#citadark posts
citadarkisle · 1 year
alright, well; many people reblog my blaseball fanart and fics to this day, so i might as well link this here -- i composed a blogpost about the end of blaseball and i.
i owe blaseball a lot for my artistic pursuits. it's been an honor to participate in the cultural event of blaseball with you all, and i'm sure i'll keep making tillsend content, parker content, as well as original content for my blaseball ocs.
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mizuta · 2 years
esteemed mutuals
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puppyluver256 · 4 months
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“It's been a while, boy. Do you remember me? Do you recall this? I helped you in Gateon Port. ...There's no need for thanks. I was merely punishing a fool that used a Shadow Pokémon in public. At the time, we didn't want the world to know what we, Cipher, were planning. Back then, I thought you were just an ordinary child... Little did I suspect that you would become Cipher's biggest and most damaging threat. That's enough talk. You have the skills and wherewithal to reach Citadark Isle. Let me see your abilities in full glory!”
More XD with Ardos! I just noticed while going through it that despite its publishers' best efforts, my XD strategy guide actually does spoil Ardos (and by extension Eldes) by way of screenshot without any character model censoring--HEY wait a minute, it also names them in the small text! So much for the big "???" trying to obfuscate who the big bosses are if you're just gonna say in the very next paragraph, hehe...
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Feedback helps to motivate my work, so let me know what you think! The best way to do that is via reblogs (both through tags and comments added onto the posts), but replies are great too! If you don’t have anything specific to say but still enjoy the art, a like is very much appreciated!~
Heracross and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Ardos and other Orre-exclusive characters/concepts © Nintendo/Genius Sonority Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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kafus · 3 months
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i know i’ve barely been posting abt this playthrough oops but i just entered citadark isle last night so i’m in the last stretch of the game! this is my team right before i left for the isle on the robo kyogre.
shroomish is unevolved bc i am DETERMINED to get spore on that thing (i can even transfer it to emerald later and use it for catching pokemon there!!) and it’s worth noting i’m using claydol and dusclops for the first time because they’re two of my friend’s fav pokemon of all time and they were both available as shadows… i let her name them, hence the weird names lol (a different friend named my shroomish too)
i’m about to get up and do morning stuff and then i wanna play moreeee
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scarredsands · 2 years
⊗ + Orre post the events in Citadark, led by Serena of Kalos and Jasmine of Johto!
Send me ⊗ + a word for my muse’s thoughts on that subject. | accepting!
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"'M still fuckin' shocked at everythin' that took place. When they approached me in th'Krabby Club, I could tell they were real fuckin' desperate. Was fully convinced I was sendin' 'em t'their deaths on that shitty island, but I really didn't think much of it at th'time bein' paid in drinks fer m'information n' time. It ain't up t'me t'stop 'em, I really didn't care n' it wasn't any of m'business anyways. I just wanted that damned storm t'be over so I could get back t'Pyrite."
"What shocked me even more was th'fact those fuckers finally blew th'damned thing up. Never felt th'earth shake so much in m'life, n' I've been right by Mojave when he uses Earthquake. Everyone at th'bar thought th'world was endin', n' I don't blame 'em. Ladies like them shouldn't be gettin' mixed up in Orre's business. Now they're just numero uno y dos on Cipher's shitlist. Or whatever remains of 'em."
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latealzalost · 2 years
Are you still able to do that free camera you did, to take those amazing pictures of agate village? I'd love to see a photoset tour of Citadark isle, especially considering every picture online is so bad. That giant room where Lugia comes in looks amazing, but theres always something in the way.
I remember when I used to post my screenshots here, doing my tour through Orre by using Dolphin's off-railed camera. Now a days I have bigger fish to fry in the shape of ripped 3D models and animating and posing stills of Orre characters but here's a few pics in my old screenshots folder of your request.
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agentpsy4 · 7 years
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gmod · 3 years
WANTED TO DO A QUICK THING OF APOTHEOSIS AU MICHAEL. most imporantly his Thing post citadark freakout.
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toughaqua777 · 5 years
OrreWeek 2k19 (Day 4)
Day 4: “Your Favorite Villain?”
