#chris halliwell oneshot
imaginefan · 2 months
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 895
Requested: Anon
Request: Cam you write a one shot Piper making up lies to Chris so he can break up with reader cause she doesn't like her or approve since she is human but Chris doesn't believe his mom lies. Thanks you in advance.
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You hadn’t noticed anything at first. In fact everything seemed normal, well as normal as it can be with a family full of witches. You knew the secret of the family because you were one of the people that they had saved. Chris had taken a liking to you and decided to take you out on a date, from there things progressed like a normal relationship.
Up until now.
Chris had started asking really weird questions about you being afraid of everything that he dealt with or complaining about how little time you both spent together. When you asked him where he had heard all of this from he had told you that his mum was relaying phone called that you had both had together ones that didn’t exist on your call log but somehow existed on hers. With a simple excuse of you deleting it from your own call log he was back to believing his mum which was why you were sitting in your shared apartment talking to your friend. “I just don’t understand why she would say something like that.” You explained. “Some mum’s just love their boys too much, honestly I think you should get out while you can, you know I have a spare room for you to stay in, you could leave tonight.” She informed you “I can even come pick you up if you want.” “But I do love him.” You frowned as you pulled your knees up to your chest “I know you do but that doesn’t mean that he loves you.” She answered. “But-” “Listen all I’m going to say is that he should be telling his mum to stay out of his relationship, it’s dangerous when you don’t, he’s not listening to you but he’s listening to her do you really want to be fighting with his mum the whole time?” She asked. “No, I want to show him that she’s lying.” You answered. “That’s only going to make you look worse, the only way that he’s ever going to find out is if you step away.” She said. “I guess you're right.” You sighed. “Get some stuff ready, I’ll come get you, even if it’s temporary for now.” She said as you heard her shuffling around in her apartment. “Okay.” You said softly before handing up the phone.
You walked into the bedroom, you packed enough for a couple of days at first, in the hopes that things might change for you but you worry that it’s not going to happen. You the distinct sound of Chris orbbing into the apartment, you closed your eyes hoping that he wouldn’t come into the bedroom. Luck was not on your side and within seconds he was standing at the door. “What are you doing?” He asked. “I think that we should spend some time apart.” You answered. “Is this because of this thing with my mum?” He asked, he sounded fed up, like he felt that you were overreacting. “This thing with your mum is making everything that I do wrong, you know I sit at home patiently waiting for you to come home, I complain to no one but somehow your mum has convinced you otherwise.” You argued. “This is silly.” He stepped forward. “Not to me, I’m clearly not good enough for you, at least not by your mother’s standards, so you can have your key back, we’ll talk in a couple of days, see how things have changed… If they change.” You shrugged, dropping the keys on the bed before walking around to the door “excuse me.” “You know this just makes you look guilty.” He said standing aside after a moment. “The fact that you think that is the reason that I’m leaving.” You said softly as you continued to the door.
Chris stayed in the apartment for a few hours before he headed back to the house where he knew that his brother was “what happened?” Wyatt asked, the moment that he looked at his brother he knew that there was something wrong. “She left.” Chris answered. “What did you expect, guilty or not, there is no one that’s going to stick around when they are competing with their boyfriend's mum.” Wyatt answered. “To be honest mum has always been protective of us, you know after everything that happened.” “She knew about all that, we talked about it and about how we were closer than a normal family.” He answered. “So she already felt like she was competing and she said yes to you, now your angry because she walked away after you literally chose mum over her!” Wyatt argued, his voice raised which seemed to alert their mother to a problem. “What’s with all the yelling?” Piper asked. “(Y/N) left and Chris is feeling sorry for himself.” Wyatt answered. “Don’t worry about her, she wasn’t good enough for you anyway.” Piper said a little too quickly and Wyatt smirked, a small shrug accompanying his next sentence. “What did I tell you?” The words echoed in Chris’ head as he watched his mum walk into the kitchen talking about making something for dinner to help him feel better, she didn’t even ask why she had left or if there was any chance that they might get back together. Maybe you were right about his mum, maybe he should have listened.
Requests and general question!
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Charmed In every world soulmates oneshot progress:
this is now getting it's own post because it's officially turned into a monster
Title came to me at the most inconvenient moment possible and the shorthand version is some things remain
actual length - 5k+ for the main part about the sisters (and also low-key Chris and Wyatt I think since I'm aiming to make this bit span the Halliwells pre-series through s8 finale and they're both born by then) and I'm only at mid-season 4 and I just know the s6 bit is going to span at least 2-3k bc I want to include a pathway for the future before it got changed since I headcanon it to have gone very differently for the sisters in their personal lives
another ~600 words for a separate part that will include all the other main characters for the show's run + Henry and maybe Coop (I have made cupids and whitelighters complicated bc I can't make things easy for myself) since I'm committed now and I may as well let it be enormous (all of their soulmates and marks have been officially designated and chosen with backstory for them too, except Dan because, uh, I don't really know what to do with him and literally every other main character had so much more backstory and development to work with and he's just... there, but I'm sure I'll come up with something)
and I've settled on the soulmarks for the next gen and how they entwine for what will hopefully be a very brief third part more like the actual oneshots I already have for this series instead of the monster that I have for the sisters or the second part that I'm eyeing sideways with the info that what I've already sketched out will probably be at least 3k and my writing tends to expand once I get into it
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Chris Halliwell x OC imagine: Ashthorn (part 1/4)
(Set in mid 2025.
trope: the entire family knows about their feelings for each other, but the both of them don’t dare to act on it.
power/s: sass...?)
The demon sorceress Astros targets Melinda in a time of self-doubt, and PJ in a time of self-loathing, in an attempt to cripple the power of the next generation. She did not consider Valerie Ashthorn, The Expert on the Matter and their childhood friend.
Valerie rang the doorbell, and her heart raced even faster. She breathed deeply, and thought about what she was going to say. Melinda's 18th was two weeks ago, so she must have moved out. If she's lucky and the twins are here, they'd be loud when they see her, and save her from introducing (or reintroducing) herself.
The door opened to reveal a pleasant-faced young man. "Hi."
Valerie smiled, resigning herself to social interaction. "Hi... I'm looking for Wyatt Halliwell. Has he visited this house recently?"
He chuckled like she said something funny. "Yes, I have. How can I help you?"
"Wow..." And so, there was no such thing as something she planned to say. There's only this older, good-looking guy in the shoes of one of her greatest friends. "I-I mean, my name is Valerie Ashthorn. We last saw each other—nevermind. I'm moving into my folks' old house across the street. I figured seeing if you still remember me, it won't—"
She had turned her head to face the house, so dull and plain compared to the Halliwell Manor, and couldn't brace herself for the weight that crashed against her body. 
Wyatt hugged her and exclaimed, "Ree! Oh my goodness, that's why you looked so familiar!"
He pulled away, grinning. "Wow! You're a sight for sore eyes... Or maybe Chris's eyes."
