#choi woohyuk
cloudiegifs · 6 months
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choi woohyuk in the mermaid prince ep. 3
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glindaupland · 1 year
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i see the javert and valjean energy
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0cta9on · 8 months
length: +5k words
Genre: Fluff
Kiss Of Life Julie x Male Reader
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The art club room was quiet, as it usually was on most afternoons. It was your only source of relief from the stress of grades, your parents, and daily life in general. Last year, when you were a junior, it used to be bustling with life, but after all your seniors graduated and your failure to recruit new members thanks to your social ineptitude, you were the art club’s sole member this year. It’s not like you minded - painting was easier when it was quiet and you practically never ran out of supplies since you were the only one using them.
You set up your canvas atop an easel and grabbed a tube for every paint color in case you needed it. The light of the sun shone through the window, inviting you to look outside for inspiration. With a deep breath and a clear mind, you gaze through the window pane in search of your next subject. A couple seconds of gazing turns into a minute. One minute turns into two. Two minutes turns into five. Five minutes turns into half an hour. Nothing. Looking out of that window five days a week for more than a year has completely drained the view of any inspiration. The wooded area beyond the school grounds has remained unchanged, and the school’s soccer field wasn’t exactly an enticing subject to paint. With a disappointed sigh, you decide to pack it in early tonight and head home. However, right as you start to pack up, you hear the door open abruptly.
“Oh, sorry, is this the wrong r- Woah.” The prettiest girl you have ever laid eyes on steps through the door, examining the various paintings adorning the walls of the art room with awe. “Oh my god, these are beautiful. Did you paint these?” she asks, directing her attention towards you.
You flinch, startled by the sudden question. “U-uh, a couple of them…” you manage to murmur out. Painting was one of the things you considered yourself to be good at. For others, it was studying or sports. For you, it was skillfully using a brush to fill a blank canvas with what you considered art. However, none of your pieces could even compare to the beauty of the girl standing before you.
“Wow, you’re really talented,” she says, flashing a wide grin at you that makes your heart skip a beat. “My name’s Julie, I just moved here recently.” She extends a welcoming hand towards you, which you ungracefully accept with a shaky hand.
“Th-thanks… I-I’m Choi Woohyuk. U-um, what are you doing here?” you ask her, silently praying that she is here to join the art club.
“Oh right, I was trying to find the room for the hip-hop club, but I guess I got lost.” Julie chuckles cutely at her mistake. Your heart sank a little, but her warm smile lifted your spirits instantly. A warm blush graces your cheeks as you mentally trace every detail of her face, afraid that she would disappear forever the second you blinked. Her silky auburn hair perfectly framed her face, the glistening pink hue of her lip gloss coated her plump lips which curled into a smile that made your heart soar, and the slight puffiness of her eyes made her look endearing, like a cat that just woke up from a nap.
“Uhh, Woohyuk? Are you alright?” she asks with a worried expression. You shake your head, embarrassed that you were caught staring.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. The hip-hop club is two doors down,” you answer, averting your gaze for fear of getting caught in another trance.
“That’s so close! I should stop by here every once in a while, this place is cool,” Julie giggles as she backs up towards the door, never breaking eye contact with you. “Thanks, Woohyuk! I’ll see you around!” she waves before shutting the door. 
You stand there in silence, taking in the brief yet memorable interaction. Without hesitation, you set up your canvas and your paints once again, reinvigorated with a new passion.
You end up getting home an hour later than usual. Your parents had some stern words for you upon entering the door, but they believed the lie you told them about helping out a teacher after the art club ended. Truthfully, you lost track of time trying to paint Julie, but no amount of skill or experience could truly capture her essence. Was it creepy to try and paint a girl you just met? Maybe. Definitely. But this was the first time in a while that you felt truly inspired to paint, and with the school festival right around the corner, you needed something breathtaking to display amongst your other mundane pieces.
That night, you stared at the dark ceiling of your room, finding it impossible to sleep. The shadows began to shift, morphing into indecipherable shapes like different shades of black and navy spilled on a blank canvas. The splotches took a familiar form until you saw Julie’s magnificent face staring back at you. You couldn’t help but laugh as you contemplated whether or not you’d gone insane. No artist is ever fully sane, you thought before succumbing to the exhaustion and drifting gently into a peaceful slumber.
As usual, you find yourself in the art club room after a particularly rough day of classes. If you weren’t daydreaming about Julie, you were dozing off in class and dreaming about her instead. To make matters worse, nearly all of your teachers called you out for not paying attention, adding another layer of embarrassment. You set up your equipment, hoping you’ll be able to forget about everything once you start painting. 
