#china layas
apopcornkernel · 2 months
there's a really easy solution for us non-americans to stop having opinions on US politics and it's called leaving our countries alone 💞💞💞
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elfilibusterismo · 3 months
too scared to look into the notes of prev reblog bc i know there'll be ccp bootlickers in there as if one of the most prominent slogans amongst the philippine left rn isn't "us-china layas"
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goodtripsblog · 11 months
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Batangas State University - TNEU celebrated the 120th founding anniversary.
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ICYMI: Cardinal Gaudencio B. Rosales, the archbishop emeritus of Manila together with Fr. Juan Carlos Coloso presided the Holy Mass on the first day of the 120th Foundation Anniversary celebration of Batangas State University-The National Engineering University Pablo Borbon campus held at Gov. Feliciano ‘Sanoy’ Leviste Memorial Multipurpose gymnasium, Oct. 18. Attendees of the mass included the family members of Don Pablo Z. Borbon, senior and junior officials of Pablo Borbon and its extension campuses, faculty members, employees and students. An ecumenical and interreligious prayer service led by Rev. Felix Zaide was also held right after the mass.
Afterwards, Fr. Coloso officiated the blessing of the newly constructed four-level parking lot attended by officials, teaching, and non-teaching personnel as they lighted candles to signify their participation to the event.
via Helen Olarde, Sheryl Ann Rogel
Photos by Allyza Sandoval, Christian Joseph Umali, Brian Marco Umbao
#TraditionAndInnovation #PabloBorbonLegacy
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ICYMI: Farm to Pablo Borbon Market Fair dubbed 'Barakahan' officially opened as part of the three-day celebration of 120th Founding Anniversary of BatStateU-The NEU spearheaded by Dr. Charmaine I. Triviño, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Daryl M. Magpantay, Vice Chancellor for Research, Development and Extension Services, Dr. Lucille D. Evangelista, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Vaberlie P. Mandane-Garcia, Director for Extension Services at the University grounds, October 18.
In adherence to Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger, 17 trade fair participants including local farmers, artisans and university staff showcased freshly produced products and crafts with the aim of promoting healthy living while celebrating agriculture as well as fostering connections between the Pablo Borbon community and local agricultural producers.
On the other hand, adjacent to the Farm to PB booths, Student Organizations Fair also opened with eight participating stalls. Generated income will be used to support the indigent students and other related activities.
The trade fair will continue selling products and exhibiting crafts until Friday, October 20.
via Marish Joy Layas, Ma. Alona De Chavez
Photos by John Lester Manimtim, Ian Sayne Macasaet
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Here are some of the top stories for the second beat of BatStateU-The NEU's 120th Founding Anniversary Celebration:
• BatStateU-The NEU expresses gratitude to External Partners for empowering students
Dr. Jennifer Manalo, Head of the Scholarship Central Office, initiated the gratitude-filled gathering by acknowledging the honorary representatives from 29 partner institutions including CHED, DepEd Batangas City, DOST, Philippines S&T Development Foundation Manila Inc., China Philippines Silk Road Institute Foundation, and more.
Keynote speakers, Chancellor Expedito V. Arcoda and Atty. Noel Alberto Omandap, highlighted the university's unwavering commitment to improve the lives of students hailing from over 50 regions.
Dr. Rowena R. Abrea, the Vice Chancellor for Development and External Affairs, concluded the ceremony with a hopeful vision of strengthening partnerships and achieving even more remarkable milestones in the future.
via Alyssa Jed Matibag
Photos by Vijian Arcia
• Red Spartans sparkle in first-ever Research Elevator Pitch Competition on SDGs
The Sustainable Development Office held the first Scholarly Pitches Advancing Research Knowledge towards Sustainability (SPARKS) at the CITE Lecture rooms, October 19 joined by students from different departments and constituent campuses.
Winners included groups from the College of Teacher Education, Integrated School, and College of Arts and Sciences. Their projects covered topics like digital literacy for the Aeta community, natural oil spill absorbents, and resource extraction as a response to the call of SDGs.
via Mhykaella Mendoza and Lauda Leyma
Photos by Marianne Alacar
• Anniversary Extravaganza: Student orgs illuminate campus with knowledge, creativity
The university grounds remained in motion as the student organizations showcased their unique initiatives in sharing information and interaction with the red and white community, October 19.
