#chrollo x kurapika
anticanonhearts · 1 year
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kuroxkura · 8 months
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despite his infamy as a heartless murderer, chrollo is a gentle, kind, benevolent lover to kurapika. the man has a soft way of speaking that kurapika finds comforting; his quiet voice and his dying heartbeat, though eerily slow, often soothes the young boy to sleep. similarly, chrollo finds that his own blood, constantly seeking destruction and violence, calms only when kurapika is in his arms. through hate and resentment they find solace in each other.
commissioned artwork by kradebii for kuroxkura. do not use; rights belong only to the artist and client.
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astrid-sama · 7 months
Chrollo Lucilfer x Kurapika
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Hi, sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I hope you enjoy.
Most children learn what a soulmate is through stories told by their mother, but Chrollo has no mother and learns what a soulmate is by accident.
He remembers when he found an old storybook among the waste of Meteor City, it told the story of two lovers who after facing a thousand difficulties finally manage to live happily ever after, that was the first time he heard about soul mates, and how he deals with all beautiful things and falls in love with them instantly.
He was born without the mark of a soulmate but he kept telling himself that he had to be patient, that he just had to wait.
Every morning Chrollo had the habit of checking his arms, hoping that something had happened during the night, but every time he woke up his skin was always the same and the more time passed the more he began to believe that perhaps he didn't have a soulmate.
He is nine years old when he feels a burning pain creeping up his arm and hand.
For a moment there is only the hot, throbbing pain but then, when he lowers his eyes to check his wound, time seems to stop.
His heart begins to race and he can't help but feel a warm sensation in his lower stomach.
There on his right arm there is an expanse of flowers that have not yet bloomed, a symbol that somewhere in the world his soul mate, the other half of his soul, has just been born.
For as long as he could remember, Chrollo had always dreamed that one day his skin would be adorned with flowers and now that it has finally happened he can't contain his happiness.
Chrollo knows that children of Metor City like him are not allowed to dream of things like soulmates, he knows that for those who are condemned to live among the garbage like him, a soulmate is nothing more than a burden, a weakness to use against him; but despite everything he still allows himself to fantasize and smile.
Then suddenly a thought hits him, will his soulmate ever be able to accept him for who he is?
His soulmate is probably with a loving family, with plenty of food and warm, soft clothes, but he has nothing, dresses in old torn clothes and eats scraps.
His soulmate will go to a nice school and maybe even learn the art of music or painting.
He looks at his hands and finds them full of cuts and calluses, they are the hands of a murderer, of a thief, certainly not those of a child.
He stopped being a child a long time ago.
He looks down at the old, hole-filled sweater he's wearing and realizes that his soulmate was very unlucky to be destined for someone like him.
Despite everything, Chrollo waits for the moment when he will meet his soulmate, waits for the moment when the flowers on his skin will bloom and he will finally be able to taste the most complete happiness.
That night he softly kisses the flowers on her wrist and whispers "I love you" hoping that wherever his soulmate is he can hear it.
Chrollo discovers what having a soulmate entails when he meets Shalnark and Uvogin. They are the perfect example of soul mates; in some cases they are the opposite of each other while in others they are so in tune that Chrollo began to think they could read each other's minds.
Shalnark and Uvogin are very lucky, they found each other very quickly and, being both from Meteor City they had no problems regarding what they had to do to survive in that hell they called home.
Chrollo envied them so much.
It had been years since his mark had appeared and he still hadn't met his soulmate.
At first he had hoped that he might be somewhere in Meteor City, so he had spent his days looking for him without getting any results.
While waiting to find his soulmate, at night, when no one could see him, he began to fantasize.
"What color will his hair be? And what color will his eyes be? Will he want to talk about books with me? Will we be like Shalnark and Uvogin?...-
Even though thoughts about his soulmate made him feel a warm feeling of happiness, he knew, in a corner of his mind that he tried to keep hidden that there was a possibility that they would never meet, or worse, that his soulmate despised him.
