shiftingpath · 6 years
chromophage replied to your post “Do you play board games?”
Have you ever played Illimat? It's a card game with a gorgeous aesthetic, it seems like exactly your shit.
holy shit you are not wrong, going to check this out once i can. thanks for the rec!
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color-palettes · 6 years
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Chromophage - Submitted by SeesawSiya
#9c296e #db2e5b #fd9f5f #fee56e #ffefbb
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emerald-sunrise · 5 years
The Dere Game: Emerald Sunrise
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BURIKKO [x] You tilt your head when you’re confused. [  ] You love sweets and cute things. [x] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends. [BECAUSE THEY ARE NERDS]  [  ] People often call you cute. [x] You care a lot about your friends. [  ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements. [  ] You like bright, soft colors. [  ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs. [x] You add things to the end of your friend’s names. [YEAH TO MAKE THEM FEEL BAD]  [  ] People often say “aww” when you’ve done something clumsy/silly. [  ] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship. Total: 3/11
TSUNDERE [x] You come off as tough and confident on the outside, when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside. [x] You often hide your true feelings for someone. [x] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you. [x] You are protective. [x] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still worried that you’ve hurt them. [x] You are easily embarrassed. [x] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them. [x] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings. [x] You can be violent at times. [x] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away. [x] You never cry in front of others. Total: 11/11 [OOPS]
YANDERE [  ] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly. [  ] When angry, you normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. [x] You can at times, be obsessive. [x] People have said you are “two-faced”. [  ] People tell you that you’re nice, but can be creepy at times. [  ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset. [  ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling. [x] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh. [  ] You can get very violent. [  ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more. [  ] You like colors like dark blue or light red. Total: 3/11
KUUDERE [x] You don’t show your emotions to others. [x] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up. [x] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy. [x] You care for others a lot, still you don’t show it. [  ] People think you are mysterious. [  ] You can be shy. [x] You aren’t very loud, rather silent. [  ] You know who to trust and who not to. [  ] You choose which friend you can trust wisely. [  ] You like simple colors, like light purple or white. [  ] You are rather mature. Total: 5/11
DANDERE [  ] You are a shy person. [  ] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself. [  ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking. [  ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking. [  ] You have stage fright. [x] You are stoic and not very open. [  ] You hide yourself with your hair at times. [  ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird. [  ] You are afraid of meeting new people. [  ] You are a hard worker. [x] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you’ll cherish it very much. Total: 2/11
Final Result: Fukken Tsundere as FUCK. APPARENTLY.  With a side of Kuudere. don’t @ me @wamoura (jk ilu ty for the tag) Tagging: @diarcaexe and @chromophage bc I think everyone else has been tagged. Also please do this if you want to and tag me so I can see it!
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rowanclair · 6 years
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Portrait commission of Asazawa Yuu for @chromophage!
Commission info here.
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rivenroad · 6 years
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire: Maqali Goro
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You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focussed way, with honour.
You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
Tagged by: @narciussusgladioli
Tagging: @sins-of-allag @moonstruck-ffxiv @chromophage @secrets-and-aetherlight @istolin @painted-foothills and anyone else who sees this and is interested!
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should-be-sleeping · 6 years
5 things meme - tagged by @baapi-makwa
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
A mini first aid kit
Lip balm
A pen (or several)
A personal phone book
5 things you’ll find in my room: 
Books, both read and not
A Velveteen Rabbit
Coffee scented candles
A box full of beads
Peppermint bark
5 of my favourite things: 
Neelix isn’t a thing but he’s my fav.
My laptop (for obvious but also sentimental reasons)
Bottle caps from when we got our first apartment together
My engagement ring (pearls 4ever)
Pineapple soda after a bad day
5 things I’m currently into: 
Trying to learn new songs I can’t hear
Comic Book TV shows
Star Wars (am I ever not into that?)
Telltale Games’ games
Pokemon Go
5 things on my to-do list:
Less stress???
Go to bed earlier (no earlier than that)
Get rid of stuff we don’t need
Get stronger!
Drink water like an adult human person and not a rabid bat
5 (or more) people I want to see do this: @bellanes-in-archeld, @chromophage, @emilreloaded, @baenling, @alandistro, @tmichaelmartin, @maeganbobaegan, @sugarytea, @tarynnasaurus, @ anyone else who’d like to!
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emerald-sunrise · 5 years
VIII. Strength for both Sunny and G'mokkri i couldn't find the ask on Mokkri's page SOBS
(( From: Tarot-inspired Prompts --I’m gonna have to ask you to do Mokkri separately because this is a bit long))
