#cj muse week
zepskies · 6 months
✍🏽 More CJ Coming Soon?
Lol why am I working on a CJ Braxton one-shot for Dawson's Creek right now? (Instead of all the other stuff I have half-outlined in my head.)
The muse is tricky this week. 😂
But, it's a follow up to Good Morning. So for anyone who enjoyed that, there's more of them coming!
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novastories · 1 year
By Your Side
Title and chapter loosely inspired by the song “By Your Side” by Conor Maynard.
Summary: A beach day is just what Aurora needed, especially surrounded by family and friends.
Warnings: None, mostly fluff.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: I’m sorry I’ve been a bit MIA lately! I’ve been prepping for new upcoming works and writing when I feel inspired. Please enjoy the beach scene chapter!
Also thank you so much for the recent love on “I’ll Be Waiting.” It means the world to me that people love my story and are invested in it like I am! Enjoy the fluff because the next chapters…well let’s just say, it’s not going to be as fluffy after this one…🫣
Thank you Jenn, for doing the text messages! 💖 And shoutout to my best friend, beta reader, and editor @reginleight 💜
As always, likes are great and all, but comments, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated and loved! 🤭
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Lucille → Aurora
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“Wait, so you two almost kissed?!” Lucille shouted, almost spilling her coffee on the couch. 
Aurora blushes and nods as she continues eating her donut while her friend gasped in shock.
“Wow, didn’t know Chicken Little had it in him.”
“Lucille,” Aurora groans.
“Sorry. But holy crap. Didn’t know he had it in him.”
Aurora sighs, as she finishes her donut and takes a swig of her tea that she had on the coffee table. She couldn’t stop thinking about it and had wished so badly that Peyton hadn't interrupted them that night.
But was she ready to be with Bradley? She wasn’t sure. She had so much to still work on, the nightmares were slowly getting less and less frequent, but the anxiety still hovered over her.
Lucille was rambling on about how she was going to talk to Peyton about the cockblock until noticing Aurora was tapping her fingers against her bracelet.
“Hey, you alright?”
Aurora shakes out of her thoughts. “Huh?”
“You only play with your bracelet when you’re overthinking shit.” Lucille gestures to the bracelet.
She was worried about her best friend and while maybe they didn’t see each other much, Aurora was still Lucille’s best friend. Despite the distance.
Aurora smiles slightly. “I’m fine. Just work stuff,” she lies through her teeth.
She didn’t want to lie to her best friend, but she would tell her when the time was right. Lucille just nods, and takes a sip of her coffee when they both hear a ping from Aurora’s phone.
Penny → Aurora
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“Got a bathing suit?” Aurora asks Lucille to which she received a smirk in return.
“What do you have in mind?”
Aurora knew as soon as her mom texted her, that she was up to something. She, Lucille, and CJ arrived at the beach seeing her mom sitting on a table behind the Hard Deck.
What she didn’t expect to see were a bunch of the same pilots she had met about a week ago to be playing what seemed to be dogfight football, something her dad, Uncle Goose, and Uncle Ice came up with during Aurora’s childhood years.
“Helping with balancing sheets?” Aurora looks at her mom, incredulously.
Penny chuckles. “You came, didn't you?”
Sighing, she shakes her head. Aurora soon spots Amelia, Aunt Carole, Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Ice sitting under a big pop up beach canopy they most likely had set up a few ways from the water, but in prime viewing spot of the San Diego view, and the pilots as well. 
“So this is what dad meant by a surprise for the naval aviators?”
“Well, apparently he needed them to become a team and bond a bit. So I guess this was his way of getting them out of the cockpit and to have fun,” Penny answers her.
“I’m having fun just watching them,” Lucille muses. 
Aurora nudges Lucille, while Penny laughs, agreeing with the entertainment of the game and the view. She notices that Maverick had also dragged Peyton along as well.
Despite the fact that he’s a mechanic, he recognized Peyton as still part of the team and that he got along with mostly everyone on the squadron.
Amelia spots them, waving for her and Lucille to come over.
“Are you going to actually hangout on the beach though?” Aurora asks her mom.
“Yeah, I’m just going to finish this paperwork first. You go on ahead.”
Aurora’s feet soon touch the sand, and she releases CJ from his leash. He happily runs over to Amelia as Amelia chuckles claiming that CJ liked her better.
Aurora and Lucille all say their hellos, while Aurora puts her towel next to Amelia, Lucille doing the same. She soon realizes the person sitting next to her Uncle Ice.
“Hey, Slider! You’re here too!”
“Hey kiddo! Heard about the mission, I had to come see these new pilots. Can’t be better than us Ice, right?” Slider smiles at the man beside him.
Ice just shakes his head and chuckles. He was not ready to get into that.
“What’s up, burger man?” Lucille waves at him. Aurora chuckles as Slider rolls his eyes at the girl. 
“That’s not what my callsign means.”
“So what does it mean then?” Lucille wonders.
“Ignore her. Jet lag is getting to her,” Aurora interrupts her best friend.
“Bitch, I drove here.”
“Shush! I’m trying to concentrate,” Amelia shakes her book that she was holding.
“Melia, you’re not even looking at the book,” Carole points out, as neither of the girls were not even listening to her anymore.
Amelia, Aurora, and Lucille all look at the pilots, and wow did Aurora realize how much of a view they were treated to. Everyone was pretty much shirtless, with the exception of the girls. Plus Bob and Uncle Goose.
It seemed that Bradley’s team made a touchdown, so Bradley was doing a little shimmy celebration dance, a move Aurora was not a stranger to. It was a move he pulled often whenever they danced together.
She couldn’t help but to stare shamelessly at her best friend, his abs on full display. She was wondering how he was even so tan since most of his days were spent on an aircraft carrier. Aurora wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she was full on ogling at Bradley, not even caring.
Man, was she glad she had her sunglasses on, but it didn’t help that she was turning red from all the thoughts in her head.
“Girl, show him what he’s missing and get over there,” Lucille encourages Aurora, drawing her out of her thoughts.
“Yeah, Aurie. He doesn’t even know you’re here yet,” Amelia smirks, knowing Bradley would be ecstatic to see Aurora.
The pilots still had yet to even notice the newcomers, as they were focused on their game. Aurora took that as her sign to make her presence known.
With her Benjamin-Mitchell confidence, she stands up and removes her shirt to reveal her black one piece full coverage bathing suit. It covered her back and half her arm, so her scars weren’t on full display, yet she was able to show off her figure. 
Lucille and Amelia wolf whistles as Aurora does this and walks over to the group playing. 
The first to spot her was Uncle Goose, who was not shocked to see her there.
“Hey, little star!”
The naval aviators looked at him confused and turned to see what he was looking at. Aurora smiles and waves at her Uncle.
“Damn, is that Artemis?” Fanboy asks.
Bradley instantly spots Aurora and freezes.
Sure, the two of them grew up with each other and Aurora had worn bathing suits around him, but seeing her now was different.
She was grown, and she looked like a goddess to Bradley, he couldn’t help but stare at her and feel some sort of way. Aurora always had that effect on him. 
