#chloe mercer
mdshh · 9 months
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Anya, Ari and Amalia 💓
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smallcloisville · 3 months
🎶.....last Friday night🎶
Here's the edit to the most chaotic and funny ep all time 😌✨
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snixregal · 2 months
I'm having a big rewatch of Smallville and I just notice the great ship Chloe and Tess was.
How did I miss it? They're the perfect match. Am I the only one? Is there a ship for them and I didn't know?
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I call them ChEss.
Am I shipping a couple from a long ago ended tv show? Yes, I am.
Please, join me.
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kiddstellas · 2 years
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SMALLVILLE 10.15 Fortune
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cinnamonanddean · 20 days
I'm not a doctor but wouldn't Tess have massive brain damage from being oxygen deprived for this long?
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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dropoutdottv · 1 year
Lift your glasses, we've got a new season of Dirty Laundry premiering on Dropout on September 12th! With host Lily Du, bartender Grant O'Brien, and a few secret-sharing friends: Vanessa Guerrero, Persephone Valentine, Desmond Chiam, Sam Riegel, Liam O'Brien, Anjali Bhimani, Matthew Mercer, Kassem G, Whitney Moore, Mica Burton, Johnny Stanton, Jess Ross, Hector Navarro, Ally Beardsley, Erika Ishii, Anthony Burch, Beth May, Will Campos, Fiona Nova, Shakira Ja'nai Paye, Brett Maline, Jacquis Neal, Alice Stanley, Kimia Behpoornia, Lisa Gilroy, Eli Gonzalez, Claudio Saavedra, Anna Salinas, Heather Higginbotham, Dylan Adler, Michael Henry, Zac Oyama, Kendahl Landreth, Sarah Schauer, Gina Darling, Paul F. Tompkins, Patrick McDonald, Aabria Iyengar, Katie Marovitch, Oscar Montoya, David Kerns, Ebony Elaine Hardin, Chloe Badner, Kyle Rohrbach, Alaska Thunderfuck, Monét X Change, Jujubee, and Katya!
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jackiequick · 4 months
—Fearless in Smallville ~ Dc Comics OC
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Face Claim: Sophia Bush
Full Name: Lucille Claire Kent
Nicknames: Lucy, Lucy Lu, Miss Kent, Claire, Clara
Age: 16-29 (spanning different seasons)
Height: 5’3” - 5’4”
Birthdate: August 3 (Leo)
Jobs: High school reporter, photographer, and reporter for Daily Planet/Gotham Gazette
Family: Jonathan Kent (father), Martha Kent (mother), Clark Kent (brother), Lois Lane (sister-in-law)
Extended Family: Kara Zor-El, Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen, Lana Lang, Tess Mercer, Jimmy Olsen, Arthur Curry, Cyborg, Wally West, and more
Relationship Status: Single for the most part, dated Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, and Bruce Wayne
Personality: Lucy is brave, compassionate, and stubborn, with a tenacious streak that helps her achieve her goals. She is down to earth, determined, and often a quick thinker. Her curiosity drives her to uncover the truth, while her politeness and humor make her approachable. However, she can be headstrong and struggles with emotional boundaries. A bit of a chatterbox, she can present herself as a social butterfly when in the mood to be outgoing.
Background: Born and raised in Smallville, Lucy grew up alongside her brother Clark, unaware of his alien origins until their teenage years. She attended Smallville High, where she was involved in various clubs and developed a love for journalism and photography. Despite initially disliking school, she found a passion for English, Art, and History, which influenced her hobbies and career choices.
Hobbies and Interests: Lucy enjoys photography, dancing, reading mystery novels, and volunteering at local shelters. She is an avid fan of classic rock music and loves baking, often trying out new recipes on weekends. Her interest in writing and reading extends to specific texts that capture her curiosity.
Goals and Aspirations: Lucy aims to become a renowned investigative journalist, uncovering stories that make a difference. She also hopes to travel the world, documenting different cultures and stories.
Combat: Basic self-defense, proficient with guns and crossbows
Languages: Fluent in Spanish, conversational in French
Technical: Advanced photography techniques, basic hacking skills
Physical Description:
Distinctive Features: Small scar on her wrist from an accident in a cornfield, scar behind her shoulder from a bow and arrow incident on a rooftop, and rough hands due to her activities.
Fashion Sense: Casual and practical, often seen in comfortable jeans, flannels, and her favorite hoop earrings. She dresses more professionally when required for her job at the Daily Planet/Gotham Gazette.
Fears and Insecurities: Lucy has a fear of being alone, misjudged, or misunderstood. She also fears being harmed or humiliated by others, which occasionally affects her confidence in social situations.
