#chopper and ap5
chopper-and-ap5 · 1 year
Zeb: I will put my "A" down to make “A” Ezra: I will add to your “A” to make “AT” Chopper: I will add onto your “AT” to make “RAT” AP-5: I will add onto your “RAT” to make “BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC”. Chopper: [flips the board]
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flowerparrish · 4 months
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[Podfic] Duo | written by @rivulet027
Star Wars (Rebels): Chopper / AP-5 | Rated: T | Length: 1 minute
Chopper, twosomes, and AP-5.
Podded for @voiceteam as a COLD READ!
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rebel-ahsoka · 1 year
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STAR WARS REBELS 2.19, The Forgotten Droid
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Star Ware Rebels Bechdel Test Rewatch- 3x14 'Warhead'
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A new droid arrives at the rebel base, but is not what it appears to be..
Female Characters: 2
Hera Syndulla Sabine Wren
Male Characters: 8
Zeb Orrelios, Alexsandr Kallus, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Grand Admiral Thrawn
Droid Characters: 3
Chopper, AP-5, EXD-9
Does it pass?
This is another episode that I had in my notes as a pass... but I rewatched every scene with Hera and Sabine (all two of them!) and they never interact. It's a no!
This episode is a fun little adventure of the week, though it is consequential as Thrawn now has the location of the Rebel base down to 90 planets.
This is the first and only Zeb-centric episode of Season 3. He really does take a back seat in the last two seasons. This episode doesn't really give him much other than a misadventure and banter with the droids, but he does interact with Kallus a bit so at least there is that.
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bikananjarrus · 4 months
anyway happy pride month to the ghost crew! every single person on that ship is queer amen hallelujah 🌈💗💜💙✨🏳‍🌈💕🌈✨
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gert-the-disaster · 6 days
spoilers to anyone who hasn’t watched it, but double agent droid is most definitely one of the star wars rebels episodes ever.
it’s the last silly filler episode before everything goes downhill
it’s a droid episode
there’s a reference to “anything you can do” from annie get your gun
the main characters are oddly out of character
wedge is there (he wishes he wasn’t)
there’s a gang of imperial nerds who hack into chopper for 70% of the episode to get the coordinates to their base
ap5 apparently has a history of walking into bathrooms while people are in them
the resolution to the conflict is that hera gets so pissed that the nerds compromised chopper that she hacks chopper so hard their ship explodes
finally, ap5 starts singing while floating around in space until he crashes into the ghost
yah it’s something
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
Space Monopoly
Heres an idea that's just been sitting somewhere in my docs.
On another between missions, the group decides to play an old game that predates the Old Republic. (Like a larger scale monopoly game) 
-There are very few games Kallus has ever played. This isnt one of them so he has no idea what to do. At first, he tries to back out, he'll just watch. But Ezra convinces him to play, secretly making him a deal that he'll tell him everything he needs to know. 
-Ezra knows he doesn't quite have enough charisma by himself to win this game (at least not right off the bat), and winning isnt his intent. And he knows that this is something right up Kallus's Alley. 
-near the end of the game, Kallus has a hard lead, second place being Han Solo with a large gap, third being Ezra just barely behind Solo. 
+Han makes a snide remark of "Of course, it's the Imp that's ahead in the game. That's so like you, Agent Kallus." 
And then Kallus, out of spite, gives 50% of everything he has to Ezra, giving him the solid lead, and then divies up everything else he has to everyone except Han. Just to spite him. 
-Hera mediated deals and bargains. She also played as credit counter. 
-zeb isn't big on the game, not a whole lot of skill. Goes broke early on in game, even when Cassian tried to help him. Donated what little he did have to Sasha and sat with him for the rest of the game. 
-Cassuis wasn't to far behind Ezra most of the game, he pasted Han by just a bit when Kallus chose to spitefully fold. 
-One of the reasons why Ezra decided to teach Kallus to win, was that he wanted to team up with Sabine and Chopper to cause Chaos for everyone else. They are the reason Zeb went broke and Kanan folded. 
-chopper dropped out halfway through to start tormenting Han on behalf of Kallus, and then mocked Han endlessly when Kallus fucked him over. At that point, the droid deemed that Kallus could take care of himself and moved on to chatting with Kanan and relaying information. 
-Sabine convinced Ezra to start pulling to win after Kallus folded. She made a few deals with others and then helped Ezra keep ahead of Han.
-Ap5 made purposely vague comments on everyone's choices, how good or bad they're were and stated their chances of winning. 
-Rex eventually grew wary of the game and chatted with AP-5 about the choices and such. 
-When Kallus folded, AP-5 protested greatly, going on about how his victory was certain and in stone. As Kallus relaxed into Zeb's arms, Rex explained there are some things a bit more important than winning and that the look on Han's face was more than enough to satisfy Kallus. 
-Gregor and Wolfee, though having lasted longer than Zeb, fell short once Rex folded. 
-Luke was lost during much of the game. Wedge and Leia helped him continuously. 
