Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader (Modern Domestic AU) (NSFWish warning)
300 followers hc!!!
Oh My, 300 followers!!! Yaaaaaay!!!! Thank you! Thank you so much, I'm really grateful that I got so many loves and supports from you all! I like the enthusiasms in my askbox, and I really appreciated it from my deepest heart!! I always read your replies and gaaaahhh it always made me happy!! 💮🌸🌺
Warning: Sexual abuse on train, and Trauma
You worked at laboratorium and Sanemi is a math teacher.
Sanemi will wake up first in the morning.
He glanced at your side, you still sleep peacefully. He stroke your hair one or two times and scratched his tummy while yawning. He went to the bathroom.
After some push-ups and sit-ups, he will back with full consciousness and energy
Ready to torture you.
"Wake up." He slapped your arm.
"Wake up." One poke on cheek
"Wake up, dummy." Two poke on cheek.
You groaned and covered yourself with blanket. "Shut up."
"Get rekt you little shit" He pulled out your blanket and started to tickling you
You were a little bit agitated but eventually laugh and beg for your mercy
Both of you fell down from the bed, but he put his palm under your head on time, so you didn't hit the floor
"Sanemi, that's dangerous!"
"Haha, nope." He bites your nose and stood up. "Morning, ugly."
After getting ready on your work suit, you cooked breakfast for both of you and Genya. Nothing really special, just some bread with sunny side on top
But for Sanemi, peeking you with your apron from his newspaper is a blessing in the morning.
"Morning, Nee-san, Aniki."
"Morning, Genya." He helped you pouring coffees. "You have exam today right?"
"Yeah." He grabbed the bread and put them on his mouth, about to dashed out. You hold his shoulder
"Ah, no running while eating. Sit down." Genya hesitated a bit but eventually sit down with Sanemi too. "Hm~ good boy." You patted his head
He blushed and chewed his bread fast before Sanemi noticed.
After Genya went to school, Sanemi and you finally finished the breakfast.
"Why don't you drop him off at school? Both of you work and study in the same place." You said as you locked out the door.
"Nah, he doesn't want to."
"Really? It must be fun if three of us went together."
You hopped into his car.
Sanemi won't let you go to work by train
Because one time, there was incident
You insisted to take the train. He was a little bit hesitating but eventually went with you too
It was really cramped, both of you didn't have choice but to stand. Sanemi nagged while grabbing your hand but his handgrip was slipped off, he seems didn't realize it yet. Now, you were behind him and faced his back with some distance aparting you.
That's okay, you thought. I'll reach him when we arrive to the next station.
Suddenly, a strange hand poked your back, stroking and touching you. That someone dragged his fingers down to your hip. You flinched
'Molester?!" You were panicked but didn't say or do anything. 'But... I'm wearing long skirt and it's not even tight today... So why..."
You tried to distance yourself with that somebody behind you by stepping forward a little, but it's too cramped.
No one seems noticed. You just want to cry
"Sa.." You tried to call Sanemi with your squeaky voice. "Ne..Mi... Help..."
Of course, he didn't hear that.
The molester continued his act and started groping your ass. Something risen and wet even poked your hip.
You felt disgusted but still froze on your stand, too scared to scream. 'Please, please no. Sanemi, please help me.' You squeezed your bag and looked down.
Meanwhile, the train almost arrived at next station. Sanemi felt like something missing from his hand and looked back
He finally saw you.
Your body trembled, your face was red and tears started to accumulated on your eyes.
Your eyes finally met his. You moved your lips
"Sane... Mi.... Help..."
Something burning inside his body. He bursted in to your place, didn't care if people groaned angrily when he accidentally stepped their shoes
He punched that guy right in the face. He even didn't give that guy rest or pulled his pants for awhile. He didn't care and beat him mercilessly
"Sanemi, Stop!! He will die!" You pulled his shirt but he seems didn't want to listen to you
"Hey! What are you doing there!!" The train officer suddenly came from afar.
The automatic door train opened.