-We should take the job! They promised us a lot of money! We could even keep some for ourselves, I heard that their eyes are more beautiful than any ruby, they would make great collector's pieces!-
-Shut up Uvo, it's the danchou who has to decide-
Shalnark said as he tried to silence his soulmate. Uvogin laughed and gave Shalnark a kiss.
Scarlet eyes, Chrollo had never heard of them before some slimy rich guy asked the phantom troupe to bring them to him.
They belonged to a people who lived isolated in the mountains, the Kurta clan; their eyes turned a deep red color when they felt strong emotions.
Scarlet eyes were considered one of the wonders of the world, it was said that they shone brighter than rubies and that the red of their irises was more intense than blood; some believed that their irises were red due to their connection with the devil, others believed that they were proof of their divine descent.
Everyone agreed on one thing, those eyes were beautiful and there were certainly not a few people willing to pay millions to have them.
Chrollo was instantly infatuated.
He tried to imagine that he was holding in his hands that treasure that no man had ever been able to have; he imagined their intense and indescribable color and their beauty which they say leaves you breathless.
From the first moment he saw them he had felt an irrepressible desire to possess them.
He wanted them, he wanted them so much; and he would have them because he always gets what he wants.
-Danchou what do you say?-
He was brought out of his thoughts by Nobugawa.
-Let's get them all-
The air is so thick with the ferrous smell of blood that Chrollo can almost taste it as he makes his way past the destroyed huts and the tortured, eyeless corpses.
In the distance he can hear the agonized cries of those who are not yet dead.
Most of the members of the phantom troupe are in the main square, some were busy counting their loot, others are carefully placing the eyes in jars to prevent them from being damaged during their escape and still others (Feitan) are searching some survivors to have fun with; it is clear that they have found their prey when, in the distance, a loud scream is heard followed by a disgusting snap (a neck being broken probably).
By the time he gets to his target, the boss, his shoes are caked in mud, blood and guts and Chrollo can feel a headache just thinking about how much of a hassle it will be to clean them.
He dips his fingers into the pool of blood that has formed around the lifeless body of the tribal leader and uses it to write a message on the robes of the kurta.
-We took what we wanted, if you come looking for us we will kill you.
P.T -
A few weeks later Chrollo wakes up, even before dawn, in immense pain.
It doesn't take him long to realize that the excruciating pain he is feeling is not physical but emotional.
It's such an overwhelming and oppressive sadness that he feels like he's falling into a gigantic abyss made up only of pain.
He feels as if his soul has been torn to pieces and there is a huge weight on his stomach that doesn't allow him to breathe; he immediately leans forward and tries to catch his breath.
He only realizes he's crying when a tear falls on the back of his hand.
Shortly after the tears come the sobs, Chrollo puts a hand over his mouth not wanting to be heard by the crew.
He can't remember the last time he cried, it's been too long.
Some of his sadness is replaced first by amazement and then by hatred as he realizes that what he is feeling is only a reflection of what his soulmate is feeling.
He gnashes his teeth and clenches his fists in anger, he swears, he swears on everything he knows that he will kill the bastard who made his soulmate feel such pain, he swears that he will make him suffer so much that in the end he will want nothing more without death.
He lies down with the tears that still don't stop falling and the sobs that still shake his body; he lifts his sleeve and gently kisses the flowers on her wrist "Don't cry my love, everything will be okay. When I finally find you I won't let anyone make you suffer any longer"
Chrollo knows that his words cannot have reached his soulmate, but after having uttered his reassurance he feels when the boulder on his chest becomes slightly smaller and he feels overwhelmed by great happiness at the thought that perhaps it was him himself.
Chrollo is not afraid.
Even when the chains wrap around his body and he is dragged away, into the back of a speeding car, he is not afraid.
The beat of his heart remains calm and constant, he has lived surrounded by death since he was a child, the thought of dying does not disturb him in the slightest.
He remains calm even when he senses the chain user's plan to use him as a hostage to blackmail his companions.
