tomyinextricable · 5 years
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Swear to Gawd I still and always 💖 Chocolate!🙌 #chocolatelover🍫 ❤️❤️❤️#chocolate4life .///2013\\\. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwb7yMKAGdp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vr8q1bjj54lk
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oldoldoldoldold2 · 2 years
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klance-daydreams · 3 years
so i heard we were talking about chocolate yesterday ⋅v⋅
also hey dude its been a while since we interacted
Oooo yes!! Chocolate4Life gang ;)
hello bestie yes but now that we are interacting, hi there! How've you been what's poppin bro
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I just saw today's Mars new year!!! Should we celebrate it?
Yeeeehaaaaa!!! Let’s start the party!
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actually-impostor · 7 years
Purple, Cinnamon, mauve & blush 💙 (I am shy, sorry)
!!PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.MAUVE = You are really talentedBLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. 
i am but a nerd and you are adorable, please dont be afraid to come talk to me about anything. Im always on tumblr except when i sleep ahahaha
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yuna-dan · 7 years
I’m obsessed with Coco and Recuerdame song, so yeah. Also, I wanna die 24/7 so I might as well kill some characters.
- Warning: Character death but happy ending. Smoking. Underage drinking. HumanAU. Patton has Hispanic roots, but yeah. Pairing: PaternalMoxiety and ImpliedPrinxiety. -
Virgil was 16 years-old and he had already give up on life. As a young boy, he was abandoned by the person that was supposed to love. His mother give up on him, because apparently, that’s what moms do. Give up on their sons.
He entered to the foster systems when he was five years old. He dealt with abuse over the years, at the age of twelve he already knew how to hide bruises and broken bones. He knew he wasn’t worth it.
That was probably the reason why he was so sure that, as soon as his seventeen-birthday passed, he was going to kill himself, after all it wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
He was a monster.
And yet he let his heart be fooled by Patton Sanders, the forty-years old man who decided to adopt him.
It was weird how that happen, because Virgil was rude to him. He yelled everyday. He ran away from their house. He always screamed at Patton how much he hated him. He smoked inside Patton’s car and drank in the living room.
He did everything so that Patton give up on him.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t and Virgil was so confused. Patton showed him nothing but love and Virgil, for once, accepted it.
Patton was there at every step.
Patton showed him love and called him son even though they didn’t share blood.
Patton bought him his first guitar and taught him to sing.
Patton was the first one who Virgil showed his poetry and the, his own music.
Patton drive him to school, high school and even college.
Patton supported him when Virgil decided to study music.
Patton was there when Virgil married.
And suddenly, the words of the doctor saying, “Your father has cancer.” And Virgil was again that scared 16-years-old teenager.
Patton cleared his throat, “How-How is that possible?”
The doctor showed him some papers, “It’s probably genetics…” and he carried on, speaking some things Virgil couldn’t hear.
Why? Why him? He-He was…
“Son? You okay?”
Virgil turned to see his dad, and yeah, he wasn’t okay, but he would pretend for him…
“Sure dad…”
Patton was sixty when he started to feel the cancer affecting him for real. He couldn’t walk properly and suddenly was spending his last days in a hospital bed.
“You should be out there, V. Not here…” Virgil looked up from his notepad, and raised an eyebrow. “I mean that-V, I’m going to die and you need to enjoy the rest of your life…”
“I am enjoying,” He motioned the notepad on his lap, “See? I’m writing some music…”
“In Spanish? Really?” He tried to sit, wincing slightly at the pain but refusing to accept Virgil’s help. “Why?”
Virgil shrugged, “I-You like Spanish, and Roman is helping me.”
Patton smiled softly, “He’s a good boy. I’m glad you have him in your life…”
Virgil blushed but remained silent. “I’m gonna miss you, dad.”
“I know…”
“I-I am strong, but-I-You are my only family and I don’t think I’m going to handle it… not alone.”
Patton grabbed softly his hand, “Son, you’re not alone. Not anymore…” He cleaned a small tear from his cheek with his thumb, “Even beyond life I’m going to be there… and you have Roman, and your friends. Virgil… You are strong…”
“I love you dad.”
“I love you too, son. Besides, you can always play with your guitar and remember me…”
Virgil smiled melancholically while the memories of him and Patton singing in the middle of the night invaded him.