Education: Lucy initially disliked school and learning but grew to enjoy English, Art, and History in high school. These subjects were entertaining and engaging for her, leading to her interest in writing, reading, and photography.
Relationships: Lucy has a close-knit group of friends, including Chloe Sullivan and Lana Lang. She has had complex relationships with Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, and Bruce Wayne, each shaping her view on trust and love.
“Sometimes, the truth is buried where no one wants to look.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the determination to keep going despite it.”
Daily Life: A typical day for Lucy involves early morning runs, followed by a busy day at the Gotham Gazette. Evenings are reserved for spending time with friends and family or working on her latest investigative piece.
How Lucy met Lex
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You know the tale of Superman, but do you know of his beginnings? Smallville. It’s where he grew up with his family, made friends and foes, fell in love, got his education, explored his powers on his own terms, and became the man he is today.
On that very day, when Clark arrived on Earth, the Kent family were already anticipating another child. However, they couldn’t conceive until the meteor shower fell onto Smallville, nearly crashing down everything within it. In that very ship arrived a toddler not older than 2, naked. Martha, Jonathan, and Lucy were turned upside down in shock at the young boy. Lucille Claire Kent was less than 5 but curiously smiled in her daddy’s arms while her mother gently picked up the boy, wrapping him in a red blanket. Jonathan was confused, looking up at the sky as his wife searched for answers, finding Lionel Luthor and his son Lex Luthor amidst the chaos. Clark became warm and gentle, very much in awe of his newfound world.
Lucille, Clark, and Lex all sat in that truck, never to be seen again until later on in high school.
That same day, they met again, after older Lex, almost fresh out of college, knocked his car across a bridge, hitting Clark as the police, firefighters, and ambulance arrived later on. Along with Lucy and their father to see the damage. 48 hours later, a gift was sent to Kent Farm, a gift from Lex for the accident that happened. A car and a necklace. Their father wasn’t the happiest man alive to be seeing these gifts, knowing Clark is still too young to drive around town and Lucy’s jewelry might not even be real, possibly causing her an allergic reaction or something. But the more pressing matters were how Clark was completely fine after that accident!
Their parents knew the possible reason behind that issue, but the siblings were confused as hell. Even going as far as to test out that theory, noticing that Clark runs rather fast, doesn’t get hurt that easily, and etc. He is an alien! As they found out soon enough by their parents.
Later on that week, Lucy arrived at the mansion to find Lex in his office. They never got an actual chance to properly speak to one another. He was dressed in a navy blue sweater, black pants, and dress shoes in comparison to her green and blue flannel, t-shirt, jeans, and black flats along with her favorite hoop earrings.
She stood in the doorway holding up a basket of fruit, knocking on the door to catch his attention. He looked up with a smile, standing up from his chair to greet the young woman, motioning for her to come inside.
“Hi,” she said with her slight raspy voice and giggly smile, “Oh um, your guard let me in.”
He chuckled, “Hey. And yeah, I was going to ask how you got inside.”
“Charm, I guess?”
“I guess so. So, what brings you by?”
“Uh, I just wanted to thank you for the necklace and the truck. But I don’t know why, because it’s not me you crashed into, it was my brother.”
“Yeah, but you looked rather in bad shape as well. I figured a gift could cheer you up and apologize for the accident I caused.”
“Yeah..Dad’s not too happy about that. He thinks you’re just winning us over or something like that.”
He walked with her around the room, taking the small fruit basket out of her hands and placing it on the desk. Lex asked, “Well am I?”
“I’m afraid to say that you won me over,” she replied with a chuckle.
“That was sort of the plan.”
“Well, it worked.”
“You said Clark is your brother, older brother I’m guessing?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite actually. I’m older by two years. He’s a freshman and I’m almost a junior.”
“Wow, really? You both look rather young.”
“Genetics I guess. But you’re rather young yourself.”
The two smiled and chatted, laughing every so often. Taking a liking to each other rather quickly. Lucy could see what Clark, who had already met up with Lex twice, meant by saying he’s a pretty alright person. Charming, kind, strong-minded, well-mannered, rich, and impressive. Lex found himself taking a great fondness to her. He didn’t know if it was because he hadn’t met that many people in Smallville just yet, or what it was. But he found her sweet, silly, charming, open-minded at times, and a bit of a chatterbox. He didn’t mind it at all.
The two became friends within that week.
Little did they know that friendship would soon turn upside down...
