#chris x malia
babygirldilf · 1 year
Teen Wolf is such a cring worthy and stupid series I love it so much and if you don't have that kind of relationship with your fav tv shows then what the hell are you doing. It is not perfect it is stupid and dumb and the queerbaiting is off the charts but I fucking love it like YES gimme hot guys howling like wolfs and looking fucking amazing while baring their fangs and ripping another guy up!!! make malia and kira dance together!!!! show me me all the dilfs!!!!!!! a hot guy on fire!!!!!!!!!! give me reasons to ship almost anyone and everyone together fuck yes it is so so so goddamm stupid I fucking love it
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
The only reaction I want to Stiles finding out about Derek’s death:
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If it doesn’t end with Stiles saving Derek from Bardo after he’s set the entirety of Beacon Hills on fire I don’t want it.
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crawling out of the woodwork to share this idea that's been plaguing me for about a week now...
I just can't stop thinking about Theo walking into a room to see Y/N on their phone- and I mean that's not really strange in and of itself but the look of concentration is just astounding, so he gets curious obviously and just...
"what are you looking at?"
And Y/N without missing a beat, not even looking up, just answers: "oh i'm reading werewolf p*rn."
Because the thing about a/b/o fics is that they don't really apply to what we know of the werewolves in Teen Wolf, but there's just enough commonality that I think, even if you don't actually read a/b/o fics irl, it's easy enough to rationalise you stumbling across them in universe, and I feel like if you apply the context of Teen Wolf to finding a/b/o fics, it just gets a little funny?
Also, bonus if, say, 20-30 minutes later Scott or someone walks in just to find Y/N in the same position, but this time Theo's leaning over the back of their chair, reading over their shoulder with furrowed eyebrows and just...
Scott: "What are you two looking at?"
Theo and Y/N, deadpan: "Werewolf porn."
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azraphels · 1 year
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Chapter 5 - Vigilante Shit {Thiam}
Peter got back up, opening his eyes and screaming with the tape still over his mouth, thus startling Corey who screamed at the top of his lungs as Theo took one of the small horse darts he had and drove it violently into his leg, causing him to fall back into the seat.
Theo and Corey looked at each other, Corey completely shocked and Theo amused, shrugging.
Theo started the car, slammed on the brakes and roared the engine ready to go.
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themultifandomgal · 5 months
Ok so for those who voted for Teen Wolf who would you like to see more of?
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jtmarx · 2 years
So I was going through my documents and found a TW fic I have no memory of writing.  Idk where I was going with it, so imma just post it here
The first day of the new school year is rainy, which Liam thinks is appropriate.  As if today couldn’t get any worse.  Scott hasn’t even been gone two weeks and Liam already feels the pressure weighing on his shoulders.  For so long, Scott’s presence seemed like it would last forever.  
But now, Malia was in charge.
Which would be more comforting if she wasn’t attending classes at Beacon Hills Community College, which was on the other side of the city.  And if ninety percent of the problems in Beacon Hills didn’t happen to begin at the high school.
Liam flinches when a hand clamps down on his shoulder.  He smells Mason before he sees him, turning his head to look behind him as he relaxed.
“You alright bro?  You were just standing there.  Usually that’s Lydia’s thing and it never turns out good.”  Liam laughs and just like that, most of the pressure is gone. He looks up to see Hayden and Corey walking towards them and Liam realizes he’s going to be okay.
Scott’s been on the fence about a lot since he started college.  The most pressing matter being Theo.  While the shorter boy had sworn up and down he was just ‘here for school’ and that ‘he didn’t even know Scott was going here’, Scott couldn’t help the feeling that Theo was lying.
But sixteen weeks is a long time to worry about your roommate murdering you.  Again.  And so Scott decides to trust him to a degree.  Scott still waits until after Theo is asleep before passing out and he would wake up first if Theo wasn’t such an early riser.
And then there’s the matter of telling his mom and Stiles.  Both of them would worry their heads off if they knew Scott was rooming with Theo.  But Scott had learned that keeping secrets never turned out well.  And so tonight, he’ll call them.
“I swear to God, Scott, I will drive up there right now and-“
“I know Stiles,” Scott says wearily, beginning to regret letting Stiles keep Roscoe.  Scott didn’t doubt that Stiles could and would end their Skype call right now and be at UC Davis by nightfall.
“You can’t trust him, Scott.” Stiles warns, in reference to Scott’s new roommate, Theo.  Scott sighs in response.
“I know, Stiles.  But I can’t spend the entire semester worrying about being killed in my sleep either.”  Stiles is visibly agitated on the other side of the screen.
“Stiles…you have to focus on Quantico.  I’ll be fine here.  If a weekend goes where I don’t call you, then you can worry.” Scott watches as Stiles goes through a series of expressions before grudgingly agreeing.
That done, Scott calls his mom and the conversation isn’t much better.
Malia never appreciated the amount of eyes always on Scott.  But now they were on her, always just outside of her senses.  A twig snapping during one of Malia’s nightly patrols or a new car inside the parking lot – signs that someone was keeping eyes on her.
Satomi.  The Calaveras.  Gerard.  Chris. Various Alphas in the surrounding area. It seemed everyone had an interest in the pack led by the True Alpha and how it would fare in his absence.  
It is the beginning of another warm night as Malia begins her nightly patrol.  In her coyote form, she sprints beneath the moonlight, somewhat freed from the pressure of leading a pack and going to college.  She is near the Nematon when she notices, not for the first time, a black wolf.
Finally, Derek Hale has returned home.
Quantico is no cake walk. But, Stiles doubts he would have enjoyed it much if it were.  He enjoys the challenges, both physical and mental and loathe as he is to admit it, Stiles enjoys the lack of supernatural in the area.  Or at least, he had been.
But he feels the itch, the one that he’s felt his entire life.  He feels the need to explore things that may or may not be there, to push the boundaries of reality for the sake of simply knowing.  He decides to see if the government knows anything about the supernatural.
“But you’re not just going to ask one of your professors, who are FBI agents?”  Lydia asks over Skype, her tone on the friendly side of teasing.
“Like they’ll honestly tell me,” Stiles responds.  “Besides, it’s only fun if I find out the truth for myself.” Lydia simply rolls her eyes.
“You’re ridiculous.”
Derek has no issue with falling in line behind Malia.  She can be aggressive and a bit too blunt, but Scott trusts her to lead and so does Derek. Perhaps because she senses that Derek, despite his Alpha powers having come back, isn’t here to take over, Malia has no issue with acting for advice.  The two have developed a pretty good system.
No, the issue is Cora. She remembers a time when the Hale family completely ran the area.  She was young then, but she remembers packs meeting with Talia over every possible thing. Nothing happened in Beacon Hills or the surrounding area without it going through the Hale house.
But now Talia is gone. The Hale house is gone.  The Hale pack is gone.  And it’s ‘replacement’ has an Alpha who lives too far away to matter. Derek is an Alpha, but follows a Beta.
Nothing is right.  Cora is unsure anything ever will be again.
It’s a Tuesday when Scott is introduced to the supernatural around UC Davis.  His biochemistry professor’s words are still echoing in his head when Scott notes two individuals and a third towering over them menacingly.  He knows it’s not his business and he can hear Stiles telling him to stay out of it as he approaches them.
“Is everything okay here?” His tone is light, his body language nonaggressive.  The menacing turns his glare to Scott and stands up to his full height, an easy 6’4”.
“Walk away if you don’t want to get hurt, kid.”  He growls as his eyes flash yellow.  Scott inwardly sighs, knowing he should have listened to his inner Stiles, but also happy he didn’t.
Scott lets his eyes flash red and the menacing flinches, sputters, spouts off a senseless threat and stalks away with one last glare at his two victims and their savior.
“Hi, I’m Scott,” Scott says, turning to the two.
“I thought we were shapeshifters,” Malia states as she follows Chris Argent around the BHCC parking lot.
“You are,” Chris replies, keeping his eyes forward.  “It’s...a stupid naming convention.  Most hunters just refer to these guys as takers.”  
“Why takers?”  Malia asks, almost afraid she knows the answer. Chris doesn’t immediately respond, all but confirming her fears.
“Because they take their forms from other humans.”  The two continue in silence for a while longer before circling back to Chris’ car.  They had found nothing from the enigmatic taker that Malia had met earlier that day.
“This is bad, we have to find him before he kills again.”  Malia says, frustration clear in her voice.  Then, her phone begins to ring.
“Hello?”  She asks.
“Malia? It’s Hayden.  What does it mean if someone doesn’t have a scent?”
“Ah, Mr. Stilinski,” comes the voice of Dr. Reese, one of Stiles’ teacher and the woman currently overseeing the library. Stiles’ head snaps up, making it clear that whatever is on his computer is quite engrossing.
“Yes ma’am?” He asks, his amber eyes locking on her dark brown ones.  There’s a hint of amusement in her’s.
“Please don’t use the library computers for recreational browsing.  We offer campus-wide Wi-Fi for a reason.”  Stiles looks from her to his computer with a frown.
“I’m sorry, I was hoping that maybe I could find some references for a project I’m working on.”  He responds, not a total lie.  Dr. Reese’s face is unreadable.
“Oh?  I wasn’t aware that any of our professors were giving out projects about magical creatures.  May I ask which teacher?”   Stiles opens his mouth but then closes it.  With a sigh, he closes out the computer and heads back to his dorm.
Chris is talking to the pack about rumors of a pack war in eastern California when the door to the McCall front door is opened.  He gives his girlfriend an inquisitive look.
“Didn’t you lock that?” He asks, his hand lowering towards his holstered Glock.  The sound of heavy footsteps ring through the house and before anyone can react, a semi-familiar voice rings out.
“Chris!  Where the hell are you?!”  A second later, Isaac Lahey appears in the McCall kitchen.  His hair is significantly longer than Derek remembers, with curls descending almost past his shoulders and adding an additional two inches to his already impressive height.
There are various choruses of surprise and ‘welcome homes’, as well as confusion from the newer member of the pack.  Isaac ignores all of them, however, in favor of glaring at Chris, who has a grin on his face.
“Congratulations, you’ve passed your final test.  You made pretty good time, too.” He said lightly.
“What’s going on?” Melissa asks, voicing the question on everyone’s mind as Isaac and Chris stare at each other across her kitchen.
“He left me in France!” Isaac roared and for the first time, Chris seems to be genuinely concerned.
“Isaac, I told you that I couldn’t be there for the final hunter test,” Chris says calmly.  Isaac throws his hands in response.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to desert me on the other side of the planet!” Isaac takes a deep breath and some of the tension seems to exit the room.  Still, everyone’s eyes bounce back between Chris and Isaac.
“I know how you feel, Isaac, I do.  My dad dropped me off in India.  It sucks.”  Chris says before taking a few cautious steps towards Isaac.  There is a short pause before the older man wraps his arms around Isaac.
“But know this.  I am so proud of you.”
“Lydia?”  A vaguely familiar voice exclaims, causing Lydia to turn around.  She’s surprised to see Danny with a wide grin on his face. A similar smile brightens her face as she goes to hug him.
“Danny!  It’s been forever!  How have you been?”  She asks. They are just outside of the west campus, with a soft breeze making its presence felt outside of Danny’s apartment.
“I’ve been doing well. Come on in, we just made chicken alfredo!”  Danny quips, clearly excited.  Lydia nearly asks who ‘we’ entails when she sees Jackson coming out of the kitchenette.
“Oh, hey Lydia.” Jackson says, his voice on the softer side of normal and his face more peaceful than Lydia has ever seen. The two close the distance and wrap their arms around each other.
“It’s good to see you again, Jackson.”
“You too, Lydia.”
Liam has never been a big fan of change.  It simply wasn’t in his nature.  And yet, over the course of a few weeks, his entire pack had been almost completely reinvented.  Malia was still, nominally, in charge.  But now Derek and Isaac were here, two people Liam hardly knew.  
He did appreciate how understanding both of them were, however.  Nominally, both of them had authority, but they never held it over Liam.  Still, it was strange taking orders from them. Scott and Malia have always been lenient with orders.  But when Derek or Isaac tell Liam something, they expect him to listen.
Liam has never been a big fan of being told what to do either.  It simply wasn’t in his nature.
Theo is crushing on Scott. It’s a fact that he has been avoiding since they became roommates, but with every passing day it gets more difficult. It’s pathetic, really.  Theo didn’t get crushes.  He was the one who people got crushes on.
And yet here they were, hunting some piece of shit Alpha who had spent the past few months brutally abusing his pack until they revolted and began a civil war.  And Scott, God bless him, took it upon himself to fix the issue.
Which is why Theo is stuck in his truck on the side of the road, with Scott passed out in the passenger side seat.  
And now Theo is here staring at Scott with an ache in his groin and his heart, thinking about what could have been.
Malia likes having Isaac as a training partner.  He’s had training as a werewolf, a hunter, and abuse victim and it shows every time they fight.  He is far taller than her and he uses every inch to his advantage.  He is inventive and to this day, he has yet to try the same trick twice.
Today he has snuck in a small dagger and he wields it like an extra limb.  The spar is exhilarating, nearly to the point of a real fight.  
And when the two of them are done sparring, they race to the shower.  They don’t bother with waiting for one to go first.  After all, when they’re done showering, they’re just going to have sex anyway.  
It’s light and fun, the lack of feelings freeing for both of them. 
Braeden has found herself growing accustomed to Beacon Hills.  It’s big enough for her to be an anonymous face but small enough for her not to get lost in a sea of faces.  She works for Argent now, nominally, although she is hardly there.
She doesn’t have to work while she’s with Derek.  Somehow, the man keeps a small fortune even with all of the fully stocked safehouses he owns.  But she needs something to do.  So she takes jobs, mostly protection.
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nickssidewitch · 5 months
Is It Destiny?
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Destiny, an upcoming YouTuber, meets Matt Sturniolo in a café in New York City. They part ways after their brief encounter there, but keep up with each other online. What will happen when they meet up in person again for the first time in months?
Warnings: Fluff, Meet-Cute, Smut (SoftDom!Matt x Sub!OC), First Orgasm, dry-humping/grinding, Oral (Male-Receiving) w/ deepthroating
(And yes, the Layla in this fic is the same Layla of my previous fic, “Chris’s Dilemma” as this is technically a chapter 2 of a series I plan on writing!! 🥰)
New York’s colder than what Destiny remembered of it. The gray, fuzzy sky blew a sharp, chilly breeze that pricked the skin of her face every time it brushed against her.
She was there from Florida– a big difference in climate to New York– for a Creator Summit that YouTube was hosting, one that she had attended for a few years now. It proved to be a great networking event for her and many other creators. She’d already met so many good friends and coworkers there, so she decided she should give this year a go.
Among those she had met was her best friend Layla, who has been a close companion of hers since the very first time she went to the Creator Summit.
Layla at the time was a creator on the rise, gaining popularity with her makeup tutorials, travel vlogs, and fashion hauls, while Destiny was simply a consumer of Layla and other creators’ content, deliberating on whether or not she should join the industry as well. While walking through the streets of Miami, where her first Creator’s Summit was held, she stumbled upon Layla vlogging her own experience for her channel. And after the two shared their greetings, they’d become inseparable since.
The second Summit that Destiny attended was where she met two other friends, Dawn and Malia. Dawn was a full-time musician and part-time YouTuber, and she was set to perform for both days of the Summit, which was why Destiny was there a week earlier. Malia, a sports journalist who was the wife of one of the biggest soccer players in the world, occasionally made her own Youtube videos as well. They all would hang out together from then on, forming their own little group that not only they loved, but the fans loved as well.
As she walked down the bustling pavements of the loud and proud city, she came across a little coffee shop. It was genuinely little: not more than 20 chairs, two at each table, and some content patrons enjoying their drinks as they sat at each one. Some were on their computers, a couple of what looked like college or highschool students were probably having small conversations about the latest school gossip, and a cute elderly couple sat with what Des believed to be their granddaughter. It was such a small and intimate community in this café, and Des was happy to join them, even if only for about 15 minutes, to escape the chilly autumn winds and the rush hour of the city.
She walked up to the line and waited her turn, looking up at the menu options to figure out what drink best suited her mood for now. The problem, however, was that Destiny was quite an indecisive person. Whenever she was presented with options of anything, she never had any idea to come up with a final answer, and would usually depend on someone else’s response. A curse, indeed.
Almost as if they could sense this exhausting personality trait of Des’s, a voice spoke up beside her. “I personally like the cinnamon cappuccino,” it suggested.
Destiny looked over at where the voice was coming from; it was a young man, seemingly around the same age as her, with short brunette hair, striking blue eyes that laid under hooded eyelids. His thin lips were a cute shade of baby pink that arched in a warm smile at her. She looked down at his hands— his attractive, veiny hands adorned with the prettiest rings and tattoos— and noticed him holding a small cup of what she would assume was the cappuccino he suggested to her.
“Oh, th- thank you,” was all that Des could manage to reply with. Her brain was still processing what was happening. That man is too pretty to be interacting with me, she thought to herself. She truly didn’t believe it.
