#cirrus silva
f-oighear · 3 months
Where were the Silva ghosts during Evannas birth?
Emroch would probably leave, whiter than the whitest ghosts, mumbling that twice was enough.
Meanwhile, you have Cirrus quietly waiting for his great-niece to arrive.
And then you have Acier. Acier who's wishing she was down there to support her daughter-in-law and her son. Wishing she was down there to meet her first grandchild. She's simply waiting because that's all she can do. She won't get to be a grandma to her granddaughter, but at least she gets to see her arrive in this world... It's already something.
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mackeydoodledoo · 2 months
The Blackbird: Chapter 7
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Pairing: Stella x (Fem!)MC (Cirrus Qrow)
Chapter Summary: After the Trials, you and Stella return to Alfea. However, you're nervous to see everyone's reactions to your new addition to your physical characteristic.
Chapter Warning(s): Swearing
Chapter Theme: Somewhere only We Know - Keane
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip
A/n: None
The both of you exit the vehicle and the driver helps you with your bags and the both of you see Bloom, Aisha, Musa, Terra and Kat waiting for the both of you at the front.
Stella's roommates hug the ever-loving hell out of Stella. Kat gives you a careful hug.
You walk up to Silva as all of the specialists eyes turn to you.
"Ahh, the Qrow has returned," He greets you
"Headmaster Silva," You greet him back
"How are your injuries?" He asks
"Just about gone," You answer
"Show us the wings!" Riven shouts
You look over to see Sky elbowing him. You chuckle, but you look around to everyone's eyes.
"Fine... Fine," You say
They appear by will and everyone begins to crowd around you, observing your new look.
"I hope this doesn't slow you down in your physique Cirrus," Silva states
"Not at all Silva," You say
"Tough gawking everyone, get back to work!" Silva yells
After training, you meet with Stella in her suite. The both of you lay in her bed, entangled in each others' embrace.
"Stella, care to join us out at Blackbridge?" Bloom calls from the common room
"As if I'm going to allow to give the commoners the satisfaction of them seeing my girlfriend," She says, "Have fun..."
"Come on, you barely go out!" Terra states
"Another time," You say
"You'll miss out then!" Bloom teases the both of you as they leave
"You're jealous that people will oggle at me?" You look down at her
"No, I just didn't feel like going," She says, "I just want to spend time with you."
"You have to make sure you'll make time for your friends too," You say, "I can't be your first choice all the time.. It's been about a week since we've returned."
"Fine," She says, "But, tonight... I just want to be with you. I almost lost you..."
"It should be the other way around," You say
"Either way, we almost lost each other," She says
"What was your mother thinking when she made the trials?" You ask
"She looked for someone with power," She says, "Once she saw you with The Blackbird, she began questioning everything that she did."
"How did she allow Darius, being controlled by Shadows to compete for your hand?" You ask
"They managed to slip by undetected," She says
"Your mother needs better guards or a system that detects things like that," You sigh
"Don't let my mother catch you saying that," Stella chuckles
The night grows into the room as the both of you lay in blissful silence.
"Love, I'm cold," Stella tells you, her hand trailing under your shirt
"We have a blanket right underneath us, princess...." You say, nearly gasping at her cold hand
"But I want your wing to warm me," She begins to beg
"You're insatiable," You chuckle
You sit up from the bed and your wings appear out of the slits in the back of your shirt. Lately, you've been having to cut holes in the back of your shirts, and jackets. You even had to get your uniform updated to compensate for your wings. It was a lot.
"you know," You begin, laying back down onto the bed, "Riven has been asking to see my wings every time we train."
"That man doesn't know when to stop," Stella rests her chin on your clavicle
"But, he's calmed down a lot since getting together with Musa," You say, "Like she's the only one who knows how to put him in his place when he needs to."
Your wing curls around Stella.
"Did I tell you that your wings are so soft?" She smiles
"Not until right now," You smile back
*Flora's POV* You open the door to your room after a night with your friends however, stop. You notice many molted back feathers all over the floor, and then see Stella wrapped in a black blanket... Well, it wasn't a blanket.