How Lucy Met Bruce Wayne Years Later
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Meanwhile, while Clark was off training with his powers, Lucy went to Metropolis to start as a young intern for the Daily Planet. Just picking up coffee and donuts for the staff, assisting with actual reports, picking up dry cleaning, and getting things done in general.
Eventually, Perry White gave her the opportunity to start actually doing more writing and photography than just picking up dry cleaning for the staff. She grinned, working with Jimmy Olsen on a few small pieces for the Daily Planet, getting to deal with the morning greetings and nightly specials collection of the paper.
Finding whatever opportunity for what she deemed as interesting subjects that young folk like her and Jimmy would enjoy. Around that same time, Clark returned home, and she hugged her big brother, suggesting that he get a job at the Daily Planet as well. The Kent Siblings at the Daily Planet!
He accepted her request, deciding to take a crack at it and thinking it would be rather helpful for when he gets his real opportunity to save the lives of many. The moment he arrived at the Daily Planet, he met her. Lois Lane. And he was starstruck the second he saw her, fumbling over his words as the pair spoke. He could practically hear his sister coughing down a few giggles from her desk the entire time. Can you blame her? She found it adorable.
But her moment to become starstruck came only a few short days after her meeting with Perry White. He wanted a few reporters from the Planet to fly over to Gotham Bay to get the latest footage and scoop on the Charity Events being hosted there. Lucy was picked out of all the other reporters, being dragged into the mess with people such as Cat Grant and such.
She always heard about Gotham's modern-day elements with that vintage noir style that made it feel classy. Timeless even.
The moment she arrived at Gotham airport in a hurry to reach her hotel and get a feel for the actual city she would be placed into for the next few days, Lucy bumped shoulders with someone, giving a small sorry not realizing she dropped her sunglasses. Thankfully, the person she bumped into did.
He noticed the simple silver dollar glasses that landed on the floor, calling out, “Excuse me, miss?”
She turned around, hummed quietly facing the person who she assumed called her back there. She pointed to herself to make sure, the man noticed jogging up to her.
Once he did, she got a better glimpse of him. Tall, rich bright blue eyes that are as clear as day, and a soft wide smile. Along with a noticeable mark on his upper cheekbone.
“I believe you dropped these,” he said with a smile holding up the statement sunglasses.
“Oh uh-yes I did,” she replied, fumbling with her bag on her shoulder, smiling softly, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. Things happen.”
“Thank you, Mr…”
“Wayne. Bruce Wayne.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“No problem.”
“Do you need a hand?”
“Uh um, yes please.”
He helped carry the suitcase out the door, as she held her bag. The two smiled, holding up to a 5-minute simple conversation waiting for the taxi to arrive. He opened the door for the lady, placing the suitcase beside her. She closed the door, thanking him once again for the help.
Before the taxi driver could take off, Bruce leaned down facing the window remembering something, “I didn’t get your name.”
“Lucy,” she replied with a smile.
The taxi driver drove off, leaving Bruce Wayne standing there with a smile. He chuckled at the thought, as he heard Alfred call from him saying that his car was ready to take him home. Alfred saw the look on his face, smiling to himself, enjoying the thought of the young man happy for whatever reason.
Two nights later, the Charity Event arrived, Lucy walked in a short gray dress, that had pockets near the front, red pumps, and her hair tied up with pieces hanging out to frame her face. She wasn’t going for anything fancy, just something business casual and professional.
She took tips and quick interviews from people, getting a feel of the Charity Event as well as the people of Gotham. The elite center of men and women asked for photos to be requested in their inboxes, meanwhile other folks gladly spoke to them answering simple questions. Such as Jim Gordon who spoke to her and Cat Grant with such calm intellect that made them feel comfortable during the event.
A few ladies went running around and past them, finding themselves on the other end of the hallway towards the elegant man who walked into the building. Gushing, asking him things, flirting with the man in question, and requesting a few dances on the floorboard. Hell, even Cat Grant rushed over, hoping to snatch him up for a few minutes to herself. All Bruce Wayne could do was laugh and smile, catching a glimpse of the women in the far right corner loudly giggling. They locked eyes, recognizing each other again. She shrugged at the chaos as he mouthed jokingly, ‘help’.
She jokingly mouthed, ‘You’re on your own.’ The woman walked away sipping her drink, grabbing an interview with a few ladies of the jurying party. Some time later, she found herself on the dance floor with a nice blonde billionaire chatting away mid-laugh, until the blue-eyed man from earlier asked if he can cut in.
The pair nodded, as both men switched places. Now her hands were placed securely in his own, as his other gently lay on her waist. Her arm rested above his shoulder with ease.
