tucuteboything · 2 years
If your "punk" label promotes exclusionism, it's not punk. Likewise if you use a punk label and you're exclus, you're not punk.
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eldorr · 1 year
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A form of Alterhumanity where one experiences and/or identifies oneself with multiple labels under the Alterhuman / Otherkin umbrella, and therefore uses terminology interchangeably for what they experience. One may be any combination of Alterhuman identities, feel as if they have a choice or not in their identity, and/or experience blurring or confusion between what terms they use for what they experience.
Some already coined blurkind terms are listed below.
Kinlink: A blurkind term that is a blur/combination of Otherkin and Copinglink and/or Otherlink.
Constelpath: A blurkind term that is a blur/combination of Constelic and Synpath.
Constherian: A blurkind term that is a blur/combination of Constelic and Therian.
Kinstelic: A blurkind term that is a blur/combination of Otherkin and Constelic.
This term was originally posted October 17th, 2021 on my prior blog (genderslyphen) and then was reblogged to this blog on April 10th, 2022. It was posted as the same time as Kinlink.
This term is inclusive of KFF, Choicepunk, & Constelic.
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[ID] A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the fourth stripe is thicker than the rest. In the middle of the flag there's a circle that's violet eggplant with a skinny black four point star over it, the circle is outlined with the color pastel carnation pink. The colors from top to bottom are: dark magenta, violet eggplant, medium orchid pink, pastel carnation pink, pastel cadillac pink, pastel dusty rose red, light brown. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a cone tornado at the end of a road, the flag being the (General) Neurodivergent flag. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is a choicepunk voidpunk aromantic acefog transmasc abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn caligonoctic candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylexic fluidflux fluffylexic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderainimm genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbaai genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboira genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdufair genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfearn genderfejś genderfin genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago rosboy!
He's in a QPR with Rick Sanchez from Pocket Mortys, a femme violaen extromantic abroromantic aceflux omnisexual roseabic iridian genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfruct genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icarxigender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy clowngender funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender demitransfem hydrogender astrobyssian spacegender celeduvoiden astrostarlic spatilost constellestial cadalgender galafascic seaturespaceic constellatiofem galaxionic virgender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess iso man!
They both love their grandson Morty Smith, who is questioning both his gender and sexuality, very much!
dni link
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varii-corvid · 7 months
🍓🌈 About Us 🌈🍓
Hi! we're a radically queer anarchist system who makes animations, art, music, video games, and clothes.
we coin transID, mogai, and liom terms and flags as well as make art. feel free to ask for a coining post!
contact stance is here.
Chrono adult and transteenadult: chrono-minors/trans-minors/syskids please do not ask for romantic or sexual relationships with us. Friendships and qprs are ok tho.
(better intro coming soon)
We are against:
abuse/abuse apologism, censorship, coercion, grooming, harmful contact, manipulation, transphobia, institutional psychiatry, cults, homophobia, ableism, racism, sanism, ageism, classism, fatmisia, body shaming, diet shaming, bio-essentialism, harassment, death threats, suicide bating, doxxing, violence/harm against other beings (except for in defense of self or others or in response to systemic violence), misanthropy, systemic harm, non-consensual contact, bad-faith IDs, fascists, nazis, primitivists, cops, landlords, tankies/bootlickers, capitalists, nationalists, exclusionists, antis.
We support:
pro-ship/pro-fiction, content-literacy, transIDs, MUDs, consangs, anarcho-communism, transhumanism, morphological freedom, eco-anarchism, gender abolitionism, racial abolitionism, intersectional anarchism, veganism/vegetarianism, internet rights, privacy rights, animal rights (domesticated and wildlife), mogai-liom, plural systems of all shapes and sizes, punks, freaks, "contradictory" identities, mspec IDs, aspec IDs, nonhumans, alterhumans, other-kin/hearted/link, constels, therians, soulbonders, IRLs, being pro-choice, being pro-consent, consensual recovery and therapy, harm reduction and prevention, radically inclusive and comprehensive sex education, transformative and restorative justice, self governance, informed and total bodily autonomy, every religion and spirituality or lack there of, and all good faith IDs.
