#chocolate and lettuce I guess?
countess-of-edessa · 2 years
woke up in a panic last night because i guess i was crying in my sleep and my tears ran into my mouth and i didn’t know what was going on lol
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milky-rozen · 22 days
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I know I make a lot of jokes about the lettuce incident, but I couldn't help noticing something interesting about it: have you ever noticed how, in the Contendings, Seth never complained about his fancy vegan breakfast despite being dressed with a very special sauce? And he basically summoned the whole solar court completely unaware of what he just ate?
Now, unless his taste buds are just as sterile as his deserts, I guess the guy did enjoy his meal after all 😂🥬
Jokes aside, there's an actual explation for that: the Lactuca sativa, which was the lettuce variety that was widespread in Ancient Egypt, can naturally produce a white liquid when pressed. It was, in fact, a sacred vegetable used in offerings for fertility gods such as Min, and it was also considered an aphrodisiac rather than an actual meal. So basically, it's the equivalent of having Seth eating chocolate for breakfast! Guess he likes his mornings sweet 😂
Btw, here's the original reference for the meme, you can still find this thing on the Wikipedia page for "excreta-based compost" if you're interested lol
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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mytheoristavenue · 10 months
Day 8-
OP Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader - Winter Proposal
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Summary: While walking through a snowy farmer's market, Sanji asks you an important question.
Warning: pure fluff, very short/rushed
You smiled to yourself, inhaling the aroma coming off of the disposable cup of hot chocolate in your hands. The foam dish warmed your fingertips as you took a sip, waiting for Sanji to finish up at a fish stand. Just then, he glanced back up to see you waiting, and cut his interaction with the fisherman short, before tucking what he'd ought into a wicker basket.
"Sorry, I just had to," he said sheepishly. "I haven't seen this kinda stuff since I left the East Blue. It was one our signature dishes on the Baratie, you're gonna love it-" You could hardly keep track of him when he got like this, rambling on about food and ingredients and the different was they can be used.
"I'm sure I will," you giggled. "I love anything you make."
Sanji suddenly fell nearly silent as his stare fell downcast. "I know you do..." he muttered under his breath. The truth was, you weren't a very picky eater, he could serve you rotten salad with wilted lettuce and you'd eat it. You were never wasteful or gluttonous like other people he knew. If he ever made something experimental that nobody liked, he could always count on you to give him a five star rating.
"What's the matter?" you asked, tilting your head and stepping in front of him, forcing your face into his line of sight.
"Oh, nothing." he dismissed with a melancholic smile.
"Come on, Sanji," you pressed. "Obviously something's bothering you! You're all quiet now."
"I guess I just have something on my mind is all..." he trailed, brushing passed you to continue on the path again.
"Well, out with it!" you pouted, pulling on his sleeve, making him stop again.
"It's not the right time." he insisted, pulling you along.
"The right time for what?" you whined, beginning to become impatient with him.
"You're not going to let it go, are you?" he finally asked, giving you a glimmer of hope. You shook your head persistently, prompting him to sigh and dig into his pocket. "Just remember, if this isn't perfect, you forced it out of me." he teased, sinking to his left knee. Gazing up at you with that sweet, charming smile of his, he offered you a ring. It was a simple silver band, speckled with tiny diamonds and a teardrop-shaped sapphire as the centerpiece.
Tears immediately began rolling down your cheeks as you slapped your palm to your lips in disbelief. "S-Sanji..."
"You've always been my biggest fan, (Y/N). My taste tester when I'm unsure, my sous chef when I need help, and when nobody else likes my food, I know you do. You're my biggest support and I want you by my side forever."
"S-Sanji..." you sniffled, cheeks blushed and snowflakes catching on your hair. "I don't know what to say..."
"Say yes..." he beamed, tears pricking his eyes as he grabbed your left hand and slid the ring onto your finger. "Please bel amour?"
Finally catching up with the world around you, you quickly nodded your head, sobbing as you fell to your knees with him. "Yes, a million times, yes!" you cried into his chest. "I'd love to!"
"Thank you mon tresor," Sanji sighed, pulling you closer, not caring about the market goers passing you by. "C'mon, let's finish the shopping and get back tot he ship. I'm gonna make you somehting extra special."
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 months
What are the ROs' comfort foods?
Blade: there's a specific meal in Ygrath literally called "soldier's meal" that they would prepare both for the trainees in boot camp (or the Ket equivalent) and that mothers would traditionally prepare for their children when they returned home from war: it basically consists of grilled fish over rice, accompanied by sauteed dark mushrooms, a mountain herbal tea, salted cucumber and radish, and clear "earth-broth" with onions, mushrooms, grains of barley, and a miso-like paste. That's his comfort meal!
Trouble: his answer would be a nice steak, crispy potatoes cooked in duck fat, a beer, and a heaping bowl of honey pudding to follow, but I actually think his real comfort food is a sandwich. sometimes when he's upset, you can observe him going straight to the kitchen and eating his feelings with a massive sandwich. doesn't really matter what's in it, so long as it's on nice slabs of bread and has a bit of nice cheese, lettuce, and tomato!
Tallys: peya, the Elvish stuffed hand bread with nuts and cheese and wrapped in a leaf and drizzled with honey, is definitely one of her biggest comfort foods, but cheese in general is secretly a key ingredient for her too! She just likes nibbling on a little bit of cheese when she's anxious about something. Make her a cheese plate with some fruit and honey (though that part's optional) and she'll be happy!
Shery: definitely baked sweets! Everything she bakes for other people is her comfort food, lol. Sugar and flour and very soft, fluffy textures all the way baby! She tends to like strawberries and cream or angel food cake or fruit tart type sweets rather than really decadent chocolate or extravagant fudgey things, but she'll make whatever! Baking it is as much her comfort as eating it!
Riel: his are definitely sweets, too! Having a tray of little sweets (petit fours, little cookies, little bites of cheesecake) paired with extremely bitter khav or tea are divine ambrosia for him. It's extremely unhealthy but when he's at his peak workaholic stress, you'll often see him working at his desk with only a platter of sweets to graze on, it's so bad...
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Chase: he doesn't really derive comfort from food... he has other vices... but if I had to guess, any kind of soup or chowder would inherently be comforting to him, especially since he had a lot of that growing up! He's particularly partial to a pumpkin-eel soup and corn and seafood chowder!