Her dark brown hair with her faded blonde tips was tied up in a ponytail, and she had her sunglasses on covering her eyes, but Bradley knew she already was looking at him. 
He smiles and is the first to run up to her a few feet away from the group, hoping to get a bit of time with her before she approaches everyone else.
“Her and Bradshaw?” Payback asks Peyton, as they all watched him run to the girl.
“Not yet, but soon.” Peyton smiles.
“If Rooster ever gets off his little perch,” Jake comes up behind Peyton.
“At least he can talk about his feelings,” Peyton snarks back at him.
He had refused to look Jake in the eyes after what had gone down in Jake’s apartment.
Of course he had his fair share looking at Hangman’s abs, but he refused to give into wanting to jump Jake’s bones and stuck to trying to avoid him.
“Princess, you didn’t tell me you were coming,” Bradley smirks at her.
“Didn’t even know you were here,” Aurora grins back.
“And looks like someone forgot their swimsuit,” she points out, seeing that he was wearing jean shorts. “You should have told me, I could have brought the ones with the little chickens on them.”
She glances at his sweaty chest, and notices not only his dog tags, but also the necklace that she had given to him for Christmas, a plane pendant.
She smiles at it remembering what was engraved on it, as well as the memory of giving it to him before her eyes found their way back to Bradley’s.
“Tsk, you’d love to see me in those, wouldn’t you?” Bradley rasps, while stepping closely to Aurora, and tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear.
She could practically feel his body heat from where she stood as they were flirting, her heart beating so fast wanting to just reach over and kiss the hell out of him. 
“Heads up!” a voice calls out, and a few seconds later, a football hits Bradley’s head.
“Ow, what the fuck?” Bradley cries out as he and Aurora turn to see who threw the football.
Maverick stands with a “sorry, not sorry” look on his face, and Goose hits Maverick on the back of the head for interrupting their moment.
Aurora chuckles at her dad’s antics, her face still a bit red from her interaction with Bradley while he rubs the back of his head. 
“C’mon, I want to kick your ass,” Aurora grins as she walks towards the group.
“Oh, you think you can beat me?”
“I’m pretty sure I proved I could when I beat you that one summer.”
“That was one time, and I had a broken wrist!”
“Excuses, excuses, Bradshaw!”
The football game definitely proved to help the team actually feel like a team. Soon everyone wasn’t keeping score and just having fun.
Aurora had joined the team that was against Bradley and Peyton and she bonded with Natasha enough to get her to take them down.
Peyton and Jake were still trying to avoid each other as much as they could, but at least they could look each other in the eyes.
Amelia had joined in on the fun by standing next to Hondo and helping call out penalties, she got so into her role she even had a whistle that Hondo gave as an extra he had. 
Penny had opened the Hard Deck for the pilots and the rest of the family a few hours before the bar opened to the public so they could enjoy the cool, crisp, air conditioning.
Carole had brought a bunch of sandwiches, where Sarah had made sure to bring snacks and of course, Penny provided the drinks.
All the other pilots were a bit intimidated with having Admiral Kazansky in their presence, but soon got used to it as they saw how he was letting loose, just as Maverick and Goose were.
The jukebox was blasting out tunes of all kinds, creating a fun relaxing atmosphere in the bar for everyone to enjoy.
Aurora was in the corner, playing darts with her Uncle Goose, Jake, and Javy. She was laughing as Javy botched his shot.
“Dude, why’d I even pick you as my partner?” Jake shakes his head.
“Shut up,” Coyote hisses. 
“And that’s how you do it!” Aurora smirks, making a bullseye.
“I taught you well, little star,” Goose proudly says. 
Lucille happened to somehow get sucked into a heated discussion with Mickey and Bob.
“Okay, but Game of Thrones is so much better than Lord of the Rings!” Mickey proclaims.
“You take that back! Bob, back me up here!” Lucille turns to him.
“Uhh, I haven’t seen all of Game of Thrones–”
“HA!” Lucille smirks
“–Or all of Lord of the Rings.”
“What the hell?!” Both Lucille and Mickey look at Bob, as if he had committed treason. 
CJ happily laid next to Carole’s feet, who was sitting on the bar stools with Sarah and Penny. All of them were sitting and talking, while Maverick, Iceman, and Slider sat in the corner of the bar observing the other pilots while drinking beer.
“We weren’t like this when we were their age, right?” Slider ponders. They were watching all the pilots in the bar, seeing them out of the cockpit was definitely a sight to see.
“I think we were so much worse,” Maverick chuckles, as he takes a swig of his beer.
Peyton, Natasha, Reuben, and Bradley were playing pool, but also trying to teach Amelia which wasn’t going so well.
“Amelia, you’re supposed to hit the balls with the stick, not try to stab it with the stick.” Bradley sighs.
“Why not stab, stabbing seems so much better and efficient?”
“I can’t tell if you’re more like your sister with the stabbing comment, or Peyton with that stupid comment,” Payback wonders.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Peyton looks at him offended.
Natasha sighs and mutters how she’s surrounded by too much testosterone.
Aurora and Goose high five, as they won the game of darts against Jake and Javy.
“How the hell did that just happen?”
“Don’t underestimate me, Javy. That’s why I always bring a knife to a gunfight,” Aurora smiles triumphantly.
“You do what now?” Goose looks at her concerned.
Aurora chuckles as Jake and Javy start to bicker about their loss and whose fault it was.
Goose pats her shoulder to head over to the men, while Aurora goes to the pool table to see how the game is going. Amelia sat on the bar stool, with a pout on her face. 
“Why the long face, little sis?” Aurora questions her sister.
“They wouldn’t let me play.”
“She tried to stab the balls with the stick,” Peyton calls out as he takes his shot at the pool table.
“It’s much more effective that way to get the balls in the pocket!” Amelia reasons.
“No, it really isn’t,” Bradley comes up and ruffles Amelia’s hair. She hisses and swats his hands away from her. He chuckles before standing in front of Aurora.
“Finished up at darts?”
“Oh yeah, finally put Hangman in his place and pulled one over on him.”
He chuckles, and leans in toward Aurora’s ear. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispers, before pecking her cheek and heading back to the pool table for his turn.
Aurora immediately turned red, feeling as if her heart was going to burst by how fast it was beating.
Holy crap, that was one of the hottest things she had heard from his mouth.
Lucille comes up with a drink in each hand, going to hand one over to Aurora before seeing her best friend stunned and blushing.
“What’s up with her?”
“Bradley whispered something into her ear and now she’s too stunned to speak,” Amelia responds, taking a drink of her respective non-alcoholic drink. 
“Shut up, both of you please,” Aurora pleads, as Lucille hands her the drink before taking the seat beside her friend. 
Aurora glances at Bradley who was standing behind Peyton taking his shot at the pool table. Noticing her eyes were on him he winks at her, to which she rolls her eyes and sips her drink.
He will be the death of her. 
The Hard Deck was now lively as it was open to everyone and some of the naval aviators were still there, with the exception of the older ones.