“So, Mr. Wayne..” She said, being cut off by a smile.
“Bruce. You can call me Bruce.” He replied with a smile.
“Bruce. I see you escaped the attack of the wild she-wolves.”
“Ah, well, you see I’m a master at escaping situations like that one.”
“It’s a gift then, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce smiled, liking the way it rolled off her tongue, he almost would’ve melted at the sound. His last name came off too sly, tender, and sweetly dressed like a cowboy’s favorite slice of pie on a nice sunny day. She returned the smile, getting lost in his eyes for a moment with a raised eyebrow.
“What? Like what you see?” She teased him with a grin, “Mr. Wayne.”
“Stop that,” he replied with a grin, twirling her around.
“Stop what?”
“The way you say my name, Ms. Kent.”
“Or what?”
“I might have to show you the town and then take you home.”
“A billionaire’s house? No thank you, hon. Wait—I didn’t tell you my last name..”
She landed mid-twirl into his arms, their chests against one another as she let a blush rise to her cheeks.
“It’s on your name tag,” he said with a smile, it was his turn to make her melt a bit tonight.
“Oh um, right,” she added, swaying in place as her eyes landed on his face.
“I have a question.”
“Go for it.”
“Did you know about me coming here tonight?”
“No, I had no idea they were sending a Daily Planet reporter to Gotham, darling.”
“Fair, are you here for the Charity or free drinks?”
“Oh not exactly, Wayne Enterprises is offering a huge donation to the orphanage and hospitals nearby.”
Lucy smiled hearing that. She remembered hearing from Lois that Gotham men can be trash sometimes, but that's not what she sees. Especially adoring the fact that he was someone with money giving to the less fortunate, it was sweet and showed that he cared.
She smiled softly, “That’s lovely.”
“Now I have a question to ask you.” He added, returning the smile, “If you knew who I was when we met at the airport, would you have thought differently?”
“Hmm, depending on the situation. If I had to rate it, I would’ve given you a 7 for kindness and generosity towards me.”
“I’ll take it. May I say, you’re a good dancer, Ms. Kent.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“You have a slight change in accent, where are you from?”
“Uh, can you guess?”
“Hmm, Tennessee?”
“Close. It’s the southern part of the country, Kansas.”
“Kansas? Never met anyone from there before.”
“Well now you have!”
“It’s my lucky day.”
The pair kept chatting, Lucy being able to get some insight into Wayne Enterprises and the CEO of the company, but still wanting more about Gotham. Bruce found himself very responsive and liking the fact that she didn’t see him as the billionaire or walk away like the other women at the party. His eyes rushed to meet her face, taking it all in.
The two got to know each other fairly well. But it didn’t stop there, as the next morning he showed up at her hotel doorstep requesting to show her the city for the article she was writing. She agreed, following him to the limousine, where Alfred Pennyworth introduced himself graciously.
Little did the pair know that they would be dating afterwards. Spending visits to Gotham and Metropolis, date nights, and meeting friends. That’s how Bruce actually met Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Superman met Batman during those visits, growing respect for one another.
World’s Finest.
That's all folks! I have a short story on how Oliver Queen met Lucy but that would have to be for another time ;) Anyways let me know what you think in the comments below!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @djs8891 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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We're currently in season 2 of our Smallville rewatch (or first in my partner's case) so, largely from memory, here is my ranking of Smallville characters who should have been canonically queer listed on a scale from "Dude it was right there! I cannot fathom why you fumbled the ball here!" to "I mean I get why you didn't, but the subtext was loud". I might change my ranking after we finish the show.
1. First and most egregious we have Tess Mercer.
This woman is a lesbian.
Her second scene in the entire series is a square off with Lois in which Tess waits maybe 15 seconds before asking if Lois is into role play (to be fair, Lois is in a Spirit Halloween style french maid outfit at the time). Their tension remains severely homoerotic throughout the her time on the show.
They pair Tess with Oliver. They pair her with Zod. They give her the hots for Clark and none of it feels the least bit authentic. She is gay. Let this woman be gay.
2. Coming in at a close second is Chloe Sullivan.
Comp het is the only narrative explanation I can think of for why Chloe spent so much time pining for the obviously disinterested Clark when Pete was right there!
(Yes, I know that the actual reason is network demanded the love triangle, but I want an in-universe explanation, damn it)
Don't get me wrong, I remember her relationship to Jimmy being delightful, but "spent my teen years wanting someone who I knew didn't want me" is giving big "closeted and not ready to deal with my sexuality yet" energy.