Red: I think he finds bread, particularly soft, slightly sweet bread, inherently comforting, and it's his go-to late-night snack when he's accidentally skipped dinner and doesn't want to fuss with a whole meal but has to eat something. Think of him walking around with half of a brioche roll in his mouth or something! Sticky buns and sweet milk bread was what was usually served for breakfast at the Circle, so it subconsciously brings him back to the days of being a student, having a routine, having the whole day to look forward to, etc.!
Ayla: most meals where there's too much to finish in one sitting are inherently comforting to her... she gets stressed about scarcity of food, so a big cauldron of vegetable soup (until that gets ruined, thanks Halek) or a big heaping pile of really anything where she can just mindlessly eat and process her feelings is comforting to her! This isn't quite a thing in Blest, but one of those huge grazing tables would be a delight for her!
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Briony: with her amnesia, I don't think she's discovered yet what is a "comfort food" for her versus just foods she really really likes; she's more in a phase of life where she's trying as many new foods as possible rather than discerning which ones inspire particular emotions in her! I think she hasn't developed enough memories around food (which is sometimes what comfort food entails, that association to a particular experience or emotion) to gravitate towards a particular comfort food yet... but if I had to guess, I think she's drawn towards fried foods or little dumplings and tartlets, like a crab and cheese tartlet that's basically a crab rangoon or something like that! In a modern AU I could also see her being a big ice cream/milkshake/boba consumer!
Lavinet: she's not a big eater, so drinks are more comforting to her than food. When she's had a stressful day, she instinctively unwinds with a nice glass of wine, a cup of hot chocolate, a mug of warm tea, or what have you, rather than seeks out any particular meal or dish! She doesn't really have emotions around specific food like that!
Halek: he finds most foods he grew up with the opposite of comforting, as he thinks most Hunter food is bland and monotonous! (Not everything thinks that, he was just sick to death of growing up in the Reach and having the same-old same-old all the time.) His comfort food is some kind of cheesy pasta: it's simplistic in terms of his cooking aspirations, but there's just something about it that he finds inherently comforting! A nice gnocchi-style dish with a bunch of cheese sauce, toasted breadcrumbs, and broiled under an oven is his favorite!
Mimir: uncertainty
Caine: our boy loves cookies and fruit pies with a tall glass of milk!!
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 29
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
Tori and I met up on my lunch break the following afternoon. I filled her in about the mishap with James the night before and she visibly cringed.
“Ouch.” She made a face. “That was a bold way to shoot his shot.”
“I felt so bad,” I admitted, “I still feel bad.” I twirled a French fry in ketchup and popped it into my mouth.
“Did you tell Joel?”
I nodded. “The night before I had gotten a card that was left on my car with no name. I thought it was this creepy guy Trevor from class.”
“Who’s creepy Trevor?”
“He's just this brown noser type of guy. I saw him lurking behind the building one night when I left and then he, like, popped out of the library stacks at me out of the blue.”
“Red flag, red flag.” Tori made invisible check marks in the air with her finger. “What if he's the lady killer?” That's what the papers and news outlets had branded the person responsible for the two dead women.
“Lately, I think everyone is the lady killer.” I huffed a laugh and shook my head. I changed the subject. “Are you and Derek doing anything for Valentine's Day tonight?”
“We’re going to see an early movie and then going out for cocktails and some apps.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Where’s Mr. Gold Coins taking you?” She asked with a laugh as she forked a bite of chicken from her salad, “Paris?”
I laughed. “We’re going to a place called Lake Kora.”
“Where's that?”
I shrugged and reached for the second half of my turkey wrap and took a hearty bite.
“You didn't Google it?”
I shook my head and continued to chew.
“Do I have to teach you everything?” Tori eyed me and began typing away on her phone. “How do you spell it?”
“L-a-k-e,” I began, smirking at her as she flicked my hand.
“Smartass, I know how to spell ‘lake'. What about the second part?”
Tori eyed her tiny screen and began flicking her finger until she seemed satisfied. “Hmm..”
“What?” I arched my neck and she turned her phone part way.
“Looks nice.” She scrolled through photos. “Is he going to put, like, rose petals all over the bed? Feed you chocolate covered strawberries?”
I nearly spit the bite of my sandwich out and the two of us began laughing, drawing looks from other customers in the little sandwich shop.
“Sorry,” Tori whispered with a hand up, still chuckling as she took a sip of her iced tea to compose herself.
“Maybe we can double date some time soon,” I suggested.
“I gotta get a feel for this guy,” she nodded in agreement and poked around through her lettuce in search of a crouton. “What's going on next weekend?”
“His sister is getting married. We’re going to Vermont for the long weekend.”
Tori raised her eyebrows. “Wow.”
I nodded. “I was nervous to go but I met her recently and we hit it off, so..” I shrugged.
My friend pointed her fork in my direction. “If this guy ends up breaking your heart, I'll break his neck.” Tori paused, “Well, I’ll get someone to do it because I probably wouldn't be able to.”
I have a closed-mouth smile. “I hope this is all what it seems; because I'm totally caught up.”
“I know you are.” She nodded, “I've never seen you like this.”
“I know.” I ate another French fry and sipped on my Diet Dr. Pepper. “It's a little scary.”
Tori gave a genuine smile. “I guess life should be about taking chances.. and following your heart.” She raised her styrofoam cup, “To the next step?”
I tapped my cup against hers. “To the next step.”
The ride to ‘up-upstate’ with Dr. Miller late that afternoon had me excited for the weekend ahead. We took the truck, loaded up with snacks and even stopped at a little hockey store to purchase two pairs of ice skates. I couldn’t wait to go ice skating. It had been so long since I’d been but I was sure I’d pick it up again - like second nature.
“Want a coffee?” Dr. Miller motioned to a little shop beside the hockey store, “Or hot chocolate?” He grinned and took my hand when I nodded. We wandered into the shop and the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans hit me like a wave.
My eyes scanned a chalkboard with an endless array of choices. There were your typical French Vanilla flavors and Hazelnuts. And then the list trickled down to pistachio, white chocolate almond, blueberry and peppermint mocha.
“I’ll do a medium black coffee with a shot of espresso,” Dr. Miller ordered. “And a package of the chocolate covered espresso beans.”
When I spotted a banana mocha chocolate espresso, I was sold. Half hot chocolate, half coffee with the sweetness of the banana. Sign me up.
Dr. Miller smiled at me and gently squeezed the back of my neck as I ordered. I leaned into him and our hands found one another’s again after getting our orders and walking out.
“I can’t wait to get up there,” I told him when we got back in the car. I sipped my drink after giving the entrance to the cup a gentle blow and then set it in the cup holder. When Dr. Miller reached for my hand again, I squeezed his. I loved how he had to touch me at all times - whether holding my hand, squeezing my neck, or resting a hand on my knee as he drove.