Since it was Penny’s day off from the Hard Deck, she and Maverick went for a motorcycle ride where Sarah and Ice went to drop off Slider at the airport. Goose and Carole decided to head home for the night, as they were still a bit jet lagged from their trip. 
Amelia was hanging out with the other pilots while Aurora was sitting outside on one of the tables, getting a bit of air as the Hard Deck was beginning to get a little claustrophobic. CJ sat next to her as she combs her hands through his fur.
“Wondered where you were, surprised you weren’t with Bradshaw in there.”
Aurora turns and sees Jake standing behind her. He held out a water bottle for her to take, which she does. She gestures on the other side of CJ for Jake to sit.
“Yeah, well you know me. I needed air.”
Jake hums, taking a swig from his beer. They both sat in silence before Aurora broke it.
“I’m still a bit mad after that whole shit you pulled you know.”
Jake sighs. “I know, and I’m so sorry, Rory. I even apologized to Rooster before the game today.”
“And I wish that was all I was mad about, Jake. I’m talking about you and Peyton,” Aurora admits and turns to Jake.
Jake puts his hand to his face. “Fuck, I really messed up, didin’t I?”
Aurora brings her arm out to pat Jake’s shoulder in comfort.
“A bit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fix it.”
“Fix what? I screwed up Ro, he could barely look me in the eye. I don’t even know why he came today when he wasn’t even required to.”
“Don’t you see, Jake? Peyton cares so much about you, and if you could only hear him out, you’d understand that you also feel the same way about him.”
“But what happens if we break up, what happens if the love we feel for each other only leads to hate and destruction?”
Aurora looks at Jake. “Put your pride aside for once and just listen to what I have to say. Don’t keep pushing him away, or using him for sex because it makes you feel good. We don’t have a lot of time in this world. Sometimes love can hurt, but I think it’s better to love than not love at all.”
Jake removes his hand from his face and looks at Aurora. 
“You’re not alone anymore, Jake. You have me now. And Coyote and Peyton. Maybe even Rooster and the rest of the squadron. Let us be here for you,” Aurora smiles at him.
There were tears forming in Jake’s eyes before he pulled Aurora into a brotherly hug. She pats him comfortingly on the back letting him hug it out before he releases her. CJ yaps at him, to which Jake gives him a few pets.
“Damn, who knew you had all those words in you, Artemis.”
Aurora chuckles and smiles. “Therapy will do that to you I guess.”
Jake studies her for a bit. “No more nightmares?” 
“Not as often, it still lingers. I’m taking it day by day. But now that I’m home, I feel a lot better,” Aurora turns to see her brother, sister, best friend, and Bradley through the glass doors of Hard Deck. Jake was sure she meant home as in Bradley and her family, and not San Diego.
Bradley spots her, waving with a smile, before going back to listening to what Amelia was saying.
“You and Rooster talk yet?”
“Not yet, soon though. When the timing is right.”
“Hey, mom! We’re back home!” Amelia hollers inside the house.
“I thought you were staying at Aurora’s and Peyton’s?” Penny's muffled voice was heard.
“She was, but she said she wanted to come home, so we’ve come to drop her off,” Peyton calls out. 
“Peyton, Aurora? Why are you both here?”
“Bradley and Lucille took CJ home in the Bronco. Peyton couldn’t drive because he drank quite a bit so I drove Amelia home,” Aurora explains. 
“I only drank a little bit.”
“Peyton, you didn’t want to stay in the car because you thought that the neighbors were looking at you funny.”
“They were!” Peyton claims.
“That was their cat on the porch,” Amelia groans.
“Have you had dinner already?” Penny interrupts the conversation, while it sounds like she was fumbling with something upstairs.
“Not yet,” Amelia tells her.
“Grabbing takeout for us tonight, so don’t worry about us mom!” Aurora assures her.
“I’ll make something for us then, Amelia. I’ll be down in a second.” More bumping and shuffling was heard, which worried Aurora quite a bit.
“Does mom seem flustered to you?” Aurora wonders.
Amelia and Peyton shrug as Aurora grabs some water from the fridge. She closes the fridge door, only to see something drop outside from the window from her peripheral vision.
And then soon a person drops outside as well.
The person stands up, and soon Aurora, Amelia, and Peyton are faced to see Maverick staring right into the window, huffing from the fall he had just gone through.
“Am I still drunk, or did dad fall from the sky?”
Aurora elbows Peyton, to which he exaggerates and falls down from the gesture. 
Amelia looks at him with a serious look. “Just don’t break her heart again.”
Maverick slightly nods and looks at Aurora and Peyton, who had stood back up.
Peyton gives his dad a thumbs up, still slightly drunk and not understanding what was happening. Aurora just sighs and smiles at him.
“Don’t screw it up this time, dad.”
Maverick nods, before silently and quickly waving goodbye to them and getting on his bike. Aurora lets out a breath and looks at her siblings.
“Damn, I owe Bradley $20.”
- - -
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
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lastchancefm · 9 months
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  ⸺   🦬   greetings, buffalos ! walking around campus, sporting his brother's battered brown aviator jacket, covered in patches we’ve spotted RICHARD 'RICHIE' SLADE, a twenty seven year old who contributes to our thriving community as a RADIO OPERATOR. according to our intel, they’ve been around the sanctuary for seven years and what we know about him, aside from the fact that they don’t agree with the decision to close the gates, is that if he's heard a song even once he can remember all the lyrics and he hoards music like it's gold, he loves tinkering with any kind of thing, taking it apart and putting it back together again, you can find him often playing with the younger kids and telling them wild stories. )
NAME: Richard 'Richie' Slade
AGE: 27
BIRTHDAY: 19th April (Aries)
GENDER: Cis man
SEXUALITY: Bisexual Disaster
OCCUPATION: Radio Operator
HOMETOWN: Clearfield, Oregon
HEIGHT: 5"10
FATHER: Graham Slade †
MOTHER: Jolene Slade †
SIBLINGS: Rachel Slade ?, Benjamin Slade †, Christopher James Slade †
humming incessantly, drumming your fingers on every available surface, shit-eating grins, the soft blink of comms tower lights, ugly and sometimes vaguely offensive graphic tees with holes in the hem, falling asleep in the car and getting a piggyback into the house, draping yourself over seats dramatically then peeking to see if anyone is watching you, a companionable arm slung around your shoulders, a sure hand hauling you out of windows to sit on cold roof tiles, razz jolly ranchers turning your tongue blue, neon lights reflecting off wet asphalt, the half-cool touch of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse, grinning through the pain so hard you bite your tongue until it bleeds, a dusting of freckles, your nose turning pink in the cold.