“Yeah I guess.”
Death arrived too soon and even though Virgil was aware of it, he was completely destroyed. He cried and cried, he refused to eat, to enjoy life, to everything.
Eventually, he had to move on but he never forget.
He still remembered, everything about his father. The way he would smile at him, or how he would scold him. The way he would hug him. They way they would sing.
After all, he couldn’t forget his only family member.
“Hey dad… I missed you. I-I am here because… I finally finished your song, papá.” He let the spanish left his tongue easily.
“Recuérdame hoy me tengo que ir mi amor. Recuérdame. No llores por favor. Te llevo en mi corazón y cerca me tendrás.”
He promised, after all. He would cry, of course, but for the person who teach him how to live, he had to move on.
“A solas yo te cantaré. Soñando en regresar. Recuérdame aunque tenga que emigrar. Recuérdame.”
One of the last things Patton said to him was that. He didn’t want to leave Virgil but he had to, his body was too tired and when the cancer moved to his brain, he couldn’t even talk properly.
“Si mi guitarra oyes llorar. Ella con su triste canto te acompañará.”
Virgil started crying, because it was too hard. He missed hi father, goddamit. He needed him. Yet…
“Hasta que en mis brazos estés. Recuérdame…”
Patton has promised he would be there, even beyond life, right?
And he never break his promises.
Life continue, as always.
Years passed, until death visited Virgil again,
And bring him home… - Virgil wake up in a white room and he was confused for a small second, until everything came back. Every moment he lived from the moment he was born, the fostercare, his life with Patton, his life with Roman, his daughter, his death…
And he felt, so oddly happy…
And suddenly he was being tackled down by a hug and he knew who that person was.
“Hey, son.”
Tag list under. 
I hate it but I wanna publish it??
@killerfangirl3 @scarletsaphire @the-prince-and-the-emo @onemorebookidontneed @umbreon-and-chocolate4life@elephantsatsea @skylions-den @nobodygotarrested@inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @deafchildcrossing @princeyandanxiety​ @nobodygotarrested​ @elephantsatsea @skylions-den @saltystylus @zoeyheys @just-shower-thoughts @virgilsspidercurtains @beautiful-crimson @guessmyname17 @imnottrashiswear
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Puppy Love or That one time Logan accidentally set up his best friends
So i started this fic with out Anxietys name and I decided to finish it that way *shrug* Puppy Love Or That one time Logan accidently set up his best friends Logan had been very worried about his friend Anxiety recently. Anxiety’s ,well, anxiety had been very bad lately. Attacks occurring daily, sometimes even multiple times a day.  He was at a loss for what to do, how to help. But a three a.m. thought had reminded him that he’d once read about dogs helping to ease anxiety. So with out much more thought than that he had gone out the next morning and adopted a puppy from the shelter. They had shown him a litter of puppies that had been abandoned roadside. He had instantly known which one was the perfect puppy for Anxiety. In the enclosure of curly haired and playful puppies, there was one all black one. It was pressed into the corner, watching the others play. Logan had paid the adoption fee and picked up the necessary supplies before heading home. He was hardly through the front door when he was accosted by Patton. “Is that a puppy?”  he squealed, Logan held the small thing out of both his and Roman’s reach. “It’s for Anxiety.” He said marching up the stairs and rapping on Anxiety’s door, forgetting that at this hour there was no chance that anxiety would be up. Patton and Roman drifted behind him excitedly.  After receiving no answer Logan threw the door open and marched inside. He reached for Anxiety’s blankets, ready to throw them off, but Patton stopped him before he could. Instead the moral side sat on the edge of the bed and gentle called his name, brushing the hair from his forehead. Anxiety scrunched his eyes against the light, glaring at them. “You better have a damned good reason for waking me up this early.” “It 11 am,” Logan said, but Patton spoke over him. “ Logan got you a present.” he squealed, unable to contain his excitement. Logan held the small bundle of black curls out and Anx took it as though it were the most fragile thing in the world, wondering eyes moving between the Logan and the puppy. “I thought she might help you, you know, feel a little better.” Both Anx and Patton looked up at him slightly teary eyed.  