“No problem!” He said with the same warm and pretty smile on his lips. His voice was subtle in his suggestion– not overenthusiastic or pushy– yet it was so charming and approachable. He took a sip of his beverage and licked his lips before speaking again. “It seemed like it was your first time here, so I just wanted to help you out somehow.”
“Oh, well, thank you for that,” Des chuckled and continued, “It is my first time here actually. I lived in New York for a little bit, but relocated to Florida with my family. Last time I was here was around 10 years ago, and this café wasn’t here at the time.” She walked up one spot in the line as it was nearing her time to place her order, but the man walked up with her, almost as if he came to the café with her. Usually Des would have an issue with this— some random man walking up to her out of nowhere and starting a random conversation— but something about this man made her feel comfortable. He intrigued her, not just appearance-wise, but something about his aura. So, she didn’t mind his actions at all.
“Oh, Florida? The weather must be a huge shock for you, then,” The man laughed to himself. “Why come to New York in the winter? The aesthetics? Or you wanted to do some free cryotherapy?”
Des laughed and made another step closer to the café employee. “Nah, I’m here for…” She paused as she thought about how to word this– she didn't want to seem like another one of those pompous influencer girls. As the lightbulb lit up in her head, she smiled and continued with her answer, “For a work event.”
“A work event, huh?” The man inquired. Des noticed a smile creep up on his lips and she swore she could hear a small chuckle escape. Did he catch onto her vagueness? “I don’t wanna seem like a creep, but does it have to do with YouTube stuff?”
Shit. He got me.
Des responded, “Um, yeah. It’s YouTube stuff. A little summit for creators”.
“Oh, I’m aware of the event,” he reassured her with a slyness to his voice, almost like he was familiar with the event (he was, obviously). “I’m Matt,” the boy introduced himself, extending his hand for Des to shake it. The warm and welcoming smile never left his lips. “I noticed I didn’t really introduce myself. My bad.”
Des shook Matt’s hand, but the moment their hands touched, it felt like her knees started to wobble. His hand… wow. The skin was so soft and warm. She could finally feel the veins that she noticed when she first looked at them. The rings adorned on his fingers were cold to the touch, causing her to wince internally. Her mind started to wander into places it probably shouldn’t wander the first time you meet someone— things of a rather erotic nature— but she quickly caught herself and managed to utter, “My name’s Destiny, but people call me Des for short.”
He repeated her name to himself, “Destiny?”, and a smile appeared on his lips. “I love that name. It suits you. Really pretty.”
Des’s cheeks grew warm and a tinted darker brown as her brain processed Matt calling both her and her name pretty. Did he know he was a pretty boy? She should tell him? Should she? Would that be weird? Who cares? Maybe he would be flattered. Or maybe he wouldn’t? Maybe he-
“So, you mentioned you were here for the Creator Summit?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts. Des nodded, and Matt chuckled to himself before continuing. “I’ve been there with my brothers, since we’re creators. It’s a good event. Lots of nice people there. You can meet creators old and new. It’s a great way to network.”
“Yeah, it’s not my first time going there actually,” a smile began to beam on her face as she thought of her first two times there, and memories of her, Layla, Dawn, and Malia meeting popped up in her mind. “I met some of my closest friends there a couple of years ago.”
“Aw, that’s really sweet,” Matt took a sip of his own hot cocoa before continuing, “Maybe you’ll make more friends this year.”
There was a beat of silence between the two of them as they both took their respective times deliberating on what to say next. And then Matt offered something that Des would have never believed.
“Maybe we can be friends?” He asked, before his brain caught up with what he was saying, causing him to clear his throat and follow with a nervous chuckle. He clarified, “Not just ‘creator friends’, but maybe something more?”
Des’s heart didn’t skip beats this time; she could have sworn it fully stopped beating for 5 seconds. She noticed a blush appear on Matt’s face before she averted her eyes from him.
Matt noticed her look away for a bit, and he made his eyes travel to find hers again, wanting to decipher if she was weirded out by the question or if she was just thinking about it. He did word it kind of weirdly, but maybe she didn’t take it that way.
Her next words confirmed the latter. “Sure. We can be friends,” she finally answered with a smile on her face, and Matt was relieved.
The more Matt studied her face, the more he noticed how cute of a nervous wreck she was. The way her cheeks seemed to grow more of a rosy undertone, the slight tremble of her hand as she held her coffee cup, the way she would never give him direct eye contact unless he manually brought his eyes to hers. He could understand it though; meeting new people is always difficult.
“Cool!” He said, and with that, it was time for Des to order her drink. “One medium cup of your cinnamon cappuccino, please,” Matt could hear her order, and he was warmed by her actually taking up his suggestion.
Des finally finished with her order and stood by the side of the counter as she waited for her drink. “So, ‘friends’,” She uttered to herself and looked towards Matt, who heard what she said and nodded in agreement.
“Yep, friends,” he returned. “And since we’re friends, maybe we can keep in touch?” Matt caught his words and realized how weird he must have sounded. So, he followed it up by saying, “I mean, you don’t have to give me your number or anything. E-mail is fine. Or something else; I don’t know,” all followed by a nervous laugh and trembling hands.
Des chuckled for a bit before she silenced herself, not wanting to seem like she was laughing at him or his obvious nervousness (she knew she probably came across as obviously nervous in his eyes). “Well, I never heard of friends exchanging emails; that’s more of an associate or coworker thing.” She heard Matt start to laugh, which gave her an okay to release the chuckles she kept to herself aloud alongside him. It was cute to see him flustered, but she appreciated him not wanting to seem too forward.
“Oh yeah, true. I just didn’t want to seem like I was pressuring you to give me your number or contacts or anything. I know how that could feel,” Matt reassured her, but he could tell by her body language that she seemed comfortable at the moment. Her smile was soft and warm, not forcing any teeth to fake her happiness. She wasn’t a loud talker, similar to him, and their auras just seemed to mesh so well together.
“I’ll give you my number and my Instagram,” she said as she pulled her phone out from her backpack.
Des took a sip of her cappuccino. The smooth and decadent flavor of the drink mixed with the presence of Matt as this moment soothed her in the midst of the New York pandemonium.
“So, where’re you going after this?” Matt asked her curiously.
Destiny took another sip of her drink. “I’m going back to my hotel,” she answered. “I heard it’s gonna rain later, and I know New York gets dark and kinda hectic when it rains.”
Matt laughed, “Yeah, it’s kinda like Massachusetts, where I’m from.” He drank his coffee and continued, “Everyone’s just in a rush to escape the weather.” Another minute of silence passed before he spoke up again. “Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel? I’m not busy right now, and I know the streets can kinda get confusing with the crowds and everything.”
Des blushed and stammered as her brain processed his question. “Um, well, I mean I don’t know- I don’t want to put you in the middle of all of that, too.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m kind of used to it by now, trust me,” he insisted, and he was indeed used to it, his mind flashing images of the crowds of fans that would follow him and his brothers in big cities like this. “I can help you carry your bag.” He directed his eyes to her backpack sitting on the chair next to hers.
Des blushed. “Oh, well, thanks so much, Matt,” she said with a genuine smile. She didn’t expect him to be so… chivalrous. It was attractive, but just not she was used to when it came to men.
The two got up from their seats, Matt lifting up the bag and her carrying her coffee, and left the small shop. He held the door open for her, as he knew a gentleman should.
Matt adjusted the strap of Destiny’s backpack as the weight tensed on his shoulder. He really didn’t mind carrying it for her though; she was worth the hassle. Des walked in front of him, leading the way as he happily followed. As he continued to walk behind her, he could smell sweet fragrances passing him by; the scents of the oils in her hair mixed with her perfume blended well together.
They both finally stopped and looked up at the marquee of the building which read “The Maximilian”. “Well, this is my hotel,” Des said.
Matt smiled and handed her the backpack. Their hands brushed against each other’s, causing Matt’s heart to skip a beat and Des’s breath to hitch. They weren’t expecting that brief touch, but it seemed as if it was fate’s doing, as if the divine had used invisible magnets in the pair’s hands that attracted them to each other.
Des let out a small chuckle as she regained her composure. “It was nice meeting you, Matt!” She said with a smile, and the man could have sworn his knees were nearly jelly as he heard her goodbye.
Matt smiled back. “You, too. I’ll text you, trust me,” he added the last part with the utmost sincerity. He hoped that she trusted him with that.
“I know you will,” Des said as her mouth just went with the flow of the moment, flirting with the man without even consulting with her brain first. Matt chuckled and began to wave goodbye as she walked into the hotel.
Des rushed to her room and quickly shut the door as she jumped onto her bed. She was like a giddy, giggly nerdy kid who just got the cool, popular boy’s attention at school, flailing her legs around excitedly and screaming into her pillow. Was she excited about talking to a cute boy? Yes. Was she also fighting for her life and having a lowkey panic attack because she spoke to a cute boy? Also yes. Was the screaming and kicking her feet up a mixture of the two emotions? Absolutely. And what happened a few minutes later set her off even more.
Ding! An unsaved number texted her, and the text read, “Hey, it’s me, Matt! It was nice to talk to you today! Enjoy that coffee. Hopefully we can talk again soon!” followed by a smiley face.
“Fuck me,” Des uttered to herself in disbelief of what she had gotten herself into.
Throughout the next 5 months, Matt and Des had been talking to each other on and off, sometimes about their growing Youtube careers, other times about casual things like their hobbies and their families. They would mainly text each other, but as they got more comfortable with each other, texts turned to Discord calls while playing Fortnite or silly little Roblox horror games, and silly littles games became late-night Facetime calls while doing their nighttime routines or while snuggled up in their beds. There were some nights where one would catch the other fallen asleep during the call. You know, the stuff friends do.
Matt would usually talk to her at night, but throughout the day he would find himself sending her little memes or even photos of things that reminded him of her. His brothers didn’t really know all the details. In fact, they virtually didn’t know anything other than the fact that they’d notice Matt sneaking texts underneath the table whenever they would eat together, that he’d get distracted on his phone when they filmed car videos, or that Matt was a bit more enthusiastic about waking up in the morning, sometimes even waking up earlier than the two of them, which was uncommon for him. It was weird, but at least they could acknowledge he seemed more up in spirits.
Destiny’s friends would ask her about the guy she was talking to, but she wouldn’t make it a big deal. “We’re not even dating,” she would say as an excuse, which was reasonable, of course. She didn’t feel it was appropriate to introduce them to someone she wasn’t even sure she would be romantically involved with. She didn’t want to get her hopes up to the point where a rejection would physically and mentally destroy her. She would, however, give them little details about him such as how he was a YouTuber, or that he had siblings, or how they met at the Creator’s Summit in New York. They would have little investigations (especially Layla) about who the mystery man could be. But up to this point, they still haven’t figured him out, which was great for Des.
Des and Matt’s friendship was working very well, even with the physical distances between them; Destiny living in Florida and Matt constantly traveling between California and Massachusetts. But that’s the thing: their relationship was long distance, and long-distance relationships can only go so far before the proximity becomes a problem. Des decided to bring it up one night during one of their FaceTime calls, stuttering her way through her part of the conversation as she tried to find the best wording for her suggestion to reunite with him in person. She was going to LA anyway to stay with her friends for a half-vlog-half-vacation trip, so she thought it would be nice to meet up with him, even just for a day or two.
Matt laid in bed as he received the information, seemingly calm if one looked at him from a distance, but his heart was actually pounding out of his chest. A heap of questions began to rush through his brain. She wanted to meet up with me? Oh my god, what does that mean? As friends or like… Oh gosh.
He simply nodded his head and gave her a promising smile. “Of course. I think it’s about time we hung out in real life again. We said we’d be more than just content or online friends, right?” His cheeks heated up as he heard Des’s cute little giggle from across the screen.
“Yeah, you’re right,” she replied. “So, I’ll text you all the details of my flight and my schedule and everything.”
“Okay, sure,” he said. As his anxiety grew, there were more thoughts. Fuck, is she coming to my house? Do I have to go to where she’s staying?
“It’s 2 AM already? Damn, I’m gonna go to sleep. I’m supposed to go to the nail salon with Dawn tomorrow.”
“Aw, okay. It was nice talking to you. Goodnight! Love y-” Matt quickly bit his lip as he heard the last two words about to slip from his mouth. Hopefully, she didn’t hear me.
“What’d you say?” Des asked. Thank God she had a genuine look of confusion on her face, and Matt mentally wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“I was saying ‘Goodnight and sweet dreams’”, he answered as he played off his Freudian slip. “The phone must’ve glitched.”
Des smiled. “Oh okay! Goodnight to you, too, Matt.” And the call ended.
And even more thoughts rolled in. Oh my God, what if I embarrass myself around her like I almost did? Does she even really wanna see me, or is she just saying that to be nice? What clothes do I wea-
“Matt!” A voice said, and a knock coming from his door snapped Matt back to reality. He realized it was Nick.
“Yeah?” he called back out.
“Is my charger in your room?” Nick opened Matt’s door a bit to speak to him more directly. “I texted you about it, but you didn’t answer, so I had to make this long ass, unnecessary trip all the way from my room to yours to ask you.”
Matt brushed off the shade and jolted to look around his bedroom and grabbed Nick’s charger as he noticed it on his nightstand. “Yeah, I got it. Hold on,” he said as he got up and walked over to his bedroom door, handing Nick the charger through the crack he had open.
“Thanks,” Nick expressed, before he saw the look on Matt’s face. “Are you good? You look pale… paler than usual,” he continued. He was joking with him, but there was a genuine concern there.
Matt raised his eyebrow at his brother. He knew why Nick would say that, but he had to deflect somehow. “I’m good! Don’t worry about it.” He feigned a smile.
“Well, that makes me worry.” Nick refuted.
“Well, I said don’t worry about it,” Matt snapped back, before sighing as he realized he was getting tense. “Trust me, I’m fine, Nick.”
“Okay…” Nick said with a hint of hesitation. “Well, goodnight. And keep your notifications on, please? I hate walking back and forth.”
Matt nodded and watched Nick walk off before shutting his door. A wave of relief caused him to sigh before walking towards his closet and taking a look inside. He analyzed each shirt and pants on the hangers and racks, leaving him with just one thought.
I guess I gotta prepare from now…
The door to Des’s place swung open and she looked around, taking in the view of the interior of the house she was staying in for the week. She was finally in LA for her little vacation trip with her friends, and thank God she was able to rent her own place for the time being.
As she finished getting herself settled in (and by finished I mean putting her luggage to the side until she remembers to unpack later), she decided to let everyone know of her arrival, including Matt. She laid onto her bed and texted him “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a little heart face emoji as the cherry on top. She placed her phone on her nightstand and connected it to her charger as she went into the bathroom for a quick shower to wash herself off.
Matt looked at his phone as it sat on the stand attached to the Desboard of his car, the ding interrupting his focus as he continued to drive home. He had just finished having a meeting about a book he was working on, one that discussed anxiety and mental health from both a personal and professional perspective. He had been working on this book as a secret kept from his fans for about ten months now, constantly holding meetings with co-writers and editors, as well as doing interviews with therapists of all kinds.
Matt tapped onto his phone and it revealed a message from Destiny which read “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a smiley heart face emoji. His heart jumped as he started to think about what his life will be like this week with her finally being in close proximity to him. They made a promise that they would hang out for some time while she was here for the rest of the month, he just had to figure out when and where exactly.
Luckily, he had some days where he wouldn’t be having book meetings. But, he had to figure out how to designate time away from Nick and Chris. He really didn’t want to, but he felt that he had to. He and Des weren’t technically dating, technically not even real-life friends outside of the half-hour they spent in that coffee shop in New York. Bringing her up out of nowhere to his brothers would make them confused, but hiding her from them also felt like a crime. He couldn’t risk it though.
As Matt arrived home, he quickly texted Des his itinerary for the week and called her, a smile never leaving his face as he began to suggest things that the two of them could do together. He told her about a cute crêperia where they had “the best crêpes he has ever had”, and about a little botanical garden that he recently went to with his brothers and his friend Madi. In the back of his mind, he could get her a special flower there? He chuckled as he thought of the millions of ways to express his gratitude for her coming all the way to LA wanting to spend time with him in the midst of her busy schedule. But… were they dates? Honestly…
He wasn’t even sure yet. Here came the self-doubt.
Today was their first day meeting in-person since their time at the café in New York.
Matt waited outside of a brunch place he had suggested for the two of them to eat. He kept his eyes peeled for Destiny; he didn’t want to miss a second with her.
After a few minutes of aimlessly scrolling through his phone to pass the time, he finally heard a familiar cute voice from his right side. “Hey!!” Matt turned and looked at Des holding her hand out for a shake. Almost as if his body reacted involuntarily, his arms wrapped around her body for a hug.
Des was startled at first, but his touch and the warmth of his body instantly calmed her. The two shared a tight embrace before Matt pulled away to look at her, all of her. “How’ve you been?”