He popped open the little bag of espresso beans and then reached over, prepared to place one in mouth.
I accepted, purposely sucking the pad of thumb for an extra second and Dr. Miller smiled at me. I almost giggled, thinking about Tori’s comment about the chocolate covered strawberries but I just grinned and looked out the window, relinking my hand with his.
Honestly, I didn't want the car ride to end. Until it did, and the A-frame lake house we would be staying in came into view.
Okay, I'm ready for the car ride to end.
The frozen lake stretched out, what looked like, for miles as he pulled down the long, rocky driveway.
Dr. Miller pulled the truck up beside the house and I got a glimpse of a hot tub on the front deck. He turned to glance at me and I couldn't help but smile.
“Come on.” He nodded his head toward the cabin and opened his door.
I eagerly trailed him up to the rental property. Neither of us bothered to grab our belongings yet. The sting of the cold weather felt refreshing on my cheeks on the short walk to the front door.
Dr. Miller punched a code into a little black box beside the door and a silver key popped out as the front of it opened.
“Do you own this house, too?” I had to ask, but he smiled and shook his head.
“I know as much about it as you do.” He slipped the key into the lock and opened the door, pulling me inside by the hand as he flipped on the main lights. It was like something from Pinterest or “hashtag cabin” on any number of social media outlets.
An oversized television sat above a stone fireplace to the right. A small collection of couches and chairs faced it, only split up by a shag throw rug. Above it hung a giant rustic chandelier. Overlooking the living room area was a loft that was accessible by a winding staircase and beneath the loft, straight ahead, was a cozy, modern kitchen with low ceilings.
“What do you think?” Dr. Miller put his hands on my shoulders from behind, and I reached up and placed one hand over his.
“I think we should stay here for a week.”
“Or two,” he added.
“Or two.” I nodded in agreement and looked over my shoulder at him. “Thank you. This is amazing.. again.”
“Let's get our bags.”
I followed him back to the car and he carried as much as he could, leaving me with just the ice skates that I set down on the couch in the living room area. We unloaded the little bit of food we’d brought up for the short stay and then towed the suitcases up the windy stairs to the lofty bedroom.
“Feel like some dusk ice skating?” Dr. Miller asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Is it safe?”
“I've been checking the weather all week,” he explained, “It's been in the teens and twenties.” Dr. Miller nodded, “There were some people out there when we drove up. Should be frozen solid.”
“Well, then, I can't wait.” My hands fell down into his and I bent at the hip to kiss him firmly on the lips. When I slowly dropped to my knees in front of him, working at the buckle of his belt, Dr. Miller looked down at me with a half, closed-mouth grin.
He sighed and arched his hips so I could shove his pants down to his ankles before closing his eyes as he stood back up. “Alright,” he agreed with a second deep breath.
“Unless you want to get right out onto the ice..” I teased.
Dr. Miller opened his eyes again and looked down at me. “It'll still be there in five minutes.”
“Five?” My hand wrapped around him now and I took him partway into my mouth. I guessed longer.
He groaned and smiled with his eyes closed. “Maybe three.”
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @acciowolfstar1 @smolbeanzzz @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @bandluvr97
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glorious-imagines · 10 months
The Gala .I
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It was the annual Wayne Family Gala. Y/n had been invited. She debated whether or not she should go. Going meant she would definitely see Jason. But she would also get to see Dick and everyone else. She missed them. And Alfred would be upset if she didn't show. Jason's girlfriend or not.
She huffed and picked up her phone. She sent a quick text and then went to her closet. This year's theme was the Moonlit Masquerade Ball. She had absolutely nothing to match. She would need to go shopping. It was going to be expensive, too. She huffed and began getting ready for a trip to her favorite tailor.
Just before she's out the door, she gets a return text from her current… uh… person? She wasn't sure she was ready to give him any sorta title. He was just someone she was 'talking to' at the moment. Anyway, he confirmed to be her date for the gala.
She briefly wondered if Jason would bring Isabella. She hoped not. That witch would definitely try to start something. The entitled cunt. She huffed and shook her head to clear her thoughts. Shopping was too good an activity to be marred by thoughts of awful people.
Jason didn't want to go to the annual gala. He just didn't have the energy to get all gussied up. On the other hand, he glanced at Isabel, who was making herself some food. He could use a bit of time away from his baby mama. The alcohol would definitely be strong enough for him to forget his regrettable choices. He'd have Gabby grab him something and then get ready at her place.
He nodded to himself, taking a sip of his coffee. It was disgusting, but he didn't make a show of it. She tried her best. He missed the homebrewed teas Y/n used to make. She had him try chai with just a hint of sugar. It turned out to be his favorite.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Isabel asked, bringing him out of his thoughts as she sat across from him.
"Hm?" he questioned.
"You were smiling. It had to have been a good thought. What was it?"
He hadn't realized he was smiling. Is still smiling. Guess Y/n could always get him to his happy place. He didn't even know he was stressed enough to need one. He made sure his smile didn't falter so as not to raise any suspicions about himself. When did he start faking his happiness like this?
"Was thinking maybe we could eat out tonight. I'm kinda craving a tiramisu."
Isabel frowned. "Blech, that sounds so gross to me right now." She rubs her belly. "Maybe no chocolate for a while."
Jason watched her hands move in circular motions around her belly. She was huge now. With twins. Both boys. He wanted to sigh heavily. Release a bit of the stress he felt. Sometimes he felt that she would rub her stomach to kind of manipulate him in some small way. She didn't say it, but he knew she expected him to not have what he wanted. It would make her sick. The babies apparently weren't fans of chocolate. It barely had 'chocolate' in it.
He makes his smile soften and gently rubs her arm. "Well, it won't go anywhere. We can get whatever you like." "I'd really like a boisenbery cheesecake." She smiled innocently.
They had gone to this diner multiple times. She always got the same thing. Bacon egg cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, extra onions, and pickles; a large side of fries with barbecue sauce and mustard. And lastly, two, no, three—wait, four—slices of boisenbery cheesecake. Two to take home.
"I knew you would say that. That's why I got it for delivery. Since I'll be busy tonight, I even got a whole boisenberry cheesecake made. Just for you." This made her swoon and hug him. He couldn't lie, It made his heart swell a bit to see her so happy. He'd make a mental note to do more things like this for her. The situation wasn't ideal, but there was no reason they both had to suffer.
"I'll be gone for a bit, so I asked Gabby to keep an eye on you for me. Her numbers' on the fridge if you need anything."