He beat a hasty retreat from the room. “What are you going to name her?” Patton asked, reaching out to scratch her head. “I don’t know.” he answered, holding her up to eye level. “What about Sari.” “That’s adorable. She does look like a Sari.” “Ah, my princess.” Roman said from where he lent in the doorway. “What?” Anx asked, his sleep addled brain thoroughly confused. “That’s what the name means, my princess.” “Awwwww” Patton grinned, taking the puppy from Anxiety’s hands and nuzzling up to her. “How do you know that?” “It is my business to know all sorts of things pertaining to princes and princesses.” He said with a smirk before also leaving the room as well. “I suppose you want to go back to sleep?” Patton asked setting Sari on the bed, and looking at Anx who had already settled back into his pillows. The puppy stumbled up the bed and curled into Anxiety’s shoulder. Patton smiled and left the sleeping two. The two emerged later in the day, Anx cradling Sari close to his chest as he went down the stairs before setting her on the living room carpet. Patton immediately stopped what he was doing, coming to lay on the carpet and play with her while Anx rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. He sat down on the couch with a yoghurt and watched Patton giggle as Sari licked at his face and stumbled and pounced around. He valiantly fought to keep a smile off his face as he watched. That night Patton sat unusually close to him so he could pet the sleeping puppy in his lap during their movie night. Anxiety was hyper aware of his body, pressed up on his left side. More so when Patton’s head dropped onto his shoulder, as deeply asleep as the puppy now sprawled across both of their laps.  He felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment when Roman gently woke him up and convinced him to go to bed. The next morning had Patton passing by Anxiety's door. . . often.  There was puppy in there gosh dang it. Eventually a bleary eyed Anx stumbled out to let the puppy outside. Patton followed them, trying to be quite, knowing that Anx couldn’t handle bright and bubbly this early. He played in the grass with the pup while Anx made himself a cup of coffee, and tried to hide his disappointment when Anxiety scooped her up and took her back inside.   “You coming?” He asked, pausing halfway up the stairs to look back at Patton. “Really?” he visibly brightened.  Anx rolled his eyes and continued to his room, flipping the tv onto a random channel, flopping on his bed and scrolling through tumblr on his phone. Oh, and also trying not to smile at how cute Patton and Sari were, playing with the small toy Logan had bought.  Speaking of Logan, had Anx ever thanked him? He hadn’t. He was the worst. The very worst. Logan had done this incredible, sweet, thoughtful and slightly out of character thing for him and he couldn’t even bother to thank him? What a shitty friend he was, what a shitty person. Logan probably hated him. Probably? Logan definitely hated him. He… His thoughts were interrupted by a series of small wet licks to his face. “Ugh Sari,” He said pushing her off, undeterred she snuggled against his shoulder and tucked under his chin. It was only then that he realised how erratic his breathing had become, he wrapped an arm around her snuggling her tighter. “You okay dude?” Anxiety’s heart lept out of his throat as he remembered Patton was still in the room. He stared at him wide eyed, trying to figure out the answer to that question.  He thought maybe he was, the puppy pressed against his chest calming his breath and the way the light was hitting Patton's concerned face causing his racing heart to start doing floppy-floppies. The following weeks had Patton spending a lot more time in Anxiety's room. Which lead to spending a lot more time with Anxiety himself. And why not? He had always enjoyed Anx’s company.  He enjoyed the newness of their three a.m. talks, even if he couldn't quite keep his eyes open and accidently fell asleep. He enjoyed waking up tangled together. He even enjoyed the surprised look on Anx’s just before he pulled away from him with a shamed blush. (He did not enjoy that part.)   He immensely enjoyed that Anx seemed to stay a little closer to him now, sitting on the counter as he made dinner, and choosing to sit next to him at the table. Hey enjoyed the way their humor bounced off each other, dry sarcasm answering his enthusiastic puns. Patton sighed, rolling over and looking at the moon through his window. Honestly it had been awhile since he had slept in his own bed, alone. He didn’t like it. Not anymore. He tossed and turned for awhile longer before getting up and padding into the hallway. He paused outside of Anxiety’s door. It was late, really he shouldn't wake him. He should just suck it up and go to bed. He swayed back and forth, unable to decide what to do. The decision, however, was made for him as the door suddenly opened and he came face to face with a surprised Anxiety. They stared wide eyed at each other in the darkened hallway until Sari jumping on his leg provided a suitable distraction. He bent down and scooped the excited bundle up, laughing quietly as she