#chinese vackers
look, i know i might be the only person to think chinese vackers, but just tHINK ABOUT IT-
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sea-nymphs-harmiony · 4 months
uhrm head cannon
head cannons of kotlc character's ethnicities !
Sophie Foster - American
Keefe Sencen - Australian
Fitz Vacker - Indian and Scottish
Biana Vacker - same as fiitz
Dex Dizzinee - Danish
Linh Song - Chinese and Vietnamese
Tam Song - same as linh
Stina Heks - Italian and Mexican
Marella Redek - Albanian maybe ?
Jensi Babblos - French and Spanish
Maruca Chebota - Ghanan and Brazilian
Wylie Endal - Ghanan and Norweigan
am I missing any character s
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they say hair is a gift, supposedly (from parent to child, never changed)
Biana Vacker hates aer long hair. Fitz hates his short hair. Somehow, that leads to them getting a better relationship.
continuation of Loveless Biana Vacker™
trigger warnings: implied child abuse, and if you struggle with hair in gender dysphoria, biana also struggles with that in this fic.
read on ao3!
Hair should never be cut.
Biana knows this.
Biana knows not to cut aer hair, not matter how much ae wants to, no matter what ae thinks.
Hair is a gift from aer parents. Everything about Biana's body is a gift from aer parents.
Biana hates aer parents, hates their fake smiles and fake life and their fake personalities and their everything, from their solid, hidden dislike of their children to their heavy expectations that can never be met.
Because Biana is known only for being beautiful, and your body is a gift from your parents.
Biana is nothing if not aer parents' child.
And therefore, Biana is nothing without them.
But Biana wants to cut aer hair, cut it short and shorter and shorter and shorter until there's very little left at all.
Biana wants to cut aer silky black hair, cut it and cut it to little bits, leave decorations of short strands of black around the sink.
So Biana does, little snips that get lost in the sea of hair that Biana has, going unnoticed even in the thin, thin hair of aers. They're unnoticed but they're taboo and they are wrong in every sense of the word, but Biana continues on with aer little snips and little breaks and it feels cathartic.
Biana cuts away, little by little, and that makes aer wonder if the hair will ever get so small as to be unnoticeable.
Biana wears too much white these days.
White, the colour of mourning and sadness and death and everything in between.
White is the colour of grief and emptiness.
It is also the colour of Everglen. It is empty and dead.
Biana thinks to aerself, in the sort of spiteful way that ae does, that Everglen is the melding of what aer life is at its core - a mix of American culture that ae lives in and the Chinese culture that ae comes from.
Empty white is all American; dead white is all Chinese.
It's between those two that Biana is, all empty and dead together, only alive on the outside.
Biana has no idea what that means.
Biana has no idea what ae means.
Biana can't love. Ae has long accepted this as fact.
It helps that Dex can't either.
But it's odd in its own way, the way that Biana can't love but cares all too much.
But Biana will cut aer hair, cut aer hair right now, and never have to worry about this again.
Biana raises the scissors, and hesitates.
Every cell, every atom in Biana's body screams 'no' with the force of a million suns, with the force of the brightest stars and the biggest of them too.
Biana drops the scissors on the floor, making a hard clanging sound.
Ae cannot cut aer hair. Not in this way.
Ae cannot—
Ae cannot cut—
Ae cannot cut aer hair.
It's Fitz that finds Biana crying on the bathroom floor, grasping the scissors within every inch of aer life.
"Biana?" he asks, tentatively, because they haven't quite built their relationship. Biana would say 'built from the ashes of what it was before' but there was no before, was there?
But Biana doesn't reply. How can ae?
So Fitz locks the door, and hugs Biana.
They're in America, where hair length isn't as sacred. Fitz gets short hair, because that's what Americans expect, and Biana gets long hair, because that's what American expect.
"Hair?" Fitz asks, when Biana finally calms down.
"Hair," Biana confirms.
"Hair for me, too," Fitz says. "I'd prefer it longer."
Biana nods. "Shorter for me."
They look at each other.
And there's a little bit of a silent confirmation, a silent understanding, that this is something that they can trust each other on.
And maybe that's enough to build their relationship up more, enough for Biana to get past Fitz being their parents' favourite, enough for Fitz to get past Biana's little more freedom.
Because they've just realized that they are both stuck and shackled by everyone around them.
"So," Dex says. "Your brother?"
Biana shrugs. "Yeah. We're... getting somewhere."
Xe raises an eyebrow. "Maybe he'll be another one of the people you care for."
Dex looks at ae for a little bit, and then looks down. "Bee, do you want a better relationship with your brother?"
"Of course."
"Then go for it. I mean it. Just... talk to him, get a better relationship. Live your life precisely how you want to."
Biana laughs mirthlessly. "I'll never do that, as long as my parents are alive."
"Hey, wait out until eighteen, okay? Then we can live together and start a bakery or something."