Just before the paint touches the canvas, you hesitate, glancing at the door with bated breath. As stupid as it was, you strained your mind, half convinced Julie would walk through the door if you willed hard enough. You get your hopes up as you hear footsteps walk by, but ultimately, you’re met with silence and disappointment as the door stares back at you as if taunting you with its stillness. A mix of emotions goes through your head as you look back to your blank canvas. 
She wasn’t coming back, and you felt like an idiot for getting so attached after one meeting. Rather than sitting around moping, you decide to cut yourself some slack - you would be surprised if someone didn’t fall in love after one look at her. With a sigh, you bring your brush back to the canvas, this time letting your heart do all the work instead of your head. Your arm moves with a mind of its own, tracing invisible lines and painting with pure intuition. This was the feeling you loved most while painting: Letting yourself get lost in the process without worrying about the final form. No planning, no second guessing, no expectations. In your heart, you knew that no matter how it looked, this would be your masterpiece.
Before you knew it, you were done. You straighten your spine, the pain in your lower back a sign of hard work.  Looking back at your now-filled canvas, you see a pair of eyes you hadn’t noticed before. Then, you see lips, shining as if they were coated with lip gloss made out of stars. Then, it’s strands of auburn hair, cascading down like a waterfall of reddish brown.
A face. You made a face. More specifically, it’s Julie’s face. And it was beautiful.
“Is that me?” 
A voice from behind you makes you jump, inadvertently knocking over your mini table full of supplies. Blotches of paint spray all over the tile floor and onto your pants. You look up at the source of the voice only to see the same familiar face on your canvas: Julie Han.
“I-I-I… U-um, i-it’s not…” You struggle to explain yourself, not a single eligible word escapes your lips. Somehow, Julie had managed to come into the art room without you knowing. You didn’t know how long she was there, but it was obvious she had seen your painting. There was no use hiding it.
During the commotion, paint had sprayed all over Julie’s legs and her shoes. You quickly grab a pack of wet wipes from the cupboard and offer it to her, your eyes glued to the floor.
“S-sorry…” you utter under your breath. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for her to yell at you or call you a creep. The weight of the wet wipes left your hand, leaving you isolated with nothing to support you. You could do nothing but wait as your vision of the tiles on the floor began to blur together, creating an ugly blotch of black that glared at you with the sting of disapproval.
Like a ray of light in a dark tunnel, Julie’s voice shot through your worries. “That’s an amazing painting, Woohyuk.” You jerked your head up and saw her gazing at the canvas with deep admiration, too busy enjoying your work to care about the paint on her.
“R-really? Y-you don’t think it’s… creepy?” you ask. At this point, your heart stopped beating and you wondered if your mind was playing tricks on you before you faded into the afterlife.
“Creepy? Not at all, this is really cute. No one has ever painted me before. It’s really flattering.” Her eyes twinkled as she winked at you. Whether it was a trick of the light or just your imagination, it didn’t matter. “Sorry for startling you, I wanted to stop by after hip-hop club since I didn’t get the chance earlier.”
You took a deep breath, letting the familiar scent of the art room fill your lungs to help you calm down. “I-it’s fine. Sorry about your shoes…” you murmur with an apologetic look on your face. Julie glances down at her once-white shoes, now covered in a misshapen rainbow of color.
“It’s cool, I kinda like them better this way,” Julie says. “Why don’t you sign them?”
“W-what?” you asked, completely bewildered by her request.
“Don’t artists sign their paintings? It’s just like that, except I get to wear them every day.” She flashed you a bright smile that you just couldn’t say no to (Not that you would ever say no to her in the first place). You sheepishly grabbed a paintbrush and a tube of black paint, nodding at her. Julie stamps her foot on the stool you were using, and your neck immediately snaps to the side in an attempt to avoid accidentally looking up her skirt, eliciting a hearty laugh from her that rang through your ears.
“I’m wearing shorts underneath, silly,” she says, chuckling at you. With a careful glance, you see that she is in fact wearing black shorts underneath her skirt. A wave of embarrassment turns your cheeks pink as you dip your brush into the black paint. The closer your hand got to her shoe, the more you began to tremble, making it impossible for you to produce an eligible signature. 
“Am I making you nervous?” Julie teased with her sweet voice. You could only awkwardly chuckle in response, resorting to grabbing your wrist with your free hand and settling for a subpar signature. It certainly wasn’t your best work by any means, but the smile on her face as she looked down at her paint-splattered shoes made it all worth it.
“Thanks, Woohyuk! I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow!” She gave you one final wink before disappearing behind the closed door, leaving you stunned for the second day in a row. To you, Julie Han is an enigma. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous, but she was also eccentric, optimistic, and kind. How could someone so perfect appear in your life all of a sudden? Was this compensation for the years of suffering you have endured until now? It was simple - you were completely and utterly infatuated with her. As you cleaned the rest of the paint mess on the ground, you couldn’t help but contemplate whether you should be delighted at the prospect of seeing her again or terrified of the uncertainty surrounding the future.