She smacked his arm, ignoring how built he felt beneath her hand. "Ten seconds! You can't even last ten seconds without being an asshole!" 
"You can't even last one without blushing." he smirked. "Please, come in."
It took all of Valerie's willpower to keep from being choked up at how familiar the walls and furniture and windows and floors looked, as if the house itself was alive and welcoming her back home. She put her bag aside, letting Wyatt place an arm around her shoulder as she slung one around his waist. This has always been home, no matter the mind-reading evil beings that tried to destroy her memory of it over the years.
Wyatt led them to the living room with a contented sigh. The memories continue to flood back, and would've barreled into Valerie if she hadn't seen the frowns on Aunt Piper's, Uncle Leo's, and Uncle Coop's faces before they perked up at the sight of her.
She and Wyatt pulled away from each other. "I'm back. Demons?"
Piper rose from the couch and wrapped her arms around her. Please don't cry, Valerie told herself. "Valerie, hi. It's so good to see you... no, not demons. You know we're never that lucky."
Despite how deeply they frowned, they were alright. It was Melinda and PJ who were at risk.
Leo asked her. "What do you know about the empousai?"
"I know enough to vanquish them."
"Nobody's vanquishing anyone." Coop muttered, his ring stark against the dark expression on his face. "That's not an option."
"It is for the one who turned PJ, Coop." Leo stated, before turning back towards Valerie. "And the one who's going to turn Melinda.”
"... Premonition." Valerie guessed. She received nods.
An inhuman growl sounded from the sunroom, low and guttural. One second, Valerie was frozen, surprised. 
The next, she was bolting across the room, ignoring Wyatt's warnings, as well as the force field he placed around her. 
Not three steps into the sunroom and a jet of white fluid shot across the room. She threw her hands upward with a yelp as the fluid hit the force field, redirecting it upwards into an LED light above her head and cracking it. 
Wyatt and the others caught up. His eyes were wide and alert, darting between her and the partly-turned empousai on the floor, inside a ring of crystals and a pink force field. 
The disheveled brown hair and tattered clothes screamed that it was PJ, when the three legs — all different from each other — and the wholly red eyes watching her every move said it was an empousa in the middle of transformation. 
"Are you okay? That thing she spits didn't get you?"
Valerie pointed to the broken LED light overhead, with bits and pieces that were still falling and bouncing against Wyatt's force field. Her attention remained on PJ; one of her legs was a cat's with its claws out, the other a horse's or goat's hoof that she kept stomping the ground with, and the third a thing of pure copper that was shaped like a human leg. Patches of her skin were different tones, indicating either she tried to shapeshift, or the ability is being opened to her. 
PJ snarled, revealing cracked, unused canines, and Valerie cocked an offended black eyebrow. "You got the aesthetic, at least."
Coop gave her a dirty look, even as he stepped up to her side. "We had to use my power to make the force field, hope that through the heritage I passed down, we could reach her. We already tried appealing to her witch side."
"Is everyone accounted for?"
"Yes." Piper answered. "Your Aunt Phoebe is with Peyton and Parker, and Uncle Henry is on leave, so he's with Aunt Paige and the kids." 
Wyatt added, crossing his arms over his chest. "Chris went alone to look for Melinda, get her back here before she can fully turn. Ideally."
Valerie made a double take, blinking at him. "Empousai seduce. Why is he alone?"
"... Seduce?" a smirk slowly spread across his face. "I wouldn't be too worried. The only one that can get him to do anything through seduction is you."
Valerie's ears warmed. At the corner of her eye, she noticed the adults, even Uncle Coop, trying to hide their smiles. She massaged her neck, the quickest way to make Wyatt understand how annoying he was being. "I went back in time before and encountered empousai. When I was in Greece, three dozen of them attacked Epirus."
PJ snarled at her when she looked. Valerie was half-inclined to snarl back. "I brought journals and books with me in the car and the house. I'll see if I can find anything."
"I'll help." Wyatt hopped on his feet, following her out the door after Piper nodded in reply.
"Promise not to be a dick."
He put one hand in the air, and the other on his chest, as if he were vowing. Then he made a funny face. "Not entirely, anyway."
Valerie guffawed. "Already more than I expect."
The magma pool burned far, far below Chris, but he could still feel the heat on his face. The empousa he'd been interrogating whimpered at the sight of the stone cuffs around its wrists, its five different legs dangling uselessly in mid-air. Chris clenched his jaw against the knot forming in his temple, and removed another small piece of rock from the cuffs.
"Wait, wait! You won't even ask me what they want with those girls first?"
"Frankly, I don't have time. Now again, what sent the empousai?"
The empousa's lips pulled back in a snarl, just like the one Melinda had given Chris when he last saw her. "The empousai send themselves...!"
"Is that what your pack leader said when he agreed to work with wraiths?"
"We will annihilate their kind after we're done with you!" it yelled, the sound echoing through the few entryways dug throughout Purgatory. 
"Scary." Chris drawled. The wraiths were always a sore topic. "Empousai answer to their pack leaders, and those are decided from how quickly they turn victims. What asked for your help?"
The empousa drew its vicious lips into a line, refusing to answer. Chris flicked his wrist, and a larger chunk of the cuffs broke off, falling into the fire below. The empousa's feet writhed and clicked against each other in a panic. Without something to stand on, these beasts would be out of their comfort zone, and suddenly become the most cowardly of the new generation of evil. Only the sight of his theory being proven true kept Chris's headache at bay.  
"Astros! Astros! She called herself Astros!"
He blinked, trying to recall where he encountered the name. Then he removed the entire stone from the empousa's right wrist. The headache pounded more with the empousa still trying to get into his head.
"She would have excelled if she were one of us! The wraiths will let her skills go to waste, but she will thrive with us..." it glared at the single piece of rock keeping it from both death and the nearby surface that led to safety. "after she exploits the power of your family."
The simultaneous sound of multiple, different footsteps came from the tunnels on its side. Chris watched the fear sink into its horrible, pale face before he tugged at the stone cuff. "The wraiths say the same thing."
Its eyes were wide with rage and self-absorbed disbelief. Chris shrugged. "Or something close enough anyway. From what I've read about your kind, you're cannibals, if motivated correctly."
He removed the cuffs from its wrist after all its feet hit solid ground, and then orbed home. "Must be painful."