The College of Medicine offered blood typing services, while BioMaSS provided free access to biology knowledge through book selling, as CRIMSOC demonstrated precision shooting. The campus continues to thrive with vibrant activities and the spirit of knowledge sharing.
via Marish Joy C. Layas
Photos by Trisha Nelle Cortado
• Barakahan ng Borbonian: PB Grounds Turn into a Shoppers' Paradise
With the goal of promoting local products and building relationships, local vendors once again gathered at the PB Grounds and transformed it into a shopper’s paradise showcasing products such as fresh produce, sweet delicacies, and unique Mangyan tribe items, October 19.
via Danica Pasco
Photos by Lindsey Alvarez
• Local artists pump up Red Spartan Community
In a thrilling night of music and celebration, over 2,300 students from different colleges attended the ‘Shaking Grounds’ event featuring Maki and This Band at the Governor Feliciano "Sanoy" Leviste Memorial Gymnasium as part of the 120th Founding Anniversary of BatStateU-The NEU.
via Ma. Salveangeline Capistrano
Photos by CJ Umali
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It sounds like you're interested in hearing about experiences related to Batangas State University 120th foundation. School foundations are organizations that support educational institutions by raising funds, providing resources, and offering various forms of assistance.
If you're looking for personal experiences, I'd be happy to share a general example. For instance, some individuals have volunteered or worked with school foundations, helping to organize fundraisers, manage finances, or even contribute their expertise in areas like marketing or event planning.
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aeseoohh · 4 months
Ako vs. POGO Hub layas China
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brucemratliffmx · 1 year
Impulsar capital humano y competitividad en la región: CEPAL
La ex subsecretaria general de Naciones Unidas, Arancha González Laya, destacó que la integración económica de América Latina y el Caribe dependerá de tres requisitos: conectividad, inversiones en capital humano y  competitividad.
“Es el tríptico donde la región tiene la capacidad de navegar. Y tiene un gran capital humano, lo que hace falta son políticas públicas en sectores como la tecnología y los servicios”, precisa la también decana  de la Paris School of International Affairs.
En la apertura del ciclo conmemorativo de conferencias magistrales por el 75 aniversario de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), Arancha González, consideró que una de las desventajas que tiene la región frene a los países desarrollados son las políticas de subvención Industrial.   
“Nos tenemos  que preocupar porque mientras ellos ponen miles de millones de dólares en la mesa para subvencionar al sector industrial, en la región no están disponibles, por lo que tenemos que invertir en la economía de la tecnología  y los servicios”, recomendó.
En videoconferencia desde Santiago de Chile, sede de la CEPAL, la también ex ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación de España abordó el tema de la integración regional.
Al respecto, dijo que en el actual contexto mundial reactivar la integración económica  dependerá de construir convergencias en los temas donde haya consenso.. 
“Este es un espacio donde toda construcción por muy pequeña que sea tenemos que darle la bienvenida y hay convergencias en retos que coincidimos como el calentamiento global, la protección de la biodiversidad y los océanos, el agua, la energías renovables”, indicó. 
Mediar en las tensiones entre China y EU
En la ronda de preguntas y respuestas, el Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, preguntó a la conferencista sobre el papel que debe jugar América Latina y el Caribe para mediar las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y China. 
La también ex funcionaria de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) se pronunció por que la región asuma un rol más activo para ayudar en las gestiones entre las dos potencias a pesar de sus diferencias.
“América Latina y el Caribe no pueden suplantarlos, pero si podemos ayudar a la gestión de esas diferencias. Y esa es la tarea que corresponde a muchos países de esta región”, añadió.
Consideró que el ascenso de China ha cuestionado la hegemonía estadunidense y nos dirigimos a nuevo orden mundial, en el que el cierre y no la apertura aparece como la regla principal en cuestiones tecnológicas de las dos potencias. 
source https://www.quebanco.mx/impulsar-capital-humano-y-competitividad-en-la-region-cepal/ source https://quebancomx.blogspot.com/2023/07/impulsar-capital-humano-y.html
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paperbackriot · 5 years
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4.9.19 // #AtinAngPinas protest, Day of Valor
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punkylilwitch · 2 years
Yoga and Meditation History
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First, let’s talk about Meditation
Though I’m sure you all know, meditation is (according to Wikipedia mind you) “Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.”
“Some archaeologists date meditation back to as early as 5,000 BCE, according to Psychology Today, and the practice itself has religious ties in ancient Egypt and China, as well as Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and, of course, Buddhism.“ - https://time.com/4246928/meditation-history-buddhism/#:~:text=Some%20archaeologists%20date%20meditation%20back,and%2C%20of%20course%2C%20Buddhism. 
In the 1960′s, meditation began to be seriously researched and critically analyzed for it’s medical benefits. It was famously found that meditation calmed the person doing the meditating, slowing their heartrate and breathing a considerable amount as well as changing their brainwaves in a way that promotes and helps with sleep. The 1970′s-80′s, however, is when meditation was boosted into the mainstream when The Beatles got a hold of it. They began to partake in Transcendental Meditation, which is a form of meditation that utilizes meaningless sounds as a means of concentration. Once meditation became more mainstream, doctors picked up interest in researching it once more, and discovered that it is a wonderful mindfulness exercise that is good for your health, so now, today, doctors recommend practicing it to relieve stress, anger, and other such mental ailments. 