"I am abysmal at baking."
"But you're great at finances."
Biana shrugs. "Suppose so. I manage, you bake?"
Dex smiles. "Naturally."
Biana has only met Fitz's girlfriend twice, when she comes over occasionally for dinner.
Sophie isn't perfect, but her family - the Ruewens - are of the same class as the Vackers. Not as rich and not as prestigious, but still good enough. Especially with Sophie's undeniable intelligence.
But it's a surprise, anyway, when Fitz brings Sophie to the next time they try out the 'sibling bonding' thing.
"I should probably tell you," Fitz says. "I'm... not a boy."
Biana shrugs. "I'm not a girl."
"Genderqueer. You?"
Sophie smiles. "I'm just a demigirl."
Biana nods. "Aro."
She doesn't tell them the loveless part. That'll probably have to wait.
"Bi!" Sophie says. "Technically, pan is the label that better defines me, but I prefer bi."
Fitz shrugs. "Bi-ace."
Biana smiles, and then laughs.
"Who would've thought that the perfect Vacker siblings were not allocishet?"
Fitz joins in, and so does Sophie, and at least Biana has something to work towards.
Once their laughter subsidizes, Fitz shakes his head. "Anyway, pronouns?"
"She/they!" Sophie says, altogether too enthusiastic.
"Hmm," Fitz says. "I don't really care."
And that's that. It's odd, but it feels perfect enough, if Biana wants to try.
And ae does.
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rusted-phone-calls · 3 years
Biana can not stand having long nails and if she does, she starts biting them
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gay-otlc · 4 years
Hey everyone! I’m still on my mini-hiatus, but I’ve decided to return and post a Sophiana oneshot I wrote for Sophiana week. It’s for day five, superheroes.
Title: Starlight and Superheroes
Word count: 3506 
Summary: Flicker- or as she's more commonly known, Biana Vacker- is one of Eternalia City's best superheroes. And, being Jewish, she's one of the only heroes available on Christmas. So, when a new villain named Moonlark, member of the rebel group the Black Swan, is found illegally trying to bottle an unmapped star, Biana is the one who has to stop her. But when she arrives, some questions arise. Is the Black Swan really evil? Is Eternalia really good? And, the most pressing: Is she falling for a villain?
Read on ao3.
"Who am I going to be fighting this time?" Biana sighed, slumping over against the wall. After fighting White Fire and Change Embracer, two of Eternalia City's most feared supervillains, she was exhausted. Unfortunately, superheros apparently had off for Christmas, and since she and Fitz were the only Jewish members of their team, they were stuck working extra. While most villains also took Christmas off, some took advantage of the shortage of superheros, and evidently there was yet another person Biana had to protect civilians from.
At this point, she kind of wanted to just grab a menorah and hit them in the face with it.
Fitz was still busy fighting the villains Wraith and Blur, so it was up to Biana to stop this new person.
Would it really be the worst thing to let them win? At least then she would be able to take a nap. A nap... in her soft, warm, inviting bed... That's enough, Biana. Focus.
"Her name is Moonlark," Bronte answered, glaring at her like it would be really nice if she would stop asking questions. Hey, it's not like I want to be here either. "She's relatively new, so we don't know much about her, but we do know that she's working with the Black Swan instead of the Neverseen. Her powers are Telepathy, Teleportation, and Inflicting. There might be more we don't know about."
"She has three powers?"
"Or more. Moonlark is attempting to locate and bottle Elementine, which, as you know, is a very dangerous substance. We don't yet know what she's planning to do with it, but it can't be good. Stop her before we can find out."
She nodded and rubbed exhaustion from her eyes. "Once I do that, can I go home and eat my Chinese food?"
"Beat her and then we'll see, Flicker."
"Fine." Without another word, she vanished and walked out the door. Halfway through the hallway, she realized she'd forgotten to ask where she was going to go. Biana groaned and ran back, becoming visible again. "Where am I going again?"
Rolling his eyes, Bronte answered "Siren Rock."
Good. That wasn't too far from here. She nodded again and stayed visible as she walked, wanting to conserve energy for the fight. Biana didn't know much about Moonlark or how difficult she would be, but considering the new villain had at least three powers, it couldn't be easy. Once she approached Siren Rock, she vanished so the villain wouldn't see her coming, trying to make her footsteps as silent as possible.
Even when she was close enough that she could have touched Moonlark if she wanted, Moonlark didn't seem to notice. The villain had her face pressed into the stellarscope, and remained oblivious to everything around her. Biana's gaze followed where the stellarscope was pointing. She didn't recognize the star it seemed to lead to, but that didn't matter- Bronte said she was trying to bottle Elementine, and she had no need to doubt him. Since bottling light from Elementine was extremely dangerous, as well as quite illegal, she didn't really need to know anything else either.
