#chopper water bottle?
sockpai · 2 years
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Some more one piece doodles
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
With Luffy!? (Monkey D. Luffy x fem! reader)
A/N: I just need more inspiration! send requests! - Val
Words: 1,130
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A normal day at the Sunny is about to change when it lands on a new mysterious island. Y/N and Zoro are the first to go to the town to get supplies. 
Before the rest could leave the ship, a little boy runs through the low deck. The kid giggles and runs everywhere until he stops in front of the crew and waves his little hand. 
Nami, Usopp, Robin and Chopper stop and stay still as their eyes follow him. 
“Hi!” He smiles and runs again. 
“A kid?” Chopper asks. 
“How?” Then Usopp. 
“Doesn't he look..?” Nami starts. 
“Like Luffy!” Robin smiles. 
They start with some questions when they catch him. 
“What’s your name, sweetie?” Nami asks with a smile. 
The boy giggles. “You know my name, Auntie Nami.” 
“Where are your parents?” Usopp says next. 
“I dunno,” he shrugs. 
“Are you sick or hurt?” Chopper asks. 
“No needles!” He screams and runs again. 
Now, he enters the kitchen. A couple of minutes later, Sanji exits the kitchen with the kid in his arms. The boy has a bottle of water. 
“Does anybody know where Joy’s parents are?” He asks the others. 
“Yeah, that’s his name.” 
Eventually, the others get together, and they all fall in love with the charming boy. Franky decides to make a highchair and immediately, baby-proof the Sunny. Brook starts to play his violin to him and makes funny songs. 
“I can’t help it, he’s really cute!” Nami squeals hugging Joy and pushes him to be cheek against cheek as he giggles. 
“Pretty Auntie Nami,” Joy points at her. 
“And so smart!” 
“Wait,” Usopp says walking to them. “She’s your auntie?” He points at Nami and Joy nods. “Who is she?” Usopp points to Robin. 
“Auntie Lobin.” 
“Okay so, the mother’s not here and we can’t ask where he came from or his birthday.” 
“Am fou,” Joy says raising four fingers. 
“Oi, Sanji! I’m hungry!” Luffy yells jumping and landing on deck. 
“Dadda!” Joy squirms in Nami’s arms to run to his dad. The kid holds Luffy’s leg and giggles “Hi, dadda!” 
“I’ve never thought to live long enough to see Luffy with his son… Even though I’m already dead!” Brook laughs. 
“My what!?” 
The kitchen’s full of laughs from the crew and the little boy as Luffy keeps making silly faces, stretching his face, and playing with his food to make Joy laugh too. Of course, Joy loves his dad’s and crew’s attention. After a while, little Joy boy yawns and scratches his eyes.  
“I sleepy,” he pouts. “Wan’ my Mommy.” 
The crew share a tense look not knowing what to do. 
“Dad,” Luffy looks at him. “Wers Mamma?” 
“We’ve arrived!” You yell from outside. 
Joy turns his head to the door and squirms trying to get out of the highchair. Luffy frowns and helps him. 
“Mamma?” He says leaving the kitchen. The crew follow him. When the kid sees you, he smiles and runs to you raising his little arms. “Mamma!” You frown down at him as he keeps jumping “Up! Up! Pwease!” You let down the shopping bags and carry the strange kid.  
He holds you by the neck, leans to rest his head on your shoulder as he sucks his thumb and closes his tired eyes. 
“Awwww,” the crew sing at the cute scene. 
You look at them confused. 
“We leave you alone and you kidnap a kid?” Zoro asks completely lost. “And...” He leans to see the peaceful kid. “One that looks like Luffy?” 
“It’s a long story,” Robin says. 
“Has anybody else heard Joy say ‘mamma’ to Y/N?” Usopp asks carefully. 
“Joy?” You ask. 
“Hmm?” The boy leans back to look at you.  
“Oh,” You understand it. 
“Night-night?” He asks. 
“Uh—okay” You look at the crew waiting for an answer, but they all shrug. “Fine, I’ll put him to bed,” You walk to your shared room. “Wait, did you call me mamma?” 
“All right, he’s asleep. Now, explain,” you point at the others. 
“Luffy's son and mine!?” You squeal. “What? How? Why? When?” You look at Luffy and he only smiles. 
When Joy wakes up again, he says he wants to play with his uncles. More specific, with Zozo, Uso, Faky, Saji, Book and Fluffy (Chopper). Luffy pouts when Joy doesn’t mention him, but you take the chance to talk to him. 
“Why aren’t you freaking out? 
“‘Cuz I like him,” he smiles. 
“Luffy, please. You need to think about this. He’s a little boy, our little boy.” 
“Yeah, I know that. And I think it’s awesome,” he points to the low deck, where Joy’s playing tag with his uncles. “I know he looks like me, but he also does the scrunchy nose thing when he smiles, like you do.” 
“Yeah, and he looks like you when he pouts. Oh! He caresses my cheek like you do when we’re alone and I think you two have the same eyes.” 
The truth is that when you joined the crew, you couldn’t help but think about your captain differently. But the time showed you that Luffy doesn’t care or think about having a relationship beyond crew mate with anybody. 
Besides, that was a long time ago. 
That’s why you can’t believe (if Joy’s from the future) that you’ll have a kid with Luffy. But his words did affect you and moved so many things inside you, and, of course, you can’t deny that your kid is the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. 
“Do you know how to make a baby?” 
He frowns. “Uh… yeah. Why? 
“Just curious,” You walk away with a blush on your cheeks. 
“Les go night-night again!” Joy says holding Luffy’s hand. 
“Joy, wait. Dad has to sleep in his own room,” You stop him when he guides both of you to your room. 
“Good night, kiddo’,” Luffy says and walks away, but the cry of his son makes him stop in his tracks. 
You quickly carry him in your arms. “What’s wrong?” You ask him. 
“Dadda come night-night with mommy an me!” He yells pointing at Luffy. 
“Good night, Kiddo” 
“Night-night, Dadda, night-night Mommy.” 
“Sweet dreams, baby,” you kiss his cheek. 
You had to move Nami’s bed and put it next to yours so that all three could fit in. Although Luffy and Joy are fast asleep, for you it takes more time. You watch them as the moonlight shines through the room. 
You smile as Luffy moves and groans in his sleep, facing you and Joy. His arm moves and stretches enough to hug both of you closer to him. It’s quite crazy knowing that you’ll have a kid with Luffy, but you can’t deny that you could get used to it… anytime. 
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sunnixsunshine · 1 month
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*spritzes Sanji with a water bottle* Down boy down! Leave those love handles alone!
A big factor in Zoro’s inability to lose this last bit of weight months and months later is just the general fact that pregnancy changes your body :d his fat distribution is different is all. Also doesn’t help that he most likely experienced quite a lot of stress that just made things harder that first year Sora was born. He’s still just as strong, nothing’s changed in that department, he did regular exercises that got more and more limited until he physically couldn’t do those exercises anymore. His stretch marks will probably fade more within a another couple years but probably wont be gone entirely, just faint lines—also I thought itd be funny to give him a mullet. But also its for good reason. It’s a physical indication that he isnt really paying attention to his needs, hes either just ignoring them or paying too much attention to Sora’s needs, which is reasonable, shes a toddler. Eventually hes forced to get a haircut, hes gotten into a better habit of taking care of his hygiene—still bathes once a week but hey at least hes using actual soap now that isnt 4 in 1 or plain water.
I think his weight and physical appearance would be a sore spot because this man has been training rigorously since he was like 10. Hes always had a very fit, sharp, toned body. He fully expected to have that body back shortly after giving birth and when that didnt happen in true Zoro fashion he tried to speed run his bedrest to train only a week postpartum. It didnt work out obviously, hes still human, hes still a slave to his body’s limitations. I think that now that hes back with the crew and sees that theyre fine with his own eye, hes far less stressed, and collaborating on a good dietary plan with both Chopper and Sanji would eventually produce the physique Zoro would prefer having (Chopper keeps saying he’s perfectly healthy this way, hes not underweight or overweight, that this is a common aftermath with pregnancy, but noooooo Zoro wont listen and is insistent that he wants the rest of this weight gone tomorrow) which wouldnt be what it was like before. The closest I can think of would be a typical body that Ive seen many wwe wrestlers have which is apparently called an endomorph body type? Either way, his body has changed, he has to really learn how to accept that because obviously he doesnt think too highly of his physical appearance in the comic above.
Also I went ham and gave him a mole on his tiddie that tbh I think Sanji likes to kiss :) ^3^
Anyway heres a cute bonus doodle of daddy-daughter workout!
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lyriumcoloredskies · 10 months
Shaken Up Hearts
Pairing: Sanji x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Zoro x Sanji, Zoro x Reader x Sanji WC: 10k Summary: Sanji's brain short-circuits. What? Did he hear that correctly? You both wanted him? “Don’t over think this.” Zoro murmurs into his ear, hot breath fanning over the sensitive skin. CW: 18+ MDNI, alcohol consumption, misunderstanding, idiots in love, porn with way too many feelings, angst, jealousy, pining, PIV, anal sex, oral, threesome, guy on guy, girl on guy, bisexual sanji, bisexual zoro, reader is described as AFAB, polyamory, happy ending AN: *taps cigarette on the ashtray* look idk what to say, this was supposed to be a 5k word mindless smut but it turned into this because I am incapable of writing smut without feels it seems.
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Faithfulness and resoluteness.
You and Zoro.
The two of you are held in high regard as the oldest crew members, with you joining only a few days after Zoro. Dependable and resilient, should any troubles find them on the seas, the crew knew they could always rely on you two. The sentiment is shared between you and Zoro. Time and time again, Zoro proved himself worthy of the mantle of first mate, making agonizing decisions for the betterment of the crew when even Luffy couldn’t. He was a surprising voice of pragmatism in the hardest of times, something you appreciated him for.
Zoro’s opinion of you ran deep as well. Steadfast, you were a beacon in the darkest times, an outstretched hand always offered to any nakama in need. Without hesitation, you always had the right words to breathe new life into the resolves of those around you.
It’s a deep respect that’s built off watching each other defeat every obstacle to persevere despite the difficult nature of having such large dreams in a vast ocean that only knows to crush the people that enter its waters. It’s something primal as you watch in titillation as Zoro dominates his adversaries with his iron will, something Zoro reciprocates with a voracious gleam in his eyes any time he fought alongside you.
That respect for each other would sometimes turn into something mischievous. Two tigers testing the limits of each other’s boundaries, teeth bared at the anticipation of gaining ground. Friendly competition the two of you called it – the crew called it anything but. The two of you were people who, once you set your mind to something, would chase the ends of the world for it. This included winning childish competitions. It was impossible to break the two of you apart when you decided to sink your teethes into each other like snarling pups. The point was proven early into your journey, during the banquet at Vivi’s castle, an incident that would aptly be named the Drinking Contest Incident of Alabasta, where the two of you were goaded by Usopp into seeing how many barrels of alcohol each of you could consume.
'Surely they won’t go too far' Usopp thought.
He was proven wrong when both you and Zoro neared the bottom of the second barrels, only taking a break to puke in the Royal Alabastan Gardens before going back to drinking – health be damned. The night ended in you and Zoro out cold, laid out on your sides as to not choke on your own vomit while Chopper flittered about, panicking that the two morons might actually die in his care. After seeing Chopper’s visage overcome hysterics, face streaked with tears and snot, Nami beat the both of you over the head the next day. She sternly put her foot down on any future y/n and Zoro competitions. The rest of the crew dutifully agreed that you and Zoro were not to be trusted. It only took two more incidents for you and Zoro to admit they were right. It was purely out of self-preservation, lest the two of you not even survive to see your dreams fulfilled. Occasionally the competitiveness would rear up, but time had tempered the two of you. The both of you found less and less things worth fighting over, no longer did you fight over bottles of wine and sake, instead choosing to share.
Life was funny in that way.
You were on your 5th bottle of wine and Zoro on his 7th, not that you were counting.
Of course not.
The warm embrace of alcohol has long since settled in your flesh, the balmy air adding to the flush of your cheeks. You found yourself swaying to the beat of the Shandorian drums, beat thrumming in your veins. Drunken eyes watched as your crewmates and the Skypeians dance around the bonfire, care thrown to the wind. You glaze over the figure of Usopp surrounded by a group of children, no doubt enthralling them with a legendary tale of Captain Usopp, commander of 8000 troops.
A mixture of the wine and altitude have you searching for a place to sit, wanting to not fall on your ass in spectacular fashion. Your head swivels about, you see Robin in deep discussion with Gan Fall and rule that out. Another turn a few degrees to the left and you spy Zoro sitting alone. Fueled by bad ideas and Skypeian wine, you grab another bottle before settling on the log next to Zoro, leaving a comfortable distance in between. The rich tannins of the wine dance delightfully on your tongue, and you decide to take another pull before you offer the bottle to Zoro. He accepts, your fingers minutely brushing against each other at the pass. He takes a moment to read the label before taking a swig, throwing his head back, the prominent veins of his neck highlighted by the firelight. Traitorous eyes linger for too long at the bob of his adams apple. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, passing the bottle back and forth, watching the silly antics of your crew as they celebrate this hard earned win.
Zoro is the first to break the lazy pattern of back and forth with the wine. Your outstretched arm aches as you hold the bottle out for a mite too long. The confused look you offer him goes unanswered as well, the swordsman a million miles away. Your eyes follow his gaze and you can’t help the feeling that settles into your stomach with the wine.
It’s Sanji.
He’s staring at Sanji.
Sanji, who is bathed in orange glow from the bonfire, his porcelain skin flushed with pink like an angel dusted it over his cheeks. Emotions well inside of you, flooding into an ugly feeling that you found yourself wadding in. Not wanting to bother with the messiness of it all, you brashly decide to down the rest of the bottle, hoping that the burn of the alcohol would drown everything out. To hell with feeling bad on a night as good as this.
Unfortunately, like a whore on the day that the rent is due, the feelings don’t stop bothering you, nagging constantly in the inner cogs of your mind. Inhibited by the mind meddling nature of wine, your mouth opens and words you don’t recognize tumble out.
“Got a crush?”
Your fishing attempt snags you a gaping, sputtering Zoro. Fuck, now you wish you hadn’t said anything at all. Zoro’s hilarious dumbfounded expression only soothes your heart a tiny bit.
Unrestrained, a loud cackle rips out of you, another cheap cover to hide the hurt radiating through you. It seems to further Zoro’s embarrassment, the man’s cheeks flushing a pretty red. In an attempt to get even, he snatches the bottle from you only to realize it was empty.
The only response he gets from you is another cackle. It takes a few moments for you to settle down, letting the silence envelope the two of you again.
“If you like him so much, why don’t you tell him?”
You pick at the skin near your nails, an ugly habit.
“Tch. It’s not that simple.”
You roll your eyes, of course it was simple. Zoro was just an idiot. Irritation lingers like a fog in your mind as the wine fails to numb your pesky feelings. Quickly, you lose yourself, letting various fleeting thoughts pull you in every direction. Zoro doesn’t comment on your sudden silence, keeping you company while you think.
“What if I like him too?”
Two heads turn and eyes lock. Zoro’s eyes are dark and indecipherable to you as the firelight danced on them. Seconds tick by but neither of you drop your gaze.