"Hehe, next time." This fucking molester didn't regret his action.
Sanemi kicked his face once again and pulled your hand, getting out from there. Both of you ran from the station.
You stopped on a park.
"Sanemi... I'm sorry... I didn't-"
"Show me your back." You turned around.
There is a white stain on your skirt
"Fuck..." He wiped your lower hip with wet handkerchief. He took off his jacket, knelt down and wrapped it around your hip
"What? Did something hurt? Did he-"
You suddenly let out fat tears streaming down your face. You never felt disgusted for your entire life. Sanemi must be so upset.
"I'm scared, I'm sorry I didn't do nothing, I'm sorry if I-"
"It's okay, I'm here. You don't have to say sorry." He hugged you, gently caressed your back and kissed your cheek. "I promise there will be no 'next time'." He gritted his teeth. Until today, he always thought that he failed to protect you.
That's why, he will drive you up to place you wanted to go. No matter how busy he is, he'll try to drop and pick you up. Or at least, took taxi.
When you arrived, you will arrange his necktie before went off because he's so damn suck at it.
"Ok, handsome. You're good to go."
"Hey." He holds your arm. "Don't overdo your work. Call me at lunch."
"Will do!" You patted his head.
"Oi, I did my hair for hours."
"Haha, okay, sorry." You waved your hands. "Bye-bye!"
He secretly likes his 'now-kinda-messy' hair, and lets it be until he arrived at school
When he stressed out and angry at his workplace, he will sit at his table, and listen to your recorded voice (He secretly recorded it lol)
"Ok, guess what I draw on your back. Hehe. Nope, that's not it. I write 'I like you'."
"Nemi!" (Fyi, the only peope who could called him like this are you and Genya)
"Sa! Ne! Mi!"
"Sanemi. Hehehe, nothing! Just calling you"
This fucker of you will smile so bright, the teacher room blinded by the lights.
You called him on lunch, and praised the food he made for both of you.
"But why do you put the carrot again."
"In this house, we didn't acknowledge a picky eater."
The students were shocked to death when they found that killer teacher has wife.
"What?! That Shinazugawa-sensei? Really?! wtf this world gonna end soon."
"...but the real question is, did he called her dumb and started to throwing chalk when she can't answer his math question or what."
Okay, did he?
Yes, he did. Except the chalk part, it replaced with "Pinched her cheek"
He taught you how to do two math questions while you're about to cry and sniffled, that your tears started to wet your paper.
"All I ask is you're helping me to solve my work... *sobs*"
Both of you basically 'Genya Protecting Squad'
Random People: *complaining about his scary face and hair*
When it's cold, he likes to make you sit on his lap and.... Err... Put his hand inside your shirt and groping your boobs
"...what are you doing."
"My hands are cold."
"There's heater."
"No, the sensation is different."
Revision, both of you are pervert
You get into his shirt and stick your cheek onto his bare chest while tapping his abs
Him: I am what?
When you're sick because of overworking, he's the one who took care of you. He will 'guard' you 24/7 and will always ready in any case if you need him. Plus the scolding level will increase.
"Say aaah." He pushed a spoonful of soup he made to your lips. You shook your head and pushed back his hand. You sniffled, and coughed. You could feel your sore throat
"I'm sorry, but I can't-"
"Eat." He ordered you. You sniffled once again and make sad puppy face.
Not effective
"Look." He came closer to your face and sticked his forehead onto yours. "I won't leave until you eat this."
Your phone was ringing, it was from your boss. You are about to take the the call, but Sanemi turned off your smartphone.
"Rest." You pouted. "What's with that attitude." He frowned. Like it or not, you finally received his food
"Good girl." He caressed your cooling-pad on your forehead. Your half opened eyes-lid seems so weak, you just put your chin on his hand and mewled like a cat
CUTE SO CUTE, Sanemi holds his chest and hurriedly took a photo.