She noticed his eyes on her, almost like he was examining her, which would make sense since their first time seeing their whole bodies in person after a while. “I’ve been well!” she answered with a smile, the same smile that almost made Matt want to fall to his knees back at the coffee shop where they first met.
“Yeah?” Matt asked rhetorically. But, the way he said it… something about it made Des’s heart jump. And not only her heart had that reaction; Des shifted her position a bit as she felt the bundle of nerves between her legs pulse. Her brain did its best to shove those nasty thoughts in a vault and lock it as she nodded her head and asked back, “How’ve you been?”
Matt answered, “I’m good. But, even better now that you’re here.” He smiled, causing Des to let out a small titter, not knowing how to really respond to that. The Generation Z jumped out and came to her rescue, following the small nervous chuckle with a “same”.
Matt chuckled back and said, “Well, we should head inside. I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause you’re gonna want to eat everything off this place’s menu.” Matt’s face lit up as he saw Des laugh at his joke. This girl really knew how to make his heart flutter without even trying. And with that, he placed his hand on her upper back, swung the door open, and escorted her into the building. He swore he could feel her breath hitch as he touched her.
Their little date went well. They spoke to each other with the same energy as they would usually do over the phone. It was face-to-face now though, which added an extra layer of intimacy amongst them. They started to notice things about each other, especially in their body language, that they had never noticed before, since those months on FaceTime they pretty much always saw each other from the chest up with the usual “fit checks” being the only full-body exceptions.
Every moment Des would glance up at him, he would already have his eyes on her, then would quickly look away as he realized she caught him. She noticed that he never looked at his phone other than to check a phone call from his brother Chris, giving her the green flag that he actually paid full attention to her. She saw how he would bite his lip every time she shifted herself in her seat, and how he would stroke his hand through his hair whenever she complimented him, a sort of nervous tick. It was cute.
Matt was just as observant. He would watch the way she ate her food from the moment she picked it up with a fork, to the way she would chew, to the way she would swallow and wipe her mouth in case anything was on her lips. He noticed her fidget in her seat, especially when she was being complimented or praised. She would even shift sometimes when he would crack a little teasing joke at her. It was cute.
How the fuck would they both get through the rest of the week if they kept studying each other like this?
To answer the question, it went pretty well despite Des and Matt being in their heads about it. They checked off every box they had planned in their joint itinerary, with Matt showing her in some of his favorite places in LA, and Des happily following along, happy to learn more about the area, Matt himself, and their personal dynamics together.
The final stop for this week was Matt’s office where he’d met up with book editors and publishers before. He had a meeting earlier that day and everyone had left, so he knew he could take her here. It would be perfect: no distractions, no people walking in to disturb the flow, he could show her around and give her the inside scoop about his project, and he didn’t have to worry about being around her with fans or anyone watching their every move. And the added bonus of him still wearing his semi-professional office clothes. Just perfect.
He walked her around the office, showing her concept boards and first drafts, and told her about his book. As he spoke, he noticed the way her face would light up. Did she like the book that much? Or did she like the fact that he liked making it?
They finally finished the tour, and now they’re sitting on the gray couch in the room together, wondering what to do next.
“It’s been nice to spend this week hanging out with you,” Matt said, the satisfaction in his tone aligning with the words he spoke. “I just really love your energy.”
Des’s heart skipped a beat as she registered his words. Love my energy? she asked herself. “We only met in person for at most 30 minutes in that café,” she said with a laugh, and then continued, “And now we’ve only spent a week sneaking around together. What’s there to love?”
Matt’s body shifted, spreading his legs in a more relaxed stance as he felt himself get a bit tense. She was right, he could admit to himself. It’s only been a week of talking to someone face to face for the second time ever and he’s making such a bold claim. But, he meant what he said, and explained, “I mean, you’re just such a sweetheart for one. You actually sit and listen when I speak, compared to other influencers I’ve met. With a lot of them, you can just see them thinking about how to turn a conversation we’re having into content for their next TikTok or YouTube video.” He paused as he noticed her doe-like eyes looking right at him, taking in every word, before continuing, “You can see it in their eyes: just ideas and thoughts flooding their brains, blurring their vision. But with you, when I look at your eyes, they’re so big and bright and clear. It’s like you’re listening not only with your ears, but with your eyes, too. They’re so… so beautiful.”
Des’s heart stopped. Literally stopped. Beautiful?...
She quickly mentally slapped herself to get back to reality after that word stopped her in her tracks. “Oh, um, thank you, Matt.” She smiled anxiously, and she noticed Matt glance down at her lips.
Matt’s legs spread a bit more as he could feel something coming on (more like something turning on…). He watched as Des bit her lip and shifted herself on her side of the couch. She was having the same reaction as him.
“Des, I’m serious,” he added onto his previous statements. “You’re beautiful. Not just looks-wise. Your personality… I just-” he bit his lip, his brain stopping him from continuing.
It was like his brain and his heart were fighting for dominance. Would it be logical for him to express his deeper feelings to her now? Or does he say “fuck logic– I’m just gonna tell her I love her”?
But there was a third opponent in this internal battle– and it wasn’t even internal. Matt kept his legs spread, trying his best to make his dick comfortable. He wasn’t getting a boner on purpose (he swears!), but Destiny was just too gorgeous. Her aura and her presence around him just made him get flustered, and ultimately, sexually frustrated.
He was just a man. Insert shrug here.
Matt patted the spot on the couch next to him and gestured over at Des for her to come beside him, and Des obliged, scooting up next to him until their thighs met.
At this point, they were looking into each other’s eyes, as if some force made them physically bound to stare at each other. Matt continued his confession telling Des, “I just wanna let you know, I really like you. I know we said we would be more than creator friends– which we are!” He paused to think about his next words. He absolutely did not want to fuck up this moment because of his anxious, misspeaking tongue. He sighed to relieve himself a bit and spoke again, “I know we’re friends and we’ve only been friends for some months now, and we’ve only hung out in person for a week and a day in total, but I feel something with you. It’s not just platonic.” He stopped himself from saying anything more for the moment because he really wanted to study her reaction. He knew that actions spoke louder than words, and that was very true in his and Des’s circumstances since they were both not the most outspoken people. The best way for him to really gauge Des’s thoughts was just by watching her.
He could see Des’s eyes wide and trance-like. They were staring into his own, but not actually looking at him at the moment. She was listening to him— the same way he told her that she truly listened to him with her eyes. And she was processing everything. Well, he did just admit his wholehearted more than platonic feelings for her, so it would make sense. He continued his admission, adding “I think I’m in love with you. I’m falling for you pretty hard. And it’s confusing since it’s so sudden, but I really wanna… try things out with you.”
Des bit her lip and shifted in her seat. Another nervous snicker, followed by an “Um..” made the somewhat hopeful look on Matt’s face start to dissolve. Did she not like what he said? Was she weirded out by him? Fuck… what if the feelings weren’t mutual? Or worse- what if she didn’t want to be his friend anymore?
“Matt?” Des’s voice interrupted the man’s thoughts. His eyebrows rose as his eyes jumped between her lips and her eyes, in some way to decipher what she was going to say next.
Des herself was also trying to decipher what she would say next. She wanted to immediately jump in Matt’s lap and kiss him. She wanted to just say “yes, yes, yes!” with pure excitement. She wanted to even satisfy him with her body, sealing the deal of any sort of romantic and sexual relationship. She wished she was just that type of spontaneous girl who could just love and accept him– all of him– with open arms.
But, she wasn’t. And she was well aware of it. All of her thoughts and feelings began to flood her brain, her mouth didn’t even know what words to form next. So, her eyes decided to take the reins.
Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, which juxtaposed the smile on her face. Were they tears of joy? She wished they were simply that: tears of joy. But, they weren’t. They were a mix of different feelings: a culmination of anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and joy that overwhelmed her. And her body just decided to release them all in the form of crying.
Matt saw her begin to sob, watched as her chest heaved in excess, how the tears just ran down her face without any force or strain, how little whimpers escaped her throat, and it absolutely devastated him. Des wasn’t just crying, she was having a nervous breakdown, a panic attack, a reaction his body was familiar with. He instantly coiled his arms around her, rubbing on her back to bring her back to some sort of tranquility. He let go of her after a few seconds, not wanting to make her feel claustrophobic, and placed his forehead against hers. It was like his body didn’t want to fully let go of her– it wanted to stay close and help her feel better. So, he began to start breathing, 4 seconds of an inhale, 4 seconds to hold his breath, 4 seconds of an exhale, and 4 seconds to hold once again, repeating the process intentionally to let Des follow at some point.
Des picked up on his breathing technique as her arms around him felt his respiration through his back. She began to follow his process, and after some time, it calmed her down. Matt and Destiny’s eyes met again as she looked up at him, and that’s when she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. It was her way of showing gratitude without a “thank you”, for words were not needed in that moment. All they needed was serenity. All they needed was each other; they were each other’s serenity.
As the moment continued and their comfort levels increased, Matt noticed Des getting closer to him, like she was trying to get on top of him. He helped her with this motion, getting her on top of his lap, and held her. His body cradled hers, not wanting to let go. If he could hold her like this forever, he would. Her aura, what he imagined was a light, fairy pink, blended with his sky blue to create the most beautiful shade of lavender. It looked like the way the sky would have a purple hue whenever the sun went down. A sunset— that’s what they were. She was the sun; shining more brightly than any other star in the universe. His world seemed to revolve around her. He was the Moon— one would only notice him if they looked up at the sky, and even then they probably wouldn’t see him at his full potential. Those mere, almost fleeting moments where the Sun and Moon would meet in the sky— their first meeting at the café in New York, the phone calls and texts they shared, and this whole full week of them being together in-person— created these beautiful colors of red, orange, and purple. And that’s what this blooming relationship between Matt and Des was: the purple hue of the sunset, where the Sun and Moon would enjoy each other’s company before they bid adieu to one another. The Sun’s light would still bask on him in the night, and on some days one could point out the glow that the Sun left on him even on their busiest days.
Des clung to Matt like a koala, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck. The two enjoyed each other’s warmth for a few more moments, truly engraving this moment in their bodies and minds. Des took it upon herself to make the next big move, to hammer a nail in their relationship.
Her lips pressed against his suddenly. Whether it was out of passion, comfort, or anything else, she didn’t quite know. But something about Matt helping her out of that state of vulnerability allowed her to break open her seal and release the spontaneity that she didn’t even know she had within herself.
Matt didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, following the movements of her lips with his own. She tasted the way he expected her to taste– like the mocha-flavored lip gloss she applied onto her lips after every meal they shared. It was divine and matched with her sweet, decadent composure. He knew at that moment that he wanted more of her, right here, right now.
Matt released his mouth from hers before any further actions– before a tongue slipped in, before a nip at a lip, before a whimper or moan could be emitted. He needed some sort of rite of passage, so he gazed into her eyes to ask his next question. Or rather, suggest something to her. “Des, I wanna do more with you… I wanna make you feel good.”
Destiny smiled softly at his disclosure, and nodded her head slowly. “O-Okay,” she stuttered. She knew what he meant, of course. He wanted to shift this to a more passionate atmosphere. She wanted it too, she couldn’t lie, and her desire rose as Matt leaned in to kiss her forehead.
The man’s arms massaged her shoulders a bit before starting to slowly inch down the sides of her body. His hands stopped above her hips, and he looked into her eyes again for a subtle consent to touch her there. Des nodded and smiled before looking down to figure out what he would do next.
His hands finally placed themselves on her pelvis and began to massage her. He wanted her to feel comfortable with this new boundary being crossed, and by the way she started to lean into his body and place her head in the crook of his neck, he could tell that she was.
That’s when he began to guide her hips to rock back and forth on top of him. The instant relief flowed through his body, causing Matt to sigh. He could hear a small whimper come from Destiny’s mouth as she, too, began to feel him against her.
He continued to guide her, keeping the pace slow, yet pressed her into his lap more to increase the friction. Matt swore he could feel Des’s mound through her pants, which motivated him to please her. Grunts and moans were all Matt could let out at the moment; the dirty talk would have to come later once he was out of his trance.
Des’s head was fully in between Matt’s neck and shoulder. She kept her arms around his neck to stabilize her upper body, while her lower half was being fully controlled by him. She began to spill moans from her mouth as he pressed her into him more, and the best part was that she didn’t feel the need to conceal them. She loved this feeling, not only because he was pleasing himself and her, but because he felt comfortable enough in the relationship to want to try something like this. They were on the same page, and this was just the cherry on top.
Matt’s grip onto Des’s hips suddenly loosened, and the grinding stopped. He was getting close, but he didn’t want to just use her body like a toy (at least not so early in their sexual relationship). He wanted to really feel her. He wanted her to use him for her own pleasure. “You wanna ride me, pretty girl?”
Gulp. Des removed her head from the crook of his neck and looked at him. She swallowed a lump in her throat before nodding her head, trying to fix herself onto Matt’s lap in a way she thought would help her perform to the best of her abilities. The thing is, her abilities… weren’t quite able. It’s not like she hadn’t ridden something before– if the pillow adjacent to hers on her bed counted as something. But, an actual human man? Not a part of her resumé. She finally sat herself down, but hesitated with commencing her next moves.
“Have you ever done this before?” Matt asked curiously, although by the lack of movement she gave from her end and the awkward position she sat in on his lap, he could already tell the answer.
Confirming his suspicions, Des shook her head and lowered it. Was she ashamed?
Matt placed his fingers on her jaw and brought her head back up to face him, making sure her eyes were aligned with his. His lips curved to form a smile, one that was hopefully reassuring for her. “It’s alright, Des. It’s normal. It’s okay. If you ever wanna stop, just pinch me or bite me or just say no. I’ll be fine,” he paused to kiss her forehead, “We will be fine. Okay, pretty girl?”
A blush appeared on Des’s cheeks, and she nodded, giving him a kiss back onto his cheek. Matt then helped to adjust the girl on his lap, making sure both him and her were comfortable with their positions. He grasped her hips and then her ass, but made sure to keep eye contact with her, studying the microexpressions on her face in case she ever gave a sign of discomfort. Then, Des began to rock her hips back and forth, mimicking Matt’s earlier guidance. The pleasure between her legs came back again as she felt him through his pants, rubbing against her sweet spot.
Matt bit his lip and threw his head back as the pleasure he felt shot up his spine. His Destiny, his gorgeous girl, was on his lap, riding him through his pants.
He groaned as Destiny continued her movements, the urge of throwing his head back again quickly diminishing as he began to plant kisses against her ear and the back of it. He could hear her little sweet whimpers of ecstasy in his own ear, and it drove him to lift his own hips up to collide with her rotating hips. His groin met with hers with such force that the vibrations of impact flowed through the two of their bodies, causing their soft pants and whimpers to grow into louder moans. If dry-humping caused them to have these sorts of reactions, one could only imagine what penetration would make them feel like.
Matt knew that the sounds of friction against their clothing mixed with their moans wasn’t enough to complete the symphony. He needed to add one more piece. So, his lips began to twitch as his brain transferred sweet-nothings to whisper to the girl on his lap. “There you go, baby… That feels good?” He murmured, the softness of his voice contrasting with some undertone of a rasp that sent shockwaves through Des’s ear all the way to her pussy. The pulse at her clit quickened and the wet spot in her panties quickly flooded the entire area. She nodded and threw her head back, making Matt lean over and grab her to keep her from falling backward. This new position created a delicious angle for Matt to begin thrusting his hips with more intention, almost to the point where he looked like he was actually fucking her. “I know, baby, you’re feeling good. Good girl…”, he stated while he stared into her eyes, furrowing his eyebrows as his own stomach started to churn with pleasure.
Des’s moans started to become more sporadic the closer she got to her orgasm. Matt took the opportunity to reach one of his hands down to her mound and begin rubbing at it, his finger doing its best to find where he believed her clit to be. He felt something, similar to the feeling of the tip of a nose, and knew that he hit the jackpot, so he began to rub at that spot the best he could through her pants.
The feeling of the moment finally caught up to Des and she felt herself begin to unravel. Her body began to shake as she orgasmed, almost making her fall out of Matt’s grasp.
Matt pulled her body close, wrapping his arms around her waist with a grip tight enough to contain her trembling, but soft enough to give her some sort of comfort. He softly cooed at her, whispering small shushes and giving her small pecks of his lips by the temple of her head. “It’s okay, honey,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re okay. I’m right here. It’s just me, okay?”
Des brought her head between his neck and his shoulder as her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm. It was embarrassing for her. She knew it shouldn’t have been. Matt probably wouldn’t care if that’s how her body reacted to pleasure. But what if he did?
Almost as if he had heard her worries through telepathy, he uttered, “No, no, no it’s okay to shake. Shaking’s normal.”
“I’ve never done that before,” Des admitted, causing Matt to cock his head. She clarified, “I’ve never cum before… especially not with someone else.”
Matt kissed her temple and began to rub her back. He didn’t have a problem with her admission at all. “You feel good though, right?” She nodded, and he continued. “That’s all that matters,” he stated with a sincere and heartwarming smile.