#🍡🍪personalhoard. = stuff we ID with
#☄️🏳️🪙coining. = stuff we coined
#🐈‍🏴🔥anarkittyposting. = rants, memes and discussion about anarchism
#📣🌎signalboost. = signal boosting and mutual aid.
#🎧🎮creativeadventures. = art, music, videogames, and other creative projects we're working on.
#🦀👽🗿gleebydeeby. = silly nonsense and shitposting
system name: the aetherglade system
Collective pronouns: she/it/xe/xem/xers/hack/bite
genders: systemfluid, nonbinary, transfem, transmasc, genderfae, plurgender, arcadecoric, breakcoric, hyperchordaic, stargender, endergender, catgender, glitchgender, hackergender (this is an abridged genderhoard)
Collective orientation: asexual systemabro xyric lesbian
CisIDs: Cisnativeamerican, CisADHD, Cisautistic
TransIDs: transplural (circumplural, transhydraconsious), permateenadult (perma19), transdpdr, transimmortal, transspecies (moth/fox hybrid), transsparklefur, transambidextrous, transrobot, diaracial (TransFilipino, TransBlack), transdoxxed, transvegan.
Punk IDs: voidpunk, solarpunk, lunarpunk, forestpunk, pluralpunk, choicepunk, neuropunk, evilpunk, amatopunk, anarcho-transhumanist, anarcho-communist, eco anarchist.
Paraphilias and kinks: robophilia, auto-objectum, furryphilia, exophilia, sweat kink, bondage kink, transformation kink.
Otherkin/hearted IDs: enderkin, dragonkin, mothkin, cryptidkin, ravenhearted
Blankqueer stances: redemptionqueer, anxiqueer, arcticfoxqueer, bladequeer, warqueer, ghostqueer, critharm, anarchoradqueer, aeternism
DNI: anti-shippers, anti-endogenic, anti-xenogender, anti-transid, critinclus, xenosatanists, hypoharmful, anti-Mspec, anti-paraphilia, radfem,
we don't care about trolls and will just block you if you try to instigate conflict. we block freely.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
stop being fucking racist
heres a bit about tulpamancys history
heres a bunch of sources
you have been told time and time again you are bigoted. this is not just ignorance it is outright direct racism.
you are a big name in the tulpamancy community. if you speak out about this and stop calling it tulpamancy and call it something like thoughtform, you could actually make a difference and get people to reconsider their stances.
but you dont because youre racist. you are a bigot.
glad to know weve got a racist and pro-racist as one of the biggest blogs relating to systems. because thats what tulpamancy and pro-tulpamancy is. racism and pro-racism.
Just because a lot of people repeat a lie doesn't mean I have to believe it.
And you know, when your second source starts by claiming that Tibetan Buddhism is a closed religion, it loses a lot of credibility right off the bat.
It is a term stolen from a closed religion, (Tibetan Buddhism)
I honestly find this pops up frequently in these conversations, where anti-endos pretend to be allies while trying to discredit tulpamancy and paint it as racist, while being disrespectful and spreading misinformation at the same time.
Most branches of Buddhism, including Tibetan Buddhism, are proselytizing religions that seeks to gain new converts.
By the way, the Carrd that it cites, that it says "appears to be a Tibetan Buddhist" actually claims this they're "someone who practices a specific branch of esoteric SE Asian Buddhism, which is a closed religion." The Carrd is gone now, but you can find @Eeveecraft's response to here it here:
If it's not trying to claim that Buddhism is a closed religion, it's saying that the Buddhist Sprul-Pa practice is the only real "tulpamancy"... a label I'm almost certain no sprul pa practitioner is going to want to identify by.
And let's not forget that the entire appropriation narrative is built upon the erasure of the Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup who helped bring the practice to the West.