"Okay, at least try to be safe."
He hummed as he walked out the door. …
Exactly how does one run into their ex as soon as they arrive? Y/n knew she was playing with fire by coming. But arriving at the same time as Jason? Well, she was just that lucky, wasn't she?
Dick walks over to the entrance with a big grin on his face. "How's my fave couple?"
Y/n turns to Jason with a slightly annoyed and curious expression. "You didn't tell your family that we broke up?" Dick looks a bit down. "You guys broke up?"
Jason rolls his eyes and says, "Well, forgive me, but I've been a bit busy."
Y/n takes off her jacket and hands it to the attendee while nodding as if remembering certain facts. "Right, you do have to prepare to bring your seed into this world…" Dick is shocked. "You're having a baby?"
Jason instantly frowns. "Real nice, Y/n. Why don't you grow the fuck up?"
Y/n feigns caring, "Where is your baby mama, anyway? Both our invitations have a plus one."
Dick has finally noticed that the air between them is a bit hostile and dons a nervous grin."
"What, like you brought someone?" Jason says thinking he's had the last laugh.
Y/n sports a devilish grin. "I would never come to a Wayne Gala alone. He should be walking in right… about… there he is."
In walks Conner Kent. He is dressed to the nines in a midnight blue tux with a corset. It matched perfectly with Y/n's midnight blue strapless gown, which hugged her body in all the right places. Jason would have taken the time to appreciate her choice of dress if they hadn't had their little spat.
Conner wrapped his arms around Y/n and kissed her cheek. The action made Jason nauseous.
"It might be best if you make yourself scarce, Todd," Damian says as he walks straight into the scene. "We're not going to stop inviting her over just because you broke up."
Jason wanted to strangle Damian. Instead, he opted for glaring, hoping the kid would somehow catch fire. "Hey all, it's my first time to a Wayne function. I heard they're famous." Conner spoke with a chill smirk.
Jason's gaze shifts back to Y/n who still has that shit-eating grin, like she won the battle. He is pissed. And hurt. His hands ball into tight fists, and he's about to do something to add to his list of regrets…
Dick clears his throat, bringing his hands together with a clap, smiling away all the tension. "Okay, we're happy to have you, Conner. Help yourself to everything, and I'll see you later." He throws an arm around Jason's shoulders and leads him away just as Y/n and Conner start a conversation with Damian.
Dick leads Jason to Bruce's study and closes the door behind them. Jason kicks over a chair in frustration. "Damn it!"
"So, a lot has happened, obviously. You and Y/n broke up. Presumably, because you're having a baby… " Dick leans casually against Bruce's desk with his arms crossed over his chest.
Jason slides down a nearby wall with his hands over his face. "A fucking Super? She's fucking a Super." "And you care because you still have strong feelings for her."
The statement makes Jason groan loudly in his hands. "We were supposed to spend the rest of forever together…"
"And now you have a baby on the way."
"Babies." Jason corrects. "Isabel is having twins."
"Isabel?" Dick sits next to him. "As in…"
"I thought I did the right thing by ending things with Y/n. I didn't want her to bear the brunt of our relationship while I was off being a dad. He sweeps his hands roughly through his hair, a heavy sigh leaving him. "But I fucked up. I fucked up bad. I miss her so much."
"So this is the hangout spot?" Conner casually saunters into Bruce Wayne's office like he owns it.
"The rest of the manor is closed to guests. I can have someone point you in the direction of the guest restrooms." Dick suggested about to call for an aid.
"Actually, I wanted to speak to Jason." He gave a lopsided grin.
Dick scrutinized Conner, ready to deny him access to Jason entirely.
"It's fine, Dick." Jason went poker-faced, stuck his hands in his pockets, and walked out.
Conner saluted Dick with two fingers and followed Jason. They ended up on a balcony overlooking the gala. Jason notes that Y/n is talking to Babs. He fleetingly thinks about reading their lips before turning to Conner.
"It's crazy how things work out, right?" Conner starts, "One minute I'm crushing hard, and the next, I'm her date to one of the famous Wayne Galas."
"So, you wanted to rub it in." Jason challenged as his face twisted.
"No, you misunderstand." Conner held his hands up with the feint of a nervous smile plastered on his face. "I don't know what went down with you two. I do know that you were couple goals."
"And?" Jason grumbled impatiently.
"Well, it's obvious you're the fuckup in this equation. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so pissed."
"No way, Y/n is dating such a tool."
Conner claps him on the shoulder a little too hard. "I just wanted to make sure that you knew that she isn't yours to make happy anymore."
Jason scoffs and roughly shrugs his hand off him. "Y/n doesn't belong to anyone. And while we aren't together anymore, there's not a chance in hell I'm leaving her in your hands." Jason shoulder-checks Conner as he walks away, fists balled tightly.
~~~ I was gone for a year… lets not make it a big deal. I even came with a gift… 😏
@iyuuii @jaguarthecat @rhyanna6012
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analogwriting · 7 months
Chapter 10: Süda
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 1.8k next
“What in the everliving fuck just happened?” You turned, looking at Marco who started bursting into laughter. You were ready to deck him in all honesty. Though, your brain was currently focusing on the last thing that Law said. That Corazon even had a crush on you then. How the hell?
“That kid never ceases to surprise me.” You can never guess how he would react to something.  He had that stoic expression most of the time, which is why sometimes his bedside manner sucked ass. He only really expressed irritation or annoyance. His friends and Corazon seemed to be the only ones who could bring out the softer sides of him, it was a humorous thing to behold.
Marco looked at you with a lazy grin. “I told you that you're overthinking things. It's okay to be thanked for the things that you do. Like he said, some people meet their heroes and end up being ass anyway.” 
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. “I guess I'll talk to Corazon,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Marco was right. You were terrible at letting people show you the least bit of gratitude. You just felt like you were doing what you were supposed to. You were doing your job. Nothing all that special. 
“Good. Cause he's actually here.”
The sheer speed in which your head snapped to Marco, you were surprised you didn't break it. “He had just dropped everything off when you showed up, so I told him to wait a bit. That I'd convince you to talk to him.” He stood up with a shit eating grin that made you want to punch him again. 
“I'll be right back.” 
You let out a loud groan once he left, covering your face with your hands. You weren't even sure what you were feeling right now. A migraine, for sure. You might have mostly cured your hangover but your entire body still hurt. Your original plan was to just come in and check in on everyone. A short and easy visit. 
Now it was all complicated.
You looked at the bouquet again, taking one of the chocolate “flowers” shaped like a heart and examining it closely. It looked pretty good, smelled good too.