“Marimo! Y/n-swan! Try these!”
Two pairs of eyes break their battle, swinging over to catch the sight of Sanji walking over, an excited wide grin gracing his delicate features. His signature cigarette firmly between his white teeth and in each hand he holds a skewers of meat and vegetables.
The blond thrusts a skewer to the both of you before sitting between the two of you. You examine the skewer, it’s comprised of some sort of marinated red meat and vegetables that look like mushrooms and leeks. Steam wafts upward and with it the smell of something peppery and tangy.
“The flavors are something I’ve never tried before! I asked them and they say that they use a combination of pink peppercorns and a citrus called the hand of god” Sanji prattles on, his enthusiasm palpable. You and Zoro watch him, engrossed in the boyish wonder on his face. Pairs of eyes meet again in a fragile moment. You have no words for Zoro and he has none for you, yet you know that the two of you understand each other. He studies you intensely before offering you a solid nod, one that you reciprocate. The cook chatters on, inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, oblivious to what was happening only a few inches from him.
The next few islands pass by uneventfully, both you and Zoro hesitant to make a move. It ends up an awkward dance around each other and Sanji, a weird tango of frustration whose steps involve having enough nerve to track down the blond but suffering from cold feet when it came to talking with him. It’s only after the events of Water 7 that you decide to muster up the gumption to try. Life was too short for you to shy away from the things you wanted, and you could tell Zoro decided the same.
The cook’s ears perk up at the melodic notes of your voice, heart stirring. He turns his attention from the prep work in front of him, meeting your face with a playboy smile.
“Yes, my sweet angel?”
“Do you mind if I watch you cook lunch?” you ask, the innocent tilt of your head making Sanji’s heart palpate. You wanted to watch him cook?
“O-of course my angel!”
You beam and it makes his heart beat rapidly. With gentle footsteps you pad into the kitchen. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the sounds of Sanji’s knifework taking over the small space. After a few minutes, his curiosity picks up and he peeks out of his periphery to see you standing a mere few inches from him, leaning close enough to touch his arm. He works on autopilot, hands relying on muscle memory as he prepped the vegetables for lunch. Your hands are clasped behind your back in your usual pose. For anyone else, Sanji would preen like a peacock, ready to show off his honed skills, but under the lens of your inscrutable eye, he feels so exposed. Trying to stave off sudden uncomfortableness of the silence his mouth opens, and he finds himself rambling about cooking techniques. Ever patient, you nod and comment in all the right places.
While Sanji loved every lady on the ship, in the deepest crevices of his heart, he would readily admit that you were his favorite. Your soft smiles of encouragement, the way you entertained his foolish notions, all of it made Sanji’s heart turn into goo in his chest.
Gods, you had managed to carve out your place in his heart so early, the memory often rewinding and replaying in his head. It hadn’t been long since he left Baratie to make his home on Merry Go, back when Luffy still had the habit of picking out the vegetables in all his dishes. You chided the boyish captain on his behalf. The first bits of kindness he received from someone who wasn’t Zeff or the Baratie cooks.
“Luffy, Sanji worked hard to cook us this food. Don’t disrespect his efforts by being picky.”
After dinner that you offered him an earnest smile, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“In case anyone hasn’t told you yet, you’re doing a wonderful job Sanji. Dinner was lovely.”
It made him feel like the same little boy stuck in the North Blue watching his mother eat his food for the first time. The grip you had on him had only tightened since then.
“You know Sanji, every time you cook, I find myself understanding you a bit more.”
Hands plating an intricate dish pause.
“A-ah why do you say that y/n-swan?”
Sanji’s heart seizes as you take one of his hands into yours, fingertips running over callouses and burn scars. An action so tender that for just a moment, Sanji could fool himself into thinking it was the touch of a lover. Your heated gaze focuses on his hands with a look of fondness, it causes him to reel, mind spinning with possibilities of what this could all mean. Did you want this just as much as he did? Did you spend your nights staring at the ceiling and thinking of him like he did with you?
“I understand why you don’t want to fight with your hands. When you cook it’s like a symphony, every movement you take, every dish you make, it’s all meant to nourish and heal. You’re built to love Sanji, not destroy.”
The lump in his throat grows until it’s too painful for him to swallow, edges of his vision blur with tears, threatening to fall. Was he so transparent that you could read him so well? A few words and you had flayed open his very existence, his heart and soul. The words you say mean more than you’ll ever know. His ocean eyes search yours hoping to find an answer to his lingering questions.
He jumps, the two of you breaking apart at the loud noise, any tension in the room dissipating.
Luffy catapult himself at Sanji, wrapping his limbs around him like an unruly octopus, much to the ire of the chef. Sanji tries to wrestle himself out of Luffy’s grasp, angrily yelling at him.
The loud noise startles you, your heart pounding a mile a minute in your chest. You marinate in the sudden surge of adrenaline for too long before you feel a hand on your wrist. Eyes trace it back to its owner – Zoro. He assesses you for a few seconds.
“You alright?”
Thud. Thud. Thud. Your pulse pounds in every inch of you and your lungs greedily swallow air and hold it in an attempt to calm down. Your thoughts race and you feel the distinct feeling of regret. Regret that you didn’t make a bolder move.
A wobbly smile is the answer Zoro gets, one that makes him frown ever so slightly. The sight makes him rub circles on your wrist with his thumb. The contact soothes you and you’re grateful that you had the swordsman as such an understanding friend. You settle a free hand on his, offering him a brighter smile, hoping to lessen his worries.
“I am.”
The two of you unaware of the pair of eyes that witnessed the scene.
Sanji stares from the railing of the Thousand Sunny, the light of the setting sun casts an ethereal rosy light over the glimmering ocean. Pinks, reds, and blues mashing into a myriad of colors that all swirl like glittering gems.
From the upper deck, it isn’t the sun or the ocean that Zoro admires. It’s the glow of the sun on Sanji’s face. His eyes trace the elegant slope of his nose, drinking up the way the sun dyes his fair hair into a strawberry blond. His mouth goes dry, his palms becoming sweatier by the minute. Plucking up some courage, Zoro crosses the distance of the Sunny, stopping next to the object of his desires.
“The sunset is beautiful isn’t it.”
Zoro wants to cut out his tongue. What a lame comment. Sanji deserved better. Someone who could weave him a beautiful tapestry of words, words which don’t even exist in Zoro. After all he is a man of action and not platitudes.
Sanji hums out in agreement, never moving his eyes from the beauty of the scene in front of them.
They don’t talk much, but there’s an easiness to the quiet between them as they watch the sun inch closer into the horizon. The Sunny lurches at a particularly big wave and Sanji is caught off guard, wobbling a little. He’s steadied by a hand on the small of his back.
“Ah, thanks Marimo.”
“No problem, Sanji.”
His name on the swordsman’s lips gives him pause. Zoro almost never calls him by his name. Then he becomes acutely aware that Zoro hasn’t moved his hand, his palm is large and warm on Sanji’s clothed back. The contact is like lightning in his spine and for reasons unknown his heart stutters. He mildly wonders if he should say something, unsure of what the contact means for the two of them.
Deciding his brain feels too stuffed with cotton, Sanji fishes out his lighter and cigarette from his suit jacket pocket, hoping for some clarity in the nicotine. Stupidly, he holds the pack out for Zoro offering him a cigarette, despite knowing the swordsman doesn’t smoke. Before he can rescind the gesture, Zoro’s free hand takes a cigarette from him. Their eyes meet and he finds Zoro’s are unreadable as always. The other man brings the cigarette closer to his face, rolling it in his fingers as he examines the tobacco stick. A laugh huffs out of Sanji’s mouth as he lights his cigarette. He inhales precious smoke, and in the haze of his exhale, his eyes linger a little too long at the sight of the cigarette loosely held in between Zoro’s chapped lips.
“Here let me light it for you.”
Sanji holds the lit lighter out, only for the wind to snuff it. He tries again, flicking the flint a few more times. Each time the wind picks up, extinguishing the flame. A scowl overcomes Sanji’s face.
“Here, we can just-”
Sanji looks up from the lighter at the sound of Zoro’s voice. The other man pulls his hand from Sanji’s lower back and Sanji becomes conscious of the fact that the action leaves him sad at the loss of contact. That’s when he feels the green haired man’s large palm on the back of his neck, searing into his skin as he steadies him. Zoro leans in closer bringing his cigarette to the tip of Sanji’s.
A cigarette kiss.
Sanji’s brain is a mess. ‘It’s just the damn Marimo’ he tries to reason with himself, but he feels heat lick at the apples of his cheeks.
He’s blushing. At Zoro.
The man’s actions have flustered him to his core, tongue too heavy to form words. His eyes soak in the sight of Zoro slowly sucking in – ‘holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, what the fuck?!’ his mind screams at him.
The man offers Sanji no reprieve, continuing his hold on Sanji as he made sure the of his cigarette is lit before breaking apart. Sanji’s world is tilted on its axis, heart pounding so furiously he feels it in his fingertips. He half expects it to burst through his sternum.
Zoro gives an experimental breath before hacking out a loud cough, sound reminiscent of a dying walrus. The scene is so jarring, how the man could go from turning Sanji’s brain into mush to coughing out a lung. It makes him laugh so hard he’s clutching his stomach, abs cramping as he tries to greedily swallow in more air.
It was so Zoro.
Through the tears of laughter, Sanji can see pink dusting Zoro’s face, clearly embarrassed by his lack of experience.
“Take slow inhales, mix it in with some fresh air, it gets easier after a while.”
Sanji’s smile is so wide it hurts his cheeks. He watches Zoro attempt again, the man’s body tensing in an effort to not cough out all the smoke.
“This is horrible Sanji. I don’t know how you do this every day.”
All Sanji can offer the man is a chuckle. He takes in the sight of the swordsman, bathed in the dying light of the sunset, shadows accentuating the strong lines of his face. He’s about to respond when he hears Nami’s voice calling for him.
“Sanji, the bathroom is free if you want to shower!”
He turns, giving her his undivided attention.
“Thank you Nami-chwan! You look especially beautiful after your bath!”
When Sanji turns back, Zoro is no longer facing him instead looking out into the ocean where the last glimmers of the sun fade into the horizon.
“Go ahead and take your bath, cook.”
Sanji manages a nod, feeling odd at the sudden change in attitude. Things had felt so great between them, so what happened? His feet feel heavy as he walks towards the bathroom. Halfway, he doesn’t know why but he spins on his heel, wanting to confront the man.
He wishes he didn’t.
He sees you with Zoro, again.
The two of you huddled close, your hand caressing the swordsman’s cheek. The both of you bathed in the beginnings of moonlight. Sanji’s heart clenches painfully.
It was just like before – Vinsmoke Sanji always comes in last.
Things progress at a snail’s pace. Both you and Zoro are seemingly thwarted at every turn whether it be Sanji rejecting your advances or being interrupted in the most inopportune times. A silver lining for Zoro comes in the form of you. Despite being his rival in love, you’re there to pick up the pieces of him, little pep talks flowing from your lips. He hopes that he’s done the same for you. The best of his efforts goes into repairing the shaky smiles on your face, splitting bottles of wine with you as the two of you gripe about love. It’s an odd routine, but one that Zoro finds himself not minding. There is comfort and familiarity in your company.
That was until the crew step foot on Sabaody Archipelago. Everything came to a grinding halt at Sabaody. It was an utter disaster. Not even a foot into the New World and the Grand Line had chewed the crew up and spat them back out.
Panic sets Zoro’s bones the minute he wakes up. Thoughts of his nakama rushing through his brain at breakneck speed. Were you all safe? Did you guys make it off Sabaody? Zoro keenly feels the loss of his crew, guilt seeping into every crack in his heart. If only he had been stronger - strong enough to defeat Bartholomew Kuma on Thriller Bark, strong enough to carry everyone’s dreams on his back.
He spends two days lost in the maze of a castle that weird Ghost Girl brought him to, trying desperately to find his swords. He squashes down the invasive thoughts attempting to claw its way into his mind – were you all even still alive? It doesn’t help that the girl, Perona he finds out is her name, keeps giving him directions that seem to get him lost even further. Frustration bubbles under his skin. He is wholly useless, a feeling that is reaffirmed when he is defeated by the humandrills, his only hope of reaching his friends dashed by his own inadequacy.
When he feels like things couldn’t get worse, he hears about Ace. Zoro wants to scream, to dig his fingers into his chest and rip out his own beating heart. Frustration, fury, despair – it all whirls inside of him for Luffy. How could things have gone so wrong?
Zoro tries hard not to wallow in his sadness. He beats down his pride and grovels to Mihawk, begging the man he wants to defeat one day to teach him, to make him into a man worthy of being called Luffy’s nakama.
Time flows, and slowly but surely, Zoro adapts to his life on the deserted island. Mihawk is a fair teacher and his brutal teaching methods have Zoro progressing faster than even he could admit. Although the lack of alcohol grates on his nerves. Though he would never admit it out loud, Perona isn’t too bad either when she isn’t annoying him.
He spends his days training, eating, and sleeping, a routine that isn’t unfamiliar to him, but his mind remains plagued by the brewing thoughts of you and Sanji.
His mind goes in cycles, starting with hopes that you two are alright. Surely you’re safe, Zoro’s mind doesn’t want to can’t think of the alternative. He wonders if Sanji has found himself on an island with enough food, cold fear nestled in his heart at the idea of the cook going without. He hopes you have extra blankets at night, his mind supplying him images of your shivering body on Drum Island, lips tinged blue.
The months gruel onward and late at night, when the world is silent and his body aches from the brutal beatings from Mihawk, Zoro imagines your soft touches, a comforting hand on his shoulder when things went wrong. He dreams of the bottle of sake he desperately wants to split between you two, talking about any and everything. He wants to see your smile.
On days where the sun blisters in the sky and Mihawk forces him to help with the farming, Zoro wonders if Sanji would be impressed. Would he give Zoro that smug grin of his, telling him to till the farm with appreciation for the food it grew? Would he be brave enough to commandeer Mihawk’s kitchen, lecturing to Zoro the entire time he cooks about how he needs to eat the right macronutrients to gain muscle. Zoro luxuriates in what-if’s and could-be’s, day in and day out.
He spends the hours of sundown to sunrise, staring at the cold grey stone ceiling of the castle pondering in a mire of his own doing. He wanted both of you but was desperate to hold onto what you and him had together, while craving every potential what-if with Sanji.
He stews in his feelings for months, unable to take himself out of his own head.
On a day where Mihawk is away on business, Zoro finds himself in the dining room, sun barely rising into the sky. Perona was nice enough to fix breakfast for the two of them but it only puts Zoro in a worse mood. His body is gripped in nostalgia, heart aching to wake up to the sound of Luffy and Chopper’s chatter in the morning, to pass by a sleep drunk Usopp and Franky grumbling out good mornings, and to make his way to the kitchen and have a plate be handed to him by the star of half his dreams. Increasingly lost in his own thoughts, he’s oblivious to Perona’s pouting.
“Ugh! You’re such a jerk!”
Perona waits a few seconds, giving the mosshead time to come to his senses and apologize but minutes tick by and she finds herself empty handed. In childish anger, her hands slam on the table.