On day off, you usually went together to movies, parks, mall, book store, aquariums, etc. But mostly, you will invite Genya to go with you two
He didn't mind if you walked beside or in front/behind him on ordinary walking or shopping. He simply hold your hand when you walked beside him
When you walked in front of him, he could fully look at your figure, while you busy to look at behind for some time, in case he stopped
And it's cute because you look like a chick looking for its mother
Or, when you walked behind him, you grabbed his shirt or jacket fabric, afraid if you lose him
And it's.. still so fucking cute
This is funny, but you and Sanemi often showing disgusted face and judging when both of you saw an over limit lovey dovey couple
Random people you met on the way (especially waitress or shopkeepers) sometimes saying words like, "Is your boyfriend a model?"
You shook your head. "Ah, no. He's math teacher."
"And let me correct you." He suddenly popped out. "She's my ex."
You sighed. "Stop telling people I'm your ex." You smiled towards that person. "I'm his wife."
Or if Sanemi was lazy, both of you will stay in the house, being lazy all day. Sometimes you made Ohagi or he invited you to play UNO cards
"If you lose, you had to say goodbye to your favourite hoodie." You smirked while shuffling the cards,
"Fair enough." He calmly took the cards while chewing Ohagi. "If you lose, you had to wear that wireless vibra-"
He tend to kiss you on the lips deeply in a long time. No desire. Just simply a gesture of loving you.
Or kiss you quickly while throwing cheesy lines while doing Kabedon
He will make sudden move when you were casually walked in the house and BAM! His hand slapped on the wall, right beside your ear. He lets his two or three front-button opened
"Hello, single." He looked at your eyes and gave you a quick kiss on your lips, sticking his forehead onto yours
"What is it now?" You sighed.
"I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it."
"You are basically math teacher, Sanemi. And you know what?"
"Are you my math homework? You seem hard and ready to be done on my desk."
And that's when he loses it and you already know what happens next
He first discovered things called menstruation when he accidentally spotted tampons on the table
"What is this?"
"AAAAAHHHH WAIT WAIT" You snatch that thing from his hand.
"??? What is that?"
"You- you don't know? It's for girls! On- on period!"
"What is period?"
"....are you even science."
You explained him about 'red day' and he nodded.
"Did it hurt your stomach? Because it's bleeding."
"Yeah, sometimes."
"You need warm tea?"
"Um, prob-"
"Is there anything that could reduce the pain?"
"I tend to-"
"Wait, lemme Google this."
After that, he treated you like a princess everytime you had period.
You usually went for coffees in the evening with him after works. Both of you like to sit together while telling each other stories even opinions
And you will never make up your mind for the coffees. So he usually took the role.
"Uh, I- I'll take-"
"I'll take Quad, Venti, 2 pumps, breve, extra-hot, no-whip, Toasted White Mocha. And she will take Solo, 1-pump, whole milk, light ice, Caramel Brulée Latte."
You just stand there like a dumb person
After coffees, both of you will shop together for dinner. He usually the one who decided the food.
"Kare, but I'm tired."
"I'll be the one who cook then."
"Hm, maybe... Shirt and apron only will be good on-"
Three of you will eat together on the dinner table. Genya loves your food, so he usually gave his bowl to you and asked for seconds.
Sometimes bathe together. You will scrub his back. He likes it when both of you dipped in bathtub and with you laid your back on his chest.
"I don't like your panda eyes." You looked up and poked his cheek.
"Don't mind that."
"I DO mind."
So after bathe, you will put Aloe Vera sheet-mask on his under eyes. He didn't really like it at first, but after you put off his mask, his face became relaxing and he liked it.
Both of you tend to go to your shared bedroom first than Genya, because he still wanted to watch TV.
"Sanemi, you haven't sleep yet?"
When you about to pulled your blanket, you saw him with his anti-radiation eyeglasses, still facing his laptop.
"No. Go first." Your eyes are settled at his cup
"Stop the caffeine, I'll make you tea."
You get up and go to the kitchen. You found Genya asleep on the couch.
You turned off the TV and woke Genya from his sleep, telling him to move to his room.