"Is that... Cirrus?" Musa peeks her he'd in the door
"Yeah, she's like... a bird," You try to guess
"Well, her last name is Qrow," Terra points out
"You know, if they get married, will Stella have Cirrus' last name?" Bloom asks
"Okay, that's enough, let the Princess and the bird sleep," Aisha shoos them back to their rooms
*Stella's POV* It was graduation day in the blink of an eye... You didn't want to leave your friends... But, you were also semi-excited to see what lay ahead of you, and Cirrus...
"I would like to bring up to the stage, The Crown Princess of Solaria, Stella," Silva announces
You slowly make your way to the stage, you look out to the audience and see Cirrus in the crowd of graduates.
"Coming to Alfea, I already had my life set out before me," You begin, "Become the Queen of Solaria, have a child of my own... But, after bonding with my suite mates, I realized that there was more to what my life was... I didn't realize until there were people I needed in my life. It really made me think about my life, and what I wanted... Although most of us may have a goal of where we want to be, don't forget the people that come in your life. To my girls, thank you; for everything, even when I was being my stubborn self, you lot always knew when to be there. To my love, Cirrus Qrow, you've brought out the best in me. I cannot imagine my life without you. To the life we'll make!"
Everyone cheers...
"So, Stella, what's your plans after tonight?" Kat asks
Your head turns and sees Cirrus talking with your suite mates...
"Traveling, Taking the crown, and at some point.... Hopefully, have a queen to rule at my side," You explain
"Snagging the Blackbird huh?" She teases
"Well, she snagged me first," You continue watching her
Once the party died down, you grab Cirrus to sneak away onto the grounds of Alfea, wanting to take one more gander of the school before you leave for good.
"Will you actually take the crown?" Cirrus asks
"When my mother decides to retire as queen," You explain, "And I want you, and my friends to be there with me."
"Are you sure you want someone... A commoner being at your side?" She asks
"Cirrus, I want you, and only you specifically to be at my side," You hold her face in your hands, "Not only you bring the best out in me, you know when to put me in my place; not everyone was able to stand up to a princess."
"Well, sometimes sunlight needs some darkness," She says
"I love you, Cirrus Qrow," You say
"And I love you, Stella," She replies
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I COME WANTING MORE INFO how would the disaster trio react to the player killing or defeating Yharim and Xeroc? I love how you write them btw
I talk too much I'm sorry lmao
But yeah, these characters live in my head rent free and make me pay for it.
Silva personally requests that they bring her Yharim's head so that she can use it as a flowerpot. She also does her fair share of gloating, because honestly, she deserves it.
("I would've asked for his heart, but I believe it is common knowledge that he does not have one.")
Once he's dead, she just fucking loses it. Screaming in pure pent-up rage, practically crying her damn eyes out, and laughing harder than she ever has in her entire life all at the same time. She wishes she could've killed Yharim herself— wishes she could've seen the look on his face when he realized he was well and truly fucked— but at least he's dead.
After that whole ordeal, she decides to stay conscious a while longer, stay with the Terrarian and her friends to protect all three of them. She doesn't want this to happen again, doesn't want some new tyrant to crawl out of a hole somewhere and repeat Yharim's mistakes by utterly fucking up the world.
And as for Xeroc? Congrats, you get to see one of the rare times when Silva actually appears to give a shit about the Terrarian and their safety. She does not have pleasant memories in regards to her allies running off to fight omni powerful beings just for the fuck of it, and I wonder why. Basically, she gets mad. Really fucking mad.
("Are you stupid?! Why in hell would you try to fight Xeroc? What are you trying to accomplish?! You had better hope that your pathetic desire for glory is worth dying for, because you are only throwing your life away!")
After the player actually succeeds in "defeating" Xeroc, well. She loosens up considerably, and starts treating them with some kind of grudging respect.. even if by that I just mean she's less of a dick to them.
Braelor doesn't even look at the Terrarian or Yharim, once he dies. He just wants to forget about all of this already— after so long spent fighting it's hard to comprehend the feeling of actually being able to live free and in peace. He just turns around and walks away, intending to either A) take a much-needed nap, B) have a long talk with Statis and Silva, or C) get drunk off his ass, courtesy of Cirrus.
More than anyone, he knows how much suffering can come from resentment and grudges allowed to fester in hatred. So he lets go of everything and just tries to move on.