The spider is strong, he has faced a thousand difficulties, a thousand opponents, one stronger than the other and they have always been victorious, he knows that they will be able to live without him.
He may be the leader but the user of the chain is a fool if he believes that the spider will let himself be broken by his death.
He has no value as a hostage.
He hopes that his companions do not give in to the demands of the chain user.
He hopes that his companions remain faithful to their promise and put the phantom troupe at the top of their priorities, it is the spider who has to survive, not him.
Chrollo didn't expect the user of the chain to be a woman.
He would never have imagined that Uvogin's killer was so thin, so physically weak; but on reflection, it is precisely its delicate and fragile appearance that makes it so dangerous.
-What do you have to look at?-
-Nothing, I didn't expect you to be a woman-
-Did I say I was? Don't be fooled by appearances. Be careful what you say though, your every word could be your last-
Chrollo raises the corner of his lips slightly in amusement.His captor won't kill him, or at least he won't while his friends are in the hands of the phantom troupe.
-You will not kill me, not with your precious friends prisoners of my spiders-
-I advise you to be silent, I'm not so calm as to ignore your provocations-
-That girl's prediction didn't mention any of this so it's just an insignificant event-
He internally smiles at the irritation and hatred he is making the chain user feel.
It's his way of avenging Uvogin's death.
However, he is not lying when he says that for him this is an insignificant event, he has found himself involved in so many dangerous situations, in so many murder attempts that for him this is nothing more than a normal afternoon.
-Do I have to explain it to you? I consider this situation an afternoon coffee break-
Before he knows it a strong punch is thrown against his face.
The impact is so strong that his head almost hits the glass.
He can taste the ferrous taste of his blood in his mouth, but despite this he continues to smile.
Then suddenly a hot, throbbing pain begins to feel strange on his arm and, the realization of what has just happened leaves him stunned, for a second he feels nothing, he can't move, he can't speak, the only thing he can do and look into the crimson eyes of the chain user, no, the eyes of his soulmate.
Chrollo had long fantasized about how his meeting with his soulmate would happen, but certainly such a scenario had never occurred to him.
As he looks into his soulmate's eyes he sees emotions running across his face, amazement, uncertainty, doubt and finally hatred.
He can't really explain why but the mere idea that his soulmate, Kurapika, hates him makes him feel a deep sensation of pain.
In less than a second Kurapika rolls up their sleeves to reveal their soulmate marks.
Chrollo is entranced by the sight; on her skin, where once there were only small buds, there is now an expanse of wonderful flowers with a color that varies from white to red.
-No! It can not be true!-
Chrollo is jolted out of his thoughts by Kurapika, his voice so low that the words nearly escape him.
He takes his eyes away from the beautiful flowers on his skin and focuses on Kurapika's face.
For the first time he gets a good look at him, his blond hair so shiny it could be mistaken for gold, his lips that seem so soft and tempting Chrollo to kiss them, his long eyelashes and finally his beautiful eyes the color of blood ; as he loses himself in that scarlet glow Chrollo understands why, when he heard about the eyes of the Kurta clan so long ago, he had become infatuated with them and had longed to possess them.
Now those eyes are filled with unshed tears and Chrollo can practically feel his heart sinking into his chest.
Because no matter how ashamed he is, inside he's still the nine-year-old who kissed his soulmate mark and dreamed of the moment he would find the person the universe had decided was perfect for him.
Kurapika regains his composure quickly, sits back, turns his head away and refuses to even glance at Chrollo.
Kurapika continued to avoid him.
Even when he had started to take off his disguise the only thing he had done was force Chrollo to remain facing the wall without saying a single word to him.
- Chain user, you know it's not very polite to ignore your soul mate like this -
-You are not my soulmate!
I would rather die than accept that the universe has decided to destined me for a monster like you-
Throughout the speech Kurapika had kept his gaze fixed in front of him and a calm and constant tone of voice.
A normal person would have been fooled by Kurapika's false cold facade, but he wasn't.