Scholars such as Donald Lopez have noted that Westerners have long harbored romantic notions about Tibet. The Theosophical Society in particular has promoted Tibet as the land of Hidden Masters. The history of the tulpa could be read as a case of Theosophists appropriating a term from Tibetan Buddhism to give their own esoteric ideas some Orientalist "window dressing." This view, however, presents Tibet as a closed totality and ignores the agency of figures such as Kazi Dawa Samdup in translating complex ideas between cultures. A better historiography might resemble Mark Singleton's recent work on postural yoga, which notes that what most Westerners call yoga is a homonym rather than a synonym for the yoga of precolonial Hindu tradition. Singleton historicizes modem postural yoga as the product of a dialogue between India and an early-twentieth-century international physical culture movement. Perhaps the contemporary paranormal tulpa, which takes its concept from Theosophy and its name from a Tibetan root word, may be regarded as a similar product of this early twentiethcentury, East-West dialogue, situated in a context of distinctly unequal power relationships but still containing both Tibetan and European voices. It is possible that the fusion of Theosophy and Tibetan Buddhism evident in tulpa lore originated with the collaboration of Evans-Wentz and Samdup. The terms "thought-form" and "elemental" appear in Samdup's translation of The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1927), which he wrote while working closely with Evans-Wentz. Samdup was described as having an interest in esotericism and may have been as eager to assimilate Theosophy as the Theosophists were to assimilate Tibetan Buddhism. Thus the tulpa may truly be a creature built from collective imagination-not only of multiple individuals, but multiple cultures exchanging ideas and terms.
At this point, anti-endos erasing the autonomy of POC to paint Tulpamancers as racist is par for the course. It's not even surprising. It's just sad.
No, I'm not going to buy into the anti-tulpa propaganda campaign. I don't believe it's in good faith. And I don't believe it's a coincidence that it's being driven almost entirely by anti-endos who would benefit greatly from tulpamancers distancing themselves from ongoing scientific research into tulpamancy. Especially since even though tulpamancy has existed since 2009, much of the backlash against the practice has been over the past couple years, following the announcement that Stanford would be conducting and fMRI study on tulpa systems.
Given the timing, this looks like a strategy to convince people to dismiss psychological research into endogenic communities by convincing them that the science itself is racist. I mean, the common anti-endo talking point right now is that endogenic systems aren't valid because they don't have brain scans. So of course, when results from brain scans are published, the next step is going to be trying to discredit those brain scans by any means necessary.
The biggest threat to the anti-endo position right now is the potential for the fMRI scans of tulpamancers to prove unequivocally that plurals systems can be created intentionally.
Now, it's possible that it might not do that. But I think the fact that anti-endos are trying so hard to push their anti-tulpa narrative right now shows that they're scared of what the research is going to reveal.
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neopronouns · 2 years
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choimasquide: an orientation in which one’s queer attraction to men overrides all other forms of attraction they may experience and that is on some level choicepunk
for anon! the outer two stripes represent attraction to non-men, the stripes next to those are from the choicepunk flag, and the inner are from the masquine flag, with the masquine stripes being larger to represent the overriding of attraction. the term combines ‘choi’ from ‘choicepunk’, ‘masqui’ from ‘masquine’, and ‘ide’ from ‘override’!
flag id: a flag with 6 stripes, with the third and fourth being much larger than the rest. in order, they are soft green, brown, light yellow, faded turquoise, brown, and soft red-pink. end id.
dni transcript here
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spirgender · 3 years
cointober day four - pumpkins !!
[you might need to click/tap on that flag for the HD version, idk why but tumblr keeps glitching and making this really low quality]
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↳ kovopian - a term for those who feel like their original gender has been ‘carved’ out, like a jack-o’-lantern at halloween, and replaced with other genders/identities instead. the user might feel like they ‘carved’ their gender themselves to their liking (potentially making this gender CINN (choice/chosen-in-nature)), or that their gender was ‘carved’ by other parts of their identity (alterhumanity, neurodiversity, trauma, etc).