Her warm chestnut eyes looked into his icy blues, the contrast between them being highlighted by the bright sparks of ecstasy that they now both shared post-orgasm. Des was normally intimidated by eye contact, but with Matt she felt… comfortable. Safe. Trust.
And that trust is what gave her the confidence to make this request.
“Matt… if you’re still up for it,” she paused to swallow the lump of saliva that nearly stopped her from getting her words out then continued, “Can I suck you off?”
Matt was indeed up for it. He didn’t have an orgasm from their grinding session, which he was initially thankful for because he didn’t ruin his pants. But with Des’s request, he was now double-thankful for not cumming. He could now enjoy a blowjob from his favorite person without the fear of him (or his dick) being overstimulated or overwhelmed.
“It’s okay, you can do whatever you want. Whatever feels comfortable. I wouldn’t ever force you to do anything,” He replied. In his own mind he added, I could force my dick down your throat… with consent though-
His thoughts were stopped as he watched Des get on her knees between his legs, looking up at him with those doe-eyes. Those same fucking doe-eyes that got him hard in the first place were now looking up at him, yearning for his dick.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, and he pulled his pants down to help her get started. Her soft, warm hands pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring out in its precum-coated, red-tipped glory. It was desperate for some relief, something more than just a couple rubs through fabric— it needed a warm and wet cavern to dump its release inside of.
The way her eyes looked at his dick could have cum right then. But he held his composure, and pet her head as he watched one of her hands wrap around his shaft. Matt chuckled as he noticed her trying to jerk him off. “You have to lube it up; I don’t have any foreskin, sweetheart,” he said with a laugh.
Des laughed as well as she realized her mistake. “Oh, right,” she told him. Noticing the pre-cum began to slide from his tip, she used some to wipe onto him, and Matt winced at the contact. He bit his lip as he watched her stroke his cock, and when her eyes met his, he, again, did his best not to cum all over her face.
Des finally knew it was time to do what she yearned for. So, she bent her head down and released some saliva onto his tip, then used her hand to coat it all around his dick. When she was ready, she wrapped her lips around him, and began to suck.
“Ah, shit..,” Matt groaned. He leaned his head into the back of the couch, truly living in this moment– the moment that his girl Destiny was finally making direct contact with his dick. It was purely heaven.
Des brought her head up and down his length, doing her best to get as much surface area as she could. When she got comfortable and noticed Matt’s face of bliss, she brought herself as far down his dick as she could and began to suck from there.
Matt’s hand grabbed the back of her head, however he didn’t tug on her hair; he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or in any sort of pain. He wanted his girl to truly enjoy herself— He knew he was. “Your lips… oh, shit,” was all that he could even conjure out of his own lips.
Des chuckled, causing vibrations to move through his cock all the way up his spine, making his brain receive all the pleasure from those feelings. The girl continued to do her best to suck him deeply, not quite deepthroating, but still getting deep enough to feel him at the back of her throat. It was surprisingly pleasurable for her, and the proof was in her panties as her clit throbbed the way it did when she rode him.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Destiny,” he moaned out, jutting his hips. He tried his best not to overpower her— he really did.
But, she just felt too damn good.
“Des, I want to go deeper, are you okay with that, sweetheart?”
He heard (and felt) an “Uh-huh” come from her mouth, and he immediately took action.
His hips bucked in her mouth with haste, the tip hitting the back of her throat which caused her to make the most disgustingly beautiful noises. “Good girl,” he stated through grunts, “good fucking girl. You’re taking me so well, baby.” He stopped speaking to listen to her noises. They were cute gags with little gaps in between each stroke of his cock, both from the impact of his dick’s rhythm inside of her, but also from her trying to keep herself alive with short and quick breaths through her nose. He had heard those sounds in porn before, yes. But with Des? That was something else. She wasn’t just some personal pornstar for him, she was like his doll. And although this was their first time together, he loved to play with her, and he anticipated the many more times he could play with her again, the many more possibilities of getting nastier with her, the many more times be could be romantic and soft with her, the many more times he could just simply be with her.
“Fuck, Destiny, I’m so close,” he moaned out, and his feet planted themselves on the ground as he did his best to restrain himself from cumming too early while still thrusting into her mouth.
Des didn’t respond simply because her throat was occupied with being thrusted into. Her hands held onto his thighs as his thrusts got faster, and she knew he was getting closer to an orgasm.
And finally, with a couple more thrusts and some praises, he finally released, closing his eyes and groaning proudly. But, he noticed that she might not be comfortable with him ejaculating inside of her mouth, so he pulled out to minimize the chances. He looked down at her and noticed that some did end up in her mouth, while the rest landed on her cheeks and nose.
But, Des didn’t care about any of that. She fully accepted it all, and leaned her mouth back onto his dick to suck the residue from his tip. This stunned Matt, but he didn’t question it since she looked too damn good doing it. Des smiled and licked her lips as she finished. “You taste nice,” she complimented him.
Matt laughed and petted her head and brought his hand down to hold her jaw and caress her cheek. “Oh yeah? I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Des cocked her head to the side as she questioned what he meant mentally. Matt noticed and continued, “For when I taste you!” He grinned as he continued, “I know you’re probably gonna taste better than me.”
Des smiled and blushed. He wanted to taste me? She asked herself.
Yes, he wanted to taste her! And not only taste her– he wanted to touch her, tease her, make her cum around him, choke, gag, bite, kiss, spit, swallow, everything. He wanted to do every single damn thing to her.
But, that would have to be for next time.
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topazy · 2 months
Pairing: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 6.04
You were thankful Scott’s mom hadn’t returned from work yet; you didn’t want to be there when Melissa McCall discovered the large black scorch marks on her ceiling or when Liam went to a party in her house. You were collecting red cups and other trash that was scattered across the living room and tossing them into a black bag.
Realizing you’re the only one cleaning, you drop the bag and say, “I’m gonna need some help if we want this done before Scott’s mom gets home.”
Hearing multiple heartbeats racing in the next room, you go through and see Scott, Liam, Mason, and Corey staring up at the ceiling. You walk towards them and gulp down, “That’s where the ghost rider came in. It looks like it was burned.”
“Usually you'd find charred spots like that on the ground after a violent thunderstorm.”
Scott’s eyes widen as he processes Mason’s words: “That's how the Ghost Riders got in. He rode the lightning.”
Liam tenses, “If they can use lightning to pass the mountain ash...”
“We can’t hide from them. Nowhere is safe.”
“What about the others?” Corey asks. “It's my fault they're marked.”
“Hey, it’s not. We are all still learning about the ghost riders.”
“We'll find a way to protect them. All of them.”
Although Scott was determined to save everyone, you still doubted it could be done. Breaking the gloomy atmosphere, you pull two black bags out of your pockets and shove them at Mason and Liam. “Come on, we better clean this place before Melissa kills us.”
Scott gives you an appreciated nod.
Frustrated, you shove your phone into your bag before going to join Liam and Mason in the library. You hadn’t heard back from your dad in a couple of days and were starting to become worried.
The first thing you notice sitting across from Liam is the frown on his face as he stares at the book in front of him. You felt bad for Liam; he still blames himself for what happened at Scott’s party. “The k-index quantifies the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.” He bites on the end of his pen, looking lost in a deep thought, before asking, “What’s a k-index?”
“It’s a scale that meteorologists use to measure thunderstorm activity,” Mason explains. “So, a k-index value less than twenty meters means no activity, and above thirty-five is severe.”
“How bad is it?”
"Well, your average storm has about ten thousand lightning strikes. In the past three months, the average storm in beacon hills has been five thousand.”
“What’s it reading now?”
Mason types onto his laptop and brings up what he’s looking for: “It’s at fourteen. We’re clear.”
“If a spike in the K index means more lightning, we could know if they're coming.” Liam says, sounding unsure.
“That’s good. As long as it stays low, we’re good.”
Just as the words leave your mouth, Mason’s computer starts beeping. A few students turn and glare in your direction as he struggles to turn it off. You can’t see the screen, but sensing how anxious they are both becoming, you know it’s something bad.
“What’s wrong?”
Mason gulps down, “Oh, this is really bad.”
Under the table, Liam links his fingers with yours, attempting to comfort the both of you the best he can.
You pace back and forth up the hallways of Beacon Hills High School. You keep glancing back over your shoulder, waiting to see someone standing there. You didn’t know how to describe it, but you just had a feeling that you shouldn’t be there alone. Someone else was supposed to be with you, helping you.
That could maybe be the answer if you knew who Stiles was.
Liam and Hayden had managed to get everyone who was at the party, aside from three lacrosse players, into the underground tunnels. Your uncle Chris and Malia were staying with them underground to keep them safe.
Since the majority of the lacrosse team and coach were in the boys locker room, you couldn’t go in to help try and persuade the players to leave. Hearing familiar footsteps, you turn and see nobody, yet you have the feeling someone is standing right in front of you.
“Stiles,” you whisper. “Stiles, can you hear me?”
“Lu, who are you talking to?”
“No one,” you mumble. Turning back around, you met a confused-looking Mason’s eye. “Where’s Scott and Liam?
“They are playing the game.”
You sit beside Mason on the bleachers, cringing as coach becomes more and more angry. The Bulldogs had scored three times, and your school's team hadn’t had one goal all game. You weren’t happy about Liam being out on the lacrosse field, but they reasoned it was the only way to keep the other players safe.
“What are you doing out there?! i'm gonna kill the three of you!”
“Look how red coach’s face is,” you whisper. “He looks like he’s gonna blow.”
“This is the worst ga—“ Mason doesn’t finish his sentence when he notices Scott and Liam looking at him from across the field. “But of course we have bigger things to worry about.”
Over the cheers and boos of the crowd, you hear someone saying your name; they were calling for you. Suddenly sensing who it was, you stand up, and Mason takes your hand to gain your attention. “What is it? What do you hear?”
“My dad's here; he’s with Parrish. He needs to talk to me.”
“Want me to come with you?”
“Find Hayden first, and then I’ll meet you inside. Liam and Scott will call if anything is wrong.”
You sprint from the bleachers towards the high school just as the light rain becomes heavy, soaking your clothes almost immediately. You burst through the doors. “Dad, dad?”
Derek appears behind you and pulls you into him. “We need to go.”
“Kate’s coming. We need to go now.”
“But I—“
“The ghost riders are afraid of hellhounds, which is why I called Parrish.” Placing his hand on your back, Derek starts moving you towards the exit. “I’m parked outside. Soon as Liam is here, then we are leaving.”
“Liam is coming?”
He pushes the main doors open and says, “Liam will stay with you while I come back and help Scott and Chris with the ghost riders.”
On the opposite end of the hallway, you hear Hayden and Mason’s voices; they sounded panicked. You spin back around, “Somethings wrong!”
A brunette woman overtakes your friends while running in the hallway but is shot by one of the ghost riders bullets and disappears. Turning into his hellhound form, Parrish is shot by one of the ghost riders. The flames surrounding his body turn green, and he falls back, but is only momentarily stunned before getting back up.
The ghost rider turns its body to face in your direction and aims its gun at you. Growling, Derek shoves you forward just as the bullet skips past where you stood seconds before.
Parrish grabs the ghost rider from behind, giving Hayden and Mason a chance to run by it without being attacked.
You go to run outside but are pulled back. “There’s more out there, fuck.” Being faster than you, Derek takes hold of your hand and keeps you beside him. “Go to the nearest classroom and lock yourselves in.”
Mason’s eyes were widened with feet and adrenaline; he looked as if he were going to throw up. “The science lab is just down the next hall!”
The four of you make it to the classroom. Mason slips and falls. Derek, let’s go of your hand to help him up. Just as you’re about to step inside, a black cord tightens around your ankle. You sink your claws into the side of the door to fight against the ghost rider trying to pull you backwards.
You let out a piercing scream, “Dad!”
The ghost rider pulls on the whip, dragging you along the floor. Expecting to be shot, you squeeze your eyes shut, but they quickly open when the pressure around your ankle disappears. Derek had cut the cord with his claws before lunging on top of the ghost rider.
Hayden yanks you backwards into the classroom. There’s a bright flash of lightening, then the ghost rider disappears.
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edith-hyde · 8 months
Hey, I don't know if you still up for it ot whether you have some rules about requests, but I've seen your post about doing Peter Hale x reader and others. And I'd really like to see your general dating headcanons with Peter Hale or Chris Argent💛
I've got so many ideas for a Peter Hale series! I hope to start posting it eventually. I will gladly do a dating headcanons for him. And I'll throw in Chris too. Everything here will be safe for work, of course. Enjoy!
Dating Peter Hale
He was so scared to tell you the truth about what he was, but when you found out, you didn't care.
He loves showing off his money. Expect expensive gifts.
But he's not a fan of huge crowds, so no big fancy dinners. He much prefers to eat in private with just the two of you. Or maybe at some small place.
Does NOT like candle lit dinners. Nor a yule log at Christmas. Or grilling out.
You and he learn how to cook together because he's so used to just buying all his meals. There's a lot of burned chicken, but also a lot of joy and laughter and making out in the kitchen. (That's why it burned.)
He's very touch starved. When you first start dating, he flinches every time you touch him. It takes some time, but eventually he can't keep himself from reaching for your hand or laying on your shoulder. He's heavy but you're fine with it.
He wants to make all the plans so you don't have to worry about anything. Just trust him to know what's best.
If you have family, they probably aren't too fond of him. He brings expensive wine to get-togethers though, so that might put him in their good graces if they like that kind of thing. If not, he'll depend on his usual charms. It might take awhile, but they'd eventually accept that he's here to stay.
Expect calls in the middle of the night. Or he might just show up. He doesn't sleep well and he needs comfort from the nightmares. If he hasn't slept the night before, he will curl up in your lap on your sofa and sleep. Stroking his hair really helps. When he's truly comfortable with you, he's prone to just falling asleep just so long as you're somewhere nearby. He especially likes to nap while you're driving.
Loves to just walk with you in the woods.
He's surprisingly knowledgeable about furniture and helps you decorate your house or apartment.
He wants everyone to know that you belong to him. He purposefully nuzzles into your hair to leave his scent on you. He loves giving you his jacket too. All the werewolves in town know you're taken.
Despite his bravado, he's constantly worried that you're going to leave him. He needs regular assurances that you love him.
He gets jealous easily. Your guy friends might wanna watch out. And you might have to have a long talk with Peter and get it through his head that they're not a threat to your relationship. Once he's 100% sure, this calms down. But he still doesn't like men fliting with you.
You help him rebuild his relationship with Malia and he loves you even more for it. The three of you sometimes get together and do dinner. You're there to console her when she and Scott break up and you have to keep Peter from going to LA and trying to kill Scott for a third time.
He constantly brags about having you to Derek and anyone else who will listen.
He will listen to you rant about work and the people that bother you. Then he'll offer to take them out. You assume he's joking, but sometimes, if they really upset you, he totally means it.
He will show up at your work and pester you. It's distracting, but you love seeing him.
His name for you in his phone is "My Queen".
He gives great skin care advice and has a wonderful sense of fashion. Also knows all the best hair care products. He loves to take you shopping for new stuff and buys everything. He gets broody if you won't let him shower you in gifts.
Sometimes when he's emotional, his eyes will turn blue and he will turn away because he's worried about scaring you. When you kiss him despite his fangs, he knows you truly don't care. You're even kinda into it much to his amusement.
If he upsets you, expect a huge vase of flowers. If you're not a flowers person, he gets chocolates or some kind of jewelry. He knows he can't buy your affections, but that isn't going to stop him from trying. He will eventually give a proper apology, but he hates admitting that he was wrong. Consider yourself lucky if he does.
Dating Chris Argent
He's the sweetest thing on the planet. His tired blue eyes and sad smile make you melt every time.
He lights up every time he sees you.
He lets you pick where you go to dinner, though he usually surprises you with a home made meal. This man can cook and you love it.
Brings you coffee or hot chocolate almost every morning.
Mows your grass and fixes your car for you without being asked.
You like to watch him clean his guns after a mission.
Sometimes comes home with some pretty gnarly wounds. You always clean him up and make him promise it won't happen again. But it keeps happening anyways. He hates to make you worry, but he has a job to do.
Early in your relationship, he constantly tries to run. He's afraid that if you love him, you'll die like everyone else has. It takes you awhile, but you eventually manage to convince him that you're not going anywhere.
Date night is just diner and a movie on his couch. He's not a fan of hanging out in public. But he will go to the park with you on sunny days. If you have an interest in guns, he'll take you to a shooting range.
He likes to just dance with you around the kitchen when he's in a really good mood.
He takes you on trips to France after you've been together for awhile, and shows you all the best places away from the crowds.
If you have any family, they are wary of him at first, but then they love him. He's so respectful. Your mom wants you to marry him tomorrow.
He has some trouble sleeping and can often be found sitting on his back porch, having a beer at night. If you show up, he finds it easier to get some rest.
He will always do his best to keep you safe. He might even train you how to fight if you ask.
If he does train you, you like to distract him while sparring by kissing him. It works every time.