ɪ'ᴍ ᴀ ꜱᴄʀᴀᴡɴʏ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜰᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴏʟ ʜᴀɪʀꜱᴛʏʟᴇ. ɪ ꜱᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ꜱʜɪᴛ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ.
richie was the third of four kids, benny was four years older than him, rach born the year before that.
by the time rich showed up, his parents had done their time trying to figure out good ways to raise kids and basically just left him to it. he had everything he needed technically but he only rarely saw his parents a couple of times a week. neglect felt too strong of a word. unless he was getting in trouble, he basically didn't exist: so he decided to do what any thirteen year old starved of attention would do. become a problem.
richie was into all the hoodrat shit: stealing from the corner store, throwing firecrackers in the supermarket and mailbox baseball. he swore at teachers, then just made fools of them when he got too much detention. plausible deniability was richie's best friend.
he had a few friends but bullying was a problem, his nose was broken three times in two summers. he was skinny, lanky kid with bad teeth who didn't know how to fight but he never knew when to back down, yelling vicious your mother jokes till he saw stars.
then cj was born. the very epitome of an oops baby, long after the slades had ever intended to procreate. instead of ceej getting the same treatment as richie had, he was the baby of the family who could do no wrong. rich didn't hold it against him but his relationship with his parents continued to deteriorate, looking at the coddling and attention he'd never gotten. that they were capable of the whole time but chose to deny.
the only thing that stopped him bombing out of school was rach, who was basically his surrogate mother and went to bat every time he made something explode at the science fair. she recognised that he was smart and talked to him like a person rather than a problem-creating idiot until she turned eighteen and moved out for college.
so what if his parents couldn't appreciate him disassembling the toaster and putting it back together, they just got annoyed there was no toast one morning. he was a debate team loser, an av club loser who did the sound tech for the musical every year. the one thing richie did otherwise was run track, he was no good in a team but give him a pair of headphones and a wide open space and he could run for miles. quick as a whip.
rich was a good big brother, way better than being a little brother. he'd carry cj around, explaining everything he wanted to know without talking down to him, played pretend games and did the different funny voices for characters in his bedtime stories.
got diagnosed with adhd, shocking absolutely no one. has learned to live without the meds he was on in the years since it all ended.
ɪꜰ ɪ'ᴍ ᴏꜰꜰᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ, ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ. ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʟʟ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ɪᴛ ɪꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴇᴇ.
everything went to hell in a handbasket while their parents were on vacation, benny became the resident adult, stepping into the role with none of the grace of rach. rach had gone to school in washington, out of state, they lost contact with her that night.
their parents were at a conference in boulder, with no plan and the neighbourhood eating itself alive, benny started them on the worst roadtrip ever.
benny passed over their grandfather's aviator jacket, sherpa-lined and meant for high altitude it kept him warm. it still does, it's rare that you will ever see richie without it.
three years in and richie wakes up in a cold sweat, a gut feeling filling him with uncontrollable unease. something is wrong. cj is curled into a comma shape, rich bracketing him. he can't hear benny breathing.
[ FAMILIAL DEATH TW ] it's clear that benny was trying to fight it. tears crawling down his cheeks as he jerked back and forth like a wild thing, trying to contain the infection as it told him to rip richie apart. a bit of richie died that day, killing his big brother and it never came back the same.
they'd been in colorado a while but stumbled across a group. their dad was alive but richie resented the fact that he hadn't tried to come back for them and remained where he was the entire time. graham liked fishing and hunting, he'd taught the boys all he knew about gathering for themselves, starting fires, finding water sources. rich never did find the time away from cj to ask what happened to their mom.
a few people who were here seven years ago know that richie first arrived with his father and cj, they had an explosive argument about joining the group as rich wanted to stay but his dad didn't trust them. cj, overhearing their dad say it was a bad place sprinted back out into the wilderness. graham followed. richie hasn't talked about it since.
survived most of the early outbreak by using his long cultivated free-running and bouldering skills to get up high and find places to hide. his hoodrat tendencies stuck with him, he still knows how to hotwire a car.
[ weapons tw ] doesn't like firearms and gets skeeved out when asked to hold one, he has a metal baseball bat, a crowbar and a machete. that's enough for him.
isn't anywhere near well educated enough to teach kids but loves to make sure that they get to be kids, even at the end of everything. sometimes he gets in trouble for having too little of a filter but kids like him, he doesn't try to make them feel small.
grows weed, has a little plot that he tends to, would like grow lamps to keep growing year round but gets that it's pretty costly in resources. gives this to people who need help sleeping or with pain.
sad clown, every emotion needs to be masked with humour otherwise what is he? are you not entertained? i must entertain the masses etc etc. actually feels everything very deeply and is sensitive as fuck. trust ISSUES
surprisingly good at his job, knows when it's okay to have a bit of a laugh and when to get serious. very good at keeping track of patrols, guard rotation and scavenging beyond the walls.
always cold, always ramming a beanie over his ears, rarely without fingerless gloves and drowned in various layers.
Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ, ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ɪ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ? ᴀᴍ ɪ ꜱᴏ ᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ?
im sorry my brain is dripping out of my ears
[ graphic template; ]
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
May - Monthly Writing Updates
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Hey all, sorry I haven't done one of these the past two months. It's been a loooong two months. My butt has been kicked but I'm doing my best to get back to everything.
Firstly, welcome to all of my new followers. 👋 I really appreciate the follow!!! 😊
Secondly, in case you haven't seen me talking about it recently or checked out the A/N on I need your hand but I don't want to burn it, I lost a loved one back in February and then I had to put down my fur baby in the beginning of April (suffice to say, it has not been a great year so far personally). The only reason I'm mentioning it is it has unfortunately affected my writing drive, severely. So right now, I'm just focusing on implementing as much self-care as I can, I'm taking my time, and not pushing myself (or the drive) too hard. My writing muse has been all over the place, bouncing from WIP to WIP, outline to outline, idea to idea, etc, but I'm trying to get her back under control and focused, more disciplined. So please bear with me as I continue to work through this.
That being said, I am currently trying to work on a few things in the fleeting moments I've been able to get into the zone:
part 2 of i need your hand - I'm finishing some things up for certain chapter events and then it should be ready to be posted
Chapter 3 of Ghosts
Chapter 4 of Holding (just gotta flesh out the last scene a little more and then it should be good to go)
Part 2 of Follow Me
Chapter 1 of Keep Me (I know you guys have been waiting for this one for a while, I apologize, I just want to make sure I have the tone right for this reader character and the initial setup overall)
the Dean/Bella one shot I previewed here
Prompt responses for: multiple characters (and yes, this includes Part 2 of both Dean and SB's Sleep I'll Keep You Safe prompts)
a still untitled Beau 3-part short story I mentioned back in Dec
dropping of two new story masterlists (looking to do that in the coming week)
delving back into the Jake one shot I mentioned here
finishing a Jason one shot I previewed here
outlining a new short story for Rip
a Jenny/Reader one shot that just needs finishing touches, literally down to the last few paragraphs
diving back into the Daenerys short story I started a little while back as well as the Alec McDowell short story I mentioned a while back in January I believe it was
delving once more into the CJ project I previewed a while back in January I believe
Chapter 3 of Their Silent Thunder (and getting back into some Beau/Cassie goodness in general, especially to finish up those prompt responses and one shots I have listed on their ship masterlist)
finishing up the other short story for Beau I previewed here
(sorry I have no idea if the links above work anymore or not, I had started this post back in April before losing my fur baby and had them linked then, hopefully they still work!)