He had immediately noticed all those little signs that showed Kurapika's true emotions; he had noticed how Kurapika's hands were shaking and how his eyes were starting to glaze over with unshed tears.
-Denying the evidence is useless. That feeling I felt when your skin met mine for the first time was something incredible and I know you felt it too. Also when we touched each other for the first time the flowers on our skin bloomed. You can deny the evidence all you want but the reality still remains this-
-When... -
-... -
-When you exterminated the Kurta clan, what did you feel! When you mercilessly killed men, women and children what did you feel! Did you even briefly think about all the pain you would cause, or did you only care about the immense amount of money you would earn? -
With every word he spoke Kurapika seemed to fall apart more and more; at the end of his speech tears had begun to fall freely down Kurapika's face and his voice was broken and full of sobs.
The sight made Chrollo feel an indescribable pain in his heart.
The mere idea that it was he who had made his soulmate suffer like this made him feel immense hatred towards himself.
-I can't say I feel guilty for what I did because it's not like that,... -
Kurapika has his jaw clenched, his fists so tight his knuckles turn white and his nails dug so deep into his palms that Chrollo can see beads of warm blood fall to the floor.
-But I can assure you that if I had known that my actions would hurt you I would not have killed a member of the Kurta clan even under torture -
After hearing those words Kurapika's expression seemed to soften if only for a moment.
-From the first second the soulmate mark appeared on my skin, I fell in love with you. Every night I fantasize, what you would be like, what we would do together, how we would meet; and finally I would kiss the flowers on my wrist and whisper that I loved you. There wasn't a day I didn't hope to meet you, there wasn't a day I didn't love you. When you were grieving, probably from the death of your clan, I tried to console you, I whispered words of comfort to you and hoped that wherever you were you could hear me and you were better. That day I promised myself that I would slowly and painfully kill whoever it was that made you suffer and now finding out that I caused you that pain makes me feel so bad that I want to skin myself with anger-
Tears had now started to fall from Chrollo's eyes too.
Or how he hated himself at that moment.
-If I knew that killing me could make your pain lessen even just a little I would let you do it, I deserve it, but we both know that my death would only make things worse. I won't ask for your forgiveness because what I did to you is unforgivable but if one day you decide to give me a chance I will show you that I am not just the monster who killed your clan-
Chrollo has no idea how it started but now his and Kurapika's lips are sealed together in a kiss.
Their kiss tastes like salt because of the tears and contains all the feelings they are both feeling, pain, anger, regret, hate and finally love.
Their kiss deepens and their tongues move in sync against each other.
Kurapika's hands are wrapped in Chrollo's hair, while Chrollo places his hands on Kurapika's cheeks and catches a stray tear with his finger.
After separating, they stare at each other breathlessly for a few seconds until their moment of intimacy is interrupted by Kurapika's companions who announce Pakunoda's arrival.
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nynyhaha · 3 months
People don’t accept non ship dynamics.
Kurapika x Chrollo.
Besides the big age difference and hate,there’s another reason why they’re not meant to be shipped. They're parallels,they mirror each other and are each other’s shadow.
In another story,that could make two characters be a good couple.But in many stories including HxH,it’s just a way to contrast people with similar experiences and very different worldviews.
We had one interaction between them.One.It’s a shame,but that interaction was enough to show just how different they are.Is Kurapika doomed to end up as someone like Chrollo? Was Chrollo ever so concerned with justice as Kurapika is?One is idealistic,yet betraying those ideals as he walks down the path of revenge,the other is an apathetic pessimist who doesn’t think the world can be made better(I’ll expand on that sometime)
To hear them talk and challenge each other’s ideas would be great,more interesting actually than seeing a fight imo. But so often that scenario only plays out when someone ships them.
And then the “twisted,forbidden love 🥀” overshadows the actual things that they represent.