Moonlark hadn't worn anything to hide her face, Biana noticed with a bit of confusion. Maybe she hadn't expected for anyone to find her, which seemed rather arrogant. Still, Moonlark was kind of pretty, Biana supposed. Pretty enough that Biana's disaster lesbian ass kept staring. She had long, golden blonde hair and wore red, which was definitely her color. And her rosebud lips were pulled into a slight smile, one that Biana couldn't quite look away from.
Holy shit, she must have been really tired if she was busy thinking about a villain's lips.
Snapping out of her daze, she reached out and yanked the stellarscope away from Moonlark. Moonlark yelped in surprise and pulled the stellarscope back towards her, muttering something like What the hell, there's no one even standing there?
Biana knew Moonlark couldn't see, but she smiled. Perks of being invisible. She tugged on the stellarscope again, striking the villain's face with her elbow as she did so. Moonlark let go instantly to clutch at her cheek, which had a red mark on it.
"Hey, give that back!" she yelled, wildly kicking out to where she must have thought Biana stood. She missed the first few tries, but eventually, she managed to kick into Biana's side.
Biana grunted, flickering into sight from the surprise. "I don't think I will." She took a shuddering breath and stuffed the stellarscope into her pocket.
Moonlark's eyes widened for a moment, taking in Biana's appearance. A blush rose to her cheeks. A second later, though, her expression returned to a scowl and it was like nothing ever happened. "I was kind of doing something with that, if you hadn't noticed."
"As a matter of fact," Biana said, reaching out to grab Moonlark's arm. She held onto it for balance as she swung a roundhouse kick to the side of Moonlark's head. Moonlark blocked it with her other arm. "I had noticed, and that's why I was trying to stop you."
"I wasn't doing anything wrong!" Moonlark insisted, her voice rising to a yelp on the last word as Biana gave up on kicking her head and kicked her shin instead.
With the leg that had just kicked out, Biana stepped past Moonlark so their hips were now pressed together. As she straightened her leg and pushed on Sophie's shoulder, sending her spiraling down, she said "You were bottling Elementine, a star that's both dangerous and illegal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that does kind of sound like you might have been doing something wrong."
"Ow," Moonlark groaned as she hit the ground. "Okay, I know it doesn't look great, but maybe you could give me the chance to explain?"
Biana knelt down, her knee on top of Moonlark's chest and her hands pinning Moonlark's shoulders to the ground. She tugged at the Black Swan symbol on Moonlark's outfit. Yeah, red is definitely her color, her mind said, the thought unbidden. She pushed the thought away, cheeks heating up. "You're working with the Black Swan, a rebel group that's been working against Eternalia City for years. So, no."
Moonlark reached into her pocket and brought out an imparter. Before Biana could grab it, the villain yelled "Swan song!"
"What is it, Sophie?" a voice replied instantly.
Sophie. That was her name. A rather normal name, humanizing the villain. Making her less of a villain, and more of... a girl.
What the fuck, Flicker? Please get some sleep and stop being attracted to the villains you're fighting.
"Dex," Sophie grunted. "Some damn idiot-"
"I have a name," Biana said.
"Fine. What is your name?"
Though she planned to reply with Flicker, "Biana," came out instead.
"Alright. Some damn idiot named Biana-" Biana grabbed the imparter back from Sophie and hung up. It was possible that Dex knew where Sophie was anyway, but since she'd never mentioned a location or anything other than Biana's name and the fact that she was some damn idiot, the risk was relatively low.
"Now that that's settled-"
Sophie, apparently, had plans other than conversation. She squeezed her eyes shut and a sort of pinkish light came out of Sophie's forehead. Biana had just a second to think What the fuck? before pain encompassed her. Unable to do anything else, she screamed, wishing for it to stop. Needing to stop. It hurt, it hurt so fucking much, why wouldn't it just stop? Distantly, she became aware of her losing her hold on pinning Sophie, and felt herself get pinned on the cold grass instead, but the only thing she could really focus on was the pain. It hurt, it hurt so badly... please, make it stop.
And then, somehow, miraculously, it did stop. A vague sense of coherency returned to Biana's mind, making her realize Huh, so that's what getting inflicted on feels like. It wasn't pleasant. She then noticed that the stellarscope was no longer in her possession, and Moonlark was standing back upright, twisting knobs to bottle Elementine once again.
She vanished before lunging at Sophie, tackling her to the ground. Biana still just really wanted to go home, and she wasn't going to waste time with elegant fighting skills. Her momentum and the element of surprise was enough to get Moonlark beneath her once again. She lightly pressed her elbow to Sophie's throat, and leaned in close. Close enough to make her cheeks heat up. Dammit, Flicker, get yourself together. "What were you bottling Elementine for?" she demanded.
"Biana," Sophie groaned. "How about you stop pinning me, and I won't inflict on you, and we can have a civilized conversation like fucking normal people."