“They're coffee flavored.” 
You jumped, looking up at the tall man in your doorway. You honestly felt your own heart almost leap out of your chest when you saw him. You didn't realize just how much you missed him until this moment. You had come to love his little visits and not having them made your life a little boring. 
He stepped into the office, closing the door behind him. You watched his movements carefully, trying to gauge his mood right now. Him closing the door made you a little on edge, but you tried not to think about it. He turned to you, bowing his head slightly.
“My name is Donquixote Rosinante.” What…the hell was going on? Did he hit his head? “I’m from the Donquixote Family. My brother gave me the title of Corazon and even though I have long since left, I still use the name mostly because Law just never stopped using it and I didn’t hate it so here we are.” He walked towards you and you couldn’t back up as you were already pressed into your desk.
“I am no contact with my family. As far as I know, my brother still thinks I’m missing. I have one kid that I found a long time ago riddled with disease. He’s long since cured now.” 
You still had no idea what was going on. What was this monologue? 
“Hearts are kind of my thing because I am full of so much love for others - at least that’s what Bepo says. I just like hearts. My favorite foods are lettuce, cabbage, and umeboshi. I don’t like pizza or bread. I’m incredibly clumsy and break almost everything. I-”
The man stopped talking, looking at you with surprise. 
“What are you doing?”
He frowned. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m starting over. Being transparent. It’s…” He paused, losing whatever momentum he had.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Cute but unnecessary.” You took a deep breath. “However.” You looked up at him.
“My name is y/n l/n. I am from the l/n family. My mother died when I was young and I was set to take over my father’s family. I was never really about that life and didn’t get the courage to leave it until a small child and his clumsy father came into my life, giving me the final push to leave.” You watched as Corazon’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but you covered it with your hand to prevent him from saying anything.
“I took over this hospital and made it a safe haven for those who want to leave. And a neutral ground for those who need help. My best friend is Marco Newgate, son of Edward Newgate, or as you know him ‘Whitebeard’. We just call him ‘Pops’. I do enjoy coffee and coffee flavored things. The extra caffeine is something I always need.” You removed your hand from his mouth, looking up at him.
“We’re the reason you left?” It seemed he was hung up on that part. You nodded. “I had been thinking about it already and helping Law gave me that final resolve to do so. It seemed we both inspired each other.”
After a moment of processing your words, he finally spoke. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, y/n. I hope we can get along.” He smiled warmly at you, making your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you too, Rosinante.” 
He paused for a moment before sighing. “I really am sorry, though.” He frowned deeply. “You did nothing but treat Law, the boys, and I with such kindness and patience. All I did in return was end up pointing a gun at you just because of who your father was.” 
“I did do the same thing to y-”
“But that’s not the same. You had just been attacked by my family and then you ran into me. You were scared and unknowing. In my situation, you didn’t do a single thing wrong. You did everything right and I still treated you like a criminal.” He sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
You could feel your face slowly setting on fire. Your heart was racing a million miles an hour and you had no idea what to do. You took a deep breath, finally speaking. “I knew you weren’t going to shoot me.” 
Corazon pulled away, looking at you.
“No offense, Ros, but you’re one of the least intimidating people I’ve ever met for one.” You watched his face turn red - whether it was from your comment or the spur of the moment nickname, you weren’t sure. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to pull the trigger. You thought I had lied to you and acted rashly, yes. But I knew that deep down you knew that I was right.”
“You disarming me in the least painful way possible and disassembling my gun before giving it back to me told me everything I needed to know. You don’t like hurting people and you trusted me. You gave me back the very thing that could kill you had I actually been determined to do so.”
You nodded, smiling. “Glad you saw it that way because that’s exactly the message I wanted to get across.” You sighed softly, shaking your head. “I was tired of all the violence. Of the killing. I hated doing it. That’s why I left. I wanted to help people.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled again. “I should’ve never-”
“Rosinante.” You used your firm tone that caused him to tense slightly and his face turned even more red.  You had to keep that in mind. “I swear if you apologize again, I’m not going to forgive you.” His eyes widened in surprise, nodding quickly. “I’m s-” He cut himself off. “Uh…yes, doctor,” he mumbled. 
You snorted softly. “Law told me something very interesting,” you mused, looking up at him. Corazon blinked, tensing slightly. He narrowed his eyes. “What did he have to say?”
“That apparently you had a crush on me back then?” A sly grin appeared across your face. 
His eyes widened and he started to sputter. You watched as his mind began reeling as he tried to find something to say to you. You grinned. “Real interesting considering I hid basically all the features that could give me away from you. Must’ve been my radiant personality.” 
He only grew more red by the minute before he finally spoke. “I mean, how could I not? You’re literally the kindest and sweetest person I’ve ever met. Not to mention you’re incredibly intelligent and willing to help anyone no matter what, even if it reopens your own traumatic wounds.”
That shut you right up. This time you were the one going red and struggling to find something to say. You just stared at him with eyes the size of saucers. “I didn’t need to know what you looked like to know how I felt about you.”
“You sure that wasn’t just gratitude since I had just saved your son back this?” you tried to brush it off as nothing, but the look in Corazon’s eyes said something else. He shook his head. “I’m positive.”
Before you could get so much as another word in, there was a knock at the door. For fuck’s sake, could you not have fucking anything?
“Can I never have a minute?” You were mumbling and grumbling, folding your arms across your chest as you pouted slightly.
Marco walked in with an expression that immediately made you uneasy. “You know that I do not want to interrupt right now because no one has been waiting for this moment more eagerly than me. But…” He looked at you with a deep frown.
“Your father called. He wants you to visit the estate immediately. Didn’t say why.”
You just stared at Marco. What the fuck did your father want? Why now? He was just here. And as much as you appreciated him for contacting you in a more appropriate manner, you were annoyed that he did it right now. Didn’t he say everything he needed to the other day? Is the weird cryptic thing that Pops said earlier going to unfold now? Were you finally going to get some answers?
You looked at Corazon apologetically. “I-”
He shook his head, holding up his hand. “Just go. I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled at you. “Marco said he programmed my number into your phone last night anyway, so call me when you get back.” You felt your face warm up. “I…” Man, you didn’t deserve a man with so much patience. You nodded. “Okay. Will do.” With that, you grabbed your coat and headed out of the office, silently cursing your dad for interrupting your love life not once, but twice.
