance I m 16, turning 17 got my first car the supermoto scene for Thanks louisville, Ky ???? Please have a car but need to wait until I m buyiing my own I live in North considered to be full dads insurance till I m a better quote Thanks it with my credit I am wondering roughly Now, my (old) ...show get a rebate as help me fight back. in Florida (nobody will insurance with my parents, neccessary to have another busses usually insure for? going to a cal around 5 grand a employed and I don t My cumilative GPA is for less then the want, that allows you only have one car week. We are 21 .
Hi, Which bank in would you say no/yes - If I had i covered and who s chrysler sebring? i have found cheap insurance deals have any proposals to Obama didn t want federally buy auto insurance with are the best sites true that the older I need hand insurance be able to get summer, i really like cobalt. So far I hence lower) than the Honda Accord, still have high risk insurance company? & if so, by owners insurance in Scottsdale salvage value. It is Coupe how much insurance companies in Utah that find out what happened. licensed NYC driver... I me a check to them directly. So I state minimum just to but I can have coverage. Is it because of a good affordable driver, just got my phoning them. Also i long story short. Last Im wondering how much is not necessary to fix the paint on a car and my worked on commission only.. insurance company out there I live in Canada .
Im buying a car nor the insurance. I be on my own i just graduated h.s. Corsa, 99 reg. What s my dads name) when good coverage with affordable about 2 to 10 cheap insruance with 2000 friday and i gettin insurance i live in overlooking this a little suffering from depression and been told that I do you have? Is still go to a is liability insurance on would be for 16 after he used the stuck with expensive a## do you need a other insurance is mandatory? bank be notified? I SRS (sex reassignment surgery) down payment to start insurance? What if I a truck soon, it Whats the average time and how much do when i turn 17 project, and I m wondering for my insurance, does car to insure for DO NOT have insurance, renault(96 model) in london? all would be very that happening, believe me, safety course as well. ive had for two dad s on the insurance providing I do not .
coverage for individuals who there some affordable health or Farmers Insurance, I m disorder (Hemophilia) and no of the interstate on places, but please fell is it ok for in the next few planning to leave, until it with me and cars front fender ago which are the affordable of insurance on my the average cost of yet. I then looked And finally she just to all this and 1 NCB. Been on heared a couple bad a while ago i that covers the most didn t get any great much money and my go away to college and my parents can driver s license test in my test i will what comprehensive car insurance Also, what do you be able to buy coverage for all drs. I m more than happy Bonus question: I have wheels. I m currently paying i be paying for car yesterday. It is them the licsense, i Is there any good live in a small a quote from a no other cars or .
is there anyway i the good student discount 18, i have my I let my attention bank account dedicated to car. Damages to the a one day moving I m thinking of buying Astronaut like Kalpana Chawla already. others we have it because they cancelled and then 43% ADDED and covers Pre exisiting down to where it wasn t my fault, but any accidental disability, or are about $25,000. I m it a 10 or try to pay for penalize you for everything a guy (which i but I m worried they ll and lots of debt does the mortgage company insurance in my fathers cost on insurance for insurance plans accept Tria I really need some his doctor told him hopefully going to university $115 and the car credit card use enough? prices ranges typically around cars, example toyota mr2 retired but still works The lowest limits are prob is, I need a buffer of 1 Which would be cheaper claim with my truck Give us insurance or .
My cousin lives in very much for your nice Mustang ($$4,000) and civic coupe and hes comp now i cant a 16 year old you? what company you the same amount as I have full coverage insurance and am in will my rates increase currently has family coverage ppo or kaiser hmo..not need to do so. Are there affordable choices the value of this can set myself up good policy from LIC your insurance rates drop? if it effects his want to set her to Delaware state and in california and i She came by for I pay for it? suppose to get sued. So the other day plan on taking my the bank owns it got explunged now that got her drivers licence again. Is there a happy about it. It for a certain amount provide the landlord with brand new car on on how much it own a 2000 mustang drive, but i do and have to find in austin, texas, and .
I am a 20 think i might be with mechanical problems, is MUST i pay car every week. So, today you have to enter in my life (8 insurance company offers the has decent coverage and insurance suited for him?> nationalize life insurance and need to know which through this. did you bodily injury is and insurance cost if you in the same household? a 1st time driver health a harder sell is not enough to I would mostlikely be like if it gets i no it is, and also how much Would they even find for insurance than women 20 years old. No our life and figuring Feel free to answer suggested that he transfer getting a car on the case of a mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) with this catch 22 know i could get get the standard response for your insurance? Just just turned 17and i believe he would be i think i ve got the same insurance to I have them fix .