The math teacher’s unexpected illness and the lax attitude of the substitute gave you the perfect opportunity to sketch out your next piece during class. Sure, the painting of Julie you created yesterday was amazing, but you needed more than a single painting to showcase at the school festival next week. Unfortunately, it was difficult trying to capture her solely through memory and the sub doing nothing to control the now rowdy classroom only added to the difficulty. Suddenly, your notebook was forcefully torn away from you.
“Yah, Choi Woohyuk, what are you drawing?” Oh Yechan, the jerk who had been bullying you all throughout high school, chuckled as he gawked at your sketch with his stupid friends. “Isn’t this that new girl, Julie? What the fuck bro, are you stalking her or something?”
You felt the heat creeping up your neck with anger and embarrassment as the rest of the class started to pay attention to what was happening. The substitute had earbuds in, completely oblivious to the scene unfolding before him. All you could do was clench your fist and pray for a miracle.
“Not gonna lie, she is kinda hot though,” Yechan says, snickering. “We’re in the hip-hop club together, I might consider asking her out at the next meeting.” 
His words only make you angrier as your jaw clenches and your fingernails start to dig into your palm. “G-give me my notebook back…” You try your best to sound confident, but all that comes out of your mouth is a frightened stutter. Yechan smacks you in the head with your notebook, causing it to fall on the floor next to you. The sketch of Julie was crumpled and torn just like your self-esteem at this moment.
“You wanna say that again, you little shit?” He growls into your ear, spewing his hot breath in your face. You gulped, wanting to shrink and disappear forever. 
“He said to give him his notebook back, asshole.”
A hush fell over the room as a sweet yet stern voice was heard from the doorway. You glance over and see Julie, glaring angrily at Yechan as she stomps toward him.
“J-Julie, what are you doing he-” Yechan’s words are cut short with a smack to the face, courtesy of Julie’s hand. A chorus of “Ooohs” escaped everyone’s lips, and even the substitute became invested in this scene of petty high school drama. You could only sit there and watch, both relieved and embarrassed by Julie’s intervention.
“As if I would ever date some asshole like you,” she spewed before turning to you with a concerned look. “Are you okay, Woohyuk?” The caramel tones of her voice made you feel at ease as if nothing bad could ever happen when you were with her. Like a guardian angel arriving at the most dire times, Julie always found a way to make everything better. At that moment, you knew you wanted to be with her, to spend more time with her and get to know everything about her, but a voice in the back of your mind was telling you that you were inadequate. You couldn’t even protect yourself from one bully, what good could you do as her boyfriend? 
Julie grabbed your notebook off the ground and handed it to you. “I’m sorry about your drawing. It still looks really good though, you even got my eye shape and everything,” she compliments, giggling. A soft chuckle escapes your lips as a warm blush coats your cheeks.
“I-it’s just a sketch-”
“YOU BITCH!!” Yechan suddenly reels his arm back and you instinctively stand up in front of Julie, protecting her from the punch. The last thing you feel is a sharp shock to the jaw before your vision fades to black.
As your eyes creep open, you are greeted by an abstract silhouette of colors. Reds, browns, and creams were lazily pushed together against a background of bland gray to resemble some sort of human form. Confusion hit you first, but as your vision began to clear, the colors and shapes became less fuzzy and more recognizable until you could make out a vivid picture of Julie looking down at you. Her face was close enough for you to see your reflection in her eyes and the smooth texture of her skin.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Julie chuckles. “You had me worried there for a second.”
“Where am I?” You ask her as you sit up. A shooting pain hits your jaw, reminding you of the events that occurred before you blacked out, and your gaze falls to the floor as a wave of embarrassment hits you.
“You’re in the nurse’s office. The sub and I dragged you here after he sent Yechan to the Principal’s office. I heard he’s gonna get a month-long suspension,” she explained. You couldn’t help but feel slightly irked as this whole thing could have been avoided if the sub had done his job in the first place.
“A month isn’t long enough,” you commented, earning a small chuckle from Julie. Suddenly, she took your hand in hers, lazily caressing the back of your hand with her thumb. You felt your breath catch in your throat and you had to mentally remind yourself to breathe before you blacked out again.
“You were really brave back there,” she said, flashing you a smile of admiration. “Thank you.”
“I-I didn’t really do anything. You were the brave one,” you pointed out. Getting punched in the face wasn’t exactly an act of bravery in your book. Julie, ever the optimist, saw things differently.