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bidoldaccount · 3 years
Chris Halliwell
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A Little Kept Secret Complete Series:
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Final Part
Other stories:
"Before the hypothermia sets in"
Luke Hemmings
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"I can't pretend anymore" (Luke x Female Reader)
Calum Hood
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"I hate you" (Calum x Female Reader)
"You lied to me" (Calum x Female Reader)
Lip Gallagher
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"Bite me" (Lip x Female Reader)
When Monica Comes... (Lip x Female Reader)
Spiders (Lip x Female Reader)
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Steamboat Suzy (Jade West x Female Reader)
Riskay Pictures
Who they admit their crush to
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Roses and Coffee (No Pairing)
Hug your friends (No Pairing)
Miscommincation (Luke x Female Reader)
Geoff (Luke x Female Reader)
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Erase All The Downsides (WIP): Dom/Female!Cas and Sub!Dean with some angst, fluff, and smut
Grow As We Go (wip): Dean and Cas have been together for eight months and they're sickeningly happy together. Things change when a baby is dropped off at Dean's doorstep with a note claiming it's his child. Sometime change only means growth.
Loose ends (finale part)
The Letter
S.l.u.t (wip)
Part one: s.l.u.t
Stranger Things
Window Into The Teenage Soul (wip): a social media imagine series with protective steve and boyfriend mike
Series guide
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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The Kiss That Changed Everything
Prompts: 6. “Promise me, when I’ll turn around you’ll still be there.” 22. “You’re staying and that’s that.”
Pairing: ChrisxReader Fandom: Charmed Words: 890
The day had started normally. Your best friend Chris had come to your apartment in order to orb you to the Manor where you all had breakfast together. It was your special Sunday ritual.
But everything turned fatal when you and Chris decided to go for a walk. You had not even left the street before a guy dressed in black with a crossbow in his hands suddenly showed up in front of you.
A darklighter.
Chris: Watch out!
You barely had time to register what was happening but apparently you were shoved out of the way by Chris. But before he could do anything to protect himself, the darklighter shot him with an arrow in his leg, orbing away satisfied.
You quickly made your way towards Chris, who was lying on the ground, his face shining with pain.
Chris: I need… I need you to help me back home.
At first you stood completely still. Despite never having seen a darklighter, you knew exactly what their poisoned arrows did to a whitelighter. And you could not lose your best friend.
Finally you managed to gain control over your body and helped Chris towards the Manor. Just ad you reached the porched, Piper ran out of the house.
Piper: What the hell happened?
Before you were able to answer, she noticed the arrow. Her eyes were instantly filled with terror.
Piper: Oh my god. Leo! Paige!
While Piper helped you getting Chris inside and over to the coach to lie down, Leo and Paige orbed in.
Immediately, Leo removed the arrow, resulting in Chris screaming in agony. A scream which broke your heart. But it broke once again when Leo tried healing Chris.
Y/N: Why isn’t anything happening?
Leo: I don’t know.
Paige: What, did the darklighters upgrade their arrows?
Piper: Paige, this isn’t the time for sarcasm. If healing isn’t working, there must be something else that we can do. I’m not letting my son die!
Piper’s words made your blood freeze. You realized that Chris’ death could very well be the result of this.
Despite his pain, Chris noticed your face turning white and your eyes going blank. He pointed towards you to make his father notice it as well.
Leo walked towards you.
Leo: Maybe it would be better if you left Y/N.
Y/N: Left?
Leo: We don’t know what we’re up against. I’ve never seen anything like this before. We need to work fast.
Y/N: Well, I can help you.
Leo: It would be a bigger help if we knew that you were safe.
Your eyes met Chris’. He tried to nod and give you an encouraging smile but you could see how pained he was.
Y/N: I’m not leaving. I won’t leave him.
Leo sighed.
Leo: I’m so sorry Y/N but then I have to do this.
Without warning, he grabbed your hand and blue orbs began forming around you. When they disappeared, you could see that you were standing in your bedroom.
Before you could convince Leo to bring you back, he orbed away, leaving you all alone. Not knowing if you had seen your best friend for the last time.
The minutes seemed like hours and the hours like days. All the time wondering why no one had contacted you yet.
The sun was beginning to set and when the last strays of sun shone through your window, your hope disappeared. As you brushed through your hair carelessly in front of your mirror, tears started forming in your eyes.
Just as the first tear silently fell down your cheek, you saw blue orbs forming behind you in the mirror.
It was Chris.
You could not believe your eyes. You had been certain that he was gone. Could it just be your imagination playing tricks?
Y/N: Chris?
He smiled softly towards you but you still did not feel certain that it really was him.
Y/N: Promise me when I’ll turn around, you’ll still be there.
Chris: I promise Y/N.
You turned around – and he was still there. Relieved, you jumped straight into his open arms.
Then, completely out of the blue, you smashed your lips onto his. His lips were surprised by your action but after a few moments, they kissed you back just as passionately. It was a kiss felt with feelings that none of you even knew you had.
When you finally broke apart in order to breath, Chris was the first one to speak.
Chris: Ehm… I don’t… Maybe I should…
You interrupted him.
Y/N: Stay.
His eyes widened at the seriousness in your eyes and the tenderness in your words. He was surprised – you had always been best friend and now you were suddenly kissing and you were asking him to stay?
But during that kiss all the feelings that neither of you knew that you had suppressed had risen to the surface. And it did not seem like they would leave anytime soon.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he held you tight, placing one of his hand on your lower back. The air between you seemed to be filled with electricity.
Your head neared his, your eyes switching between his eyes and his lips. Your noses softly met and before pressing your lips together once again, you spoke again.
Y/N: You’re staying and that’s that.
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imaginingyourfandom · 5 years
mine - chris halliwell
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warnings: none // requested: yes
"What’s wrong?" You asked Chris when he sat down next to you on the bridge.
Chris sighed, "New charge. She’s so demanding and flirty. I don’t know what to do with her. She simply doesn’t understand the concept of personal space." It clear to notice how uncomfortable he was as he kept shivering in disgust.
"Hopefully she’ll get it soon. Don’t worry too much about it." You tried to comfort but you didn’t really know what to say as it wasn’t a situation either of you had encountered before. Hopefully she wouldn’t cause to many problems.
"Hey, Chris. Can you help m-" you began as you walked into the attic but you were met with a sight you didn’t really know how to react to. Chris was stood by the Book of Shadows with his charge draped over his arms as he tried to get her off.
"Y/N. What can I do for you?" Chris sighed in relief. His charge finally noticed you standing there and glared your way.
She tilted her head slightly, "Who are you?"
"I’m Y/N. I need Chris’ help with a potion. You busy?" You asked him as you tried not to circum to her judging gaze.
Chris nodded his rapidly, "Yes. I’ll see you downstairs." Before you knew it, he had orbed downstairs to the kitchen.
"You know we were busy? He was helping me with something." The charge spoke with her arms across her chest.
You smirked, "From the looks of it, not much work was getting done. Besides I don’t appreciate how close you were."
"He didn’t seem to mind." She giggled.
You took a deep breathe to contain your anger, "I’m going to make myself very clear. I don’t appreciate you draping yourself over my boyfriend, nor do I appreciate you thinking you know me. Chris is doing his job and he’s good at, you’re lucky to have a whitelighter like him but cross that line again, I will hurt you. Got it?"
The charge nodded in conformation, "Got it." It was easy to see that you had managed to scare her quite a bit.