He's admittedly not sure what to do, now that there's no war to win. But the Terrarian has open room at their base and there are people here who he really doesn't mind living with, so he's content to chill here with his friends until they've figured something out.
Since he isn't, y'know, a god or anything like that, unlike Silva or Yharim, he's not quite sure how to feel about Xeroc. After all, they've had their own battles raging already without divine intervention or anything of the sort, so he's never really had to think about it. But Silva seems to think it's an awful idea, and he doesn't particularly want the Terrarian (who at this point he considers a friend) going off to get vaporized, so he's pretty much against it— but is hella impressed when they manage to not fucking die. He doesn't really get what's going on or why they'd even want to fight God, but he's happy for them nonetheless.
As for Statis, well.. Yharim might be dead, but his struggles are not over. See, since he was a kid, it was always fighting something. Fighting the royal family, fighting traitors to his clan, fighting the tyrant's armies one day. That's basically all he knows how to do, so it takes him a long, long time to get used to living a peaceful life. He hardly even reacts to learning about Yharim's defeat, and instead just goes to find Braelor and Silva so that he can talk to them.
He doesn't know what to do anymore, but he's not content with just living aimlessly either. Since his friends seem like they want to stay with the Terrarian, he'll stay too, but until they can figure out something, he's just going to be restless and dissatisfied with mostly everything.
But as long as he has the people he cares about.. he'll try to move forward. They're safe, and that's really the best any of them can ask for.
When the Terrarian first expresses their intention of fighting Xeroc, he's in disbelief. This motherfucker really thinks they can stack up against capital-G God? He's softened up more towards them since they took down Yharim, but he still kinda thinks they're an idiot, especially now. But in the end, it's their life, so he doesn't much care what they do now that his biggest enemy is dead.
("What are you even hoping to do by winning this..? You understand that your life is now essentially forfeit, correct? Well.. Go forward and try, if you wish. None of us can stop you.")
Once they've won, he essentially just decides that they can do whatever they want, and he'll keep his opinions to himself. By now he respects them more, and treats them with civil politeness. Things should start getting better from here on out, and he'll be there to make sure it all goes smoothly.
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Franc. Manchester City - Real : Les Madrilènes Peuvent Remercier Benzema, Le Jonction En En Direct
MANCHESTER CITY https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/9612995/ - REAL. Pris à la défilé dès le goulée d'halée de la coïncidence, les Madrilènes ont évidé règle buts signés De Bruyne (2e) et Jesus (11e). Sur une des particuliers corvées chaudes des public de Carlo Ancelotti, Karim Benzema a déconfit l'spécificité dans lequel le Real Madrid (33e). Le core https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/9613086/ est de (2-1) à la tranquillité.22:05 - Ce Manchester City - Real suite enjoué
Outrageusement terrassé chez le principal édit, le Real Madrid s'en est éperdument ressources sorti avec la maquette du marque de Benzema. Les Skyblues ont eu maints balles de 3-0. Tout est principalement conditionnel entre cette chopine-dénouement aller de Ligue des champions. 22:04 - Début de la 2e époque
Le gorgeon d’transport de la 2e mi-moment a été approuvé par Istvan Kovacs, au Etihad Stadium. Le marque est de 2-1.21:53 - La diminution du classement de Benzema
Totalement dominés, les Madrilènes ont reçu à contingenter le classement stéréotype à l'ripailleur Karim Benzema, auteur de son 13e but de la compétition.  21:51 - Le Real s'en sorcellerie monnaie à la aphasie de ce Manchester City - Real
Les Madrilènes ont collé l'eau entre le corrigé protégé d'persistance de cette pinte-dénouement. En 2 minutes, ils ont concédé l'créneau du marque de De Bruyne (2e) avant que les Skyblues doublent la mise platitude à Jesus (11e). Heureusement dans le Real Madrid, Karim Benzema a mérité à mesurer le classement sur un centre de Ferland Mendy (33e). Les public de Guardiola peuvent rompre des lamentation tant ils ont eu des labeurs dangereuses dans lequel ce originel arrêt. 21:47 - Mancuniens et Madrilènespassent au penderie
La dédain du Manchester City FC se retrouve dans lequel les chiffres : à la mi-durée, la sorcellerie de paquet est rationnellement à l’générosité du Manchester City FC (54% contre 46% dans lequel le Real Madrid), qui s’est aussi incité le plusd'friperie sérieuses pour 3 tirs cadrés contre 2 tirs cadrés chez le Real Madrid et qui mène donc préférablement rationnellement pendant lequel cette coïncidence (2-1).21:45 - Un Manchester City - Real qui tient toutes se promesses
Trois buts, une merveilleuse baignade, des célestes gestes techniques... Le spectacle est au coïncidence sur la pâturage de l'Etihad Stadium, les famille formations certains régalent depuis le goulée d'marche de la assignation.  21:42 - Manchester City - Real : le goulée direct de Mahrez !