Chrollo doesn’t care about the chain user.But he could care somewhat more if he reflected on how he himself wasn’t unlike Kurapika all this time ago.He could at least be interested in his views as he’s interested in neons take in the existence of souls. He now hates Hisoka and takes his actions personally,but it doesn’t seem to be the same as Kurapika. Kurapika doesn’t have the same enemy status in Chrollo’s eyes as Hisoka. That could change.
Now,people also ship Chrollo with Hisoka,and while to me it’s obviously one sided obsession,I don’t really hate that ship.After all,Hisokas main ideas have to do with him as an individual being independent and having fun.It’s a question of strength and self interest rather than conflicting views.
On the flip side,Kurapika already very much hates Chrollo and I don’t think that could change,but him learning about Chrollo’s past would be a shock and might make him reconsider his choices. Might let him see that they’re not so different after all.
It would be so interesting!
But it’s not a romantic dynamic.And it shouldn’t be seen as such.It’s possible to find understanding without falling in love with that person,for gods sake!
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violentjo · 3 months
Was thinking about how gross it is that people ship Kurapika and Chrollo but then I remembered my Zevi obsession so maybe I’m the freakazoid
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thatphantomtroupelady · 10 months
~Flipped Coins~
-Darkness & Delusion-
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Kurapika is alone when he wakes up, a dull ache in his throat. He never sleeps with the lights off, yet it is pitch-dark. The bed feels different- softer. He's not where he's supposed to be.
With a jolt, he sits up, blind hands searching around for a lamp. There's none. Where is he?
Slowly, he feels his way off the bed. The carpet is cool under his bare feet and Kurapika shudders. A step forward and his feet brush across something. His socks and shoes. He puts them on quickly, before attempting to survey the rest of he room.
The walls are cool and even- worse- they are solid. As he paces the boundary of the room, his hands reach the doorknob. Locked.
"Fuck." Kurapika curses under his breath. His brain is foggy, a headache pulsing beneath his temples- and the claustrophobia is not helping.
With a huff, he attempts to gather his aura. Nothing. He tries again. Nothing.
One more attempt confirms his fears- he's either in the middle of a really awful nightmare or he has actually lost his nen. Shitshitshitshitshit.
Panicking now, he tries to kick open the door. Near the lock should work, right? Three more hard kicks and he succeeds, the lock finally submitting to his force.
A bedroom. Lavish wooden furniture with tastefully placed decorations- enchanting red accentuating the brown shades. But what catches his eye the most is the man sitting on the bed, legs stretched out with a thick hard-cover book on the lap. The casual attire should suggest an equally ordinary character- yet the raven hair and cross tattoo-
Kurapika's breath hitches, fists curling as wild red takes over his eyes- far more captivating than any of the red in the room, Chrollo's smirk seems to say. Chrollo. Chrollo.
"How the fu-"
"Language, Kurapika." The man gently smooths the sheets next to him. "Sit down."
"No, you- you- what the hell did you do to my nen?" Kurapika grits out, words already souring in his mouth. How could he have ever let-
"Didn't I just tell you to sit down?" Chrollo raises an eyebrow and the sheer authority- audacity- in his tone nearly makes Kurapika flinch.
"As if you'll answer my questions if I sit down-"
"I will."
"I don't even need you to answer my questions." Kurapika spits out, taking a hit at collecting his aura once more. His stupid aura just keeps floating around mindlessly, refusing to respond to even the strongest of his wills.
"Is that so?" Chrollo's face remains a mask of serenity. "I won't answer your questions then, and you may keep standing as you please."
This infuriating bastard. "What the fuck do you want?"
"You." Chrollo chuckles, a soft haunting sound.
"Fuck you." Kurapika stifles a shudder. Why is he even just standing here? A wave of bloodlust from the monster in front of him and his question is answered. Unhelpfully, his brain supplies- You don't stand a chance. Yet he wants to tear him apart. Kill him, his insides scream.
He has to calm down. He needs to. What would Leorio do in this situation?
With a glare thrown in his general direction, Kurapika walks over to the annoyingly inviting armchair next to the bed and sits down- only a few uncomfortable feet away from the monster. "Talk."