My favorite villain, huh? Hmm...I’m gonna go with the twins: Ardos & Eldes.
You’re probably wondering why. For Ardos, it’s the potential. After defeating him post-game, he straight-up tells Michael that he fully intends to revive Cipher, and have them track the kid’s every move when that comes around. That was supposed to be a hook. A hook for a sequel. A SEQUEL WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SEQU--
Not just that; Ardos basically said, “Once we come back, I’m having them stalk you.” Remember, Michael is 12 at youngest, 14 at oldest. And he’s being stalked by a group of people fully capable of harming Pokémon & people in order to complete their goals.
To me, this implies, “Interfere again. I fucking dare you.” Like, holy shit, what are you gonna do, assassinate him?!...Actually, that’s not out-of-the-realm of possibility, considering he fully intended to kill him (and everyone else there) by blowing up Citadark Isle.
Now on to Eldes. It’s because of the potential this time, too, though it’s slightly different. Let me explain: Eldes isn’t all that bad of a dude. He questions what he’s fighting for when he’s seen at Mt. Battle, for example; questioning his own motives and his worry for putting his Pokémon under too much stress.
It also helps that he technically saved Michael’s life, along with the lives of everyone else there, by convincing the main baddy to not blow up the Isle like Ardos tried to do. He even convinced the boss that Cipher was done for; there’s no point to prolong it any further.
But the potential I find lies in his interactions with Michael on two certain occasions, and the possible connection there.
The first occasion is the second encounter with Verich in Gateon. The latter and Ardos walk away right after the conversation is over, but Eldes doesn’t leave right away. He just...gazes for a bit before taking off. This may just be due to his character, but you gotta wonder if there’s another/different reason (which I’ll get to).
And then there’s the moment right before you battle him for the first time. He tells Michael that the battle that they’re about to have will not be a test of skill nor friendly, and he wishes it didn’t have to be like the way they must fight now. Again, character depth, but it also makes you think: Eldes wanted to battle you...but not like this. Not like this.
Now, what was the thing I wanted to get to about Eldes (and indirectly Ardos)?
I have a theory/headcanon that Eldes is, in fact, Michael’s father, who faked his death and left his family to protect them from being found-out by Cipher. Hell, Eldes may have been under alias with the family and changed his appearance when he left. I get it, it might seem Farfetch’d (hehe), but I dunno, it’s possible. I mean, where did Michael and Jovi get their hair colors from? Genetics can be strange, after all...
Anyways, sorry this is longer than usual, but that’s why I have two favori--
Wait--hang on, I actually have three favorites.
Miror B.
Because he’s Miror fucking B!
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harusha · 6 years
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Finished the main campaign of Pokemon XG Next Gen. Excellent hack that modernizes the XD games with Fairy typing, new Shadow moves, modern moves, etc.
Though I do think there’s a big grinding jump at the end on Citadark Isle. But that’s in part, due to the added Shadow Pokemon and changes.
I’ll prob do the post-game later since the hack clocks in at ~40 hours just for the main campaign (for me at least).
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bainhardt · 5 years
#RibbonQuest2019 - Part 11: Unovacation
Ribbon Gang were finally ready to be Poke Transferred into the sixth region in our world tour of Pokemon, Unova, and to be honest, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. BW and BW2 were some of my favorite games in the series when they dropped years ago, but they’re also the least fresh in my mind - I didn’t need to blast through them during the prep phase, so I could barely remember the geography of Unova, let alone what would await us there.
Of course, Ribbon Master stories tend to pass over this section because there are no ribbons to earn, so I had to become my own tour guide. And as it turns out, I found a lot to do once ribbons were out of the equation. Consider this our collective break from Ribbon Quest until we arrive in gen 6.
Amazingly, this is very likely going to be a looooong post, but there’s no good reason to divide it into multiple sections, so sorry in advance. But hey, we’re on vacation!
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Ribbon Gang has become quite the entourage. It’ll be the Ribbon Mob before long...
First stop on my list was somewhere I definitely remembered, but always skipped over in my playthroughs... Pokestar Studios! Jin was ready for the silver screen. He’s already a superstar in my eyes, but now audiences across the Unova region would get their chance to witness him in all his glory.