“What the hell? Aren’t you going to thank me for breakfast??”
She is only given a wave, the gesture vaguely dismissal.
“Okay you idiot, what is it? What could possibly be so important that you forget to thank the person who saved your life?”
The question gives Zoro pause. He deliberates in his head a bit, uneasiness mashing in the pit of his stomach. To let someone know about his problems felt too vulnerable, but against his will the words of his dilemma spill out of him like an ugly fountain with fat babies on it, like the ones he saw plastered all over Water 7.
Perona regards him for a few minutes before rolling her eyes.
“You’re not very smart, are you?”
“The fuck?”
“You’re a pirate idiot. Being a pirate means you take what you want, you don’t need to share. So have both, duh. Who says you can’t have a boyfriend and a girlfriend?”
Whiplash. His brain rattles in his skull at Perona’s words. How ridiculous. This is what he gets for telling her his problems. He opens his mouth to tell her off but then the words sink into him.
Both? He could have both?
They were both strong enough to protect themselves, their bounties reflecting their skill, determined enough to pursue their own goals. They, more than anyone on the ship, knew the stakes of his dreams, not once had they ever discouraged him. Plus, the thought of the two of them tangled in a mess of naked limbs beckoning Zoro to join was a particularly tasty thought.
Perona shoots him a smug smile.
“You’re welcome~”
Nerves rattle through your body as you disembark from the small sailboat, steered by the kind martial arts master that found you two years ago. The elderly woman pats your hand in reassurance.
“Don’t worry dearie, I’m sure your boys are waiting for you. Now you make sure you stay safe and don’t forget to always pack a scarf.”
You give her a bright smile.
“Thank you so much, for everything. I’ve learned so much! Please make sure you tell everyone I got here alright.”
The woman matches your smile before waving you off. Excited feet don’t hesitate to quickly wander down Sabaody, taking you down semi familiar paths. You count the grove numbers in your head, excitement gripping your stomach as you finally arrive.
Grove 13.
The sight of the wooden sign of Shakky’s Rip-Off Bar shoots fresh nerves into your veins, anticipation ripe in your head. You take a deep breath, steeling your nerves before you push open the door to the bar.
Your eyes skim over the empty chairs and booths, finally settling on a green clad figure at the bar. Time slows and your heart threatens to burst out of your sternum, you can feel your pulse in your ear, not even hearing his name tumble out of your lips. The sight of him makes tears sting the corners of your eyes.
His signature three swords are still affixed to his side, hilts glinting in the low light of the establishment. A head turn makes the three golden strands of his earrings collide into each other. He stands tall and proud, two years of effort reflected in his new silhouette. You run to him, finding half of everything you had missed in the last two years in his hug. Tears run down your cheeks, absorbed by the green of his outfit, staining the fabric dark. You can’t bring yourself to care.
He still smells like steel and sea salt.
He presses a kiss to your hair, his large hands rubbing circles on your back as he pulls you closer to his chest. After seconds that feel too short, you part from him. You soak in the sight of his familiar features. Your eyes trace over the new scar over his eye, the strong line of his jaw, the slight bump in his nose. Hands wander up his biceps and you can’t help but ghost your fingertips over the newly acquired scars present on exposed skin. Fingers smooth over every part of him, his wide chest, his corded arms, all of it – desperate to memorize him after these years apart.
Lost in the moment, you miss the way Rayleigh and Shakky sharing a knowing smile.
Fingers interlaced, you let Zoro lead you to his room at a small bed and breakfast in Grove 17. You aren’t even mad when he gets lost twice, taking you down a winding path to Grove 7 instead. You missed this, the idiosyncrasies that come with living with someone, spending every waking hour together.
Once in the room you let your small bucket bag tumble to the floor. You wait patiently until Zoro has a chance to take off his katanas before you throw yourself into his arms again, the two of you tumbling into the small bed. His entire presence offers you a familiar comfort. He felt like home. You can tell he feels the same, the way he holds you tightly, as if you would disappear from his arms at any moment. He buries his nose into your hair and his chest moves from under you as he inhales. The two of you stay like that for several minutes, the silence finally being broken by Zoro.
“Y/n, I don’t want to be without you.”
Shivers shoot down your spine.
“What about Sanji?”
“Him too. We’re pirates y/n, we take what we want.”
You bury your face deeper into his muscular chest, heart fluttering in your own chest.
“Good, I don’t know what I’d do without my two boy toys.”, your words come out muffled and you can feel the vibrations as Zoro chuckles.
Lifting your head, you give him a lascivious grin. His eyes are as intense as ever, but you find that this time around you can pin down the emotions within because they’re the same as yours.
Your lips meet his in a kiss that he doesn’t hesitate to accept. His lips are warm and chapped, a combination you quickly find yourself addicted to. Your arms move on their own, snaking around his neck as his wrap around your waist, bringing you in closer to him. The both of you move feverishly, desperate to make sure this moment didn’t evaporate into the ether. His kiss is hungry, ferocity over taking you before he seems to rein it back in. He coaxes out a whimper from you as his hands wander to your bottom before pulling your hips in close to his, letting you straddle his waist. You let out a gasp as you feel his hardness grinding on the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh. Utilizing the last braincell that isn’t drenched in hormones, you place a placating hand on his chest.
“Patience. Not without Sanji.”
To your surprise he is in agreeance with you, but he gives you a devilish grin all the same.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t get to kiss what’s mine.”
Laughter peels out of you, as Zoro smashes his lips into the crook of your neck, biting and sucking the sensitive flesh in a manner that was both ticklish and sensual.
“You’re right, it doesn’t.”
Sanji doesn’t know what to think. Reality was, he saw this was coming, the signs glaring at him two years ago.
You and Zoro were together.
The whole crew seemed to know it too.
“Yohohoho! They’re quite a handsome couple, don’t you agree Miss. Robin?”
“They do complement each other quite well.”
Everyone has seen the two of you look at each other, shooting puppy eyes at the dinner table, and of course Sanji is distinctly aware of the way Zoro takes your small hands into his, a rogue thumb tracing idle circles into your smooth skin. It’s all too intimate for two people who are “just crewmates”.
Sanji’s heart is broken, shattered into a million tiny pieces and he doesn’t know where to begin to put it all back together. He was an utter fool for having clung onto hope for two years, spending his days daydreaming about how the pieces would all fall into place, the two of you accepting his confessions of undying love.
Stupid, stupid Sanji.
The voices of his past mock him. How could anyone love stupid Sanji. How silly of you to even dream. Nestled in the sicker part of his brain, he wonders who he’s more jealous of – you or Zoro.
It should be him, his jealousy addled self whispers to him in the dead of night but Sanji knows it’s his fault for even daring to dream. The two of you were better off together. So, every day, he wakes up, chokes down the feelings that threaten to well up inside of him, and continue as if nothing was wrong.
He had been doing it well enough for the last twenty odd years, what’s the harm in a few more?
It doesn’t take long for an opportunity to present itself to you and Zoro.
The Sunny docks on a small island to restock on basic supplies and through divine intervention the stars align. Zoro catches the last vestiges of Sanji’s conversation with Nami, picking up the tidbit that he would come back to the ship immediately after he procured fresh meat and produce. Taking his chance, he offers himself and you up for guard duty, a move that garners no protest or suspicion.
After the crew clears out, the anxiety builds in your chest, your head spins and your palms feel clammy as the minutes pass by. Zoro doesn’t say it, but you could tell he felt the same, his rough fingers constantly flitting over the hilt of his katanas. You and Zoro split a bottle of sake for liquid courage, downing it like teenagers instead of passing it along at your usual leisurely pace. The sake helps a bit, dulling down the feelings.
The two of you are on the upper deck when you hear the click of expensive dress shoes on wood. Peeking, you spy Sanji’s golden hair as he reboards the ship. You signal Zoro with a nod of your head. The two of you break, Zoro to the kitchen to fetch Sanji and you to the women’s dormitory. Long strides quickly lead you to where you need to be, settling down on the blue comforter of your bed.  
In the midst of fiddling with a loose thread on one of your sheets, you hear the door open. Nerves tingle through your body as you see Sanji’s figure enter.
“A-ah y/n-swan! Marimo said you needed help with something?”
He takes a few strides, standing at the foot of the bed you were sitting on. The door clicks as Zoro shuts it behind him. Sanji sucks in a breath, suddenly feeling trapped in this confined space, anxiety pooling in his stomach.
“O-oh! Well Sanji you see… Um, w-well we..”
You bite your lips, fingers picking at the skin near your nails, something Sanji picks up on. He can’t help the prickling of curiosity in the back of his brain. What got you, the very definition of calm and collected, so nervous?
“We want you, Sanji.”
It’s Zoro this time, the timber of his voice nearly reverberating in his bones as he becomes aware of how close the man stands behind him. You nod in agreeance.
Sanji’s brain short-circuits.
Did he hear that right? You both wanted him?
Sanji searches your face for any inkling of deception but your cheeks are flush and you avoid his eyes out of nervousness.
“Don’t over think this.” Zoro murmurs into his ear, hot breath fanning over the sensitive skin. The other man’s large hands come from behind him and roam on his chest, going over the silky fabric of his suit. The action pulls him in closer to Zoro, sending shivers up his spine. It doesn’t take long for Sanji to make up his mind.
So be it.
He’ll take whatever scraps you have to offer him. Maybe if he gets a taste, it’ll be out of his system, and he’ll be free to pursue all the beautiful men and women he encounters in his travels. Maybe if he closes his eyes, he can imagine that this is something more than just sex.
He continues to feed himself the shallow lies.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
At his affirmation, Sanji feels hand on his head, turning him into a hungry kiss. Chapped lips meet his and Sanji can faintly taste the sweetness of sake on Zoro’s breath. It’s everything Sanji has dreamed of. In the midst of their kiss, Sanji feels your hands undoing his tie, and unbuttoning his jacket and dress shirt. An impatient tongue spears into his mouth, coaxing his own tongue into a dance, drawing a moan from the blond man. A hot tongue presses into his neck and he can’t help the gasp that rises to his lips. In contrast to Zoro, your lips are soft and silky. You stamp fire into his skin with every kiss, setting his body into flames.
Breathless, he breaks the kiss with Zoro only to have you pull him into another one, gentler but no less voracious.
He’s aware of Zoro helping him shed his shirt and jacket, but his head feels stuffed with cotton, not quite to registering any of it. A soft tongue mingles with Sanji’s and delicate hands caress the bare skin of his chest, each movement leaving gooseflesh in its wake. The light flicks to his nipples have him groaning into your mouth. The kiss breaks with a soft sigh from you, and Zoro surges forward to capture you a playful kiss, sandwiching Sanji between the two of you. The friction of the two bodies, one soft and one sturdy, melts his mind, his pants feeling tighter by the moment.
A larger rougher set of hands replace the soft ones on his chest as you kneel in front of Sanji, making quick work of his belt. You lavish his abs with floaty kisses and occasional playful nibbles, following down the trail of soft downy hair until you reach his boxers. You make quick work of that too, freeing his erection.
You nearly drool of the sight Sanji’s cock slapping against his belly, marking a spot on his belly with shiny precum. His cock is picturesque, like the men of the dirty magazines you used to buy as a teenager, a few shades darker than his porcelain skin leading into a dusky pink tip oozing slick. You give an experimental lick up the shaft before engulfing the tip in your mouth, making circles over it with your tongue. Sanji throws his head back, gracing you with a breathy pretty groan.
The salty taste of his precum ignites a fire deep in you, a need to taste more overcomes every sense. Driven by your baser instincts, you press down further, taking as much as you could until you feel him hit the back of your throat, eyes welling with tears as you try to stave off your gag reflex. His delicate fingers tangle into your hair, hands resting on your head. Pressed so close to Sanji his pubic hair tickles your lips and you can smell the clean rich sandalwood of his soap. You set a slow pace, looking up through dark lashes to observe Sanji’s expressions as he loses himself in the feeling of your mouth. Each circle of your tongue over the tip has him whimpering, his cheeks and chest flushed pink.
Not to be left out, Zoro joins you, kneeling in front of the blond man. You release his cock with a pop and stroke it lightly.
“Want a taste?”
Zoro gives a devilish smirk, coming in closer. He gives the tip kitten licks before slowly taking more of the length in his mouth.
“Tastes good doesn’t it?”
A muffled response has you grinning. You take a few moments take your own clothes off, only stopping to appreciate the sight of Zoro pouring his attention to Sanji’s cock. The contrast of the two men bubbles excitement in you, a longing finally quenched. Zoro is all muscle, posture and stance reflecting power and brutality, but Sanji’s is refined elegance, fluid even while motionless, muscles seemingly sculpted by a maestro.
Kneeling back down, you throw yourself into the fray of saliva and skin, taking one of Sanji’s balls into your mouth, earning a loud groan from the man. The two males’ intermingling musk cloying in your head, fogging up any thought you could muster. Sanji’s hips buck and Zoro gags, pulling another moan from the blond. You slowly suckle, running circles on the surface of his ball sack with your tongue before releasing it to lick up the shaft. Zoro meets you in a messy kiss with Sanji’s cock in the middle of two pairs of lips. Your tongues dance over the veiny surface of Sanji’s dick, occasionally skimming each other.
Sanji wants to throw his head back, to lose himself in the sensation of two mouths lavishing him with attention but he’s caught up in the sight of you and Zoro, your tongues fighting on his cock, hoping to find more skin to lick and suck at. The two of you work in synch, soon moving upward to suckle at the reddened tip of his cock.
“S-stop or I’ll cum” Sanji whines out, making you and Zoro share a laugh, shifting away from his sensitive cock to find each other in a kiss.
Feeling emboldened by the sexually charged energy, you saunter over to the bed, sitting and spreading your legs wide open. Sanji practically drools at the sight, stumbling over the clothes on the floor to get in closer.
Sanji slots himself between your legs, moving closer to kiss you. His lips are soft, and the hints of lingering tobacco pull you in for more. Sanji’s tender affection is a deluge you drown in, heart full you reciprocate keenly. He peppers kisses down your jawline before interspersing tender open mouth kisses on your neck. A hot tongue trails down further before capturing a nipple between his teeth. His actions are delicate, but they draw whimpers out of you, heat pooling between your thighs at the teasing. Sanji’s strong hands cup your breasts, massaging softly as his tongue runs circles around your hard nipples, dousing them in messy suckles.
He offers the same treatment to your other breast before trailing more kisses down until his head is settled between your thighs. You can feel his hot breath, a gossamer on your sensitive skin. The flat of his tongue licks a stripe through your folds and your back arches at the contact.
“Fuck angel, you’re so wet” he murmurs before diving back in, tongue working through your folds before encircling your clit.
“Mm fuck Sanji”, moans pour out of you endlessly, your hands tangling themselves in the golden silk of his hair.
His strong hands hold your hips steady as he begins to suckle at your clit, giving occasional kitten licks, as anticipated, the action has you bucking your hips, thighs tightening around his head as he tightens the coil in your loins, nerves dancing on fire.
