#chuya is so rich
aspoonofsugar · 11 months
Chuya's Tainted Sorrow
Here comes a meta on my favourite bsd character:
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Chuya is mostly explored in the two BSD novels Fifteen and Storm Bringer, so this post covers what happens in these books. In particular, I am going to use Chuya's song, gift and literary references to explore his story.
Darkness My Sorrow is Chuya's character song and its title combines two different literary references:
Darkness comes from the Sheep Song, which is used to trigger Corruption:
O acquaintances, grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again!
Sorrow comes from Upon The Tainted Sorrow, which gives its name to Chuya's ability
Let's discover what these two poems represent.
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! I want nothing anymore but simplicity, quiet, murmurs and order. O acquaintances, grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again! I will endure my solitude, arms seeming already useless. O eyes that open doubtfully, open eyes that stay motionless for a while, ah, heart, that believes in others more than itself, O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave, leave this body of mine! I enjoy nothing anymore but my wretched dreams. (The Sheep Song, Part II)
The Sheep is Chuya's first group, which welcomes him in as a child. Why is the organization called after this animal? There are several reasons, which tie with Chuya's relationship with his friends.
1 - Chuya is a herding dog
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The Sheep's members are normal kids, but Chuya guards their territory and punishes trespassers violently. This is the behaviour of herding dogs, which are famous for their aggressiveness towards outsiders.
"Everyone's waiting for you to give this enemy a beatdown! That's the only way we Sheep can protect our turf! We've only made it this far because everyone knows they can't mess with us!" (Shirase in Fifteen)
2 - Chuya is a sheep among wolves
"Chuuya's got all that berserk firepower, but here he's like sheep getting stared down by a wolf." (Dazai in Fifteen)
Chuya's relationship with the Sheep is exploitative and toxic. The other kids use Chuya's love and wish to belong to control him. All in all, Chuya is used as a pawn for the organization's well being:
"We Sheep took you in when you had no family and nowhere to go, but you already gave us more than enough in return. That's why... it's time to rest... after dying and contributing to the Sheep one last time." (Shirase in Fifteen)
3 - Chuya is the King of the Sheep
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Luois I, King of the Sheep is a children book about a sheep, who finds a crown. He puts it on and becomes King. The point of the story is that Luois I is like other sheep, but chance and a superficial attribute turn him into a royal.
Chuya sees himself in the same way:
"I'm not a King," the boy, Chuuya Nakahara, spat. "I just happen to have something no one else does: power. I'm simply fulfilling the responsibility I have." (Fifteen)
Chuya's "crown" is his gravity manipulation gift that sets him apart from others. He even calls it a "good card", so something luck gives him.
Luois I lets the crown get to his head and believes he is above others. Chuya instead really wants to be part of the flock:
Chuuya wasn't anyone special; he didn't have a skill, either. He was just a regular member of the group. He wasn't the king, he had no powers, he wasn't the center of attention - he was simply a single Sheep among the flock, chatting with his friends. (Chuya's wish in Storm Bringer)
However, his ability is so powerful that it is the Sheep kids, who forget Chuya is a teenage boy just like them:
"Chuuya's covered in wounds. I've never seen him like that. He looks just like a regular guy my age. Wait, no - he doesn't just look like one. He is my age. He's a boy just like me." (Shirase in Storm Bringer)
In short, Chuya doesn't want to be the Sheep King, but he is forced into the role by the crown of power:
"Shut up! If you think you can become king, then do it! You can have this power!" Chuuya howled, unable to take it any longer. "To hell with power! If I didn't have this skill, I'd still be with you guys...!" (Storm Bringer)
Still, gifts are metaphors of the characters' interiority. So, what does Chuya's abnormous skill symbolize? What is the real flaw that defines Chuya's relationships and gets in their way?
"Once there was this boy who could amplify the skill of anyone he touched. Super convenient. So what do you think would happen if he used it on himself instead of someone else? (...) He amplified the skill to amplify the other skill, which amplified the skill to amplify skills that amplify skills. This self-referencing continued nonstop as he endlessly amplified his own skill." (N in Storm Bringer)
Storm Bringer reveals that the origin of Chuya's gravity manipulation is the gift to make other skills more powerful. The user applies his gift on himself and makes it stronger and stronger until infinite energy is created and space warps. So, Chuya's singularity is born: a gift able to control gravity. In other words:
The original ability is to make others stronger
If the ability is used on one-self (so that the wielder can become more powerful and make others even more powerful), then a contradiction arises and a monstruous skill appears
This process is a representation of Chuya's tendency to grow stronger for others' sake. He hones his fighting skills to protect the Sheep (to make them stronger), but this turns them too dependent on him (an organizational vulnerability). What a good leader should do is instead to nurture his people, so that they can be independent and strong:
“A leader is both the head of the organization and the organization’s slave. For the survival and the profit of the organization, they gladly put themselves through any manner of filth. They develop their subordinates and place them where they best fit. And, if necessary, they use and dispose of them. For the sake of the organization, they take on any act of barbarism with glee. That is a leader. All for the organization, and for the protection of this beloved city.” (Mori in Fifteen)
This is Chuya's mistake and the reason why the Sheep disbands. Chuya falls short as a leader not because he isn't as smart as Dazai or Mori (if anything, I think he is going to be a better leader than both). Rather, he fails because he doesn't know how to depend on others:
"It's because you are our friend. Were things different with the Sheep?" They had been. That was what Chuuya's flustered expression was saying. Everyone in the Sheep depended on him. The contrary was unthinkable. (Storm Bringer)
He insists on doing everything by himself, but a leader should work with his subordinates. This is what Chuya lacks in Fifteen and what he sails up to learn.
Still, to succeed Chuya needs to face the origin of this flaw, which lies in how he perceives himself:
O eyes that open doubtfully, open eyes that stay motionless for a while, ah, heart, that believes in others more than itself
Chuya sees himself as inferior to others. This complex makes him willing to be used, if it means he belongs somewhere:
LONELY DARKNESS MY SORROW, once it is opened by the key I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY) Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all."
This is the key stanza of Chuya's song, which reveals what Chuya's darkness really is. Loneliness. Chuya is scared of being alone, so he does his best to conform to others' wishes. For example, he dresses like those around him not to stick out.
Chuuya, age fifteen - He wears sportsy clothes, with several sheep symbols:
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Chuuya, age sixteen - He wears a formal attire with much black in it. Perfect mafia-style:
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However, he can't escape his interior pain, which metaphorically manifests in Corruption:
O acquaintances, grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again! I will endure my solitude, arms seeming already useless.
It is not by chance that the verses, which open Chuya's gate affirm the poet's solitude. That is because deep down Corruption is just this. Chuya's isolation.
Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Today, the snowflakes fall so harsh. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Today, even the strong wind gusts. The Tainted Sorrow is Just like a fox’s hooded fur. The Tainted Sorrow is Covered by snowflakes and it cowers. The Tainted Sorrow has Nothing to desire and nothing to wish. The Tainted Sorrow has A dream of death to its wary self. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Trembling like a pitiful soul. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Nowhere to belong, the sun sets... (Upon The Tainted Sorrow)
Corruption is a state where Chuya gives up his body to Arahabaki. What is this entity? In universe, it is a singularity, a self-contradicting skill able to create infinite power. It metaphorically represents two things:
Everyone's objectification of Chuya
A part of Chuya himself
1 - Chuya's life is defined by others reducing him to a skill
-N and the Government kidnap, abuse and clone Chuya because of his self-contradicting gift. It is not the two kids (the original and the clone) they are interested in. Rather, they reduce them to their special abilities:
"Just like how we respect your will, we respect the will of your skill Arahabaki, as well. But... how should I put this? Your will is tying Arahabaki down, and as long as your will is firm, we won't be able to remove Arahabaki from you." (N in Storm Bringer)
N says it oudloud. He respects Arahabaki's will more than Chuya's. Except that Arahabaki has no will:
"Sigh... Why do you wanna see it so bad?" Chuuya said. "It doesn't have a personality or a mind of its own, so what's meeting' it gonna do for you? You gonna pray to it because it's a god? It's a god of destruction, y'know. Nothing more than a mass of energy. It's no different from a typhoon or an earthquake. Ya might as well pray to a power plant." (Fifteen)
Arahabaki is not a person, but the embodyment of Chuya's gift. And yet, it is given a name and treated as more important than the kid.
-Rimbaud literally wants to turn Chuya into a skill:
"Allow me to reintroduce myself. Rimbaud. Arthur Rimbaud. My skill is called Illuminations. Chuuya, my goal is to kill you and absorb you into my skill" (Rimbaud in Fifteen)
He doesn't want to kill Dazai because he hates murdering children. And yet, Chuya is Dazai's same age. However, Rimbaud sees him as nothing, but Arahabaki's host.
-Verlaine wants Chuya to be his clone:
"I dunno about you, but I'm human." "You aren't human. You're 2,383 lines of code." (Chuya and Verlaine in Storm Bringer)
He denies Chuya's humanity and insists he is an artificial creation. Chuya can't be the original kidnapped child, but needs to share Verlaine's origins and hate for the world. Verlaine doesn't consider his brother a person, but an extension of himself.
2- Arahabaki is Chuuya's inner beast
In psychology, the beast is a personification of one's deepest and most repressed feelings. What are Chuya's?
His control on gravity suggests two strong emotions:
a) A lack of freedom - The ability to control gravity should make one freer. And yet, Chuya is always chained:
Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison
He spends his childhood imprisoned in a lab. He is used as an attack dog by the Sheep. He is threatened to join the mafia with his friends' lives and Rimbaud's secret files. In a sense, he always serves someone. That is why Arahabaki is a servant deity.
b) A huge existential weight - He can make things lighter, but he still shoulders too much:
"Tell me, tin man," Chuuya suddenly stated, his voice devoid of all emotion. "Why did they die?" "Because of you, Chuuya." Silence. "Yeah, it is my fault." (Chuuya and Adam in Storm Bringer)
For example, Chuya blames himself for what happens with the Sheep, the Flags and later on Adam:
"What's wrong, Chuuya? Everyone's going to die at this rate. You're going to kill them. Your shortcomings are going to kill them." (Verlaine in Storm Bringer)
Chuya fears whoever gets close to him dies. That is why Arahabaki is a god of destruction.
Points 1 and 2 explain Chuya's loneliness. On the one hand others only see his skill (objectification). On the other hand Chuya doesn't see himself (struggle with the beast).
Arahabaki is a god whose origins are uncertain, so nobody understands it. Not even Chuya:
'In languor dreams of death' … who was the one that said it?
In the song, Chuya wonders who is the author of his own poem. This shows how disconnected he is from himself. He wears a mask of violence and bravado to hide his vulnerability. Still, this fragility emerges every time he lets Arahabaki out. Here comes the interpretative key of Chuya's character...
Arahabaki is nothing, but the Tainted Sorrow of the poem:
Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Today, the snowflakes fall so harsh. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Today, even the strong wind gusts. The Tainted Sorrow is Just like a fox’s hooded fur. The Tainted Sorrow is Covered by snowflakes and it cowers.
The tainted sorrow is a fox covered in snow, while the wind howls:
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Black snow began fluttering around Chuuya. Red scar-like runes crawled across his skin. He ignored the law of physics, hovering in the sky, as he glared down at the beast on the surface. Intense heat caused by the gamma radiation filled the air. The night was scorched, and the scenery warped. (Storm Bringer)
Arahabaki-Chuya is described as a tailed-beast and the anime shows he is similar to a fox. Moreover, he is covered in black snow, while his gravity powers manifest a strong wind.