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I never knew what filming entailed, but in truth, it’s not too complicated. The movie I chose on a whim even turned out to be one of the easiest ones to complete.
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Takes me back to that fateful day on Citadark Isle, so long ago...
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This movie understands: Ribbon Quest is a labor of love.
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There couldn’t possibly be a better credit to leave in my or Jin’s name.
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147.6 billion, eh? What part of that is our cut? Suddenly, spending 1 million on Ribbon Syndicate ribbons doesn’t sound so wasteful.
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After netting our strange ending (and enormous box office earnings), Jin’s won the closest thing gen 5 has to a ribbon. This movie star actually looks pretty cool now that I’m seeing it for the first time. I’d like to thank the Academy...
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After some sightseeing and visits to local landmarks (like above), I brought Ribbon Gang to our next noteworthy destination, and one not unlike the Battle Towers of regions past: the Pokemon World Tournament! Knowing my well-traveled Pokemon would have the chance to reunite with so many familiar faces in one bracket was too good to pass up.
But one such showdown stood above the rest.
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Oh... fancy meeting you here, Roxanne.
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I get the feeling you know exactly which Pokemon I’m going to battle with.
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With that out of my system, I kicked around the brackets a couple more times just to see who I could match up with. It was fun to try some competitive-style battles with nothing riding on the line for a change. PWT might be one of my new favorite battle circuits, but I decided to pack up and move on before too long. Diving into the past only delays progress. Gotta keep our eyes fixed on the future.
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I just barely lost to Jasmine, serving as a bitter reminder of all the narrow losses against her Steelix in Sinnoh Pokemon Contests.
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My final planned stop for Unova was, of course, the place where legends are born all across the Pokemon world - the Elite Four. I’ve stated previously that I’m not particularly hell-bent on entering Jin into every Hall of Fame available to us, mostly because it’s not very new or exciting. But I love Unova, and with our vacation itinerary in need of filling, I had no reason to bypass the challenge this time around.
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Gen 5 graphics still dazzle me. Something about the sprites in this game are just so full of personality and life.
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With everything I wanted to do and see behind us in less than a day, I was worried we’d be drawing the world’s shortest vacation to a close when it had hardly even started. But Ribbon Gang still had some broad level gaps among them, and with everyone needing to reach level 100 by the end, I was overdue for another round of grinding... especially because this time, I had a plan.
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And I choose the worst one, courtesy of Pokemon Breeder Brooke’s infinitely-deep pockets.
Yes, thanks to gen 5′s Pokemon Breeders, maxing out the stragglers in Ribbon Gang was gonna be as easy as taking candy from someone you’ve defeated hundreds of times on a soccer field. Is that how the expression goes? I’m not from around here. Go team!
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DougFunnie, level 100, was first on the list. Rest easy now, old friend.
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Freudy, Sourdough, and Silverman required a combined 140 candies between them, which took a while. Like, I’m talking a “put on a movie or two" kind of while. I sure hope doing this was more time-efficient than actual battles... but I’m not gonna run the math or anything. Let’s just say it works out.
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The absolute last thing that came to my attention while I was living it up Unova-style was... an egg. Keep in mind, my gen 5 games have basically been evacuated ghost towns ever since Pokemon Bank launched. My copy of White 2, despite remaining in post-game, had fewer than ten Pokemon in the PC before Ribbon Gang came along. But most intriguing among them was just one solitary egg.
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Every generation (not region, unless the shinies count for Sinnoh) of Ribbon Quest has increased the size of our crew by at least one Pokemon, and passing through Unova so quickly meant this trend was about to break. So that’s how, completely on a whim, I nominated whatever popped out of this six-year-old egg as the newest honorary member of Ribbon Gang, even if it never ends up contributing anything to our efforts.
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Not quite what I had in mind, but she’ll fit right in.
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It may not have been a very long vacation, but I had a great time reminding myself of what makes Unova so special. I kinda wanna play a gen 5 game (likely BW1) over from the beginning now, but that’ll have to wait. There are ribbons still waiting for us out there, starting with our seventh destination - Kalos!