[ ‘kovo-‘ from κόβω, meaning carve/cut in greek, and ‘pian’ from the latin name for pumpkin ‘Cucurbita pepo’. ]
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mogaihoard · 3 years
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Choice Xenic
a subset of choice gender that is specific to xenogenders. someone whois choice xenic can choose some or all of their xenogenders, and probably hoards them.
choice xenic's may or may not also identify with choicepunk, tumblrgender, trendergender, xenopunk etc;
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notes: coined by me! -Arson 🍓
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aestherians · 3 years
WAIT A MINUTE.... I’ve seen the word choicepunk before, in some DNIs, is that what it is?????? KFF ppl being told they’re misusing terminology and not liking being told that so they’re calling themselves PUNK for refusing to respect a community they don’t belong to????
That's what it looks like - at least that's all I can see in the tags. No discussions of the coining or use of the term, or of experiences, just a few people more or less going "you can still call yourself kin if you have complete control over your nonhumanity".
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tucuteboything · 2 years
I love how anti-KFF cry about KFFers and other alterhuman terms and even some abstract in-voluntary kin terms "hurting the community" while I look into the otherkin tags to find a fucking dude medicalizing alterhumanity/otherkininty by saying it's all just pathology and that they "Respect spiritual otherkin" while in the same breath saying spiritual otherkin are just pathological kin.
Almost like if your community gatekeeps the shit out of random shit with no historical sources ever linked, it causes people to gatekeep even further and medicalize shit.
Time to call these weirdos trying to medicalize alterhumanity (+otherkinity) Altermeds/Kinmeds b/c that's literally what they are 💀
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eldorr · 1 year
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A term under the Blurkind umbrella, where on experiences a blur or combination of experiences associated with being Constelic, and Otherkin.
If you don't know the definition of Blurkind the definition is below.
Blurkind: A form of Alterhumanity where one experiences and/or identifies oneself with multiple labels under the Alterhuman / Otherkin umbrella, and therefore uses terminology interchangeably for what they experience.
This term was originally posted September 28th, 2022.
Even though I do experience this term, it was a request so I didn't really write an in-depth explanation for it. If you want a similar explanation to what could've been on this term, I recommend looking at the definition of Kinlink.
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[ID] A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the fourth stripe is thicker than the rest. In the middle of the flag there's a circle that's pastelish blue with a skinny black four point star over it, the circle is outlined by color pale dairy cream yellow. The colors from top to bottom are: honey flower purple, pastelish blue, pastel old pink, pale dairy cream yellow, pale chestnut brown, pastel tulip pink, apple blossom red. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a cone tornado at the end of a road, the flag being the (General) Neurodivergent flag. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is an Aromantic acefog transmasc(yellow flag) abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian choicepunk cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy voidpunk crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404Gender Aboixygender AbominationlexicAbonxigender Abrogender Acxygender Adorbian Aerogender Aesthetivir Afflowian Alohomic Amphibarian Ampligender Anarcgender Annulian Ashilexic Asteragender Aurorian Avendinoboy Axenovir badgeric baeigardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender Calighn Caligonoctic Candygorelexic Caninarian Caninix Caridic Carouselgender Cha0xygender Chaokixygender Chaotiqueer Cietigender Ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic Echogender Ecleclexic Eldryxygender Etheric Euphorilexic Fablian Faunvir Felisarian Firecoric Firegender Flamilexic Flickergender Floofylexic Fluidflux Fluffylexic Foxlexic Froramwaremojic Frostgender Gallozygender Gejixigender Gemmian Gelsolum Genderagridoce Genderainimm Genderalbum Genderalumini Genderamu Genderascua Genderbaai Genderbanpiro Genderbero Genderbianco Genderblank Genderblast Genderbleikur Genderboira Genderboscata Genderbruine Genderbruinement Genderbruiner