Also her jacket choices in the early years feel distinctly sapphic to me, a sapphic who lived through this era.
Bonus: she and Lana could have ended up together and driven a stake right through that love triangle from hell.
3. Lois!
Lois is bi. Fight me.
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with her? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor. It's just so obvious to me.
Let bygones be bygones and bi gals be bi gals
4. Clark Kent
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with him? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor.
As the show went on, they dipped more and more heavily into the "super powers and kryptonite poisoning as queerness allegory" and it's... it's not great. But that's a whole other post. I just think that if you make listen to a character earnestly describe herself as her bestie's "krypto hag" when talking him through an issue he's having with his sex life AND you make your first on screen lesbian a homicidal shape shifter the least you can do is make your allegorically queer main guy actually bisexual.
Let bygones be bygones and bi guys be bi guys
Also it would kinda explain why he looked the other way about Lex's deeeeeply creepy behaviors for so long. He had the same blind loyalty to Lex that he had to Lana. While I do not ship them especially in the early seasons (Clark is a teen and Lex is in early 20s for the first 4 years of the friendship, that's a big nope for me) Clark having a crush on his morally dubious older friend would explain a lot.
Clark, that grown man is bribing a government agent for your mom's medical records. He is not you friend!
5. Lana Lang
I just think it would have been neat. As I mentioned under the Chloe section I would have really liked it if she and Chloe had ended up together.
Also Lana's journey from damsel in distress (that poor kid is in so. much. distress.) to morally complex love interest to superhero in her own right could also have been a really cool exploration of gender identity.
While I know the average TV writer in the 2000s first association the the word "binary" was likely "code" rather than "gender", non-binary Lana Lang would have slapped.
6. Lex Luthor
Lex is the official recipient of the "I completely get why they didn't make this canon, but the subtext was loud" award.
Lex is manipulative, duplicitous, obsessive, and predatory. (In other words, just another billionaire amiright) Making him canonically gay or bi would have reinforced some extremely harmful stereotypes and given how popular the show was in its time, I am very glad they didn't do this.
That said, he's just so obsessed with Clark and he loooves to compare himself to Alexander the Great.
And a season 6 (when everyone is adults) toxic, chaotic Clark/Lana/Lex throuple would have been amazing. The secrets! The betrayals! Certainly beats the canonical Lex/Lana doomed abusive marriage and ride on the ever present Clark/Lana merry-go-round.
Lex also made a clone combining his DNA with Clark's. Fellas....
Honorable mention: Oliver Queen
I don't have a narrative reason.
Maybe the fact that he was paired with first 3 people on this list at different points in the series just gives him a bit of bi/pan 4 bi/pan energy.
I also just think it would have been fun. And I like fun.
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sunnydaleherald · 9 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, January 14
XANDER: Buff, are you sure about Willow doing the hocus pocus again? I - I mean, last time she - BUFFY: Xander, we don't have a lot of choices. CHLOE: And what if that doesn't work? What if that monster gets through? BUFFY: Then we'll deal. RONA: Deal? Fight, you mean. How are we supposed to do that? VI: And with what?
~~Buffy Season 7 Episode #133: "Show Time"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Date Night, Interrupted (Giles/Jenny, T) by Bobbie23
Cursed (Spike/Cordelia, E) by MadeInGold
Smoking and Vampires Kill (Spike/Reader, T) by amitheone
Atonement (Angel/Riley, T) by MadeInGold
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you’re perfect (Spike/Reader, unrated) by specialagentlokitty
[Chaptered Fiction]
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atropos Ch. 1 (Drusilla/Spike, T) by voices_not_echoes
Spells of This Ch. 1-2/? (Willow/Tara, T) by buffycat100
Straight to the Heart Ch. 1 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
A tale of lost souls Ch. 1/3 (AtS Ensemble, Arrow xover) by Bl4ckHunter
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the family you need Ch. 14, Ch. 15 and Ch. 16 (Giles, Reader, unrated) by specialagentlokitty
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Drive, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
What If Love Was Enough?, Chapter 11-12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Spikelover4ever
Cherry On Top, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxineeden
Rise, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
Afterburn, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Melme1325
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, M) by slaymesoftly
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse), Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Asokatanos
Never Let Me Go, Chapter 1-5 (Buffy/Spike, M) by mcgnagallsarmy
Early One Morning , Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by all choseny
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Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
Rules of Engagement , Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by all choseny
Clean Slate, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, G) by hulettwyo
The Freak Show, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:first attempt at book binding by singwith-love-at-our-throats
Artwork:AtS Crew by genericaces
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Video: Angel&Cordelia | Snow on the Beach by mercer-queen
[Fandom Discussions]
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Watching 5x16 “The Body” of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by rekishi-aka
I don’t think I believe that people in Sunnydale High School think of the Scooby Gang as “Buffy Summers and her weird friends”. by coraniaid
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Tara's Birthday by nightshade
Issues with The Bronze by Cohen
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I feel like I had to say something cos I don’t understand this. by BlondieChelle83
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: What Happened To Angel? by Game Rant
PUBLICATION: 10 Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer Heroes, Ranked by CBR
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: What Happened To Faith? by Game Rant
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
They is my Family au part 1;
A Young Justice season 1 au where Connor Kent actually gets parented and gets to know his Luthor-dad's side of the family.