She considered it briefly. The knowledge that she would have to move so that Sophie's warm breath wasn't close enough to tickle her cheeks factored in her decision far more than she would have liked, but eventually, she nodded. "I keep the stellarscope, though."
"Fair enough. Can you get off now?"
Biana nodded and stood, walking a few steps away from Sophie. How far was inflicting range? She had no idea, so she would just have to trust that Sophie would hold her end of the deal and not inflict. Though trusting a villain was kind of a terrible idea, she wasn't too worried. "What were you bottling Elementine for?" she repeated.
"I was trying to get Quintessence."
"That's not helpful. What do you need Quintessence for?"
"What the hell is Frissyn?"
"Answer one of my questions first."
Biana rolled her eyes. "Fine. What do you want to know?"
"Maybe what the fuck you're doing here, and why you attacked me."
After rolling her eyes again, Biana answered "I'm Flicker, one of Eternalia's superheroes. I was sent to stop you from bottling the again, dangerous and illegal Quintessence. And because you're a member of the Black Swan, which is, again, one of the city's enemies."
"Working on Christmas?"
"I'm Jewish."
Sophie nodded. "Neat. Um... happy Hanukkah?"
"Ended a few days ago, but thanks." Biana cleared her throat, tearing her gaze away from Sophie's gold-flecked brown eyes. Really pretty eyes. She's still a villain. "So, back to my question. What's Frissyn?"
"It's some sort of alchemy substance... I have no idea how to make it, but the point is, it extinguishes Everblaze."
"And why do you need Frissyn?"
Moonlark shook her head. "My turn. Why do you want to be a superhero? For Eternalia City?"
The question gave Biana some pause. No one had ever asked her that before, not even when she applied for the job. With her mom and brother as superheros, and her father used to be one before her parents divorced, no one even questioned it at all. They just assumed she wanted the job and gave it to her. After a long silence, she answered "Because it was expected of me, I guess. I'm told it's what I've been working for my entire life."
"You're told?"
"Nope, it's my turn." Despite herself, a smile came to Biana's face. She forced it down, but it returned when she saw Sophie smiling as well. "Why do you need Frissyn?"
"The Neverseen, particularly White Fire, keep setting our hideouts on fire. It's rather annoying, and we'd like them to stop. Alright, what do you mean you're told it's what you've been working for your entire life?"
Biana sighed and lay backwards on the grass. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sophie lie down next to her. The stars above them looked really nice, and if things were different, she could almost imagine this was a date.
Okay, fine. It didn't really seem possible to deny anymore. Biana wasn't just tired. She was incredibly, incredibly stupid, and now she was falling for a fucking supervillain.
Deal with that later, Flicker. For now, just work on stopping her from...
From extinguishing a fire burning her home.
Well, when I say it like that...
Just shut the fuck up, inner voices. You can handle this crisis once we're done talking to Sophie... so we have all the facts.
"Exactly what it sounds like," Biana finally said, pushing the internal monologue aside. "Growing up, I was told that I had to be a superhero, and that it was all I should want. All I would want. After all, I'm a Vacker. And who wouldn't want to be a superhero? I... I do want to be a superhero. And, you know, do the right thing. Save people. Fight the bad guys. As ridiculous as it sounds, this is what I want."
"Are you sure?"
"Hey, it's my turn. Why do you want to be a villain? For the Black Swan?"
"I didn't want to be a villain, specifically. It wasn't like I woke up one day and went Ah yes, I would like to be evil. The Black Swan isn't really even evil. The Neverseen is, for sure, which is why I turned down the offer when they tried to recruit me. But, I mean... the oath to join the Black Swan is 'I will do everything in my power to help my world.' Which doesn't sound particularly evil to me. And that's why I joined, you know? Because I wanted to help my world. I also wanted to do the right thing."
"Is it the right thing, though?"
"We're really bad at this taking turns thing, aren't we?" Sophie pointed out, and Biana let out a breathless laugh.
"Yeah. We are. Sorry, go ahead."
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
Biana groaned, tangling her fingers in her hair and pressing her knuckles into her eyes. Say yes, everything in her seemed to scream. Yes. Yes. This is what you want. This is what you want, what you should want, and what you've always wanted. Yes, this is what you want.
...isn't it?
"I don't know," she blurted, tears springing to her eyes. The words surprised even her. "I don't know," she repeated. "I don't know, I don't know if this is what I want anymore. It's what I've wanted for as long as I can remember, since I was old enough to really want anything at all, and I've always been so sure that Eternalia was right and the Black Swan and Neverseen were wrong, so of course being a superhero was the right thing to do, but now I don't know anymore, I don't know. Because I was always told that the Black Swan was bad and they wanted to hurt people and they were all evil, but you don't seem evil at all, you're actually really great but that's a whole other crisis, and if I was wrong about whether the Black Swan was good, then how the hell do I know Eternalia is good? I want to do the right thing, I do, but know I don't know what the right thing is anymore, and I think I might have been doing the wrong thing for years, and I just-"
"Hey," Sophie said, her voice laced with concern. "It's okay. You're not a bad person, and it's not like Eternalia is evil or anything. It just has flaws, and that's what the Black Swan is trying to fix. It's okay, I promise."