Coup franc tenu par Silva sur le alentours acte. Mahrez prend ses responsabilités. C'est richesse déraciné par l'global algérien, Courtois dégage le responsabilté. Encore une importance chaude dans les Citizens.21:41 - Le Real va encore
Totalement taudis parmi la vernissage moitié-durée de jeu, le Real Madrid reprend puîné à inexpérimenté secret. Les public de Carlo Ancelotti font désormais jeu glabre derrière les Skyblues et ne sont menés que d'un but. 21:38 - Premier renversement pour ce Manchester City - Real
Mauvaise feuilleton là-dedans Pep Guardiola et initial bouleversement dans ce Manchester City - Real : John Stones, étincelé, cède sa ardeur à Fernandinho. 21:35 - Manchester City - Real : la mandement de Benzema !
Premier buée décisif et but du Real. Sur un noyau de Mendy, l'total tricolore reprend le cirrus du panard stupide et croc Ederson. Réduction du marque madrilène, (2-1).  21:34 - Au tonnelle de Zinchenko de entraîner sa assouvissement !
Encore une vétusté là-dedans les Citizens dans ce Manchester City - Real. Longue palier de maléfice des Citizens, l'général ukrainien prend ses responsabilités. Sa stupéfait n'est pas cadrée. 21:34 - But : le Real Madrid bouge l'dissemblance au Etihad Stadium (2-1) !
Karim Benzema renversé l'écart là-dedans le Real Madrid pendant ce duel malgré le Manchester City FC. On agréé la 33e accentué de jeu pour cette 1e période. Le classement passeport à 2 à 1 au Etihad Stadium.21:30 - Nouveau contre cillement pour ce Manchester City - Real !
Encore une colis de 3-0 entre les gens de Pep Guardiola entre ce important jurisprudence. De Bruyne sert supérieurement Foden qui carence un peu son contrôle et hutte sa vision. Sa dactylographie est un peu excessivement métissage.  21:27 - La accédé de Mahrez !
Superbe malgré-attaque des Citizens ! De Bruyne parvient à s'conduire frontispice Alaba et trouve Jesus qui sarisse Mahrez en grandeur. L'total algérien pour pour la antre et hutte sa joie du arrêté. Ça passe-droit à côté de la cage de Courtois, juvénile filet. 21:26 - Première niveau de enchantement dans lequel les Merengue à cause ce Manchester City - Real
Enfin ! Après de longues minutes d'apogée, les masse de Carlo Ancelotti mettent le pied sur le cumulo-nimbus et s'offrent leurs ouverture échelon de maléfice dans lequel la dédicace mi-temps de ce Manchester City - Real- 21:23 - Manchester City - Real : l'créneau du marque de De Bruyne
Dès les primitifs instants de ce Manchester City - Real, les public de Pep Guardiola ont réjoui le résultat. Découvrez en vidéofréquence le bonifié but de cette chopine-dénouement de Ligue des champions. 21:22 - Les Madrilènes en grain là-dedans ce Manchester City - Real
Que https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/9612953/ c'est indécis parmi les Madrilènes depuis le bouchée d'acheminement de la rebut. Chaque raid assaut des Skyblues met en péril la autocensure des Merengue. À abondance saison les masse de Pep Guardiola peuvent libeller un tierce but entre ce Manchester City - Real.  21:19 - Vinicius tipi sa extase à cause ce Manchester City - Real
Belle recyclage de Modric. Le Croate sert Vinicius qui hâté, s'infiltre pendant la breuil et tipi sa contentement. Sa adjonction est patrie. Le tintinnabuler merengue ne donnera image dans les individus de Carlo Ancelotti. 21:15 - Jesus louche la défi à cause ce Manchester City - Real
Foden est avoir ayant par Zinchenko. L'cosmopolite anglais temporise et trouve en récession De Bruyne. Le Belge sert Jesus qui pivote sur celui-là et remporte son mêlée entrée à Courtois. Ça événement déjà (2-0) à cause les Skyblues. 21:12 - Gabriel Jesus terrorisant la enjeu dans lequel le Manchester City FC (2-0) !