Chrollo can't help but play with the young man in front of him. "Didn't you just tell me you didn't need my answers?"
The chain user takes a deep steadying breath. "Yes. I don't need them. I want them. Now-"
"Of course," Chrollo continues his game nonchalantly, "an important distinction." After a tense pause from his companion, he adds. "Continue."
"Why do you have me here?"
"Well..." Chrollo rests his chin atop his hand, leaning forward. "... I got quite bored of staring at lifeless eyes and thought, why not begin to appreciate the living specimen-" His heart pounds faster as the kurta's eyes glow an even brighter shade of red.
"Why, you-"
"I'm not done yet." Chrollo directs another wave of bloodlust at him, restraining any possible movements. "In simple words, you're here to be my slave."
The statement hits him like a truck of brick, leaving a storm of nausea behind. "What?"
"Slave, Kurapika. You will be my slave- whether you like it or not. I'd recommend the former, it'd make things easier after all."
"You- you bastard. You're fucking delusional-"
"Am I now?" With a terrifying grace and an equally suffocating bloodlust, Chrollo gets off the bed. Taking slow deliberate steps, he walks over to the immobilized kurta.
Before Kurapika can break out of his shock, Chrollo grabs him up by the collar and shoves him against the nearest wall. The blood-red wallpaper presses against his back and he only has the time to utter out a soft 'no', before- before-
Kurapika's mind shatters as Chrollo leans forward into a kiss, assaulting his senses with the heavy perfume and bloodlust he wears. If he hates me so much, why would he-
"Who's delusional now, Kurapika?"
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bad-appl · 5 months
@experimentalistz you may wanna read this….
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rottenomelet · 2 years
(chrollo and kurapika strike a deal - for every night that kurapika spends with him, chrollo will return a pair of Scarlet Eyes.)
(warnings: a/b/o, manipulation, all-in-all inaccurate description of sex, and generally Evil chrollo.)
“Ah, you’re up. Good morning.” Chrollo greets him softly, cheerfully as though Kurapika would be delighted to see him. The Kurta sits up in bed, unable to conceal his wince as a sharp, near stabbing pain runs up his spine.
Chrollo smiles into his mug and Kurapika scowls.
“Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee? I would’ve had something made for you by the time you woke up but I wasn’t sure what you like in the morning.” Chrollo offers, placing his own mug of what Kurapika can identify as coffee on a nearby dresser.
‘And you never will know.’ Kurapika narrows his eyes, scanning the room for his clothes. Unfortunately, his search comes up empty.
“I don’t want anything to drink.”
Chrollo sweeps his bangs away from his face, revealing that St. Peters tattoo that Kurapika loathes. “How about some breakfast? I can pick up a morning-after pill while I’m out.”
Kurapika refrains from having his lip curl in disgust. “I don’t want breakfast and I don’t need a morning after pill.”
Chrollo raises a brow. Kurapika ignores him to keep looking for his clothes. Blast it all, did that infernal man move them?
He glares at Chrollo. The Alpha blinks back.
“No morning after pill? Don’t tell me you want a child with me?” Chrollo asks. His tone saccharine and innocent but his words are anything but.
The image alone, Kurapika swollen with that things child, makes him want to gag. His fists curl up and in an act of rage, he pounds them against the bed.
“I would rather die than get pregnant by you!” He yells and judging by the sick look in Chrollo’s eyes, his own must be blazing scarlet. Kurapika blinks and takes a breath, forcing his eyes to return to brown. He needs to wear contacts next time they meet. “I’m on birth control. Pregnancy is not a possibility.”
Kurapika removes the comforter, forcing his legs to swing over the edge of the bed. His thighs are sore and he would rather not remember why. He takes a breath and hops off the bed. His knees wobble, like a newborns, and he’s forced to clutch the nightstand for support less he falls face-first.
“Birth control? How come?”
“My health is none of your concern.” Is Kurapika’s only response. He’d say more if he wasn’t so focused on making his legs learn to walk.