You came back to your room with two cups of Darjeeling tea and some cookies, putting the tray beside him
You opened a novel book and put your head on his shoulder
You didn't say anything but humming a slow song beside him.
And sometimes, if he knew the song, he will hum together with you.
You stayed with him until he finished, no matter how much hours he spended on his works.
"It's strange."
Both of you now under the blanket, intertwined your fingers and facing each other
"What is it?"
"I never dream of living with wife before, I always thought I'll just live with Genya, and being single for the rest of my life."
You chuckled. "Me too, never thought someone really picked me up because I'm a potato."
"Dummy." He kissed your forehead and nuzzled his nose on your neck.
"Sweet dreams."
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Your writing is so amazing thank you so much for running this blog! Can I request jealous Sanemi reacting to seeing other guys flirt with his fem s/o?
Hm, I already make this type of hc but with Medic s/o so I’ll go with tsuguko on this one!
If you still not read the medic staff one, look here
Most of reader will think that Sanemi probably the jealous-tsundere type (because I thought so too), but after chap 179 and Genya’s backstory, I changed my mind. He’s not. He’s the type who will drop his tsundereness out of his mind when it comes to people he loved. And er… even didn’t hesitate to kill them? (Koku dear, I’m sorry)
Thank you for requesting!
Jealous!Shinazugawa Sanemi x s/o (NSFWish Warning)
Sanemi’s s/o is his tsuguko, because she has the same breath style as him.
The rest of the students didn’t know that you and Sanemi are couple, since he didn’t really show sign or gesture. He even trained her harder more than anyone else.
The students were wondering how could she handled all of these demonic training, and thought that he really hate her from his deepest heart.
How could she hold the continuous attack and endless fist fight, plus other additional practices like hop on 1000 ladder, and how she could hold his wooden sword attack until it break by both of their force.
They don’t have any slightest idea.
She’s totally fine with that, because she has more stamina but lack of strength. That’s why Sanemi tried to fix that weakness.
But one thing, that Wind Pillar didn’t know there are many male Demon Slayer who hit on her, because of her power as Demon Slayer and the beauty that laid on her as a girl
At first, she didn’t want this relationship to be public, neither did Sanemi. But she realized that probably, publication really necessary.
She never told him on how the boys constantly talked, flirted, even tried to enter her personal space. She already told them that she has boyfriend, but they never listen. They always thought that it’s just her excuse.
She knew the moment if Sanemi spotted her like this, he will kill all of these students.
Ah, she doesn’t want to imagine it.
Today, after some medication in Butterfly Estate, she went back to Sanemi’s house alone. Sanemi actually wanted to escort her, but Oyakata-sama called for his service.
He told her to stay and wait for him, but she said that she’s too tired and prefer to go home alone.
He clicked his tongue. “Do what you like.”
“Are you angry?”
“I’m not. Go home first.”
She looked hesitant at first, but eventually went home alone.
On the way, she hummed and sometimes pressed the bandage on her head.
“Hm, I hit Sanemi’s shoulder once in the morning practice and his back once in the evening practice. Looks like l developed today!”
Somebody suddenly tapped her shoulder. She flinched and ready to commence attack.
“Hey, it’s me!” That’s one of the boy who gradually trying to get close to her.
“I almost hit you, you know.” She giggled. “What are you doing at this hour?”
“Well, I’ve bought some snacks.” He showed her the Dango, covered with leaves. “Are you going to home?”
May I escort you? It’s dangerous for girl to walk alone like this. Some stranger, even demon maybe attack you. Luckily, you have me!“
She shook her head. "Thank you, but I prefer to walk alone.” Also, aren’t you the one who also whining and easily give up when Sanemi trained you. Really have guts to talk about someone who probably attack me, huh.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” He suddenly grabbed her hand. “Show me where your house is!”
She fended his hand, feeling super uncomfortable. But looks like he didn’t bothered by it.
Since he insisted, she walked home with him while listening to his nagging about Sanemi’s hellish training.