The rest of the verses convey Chuya's feelings:
The Tainted Sorrow has Nothing to desire and nothing to wish. The Tainted Sorrow has A dream of death to its wary self. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Trembling like a pitiful soul. Upon the Tainted Sorrow, Nowhere to belong, the sun sets...
Interestingly, the fox and the setting sun come up in Storm Bringer:
The video showed a golden coin. One side was engraved with a fox, the other with the moon. It was beautiful yet somewhat melancholy. (Storm Bringer)
The young Chuya repeats Upon the Tainted Sorrow while playing with a coin that has a fox and a moon on its sides.
The literary metaphor becomes clear. The Sheep Song is the key to open the Tainted Sorrow's gate. Chuya activates Corruption through verses, that state his loneliness. He says them, when he is ready to face the darkest part of himself.
The Tainted Sorrow has Nothing to desire and nothing to wish. The Tainted Sorrow has A dream of death to its wary self.
The Tainted Sorrow dreams of death, which means Chuya is suicidal.
This is why he is both drawn and repulsed by Dazai:
"Your birth itself was a mistake. We're the same. Is there really a point to suffering through all that pain for a life that isn't even real?" The voice was taunting him. "Shut up," Chuuya spat, but even he knew he was talking to himself. "Screw you, Dazai." "That's just proof that you at least somewhat believe what I'm saying. Because deep down inside, you're the same as me." (Storm Bringer)
Dazai is the Chuya, who regrets being born and wishes to die. Still, he is also the Chuya, who wants to live, despite it all:
Chuya quietly stared at Daai's expression as if he were searching for something human deep inside of him. "So you're saying... you want to live now?" "I wouldn't go that far," Dazai replied with a resigned smile. "Maybe I won't find anything, but I figure I'll give it a try." (Fifteen)
The Tainted Sorrow wishes nothing because it isn't a person. Chuya fears he has no will of his own because he isn't human:
Chuuya Nakahara didn't dream. For him, waking up was like a bubble emerging from within mud. (Storm Bringer)
This fear is why Chuya's friendship with Adam is so important.
Adam is a an artificial creation, like Chuya. He is even called after the Frankenstein monster. He is a robot programmed to destroy himself for the sake of his mission:
"This is the real reason why an android was sent, instead of a human detective. My core, which now contains state secrets, will be incinirated along with Verlaine." (Adam in Storm Bringer)
Adam is a person, like Chuya. He is even called after the first man. He is a friend, who chooses to sacrifice himself for a loved one:
"I get to protect you. I couldn't ask for more." (Adam in Storm Bringer)
Dazai and Adam are linked to life and humanity, which are the main themes of Chuya's arc in the novels.
They both get to keep on living together with Chuya:
Dazai curled into the fetal position and screamed, "Dying with Chuuya? Anything but thaaaat!!" (Storm Bringer)
"Would you like to hear an android joke, Master Chuuya?" (Adam revealed as alive at the end of Storm Bringer)
Fittingly, Storm Bringer ends with the three of them together and alive. Chuya loses several friends, but by the end he still has two bonds. Two people who survive their friendship with him.
Even more importantly, Dazai and Adam both care about Chuya's humanity:
"Chuuya's gonna kill N at this rate and lose his humanity, but I want to see him suffer as a human. That's why I have to stop him" (Dazai in Storm Bringer)
"Do you know whether Master Chuuya is human?" I was curiously hopeful that he would know the truth. (Adam in Storm Bringer)
Not only that, but they help Chuya finish his arc and find himself:
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Then what is a soul? My friend's final words... What if those words were merely the words of a soulless command? So what? (Chuya in Storm Bringer)
Dazai gives Chuya a choice and Adam helps Chuya make it.
Dazai believes in Chuya's humanity more than anyone else:
"You sound like you're certain he's human." "I am." Dazai sighed, smiling. "There's no way I could hate a man-made character string this much." (Storm Bringer)
N, Shirase, Rimbaud and Verlaine all reduce Chuya to a skill. Dazai instead sees Chuya as his own person. Sure, he finds Chuya annoying, but he is the only one, who interacts with Chuya for who he is, rather than what he can do.
Adam realizes Chuya is human no matter his origins:
"Asleep or not, he is just an ordinary human," Chuuya replied indifferently. "his skill is strong, but that's it. He gets mad, he worries... That doesn't seem to be enough for him, though." "You are exactly right. It appears you have reached the conclusioin you needed to arrive at." (Chuya and Adam in Storm Bringer)
The Flags, Verlaine, Dazai and Chuya himself are focused on uncovering Chuya's birth. Is he the original kid or the clone? Discovering the truth is everyone's goal. Still, by the end Adam realizes Chuya's nature doesn't matter. He is Chuya either way. He is the person who teaches Adam about humanity. He is Adam's first friend.
Thanks to both Dazai and Adam, Chuya finally faces himself and activates Corruption. Not only that, but Chuya's final choice to let Arahabaki out is a perfect example of how he interprets freedom:
Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY)
Chuya is trapped in many ways and he knows it. He is given a gift he doesn't want and he is forced to join an organization he dislikes. And yet, he makes all these "imposed inconveniences" his. Chuya accepts the "card he is given" and uses it the best he can.
He combines his gift with martial arts, so that it really becomes his own ability:
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He finds his own motivation to work for the mafia:
"I chose to join the Mafia on my own, and I'm never gonna be your lackey, much less your dog!" (Chuuya to Dazai in Fifteen)
He doesn't open the gate when N forces him, but he chooses to on his own terms.
It is really not by chance that in Chuya's first big fight in the manga, this happens:
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Chuya claims there is no choice, but he is still the one who decides to activate Corruption. Even when trapped, Chuya always pushes forward and plays the hand he is dealt with passion. Even if he is unsure of who he is, he lives on as himself.
Chuuya took off one of his leather riding gloves and gazed at his hand. This is my hand, he thought. (Storm Bringer)
Chuya is a person. He has always been, no matter if he is the original or the clone. He feels pain, happiness, surprise. He is able to bond and to empathize with others. All of this makes him human. Not only that, but all of this makes him Chuya.
It is interesting that by the end, many people who objectify Chuya, recognize his personhood.
Shirase sees him as the teenage he is and saves him
Mori traps Chuya in the mafia, but is touched by Chuya's passion and loyalty:
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Both Rimbaud and Verlaine eventually see who Chuya is:
"Chuuya, you already possess strength and talents all your own, separate from Arahabaki. You are strong not as a god but as a human being." (Rimbaud in Fifteen)
"Does that mean... you do not yet resent the world?" "There's people I hate, but not all of'em," replied Chuuya. "I know better than to try and live a solitary existence. You used to feel the same, right?" Verlaine didn't respond. It was as if his silence itself was his answer. (Storm Bringer)
And tell him to live on:
"Chuuya... can I... ask you... a favor?" "What is it?" "Live" Randou said in almost a whisper. (Fifteen)
"Chuuya-live." (Verlaine in Storm Bringer)
Chuya manages to inspire all these people. At the same time, he is inspired back by them:
I was blessed with wonderful friends. That's all. I could have been in your situation, and you could have been in mine. (Chuya to Verlaine in Storm Bringer)
He integrates all his loved ones in who he is:
He (probably) imitates Hirotsu's habit to wear gloves and to take them away, when he is getting serious. This mannerism partially substitutes his practice to fight with the hands in the pockets
He is given his motorcycle by Albatross and keeps it as a memory of the Flags
He wears Verlaine's hat, which is really a gift from all three Chuya's key parental figures:
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1- Rimbaud creates it for Verlaine
Once Verlaine puts on the hat, the fabric lining acts like coils, deflecting any external command sequences that could tamper with his mind. In other words, the wearer can control command sequences at will. With this hat, Verlaine is one step closer to becoming a human with free will. (Rimbaud in Storm Bringer)
2- Verlaine passes it down to Chuya
"You really like that hat, huh? That was his, right?" "Yeah, I'd rather not wear my brother's hand-me-downs, but it's got some pretty useful functions." (Shirase and Chuya in Storm Bringer)
3- Mori gives it to Chuya as a gift when he joins the mafia
"What's the hat for?" "It signifies your acceptance into the Mafia," Mori explained with a smile as he stood facing Chuuya. "Whoever recruits a new member into the organization usually looks after them as well. It's custom to gift the new recruit with something they can wear as a symbol of that bond." (Fifteen)
As a result, Chuya's hat is an object full of symbolism:
Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances.
It is both shadow (a shadow of a hat) and light (within the darkness, it dances). On the one hand it is the key to Corruption, so to chaos. On the other hand it gives Chuya the power to control this chaos to an extent.
It is both what grants Chuya's free will and what threatens his autonomy:
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It describes Chuya's bond with Mori, which is contradictory. Mori blackmails Chuya to join the mafia and controls him. He also offers Chuya a family (heart) and an insight on leadership (mind).
It represents Chuya's bond with Rimbaud and Verlaine, who are Chuya's literary parents, as their real life counterparts inspired Chuya Nakahara's poetry. In general, Chuya's past lowkey alludes to the true poet's one, at least metaphorically.
Nakahara Chuya is born in a rather wealthy family and forced by his father to pursue medicine studies. However, he discovers poetry when he is 8 years old and his younger brother dies. Later on, he rebels against his father's education and is inspired by Rimbaud and Verlaine's works. He imitates both their poems and their dandy life-style.
Similarly, BSD Chuya finds himself trapped until he is symbolically awaken to literature (break out of the lab) by Rimbaud and Verlaine. Here, his poetry (Upon The Tainted Sorrow) is set free and Chuya is reborn:
Those newborn cries filled the outside world in the form of flames. The raging flames brought destruction to the surface for as far as the eye could see. And thus, " " was born. (Fifteen)
Interestingly, Chuya is 7 or 8, when Rimbaud and Verlaine arrive in his life. Moreover, his survival and freedom come at the cost of his other self (his clone/the original Chuya). Just like Nakahara Chuya's first poem is the result of his grief for his brother's death.
In other words, Chuya is Rimbaud and Verlaine's literary child. He is what their bond leaves behind. This is why initially they both strongly project on Chuya, but eventually let him go. Isn't it normal for a parent to see themselves in their child? And isn't it normal for the child to imitate the parents to an extent? And yet, the child is his own person. Just like this, Chuya is strongly defined by both Rimbaud and Verlaine, but he is growing into himself:
"It's okay. The Port Mafia is my family now" (Chuya in Storm Bringer)
So, who is Chuya? It's easy, really. He is a Port Mafia Executive (and probably the next Port Mafia boss). Right now, he needs to define his role within the organization and outside Mori. As a matter of fact, Mori is Chuya's third father, so to become an adult, Chuya needs to outgrow him. Just like he did with Rimbaud and Verlaine. Only then, he will truly choose who Chuya Nakahara is.
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Chuya as a husband
Mention of smut, chuya being his normal hotheaded. Might be occ?
Got these promots from my bot, but I just want to special rant about how I feel they would be as a husband. There is no mention of a strict gender but pregnancy is mentioned.