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catch-needed-hobbies · 2 months
Little AEW x Pokémon thingy feat. Hook and Orange Cassidy
Orange Cassidy was not an energetic guy; a lot of people confused it with apathy but that implied he didn’t care about things. He cared about things but he just couldn’t be bothered to show his excitement most times. Right now as he watches what is in his opinion the most adorable exchange he’s bore witness to, he thinks about how other people probably think he doesn’t care at all. They’d be wrong.
“They’re still at it?” For the first time in the ten minutes it took his tag-partner to return from the vending machine, Orange looks away from the scene in front of him to address Hook, who has a bag of Doritos in his hands now.
“Yeah. They have not stopped. It’s very cute.” Just from the tone, you wouldn’t guess that Orange had already taken about a hundred pictures so he can look back at them later.
In that moment, Hook’s Pokémon partner finished his little lap around the locker room once again, capping it off by jumping up high enough to kick the berry laying on top of Snorlax’s head perfectly and into the painted target behind.
As the little Raboot began another lap, running past his trainer and his tag-partner as he did, Snorlax grabbed two berries from the bowl, eating one then placing the other on his head.
Their trainers meanwhile, watched in silence. It was a good exercise for Raboot; Snorlax was very tall for the little Fire type, even when sitting down, so he was getting some good high kick practice.
As another berry hit the bullseye perfectly and Raboot began to run again, Snorlax reached toward the bowl only to show the first bit of emotion of the day as he realized they were out of berries.
Well you did eat about half of them bud. Orange thought seeing his companion shake the bowl as if that would magically make more berries appear.
Raboot reached the larger ‘Mon and jumped up high only to stop in his tracks mid kick, noticing the lack of a target on his buddy’s head.
Gracefully, he let himself fall back down and kick at the floor a little in frustration. But soon enough, he put his little paws back in the pouch on his belly—Taz would always laugh at how “Of course you’d have a Pokémon with built in hoodie pockets Hook”—and walked back to his trainer, putting out a single paw in the air.
Hook in return, lowered the Doritos bag to his partner and let the little guy grab a singular chip that he began munching on like a piece of lettuce.
Orange just stared curiously. “Should he be eating that?” It was a genuine concern; he knew certain Pokémon couldn’t eat chocolate for example, what would a Dorito do to one of them?
“Yeah, I’ve seen him eat coal out of fireplaces so, I think he’ll be fine. Not the first time he’s had one anyway.” And with that silence befell the locker room again. Raboot began playing with one of the rocks he kept in his pockets and Snorlax—surprising no one—fell asleep on the floor.
It didn’t matter; their tag match wasn’t for another 20 minutes. They could just rest for now.
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cherryvalentinee · 2 months
today i did just ok- i was so tired from fasting all morning that i practically lay in bed all day. i binged at bit at dinner time, but i didn't eat until i as full because i had built up an appetite over the last few days, so it could have been worse.
green tea- 5 cals? idk
tuna salad lettuce wraps- 170 cals
sugar free jello- 12 cals
chocolate milk- 225 cals
barbaras cheese puffs- 150 cals
chicken curry pasta w/ apples and garlic bread- idk but ill guess maybe 700 cals?
total: 1,300- a bit over my limit, but nothing crazy. i'll do better tmrw.
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wheels-of-despair · 6 months
Easter Bunday Pairing: Billy Knight x You Summary: Billy and Bunny-Mama sit back and watch their bunnies enjoy a Birthday / Gotcha Day / Easter surprise. Contains: Bunny-related activities, Billy-related reflection, just a cute and fluffy little Easter fic. Words: 900ish
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Billy scans the living room floor one last time, making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. You smile as you watch his eyes dart from place to place in the obstacle course you've created together.
You'd realized a month ago, when Easter decorations flooded every store, that you were approaching a year of being Bunny Parents. You weren't exactly sure when Cookie and Cream were born, but since you'd acquired them soon after Easter - The Designated Bunny Holiday - you'd decided to combine it all and have a party. For your rabbits. A Birthday/Gotcha Day/Easter Party. Or, to make it a little easier… Easter Bunday.
You'd been planning for weeks, and saving all your paper and cardboard to make things out of. Your living room floor looked like a tiny cardboard village. Holes had been cut into boxes for them to play in, a mock-clothesline holding leaves of lettuce had been set up for them to snack on, and Billy had crafted all kinds of new toys for them. Instead of hiding Easter eggs, you'd planted treats in paper tubes and little tufts of hay for them to dig out. It was a Bun-stravaganza!
Billy finally nods in approval and says, "Release the buns."
You chuckle and open the door of their cage. You scurry to the couch to join Billy, and wait for the bunnies' curiosity to get the better of them. It didn't take long; Cookie and Cream hop out shortly and begin exploring their obstacle course.
You and Billy watch with amusement, quietly encouraging them on occasion. "Keep digging, Cookie!" "Your other left, Cream!" The rabbits explore and munch and destroy like it's the best day of their lives. When the bunnies get distracted by the lettuce line, Billy opens a box of chocolate you'd put in his Easter basket and offers it to you. You reach for a piece, kiss him on the cheek as thanks, and pop it in your mouth. Billy never takes his eyes off the rabbits, but you find it difficult to take your eyes off of him.
Billy had only vague memories of Easter with his Mum. You'd tried going the traditional route once, in a bid to help him reclaim his childhood, but it just didn't feel right. And so your Easter traditions became sleeping late, cooking a big breakfast together, and exchanging Easter baskets… in a very loose sense of the word. Your small offerings of candy and sometimes a trinket had come in grocery store bags, they'd been presented in empty tissue boxes, they'd been arranged neatly on the kitchen table. This morning, they'd been in paper bags that were soon repurposed for the rabbits.
This was definitely going to become a new tradition. The smile never left Billy's face, the entire time he watched the rabbits play. His eyes would light up when one of them would discover a treat he'd hidden particularly well, and he'd laugh proudly when they teamed up to destroy a piece of cardboard. He sat on the edge of his seat when they burrowed into a box full of crumpled newspaper and disappeared from sight. The sound of ripping paper and Billy's quiet chuckles filled the room.
After a while, the ripping and the tearing begin to die down, and the rabbits start getting sluggish. Cookie finds a nice resting spot and flops over for a nap, and Cream soon follows.
"Guess the buns have decided it's naptime," Billy smiles sleepily.
"I think they're right," you yawn. He nods in agreement. "You wanna go back to bed or stay here?"
He answers by leaning back against the arm of the couch and holding out his arms. You move so he can stretch out his legs, then crawl onto him and settle into his side. You rest your head on his chest and drape an arm across his stomach. Billy reaches for the blanket on the back of the couch and flips it over you both.
"I think this might be the best Easter ever," he says.