He often has Scott and his friends over for dinner. You love having so many fun people around.
In a perfect world, Isaac comes and visits often and once accidentally calls you mom. Chris thinks it's hilariously adorable.
If he upsets you, he gives a sincere apology. You can't stay mad at those sad blue eyes no matter how hard you try.
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mrsstruggle · 2 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 34 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 5.5k
Note: Sorry this is so late!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Everyone was quiet as they made their way through the woods toward the hunter's safe house. The only sound that could be heard was the crunching of leaves and sticks beneath their feet. Y/N knows it's wrong, but she wishes she was Allison right now so she wouldn't have to deal with everything.
Stiles doesn't like the silence but it's taking everything in him to break it. He's worried that if he starts talking then he won't be able to stop. He's also not sure if he wants to accidentally piss off anyone who's in charge of protecting his life.
As much as he's annoyed at everything that has happened and that has come to light, he also can't help but have a little fanboy moment inside his head. He's about to head into battle with the Avengers. The last time they stormed a place he had been sidelined. Now, he's walking through the woods, about to go into a little war with the hunters, with the Avengers suited up next to him. It's like a dream he always had but also mixed with a nightmare he always had.
He watches Y/N from the back of the group as she and Chris lead them to the safe house. He doesn't like that he's been paired with Liam and Peter, but it could be worse. He could be paired up with Peter Hale. He wouldn’t make it out alive if that were the case.
"Are we almost there?" Peter Hale asks.
"Why? Do you have somewhere better to be?" Scott questions.
"Yes. I was thinking about asking your mother out again."
"Wait, what?" Sam looks between Scott and Peter, confused about what he just heard. How old is this guy and why does it seem like he only hangs out with teenagers? He knows Peter is Derek's uncle, but he also dated one of these kids' mothers?
"Ignore him." Derek rolls his eyes at his uncle. He just wants to get this over with. He's tired of having to deal with the Argents and the Avengers. He wants to go home, wrap Y/N up in a warm blanket, and not leave their bedroom until they have to. This past week has caused him too much stress and he's over it.
Y/N comes to a stop and waits for the others to stand around her, "We'll split up here. Remember, Sam, Bucky, and Malia, you'll take the right side. Kira, Natasha, and Wanda, you'll follow them but then split off to the north side. Scott and Steve, you're going to the left side. Stiles, Liam, and Peter, you'll follow them. You're in charge of killing the Anuk-Ite, so good luck with that."
Chris takes off his backpack before unzipping it and holding it out to everyone, "Everyone take a walkie-talkie. I'm sure these aren't as advanced as some of you are used to, but they'll do. I've already set them to the correct channel but it's channel 7 if you mess it up."
"Radio in if you feel the Anuk-Ite so Stiles and them know where to go. He has the mountain ash to kill it so don't try killing it yourself," Y/N says while everyone grabs a walkie-talkie. "Also, radio if you need help. While we have an idea of what we're up against, there could be more and some of you have never had to fight these types of creatures before. They are very different from your space aliens."
"Anything else?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah, don't die."
"How are you not a motivational speaker?"
"Okay, let's go before they do this for another twenty minutes," Scott says, walking away from the group to the left where Y/N told him to go. Steve presses a quick kiss to Bucky's lips and murmurs something under his breath to him before following Scott.
"Radio in when you're in place!" Y/N yells out to Scott.
The rest of the Avengers watch as Y/N and Stiles lock their pinky fingers and promise each other they won't die. Y/N doesn't know it, but she's done that since before Pepper gave her away. Anytime they'd go on a mission she'd make them promise they were going to come back. She believed that pinky promises were a binding promise and that there was no way you could break them. It's little things like that that let them know that the girl they knew is still there, just a bit different.
"One last thing," Y/N sticks out her hand toward Chris. Chris pulls out a bulletproof vest from his backpack and hands it to Y/N. She quickly pulls it over Stiles' head and straps it around him before he has a chance to protest. "Just in case."
"Why have I never been given one of these before?" Stiles scoffs.
"Just be grateful you're getting one now. Now go."
Chris, Derek, Peter Hale, Tony, and Y/N watch as the others run off to where they're supposed to be.
"What else do you have in that bag?" Derek asks, eyeing the backpack in Chris' hand.
"You don't want to know," Chris zips his backpack up and puts it back on his back.
"We're in place." Scott's voice rings out of their walkie-talkies.
Y/N sighs as she tries to mentally prepare herself for the fight ahead, "I think I could sleep for a week after this. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a call from my boss yet saying I'm fired for being gone for so long. I swear I didn't have this many vacation days."
Derek moves to stand in front of Y/N to meet her eyes, "I'm sure they've seen the news and will understand why you haven't been in for a while. Scott said Melissa was covering for you so I'm sure it's fine."
"I'll have to get her something nice for covering for me this long."
"And she'll tell you that you don't owe her anything." Derek pulls Y/N close and presses a kiss against her forehead. He knows how stressed she is about everything because he's also stressed about everything.
"We're in place." Bucky's voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"How do you want us to get into the house?" Y/N turns to Tony at his question. She almost forgot the others were there with her and Derek.
"We need to wait until everyone has lured out as many hunters as possible then we fly in," Y/N says.
"You can fly as well?" Tony's eyebrows shoot up in shock. Did he miss something in the files Hydra made about her? Can werewolves fly?
"No, you'll have to either carry me or I can get on your back."
Tony goes to respond but Kira's voice cuts him off as it rings out through the walkie-talkies, "We're in place."
"Okay," Y/N looks around at Chris, Derek, Peter, and Tony, "you ready?"
Chris tightens the knife holders on his thighs and double-checks the gun in his hand, "Ready."
"Ready," Tony says as his suit builds around him.
"Can we finally get this over with?" Peter asks, inspecting his claws.
"I'm going to climb up into a tree until I think it's time for us to hit the house. You should do the same." Y/N says, looking at Tony. "I'm their biggest target and if they know where I am then they'll forget about the others. We've got to hide a bit first."
"I'll follow you," Tony replies.
Y/N looks back at Derek, "Be safe and kick some hunter ass. I love you."
"I love you too," Derek says before pressing a hard kiss on her lips, as if he's scared he won't see her again.
Y/N pulls away and walks over to the nearest tree, "You know what to do babe!"
Derek, Chris, and Peter watch as Y/N starts to climb up the tree and Tony flies up into the one next to her. Derek waits until he can no longer see her figure before transforming into his beta form.
"Now we can get this over with," Derek says, letting out a loud roar to let everyone know it's time to go and to let the hunters know they're here.
Steve tightens the shield around his arm before looking up at the sound of a roar.
"What was that?" Peter asks, looking around making sure nothing is coming at them. He's dealt with a lot of weird things being in the Avengers, but he's never heard something like that before.
"That was Derek," Stiles states.
"You stay here and wait for someone to radio you," Scott tells Stiles, Liam, and Peter.
"Where are you going?" Liam asks.
"We're going straight towards them. Let's go." Scott nods at Steve to follow him.
Steve huffs a bit in frustration as he follows Scott. He doesn't enjoy being told what to do from a teenager. If it was Y/N here, he would follow without question. She might have been gone for 15 years, but he'd still trust her with his life.
Scott slows as he gets closer to the safe house. He can already hear a few hunters loading their guns and sharpening their knives. He listens to their panicked voices as they talk about the roar they heard and how they know they're being attacked. If he focuses hard enough, he can also hear Stiles, Liam, and Peter bickering behind them.
"Let's stop here. We don't want to get too close." Scott says. "We need to lure them out here." Scott tries to count the number of hunters standing outside of the house in front of them.
"I got it," Steve states, throwing his shield out toward the hunters. The shield hits three hunters, knocking them to the ground, before coming back to Steve.
"That's one way to do it," Scott mumbles, watching as the hunters look their way. He quickly ducts behind a tree as the hunters slowly make their way towards them.
Steve ducts behind another tree as they wait for the hunters to come closer. He can hear the ground crunch behind him letting him know where they are. He waits until he can see the end of a gun before jumping out and knocking the hunter back into two others.
That's when all hell breaks loose.
Scott jumps out from where he's hiding as all eyes are on Steve, throwing the hunter closest to him into a tree—knocking him out. Bullets start to fly as Steve and Scott attack. Scott is surprised he hasn't been hit by any bullets yet as he knocks out another hunter.
Steve throws his shield toward the hunter's legs, the vibranium metal breaking their knees and shins as it hits them. He quickly knocks them out as they hit the ground one by one. It's not long until they've taken out all the hunters that attacked them.
"Is that it?" Steve asks, knocking out the last hunter.
"I doubt it. The others must have the rest of the hunters distracted or the rest of them haven't left the safe house." Scott says, looking around for other hunters.
"We should move in," Steve says, moving towards the safehouse before Scott sticks out an arm to stop him.
"Not until we're told too."
"There's no one over here. We should move in."
"Not until Y/N tells us too."
Steve doesn't understand why they can't just move in. They easily took out the hunters. He doesn't understand why they were acting like they were going to be a challenge. The hunters are down on their side, and they have a clear shot toward the safe house.
Scott's head quickly turns as he starts to smell something in the air, "Do you smell that?"
"What?" Steve doesn't know what Scott's talking about.
"It smells like..." Scott's voice trails off as his eyes widen as he looks behind Steve.
Steve quickly turns around to see four large creatures standing behind him. They look like men wearing bones and an animal skull for a mask. "What am I looking at?"
Sam and Bucky are standing back-to-back as they fight off the hunters around them while Malia holds off more of them.
"How many of these guys are there?" Sam asks, slamming another hunter onto the ground.
"I don't know but they're pissing me off," Bucky says. His arm comes up to block the bullets being shot at him from a hunter on the ground. He rips the gun out of the hunter's hand and knocks him out with a quick kick to the face.
Bucky turns to find another hunter to attack to see the hunters fleeing from them.
"Why are they running?" Sam asks.
"Something's coming," Malia states, her eyes closed while trying to listen to her surroundings.
Bucky tries to listen and see if he can hear what she hears. He closes his eyes for a second. It sounds like something is running toward them. He opens his eyes and stares into the woods in front of him. Something is charging at them.
"Get down!" Bucky tackles Sam to the ground as a deer jumps out from the trees and almost tramples over them. It runs past them almost as quickly as it appeared. It looked rabid.
"What the hell?" Sam mutters, staring at where the deer ran off.
Bucky looks down to where Sam is in his arms from when he tackled him. Disgusted, he scrambles up off the ground and away from Sam.
"Did you smell that?" Malia asks.
"Robo boy's cheap cologne? Yeah, I smelled it." Sam says, wiping the dirt off his suit as he stands up from the ground.
"No, the deer. It smelled like fear."
"Fear?" Bucky asks. He thought that something was running at them but what if it was running away from something? He slowly pulls out his walkie-talkie while his eyes dart around. "We found the Anuk-Ite."
"On our way," Stiles' voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"Are you sure?" Sam questions Bucky.
"Yeah, I'm su–" a pained scream from the woods cuts him off. He pauses, his head whipping toward the sound.
"Bucky! Buck!" someone is screaming out for him. He moves to run into the woods, but Malia moves in front of him to stop him.
"What are you doing?" Malia asks.
"Do you not hear someone screaming?!" Bucky yells, angry that she's preventing him from finding whoever's yelling for him. He swears it almost sounded like Steve.
"The only person screaming right now is you," Sam says.
"What?" Bucky looks between Sam and Malia. Can they not hear what he's hearing?
Sam stares at Bucky for a second before realizing what's happening, "Close your eyes! Close your eyes now!"
"Why am I closing my eyes?!" Malia yells, her eyes now shut tight.
"It's the Anuk-Ite. Whatever happens, don't open your eyes."
Sam, Bucky, and Malia stand still as they wait for something to happen. They're hoping Stiles gets here soon to kill the thing.
"How could you?" Bucky quickly whips his head around, his eyes still shut tight, as Steve's voice whispers in his ear. "Why?"
"I don't understand..." Bucky whispers, confused about what's happening.
"I told you to finish him." Bucky's head whips around again. He knows that voice. It belongs to the man responsible for turning him into the Winter Soldier, Arnim Zola.
"Buck...no," Steve's voice whimpers. "This isn't you."
"You have your orders, soldier! Kill him!"
"You can't stop him, Steve. He's no longer the boy you used to know. He never will be. He has always been the Winter Soldier, and he always will be."
Bucky's closed eyes tighten as he repeatedly mutters to himself, "This isn't real. It's not real."
"Buck..." Steve's voice is quiet. Bucky can feel a soft hand caress his cheek. It feels like Steve.
"I'll do it." That sounds like Y/N's voice but harsher. It sounds like when she was pretending to be under the hunter's and Hydra's control.
"Ah, my perfect soldier. Always ready to do what you're told." Zola's voice sounds closer than it was before.
"She's not your soldier," Bucky growls. Y/N will never be Hydra's soldier.
"I think you're forgetting who you are. Let me remind you. Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybrea–"
"Shut up!"
"It's who you are! Now, finish your mission!"
"No!" Bucky is trying to remind himself that this isn't real but it's getting harder too.
"Let me." Y/N's voice is now coming from in front of him. "Just admit it. You couldn't save yourself, you couldn't save me, and you couldn't save Steve."
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
It goes quiet. Maybe it's over?
As Bucky brings a hand up to his face to wipe away the overwhelmed tears that were slowly falling from his eyes, he hears someone being stabbed in front of him. His body goes rigid as he hears someone start to choke—possibly on their own blood.
"Hail Hydra," Y/N's voice whispers in his ear.
Bucky quickly opens his eyes toward the ground in shock and confusion. His eyes move slightly in front of him to a knife sticking out of someone. Not just someone. He'd recognize that uniform anywhere. Steve.
Bucky's eyes shoot up to Steve's face only to be met with the glowing purple eyes of the Anuk-Ite. His body immediately turned to stone.
"Buck, you still good?!" Sam calls out, unaware of what just happened. He can't hear Bucky, but he can hear Malia. She sounds like she's apologizing to someone until she goes quiet. "Malia?"
"Malia?!" Sam can hear someone yelling for her.
"Uncle Sam?! Uncle B?!" Peter rushes into the area where Sam, Bucky, and Malia are. Liam and Stiles run in behind him.
"Oh my god..." Stiles stares at Malia's frozen figure. She looks like a statue from Medusa's lair in the Percy Jackson movie.
"Please tell me you're real?" Sam asks.
"The Anuk-Ite's gone," Liam says.
Sam opens his eyes to see Peter staring at a Bucky statue. Stiles and Liam are also crouched down next to a Malia statue.
"What happened?" Peter turns to look at Sam.
"I-I don't know. One second it was here and now it's not. I'm not even sure when this happened." Sam gestures to Bucky. Why didn't the Anuk-Ite go for him? He could hear Bucky talking to someone—most likely whoever the Anuk-Ite wanted him to talk to—and he could hear Malia, but nothing ever happened to him.
"Now what?" Liam asks.
"They still need people attacking on this side," Stiles says. They need people to weaken the hunters from every side.
"I can still do it but I don't know if I can do it alone," Sam states.
"I'll stay," Liam volunteers. "I can help on this side while you two get the Anuk-Ite."
Stiles looks hesitant but agrees, "Make sure nothing happens to them." Stiles looks between Malia and Bucky and wonders how much longer he has before their current state is permanent.
"Where do you think it went?" Peter asks.
"I don't know."
"What the hell are these people?!" Nat yells out, barely missing the edge of the blade that swipes at her.
"They're Oni!" Kira yells back. She's trying to hold off four Oni while Natasha and Wanda fight the other three.
"I thought we're supposed to be fighting hunters?!"
"I thought the same thing!" Wanda yells.
Natasha ducks as one of the Oni swings their sword at her. She's able to remove the sword from the Oni's hand as the sword lodges itself in the tree next to her. Nat quickly pulls the sword away from the tree and watches as the Oni pulls another sword out of nowhere.
"We're going to die here." Nat mumbles, readying herself to continue fighting.
As Kira blocks the Oni's swings, she can see the glint of a weapon coming from within the trees behind them. "I think the hunters have finally decided to join them!" She hears something firing.
Wanda and Natasha turn to see several hunters running toward them. Most of them seem to be carrying guns while the others seem to be holding knives. Nat can count about thirty hunters.
"You guys take the hunters! I've got these guys!" Kira yells at them, her eyes starting to glow.
"You sure?!" Nat asks.
Wanda and Natasha break away from the Oni and charge toward the hunters. Nat throws the sword in her hand on the ground and pulls out her Glock 26s. As the hunters start to shoot at them, Wanda uses her powers to rip a tree out of the ground and throw it through the group of hunters — knocking several to the ground.
Nat ducks behind a tree as bullets fly past her. The bullets slowly come to halt as she reloads her guns. She can hear footsteps getting closer to her. It sounds like five different people are coming toward her. Nat puts one of her guns back in its holster as she takes a deep breath.