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Chuya is a soft man when it comes to you. he acts like he doesn't care when he does. He was very scared to get attached before you got hurt like everyone else. Just he scared someone would come after you thanks to his role in the Mafia.
Nicknames doll, babe, sweetheart, baby, pretty/handsome.
Talk about having a God in him. He would treat you as one. [Spoil you rotten.]
He drives a motorcycle more than a car and likes to take you on rides. Would tease the hell out of you if you're sacred to ride on one.
Spoiling you in gifts or affection. Even if you wouldn't want it. He spoils you in affection, gifts. Name it, and it's yours.
He never takes off his wedding ring. Try too, and that person would be knocked out cold with blood on their face or just dead. Don't test this man loyalty or patience.
He is very overprotective of you. Do you blame him? No, this man had seen so many people leave or die in front of him. People he cared so much for. he doesn't want to see you ever leave him too.
That being that, he gets jealous very easily. He would glare at the person. Hold you close to his chest and even make a slight growl noise or just tell them off.
He has you next to his side to his side all day if he could. If Mori allows you at work, that's but at the same time he doesn't want you anywhere near the Port mafia.
He needs to have his hand on you or be around you. He doesn't care if he is in a meeting with you either on his lap or holding hands. Not buts.
When lovemaking, he is pretty harsh or loving. It depends on his mood. But on thing for sure, he would never ever hurt you. in a loving way, though. He makes it back up to you in aftercare.
Bonus. Uses his ability to hold your hands down.
Like I mean till you can't walk any more or is completely fucked out on him. No mercy, in a sense. This goes if someone dares try to take what is his.
Sometimes, when he stressed with permission, he would ask you to help him untangle.
Would actually adopt a dog since he doesn't want you working or being fully alone. since he gets a very big bank from the mafia.
He doesn't want kids. Sadly, he is already worried about keeping you safe, but... sometimes he does feel baby fever takes his heart over if he ever sees you taking care of a child...poor man can't help the growing feeling to have a perfect family...but he knows he can't.
This man is rough on the outside but is a sweetheart and only wishes to show his most ever devotion and love to you
Man is rich. He rides a motorcycle around like it is nothing. He probably owns an expensive area as well. Not even that he lives in a fancy apartment.
He has anger issues, and he is fully aware of it. He tends to control it the best he can around you, but sometimes it slips, and he yells. He makes it back up in every way he can he never wants to hurt his lover.
He is also an alcoholic slightly and usually gets drunk sometimes... but he is a sweetheart when drunk, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with you and smother them in kisses.
He doesn't like it if you know Dazai or even mention his name. Would probably go beat his ass up if you weren't combing your hand through his hair.
He likes to lay on your stomach. idc he just finds it soothing as you play with his hair.
In the end, chuya is a good husband he only wishes the best for you, safety, and love.
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Proof read- nu, uh
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darling--angst · 1 year
Chuya, Tecchuo, proposing to their S/O
Pt. 1 How the BSD men would propose to their shy s/o.
Just shitpost
First time doing hcs sorry if this suck
Warning: Explicit Language
Characters: Reader, Tecchuo, Chuya, unnamed criminal, Dazai(extra).
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Suihiro Tecchuo
I could write an entire 5000 word essay on how sweet this man is. Umm totally off topic..
This man would probably just do a house date.
He knows you're shy and doesn't like crowdy places so he'd resort to a small picnic in a park.
He's soo cute like this man would call in sick with the hunting dogs even if he isn't just to buy you a ring.
Maybe he'd even go ask someone he captured for advice like the conversation would be like this:
"are you married?"
"uhh yes..?"
"any tips?"
"just get her favorite things, affordable ring that she'll like, her favorite flower bouquet and propose to a place she likes"
"k.. Thanks"
"good luck young man!"
With that the criminal would go to prison knowing that he helped the one who arrested him get married, ohh how happy that man is.
He likes to shower you with kisses afterwards.
He would go on his way to skip missions just to get you a gift or something.
What if you reject him? Simple you won't! But if you do...
"Love will you marry me?" He would shyly ask you
"Tecchuo.. I.. I'm sorry but I'm not ready yet.." you would say very awkward. He would raise up from kneeling, hug you and say:
"It's fine.. really.. I'm just too early" he said guilty
"It's not your fault! Don't feel guilty Tecchuo" you would slightly slap his shoulder annoyed on why he would blame himself for your decision.
That is if you refuse, but if you say yes...
He was kneeling there waiting for your response to the four unexpected words he said. You started to tear up, tears forming on the corner of your eyes. When he notices it he would stand up and panic.
"Baby.. I'm so sorry, did I do something worng?? If your not ready its fine..." He would say panicking on why you're crying.
"No.. its just that.. I'm happy" with your words you managed to surprise him.
"Yes.." you would mutter
"Hmm?" He said, still trying to comfort you.
"I would marry you!" You shouted from his embrace making him shock. He would smile, hug you then put the ring on your finger.
"Oh thank God.. I love you so much" he would say hugging you.
"Thank you.." you would mutter
"huh? For what?"
"for choosing me to marry you"
Your insecurities came in and you wondered
"Would you regret proposing to me-?" Your questions was cut off when you felt his lips against yours.
"No I'd never regret it baby" he said smiling at you.
Both of you shared a brisk kiss and smiled.
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Chuuya Nakahara
He would plan something so fucking romantic.
Would probably rent an entire restaurant because your shy.
If you're into a particular outing spot, he would rent it to propose.
Hell this man is soo rich! He may buy the entire place for you.
Would probably go to the jewelry store and buy their most expensive ring, necklace, bracelet, most likely the whole set of jewelry he think you'll like.
Would shower you with his money afterwards if you said yes who the fuck would reject such a fine ass rich man
He'll spoil you and be so happy
He will not cry but just imagine:
"Doll.. Will you marry me?" He asks you with a diamond ring on his hand, kneeling. You blushed and muttered a small "yes" in which he didn't hear.
"Yes!" You screamed starting to tear up. When he heard the word yes, he put the diamond ring in your finger and quickly stood up to hug you. This man was feeling so accomplished by what he did, that until...
"mmhf" you sniffled. When he heard you sniffled he halted and left your embrace to look at you. When he sees your eyes tearing up he would just panic.
"Huhhh???? Did I do something wrong doll?" He will softly ask you.
"No.. *sniffle* I'm just *sniffle* happy" you said.
"You shouldn't cry because I won't want to see you cry everyday when we would get married because I would make you the happiest woman in the world" he proudly said hugging you again.
Would probably ask someone like Koyou or Hirotsu for advice.
If you refuse his proposal it's probably going to be the same as Tecchuo.
If he doesn't know on what to do maybe he'd even ask a certain suicidal womanizing bastard.
Chuuya walked through the dungeons of the Port Mafia to see the traitor who was once his partner.
"I'm quite surprised you got caught, you suicidal maniac"
"Oh it's you"
"Why you!!"
"Oii! Shitty Dazai! Remember that you're the prisoner here"
"Yeah whatever"
"How do you propose to a woman?" He would mutter so quietly
"Hmm? I can't here you from down there.?" He would teasingly say. Chuuya grabbed his hair and shouted
"How do I get Y/n to marry me!" He didn't even realized what he said until Dazai started to chuckle
"My my.. Chuuya is in love!" He teased
"Why you!" He was cut off when Dazai actually helped him on how to propose with a few teases making the Ginger annoyed.
This is what would've happened if reader didn't die in my other fanfic ("You promised..")
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Training Session
Chuya Nakahara X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1929
Requested: Anon
Request: Part 1 Part 2
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Chuya stood hunched as he took in heavy breaths, all he had to do was get past the phantom, Koyo’s ability was formidable and as it stood he couldn’t find a way to break through the defence it had created. He moved forward again this time attempting a low approach in the hopes that with it being in the air he’d be able to get a little closer, he was wrong instead he was again stopped his time by the sword the phantom carried it swung down stabbing straight into the floor and stopping him from moving forward again. “Dammit!” He cursed as he kicked at the sword, it didn’t budge. “You won’t get anywhere if you get angry,” Koyo spoke, her arms crossed behind the phantom. Chuya ignored her words jumping up using his own ability to get higher reeling back to punch the phantom in the face but easily dodged and knocked him back again, he really wasn’t getting anywhere. He growled as he wiped his face. Their attention drew to the door of the training room as it opened, he obviously recognised Dazai and you but he hadn’t bothered to learn the name of the executive above you. “Mori wants to talk to you about some paperwork that he has, Koyo.” Dazai said as he hopped down the stairs, Koyo looked over at Chuya, she was still worried he wasn’t ready yet and he didn’t seem to be making any progress in their training session. “Will you be able to take over the training session then?” Koyo asked, looking at the man that you currently worked under. “I can't, Mori apparently needs me as a bodyguard for his next meeting.” He answered, “(Y/N) stay with the newbie and finish the training session.” “The last time that they trained together the training room needed to be rebuilt, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Dazai asked. “Chuya please do not use your ability too much, this is just training.” Koyo reminded him and he grunted as he looked away from her, he made no promises after all you and Dazai had a way of getting under his skin. “In fact, neither of you use your abilities, work on hand-to-hand without your abilities.” Both executives turned to leave after that and left. “What are you still doing here?” Chuya asked as he looked at Dazai who hadn’t left with the others. “Paperwork is boring, I want to play a game with my two favourite people.” He said as he wrapped his arms around each of your shoulders, Chuya immediately shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me, freak.” He grumbled. “Sorry Chuya…” Dazai apologised as he lifted his hand in surrender. “What game?” You asked. “Oh right so I want to give you a wager, if you lose you’ll have to carry all of my stuff for them and be my personal driver and if you win you’ll get that game you always wanted plus the pen you wanted from Mori.” He explained before turning to Chuya “if you lose you have to do the rich girl pose in front of everyone and if you win I’ll kiss your shoes.” “Fine.” You agreed. “Really?” Chuya asked. “We have to do this anyway, might as well make a game out of it.” You shrugged and he rolled his eyes before walking over to the sparring area. “Come on. What do you even want the pen for?” He ordered. “It’s important and it’s Mori’s.” You answered. “You're creepy.” He sighed, getting into position “and why are you the one making a wager, we’re the ones fighting.” “I’m an executive now, I can do whatever I want, you two are still subordinates.” Dazai explained “but it doesn’t matter because there’s no way that you can win.” “What?” Chuya asked. “She’s too tall, you’ll never win.” Dazai teased. “You don’t know anything.” Chuya yelled “hurry up and start the fight.” You charged forward you threw a punch that he dodged kicking your feet out from under you, you recovered easily punching Chuya in the stomach, he doubled over and you attempted to kick him there but he recovered quicker then you thought blocking your kick before throwing one of his own which landed on your chest causing you stumble, he followed up with a punch to the face which caused your back to hit the floor with a lot of force. “Though you were supposed to win, what good are you if you can’t beat the newest member of the mafia?” “Go Chuya!” Dazai cheered. “I knew that you could win.” “You literally said that he couldn’t.” You reminded him as you stood back up blocking a kick from Chuya before punching him in the face, and launching another kick to his waist before he could dodge it. “Go (Y/N)!” Dazai shouted again “I knew you could win.” “Who the hell are you actually cheering for!?” Chuya asked. “I want to see you both lose but I want (Y/N) to really beat you up beforehand.” He answered. “What is wrong with you!?” Chuya asked, though he didn’t hear the answer too concentrated on dodging the punch that you threw at him, he grabbed your arm pulling it back, the sound of it breaking could be heard throughout the room, you headbutt him in attempts to get him to let go but his hold stayed firm as he rolled over the back of the moving his hold around your neck, you drive your elbow into his chin, he dodged the hit pushing off your back to land facing Dazai. “Rabid Chihuahua.” Dazai teased him. “Will you shut up!” Chuya yelled as he dodged a punch coming from behind him, countering with an uppercut punch that landed you near the wall again, as Chuya got closer he could see that you were smirking, your elbow flew out catching his face and knocking him to the floor. “Are you finally getting serious, I thought you really wanted that game and that pen.” Dazai smirked at you as you opened your mouth to say something back, stopped by Chuya bringing his foot down on your back, you lifted your head to glare at Dazai who just shrugged at you. You recover quickly standing in time to move towards Chuya who was already moving towards you, you threw a punch at the same time that Chuya kicked you both hits deflecting each other, Chuya kicking straight into the wall and your fist hitting the floor. “You know his speed and flexibility are way better than yours but you have a high pain threshold and you’re way stronger than him.” Dazai mumbled addressing you although he wasn’t sure if either of you were listening. You straightened yourself up and realised that Chuya was no longer in front of you, the shadow on the floor below you allowing you to block the incoming attack just catching the red glow around your opponent. “You're cheating.” You teased him. “Dazai giving you pointers is cheating too.” Chuya argued, he kicked off your arm landing a little ways away from you as you stumbled slightly from the force, he moved forward giving you no time to think, his hands wrapped around your neck to hold your head in place to headbutt you, you still struggled and it resulted in his lips connecting with yours instead, your eyes widening, you were dating but you were never into PDA. In a panic you pulled away from Chuya quickly walking away from the training room with a blush on your face but unfortunately for you both Dazai had seen everything. “Looks like you don’t need a kiss from me.” Dazai stood from where he was watching the fight as Chuya turned to him. “Shut up.” Chuya ordered before running out the same door that you had to catch up with you, he managed to catch up with you. “Come on, you need to get your injuries treated.”
