#christmas sucks
adharastarlight · 2 years
We've reached the talking shit about family members part of dinner. Now it feels like christmas!
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sp00kysk3lly · 10 months
“I found the Grinch to be a relatable, engaging character. And I was really with him right up to the point that he succumbed to social convention and returned the presents and saved Christmas. What a buzzkill that was.”
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siriusblacksdiary · 9 months
Don't imagine Sirius spending Christmas absolutely alone for the first time, in a cold cell in Azkaban. With no pranks, no laughter- no love anywhere to be found.
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tonguesofsilence · 9 months
Tom Waits & Peter Murphy - Christmas Sucks
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the-kitten69 · 9 months
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worldswewrite · 9 months
“Why don’t you invite me to Christmas with your family?”
“Idk just seems like a romantic partner thing”
What does that even meeeeeeeeaaaannnn?
I would invite my intimate besties to my family Christmas if I could.
I’m so sad. Why is our relationship not as important because it’s not romantic?
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kimwarris · 9 months
Can't we just fast forward until after Christmas?
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gipzisays209 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion: Christmas is an overrated as fuck holiday. It's overly commercialized, it's literally shoved down your throat as early as October (even sooner in some places), and it needs to wait it's damn turn. Stick to December I swear to fucking god STOP PLAYING FUCKING BUBLÉ IN NOVEMBER I BEG OF YOU
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It really sucks when the one thing you want for Christmas isn't a something but rather a someone.
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dead-girls-dont-cry · 2 years
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I really hate this time of the year..
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im-just-that-gay · 2 years
Christmas has always kind of sucked for me.
In high school I realized I wasn't just sad I was depressed while we were decorating the Christmas tree. There was Christmas music. No one was fighting. Everyone was smiling and having a great time looking at old family ornaments. I had no reason to be unhappy in that moment, but I felt hollow and empty. It was a turning point for me.
A year later, around Christmas I hit the lowest point in my mental health. I was deep in self loathing and hopelessness. I resented decorating that tree. I resented that everyone was happy and I was dying little by little.
Another year later, I was with my first serious girlfriend. It was always a battle trying to see her with my homophobic family trying to force religious guilt down my throat. Around the holidays if I tried to spend time with her I was told I was abandoning my family. On Christmas day I was forced into a yearly tradition of going to a movie with family friends. One of the daughters in that family was the girl who outed me to my parents. Being around her was like swallowing broken glass and trying to breathe around the shards. My girlfriend came to see me that night because I was really on the edge. It lead to the one the biggest fights I've ever had with my mother.
A few years down the road and I've had a lot of success with treating my depression. I don't have a partner so there's nothing to fight about. I've reached a point of relative peace with my family and it's the first year in about a decade that we aren't doing a Christmas movie with those family friends.
We're decorating the tree tonight. As I type this my youngest brother is calling for me to come upstairs. I should be okay. But I'm frozen.
I'm still afraid to hang those ornaments.
I'm afraid of remembering those feelings. Of living them again.
I don't know how to do Christmas. I don't know how to exist right now.
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noisychildcoffee · 2 years
Is so sad for me seeing my dog shaking cause fire works, I really hate it.
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clwhowrites · 2 years
Why I hate Christmas
Why I hate Christmas
Every year, when Halloween ends the hell time begins. Even before Thanksgiving, Christmas products hit the floors of stores and the Christmas music comes out. People call this “the most wonderful time of the year” but to me it is horrible. “But how could anyone hate Christmas?” many will ask, “Christmas is a wander full time.” I say “bah humbug!” I hate Christmas. I hate is so much that even the…
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lucyfishwife · 2 years
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Just a reminder that you may not ask for actual human beings for Christmas, as they are fully realised persons with lives and emotions of their own, and not subject to your whims and imaginings, which is frankly a massive cosmic injustice but I will struggle on somehow
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batsyforyou · 2 years
You know the thing that kills me the most inside is when you ask someone close to you, to do the one thing you asked of them and they can’t even do that one tiny thing. Dissipate the fact you upheld your end of the bargain. At this point it’s better to except disappointment so I ain’t hurt when it happens. Again.
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its cold as hell and i can't hibernate so i'm forced to wear winter clothes and i've been using this stupid christmas shirt and i have to be reminded every time i wake up that santa claus is real and hes watching me and it PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF
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God, i hate this old bitch, fucking piece of shit idiot motherfucker i hate you hsgdfjhnsg ñdf jñsd
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