“You agree with me right?! Just because he’s a Pillar, he doesn’t have to be like that!”
This is the worst, ugh.
She didn’t want to show where she’s really heading to, so she stopped at random stranger house.
“I’m fine here.” She bowed down to him, hoping the owner of the house will not see them in front of their gate.
“Hey.” He suddenly catched you in between his body, hugged you from behind. “I like you, please go out with me.”
“I- Im sorry.” She shoved him down. “I already have someone. I told you this.” He looked unpleasant but didn’t give up.
He stepped forward again and cornered her onto the gate wall, trapped her with both of his arms.
She swears, she just want to drop-kick him.
“Why? Am I not enough? You’re beautiful and I believe no one could resist my looks. I even got higher demon-killing last night. I’m sure I’ll make it into Pillar.”
“I’m so sorry, I told you-”
“Who is that someone? I’ll rip-”
“Fucking rip what?” A big hand suddenly grabbed his arm and clutched it, probably leaving purple bruised on this poor boy’s arm tomorrow morning
“Shi-Shinazugawa Hashira?!” He startled.
“Let her go, you dipshit.”
It didn’t take a long time to swift his big hand from this younger male’s arm to his neck and slammed him to the ground.
Sanemi choked him with the strength he got. The boy scratched his big arms, trying to get some oxygen into his lungs
“Sanemi! Stop!” She’s trying to pull him back.
“I-I’m sorry!!!” The boy stuttered. Sanemi finally pulled out his hand. The younger male got up and ran away from that place.
Sanemi didn’t say anything after that. Just pulled her wrist on their way to home. She tried to explain to him what happened but looks like he didn’t listen to her. It’s even hard to match her steps with him, it was more like he dragged her along.
When they got home, he slammed the door and pushed her onto the wall.
“Sanemi, list-” He didn’t waste time and pushed his lips onto hers, kissing her roughly
“I heard from Uzui today. You like being a attention seeker, huh.”
He moved and bit her neck on every inch of her skin, licking every marks he made.
“That’s not it…”
“How is it feel like? Surrounded by males, when right here, you already have someone who actually devoted his life to you.” He suddenly clenched and sink his canine teeth on her neck. The blood dripped slowly from that place. He looked satisfied.
“It’s not like what you think…” She yelped and whimpered, trying to shove his body. But the strength is no match.
“What? I can’t hear-”
A loud slap was heard. Sanemi finally stopped and came back to his sense, slowly caressing his reddened cheek.
He looked at her, tears were flowing down from her eyes’ corner. Her eyes were in unexplainable rage.
“Do you really have any idea how many times do I had to tell them that I already have lover?! How many times I had to protect myself from them?! So many that I’m really pissed but they never heard me! And now you here suddenly saying that, like I’m some kind of a whore?!”
“Then why don’t you tell me-”
“Because I know you will hurt them! Just- just look at that! You almost choked him to death earlier! Do you think I’ll let you doing such things?!”
She ragged her back against the wall down to the floor. “You even didn’t listen to me… How should I trust you that you will not hurt them?”
Sanemi knelt and hugged her. He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears with his thumb.
“Don’t be such a sweet man after what you’re saying to me…” She shoved him down. “Leave me alone.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He stood up and left her. “If you calmed down, talk to me.”
She just sat there and buried her face into her knee. “Aren’t you the one who need to calm down….”
Inside their shared bedroom, Sanemi punched the wall, while gritting his teeth.
He failed, the moment Uzui told him her condition, he already knew he failed to protect her. Why didn’t he realize it sooner?
After some sobbing, she finally stood up and went to the bedroom
“Hey, you done? Come here.” Sanemi invited her to his side. There is kind-of-bowl thingy, disinfectant and patches on the nightstand
She move towards him and sat down, still sobbing and sniffling
He started to cleanse her neck’s wound, slowly. Sometimes, she flinched and groaned, an ordinary reaction for wounds treatment.