Biana sniffed and wiped her eyes. She could feel Sophie's fingers laced in her. It wasn't clear when that happened, but she liked it. A lot. "Okay," she said, her voice shaky. She cleared her throat. "What kind of flaws are the Black Swan trying to fix?"
"Well... the way they treat anyone Talentless is one thing, you know? Like they're worthless or whatever? I mean, my friend's dad is Talentless, and his brother Lex, and both of them are really good at alchemy and, well, pulling pranks on everyone. And they made Pyrokinesis illegal, which makes sense for people like White Fire, but it really isn't fair to my friend Marella. Oh, and the idea that twins and triplets are weaker or something? Because my friends Tam and Linh are twins, and both of them are insanely powerful. And then the triplets are, again, great at pranks and alchemy. And, of course, the Matchmaking system is stupid and based entirely on abilities, and it's unfair to people who aren't matched with each other. And, well... the system doesn't like queer people. Like me. I'm omnisexual."
Biana's breath caught, but Sophie didn't seem to notice.
"So yeah, you might not really have to deal with this sort of stuff, but it's really unfair, and I want to fix it. And maybe the Black Swan's way of doing that is slightly illegal, but... I still think it's the right thing to do."
"Do you really think I'm straight?" Biana asked quietly.
"What? Um... yeah?"
"Sophie, I've been a lesbian disaster this entire time. Did you really not notice?"
Sophie smiled sheepishly. "I'm told I'm kind of oblivious."
"Yeah, I noticed," Biana laughed. She rolled over so she was staring at Sophie instead of at the sky. Their noses were nearly touching. "Do you want to finish bottling the Quintessence?" she asked. "So you can put out the Everblaze?"
A look of confusion came over Sophie, but she nodded quickly. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great. You're really...?"
Biana couldn't escape the nagging feeling that she would regret this later. "I guess I am. You've convinced me that the Black Swan is good. And that Eternalia isn't perfect. I mean... I knew it was kind of homophobic, but I just kind of kept quiet about me being lesbian and hoped for the best. But... yeah. I'm done doing that. I'm done pretending. Yeah, I'm helping you."
Before Biana could even register what was happening, Sophie's rosebud lips pressed against her cheek. Despite the frigid air, Biana's cheeks flamed. "What was that?"
Sophie blushed. "I don't know. Just... I'm happy for you. And I'm really glad you don't hate me anymore."
"Yeah, me too. Sorry about trying to beat you up earlier, by the way."
"Right. Same."
Biana smiled. "Now that that's out of the way... ready to bottle some completely illegal stars?"
"Thought you'd never ask," Sophie grinned. "Would you mind helping? It's easier with two people..."
"Yeah," said Biana, remembering when she used to bottle stars for her Universe class. It seemed like a long time ago, but she distinctly remembered that if two people used the stellarscope together- with one person holding it and the other twisting the knobs- they would have to stand quite close together. Pressed against one another. Pressed against Sophie. She blushed, and her voice sounded slightly strained when she said "Sure."
Sophie's grin widened. "Thanks. I'll look for the star if you hold it?"
"Sounds good," said Biana, handing Sophie the stellarscope. Sophie held it up to her eyes while Biana stepped closer being her and wrapped her arms around to get a good grip. She was slightly shorter than Sophie, the perfect height for resting her chin on Sophie's shoulder. They were so close... for however long it took Sophie to find and bottle the star, all Biana could think of was utter gay panic. Finally, Sophie stepped away. Her absence brought Biana the ability to function and a strange sense of disappointment.
Sophie held up the bottle of starlight. "Um... I got it."
"Great." Biana looked at Sophie, unsure what to say. They stood staring at each other for a while. "I guess I'll let you get that to whoever's making the Frissyn, then."
"Yeah... I guess I should do that. Do you... do you want to come?"
Sadly, Biana shook her head. "No, I have to get eat dinner. Mom and Fitz are probably waiting on me, and it's going to be Chinese food."
"Because you're Jewish?"
"Obviously." Awkwardly, Biana shifted her weight to the other leg, and then back. "Um... if I wanted to join the Black Swan, how would I go about doing that?"
"I'm not really sure. We've never had a superhero join before. I guess I'll ask Forkle and then call you?"
"That sounds good. So... I guess this would be goodbye?"
"Probably." Sophie gave Biana a small smile. "I'll see you soon, Flicker."
Biana smiled back. "See you soon, Moonlark." She vanished and turned, beginning to walk away. After a few steps, she froze. Before really even thinking, she turned visible again and ran to Sophie, cupping her face and pressing a kiss to her lips. It might have been a stupid decision, but then Sophie kissed back, and oh holy shit, she was kissing Sophie, she was kissing Moonlark, but most of all, she was kissing Sophie.