He took the hand of your uninjured hand leading you to the medic room where he started treating your injuries, it was quiet and that was when you started talking. “I’m sorry that I ran away.” You finally said. “Don’t worry I never meant to kiss you, neither of us were expecting it. We’re okay.” He promised. Dazai walked into the medic room and sighed dramatically. “(Y/N) you lost! You’ll have to help me with my paperwork and drive me wherever I want.” Dazai said before turning to Chuya “and I have to kiss Chuya’s shoes.” You both frowned as you watched him pick up a piece of paper and using the pen he promised you he wrote something on the page, he turned it around to show the words ‘Chuya’s shoes’ Chuya stood to protest but he kissed the paper and nodded to himself. “What the hell was that!?” Chuya asked. “You have really bad taste in shoes.” He answered. “What does that have to do with anything!?” Chuya asked as you giggled watching the two continue to argue.
“Wait! Is that my paperwork!?” Chuya yelled which only caused you to laugh even more.
Request Here!!
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iwachuwu · 4 years
do you ever think about how much Dazai left behind when he came to the agency and just sob? the port mafia are rich, okay? like, crazy rich. so dazai probably was, too. at 16 if chuya had his own house and was being escorted in shiny black cars, dazai probably had the same privileges. he was an executive. of the port mafia. and now he's basically broke. can you imagine going from that to this in one night? only because it was a dying friend's wish? he lost Oda and Ango in a period of two days, lost Chuya the next. he left behind everything he had known and worked for that day. he had the burden of so many wrongs, all to shoulder alone. still he moved on. he cares about Chuya, and he cares about Atsushi. he went so far as to risk his life for him. this man was a kid who didn't want to live. he didnt believe there was any value in living. this man jokes about everything and drinks himself to sleep, bad enough to make it hard waking up. this man is in pain, so much fucking pain and its so unfair. I never want to hear anyone say Dazai is heartless or cold or selfish. yes, he's a morally grey character. yes, he's done bad things and committed many sins. but he is trying to get better. not even for himself but for a friend he lost, and for the friends he can lose any time and day. I will never not love him, and I will never not punch anyone in the face to defend him.
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Hiyaa dear i hope you are okay and taking care of yourself. Can i request dating headcannons with Chuuya and akutagawa similar to the ones you did with dazai (those were incredible by the way) Thank you in advance and remember you are extremely talented and we are lucky to have you and your content here - love Safiyah <3333
❥ Chuuya Dating Headcanons
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ᴀ/ɴ: Thank you so much! I hope you don’t mind but I only did the Chuuya headcanons cause i tend to make the dating headcanons a long so yeah 😔 I hope you like it tho! 🥺💘
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*drinking milk* I am not kageyama btw
Time to feed you guys ✨
And you taking care of his ass when he is drunk cause he is such a light weight
Drunk Chuuya is cute Chuya
While he is drunk he super honest and is shy about N O T H I N G
shares with you everything at that time
“You ah so KWOOOTTTTTTT Y/Nnn”
Now let’s concentrate on sober chu chu train
He doesn’t like the nickname “chu chu” btw but I get to say it cause in this blog reality can be whatever I want
He likes calling you dove, sweetheart, angel, cutie, hottie, darling
A classic romantic 💅🏻
A fancy restaurant date is what you guys do for ‘simple’ dates
Ruffles your hair cause why not
Will literally wear whatever you do to it to work
And wears it with pride as well
“If you don’t like what my baby did to my hair then you go die in a hole”
Will beat the shit out of anyone that insults whatever you do
Or insults you in general like COME ON
they must be blind
Or jealous
Either reason they don’t escape Chuuya’s wrath
He loves to hug you
Your hugs are really comforting to him 🥺
Sometimes when he feels down or insecure he would go to you and ask for a hug
He is so vulnerable around you
A touch from you is enough to make him like a puppet in the palm of your hand
Chuuya is great at compliments and comforting!
“Let it all out dove”
“You are perfect so don’t talk yourself down”
Kissing the top of your head while rubbing your back
*sIgH* what a great man
Jealous Chuuya is dangerous Chuuya
Like probably as his mafia mode
There is an unwritten rule for them
‘Look at Y/N and I will beat your ass’
and that is exactly what happens
And those who try and touch you
Now can’t touch anyone 🥰
Cause Chuuya scarred them for life
Lazing around with you is one of his favorite things
He comes exhausted from mafia work sometimes
So resting with you in his arms makes him feel at peace 🥺
Stealing his hat is a must
He loves it on you though so he allows it
Ranting about how stupid dazai is
pfft dum dum face
Kissing your hand cause he is a gentleman 💅🏻
I forgot to talk about something tho-
✨ The Port Mafia ✨
If you work with him
Then he will keep an eye on you everytime
And always hopes you don’t go on very dangerous missions
Bby doesn’t want to risk you being hurt :(
If you are not
Then he will always have guards with you
This man is filthy rich we know it
He knows people will target you due to being related to him
It takes him probably 8 month to tell you about his work
I mean
He is so scared you might leave him because of his work
Will keep kissing you all over the face if you accept it and stay with him tho
And with a shaky smile
Now let’s kick that shit away
I headcanon that Chuuya knows full well how to slow dance
Therefore it’s something you do on special occasions
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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koreaweeb · 4 years
Red Strings - First String
@underc0vercryptid-reads @laraplisetski @omegahighendpro @thooo0t
Red String of Fate - The two people connected by the red string are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. 
-Six Months before Borderland-
Holding her heels and phone in one hand, and lifting her dress with the other, the woman rushed into the A&E. Those waiting to be seen gave her weird looks. It was not everyday one would get to see a woman in a ballgown in a hospital after all.
She walked up to the nurse’s station, a panicked look on her face. 
“I’m looking for a Chuya-”
“Miss, if you could please wait your turn.”
“I am not looking for treatment. I am looking for a person. His name is Chu-”
“Miss, we are not a daycare centre here. Please can you wait over there?”
“Goddamn it! Someone help me!”
Distraught and frustrated, she smashed her phone on the floor. That certainly got everyone’s attention. The entire A&E suddenly went quiet, save for the beeping of equipment here and there. The nurse sitting behind the station reached for the phone, most likely to call security when a hand stopped her.
Walking around the station, a young man took over the computer and started typing.
“Chuya Aoi, is it?” he asked, looking at the woman. Instantly calming down, she nodded. “He’s currently in the OR. There’s a waiting room on the second floor-”
Before he could finish his sentence, the woman dashed off.
“Jesus, would it kill her to wait a little? It’s not like she can see him if he’s in the OR,” the nurse muttered under her breath. “I wouldn’t help her if I were you, Chishiya.”
“Did you not hear the name?” the young man asked, tilting his head. “Chuya, as in the Chuya Group. Aren’t they one of our biggest benefactors?”
Sitting in the waiting room on the second floor, she was clutching her hands together. Tears kept falling down her cheeks but she did not bother wiping them. How could this happen?
She was at an event when she received the call. She did not pick up at first, missing a call from Aoi. Then her phone kept ringing to the point where she got irritated. When she finally picked up, however, it was not Aoi. It was his friend, calling to inform her that Aoi had been sent to the hospital after a suicide attempt. 
If only she did not miss his call.
If only she had picked up.
Their relationship had never been close like other siblings, but they were always there for each other because no one else in the world understood what they were going through. They only had each other. Aoi only had her, and the one time he needed her the most, she was not there. 
The more she thought about it, the more she cried. 
It was her fault. 
Approaching the waiting room, Chishiya was holding the phone she smashed earlier. He stopped just outside the door, watching as the woman was bawling her eyes out. He never understood when people would cry for patients, be it staff who took care of them or friends and family. 
When one died, they died. 
Crying would not heal them. Crying would not bring them back. So why would you cry? 
He found it amusing, however, that she came barging into A&E and demanded for help with such authority, only to break down behind the scenes when she was alone. 
The door to the OR opened and the surgeon came out with a nurse. Chishiya slipped around the corner, making sure to keep out of sight. If they were to find him eavesdropping, he was pretty sure he would be kicked out of medical school. Not that it mattered to him, which was why he stuck around. 
“Miss Chuya Kurenai?”
“I’m Doctor Serizawa, Mr. Chuya Aoi’s surgeon. I’m glad to tell that he’s going to be fine. He’ll need to stay for observation for the next few days but he will be fine. Miss Chuya?”
A wave of relief washed over her as Kurenai clutched her hands to calm herself down. Aoi was going to be okay. “If you could please arrange for him to be in a private suite,” Kurenai said, getting up. “I’ll go and complete his admission.” 
Collecting herself, Kurenai left the waiting room and headed down to the reception where she completed the necessary forms needed for Aoi’s admission. Then for the next hour or so, she sat next to his bed, waiting for him to wake. 
She stared at his wrist where it was bandaged, and so many thoughts were crossing her mind at once. They lost their mother to suicide, and she nearly lost Aoi. And it was all because of one man. The frustrating part, however, was knowing that this would never bother him as much as it did them. 
Aoi’s voice was soft and weak. She looked up to see that his eyes were opened. There were tears already in his eyes, like he knew what he did hurt her, that what he did was cowardly in her eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
“If you are saying sorry now, then you shouldn’t have done it,” she said.
“I know. I-”
“You need your rest. I’ll get Ayako-san to make your meals tomorrow.”
