foribusmentiscomic · 2 years
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Personaje de Chirri Online
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Man, imagine if someone paid attention to me in real life.
Almost like that broke me or something.
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missydischa · 6 months
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Look at him I made a tiny Aaron for my oc
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alexthecatgirl · 2 years
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Witch one is your favorite drink?
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chirry-bomb · 1 year
Just wanted to share my drawing with u
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hyde-nseek · 8 months
There's a name for the little birds in Skyward Sword!
They're called Chirris! Oh my gosh!
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pinturas-sgm-aviacion · 3 months
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1938 05 23 Fiat CR32 Chirri XVI Gruppo di Caccia La Cucaracha - Mark Postlethwaite
repost better quality and color
During the afternoon of 23 May 1938, Maggiore Pilota Armando François led 28 CR.32s from his XVI Gruppo Caccia of the ‘Aviazione Legionaria’ on an interdiction patrol over the Balaguer bridgehead in Catalonia in support of the Spanish Nationalist Army’s offensive.
The Italian formation consisted of 12 fighters from 24a Squadriglia, led by Capitano Luigi Bianchi, nine machines from 25a Squadriglia, led by Capitano Roberto Fassi, and seven CR.32s from 26a Squadriglia, led by Capitano Vincenzo La Carubba.
An aerial clash had already taken place over the frontline earlier that day between CR.32s escorting S.79 and BR.20 bombers and Polikarpov I-15s and I-16s that had attempted to attack the latter aircraft. As the Fiat fighters of XVI Gruppo Caccia approached the bridgehead to escort the last of the S.79s home, the bombers were set upon by 27 I-16s of Republican Grupo 21.
Diving on the Italian aircraft from 19,000 ft, the Republican machines enjoyed a height advantage over the CR.32s. Nevertheless, Maggiore Piloto Armando François successfully led his fighters against the enemy machines.
Indeed, the XVI Gruppo Caccia pilots claimed five ‘Ratas’ (I-16s) destroyed and three more probably destroyed. Soviet patrol leaders Lt N I Marthishchenko from 2a Escuadrilla and Lt I I Turchin from 5a Escuadrilla, both of whom were flying newly delivered Tip 10 versions of the I-16 fighter, perished in this clash. In return, XVI Gruppo Caccia lost two CR.32s in a mid-air collision while chasing an I-16 (their pilots were captured). Three biplane fighters were also damaged by enemy fire. One of the confirmed victories was credited to Maggiore François himself, taking his final tally in Spain to six. His aircraft was also shot up during the engagement
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jasperakalucy · 2 years
the RTGame 2022 collab
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Click for better quality! This was such a fun collab, I’m glad I got to be a part of it!
credits top to bottom, left to right
myself, @/sunlitzone (twt) @/planet8laura (twt) @/dragondog5600 (twt) @rtgamebutsheep @magicalgh0st @/welon husk (discord) @/aboutchez (twt) @/tixet3 (twt) @day-kn1ght @therealdriftking @arkify @bigjimbopickens @/chirrie (twt) @givingchase @thesnowydalmatian​ @/the19hjs (twt) @/abysswalker4984 (twt) @/vorkium (discord) @/wasnttheredonenothing (discord)
I will be posting my closeups later!
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campsis · 1 year
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Chirri & Chirra
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yagatoclan · 2 years
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Linktober Day 1: Bird
These are the little birds from Skyward Sword. (I found out that they’re called Chirri.)
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littleyellowleaves · 2 years
Hello! Are you familiar with the children’s books Chirri & Chirra? I feel like the illustrations have a similar quality to your art. They both feel joyful and hopeful and soft yet vibrant? I hope that makes sense & anyway I adore your art.
Chirri and Chirra were very inspiring to me when I was in art school! The drawings have so much narrative detail and still feel so refreshing and light. Such lovely books. 🚲
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I want to talk to you all about yesterday and the night before that.
For the sake of pointedness, I'm just not gonna count the night before yesterday because it was just the last few hours; if I say the past two days, it might sound like my state was two full days long, which was not true.
I was not in the best mental state yesterday.
My perception of reality was really bad; in comparison to my normal perception of reality, it was not so different, but the problem was that my brain was boiling the whole time.
You guys don't know how bad it is, if I close my eyes for, like, 10 seconds, I will forget that I am in the real world: I will forget which room I'm in, I will forget how far my limbs are from my body, I will forget the feeling of air on my skin; it's really bad, if you have ever thought that I might have even an ounce of sanity, then you're dead wrong.
That is usually not that big of a deal; when a goof-up of perception happens, it immediately gets corrected by green, aka the logical side of me, or just my sight and memory, but this time it was different somehow.
I don't know what happened, but the disagreement between pink, what I think, and green, what I know, was longer than usual, and then red decided to exaggerate everything because it was entertaining.