Finally, when air became a necessity, they pulled apart. Biana immediately wanted to start kissing Sophie again, but she managed to retrain herself. Sophie's gold-flecked brown eyes were wide, pupils dilated. Her cheeks heating up, Biana smiled again and waved, blowing a kiss before leaving once again.
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everysongineverykey · 6 years
Wonder- Another Solinh fanfic because i’m trash okay
Fitz Vacker wonders.
He wonders many things. He wonders what his family’s legacy really is, behind all the crystals and beauty, behind even the twisted abominations of trolls hiding behind an illusion of light and a perfect reputation. He wonders about his friends, about all their little idiosyncrasies, their imperfections, the quirks that make them… human.
He wonders, most of all, about Sophie Foster, and the secret she hides from him in that dark, discreet, beautiful mind of hers.
And whether or not it’s the secret he wants so badly for it to be.
But after all, Fitz is no fool. He knows there’s someone special that she’s hiding from him- and in all likelihood, it’s either him or Keefe. If he knows anything about the beautiful, mysterious, perfect brown-eyed girl that means so much to him, it’s that she’ll tell him anything- except if it’s in any way romantic.
He tries so hard to get it out of her, every time they train, telling her that Cognates aren’t supposed to have any secrets from each other- which, after all, is true. The bond between his father and his Cognate was shattered after his father refused to tell him about the search for Sophie. And he wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to them.
It definitely doesn’t have to do with the fact that to him, Sophie’s eyes are more deep and mysterious and different than anyone else’s.
Or the fact that she looks amazing in anything she wears.
But Fitz knows patience as well as beauty, and he’ll gladly wait a thousand years until she’s ready to tell him.
Biana Vacker wonders.
Unlike her brother, though, she only really wonders about one thing- love.
She knows what love feels like. For her it was Keefe, and now Tam. It was the boy she’d only exchanged a few words with after school, but loved his eyes and hair and how he never quite looked her in the eye.
Biana also knows what love looks like. She has to- after all, she’d built up a reputation for herself as the matchmaker of the group. She wonders about everyone’s love.
But today, she only wonders about one love- Fitz’s love for Sophie.
Oh yes, he is in love. He tries to deny it, but Biana can see from the way he looked at her, and the way his eyes always seem to brighten when she is around.
And that’s why it breaks Biana’s heart to know that Sophie is in love too.
But not with Fitz.
Biana knows her best friend, and she knows that there is no way Sophie could ever be in love with Fitz.
But not because there’s anything wrong with Fitz.
Because she’s seen the way Sophie looks at Linh when she thinks no one can tell.
She’s seen the way her eyes shine with joy whenever the girl with the silver-tipped hair walks into the room.
She’s seen the red in Sophie’s face skyrocket whenever they share a look, a smile, a hug, even a brief touch of the hands.
Biana doesn’t know what Linh’s feelings for Sophie are, but she still refrains from telling Fitz her thoughts on the subject.
After all, she doesn’t want Fitz’s eyes to fill with misery and longing, instead of wonder and hope, whenever the two stare into each other’s eyes for a training session.
Sophie Foster wonders, too.
Wonders if what Dex said to her- that Fitz and Keefe both have crushes on her- is true.
Wonders if they’ll still be friends when they confess.
Wonders how they’ll feel about her feelings- the ones for Linh.
Because as oblivious as Sophie is to the love of others, she is very much aware of her own.
She doesn’t like it. She doesn’t want to be in love with someone who’d never love her back- but it’s true, and very real.
But even if she does confess, will Linh accept her?
It’s difficult to say… and a risk Sophie isn’t sure she is willing to take.
But for now, at least, she’ll be content admiring Linh from afar.
It wasn’t to say she didn’t want a relationship with Linh. In fact, to say that would almost be insulting.
Linh’s everything Sophie dreams of in a partner- she just didn’t think she’d want it in a girl.
But now here she is.
From the first time she’d talked to her, even when they were underwater at Exilium and Sophie was helping her calm down, she’s always known Linh was special.
She just hadn’t gotten the chance to really see just how much she likes the girl of many floods.
But she knows now.
Truly, the first thing Sophie ever noticed about Linh was her hair.
Not much of a surprise, since the silver tips weren’t like many other people’s hair- but unlike everyone else, Linh’s hair caught Sophie’s eye because of how it made Linh look.
It wasn’t just unusual- though that was one of the things Sophie liked about it- it was almost otherworldly. There was a word to describe it: Ethereal.
Of course, it alone was beautiful, but the effect it had on Linh was amazing.
It hung stick-straight around her neck, like a silver halo. Fitting, since that was what Linh was to Sophie- an angel sent to earth.
That was the first thing Sophie noticed.
And it was all downhill from there.