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purify-orre-blog · 6 years
Chapter 2 : Post Body Discovery
TL;DR: Michael’s doing... okay. He’s doing okay. There’s self-doubt and self-hatred but it’s... it’s not so bad. It’s not dangerous levels, anymore.
Accompanying Music: ONBS Building (Confusion Building, Still Hoping)
Michael’s… been better. He felt much better before. He would feel better now if he had made a friend, if he had investigated more, if he had helped… maybe? He’s not sure anymore. He doesn’t know what a hero would do in this scenario, because his previous plan fell through so badly. He’s not sure what a normal person would do either.
And that was the real problem.
Despite what Caelum or Mugman or Yogi or Ann or Alyssa said out of pity, he knows they don’t trust him. They can’t trust him. Not when he doesn’t talk to anyone or go anywhere or tell anyone anything.
Not that it would matter, because most of what he said so far were half-truths anyways. (Oh stars, even that Buzz Lightyear is patrolling joke fell through…)
All he knows is four people are gone, but he doesn’t know who recently died. He didn’t actually look, didn’t think to, didn’t want to.
(Because if you didn’t look it wasn’t as bad.)
He would’ve if it weren’t a water ride, he thinks bemusedly.
If he looked, he’d remember Phenac again, remember Citadark and sitting in a submarine by himself, underwater with no working communicator, for 3 hours. Unsure where he was going or who he could trust, and why his guardians thought a 13 year-old was so well-equipped to fight a man so wealthy and powerful he built his own volcano island in the middle of a giant artificial lake. He’d remember failing to help Justy, to help anyone other than himself out of the whole Phenac hostage debacle.
Because, that’s all he did. Self-preservation was why he did everything he did, right? He was selfish, is still selfish. There wasn’t a day that passed since he started his journey that he didn’t regret.
Not for lack of trying though! Because he’s been trying! (But not recently… no, not since Rocky… caved.)
If he was slower in saving all the toons and animals around Orre, then Hope’s Peak wouldn’t have sent a letter. If he was faster, Gonzap wouldn’t have caught him by surprise that one day, and started blackmailing him.
If he was stronger then Oswald would be dead already, and the others could go home. If he was quicker he could saved Rocky and Carrie. If he was smarter then, then maybe he wouldn’t have gone to the vacation in the first place!
He’d be at home with… with Krane and Naps and Lily. But not Jovi. Jovi would still be in Gateonport for school with Emili. And where were they now? Michael didn’t know. He couldn’t know. Couldn’t fathom any more than a guess.
But, some deep part of Michael knew, that if he had - say, for a hypothetical example - been located to a deep underground city with his family, and he’d heard something similar to the current situation was going on somewhere else, he’d rush in to the fray without a second thought.
That he’d go without thinking because, because, so far the good guys always won! And he was good. (He… was good, right?)
He couldn’t do anything else, other than hope. (Jovi’s alright. Jovi’s strong and smart and she’s grown a lot since that one incident when she was 10. Jovi’s with Emili and Acri and my foster family and they’re all fine. They have to be.)
And hope is what he did.
It’s all he can do. He can only hope that everyone’s getting smarter, that they’re narrowing down suspects. That if they need to suspect him to lure the real chess master out, that they would. That these deaths wouldn’t be in vain.
He knew blind faith was dangerous, which is why he never truly trusted anyone other than Jovi.
But he has to trust in everyone.
He has to hope.
Hope in humanity, hope for the future, hope for the villain’s just end, hope that maybe this was a big simulator like when he was 12 and just practicing his battle tactics and self-defense skills and no one was actually hurt and that it was okay…
He’ll let the spirit of ordinary people, who have worked for the chance to become Ultimates, who worked hard for what he didn’t even deserve, to figure out what’s going on.
Michael believes in hope, and the innate goodness within the human spirit, that animals and Pokemon for that matter, are still better than people… But he also believes in his classmates.
So he won’t talk at the Trial tomorrow, unless talked to first.
After all, he’s always been better at following commands and doing other people’s errands than anything else.
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latealzalost · 7 years
Hey, what kinds of tropes or ideas would be used in an orre anime? How many episodes or specials/movies would there be?
In a better world there would be an anime series for the Orre games.