Zoro’s calloused hands run over Sanji’s torso, earning a shiver from the man. His fingertips take time to appreciate the valley of muscles before moving to his hips, propping them up into position. Sanji is a mess of gooseflesh as rough fingers part his cheeks, exposing him to the other man. A hot tongue presses on his hole and Sanji lets out a gasp that’s muffled in your skin. The sensation is foreign as the tongue wriggles against his tight hole, but pleasure quickly finds him. Zoro’s tongue circles around his puckered hole, massaging and working the muscle, each move deliberate in driving Sanji further into a chasm of pleasure until he’s relaxed. Zoro intersperses it with licks from the flat of his tongue, the contrast drawing out whimpering moans from the blond. When he pulls away, Sanji whines.
“Get these wet for me.”
Sanji complies, taking his head out from your cunt to take Zoro’s digits in his mouth, tongue running over each individual one. Zoro grins at the sight of Sanji desperately sucking on his fingers while his goatee shines with your slick.
A whine from you has Zoro withdrawing his fingers from the other man’s hot mouth, allowing him to return to your needy hole.
Sanji returns to lavishing your clit with licks, before plunging a tongue deep in you hoping to taste more of your essence. Pressure against his puckered hole pauses him in the middle of his pussy eating. Your thighs tighten around him as you buck desperately against his mouth, hoping to find more friction despite his lack of action.
The breech of a large finger pulls a sound out of him, a mixture of a moan and a scream. You offer your own moan at the vibrations of Sanji’s on your clit.
Zoro presses kisses onto the skin of his buttocks, rubbing soothing circles on his skin as Sanji adjusts to the foreign intrusion. Slowly, he begins to rock his finger back and forth, occasionally stopping to spit on Sanji’s hole, an action that has the man’s dick twitching.
“Don’t worry Sanji he’ll be gentle. Won’t you marimo?” you tease, tone breathy from your own arousal at seeing Zoro knuckle deep in Sanji.
“We’ll see about that.”
Sanji turns to tell Zoro off, but the aforementioned man’s free hand grabs his head, shoving him back into your cunt, earning a squeal from you.
“Focus Sanji” Zoro gravels out, voice thick with lust. You snake your legs around Sanji’s head, heels resting on his mid back.
“He’s right Sanji, wanna cum so bad”
As if to demonstrate your need, your hips buck into his open mouth, hoping to find a tongue to grind into. Ever the gentleman, Sanji grants your request, eating you out with renewed vigor.
Zoro continues to work his fingers into him, one finger becomes two, pumping becomes scissoring, and soon Sanji feels more stretched out than possible. Sanji lets out loud moan after moan into your clit when he feels the man continuously brush his prostate. His mouth is messy with saliva and your slick, jaw aching as he continues to devour you. You reward him with looks from dark lashes glimmering with tears, your soft skin flushed by his ministrations. Pretty whines of his name spill out from your lips, urging him on as you chase your high. Your fingers clench onto his hair, the pain from the pulling mixing with the shockwaves that Zoro’s fingers provide him.
“A-ah right there S-sanji!”
Your tighten your legs around Sanji, a loud wail escaping you, hands fisting the blankets underneath as the coil in your belly snaps. Your orgasm wracks your body, vision going dark and heartbeat in your ear. Sanji’s tongue doesn’t stop, sending pins and needles through your nerves. Tears dot the corners of your eyes as he eats your overstimulated pussy out until you’re crying his name, begging him to stop. When he relents, you pull him into a kiss, tasting your own salty juices on his lips. You swipe your fingers over his messy slick shined lips and chin, offering them to Zoro who sucks on them with enthusiasm before letting go with a pop of his mouth.
You shimmy out from under Sanji, the blond pushing himself to all fours to offer you more space. Moving off to the side, you take in the sight of Zoro greedily pumping three fingers into Sanji who’s offering himself up like a dog in heat, whimpers pouring out of his mouth. Sanji’s dick is standing tall, precum dribbling out from the tip and onto the bedsheets where you can already spy a dark wet stain forming. You wrap a hand around his cock, thumb smearing the precum as you begin to pump up and down at a torturous pace. Sanji’s head buries into the bed as he lets out a string of expletives. You and Zoro share a naughty grin.
It doesn’t take long for Sanji to start moving his hips, desperately fucking himself into Zoro’s fingers trying to plunge deeper.
Zoro pulls out of him, and you take your hand off of his cock, Sanji is left whining at the loss of contact.
He isn’t left alone for long as Zoro pushes him into the bed before flipping him around so he’s on his back. Zoro devours the sight of Sanji’s hair pooling around him in a radiant halo, his cheeks flushed pink and dick twitching for attention. You come back and pass Zoro a bottle, lowering yourself to take the man’s dick in your mouth. Sanji’s eyes are glued to the sight of you bobbing your head along the impressive length of the swordsman. He watches as Zoro’s eye closes, clearly enjoying the way you’re taking all of him in. It isn’t long before the swordsman pulls you up and into a kiss.
Jealousy grips Sanji’s heart. Brook was right, the two of you were a beautiful couple.
You take the bottle from Zoro and pour out a viscous liquid onto your fingers, soaking them in it before wrapping it around Zoro’s cock, wetting him with long strokes.
“Fuc-k babe that feels good”
You offer Zoro one final kiss, a mischievous hand coming to smack the swordsman’s bottom sending him on his way to Sanji.
Zoro slots himself between Sanji’s legs, wrapping his hands around his ankles before yanking him, moving him closer to the edge of the bed. For the first time Sanji’s cock presses into Zoro’s and it twitches in excitement, the blond shudders at the contact. Zoro captures his lips into a kiss and Sanji loses himself in it. Sea salt and steel invade his senses, wiping his mind blank of every thought. Rough hands find their way to his slender hips, rubbing circles along the bone. Slim smaller fingers press against his hole, taking time to slather him in the same viscous liquid.
When Zoro breaks the kiss, Sanji opens his eyes, taking in the sight of the swordsman on top of him.
“You ready?”
He isn’t, but Sanji nods.
The blunt tip of Zoro’s cock on his hole startles him, and for the first time he begins to wonder how in the fuck he’s supposed to take all of it inside of him.
Then the push comes, a groan is ripped from his chest as Zoro breaches his tight hole for the first time. Sanji feels panic well inside of him. He’s going to be torn in two, there’s no doubt about it. The blond squirms in discomfort, and you’re quick to notice, kissing his tears away, interlacing your fingers with his.
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. You’re doing so good, such a good boy for us”
Zoro takes it at Sanji’s pace, allowing the blond to adjust to the stretch. One hand steadies his hip and the other strokes his calf, bringing it closer so the green haired man can press kisses into the pale skin.
Through the pain and panic, Sanji finds himself delusional. With his eyes closed and brain shut off, he imagines this is what it would be like to be loved by the both of you, drowning him in sweet nothings, soft kisses, and praises of what a good boy he is.
It takes a deliberate amount of self-control for Zoro to inch in slowly, the sight of Sanji’s greedy hole swallowing his shaft has anticipation pumping through his veins. He finds himself resisting the urge to pin the blond down and ravage him right there, to stretch his hole out so fully that it molds itself to the shape of Zoro’s cock and his alone. It isn’t long before he finds himself full sheathed, Sanji clenching around his dick, sending mind numbing pleasure into Zoro.  
He holds him there, offering more time to adjust as he holds the blond’s hips steady. Letting go of Sanji’s hand, you happily move into the mix of bodies, sitting on top of Sanji, a hand guiding his length into you. As the tip of his dick enters you, Sanji throws his head back, wailing into his fist as he tries to quiet himself. Slowly, you sink into his length, engulfing him with tight searing heat. You’re tighter than he expected. You lean back, pressing your back into Zoro’s muscle bound chest as you turn to give him a kiss. He moans into your mouth as your tongues meld into each other.
In need of friction, you start a slow pace, moving up and down on Sanji’s length.
“F-fuck, oh my fucking g-god, feels ‘sgood” Sanji slurs out, tongue lolling and mind blank.
Zoro pulls from your kiss to start pumping into Sanji, ever impatient he fucks the blond with aggression. Unabashedly, the swordsman lets out a groan at the feeling, Sanji gripping his cock like a vise.
“Yer so fucking tight for me babe”
The blond isn’t shy about making noises, screams and moans mixing together as they leave his mouth. Zoro’s finger’s dig into the man’s hips to gain more purchase as he thrusts particularly deep, punching the air out of Sanji’s lungs, his legs spasming as Zoro jabs into his prostate. His body seizes, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he babbles out nonsense.
Sanji can’t think, he can barely breath with Zoro’s cock bullying him out of air only for your tight pussy to greedily clench, only allowing him short gasps of breath. He loses himself entirely in the feeling of being thoroughly used by the two of you, drool leaking out of the side of his mouth as eyes stare unfocused.
Sanji’s dick curves and hits the most sensitive parts of you, brushing along your g-spot as you bounce up and down on him, desperately chasing your own high.
“S-sanji, your cock f-feels so good baby”
Your words begin to slur as you feel the beginnings of an orgasm gather in your loins.
Sanji is the first to cum, letting out a loud wail as he bucks his hips upward, shooting his cum deep inside of you. The feeling of his warm cum flooding you makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, you keep riding him through his orgasm, oversensitive cock still hard as you grind down on it, losing yourself in the pleasure of his spongy dick tip grinding into your cervix. Zoro’s hand snakes around your hips, fingers pinching and rolling your clit, sending fireworks of pleasure into your spine, you hold onto Sanji, nails digging deep. Zoro’s thrusts get deeper, rocking you and Sanji. His breathing is choppy, moans spilling out of his lips as Zoro chases his own high.
Fireworks burst behind your eyelids as you feel the orgasm wrack your body, tears gathering in your eyes as your moan stutters in your throat. Sanji whimpers as your pussy milks his oversensitive cock for more cum. Zoro’s arm wraps around your waist and the other on Sanji’s thigh as he pulls both of you closer, the coil buried deep in his belly threatening to snap. He picks up the pace, relentlessly hammering inside of Sanji, the movement causing Sanji’s dick to rub the sensitive tissue of your cervix, gushing out the cum deep inside of you. The tight friction of Sanji’s hole is delicious as Zoro gives the last few pumps before burying himself as deep as possible in the blond, head resting on the crook of your neck as he came. His loud groan is muffled in your skin, stars shoot across his vision as he paints Sanji’s walls white, belly clenching as he slowly rocks the last vestiges of his orgasm out.
The three of you fall on the bed in a mess of limbs, sweat, and body fluids. You’re out of it until you feel an arm wrapping around you, hazily recognizing it as Zoro’s, bringing you and Sanji closer to him. You press yourself into his side, craving the comfort of his embrace. Your head rests on his wide chest listening to the pounding heartbeat as he presses a kiss into your sweaty hairline.
Zoro’s heart feels full as he watches his two lovers, fully sated and thoroughly fucked, resting in his arms, the trust they put in him is implicit.
The peace is broken when Sanji breaks out of the embrace, getting out of the bed picking up pieces of various strewn about clothing. The action startles you and Zoro out of your post orgasm glow, the two of you sharing a confused look.
“Where the fuck are you going?”
Zoro’s voice cuts through Sanji’s soul. Steeling himself, he looks up at the two of you, still wrapped around each other, clearly comfortable - a comfort Sanji can’t indulge in lest he lose more of his heart.
“Ah. Well, I figured you guys had your fun, right?” he weakly chuckles.
The silence is deafening.
“No need for me to linger while you tw-“
“Sanji when we said we wanted you we meant all of you. You mean more to us than just sex, we adore you.”
His body tenses in surprise, the shock written all over his face.
Zoro leans forward, grabbing Sanji’s hand to pull him back into the mess of limbs.
“C’mere and cuddle us Sanji.”
Sanji sinks into the cuddle, hungry heart full for the first time in a long time.
©2023 lyriumcoloredskies do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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cupidl0vr · 2 months
I See Red
Did you really think, I'd just forgive and forget, no
Period Headcanons with One Piece Characters:
Let’s be honest here, this man doesn’t even know what a period is until he meets you. I want to believe that the way he found out was from the two of you sleeping together in his bed and you start your period bleeding through your clothes. When he sees the blood he begins panicking, thinking that his partner is dying quickly picking you up and dragging you to Chopper.
When you explain things to him, he still doesn’t get what a period is and why you’re bleeding so he asks Nami and Robin who are quick to tell him what to do to help. The two of them give him a list of things to do when taking care of you on your period and he takes one look at it before realizing he can’t read. (Hear me out, I headcanon that he never learned how to read and he has the most notorious handwriting)
Tossing the list, he does what he normally does being a clingy boyfriend to you. He cuddles you all the time, holding you close to his chest not caring if you bleed onto the bed since the blood doesn’t bother him. 
He steals food from you all the time from the kitchen, sometimes snacking on the food with you. One time late at night Sanji caught him stealing food only to find out leading to him making a whole meal of just your comfort foods with Luffy. 
Depending on what you use, he’ll be curious. He’ll want to see you stick the tampon in and ask how it's used and such. He’ll ask if your pad is a diaper and open it up messing with the flaps and colorful paper. One time on your period you told him that your tampons were flavored, not expecting him to stuff a green one in his mouth thinking it was green apple flavored. 
Overall he’s a 6/10 when it comes to you being on your period, but he makes up for it by being sweet and making you laugh. 
After catching you with her. Your blood should run cold, so cold
He knows of it but doesn't know much about it. Leading to the two of you having to sit down and talk after he demanded that the two of you train. Understanding, he still wants to train but leaves it by letting you rest in bed.
When your in to much pain to move around and just want to lay in bed, he’ll pick you up and hold you close bringing you to the kitchen to eat or bringing you with him to watch him train. He doesn't mind carrying you around as you’re light as a feather to him. He’ll carry you on his back or hold you in his arms, either way, he’s carrying you.
When the two of you are napping, he’ll hold you close and rub soothing circles into your side trying to ease the pain as the two of you sleep. 
He’s not embarrassed with things such as buying whatever toiletries you need. If you run out of something, he’s willing to go buy it at the nearest island or ask one of the girls for something. He’s not weirded out by it thinking that it's normal and it happens. 
Let’s be real, he has big hands and those hands and I fell like those hands would be warm constantly. Perfect on-the-go heating pad. It comes in handy when the two of you are cuddling and your trying to rest but your cramps are just too painful, but here comes big hand Zoro using the warmth to knock you into a deep slumber. 
When you showed him how tampons worked you grabbed a water bottle and shoved the tampon through it watching it grow when making contact with the water. Widening his eyes, Zoro was shocked never expecting such a small thing to get so big. He was shocked and nervous. 
Overall he’s an 8/10, very helpful, and cares about your needs, but still would much rather train. 
You, you two-timing, cheap-lying, wannabe. You're a fool, if you thought that I'd just let this go
He’s well-educated on periods and when told you’re on yours, he’s right by your side the whole time taking care of your every need without a second thought. 
He makes your comfort food every day and night, not even asking already knowing what you want as if he can read your mind. Breakfast in bed, candlelit dinner, anything you want, you’re getting. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to be stocked up on everything that you need, pads? Tampons? Underwear? He has it all. Don’t ask how he knew which underwear brand you liked. (He went through your panties draw but he’ll never tell you)
One time when the two of you were out of town, Sanji had you on his mind and thought you were so beautiful that he got a nosebleed. But, a tampon came in handy as you shoved them up his nose stopping the bleeding. He fainted after that not able to handle your beauty. 