licked his face. “She missed you.” Anx whispered, looking at him with a face that said he’d missed him too. Or least he hoped that that was what Anx’s face said. He hoped he wasn't reading too much into it. “I couldn't sleep without, no, I didn't want to sleep without you.” he said with all the courage he had. Anxiety stared at him, then took a very deep breath, then surged forward and kissed him. This. This was everything Patton hadn’t been able to admit he wanted. This, which had been here the whole time. Why had it taken a puppy for him to really get to know this wonderful boy? “Bleck” Anx said pulling away and wiping the puppy kisses from his lips. “Sari ,” Patton scolded teasingly. “It was my turn to kiss Anx, not yours.”   Anxiety rolled his eyes at him, but grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. This time they were tangled together before they fell asleep, and in the morning Anx didn't pull away from him, and neither of them noticed Logan’s surprised face as they held hands all through breakfast, while Roman finally got his turn to play with Sari. @killerfangirl3 @angstymelon @frustratedwaffle @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @princeyandanxiety @pattonscardigan @the-prince-and-the-emo @dan-yuna @obviouslyelementary @lampisimportant @ghostlybagans @starrykid @
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charlieism · 7 years
Against the Wall
Hey friends!! This fic is from a collab with the amazing and wonderful @angstymelon who is a fabulous writer and all around good person :) It’s based off the fact that there was a wall stopping Morality from hugging Thomas and the other sides during the Making Some Changes video. Anyway, it was very fun to write!! Also, it’s very angsty. Enjoy!!
Warnings: Crying
@randomrainbowslushy @prinxietyhell @dan-yuna @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @lampisimportant @the-prince-and-the-emo @polysandershell @anx-sanders @whatevermate1234  @obviouslyelementary @analogical-logicality @princey-and-hottopic @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @princeyandanxiety @mylasagnaisraw @prinxiety-logality-sanders-sides
Morality sunk to the floor, feeling the all too familiar cold surround him as he landed outside his door. The emotions of the last video hanging on his shoulders. So much negativity. It really wasn't resolved by the end either... It left a sour taste in his mouth. The few times he gets to hang out and… actually hug the others? Well, he ruined by upsetting Anxiety and stressing out poor Thomas.
 Patton sighed, one hand pressed against the invisible wall that surrounded him. Closing him off. He was alone again. Trapped in his little  ‘bubble’ of mindscape... The conversation from mere hours ago looping in his head as he looked longingly down the dark hallway beyond, searching hopefully, desperate for someone else to appear. To look back at him, to see him, to simply try interact with him. If only that was possible.
 His heart sank further. The other doors were all shut, no lights beneath them. Eerie shadows were cast against the glass that blocked Morality, isolated him from them, stopped him from having any interaction with the other sides.
 The wall that separated them all.  Fragmented, as they ‘should’ be, trapped in their own chunks of Thomas’s mind. The wall that split them off, kept them alone and away from one another. Left them confined to their own rooms, to singlehandedly be the characteristic they’re supposed to embody. To do all that work with zero help... zero support… zero love.
 Morality knew how to fix it. He knew the one way to beat the solid inviable mess that he was currently leaning against.
 The wall would only disappear if he transformed into something he wasn’t.
 His chest ached at the thought.  But just... to have someone's, anyone's arms wrapped around him. To have them embrace him. Providing a warmth that only that touch could give. A warmth that he longed for in his cold being. Patton’s heart was so frozen of late, the recent interaction only enhancing the loss that he felt. So untouched, so under loved. Touch starved. Even Thomas pushed him away when he put on his friends face to pop up beside him.
 Patton let out another low breath, trying to hold back the swell of emotions slowly clouding his mind.
 To have someone simply talk to him, he still longed for it! To be able to have a conversation with somebody else, in his own form, in the mind. To… to be able to hang out with somebody else. Maybe watch a movie together, sing along together. To be with somebody else.
 Morality sniffed, hand falling from the ice cold wall. He slid down it. Sitting and staring at his own door that was ajar. The soft light spilling out and blinding him. Cold droplets soon followed, dripping onto his shirt as they spilt from his eyes.
 He tried to hold them back. Honestly, he just wanted a hug.