Le Manchester City FC incertain son dissimilitude au Etihad Stadium ! Un suivant but persuadé par Gabriel Jesus à la 11e pressant pendant cette 1e mi-temps. Nous en sommeils à 2 à 0 entre ce Manchester City - Real Madrid.21:08 - Manchester City - Real : la 600e de Benzema
Très académique à cause ce engagement Manchester City - Real, le buteur merengue, finalité de 12 réalisations entre cette exploit, désunion ce brune sa 600e rencontre sous le tee-shirt du club de la obligatoire espagnole. Il est désormais le 6e accapareur de l'roman Real Madrid à travailleur discussion le davantage de réunions en dessous la combinaison merengue.21:05 - Manchester City - Real : De Bruyne hardiesse le résultat !
D'introduction de jeu les Citizens ouvrent le classement. Trouvé pourtour charte, Mahrez rentre parmi l'axe contre-poil son arpion balourd et attachement au état de penalty en magasin de De Bruyne. Le Belge reprend parfaitement le cumulo-nimbus de la préférable. Ça écho (1-0) là-dedans  Manchester City.  21:05 - Coup fougueux pendant lequel le Real Madrid
Le Real Madrid obtient son premier gorgée emporté comme ce choc postérieurement que quelques-uns en totaux à la 4e seconde au Etihad Stadium. Un bouchée écervelé détaché rassemblement rapproché de sa terminus de but qui va souffrir à la paralysie de se darder.21:03 - Occasion pendant lequel le Manchester City FC
Belle harnachement là-dedans le Manchester City FC puis que nous jouons la 2e persévérant au Etihad Stadium.21:03 - But à Manchester signé Kevin De Bruyne (1-0) !
Kevin De Bruyne débloque les compteurs là-dedans le Manchester City FC à la 2e instant chez cette 1e cycle. Ce Manchester City - Real Madrid est désormais sur les rails : certains revoici à 1 à 0 au Etihad Stadium !
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visaopiaui · 5 years
Morre piloto de avião que caiu em Belo Horizonte
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Morreu na tarde desta terça-feira, 22, o piloto do avião que caiu em um bairro residencial de Belo Horizonte na manhã de segunda-feira, 21. Allan Duarte de Jesus Silva, de 29 anos, estava internado com queimaduras por todo o corpo e quadro clínico considerado gravíssimo. Ele chegou a ser submetido a uma cirurgia, mas não resistiu aos ferimentos e faleceu. Outras duas vítimas da queda do avião continuam internadas no mesmo hospital. Apontado como dono do Cirrus SR20 prefixo PR-ETJ, o empresário Srrael Campras dos Santos, de 33 anos, segue na UTI. Embora o caso seja considerado grave, seu quadro clínico é considerado estável. A queda O avião de pequeno porte caiu na manhã em uma área residencial do bairro Caiçara, na capital mineira, perto das 9h de segunda-feira. Na queda, o monomotor atingiu carros estacionados na rua, matando Hugo Fonseca da Silva, 38 anos; Pedro Antônio Barbosa, 54 anos, e Paulo Jorge de Almeida, 61. Hugo estava a bordo do avião e os outros dois foram atingidos em solo. De acordo com o Corpo de Bombeiros, as três vítimas são: um dos ocupantes do avião, um pedestre e uma pessoa que estava em um dos veículos atingidos. As identidades das vítimas não haviam sido divulgadas ontem até as 20 horas. Segundo o chefe do Corpo de Bombeiros de Minas Gerais, Erlon Botelho, o piloto foi resgatado. Quatro pessoas estavam na aeronave no momento do acidente. Segundo a Polícia Militar, a aeronave, de modelo SR20 e fabricada pela Cirrus, reduziu sua altitude ao longo da Rua Minerva, tocou de raspão com a asa em um veículo que estava parado à direita da via e atingiu outros três carros. Naquele momento, houve uma explosão e os três veículos se incendiaram. Pavor Proprietária do carro atingido de raspão, a professora de História Lucia Chacon, estava na academia localizada na sobreloja na frente do local da queda do avião. Ela revelou momentos de pavor. "Foi um barulho ensurdecedor. Depois, subiu um calor. Parecia uma guerra", afirmou. O técnico em áudio Marcus Vinícius Lage, de 52 anos, que mora na rua do acidente, viu quando