Every time you bleed through, he’s right by your side willing to change the sheets and grab you some more clothes helping you get back into your guy-clean bed. He then holds you in his arms not caring about what had just happened a few minutes ago unphased by it. 
Overall he’s a 9/10. He’s ready for anything and is always there for you, but you’re losing a lot more tampons thanks to his constant bloody noses
I see red, red, oh red A gun to your head, head, to your head Now all I see is red, red, red
Requests are now open! Feel free to submit something
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nanamis-princess · 7 months
“What’s wrong?”
Synopsis: zoro notices you aren’t being yourself recently.
Zoro x reader (can be seen as platonic or romantic) slight sanji x reader
Tw: mentions of alcohol, non specified problem, no use of y/n & spelling mistakes that I might’ve missed.
Zoro may have no sense in direction or relationships but he notices when something is bothering you.
Not in a creepy way but he’s kept tabs on you once he noticed you weren’t being yourself. He asks you what’s going on. He also makes sure no one is around so he doesn’t put you in the spotlight. “What’s wrong with you? You are never this quiet” he asks from his sleeping spot. zoro glances at you and then ties his bandanna on his shoulder. No matter what the problem is he is all ears, and no, he might not know what to say. But if getting it out makes you feel better he will listen to you. If he has any advice and you’re willing to hear it he’ll say it. “Well it sounds like you are putting too much on yourself. You are apart of this crew you don’t have to do everything alone.” He says slightly glancing at you and then back out to sea. Chopper shortly after comes onto the deck “come on guys the dinner is ready” he says in a cheerful tone.
Once you make your way to the dining area and get situated in your seat Sanji greets you with smile “hello sweetheart”. He places your plate in front of you and fills your glass of water. “If you need anything let me know (gorgeous/handsome)” he says with a soft smile before walking back zoro almost bumps into him. “Watch where your going moss head” Sanji spats. Zoro let’s out a tsk and mumbles about Sanji before sitting next to you. Zoro puts a empty glass in front of you and motions to the bottle “want some?” he asks as he opens the alcohol. Over Luffy & Ussop playful loudness nobody was paying attention to the interaction except Sanji.
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A/n: Yippie i posted🤠 i kinda like this post. What do y’all think?
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latanyalove · 2 months
Happy Times PT 2
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Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Y/N
Content: Collapse, happiness, slight insecuse.
A/n: I totally forgot it was Sanji's birthday this month so Happy Late Birthday Sanji! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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There was a lot of excitement and good tidings spilled during the three hours long celebration, ranging from Luffy eating like an elephant to Usopp telling the crew about his adventures of fighting the Kraken with his own hands.
There was not a single moment when you weren't enjoying yourself.
There was nothing that could stop you from smiling until your face started to hurt, but you didn't seem to be bothered by it.
You were happy.
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"Okay, it's time to go to sleep!" Nami slurred, clinging onto Robin as if her legs weren't cooperating.
Robin didn't look bothered, using her devil fruit powers to keep her balanced.
She then looked at me and smiled, saying gently. "Are you coming?"
"In a minute," you answered, trying to finish your third servings.
Robin nodded, dragging away the hyper navigator with ease to their shared bedroom after she said good night to everyone.
Which leaves the rest of the boys and you in the living room.
"Wow Y/N! I've never seen anyone compete with Luffy's appetite before," Franky said teasingly, drinking his sixth bottle of coke.
You immediately stopped eating, hesitantly placing the fork back on the plate.
Were you eating so much? Were they mad? Was Sanji tired of cooking for you?
"Franky! Y/N can eat as much as she wants because she deserves it with all she's being through. Now stop judging and go fix the ship," Sanji yelled, holding up a frying pan as a warning.
"Okay okay," Franky said, not wanting to lose any parts of his body. "Sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to judge,"
"It's okay," you replied shyly, picking up the spoon again.
You quickly glanced up to see Sanji smiling brightly at you.
You were flustered and looked back down at your plate, trying to hide your blushing cheeks. The attention from Sanji was unexpected, but it made you feel both embarrassed and strangely happy at the same time.
You started eating again, savoring each bite while stealing occasional glances at Sanji.
The combination of his smile and the delicious food made you forget about your worries for a moment, and you couldn't help but feel a warm sense of comfort in his presence.
It was a mix of emotions, but deep down, you couldn't help but feel a little giddy.
Soon Franky left, followed by Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy. Chopper was the last to finish his meal and leave the room, leaving you alone with Sanji. The atmosphere changed, and you could feel a subtle tension between the two of you.
"Y/N, would you like some dessert?" Sanji asked from the kitchen, his voice filled with warmth and anticipation.
You looked up at him, and a shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Yes, please," you replied, feeling the tension dissipate as you both focused on the sweet treat that awaited.
As Sanji walked over to you, he placed a beautifully crafted dessert in front of you. The sight of it made your mouth water, and you couldn't help but appreciate the effort he put into making it.
The sweet aroma filled the air, adding to the anticipation of tasting the delicious treat.
but this time Sanji didn't move to the kitchen and stood in front of you, leaning against the table
You could sense a different energy in the room as Sanji stood in front of you, his gaze fixed on your face. The anticipation of the dessert was overshadowed by the growing tension between you, and you found yourself wondering if this moment would lead to something more than just a sweet treat.
He looked at you intently, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and something more.
You picked up the spoon and hesitantly scooped a piece of the dessert, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement as Sanji's gaze remained fixed on you.
You put the spoonful of dessert in your mouth, savoring the delectable flavors that exploded on your taste buds.
As you closed your eyes to fully relish the moment, you could sense Sanji's anticipation growing, his gaze intensifying, as if waiting for your reaction to the sweet treat he had prepared with such care.
"How is it?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation and a hint of vulnerability, as if his own self-worth was riding on your response to the dessert he had poured his heart into.
You opened your eyes and looked at him, the sweetness of the dessert still lingering on your tongue. His expression was a mix of nervousness and hope, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him.
"It's absolutely amazing," you said, your voice filled with genuine admiration.
Sanji's face lit up with a mix of relief and joy as he heard your words. The tension in the room melted away, replaced by a sense of contentment and shared happiness.
You could see the pride in his eyes, knowing that his efforts had paid off and that he had brought you joy with his culinary creation.
"Yep! This is the best food I've ever tasted," you said, a smile spreading across your face as you took another bite. "Well, it's the only food I've eaten this month," you added with a chuckle, thoroughly enjoying the dessert Sanji had prepared.
As you continued to savor the dessert, you noticed that Sanji remained silent, his gaze fixed on you. His expression spoke volumes, and you could sense that he was eagerly waiting for your reaction.
With each bite, you could feel his anticipation growing, as if the fate of his self-esteem rested on your enjoyment of the treat.
As you reached the last spoonful, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness that the experience was coming to an end.
A finger then went over to you and wiped a stray dollop of cream off your lips, causing a warm blush to rise to your cheeks.
"You don't have to rush it, I can always make more for you," Sanji said, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of playfulness.
You shyly looked down at your empty plate, feeling a mix of gratitude and bashfulness. "Thank you, Sanji," you murmured softly, your cheeks still flushed. "That was an incredible dessert. I'm really lucky to have you."
Sanji leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and replied, "Well, lucky for you, I'm just getting started with impressing you. There's a whole menu of culinary delights waiting for you, my dear."
You giggled shyly and looked up at Sanji, your cheeks still tinged with a blush. "I can't wait to taste all the other amazing dishes you have in store for me," you said softly, feeling a flutter of excitement in your heart.
"Coming right up," Sanji said, taking your empty plate and heading for the kitchen.
As you followed Sanji to the kitchen, you couldn't help but be fascinated by his culinary skills. The way he effortlessly maneuvered around the stove and handled the ingredients with precision and grace was mesmerizing.
You stood close by, eagerly anticipating the next culinary masterpiece that he would create.
When he finished preparing the dish, he turned around to show you with a smile, presenting a beautifully plated creation that looked almost too good to eat.
The colors, textures, and aromas all combined to create a feast for the senses, and you couldn't help but be in awe of Sanji's talent and dedication to his craft.
"Y/N, here is your dessert," Sanji said happily, holding a decadent chocolate soufflé in front of you.
Unable to resist the temptation as if you were possessed, you reached out and gently tugged on Sanji's tie, pulling him closer to you.
The anticipation and desire in the air were palpable as your lips met, igniting a passionate connection that surpassed even the decadence of the chocolate soufflé before you.
It was a quick, impulsive kiss that took both of you by surprise. As you backed away, your eyes widened in shock at your own daring actions, unsure of how Sanji would react.
With his face flushed and his eyes unfocused, Sanji handed you the dessert with his hand shaking slightly and then stumbled backward, his legs giving way beneath him.
He fell to the ground, seemingly overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, leaving you standing there, both shocked and intrigued by what had just transpired.
"Sanji! Are you okay?" you asked worriedly, bending down to get to his level. His eyes fluttered open, and a dazed smile spread across his face.
"I've never been better," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and delight. . . .
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
hiii could you write about how the monster trio would take care of you when you get drunk?? thank you so much!!
Hiiii! Yess of course 😫
📂 OP men+ taking care of drunk reader
Featuring: Zoro & Sanji
Warning: fluff, established relationships
Note: I couldn’t find any inspiration for Luffy😭 hope you still enjoy it for the others 💕 I think Sanji is officially the character I love to write the most. He’s just so 🧎🏻‍♀️my writing just go so easy with him🙁
Zoro knew you were out of it when you were laughing at whatever the hell was Luffy and Chopper doing. You weren’t simply giggling at their silly behaviour like usual, no.. you were holding into your stomach with teary eyes as if it was the funniest show of your life.
He knew he had to intervene when he saw you grab a pair of chopsticks (his) and were about to imitate their immature behaviour.
“You are no fuunnn, babee” you whined while pouting at him and trying to grab the chopsticks back. Your attempt was sadly not successful and you only ended up tripping on Zoro. He grabbed your waist, stopping you from falling completely on him and quietly made you sit back next to him.
“You will thank me tomorrow and those were mines by the way” he retorted while drinking down the bottom of your bottle and waving his chopsticks.
“Hey! My bottle!” You screamed a bit too loudly grabbing people’s attention for few seconds. You frowned and turned your body away from your boyfriend with crossed arms over your chest.
“Come on don’t be upset, you are already drunk” he chuckled as he caressed one of your hips with his tanned hands.
“I’m definitely not drunk” You snapped back at him turning your body in his direction now. He pulled softly your arms away from your chest and pecked your forehead.
“You are, it’s just the truth” He continued amused as he watched your annoyed expression. When you get drunk, you get frustrated so much quicker and he often had his little fun with it. He loved teasing you, so when you looked at him with the small fire in your eyes, he couldn’t help himself.
“Alright let’s get you to bed, before you actually shove chopsticks up your nose” he announced with a teasing smirk. He will for sure annoy you with that when you get to your senses tomorrow.
“Why!?? The party just started!! You are such a party pooper” you tried to run away from him and yelled at Nami for help, but Zoro pulled you down by your shirt with his usual stern expression. You two stared at each other in silence. You squinted your eyes at him and poked his large chest with your finger.
“We aren’t leaving, because I am not drunk. So now leave me alone.” You declared full of seriousness… well in your head, because to Zoro you were barely even making sense with your words. It took him a moment to get what you told him and he simply rolled his eyes. He stood up and signalled you to do the same. With a huff, you stood up and grabbed his hand. You leaned your head on his big arm.
“My head is starting to hurt” you mumble with a shy blush.
“I know, let’s take care of you”
He somewhat found his way to your shared room which is somewhat a miracle (you showed him the way with what little sense you had left)
He helped you remove your clothes because he knew you hate sleeping with uncomfortable clothes.
He didn’t bother making you wear a pyjama because it was too much trouble. So you went to sleep in your underwear like you often do with him anyway.
He made you drink a glass of water to help ease the headache. When you leaned over his body for a second, he was sure you were gonna vomit on him, but you ended up burping, earning a chuckle of him. He thought it was funny lmao, because he really believed he was gonna have to clean up vomit at this late hour.
He watched you snuggle yourself into the bed and looking at him with waiting eyes.
He joined you shortly after and made you lay your head on his bare chest as his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
“Goodnight Zoro~” you whispered with closed eyes and a yawn.
He hummed as he closed his eye and let his body give up to sleep.
“My love ?” Your head jerked in his direction as his sweet voice called you.
“Yes Sanji?” You asked him with a faint smile.
“What are you doing..?” He asked you concerned. You looked at him a little confused.
“I’m washing my face before going to sleep?”
“Chérie…this is the kitchen” He finally pointed out while exhaling a cloud of smoke and throwing away his cigarette. He put the plates on the counter and looked at your confused expression.
“And this is the soap for the dishes, Y/N, not for your pretty face.” You didn’t have a single thoughts behind your eyes so you just stared at him. He softly grabbed your wet hands away from the sink. Your face still had soap so he opened one of the drawer and pulled out of a new towel. He started to clean your face from the soap after wetting the towel with water.
“You are really something when you get drunk” he broke the silence. You watched his familiar lips curve into a smile. You imitated then and looked up at him with big eyes.
“I felt sleepy, but you know I need to do my skincare before going to bed…” you explained in a small voice while grabbing his vest with both of your hands. Sanji looked at your eyes and pecked your lips.
“I know, darling. Just let me know next time, alright? I wouldn’t want something bad to happen to you” He retorted with a gentle but serious tone. He truly cared for you and didn’t want anything bad to happen to you while his eyes weren’t watching.
“Okay!” You quickly agreed with a peck on his hairy chin. It tickled a little your lips earning a slight chuckle from you. Sanji blushed and kissed your lips, tasting the alcohol you had earlier with everyone. You kissed him back and brought him closer. He caressed the back of your head as he pulled away.
“I will help you do your skincare in the bathroom this time, so you can go rest. Is that alright with you, darling?
You nodded and wrapped your arm around your boyfriends as he walked you two to the bathroom.
He firstly helped you change in some comfortable sleepwear before you two stopped at the bathroom.
He ofc knows your skincare so he helped you with every steps as you were sat on the closed toilet.
He then transported you in a bridal style to your shared room. You were exhausted by the end of your little night routine.
He put your body softly on the bed and covered you with the bedsheets. He kissed your forehead and admired you while you were already asleep.
He left to wash the dishes quickly and came back to you were still deeply in sleep. He quickly washed up and joined you in bed.
Your eyes slightly opened. “Sanji..?What took you so long” you managed to mumble half asleep.
He couldn’t hide his smile when you asked him that. He opted to cuddle you and kiss your shoulder.
“Nothing, let’s sleep now” he replied with a tired tone. He blew on the light that was illuminating the room and fell asleep with you, his precious lover, in his embrace.
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sanji x reader
a/n: fluff. UNEDITED.
summary: sanji and you having an unspoken connection but whose going to confess first?
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The Sunny sailed through the night as Sanji placed several plates of food down onto the table; he laid out portions for each crew member and made sure everything was perfect before calling everyone down for dinner. Luffy, unsurprisingly, was the first to enter the kitchen followed by Chopper and Usopp. The cook watched the door behind where Luffy sat, the captain already digging into his food. Sanji’s eyes softened as you walked in alongside Zoro – the latter laughing at something you said. The fact that you could make the idiot swordsman laugh warmed Sanji’s heart, fluttering as your gaze met his. He turned beet red but immediately pulled out the chair next to Chopper and you thanked him.