 And yet, he couldn’t have one. Unless he changed himself, shapeshifted. Had his limbs move and stretch to become another face... Another being. Not him. It was that, that only ever made him feel worse! Because if the only time Morality could ever interact with someone else was if he was in somebody else's body, looked like another person, then was he truly the one getting the hugs? Was Patton really the one holding the conversations?
 Theoretically, yes. In his heart however, no. The warmth from the hugs didn’t transfer when he shifted back. The joy of having a conversation faded as soon as he became himself again. The overall feeling of any love that transpired when he was not himself only served to force him deeper into a pit of sadness and loneliness.
 Morality was not one to hate, but his anger and loathing of the wall that blocked all the trait’s from one another, the wall the sectioned them off into their own separate parts of the mind, was indescribable. It was the one thing that kept his upbeat personality from ever being more than that, the thing that stopped him from ever being genuinely happy. It tore him down, it made him cry, it made him feel sadder and lonelier than anything else could, it made him despair and sob, and it never went away.
 Patton slid his knees up to rest his arms on them, and his head soon followed as he watched the swirling grey pattern on the floor.  Watching as tears mingled with the weird surface. He could feel the sadness shift, being replaced by a deeper emotion.
 He slowly began to recognise the emotion. Anger bubbling behind his eyes, growing as he stared at the ground. Forcing him to try to breath through clenched teeth. The rage was as consuming as his loss, blinding him as he further curled up against the cold surface that he so longed to be rid of. The substance of his mourning and suffering. The source of everything that kept him from what he needed, from what he longed for. The one thing that kept him from true friendship, from any interaction at all.
 More tears dripped and slid down his cheeks, the aching hole in his chest seeking only to be filled by conversations, by touch, by hugs and friendship and human interaction. A hole that was unfillable. It was like a void. Sucking every inch of happy thought away, replacing it with the emptiness.
 It was beginning to feel like Morality would never be happy again. He wanted to scream. But his throat was clenched as he tilted his head back, bashing it lightly on the solid behind him with a wince.  The pain didn't matter though.  Why did anything matter?
 He was alone after all. It hurt. Indescribably so. As if acid was in his lungs. Burning, searing, hot. There was a hole in his heart, piercing, aching, broken. Destroying him from the inside out. Morality was alone, left in that dark hallway. The negative thoughts just got worse and worse, until he was finally completely drained. Morality was empty, hollow and cold as he succumbed to the  desolation, to the unendurable pain. There was no reprieve, no end to his suffering, not even when he was found in the morning by one of the others, the other traits only looking at him in silent sadness. Patton was never even sure if they truly shared his burden, if they ever felt the same pain he did.
 No, the pain would never truly leave… but for now his mind was empty, limbs limp, eyes shut… For now, he was passed out against the torturous wall. Once again waiting, still hoping in vain for a fleeting interaction.
 One that would never come.
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evilmuffin · 7 years
Right I’m finally at my laptop so I can actually do this because I’ve been waiting all day haha :)
Rules:answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers who you would like to know better I got tagged by @acecutiecharlie @starlight-sanders @theawesomestofsauces @mylasagnaisraw @velocifoxy and @pattonpending! Thank you! I feel so loved haha ^_^
Name: Emma Nickname: I don’t really have any! I’m not cool enough for nicknames haha Zodiac sign: Scorpio Height: 5′1 (I’m smol) Orientation: Aro ace :) Nationality: British Fav fruit: Oranges Fav season: Probably either Autumn or Winter Fav flower: Tulips Fav scent: Baked bread :) Fav colour: Blue! Fav animal: Penguins, rabbits, dolphins or owls Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Hot chocolate! Hate coffee, and I’ll only occasionally have tea Average hours of sleep: 7 but I can survive off a minimum of 4 Fav fictional character: Queen Minerva McGonagall because she is a sass queen and is also completely bad ass and I love her Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 because any more and I would melt Dream trip: I’ve never been to the US or Australia, so I’d like to go there at some point. I’ve been to China, but I also really want to go to Japan at some point :) Ooo and Mexico! Lots of places really haha ^_^ Also I’d like to meet some of my friends on this site :) (if any of you amazing lot ever visit the UK let me know) Blog created: ??? Couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been on this hellsite but it’s been at least 2 years I think? Haha :)