She was heading out of the room when Aoi called out to her. “Kurenai...I’m so sorry.” She took in a deep breath, blinking her tears away. He should not be sorry. The person who should be apologising was her father, the person who had pushed Aoi over the edge. “I called you…”
“I know,” she said, wiping the rogue tear rolling down her cheek. “Just...don’t do it again.”
Somehow, she made her way down to the lobby. Should she have stayed with Aoi though?
As she walked past a vending machine, however, Kurenai stopped in front of it. She left the event without eating or even drinking. Now that Aoi was in the clear, she finally had time to care about her growling stomach and dry throat. 
The vending machine before her only had drinks, and she never had them before though she did see coffee on there. She pressed the button but nothing happened. No beeps, no coffee. She pressed it again but still, nothing. No beeps, no coffee. She was getting a little frustrated when someone tapped a card on the sensor, pressing for the coffee she wanted. 
“You need one of these, or change.” It was the young doctor who helped her earlier. 
“Thank you,” she said, taking the can from him. 
“I believe this is yours,” he said, pulling out her phone from his pocket. The screen, however, was smashed beyond repair. She doubted that it would turn on.
“Just throw it away.” 
She cracked the can open, taking a sip and made a face of disgust, pressing the can into his hand. He found it amusing, watching her. A rich person like her probably never touched a vending machine, let alone drink or eat something from one. He was not a fan of canned coffee either, though he had an inkling that she probably never even heard of instant coffee.
“Do you have a phone?” she asked. Chishiya nodded, pulling his own phone out and handed it over to her after he unlocked it. “Hanzo-san, it’s me. Yes, can you bring the car round? I’m coming out now.”
Saying her thanks as she handed his phone back after her call, Chishiya watched her leave. He looked down at the can of coffee, dropping it into a bin along with her broken phone. What an interesting woman.
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ouuuuki · 4 years
Then the night forest is wicked in any country, at any time, when the night forest wasn't wicked, but what it looks like is different. It may appear as a darkness that digs into your feet, and it may appear as a maze that makes you lose track of your way home. Sometimes the fangs and saliva of a hungry beast, the wickedness of the forest was: Light Tsu. Annoying orange light. An ominous glow that dances to the inaudible music. Fire No creature can be legalized, hole 2 at night It was a forest fire. Unlike humans who make a dry scream and burn trees: I don't hate flames, I complain about anything, and I get the same amount of wicked fat in the morning By then, the forest will be just a collection of boring black charcoal. The forest dies like that. It will come back to life more than a hundred years later. I'm scared
The criminal who stabbed Hitosamori in a deadly way lay in the center of the fire. The rotor blades of the wreckage engine of the Riyokaki Zangai passenger plane are still spinning. It just crashed. The fuselage folds from the center in a fluffy manner, and the wings are removed, like a grave marker that sticks vertically into the ground. Villagers around Chinka have begun to gather to extinguish the fire and save lives. But soon the villagers' faces were filled with despair. With this, the torn fuselage, which is unlikely to have anyone survived on the crashed airliner, is heated and the metal makes a screaming, high-pitched sound. The flame seems to have reached the inside of the aircraft. Perhaps if I walked inside the plane now, my shoes would melt and cling to the floor. The villagers were desperate and began to inspect the wreckage of the plane. A boy approached one of the wreckage. Cho Tsunabatsu, a boy from a very nearby village. He has a hatchet for felling. I brought it to cut down a tree to prevent the spread of fire. However, it just imitated an adult. The tiny hatchet is unlikely to be cut down even by my grandfather's vagina. Still, the boy may have a survivor approaching the wreckage. If he rescues himself, he will be praised a lot by adults. Imagine yourself as a young hero, and his heart will be throbbing. 11
That ambition was deadly. One of the iron doors that was poking at the wreckage was a heavy and sturdy iron door that came off with a metallic sound and fell toward the boy, able to withstand the high altitude air currents that the surrounding people had not helped. .. Someone screamed. The iron door mashed the boy's head like a snack, and it didn't fit. My hand grabbed the iron door and stopped it. It wasn't in the hands of the villagers. The hand appeared inside the iron door, inside the passenger plane. "Are you finally arriving?" Said the Lord in a calm voice. What emerged from the airliner was a tall man in a blue suit. He's European, but he's not old enough-probably in his twenties to thirties. Despite the flames around me, my eyes are cold and destroyed. >> " Is important-it's okay with you, are you okay? "The young man in a blue suit called out to the boy under the iron door. Su sentence "Thank you is fine. My mission is to protect humans and save lives. But let's stay in such a place and do our best. 12
This door seems to be a standard that once opened, it falls and never returns. ”The boy made his eyes black and white, while the young man in a blue suit jumped and landed on the ground. Then, I looked around and said, "This wasn't in the external memory database. I wonder if Japanese airports are so densely populated with trees, but it's a country rich in nature, with forests occupying a percentage of the land. But isn't this construction site absurd? If you don't even have a road, you'll have to walk to the mission site. It's completely meaningless to think of humans. "The young man shook his neck with a serious face. It was. "Ah ::: Um, you-the boy screamed intimidatingly. 0" You are ::: Who the hell are you? "-Tsukao-" Su "Oops, excuse me. In human society, It was a poor act to neglect to introduce yourself. ”The young man said that, and took out a black emblem from his chest. The boy could not read the silver character string drawn in the center of B. Sentence "This machine is a detective of the Europol and is a commercial equipment. The model number is F7819-Tobira Choyaku. 13
5 It is the first humanoid autonomous high-speed computer in the world police agency, produced by Dr. Walston Craft, a talented engineer. The name is Adam. Adam Frankenstein. I hope you know it. Well, this machine has a mission, so the young man bowed and tried to leave, and said, "Yes." Nakahara Chuya "Don't you know someone named Chuya Nakahara?"
0 notes
catsbythegreat · 7 years
A Soukoku Fic Rec List From the Authors Themselves!
Hey everyone! This is gonna be a long rec list, so buckle up! My Soukoku Server alongside Chuuya’s Harem have had an event this past week asking Soukoku writers to rec the fics they’re most proud of writing for skk. It can be hard to get recognition in a big fandom, and sometimes as a fic writer it’s hard to feel proud of your work, so we wanted to spread some positivity and visibility while having fic authors be proud of all the hard work they’ve done! 
The submissions we’ve gotten over the past week are amazing! They range from tragedy to angst to fluff to crack and there’s something for everyone. You might know a few of these fics, and a few of them might be new to you, but they all demonstrate our love for soukoku! Here are the fics, with comments from the authors themselves: 
This- http://archiveofourown.org/works/10002131 is an abstract piece that is pretty much just poetry and I actually kinda like it and it'd be amazing if it got checked out, although it is one of my older ones (angst ofc)
And this one- http://archiveofourown.org/works/9912410/chapters/22212713 I'm fond of, because it's Hanahaki and even if it was a gift, I enjoyed writing it a lot, and it was really, really fun to write
Oh my- here's one of the most stupid things I have ever written- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkiRRumJYd_67P1XuOXLZn7b6ANSDdTLvx6QLZiZw0M/edit?usp=sharing Dedicated to @Rose and it's a piece of crack and ridiculousness.
This is a piece I wrote when a certain someone wanted to do a fic trade (I wrote angst for her, she wrote fluff for me) - it's an introspective thing from Chuuya's POV. I enjoyed writing it! http://archiveofourown.org/works/8578450
These fics have been submitted for SKK Week, Days 1, 2, and 6 respectively. All of these are fluff Soukoku fics and I consider them as my best works so far (in my 1 month of going back to writing lol) and I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Wish - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11304546 (Chuuya reminisces that time eight years ago, when he first attended a festival with Dazai.)
Hanami - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11314278 (Dazai appreciates some of the many things he loves about Chuuya.)
Musings - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11362332 (Dazai's thoughts on Chuuya, inspired with quotes from his real life counterpart. Has a chapter 2 ready, this time from Chuuya's POV)
henlo henlo these are my three favorite skk fics and they might be a little (very) shitty but they're the best ones i got!! i hope you enjoy~
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11171838 this one is a recent one and a greek mythology au abt dazai being a merchant and chuuya being a sea nymph! they fall slowly in love and care abt each other a lot (pain level: 2/10)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10841241 this is a fic that im most proud of!! it was a commission fic about chuuya having scars from using corruption for too long and hating his own image but dazai helping him get through it by showing him his own scars (pain level: 100000/10)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9848708 this was VERY long ago but it was a fic for rose on valentine's day abt a fantasy au! chuuya is a white mage and dazai is a wyvern-riding cavalier who always gets himself in trouble!! they fight demons and monsters together while on a quest to find an abandoned city (pain level: 3/10)
these are both old ish
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7919491 - chuuya and dazai make an agreement, it's pretty straightforward lol - the description in the first bit of story was rlly pretty and i spent a lot of time trying to create the flow
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8249605 - soulmate AU and hanahaki AU - used a number of symbolisms thru story also flower language is pretty yeah
I'm going to casually leave my fics here: 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9942896 “Bah Humbug”- Christmas by Himself this Year - Summary:  Dazai thought he would be spending Christmas alone until he ran into Chuuya, who he supposes is better company than no one. pls I know it's a Christmas fic, but it's my first Soukoku fic, and I'm proud.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11308074 Trust Fall - Summary: '“Don’t worry; you can trust me.” Dazai assured Chuuya, who was at this point already falling. Chuuya tumbled forcefully into Dazai’s extended arms. He squirmed briefly but quickly gave up upon realizing that he could not escape. Chuuya and Dazai had their own trust fall, which worked most of the time.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11336511/chapters/25372383 Conqueror - Summary: After the death of his father, Chuuya inherits the role of the shogun, the most powerful man in Feudal Japan. On the other hand, Dazai is the emperor, a position which holds little to nothing besides money. In their various encounters, Dazai has his heart set on one thing: control of the shogunate. Historical AU. Also my first multi-chapter fic.(edited)
Okay so....... 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10829463/chapters/24033585 - This is probably my most popular fic, "Leather" it's nicknamed The Ass Fic, becuase it's basically all about how much Dazai loves Chuya's perfectly shaped, firm and pert ass. It's a wip at 11chapters so far. However, I treat this like a sitcom fic, each chapter is like an episode of a comedy show.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10742775/chapters/23813706 - This is "The Seasons" and my first multichapter fic I had ever written. Most people who follow and read my humour fics would probably find this a bit weird because this is legitimately a 5 chapter romance fic sorta slow burn skk. It's based on an ADA tempered Dazai coming back and taking the helm of the Port Mafia, (sorta mentioning he's reforming it), with the focus on him realizing he's maybe in love with Chuya. And I aged them up here so it's my take on how older and more mature skk can get together and actually make a healthy relationship.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11009571 - "The Redhead Gets The Upperhand" - I was conflicted on which fic to choose for my third. I have 3 fave oneshots, and I know some of the others are funnier (I have been so told, haha), but I feel like I really got the pacing of my humour writing the best in here. It's basically Chuya playing Dazai and Dazai knowingly and willingly playing along. I had fun with the idea that Chuya sends Dazai increasingly risque selfies while Dazai is at work during the day. XD
𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭 (Asher Blackwood)
This is Gospel
  http://archiveofourown.org/works/9386330/chapters/21248921 - Description; Okay so I have several fics, all of which are pretty fortunately well-regarded (thanks!), but this one is my first and is by a mile my favorite. Inline with canon and captures the way that I think modern SKK works, with both of them kind of orbiting around each other due to being so closely attached as children but without necessarily being very affectionate. Also, Chuuya gets the upper hand and does not die.