“…Sanemi, I’m sorry for being mean to you.” She finally opened her mouth.
“Done.” He patched the wound and tidied up all of the utilities, walking out to put them in shelves.
Of course, he ignored her huh… She slapped his cheek after all.
He came back to the room. The tension became awkward, she didn’t know what to do.
“Sanemi, I-”
“I’m sorry.” He sat and hugged her body. “I just don’t want you to… Get hurt or something.”
“Me too, I’m sorry for not being honest.” She draped her arms onto his neck.
“I wanted to make this clear, I’m not possessive towards you, but sometimes…” He kissed her forehead, sticked his forehead against her and closes his eyes. “Sometimes, it’s hard to see you with another man. Now I know your problem, I promised to protect you. And you also had to promise me, if someone really bothered you, tell me.”
“I promise. And please don’t hurt them when I told you.”
He chuckled and cupped her face.
“I won’t.” It really made her heart at ease, knowing Sanemi will not hurt them
Lmao. Bold of you to assume he WILL NOT KILL THEM.
Of course there will be consequences for touching her like that. Sanemi smirked behind her. What kind of hellish training he gave to those who try to flirt her tomorrow?
“Sanemi, are you okay?” She sensed some evil aura from him.
“Yup, totally.”
On next morning training, all of the male demon slayers knew about their relationship. The talks was spreading like plague.
Some of them were grunting, some of them are trembled, not wanting to know what happened to them if they bothered her again.
When both of them came to dojo, the males were stoned. This couple held their hands and make entrance inside.
“Oh so it was true.” One of the boy clenched his fist.
“Shit. There’s no way I could beat that Wind Hashira.”
After briefing, he called you behind the dojo. The males were carefully eavesdropping on them.
They talked like usual until Sanemi moved closer to her.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” She asked.
He cleaved apart the hair that make her neck covered.
“Sanemi?” He suddenly kissed and light-bite her nape while looking at pack of male teenagers who eyed on her.
Of course, there is no way Sanemi didn’t realize their presence.
“What are you doing?!” She blushed while tapping her behind, hoped that nobody looking.
“Nothing.” He licked his lower lips, still looking at spotted and trembled young Demon Slayers behind. “Just want to clear up something.” She looked confused.
“What is that supposed to- Ow?!” He flicked her forehead
“Go to Himejima place, asked him about the wooden swords I requested yesterday. There will be another people who sent it. Your task is escorting them safely to here.”
“Why not Kakushi-”
“They are busy right now.” He smiled to her.
“THEY ARE CLEARLY NOT.” Those younger demon slayers shivered. Some of them even blaming the boy who hit on her yesterday, saying that it’s all his fault now they are in this situation.
“Hey, how am I supposed to know that HE is the lover?”
After that, Sanemi gave her the details.
“Okay. I’m going now.” She waved her hands and Sanemi responded with raise his one hand.
“And for all of you.” After she disappeared from his sight, he turned around his head. His irk marks are bigger than the usual. The terrors that emitted from his body is more sinister and enough to make anyone who passed by or just stand there were dropped dead.
Imagine the rest of the lower rank demon slayers who shivered in tremor there.
“Shall we fucking ‘date’ now?”
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I made this into NSFWish, it's not reaching the *redacted* scene. However, this is really hard, I kept forgetting that the reader is male and not reversed. RIP me.
AgedUp20!Nezuko x Male!Reader (NSFWish Warning)
Nezuko did it again. She trapped you inbetween her arms, even though you're clearly bigger than her.
Please don't ask, where is her cutie pie act in front of Tanjirou, where is her 'I tilted my head with certain angle to look cute' in front of Zenitsu, or being simply adorable in front of Inosuke.
None of them were shown to you. You really wanted to tell them all of those are lies.
So when she started to hug you and made puppy face, that's the sign.
This is what Nezuko always intended to do to you.
In this small room.
She stared at your eyes while making smug face. You blushed and sagged your back onto the wall, and fell down.