As the tip of a hunter's gun comes into view, she grabs the front of the assault rifle while throwing her elbow into the hunter's face. He lets go of the gun as she knocks him out with the butt of her Glock. Adjusting the assault rifle in her grip, she turns and shoots down the other four hunters.
"I thought we weren't supposed to kill any of them?!" Wanda yells out to Nat.
"I don't remember agreeing to that!" Natasha yells back.
Wanda throws another hunter back as she watches Nat take down more as well. Looking back at Kira, she notices a glowing figure around the young girl as she fights off the Oni.
Kira can feel her anger and frustration growing as she continues to fight. She can also feel her control starting to slip. The fox spirit around grows bigger and bigger the longer she fights.
As she feels a blade cut through her right thigh, her fox quickly grows before launching itself at the seven Oni. A blinding light shoots out as the Oni are killed, hindering the hunters. Kira can feel her fox getting more powerful with each Oni it takes out.
With her back facing the light, Natasha uses the distraction to shoot down the rest of the hunters. Looking over at Wanda, she can see her crouched behind a tree blocking the light with her hands. As the light disappears, she turns around to find Kira kneeling on the ground and no Oni around her.
"What happened?!" Nat yelled toward Kira.
"I killed them!" Kira yells back, pressing down on the wound on her leg as it starts to slowly heal.
"Why didn't you do that earlier?!"
"I don't really have control of it!"
"Did you have to kill all of them?" Wanda asks Natasha, looking at all the dead hunters behind them.
"Did you want me to wait until they killed one of us?"
Wanda rolls her eyes at Nat's response. She could've put them all to sleep but it's too late for that now. She walks over to where Kira is now sitting on the ground.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. My leg should be good in just a minute." Kira replies.
"I wonder if everybody else also has to deal with more than just hunters?" Nat mumbles, sitting down next to Kira.
Sitting up high in a tree, Y/N watches as Derek, Peter, and Chris battle the hunters down below. She can hear her radio go off and Scott's voice asking for help. It takes everything in her to not jump down and help after one hunter's knife gets a little too close to Derek's throat.
"Is this what you deal with here in Beacon Hills?" Tony questions, watching as more hunters seem to come out of nowhere.
"Yeah, but hunters have always been the least of our worries," Y/N replies, her grip tightening on the tree in anger as more hunters appear. She could easily use her powers from here and take them out but then Kate would know where she is.
Tony feels at a loss for words. Watching the hunters down below, he can't believe this is what his daughter has been with. He doesn't know why this didn't hit him before. He was so caught up in everything else, he hasn't taken a step back to notice how calm she and her friends seem to be about everything.
Since the Avengers have been in Beacon Hills, they've dealt with hunters, Hydra, and more. He knows to an extent what Y/N dealt with when she was with Hydra, but what else has she dealt with?
Friends of hers have apparently died and he has no idea why. Was it because of hunters? Was it because of something else they've faced? Or was it something that has nothing to do with this little world she lives in?
Tony stares at Y/N as he thinks of something to say. He has so many things that he wants to say and so many questions he wants to ask but now is not the time.
"I can practically hear you thinking from here," Y/N looks up and locks eyes with Tony. "I know you have a lot of questions and so do I. I don't really know how long you're going to be here in Beacon Hills, but I'd like to start over after all of this is done."
"We can stay as long as you want. You can come back with us too...i-if you want. I-I mean I know you're a lot older now, but we kept your rooms the same as you left them. Well, we have a cleaner that cleans them once every two weeks."
"Yeah, one at the compound and one in our old home. We haven't lived there since you...disappeared. I still kept it though just in case."
"Even after you thought I was dead?"
"You're not the only person we've known to be presumed dead to still very much be alive. I didn't want to give up hope. No matter how little it became."
Y/N doesn't know what to say to that. She looks back down to watch the others fight off the hunters. Most of the hunters are down so now is a good time to get to Kate.
"We should go now," Y/N looks back at Tony.
"How are we doing this?" Tony asks, not sure how to carry Y/N.
"Can I just get on your back?"
Tony flies off the tree and hovers in front of Y/N with his back turned toward her, "Let's go."
Y/N pulls herself away from the tree and climbs onto Tony's back. A small smile appears on her face as it reminds her of the piggyback rides her dad, the sheriff, used to give her all the time as a kid before they lost her mom. As Tony takes off toward the safe house, she wonders if Tony or the others ever used to carry her like this when she was younger.
Y/N holds on tighter to Tony as he crashes into the middle of the house. Once Tony has landed on the ground, she hops off his back and surveys her surroundings. They landed in what appeared to be the living room but there was no one around. There's no one shooting at them, charging at them, or even watching them. They are completely alone.
"Why is no one here?" Tony asks, his blasters ready just in case.
"I don't know..." Looking around Y/N can see weapons and ammo everywhere. On the wall, she can see pictures of herself and all her friends. There's even some of the Avengers. There's a large blood stain on the floor but there is nobody. Whose blood is it?
It's also quiet. Too quiet. If she listens in, she can hear the others fighting, but it's quiet in the house. Kate must be hiding somewhere. If there's one thing Y/N knows about the Argents, it's that they love a good basement moment. That's probably where Kate is hiding out. And if she's hiding then she knows she's outmatched. She knows they're losing.
As she turns to look at Tony, a body flies through the living room window. Y/N jumps back and is ready to attack until she notices who it is.
Isaac groans in pain but makes no move to get up off the floor, "Hey Y/N."
"H-how? What?"
"Scott told me everything so we came to help."
As Isaac goes to answer, a girl with a crossbow steps through the broken window, "Isaac?!" She starts shooting toward something Y/N can't see.
"Who are these people?" Tony asks Y/N.
"He's a friend and she's..." Y/N pauses as she thinks of a way to describe who Braeden is, "she's a friend of Derek."
Isaac snorts, "Yeah, a friend."
Y/N kicks Isaac's arm at his comment, "What's happening out there? How'd you go through the window? Why haven't you got up?"
"I can't really move."
"What do you mean?" Y/N crouches down next to Isaac in concern.
"We aren't the only ones who know a kanima apparently."
Y/N rolls Isaac onto his side and looks at the scratch on his neck. She can see some of the venom still dripping from the wound.
"Who else has been affected by it?" Y/N asks, laying Isaac back down on his back.
"Scott was protecting a guy on the ground with a shield when I found them," Braeden replies, walking over to them.
Tony curses under his breath, "Should we help them?"
"Kira and two other girls are currently helping Scott."
Y/N turns her head to the broken window as she hears a loud roar. It sounded like Scott but she's not sure.
"Is it just the kanima they're fighting?" Y/N asks.
"No, there's Berserkers as well. Four of them."
Y/N stands up and looks at Tony, "Stay here and help them. I've got Kate."
"You're not going alone," Tony states. He's not going to abandon his daughter. He's here to protect her.
"They need your help more than I do. If the kanima takes more of them down, they will all be dead. Help them."
Tony hesitates for a moment before agreeing, "Fine, but then I'm coming back to help you."
"Fine. I'll probably be in the basement. At least that's where I'm assuming she is."
Tony looks like he's going to hug her for a moment before flying out through the broken window. Y/N can hear when he finds the others.
"So that's your dad huh?" Isaac says with a small smirk on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes and huffs, "Shut up." Her radio sparks to life and she can hear Chris Argent calling for Stiles. The Anuk-Ite must be near them. Y/N turns to Braeden, "I've got Kate. Make sure he stays alive."
Y/N flicks her claws out as she checks all the doors to see if any lead into the basement. When she opens the fourth door, she sees stairs leading down into another room. She walks down slowly until she reaches the bottom.
Looking around, the stairs seemed to have led her to a hallway instead of a room. There are four different doors, and she doesn't know what's behind any of them. There's a long ugly rug that runs throughout the middle of the hallway. It looks out of place in the modern-looking hallway.
She's about to open the first door when she notices the end of the rug is flipped up as if someone tripped over it. That's when she notices something behind it. Moving the rug with her foot, she finds an escape hatch.
Y/N bends down and opens the hatch. Not seeing anything dangerous, she jumps down into what seems to be a tunnel. Looking down at the ground, she can see a single set of footprints leading away from her.
She follows the footsteps until she gets to the end of the tunnel. She notices a small ladder leading up to another hatch. Y/N climbs up the ladder and slowly opens the hatch. It takes her a second to realize where she is. She's next to an old lake her mom used to take her and Stiles to during the summer.
Climbing out of the tunnel, she looks around for Kate. She knows she's here, but she can't seem to see her.
"Kate! I know you're here!" Y/N yells out.
As she moves to look around, a bear trap snaps around her right ankle. Screaming out in pain, Y/N falls to the ground.
"I was wondering when you would show up, but I'm surprised you showed up alone." Y/N whips her head around to see Kate slowly walking up to her with twenty other hunters and two Berserkers behind her.
@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @stefans-wife @llamaproblem @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @ornella0910 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @danielle-leah1997 @itmejado @me-unitentionally @iv3t @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @depressedsleepysloth @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @allthingsavenger-y @belovacc @speedy-object-dream @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer-blog @maliagurl @peterpangirl21 @kneelforloki @slutformaddyperez @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique @emma-is-a-nerd @teen-wolf-fan @zzsloth @burn1ngw00d @esposadomd @natashamea18
178 notes · View notes
fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 6 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: Jason Derulo’s - Want to Want me
Warning: None! YETTTT! KINDA
Thank you to my wonderful Beta for sorting out my terrible errors XD @lets-imagine-fanfics
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table with a frown heavily engraved on your face. You woke up three times during the night from what could only be called wet dreams, so the fact that you were awake again at such an early hour was an enigma to you.
You sighed irritably before sliding out of bed and slipping on your fluffy slipper boots. You threw on Scott’s hoodie before checking your hair wasn’t too unruly for other people to see. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad so you deemed yourself for the view of other people. Which at this time would most likely only be Derek and Peter.
You walked down the stairs with tired eyes, your footsteps heavy and slow as you shuffled your way to the living area. When the kitchen was in view you saw Derek, Peter and Lydia. You walked into the room without a sound and smashed your head against the clean marble counter causing Peter to flinch. You muttered an unintelligible ‘ow’ before standing back up, your movement quick enough to disorientate you for a second.  
“Bad night?” Peter questioned softly, however instead of answering you just slammed your head down again, this time on Peter's shoulder.
“I had an inhumane amount of wet dreams last night and I barely got any sleep. By the third one, I kind of wanted to go to Scott's room to sit on his dick just to end the pain.” You groaned as you swung one of Peter’s arms from side to side childishly.
“Well, you’re more vulgar than usual. Not to mention your actions and words appear to be rather contradictory to one another.” Peter snorted causing you to stop your childish actions.
“God, you smell like you just had a sex marathon.” Derek winced, his face full of disgust.
“You’re one to talk!” You snapped at you stood up straight point an accusatory finger at the younger Hale who quickly lowered his head.
“Carry on judging me and I’ll tell Jethan you stole their lube!”  
“So let me get this right, my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend’s twin, Derek stole their lube?” Lydia questioned with a smirk on her face.
“Jesus this pack is like a giant slutty orgy by this point. Scott’s mom Melissa is dating Chris, who is the dad of the first love of Scott, who is Stiles’ best friend, who used to date Malia, who is the daughter of Peter, who briefly went on a failed date with Scott’s mom Melissa and turned Scott, who is best friend’s with Stiles who’s now dating Derek, who turned Isaac who is now dating Scott’s first love Allison who is besties with Lydia who’s now dating Aiden, who is the twin of Ethan, who used to date Danny who was Jackson’s bestie, who used to date Lydia who was actually the first love of Stiles, who is dating Derek, who dated Allison’s aunt Kate, who is Chris’s sister who is now dating Scott’s mom. WOW! That physically hurt to get out.” You snorted with wide eyes, as you stared at everyone in the kitchen.  
“She’s right we’re like a giant pack orgy.” Lydia huffed as you thought about it seriously.  
“Talk about keeping it in the family.” Peter chuckled which only caused you to burst out laughing.  
“God, Peter, I love you sometimes.” You laughed as you wiped away some of your tears.  
You were picked up suddenly by your hood causing you to flail like Stiles before said person started carrying you around the kitchen like that. You looked at everyone else who looked amused by the fact you were literally hanging mid-air, being carried by what was obviously a wolf.
“Not on my watch.” Scott’s voice rang out and he sipped on what you resumed was coffee.
“Scott put me down you fucking caveman!” You screamed and he began flinging your limbs around again.
“No cos you might try and run away with Peter.” Scott huffed playfully, but you could tell he was grinning.
“Uncle Peter saaaave meeeee!” You screamed, making grabby hands at Peter who almost spits out his coffee at your words.
“Please don’t call me Uncle Peter it makes me feel like that old perverted uncle that always tries to grab your booty at family events.” Peter muttered, disgust evident on his face.  
“DERBEAR!” This time, however, said person did actually spit out his coffee. Derek looked at you like you’d gone crazy.  
“It’s like you and Stiles are one person split into two body’s…” Derek muttered with heavy scowl replacing his original shocked state.
You were currently throwing clothes about your room as you tried to figure out what you would wear for your date. You’d come to the pack house with Lydia and Erica after school, hoping to quickly find an outfit so the girls could do your makeup slowly. However, after taking a shower when you arrived home, you took one glance in your closet and the first thing that came out your mouth when you stared into the depths of hell was ‘I have nothing to wear’.
You knew it was illogical because you went on a major shopping spree less than a week ago but for some reason your brain was telling you, you had nothing to wear. Lydia scanned through your wardrobe before picking out an outfit quietly.  
“Put this on with your baby pink Calvin Klein thong and no bra. Scott seems to like you in Calvin’s so it’s a safe bet.” Lydia stated softly before ushering you to the bathroom.  
You gave a nod and walked into your small on suite bathroom, closing the door before you dropped your towel. You slid on your baby pink thing that had the Calvin Klein band around the top before grabbing the dress she’d gave you.
It was pure white, thankfully, it wasn’t thin so you wouldn’t be able to see the colour of your underwear. It was a pure white long sleeved bodycon dress, which would most likely reach your mid-thigh. You stared at the neckline before realising why Lydia said no bra it was a low V cut that showed a copious amount of cleavage.
You slid the dressed over your head before pulling the tight yet comfortable material down so it was sat perfectly before making your way into your bedroom. Lydia gave you a smirk and nod whereas Erica gave you an applause.  
“Okay, makeup.” Lydia stated as she passed you a dressing gown.  
“Why do I need this?” You asked as you put it on.  
“You’re wearing a pure white dress. If even a spec of eyeshadow fall out or powder get on that thing then it has to go in the bin.” Lydia snorted, rolling her eyes softly.  
“Why couldn’t I just put it on after my makeup was done?” You questioned, frowning at Erica who chuckled at your words.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” Lydia huffed before picking up foundation and the damp beauty blender.  
Lydia was adding the finishing touches to your makeup while Erica stood holding the straighteners while they warmed up. Stiles burst into the room, a pair of heels clutched in his hands, earning a raised eyebrow from you, as Erica separated your hair and started straightening it.
“Stiles, why are you holding a pair of cherry red high heels?” You asked seriously, your eyebrow still raised.  
“Get your mind out of the gutter! Lydia asked me to bring her cherry red Louboutin’s. She said it was urgent!” Stiles shouted, panting as he tried to calm his breathing.
“You know what Louboutin’s are? And look like?” You teased playfully, earning a chuckle from Erica.  
“I’ve been on more shopping trips with Lydia than anyone I know…plus…I was there when she bought them.” Stiles muttered with a blush as he placed the shoes in front of your feet before taking you ankle and sliding your foot into one of the shoes.
“I feel like a friggin’ Princess right now.” You giggled as Stiles slid the other shoes on.
“More like a Queen. Alpha’s are like Kings of the pack, therefore, more like a Queen.” Stiles chuckled playfully.
Erica finished your hair just in time to hear the front door downstairs open. Scott had gone home to do his homework and change clothes so when you smelt his scent and the door open and close you knew it was him.  
Erica brushed through your now straight hair making it look sleek and smooth. You straightened your dress as you stood up earning a thumbs up and eyebrow wiggle from Stiles. You glanced in the mirror before staring at like in shock.  
Your eyebrows had been filled in so they looked faded, while your skin looked flawless with slight contouring. Your eyes had been done with a perfect wing and natural yet thick false lashes and your lips had been done with a crimson matte red which was similar to your shoes.
“Isn’t my lipstick gonna…ermm…come off later?” You muttered with a blush.  
“As long as you don’t eat greasy food or Scott eats greasy food your safe. I used the good stuff.” Lydia chuckled softly, looking at you with a reassuring smile.
“Might come off if you suck hi-”
“OKAAAAAY THEN!” Stiles screamed, interrupting Erica’s comment.  
You snorted before walking out the room, your heart racing a thousand miles a minute but as soon as you got to the top of the stairs and saw Scott you breathing stopped. Scott glanced up at you obviously sensing your presence however when he did he began choking on thin air. The other pack members rush out at Scott’s reactions and glanced up the stairs. Some members gaped at you, however, the first to speak up was Ethan.