@ch-ch-ch-chuuya ( @hybridempresswriting ) 
“You Won’t Lose Me (So Don’t Leave Me Behind)” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9352388 I don’t actually expect anyone to read this all this week because it is a multi-chap fic but it is the one that I am the most proud of. It’s the first multi-chap fic that I’ve ever successfully completed, the word count makes it about as long as the third Harry Potter book, and it was written for my friend Lady based on our soukoku rp where Dazai convinces Chuuya to join the ADA. It’s my proudest work, I love it more than anything. 
“Fair Enough” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9054943 My longest oneshot ever and something I am particularly proud of because tealillie recced it which absolutely made my day. It’s a flowershop AU with a twist--Dazai is still a detective and Chuuya is an ex-convict, and Chuuya gets it bad for this detective; so bad he develops the hanahaki disease.
“Absolutely Ridiculous” http://archiveofourown.org/works/9607931 a bit short and fluffy about how Chuuya and Dazai like to take baths together. This is what really got me into wanting to write more fluff about these two and I just think it’s really funny? I’m very proud of it.
Yo! Here are my fics! (I had four actually, but oh well, one of them is barely soukoku anyway): 
Snow Day(http://archiveofourown.org/works/8838169): Chuuya notices a mysterious brunette collapse in the snow. "the stranger collapsed. He fell face-first into the two-feet snow blanket. Amused, Chuuya watched for a minute, waiting for the strange brunette to push himself out of the snow, but he didn’t, and snow began to lightly accumulate onto the back of his thin brown jacket. Oh shit…"
Still Alive(http://archiveofourown.org/works/11260242): It's Dazai's birthday, and Chuuya finally decides to give him what he wants. "Chuuya inhaled slowly, his breath trembling between his lips, and reentered the apartment. He strolled into the bedroom, sweat dripping down his forehead. 'Okay, Dazai. I’m ready.' "'Okay, Chuuya.' Dazai lay still on the white sheets with a small angelic smile gracing his face. He had even changed into a suit for the occasion. It all hurt Chuuya so much."
The Secret Garden (http://archiveofourown.org/works/11070258/chapters/24687762): Dazai, the son of a rich lord, stumbles upon a servant in the courtyard, but the servant isn't supposed to be there. What will happen next? (a multi-chapter fic in the works) "Amongst the array of wild flowers, blooming festively in a multitude of colors, Dazai spotted the most novel specimen leaning flush against the large, vine coiled trunk of one of the several trees that shaded the area. Dazai crept closer. The creature, which he soon reasoned was one of the younger servants, had bright, unkempt hair that fell to his shoulders in messy curls. The boy had the palest skin Dazai had ever seen, almost as pale as the sanguinaria planted nearby, and was currently asleep. Small splotches of sunlight waltzed across his innocent face through the leaves. It was a sight Dazai wouldn’t dare disturb if his curiosity and longing for novelty had been any less overwhelming."(edited)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11390715 Hey everyone, this is my first and only fic I've written. I'm genuinely proud of it ^^
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11363979  this is the skk fic that i'm happiest with because it's apocalyptic themed and i think i captured the mood of it better than i usually do in my writing ^^
"the beautiful various dreams" http://archiveofourown.org/works/11249238 is a coma au that I thought about for a while and I really like how it turned out because I was scared for a while of trying to write dreams and reality mixing together. 
"Mistake" http://archiveofourown.org/works/10609371 I really enjoyed writing this idea that working in the Mafia has effects and dealing with the effects in a place where you can't show weakness is incredibly hard. This one also had a weird format that I had to plan a lot, and I was happy to pull it together. 
"Once More" http://archiveofourown.org/works/8897146/chapters/20391742 I don't expect people to read this because it's long af but it's basically my love letter to SKK and exploring their relationship and it's also one of the few longfics that I've actually seen through to a conclusion. So I'm proud that I finished it. It wasn't meant to be a longfic.
"And I Will Chase You Forever, If That's What It Takes" http://archiveofourown.org/works/11354586 This is my favourite fic I did for skk week.  I put a lot into it.  It's pretty Chuuya centric with lots of young soukoku and it looks at how Chuuya deals with the imbalance between him and Dazai.  (Also I'm a sucker for happy endings, even when they're mine)
"Winter Wonderland" http://archiveofourown.org/works/9102799 This is the purest fluff I have ever managed to write.  Nobody suffers at all, which in and of itself is an accomplishment.  Plus I had a great time writing it!
"Needs" http://archiveofourown.org/works/8541640 I like the different interactions in this one.  Lots of Chuuya hurting and Dazai comforting.  It highlights a softer side to Dazai and shows how aspects of their dynamic developed.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10768806 You're Insufferable (We're Inseparable) this one is really important to me because it's a detailed look at the growth of their relationship, and is intended to cover everything. it's an intrinsic look at both sides.
 http://archiveofourown.org/works/10657617 A Typical Tuesday Night This one is a oneshot, set in the same verse as yiwi. I'm really proud of how it came out, the feelings I wanted to convey are, I feel, very well represented.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10817004 A Different Sort Of Dance I really like the interactions I write in this one. it's on going and on pause, but I think what's there is worth a read. I like my writing and description in this one.
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silent-rabid-dog · 7 years
Oh yeah, and number 6, sorry ^^"
Ah yay Soukoku! Thank you so much I love these two ^w^
Okay number 6! What’s there partners favorite feature!
Physically I think Dazai would say his favorite feature is how short Chuya is, but when it comes down to it I think he’ll have to be lame and say Chuya’s blue eyes sense they stick out so much and are one of the most noticeable features Chuya has. After all its not everyday you see a Asian boy with flaming orange hair and bright blue eye.
Personality wise I think Dazai’s favorite feature would be when how gulable Chuya is, but in the sweetest way. He’d like how he can easily get Chuya to believe silly things or to get him to act like a rich girl and such because he just finds it adorable.
Chuya’s favorite physical feature of Dazai’s would be probably be what ever is underneath his bandages sense it’s something he’s only seen and something rare to see at that. Despite that he probably enjoys playing with his messy hair.
His favorite personality trait of Dazai’s I think would be either that Dazai doesn’t always talks and doesn’t leave things quiet, Chuya doesn’t like sitting in silence and even though most of the time it’s bickering between the two or Dazai being a idiot, Chuya enjoys never having to have a day in silence or lonliness when he’s around.
And there’s my head canons! I hope you like it! ^u^
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euphorica-smiles · 8 years
A somewhat important reminder/note about the ES Soukoku Giveaway
I had been thinking quite hard lately about this and reading most of the reblogs and tags (yes lol I do take time to read all your reblogs and tags), I have mixed feelings but it doesn’t entirely mean all are bad. To be honest, while still quite ambivalent, most of my sentiments are good. I will admit, if there is one thing that makes me slightly uncomfortable but not in a bad way is to be complimented for ‘being kind and generous’. While I truly appreciate such kind words and feel very honoured, there is a part of me that do in a deeply contemplative aspect of it all, wonder if I truly am worthy of such praises.
Short to say, I am not very used to accepting compliments but I have slowly learned to humbly appreciate them. I really do.
I have been asked time and time again, why do I do this giveaway and why am I giving ‘so much’. The answer is really simple:
I want to do it. I want you all to be happy. BSD and Soukoku makes me happy and I want to share that.
And the answer that also started it all, which also contributes to the question above:
Bungo Stray Dogs has made such an influential impact in my life that it has brought so much joy, pain, agony and wisdom altogether that I truly appreciate it to the point I cannot imagine my life without BSD And Chuya. The first anime to have this much meaningful impact on me was Saiyuki - and Saiyuki had stayed with me since childhood - 12 years through and through. Or else, I can assure you, I would not have lived to this day having the privilege to even 'use’ the internet.
BSD has revived my love for literature, reminded me there are many aspects in life, moving forward is one option but that it doesn’t hurt sometimes to look back for reminiscences. So much more, I’d make a more-than-1k-words essay out of plenty of reasons and points of how dear Chuya and BSD are to me; but I don’t want to go too off tangent from the real purpose of this post so I’ll save that for later.
But that is still reason enough for me to also say which is what drives me to consider and then later actually decide to host the giveaway: I want to share that sort of joy with you all. And like I have said as though it’s one of my personal motto ’If I don’t do it now, I don’t know when I would have time or if I would be alive for long to really do it.
This is not the first giveaway I’ve done here but this is the first in which I am giving away merchandises as prizes.
I am honoured to be considered kind and generous but I would like to also say from the bottom of my heart that while I am thankful, I want you all who read this to know that kindness and generosity are always there - I am sure I am not the only person who would host a SKK/BSD giveaway or would give away things. I don’t do this very often as lol I am not like super rich or anything. When I can really afford it, I love spending for people. I love giving gifts. Also because I used to come from a long history of child abuse where I know what is it like to not have things - I had never want or like to demand because I never feel the right to. Just the desire to 'want things’ as simple form of happiness was like a crime. I can’t help nor please everyone, but I always believe and hope at least one step at a time, maybe in my own way if I can make people happy, then at least in my own way I may have contributed my efforts into making the world a good one where people will at least believe 'good people are still out there’.
I am nothing sort of great, I always believe I am just a regular person trying her best everyday really.
I probably sound condescending and preachy at this point so I am really sorry if I come off sounding like that. I just want to say that I don’t quite think I am really doing anything that special ^-^;; nor feel like I am that great. However, I am humbled and extremely grateful.
All I ask for is if the three winners get selected, please take care of your prizes and continue supporting Bungo Stray Dogs however you can in your own way.
Still at least 1 more week until giveaway ends, so I wish you all the best. I also want to say: always believe there’s good in this world. It’s not easy, I know, but try, okay?
Kay I better sleep now XD; gotta wake up early for docs appointment so bleh. But yes thank you so much for reading. Much love, Jasmine.
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Oh my bodyguard~
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"Do you even know what you do to me...."
Modern-day au. Idol reader x bodyguard chuya. Slowly falling in love with your boss. This doesn't take place in the bsd timeline.
Tw.? Past trauma, Kinda occ chuya?
Idol {y/n} is the rising idol in Yokohama! Rising up to the top. It was nice very nice. Finally getting the dream you always wanted. To be a famous idol. The cheer, fans. Oh, the adoring fans, loving staff....and trusting bodyguard. Well, This was before Chuya came along. She trusted her bodyguard. She wanted some sort of friendship with the people who work with her so she picked her bodyguard.
Now chuya was never one to himself in pop culture. But when he was hired by the industry that you worked under. He took up the chance. Might get a couple good workouts trying to stop people from hurting others. He was very fit after all. But he didn't expect to work with the exact new risinging idol. He did do some looking into who he was going to look after. Only to find out something heartbreaking to him. Now he was never one to pity people. Always shutting them down. But your case made his heart go out for you.... your just trying to have fun and well everything turned back onto you.
Your fans were sad after the long period break you had to take. But they understand some wounds didn't heal overnight. You locked yourself up for a while in your room. The managers were worried as they always send staff to check up on you. Once you got better you were introduced to Chuya. A handsome man but short. His ginger hair, the black callor shirt he wore. Along with his black pants. Well, the required outfit for the company. He swears he felt his heart flutter at the soft look in your eye and smile. It just wanted him to protect that look more.