"Good." You smirked before walking out of the attic.
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chillassimagines · 5 years
alright, back at it again with a new request list, I will get done with this before Christmas because I have Christmas special imagines just in time for the holidays 🙌🏼
#1 Sleepy Time Pt 2 with Chris Halliwell Smut
PART ONE: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/188612935632/sleepy-time-chris-halliwell-smut-requested
#2 Cole Turner Oneshot
BASED ON: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/180556178947/imagine-requested-once-upon-a-time-you-and-cole
#3 TEEN WOLF BIRTHDAY SEX PART THREE BITCHES (ft. Malia, Stiles, Theo, and Parrish)
PART ONE: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/176975393682/part-one-requested-liam-finally-it-was-your
PART TWO: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/177544626507/requested-scott-scott-get-up-scott-you
#4 Jedikiah Office Smut
#5 Jeremy Fluff Imagine
#6 Lucien Castle Angsty Smut
#7 Lucien Castle Series ‘REMEMBERANCE’ begins (a requested ongoing series between requests from here on out, estimated 3 parts)
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paigemathews · 2 years
@ohmyoverland replied to your post “I love Archive of Our Own, but every time I open...”:
Finding good charmed fics can be so hard, I assume it’s because all the ones people wrote during its original run are lost in dead email chains.
​That’s the crux of the issue honestly, like. It was a television show that ended over fifteen years ago, and a lot of the online fandom spaces that’d have existed then don’t anymore or are outright dead. (Rest goes under the cut bc this gets long and possibly a lil bitchy and I don’t want to subject anyone to my bitchiness unwanted.)
Fanfiction Net and AO3 still have new stuff being added, but not very frequently. For Fanfiction Net, a lot of it is just that the site presumably changed a lot over the years and is still severely limited on tagging options. Also people just didn’t tag correctly for some reason? (Why is the Elise character filter basically a second one for Chris?) For AO3, it doesn’t help that a lot of the “new” fics can be categorized as:
oneshot collections for like a thousand fandoms (please just post them separately)
Charmed AUs for different fandoms (should be tagged as Alternate Universe - Charmed (TV) Fusion)
crossovers that basically use the Halliwells/Charmed lore to focus on the other fandom’s characters
original characters hooking up with Cole, Chris, or Wyatt
original Halliwell characters that are super powerful/special/etc.
And like. All of these things are totally cool to write. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t write this stuff, fuck cringe culture, write what you want to read and makes you happy. (However, for the love of God, learn how to tag!!) A lot of it’s legitimately good anyways!
But it’s super frustrating trying to find anything that isn’t that. There’s pretty much no fic for characters like Darryl, Elise, Patty, etc. at all. A lot of fics end up with the same core plot too, which, again, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. (I’m a big believer in the two cakes are better than one rule.) But like there’s only so many times that you can read a Chris revelation fic before you want to read something else. (God help you if you’re not into the next generation or Chris though, because that’s like. A good percentage of any new fic right there.)
On top of that, a lot of fic is just. never finished. On Fanfiction Net, over half of the results (without narrowing anything, even rating or characters) are incomplete. AO3 is better there, with over 1100 of its 1600 fics complete but that’s still not a ton of fics on there anyways. (Again, if you exclude crossovers? You drop it to under 800. That’s over half.)
And like. If the fandom was bigger, it’d be different but since the Charmed fandom is so tiny, it’s just. Super frustrating instead.
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agirlinthegalaxy · 2 years
I’m writing another oneshot about Chris Halliwell, a shocker, I know. This one’s actually set in the past though, so go me. It is basically Chris having a panic attack/breakdown for 1300 words rn tho, so oops.
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imaginefan · 6 months
My Baby
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 776
Requested: Anon
Request: Reader and Chris are having their first kid, Piper is concerned cause she doesn't want them to go through the pain that her and Leo had to go through with forbidden love witch/angel thing and she tells Chris to break it off with reader but he won't. Leo on the other hand doesn't agree cause they broke the rules and in the end still got to keep their kids. Reader and Chris dont give up. (Not sure where else to go with this idea). Thank you in advance. One shot
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You and Chris had found out that you were expecting your first child, the first people that you decided to tell were your parents, yours seemed happy enough, they were excited to have a grandchild but you didn’t sense the same excitement from Piper (Leo seemed quite happy).
You were standing in the kitchen, your parents were all talking while you pulled Chris to the side “your mum doesn’t seem very happy.” You said softly. “What do you mean, she said that she’s happy for us.” Chris answered. “She doesn’t look happy.” You said “your mum has never been good at hiding how she feels.” “It’ll be fine.” Chris answered.
Chris knew that he needed to talk to his mum to see what it was that was bothering her, he just really didn’t want you to worry about it, he was taking his parents home when he decided to talk about the issue before the baby got her, he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it the same way that he remembered his mum and her sisters did with him and his brother. “Mum, what's going on?” Chris asked. “Hmm?” She asked. “You’ve been real quiet since we said that we were having a baby, is there something you wanted to say? Is there something wrong?” Chris asked. “There’s nothing wrong.” Piper answered. “Don’t lie to me mum, we have to sort this out, we're going to have this baby, it’s not going away so we have to talk about it.” Chris explained. “Do you know how dangerous this is, you know what me and your father went through after we had you and Wyatt.” Piper explained. “It might be easier for all of you if you were to leave now before they tear you apart.” “We don’t know that’s going to happen this time, there’s a lot that is different.” Chris argued. “He’s right Piper, for one he wasn’t assigned to her as her protector, he’s also only half whitelighter, there could be a lot that changes.” Leo explained. “You can’t ask him to do what you wouldn’t.” Piper looked between the two of them. “I just don’t want either of you to get hurt.” She explained. “Mum I know that you're worried but I can’t just leave (Y/N) not now, I love her and the baby too much for that.” Chris answered honestly. “Alright.” Piper finally nodded “just be careful both of you.”
Chris got back to your shared apartment in record time after the conversation that he had with his parents he found himself missing you, even the thought of leaving you an explanation or not induced the feeling. Chris walked into the living room and saw you sitting on the sofa, legs curled up and a blanket wrapped around you, the remains of a snack that you had just been eating left on the table. Chris walked over flopping down on the sofa and resting his head on your thighs. “Are you okay?” You asked gently, running your hands through his hair as he looked at you. “Yeah, everything is fine.” He answered. “And your parents are okay?” You asked, he knew that you were going to ask but he didn’t want to upset you by telling you what they had talked about, on the other hand keeping it a secret was only going to make it worse if you ever did find out, which was definitely possible and as much as he wanted to make the decision himself this was something you should have a say in as well. “Mum is worried that we’re going to go through the same thing as her and Dad, with the Elders.” Chris answered and you nodded. “It’s possible, I’ve thought about it myself.” You answered. “You have?” He asked. “Yeah and I decided that no matter what I’d fight just as hard as your mother did to get back to you.” You answered with a shrugged “didn’t think there was much more to discuss then that.” “You're not afraid?” He asked. “Of course I am but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to turn away from you.” You answered. “I love you.” Chris leaned up to meet you in a kiss, soft, slow as he did his best to show you the truth in his words. “I promise that I will fight just as hard for you.” “I love you too Chris.” You smiled, shuffling to get more comfortable, eventually Chris moved you both so that he had you laying on his chest so that you could watch your show more comfortably, where you both stayed for the rest of the night.