Oh, come on, where is your strength as a man?! But, huh, that's useless since Nezuko clearly stronger than you.
Power bottom is scary.
She smirked. She's really grateful that she regained all of the same ability as human again, even though she's still a demon when she hit 20 years old.
"Hm." She started scanning on your body. Haori, check. Hakama, check. Scars, check. Cool face, check.
"You know what." She looked at her claws. “I'm going tear off your clothes and have my way with you.”
"You what-"
She suddenly clawing your clothes, the fabric pierces into pieces. You just opened your mouth without saying anything.
"Relax." She whispered. She pushed you down, positioning herself in between you, almost sitting down on your stomach. "I'm going to make you really feel good, so be a good boy for me?"
She kissed your forehead first, and down to the cheeks, and then lips. She likes this part, it's not soft but great for biting purpose.
While she grinding her hips onto your crouch, she positioned her mouth onto your neck.
Making hickies, like she should be.
You tried to put your hands on her hips, but she held them, pinned it to the earth.
"Nuh-huh. No touching. Be a good boy like you always be, will you?" She smirked again, continuing her bites and licks.
And now she's landing on your upoer body. She dragged her teeth along on your chest and sometimes light-biting your nipples.
Your head was spinning, you could feel your face burning. You felt helpless under her care.
She's quite satisfied with her creations. You trembling with dozens of hickies on your necks and all over the body made her turned on.
"And now, the main dish." She yanked your hakama pants out of her way. You became scared more than ever. "Receive my full-"
Tanjirou suddenly popped out from the door.
Looks like Nezuko was too eager she forgot to lock the door room.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Nezuko grunted and shifted her position facing towards him.
"Loving my lover?"
"I know he's your lover, but-"
"GAAAAHHHH!!!" Zenitsu went in along with Tanjirou. "YOU SICK FUCK BASTARD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO NEZUKO?!!"
"Wait, Zenitsu. This is not his fault. Nezuko, you better explain what happened." She stood up and tidied her own kimono while grunting.
"Nothing, I just want to love him."
"Again, Zenitsu that's not- Aah." Tanjirou looked down at your pitiful condition. Torned haori, reddened face, and not to mention how many hickies she made.
"Oh no, he passed out."
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Kimetsu No Yaiba x Reader “MASTERLIST”
Little Tips:
You could find special hc for every 100 followers with ‘Special followers’ tag
‘Citrus’ tag is for NSFW, NSFWish will be put on ‘SFW’ section and tagged with ‘Citruish’
There is short hc series called “The Words I Said Only For You” and you could find them with ‘TWISOFY’ tag
Please inform me if you found broken link, no ‘Citrus’ tag on NSFW post and if you found one of my hc wasn’t included in this masterlist
 Shinazugawa Sanemi
Fem!Reader Confessing
Medic Staff!Fem! s/o x Jealous!Sanemi
Fem!Reader High School Student (University Exam) (Modern AU)
Introvert!Fem! s/o
Fem!Reader The Words I Said Only For You
Tsuguko!Fem!Reader x Jealous!Sanemi
Nun!Fem!Reader x Priest!Sanemi
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU 
Fem!Reader Taisho Era DomesticAU 
Fem!Reader Rainy Day ModernAU
Pillar!Fem! Reader x Drunk!Sanemi
Fem!Reader Festival
Fem!Reader Heavy Injury
Fem!Reader Post Final Arc AU
SugarBaby!Fem!Reader x SugarDaddy!Sanemi
Pillar!Fem! s/o
Shinazugawa Genya
Shinazugawa Genya x Reader (Angst Warning)
Doting!Male! s/o
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Rough! s/o
Tomioka Giyuu
The Words I Said Only For You
Fem!Reader Kareshi (?) Situation
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Fem!Reader Family Domestic ModernAU
Fem!Reader ChildhoodAU 
Fem!Reader “Message Thorough This Board”
Natural Woman Touch Me Down, Fem!Reader
Teacher!Fem!Reader x Teacher!Giyuu
First Time
Fem!Reader Day-Off
Shinobu Kochou
Muichirou Tokitou
Older Pillar!Reader
Cuddly!Fem! s/o
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Rengoku Kyoujurou
Fem!Reader Little Figure Sister
Fem!Reader Little Figure Sister Part 2
Fem!Reader Little Figure Sister Part 3 
Fem!Reader Little Figure Sister Part 4 
Fem!Reader Little Figure Sister Part 5
Fem!Reader Domestic TaishoAU
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Fem!Reader 4 Seasons, Including You
BrokenHeart!Fem! s/o
Fem!Reader Demon Train Arc: Alternate Ending
Fem!Reader The Words I Said Only For You
Fem!Reader The Words I Said Only For You (Reincarnation ver.)