Then comes yoga
Yoga has heavy ties to meditation. Not only are you easily able to meditate while doing yoga, but yoga is a good way to link your body to your mind and soul, as you can focus on the slow and steady movements while meditating. 
“The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. The Vedas were a collection of texts containing songs, mantras and rituals to be used by Brahmans, the Vedic priests.“ - https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/history-of-yoga/#:~:text=The%20beginnings%20of%20Yoga%20were,by%20Brahmans%2C%20the%20Vedic%20priests. 
Yoga does not adhere to any particular religion, belief system or community. Yoga is a multicultural phenomenon, but in yoga subcultures there can absolutely be religious ties. Some examples of these types of yoga are Jnana-yoga, Bhakti-yoga, Karma-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, Patanjala-yoga, Kundalini-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Mantra-yoga, Laya-yoga, Raja-yoga, Jain-yoga, Bouddha-yoga etc. Each subculture has its own individual principles and practices, and they each lead to the altimate aim and objectives of yoga as a whole. There are many religions and regions that claim to be the originators of yoga, such as Hinduism and Buddhism for example. Despite the debate, however, most believe that Hinduism is the overarching origin of the practice, and I’m inclined to agree. But regardless, it’s up to you to do your personal research and decide on your own what to believe.
Now, what does that all mean for witchcraft?
Well, in witchcraft, meditation and yoga have similar affects, as they both put you in a good mindset for practicing. They also are known to link the body, mind, and soul in a calming and secure way. Meditation is used in a grand handful of witchcraft ceremonies and rituals, as meditation can be centered around many differing topics and provide many differing results. Meditation is a wonderful way to do your shadow work, as it revolves around tackling one’s mind and taming one’s thoughts. Ergo, it can help you to calm yourself enough to unbury old memories, traumas, and fears so you can confront them in a healthy way. You can explore yourself thoroughly and delve into your inner mind, coming to terms with some of the reasons why you think and behave the way that you do.
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themhac · 3 years
mi rendo conto che rispetto ai contenuti deə anon di grace stamattina sta cosa non sia un granché, ma that's it: il primo bacio zaniolini
Il primo bacio Nicolò deve sognarselo un po’ prima di riceverlo. Da quando entrano in macchina, dopo aver soltanto sfiorato di lato le labbra di Lorenzo, continua a immaginarsele premute sulle sue, si chiede se sono delicate come quando toccano la sua guancia, se la barba gli farà il solletico sotto il mento oppure se gli verrà da ridere mentre finalmente le assapora perché sarà troppo contento per riuscire a trattenersi.
Il primo bacio lo sogna la sera stessa ma sa già che non arriverà, mentre si riambienta nella casa in cui mancava da un po’ e Laya e Leo gli fanno così tante feste da farlo quasi inciampare, “Si vede che mancavi anche a loro, – dice Lore, il sorriso sincero e la spontaneità di uno che sta parlando del più e del meno – mi assomigliano, se fanno così è perché sei speciale”, poi si china anche lui e accarezza Leo per calmarlo, ma ottiene l’effetto contrario perché il cane scatta più forte di prima e salta addosso a Nicolò, che di nuovo perde l’equilibrio, solo che stavolta serve a poco la mano dell’altro a prenderlo, anzi, succede che finiscono entrambi per terra con tutto il corpo. Le mani si tengono ancora mentre Lorenzo, rialzandosi, si avvicina a lui al punto che i nasi potrebbero sfiorarsi, lo guarda fisso negli occhi che luccicano e poi gli respira soltanto addosso. Non è un gioco per stuzzicarlo, Nico lo sa, è davvero contento e vuole assicurarsi che lui lo abbia capito – lo ha fatto, ha l’impressione che lo capirà ancora meglio più avanti.
Il secondo bacio lo sogna e lo desidera molto, ma non si presenta mai l’occasione perfetta: hanno ripreso l’abitudine di andare e tornare spesso da Trigoria con una macchina sola, a volte vanno a casa di uno dei due e guardano un film insieme, altre sono troppo esausti anche solo per parlare durante il tragitto. Il silenzio è tornato confortevole tra loro, non avrebbe l’esigenza di spezzarlo se non si fosse accorto che quella non è la strada per casa sua né per quella dell’altro. “Stiamo andando a cena dai miei – lo anticipa Lorenzo – però non è una presentazione ufficiale, per quella ci sarà tempo, – dice, ignorando la capriola che sente nello stomaco al pensiero – è solo mia madre che ti riempirà di domande mentre mio padre mi costringerà a cucinare con lui”. Andrebbe nel panico se ne avesse il tempo, ma stanno già parcheggiando nel vialetto, perciò si limita a sostituire lo sguardo preoccupato con uno imbarazzato prima di scendere a salutare entrambi. La tensione, comunque, lascia il posto alla serenità appena percepisce il calore con cui lo accolgono i genitori, si sente leggero con Lorenzo che gli accarezza la schiena a tavola e sua mamma che gli dice di aver conosciuto esattamente il bravo ragazzo che si aspettava. Quando rientrano in macchina torna subito il loro piacevole silenzio e gli occhi ogni tanto si chiudono per quanto è stanco, così, quando prima di farlo scendere Lore si sporge per lasciargli soltanto un timido bacio sulla guancia, annuisce, come a fargli capire che è d’accordo con lui, che quando accadrà vorrà essere completamente attento e concentrato, non certo in questo modo.