“I may have just turn undeniably straight.” Earning him a very loud growl from Scott.
“I can’t say I don’t agree.” Mason chuckled this time causing Scott to huff angrily.  
You walked down the stairs silently, a blush painting your cheek but you hoped the makeup would cover it. Scott was dress in his Biker leather jacket, tight black suit pants and a crimson red shirt that was tucked into his pants, his shirt had a few buttons undone causing you to swallow.  
“I hope you’ve got a jacket it’s not exactly warm out.” Scott asked carefully, with a slight concerned frown.
“I’m more concerned about the fact she has to get on a bike in that thing.” Derek snorted, causing your eyes to widen as you shot a look at Lydia who was standing at the top of the stairs.  
“Uncle Peter?” You muttered with fake innocence. Everyone immediately began to laugh or choking.
“No, you cannot borrow my Chevy.” He huffed as he continued reading his paper.
“What about the Mustang.” You whined childishly.
“What about the Ferrari’?!” You huffed, slowly losing your patience.
“You mean my LaFerrari’ Spider?” Peter gaped as if I’d totally gone crazy.
“It matches my shoes?” You muttered the excuse like it was the most reasonable excuse in the world.
“Ask Derek he has a car too.”  
“HELL NO! If you think I’m letting you borrow my brand new Camaro think again!” Derek screamed before you could even ask.
“If I let you borrow my Ferrari will you shut up and leave?!” Peter snapped angrily.  
“YES!” You yelled childishly, crossing your arms.  
He stood up moving over to the key holder on the wall. His eyebrow set down in a frown as he threw the keys at you. You smiled as you ran over and hugged him.
“Thanks, Peter.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek before taking Scott’s hand and leaving out the door without another word. You walked to the large garage, opening the door before uncovering his Ferrari. You squealed before hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Can’t I drive?” Scott whined as you reached down and took off your heels.
“No Peter leant it to me and if there even a scratch I don’t want you getting into shit. At least if it’s me who did it, I may survive his wrath.” You snorted as you passed the heels to Scott who raised an eyebrow at you in return.
“I can’t drive in heels that are bigger than me.” You responded sarcastically.  
You started the car as the garage door opened. The sound of the engine sending shivers down your spine. Scott chuckled at your satisfied expression before you opened your mouth and ruined the moment.
“I think this car turns me on more than you.” You pondered earning a glare from your boyfriend. He didn’t even dare dignify that with a response, so you set off to the restaurant he’d booked a table at.
You arrived after about 10 minutes, Scott exiting the car before you. He opened your door and crouched down as he held out his hand as if asking for your foot. You grinned as he slid the shoes onto your feet. He caressed the back of your leg slightly, looking up at you with a lust filled expression which almost caused you to whimper. Instead, you decided to break it up.
“You’re the second man to ever do this for me.” You said sweetly, yet somehow knew it would piss Scott off.
“Second?” He growled moodily.
“The first was Stiles. About 5 minutes before you arrived cos I was having my hair done.” You giggled knowing he’s chuckle at this.
He took off his jacket and threw it over your shoulders, before sliding his arm around your lower waist. His hands gripping your hip tightly, as you walked into the building. You had to refrain from moaning at the feeling.  
“If you keep manhandling me I’m going to ask that you take me outside and screw me against a tree.” You whispered seductively but somehow managed to keep your face in a sweet smile.
“And you keep talking like that we won’t even make it outside before I bend you over.” Scott retaliated huskily.  
You sat down as he pulled out your chair before pushing you in. His hands purposely brushing against the back of your neck. His rough hand causing shivers to run down your spine you looked down now noticing your nipples were apparently wanting an appearance because they were suddenly hard and extra sensitive.  
You quickly slid on Scott's jacket properly, earning a questioning glance from Scott that you ignored. His hand reached over the table, holding it out quietly. You took his hand with a smile as you tried to ignore the arousal currently stirring in your stomach. You stared at Scott forearms that were bare and filled with bulging veins. He’d rolled his red shirt sleeves up to his elbows, as soon as he’d sat down which was currently causing you to squirm in your seat.  
You heard Scott asked a question but you were so focused on how his arms would feel pinning you down while he drilled into you like an animal.
“Y/N!” Scott shouted, his voice finally snapping you out your daze.
“Y-Yes?” You stuttered as you looked into his eyes.
“Stop it.” He instructed, flash his red eyes at you.
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly, a blush creeping up onto your face once again.  
You ate dinner with mostly silence, as you both tried to avoid staring at each other too long. The tension was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife but either way, you ate the dinner and even had dessert. However, the taste of the cheesecake you were eating was merely a distraction, from your skin that felt like it was on fire anytime even dared to take a glance at you.  
You hurriedly ate the food then set your cutlery down with shaking hands. Scott sipped his water as he observed you from across the table his eyes felt like they could burn through you as you shifted in your seat nervously.  
“S-Scott?” You whispered softly, your words sounding breathless as you finally looked him in the eyes.
“T-Take me home.” You added, clutching at the hem of your dress in an attempt to ground yourself.
He quickly paid the bill before standing, grabbing your hand tightly as he dragged you out the restaurant without uttering a word. He put you in the passenger seat before making his way to the driver’s seat.  
You didn’t dare tell him you should drive because right now you were unsure of whether you’d be able to get either of you or the car home safely. He started the car and sped home faster than you’d ever seen him drive, even on his bike.  
When he parked the car he got out and made it to your side however instead of grabbing your hand he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You let out a squeal as he did so before he stormed into the house quietly. He stopped at the stairs and stared at the pack that was sat in the living area.
“Don’t come into my room for the next 24 hours unless someone’s dying.” He growled before storming up the stairs. You let out a rather girlish ‘eep’ at the implication you wouldn’t emerge from the bedroom until tomorrow evening.  
He burst into his room, kicking the door closed before throwing you on the bed. He stopped at the end of the bed and looked down at you, his eyes glowing the same red as your shoes which he slowly slipped off your feet before gripping your calves tightly, causing you to whimper.
“I’m sorry I tried to control myself, Y/N. Didn’t wanna make you cry…but right now, nothing sounds more tempting, than to hear you cry out my name.”  
Part 5 <- -> Part 7
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hersie44 · 1 year
Old Friends (Derek Hale x Reader)
Characters included: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Jordan Parrish, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar.
Requested: No
Type: Reader insert (no use of y/n though), fan fiction.
Word Count: 3520 words.
warning: Strong language used.
Note: I did make the reader be originally from Greece but it doesn't affect the story much so feel free to change it in your mind. :)
Chapter One.
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Being back in Beacon Hills felt weird, almost like a nightmare as I walked through the halls of the empty high school that I used to attend. I looked around curiously, the classrooms looked the same and so did the locker rooms. I smiled to myself seeing the boy’s locker room in the distance, memories of sneaking in there after everyone had left to talk to my best friend running through my mind.
“What are you doing here so late!?” I squinted my eyes as a bright light was shone directly at my face, I pushed it away and glared at the man standing in front of me. The coach.
“Oh, it’s just you.” He lowered the flashlight and gave me a confused look, like I was the only crazy person that was at the school late at night.
“Good to see you too coach, I was just leaving.” I moved around him, clutching my book bag close to my chest. I had just started teaching history at Beacon Hills High School yesterday, and this was already the second night that I had decided to stay late. I missed the library here much more than I expected. Especially seeing my initials carved on one of the shelves alongside my friend’s.
“You are seriously giving all the nerds bad ideas, what kind of teacher stays late at the school to read?” I let out an exhausted sigh, he had asked the same question when he caught me in the library last night. I put on a smile and glanced back at him.
“The kind that doesn’t want your players to fail a class, because if they do fail then they won’t be able to play, and we don’t want that now do we?” I turned back around and continued walking, knowing I had won the argument. I knew how much the coach cared about having his best players on the field, unfortunately for him most of them took history.
I would never fail a student if they didn’t deserve it, and I’ve been known to give plenty of opportunities to complete homework and assignments, but the coach has been pressing all the wrong buttons for the last two days and I just needed him to keep his mouth shut.
I guess I’ve changed a lot since high school, I would have never spoken back to someone like that in my teen years. If you weren’t close to me then I seemed like the quiet kid, you know the one that everyone just ignored and went about their day. However, if you knew me then I was the exact opposite. I would speak my mind, about anything and everything. I would babble on about the most random topics if you were willing to lend an ear, and that often ended up being my best friend’s ear.
I guess I should stop calling him that, we haven’t seen or spoken to each other since we were eighteen. He left Beacon Hills after an accident, he dropped all communication and left. I stayed here for as long as I could, waiting for him to come back so that I could talk to him and comfort him, but he never did come back.
 When the summer ended, I left my number on the door of his house in case he came back, and he wanted to talk. Then I left for home, I went back to Greece and continued on with my life, got my degree in teaching and then travelled for a year or two with my grandmother. Once she was ready to settle down, we came back to Beacon Hills. She said that this place had always felt like a second home to her.
I snapped out of my daydream as I realised, I had made it out into the outside corridor, I should really start paying more attention when I’m somewhere alone in the middle of the night.
“KIRA!” I stared ahead in disbelief; three kids were laying on the floor at the end of the corridor battered and bruised. It didn’t look like they noticed me but something that was growling at them did. On instinct I ran forward, skidding to a stop in front of them. Whatever the animal was, it would have to get through me first. Which looking back on that decision, that was probably the most stupid decision that I had ever made in my life.
The situation was extremely surreal, there I was standing between three kids and two grown men wearing animal skulls that covered their faces. They were clearly strong, that was the aura they gave off as they stared me down. I had so much adrenaline running through me that I stared back at them, with a glare of rage.
“Can you three move?” I glanced down at the ground for a second, noticing a sword laying on the ground between me and the men. If I could just pick that up, then I might stand a chance against these guys.
“No! Run!” I faintly remember one of the boys screaming at me, a boy I now know as Scott McCall. I ran forward, grabbing the sword off of the floor and leaping into the air with hope that the momentum would pierce the bone armour that the men had on.
But instead of making contact I was grabbed out of the air, it felt like the world slowed down to a halt as it happened. My eyes widened as a familiar face appeared in front of him, one that should have been much older by now.
“Derek?” He acknowledged me with a glance before throwing me to the side, I’m sure he meant to be gentler, but my body hit the ground with a harsh thud and my head hit the railings. My vision became blurry as I watched the scene before me, Derek, my ex best friend who hasn’t seemed to have aged a day since I last saw him, was fighting off these tall men with his bare hands. The only thing was that he had sharp canine-like teeth and claws to match as he did so. I left the image up to the concussion I had before I crawled forward towards the kids, I tried my best to stand up.
“Come on, you need to run…” I had trusted Derek with my life many times when we were younger, so now I trusted that he could hold off the danger long enough to get these kids to safety. Then I could question him on why he doesn’t look a day over sixteen, and if he’d give me the location to the fountain of youth he had found. As they got up the ache in my head became apparent, I stumbled to the side and started to fall again. However, this time I had a much softer landing, someone had been kind enough to catch me and when I looked up, I saw the most handsome man that I could have possibly ever imagined.
“Wow…so an angel really does come get you when you die.” I closed my eyes, and I could faintly hear the sound of someone calling my name.
The memory came flooding back to me like it was yesterday, it was the finals for our basketball team. We usually never made it that far, but we finally had an ace on our team, Derek Hale, my best friend. The only thing was that no one could find him, we were all waiting on the courts for him to start the match, but no one had seen him. That is when I noticed his uncle skulking around before disappearing in the direction of the locker rooms.
“I’ll be right back.” I gave Kate a reassuring smile before following him, I didn’t trust Peter at all, so I hardly felt bad about this. He was always too hard on Derek, there had been many times where Derek decided to sleep over at my place just to avoid the douche. He didn’t seem like the supportive type either, so I don’t understand why he was here.
“Even born wolves have to learn control on a full moon, Derek.” I heard Peter’s voice echoing from the showers, I blushed at the thought of bursting into the room while Derek was naked. Maybe there was an actual emergency, and I should just go, let his uncle help him for once if it fell in the department of him being naked during the issue or maybe I should have sent Kate because she’s told me many times, she had a crush on him. But then…
“Yeah, but it’s supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt so much!?” Hurt? That sent alarm bells going off in my head, Derek was hurting. I rounded the corner and stared in shock as Derek was on his knees, completely drenched from head to toe. I could only see the side of his face, but his eyes were glowing bright blue and he had fangs like a wolf. Before I could stop myself, I let out a scream, then there was a pressure on my neck before I passed out.
I woke up with a jolt, my eyes snapping open as I heard voices coming from the distance. I was in a room I didn’t recognise, the ceiling was high and most of the bricks were exposed. It was cold, sending a shiver down my spine. I sat up slowly, my brain pounding against my skull as I did so.
My ears were still ringing from earlier, my heart was still pounding in my chest from the adrenaline. Then I heard my name again, it didn’t sound like it had any emotion in it at first but as I looked in the direction of the voice I could immediately tell there was a slight worried undertone to it…just like I could always tell when he tried to hide it.
“Derek…?” Just as I thought, the man from earlier was Derek. He had grown so much, he was taller, more muscular, he had a beard and damn was he gorgeous. I took several deep breaths as three pairs of eyes fell on me, which didn’t help the growing nervousness in my stomach. Was what I remembered real? Was what I saw earlier real?
“That’s my cue to leave.” The woman spoke, she got up and left without even greeting them. The other man followed her, locking the door behind her as she left.
“Are you crazy!?” He sounded shocked and angry, the emotions clearly directed at Derek.
“Not now.” He got up and walked towards me, my spine immediately straightened, and my eyes went wide as he sat down in front of me. I wasn’t scared of him, but I suddenly felt alert in the situation, there were so many questions swirling in my head that it was almost hard to keep track of.
“What do you remember?” No “Hi, how you doing?”, no “Sorry I threw you which made you hit your head and pass out”. Nothing, just straight to what I remembered? Yeah, this was definitely Derek or should I rather say the ‘new and improved’ one.
“A lot, enough to know you’ve been keeping secrets from me before you even left.”
“It was to protect you.”
“Bullshit!” I stood up, staggering slightly which sent Derek flying to his feet to catch me. His hands landed on my waist, holding me up.
“It wasn’t to protect me! It was for your own selfish shit! You didn’t tell me things, you didn’t let me in on your little world and then you just left me! No good explanation, no good-bye just gone! I stayed here for months for you! Taking care of your family after the fire, I spent my summer hoping you would come back but you didn’t! You ass!” I hit his chest hard which for once made him flinch, but he still had a glare on his face as he stared down at me like a predator warning his prey.
“You didn’t stay either so how is it fair that you can be mad at me, but you weren’t here when I came back?” I glared at him, absolutely pissed that he would switch the blame to me so quickly.
“I left you a note with my number on it and my new address, I couldn’t stay when my whole family was leaving! I was eighteen without a job, how would I live here!?” I tried to push him off, but he just tightened his grip on me.
“There was no note.”
“That might have been my fault.” Our heads whipped to the other man in the room, he had a sheepish grin on his face, but he didn’t look sorry at all as he shrugged and crossed his arms.
“I took it off, didn’t want you to have stalkers back home.” I blinked in disbelief, it was private property so no one would have went there besides Derek's family.
“In the flesh.” He did a small bow, now my blood was boiling even more. Of course, it was Peter who made sure we never spoke again, he never liked me since I always made Derek talk back to him, I made Derek stand up for himself against him. Rightfully so because he is an asshole.
“But how!? You were burnt and paralysed in the fire! I looked after you and Laura in the hospital for my whole summer!”
“Long story but thanks for that, cupcake.” My grip on Derek’s arms tightened, he took that as a sign that if he didn’t get me out of here that I would try to burn Peter to a crisp myself this time.
“I’m taking you home.” I screeched as he picked me up, something I definitely wasn’t used to. I was well aware that I probably couldn’t walk by myself, the longer I’m awake the more my body aches and pains. I let out a groan, closing my eyes as I decide not to protest.
“I hate you sometimes.” I heard a little huff, something he did when he was trying not to smile. Even though I was extremely mad at him right now, his warmth was welcomed. At least that hasn’t changed, he was still my personal heater.
“Just sometimes?” I opened my eyes as one of his hands wrapped around mine, my pain starting to slowly go away. I glanced down, there were black veins on his hand and arm where we were touching, another thing I suddenly remembered seeing before. Once we were outside, he put me in the passenger seat of a car, a car I was assuming was his.
“Derek, please talk to me. Explain this to me.” He sighed, I gave him my best pleading look which made him shake his head before he knelt down next to me.
“I’m a werewolf.”
“Yeah, I guessed.” I cleared my throat, my eyes meeting his. “I saw you before, before that basketball game when we were younger.”
“Before Peter knocked you out, I remember.”
“He is a royal pain in the ass, fucking asshole. But you know I wasn’t scared of you, right? I would have accepted you even back then.” I reached out for his hand and laced our fingers together, squeezing it tightly. His eyes flickered down to our hands, he seemed to be processing the feeling like no one has held his hand since he last saw me.