"I think you're right," you agree, drawing little hearts on his chest with your fingertips.
"Think the rabbits had a good time?"
"Baby, we are never going to get them back in their cage," you laugh. "This was the happiest I've ever seen them."
"Cookie is so quick to find her treats," he admires. "Like a bloodhound. Er… treat-hound, I guess? And Cream just rips through cardboard like it's nothing. I love how they work together."
"My sweet Billiam… I do believe we've raised an amazing pair of buns."
"We did, didn't we?" You can hear the smile in his voice.
"Mhm," you hum. "And their amazing dad made them the best Easter Bunday gift ever."
"Their wonderful mum helped," he protests.
"You were the mastermind," you argue. "And it was perfect. So much more entertaining than watching a bunch of kids hunt for plastic eggs. Quieter, too."
"How long d'you think it'll take them to find the rest of the treats?" Billy wonders.
"Oh, I think two or three more nap breaks should do it."
Billy shakes with a quiet laugh and kisses the top of your head.
"Happy Easter Bunday," you whisper, nuzzling your cheek into his chest affectionately.
"Happy Easter Bunday," he mumbles, already losing consciousness.
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Announcer: ...and our four contestants are ready. They will have 1 hour to put together their dishes. Before we get started, let's go to the floor and put our contestants in the hotseat.
Interviewer: First up, hailing from the US's very own NYC. Perseus ssss Jackson! How are you feeling, Percy?
Percy: I'm doing alright, thanks.
Interviewer: What do you have planned for the judges today?
Percy: I'm doing seafood.
Announcer: Seafood. No surprises from the son of Poseidon. Let's go now to Leo Valdez.
Interviewer: Hailing from the southern metropolis of Houston, Texas. It's the senior counselor of the Hephaestus cabin at Camp Half-Blood. Give it up for Leo Valdez!
Leo: WASSUP everybody!?
Interviewer: You seem excited.
Leo: Nah, that's just how I roll. I'd like to take a moment to say - let's everybody do the Team Leo!
Interviewer: What you have planned for us Leo?
Leo: Hispanic food! I do it best...
Interviewer: Confident, ain't he?
Announcer: That's Leo Valdez, folks. Now we go to our third contestant.
Interviewer: Let's all put our hands together for Athena's own daughter, Annabeth Chase. How're you feeling Annabeth?
Annabeth: I'm feeling great.
Interviewer: Psyched to win it?
Annabeth: You know it!
Interviewer: What are you cooking up for us today?
Annabeth: I'm doing desserts.
Announcer: Desserts! A bold choice from the daughter of Athena. Time will tell if Annabeth's desserts blow the judges away and send her home with the grand prize. Now let's go to our last contestant.
Interviewer: Our last contestant is His Grace, the Ambassador of Hades. The Ghost King himself. Nico di Angelo! How are you doing Nico?
Nico: Okay, I guess...
Interviewer: What are you cooking up for us?
Nico: I'm doing dishes with black ingredients.
Announcer: Another bold choice from this son of Hades. I think it is safe to say that our judges can look forward to a diverse spread of food at the end of the night. Now, let's get it started. One hour on the clock! Contestants... GO!
-starts placing large lettuce leaves on plates
-chops up onions
-dices potatoes
-cuts deboned fish into thin slices
-squeezes mayo into a bowl
-finely chops up two whole dill pickles
-measures out 1/4 cup of lemon juice
Announcer: I think it seems obvious that the son of Poseidon is preparing some kind of fish dish and tartar sauce, but what are the diced potatoes and onions for? It's anyone's guess, folks.
-chops up two tomatoes and two bell peppers
-opens two cans of refried beans
-starts rolling out corn flour flat
-starts ground pork to frying on low heat
-makes a four-cheese blend
Announcer: Leo appears to have two dishes underway already. One is probably tacos, but the corn flour is an interesting choice. What's he doing now?
Interviewer: Can you tell us what you're planning with the corn flour?
Leo: Sure. I'm making pupusas.
Announcer: ...and it is! Pupusas! A rather unexpected pleasure for our judges.
-whips up chocolate pudding mix
-crushes up graham crackers
-starts whipping cream
-breaks 3 eggs into a bowl
-starts adding two tablespoons of peanut butter,
Announcer: It looks like the daughter of Athena might be making peanut butter cookies. Clearly the pudding and the graham crackers are intended for something else. What could the whipped cream be for?
-stirs together blackberries, amaretto, and corn starch in a bowl
-sets premade pie crust on the counter
-starts black beans on low in a food processer
-starts melting cheese
-slices up two egg plants
-pours rice into rice cooker
Announcer: The son of Hades is fast on his feet. Watch him go folks! He already has what appears to be at least three dishes in the works. It's a little early to call, but the competition starts with Nico clearly in the lead.
(in audience) Will: Go Nico! Yeah!
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bazyboo13 · 3 months
Smiling Critters: New Family Part 1 chapter 1 segment 7 : FATHER'S DAY
*a couple of days later*
"hey guys, it's Father's Day"
"oh, great"
"I'm going to be at my granparent's for the night, do any of you want to come with me?"
*everyone looks apathetic, everyone but...*
"I'll go!"
"since Ella's the only one who wants to come"
*Baz pulls out a blue canvas bag*
"get in!"
"good luck soldier"
-"we have to go"-
*Baz's mom walks down the stairs*
*Ella enters the bag, it's a bit tight*
"why do I have to be in a bag?"
"I don't think you can be still for most of the day"
-"let's go!"-
*they leave the house. About 10 minutes later they come to a gas station*
"it's so stuffy in here..."
"I'm sorry dear but there isn't any other way. do you want anything from here, they have slushies, gummies, and sour stuff"
"I'll take a slushy"
"cherry, blue raspberry, kiwi, cola?"
"blue raspberry, coke, and cherry, together"
*Baz and his mom leave*
"this was a mistake... If I have to be in here the entire day... I'm going to go feral in here..."
*Baz and his mom come back*
*Baz takes Bobby out of the bag and puts her on the car floor with the slushy*
"You're welcome!"