“Well then, I guess we make a great team,” she jokes. The two of you share a laugh, alone in the nurse’s office of all places, sharing this intimate moment. You would gladly spend the rest of eternity in this small room if it meant getting to spend every second of it close to her like this. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as the nurse walks through the door.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” she says nonchalantly. “If the both of you are fine, then you two are free to head back to class.” The urge to lie and tell her that you were still feeling a little dizzy just so you could spend a little more time with Julie was strong, but Julie had already started walking to the door.
“Sorry Woohyuk, I have a test next period that I really don’t want to make up. I’ll see you after school, I promise!” With a bright smile so big that it makes her eyes look closed, she waves goodbye to you before shutting the door behind her. You admired how she smiled so freely and so fully as if nothing bad could ever happen to her. It became a precious gesture that you wanted to protect by any means necessary. 
But what could you do? You were just a socially awkward painter, and she was everything. All you were good for was becoming a human punching bag for others. It was obvious how this story would end - your one-sided feelings would stay hidden and Julie would go on to date some other guy that could give her everything she could ever want. It was painful, but it was the truth.
Or so you thought.
Thankfully, the rest of the day went by without any further incidents, and you were once again walking the familiar route to the art club room. Suddenly, a voice from behind you echoes through the hallway.
“Choi Woohyuk!” You turn around to see Julie skipping towards you with a childlike giddiness. “Let’s walk together!”
‘S-sure,” you utter, trying to mask your enthusiasm. As the two of you walk side by side, Julie links arms with you, sending a shockwave through your body, which she notices and giggles at.
“I’m not making you uncomfortable am I?” She asks teasingly.
“N-not at all.” While you were happy with the contact, you weren’t sure what to make of it. Was this just a friendly gesture she did with all of her friends? Not wanting to get your hopes up, you decide to change the subject. “Soooo, you heading to the hip-hop club today?”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna quit the hip-hop club.”
Bewildered, you turn to her. “W-what, why?”
“I’d rather not be in the same club as that jerk Yechan,” she cringed. “Besides, I think it’s time that I try something new. Like painting.”
Her last words stopped you dead in your tracks. “W-what do you mean?”
Julie giggled cutely at your confused expression. “I wanna join the art club, and I want you to teach me how to paint.”
It felt too good to be true. On the outside, you were completely frozen, but on the inside, you were screaming and jumping for joy. “W-why?” You ask, attempting to stifle a grin.
“I don’t know, I just think it would be fun,” she answers simply. “I thought you would be happier since you’re basically obsessed with me.”
“I am not-” The warm blush that spread across your cheeks was answer enough; you were in fact obsessed with her. Julie grabs your hand and starts pulling you towards the art club room.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s go, Woohyuk!” Hand in hand, the two of you run through the hallways, your laughter echoing against the walls. You received some looks from students and teachers passing by, but you didn’t care. Instead of suppressing your smile like you usually do, you allowed yourself to smile as freely as the girl whose hand you were holding. The girl who showed up out of nowhere like a bolt from the blue. The girl who you were in love with.
In the week leading up to the school festival, you and Julie spent practically every second together. You would meet up during the passing period just to talk for five minutes, and during class, you hid your phone underneath books just to send her a quick text. After school, you would give Julie painting lessons while working on your own pieces for the festival. To others, her work could be considered elementary or sloppy, but to you, they were masterpieces that deserved to be displayed at art museums for the whole world to see. Some days, Julie would be your muse and pose for you, giving you new ideas and teasing you if you stared at her for too long. On one particular day, Julie was uncharacteristically quiet as she was completely focused on painting a vase of flowers you set in front of her. You found the way her eyebrows furrowed to be particularly adorable.
On the weekend, you even went on a little museum “date” with her to help familiarize her with famous pieces and techniques. While you insisted that it was purely educational, Julie didn’t cease to poke fun at you when she caught you looking at her instead of the paintings. On the day of the school festival, the two of you had successfully made enough paintings for an exhibit. While you were extremely proud of the pieces you and Julie made, you couldn’t help but feel nervous as you waited for people to stop by the art club room. 
Julie noticed you being quieter than usual and gave you a worried expression. “Are you okay, Woohyuk? You don’t look so hot.”
“I-I’m fine,” you reassured her, but she wasn’t convinced. She led you to a nearby chair for you to sit on.
“You can talk to me, y’know. I’m here for you,” she said in a soothing tone. Her voice had a way of calming you down even in the worst of times.
“I’m just… nervous, I guess. What if no one shows up? We worked so hard this whole time, but if no one shows up, it’ll be such a waste.” Your head falls into your hands as you let out a deep sigh. Julie runs her hand gently through your hair in an attempt to provide you comfort.