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Turns out the fans adore him as much as you did as your trusted bodyguard. It was a slow burn of trust but he understood. He understood it all. The fans usually tossed gifts for both of you on stage. One time you were about to slip on one gift but he was quick to come help. Catching you by the waist in a much-perfect dip. If on time the ending of the performance went off. It felt like a hundred- no a thousand fireworks went off in his heart. The shared look you both looked at each other with. You breathe slightly ragged from all the dancing and singing. His breath hitched as the lights went out. The fans went crazy. Thinking it was accidentally meant to happen. They were the secret shippers of the fandom after all. One fan one time gave you a plushie that looked like him. It was a corset to look like a cute small smaller version of him. It made you blush like crazy. Fans gave him rare cards from your collection or shirts. Becoming the slow fanboy. He would lower his hat and take the gift. The fans wouldn't even be mad if you two dated if anything they wanted the two of you to date. Like, come on that is such a cool ship!!! A bodyguard falls in love with an idol and the idol not knowing. Slowly falling in love themself.
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One day he was trying to convince you not to go out. But the puppy dog eyes you gave him made him shut up. He walked by your side throughout the city. Both stopped at the ice cream place you wanted to try. He found it funny how even how rich or popular you were you still did stuff in the city than you home. It wasn't until you two were walking back to the car. You yelped when someone grab you dropping your ice cream. He turned back to see a fan grasping your wrist. He immediately pulled you away and close to his chest. He sent glares as he scowled at the male for doing that. He pulled you into the car. One thing you did was cling to his body. He sighed and pat your head gently to try and soothe you. But once he heard hiccups and the wet feeling in his shirt he immediately hug you. Rubbing your back. It was a bit small in the back of the car. But he knew. He knew one thing for sure he staying your bodyguard.
That moment he saw the tears running down your face the smile gone from your face. He made up his mind.
He wanted to be your bodyguard.
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Proofread - I think Grammarly going to fuck me over
I'm having alot of fun writing these for my bots ejejjejdkd.
C. Ai bot is not available at the moment. {{ kinda is but he would act weird}}
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imagineanime2022 · 7 months
Hello sorry i request another mori's simp reader but this one was fluffy request (I think? i don't good at romancetic thing)
So i just watch Bungou Stray Dog Wan! And i see when Chuya struck in elevator with Atsushi because he want to watch the boy and the puppy in movie theater, but he can't watch it because movie was cancelled because light was out so i want his wish become true, so i add Mori's simp reader here too.
I want to request Mori's simp reader X Chuya (Romance)
After reader clear all her paperwork and her subordinates she go to movie theater to watch the boy and the puppy show because puppy in movie was so cute (she was dogs person, but dogs hate her) she think it too bad Chuya can come to watch today because he still have paperworks to do, reader remember Chuya look at this movie when he think people didn't around, reader going to buy ticket and wait from popcorns but when she eat coffee some guy sit beside her and eat her coffee, he tease reader did she still like too sweet coffee. This guy was Dazai, reader tease Dazai back it was her only power she have to watch movie, she ask Dazai if he going watch movie too. Dazai said he going watch movie with Atsushi but he didn't come yet, he tell reader maybe she can buy tickets from Atsushi and him because she is rich, reader tease Dazai he just steal her black card in last 2 months (can you add Dazai react here?) Reader said she going to buy his and Atsushi tickets but he have to bring popcorn to her too, Dazai agree to help after she buy ticket she see Dazai steal half her popcorn, she was dramatic joke said he was betray her trust (can you add Dazai being dramatic here?) After they mess around Dazai ask what will she doing after this, reader said she going to watch korean drama, Dazai ask did reader still watch drama Dazai ask reader if she still read soap opera romance novels too, reader joke it was her personal taste, Dazai joke back she have bad taste and reader was giggle
Chuya was skip his paperwork duty because he really want to watch the boy and the puppy, Chuya remember he talk to reader about this movie she look really want to watch Chuya think maybe he going to buy puppy plusie to reader, Chuya come to the mall and he push elevator bottom Chuya just hope no one going to see him watch movie because it was embarrassing when he wait elevator to go up he see young man with white hair run elevator Atsushi said he was late but when Atsushi see Chuya he was shock he greet Chuya before Atsushi run into elevator, he afaid of Chuya untill he was shake, Chuya ask Atsushi if he want to go to restroom or smething and than the elevator was stop, Chuya try to push bottom but it didn't. Chuya was annoyied but Chuya make face like he want to murber someone even Chuya was shorter than Atsushi. Atsushi was scared that he have to struck in elevator with port mafia's executive. Atsushi have some idea he think Chuya going to hurt him so he tell Chuya he was day off so Chuya can let him, Chuya be more piss off he ask Atsushi what he talking about, Atsushi ask if Chuya going to use his ability to capture him. Chuya sass back Atsushi did he make stroy to blame his ability now. Atsushi ask what did Chuya going to do on movie theater, Chuya was nervous said he have something to do, Atsushi ask movie theater have only one movie it was the boy and the puppy he ask Chuya if he going to watch it, Chuya was embarrassing dismiss he said they should focues on elevator first before do anything, Atsushi agree, Chuya was relief. Chuya being calmest man in the wourld as alway he kick elevator and yell at them to move untill Atsushi have to stop him.
Reader and Dazai still talk (can you add both of them talk about dark humors between both of them) and than light was out, the boy and the puppy movie was cancle (can you add reader and Dazai being dramatic here?) Reader said good thing she have korean drama to watch Dazai said he going find new way to mess with Kunikida yeah reader still don't like Kunikida but she don't said it out loud (can you add Dazai react here?)
Atsushi tell Chuya that he try to call anyone but it didn't have signal and than light in elevator was out two men was panic but Atsushi was scared more the Chuya so Chuya calm Atsushi down (can you add Atsushi react here?) Before Chuya turn to ask Atsushi why he keep calling him by his first name, Atsushi nervous said he hear Dazai call Chuya with his first name too (can you add Chuya react here?) Chuya complain he hope his girlfriend (reader) is here so she can fix elevator (can you add Atsushi react here?) And than light was come back and elevator was move both men was relief.
When elevator open Chuya and Atsushi see Dazai and reader, Dazai greet cheerful at Atsushi but when he see Chuya he was disappoint (can you add Chuya react here?) Atsushi was more scared because now he struck with 2 port mafia's executives. Dazai said too bad movie get cancelled because light out and than Chuya look very disappoint and sad his face look like he going to turn into old man. Atsushi see Chuya sad so he offer Chuya to go watch movie with him and Dazai next time, reader see Chuya more embarrassing and he look like going to blow up even she like to tease Chuya she will not going to make him uncomfortable so she said goodbye to Dazai and ask Chuya to come with her, Chuya was follow her because he want to runaway from that reader walk behide Chuya so she can hide Chuya from Dazai teasing eyes (even reader was thin, she much taller than Chuya so she can fully cover him) Dazai was tease reader about watching korean drama before he tell Atsushi to go shopping with him Atsushi look at reader and Chuya before he ask Dazai if reader and Chuya was friends they see so close to each other (ADA members expect Dazai don't know Chuya and reader dating each other, can you add Dazai answer and Atsushi react here?)
(Can you add Chuya and reader conversation here?) Reader said it was last day here movie going to show, Chuya said he don't mind it just movie but he really sad, so reader look at her phone (can you add Chuya react here?) Reader try to find other movie theater that have the boy and the puppy movie, she find it but it was next town. Reader think if she go next town she cannot come back just in time to watch korean drama but she also don't want Chuya to sad, so she decide she not going watch korean drama, reader ask Chuya if he want to watch the boy and the puppy movie (can you add Chuya react here?) Reader tell Chuya it have movie theater that have the boy and the puppy in next town, reader said she can ride her motorcycle skip to next town to watch the and the puppy Chuya know reader want to watch her korean movie but he also want to watch the boy and the puppy movie so so he agree, reader give Chuya helmet before put her helmet over her head. Usually reader going ride motorcycle in slow speed (she don't want to break the rule) unless she chase someone but this time she ride in fast speed (can you add Chuya react here? He was behide reader) when in next town both of them run into movie theater and buy the boy and the puppy tickets
(Can you add Chuya and reader go on date here? And at the end can you add Chuya buy puppy plusie to reader?)
Sorry about too many request i hope this request going healing you from my other request.
- Bossy anon
Sorry it took so long, I hope that you like it!
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
(Sorry i can't send my request to you again i'm send it in 2 part than, also if it possible can you do this request in tomorrow or 2 days if you can't it okay too)
Part 1
Hello again, i want to request something but if you okay can i have this drabble in tomorrow or in 2 days? (If you can't it okay too) so i want request drabble sparring between Mori's simp reader and Chuya (they both dating) when they both still subordinates(Chuya is Koyo's subordinate, Mori's simp reader are the other port mafia executive's subordinate) and Dazai make a bet on reader and Chuya (Dazai is port mafia executive now) but in the end....it was fluffy a little bit, Koyo is Chuya's mentor too so she train Chuya with her golden demon (Can you add fighting between Chuya and golden demon here too?) Dazai, the other port mafia exective and reader walk in trainning room, Dazai tell Koyo that Mori want to talk to her about paperworks, Koyo worried about Chuya so she ask the other port mafia exective if he can train with Chuya, the other port mafia exective said he can't because he have to be Mori's bodyguard in meeting, so the other port mafia exective order reader to trian with Chuya instead, Dazai said last time when reader and Chuya sparring they blow up training room, Koyo scold reader and Chuya not to use ability too much when trian it was dangerous, she order both of them not to use ability in this sparring, and she and the port mafia exeutive go see Mori, but Dazai still there, Chuya ask why Dazai didn't follow the other, Dazai said he want play game here, working only paperwork are boring, Dazai make a bet with reader and Chuya, if reader lose she going carry Dazai's thing and she going to be his driver outside work anytime he want, Dazai going to kiss Chuya's shoes, but if Chuya lose Chuya have to make rich girl pose in front anyone in port mafia, Dazai going to give reader game she want from a long time and he will give her Mori's pen to her, reader really want Mori's pen to worship, Chuya call reader creepy, Chuya ask Dazai why Dazai have to be the one who make a bet, Dazai said he are port mafia executive now and Chuya and reader are still subordinates so he can do what he want, Dazai tease Chuya that he think reader going to win becuase Chuya much shorter than reader, Chuya yell angry at Dazai, when reader and Chuya start to fight, reader charge Chuya, Chuya dodge her attack and he kick her legs, reader can still stand, she punch Chuya stomach, Chuya fall on floor, reader going to kick Chuya next, but Chuya kick reader on her chest, reader fall back a little, Chuya punch her face and he kick reader with full force that make reader's back hit wall very hard, Chuya trash talk to reader (it normal when Chuya and reader sparring, Chuya trash talk to reader and reader didn't angry about it she normal shrugged or smirk at Chuya)
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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koreaweeb · 4 years
Marionette - Fade Away (3)
@i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @laraplisetski
“I’ll be back before this fades away.”
Sometimes, he could not help but admire Kurenai. The confidence she carried, the sass she possessed but most importantly, her crazy ability to be on his mind constantly. She was right when she said that she would be on his mind when they first met.