In that better world, there would be at least forty episodes, minimum. twenty for Wes’s story and twenty for Michael’s story in their crusades across Orre encountering various unique and different enemies with different challenges to over come for each of them. Dodging defeat around every corner, getting stronger with every encounter and learning the truth about Cipher as they close in for the final confrontation.
Colosseum Series:
Wes and Rui’s bond would start with an uneasy tension before the strengthening as time passed since the scene where a Snagem Grunt reveals Wes to be a former Snagem member. Through the fire and flames they would fight Cipher together with Wes’s cunning and Rui’s caring, they would make a series to rival Pokemon Origins, with entire episodes dedicated to encounters with Cipher Admins and Cipher’s many agents. All of this leading up to the final battle with Evice at the Realgam Tower in a twist climax from an element revealed in the first episode that was partially featured in Phenac City (If you know what I mean.)
Post-story episodes would include Wes and Rui finding the culprit behind the impostor. Starting with ridicule from Orre’s residents and false accusations and ending with Fein revealed to be the false Wes ruining his reputation for ruining Cipher. It is here at the end of the series that the real Wes appreciates Rui for the belief in him despite everything he once was and the arguments between them. Had fate not met them together things may have turned differently. 
In a bonus grand finale, Wes is seen climbing Mt. Battle’s zones. Each battle tougher than the last, but in the end he defeats the twin masters Infin and Inity before the volcano-mounted colosseum is suddenly graced by the light of Ho-oh, descending before Wes. Infin and Inity explain that Ho-oh has seen his deeds and wishes to serve the world by his side. Wes ponders for a moment and grins at his decision to keep Ho-oh with him. 
XD: Gale of Darkness Series:
Michael’s series would begin with a homey setting in a recovering state months after the passing of his father. Just when things were starting to get happier, Krane gets kidnapped by Cipher and Michael decides he won’t be losing two father figures anytime soon. A rescue mission turns into a personal vendetta against Cipher after confirming the revival of the Shadow Pokemon plan. And with his father’s completed Snag Machine and Purify Chamber, he sets off fixing the region with the help of technology and friends he made along the way while snagging every Shadow Pokemon he could find and purifying them in the Purify Chamber. His journey proves that for his age and size he can be strong enough to bring down the hidden terror undermining Orre for years. Episodes dedicated to ordeals trials and suspenseful situations, like the Phenac City incident, for Michael overcome with wit and skills. Lest we forget episodes dedicated to encounters with numerous characters in Orre such as Chobin and Dr. Kaminko with their inventions or the new Gonzap and his not-so-threatening Team Snagem or Miror B. and his rag tag team of loyal thugs.
At the end of it all after a suspenseful action packed crusade up Citadark Isle, confronting and snagging Shadow Lugia, then confronting Greevil and his team of Shadow Pokemon (adapted so that Greevil ends up just giving him his team after his defeat rather than using up an Episode just snagging each and every Pokemon) Michael finds it in his heart to forgive, as post-game in the Orre Colosseum all former Cipher Admins (besides Ardos) are no longer at odds with Michael but are glad to consider him as a friend for his good heart and nature towards them after everything was over. Such was the way he was raised by Lily and his late father.
In a grand finally episode to the Orre series as a whole, Michael, without his Snag Machine, and Jovi were off to Gateon Port. Rather than bumping into Zook however, Jovi bumps into Wes with Rui walking with him hand in hand. They have returned to Orre on a ship from whatever region they visited. Michael asks them to pardon his sister and they do with no quarrel whatsoever, but they part ways quickly. It wasn’t until days later in the same episode that Eagun emails Michael to visit the Orre Colosseum for a special challenger who had returned to Orre just to battle him. 
Michael returns to the Colosseum, sees it empty except for Rui sitting in the stands with a Plusle by her side. Michael sees Wes approaching from the opposite entrance into the Colosseum. They greet each other, the older hero surprised to see how a little kid managed to bring down Cipher all by himself. Michael retorts that he was never truly alone. Their eyes meet and they send out their purified Lugia and Ho-oh respectively in an ultimate clash of heroes. The victor is purposely never revealed and the series ends there.
A series to surpass anything the Pokemon anime studios have ever belched at us. In a better world, we would have this. And I would die happy :*) 
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