Il terzo bacio lo sogna e lo può solo sognare, legge negli occhi di Lore lo stesso desiderio quando gli corre incontro e si infila nell’incavo del suo collo mentre lui resta con il viso schiacciato sull’erba del campo e improvvisamente gli passa davanti ogni maledetta partita vista dalla tribuna per più di un anno, quella sensazione di impotenza a vedere gli altri giocare e scattare come nulla fosse. “Ce l’hai fatta Nicky” dice, il naso che si strofina sulla sua pelle e il respiro addosso, e lui riesce solo a pensare che non ci può credere, che finalmente è arrivato il suo momento, quello che ricaccia indietro le ombre del passato. Resterebbero fermi ancora un attimo se non arrivassero gli altri a tirarli nell’abbraccio di gruppo che Nico si merita per festeggiare, in cui la mano di Lorenzo premuta sulla schiena perde stabilità fino ad allontanarsi, intenzionalmente, perché vuole che riceva l’affetto e i complimenti di tutti e soprattutto che il protagonista sia soltanto lui, non loro. Ma a Nicolò non è bastato l’abbraccio di prima, così lo richiama a sé mentre Jordan è ancora vicino, quindi lo stringe più che può, gli bacia il collo e sussurra “È tutto tuo”, prima di lasciarlo al boato dei tifosi, tutto per lui, gli occhi che ancora brillano a entrambi.
Il quarto bacio lo sogna ma deve evitarlo, perché, anche se ha solo un po’ di raffreddore, non può rischiare di mischiare Lore. In verità che è solo raffreddore lo ha scoperto quando l’altro si è presentato a casa sua cinque minuti dopo aver saputo che non si sentiva bene e che era “troppo stanco per mettersi a cercare il termometro, chissà dov’è”, provvisto di una cena già pronta e di un termometro nuovo. “Sei un deficiente – prova a fare la voce da duro mentre gli scosta la coperta dal viso per sentirgli la temperatura – purtroppo per te sembra che stai bene, dopodomani già torni ad allenarti con me – cioè, con noi” e non resiste troppo senza abbozzare un sorriso quando si sente rispondere “E perché purtroppo? Sono sempre contento quando ci alleniamo insieme, intendo proprio io e te” ricambia il sorriso, anche se non nasconde benissimo il terrore per averlo detto davvero ad alta voce. Si giustifica mentalmente dicendosi che la febbre (che non ha) gli fa perdere la lucidità e poi si obbliga a parlare il meno possibile finché Lore non si chiuderà la porta alle spalle, ci manca solo una dichiarazione d’amore in preda al delirio mentre riceve le sue cure (di cui, comunque, non avrebbe veramente bisogno). “Ah sì?” ride Lorenzo, ma non si spinge oltre a stuzzicarlo perché, lo sa bene, se lo facesse finirebbe per baciarlo – e Nicolò non lo sa, ma il problema non è che rischia di ammalarsi, è che si è ripromesso di non farlo: vuole aspettare che sia lui a fare il primo passo, vuole che quando succeda sia perché si sente pronto a questo salto nel vuoto. Allora ripiegano – anche se stare con lui non è un ripiego in nessun caso, pensa Nicolò, ma questa volta si morde la lingua – su una serata passata a mangiare insieme nel letto con i corpi allineati e incollati dalla testa ai piedi mentre guardano una replica di Friends (che poi è quella in cui Rachel e Ross sono usciti insieme per la prima volta e Rachel continua a ridere mentre lo bacia, quindi ancora una volta Nico deve serrarsi la bocca per non rivelare quello che pensa, forse lo farò anche io quando ci baceremo). Più tardi Lorenzo lo saluta con un bacio della buonanotte sulla fronte, e se poi lui si addormenta rigirandosi a cercare l’odore che ha lasciato impresso sui suoi cuscini è sicuro che la mattina dopo, ritrovato il senno, non lo dirà a nessuno.