Next, she began to notice other little things about Linh- the deep silver-blue of her eyes that reflected a calm night over the ocean, the soft pink of her cheeks that contrasted her wiry black hair and made her look like one of those medieval Chinese princesses they had learned about in human history, the way her face flushed when she laughed…
All of these things helped drag Sophie into love. But the thing she likes most about Linh was the way she’s carried herself ever since that day in Atlantis- she looks so confident, striding ahead with more self-assurance than Sophie could ever have.
Sophie never vocalizes these thoughts to anyone. But she studies Linh whenever she can, stealing little forbidden glances at her while they study.
And she knows that, one day, it’ll all come out.
But today.
Today is not that day.
Linh Song wonders.
Her wonders are more simple, though, and she only wonders about Sophie.
But she wonders about her every minute of every hour of every day.
And every time, she comes to the same conclusion:
One, that she loves Sophie.
And two, that Sophie doesn’t love her back.
It’s a harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless.
She knows, from the way Fitz looks at Sophie during their sessions, that there’s something between them. She isn’t sure about Keefe, but she knows that Fitzphie is less of a joke than Keefe realizes.
Even if Sophie doesn’t realize it too, it’s true.
She wishes her heart would stop pining for Sophie, wills the silly, pointless crush to go away.
But of course, when it comes to Sophie, or really just girls in general, her heart never listens.
And it doesn’t help that the fact that she can’t have her only makes her fall more and more for her. Whenever they exchange glances, the stars seem to realign for Linh, and the world suddenly makes sense. The only thing she wants is to be able to tell Sophie all these things.
She wants to tell Sophie that whenever they touch, time stands still, and the whole world blacks out.
She wants to tell Sophie that when she laughs, Linh feels so undeserving of the name Song, and flowers seem to grow underneath her feet.
She wants to say that even a look, a quick meeting of eyes, is enough to break down all her defenses.
That’s all she wants- just the freedom to say what’s on her mind without horribly regretting it.
But she can’t.
She can’t, because Sophie loves Fitz much more than she could ever love Linh.
This thought almost makes her cry sometimes, but Tam always gets there in time to comfort her.
Still, no comfort is more effective than the ecstatic feeling that rushes through Linh’s blood when Sophie is by her side.
The two girls never fully believe that they can be something together, of course, until their first kiss.
To everyone they know, the idea of their successful relationship is a good one- to the two of them, it’s a luxury that they never thought possible before now.
And yet, five hundred years later, they’re still there, and in love, and happy, living in their own house in the Lost Cities, completely aware of what people might think of them in the forbidden cities, but not caring a bit.
They’re still happy, and joyful, and full of hope and love and wonder.
They’re still them.
And that’s what they’ll always be, no matter the odds, or the enemies, or the circumstances.
Just Sophie Foster and Linh Song.
Two girls who had the courage to wonder.
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faysal3f · 6 years
Endless Action Party , you can't stop the time 1-#Somali #Pirates VS Ship's Private Security #Guards The fight between Somali pirates and a Private security guard on board a cargo ship. When pirates were trying to board the ship, the security guards fired dozens of rounds at the pirate vessel which eventually retreated. This Incident took place in the Indian ocean in 2012. It has come to prominence again following an attack on an oil tanker in March. Somali Pirates Attack - Real Life Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9g1h... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpNpD...   2-Americans and Russians against Somali pirates 2018 #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NKdA... 3-PIRATES real attack Must Watch Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fkiI... 4-2 Snipers vs 38 Somali Pirates EU Navy Forces operating together under operation EU NAVFOR have been the largest Navy operation against piracy of the coast of Somalia the last 7 years. Over 200 hostages captured by pirates have been rescued directly by EU Navfor forces. The pirates have been taking hostages for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hytt... 5-The moments of breathtaking conflict from the pirate attack on the Turkish ship! In the Gulf of Aden, pirates attacked the Turkish ship and were attacked by Turkish security officials. This is the moment of the breathtaking conflict on board the ship, which was protected by the retired SAT commandos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-l1O... 6-Canadian crew foils Somali pirate attack A Canadian warship, the Winnipeg, helped chase down pirates off Somalia who had tried to attack a Norwegian tanker. The frigate pursued the pirate ship for seven hours after the British vessel scared it away from the 80,000-ton tanker on Saturday. The pirates were finally caught early Sunday