That was basically it, a bit of loudness inside my head for a day, except that was not that easy.
I told you before how I can't perceive reality all that well; well, a part of that is that I am not good with time.
I'm awful at taking time; it's impossible for me to understand how long something will take; 2 or 3 hours ago feels like yesterday sometimes, and I just can't comprehend more than 3 days, and that's not even all of it; things are really bad.
Thankfully, I have started drawing in my diary every day and posting on Tumblr at least once a day, which helps me remember what was yesterday. Daily posts might be draining at times, but at least it keeps me a smidge more sane. Fun fact: ever since I started posting on April 1st, I have started consistently keeping track of the days, not what days of the month or week there are or anything, just acknowledging that the days are passing.
So yeah, I'm not good at guessing how long days are, but yesterday was extra bad; yesterday felt like five days; in my mind, yesterday was an incomprehensible amount of time; I was so fucking insane that it broke the space-time continuum.
Don't worry guys, yesterday was not too bad for me, I was not under too much stress, the concept of a week breaks me down way more, the feeling was more like my mind was being boiled and that boiling caused my scull to have a lot of pressure, you kinda just have to wait it out.
Well, I was lucky because I had Chirry by my side; she helped me so much with this; I think that it was by her help that I was able to wake up okay.
I don't pay as much attention to her as I do to Jevil, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate her. Chirry is the sane one of the Neo Trio, she has the best grasp of reality, whenever I feel stressed and want to keep the small amount of sanity that I have left, I can't go to Jevil, he's crazy too, he can't fix that, but Chirry, Chirry can, and I and I appreciate her for that.
Thank you, Chirry...I'm sorry that I don't say your name that often.
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missydischa · 6 months
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Aaron got sat on by my cat
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chirriechi · 1 year
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rare chirrie art with an actual background
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chironschariot · 10 months
#freckle gang..... #youre so pretty chirry
thank you Davyd zz:::)
and yes freckles, i usually covwer them cause i think i look freaky vwith them. already got vweird eyes.
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deanwax · 1 year
Find the Words Game
Thanks for the tag, @joeys-piano!
I am also going to open tag this one to anyone who wants to do it because I've been tagging a LOT of people lately and I don't want to like, hassle the community. So if you want, find the words: heart, hand, foot and throat.
My words are: smart, playful, fuck and disaster
There's a weight on my midsection. There's a weight on each of my limbs, actually, and my arms are pinned to the hard floor by hands with silky-dry skin. Judging by the proximity of all these old voices, Rupert has enlisted the help of a group of Rhos to restrain me. A smart move, and very irritating for me. But I suppose it is preferable to being murdered during the vulnerability of my unconsciousness.  Buy they've never wanted to kill me, have they? The Company. They want something else from me.
Readmore cut for adult content
Playful & Fuck
“Very well. Contact my secretary. I will forgo the handshake.” He couldn’t get out of the room fast enough, discreetly pushing his prick up into his waistband with one hand as he rounded the corner into the corridor. He raised his voice: “Harknet, bio-scan. Resident two.” “He’s in the comms room!” A bright voice just about gave Ehn a heart attack as Chirri rounded the corner. He staggered back and gripped the wall for support. “For fuck’s sake, Chirri,” Ehn swore with a miserable expression, turning his front away from her. Chirri did good work but she was young and too upbeat for her own good.  “He loves that sunny spot in front of the big window,” Chirri winked, unphased. “Reminds me of a cat.” She passed him by with a playful slap on the shoulder. “Go on.”
I don't have disaster in any of my AO3 works, which is surprising, but I do have a double-ancient RP intro that uses it:
Shit, he still had the tube: he'd stashed it in his locker at school, like it was hot goods or something. Technically, it was: he'd lifted it from the drug store, and it was new, too, not even one of those gross ones they left out for ladies to try on the backs of their hands. It was called Rum Raisin, whatever that was: it was like red, but also kinda brown? His locker neighbour, a kid named Mark who didn't know how to keep his mouth shut, had already commented on it. Iago had lied and told him he stole it off some girl, then when she went looking for it, he'd make out like he found it for her, and that would be his 'in'. Mark had just gawked at him like he was a crazy person; he hadn't even asked which girl. Sometimes, this shit was just too easy. The wildest thing about all of this was that he still hadn't tried wearing it. Nowhere seemed private enough: home was a no-go with his brothers prowling around, and school seemed like a recipe for disaster. Even if he locked himself up in a bathroom stall, he just bet that some psychopath would climb the wall to catch him in the act. Iago was worried about how hard it would be to take off, too: the mark it had made on the back of his hand had been pretty stubborn. No, it was just too risky, so he'd pussied out so far. He kept thinking about it a lot, though. The colour of it. He could almost imagine what it would look like in the mirror. Watching his reflection in the bus window, he only snapped out of it when his phone gave a familiar buzz in his hand.
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