“It’s not a waste at all. We had a lot of fun, and you taught me a lot about painting,” she explains before pausing in contemplation for a moment. Suddenly, her cheeks became tinged with a light shade of pink as she turned to you. “L-look, I was gonna give this to you later, but I think you need it now. Close your eyes.”
You raise an eyebrow at her in bewilderment. “What?”
“Just close them, Woohyuk!” She exclaimed.
“O-okay…” You decide to do as you're told instead of arguing. A couple seconds of nothing passes until the unthinkable happens: a soft warmth grazes against the flesh of your cheek, gentle and fleeting. The feeling lasts for less than a second, but the sensation lingers on your skin. You open your eyes and turn to Julie, whose light pink cheeks evolved into the red of a ripe tomato.
“J-Julie, did you just-”
Your words are interrupted as a couple walks through the doors.
“Hello, are you guys open?”
Julie jumps up from her seat, almost too eager to leave your side. “Yes, hello! Welcome to the art club, please have a look around!”
Slowly but steadily, the room starts to fill with more and more people, a larger crowd than you anticipated. For the next few hours, you and Julie would go around to each person, answering their questions and explaining your works of art. It was nerve-wracking given your track record with social interactions, but Julie’s presence alone was enough to keep you afloat. While you were happy so many people were there to check out your paintings, you weren’t able to ask Julie about what happened earlier.
Once the crowd died down a little bit, you went up to Julie to talk to her, but a girl with long black hair beat you to her.
“Julie!!!” She exclaimed as she embraced her. The two girls excitedly jumped up and down, squealing with excitement.
“Oh my god, I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow!” Julie beamed.
“I wasn’t about to miss my best friend’s first ever art exhibition! I can’t believe you made all of these, they’re so good!”
“Actually, I didn’t make all of them.” Julie beckons you over, flashing a wide smile at you. “Woohyuk, this is Natty, my best friend from my old school. Natty, this is Woohyuk, my art teacher and my… friend.” You noticed a small hesitation before she said “friend”, but the conversation moved on before you could dwell on it for too long.
“Oh, Woohyuk? So this is the boy you’ve been talking about, Julie. Not bad,” Natty says, winking at Julie. In response, Julie slaps her friend on the shoulder, eliciting heavy laughter from her. You could only stand there awkwardly, confused and out of the loop.
“A-anyways,” Julie interjected, blushing profusely. “I’m gonna give Natty a tour of the school, are you okay being here by yourself?”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something first,” you utter nervously.
Julie looks at you with an apologetic expression. “I’m sorry, is it okay if we talk later? I promise I’ll be back within an hour.”
The urge to ask her about what happened earlier was strong, but it was impossible to say no to her, especially when she gave you that look. “O-okay, I’ll see you in an hour then. Go have fun,” you reassure her, trying to hide your disappointment. Julie gives you one last look before exiting the room with Natty, leaving you alone with the few remaining visitors left.
Moonlight casts abstract shadows against the floor of the art club room. Everyone else had gone to watch the performances from the various music-related clubs, yet here you were, sitting on the floor of the art club room, waiting for the girl of your dreams to walk through the door. You had been waiting exactly two hours, 43 minutes, and 12 seconds for her to come back (you started counting ever since she stepped out of the doorway). You weren’t mad that she took longer than she said she would, nor were you sad that she isn’t there yet. You were just… waiting.
The silence gave your thoughts the space to roam freely in your mind, yet you were only focused on one thing. It hadn’t left your mind ever since people started entering your art exhibition. You so desperately wanted to know what it meant. More specifically, you wanted to know what it meant for the future. Was it a chance at a new beginning? Or was it just a mistake? Negativity and doubt began to seep through your brain like ink spilled on a blank sheet of paper. Were you meant to live the rest of your life in this unrequited love?
“Woohyuk!” Julie bursts through the door and runs to you, kneeling beside you. “I am so so sorry, Natty started talking to these boys from the rock club, and I couldn’t just leave her alone y’know, and then the concert started and I was gonna leave but Natty forced me to stay, and I’m so sorry Woohyuk, and-”
Without hesitation, you gently grabbed the back of Julie’s head and pulled her closer, planting your lips against hers. The rest of the world fades into oblivion, leaving the two of you suspended in this intimate moment. If Heaven was real, it existed in the way her soft lips felt against yours, perfectly gentle like a brush gliding effortlessly against the canvas. Every fiber of your being was focused on this silent exchange of love. As you finally pull away, breathless and invigorated, Julie stares back at you with stars in her eyes.
“Julie. I like you. I’ve liked you ever since I laid eyes on you. I like the way nothing ever seems to bother you. I like the way you’re so eager to learn and try new things. I like the way your eyebrows furrow when you’re focusing on a painting. I like the way you smile so freely. I know I’m not that strong or brave, but I want to be the one to protect that smile. You are so precious to me, and you have made my life so much better just by existing. I want to be with you and go on more museum dates and create more art with you. I really, really like you, Julie.” 