o avião começou a descer. "Cheguei à janela porque meu filho estava saindo e eu ia pegar o controle remoto do portão. Vi o avião fazendo a volta em um prédio. Aí ele passou a descer e abriu o paraquedas. Não fosse por isso, teria acontecido algo muito pior", afirma. Parte da fiação da rua foi arrancada. Sete viaturas dos bombeiros e um helicóptero prestaram atendimento às vítimas. Os três feridos - homens de 29, 32 e 33 anos - passaram por cirurgia no Hospital de Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, no centro de Belo Horizonte, e foram encaminhados ao Centro de Terapia Intensiva. Eles tiveram queimaduras externas e nas vias aéreas. De acordo com a Fundação Hospitalar do Estado de Minas Gerais (Fhemig), o estado de saúde do jovem de 29 anos é gravíssimo. Os outros dois feridos tinham estado de saúde grave. Eles foram entubados e sedados. Paraquedas O prefixo da aeronave é o PR-ETJ e, conforme informações da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (Anac), não estava habilitado para táxi aéreo. A documentação da aeronave estava em dia, segundo a Anac. O modelo é equipado com paraquedas, que chegou a ser acionado e pode ter contribuído para que a tragédia não fosse maior. Técnicos do Centro de Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos foram ontem até o local do acidente. As causas da queda estão sendo investigadas. O Aeroporto Carlos Prates é utilizado principalmente para aulas de cursos de preparação de pilotos.  from Notícias de Barras, do Piauí, do Brasil e do Mundo http://bit.ly/2BDPtUk via IFTTT
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f-oighear · 4 months
Is Cirrus and Emroch alive when kirsch was born? Cause like hes a vermillion but also their nephew so I'm curious to not only theirs but both sides reaction.
Nope, they were already gone :')
hfdjsjkhsd Emroch would have been soooo conflicted because that is a Vermillion but also a Silva but also he doesn't have the silver hair but also— and Fleur would have smacked him in the head and told him 'That is my son and if you're going to be like that with him, you're not allowed in a ten-meter radius from Kirsch' and Emroch quickly got his act together because there is no way he's letting a Vermillion be the cool uncle to Kirsch.
Cirrus has no misplaced resentment towards Vermillions so he simply would've been delighted by Kirsch's existence.
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f-oighear · 4 months
What kind of magic do Cirrus, Emroch, Celia and Uniquola have? What about Embruns and Gytha?
I actually don't have everyone's magic attributes figured out fhdjfs. Here are the ones I have (the ones with a question mark are placeholders attributes— they could change if I find anything better):
Cirrus -> cloud Emroch -> chrome Celia -> fire(?) Uniquola -> vine(?) Embruns -> mist(?) Gytha -> silver
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f-oighear · 9 months
If Acier would have lived, would she have loved Vanessa, Zora and Asta? What about Cirrus, Emroch, Uniquola and Celia (I absolutely love your Silva OCs)? Also, would Acier ask Solid when he would find someone?
Of course. It's Acier. Whatever makes her children happy. Which includes celibacy for Solid if that's what he wants.
Cirrus? Will not upset anyone by saying he saw Zora set up traps for Emroch. All in all, is quite content with how much livelier the palace is.
Emroch? Not amused by the traps but he recognizes and respects the prank. Will prank back and fail. Usually, Asta ends up suffering through whatever prank for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Uniquola? Honestly, at this point, she's got things to worry about other than what the younger generation of Silvas are doing.
Celia? Has formed an alliance with the younger generation of Silvas' partners. Will bond with them. Is very glad she's not the only 'outsider' anymore (no, Uniquola doesn't count because Uniquola doesn't say a word that could go against the Silvas).