Featuring revamped characters from Supergirl, the comics, Smallville, and the superman movies as well as original characters cause why not?
This was born solely out of my need for more Young Justice Connor Kent and Luthor family content.
And also for my need to see more of Connor's friends from school as well as his teacher.
I just love them all so much, okay? Judge me all you want for it.
Now onto the characters!
Trigger warnings; Child abuse, crime, murder, and child death.
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Name: Lachlan Luthor.
Age: Not known.
Relation to Connor: Great Grandfather.
Crimes: Attempted murder, attempted grand theft auto, murder, being a killer for hire once, and child abuse.
Spouse: Eliza Luthor.
Children: Lionel Luthor.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—Born in Scotland.
— He and his wife were murdered by their son, Lionel.
—His job is unknown.
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Name: Eliza Luthor.
Age: Unknown.
Relation to Connor: Great Grandmother.
Crimes: none that we know of.
Spouse: Lachlan Luthor.
Children: Lionel Luthor.
~~~Notable facts~~~
— She lived with her family in Suicide Slums of Metropolis.
— She and her husband were murdered in a fire set by their only son.
— her maiden name is 'Meehan'.
—her job is unknown.
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Name: Lionel Luthor.
Age: 77 years old.
Relation to Connor: Grandfather.
Crimes: Murder, Torture, Corruption, child abuse, and fraud.
Spouse: Lillian Luthor.
Children: Lex Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Grant Gabriel, Lydia Luthor, and Tess Mercer.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—He is alive but he and Lex don't talk.
—Actually he doesn't talk with most, if not all of his kids. Because most of them don't want anything to do with him.
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Name: Lillian Luthor.
Age: 45 years old (at time of death).
Relation to Connor: Grandmother.
Crimes: Murder.
Spouse: Lionel Luthor.
Children: Lena Luthor, Alexander Luthor, Julian Luthor, Grant Gabriel, and Lydia Luthor.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—She is deceased.
—in her last years, she showed signs of mental instability.
—She murdered Jullian to prevent him and Lex from being pitted against eachother by Lionel. Lex took the fall.
—She died from cancer.
—She had a heart condition.
—She came from money.
—She had postpartum depression after Julian was born.
— Lex was at boarding school when she died.
—One summer, sometime before she died, a snake spooked her horse and Lionel saved her.
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Name: Tess Mercer.
Age: 42 years old.
Relation to Connor: Aunt.
Crimes: Aiding and Abetting, Murder, Kidnapping, and Conspiracy.
Spouse: none.
Children: Lutessa "Lutsey" Mercer.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—she is Lex's younger half sister, born from an affair.
—She is a villainess turned heroine.
— She was born Lutessa Lena Luthor.
— She first went by Red Tornado before switching to Watchtower.
—A role she shares with her sister in law, Chloe.
—she possess High Intellect, hacking abilities, businesswoman skills, hand -to -hand combat skills, Longevity, flight, Technology & Electronic Manipulation, Holographic Projection, and Aerokinesis.
— She is a Harvard educated Marine Biologist, used to work for Luthorcorp and checkmate, and is a former member of the Justice league.
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Name: Lucas Luthor.
Age: 40.
Relation to Connor: Uncle.
Crimes: Attempted murder, Theft, Espionage, drug use, and assault.
Spouse: Unknown.
Children: Leonard Luthor.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—He's another affair baby.
—He's been described as a Volatile Sociopath.
—When he was 18, he was willing to betray his family for money.
—He also got in trouble with the Yakuza.
—He also tried to elbow Clark just so he could win a basketball game but hurt himself instead.
—He cheats at poker.
—He grew up in the system and hates Lionel for it.
—Lex hid him away somewhere despite all he had done to protect him from Lionel, who he had tried to kill. Because of this, they grew close.
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Name: Julian Luthor.
Age: a few months old (at the time of death).
Relation to Connor: Uncle.