Il primo quello vero, però, arriva come non se l’era mai sognato: è lui a dare il via, per di più sotto gli occhi di tutti. Hanno organizzato una cena di squadra tranquilla, la stagione è cominciata al meglio e vogliono godersi questo momento prima che qualcosa arrivi a metterli in difficoltà, Nico sta finalmente bene e in campo si sente sempre più sicuro, fuori sta imparando a ricevere le premure dei suoi amici senza farsi mangiare dai dubbi, con Lorenzo tutto procede lentamente ma naturalmente, insomma sembra tutto troppo bello per essere vero. Questa volta, però, invece di convincersi che allora non è vero, che è tutta una presa in giro e che presto rimarrà di nuovo solo, si volta verso i suoi compagni di squadra, li guarda uno per uno e completa il giro soffermandosi sul profilo di Lore, che, accanto a lui, ricambia subito con un sorriso luminoso. Continua a guardarlo mentre dice “Sono molto contento di essere qui” abbastanza forte da far intendere che è rivolto a tutti, anche se per lui vale un po’ di più. La sua tenera confessione è accolta con baci mandati da lontano, nomignoli affettuosi e anche da Henrikh che lo prende in giro “ah ma allora anche tu ce l’hai un cuore!” in risposta al quale Nico sorride debolmente, cercando di camuffare un po’ il dispiacere, eppure Mkhy sta solo scherzando, lo sa, come dovrebbe saperlo anche Lorenzo che nonostante questo non riesce a trattenersi dal soffiare “tu invece il cervello dove l’hai lasciato?” tra i denti, mentre sotto il tavolo con la mano cerca la sua. È calda e morbida e gli ricorda che c’è qualcuno che lo capisce così bene da sapere perfettamente quando va bene prenderlo in giro e quando rassicurarlo. Non importa che lo abbia protetto, anche perché sa difendersi da solo e in ogni caso Mkhy non è certo un nemico, ma è talmente sorprendente e bello sentirsi finalmente compreso che Nico non riesce a resistere e si gira il tanto che basta a catturare le sue labbra in un bacio lento. Sì, sono morbide, sì, la barba gli fa il solletico e sì, gli viene da ridere, è troppo contento per far caso ai fischi e alle grida dei compagni, riesce solo a nascondersi col viso sulla spalla di Lore mentre, ancora col sorriso addosso, lo guarda con gli occhi lucidi, “Sono contento di essere qui, davvero” ripete, “Ti stavo aspettando” rivela allora l’altro, lo sguardo furbo che si mischia a quello felice.
Sono tutti e due troppo contenti per notare Gianluca che confabula con Bryan e armeggia col telefono, “Hai vinto tu” scrive velocemente ad Ale: quella famosa sera, dopo aver passato tutto il tragitto a sognare il divano, alla fine è stato sveglio a parlare con lui dei loro due casi disperati preferiti e sono finiti a scommettere su chi avrebbe iniziato il primo bacio, “Ti dico che sarà Nico, Lollo sa che ne ha bisogno, per dire a se stesso di potersi lasciar andare”, “Sono d’accordo, ma io dico che i buoni propositi di Lollo falliranno velocemente, non ce la fa a resistere”.
“Dopo tutto quello che ho fatto nemmeno una scommessa mi fanno vincere, non li sopporto” scrive in fretta, senza bisogno di specificare che non è vero, che in realtà sta sorridendo come un cretino perché è impossibile non essere contagiati dalla loro allegria in questo momento. Così spensierati e felici non li ha visti proprio mai.
“Allora ti mando l’iban?”
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catdotjpeg · 3 years
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Organizations under the peasant sector launched a program in front of the Department of Agriculture to charge the Duterte regime with its criminal negligence and lack of support for farmers and farmworkers amid the pandemic. 
ARPAK and other organizations [marched] towards [University of the Philippines] Diliman to continue the People's [State of the Nation Address] with other sectors.
-- Artista ng Rebolusyong Pangkultura (ARPAK), Jul 25 2021
[IMAGE ID: 1. Filipino peasant activists gather on a sidewalk carrying flags, placards, and banners. The largest banner features an illustration of activists crushing Duterte and the u.s. and Chinese flags. The text reads “Duterte wakasan na! US-China layas! Lupa at ayuda! Hindi Cha Cha!” (End Duterte now! US-China, go away! Land and assistance, not charter change!) In the corner, the org names ARPAK, SAKA, and Anakpawis are painted. 
2. Many activists spill out from the sidewalk onto the street. In the center, several activists hold a large banner which reads “Wakasan ang pahirap, pabaya, at pasistang rehimeng Duterte!” (End the punishing, negligent, and fascist Duterte regime now!) At the bottom, the org names KMP, Amihan, Pamalakaya, UMA, NNARA Youth, SAKA, and Sinagbayan are printed. 