I also have some new works coming for:
Arya Stark
Beau Arlen
Jenny Hoyt
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
John Winchester
Sam Winchester
Rachel Gatina
Hermione Granger
SDV Leah
SDV Haley
SDV Shane
HM Ann
HM Karen
Beau x Jenny
Daenerys x Margaery
and more
Just want to say thank you for all of your kindness, compassion, words of support, and virtual hugs. As well as your patience and understanding. Thank you. ❤️
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mayhemhq · 2 months
𝙐𝙉𝙁𝙊𝙇𝙇𝙊𝙒 for inactivity.
chelsea green. @chelsgreen cj perry. @perrycj trent. @trentwrestles brody king. @brodykxng lash legend. @lashlegends liv morgan. @livsera
while we try to wait until the weekend to do removals, we feel like a week plus time is a lot of deadweight to carry when roles can be taken by people super excited to write these muses! we're totally fine with people being busy and not even needing a hiatus, but a heads up for a busy week. you just have to communicate with us. 🖤 this is also a warning to those of you who are on the brink!
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claudiajcregg · 7 months
S5 Pregnancy AU - I’d love to hear about!
Welp, this is embarrassing – mostly because this has been sitting in my inbox for almost two weeks, and I kept saying “I need to write something up!” and then… I didn't. (Or rather, I did, then I forgot to post it.) Sorry for the wait, Lil! Thank you for asking <3 (I'll divide this up because I keep writing about the process and how it came to be, instead of any actual, interesting facts.)
I have talked about this one in the past though I don't have a tag for it. The gist is what it says… (Early) S5 but CJ is pregnant. I had this idea over a year ago when I hit mid/late S4 in my rewatch. I thought it'd be interesting to explore some of her disappointment at that time if you added an unexpected pregnancy to it, even if I had the idea before even getting there, lol. Think, the ending-ish of Han, or parts of Disaster Relief. (Both of which do feature! I surprisingly focus a lot on Disaster Relief.)
The thing with S5 is that the timeline is so weird, and I feel I've also created one that isn't entirely realistic but I think it works within the story. (IIRC, the season starts in “May” but also July, then the Shutdown is in November, lmao. A few of the episodes are sneaky two-parters that flow into each other… See 5-6, 7-8.) I've finally gotten out of the no-man's-land I wrote myself into and the next chapter or two, knowing myself, will deal with 7-8! There are a couple of scenes that should be fun to write! (There are so many details I want to mention that are technically spoilers for early twists…)
Every time I had the urge to write it, I'd edit whatever outline I was working in, and though I kept some details… my muse decided to make a big change early on that completely changed the fic's direction. That, and my inability to write anything succinctly. No reason why this story will cross the 100k barrier in a couple of chapters, tops. (It's sitting at 85k across 12 chapters. I think it'll be less than 20 chapters total. Hopefully.)
This might be too long to share snippets, but I've shared some either on the server or here, a couple of months ago.
For more irrelevant details on the “process”…
As I hinted at, I wrote an outline or two around this time last year, because I couldn't stop thinking about it. When I say outlines, it's a general path for the story to follow – ideas, suggestions of dialogue and/or scenes I write to myself; all focused around some sort of chapter structure. I find it much easier to write if I write down where a chapter might go, even if it's just a few lines saying “This happens → then this → finally this;” otherwise, it takes me months. Some would say that I should post it and get encouragement that way but… I hate being dependent on something I can control even less than my muse? That's not for me, thank you. Mad respect for those who work like that.
It was meant to be short – 1-2 “long” chapters per trimester, more if needed, but then interludes in between trimesters. It's not that. Most chapters currently cover 1-2 weeks, but there is not really a pattern. I was afraid of having a fic that would take over my life like the WOWO did three years ago… And it has, but I've also taken breaks and not felt too guilty about them. I definitely don't want this one to sit in my drive and have me wondering what to do with it.
(The novel, aka WOWO, aka IM AU (2021): 150k written in a little over five months, even with extended breaks over the summer. Still hits, even with all its crazy decisions, maybe because of them, but it's also been too long, and it will always remind me of someone who kinda hurt me. Attempts to replace those memories by sharing the story with others, trying to gather whether it's worth posting, have failed, lmao. One day! Maybe!)
But yeah. Uuuuuhhhh. As I've said… Twelve chapters in ten months, 85k words… It's still not done. In fact, I've repeatedly said I am unsure of how to end it (beyond the obvious), but I'd estimate it to be under 20 chapters. I'm not posting it anywhere yet because I want to be able to edit it as a whole and try to make it more consistent; to add little details as I come up with them. There's also the fact that I am not skilled enough to write a compelling story that mixes politics and emotion into something remotely engaging. As a result, the story's politics are very surface-level, and probably repetitive at points, but it's also true I've always been more interested and focused on the emotional journey and the relationship(s) at its center. (Which should surprise exactly no one who's ever read one of my stories.)
But, as critical as I might sound of myself here, I am having fun writing this and I'm committed to seeing it through. I just keep having ideas for stories down the line, putting actual show events through a 'but she also has a kid' perspective.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: UPDATE SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Concerns only muses who signed up to the debut bootcamp
( important note: this is just an ic update, the following post will contain information and requirements for part 2 )
on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, at 9AM sharp, the 26 trainees of the debut bootcamp are gathered in the largest practice room on CJ ENM CONTENTS WORLD campus. SEO YOUNGJAE and the various coaches present at the camp stand in front of the crowd, waiting for silence to fall. once the room is quiet enough to SEO YOUNGJAE, he finally speaks: "good morning. the first part of this bootcamp is finally complete. before we reveal what's to come, we have a couple of announcements to make, beginning with 'JUST A DANCER' auditions results.
the trainees to join as back dancers, as decided by US and HONEY herself are: NOH AREUM, WATANABE MIYU, HAN NOEUL and lastly... CHOI KAI.
congratulations to the four of you. I hope you aren't sick of the song yet, because for the next several weeks, you'll be practicing it almost daily!" he announced with a chuckle.
before anyone can make a single comment, SEO YOUNGJAE then raises a hand up to stall them. "before answering any questions concerning the results, let me make an additional announcement; HAN KEEHO, JUNG WOOKJIN, PONGSAK TEE" his eyes easily find the three boys, "today is your last day at the camp" he tries to keep a poker face, but a smile still tries to break his stern expression. "actually, this is your last day as trainees; the three of you will be joining V&A and introduced as new members from their next comeback! V&A's manager is waiting for you outside, you may go right away." he nods proudly to the three boys and waits for them to leave the room to continue.
once the three boys exit the room, SEO YOUNGJAE' expressiosn darkens a little, more than upset, he seems mildly disappointed. "this isn't called a debut bootcamp for fun; our goal was to make our top trainees quickly improve skills we deem critical in idols, and also to assess who is ready to debut.
some of you have managed to surpass our expectations, while others have been content with doing the bare minimum. we're actually baffled to realize that some even managed to improve more on skills not taught during the last 5 weeks compared to those we've been drilling you on all this time. how is this happening? is this a joke to you? are you just coasting through? do you think you’re already so good, so ahead of the curve, that you don't need to push yourself further? i'm telling you right away; you are wrong." he sighs. "this wasn't planned, but since many of you seem to only learn with the carrot and the stick, we have prepared a reward for those who went above and beyond what was expected, and a punishment for those who did the opposite;
BANG YOHAN, HAN NOEUL, KIM NAYOUNG, LEE HAYUN, NOH AREUM, PARK CHAEKYUNG, PARK SEOJIN, WATANABE MIYU and YOON DAYEON; congratulations, for the rest of the year, you are allowed to begin your weekends on SATURDAY 1PM.