He turns his head to glare at Chrollo again. The man has gone back to sipping his coffee, enjoying the show.
“Where are my clothes?” He grits his teeth as he asks.
“Ah.” The Alpha takes a sip before answering. “I put them in the wash.”
“Why? They were clean.”
“I know. I wanted to talk to you while we wait for your clothes to finish.”
Kurapika frowns. Heavily.
Chrollo waves off his concern. “Don’t worry. They’re in the dryer now. You slept for far longer than I anticipated. I must have really taken it out of you.”
‘Ok, ignoring him from now on.’ Kurapika decides. “Get them now. I want to leave as soon as possible.”
Chrollo takes another sip, shrugs, and leaves. While he’s gone, Kurapika takes a breath and tries to force his legs to cooperate soon. He’ll be leaving this cursed apartment soon and he can’t exactly do that on shaky legs.
His stomach grumbles. Damn, he really is hungry. He forwent dinner last night, too nervous to keep anything down and now he’s paying the consequences for it.`He’d rather starve than accept Chrollo’s offer.
Chrollo returns, mug replaced with a stack of folded laundry. He places it on a dresser and takes a large step back, giving Kurapika space.
The Kurta quickly retrieves his clothes. They’re damp in some spots but he could really care less. Damp clothes is better than no clothes. No, the part that makes his nose twitch is that his Kurtan clothes now smell of the Alpha’s detergent.
‘We’ll smell like him.’ That insistent, nauseating voice that could only be his inner Omega cheers.
Kurapika tries to stab that Omega in his mind.
“And the eyes?”
“Right.” He steps out once more. He quickly returns with one gift wrapped box. Chrollo places the box on the dresser, keeping a polite distance between them.
“Is this just one pair?”
“But that’s not what we agreed upon. You said a pair for every time, and last night, we… slept together thrice.”
“No, I said a pair for every night. And as far as I remember, we’ve only shared one night together.”
Kurapika hears something shatter. His resolve? His patience? Maybe his soul?
He has to share 36 nights with this man? There’s no way he can do it - he can hardly stand after one. Not to mention the disgrace upon his clans name. Having sex with their murderer - oh how they roll in their graves. May the gods forgive him for what he’s done, for what he will do.
He has no other choice. The eyes of the Kurta Clan belong to Chrollo and Kurapika can think of no feasible way to steal them back. He can’t even pinpoint their location.
Thirty six nights. Thirty six nights of Chrollo taking him over and over and over again.
Oh, the gods are cruel.
Chrollo dares to take another step forward. Kurapika hobbles further away. “I hope that at the end of our thirty-six nights, you’ll come to realize what I already know: we’re perfect together, Kurapika Kurta.”
“You sick bastard!” Kurapika shouts. He knows his eyes are burning scarlet but he doesn’t care that he’s giving Chrollo that satisfaction. “You’ve already taken my purity, now you want my heart? What’s next, my very soul, you fucking monster? I will never love you, Chrollo Lucilfer, not in this life or the next. When the thirty six nights are up, I’ll… I’ll…”
I’ll kill him. I want to. I want to.
‘But you can’t.’ His inner Omega is all too happy to remind him.
(ok so i’ve started watching hunter x hunter and the material for all my little fucked up ships? overflowing, i tell you. i want this scene to be apart of a larger project ft hisoka/gon, chrollo/kurapika (obviously), killua/illumi, and teensy bit of one other very fucked up ship.
it’s a/b/o, duh, but i really wanna focus on how f’ed up alphas are and rly just explore that feeling of righteousness(?) they have towards their fated mates. like i just want the alphas to 103% believe that their omega is theirs/, and shouldn’t do anything to get themselves hurt or missing or anything too eccentric. just toxic masculinity <3)
(in this scene, chrollo rly doesn’t gaf about what kurapika is talking about. he’s more focused on the love bites on his thighs.)