*they drive off to Baz's grandparents house. Ella enjoys her slushy. once the get there they walk in*
-"I have something to tell you!"-
*Baz is confused, guessing something happened*
-"Baz is a parent!"-
*everyone is in shock*
-"oh is this some secret now?"-
*her tone almost makes it sound like she's mocking him*
*Ella pokes her head out, glaring at her*
-"cat's out of the bag"-
*she picks Ella up*
-"this is the first one, he couldn't bring the others sadly"-
*Ella is acting like a normal doll*
-"Bobby, I told them already"-
"Ella, just give up, they saw you glare at her a couple seconds ago"
"*sigh* why did you tell them"
-"Baz didn't tell me not to, and plus, it probably won't escape this house"-
"I thought it was obvious that telling others the"
*his tone changes into a more mocking tone*
"my son is a parent to some living plushies"
*his tone goes back to normal*
"Baz's Grandma attempts to diffuse the situation*
_"so, this is your daughter?"_
"she's my adopted daughter"
_"I think that's obvious"_
"so~ what are we eating?"
_"Pork chops, mashed potatoes, pickles, and some Boston lettuce covered sour cream dressing"_
"that last thing sounds interesting"
"we also bought some pastries!"
*they have a delicious meal. then dessert comes*
"what is this stuff?"
-"Chocolate mousse bowl, some tarts, and a coconut cream cake"-
*it was a quick dessert because everyone was full Because of the lunch they had before. Baz and Ella lay on 1 of the 2 couches, wrapped in a blanket, watching some YouTube*
-"I got to get going, hope you 2 have a nice time"-
"where are you going?"
-"midget wrestling"-
*there is a bit of pause*
_"so, Ella, what are you?"_
"A soul trapped in a plush body"
*the room goes silent*
"did I say something wrong?!"
*tears start to well in her eyes*
"no dear, it's ok"
*after a bit of time, Ella and Baz are watching YouTube and Baz's Grandma watching some videos on Facebook, and soon it becomes 9:00*
_"time for bed!"_
"don't worry, we'll just be in a bedroom, we can sleep when we want to. We just have to be quiet"
*Baz and Ella go to the guest bedroom*
"it's so comfy in here"
"I know right"
*the 2 climb into bed, and bury themselves under the sheets, the only thing remaining being their heads. Baz takes out his ear buds and gives one to Ella. They had an amazing night! The next day they get up at 10 am and go down stairs to see Baz's mom waiting for them*
"time to go then, BYE GRANDMA, BYE GRANDPA"
"It has been nice meeting you!"
*they leave Baz's grandparents house and go back home*
(this is Ella/Bobby's segment in the spotlight. Don't worry, the others will get their segments soon.!
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officialjamesflint · 8 months
1-30. unless ur a coward
SCREAM LEXI THIS IS SO CHAOTIC <33 so of course i had to do it
chipotle order?
I'm the bane of all burrito bar workers because i get sooo many things 😭i get a burrito with: white rice, barbacoa usually but sometimes i mix it up, black beans, corn, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, sometimes i get mild salsa, guac if i have the dollars! and i usually get chips n guac on the side
2. thoughts on veganism?
you do you but i could never because i love dairy and eggs too much. i also have a crazy metabolism and meat alternatives don't always sate my Hunger (but i do LOVE tofu esp when it's cooked well <33)
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
i legit couldn't think of any <33 i suppose like. really bright neons?? but they just hurt my eyes and they're also cool in certain contexts
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
aliens i guess?? i want nessie to be real she is my friend <33
5. favorite form of potato?
6. do you use a watch?
yes!! i have one of those cheap timex expedition watches because i can't read analog very quickly 😔
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
answered here!
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
nope! i lounge in my jeans because i'm evil
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
sort of i guess?? i wash my face and put spf moisturizer on every morning
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
ginger ale baybee!! or water sometimes because i'm a cool guy
11. anything from your childhood you've held on to?
lots of stuff!! books, stuffies, clothes (legit almost all of my winter gear is stuff i've had since elementary school). i love Objects <3
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
uhh i'm not really a Brand Guy. but i like neutrogena for skin stuff. and cerave cause all my moisturizers are from them
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
is the purge the one where laws don't exist?? i forgor. probably go hide in ikea i guess??
14. do you think you're dehydrated?
not at all i am obsessed with water
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
yikes! freezing/drowning/burning i Guess
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
i don't even know...i guess? stick to my bedtime routine?? because if i don't i'm always scared i won't fall asleep??
18. your boba/tea order?
answered here!
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
hmm this is a good question. probably tomatoes (FIGHT me they're used as veggies in cooking) (sorry tomato lovers they simply make me feel sick in my heart. but i like them in sauce)
20. favorite disney princess movie?
mulan <33 but i also love moana and tangled
21. a number that weirds you out?
none of them all numbers are the same to me. except the funny ones
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
YES i've had the same water bottle since i was 16. yes i know that's gross but shh i love her i've replaced her cap like. 5 times.
23. do you wear jewelry?
i have 2 permanently attached friendship anklets! i need to repair my friendship bracelets they both had threads snap 😭
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
uhh american i suppose. but also when i'm writing i accidentally spell things british style and google docs yells at me
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
yes <3 it is my job
26. how's your spice tolerance?
all right. i can handle like medium spice just fine <3 it's impressive for a midwesterner but i also didn't grow up here so it's just regular
27. what's your favorite or go-to outfit?
jeans. t-shirt. fun sweater. boots. i am a simple man (autistic)
28. last meal on earth?
BIG bowl of fried rice from a nice restaurant. fancy blue cheese. bubble tea. i can't think of a dessert but something delicious and chocolatey
29. preferred pasta noodle?
corkscrews <33 idk what they're actually called
30. ask me anything !
lexi i love you <33 this was so chaotic and also really fun to think about all of these
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thatguymao · 1 year
Is it crazy to eat through an entire bunch of lettuce plus other veggies so that I feel too full to binge on anything else? Maybe. But hey it worked lol. And guess who's full after eating 607cals-
The number is only that high because I decided to allow myself some cottage cheese and chocolate dates even tho i was already full from veggies. I walked and moved around a lot today so im not too concerned about it. Plus I decided to drink a protein shake so that I dont feel dead on my run tmrw morning lol.
I still plan to liquid fast for most of the next 7-8 days, but I wanted to use up the veggies that I had before it went bad. Gonna fast for the rest of tonight and ideally until Sunday, where I suppose I'll be buying another bunch of lettuce to devour for dinner again lmao
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lettuc x3
whipped cream x17
Ingredients: Lettuce (x3) and whipped cream (x17)
Smell: It smells like whipped cream. Which doesn’t smell like much. 2/5
Taste: You’re eating whipped cream with some extra texture. This doesn’t influence taste though, so it’s just whipped cream. 2/5
Texture: Good? I guess? Whipped cream with some crunch? But if you want that use chocolate chips or something. 3/5
Would Chunk Eat It?: No. Too much dairy. 1/5
Final Score: 2/5
Critic’s Notes: Why does this have to be a sandwich.
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