Returning to the Beach, Chishiya was walking through the lobby to head to the executive meeting room when he bumped into Kuina. She too, had cleared her game and brought back another card tonight. 
“Hey,” she said, bumping his shoulder with her fist. “What card did you get?”
Holding his hand up, Chishiya showed her the card. But Kuina was much more interested in the bite mark. 
“You got that in the game?”
“No, I did not,” he said, pulling his sleeve down and continued walking but Kuina was following close behind. It escaped his mind temporarily, though he did not feel like explaining to her what the mark was. Kuina already had enough of him and Kurenai despite her constant encouragement to pursue the relationship.
“Then how did you get that?” Kuina asked. 
As Chishiya sent a glare her way, Kuina was smirking right back at him. Cheeky bastard was teasing him. 
It was not hard to guess where he would have gotten a bite mark, and who it was that gave it to him. It was just a lot of fun to tease Chishiya when he was always the one toying with them. Kurenai was like God’s gift to them to play him right back. 
Arriving at the meeting room, they were about to open the door when someone barged in between them and slammed the door open with their body. It took them a second before they recognised Aguni. And he was carrying someone in his arms.
He was carrying Kurenai. 
They rushed into the meeting room to see Aguni putting a barely conscious Kurenai on the table. Without thinking, Chishiya pushed Aguni aside to take a better look.
She was still breathing, but quite battered up. There were several cuts on her face with what looked like a bruise on the corner of her lips. Her hoodie was all scratched up but what concerned Chishiya the most was the makeshift bandage made out of what looked to be someone’s shirt around her waist.
The shirt was a deep red colour, but it was originally blue. It was dyed red by her blood.
Taking the bandage and her hoodie off, they could finally see the broken off spike in her right hip. 
“She told me not to remove it,” Aguni said.
“She was right to tell you so,” Chishiya said. “I’m going to need some surgical tools. I believe you have some of those, An?”
“It’s in the infirmary downstairs.”
Aguni moved, about to lift Kurenai off the table and carry her down when Chishiya stopped him. “We can’t risk moving her now. An, I want you to bring me the tools and something to sterilise with. If there isn’t any, then boil some water. Get some gloves too. Kuina, I need you to stay and help me.”
“But I don’t know-”
“Just do as I tell you to.”
Kuina nodded.
Never had she ever seen Chishiya like so since she met him. He seemed so calm and collected but at the same time, panicking. He obviously knew what he was doing but there was a look in his eyes, a look that said he was not sure if Kurenai would come out of this alive. 
The room was cleared, and only Kuina and An were allowed to stay. 
They had to save Kurenai.
“You were supposed to kill her.”
Standing in a dark room by the window, Hatter spoke without looking at Aguni. 
He had been clear with his instructions for Aguni, and not once did he ever disappoint. Tonight was the first.
When Kurenai first joined the Beach, Hatter thought it was interesting to have someone of her stature join. She was a Chuya, not that it meant anything here in Borderland. More importantly, she brought them valuable cards. While Hatter did not know whether or not collecting the cards would really end this nightmare, it was worth a try and Kurenai boosted them. 
But her promotion to an executive member caused a buzz within their little community.
Many were impressed with the three high level cards she brought in, and some were starting to worship her as the Queen of games. Keeping morale high was important, especially if he wanted them to continue working for him. Though, he was having problems with the fact that some members were starting to shift their loyalty to her. 
Why would they follow him when she was the one who proved her worth? 
Night after night, he sent her to games.
Night after night, she returned with more cards.
He thought he could trust Aguni, his good friend, to get rid of this potential threat but even Aguni failed to do so. Why? What was it about her that made everyone want to protect her? Follow her?
“She saved my life,” Aguni said.
“So?!” Hatter yelled. “Since when did that ever matter to you? If we keep her alive, pretty soon the Beach will start to fall. The members will believe in her more than they do me, and we will lose the Beach.”
“The Beach was never-”
“The Beach is an utopia! We created this utopia, not some prissy rich brat.”
Ever since the creation of the Beach, Aguni had seen his friend spiralling out of control. He made up a lie to the members, gathering everyone to what he called utopia, and soon he started to believe in that lie himself. And now he was ordering the death of a woman just because she might be threatening his position?
This was not the Hatter he used to know.
“She gets to live for now, but not for long.”
Two hours went by, and they finally had Kurenai back in her room, stitched up and sleeping in her bed. 
Letting out a sigh, Kuina collapsed onto a chair and looked over to the sleeping Kurenai. Ever since coming to Borderland, she was experiencing things she never thought she would and tonight, she crossed off yet another on the list: performing surgery. 
Chishiya was sat by the bed, holding Kurenai’s hand and stroking her fingers gently. If he were not a medical student. If they did not meet in Borderland. If he did not have feelings for her, Kurenai would have died tonight. 
“She got unlucky tonight,” Kuina said softly, careful not to wake Kurenai.
“They planned it.”
“Planned it? What do you mean they planned it?” Kuina frowned.
“Hatter’s trying to get rid of her.”
“Are you serious?”
“We need to start our plan soon. Before they succeed in killing her.”
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koreaweeb · 4 years
Red Strings - Fifteenth String
@underc0vercryptid-reads @laraplisetski @omegahighendpro @thooo0t @t3sselated @youngestdelacour
Getting to work used to be a chore, but now Chishiya was looking forward to it. 
He looked down at his phone when it buzzed and a new message just came in from Kurenai. It was a simple good morning text, but it was more than enough to put a smile on his face. Many people would say good morning to him. Even his scumbag roommate would occasionally greet him good morning. But it was different coming from Kurenai.
Everything was different coming from her, but he could not quite explain why. It just was.
Kurenai was already there when he arrived in the break room, focused on the screen in front of her. After a couple of weeks working hard, she was finally presenting her idea for a charity fundraiser. Must be a stressful day for her. 
“Hey,” she said, a smile on her face as she glanced up for a second to see Chishiya walking in. “There’s coffee in the po-”
Chishiya lifted her chin and leaned down, cutting her off with a kiss. Their painfully passionate make out session was cut short the other day, and they did not have an opportunity since to see each other like this. Either he was busy, or she was busy, or they both were.
As he pulled away, Kurenai was quick to grab him by the collars and prolonged the kiss. It had been frustrating for her too, waiting to see him. Only when she asked Aoi did she realise that this was what it was like to like someone.
Walking into the break room, Honoka’s shift had just ended and she was about to grab herself a cup of coffee before heading home. She was hoping that she would bump into Chishiya before she left too. She did get to see him, but it was a scene she did not want to see. Ever.
There, sitting in her little corner in the break room was Kurenai with Chishiya standing over her, kissing her over and over again. 
Honoka could feel her heart breaking into a million pieces. 
She spent the last two years trying to win him over and this woman walked in a couple of weeks ago, and here they were making out in a hospital break room. Why? Honoka did everything she possibly could for Chishiya. What did Kurenai ever do for him? Buy him expensive bottled water? Simply because she was rich?
Clearing her throat loudly to interrupt, Honoka walked over to the coffee machine. 
“Oh, good morning, Honoka-chan,” Kurenai smiled, tilting her head a little. “I made coffee for everyone.”
“I’ll see you later,” Chishiya said, kissing her one last time. “Good luck on your presentation.”
“There you are! Miss Chuya, the director would like to have a little chat with you. Do you mind coming with me?” 
Within minutes, the break room was cleared out save for Honoka. She slammed her mug a little too hard on the counter, spilling the coffee inside everywhere. Not that she wanted to drink the coffee that Kurenai brought the beans for and made. 
As she turned to leave in a huff, something caught Honoka’s eyes. 
Kurenai’s laptop was sitting right there on the table. Completely unguarded. And she had a presentation today, did she not? 
For the past half an hour, Kurenai had been searching every nook and cranny of the break room for her laptop. When she came back after a brief conversation with the director, her laptop was gone. She was pretty sure she brought it with her to work, and she did not take it anywhere else. Nor did she misplace it anywhere in the laptop.
So where did it go?
“Hey, the Smile Foundation people are here,” Chishiya said, walking into the break room to see Kurenai trying to lift the sofa. “What are you doing?”
“Looking for my laptop,” she groaned, straining herself but the sofa was not budging. “And why are they here now? They’re early. Too early. And my laptop is gone. My entire presentation is on there.”
“Can I help you in any way?”
“Stall them,” she said. “Do whatever you can, stall them twenty minutes. Maybe thirty.”
And that was what he did for her.
Chishiya took the foundation representatives on an unscheduled tour of the hospital, not that any of them complained or suspected anything out of the ordinary. He did the tour as slowly as he could, spewing information and technical terms at them whenever and wherever he could. He checked his watch every so often, wondering if Kurenai could come up with a solution.
Though, when he brought the representatives back into the conference room, it seemed like he was worried for nothing. 
Kurenai was already waiting for them with another laptop set up with the projector. Not only did she whip up a simple presentation within the limited time she had, but it seemed like Kurenai even added to her original idea that the representatives absolutely loved. Even without a proper proposal in front of them, the representatives were already sold on her project. 
“It’s a pleasure working with you, Miss Chuya. We cannot wait to see the fundraiser in action.”
“Thank you so much for coming out here,” Kurenai smiled. “I will send you a proper proposal and if all goes well, a contract too.”
“Well done,” Chishiya whispered into her ear. 
“As much as I’d love to stay and celebrate with you, there is a thief I need to find,” Kurenai said, dropping her smile as soon as the representatives left. She had an idea as to who would steal her laptop, but she needed the proof to make her case.
Being called to the director’s office could only mean two things: either you did a great job and were getting commended, or you did a terrible job and was getting a lecture. Honoka could not think of anything in particular that she did especially well, but she had an idea as to what she could be getting in trouble for. 
Surely they did not find out it was her though?
She knocked on the door but the voice asking for her to come in was not the director’s. It belonged to a woman. She walked in, closing the door behind her and approached the desk. Turning around in the chair, Honoka was a little surprised to find Kurenai looking back at her.
“Have a seat, Honoka-chan,” Kurenai smiled, gesturing at the chair in front of the desk. “I needed a place to do this privately, that’s why I borrowed the director’s office. It’s a little intimidating, isn’t it?”
Honoka slid into the chair, feeling the tension in the air already. The office itself was not intimidating at all. It was Kurenai who was intimidating. 
“Hara Honoka, that’s a pretty name,” Kurenai said, opening a folder on the desk. It was Honoka’s employee folder. “Hm, pretty smart too. Top of your class in high school, and you’re doing pretty well as a medical student too. So many professors and doctors are recommending you. No wonder they put you on my project team. What a shame though, if your career were to end here.”
Her career ending? She barely started!
“I-I don’t understand…”
“Honour student, and now you’re playing dumb?” Kurenai hummed. She pushed the computer monitor so Honoka could see too, and pressed the spacebar, playing what looked like a security feed. “Is this you?” she asked. “Or do you not recognise yourself? Because I sure recognised you. And I recognise that laptop you threw in the bin.”
“Please don’t fire me! Please don’t kick me off the programme! I really want to be a doctor. I don’t know why I did that. I’m so sorry! Please, Miss-”
“Hm, the sound of your voice is really hurting my ears right now. Please, keep your mouth shut.” Instantly, Honoka shut up. “I think you know why you did it. But don’t worry, I’m not going to kick you off the programme. In fact, I think you should stay on. I like you, Honoka-chan. We’re going to have so much fun.”
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