Crimes: none.
Spouse: none.
Children: none.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—He was suffocated by his mother, Lillian Luthor, to avoid Lionel pinning him and Lex against one another.
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Name: Grant Gabriel.
Age: 34 years old.
Relation to Connor: Uncle.
Crimes: none.
Spouse: Chloe Sullivan (Lois's cousin).
Children: Juliet "Julie" Gabriel-Sullivan and Julian "JJ" Gabriel-Sullivan Jr.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—Clone of Jullian Luthor.
—He is Lois's ex.
—He is the managing editor and city editor.
—He had a falling out with Lex for a while after he found out that he had been a Clone of Jullian and not the original but they eventually made up.
—Lex took care of him secretly for years.
—Grant didn't die in this universe.
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Name: Alexander "Lex" Luthor.
Age: 46.
Relation to Connor: father.
Crimes: Unethical experimentation, Murder, Attempted murder, Torture, Stalking, Blackmail, Extortion, Drug use, Usurpation, Corruption, Conspiracy, Property damage, and Incrimination.
Spouse: Ardora Luthor.
Children: Connor Kent, Alexis Luthor, Lily Luthor, Lexi Luthor, Linus Luthor, Lex Luthor Jr, Alexander Luthor Jr, and Lucinda Luthor.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—He is a tragic mastermind turned Supervillainous Mastermind.
— He and Lionel had a rocky relationship.
—He's been married 3 times before Ardora.
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Name: Lydia Luthor.
Age: 41 (at time of death).
Relation to Connor: Aunt.
Children: Nasthalthia "Nasty" Luthor.
Crimes: Presumably none.
Spouse: Unknown.
~~~Notable facts~~~
—Not much is known about her, only that her parents stopped talking to her after she moved to Europe at 18. (I made up her name).
—she is deceased in this universe.
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mdshh · 9 months
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Children aged up!! They had a birthday at a restaurant 🙃
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smallcloisville · 6 months
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"Congrats, Clark. You deserve a real party. Hugs, Zatanna."
Oliver as showgirl always gets me😂😂.
This ep is great and hilarious despite being a filler😌✨
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Alternate Events on Infinite Earths
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wu5kqmU by cer1992 An adaptation of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" and the final installment of the "Alternate Events" series. As a huge wave of anti-matter sweeps across the Multiverse destroying countless worlds, it is up to the heroes of the various universes to save what is left of existence. Will they succeed or will all be lost forever? Words: 93860, Chapters: 17/17, Language: English Series: Part 7 of DC Multiverse Crossovers Fandoms: Smallville, Smallville Season 11 (Comics), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), DC Extended Universe, Superman (Christopher Reeve Movies), Superman Returns (2006), Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Teen Titans (Animated Series), Black Lightning (TV), Wonder Woman (1976), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, Wally West, John Stewart (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, Shayera Hol, Sara Lance, Laurel Lance, Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Courtney Whitmore, Bart Allen, Tess Mercer, Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan, Justice League (DCU), Harleen Quinzel, Dinah Lance, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, Nyssa al Ghul, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Dru-Zod, Lyla Michaels, Jefferson Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Virgil "Static" Hawkins, Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson, Victor Stone, Arthur Curry (DCU), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Billy Batson, Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon, Amazo (DCU), Mar Novu | The Monitor, Anti-Monitor (DCU), Galatea (DCU), Eobard Thawne, Teen Titans (DCU) Additional Tags: Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Multiverse, Crossover, Multiple Crossovers, Epic, Epic Battles, Paragons (CW DC TV Universe), Cameos read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wu5kqmU
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hlfmoonshine · 11 months
muses i'd love to use a little more. alyssa dawson (vanessa kirby, assassin in hiding in a small town) ash dayna (emma d'arcy, cute but hopeless little bean) boone leigh (drew starkey, my little drug dealer who falls in love with all the boys) cosima rainwright (taylor swift, i know this one is a long shot) dima federov (jai courtney, let him be mean because he's very bad at it) elody james (kennedy mcmann, the most understanding doormat in the world) este galin (molly gordon, this babe is newwwwwwww) honey burton (chloe hayden, my cute little songwriter) josie eden (willa fitzgerald, double dog dare someone to write against all 3 eden kids) lila barton (emma mackey, witch verse? crime verse? your call babe) odyssey mercer (ashley moore, NEWWWWWWW PLEASE LET ME USE THEM) pennyshore robertson (zoe colletti, lil golden heart with the darkest backstory)
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strangcbchavior · 1 year
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( MELISA PAMUK / 32 / CIS WOMAN / SHE/HER ) — did you see THE IA DETECTIVE ASSIGNED TO HOPE MERCER’S CASE, AILYA ŞAHIN, wandering around the mercer hollow today? i heard around town that the INTERNAL AFFAIRS DETECTIVE is RESILIENT and METICULOUS, but also INSENSITIVE and HEADSTRONG. people say that they remind them of TO-DO LISTS, THE SMELL OF OLD BOOKS, and A BLAKE LIVELY POWER SUIT, but how well can you ever really know someone in mercer hollow? ( admin jay / 26 / mst /  she/her )
character inspo: chloe decker (lucifer), temperance brennan (bones), amy brookheimer (veep), katara (atla), lisa simpson (the simpsons), belle (beauty and the beast), monica (friends) 
ailya was born in turkey and into the lap of luxury. her mother was the classic combination of an heiress and a socialite, and her father was the founder of a successful petrochemical company. her mother obtained dual citizenship when ailya was a toddler so that she could pursue ailya's dance career in new york and los angeles. for the first thirteen years of her life, ailya lived and breathed dance. she was homeschooled in order to spend extra time in her company’s studio, and she was a national title holder for most of her life. her mother was convinced that she could have a lifelong career in dance and a future in modeling. 