CHOI KAI and KANG MAXIMILIAN; for the rest of the year, you will be required to come to the office on SUNDAY FROM 8AM to 12PM for personal training in DANCING, SINGING/RAPPING, ACTING and PERFORMANCE.
lasty, KIM YUJIN, although your progress has satisfied the coaches, LEE HYEMI, of the marketing and communication team has given us a heads up that you need recentering. You will thus be joining MAX and KAI on SUNDAY MORNINGS. you will received special lessons of ETIQUETTE and MARKETABILITY, as well as COUNSELING with a life coach.”
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jelloandbeer · 10 days
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
Even though it's usually Chris hyping CJ up with her foolishness, CJ loves to be in the background, providing support for Chris in anything he's doing, even if it's rapping.
Despite being busy career people, they make time to hang out at least twice a week just to reconnect and remind themselves they're good and solid
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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Jaejin set up his camera on the tripod, carefully adjusting the angle to capture his bed. He glanced at the screen to make sure everything was in frame before jumping into bed, fluffing his pillow, and pulling the covers up to his chin. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them wide, pretending to wake up with a stretch and a yawn.
In truth, this was a lie. His mornings usually started with a mad dash to get ready, leaving his bed a tangled mess. But today, everything was different. He moved around the room, picking up clothes, straightening his desk, and organizing his shoes into a pristine line under the bed. His clothes for the day were neatly hung on his wardrobe, starched and ironed.
The whole thing was very performative, he mused to himself as he folded a blanket. Normally, his room was chaotic, with clothes strewn about and books in random piles. His morning routine was a whirlwind of activity, barely giving him time to grab a quick breakfast. Today, he meticulously dusted every surface, arranged his desk items in a perfect line, and even took the time to fold his clothes neatly. The effort to appear organized and put together felt almost like a role he was playing, a performance for the camera.
Transitioning to the bathroom, he draped a towel over his shoulder before dipping his head in the shower to dampen his hair. "Now, let's talk hair care," he said, facing the camera. He held up various products, explaining each one. "I always eat healthy and take my vitamins. For my hair, I do oil treatments before shampooing, wash it twice a week, deep condition for at least an hour after washing, then detangle, apply leave-in, and oil. I wash it in the evening and let it air dry overnight, then brush it out in the morning."
He demonstrated his routine, working the conditioner through his hair with a wide-toothed comb. "If I ever open a hair salon, I’ll call it 'The Mane Event,'" he joked, grinning at the camera. "We’ll have a grand opening with free makeovers and a red carpet for all the clients."
He then rinsed the conditioner out, his fingers moving deftly through his hair. "Seriously though, taking care of your hair is so important," he continued, reaching for his leave-in conditioner. "It’s not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good too. Healthy hair can really boost your confidence."
"Next up, the leave-in conditioner and a bit of oil to lock in the moisture."Jaejin applied the leave-in conditioner, followed by a light layer of oil, ensuring every strand was coated. "Leave-in helps keep your hair hydrated throughout the day, and the oil adds that extra shine and protection. remember, always be gentle with your hair," he advised, gently massaging the product in. "Treat it with care, just like you would your skin."
"It's all about maintaining healthy hair. It might seem like a lot of steps, but trust me, it's worth it." He says, pausing for a moment, looking thoughtful before combing through his hair once more, making sure every strand was taken care of. "I used to think all this was a bit much, but now it’s become a part of my routine that I really enjoy. It’s like my own little spa session."
With his hair routine complete, he flashed another smile at the camera. "And there you have it! Hair care, the CJ way. Now, let’s move on to breakfast." With that, he transitioned out of the bathroom, leaving his hair to air dry as he headed to the kitchen to start his day.
Transitioning to the kitchen, he prepared a simple breakfast: a bowl of yogurt with granola and fresh berries. He set the bowl on the table and took a seat, the camera capturing every move. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he said, spooning a mouthful of yogurt. "Gotta start the day right!"
He took his time, savoring the combination of creamy yogurt, crunchy granola, and sweet berries. "I like to keep my breakfast light but nutritious," he explained between bites. "It gives me the energy I need for the rest of the day without making me feel too full."
After finishing his breakfast, Jaejin rinsed his bowl and set it in the sink, turning back to the camera with a satisfied smile. "Alright, everyone, that's the morning routine. Now, let's head out and tackle the rest of the day. Thanks for joining me, and I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my life." With a playful wink, he picked up the camera, ready to move on to the next part of his day.
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seathered · 5 months
rules.  ༄
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hi! i'm aurora (twenty three, she/her pronouns) and this is a heavily headcannon based interpretation of cj hook from disney's descendants. i've been writing cj for more than three years now, and her portrayal and world has become highly collaborative with some of the others in the descendants rpc, which features a much more adult interpretation of the movies, books, and miniseries. the isle of the lost is a dangerous place of extreme poverty and risk, and cj and her family lived their for the majority of their lives. this will always be featured in her portrayal. if you are uncomfortable with that, this is not the blog for you. unless said otherwise, all graphics on this blog are created by me. cj appeared in canon very minimally and inconsistently, which is why so much of her portrayal is my personal headcannons and creation.
content warnings.
this blog will have adult themes. trauma, violence, substance abuse, and abuse are all heavily featured in cj's biography and what she has endured has greatly contributed to her present state. please take care of yourself! no smut will occur on the dash as i'm just not comfortable writing it publicly. i think plotting nsfw headcannons between two consenting adult muses can be a great way to discuss dynamics, but i have a lot of anxiety about writing out smut in detail so i really only ever do it privately. i tag my triggers as trigger /. always feel free to let me know if you need something tagged.
activity + interaction.
my activity with this blog regarding actual in character content tends to fluctuate, but i am almost always available via tumblr ims or discord, and in general just lurking on the dash. somedays i can pump out 10 things a day, somedays i have a queue, but i can also go weeks without anything but shitposting.these days, i'm definitely more plotting based as i just don't have as much time or energy to write anymore and it's much easier for me to write with a plot, dynamic, or idea in mind. this isn't necessarily an issue, and i absolutely have fun winging things, but i do want to preface it here considering how low my writing content has been lately.all in character memes that i answer are always available to turn into threads, and none of the memes i have on my blog have an expiration date. i am so excited to write with you, i want to write with you always even when i'm a little bit slow to responding ic / ooc.i don’t believe in reblog karma, if we are mutuals, feel free to reblog a meme or anything else that is not stated otherwise. personals please do not reblog my edits or my promos, but mutuals are always welcome to!
i love shipping romantically, however, cj has proved to be a muse that i find difficulty shipping with due to how hard she fights affection in the long run, and her unhealthy and avoidant relationship tendencies. (of course, that doesn't mean i am not willing to try! we can wing things via memes or plot) platonic and familial connections are huge for her. she's also a known shit stirrer and takes most every conflict to violence, which means antagonistic dynamics are sure to be had.
i ask that homophobic, racist, xenophobic, transphobic, pro-incest, islamophobic and/or blue lives matter muns do not interact with me, you will be blocked. also, i will not interact with any cop muses as long as it is clear to me that you are looking at this profession through a critical gaze, i am comfortable with following, hp singles (i will be very selective with multis that feature these characters or muses that have a verse and most likely will avoid that verse or specific muse), historical/rpf muses, whitewashed characters, or any muse that follows the dni mun criteria.