“I know, you were a weirdo that would have accepted me even if I had two heads.” I laughed at that, a smile growing on my face as I looked at him.
“Yeah, but your ego was enough to deal with.” He rolled his eyes at that, but I could see the smile he was hiding, beneath all the changes that he went through I could still see the old Derek. The person he was before all the pain. He took a deep breath and pulled his hand away from mine, the playful atmosphere now depleting.
“I wanted to tell you but the last person I told died, and then Kate…”
“Argent?” He nodded, then he began to explain what happened in the last few years. How Paige actually died, that Kate was the one who set fire to his house and killed his family because she was a hunter and that’s why she wanted to date him. He told me about when he came back to Beacon Hills, all the things that happened with a group of high schoolers he met. It was a lot to take in, but I paid attention, I knew he would never lie…well tell a whole fabricated supernatural story because he was never that creative.
“I’m sorry, Derek. I’m so sorry.” I leaned forward, hugging him with my arms wrapped around his neck. I could tell he wasn’t expecting it, he froze for a moment. Usually, I never cry about things but now that I knew the truth, I couldn’t stop the tears. The amount of times Derek could have died or was close to death while I wasn’t with him crashed down on me, I sobbed and hiccupped while holding onto him. That’s when his arms wrapped around me, holding me firmly to his chest as I cried.
I don’t know how long we sat like that, just on the side of the road in his car with his arms around me. The crying had given me a headache but being close to him felt good, being like this again felt good. My heart was beating a mile a minute.
“Please come home with me, please stay like you used to. I need you…” Another thing that was out of character for me, begging for someone to stay. I don’t know if fear had overcome me from realising there was a whole dangerous world of creatures that could kill me if they weren’t good like Derek, or if I was just scared that if he left me, he would leave again.
“Okay…okay.” His voice was soft, something that only happened when I was extremely upset about something. He got up, tucking me into my seat and putting on my seatbelt. Once he was in the driver’s seat I grabbed his hand again, holding it with both of mine. This time he squeezed my hand, starting the car with his free hand and then driving off.
When we arrived at my place Derek has decided that I still couldn’t walk on my own, he picked me up from the passenger seat and walked towards my front door. The little act of kindness made me giggle, knowing full well that if I ever asked to be carried again then he would say no.
“Welcome to my humble abode, my bedroom is upstairs.” He nodded, taking a quick look around my house before ascending to the second floor. I had boxes all around, not having unpacked anything besides my bedroom and the kitchen.
“Am I allowed to dress myself or are you going to strip me too?” He grunted, not enjoying my teasing as he put me down on the bed. He walked over to my closet.
“Still sleep in shorts and a tank top?” He barely asked the question before throwing those items at me, I laughed and caught them.
“Yeah, but only when it’s hot. Then again it should be very hot since my personal heater has returned.” He chuckled at this, looking at the wall as I got changed.
“I see you still have some of my sweatpants, I’m borrowing one.” I blushed and looked away as he changed, though I did take a glance as he took off his shirt. He had definitely worked out during the time we were separated and had gotten a tattoo on his back. It was safe to say he was an absolute catch. I shook my head, not believing my thoughts about a man that was my best friend for most of my childhood.
He walked over to me, he had opted to not put a shirt on which I was definitely complaining about.
“Where am I sleeping?” I patted next to me which made him raise an eyebrow, I guess now that we’re older it was a bit weird to share a bed as just friends, but I didn’t care. I had missed sleeping in his arms.
“Don’t question it, I missed you.” He sighed and laid next to me, I didn’t hesitate to crawl into his arms. When I pulled the blanket over us, I felt safe, it was just like when were younger again. Derek was my dream catcher, keeping the nightmares and bad thoughts away. Now being with him kept more than that away, I felt like as long as I was with him the new world, I knew about wasn’t so scary after all. His warmth made me sleepy, my eyes closing as I drifted off.
Just before I fell asleep, I felt his arms tighten around me.
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yourmommygay · 8 months
Let's trust him.
Idea: This is set just after Liam brings theo back and is set in Scott's house when they find out he's back.
Pairings: theo raeken x plus size!reader, Malia tate/hale x reader (siblings. Malia is 2 years older), Scott mccall x reader (platonic), Liam Dumbar x reader (best friends)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood and violence.
Be prepared this is a kinda long one.
Cody christain is just majestic.
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Me, malia and Scott had just returned to Scott's after receiving a message from Liam asking for us to come back. As I stepped out of my truck and closed the door I heard my sister growl, I didn't understand why, I just shrugged it off and walked over to Scott who was walking up the path to the front door.
We entered the house and I heard hushed whispers from towards the kitchen area, I identified the voices of Liam and hayden aka my best friend and his girlfriend. As I rounded the corner I saw him, theo. My ex boyfriend standing behind my best friend and hayden who was holding the katana.
"What's going on here?" I asked worried as to why he was here. Liam looked sad almost guilty but still confident all at once. Scott stepped towards Liam with a angry glint in his eyes.
(Skip to later. Also im adding more speach cause its been a while since ive watched teen wolf and i cant find it anywhere as i live in the uk)
"Scott I don't trust him" malia said to Scott and I don't blame her, he manipulated us all, made us believe we could trust him, shot malia, made me fall in love with him just so he could get closer to the pack, manipulated Liam into trying to kill Scott then trying and sort of succeeding in killing him. "I know you don't malia, but Liam thinks he may be able to help us, he remembers stiles" Scott said trying to calm down the situation.
"I remember stiles, Lydia remembers stiles, y/n remembers stiles and so do you. We don't need theo, Liam needs to send him back. He tried to kill you scott" malia rambled getting angrier by the second. "What do you think y/n?" Scott asked looking straight at me, I looked over at theo and saw his eyes. He was listening in to the conversation and he looked scared. "Malia has a point he did try to kill you." I pause. "But so did I and malia and Liam and Peter and Kate and Chris and Jackson and yet you gave us another chance and trusted us. I say we give him one more chance, if he does something we don't like or agree with put him back" I respond.
Scott nods and tells Liam "y/n's right, but he's your responsibility. You watch him, got it?" Liam nods and looks over at me "can y/n help? She's theos weakness remember".
(Flashback to before they sent him to his personal hell)
"Y/n your everything to me, I didn't mean to involve you in the plan. I didn't mean to fall in love with you, at first I thought maybe it was easy but then you actually treated me the way I wanted to be treated, with love and care. God I'm crazy about you y/n, if anything happened to you I'd lose my mind. Your the only thing that keeps me calm and anchored" theo said trying to plea for my forgiveness.
"I can't be with you theo, not anymore. Your not the person I thought you was. If you can change then maybe at some point eventually but right now I'm pushing myself to just talk to you, I don't think I can trust you" I turned and left theo standing there looking like a kid who just dropped their ice cream.
"Fine catherine goes with but if he gets to close to her stop him" Scott and malia both say St the same time making me smirk. I have a feeling they will be together soon enough, there's always been something there. I can tell.
(Time skip again)
I'm walking behind hayden and Liam by theo but not next to him as I see Liam and hayden being a cute couple. Hayden says how she trusts liam I nearly make an audible sound of adoration towards the teenage couple as they kiss theo says "oh do you want me to leave you two alone to have some couple time?" He then holds up the chains "Oh wait I can't" he says annoyed. Liam rolls his eyes and me and hayden giggle at the boys. Liam yanks on the chain connected to the handcuffs on theo's wrists.
As I'm walking theo looks at me. "Hey" he whispers knowing that even though the teenage couple infront of us are talking that if he spoke loud enough Liam would hear him. "Hi" I whisper back. "I heard what you said to Scott back at the house, thank you for sticking up for me" he whispers smiling at me, not a smirk like before, a genuine smile. "I didn't do it as a favor for you." Amd just like that the smile is gone.
"I did it for me, so I can kill you once we have finished with you" I smile and him then jog to catch up and walk next to hayden.
(Time skip again. I'm sorry)
"Scott was right, I'm sending you back" Liam said to theo, we had just returned to the little shed thingy and saw a ghost rider dead in the cage with the gate open and theo sitting on the floor. I hadn't looked at theo yet I just know he's sitting on the floor, I finally look over at theo then turn to Liam and whisper to Liam "leave me alone with him, I'll fine out what happened" Liam looks hesitant but I nod and he and everyone else walks out leaving me with theo.
I sit down next to theo sideways facing him. I cross my legs, sigh and put my hands in my lap. "What happened theo?" I ask. Theo looks at me with tears in his eyes and blood on his face, "my sister would pull my heart out, over and over and over and over again. Then suddenly you appeared and she started pulling your heart out then she would make me pull it out, I couldn't. I couldn't hurt you again so I always had to watch you die." He said catching me of guard. "Theo I meant about what happened here. Is-is that what you witnessed in your personal hell?" I ask putting my hand on his knee. He nods then says "it was uh, Mr Douglas. He came in here, killed the ghost rider. Ate something from in his brain that let him use the whip" theo says then he clears his throat and sits up more, still leaning on the wall.
"Mr Douglas, as in the new teacher?" I ask in disbelief. Theo nods again and I nod. "Theo I have to ask, did you try to stop him?" I ask scared of the answer. "Yeah I did he uh, he pushed me against the wall and then faced the ghost rider" theo said and I knew he was telling the truth cause they couldn't lie to me. I nod and pull theo into my chest hugging him catching him by surprise but he quickly wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck.
"I missed you" I confess. "I missed you so much more and I'm so sorry I broke your trust and I promise I will try to prove myself and change, for you. I'll be better for you" theo said looking me in the eyes. I smile and nod then kiss theo quickly before calling Scott and Liam and the others back in.
I stand up as they enter and say "He's telling the truth, he had nothing to do with what happened here. In fact he tried to stop it from happening but he couldn't. Scott can I talk to you outside?" I ramble, Scott nods and we walk out the little shed thingy. "Scott, he's just told me what he went through down there. I think we should at least give him a chance to be better. To prove to be better. He isn't the same as before, believe me. I was his girlfriend and there is a look in his eyes that wasn't there before." I explain.
"What did he go through?" Scott asks, I shake my head "I can't say exactly as its not my place if he wants to tell you he will but I will say that if anything would change him. It would be what he went through. Can we please give him one more chance and just put at least a little bit of trust in him?" I say.
Scott nods and says
"Okay, let's trust him"
A/n: I hope you like this, it took me about an hour to write as I kept getting distracted. Anyway let me know what you think about this and I'm sorry that I couldn't really remember much from the episodes but I tried my best. Anyway, remember you are loved and you are wanted. I love you and I hope you have a nice morning/evening/night. Bye bye.
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lucky-bishop · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!!
Thanks for the tags, @dear-massacre and @rosieposiepuddingnpie!!
I have so many WIPs. Like. Too many. Some of these will probably never end up actually getting written. BUT, alas, here we go!
Non-Teen Wolf:
Nadja Pegs Laszlo (WWDITS)
The one-brain cell polycule (WWDITS)
Guillermo Mercy Kills Nandor (WWDITS)
Gay Besties (endgame Steddie but mostly abt the Steve & Robin friendship, Stranger Things)
Teen Wolf, Not Prompts:
7 minutes in heaven (Stiles' sexy birthday celebration w/ the pack)
A Parting Gift (MCD) The nogitsune leaves a gift behind. Sterek.
Affectionate Biting - Malia's love language is Biting
Lonely Girl (MCD) - Allison's ghost haunts Lydia
Alpha Peter bitches Stiles
Shifter Royalty Stilinski Family Steter
Extra Hedonist Peter w/ Bottom Dom Stiles
S1 monster of the week crack feat. the sheriff, Scott, Stiles, and Derek
Deputy Chris Argent, endgame Chris/Sheriff
DILF Chris Argent, mostly Stargent w/ endgame Stiles/Chris/Isaac
Erica Prom Queen Murder Spree
FBI Trainee Stiles
Stiles can't suck dick but Peter uses his face in Other ways
Monsterfucker dildo where Stiles gets a monster mate
Steter monsterfucking in the woods
Peter's presumptuous when he gets with Stiles but ends up getting an actual BDSM education
Non-con mating bite, Steter
Possessive Peter Steterek! The only one of these that's currently on AO3 as Possessive Beasts!
Peter babytraps omega Stiles
Sciles makes an "if we're not married by x" pact and then commits shenanigans trying to keep each other single
Unrequited Stiles/Scott where Scott rejects Stiles
Crack shrunken Peter fic
Smart Scott 5+1
Stiles/Peter/Deucalion college fic
Stargent Painting Fic - inspired by Lorde
Dark Stargent - Chris takes Stiles as a surrogate daughter after Allison dies
Sterek (MCD) - Derek returns to find Beacon Hills, and Stiles, in shambles. He tries to save them both.
Peter finding out that Stiles doesn't trust him even though they're together, inspired by T.Swift "Hoax"
Steter "hands are meant to be held" Valentine fic
Part 3 of the Steterek feminization where Stiles tops the hell out of Derek and Peter
Stiles is horny and has access to a 3d printer (Steter getting together)
Stiles/Cora/Derek dangerous Hales make Stiles horny
My very Steter take on The Train Station
Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup fic
Transmasc Stiles and TA Peter get together
Teen Wolf & Buffy fusion, where Stiles is a Watcher (end game Stetopher)
Untitled Sterek watersports fic
Writer in the Dark, another Lorde-inspired fic, with the Kira/Cora pairing!
Teen Wolf, Prompts:
Greenberg has an absolute glo-up and everyone Notices
Stiles and Scott go looking for trouble (feral Derek and Peter) and they find it
Co-Alphas Scott and Derek fuck
Derek is being thrown a surprise party, but doesn't like surprises, and this leads to him and Stiles boning
Derek spanks Scott and Stiles for being shitheads towards him
Peter shows off wearing panties and the whole pack takes turns taking them off of him
Fox Stiles and Scott are roommates, and they compete to respectively make Peter and Lydia loud in bed
So I guess. That's technically 45 wips which is actually insane! Especially because that doesn't count any of the ~10 events or so I will probably participate in per year!
Anyway tagging: @lavender-lotion, @beaconfeels, @like-lazarus, @thotpuppy, @midnightwinterhawk, @meggie-stardust and anyone else who would like to play along!
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roleplayfinder · 11 months
((Forgot to add my age, sorry!)) ⚠️💋 Heyo!! 18+ roleplayer here!! I was wondering if anyone would want to roleplay with me? I have a number of fandoms and I will list them and who I can play!! I would prefer a OC x CC double up, but I will also take CC x CC! I do not do OC x OC!!!
☆Criminal Minds☆
Who I can play: Spencer, Aaron, Derek, Emily, JJ, Struass, David, Gideion, Luke, Matt, and Garcia
☆Avatar the last airbender☆
Who I can play: Anyone from the Gaang, Jet, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Iroh, Ozai, Roku, Hakoda
☆Legend of Korra☆
Who I can play: Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Pema, Lin, Iroh II, Bumi, Kya, Zaheer, Gazahn ((idk if I spelled that right)) Jhu Li, Varrick
☆Teen Wolf☆
Who I can play: Derek, Peter, Chris, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Kira, Malia
☆Helluva Boss☆
Who I can play: Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Striker, Crimson, Barb, Ozzie, Fizzie, Loona, Verosika, Vortex, Bee
☆Hazbin Hotel☆
Who I can play: Alastor, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie
Who I can play: Quinn, Brittany, Santana, Finn, Rachel, Sebastian, Artie, Puck, Marley, Kitty, Will, Emma, Sue
☆Stardew Valley☆
Who I can play: Sebastian, Alex, Haley, Shane, Harvey, Abigail, Robin, Demitrius, Gus, Pierre, The Wizard
☆The Flash☆ ((CW show))
Who I can play: Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Harry, Hunter, Henry, Nora, Wally
Who I can play: Dean, Sam, Benny, John, Mary, Bobby, Rufus, Garth, Castiel, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Anna
I can roleplay on discord or tumblr! Like this and I'll come to you!
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littlewolfdunbar101 · 11 months
Behind Closed Doors
Despite the facade he had perfected, Theo Raeken couldn't escape the undeniable truth that coursed through his veins. Deep down, he knew he would never be forgiven; the only thing people saw when they looked at him was his monstrous nature. Despite his attempts to suppress it, the relentless truth was always there, threatening to consume him entirely. Theo wonders if returning to Hell, where his sister Tara resides, would somehow offer solace in the chaos. He yearned for the brutal release of Tara's claws, clawing at his chest. Maybe by her extracting her own heart, still beating, from within him, he could somehow ease the pain that threatened to consume him.
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Theo Raeken is Liam Dunbar's Anchor, Post-canon, Psychological Torture, Canon Typical Violence, Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant, Brett Talbot x Nolan Holloway
Characters: Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Brett Talbot, Alec, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Malia Tate, Nolan Holloway, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent, Alan Deaton, Peter Hale, Tamora Monroe, Sheriff Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore, Ethan
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