“This looks so delicious,” you sighed contently, looking up to where Sanji stood over you. His eyes smiled when you reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you, Mr. Prince.”
He chuckled at the nickname and mentioned a second plate he had put away for you. “You know how Luffy is, let me know if you want it.”
You watched for a moment as he started making sure everyone was settled before Robin pulled you into a conversation about a book, she wanted you to read. The two of you talked quietly amongst each other while everyone else chatted and ate. The food, as always, was divine and Zoro had passed around a bottle of sake. From across the table, Sanji sat between Luffy and Franky, but his eyes were on you. Amused by the way your expressions you were making as Robin was speaking, Sanji could only smile. He wasn’t hungry much and casually slipped his plate to Luffy, heart stopping when you noticed the gesture and gave him a small, sweet beam. His entire body went warm, cheeks pink and he felt like he could split an entire ship in two with his foot.
“Where’s your head at, Sanji?”
Frankly nudged the man and he looked away from you, taking out a cigarette from his pocket. He lit the smoke and looked at his friend. “Sorry, just have a lot on my mind.”
“Oh, I think I know what you have on your mind,” Franky whispered, giving a little laugh. “You two crazy kids.”
Sanji said nothing but got up from his seat. Everyone but Luffy was finished with their meal, so he began to pick up the empty plates. Immediately, you got up and started to help even when he asked you not to. Ignoring him, you gathered a handful of plates and went to the sink while everyone else started to pile out of the kitchen. Zoro stuck around with Luffy, waiting for him to finish eating as he nursed more alcohol.
“Those two could out drink and eat anyone.”
Sanji moved next to you at the sink and placed the stack of dishes down, gently moving you aside so he could start washing the dishes. You laughed when he gave you a pointed smile and said how he didn’t want your fingers getting prune-y. “I know Nami just did your nails.”
“You are very thoughtful.” Holding up your hands, you asked if he liked the shade of color. “I’ve never used blue, but it reminded me of…well, anyways – what do you think?”
He grinned; hands deep into the water. “Any color looks good on you, but that blue – that blue is what I imagine the All Blue to look like.”
That’s all you could manage, so you proceeded to hip check the cook and took over the dishes. He frowned but you told him too bad. “You spent so much time cooking for us, the least I can do is wash the damn dishes. Got it?”
The demanding tone of your voice sparked a flame in Sanji’s heart, and he listened, asking if you’d like some coffee. “I can put the kettle on.”
You said yes and continued the task of the dishes, eyes wandering over to the table where Zoro and Luffy resided. The green haired man smirked in your direction as Sanji put the kettle on and then went to the table to finish picking up. Giving Zoro a quick shake of the head, you knew the teasing spark in his eyes and wanted nothing more than to shut him up with a fat dinner roll. He was the only one who knew about your feelings for the cook, and it had become a long running joke to him – any opportunity he would give you a hard time. Zoro grinned and you wanted to throw the wet dish in your hand at him, giving him a sharp look, which made him roar with laughter and you smile. Sanji, witnessing the exchange, frowned.
Had he been wrong? The signs – the looks, the smiles. Was it all in his head?
Suddenly, he couldn’t breathe and the cigarette in his mouth tasted bitter.
Was there something going on between Mosshead and you?
The thought brought a pain in his chest, and he needed air – desperately. Excusing himself, he fled the kitchen through the door that led to the deck, and you watched hopelessly. Eyeing Zoro, he shrugged, and you rinsed off the soap. Drying your hands on a nearby kitchen rag, you pointed a finger at Zoro.
“Finish those dishes.”
He protested but you didn’t respond, heading out to find Sanji. The air was cool, the moon high above the ocean water. The ship swayed as you walked across the deck, spotting Sanji leaning out against the railing to the right of Nami’s trees. He looked pristine in his button up white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Profile delicate and handsome, a true Prince if you have ever seen one. He stared out to the sea, only turning when he heard your boots against the deck. He straightened up and asked if there was something you needed - the warmth from his eyes gone.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, did you want me to go make that coffee for you?”
Confusion held your tongue and Sanji pushed away from the railing, starting back toward the kitchen. He wasn’t cold but something was off with him, and you grabbed hold of his elbow. Sanji stopped but didn’t turn to face you. Instead, his head turned, giving you a perfect view of his profile – again, so devastatingly gorgeous.
“Out of curiosity, something going on between Mosshead and you?”
Laugh. That was all you could do at the mere notion of Zoro and you being anything other than friends, great friends. “He’s like my brother, Sanji. You know that don’t you?”
“I guess so.”
He attempted to walk away but you held it tight. A million thoughts ran through your head, desperate, anxious thoughts. Were you misreading all the looks? Smiles across the room? God, where you that dense! Maybe it was all wrong, maybe he didn’t feel the way you did. Now you were embarrassed but there was something far worse than embarrassment – not knowing. That would be unbearable.
“Don’t walk away from me, please,” you whispered, releasing your grip on him. Your shaky voice prompted Sanji to finally turn, and he nearly gasped at the tears in your eyes. Any somber feelings he had for himself vanished as he stepped forward to wipe away tears with his thumb. Your hands moved around his wrists, forcing him to look at you. “I love you, Sanji. I have for a while now and I thought…. I thought there would be a chance that you’d feel the same. I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and if you don’t feel the same, please can we still be friends?”
Pure relief.
That was all Sanji could feel as the warmth of your fingers around his wrist comforted him against the cool night breeze. His heart pounded as his eyes bore into yours and he never felt happier in his life. He smiled softly and let out a low breath, kicking himself internally for ever making you feel any sort of sadness.
“I’m sorry for making you cry; it will never happen again.” He slipped from your grip and gently held your face, thumb caressing your cheek. “I will always be your friend, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than I thought I could love anyone. I love you so much I was willingly to put aside my feelings when I thought Zoro and you were…”
“Never,” you chuckled, happy tears running down your face. Sanji grinned and begged you to stop crying. Nodding, you slipped both arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. He captured it with eyes closed and pulled you closer to him. His lips were soft, he tasted like cigarettes but that was to be expected and you could care less. Nothing mattered now that you were in Sanji’s arms, safe and warm. Loved and at ease.  It felt ecstatic, electric – it felt like you were finally where you truly belonged.
Sanji pulled away and kissed you on the forehead, arms holding you tight. “So, you still want that coffee?”
“Yes, please,” you whispered into his chest. He reached up and caresses your hair, giving you another peck on the forehead before reaching down for your hand.
“Come one, I’ll make you a cup and you can keep me company while I finish up the dishes.”
“Oh, don’t worry about the dishes,” you cooed, dipping your head back to look up at Sanji. His eyes were soft again, loving. “Zoro’s finishing them up.”
The mere thought made the cook laugh and you joined in, allowing him to guide you toward the kitchen. He held your hand gingerly and grinned. “I can’t wait to see that Mosshead doing all the dishes.”
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one-idea · 9 months
Nika cult part 2
Part 1
The worst part, is that Nika, no matter how much he looks or sounds like him, is not Luffy.
As much as the crew might complain(fondly) about Luffy’s boundless energy, Luffy does know how to be still. Not the way you might think, he can’t sit for hours or even minutes unmoving, but he knows how and when to be present with his crew.
There are days when Sanji needs company in the kitchen. When his thoughts get to loud. When he remembers his childhood and his siblings. When he remembers whole cake Island and all his crew gave up for him. when he feels useless or worthless.
Luffy comes and sits with him and asks about what food he’s making or just starts talking about anything and nothing. On really bad days he will ask Sanji about the All Blue and just listen to his chef tell him about his dream.
There are days when Arlong hangs heavy over Nami. Days where drawling maps hurt her hands, days when saving one berri feels like the difference between life and death. And Luffy just places his hat of her head and tells her about how he and Ace used to dine and dash or how they found treasure to save up for their adventures out at sea. And most of the stories are silly and make Nami smile but they all have the undertone of, ‘it’s okay, I’ve been with out money before we don’t need it to survive, you’re doing a great job taking care of us.’
And Nami knows her captain and crew come from ruff backgrounds, none of them are used to fortune and the luxuries that money can buy. And maybe that’s one of the reasons she’s still so obsessed with money. Yes she likes money. But before it was to free Cocoyashi. And now it to provide for her crew and her family. But it’s nice to have Luffy remind her it’s not necessary.
There are days when Usopp doesn’t believe he belongs on the crew. Not after his behavior on Water 7, not with how weak he still is compared to the others. He will lock himself in his work shop and try and find ways to improve his weaponry, or Nami’s clima-tact. He will work until his hands are raw, until he’s falling asleep at his table.
Or he will if Luffy doesn’t interrupt him. Luffy barrels through the door demanding Usopp’s attention. Sometimes it’s to go and play games, sometimes it’s fishing, and others it’s to fawn over whatever invention Usopp’s made. But it always ends with the two friends laughing and Usopp feeling at home once again.
There are days Chopper can’t stop working. Days when Dr. Hiriluk’s death and his own part in it hang to close to the surface of his mind. Days when he can’t stop making medicine because what if they don’t have what they need the next time someone’s sick? Or what if he gives them the wrong thing? What if his crew mates end up like Dr Hiriluk!?
Luffy will come in and sit with the little doctor. Asking after all the different medicine bottles and what Chopper is doing. Always following up with how Chopper is the best doctor (after all he is the strawhat doctor) and he keeps this going until Chopper is all happy again doing his little dances and calling Luffy a jerk for making him so happy
There are days when Robin can’t believe this is real. That this is her life. That she has friends who would risk everything to save her, who she would risk everything to save. It feels like a dream to not be alone anymore.
And on these days Luffy will come sit next to her and ask her to read to him. Whatever she’s reading that day will become their adventure for the afternoon. Robin loves sharing her books with him and Luffy loves the calming sound of her voice even if the tales go over his head sometimes.
There are days when Franky can’t work on the Sunny. He loves the Sunny and he’s so proud of her. But there are days when he remembers what happened to Tom. How his ships were turned against the people he loves. And he can’t let that happen again. But how does he prevent that. How does he build new weapons for his crew if they could be turned around and used against them? There are days he just sits in his work shop with his head in his hands wondering what the right thing to do is.
Until there his captain, sunshine personified bounces is and starts asking about all of his inventions and plans and it’s so easy to get lost in his captains excitement.
There are days when Brook forgets this is real. When he thinks if he closes his eyes (if he had eyes! Yohohoh skull joke!) then the whole crew will disappear and he will be alone again. The days where he sits in silence or with a sad melody playing on his violin.
Until Luffy sits down next to him leaning into his side, which can’t be comfortable for his captain but Luffy acts like it’s the most comfortable place on the ship and asks his musician to play him something. And the two get lost singing silly songs together until Brook forgets the haunting feeling of being alone.
There are days when Jinbei gets lost in the injustice of the world. Of his people. Of how he wants the world to change but will he ever be enough?
Until his rubber band of a captain slams into him and reminds him with a smile that the world is already changing. Jinbei is a member of the strawhat pirates now and if anyone can help make his dream come true it’s this ball is sunshine he gets to call captain
Zoro is different. Zoro has bad days. Days where he feels he isn’t strong enough so he train until he can’t. Days are also where he sees the scar on Luffy’s chest and is reminded of his failures as a first mate and vows to never fail again. Yet there are other days when the memory of Kuina floats over him and even this many years later her absence still makes him sad.
On the first day Luffy can find his first mate over training and a quickly bait him into sparing with him. Zoro gets lost in it. Theres nothing g better than sparing with his captain. No one fights quite like Luffy. Though the rest of the crew quickly makes then stop because they are rocking the boat. On the second and third type of day though Luffy can normally find his first mate napping on the deck. It’s not out of the ordinary to find Zoro napping, but Luffy just seems to know when Zoro needs company. The second and third days will often find Zoro and Luffy curled together supporting one another even in their sleep.
The crew doesn’t know how Luffy knows about their bad days. He’s always been weirdly emotionally intelligent. They don’t have to know it comes from years of watching Ace battle with depression and self esteem issues. That Luffy has trained himself to pick up on people’s subtle ques for when they need support. Two the crew it’s just part of what makes Luffy Luffy.
Which is why Nika is so jarring to the crew. He has Luffy’s face and voice but not his ability to read the crew. Where Luffy knew how to sit with his crew and be with them Nika is no stop motion. He can’t read the crews needs the way Luffy can. Nika is focused of the drive of freedom and finding away to get Luffy back.
The crew can at least agree to focus on the second goal. They want their captain back. There was so much about him that they didn’t recognize, that they took for granted and now that it’s gone they will do anything to get him back.
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silentsamlikesham · 11 months
More Zosan fluff because I'm obsessed. Slight hurt!Zoro. Pre-relationship massages
It’s only as Sanji signs off the last of the stock in his logbook that he realises how quiet it is. He’s not sure he’s ever gotten through a full review without someone crashing into the kitchen to interrupt him. 
The crew may be asleep at this hour, but still, usually whoever is on watch will find an excuse to want a snack or a drink. Sanji slips the book back into the little shelf beneath the sink, brushing himself off as he stands, stretching out his limbs after having leant over the kitchen counter for the last hour or so.
Perhaps everyone was too tired. They’d had a long few days of fighting on an island that now was, fortunately, miles behind them. He’d only woken up from his own injuries a few hours ago, hence why he was wide awake now as the moon sat high above them. 
Who was even on watch tonight? Surely, he hadn’t gotten it confused and it’s meant to be himself up in the crow’s nest.
He sticks his head out the window of the galley and cranes his neck upwards, spotting a familiar flash of green in the moonlight. Huh. If it was Zoro up there, Sanji definitely should have seen him by now. 
He closes the window and finds his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. 
“What happened?” Sanji had slurred the question as soon as he opened his eyes, lying comfortably in the ship’s infirmary.
“You took a hit to the head. Chopper says you’re fine though.” 
It was Nami settled beside him, a map spread across her lap as she watched over him.
He’d tried to put on his usual grandeur with thanking her and complimenting her, but he coughed half-way through his first chant. She’d passed him a glass of water with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Take it easy, you’re bruised all over. Zoro wasn’t exactly gentle dragging you here either, it wasn’t easy with his own wounds.”
Moss head had brought him to the ship?
Sanji grabs a bottle of wine he’s hidden behind several sacks of grain and makes the quick decision to head to the crow’s nest. He convinces himself it’s to even the field, to not feel like he owed Zoro anything for getting him back safely. There was no other reason he’d willingly check in on the idiot. He didn’t need Sanji’s worry. That’s not what they did. 
He climbs the crow’s nest, his chest complaining every time he stretches a hand upwards, gripping at the rope ladder and hoisting himself higher and higher. He doesn’t bother knocking, just swings the hatch open.
Zoro is sat facing the hatch, his back resting against the wooden curved wall of the crow's nest as his head almost hangs over the edge. His legs are sprawled out with his swords sitting half over his lap. His eyes had been closed, and for a moment Sanji wonders if the bastard had fallen asleep.
His eyes open slowly, glaring at the intruder, his gaze hardening further when he realises it’s the damn cook that’s come to annoy him.