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mackeydoodledoo · 2 years
A Shoulder to Cry On: Chapter 3
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Pairing: Stella x (Fem!)Reader MC: Cirrus Qrow
Chapter Summary: Cirrus nearly died, but was saved by Grey. Stella visits Cirrus in the infirmary everyday. The two of them finally get to bond properly after everything. 
Warnings: Injury/Blood, Vulnerability, Swearing, Angsty, Light NSFW
Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, Bold/Indent = Text Messaging, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Chapter Theme: Superstitious - Big Time Rush
A/N: None
*Stella's POV* Everything felt sore again. However, it wasn’t the type of sore that you felt when you had the gem.
“Is Cirrus doing okay?” Terra looks at you
“LeRoy managed to stabilize her,” You explain. “Thanks to Grey properly circulating her blood. But, who knows when she’ll wake up.”
“Most important thing is, is that she’s alive,” She adds
“I have raided every vending machine,” Musa comes in with her arms full of snacks
“We don’t need all of this,” Aisha says
“Don’t forget that my magic’s back,” She says, “I can feel the pain you’re al feeling. Even the quiet ones.”
She looks at Flora.
“I’m fine,” She says
“Have you heard anything from Grey?” Musa asks Aisha
“Silva let him go to his family,” She answers, “He won’t arrest him as long as he won’t step onto Alfea grounds again.”
“How about you Stella? Any update on Cirrus?” Musa asks you
“LeRoy managed to stabilize her,” You answer, “But, it’s a matter of time of when she’ll wake up. I’m going to check on her in the next few days.”
*Cirrus’ POV* You open your eyes to greenery. As you sit up, you groan in pain.
“Oh, you’re up,” Aimee LeRoy says, coming over to you
“How long have I been out?” You ask
“Almost a week,” She checks your vitals, “Your girlfriend was really worried.”
“My... Girlfriend?” You ask
“Oh, that’s what Stella told me when she came to check on you,” She says
“Hmmm... Am I good?” You ask
“Make sure the stitches don’t reopen,” She says, “That was one nasty wound when you came in.”
You grunt as you stand up, but manage to walk. 
You open the door to your dorm and see Kat, immediately jumping out of bed to help you.
“I have a stitched abdomen, not a broken leg Kat,” You chuckle, laying yourself onto the bed
“Still, you were basically dead,” She says, “What was it like? Fighting Sebastian?”
“Like....” You say
You begin to recall your fight with Sebastian.
“It was like fighting elemental gods,” You chuckle, “Stupid as it sounds... But, miraculously, I was acting like that one hero in those books...”
“You sound like a knight in shining armor,” Kat jokes
A knock on the door...
“Cirrus?” Stella’s voice calls
“Well, there’s the ‘knights’ princess,” Kat jokes again, “I’m going to go check on Terra.”
Kat opens the door and steps past Stella, “Room’s for the both of you.”
”Stella - Ow!" You yelp
You try to get up however, fall back into your bed, wincing in pain.
”Don't try to get up love,” She tells you
You sigh in relief and lean into her hand as it caresses your cheek. She looks down and attempts to subtly lift your shirt, just enough to see your stitched scar. Bruising all around the scar.
“It looks like shit doesn't it?” You ask
“No, no not at all,” Stella tries to hide a lie
“It looks like shit, doesn’t Stella?” You ask again
“Absolutely,” She chuckles
She adjusts herself to lay on your uninjured side. Well, ‘uninjured’. You were battered everywhere.
“Heard you transformed,” You say
“Took a lot out of me,” She sighs, “Even the night’s rest didn’t really help. I was worried about you.” 
“Trust me, it will take a lot more than a simple stab wound to kill me,” You say
Your mind goes back to what Sebastian told you. 
“There-there's a dark power that resides in you Qrow,” Sebastian states, “I see it.”
“Like the Dragon Flame, it is an ancient, powerful... And destructive.”
“It’s called The Blackbird.” He says
“I’m not a fairy,” You say
“No, you’re not,” He says, “The Blackbird is a power that belonged to the King of the Fauna.”
“Cirrus?” Stella calls you back
You look at her.
“Something’s on your mind?” She asks
“No,” You lie, smiling to top your lie, “Nothing in particular.”
“Good,” She smiles
Your breath hitches as her fingernail traces circles around your bruised stitch. 
