#cien años
gisellelx · 10 months
Twilight Advent Calendar, Day 7
Dec. 7 - Choose one Twilight couple (or an AU ship) and tell us about an argument they've had. How did they resolve it in the end?
I'm still fighting with this dang thing and have been for about a year. I was hoping to get it all the way unraveled with the help of a deadline but I did not. So here's a teaser of the surface of this fight. They are fighting about something that's actually two layers deeper than this, but it's going to take me a hot second to link this all up, apparently. ---
from "Yellows," Chapter 9 of Cien Años de Compañerismo
They hadn’t talked about this. They hadn’t needed to; vampires couldn’t reproduce sexually. She knew where he stood with respect to the legality of a medical procedure that he considered vital to his ability to care for his patients; he knew—and she thought, respected!—that he could never fathom what it was like to carry a pregnancy. But suddenly here they were, diametrically opposed.
Edward. It had only taken his conversation with Edward, and then they had been thrust into this nightmare. Always Edward. His weakest point; his fatal flaw. If Carlisle made a mistake, it was always for Edward. His rashest decisions—always with Edward in mind.
Except for you, her mind replied at once, and it was this reminder that softened her long enough to really look at him.
Her husband looked—anguished. If it were possible for him to somehow be paler, gaunter than he already was, he was that and then some. The light in his eyes that she loved, the playful side of him that he so rarely showed anyone but her, was utterly extinguished.
His eyes, darker than she’d seen them in a long while, cast around the nursery anxiously. He didn’t fully see it the first time, she knew. He took in the crib, the changing table, the diaper stacker, the blankets and rattles, the delicate lace and ornate woodwork mixed with the practicalities of size zero diapers and nipple pads and spit-up rags.
“You’ve done…a great deal,” he said finally.
No thanks to your overwhelming support, she wanted to say, but she did not. It was enough, she knew, to stand here, staring at him. Not comforting him, not taking him into her arms, not doing any of the things he’d come to rely on from her. She didn’t need to be cold to him; she needed only not to be warm.
“Well someone needed to do something.”
His brow furrowed. “Esme, I am doing everything.”
“You“—she choked. He was trying to figure it out, still. Still. Trying to get their daughter-in-law to see reason. Trying to make all this work, this room, this hope, utterly unnecessary. “Carlisle Cullen, you are still trying to end this.”
“I can’t end this!!!” he roared so loudly the window rattled a little, startling them both. The dark eyes went wide, and then her husband’s face disappeared into his palms. He had large hands, Carlisle, and he could bury all his features into them, leaving Esme staring at only the roots of his uncharacteristically untidy hair.
“Even if I wanted to, even if she wanted me to I couldn’t,” came the plaintive voice a moment later. “It—he—that—is growing too quickly. She’s so emaciated I can’t be certain but she measured at about twenty-six weeks this morning and twenty-eight this afternoon. Even if we were all agreed on what to do, even if I had decades of experience with this procedure—which I do not, may I remind you, try as you might to build me up as a monster in your head—I’d just as likely kill her anyway. There’s no target. I don’t know what I’m dealing with. I’m blind. And you…” he gulped. “You’re angry with me for what you think I’m doing but Esme, I can’t do anything at all.”
The repeated words rode on a quavering intake of breath as he locked her eyes: “I can’t do anything at all.”
She meant to take a step toward him, she thought, but her feet took her one step further away.
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sifilide · 19 days
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I need to kill myself there is no way out there is no way out se llamará aureliano y ganará treinta y dos guerras says the FATHER THERE IS NO WAY OUT!!!!!!!! ERA UNA COLA DE CERDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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asi-te-espero-yo · 2 years
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Estoy escuchando...
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shokolu · 1 year
Y si vivo cien años
Cien años, pienso en ti...
Siempre tú
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capsulas · 1 year
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butterprince · 3 months
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the perfectly and happily normal Vinsmoke quadruplets
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dailyflicks · 5 months
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One Hundred Years of Solitude (2024)
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wateveridontcare · 28 days
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illjustpretend · 2 years
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my honest reaction to that information
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lascitasdelashoras · 4 months
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Página mecanografiada de Cien años de soledad, con autógrafo de Gabriel García Márquez
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sifilide · 19 days
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lamaracuchaquecuenta · 10 months
"Querían dormir, no por cansancio sino por nostalgia de los sueños..."
Gabriel García Márquez. Cien años de soledad.
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sudaca-swag · 21 days
los yanquis te juran y perjuran que una cena de panchos al horno con salsa barbacoa, chauchas salteadas con fideos con salsa de crema con cheddar y 10kg de sal es más barato y rápido de hacerle a los pendejos que onda un souffle de zapallitos y arroz o un churrasquito de pollo con unas papas hervidas o algo no sé, mis padres si que me querían a mi eh
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kamas-corner · 2 months
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"La ausencia paulatina de tu interés por mí, la falta progresiva de tus "buenos días", la elección egoísta de tu lejanía, fueron lo que determinaron que no hiciera falta viajar a Macondo; bastaba besar tus labios para sentir… Cien Años de Soledad."
—Gabriel García Márquez
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capsulas · 1 year
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guayaba-podrida · 7 months
... el alma se le cristalizó con la nostalgia de los sueños perdidos. Se sintió tan vieja, tan acabada, tan distante de las mejores horas de su vida, que inclusive añoro las que recordaba como las peores
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad
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