“What do you want.”
His voice is strained, missing its usual bite. It’s then Sanji notices how rigid the man is sitting, not lounging like he usually does when he’s on watch.
“Thought you were dead up here when you didn’t come looking for a drink.” Sanji scoffs as he slowly pulls himself up, closing the door shut with a wince as a twinge of pain courses from his wrist to his shoulder. He should really keep track of which limbs he shouldn’t be swinging around.
“So, you brought me one?” Zoro is instantly suspicious, eyeing up the bottle like it’s laced with poison, or maybe it’s going to explode. 
“Don’t get used to it.” Sanji warns, pulling the cork from the top of it and taking a swig. It’s a welcome distraction as he sits down beside the brute, more pain blossoming along his hamstrings at the action. He passes the bottle without a glance at the other, the sloshing of wine the only sound between them.
Zoro just grunts, not in the mood to fight the cook. He takes the bottle and downs at least a glass worth of the liquor, sighing happily as he settles it between them. 
He squirms after moving his shoulder, his back aching from being thrown into a wall the day before. Usually, he could take it but the damn fishman had knocked him hard. No matter how he sat or lay down now, nothing could keep the discomfort away.
Zoro had even tried mediating earlier, thinking about anything but his pain, but it didn’t work. There just wasn’t enough pain to block out, it was more like an irritating throb. He’d forget about it but then the tiniest shift of his shoulder or back muscles would have his muscles convulsing and tightening in odd ways. He shifts his weight as softly as he can, hoping the cook doesn’t notice the weakness.
Of course, he does. Sanji can see the strain in Zoro’s neck, the sweat pooling on Zoro’s brow despite the cool temperature in the crow’s nest and the sea breeze that brushes past them. The idiot is in pain, maybe even more than Sanji is.
“You should get some painkillers from the infirmary; Chopper keeps them in the first aid box.” Sanji suggests, wondering if he hasn’t left yet because he’s too tired to try moving again or because seeing Zoro like this is unsettling enough that he doesn’t want to leave the swordsman alone. 
“Fuck off.” Zoro groans, his skin crawling at the concern. Maybe a fight with the cook would be better, he hates how soft his gaze feels right now. He’s looking at Zoro like he’s fragile.“I dragged your sorry ass back here, why don’t you worry about yourself.”
“Shut up, stupid moss for brains. Just because I hate the sight of you doesn’t mean I can’t suggest something as simple as pain killers when you’re obviously in pain. No need to get so fucking defensive.” Sanji bites back, his hackles raised, definitely not getting defensive himself.
“M’fine.” Zoro insists, shutting his eyes so he doesn’t have to look at Sanji’s stupid eyebrows any longer. 
“Clearly.” Sanji mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What are you even still doing here, it’s my watch. You’ve done your little delivery, leave me alone.”
The cook never hangs around like this. Zoro wonders if it’s some pride thing, maybe Curley was feeling embarrassed having to be dragged home. Well, that’s not Zoro’s fault. Maybe next time the idiot can just stay conscious. 
Sanji lights a cigarette instead. Blowing the smoke upwards against the stars. With his eyes closed Sanji can take a longer look at his crewmate without worrying about a sudden sword being pulled on him. 
Zoro can sleep anywhere. After being a swordsman and being capable of getting lost anywhere he goes, his ability to sleep is what he’s most infamous for amongst the crew. He can even nap standing up, Sanji has witnessed it himself.
Yet, he looks uncomfortable right now. Sitting in maybe one of his favourite napping spots on the whole ship. His posture is all wrong, his shoulders bunched up, his neck straining to keep his head at an odd angle. 
Sanji is probably about to get a limb cut off, but despite it being Zoro, he still doesn’t like seeing one of his nakama in pain. Unless of course it was Sanji’s doing. 
He picks up the wine bottle right as Zoro reaches blindly for it, the sound of it scraping off the wood enough to have him opening his eyes, narrowing them in suspicion as Sanji holds the bottle just out of reach.
“Turn around.” Sanji insists, trying to sound as calm as possible as not to set their usual bickering off.
“Huh?” Zoro grumbles, completely taken aback by being ordered to do anything by the cook.
“Turn around, dumbass.” Sanji retorts, his patience running out immediately. Okay, so apparently, he had none when it came to Zoro.
“I don’t take orders from you, dart-brow.” 
Sanji digs his fingernails into the palm of his free hand to stop himself from raising his leg and forcing Zoro to do it.
“You want the drink, turn around. I’m not going to clobber you, Marimo.”
“What the fuck do you want then?” Zoro tilts his head, looking surprisingly cute- STUPID. Looking incredibly stupid as he tries to work out what Sanji is up to. 
Sanji waves the bottle teasingly instead, and Zoro realises he’s way too sore to be putting up with Sanji’s shit. So, with a sigh he grabs the bottle lightning fast and spins 90 degrees away from Sanji. Resting his shoulder heavily on the crows nest. 
The position is so much worse, his legs being forced to bend against the curve of the space. His shoulders and back complain as they’re forced to hold himself up. Maybe the idiot cook just didn’t want Zoro to see him struggle to his feet. Whatever, he’d be gone quicker this way.
But Sanji doesn’t get up. Instead, he finds himself choking as his throat tightens, staring at the unprotected back of his crewmate. A back that Zoro defended with his life, a back he would never leave open to an enemy, would never allow a blade to pierce or mark. Here it was, unprotected, pointing at who Sanji imagined was Zoro’s least favourite person on the ship. 
He shakes himself out of the train of thought. He’s definitely overthinking this.
Still, he going to appreciate the trust while he has it. It means something special. So, carefully he scoots forwards, sitting on his knees behind Zoro despite the prickles of pain in his legs from the position.
Zoro jumps when he places his hands on the dip of the other man’s shoulders, right beside his neck.
“What the fuck are you-” Zoro’s panicked question is cut off by Sanji digging his skilled fingers into the lump of muscle there, using pressure to ease the tension away. Zoro can feel things unclicking, pain unfurling from a tight ache to a more bearable throb before it seems to melt away entirely.
Sanji chuckles as the fight leaves the Marimo straight away, the hand that had clasped his swords, ready to smash a hilt into the side of Sanji’s head, lets go. He even places the wine down beside him. Resting his hands on his thighs now as he accidentally moans under his next breath.
Sanji is pushing the bottom of his palm outwards now, dragging the knots until they dissapeared beneath his touch. His thumbs catche more tension along the top of Zoro’s back and Zoro hisses as finally he can drop his shoulders without a shooting pain running from his neck to the bottom of his spine.
“Wha-What are you doing.” Zoro should be embarrassed by how breathless he sounds but as Sanji places the side of his pinkie finger against his spin and pushes harshly outwards towards the back of his shoulder blade, dislodging hours of tension and pain in a couple of swift swipes, he can’t help it. 
It feels good. 
“Stewing in pain is only going to lock up every muscle in your back, Mossbrain. Just let me take care of it.” Let me take care of you.
“Why?” Zoro groans, trying to twist his head to get a read on the cook, but he flinches as his neck tweaks.
Sanji seems to notice the issues and brushes his hands upwards. His fingers grind into the base of his neck, pushing out and downwards, dragging the tension low before massaging it away. 
He doesn't know how to answer Zoro's question, so he lets his hands speak for him.
His fingers brush through the stubble of spikey hair at the base of Zoro’s neck and the swordsman lets in a sharp breath at the tingles that explode from the touch. His brain feels like it’s short circuiting trying to rationalise that Sanji could make him feel this way, could make him relax against his touch, make him lean into his personal space, suddenly yearning to be closer.
“Hmm, maybe I should start calling you putty instead of Moss.” Sanji teases, pleasantly surprised by how the Marimo was unwinding under his touch now. He must have been in more discomfort than Sanji had first thought. 
“Fuck off.” There’s no heat in the comeback. Not when Zoro’s head is now lolling comfortably forward for the first time in two days. His chin nestled against his chest as Sanji continues working through both his shoulders. 
Silence stretching out between them. Neither of them sure what to say as Sanji, always one to enjoy helping his crew, comes to terms with enjoying helping Zoro for the first time. While Zoro is struggling to stay awake as after a day of being unable to nap ends with finally finding solace from the aches. 
He feels warm all over, his chest now swaying with the push and pull of Sanji’s motions. Every time the Cook’s hands make their way back up to his neck, he feels like he’s being electrocuted and then smothered in a warm blanket. His eyelids are drooping now, not the best situation for someone who’s meant to be on watch for the next few hours.
Sanji notices the fatigue taking hold of him. Notices the fists uncurling into shaky fingers. He’s never seen Zoro look so unsteady. 
Well, things were weird enough already, and Sanji isn’t someone who cares for somebody half-arsed.
He pulls his hands away, blushing at the involuntary whimper from Zoro who seems to instantly tense at the sound. The idiot clears his throat and is probably about to say or do something incredibly stupid when Sanji sits directly behind him, his back against the wall, and before Zoro can react, he reaches a hand around to Zoro’s chest and pulls him harshly backwards.
Zoro stares at the stars and the last of the smoke pluming from Sanji’s cigarette. He stares at the upturned chin and calculating eyes of the cook, confused at how he’d gotten into this position.
His face heats up and he’s about to fight back, to uppercut the jerk and kick him out of the crow’s nest, massage or not, the fucker can’t just-
A hand reaches up and ruffles through Zoro’s hair. His eyes almost roll back as he relaxes and feels his back melt peacefully into the thick thighs beneath him. Any fight leaves him as Sanji scratches his scalp, his eyelids fluttering closed as the blonde idiot chuckles fondly.
“Go to sleep, Marimo. I’ll handle the watch.”
“What the fucks gotten into you.” Zoro grumbles, trying to act pissed off as he feels himself slipping away. Leaving himself at the mercy of the Cook.
Sanji doesn’t answer. Instead, he struggles with the question for the next few hours. His hands absentmindedly trace over Zoro’s hair and his chest as he watches the green idiot’s breath even out, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful continuous rhythm.
He tries to convince himself this was all so Zoro couldn’t use saving him as a comeback for the next few weeks. That this was all cannon fodder to tease the Mosshead about for years to come. But as Zoro starts to snore, Sanji realises he like the pressure on his lap.
He likes the warmth that radiates off the human stove. 
He likes taking care of Zoro.
Finally, just as the sun peaks the horizon, as the sky changes colour above them and when Sanji is certain no one is awake for miles, that he’s the only one capable of hearing his own thoughts…he thinks to himself, maybe he just likes Zoro.
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suspiciouspiece · 5 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨 ! 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 . 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲’𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 🫶🏼. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 .
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭. 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 . 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ? 𝐎𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ? 
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CHAPTER 1 Greetings and ghost stories 
Y/n had sighed, running as quickly as she could. The marines hot on her tail screaming for her to stop. Y/n had jump down into the water and pulled out a card, the black white & red card opened a portal. When she step through she was on a different island . Using another card to dry herself off and change her clothes. “ Finally some peace and quiet. “ She started walking up the hill’s path . Disappearing within view. 
“ AWWW NAMI !!!! I’M BORED !!” Screams luffy from up top of the head of sunny. He had been miserable lately. Thanks to the fact no new islands had been near them . Nami let out an irritated sigh, “ How many times have I told you luffy ? No island are near us ! Honestly it’s a miracle that I can even navigate when even the log pose is complete still. “ 
Luffy had huffed, clearly not satisfied with the answer but couldn’t do anything more about it . “ Is the island in the sky ? “ Usopp said while fixing up something new at the table. Robin had put her book down and looked at the sky .“ No like last time it would have pointed upwards. Honestly I’m scared we might be in a still area of water with nothing around us .” 
“ Don’t stress out Nami dear ! Even if that happens I would personally kick this boat so far that it’ll never become still becoming your Prince Charming and-“
“ Stealing a kiss ! Ahah ~ “ 
Nami sighed, “ Hopefully we find an island soon through, supply is running low on everyone end.” Sanji had took a smoke break ,” Yea Nami right . We only have enough food for a week . “ Usopp gasped,” but all that food I seen earlier!” “ Have you forgotten our captain eats crew worth of meals ?  2 at breakfast, 2 snack breaks, 2 lunches, another 2 snack breaks , 3 serving at dinner even though it’s only supposed to be 2 but somehow he manages to steal someone food .” ussop had fell to the floor ,” LUFFYS EATING US TO DEATH ROW !!!” 
Sanji had sighed another drag form his cigar , “doesn’t help that he’s been so bored he’s basically stress eating. Our captain has a lot of energy, the sunny can only hold him for so long . “ Franky had walk up to them,with chopper . “ How is that even possible?! “ “ Luffy’s body is rubber . His whole body is constantly stretching and unstretching subconsciously through tiny cells . Making his stomach big. It literally has no end while he eats. It also doesn’t help that while he loses a big chunk of energy it’s balanced out with more energy coming in from nothing. “ 
Zoro had popped up outta nowhere . “ So that means what exactly?” “ Think of it as lightning being held by rubber band but the rubber band is moving . It’ll attract more light while losing a little. “ Zoro still looked confused. “ In other words it’s like filling a bottle of water with a hole in the bottom.” Robin try’s to explain. Zoro still kinda lost.
“To sum it up moss head , think it as he training, he became 10 times stronger but he hungry from the hard work so he eat and has to start the workout over again .” “ Oh ? Why didn’t you explain it that way .” “ BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT !” “ WHO YOU CALLING IDIOT, PERVERT COOK ?!” 
“ SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU !!” Nami screamed, punching them . Luffy sighed,” I’m depressed. Me want meat . No island yet .” Luffy was deflated  on the floor, pouting . The group stared, eyes poking out their heads . “ Oh lord I hope we find an island fast !” The crew screamed. 
Thankfully the crew was able to find a island fast . It was unlikely luffy to be that sad . Chopper had made sure to test him to see if he was sick because of it . The crew had felt a sense of easiness watching luffy gum gum off the ship not even waiting for them . “ Welp, there’s no stopping him . I’m sure luffy will find his way back . This is boring quiet island after all . Sanji and chopper go get food supplies and medicine. Me and robin will get books, paper and other things. Usopp and franky get weapons and tools. Brook find me some clothes . Zoro actually stay and guard don’t fall asleep ! “ 
It was too late though. Zoro was already sleeping up a storm . “ Ugh whatever.” 
Luffy was having the time of his life. He already made some new friends. Ate good food and even got in a good fight. He miss this . 3 months on the ship was too long . He had stop at the end of the road, the little girl he made friends with, on his back was name Mico ( Mi-co ) . Had stopped him ,” Uhoh Luf! We can’t go any farther!” Luffy stared, “ Why ?” “ That forest is called “ Evil lives” . Some strange girl walked into the forest about 2 weeks ago and the forest when completely silent. We haven’t seen any animals other than fish but still. It’s creepy. Her and the animals completely disappeared !” 
Luffy had smiled,” Sounds like some fun ! We should turn back for now though I told your mom I’ll bring you home before dark .” 
The girl nodded and than when back . Luffy wasn’t surprised to bump into his crew . “ Ah alright made a friend?” The group had all ran into each other . “ YEA ! Met Mico ! “ They had said their hello to the little girl . 