I don’t have a clue who has already been tagged and who has already done this haha so you don’t have to do it if you’ve already done it before obviously :) I’ll tag @black-flower-crowns @breezesummers @catstarnerd @cayannamon @corystssides @feline-wolf @genesischildoflilith @idk-and-idc-and-idr @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @lumil-lomil @lynncriesoverfandoms @meginoi @shadow-desu @tacitlyanimated @tawnyevergreen @tdmillard @thisisnotmychocolatebar @toxicats @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @yousaytomato and of course anyone else who wants to do it because I wanted to tag so many more people :)
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penguinssuitup · 6 years
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Berlin. Coffee and chocolates. • • • • • #foodstagram #cappuccino #großstadtliebe #coffeelover #urbanphotography #leweekend #sabado #igersberlin #berlinstagram #berlinliebe #ig_europe #interiorinspo #saturdaze #passionpassport #clickmagazine #samedi #lawyertobe #travel_germany #stilllife #coffeebreak #instafood #darkmilkchocolate #darkchocolate #chocolate4life #pureorigins #treats @rewe #darkmilka #rewetestetmilka (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvowuNuAWDv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s959jz24r6dj
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Tagged by @unfortunatelyimaginary to describe myself using pictures from my camera roll. This was really actually really fun. Tagging @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @somenerdywolfok and anyone else who wants to :)
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frustratedwaffle · 7 years
Name: Lauren 
Nick names: Flowers, Lala, Waffle. I don't really get nicknamed 
Zodiac: Leo! 
Height: 5'3 
Orientation: Pan! 
Nationality: USA 🇺🇸 
Fave fruit: Cherries, I think. And pineapple! 
Fave season: I like fall bc temps but not as bad for allergies! 
Fave flower: Me:3 Jk, I like roses and sweet peas 
Fave scent: Stuff baking. Anything. Bread, pie, cookies, brownies, roasts, like whatever, if it's in the oven and cooking, mmmmm Fave color: purple! And red and blue, bc they make purple:) 
Fave animal: doggos! But like outside of pets, I like leopards and tigers 
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: I like all of these things??? Average hours of sleep: dude I have no idea. Between 3-12 hours 
Fave fictional character : like what. All of them? Idk. The Harry Potter kids? 
Number of Blankets you sleep with: between 1 and 3, I get really cold! I love piling on blankets 
Dream trip: I want to go back to Japan! But also anywhere in Europe, I would love to do like a year or more to tour all of it. 
Blog created: I don't remember. Like 4 or 5 years ago probably. I don't know about 20 but @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @angstymelon @sarasux @3am-disco @parsnipit @pansexualroman @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @organizeddiscord @katesattic @ec-sanderssides
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For me as a Spanish speaker, learning German is a huge struggle mostly because of the use of prepositions. Like, we are used to put prepositions and articles between every noun to make phrases, but in German you just put them all together in a long ass word. And when it comes to verbs, in Spanish prepositions don't change the meaning a lot, but in German a verb can go from "catch" to "begin" just by adding that little word and it makes no seeensee
honestly you’re right like there are examples of that in spanish like vivir -> sobrevivir but they at least make sense (perhaps a bad example because leben -> überleben) unlike fangen -> anfangen or lehnen -> ablehnen
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Get to know me tag
Hey guys! I got tagged to do this thing by @umbreon-and-chocolate4life
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better! (but don't feel pressured if I tag you!)
Name: My nickname that I go by is Ray.
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 5'7" or like 170cm I think
Age: 15
Time right now: 2:05pm
Orientation: Asexual.
Ethnicity: Caucasian?
Biggest fear: My anxiety
Favourite colour: Teal, blues and greens, also black.
Favourite music artist(s): Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Set it Off, Vocaloid, Panic! at the Disco, Green Day, etc.
Favourite books: the Percy Jackson series and Harry Potter.
Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, practicing my violin, and freaking out.
Average hours of sleep: ..... 5. Ish.
Language(s) you can speak: Just English right now, but planning on learning Japanese! I tried learning Spanish in 10th grade, but it was too hard.
Reason behind your url: I like velociraptors and foxes.
Middle name: Dawn
Dream trip: Japan! Or the United Kingdom. Or Disney World.
Dream job: Disney World!!!! Or just Disney in general.
When this blog was made: Last June
Number of followers: 99!
What made you decide to post this blog: I wanted to make friends and art.