Requests and general question!
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imaginefan · 2 years
You Were Always First
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 899
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you write a one shot about Chris and reader? She went back to time to help Chris save the future to help stop Wyatt from turning evil, the two spend lots of time together but reader pushes him away all the time  because she knows he will go with Bianca because in her time line; he's wth her. They get into an argument over it and he asks why she stays away she blurts it out without meaning to.
Thank you !!!! Hope this made sense.
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You should have known that this was going to happen, after all the only reason that you had decided to go with Chris was that you were in love with him, you knew that he needed help and offered yourself to help him. You didn’t think that it could get much worse then silently pining for him but as you spent more time together you realized it absolutely could get worse. For a little while you forgot that he even had Bianca to go back to but one day he mentioned her passing and everything came crashing down, it caused you to pull back so much that everyone noticed.
Phoebe and Paige were the ones to ask you about it and since they knew about you coming from the future it was easy to be honest with them and honestly you were sick of bottling it up. You hoped that talking about it would allow you to hide it better when you had to talk to Chris again. “So are you going to tell us what is going on or are we going to have to get it out of you some other way?” Paige asked as she sat at the end of your bed. “Close the door.” You ordered and Phoebe nodded before closing the door and walking over to sit next to you. “What's going on?” Phoebe asked. “You have to promise not to tell Chris.” You pleaded. “What happened?” She asked. “I… I love him, have loved him for a long time now but he’s got a girlfriend to go back to.” You answered. “So I keep my mouth shut, I smile and I pretend that bestfriend is good enough.” “(Y/N)...” Phoebe pulled you into a hug as Paige frowned. “He’s never asked you out?” Paige asked. “We grew up together. I just assumed he never felt that way about me, he would have said something by now right?” You asked. “I… I don’t know, have you ever said anything to him about your feelings?” Paige asked. “Of course not, I’ve thought about it a lot but I never said anything, I just didn’t want to ruin anything.” You explained and she nodded. “I know it’s scary but maybe you should talk to him about it.” Paige suggested. “No. I can’t do that, I can’t ruin everything that he worked for, he’s doing this to go back to her.” You explained “I can’t do that to him.” They both looked at each other and sighed before standing. “We’ll give you some time to get yourself together before dinner, we’ll see you then.” Phoebe said before leaving, her sister following behind her.
It was quiet for an hour before someone else walked into your room and you looked up and saw Chris “I could have been changing.” You said as you raised an eyebrow. “I need to talk to you about something.” He said and you gestured for him to continue “what is going on with you?” “What?” You asked. “You’ve been distant.” He answered. “You were supposed to notice that.” You sighed. “How would I be able to ignore that? We’ve been together since we were kids. Something changed, it happened after we got here and it was slow… Are you regretting coming with me or something?” He asked. “No that’s not it.” You answered, he watched you as if he was trying to figure out what had changed. “It’s nothing, I’ll sort it, everything will be back to normal I promise.” “No, you aren’t covering this up. I want to know what’s going on.” He argued. “You don’t.” You answered with tears gathering in your eyes in fear of what was coming. “(Y/N).” He warned as if there was something he could do to make you tell him. “Chris, please leave it.” You pleaded he turned away from you as he spoke. “I’m just trying to protect you.” “Protect me from what!?” He asked, his voice raising. “From ruining everything when you find out that I love you and having to tell me that you already have someone to go back, from you having to deal with me being here for the rest of the trip and then when we finally get home you disappear from my life because you still have Bianca, because you love her!” You answered, you realised what you were doing half way through but you couldn’t stop yourself and now what you wanted was to curl in on yourself but he launches forward stopping instead pulling you straddle his waist as he hugs you. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” He asked. “Weren’t you listening… Bianca.” You answered and he sighed before lifting your chin and pressing a kiss to your lips. “We aren’t official, you know.” He said softly “I was kinda hoping this girl that I had known all my life would tell me that she loved me like some fairy tail.” “What?” You asked. “Yeah…” He nodded, pressing another more forceful kiss to your lips, this one was longer, his hands coming up to the side of your face and wiping away the tears that fell. “I thought I was obvious when you were the one that I asked to come with me, you were always the first person I called. You were always first” “Me?” You asked. “You.” He nodded “I’ll choose you everytime.”
Requests and general question!
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imaginefan · 2 years
Birthday Dinner
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 674
Requested: Anon
Request: My birthday is in a few days. Can you write a story about Chris Halliwell giving you the best birthday ever, they go to reader fav restaurant and a day to remember filled with fun. Thanksss
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Chris had been aware of your birthday coming up soon and decided to make the day one to remember, you hadn’t realised that there was anything wrong but he had a whole day planned. The morning of your birthday you were woken up to breakfast in bed “did you cook this?” You asked. “Of course I did.” He smiled as he waited for you to sit up to put the tray on your lap, you smiled as you looked at the home cooked breakfast and began to eat, he came over to sit next to you with a small present in his hands. “I have a whole day planned for us.” “You do?” You asked. “Mmhm.” He hummed as he took the empty try handing you the present, you smiled as you opened it, there was a nice chain in it, one that you had been talking about for a little while, you gasped as you turned. “Please put it on for me!” You bounced slightly, he laughed softly as he put the necklace on for you and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, he watched as you rushed over to the mirror looking at the new piece of jewellery. “Do you like it?” He asked. “I love it.” You answered. “Good well get dressed, we’ve got to go and see my parents. They requested that I bring you to see them today before we do everything that I have planned.” He explained and you smiled. “Sure.” You nodded.
You walked into the Halliwell household greeted by Wyatt first, “Happy birthday.” He said as he handed you a card. “Aw thanks.” You smiled as you took the card and opened it, a small message inside thanking you for making his little brother happy and wishing you the best birthday. “There you are!” Piper cheered as she walked into the living room from the kitchen “how has your day been?” “Chris made me breakfast and apparently has a whole day planned.” You answered “so far there it’s been really good.” “Well then let’s show you, the cake show you guys can get going.” Piper clapped her hands moving you to the kitchen where there was a 3 tier cake in your favourite flavour and you looked at her eyes widening. “You made this for me?” You asked. “Of course, you can come by on your way back and pick it up.” She said as she turned to her son “I’m sure that he’s eager to go.”