“ Oh my , so many , come in . “ A woman said smiling in the doorway. “ The group in the street nodded, following. 
“ So I hear Mico told you the story I’m sorry for her but her words are truth.” Sanji had let out a puff of smoke . “I guess that explains why I couldn’t find anything other than fish and why everything around here is so expensive.” The woman shook her head,” Listen I’ll explain a little more .” 
“ About two weeks ago, a woman with 
y/c/h hair came outta nowhere. She was sleeping in the middle of the road. Head on a pillow, holding a purple blanket. We wanted to wake her up but we couldn’t, some type of weird force was on her. So we let her alone . We thought she might be a devil fruit user that was into she woke up …”
Robin had a serious look but sweet and calm vioce,” What happened?” 
“ When she woke up it was like nothing happened. She didn’t speak to anyone or bothered us . The pillow and blanket disappeared. She was walking straight to the woods . Didn’t eat or drink anything. The kids were playing, accidentally spilled sea water on her . And by sea water I mean a tank that was being pulled . She didn’t flinch. She said it was hot day and that playing in water was understandable and nobody needed to make a fuss but after she walk in the woods , nobody ever seen her or any of the animals. I haven’t even seen a bird in two weeks now .” 
“ if she’s not a devil fruit user what’s her case ?” Franky said confused. “ To not see a bird in two weeks, this chick must be smoken hot to no ends ! The animals must have great taste ! “ Sanji screamed . “ Or she could be a real threat. Animal avoid areas that they feel threatened . A huge sign of this is when large groups of birds fly away .” Chopper added in . “ Whatever the case is let’s find her ! “ Luffy said getting excited, this is just what he needed, an adventure after been bored for so long . 
“ WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT !!!!!!!! “ screamed ussop,” Are you telling me you wanna find some creepy ghost lady that took all the animals?!!!! TELL ME YOUR JOKING!!” Luffy laughed,” I’ll be fun stop being a scary cat ussop.” Luffy had jump up ready to go . He was quickly stop by robin.” We don’t know what’s waiting for us, plus it isn’t good to just walk into the woods without supplies or anything else . Also aren’t we missing a man ?” 
Luffy stared ,” brook ?” “ I’M RIGHT HERE !” “ Sanji ? “ “ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS SO OBVIOUS !!! “ The crew screamed. “ Think of moss .” Robin calmly stated .” Luffy’s eyes popped out of his head ,” ZORO ?! WE GOTTA GO GET ZORO !!” The crew facepalm . “ I bet your first mate would be pretty hurt to hear you not remember like this .” “ I forgot I was thinking of the awesome fight I’m about to have ! “ “ YOU! WE’RE GOING TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GIRL AND THE ANIMALS NOT FIGHT “ nami yelled slapping luffy . 
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I keep thinking about Water 7 and how Sanji could only help Usopp and protect him from others making him feel worse in the background. He couldn't do anything to make Usopp come back but he could make Luffy not say impulsive shit. He could tell Chopper not to pity him. He could defend him when he wasn't even in the room whenever Zoro said it was his decision to go. He could hate Franky despite Usopp telling him they were on good terms now, just because he had hurt him. He could stare at Usopp coming up with ideas to come back, but he couldn't ask him to do it.
He could just wait. During all of Water 7 and Enies Lobby, Sanji has all of these feelings bottled up. The only way of getting that anxiety and fear out is through protectiveness and plain anger and watching Usopp almost slip through his fingers.
The amount of helplessness and weakness Sanji must have felt all the time is indescribable.
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binibininghermosa · 11 months
"Is it normal to shave like that?"
Prompt: Chopper sees Mc shave Sanji out in the deck
Reader’s Name: Mc (Stands for Main Character but made it look like a name)
Note: This moment STILL takes place in the future from my “Giving Him the Love He Deserves” series. It can be a standalone, but it ties in with the story I’ve written before. Words: 3,780 Warnings: None. Just a fluffy drabble
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Sanji felt a dark cloud looming over his head, a metaphorical storm that seemed to have settled there. One might have thought that Nami had set her climatact on him, given the gloomy atmosphere surrounding the usually charismatic chef.
"What's the deal with the cook?" Zoro asked as he returned from the kitchen for a water refill, eyeing Sanji with curiosity.
Mc sighed and paused from reading her book to look at Zoro. "He's going to be okay."
"As long as it doesn’t affect the food," Zoro shrugged nonchalantly, chugging his water before walking away, seemingly uninterested in the brewing drama.
Mc shook her head, her eyes softening with understanding. "Ji's a professional. It'll be okay."
Nami, who walked in, passed by a muttering Zoro and noticed the unusual distance between the couple, who were usually inseparable like magnets. "Is it still about that?" she inquired, her tone laced with concern.
"Afraid so," Mc replied, pushing her reading glasses up her nose and reopening her book, trying to mask her worry with a calm demeanor.
Chopper trotted up to the island, his innocent eyes wide with concern. "Sanji! Can I please have some milk?"
"Be with you in a bit, Chopper," Sanji muttered absentmindedly, his focus on wiping his hands off on a towel.
Chopper walked away with a polite thank you, clutching a bottle with a straw in his tiny hands and a book tucked under his arm. He headed towards the ladies on the deck, joining them in their reading session.
"Is Sanji okay?" Chopper asked, taking his place on the grass in front of the ladies, his blue nose twitching in curiosity.
Mc sighed and closed her book decisively. "He'll be fine in a bit. I'll fix him now."
After a few moments, Luffy, his neck stretched long, asked, "What are you looking at, Chopper?" He stayed on the side of the Thousand Sunny, his body stretched out as he fished.
"Come on, Chopper! We need more octopus for tonight's Takoyaki!" Usopp urged, snacking on bread while his other hand was on the fishing rod.
"Yeah," Chopper answered absentmindedly, still staring at Sanji, who was sitting on a chair on the deck, half of his face lathered with clouds that resembled cotton candy. The smell reached Chopper's nose, a mixture of soap and Sanji's natural scent. It was oddly comforting.
"Sanji and Mc?" Luffy frowned, his brows furrowing in confusion.
Chopper nodded once and returned to his stare, his thoughts running wild. "Is it normal to shave like that?"
“Ugh,” Luffy scratched his head, trying to comprehend the situation.
Robin, not looking away from her book, exchanged an amused look with Nami. "Of course not, Chopper. It's a special case."
Nami shook her head, her shades sliding down her nose as she studied the couple more closely. "If it were normal, we'd have a long line at barbers everywhere."
Robin gave a small laugh, enjoying the scene unfolding before her. "That would be a sight, Nami."
“Then why?” The young reindeer walked closer to Robin, seeking answers.
Robin opened her palm, offering Chopper a piece of candy, which he took without question before she explained, “Females' faces are often not as hairy as men's, yes?” She got a nod of understanding from the young reindeer. “So, when it’s there, some females don’t like how rough it feels against their skin.”
“Oh,” Chopper said, connecting the dots. “Then…”
Sanji unconsciously tuned out the chatter as Mc’s scent overwhelmed him, drawing him in closer. Mc was being so careful with his skin as she guided his head to the side. He didn’t move a muscle but secured her on his lap with both hands on her hips, silently reveling in her presence.
“I think I got all of it,” Mc muttered under her breath as she wiped away the remaining foam, revealing Sanji’s smooth face. She grinned as she guided his head side to side and nodded to herself, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. “You look well-kept as always.”
"You won’t really kiss me with facial hair?" Sanji asked, amused, and Mc stared for a moment before attempting to get up.
Sanji let out a chuckle as Mc let out a surprised squeak when he pulled her closer, as if they weren't close enough yet. "I waited half a day for my kiss," his voice was soft with affection as he planted a peck on her lips.
"I’ll give you more after lunch," Mc winked and stood, a smile playing on her lips.
Brook sighed, a cup of tea in hand. "How I wish I had facial hair to shave! But alas, I am all but bone. Yohohoho!"
Usopp rolled his eyes. "I doubt every wife would do that. With that razor so close to my face, I don’t know if I’d want to!" he shuddered, imagining the scenario.
══════════════════ Thank you for reading! Not going to lie. I don't like Sanji's facial hair at all.
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cherrryxx · 11 months
“Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine,”
(Song: ‘Cherry Wine’ by Hozier)
Summary: Sanji takes care of reader after they get sick from the cold weather.
Warnings: Fluff, domestic fluff, established relationships, Sanji is an absolute prince, male reader, minor sickness, can also be read as GN reader, some pet names (honey, love, etc)
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You coughed as you sat up in the creaking bed, groaning as you felt the light pierce your eyes like knives.
Sanji yawns as he wakes beside you, his arm finding it’s way around your waist.
“Good morning, darling.”
Sanji yawns again, stretching his legs out a bit. He opened his eyes, noticing your ill state.
“Love, you look sick. What’s wrong?”
He questions you, sitting up and inspecting your face. Placing his hand on your forehead he feels the hot fever.
“Oh hell! You’re burning up!” Sanji comments with worry, “It’s probably because that stupid Luffy had you go out in that cold yesterday! Tsk!”
“It’s really okay,” you try to insist, but sneeze right afterwards.
Sanji huffs, “No, you’re staying in bed today, sir. I’m going to make you some soup and tea, and send Chopper down here to give you a check-up. Now stay!”
You groan in complaint but remain in the bed as Sanji left to make you food.
A few minutes later the door creaked open and you could hear the soft clacking of Chopper’s hooves. He scurried to the side of your bed and struggled over the edge.
Huffing, Chopper said, “You really do look sick y/n.” He took his paw and gently patted your forehead before taking your temperature.
Chopper made a face of surprise upon seeing it and scolded you, “Y/n! You why didn’t you come to me sooner!” He dug through his bag and handed you a small bottle.
“Drink this! You should feel better in a few days!”
You take the bottle and thank Chopper, giving him a soft pat on the head before sending him off.
After the door closed again, you inspected the bottle. The fluid inside was a soft purple color, and it smelled rather good. You quickly drank it, gagging when you realized how terrible it tastes.
Just as you tossed the empty bottle into a nearby barrel, Sanji walked into the room. On his arm was a large round plate with a dish of soup, bread, tea, and water. Your mouth watered from the smell alone.
“Chicken gnocchi soup, with my own special touches, and some mint tea to help your throat.” Sanji explained softly, setting the food down on the bedside table.
“Are you well enough to feed yourself?” Sanji asked genuinely, but with a coy undertone.
You scoffed, “Yes Sanji, I can lift a spoon to my mouth and eat.”
He sighed, as if he was hoping he could feed you the food he made. Your stomach grumbles as you look at the bowl of warm soup.
Carefully, you lift the spoon to your mouth and take a bite, melting from the deliciousness of it.
“Mmmmm, ‘s good.” You mumble with the spoon in your mouth. Your throat felt soothed already from the savory soup broth.
Sanji chuckled, “Of course.”
You ate almost all of your soup in a few minutes, saving a few drops to dip your bread in. The loaf was soft and warm, soaking in the broth of the mouthwatering soup well.
Once you were done with your food and began sipping the minty tea, Sanji cleared the dishes quickly and returned to the room.
“Do you feel better, love?”
You place down the cup of tea gently on the nightstand and rub the back of Sanji’s head affectionately, “Yes, I feel much better honey.”
Sanji grinned happily as you ran your hand through his golden blond hair, pausing to linger on his neck as you let out a soft sigh and lean close to him. You rest your forehead on his chest and before you know it you’ve fallen back asleep.
“Ohhh, what am I to do with you?” Sanji sighs affectionately.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
may i ask for strawhats with a reader thats like madeline hatter from ever after high or just simply the mad hatter?
-Growing up you could remember so many people calling you odd or strange, but you weren’t, you were just Y/N- bright, colorful, and a bit mad, but then again, everyone was!
-Where you grew up, nothing made sense, everything was wacky, mad, and impossible, but that’s what made your home so wonderful~
-When you made the decision to leave home to explore the world, your family supported you, making you promise to send letters and visit often, which you had no issues doing.
-Armed with your bottomless handbag and umbrella that you used like a boat, you set off for adventure and new experiences.
-And you found them on a pirate ship of all places, with your new crew, the Straw Hats! They found you on an island, having a tea party, but with your tea set, everything would float around, including you!
-When Luffy and the crew entered the clearing, you beamed brightly as you floated on by, “Hello new friend~ please join me for a wonderous tea-party!”
-Zoro, Franky, and Jinbei didn’t really know what to make of this situation, but Chopper and Luffy were quick to rush in, grabbing teacups and drinking down the tea so they started to float, cheering loudly as you giggled, swimming on by.
-Robin and Nami went next, then Usopp and Brook, all of them joining you in the air as you floated on by, twirling Chopped by his hoof, making him squeal.
-Robin spoke to you, “You don’t seem bothered by Chopper or Brook? Have you seen other odd things?” you looked a bit confused, “Odd? I don’t think they’re odd at all, a talking reindeer and a talking skeleton- how -hehe- mad!”
-Zoro commented that you had a few screws loose to which you floated over to him, handing him a cup of tea, “Everyone has loose screws, but missing screws is when I’d worry, that would mean something’s about to break!”
-His eyelid twitched as Sanji floated on by, feeling so weightless, “But if you’re too scared to join us~” they were quickly fighting after Zoro drank down the tea.
-Jinbei and Franky took someone handing them a cup as well and they joined as Franky floated by you, “This is SUPER awesome!!” which made more cheers ring out.
-Jinbei felt a little odd, floating in the air, “This isn’t like floating in water.” You hugged him around his neck, beaming, “Floating in water or floating in air, all that matters is what it does to your hair!”
-You were so unique and fun, Luffy didn’t even hesitate to invite you to join his crew and you immediately accepted, after taking a sip of tea, like you were pondering it, which made him and some of the others laugh.
-Marines and enemies didn’t know what to make of you, with your riddles, your odd way of talking and moving, and they weren’t expecting your bottomless bag to be sentient, chasing after them like a rabid honey badger, snarling and baring its previously unseen teeth.
-Sanji and Nami had been terrified, seeing this, until it came over to you after chasing everyone away and you patted it on the top, like it was a dog, “Good boy Jeoffrey! I hope you didn’t eat too many of them, you’ll spoil your dinner!”
-Luffy begged you to let him see what was inside Jeoffrey, and you agreed, taking his hand and you immediately leapt up and the two of you were promptly swallowed.
-Inside it was like a rabbit hole, spiraling columns of different patterns, colors, and textures, playing cards, desserts, tea sets, strange creatures all floated around, as you both floated down and down.
-At the very bottom was a door, but it was much too small for the two of you to fit inside, so you grabbed a pair of nearby floating bottles, handing Luffy one.
-His eyes went huge as he watched you shrink down to the perfect size, and he did the same, immediately shrinking, letting out a cheer as you both headed to the door.
-Luffy was stunned when you both went through the doorway, being spat out by Jeoffrey as you laughed warmly, enjoying the little adventure while Luffy started to ramble and gush on what he had seen.
-You promised to take the others in, a few at a time, later, as Jeoffrey needed his afternoon nap. You carried your bag like it was a cat, now snoring loudly, inside so it would sleep peacefully.
-You were a weirdo surrounded by weird things, but you were their weirdo, and that was the best compliment you had ever received, other than someone telling you that your hat looked nice!
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