Genderbruineux Genderburgunder Genderbyge Gendercaldu Gendercanle Gendercanum Gendercaoba Gendercapa Gendercarne Gendercastanha Gendercastial Gendercereum Gendercerezal Gendercervo Gendercetaceo Gendercigl Gendercindro Gendercitrina Gendercollector Gendercolorius Gendercorisco Gendercottoneux Gendercrow Gendercueste Genderdeinim Genderdenne Genderderfinu Genderdezerto Genderdou Genderdufair Genderdugga Genderearth Genderebereum Genderenga Genderengi Gendereukalipto Genderevera Genderfaire Genderfairn Genderfaunet Genderfearn Genderfejś Genderfin Genderfiolett Genderfiwyt Genderflamboez Genderfleuve Genderfloro Genderfontan Genderfrago Rosboy who is in a QPR with Rick(From Pocket Mortys specifically) who is a Genderfrais Genderfrect Genderfresha Genderfruct Genderfumo Gendergaiss Gendergebre Gendergivre Gendergivrer Genderglacimoto Gendergranato Gendergrano Gendergrapfrukto Gendergrasker Gendergrund Genderherbejo Genderqueer Gendersequoia Gendervoid Ghostcoric Ghostgender Glitchgender Gorecoric Gxrl Hafian Hallowgender Hellgender Hellian Herbagender Honeycoric Horrorhypic Icaegender Icarxigender Icegender Innogender Imagian Imagilexic Incognera Iroxygender Jaxcogender Jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender roseabic condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy violaen clowngender (1/2)
(Cultist resend 2/2) funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender iridian oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender, aceflux, extromantic, demitransfem, femme, agenderflux, hydrogender, astrobyssian, spacegender, celeduvoiden, astrostarlic, spatilost, constellestial, cadalgender, galafascic, seaturespaceic, constellatiofem, galaxionic, virgogender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess omnisexual abroromantic iso man! They both very much love their grandson Morty(Also from Pocket Mortys) who is questioning in both his gender and sexuality.
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neogenders · 3 years
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joypunk / funpunk
joypunk is a movement or ideology, rather than a term for any singular identity. joypunk is closely related to kindness punk and pridepunk/trendercore, and can also be related to choicepunk and genderpunk in certain uses.
joypunk as a movement seeks to emphasize the importance of joy, happiness, and fun in communities, and disrupt the stigma surrounding the need to take one's identity seriously: by placing one's love of themself first and outsiders' understanding second. joypunks will often institute radical inclusion instead of using arbitrary gatekeeping tactics (such as dysphoria-checking or oppression-checking others). joypunks emphasize fun, kindness, and joy in their communities and seek to expand their community understanding beyond simply their oppression and hardships.
an example of a joypunk could be a trans person who emphasizes gender euphoria. this type of joypunk may not have even considered their own level of dysphoria, as it is not important to them - their joy is. a trans joypunk may also identify their gender in relation to memes, photos, concepts, jokes, or other nonconventional means - they may perhaps even identify as xenogender. [ further examples of joypunk ]
i would like to emphasize that while joypunks emphasize their own fun and enjoyment, all joypunks also take care to recognize boundaries and borders. a joypunk does not get to use their fun-first mentality to hurt others through practices such as appropriation and willful ignorance.
flag color meanings and extra flag descriptions below!
the joypunk flag colors:
yellow - joy, happiness, and fun
orange - kindness towards others
pink - self love
purple - subversion, anti-establishment, and anti-conformity
blue - community
white - diversity
the two extra flags below are the kin joypunk flag and the xenogender joypunk flag. i chose these because it seemed like they fit and i had the transparents lying around already. feel free to make more joypunk edits for your own identities!
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neopronouns · 2 years
could you coin an orientation for when one feels like their queer attraction to men overrides all other forms of attraction that they may or may not experience, and that is on some level choicepunk? thx!
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shadowfae · 3 years
I have the worst joke that has to be on anon and I'm so upset by "choicepunk" that I need to let it out... "Oh, you chose to be faekin? No no no, the word you're looking for is "fakin'. I can see where you mixed the two up."
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