“Alright where are we going?” You asked. “You remember that fair that is supposed to be here for the next couple of weeks?” He asked. “Mm.” You hum. “Well I thought that we could check that out and then we’ll go for dinner.” He answered. “Got reservations at your favourite restaurant.” “You did?” You asked. “Of course I did.” He answered as he put his hand out for you to take “‘come on we’ve got a whole day in front of us.”
After a day at the fair you’d played games and gone on rides, Chris had won you 3 new teddies and after a quick trip home you were at your favourite restaurant to have dinner. “So how has your day been?” He asked. “Thank you for everything, I’ve enjoyed everything.” You explained. “Yeah…” He nodded. “Well there’s one more thing that I want to give you.” He said, as he leaned forward gesturing for you to give him your hand. He placed something cold in your hand and you frowned. “You should probably have a key to my apartment by now huh?” He asked. “A key? Are you sure?” You asked. “I’m sure.” He answered. “This is the best present you’ve gotten me.” You bit your lip as a large smile stretched across your face before you leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I love you and thank you for everything.” You smiled. “Love you too and you are welcome.” He said softly as the waiter came over with the food that you ordered.
Requests and general question!
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imaginefan · 2 years
For The Better
Wyatt Halliwell X Reader Chris Halliwell X Reader
Word Count: 842
Requested: Anon
Request: You go on a date with Wyatt but you don't see him in that way but you don't know how to tell him. You try to work it out but it doesn't work. It gets harder cause you like his brother Chris. You end up having enough courage to tell Wyatt cause you don't want to lead him on. Wyatt understands and Chris ends up hearing the whole thing. He sees you later asking you about what happened, but you don't tell him the full truth and he tells you he heard what happened. -the rest of it I'll leave it up to you. Thank you! One shot. AND 1 shot. Chris and reader go to the movies and it's a scary movie, she gets touchy with Chris hiding in his shirt holding his hand and he welcomes it. They end up dating. Reader is witch.
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You had been on a few dates with Wyatt over the past couple of days and you thought that it was just taking a while for you to get comfortable but it became obvious the more time that you spent with him and his brother Chris that it wasn't Wyatt that you were interested in. Chris seemed to be the one that was catching your attention and you couldn't keep pretending that you weren't falling for his brother. You decided that you needed to talk to Wyatt but by the time you had gotten there, it seemed that he had come to the same conclusion.
"Wyatt!" You called through the house as you walked towards the kitchen. "Kitchen!" He called back and you smiled as you continued until you entered the kitchen "I need to talk to you about something." "Hello to you too." He smiled as he turned to you and he realized by the look on your face that this was something serious. "If I start with small talk then I'll never get around to the real reason that I've come to talk to you." You answered honestly and he nodded taking a seat in front of you and waiting for you to continue "I don't think that this is going to work, I've been thinking this for a little while now but every time that I wanted to talk to you about it something happened that made me think that it might have just needed some time... But I just don't think that time is going to change the way that I feel." You explained in one large breath sighing once you had said it but then stiffening immediately at the silence. "I'm glad that you told me that." He finally said as he moved your face so that you were looking at him. "I've seen the way that you and Chris are together and I know that you would be happier with him." "What?" You asked as you looked at him. "I'm not blind, you two are far better together than you and I are." He smiled and you looked at him. "I'm sorry." You said as you looked down again. "Don't apologize, we can't control what our heart wants so just do me a favor and sort things out with Chris yeah?" He asked and you nodded. "Sure." You answered.
That was a few days ago now and even with Wyatt being the one to tell you that you should pursue a relationship with Chris, you still felt like you were betraying him. You jumped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at the door, you walked over and opened it "Oh your okay." Chris breathed as he saw you standing at the door. "Yeah, I'm fine." You answered. "You haven't been around in a while, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." He explained and you nodded. "I'm fine." You said again. "Wyatt told me what happened..." He said, "that you two broke up." "Yeah, it just wasn't working out." You answered. "He said that you'd probably still be around though," Chris said and you looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm trying to work through some things." You explained. "You mean breaking up with Wyatt because you like his brother?" Chris asked and you froze. "How do you know that?" You asked. "I heard you both talking that day." He answered. "I was hoping that it was going to be a little easier than this but how about this, I'm going to be home tomorrow night and you can come over if you want." "Alright, Chris." You nodded as he smiled before turning and leaving your apartment.
The next day you spent all of your time thinking about whether or not you were going to go, that is until you remembered the promise that you had made to Wyatt. You knocked on the door and waited "Hi." Chris said as he opened the door, you smiled at him and he stepped to the side to allow you in. You both decided to watch a movie and while it started slightly awkward things were getting back to the way that it was before. You were watching the movie and quickly realized that it was actually scarier than you thought, you were curled up on one side of the sofa but jumped when something popped up on the screen, you didn't even realize that you had buried yourself in Chris' side until you heard him chuckle "you okay?" "I wasn't expecting that." You mumbled hands twisting into his shirt. "You fight worse than this all the time, you're a witch." He reminded you but you just pushed yourself closer to him. "No this is different." You answered. "If you say so," He smiled down at you wrapping an arm around you "don't worry, I'll keep you safe from everything." "You promise?" You asked. "I promise." He answered, dressing a kiss to the top of your head as you both continued to watch.
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Chris Halliwell x OC imagine: Chris (part 2/4)
(set in mid 2025.
power/s: umbrakinesis)
Valerie had taken a spot on a couch in the living room, marked by a ring of books that either hovered or laid down. The Book of Shadows sat open on the coffee table. She telekinetically flipped pages with a finger, her dark brows narrowed.
Wyatt entered from the sitting room, carrying the last seven of Valerie's journals and books. His dad helped bring the books in, and divided it between themselves so he and Uncle Coop could read from the sunroom, and Mom could read from the kitchen while she was making Valerie a dessert. 
He blinked away the memory of a younger Valerie in that same state. "The city library is the last I heard from her. She went looking for books about school, but I doubt there's anything Wiccan in that."
Valerie hummed, "Nothing Wiccan; something Melinda. What about PJ? She sure as hell won't be a writer-gone-rogue on her own."
"I don't know." Wyatt heaved a deep sigh. "All Aunt Phoebe sensed was a lust for blood. I healed Uncle Coop in time when they beamed here, but just barely."
Valerie shut the book on her lap and tossed it aside, pushing her hands against the bridge of her nose with a frustrated huff. "What is going on...?"
The strings of the couch she was sitting on, and of the nearby carpet, began to unravel, along with the leathers on some of her books. Wyatt set the books down and waved a hand, restoring everything that Valerie's projection power affected. So she still struggled with control there...
He gently removed the book beside her and sat, placing a tentative arm on the headrest at her back. "We'll find them. You'll scold their ears off, give them a good smack upside their pretty little heads, and make fun of them for turning into..." he gestured to a book opened on a page about empousa. ".. then we'll look back on this day, and I'll laugh at how neurotic you still are."
Her frown broke into a smile. "I am not!"