3. A photo of a large papier-mache figure created to look like a peasant woman. She is wearing a sunhat, long sleeves, and a sash which reads “Duterte wakasan!” Across her chest is an illustration of peasants and laborers crushing a caricature of Duterte. She holds a sickle above her head. 
4. A peasant activist speaks into a microphone during a speech. She is wearing a garment which reads “We are not for sale!” A representative from the fisherfolk sector stands behind her holding a paddle which reads “China layas!” Next to him, a peasant activist holds a placard which reads “Stop the TNCs, agroecology now!” 
5. Six activists wearing red shirts march along the freeway holding placards. All of the placards feature the phrase “Duterte, wakasan na!” 
6. Activists from the peasant organization Anakpawis march along the freeway with black placards. The giant papier-mache peasant woman can be seen in the distance behind them. 
7. Activists from a variety of organizations march with the Wakasan banner and organizational flags. An activist from Amihan also carries a bilao painted with the words “Defend peasant women!”]
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unpensadoranonimo · 3 years
Las noticias de los últimos días (14/8/2021)
El Ayuntamiento de Murcia investiga si hubo irregularidades del anterior equipo de Gobierno en unas obras
El Comité de Bioética avala que la Iglesia declare "libres de eutanasia" sus hospitales sin perder los conciertos
El Gobierno admite que inició su transición energética sin medir los riesgos en el mercado eléctrico
El Gobierno investiga el "escandaloso" vaciado de los embalses por parte de Iberdrola
El 'Romeo' debe llegar: el problema del helicóptero antisubmarino en Espa��a
La crisis se ceba con los mayores de 50: el paro crece el doble que entre los jóvenes
La Policía concluye que la red de Moreno gestionaba "hasta 130 sociedades" para el desvío de fondos
La rescatada Air Europa no ha recuperado este verano ni la mitad de sus vuelos
Los 15 asesores de Moncloa que vigilarán los fondos UE no podrán fiscalizar su reparto
Obligada a buscar empleo con un 65% de discapacidad: "Me han desahuciado"
Profesores cuestionan la 'nueva' Primaria: "Idean en el despacho, pero no pisan un aula"
SIMPLE LOGICA: El 52,7 % de los ciudadanos desaprueba los indultos del procés
El Govern catalán 'coloca' al exescolta de Puigdemont en un puesto clave de Derechos Sociales
ERC coloca a la mujer de Carles Mundó de asesora de Interior con un sueldo de 86.000 euros al año
Francia rebaja medidas cautelares a 'Josu Ternera' y le retira la pulsera telemática
La Generalitat juega su última baza para intentar que en Netflix y HBO haya más catalán
Primera fractura en el nuevo Gobierno. La ministra de Transportes cuestiona la ampliación de El Prat
Víctimas, partidos y guardias civiles contra el acto por el etarra Parot en Mondragón
Ciudadanos insta a sus afiliados a detectar conflictos de intereses entre sus familiares
La fundadora de Cs se sincera en un nuevo libro: "Rivera puso sus ambiciones por encima del país"
La OMS pide que se "despolitice" la pandemia y que los países "cooperen" para hallar los orígenes del SARS-CoV-2
Montero desautoriza a Escrivá y rechaza el impuesto especial para Madrid
Presidencia invierte diez veces más en actos públicos del Gobierno que en 2019
Podemos afronta indemnizaciones de hasta 300.000 euros por las purgas en solo un año
Aumenta la tensión entre España y Nicaragua: Albares llama a consultas a la embajadora en Managua
China adelanta a EEUU como primera potencia mundial en inteligencia artificial
El juez cita como investigado a la mano derecha de Laya por la entrada de Brahim Ghali
El primer ministro polaco echa del Gobierno al líder de uno de los partidos de la coalición
EEUU envía tropas a Kabul para evacuar a la mayoría del personal de su embajada
España prevé traer al país a intérpretes afganos ante la amenaza talibán
España repatriará a los españoles en Afganistán y al personal de la embajada
Interceptan una carta con tres balas de 9 mm dirigidas al Papa Francisco
Israel ataca a Hamás en un área civil de Gaza como respuesta a los globos incendiarios
Kabul insta al Consejo de Seguridad a imponer sanciones contra los talibán dado su avance inexorable
La Corte Penal Internacional dice que hay crímenes contra la humanidad en Venezuela
Los talibanes ya controlan 19 capitales de provincia y están a unos 300 km de Kabul
La carta de 12 intérpretes afganos que ayudaron al Ejército español: "Nuestra vida está en peligro"
Malestar entre los diplomáticos por el silencio de Exteriores tras la imputación del número dos de Laya
Marlaska usa un "procedimiento inédito" para deportar a 700 menores que ONG y el Defensor del Pueblo consideran ilegal
Marruecos allana el camino hacia la reconciliación con la repatriación de más de 700 menores
Perú: imputan por lavado de dinero al primer ministro y al líder del partido de Gobierno
Vuelven a España los ‘hombres de negro’ de Bruselas para controlar el reparto de los fondos europeos
Caso Ábalos
La Justicia desbloquea los 34 millones restantes del rescate a Plus Ultra
