#christpher golden
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Head into Mike Magnola & Chistopher Golden’s even darker world! The OmniverseComics.Guide brings you the OUTERVERSE READING ORDER: TALES FROM THE OUTER DARK (2010-PRESENT) where Lord Henry Baltimore, Joe Golem & others stand against supernatural forces attempt to break into the earthly plane...
Hit the link below to see our reading orders for the comics chronology, key covers, story breakdowns & more!
Reading Order: Outerverse: Tales from the Outer Dark (2010-Present)
This guide to the Outerverse will be updated as new material is released from @DarkHorseComics
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
Really enjoyed listening to the "Buffy" Audible series "Slayers"!!! :D I normally don't like audiobooks, as I prefer to actually read books, but this felt more like an audiodrama or radio series since they brought back so many of the actors which made it much easier for me to listen too. Going to write this without spoilers but overall I liked it. Felt like one of the "Buffy" novels I loved as a teenager (and still have) and nice for Christpher Golden to even reference some of his past works in the books. Loved this being narrated by Spike and getting all these AU versions of Cordy, Drucilla, Anya, and Tara. I liked the new slayer Indria too and that she's a Spuffy shipper. LOL Myself being a Spuffy shipper I was fine with it too and everything is open ended. And with it being open ended I'm hoping they do more of these, bringing back more of the cast, even doing stories set with this AU still, and maybe making print versions too as I think some Audible ones have gotten print releases. So I totally rec it especially if you loved the "Buffy" novels.
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theseveredhead · 5 years
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alphaplus052things · 7 years
【本日フラゲデー‼️🎉】STR8 BRAND NEW DANCEHALL MIX Vol.2 -Dated JAN 2018- mixed by BAD GYAL MARIE from MEDZ ■形態:MIX CD ■品番:MBNM002 ■レーベル:Medz ■発売日:2018年1月8日 ■価格:1,297円+税 ★STREET SHOP限定商品 好評を博したMEDZ ‘’STR8 BRAND NEW DANCEHALL MIX‘’の第二弾が発売決定! 10年にわたり本場ジャマイカのゲットーやアップタウンでプレイし続けるBAD GYAL MARIEならではの選曲とグルーヴで、本場志向のダンスホールフリークも納得の一枚。いまのジャマイカでヘビープレイされる曲ばかりを網羅したMIX CDで、これ以上ないほどのリアルなジャマイカンダンスホールを完全収録! 1.Intro 2.Mhm Hm - Vybz Kartel 3.Gyaliss Anthem - Christopher Martin 4.She Nah Let Go - Lanz 5.Dem Gal Yah Bad - Dexta Daps 6.Wickedest Girl - Richie Stephens 7.Him or Me - Richie Stephens & Mr,G 8.Style - Christopher Martin 9.Still - Romain Virgo 10.Girl Like That - Agent Sasco 11.Ruguh Ruguh - Professor Nuts & Agent Sasco 12.Girlfriend - Busta Rhymes feat. Vybz Kartel & Tory Lanez 13.Watch Over Us - Vybz Kartel 14.Te Amo - Vershon 15.Grow In A Yuh - Lanz 16.Gi it Weh - Starface 17.My Love - Alkaline 18.Pretty Girl Team - Alkaline 19.Suave - Alkaline 20.Can't Dweet Again - Christpher Martin 21.All Night - Mavado 22.Memory - Mavado 23.Skrt Skrt - Tory Lanez 24.Naighty Ride - Wizkid 25.Come Closer - Wizkid feat Drake,Popcaan 26.She a Murda - Masicka 27.Bad Yuh Bad - Popcaan 28.Did You See - J Hus 29.Golden Hold - Alkaline 30.Pine and Ginger - Valleyz Tessellated 31.No Wahala - Demarco ft. Akon Runtown 32.Mad Over You - Runtown 33.Lebeh Lebeh - DingDong 34.Dweet - DingDong 35.Gyal Crown - Govana 36.Yeah Yeah - Aidonia 37.Fire - Aidonia 38.Loco - Govana 39.Middle Day - Jafrass 40.Never Lef It - Propa Fade 41.One Shot - Trigga Finga 42.Instant - Vershon 43.1Guh - Popcaan 44.Hot Tool - Aidonia 45.Breeze - Aidonia & Govana 46.All Aboard - Vybz Kartel 47.Kremlin - Vybz Kartel 48.How - Vybz Kartel 49.Right place - Masicka 50.El Chapo - Popcaan 51.Press - Trigga Finga 52.Hard Tackle - Alkaline 53.New Money - Popcaan 54.Family - Popcaan 55.We Pray - Dre Island & Popcaan TOTAL LENGTH 68:52
0 notes
alphaplus052things · 7 years
Tumblr media
【予約受付中‼︎】BADGYAL MARIE fr.Medz 1/8 発売MIX CD STR8 BRAND NEW DANCEHALL MIX Vol.2 -Dated JAN 2018- mixed by BAD GYAL MARIE from MEDZ ■形態:MIX CD ■品番:MBNM002 ■レーベル:Medz ■発売日:2018年1月8日 ■価格:1,297円+税 ★STREET SHOP限定商品 好評を博したMEDZ ‘’STR8 BRAND NEW DANCEHALL MIX‘’の第二弾が発売決定! 10年にわたり本場ジャマイカのゲットーやアップタウンでプレイし続けるBAD GYAL MARIEならではの選曲とグルーヴで、本場志向のダンスホールフリークも納得の一枚。いまのジャマイカでヘビープレイされる曲ばかりを網羅したMIX CDで、これ以上ないほどのリアルなジャマイカンダンスホールを完全収録! 1.Intro 2.Mhm Hm - Vybz Kartel 3.Gyaliss Anthem - Christopher Martin 4.She Nah Let Go - Lanz 5.Dem Gal Yah Bad - Dexta Daps 6.Wickedest Girl - Richie Stephens 7.Him or Me - Richie Stephens & Mr,G 8.Style - Christopher Martin 9.Still - Romain Virgo 10.Girl Like That - Agent Sasco 11.Ruguh Ruguh - Professor Nuts & Agent Sasco 12.Girlfriend - Busta Rhymes feat. Vybz Kartel & Tory Lanez 13.Watch Over Us - Vybz Kartel 14.Te Amo - Vershon 15.Grow In A Yuh - Lanz 16.Gi it Weh - Starface 17.My Love - Alkaline 18.Pretty Girl Team - Alkaline 19.Suave - Alkaline 20.Can't Dweet Again - Christpher Martin 21.All Night - Mavado 22.Memory - Mavado 23.Skrt Skrt - Tory Lanez 24.Naighty Ride - Wizkid 25.Come Closer - Wizkid feat Drake,Popcaan 26.She a Murda - Masicka 27.Bad Yuh Bad - Popcaan 28.Did You See - J Hus 29.Golden Hold - Alkaline 30.Pine and Ginger - Valleyz Tessellated 31.No Wahala - Demarco ft. Akon Runtown 32.Mad Over You - Runtown 33.Lebeh Lebeh - DingDong 34.Dweet - DingDong 35.Gyal Crown - Govana 36.Yeah Yeah - Aidonia 37.Fire - Aidonia 38.Loco - Govana 39.Middle Day - Jafrass 40.Never Lef It - Propa Fade 41.One Shot - Trigga Finga 42.Instant - Vershon 43.1Guh - Popcaan 44.Hot Tool - Aidonia 45.Breeze - Aidonia & Govana 46.All Aboard - Vybz Kartel 47.Kremlin - Vybz Kartel 48.How - Vybz Kartel 49.Right place - Masicka 50.El Chapo - Popcaan 51.Press - Trigga Finga 52.Hard Tackle - Alkaline 53.New Money - Popcaan 54.Family - Popcaan 55.We Pray - Dre Island & Popcaan
0 notes