"Yes, you are! You wouldn't be perfect for Chris otherwise."
"I am n—"
His mother paused at the threshold. "Would you like some blueberry cheesecake with that denial?"
Valerie threw her an unimpressed look, and Wyatt sniggered. 
"Sorry." Mom's smile spread. "Here. For returning to this mess, and staying anyway."
"I'd be suspicious if things are going too well. Thanks."
"Also, Chris called." Valerie's grip on the plate nearly slipped, and mother and son laughed in delight. "He said he'll check in the Enchanted Forest again before coming back here to help."
Wyatt nudged Valerie on the other shoulder. "Ooh, he's on his way~"
"I see he still doesn't like you."
"Psh. He loves me." Both of them were momma's boys, after all.
After Mom returned to help guard PJ, Wyatt recalled their progress. "Few witches have turned into empousai before, even in the things you wrote, but they all turned after a day. Melinda and PJ were fine this morning, but they turned at around twelve in the afternoon. How likely is it that being Halliwells isn't the only cause of that?"
"Very likely, actually."
He was going to ask something about her time in Epirus when suddenly, she stared off into space. It was more of an epiphany than inspiration, this time. "Few witches have turned into empousa before..." She met his gaze, her blue-gray eyes clearer. ".. witches..."
"I see your brain gears working, but we already tried to tap into both of PJ's sides separately and simultaneously, Valerie." She rose to her feet. "She's still caged like an animal." 
"Have you tried tapping into her empousa side?" 
"No." Then it dawned on him. "No, no. Ree, don't—Ree!" 
Valerie stomped back to the family room and noticed Uncle Coop sinking into his seat. PJ whipped her head towards her, the movement so animalistic that it was almost too easy to raise her hand and aim for her airway. She didn't know who asked her to stop, but she didn't listen. She created a black, translucent force field between Coop's and the crystals'.
Wyatt arrives, glancing at his parents to make sure they were alright. Both of them looked prepared to fight. 
"Take yours away."
"What?" Coop breathed. "Take your force field away, Uncle Coop!" Valerie looked at him, pleading.
The empousa in the crystals grinned wickedly. "Make this easier for me."
"Wraiths are better than you."
It hissed, offended. Valerie lowered one palm, aiming for PJ's hip area where the three legs began. A choked sound slipped through her mouth. Then, Valerie forced its mind open to let her in. 
The Pindus mountains burned under the sun, and any empousai that crossed the right flank burned under Valerie's swords. Her left one buried into an empousa's neck, as her right slashed across its torso, cleanly severing the six different legs. With each breath, Valerie--or Valeria, as she called herself here— cut them down by the legs. The screams hammered into PJ's head, shrill over her own.
The nostalgia grounded Valerie. "It stops if you speak the truth."
The empousa in PJ glared up at her. "Soifig was a coward to yield to you."
"... wrong truth." from the force field she made, a dark hand reached out and grabbed hold of the empousa's hoof. Valerie shut her eyes to focus, squeezing harder with her power until the yelling she heard changed pitch.
She opened her eyes, and it was Chris who stared up at her... or at least, Chris with three different legs. 
Wyatt stepped up to her side, half confused, half smug. "Why'd she shift into Chris?"
"To piss me off." she waved, levitating and turning the empousa upside down. It instantly looked unsettled. "Honestly, it's working."
Crashing and breaking rang from different directions, followed by numerous footsteps simultaneously. Everyone turned towards separate entryways, bracing, but still too slow to stop the stream of hirudin that burned Coop's back. Wyatt waved another jet past Valerie's head, hitting the empousa as it broke through the window, smug to have injured one of them.
A six-legged one aimed to fire at Wyatt, but Piper threw out a hand, freezing him in place. 
She blinked, raising her other hand. "Oh, I didn't mean to do that—"
"No!" said Valerie, "Spare one!"
Valerie turned her head and fired a shadow blast at the four-legged empousa who kicked the crystals around PJ, leaving it to the force field to keep her contained. Using the same hand, Valerie's telekinesis grabbed a copper hoof and crushed it to tiny, shining grains. 
Wyatt finally reached his uncle, and orbed with him to Piper and Leo's side. 
Valerie asked the still hovering empousa. "Did all that yelling summon them?"
It grinned widely at her.  
She clenched her jaw. "Noted." 
Her twin swords materialized in her hands, and her grip both tightened and relaxed at the same time — a nostalgia of a different sort. Wyatt came to her side, his hands lighting up as he braced to fight.  
Valerie flicks her wrists, smiling wolfishly as her blades caught the light. "Gimme them toes."
Afterwards, Valerie collected the information from the extra empousa, and added it to the pile that everyone helped separate from the destroyed books.
Wyatt picked up an intact page and stared between the five books he gathered. "I thought empousai could only shift after they read the mind of their victim?"
"They can. I put down my mental shield, and then the empousa shifted into Chris."
Valerie felt his attention on her, and paused from scribbling to throw him a dirty look. "We needed to stall for time. The transformation takes an entire day, remember? Don't get any ideas."
"Did his face flash in your mind? The resemblance was so uncanny." she could hear him smile. "Getting to you through your Pretty Boy feels more like a tried and tested fact to me than an idea—"
She threw her hands up, and with it, the journal she held. The corner of her mouth was curling up. "You know what, I've had it up to here with you—"
"Mom, are you alright?"
Her breath hitched. That's how he sounds now?
"Oh yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine." Piper's voice replied from the dining room. "What about you? Did you find your sister?"
"Not sure yet. Where's the Book?"
Footsteps sounded. Wyatt grinned a fiendish grin. Valerie glared at him. "In the living room with Wyatt..."
The empousa could never imitate the green of his eyes.
".. and Valerie." Aunt Piper stood behind him, smiling with what Valerie recognized as contentment. 
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imaginefan · 3 years
I Remember
Chris Halliwell X F!Reader
Word Count: 1076
Requested: Anon
Request: I really liked the preference what you wrote for how Chris tells you how he feels about you. Can you make it into a one-shot and if he makes it back or not ? AND Could you please make a story of Chris and reader who is also a witch, shy around Chris and he has his suspiciousion she likes him and she avoids him at all costs she gets all quite when they touch. He teases her about it tries to get her to admit her feelings for him cause he also feels the same way but he doesn't make a move in case he is wrong. Something cute and lots of fluff please, lots of flirting. Charmed :3
*Original Preference*
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You had known Chris since Magic School but you had always been shy, he befriended you and you ended up becoming one of their closest friends. As Chris got older you found it harder and harder to talk to him because you really liked him, he was the one that made sure that you were safe, he was the one that made sure that you had everything that you needed or that you had eaten or gotten enough sleep. Chris just made your heart flutter every time that he talked to you. Chris felt exactly the same, although at the time he didn't know that, as he got older he realized what it was that he was feeling and your shyness gave him more confidence and so he started to tease you, he would corner you any chance that he got, he'd then fluster you and most of the time some Wyatt related problem would come up and he'd always tell you he'd come back.