Plus Ultra 'infla' su impacto en la economía en 264 millones para justificar el rescate
Caso Borbón
El Gobierno traslada toda la presión al rey: la vuelta a España de Juan Carlos I ya solo depende de Felipe VI
Caso Canal Isabel II
La Audiencia pone fin a la impunidad de Ignacio González por el campo de golf del Madrid con menos zonas verdes
Caso Nueva Rumasa
Alfonso Ruiz-Mateos, condenado a un año de cárcel y multa por un delito contra Haciend
Caso Tandem
El juez del 'caso Villarejo' rechaza anular la imputación de Galán y los directivos de Iberdrola
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That person who sent you an ask bitching about Bhutan is mad wrong and knows next to nothing about the Bhutanese. The only thing slightly true there is probably overlooking the Nepali expulsion, but things are getting better between the two countries, though I am unsure if they are allowed to (or want to) return. Though I know Nepalis who work and visit Bhutan and aren't descriminated against. Their Royal Family even celebrates Dashain and other Hindu festivals. They don't openly talk about it and I doubt in schools, but so does every single other country that has walked this earth.
Tbfh with you as much as I like studying royals, monarchy is wack, but I have to tell you that the Bhutanese monarchy is nothing at all like cliche tyrannical medieval dictators. This is ONE instance where Kings and the government are nowhere near stinky. Bhutanese culture deeply admires their Kings because they have given them no reason to otherwise, dead stop. I will die on this hill. Would that asker seriously prefer if Bhutan spilled over into civil war and were constantly discontent with their government? Orrrrr be proud and happy (excuse the pun) for being Bhutanese and for the guidance of the Wangchuck dynasty? Because they clearly do not understand that there is no reason at all to speak ill of them even if people wanted too. This is not comparable to the over mediatized Windsors. Monarchy works for them and their culture. That asker just has to deal. I have hundreds of Bhutanese friends (I aint kidding you man, they are super friendly on socials) who will say that they are not fucking oppressed or whatever the heck that asker was trying to push. How dare they assume North Korea of all things too lmao. Those laws are not punished by labor camps, fuck outta here. And tbf some of those laws are good, like drinking and smoking. There are lgbt movements and laws are being made to protect their rights. I have three Bhutanese friends who are IN SAID MOVEMENTS. So fuck outta here with them being backwards. High tech things? What??? Hell my friend Tshoki who lives in the Laya Highlands has technology. Piss off.
And lastly (I swear), how and why the heck do they have a problem with Ghos and Kiras??? I would take that fabulous traditional clothing over anything anyday. And to make them happy, it is not as popular with younger gen as their warped mind thinks it is. Losing culture is shit, don't twist that. They already prefer learning English over Dzongkha, don't take away their clothing too.
Sorry this got long lmaoooo
2/2 And while we on this, how the hell are they going to talk about Bhutan as if it were el diablo and seamlessly leave out China the actual dictatorship next door???? I seriously have a headache
TBH, I don't really know anything about the situation in Bhutan. I have no idea. What really pissed me off about that anon was the guilt-tripping, you know? My country, Venezuela, is fucked. We are fucked. Right now, I have been relying on my phone's data for over a week, is expensive as fuck. I've called my internet provider FOR DAYS and haven't got a solution yet. And there are many, many things worse than this that could go on and on about. And yet, when I do, I don't go around manipulating people into feeling guilty because they don't know/decide to not share things about my country. As I've said before, you get farther with people by asking them to signal boost a post or posts or suggesting to them to read about x, y, z subjects than sending them anons where you bitch at them for not being absolutely 100% aware of every little thing that happens in the world at all times.
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
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April 15, 2020: King Felipe, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Arancha González Laya, held videoconferences with the Spanish ambassadors in China, Rafael Dezcallar; in Peru, Ernesto de Zulueta and in Mexico, Juan López-Dóriga, about the current situation with the coronavirus in China, the repatriation processes of Spaniards abroad and the situation of the Spanish communities residing in other countries, respectively.
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usstorecollection · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: XAPPEAL Womens Laya Low Heel Lace Up Ankle Boot Shoes, Stone.
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aeseoohh · 4 months
🇵🇭 kalayaan sa kahirapan at krimen, 🌊 China layas!