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rcdiostcrs · 9 months
charater: jace valencia. twenty-five. son of mercury. liaison between the camps. open to: mutuals & non; chb-aligned pjo muses (greek demigods, satyrs, hunters of artemis, mr d, chiron, etc). connection / plot: strangers, friends, sorta-kinda half-siblings (hermes kids), whatever your heart desires / jace is doing his round trip to chb, keeping everyone up to date on what cj/nr is up to & finding out what's changed with chb since last time he's been here.
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"good afternoon camp half-blood!" jace called out as he walked through the barrier. "how're my favorite east coasters doing? the gods treating you well, i hope." he had news from new rome to bring to the big house, but he'd be around for a week—plenty of time to talk it over. the demigod smiled at those who had looked up as he entered.
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mscharliescott · 5 years
How I got here.
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Woman like me. - Little Mix.
Shout out to my ex. - Little Mix.
Salute. - Little Mix.
Good to you. - Marianas Trench.
Man. - Star Cast.
Stitches. - Shawn Mendes.
Gasoline. - American Avenue.
I write Sins not Tragedies. - Panic at the Disco.
Going Under. - Evanescence.
Just like a Pill. - Pink. 
I break things. - Erika Jo.
Miss Invisible. - Marie Digby.
Celebrity Status. - Marianas Trench. 
Marilyn Monroe. - Nicki Minaj.
Hoodie. - Hey Violet.
Head above Water. - Avril Lavigne. 
“ I’m insecure, yeah I make mistakes Sometimes I feel like I’m at the end of the road.”
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deancaspinefest · 3 years
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Dancing in the Moonlight
Author: jeanpilgrim | Artist: CJ Posting on Wednesday March 2
It’s only a few weeks until Dean’s little brother’s wedding, and because Sam apparently hates Dean’s guts, he forces him to go to a dance course. A wedding dance crash course. And of course nobody has considered the fact that Dean would be the only one there without a partner. Just his luck. The first lesson holds a surprise for him though, when Castiel Novak walks in - messy-haired, broad-shouldered, stand-offish Castiel. Castiel, who is there on his own, too, and who might just make the next weeks a little more bearable. 
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“I might actually kill you for this.” Sam pinches the bridge of his nose and Dean can almost hear him count to ten in his head before he blows out an exasperated breath. “You done?” “I probably wouldn’t even get charged for murder, you know.” Dean muses. “I’d be acting in self-defense. The whole courtroom would throw me a pity-party.” “Dean.” “I mean, come on, Sammy. I tied your shoelaces until you were in middle school. I warmed up store-bought chicken noodle soup for you when you were sick. And this is how you thank me.” “It’s a fucking dance course, Dean.” It’s a wedding dance crash course, to be exact. Sam had enrolled Dean even before the latter had agreed to become his best man. Because, according to Eileen, Dean would be dancing at the wedding whether he likes it or not. And oh, he better not even think about touching the bridesmaids. Needless to say, his excitement over his baby brother’s wedding had dissipated pretty quickly. Dean throws his head against the headrest. Because Sam’s old Fiat actually has those. He once again wishes he had come here in the Impala, but Sam had insisted on driving him, as he was convinced Dean wouldn’t arrive at Balthazar’s Danza Extravaganza if he had it his way. Which was fair, really. Dean lets his head roll to the side to throw a last pleading look at his brother. Sam raises his eyebrows and determinedly shakes his head. Reluctantly, Dean gets out of the car. He pats its hood just to mess with Sam. For good measure. The walk to the small, run-down building with the Balthazar’s Danza Extravaganza neon sign above it feels like a walk to his own funeral. Okay, so maybe he is being a little dramatic. But come on. Dean Winchester is good at a lot of things. Dean Winchester fixes cars for a living. Dean Winchester plays poker with his friends over a few bottles of beer every week. Dean Winchester cooks mean burgers. Hell, Dean Winchester larps with his best friend Charlie and is not ashamed to admit that he loves it. But Dean Winchester absolutely does not dance.
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 2]
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evcrlasting · 3 years
— open to : F 30+ — scenario : here, bullet 5 �� ( muse - caleb “CJ” joyner, 33, lemme know if you want me to switch muses or plot anything else out! )
CJ was excited. His brother was finally getting married. It sucked that he hadn’t managed to meet the lucky lady who seemed to make his brother an even more annoyingly cheesy mess but better late than never. Granted, CJ didn’t live in the same city as his brother so meeting his fiance wasn’t exactly easy. Caleb had flown in a couple nights ago, they had some sort of bridal party... thing? Honestly, Noah had told him all about it, but he definitely hadn’t heard everything the other had said. Anyway, a week was too long to wait to meet his new sister, so he figured a dinner for the three of them was overdue. He didn’t expect he’d be the first or that the lucky couple would be running late. Caleb leaned back, studying the menu to pass time.
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stardust-steel · 4 years
Submission for KakaVege week prompt Working out + Old Men @kakavegeweek
Premise: Goku and Vegeta bond with androids and Piccolo as people around them fade away first. 18 and 17 begins to scheme to set them up .
Snippet as below:
Vegeta scowled at the Cell Jr approaching them. “I don’t understand how you can allow yourself to live with these creatures . Eugh.”
17’s gaze sharpened. “His name is CJ1, not creature . They understand you, you know.”
Vegeta’s glare intensified. “I don’t care what they’re called, they’re an abomination.”
“They’re just kids.”
“They were your enemy.”
“They were from my enemy,” 17 corrected. “Also, that’s big talk for someone hanging around with theirs,” he couldn’t resist adding, gesturing to where Goku was.
“It’s not the same,” Vegeta defended. CJ2 chose that moment to come up super close to peer with curious eyes at Vegeta, who glared back.
17’s jaw tightened a little. He wanted to argue, but he’d learnt by watching Goku that Vegeta reacted better through persuasion than coercion.
“CJs are blue,” 17 pointed out, wondering if the visual differences might help. “Cell was green.”
Vegeta gave him a look that told 17 why everyone had been so terrified of him once. “I see being a cybernetic human hasn’t eroded you of the ability to state the obvious.”
Well, that was rich coming from Vegeta, who was supposedly a genius among his kind but was completely blind to the way Goku looked at him, so. 17 just shrugged.