VIII. Strength - is there a moment your character has ever had to fight for something or someone?
Sunny:There were--breaths...coming a half second too late for comfort. Dhatura’s chest rose and fell, but not consistently. His arm bent at a bad, unnatural angle and the blood from where his head had made contact with the stone wall wouldn’t stop flowing. “It’s a head wound” Sunny kept telling herself, “They all do that”. But it wasn’t good and it would only slow, never stop. Dhatura hadn’t opened his eyes, the terrible, sightless, tatters he had left-- in hours. Shaking him proved fruitless. Sunny gathered her things--and left.---Her knocks against the old wood door were quiet, but they were still answered in moments. Personally. By an older Sea Wolf, who looked tired. Like he hadn’t slept right in a few years. And he probably hadn’t. “Please,” Sunny told the man, explaining the situation. “Please, I’ll do anything to make sure he lives.”The man thought for only a moment, then picked his coat up--and left with her.---The argument inside the saferoom was getting heated. The Sea Wolf, Tragan, didn’t ask for much. “Impossible,” hissed Sunny. “I can’t do it. My job is all I have. Just help Dhatura and then we can negotiate.”“No,” Tragan insisted. “You have to choose now. You said you would do anything for his life. I only want what is best for you. Give it all up. Give up the wet work, the sneaking. The wanton hurting and death. You don’t need it. Swear to me in a way I believe. Repent, swear you will meet with me after this. And I will heal him.”Sunny hesitated for less than a breath. “Do it.”“Repent.”“I--”
“Say something I believe.”“I-- repent.” Sunny spat out from grit teeth. “I will stop. All of it. I’ll meet you when he’s stable. And I agree to everything. All the requirements, just-- Twelve, he’s slipping away, you have to fix it!”And Tragan nodded, pressed his hands to Dhatura, and told her, “Leave. Wait for me at the Company House.”---A day later, Sunny sat with her eyes closed, occasional tear running down her face from the pain as Tragan worked on her cheek. He hadn’t told her what it would be, just that she’d promised. She could feel the faint tingle that said aether was at work, but she couldn’t see. It wasn’t until she was handed a mirror, and saw the warning, the curse written across her face that she understood. She’d never work in the underworld again with this on her face. She picked up her things--and left.
(( @chromophage & @diarcaexe ))
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hearshotkid02 · 9 years
Exalted -and- the Dear Hunter? My goodness, I may have the vapours. Don't forget that the Dear Hunter just put out Wait, too. I think it's my favourite from the new album, at least so far.
Yeah, Wait is incredible too. A Night On The Town though. All those lead ins, breakdowns, and melodies from Act 2 & 3.
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should-be-sleeping · 7 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t it’s up to you!) I love these things, they remind me of The Internet 2001. Tagged by @jeepers-creepers-eyes Nickname(s): Inari Gender: Female Sign: Aries Height: 5’8 Time: 3:33pm Fav band(s): Daughter, Message to Bears, Tool, NIN, David Bowie Fav solo artist(s): Tori Amos, Mirah, Amanda Palmer, Tessa Violet, Meg Myers Song stuck in my head: Tegan and Sarah, Boyfriend
Last show I watched: Legends of Tomorrow When did I create my blog:  2013? I've no idea. What do I post: OC? Advice, advocacy, my face, general life updates, sometimes art. Otherwise a bit of fucking everything. Last thing I Googled: Looking for my long lost gay godmother. No, really. Do I have any other blogs: Neg. Do I get asks: Yeah, you get what you give. Why did I chose my URL: Because I'm tired. Following: A solid handful of stellar individuals. Followed by: A lot. Average hours of Sleep: 5 (hlp me) Lucky number: 9 Instruments: I played violin for like a decade. What I am wearing: Pajama pants with coffee and donut print all over them and a tank top and a hoodie and a bath robe. I am a formless pile of comfort. Dream job: Something creative. Dream trip: Anyplace I can be alone and in peace for like 24 straight hours. A nearby bog would be a bonus. Fav food: Potatoes. Nationality: I'm American. og American, lol. Irish to a significantly lesser degree. Fav song: Fastball, The Way
Last book I read: Mr. Fahrenheit by T. Michael Martin (hey yooo), presently I'm rereading Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. Top 3 fictional universes : Star Trek, Star Wars, DC. Tagging : (Mostly tagged frequent likers/rebloggers, easiest way to do this imo) @casey-death, @bellanes-in-archeld, @chromophage, @emilreloaded, @baapi-makwa, @maeganbobaegan, @tarynnasaurus, @oneneatcat, @sugarytea, @alandistro, @vinceschilling, @edwardspoonhands, @tmichaelmartin, @xxstingrayxx, @jimstares, @almalexiah, @gracefully-fallen, @just-an-awkward-queer, @baenling, @myfrogcroaked
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I see you all the time on my friend's exalted posts, and today I see you on a completely unrelated Fallen London lore blog. You. You're good people, I can tell.
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emerald-sunrise · 5 years
((Ok I *think* this goes to this: 19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? Because I rebageled this from you and you are kind like that Sunny shifts uncomfortably in her seat at that question. She clears her through and shuffles her feet before muttering, “The only the ones that mattered made it pretty clear. Well--that is. Gila decided to go on a campaign and never came back, so I figured it was over since he’s...dead. And Dhatura put a lance through my shoulder and twisted the blade, so it was pretty obvious he didn’t want me around any more.” She shrugs, “I’m...unfortunately loyal to the people I think are treating me right and it’s hard to tell when you’re unwanted sometimes. Especially when you think you probably are all the time.”(( @chromophage ))
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ghost-forge · 10 years
Star shape, star shape!
"Dhatura is half sniveling little shit and half arrogant twat. Strangely enough, it’s a somewhat agreeable combination. He has these profound moments of clarity. These little epiphanies, either self-realized or force-fed to him, seem to legitimately leave him a little better than when he’d started. Sometimes I want to see him excel and other times I want to break his creepy spider-appendages myself. The guy surrounds himself with useless people though, when I’m around him and his friends I find myself on the brink of a murderous rampage. Speaking of which…" At that the metal monster pivots on a heel and simply walks away.
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should-be-sleeping · 9 years
A tiny bird landed on me this afternoon. Then flew into my house. Then came back out and landed on me again. I gave her a bowl of water, she looked thirsty. If she comes back tomorrow, I’ll take her picture.
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rayvnwind · 11 years
you missed the perfect opportunity to say Octodhat i am very disappoint
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