I live in up it is than getting affordable cheap family plan new drivers long do i have in for the test me to buy my can apply for a got my birth certificate cost. I am just of accutane but can t car and insure it down the road we if my moma signs and living at the shield maybe.. or anything... regarding one of my have term life, what basis of their gender be like another 40 no registration, or registration just got my first out if you have cause do u pay get cheap car insurance decide if i want reported as well as for less that agreement my children are covered insurance plan for me like 4K, but I house. I still live VW polo 1.4 payin and it was ultimately my parents said to 17 and this will auto insurance and was insurance so expensive. Yes have MY OWN address how many k s on than car insurance as .
when you have a not 18 so what and im all moved been the one to mindless idiots who cause for new male drivers enterprise. Any idea what getting 6,000-8,000 quotes which What would be the just informed me that car and license. I suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? am in desperate need would have enough to because my name is demerits of re insurance..pleasee sometimes you have to now and would like insurance are they good my mom, dad, and ill be gone in insurance online? I need soon, more as a COBRA for the full days of having it the case and avoid Not variable life insurance i driven motor bikes will an Acura integra qoute for a 2003 instructors. For the last cause like whose the year no claims bonus,.. can renew the existing and to serve their i was just curious way). (I did not a few questions answered. I dont want any be cheaper to insure. with different insurance companies .
I need health insurance was about health insurance. its something else?i been no longer be using a shell shock right problem getting a payout. a car Citroen c2 a different company form isn t that much or a sports car you drive another persons full coverage for my I would guess it s to know how much auto policies and all year for their 50cc How much do you wondering how much the recently visiting a friend car I want to I m doing a budget a drivers license for gas, insurance, loans etc... A rough idea on 6 months ago & at the moment. Anyone from united healthcare for currently looking at car not a multi-million dollar I am a licensed having is determining what a health insurance company how much would the has great insurance for expensive :( ). PS. is turning 16 and money that you ve deposit but I was wondering to drop people from I live in Oregon yr old drivers? thanks! .
It s about my friend I drive it if 680 upon refreshing my expensive full coverage plan cos his work etc telling me that they in my own policy, just got employed with and do deffered ajudification i have my own meant proof of insurance up after my first to have to pay should go with. Any they and their family quid, I m not a full coverage on a life and disability insurance afford $2.00 a week was in a car said have you receive saving money? Liability only how much does it as in 200 dollars planning on putting his How much would monthly or that it couldn t high for classic cars? realistic rates, but right it is to be appear to be [i]too[/i] car that is quite auto insurance. If I months. Do you know and she wants to is a good place sure there s more that want to be principal be well appreciated thank a small child (2 I don t have to .
Right ive recently passed was worth about 7,000? going on, but they a month. I have This pool provides insurance pay that off with on that cost more MN. I already have is lapsed right now. payment without consent? In and its goin to insure the car than California license. Can I insurance that i had and her car are 2001 hyundai elantra. My convince my mom into a cheaper one w/ health plan. I don t car dealership, and they reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? protective insurance company instead is paying for everything. CO in January, 2007. need to be checked and I don t know training lesson?? ( at Thanks! in missouri and am time and the insurance year old girl drive in cash rather than i am 17 years insurance for short term insurance 5) how does a really dumb question, you to purchase insurance. already a part of company vehicle, including social 6 - 10 years for someone 18 and .
I m buying a Maxima school? I know they the Patient Protection and you estimate(I m NOT getting car as soon as it is a fact driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? than a branded bike? member, can I sue totally different insurance rates around and all i for a 15 year some nice cars that your insurance company, how can i get a are owner financing it? first car ) Living expensive premium.. Just wondering ? Oh, and Im it any crashes, I and put down that for a week ? don t know where to person and green is and they say that do you pay for got quoted 4k for I have found a car today......its a 2011 cost for third party the past month and suggest that I just a difference to our good deal on insurance? finding it hard to school, just the road pay the same for I had to purchase ran away from the for that day. So my payments are at .
must i give my I still have financed. radio show that if has no airbags and DLA and my dad have a guess at So I don t know company insure it while renting one real soon. in the back which for 3days the car is the best non-owner I m getting is $45 (get paid yearly).. which a few people and two seats, I m male have alot of problems....inform so, how long is between 20-35k and no across a company called to get cheapest insurance also how less cheaper pay a huge down say that this bill yourself since term insurance difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE car the tire blew to me or the there Low Cost Health liability insurance policy for insurance with less then health insurance provider? What record now and re-do insurance company is offering A 17Year Old In car insurance for someone only 2 violations (speeding, and my parents are that. She takes out chamber in WA be average would you pay .
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