He pointed out another difference. “They don’t have the stingers Cell does, so they can’t hurt you.”
“ Please. They can’t hurt me even with the stingers,” Vegeta scoffed.
“So they’re harmless, yes?”
“Harmless doesn’t mean innocent.”
“Innocence is overrated,” 17 countered, and smiled when Vegeta acknowledged the point with a nod. “Those who look the most innocent tend to be the most wicked. Look at Marron.”
Vegeta snorted. “Look at Kakarot .”
They both looked. Goku was currently making silly faces at CJ5 , while Goten tried to sneak up behind him. His hair was lit in super saiyan gold, so the contrast of Super Saiyan brilliance against his increasingly comical expressions was rather jarring to watch.
“He is a curious one indeed,” 17 allowed.
“Understatement of the century.”
Goku was now play-fighting both Goten and CJ5 off. “I thought he did it on purpose,” 17 mused. Vegeta raised one eyebrow. “The whole human tactic of ‘keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer,’ that kind of thing.”
Vegeta actually chuckled out loud at that one. 17 mildly wondered if he knew how much fondness had slipped in that laugh. “And now?”
“And now I know better. Goku doesn’t really think of things like that, it seems.”
“Hn.” Vegeta took a sip of his own drink in turn. “Kakarot can be manipulative in his own way, but his intentions are hardly, if ever, malicious.”
17 glanced at Vegeta, just in time to catch something in his eyes. That same look Eighteen had when she looked at Krillin.
Aha. So this thing 18 called heart-eyes was indeed two-way, not that 17 had ever doubted it. But hanging around animals taught 17 to read more from motion rather than speech.
Vegeta turned his head and caught 17’s calculating expression, immediately turning on the defensive. “What?”
17 raised an eyebrow. Where 18 might have said something to roast the prince, 17 chose to just go back to his beautiful cup of coffee. Silence was more powerful than words, sometimes.
Vegeta looked utterly wrong-footed.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. muses must be debut ready; for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE. You may only take part in ONE bootcamp.
on OCTOBER 10 at 10:00AM sharp, ALL the debut ready trainees (minimum of +50 SINGING/RAPPING, +50 DANCING, +50 PERFORMING, +50 KOREAN) not in the ACTING or MODELING paths are gathered together in one of the building’s meeting rooms.
KIM HYUNCHEOL and various familiar staff members arrive shortly after everybody is seated. "you may have noticed that many familiar faces from the previous season of future dreams are here with us today. we didn't expect things to go the way they did, nor did we expect to see so many contestants to come back as regular trainees. this season of future dreams made us realize that even our strongest trainees - male or female - currently have fundamental flaws that need to be fixed before any more debut can happen." a stern hyuncheol explains. "for the last couple of weeks, your coaches and I have been working on putting together an intensive program that will not only address the lacking skills, but also serve to evaluate which and how many of you are truly ready for debut. while I strongly suggest signing up, this program - that we're calling 'DEBUT BOOTCAMP' - is optional, except for NOH AREUM, WATANABE MIYU, PARK CHAEKYUNG and PARK JAEKYUNG, for whom attendance is mandatory. those of you not interested will automatically take part in the PHYSICAL BOOTCAMP with the rest of the trainees. for the others, you will need to pack your bags for a minimum of 5 weeks as we'll be moving you to CJ ENM CONTENTS WORLD to avoid information leak and distractions."
without further ado, KIM HYUNCHEOL dismisses the trainees. since regular schedules have been suspended, those planning on participating in the debut bootcamp are given the rest of the day off, as well as the following day, to get ready. meanwhile, those who do not wish to participate in the debut bootcamp are sent right away to the physical bootcamp.
on OCTOBER 12, the trainees taking part in the DEBUT BOOTCAMP are picked up by a bus, at 7AM sharp, in front of legacy entertainment. SEO YOUNGJAE, recently promoted from performance coach to KIM HYUNCHEOL's assistant, waits for all the trainee to be seated and the bus to be rolling to stand up from his seat and address the gathered crowd. "since KIM HYUNCHEOL is needed in seoul, i'll be in charge of overseeing the debut bootcamp. we've kept the details of this camp secret until now to avoid leaks. we count on you to keep for yourself any information pertaining to this bootcamp." he pauses, serious gaze going from trainee to trainee, making sure they are all listening  and understanding him right. "the next 5 weeks will serve 3 main purposes; polish your performance skills, assess which of you - if any - are fit for debut, and find dancers for BLAZing's HONEY next music video." after his last words, youngjae pinches his lips in a thin line, still, this isn't enough to fully suppress his smirk at the trainees' reactions. "the reward might sound sweet, but none of you are there yet and some of you will not make it. the next weeks are tightly packed and will be grueling work. we'll begin right away with a level assessment in acting and dancing. those who aren't students will also be evaluated on their vocals and receive vocal lessons - singing OR rapping, the others will be given this time to study. for next week and the following one, the dance coaches will be teaching you choreographies from groups outside of legacy entertainment. we figured that if we wanted to conduct a fair concept evaluation, it would be better to pick songs that none of you are likely to have practiced in the past. finally, on the 4th and 5th week, you'll be taught HONEY's new choreography and will be expected to practice it to perfection. you'll have to turn in a recording of yourself performing the choreography by NOVEMBER 19." he pauses, his eyes seeming to search for people in particular. "NOH AREUM, PARK CHAEKYUNG, PARK JAEKYUNG and WATANABE MIYU, you will be skipping the dance lessons on week 2 and 3, and therefore the concept evaluation. instead, the 4 of you will receive a NEW ORIGINAL SONG that will be a b-side track of NABI's solo album. due to NABI’s schedule, you'll be recording and practicing without her for the time being".
all of the pertinent information can be checked over HERE ( this includes participants, dorms, calendar, schedule, concept songs and original songs ) !
send a submission post to lgcmanager before NOVEMBER 12, 2022 11:59PM EST with the following form:
for the first half of this trimester ( Q4 2022 ), due to their busy schedules, the trainees taking part in this bootcamp will not be eligible to participate in the LGC CAFÉ PERFORMANCES.
[ALL] BOOTCAMP: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another trainee about anything happening during the bootcamp (cannot be during their days off) +7 ACTING and +7 PERFORMANCE !
[BOYS & NON FD GIRLS] LESSON: write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another same gender trainee happening during one of the lessons for +10 SINGING/RAPPING or +10 HOSTING/LANGUAGE !
[FD GRILS] STARLIGHT: write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another FD female trainee happening while they prepare for StarLight for +10 SINGING/RAPPING or +10 HOSTING/LANGUAGE !
[ALL] JUST A DANCER AUDITION: write a 300+ words solo about the audition for +10 DANCING !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:debutbootcamp001 on your threads and solos ! to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before NOVEMBER 19, 2022 11:59 EST.
MUSE NAME ∙ DEBUT BOOTCAMP 001 PART 1 - BOOTCAMP: +7 acting, +7 performance [ LINK ] - LESSON / STARLIGHT: +10 ( singing/rapping OR hosting/language )  [ LINK ] - JUST A DANCER: +10 dancing [ LINK ]
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