after throwing their weapons overboard. After being questioned, they were released because they were outside Canada's jurisdiction and NATO has no mandate to make arrests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jiWy... 7-Iran Navy rescuing China ship from Somali pirates ambassador thanked ایران نیروی دریایی دزدان دریایی یران نیروی دریایی ارتش نجات کشتی چینی از دزدان دریایی سومالی در اقیانوس هند، سفیر چین درایران شیه شایین شخصا از نیروی دریایی قدردانی کرد Iran Army Navy rescuing Chinese ship from Somali pirates in Indian ocean, Chinese ambassador to Iran Shee Shein personally thanked the Iran navy personal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m84-n... #bestcoub #BestCube#LikeaBoss#peopleareawesome #amazing #best #of #web #PAA#compilation  #edition #hadouken #skills #trick #shot #parkour #sports #extreme #action #hd #insane #humans  #ppl#peopleareawesome #new  #fastest #backflip #highest #world #record #longest #strongest #tricks #tutorial #epic #skate #scooter #surf  #wingsuit #skydive #flying #crazy #skiing #snowboard #cyber #yoga  #top10 #guinness #records #time #toplist #youtubers #trends #viral #video #entertainment #crazystunts #education  #family #friendly  #people #are #awesomehumor #imagenes #chistosas  #imagenes #divertidas #imagenes #graciosas #risas #mil #con #humor #en #imagenes #sinpalabras #109 #divertidas  #sorprendentes #international #humor, #humorinternacional #humorenimagenes #humorpicante #gracioso #divertido #chistoso #wow #yeah #fun #funny #lol #cool #nice #reir #smile #sweet #face #hehe #haha #jiji #jeje #jaja #mexico #españa #unitedstates #hilarious #cachondo #laugh #good #imagenes #comedy #fotos #chistosas #canada #france #germany #cube #coub #fail  #idiotsatwork #bad #day #at #work  #лучшие #приколыприколы #2018 #фейлы  #best #jokes #compilation #подборка #приколоврусские #приколы  #failsoftheweek #failcompilation #bestfails  #funny #videos   #fail  #тест #на  #мом #россию #не #понять  #likeaboss #compilation      #приколы #coub   #coubcompilation #bestcube   #bestvideos2018   #bestvideosofyoutube    #зачетная #отборочка   #bestcube #приколы #Фест #Приколы  #Coub   #Fail  #peopleareawesome  #PAA #amazing  #kadın #woman  #γυναίκα  #женщина   #kvinne  #donna  #mujer   #אישה  #femme   #女子,امرأة  #女 #ヒップ #hip  #臀部 #הופ  #buttocks  #cader #anca #тазобедренный  #ισχίο   #αθλητισμός  #sport  #体育 #ספורט #спортивный  #スポーツの  #güzel #красивый  #schön #美丽 #beau #lijep  #יפה #beautiful #nic #lovely #well #pretty #hermoso #vacker #bella #fallegur #美 #しいです #bell #xweş #vakker #красивый  #όμορφος #athleticgirls #運動女孩 #sportlicheMädchen #atletikqızlar #sporcukızlar #ξανθιά #blond #блондинка #金发 #בלונדינית #facebook #instagram #ЛучшиеПриколы #Приколы #ТестНаПсихику #ЮморФест   #приколы2018
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softmoonlightmelody · 11 months
thinking about the vackers again. perfect, perfect vackers. no mistakes here, no blemishes, nothing ever slightly amiss. della married into this family and regrets it. alden wishes he could choose love over duty. and their mistakes are pushed to their children! alvar chooses love over duty and look where that got him! fitz and biana both choose duty and love, and they are the first who can. fitz and biana love as fiercely as they follow their duty.
but the day they are really going to hurt? the day they are forced to choose.
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softmoonlightmelody · 2 years
KOTLC + Singing Voice + Instruments
For reference, mezzo refers to mezzo soprano or soprano two, and soprano refers to soprano one.
(yes i know these are human things. WHO. CARES.)
Sophie - a solid alto. Cannot play any instruments but can sing pretty decently.
Stina - mezzo, definitely, although if she really wanted she could sing either soprano or alto. Can play the viola.
Maruca - tenor. Plays the violin.
Linh - mezzo, plays the erhu (Chinese two-stringed violin), the actual violin, and the piano
Marella - cannot sing <3. plays the trombone and recorder simply to annoy people and also because
Biana - can sing. I'm projecting on her for this, so she can sing almost anything you give her, except for low lows. She has a phenomenal range. Anyway, it's because she had too much time as a rich kid. She can play the piano, flute, and violin.
Rayni - soprano. hums music all the time, no one really knows until Linh hears her one day. they bond over that. anyway, doesn't have time for other instruments, but could play the oboe and is picking it up again.
Wylie - can't sing. period. but can play the flute, because Cyrah did.
Keefe - i'm sorry. but keefe cannot play any instrument EXCEPT the otomatone. he is really good at it. it's the main thing that caused Fitz and his falling out.
Fitz - has a really good alto. Biana and him dueted once, and everyone realized they're at least a little in love with one of the vacker siblings (if of appropriate age, obviously)
Tam - tenor. just... tenor. He was forced to play the same instruments as Linh, so he can play the erhu, violin, and piano
Dex - can't sing. just... can't. he doesn't actually play any conventional instruments, either, but what he does do is make music boxes.
Jensi - pretty good alto. no more elaboration necessary. plays the recorder and the trumpet.
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