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sesame-abean · 2 years
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hjmmjbo · 2 years
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anticanonhearts · 2 years
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kuroxkura · 8 months
hi tumblr.. i’m rena and i just think kurapika and chrollo should kiss.. i’ll be steadily posting my ship content here, as well as on my other socials; this includes personal headcanons, delusional takes, thinkpieces, artwork i’ve commissioned, photos of my merch, and so on.. please enjoy, kurokura nation
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chrollc · 5 months
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Keeping you plugged up with his cock was one of his favorite activities. Wanting to keep his cock warm was just the excuse he used, the real reason was his increasing need to breed.
“Shh, princess… you’ve gotta stay seated a little longer… you’ve gotta keep me warm, okay?”
You whined and writhed, your pussy clenching around him only fueling his urge to get you nice and pregnant. “Please… my tummy, it’s too full…”
The two of you had been going at it for hours, and now he was keeping his cock nestled inside you, filling up your womb to the brim.
“Just be a good girl, okay? My little angel…”
You had a feeling you’d be stuffed full of his cum by the end of the night.
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bl00dalchemist · 3 months
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Someone explain to me how Melody kept her shit tlogether.
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thatphantomtroupelady · 10 months
~Flipped Coins~
-In My Arms-
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It is only when Kurapika is right in front of him once more that Chrollo realises something-- his new obsession is much more dangerous than he previously assumed. Oh well, He muses, All the more interesting for me.
 "I didn't expect you to have you guard down this low." Chrollo smirked, staring down at the extremely drunk Kurta. "You've really been letting yourself go, huh."
 Chrollo sits down on the bed beside him. Kurapika groans, flinching away from his touch as Chrollo runs gentle fingers through his hair. For a moment, his aura expands, grip tightening-- but the hostility is gone as abruptly as it came.
 "I should hate you." Chrollo sighs. But looking at the young Kurta now, so vulnerable and fucking fragile, Chrollo can't help but feel... attraction? It's not romantic. He isn't really capable of loving, especially those not positively affiliated with the Spider. However, it's close to it. It's like loving a concept, an entity, rather than an actual human being. After all, what are human beings but concepts given physical form.
 To be fair, he anticipated more resistance than a frail chain jail shakily aimed. Yet, now he doubts the chain user even recognises him. 
 "Chain user," He mumbles softly, fingers now sliding down his extremely pale cheek. "Tell me about your nen ability."
 Kurapika gasps, something close to a sob escaping his grasp. "No... I-"
 "Shhh. It's okay. I won't hurt you." And for once, Chrollo means it. Almost. 
Kurapika seems to calm down. "I made it to- I made it to-" His eyes shine a faded scarlet. "-defeat the Spiders... but-"
 "But what?"
"Nooo..." Kurapika grumbles, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. Weak hands push away at Chrollo's fingers. Chrollo takes one, pushing a soft kiss at the knuckles, before tightening his grip on them.
 Kurapika whimpers, feeling bone grind against bone.
"Tell me more." Chrollo's voice is honey-sweet.
 "The ability... I can only use it against the- against the- Spiders. If I don't... I'll- I'll die. And and and..." He trails off, eyes fluttering shut. Does this mean he recognises him as a Spider? 
 Doesn't matter. "One more thing, Kurapika. Just one more." He keeps his hold iron-tight.
 "One more..." Kurapika echoes. "It forces them into... like that... like that big guy. It's- it's Zetsu."
 "The chain forces its victim into a state of zetsu?"
"Mhm." Chrollo relishes the quiet sigh that slips out of Kurapika's mouth as he lets go of his hand.
 "Good." He only has one last condition left. Easy enough. Firmly, he takes the other hand, pressing its palm on the cover of Bandit's Secret.
 Kurapika grunts as the nen is swiftly poured out of him and into the book. The cross on Chrollo's forehead pulses as he flips through the book. The Kurta's ability is imprinted on a fresh page.
 Gently, Chrollo picks Kurapika up, keeping him close in his arms. Together, they exit the shabby motel and Chrollo places the now-unconscious man in the rear seat of his shiny red sedan.
 The first part of his plan has been successful.
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