I tag… @liberalautisticnerd831 @setting-it-off @black-flower-crowns @randomrainbowslushy @jetsnacks @obviouslyelementary @dan-yuna
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Names A head cannon that's been floating around my mind for awhile and I thought I should write before we actually get Anxiety’s name, just something I wrote real quick while I was at work #imaterribleemployee Warnings: none really, some negative self talk @angstymelon @killerfangirl3 @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @lampisimportant @princey-and-hottopic @obviouslyelementary @dan-yuna @fearinghope (welcome to the list NoHa ;) ) This came about because I was wondering /if/ the sides have always been around then why doesn't Thomas know them? (this is set after Taking on Anxiety with Lilly Singh!) Anxiety sank back into the mindscape with a frown, he was exhausted and he felt horrible. He had refused to be in Thomas’ first two videos, the fear of being rejected, being laughed at, it had been to much. It was only after the success of the first two that he let himself be talked into making one. We need something big to introduce you, something with a bit of a wow factor.” Prince had said in his typical grandiose fashion. “Yeah, I mean you are a big part of my life.” Thomas had smiled at him. ~You hold me back. I would be so much better off without you~ he heard. Despite it all he filmed the video, he hid behind his smirk and was the villain Thomas wanted him to be. Soon the video would be up and everyone would see, they would see how horrible he was. How awful  and cruel, how much he hurt Thomas. They’d be calling for his head. Maybe it wasn’t too late to convince Thomas not to post it. He popped up next to Thomas, who had just finished triple checking the video before he posted it. The others were there already, all three urging him to post it. “Don’t”  was all he could get out, fear a tight ball in his throat. Prince rolled his eyes and turned back to Thomas, continuing to speak encouragements. Logic agreeing with him. Morality smiled softly at Anxiety, taking his arm and sinking down with him. “Hey what was that buddy?” Patton questioned once they were in the safety of the commons. “I am Anxiety.” He said, frustrated tears just prickling at the corners of his eyes. “Yes?” Morality said in confusion. “And now everyone will see me, how awful i am. They are going to hate me, they’ll want to be rid of me because I am not like you three. I’m not good. I’m not a side of Thomas’ personality. I’m a disease.” he spit, the words tumbling out of him without his say so. He looked up to see Logic and Prince’s stunned faces, they must of caught most of that, and he tried to escape to his room but Morality stepped in front of him. “That’s not true, you are not a disease. You are more that just anxiety.” “No i'm not, I am literally ANXIETY. Just like you are Morality.” “I’m a bit more than my name suggests.” Morality’s eyes lit up. “That’s just it, we need new names, to remind us that we are more than just a descriptive moniker. I will be” his voice trailed off for a minute as he thought about it. “Patton!” “What kind of name is that? He sneered, but Mor--Patton’s happy expression never changed. “I like it.” he said with one of his signature shimmys.   “My turn!” Prince said, clearly excited about the idea. Anxiety looked at Logan, who rolled his eyes. “ It needs to be something fit for a Prince, something that evokes heroism and inspires faith. Something noble, like Roman. Yes Roman, that shall be my name.” “It’s perfect ,” Patton squealed, throwing one arm over...Roman’s … shoulder. They both looked at Logic expectantly. “Why are you looking at me? I am and always have been Lo….” he cut himself off at Patton’s disapproving glare.  To be fair it was one of the more fearsome glares the fatherly side had ever given. “. . . gan. My name is Logan.” Anxiety snorted at him before realizing the three other sides were looking at him. “What? I’m not going to just make up a name, that’s idiotic. And it’s not going to change anything.”  he growled and stomped up the stairs. He lay in his bed thinking about the names,  chuckling cynically at them. But the more he thought about it, the more genuine and affectionate his smile became. The names did kind fit them each. If, if, he was to play along, what name would he choose? He flicked through dozens of names before finding one that made him feel like, well him. And with that held in his mind he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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chocolateboxnj · 9 years
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Made #darkchocolate #cake this morning in #nyc using #valhrona #Chocolate and #fresh #oranges came out extremely #fluffy slightly #sweet all for #ChocolateBox! #Chocolate4Life #Chocoholic #Chocgasmic #SweetTooth #Yummy #Delicious #Dessert #FCalories #ChocolateHeaven #chocolateshop ☕🍮🍰😊 (at Chealsea)
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