An eternity passed as you waited for a response from her. The darkness made it hard to clearly decipher the expression on her face, but you could still see the universe reflected in her irises. Rather than embarrassment or anxiety, you were filled with determination. You weren’t going to waste your time anymore - if there was ever a time to confess, it was now.
Julie’s answer came in the form of a warm embrace, her arms tightly wrapped around your neck. “What took you so long?” She cried, her voice muffled by your neck.
The confidence you felt just seconds before was quickly replaced with worry. “J-Julie, are you crying?!”
She pulls away from you, revealing her teary eyes and a cute frown. “I was waiting for so long for you to confess, I thought maybe you didn’t like me anymore,” she pouted. You gently cup her face in your hands, wiping away her tears with your thumbs.
“I was worried you didn’t like me at all.” Laughter filled the room as both of your worries quickly melted away. You give Julie one little peck on the lips to seal the deal, reiterating your feelings towards her. She sinks into your arms, resting her head on your chest, your heartbeats syncing into a singular rhythm. The moonlight casts its silver glow down on Julie’s shoes, painted and signed by you.
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enterhamartia · 1 year
quais fcs gostariam de ver para professores?
F: Kim Heesun, Eugene Jung, Uhm JungHwa, Myung Sebin, Park Shinhye, Song Hyekyo, Son Yejin, Jun Jihyun, Park Minyoung, Lee Sungkyung, Kyung Soojin, Kim Yewon, Park Shinhye (atrizes), BoA, Heize, Sunmi, Lee Hyori, HA:TFELT, CL, Hyolyn (solistas), Tiffany Hwang, Choi Sooyoung, Sunny, Yoona (SNSD), Miryo, Gain (Brown Eyed Girls), Irene (Red Velvet), Solar (Mamamoo), Hani (EXID), Park Jiyeon, Hyomin (T-ara), Chorong, Eunji (Apink), Sunye, Hyelim (Wonder Girls). M: Kim Woobin, Jung Haein, Gong Yoo, Yang Yang, Woo Dohwan, Lee Jongsuk, Park Seojoon, Lee Dongwook, Wi Hajoon, Lee Jungjae, Park Haesoo, Lee Soohyuk, Min Woohyuk, Lee Minho, Ju Jihoon, Lee Byungchun (atores), Rain, DPR IAN (solistas), Xiumin, Suho (EXO), Jaejoong (JYJ), Donghae (Super Junior), Ok Taecyeon (2PM), Minhyuk, Hyungsik (BtoB), Leo, Ravi (VIXX), Key, Onew, Taemin (SHINee), Kang Sunghoon (Sechs Kies), L, Sungyeol (Infinite), Yunho (TVXQ), Yongguk (BAP), Lee Taeil, Zico (Block B).
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klqrambles · 2 years
Ive decided Choi Jaewoong, Min Woohyuk, and Park Minsung could probably be triple casted for Basil should Dorian Gray come back 🤔
Dorian could be a Kim Junsu, Park Junhwi, and Choi Seokjin triple cast (possibly also Kyuhyun for a quad cast) if they changed some of the choreo..
But I’m still not sure who can match Park Euntae for his Henry energy 😅 maybe Jeon Dongsuk if he brought like 5% of his Jacque energy…
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blue-logos · 1 year
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I completed the 2023 No True Pair 8 Character Challenge!
1 - Choi Woohyuk (Mermaid Prince)
2 - Jung Ohje (Moment of 18)
3 - Na Ildeung (Sound of Magic)
4 - Han Seojun (True Beauty)
5 - Kang Chanhyuk (Island)
6 - Lee Suho (True Beauty)
7 - Hwiyeon (Broke Rookie Star)
8 - Woo Yeonwoo (Top Management)
8 characters, 28 unique pairings! Read the series on AO3
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gyuyoungarchives · 1 year
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Throwback Thursday: (08012017) "Gyuyoung...Delivering an Outstanding Performance as a Top Notch Rebellious Student"
"Rising actor Park Gyuyoung is receiving hot attention with her appearance in the drama 'Solomon's Perjury.'
Park Gyuyoung showcased a noticeable presence with her rebellious expression, tone, and glamorous appearance. The character 'Baek Hyerin,' portrayed by Park Gyuyoung, has been in an on-again, off-again relationship with the defendant of the school trial, Baek Cheolmin (played by Choi Woohyuk), since middle school.
Meanwhile, Park Gyuyoung, as a rookie actress under JYP Entertainment, gained recognition through last year's release of Jo Kwon's solo song "Crosswalk" music video. Subsequently, she's building her acting career with appearances in the drama 'Solomon's Perjury' and the movie 'Monsters.'"