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catdotjpeg · 3 years
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Today, November 30, is the birthday of Andres Bonifacio— a Filipino working-class hero and patriot who established the Katipunan in 1892 at age 29, and kickstarted the Philippine Revolution in 1896. Today is also the anniversary of the founding of Kabataang Makabayan, the socialist youth organization established during the Marcos era, and the formal founding of Anakbayan in the Philippines, chosen specifically to highlight our goal as youth and students of continuing the struggle for national sovereignty and national democracy that was started by Bonifacio so many years ago.
Even now, the Philippines lacks true independence as our people struggle to free the nation from foreign control. This year, President Duterte agreed to restore the Visiting Forces Agreement after meeting with the US Defense Secretary, dealing another blow to the sovereignty of the Philippines by allowing U.S. military to remain present in the country. At the very same time, Duterte has continued to literally sell out Filipino sovereignty to China and Chinese ruling class interests, signing away the ancestral lands of Indigenous people in the Cordilleras to Chinese foreign corporations in agreements such as the Kaliwa Dam Project and the Chico River irrigation project; buying overpriced vaccines and putting the Philippines in more debt to the Chinese government; and all the while ignoring the Chinese navy’s aggression against fisherfolk in the West Philippine Sea. Today, members of Anakbayan Queens rallied with members of @1sambayanusa and other NY-based @bayan.usa.ne organizations outside of the Chinese consulate in Manhattan to say: Atin ang Pinas! China layas!
It is true that elections are coming in May 2022, and with them, Duterte’s six-year presidential term will come to an end. However, we know that we cannot let our guard down just yet. We must stay vigilant and unite against the Duterte-Marcos tandem and the anti-independence, anti-people sentiments that they represent. Even when it comes to progressive candidates, such as Leni Robredo, we must push for support of pro-people choices, such as the abolition of the NTF-ELCAC. We have seen the ways the Duterte regime has used the NTF-ELCAC to attack the national democratic movement by labeling human rights activists, including youth and students, as “terrorists”, while the Filipino people continue to be truly terrorized by the devastating effects of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism. All people in support of peace and freedom in the Philippines must come together to bring an end to this violent and militaristic entity.
Today, we in AB Queens remember Bonifacio by continuing his legacy of resistance. We call upon Filipinos, both in the Philippines and in New York, to resist against fascism and the Duterte-Marcos tandem! Resist against U.S. and China’s foreign control! Resist against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism! Continue the struggle for national democracy until the Filipino people achieve true independence and liberation!
-- Anakbayan Queens, 30 Nov 2021
[Image ID: 1. A member of Anakbayan Manhattan and three members of Anakbayan Queens hold placards on the sidewalk. Two members are holding a red flag with the AB Queens logo on it. The placards read: “No to Marcos-Duterte”, “Demilitarize the West Philippine Sea”, and “Atin ang Pinas! China layas!” 
2. Members of Anakbayan and 1Sambayan stand on the sidewalk during a rally.
3. A member of Anakbayan Queens reads a statement from his phone while two Anakbayan members hold the Anakbayan Queens flag behind him. He is wearing the “Atin ang Pinas!” placard around his neck.]
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recantodaeducacao · 4 years
Ex-chefe de governo da Catalunha reage à suspensão da imunidade parlamentar
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O ex-chefe de governo regional da Catalunha Carles Puigdemont afirmou que esta terça-feira, 9, foi um dia triste para o parlamento europeu. Ele e dois ex-conselheiros perderam a imunidade parlamentar por decisão dos eurodeputados, o que os deixa mais perto da extradição para a Espanha, onde são acusados de sedição. Os três participaram da organização do referendo de 2017, que pedia a independência da Catalunha — algo considerado ilegal pela justiça espanhola.
Os processos contra Puigdemont e Antoni Comín foram suspensos depois que eles se tornaram membros do parlamento em 2019. Ambos estão em um autoexílio na Bélgica. Clara Ponsatí, que está na Escócia, ganhou a imunidade em 2020 — quando se tornou eurodeputada. Carles Puigdemont avaliou que ele e os colegas perderam a imunidade parlamentar, mas o parlamento europeu perdeu mais do que isso, assim como a democracia europeia. Para ele, este é um caso claro de perseguição política.
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A chanceler da Espanha, Arancha González Laya, disse que a decisão é um sinal de “respeito pelo trabalho do sistema judiciário” do país ibérico. Segundo ela, um parlamentar europeu não pode usar sua imunidade para “se proteger de aparecer diante da justiça nacional”. Nove líderes do movimento pela independência da Catalunha, que permaneceram em território espanhol, foram condenados a até 13 anos de prisão por terem participado do movimento de 2017. Entre eles está o vice-presidente regional, Oriol Junqueras.
*Com informações da repórter Nicole Fusco
The post Ex-chefe de governo da Catalunha reage à suspensão da imunidade parlamentar first appeared on Recanto da educação. from WordPress https://ift.tt/30tAWqT via IFTTT
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