People Pleaser!Fem! s/o
Pillar!Fem!Reader Thousand Cranes
SugarBaby!Fem!Reader x SugarDaddy!Rengoku 
Hashibira Inosuke
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU 
Fem!Sick!Reader ModernAU
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Overpowered! s/o
Fem!Reader Modern Domestic AU
Reliable!Fem! s/o
Kamado Nezuko
Male!Reader x AgedUp!Nezuko
Kibutsuji Muzan
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Fem!Anorexic s/o
Fem!Friendly!Reader Domestic TaishouAU
Elegant!Fem! s/o
Fem!Reader ‘The Dog That Connected Us’
Fem!Reader Pocky Day
Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Haganezuka Hotaru
CryBaby! s/o
Fem!Reader (Stressful Day)
Fem!Reader Domestic ModernAU
Akaza (Hakuji)
Agatsuma Zenitsu x Kamado Nezuko
ZenNezu “Sense” 
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KnY x Reader Request OPEN (NSFW CLOSED)
UPDATE: I deleted all requests before 1 January 2020 due to Tumblr error. I will take 7 requests, and reopened the req after done the 7 requests
First of all, I wanted to say that this blog is a blog with friendly adult content. There will be NSFW and NSFWish warning ahead before reading, tagged with citrus and citruish.
Hi, it's me, Hibana. I'm currently opening requests for KnY x Reader. You're free to request anything!
What I write:
KnY x Reader
Only one character/req
SFW, NSFW (Closed)
AUs. DomesticAU will be prioritized
Use "You, your, her" pronouns for reader, and use "She, her" pronouns for s/o
Not taking chapters or paragraphs fic
If the character is underage I will age them above 18 y.o. (conditional)
Please put your request on askbox, I probably forgot about your request if you put it on reply
“So, what are you writing anyway?”
The mix between headcanons, drabbles (?), imagines, scenarios, and fanfictions. I dunno, you name it. Also, I will always write pointed writings, not in paragraphs.
“I see, do you take request beside KnY x Reader?”
No, I won’t, except that one time I asked people to guess my nationality. One acc guessed it right and could request what ship they wanted. Probably will do it in some time.
“What is Special Followers hc?”
It’s a special writings to commemorate every 100 followers I got. It’s not from the request.
“How long does it take for you to do the request?”
Depends on the difficulty of the request, or the idea that popped on my mind. I only do 1-2 reqs if I’m not busy at my univesity. The NSFW usually take a long time because I’d be honest... I’m not really good at this. I had to rethink to make lusted words and else. But don’t worry, I already read and put it all the requests in my drafts.
“How did you do the request?”
Random, I didn’t do it from the older request, and occasional.
“Did you ever take down request?”
Even though I got strange requests, I did my best to do them. BUT, if I become super uncomfortable while writing it, I will answer the questions along with the apologize post. I never deleted any questions/requests on my askbox, don't worry about me not receiving your requests, unless Tumblr decided to be a dick
“Which one do you prefer? Anon or not?”
I’d prefer non Anon because I could straight went to their DMs to ask further details for the request. I don’t want some misunderstood and misinterpretation in my writings.
"I saw a lot of typos and grammatical error, I know you're non native speaker but-"
Hibana said, fuck Beta Reader.
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