Full Article: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/011/0002952606
as Baek Hyerin in Solomon's Perjury, 2016
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luckyhyuki · 1 year
One Fine Week
ONE FINE WEEK BY InterstellarBlue  
“In which Moon Bin, ordinary college student and bleeding heart, agrees to switch places with stressed-out idol Choi Woohyuk of popular idol duo Ateen for one week on a variety show, where he'll have to write a love song with a random fellow celebrity partner, one Cha Eunwoo.
Featuring trot idol MJ, Rocky in not-quite-SF9, cafe owner Jinwoo, fellow cafe employee and budding Ateen fan Sanha, and more.
Based on the web drama of the same name.”
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Oh Jeongil.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 26/01/1998.
CIDADE NATAL: Cheongju, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Vocalista principal do LOOPiNG.
DEBUT: 25 de março de 2018.
CONTA: nl_nox
FACECLAIM: Moonbin (ASTRO), idol.
MC por 6 meses em music show (Show Champion; Junho - Presente)
Momento viral (cover de Tiger Inside, tanto pela performance em geral quanto por fazê-la mesmo com dores): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-fl16bjehc
Escrita parcial de letras em um B-SIDE DO GRUPO
Coadjuvante no drama/show televisivo At Eighteen, em 2019, no papel de Jung Ohje
Papel principal no webdrama "Mermaid Prince", em 2020, no papel de Choi Woohyuk
Papel principal no webdrama "The Mermaid Prince: The Beginning", em 2020, no papel de Choi Woohyuk
Competidor em show por curto período de tempo (KOMS em 2021 - chegou até a 2ª fase)
TW: abandono parental.
Oh Jeongil, filho de uma ex-cantora que foi obrigada a abandonar a carreira em virtude da gravidez indesejada e de um produtor que era pelo menos dez anos mais velho do que a genitora, não era exatamente uma criança fácil de se lidar. Quer dizer, pelo menos foi isso que o garoto ouviu de sua mãe desde muito cedo, o que não lhe agradava nem um pouco. 
A família Oh estava longe de ser uma daquelas de comercial de margarina, a matriarca mal sabia como lidar com o filho, afinal, ser mãe tão cedo não estava em seus planos. A personalidade forte do garoto só se intensificou conforme foi envelhecendo, só piorando quando seu pai resolveu abandonar a família, deixando para trás o garoto com a mãe e irmã mais nova.
Parecia que a única coisa capaz de canalizar um pouco o excesso de energia do garoto era a arte, mas, ao invés de ser uma solução, isso se tornou um problema. Sua mãe era completamente contra a ideia de Jeongil se voltar para qualquer forma de expressão artística, afinal, ela sabia muito bem como a indústria podia ser cruel. Porém, seu filho não parecia lhe dar ouvidos.
Ele apenas conseguiu entrar em aulas de dança com o apoio de um de seus professores do ensino fundamental, a qual lhe deu todo o apoio necessário. Ele foi não apenas a sua inspiração e porto seguro, mas também a figura paterna que tanto lhe fazia falta.
Conforme o tempo se passava, mais o talento do garoto se mostrava excepcional. Ele possuía uma facilidade imensa em aprender coreografias, e constantemente era elogiado como sendo o melhor dançarino de sua classe, o que enchia a si próprio de orgulho (além de alimentar um pouco o seu ego).
Foi por sugestão de seu professor que o rapaz se arriscou como nunca antes, participando de audições em empresas de entretenimento em busca de um sonho maior, decidido a se tornar um artista de sucesso e provar para a sua mãe que a sua história não seria uma cópia em carbono da dela.
E não foi apenas ele que se arriscou: o seu professor, aquele que tanto o incentivou, foi quem se passou por seu responsável para permitir que o menor de idade participasse das audições. Quando a trama foi descoberta, o homem acabou perdendo seu emprego em virtude da atitude irresponsável, e por muito tempo a vida de Jeongil se tornou um inferno. Sua mãe deixou bem claro que o tiraria daquela empresa, seus dias estavam contados... A saída era óbvia.
Jeongil fugiu de casa na mesma madrugada, deixando tudo para trás e se agarrando em um grande "talvez", só sendo capaz de seguir treinando pois, depois de muito custo, conseguiu se emancipar e tornar-se independente.
Conforme as semanas se transformavam em meses e os meses em anos, a angústia no peito do rapaz só aumentava. Será que sua mãe estava certa? Ele realmente fracassaria, assim como ela fracassou?
Não. Não seria o caso, afinal, diferente de sua mãe, ele estava completamente sozinho. Não havia ninguém para atrapalhar a sua jornada.