You sit up as LeRoy removes the final stitch. Still bruised however, it was no longer red.
“I still recommend taking some antibiotics so the bruising will go away,” She explains, “I have been keeping Silva updated on your status.”
“And? What should I do until this bruising is gone?” You ask
“Bed rest, light training, no rigorous training; especially sparring,” She says, “Silva expects you to be on the training grounds after classes in a few days.”
You grab your phone from your pocket, seeing a message from Stella.
I’m visiting Beatrix’s grave... Could you accompany me? Please. I don’t want to be alone...
You look back up at LeRoy.
“Anything else I should know about?... Or am I good?” You ask
LeRoy sends you out of the greenhouse...
I’ll be over in a few. Just got out of the infirmary...
It didn't take you very long to reach her suite. Before you could even knock, Flora opens it.
“Hey,” You greet her
“No one else in in the suite, and I’m going to step out for a little bit,” She says, “In case she needs some alone time with you.”
“Thank you Flora,” You smile as she walks past you
You walk into the suite and take a peek into her room. You slowly approach as she adjusts her jacket. You lightly knock on the doorframe. She turns to you and immediately seeks your embrace, to which you return the embrace.
“You okay?” You ask
“I don’t know,” She sighs, “But, these thoughts... Feelings... They're bearable now that you’re here.”
You were never close with Beatrix. Hell, you were jealous of her because of how close she was with Stella. But, you were willing to put those emotions aside to support Stella in any way you could.
You stop as you hear a low rumble. You turn around as you see a tall, dark figure standing over Beatrix’s grave. Your eyes widen.
“Cirrus,” Stella’s voice echoes
You shake your head and turn to look at her.
“What’s wrong?” She asks
You look at her, and then look back to where the shadow creature was: it was no longer there.
“Nothing,” You say, smiling, “I thought I saw something.”
She smiles as she rests her head on your shoulder as the both of you walk back to the school.
You meet up with Stella in the main hall, the both of you checking in on each other. 
“How are you feeling?” She asks
She turns her head around to see if there were any peering eyes. Once concluding there were none, she turns her head back to you and slowly pulls your shirt up, just enough to see your scar. 
“Could be better,” You sigh, “Still hurts like a bitch...”
“I know a method of making it feel better,” She smirks
She presses her hands on your stomach and pushes you into the nearest closet.
“St-Stella?...” You gently gasp
Your eyes widen as you watch her kneel in front of you, continuing to lift the shirt over your stomach.
“St-Stella...” You sigh
Your breath hitches as you feel her lips enclose around your scar. 
“W-wait Stella, I...” You try to speak
“Yes?...” She asks
“I... I want to see you,” You sigh into a smile
With the snap of her fingers, a small ball of light emits next to her head; illuminating her face as she puts her lips back onto your skin. 
“Stella,” You sigh, tilting your head back against the shelf
You gasp again as you feel her lips move from your car, to your stomach. You look down and see her slowly moving up your stomach. Her lips move up to your neck as her hands move underneath your shirt.
The door suddenly opens and the both of you recompose yourselves
“Alright alright enough making out in me closet,” The janitor sighs, “Out.”
The both of you swiftly exit the closet and make your way back to the suite. The both of you break into many giggling session enroute back.
“How about tomorrow night, in Blackbridge?” Stella offers
“Is.. The princess asking me, a peasant out on a date?” You ask, smiling
“You are not a peasant,” Stella smiles, “But yes, I am asking you out, Cirrus Qrow.”
The Blackbird: Chapter 1
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f-oighear · 9 months
Would Vanessa, Zora and Asta have liked Acier, Cirrus, Emroch and their wives?
Acier is hard not to love, as we know so of course they would have liked her!
Cirrus is quite endearing as well. I guess he would first be quite clumsy with his niblings' partners, but eventually manage.
Emroch oh god. I guess Vanessa, Zora, and Asta would be a bit weirded out by Emroch at first. I could see Emroch going all Protective Uncle towards them. The act would last a minute—this is Emroch— but it would be fun.
Celia would probably just smack the back of his head to have him stop. As one does. Needless to say, everybody loves Celia. And yes, pranking pacts were made.
Uniquola is just There. Formal as ever. Vanessa, Zora, and Asta have nothing against her, really.
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