ailya, however, disagreed. she was a serious child; the kind of kid who always used the steps to get into the pool (( after checking the water temperature first, of course )). she tried to get control of her life in high school. she devoted countless hours to her academic interests in order to get into an ivy league school for pre-law. her mother was devastated. she was only allowed to go if she chose a school close to their pent house in new york. 
she earned her undergrad from columbia so that her mother could ensure that she still spent time in the dance studio before and after classes. quinn wriggled out from under her thumb when she graduated early and was accepted into yale for law school. her parents footed the insanely expensive tuition and rent bills in exchange for a promise that when she got this 'working girl' fantasy out of her head, she'd return to have children and marry someone of her parents' choosing. aiyla quit dance, so she had to appease one of their dreams for her future. 
she grew disillusioned with the law very quickly once realized it wasn't actually about right and wrong or justice, especially when most of her colleagues belonged behind bars with their clients. she made a career change into internal affairs in state that was supposed to be less corrupt than new york in her best attempt to make sense of the u.s. justice system.
aiyla is of the opinion that if you want something, you have to work for it. there aren’t any excuses in life, so either put up or shut up. she takes Extreme offense to anyone who throws away opportunities by messing around.
she’s v cordial at work, so she can come off as cold. she thinks that personal lives should be kept out of the workplace. of course, aiyla has no personal life to talk about so that’s an easy motto for her live by lmao. 
she’s fiercely loyal to the few friends she has. 
aiyla isn't mean intentionally, but she doesn’t know how to sugarcoat things or understand why some people would be sensitive to criticism. she grew up with a hyper-critical mom, so she thinks that’s the best way to improve, and that she’s being helpful when she’s being harsh lmao–but her goal isn’t ever to hurt someone’s feelings. she’s very honest and genuine, but not tactful. 
she definitely lacks an ability to understand people who think differently than she does, and she is, of course, always right.
she’s totally ruled by logic and reason. her loyalties lie with concrete evidence adn reason above all else. 
she can often come off as arrogant. she doesn’t brag or flex, but she’s definitely not humble lmao. she is definitely aware that she’s smart and beautiful lmao, and she’s far more likely to say, “i know,” than, “thank you,” to a compliment. 
she hasn’t danced since she was 19, and it’s entirely to prove a point to her mom even though she did love dancing before her mom became her momager. *you’re doing amazing, sweetie*
she’s v embarrassed that she wanted to be a ballerina when she was eight bc how immature and unrealistic. it’s not like she was four. 
she has a dog who she loves more than any human. she’s a german shepherd named lizzie (after elizabeth bennet of course).
she loves art and poetry history. she’s also really into the history of fashion and fashion in general. most of her money (that doesn’t go into a 401k and her investment portfolio) goes towards art pieces and handbags. 
she views relationships as a basic tier in maslow’s hierarchy of needs, similar to food or shelter. to her, sex is just a means to an orgasm, and orgasms are occasionally necessary to release tension. so ,,, she’s never had a romantic partner lmao, and she’s not interested in any unnecessary distractions from her work.  
𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 !!
best friends: ( m, f, nb ), childhood friends: ( m, f, nb ), fwb: (m, f, nb), casual hookup ( m, f, nb), work rivals: ( m, f, nb ), enemies: ( m, f, nb )
all the connections tbh. hmu or like this and i’ll hit you up !!
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