Today was no different. You were helping him get his supply of standard potions up to date since Wyatt was getting a lot rowdier and you were sure that he was planning something, you wanted to make sure that he and the rest of his family had everything that they needed to be safe. "What are you doing there?" Chris asked, his lips next to your ear, he let his chin rest on your shoulder after speaking. "I'm fixing the fact that you have an empty potions cabinet." You answered as you gestured over to the somewhat dusty cabinet off to the side. "Mmm." He hummed as he used his arms to cage you against the desk as you leaned forward to get an ingredient, when you leaned back your back came into contact with his chest and it made you jump, you would have stepped forward but you could feel the table at your waist there was nowhere to go. "What are you doing?" You asked. "What? Nothing..." He answered. "Does this bother you?" He asked as his eyes moved to your face. "Your face is all red are you okay?" His hand lifted to touch your forehead but he stopped midway as he seemed to have been distracted by something. "I've got to go, I'll be back."
Chris did come back but this time you were at your own apartment you were watching something on the T.V though you were paying much attention to it so when Chris knocked on your door "That was quick... Were you waiting for me?" He asked as he leaned forward face inches from yours. "You're too close." You muttered as you took a step back turning towards the house, you walked back to where you were sitting on the sofa and Chris followed behind you, he sat next to you and then after a second he collapsed onto your la, eyes closing as he groaned. "I'm so tired." He mumbled pressing his face into your stomach, he felt that you stopped breathing for a second before you slowly started again. "I need to find a way to fix this." "Fix what?" You asked not noticing your hand running through his hair. "This thing with Wyatt, there must be some way to fix it." He said softly. "Maybe you should sleep on it..." You suggested.
The next morning Chris wasn't there and you didn't think much of it you assumed that he was off doing something important, you continued with your day the way that you usually do, going to work, coming home and cleaning the house, in the evening there was a knock at the door “I’m about to do something really crazy and I need to tell you that I love you before I do,” Chris said as you opened the door to him, your eyes widened at the confession gesturing for him to come in so that you could talk properly. “What are you talking about?” You asked. “I have to save Wyatt.” He said and you nodded. “Right, so what are you going to do to save him?” You asked. “I’m going back to before he was evil.” He answered. “When your parents younger?” You asked. “That’s the crazy thing that you’re doing?” “I had to let you know that I love you, there’s a good chance that I’m not going to come back from this and I know that once I changed everything you won’t remember this conversation but I needed to know that I said it once.” He explained. “You know you're going to have to tell me all over again when you get back.” You smirked. “If I get back,” He shrugged. “When you get back.” You corrected. “I’ll be waiting for you so promise.” “I promise.” He said softly. “You promise what?” You asked leaning forward slightly. “I’ll come back.” He finally promised and you pressed your lips to his in response.
You waited for months for Chris to come back, you found a potion that protected your mind from any alteration that changing time would cause and you waited for him, you wondered if he would forget about you when he came back, you worried that you were going to be left with memories that no one else had in a world that you didn't belong in. You were sitting on your sofa with a large tub of ice cream when there was a knock at the door, you got up and opened it, your eyes widened as you looked at Wyatt, he looked different and he hadn't immediately tried to kill you so you figured that Chris had been successful. "Have you seen Chris?" He asked. "No..." You answered as you frowned. "He isn't home?" "No, he said that there was something that he needed to do and I thought that he would be here." Wyatt shrugged. "If you see him, will you tell him that I am looking for him, he needs to come home ASAP." "Sure." You nodded watching him walk away before closing the door, you jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. "I told you that I would come back." He said softly "please tell me that you remember." "I remember." You said softly. "Good." He said before turning you to face him and pressing his lips to yours, pulling you as close as he could "all I thought about was coming back to do that."
Requests and general question!
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imaginefan · 2 years
Body Swap *Part 2*
Chris Halliwell X Reader
Word Count: 684
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you make a part two of body swap? It brings them closer together and somehow they both themselves flirting more subtle making jokes etc. Until one day it comes out and they admit their feelings.
*Part 1*
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Chris took you up on that offer after the body swap incident and you had no problem with it, you liked having him there it made you feel safer. Chris however was starting to feel the effects of having to sleep on a sofa for a week, his back and neck were killing him and he was thinking that it was probably time for him to go home and get a proper night's sleep, unfortunately, he just didn't want to leave you. You wandered into the living room and waved as you walked towards the kitchen, he smiled as his eyes followed you before he stretched, he groaned as you walked back out of the kitchen. "I hope that's not because you're sick of me." You smiled as you walked over tapping his legs and asking them to move them so that you could sit down.
"No, not you." He smiled as he pulled your legs up onto his lap. "My back hurts a little." "Your back? Because of the sofa?" You asked as you looked at him with concern in your eyes. "maybe you should go home before it gets worse." "You want me to leave?" He asked. "No, of course not." You frowned. "I love having you here but I don't want you to be hurt." "Why don't you help me out?" He asked. "How?" You asked. "You wanna use my bed tonight?" "Are you going to be in it?" He asked. "Do you want me to be?" You answered his question with a question and he smiled before leaning forward. "I would love that." He pressed a kiss to your forehead, you rolled your eyes before pushing his shoulder. "What do you actually want?" You asked. "Massage." He answered, you looked at him for a second before nodding, gesturing for him to turn around. "I don't know if I'm going to be any good at this, I don't really do it very often," you admitted and he shrugged. "I'm sure anything will help." He answered.
You went about the rest of your day as normal but you felt bad about Chris' back and you knew that he was still going to be there when you got back from working and running errands. You sighed as you climbed the stairs as you thought about how you could fix the problem, the only way was for the both of you to share your bed and let's be honest you didn't have a problem with that. You opened the door to your apartment and smiled when you saw him sitting on the sofa as he usually was "you're not with Wyatt?" You asked. "No, there was nothing to do today, just a few low-level demons running around." He answered with a shrug. "Cool, you want to help me cook then?" You asked. "Sure," He smiled as he stood up following you into the kitchen. you guys cooked and ate together before sitting and watching TV before deciding that it was time to go to bed, you stood up but you turned to Chris. "You can come sleep with me if you want." You suggested but as soon as the words came out of your mouth you knew that it sounded very different from what you meant and you winced at it. "Really?" Chris asked. "I know you're not offering what it sounds like... Unless you are." "No, I meant that we could share the bed, you know because of your back and everything." You mumbled. "You know I wouldn't be opposed to the other thing." He smirked as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Wait what does that mean?" You asked. "You want to sleep with me?" "I want more than that, you are very pretty." He said as he walked towards your bedroom. "You know you're not too bad yourself." You said as you turned to follow him, he smiled as he pulled you chest to chest with him. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." You nodded lips inches away from each other. "Noted." He said softly before pressing his lips to yours.
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