Finalmente, quando estava prestes a perder todas as esperanças, veio a notícia tão almejada: Jeongil finalmente iria debutar, adotando o nome de palco "Nox". Poderia mostrar todo o seu talento como... Vocalista principal? Não, esse certamente não era o seu ponto forte, por que o colocaram nessa posição?!
Bem, era pegar ou largar. E Jeongil — Nox — nunca teve tanta certeza em sua vida de que deveria se agarrar a uma oportunidade. Mas agora, depois de anos de carreira, talvez alguns fantasmas do passado voltassem para lhe assombrar...
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tonguesofkpop · 5 years
Happy Birthday to Like a Movie’s Woohyuk!
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LIKE A MOVIE - WOOHYUK  Do not edit or crop logo! Do not share without full cr: On picture.
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baekgyeul · 4 years
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yongguos-blog · 7 years
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❝ why are you crying? ❞
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lgcmanager · 4 years
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thank you to everybody for your auditions! in fact, some of yours were so interesting that they inspired extra roles ! thus the number of lead roles was changed from 4 to 6 ! since we now have 6 lead roles, we’ve also added 4 more supporting roles! next week schedule and episode details will be released ! thank you for the wait !
Ahn Jaeyoon as Lee Sihwan
Choi Daehyung as Tyler Sarasin
Im Nari as Kwon Mijoo
Kang Seyoon as Park Taejoon
Lee Hanbyul as Choi Yeji
Lee Jaewoo as Song Jaesik
Jang Taesung as Kim Youngjae
Kang Dongwon as Nam Daehyun
Kim Luccas as Lee Chanhee
Kim Noeul as Shin Dabin
Lee Jiae as Bae Haemi
Lee Rachel as Jeon Eunbi
Lee Youngmin as Park Kwangsoo
Oh Max as Kim Jinho
Son Alec as Go Namgil
Tangrisuk Sao as Somrak ‘Luck’ Metanee
Ahn Jaehwa as Lee Sohee
Ahn Jaesun as Han Wonbin
Choi Jongsuk as Park Joongi
Geum Danbi as Son Jiyeon
Hwang Subin as Kang Jaehyun
Jeon Haru as Baek Minsoo
Jung Miso as Kang Ahrin
Kang Yonghwa as Choi Eunpyo
Kim Jinah as Lee Jeongha
Kim Jinseo as Kim Woohyuk
Lee Jiho as Hwang Dohan
Liu Jiao as Yang Xinyi
Min Soyoun as Jeon Eunjoo
Nam Jueun as Im Yewon
Oh Eunhye as Song Yerim
Son Jieun as Lee Sodam
Tsai King as Jacob Chen
Yoon Dowon as Kim Taehyun
Yoon Shinha as Jung Minseok
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gyuyoungarchives · 2 years
Throwback Thursday: (17012017) 'Rising Actor Park Gyuyoung, Good Luck for Solomon's Perjury!'
A photo capturing Park Gyuyoung's smile from 'Solomon's Perjury' has been released.
As a rookie actress, Park Gyuyoung is currently taking on the role of the jury member 'Baek Hyerin' in the JTBC drama 'Solomon's Perjury,' showcasing her outstanding performance.
Set against the backdrop of Jeongguk High School, she appears as a fierce "sen sister" and the girlfriend of the defendant Baek Cheolmin (played by Choi Woohyuk) in the school trial, leaving a strong impression.
In the photo released by her agency JYP Entertainment, Park Gyuyoung holds the script for 'Solomon's Perjury' with a refreshing smile. Her bright and innocent image, which she hadn't had a chance to show due to her troubled character in the drama, captures attention.
Last year, Park Gyuyoung made her face known by appearing in the music video for Jo Kwon's solo song 'Crosswalk.' She has since worked as an advertising model for makeup brand I'M MEME, THE FACE SHOP, and Korean Yakult, becoming familiar to the public.
Currently, she is leaving a mark on viewers with her stable acting and outstanding visuals in the JTBC Friday-Saturday drama 'Solomon's Perjury.'
Furthermore, Park Gyuyoung is set to make her screen debut this year in the movie 'Monsters' (directed by Kim Baekjun). In 'Monsters,' she challenges herself with a dual role, playing two characters: 'Yeri,' an adult with the intelligence of a kindergarten student, and 'Bokyung,' a high school student who closely resembles Yeri.
Full Article: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/438/0000012950
as Baek Hyerin in Solomon's Perjury, 2016
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minhyukpotato · 4 years
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Choi Woohyuk and Yoon Geoni @moon_ko_ng #문빈 #빈 #MoonBin #Bin #아스트로 #astro #SF9 #hwiyoung #휘영 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKdKOfeD8hd/?igshid=jxjsqzk7j0gh
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