-Leia kept taunting Han the whole game, about how he got beaten by an ex-imperial. She also helped Kallus in the beginning, teaching him how to make the best deals with other players. 
Also Ezra does reign victorious and Han some how manages to go bankrupt.
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jedi-nurse · 1 year
I'm rewatching Rogue One and had an extremely cursed thought. Chopper, AP5, and K2 committing shenanigans around Yavin 4. The chaos.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
🔥about Rebels (ask game)
Chopper should have gotten that strut sorry AP5 you can keep the innards but they could have replaced the metal
Kidding kidding no mine is actually
Kallus is not interesting to me
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thecrusadercomrade · 11 months
Rebel Day. Secret Cargo. How was seeing more of Mon Mothma (Interesting thing the actress that plays her. She was originally in Revenge of the Sith but her scene were cut. But she was brother back a decade later to play her again) Double Agent Droid. You know right away something wrong with Chopper when he being nice and friendly. AP5 is like CP0 but if he was depressed and sick of life. With 3 episode left of season 3 will you watch all three?
I remember hearing about that scene that was cut. It's a shame it didn't make it into the movie, it would've been a cool nod to the first seeds of the rebellion being born even right as the Empire was about to rise.
I don't know a whole lot about Mon Mothma except that she apparently seriously dropped the ball in reforming the Republic after the Empire was destroyed, but I can respect her for being willing to take a stand.
Chopper being all nice and formal is extremely unnatural. Like a cat that barks.
AP-5 had it really rough this episode. Literally no one was willing to listen to him about Chopper acting strange, but as soon as Hera brings it up they all start acting like they've suspected it all along. No wonder he's so frustrated all the time.
Also, AP-5 is a Disney Princess confirmed.
No reason not to watch all three! I'll say right away that I've already been spoiled on Twin Suns and what happens in the episode, and I think I know one of the big twists of the finale, but there's still a lot I'm in the dark about so it should be very interesting to see how the season ends.
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chopper-and-ap5 · 1 year
AP-5: Okay, enough! Why are you mad at me? Chopper: You said I was boring! AP-5, in disbelief: …When did I ever say you were boring? Chopper: Oh my God, I remember now! We were playing Dejarik, on the frozen lake, and you said I was boring. Then you took off your mask, and you were Thrawn- okay wait.. AP-5: Chopper: There’s a chance this may have been a dream.
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zareleonis · 6 years
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incorrect-specters · 2 years
Chopper, beeping: Sorry I'm late. AP-5: What happened? Chopper, beeping: Nothing happened. I just didn't want to come.
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Star Ware Rebels Bechdel Test Rewatch- 3x19 'Double Agent Droid'
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When Chopper comes under Imperial control, the future of the entire Rebellion is at stake.
Female Characters: 1
Hera Syndulla
Male Characters: 4
Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios, Wedge Antilles, The Controller
Droid Characters: 2
Chopper, AP-5
Does it pass?
No, with Sabine (and apparently Kanan) not being with the crew, this episode fails. Hera is the only female character, making this only the second episode of the series to feature less than two women.
This is a cute, fun little episode. It is definitely mostly a showcase for AP-5 and Chopper, but Hera also gets some good moments after she realizes someone has dared to mess with her droid.
I like seeing Wedge again, but this episode wastes him in a thankless role where he comes across as a bit of a limbo. I suppose I buy Wedge wouldn't be the smartest, especially early in his career but at least show us he's a good pilot or something. The man helped destroy two Death Stars after all.
AP-5 singing in as he floats in space is also a series highlight. Always makes me laugh.
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kanansdume · 2 years
AP-5 might be the only time I have thought that a character who is CLEARLY meant to be something of a knock-off of a previously established character that a lot of people tend to like, is actually BETTER than said previously established character.
I love AP-5. So much. So so so so much. His relationship with Chopper is adorable and wonderful and they should get way more airtime in the many filler episodes this show has than they do.
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iskelan · 4 years
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Star Wars Rebels Star Trek AU sketchy characters concepts, commission for @ysalamiri-queen​. Characters choices and races were talked out with Jess and we like how it goes. This AU is for fun and we don’t accept criticism here. Takes place some time after the Dominion War. Orion Hera Syndulla Betazoid Kanan Jarrus with eyes cyber-prosthetic Half-Klingon Sabine Wren Deserted Vorta Rex Half-Vulcan/Half-Betazoid Ezra Bridger Zeb is just Zeb who got there straight from Star Wars :D EMH AP5 Exocomp Chopper True Way Cardassians Arihnda Pryce, Alexander Kallus and Wulff Yularen Ferengi Hondo Ohnaka Tellarite Melch Ferengi Eli Vanto Founder Thrawn P.S. A situation that was so conveniently possible in this AU that I couldn’t resist to draw it:
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Hera: What did he do? Thrawn: I’ll let him tell you. Ezra: I did nothing wrong! Hera: Bridger, I will throw you back to wash the floor on Hondo’s yacht. Ezra:... Thrawn: Captain Syndulla is waiting for your report, Ensign. Ezra: okay I peed in his bucket and I regret nothing! COMMISSIONS OPEN
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